#I. I think I'm just gonna go to bed. maybe be productive in the morning sort of.
haleyhunwritess · 2 years
hiiii if requests are open can u write one where she has bad period cramps and its seb or bucky taking care of her with like lots of fluff and maybe he teases her for crying at a commercial because shes feeling hormonal cuz of her period but it just ends with a lot of fluff💕
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pairing: bucky x reader
warning: period cramps, FLUFFFF
a/n: i woke up with the worst cramps possible and all i wanted was to cuddle with someone but i'm on campus now trying to get some work done :( i wanna post some more period comfort fics, maybe today or tomorrow! i have an old period comfort fic request from @chrisevansdaughter that i'm working on that i can hopefully post soon 💗
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"Do you think it's bleeding? It feels like it's bleeding." Bucky groaned, rubbing the back of his head.
"Oh please, you're fine." You mumbled from the couch, clutching your lower abdomen while holding your breath as your cramps started to get worse.
This morning you'd woken up to the most painful cramps you've ever experienced. You assumed that they were pre-period cramps, and tried to go back to sleep. However, a few minutes later, you felt Bucky's hand on your shoulder gently shaking you awake. You mumbled five more minutes, before trying to go back to sleep.
"Love, wake up," he whispered, glancing down at the dark stain on the bed, "You're bleeding, doll."
Suddenly awake, you quickly opened your eyes and turned to look down at the crimson stain on the bed. Groaning loudly, you put your head in your hands. You normally got your period on time, though sometimes it could be a day or two late. It was rarely ever early. You weren't supposed to get your period for another 4 days, and yet here it was. You felt embarrassed, but fortunately that feeling didn't last long as your body started to cramp up again. You whimpered loudly, while clutching your stomach and struggling to breathe.
You struggled to sit up, as the cramps were somehow starting to get even worse. Bucky quickly put one arm behind your back, and held your hand in his, to help you sit up. You quietly thanked him before turning your gaze back down to the stain, and cursing silently, "I'm so sorry, bubba, I wasn't supposed to get my period yet. I didn't mean to ruin your sheets."
"Love, I'm not mad at you. You have nothing to be sorry about, it's okay. I'm sorry I had to wake you up but we've gotta get you cleaned up." Bucky kissed your forehead, before getting up and leaving the room.
He came back a few minutes later with some towels, a water bottle, and some ibuprofen. He handed you the ibuprofen first, which you gladly took before washing it down with some water. Then he helped you get up carefully, holding you gently in his arms as he lead you over to the bathroom. He put the towels down on the counter, then walked over to the shower to turn on the hot water.
"Alright, doll. You take as long as you need in there, okay? If you need anything, just shout and I'll come running. I'm just gonna go clean up in the room, okay?" Before you could even protest, he left the bathroom to take the sheets to the laundry.
You stepped out of the shower after a while, already starting to feel a bit better. You noticed Bucky had left a pair of his sweatpants and his favourite hoodie on the counter next to the towels. There was also a bag of supplies on the ground, with different feminine hygiene products, a heating pad, some painkillers you were definitely going to need later, and some other essentials. After drying yourself off with the towel, you got dressed quickly and decided to go check on Bucky.
You found him downstairs in the kitchen, pouring hot water into a cup. Walking over to him, you noticed a familiar sweet smell coming from the kitchen. That's when you noticed a fresh batch of his painfully-delicious pancakes sitting on the counter. You put your arms around his waist, pulling him closer to you. He turned around, and pulled you into his arms gently, being careful not to hug you too tight in case you still have cramps.
You helped him carry the pancakes and the tea over to the living room. You sat down in front of the TV and started flipping through the channels. Bucky picked up your fork, and started feeding you small bites as you settled on what show to watch. Eventually, breakfast was over and you were cuddled up on the couch watching titanic. You've only seen the movie once and you found the ending sad, but you never cry at the ending. Until today. It seemed like your body was determined to make you miserable today as you wiped the tears that were streaming down your face at a fast pace. You hoped Bucky wouldn't notice that you were crying, especially just because of a movie. You glanced over at him and noticed he was straight at you, and trying to stifle a laugh. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't contain his laughter anymore. He got up from the couch, still laughing, as you glared him.
"Screw you, Barnes, it's not funny!" You picked up a pillow from the couch and threw it at him, but it only made him laugh harder.
"I'm sorry, love, I couldn't help it!" He chuckled as he picked up the pillow and threw it back on the couch next to you. "I didn't think you were one to cry at movies like that. It wasn't like one glistening tear either, doll, you were nearly sobbing. Don't get me wrong though, it was adorable!"
"You jerk!" You picked up the pillow again and threw it at him but it missed him once again. As he bent over to pick the pillow back up, you picked up the remote this time, and launched it at him. Unfortunately, this time it actually hit him.
"Ow, what the-" He got up, rubbing the back of his head, "That actually hurt, doll, what was that?"
"The remote" You mumbled, trying not to laugh.
He glared at you before bending down to pick up the pillow and throw it back at you. Although he didn't mean to, he threw it pretty hard and it hit your stomach, right as the cramps decided to make a comeback. He quickly apologized and walked over to you to make sure you weren't hurt too bad.
"Just go get me the pain-killers, doofus." You mumbled, laying down sideways, clutching your lower abdomen.
He got up and made his way to the kitchen, still rubbing the spot at the back of his head, the one where you threw the remote at.
"Do you think it's bleeding? It feels like it's bleeding." Bucky groaned, as he continued to rub the back of his head, checking for any blood.
"Oh please, you're fine." You mumbled from the couch, clutching your lower abdomen while holding your breath as your cramps started to get worse.
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taglist/moots: @chrisevansdaughter @cherryflavoredchapsticck @livvinitt @marvel1984 @mustacherrylover @babyhatesreality @timidpumpkin @matchat3a @pono-pura-vida @sonalokibarnes @alex-ackerman-11  @ailathealternate @lollabear @buckysugar
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kirishima-eijirock · 10 months
Big fan of your work, specially your bakugo stuff it is *chefs kiss*.
I'm wondering if I could request something with bakugo taking care of someone who's sick who is TERRIBLE at sitting still?
Like always has to be doing something, feels lazy if they aren't at work or doing something productive and he needs to get them to rest.
(Cause I am currently stuck with covid round 2 so maybe this will make me actually rest my body lmao)
Thank you!
You like my work? You like my work? Omgggg ����😭😭 tysmmm
And yes, definitely! Here you go :)
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You were just sitting at your desk, working at your desk and scribbling away on a piece of paper, noting down some pointers that were mentioned during your online lecture. Shifting between typing and scribbling with your pen, together with a heavy cold that came crashing down on you, like a relentless reminder that you should not be out of bed.
So, what did you choose to do with those reminders? Ignore it.
And if you think Bakugo’s gonna let your stubborness go on, you’re dead wrong, because he’s just as stubborn as you. He’s not going to stop forcing you back to bed, no matter how many times you get up. It’s now ten in the morning, and he’s carried you back to bed twice.
“Hey, dumbass, could you calm down for a second? Your work isn’t going anywhere, and you need a break. You hear me?” He asks in a gruff voice, unsure whether he admires your stubborn nature, or just downright hates it.
“Katsuki, please? It’s just some work, it’s not that much. It’s just a few papers,” you try to negotiate with him, not wanting to let up on this.
“Exactly. It’s work. You shouldn’t be working when you’re sick,” he argues back.
“Why can’t I? You do it all the time.” Hm. Fair point.
“Yes, but that’s because my work saves lives. As in, if I don’t work, people can die. But I don’t want you stressing over some stupid piece of paper when you’re sick,” he grumbles, hoping that his reasoning can counter your argument.
You wave him off, ignoring his words, and he’s had enough. He picks you up and places you back onto the bed, tucking you back in and holding you down as he forces you onto the mattress.
“Listen here. The sooner you get better, the sooner we can finally cuddle in bed properly without me or you getting sick. And you need rest,” he points to your eyebags, that have grown very obious.
“No. Katsuki, I really need to get that work done—“
“No, you don’t. What you need now, is some proper sleep to clear your head.”
“I… fine. But only if you promise me that you won’t go to work when you’re sick too,” you’re clearly not letting go without a fight.
“What? That’s a stupid deal. You already know I’ll never agree to that,” he scoffs, almost even offended at the idea.
“Katsuki,” you shoot him a soft glare, “please.”
He hesitates, and after a few minutes of consideration, he gives in.
“Fine. But only because you asked.”
His words make you grin, and he smiles slightly at that.
“Do I at least get cuddles in bed?” You ask him, hoping for a ‘yes’.
“Are you trying to make me sick? No. You can tell me you love me, though,” he chuckles with a smirk on his face.
“Ugh… fine… I love you, Katsuki,” you give him a sweet smile, right before closing your eyes.
“Love you too, dumbass,” he mumbles, stroking your head as you fall into a deep sleep.
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just a quick thought at the top of my mind, so i hope you like it :)
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nanaloveswo-men · 2 years
hi nana, hahshwjs love ur name! i would love to read something about richarlison, maybe waking up with him not letting u go <33
like a baby - richarlison
pairing: richarlison x reader
summary: you had promised to youserlf that you wouldn’t stay in bed all morning anymore, but apparently, richarlison had other plans.
warnings: most fluffy, a little suggestive but nothing explicit.
author notes: hauaha thank u! this name is like *chef kiss* i'm gonna be honest, i constantly think about richarlison not wanting to let you go in the morning, like, c'mon he just wants to stay with u
girl we need more richarlison fics in this app
thank you for this amazing request!
word count: +900 
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“oh god, you’re like a baby”
You woke up to the sound of your’s cellphone’s alarm, the beat repeating again and again inside your head, slowly taking you out of the dreamland.
‘7 a.m’
A groan came out of your throat when you saw the time on the clock.
Ok, in the begging of the year, you had promised to yourself that you would wake up early, wanting to make your morning more productive, but now, when you were actually having to keep up with the promise, you were regreting all your decisions.
You sat on the bed, looking around the room trying to get used to the morning glow. You couldn’t help but let your eyes take a glance at your still sleep boyfriend. Richarlison was seeing to be having the best sleep of his life after yesterday’s game. 
After struggling a lot, Totthenham was able to won against Chelsea, and the whole team were more than happy, one of the boys throwing a little party at his house to celebrate, and of course, Richarlison wouldn’t be out of it. So, it was no surprise for you when, at 3 a.m, he called you, kind of drunk, asking if you could get him. 
The room was in a scary silence, the only sound being the little snoozes escaping from Richarlison’s lips, and being honest, for you, this was actually really cute. You stare at his pretty face for some minutes, not wanting to leave him.
Finally finding the courage to get up to start the day, you scretched your legs, sliding them out of bed. Your feet touched the cold floor, your eyebrowns frowning with the feeling.
When you were almost enterily out bed, you felt an arm passing around your waist, pulling your body back to the mattres. 
“Where are you going?” Richarlison’s morning voice never failed to make you shudder.
Now he was looking at you, his eyes almost closed, but still staring at your soul. From his voice tone, you could tell that he was annoyed, probaly because you were trying to sneak out of bed, leaving him alone in the process.
“Need to get up” you whispered, moving closer to him. “You don’t need to get up, amor” the portuguese pet name made you smile. “Yes i do. I made a promise to myself” you tried to move his arm off your waist, but it was gripped.
“So make a promise to me, that you aren’t going to leave” he said with a puppy smile, and you just rolled your eyes. “Stop being dramatic, i’m not leaving you, i’m just getting out of bed” you explained scratching his hair.
“It’s the same thing” Richarlison wasn’t having any of your bullshits, if he wanted to be in bed with you all the morning, he would.
“Babe, you should recover from last night party” you said trying to make him give up. “And i need you here for this” he wouldn’t let you go.
Tired of this shit, your boyfriend decided to end this conversation by trapping you under his body, his head resting on the crock of your neck. Now, you couldn’t leave him.
“Oh god, you’re like baby” you said laughing at his actions. 
You really tried to fight him, your hands pushing his body off you, but even if he was sleepy, he was still stronger and heavier than you.
You stopped when he pinched your side, giving you a silent warning.
“Good girl” he complimented you when he noticed that you had given up. “You are ruining my new year’s promise, babe” you faked a sad smile. “And you are ruining my day off, leaving me all alone here” you couldn’t see his face, but you knew that he was smirking.
You let a tired sigh, knowing that discussing with Richarlison was a lost battle.”You’re gonna be the end of me” you mumbled into his hair.
With a victorious smile, your boyfriend changed positions, wanting to see your pretty face. Now you two were side to side, his eyes staring down at you.
Richarlison couldn’t help but smile he when he saw your puckered lips, your face in a faked sulked expression. He pinched your nose and cheeks, making fun of you “Who is acting like a baby now, huh?” he teased.
“Shut up, this is all your fault” you slapped his hand, trying not to smile and ruin your little show. Richarlison pulled you close, hugging you. One of your legs was around his waist, your hands flat against his chest.
“Gonna make it worth for you, amor” he said carressing your tight. “I hope so” you whispered getting comfortable in the new position.
You two were in silence, just enjoying the physical touch and the lazy morning. When you less expect, you were falling back to sleep, your eyes getting heavier and heavier each time you blinked. You looked to up to see Richarlison’s face, and you noticed that he was in the same sleepy mood like you.
“You won this time, babe” you said against his chest. “Yeah, but i’m sure that you are enjoying this too” he was passing his fingers through your hair, putting you back to sleep.
“Maybe you’re right” you left a soft moan. “I know” he kissed your forehead “Don’t worry, promise i’ll make sure that the rest of your day is going to be very productive” you pinched his tummy, rolling your eyes to his malicious tone.
“Sleep. Now” you ordered.
You couldn’t resist anymore, in less than five minutes before you were back to the dreamland, your boyfriend’s presence was just too comfortable.
After this day, Richarlison, promised to himself that he would never let you leave the bed when he was there.
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omgkatherine01 · 7 months
Moonlight Beta: Chapter 6 - Burn Alive... Almost
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Series Masterlist
Chapter 5, Chapter 7
Pairing: Scott McCall x Fem!Liam Dunbar
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Sleep wasn't Lia's friend anymore, not since the Berserker fight. Those things, those creatures haunted Lia every second they could. So, instead of going back to sleep, she texted Scott and asked if she could come over, which she received a yes for an answer.
Ever since he died and had those awful nightmares involving Lia, he felt extra protective of her, scared that she might die like she did in his mind. With her around him, he felt better knowing she was there beside him, alive.
"How's Kira's Mom?" Lia asked as she sat on Scott's bed with him. "She was taken to a hospital in Palo Alto," Scott said, "They put her in a helicopter. But she will be alright, she just doesn't heal like she used to."
"Does this mean..." Lia trailed off. "Kira is leaving for a couple of days, yeah," Scott said. "She needs to be there for her mother, especially if she's still on the list." He sighed and laid his head on the pillow, "And, I actually have to go back to the hospital too. They want to do a bunch of tests since I was kind of officially dead."
Lia scoffed, "Yeah, I figure my Dad has a lot of questions to you." Scott nodded, "Yeah."
Lia looked down at her hands, "I just wish it had all worked." Scott frowned and sat back up, "Yeah, I've been thinking about that too. And actually, I think maybe it did work. Not that I know exactly who The Benefactor is but we might know a lot more about him now."
Lia frowned as they faced each other, "But no one came. And no one got visual confirmation, right?"
"That's why it might have worked," Scott said, "Remember what I told you about everyone in our pack? Think about it. Who has the power to know when someone's dead, but doesn't need to see the body to know it happened?" Lia thought for a moment with a frown and then looked at Scott,
"A Banshee."
Scott smiled softly at her.
Another night, and Lia was tossing and turning because she couldn't sleep. As she did so, a familiar noise made her stop and sit up.
Now fully awake, she noticed her printer was on. The girl got out of her bed and walked quietly over to see that it was printing something. It was the Deadpool and it had names crossed off of it.
"What the hell?" She muttered to herself as it kept trying to print. She tried pressing the off-button but it kept on printing until she finally unplugged it.
The next morning seemed like hell for Lia as she walked down the halls of the school. Her paranoia was increased and the laughter of the students in the hallway was so overwhelming until Mason greeted her, Lia's focus then finally having something productive to shift to.
"Hey," he said, "Am I gonna see you at the bonfire tonight? Or are you gonna be busy with lacrosse team things?"
Lia frowned, forgetting that they had the bonfire party coming up. With all the supernatural crap going on, she was too tired to do anything else.
"Uh, I'm thinking about skipping," she admitted sheepishly.
"You're not skipping," Mason told her.
"Why not?" Lia asked. "Because you're on the lacrosse team," Mason answered, "Don't you have to go?"
Lia looked nervous. "I don't, uh..." The girl suddenly froze when she started to hallucinate a Berserker in the school. Whether it was from lack of sleep or trauma, she didn't know. Either way, she was hallucinating one standing right in the middle of the hallway.
"I--I don't think I can make it," she lied, grateful that Mason couldn't hear her heartbeat.
"You're coming," Mason said, "We're gonna find you a nice boy--or a nice girl that you can embarrass yourself in front of and find me a lacrosse player. Because statistically speaking, someone on your team has gotta be on my team. Alright?" While Mason was rambling, the Berserker seemed to be getting closer.
"Lia?" Him calling out her name seemed to snap her out of the trance. "Yeah, I'll be there," she spoke quickly before running off, hoping to get away from the beast-like creature.
The entire lacrosse team was in the boys' locker room, including Lia since no one was actually getting changed and it was just a team meeting.
Coach walked in, "All right. Now, I know the start of the season bonfire, it's a big deal for you guys. I also know it gets out of hand sometimes. The alumni show up, there's other teams, and alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol." The team, aside from Lia and Scott, cheered.
Scott had his eyes stuck on his Beta. She wasn't paying much attention, her eyes were looking down at her shoes. She smelt of sadness and fear, something Scott wasn't used to smelling on her.
"All right, shut up," Coach said, "Now, what I don't understand is why anybody would ever want to get stumbling down drunk in front of a massive open fire. I'm also resigned to not being able to stop you guys." The team, aside from Lia and Scott, cheered. "I also remind you, your team captain, McCall, will be there. And I can count on him to narc on any and every one of these little bastards. Get back to class."
Everyone scrambled off after Coach's speech and Scott lost Lia in the small crowd. He took a deep breath, following her scent to the stairwell.
Lia was sitting on the stairs since everyone else was back in class, fiddling with her lacrosse stick. She flinched slightly when she heard someone getting close, but relaxed slightly when she realized it was only Scott.
"Hey," Scott said softly as he sat on the step behind her and put his hand on her shoulder comfortingly.
"You okay?" he asked. Lia shrugged and looked down at her feet. Scott frowned in confusion, "Lia, hey, you can tell me anything. You know that right?"
The girl sighed softly and spoke, "Last night, my printer went off by itself. I couldn't turn it off. I hit the cancel button, but it just kept printing."
"Printing what?" Scott asked. Lia took the list out of her pocket and gave it to Scott.
Before he could read it, the two heard Coach yelling. They ran over to his office to see papers among papers being printed out like crazy. "What the hell is this?" he asked as Scott picked a paper up.
"You see the difference?" Lia asked.
"Derek's not on the list anymore," Scott answered, and Lia wasn't worth 3 million anymore, she was now worth 18 million dollars.
"I don't know if I want to feel special or terrified," Lia muttered as Scott looked from the girl to the papers.
Mason dragged his best friend out, despite her not wanting to go to the bonfire party. Her father urged her to go out and have fun, while her mother was hesitant on letting her go out to a party that would most likely result in drinking.
Mason has practically made her his Barbie doll, dressing her up in a semi-casual black dress. It was something Lia couldn't see herself ever wearing again. To feel less naked, she wore Scott's lacrosse zip-up sweatshirt.
Lia, despite knowing that she couldn't get drunk because of her healing abilities, decided to drink anyway and was pleasantly surprised when she started to feel a bit buzzed.
"Hey, I wanted to ask, what's your relationship with Scott McCall?" Mason suddenly asked. "Oh, you know, we just became friends after the tryouts," Lia answered.
"Is that Scott's sweatshirt?" Mason asked with a small smirk. Lia looked down at herself before back at him in hesitation, "Yeah... is that bad?" Mason shook his head, letting out a soft chuckle.
His smile disappeared as he watched her take another sip. "Not gonna tell me to slow down right?" she asked when she noticed him giving her a confused look when she chugged down a whole flask of captain. A smile was on her lips, something that she had been lacking since the Berserker incident.
"Actually, I was gonna say keep drinking," Mason said, "I think you should get drunk. And I mean stumbling down, fall on your ass, passed out with your face in the toilet drunk."
Lia couldn't help but giggle, "Why?"
This was when it got serious.
"Maybe then when I ask you what's going on, you'll be too drunk to lie," he answered.
Lia's happy smile fell, guilt consuming her for keeping him in the dark and worried about her. "I'm not asking this because I want to know," he said, "I'm asking because I want to help. Are you seriously okay?"
Lia didn't notice that Scott had shown up, he was too looking over along with Malia with a sense of worry.
"I'm getting another drink. Yeah. I'm getting drunk."
It was not long after that she felt drunk, like stumbling drunk. Scott and Mason had both Malia and Lia sit down, both girls intoxicated despite their massive healing abilities that would've prevented this.
"How much has she had to drink?" Scott asked Mason. "Not enough to get her like this," Mason answered, knowing he's seen Lia drink more than that and not be this affected before.
"Something's happening. We need to get them out of here. I think we're gonna have to, uhm..." Scott was cut off as his vision got blurry.
"How much did you drink?" Mason swore everyone here were literally alcoholics.
"Nothing, not even a sip," Scott answered and then realized it was the music, just like the hunters from Mexico had done to them. "It's not the drinks. It's the music. I have to… I have to turn off the music. Don't let them out of your sight." Mason nodded, and watched Scott walking away, stumbling a little along the way.
Mason turned back to Lia and handed her a bottle of water, "Hey, drink some water." Lia took it, "Mase, I don't feel so well."
"Yeah, I get it, you--you'll be okay," Mason said and turned back to check for Scott. A few seconds after, two guards walked closer and each grabbed Lia and Malia by the arms.
"Let's go," Guard 1 told them, starting to pull Lia up by one arm, and the girl didn't even fight back.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Mason asked. "These are my friends."
Guard 1 turned to Mason, putting a hand on his chest. "Your friends are overly intoxicated. They need to be escorted out."
"Okay, I'll go with them," Mason told them.
"That won't be necessary," Guard 1 told him, turning back to Lia.
"I said they're my friends--" Mason started forcefully, but the guard pushed him down to the ground.
Two guys went to help him up. "You okay, man?" Guy 1 asked, and he nodded. He looked back to the guards as they took Lia and Malia away.
The assassins dressed like security guards dragged Scott, Malia and Lia inside, placing them on the floor, leaned them against the lockers, and started dousing them with gasoline.
Scott was the only one conscious at this time, "What is that? What are you doing?"
The guy smirked, "It's gasoline. Haigh says we gotta burn you. It's too bad though, your girl is pretty hot," he said, gesturing to Lia.
Scott growled, his eyes turning red in protectiveness over his beta who was clearly underaged compared to this man. "Oh, shut up," the man scowled, dousing them with more gasoline.
Malia and Lia gained consciousness when they felt the gasoline on their skin. Scott was hoping that Mason would pull through and get the music shut off even though he didn't know why it was affecting them.
And luckily for the three, he did.
Scott was able to recover easily due to his status as True Alpha. Scott grabbed Guard/Assassin 1's hand, closing the lighter, squeezing his hand until it broke, making him groan in pain. Scott punched him in the face hard, making him fall unconscious.
The other hunters were taken care of when Derek and Braeden came in, fighting hand-to-hand combat with them. Though, it was mostly Braeden since Derek was a bit new to fighting without werewolf powers.
Malia and Lia helped each other up, subconsciously leaning on each other in support. Malia could tell the girl was shaken up, and although she didn't know how to comfort people very well yet, she let the girl hold onto her arm.
"What happened to the gun?" Scott questioned Derek as he got up. "You're covered in gasoline," Derek pointed out the obvious.
"Oh, yeah," Scott muttered and then he turned his attention to the girls. Malia had her arm wrapped around the youngest beta protectively even though the danger has now passed, and she nodded to Scott that they both were alright.
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ladylooch · 1 year
I cannot stop thinking about waking up the morning after a long night full of very steamy sexual activities with Brady, and him just being so sweet and affectionate like isn't it the cutest
I'm down bad for Brady Skjei
A/N: This is a productive use of your brain capacity. I approve! I totally agree there is something about him that is... just... HOT. Like, fuck me sideways HOT.
I immediately went to a night after you tried some experimental things in the bedroom. Like maybe it was a little rough and wild, but tbh use your imagination. He wakes up and wants to make sure you’re okay/don’t have regrets. 
Word Count: 536
Warnings: Implied smut, swearing
Fingers rub along the bare skin of your abdomen on a Winter morning in North Carolina. It’s cold this morning, even below freezing, and the chill coming from the windows seeps beneath the sheets, puckering your skin. The feather light touches aren’t helping either. A shiver rolls down your spine and you slide back, pushing your butt further into the hips behind you.
A soft grunt of appreciation moves your hair. Those fingers on your abdomen run up further, then dance across the Hurricanes logo on your chest. 
“Wake up.” Brady murmurs. 
“I’m up.” You say back to him. Your voice sounds shy even to your ears. Probably because of the various touches Brady’s fingers remind you of. Words and noises and positions happened last night that you’ve never done together before. Ignited by two bottles of red wine and a bubble bath, you two indulged in each other well into the early hours of this morning. As if on cue, a dull ache settles between your legs as you move to stretch your calves. 
“Good, I miss you.” He says against the back of your neck. He moves your hair away, letting his generous lips wet the surface. He presses into your stomach so he can enjoy the friction of your cheeks against him. “Last night…” He trails off with a moan.
“Yeah. You gonna let me do those things to you again?” His teeth scrape against your shoulder. Your eyes close, melting further into his body with a content sigh.
“Mmm, depends?”
“On?” His voice is desperate.
“If you make me bacon for breakfast.” He smiles, like it’s easy. Then his grin falls in despair.
“We don’t have any in the fridge.”
“Freezer?” You’re hopeful, wishing you had thought of something you knew you had like coffee.
“Maybe, but if we don’t I’ll run to the store.” You laugh at the determined look that takes over his face. 
“Mmm, I don’t know if that’s going to work.”
“Babe.” He whines, almost choking on his breath. “Don’t do this to me.” Your body shakes with your laughter.
“You’re so weak, Skjei.”
“I’ll be anything you want me to be if it means I get to have all of that again.”
“Start with the bacon.” You joke, rolling to get off the bed. You stretch your arms above your head, a moan coming from your throat at the feeling of your muscles releasing. Brady rises too, watching the way your shirt rides up, giving him little peaks of skin. 
“Hey.” He stops you with a hand around your hip at the bedroom door, nudging his thick thigh in front of you to halt your progress. He leans his forehead close to yours, looking deep into your eyes. “Last night was okay?”
“Way better than okay, Brads.” You confirm, pressing your mouth to his. His hands glue you to his body. “I want all of that with you again.” He grins, pleased with your respond.
“Later. But first, bacon!” He cheers, ducking down to throw a shoulder into your thighs, tossing you so you hang down his back. You smack his ass hard as he moves down the stairs, your hair dragging across the carpeted stairs with each bounce.
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an-au-blog · 10 months
Just craving fluff and imagining College Au Shuggy celebrating the holidays by just doing very unchristmassy things together. They both seem like the type to like certain aspects of Christmas only to then be hit by waves of depression when the actual holiday arrives, so they just huddle under the covers together and watch Christmas classics such as “Die hard” or Gremlins together instead while eating Pizza and drinking eggnog till they can’t stand this stuff for another year. Buggy gives Shanks his gift at 2 am in the morning, an extremely ugly and old tacky sweater he found at a thrift shop a while ago. Shanks can immediately tell that it was cheap and Buggy most likely just went out and got him… SOMETHING, but also it’s hideous in a way he just adores and it has one of his favorite childhood cartoon characters on it and the fact alone Buggy went out and got him something is PERFECT and to Buggy’s horror that thing is gonna be his favorite sweater till the end of time. Buggy on the other hand suffers a mild mental breakdown and “Oh god I am the scum of the earth” reaction because Shanks actually went into a makeup store and got him an expensive eyeshadow Palette that Buggy has been eyeing for a while now. Kicker is Shanks didn’t even know that’s the Palette Buggy wanted, he legit just spent an hour in there with a picture of Buggy describing what Buggy looks for in makeup and what colors he likes and such and such and accidentally just landed on the correct one and rightfully deducted that he would probably like this one.
“WHY DID YOU GO AHEAD AND BUY ME THAT YOU HORRIBLE, UNFLASHY FANTASTIC BOYFRIEND?!” “I thought it would make you happy.” “IT WOULD IF I GOTTEN YOU ANYTHING GOOD AS WELL!! JUST A BED BATH AND BEYOND GIFTCARD WOULD HAVE BEEN WORSE!!” “Come on Buggy I love this thing-“ “THIS IS LIKE GIFT OF THE MAGI IF IT SUCKED EVEN MORE THAN IT ALREADY DOES!” “You could always kiss me to make up for it.” “I ALREADY DO THAT.” “Then let me kiss you… AND you’ll have to let me do it for the entire day without telling me I’m being sappy or disagreeing with me when I talk about how much I love you.” “…. Okay but you’re not allowed to say weird shit about my nose.” “…Can I kiss your nose?” “Ugh. I’ll allow it. But not in public!” “Deal. I won’t talk about how cute and kissable your nose is and I especially won’t talk about how cute and kissable it is in front of other people.” “YOU JUST- AUGH! You’re horrible! An absolutely awful boyfriend!” “Glad to have landed someone as amazing as you then.” “You-“ “Ah! We agreed on not disagreeing when I talk about how great you are!” “….fine.” “I love you... and I love how hard you blush when you can’t answer with a sassy comeback” “….mmmmnnnggghh!!! loveyoutoo.”
At first I was like "awww this is so adorable:')" but thwn I got to the dialogue part and went "ok, so we're assuming they're gonna get together, now are we ahahah"
I'm guessing you're the same anon who sent me a couple other college au asks - so first off: Thank you, you honestly keep me productive and remind me to finish this fic lol (since I named some of the others, maybe I can call you ogan - bc og anon or something idk, you can refuse or give me another nickname if you want...)
But also... have I given any indication that this will be a story with a happy end? Because, I've written ends with a doomed one sided love triangle, one of the main characters being hated by the love of their life and in a hospital, while the one the other was chasing rejected them indefinitely... it was my magnum opus for quite a while, so who's to say I'll give this one an ending like that?
I'm joking, I'm joking... or am I >;]]]
Anyway, I love the idea of them spending the holidays together! Buggy doesn't really have any close relatives to go to, all his friends went home, and thinks that Shanks is the same way, because why else would he stay behind with him?
Shanks is just so happy that he can finally be with his boyfriend. He makes hot cocoa (and it's horrible, but Buggy remakes it), he buys a cardboard cutout of a Christmas tree and they put stickers on it instead of decorations. At one point they start printing out memes and pictures of themselves and stick them on there as well. (Shanks secretly writes a wish, something cheesey like how he wants them to be like this for the rest of their lives, on the back of some of the photos)
In all reality, I believe that "Die Hard" and "Home Alone" (because these two franchises are basically the same, just one is kid coded lol) would be both Shanks and Buggy's favourites. I mean look at how they turned out ahahaha tho I must confess, I've never seen Gremlins, so I'll just trust you on that one':)
I also think thay Buggy would get horrible gifts very purposefully. Like he would look for hours to find the most raggedy and washed out looking sweater with the ugliest print of like... a green cow on red mars with a Christmas hat on both the cow and mars saying "moo-ry christmas" in comic sans or something horrifying like that. Like that one video of the guy who bought a card for the wrong occasion, for wrote a message to someone else and scratched out the name to look like it was a second hand card. I couldn't find the og video but I found this tiktok, hope it helps with the explanation.
In my mind Buggy thinks it's hilarious. Him and Shanks both love pranks and just jokes like this in general, so he would get it, right? Shanks liking it unironically wasn't in the plan. But then bad comes to worse and Shanks takes gift giving seriously - Buggy is caught off guard.
I love the image of Shanks standing in the cosmetics section of a big store that was one of the best according to google. He's just staring intensely, and color checking, and googling, and staring again - trying his best to remember everything Buggy had told him about make-up.
At some moment in the time he's searching, one of the workers there goes up to him to see if he needs help thinking "aw, poor lost man looking for something for his girlfriend, he looks like he needs help" and then Shanks shows her a picture of an honest to God clown going "I want the best for my boyfriend". And they have a little "This is your man?" "yeah" "Look at the picture" "that's mine :')" "and you're ok with this?" "imma stick beside him " moment. And then they just start looking together. Before they notice it's a whole horde of helpers and Shanks going all, "is that teal? I think he said he loves teal, but not one with glitter, wait, bring back the cherry red. Can you compare it to the sour cherry. Which one would match his lipstick best? This one's his favorite." and they're like a council, super invested at that point.
I also like to think that on new years eve, they're watching a marathon, and Buggy just falls asleep on Shanks's chest halfway through. He does that often and Shanks loves it. He doesn't even care that much that sometimes his make-up would be imprinted on his shirt .
Shanks showing love to Buggy's nose, despite his insecurities, makes me melt. (spoilers ig:) I was going to have a little dialogue/confrontation that portrayed that, but I was going to make it a "Shanks not caring about it and just acting like it's not there" thing, but him actually thinking it's cute and being all loving towards the one thing he's most insecure about is actually way better. I might utilize it later on lol :))
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hazbmymhotel · 5 months
Hey, you dirty little readers
We accidentally wrote Mommy kink
So enjoy chapter 5
Chapter 5) I Guess We Gotta Get Down to Business, or Whateva'
Angel wasn't sure how long he'd been asleep. Occasionally he'd hear a rustling or a crinkling. Sometimes, opening his eyes, he'd see Husk’s silhouette in the dark of his room, or maybe that was a dream.
“Here, pig,” Angel heard Husk quietly say a few times, followed by a snorfling sound of Fat Nuggets eating. He settled back to sleep when a heavier blanket was thrown on top of him.
It was nice until it wasn't.
“Ugh,” Angel groaned, waking up to a bucket placed beside his head. He grabbed at it and felt his body lurch. He dry heaved painfully until finally falling back. Blearily, he asked, “what…?”
“How long you been without coke?” Husker asked, pushing a cold cloth against his forehead. He swatted Angel’s hands away as he tried to shoo him off.
“Oh, fuck, you're talkin’. I dunno…I dunno,” Angel started to cry pitifully. “Don't touch me, I don't want it!” He sat up and held his head. It came in a hard wave, leaving him feeling dizzy and like the world was screaming.
“I'll be honest, Angel, I'm not a fan of coke. Not a fan of hard drugs…Alcohol’s done plenty to ruin me from my childhood onward…but it seems fucking stupid to quit cold turkey like that.”
Angel sat up fully and yanked the cloth from Husk’s hands to press it into his own eyes. He tucked his knees into his chest and hugged them with his other arms as he sobbed. “I don’t need you to fucking yell at me right now.”
Husk sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. “I ain’t yelling, and you know it.” He pulled his wing around to preen, tugging out loose feathers to keep his hands busy. “You’re lucky you’re already dead.”
Angel scoffed. He sat in the quiet, finally pulling the cloth away after several minutes. He leaned his head onto his knees and watched Husk in silence.
“So,” Husker said, voice soft, “are you out of stashes? Do I have to go out and dig some up for you?”
Angel rolled his eyes, but smiled to himself. “No…I got some. I got plenty.” He picked up a feather off the bed, turning it in his fingers. “But…I’m gonna crawl back to Valentino if I do it…My deal was for drugs, you know.” He tickled the back of Husk’s ear with it, enjoying how it made it flick back and forth. “I could have all the coke in the studio I wanted if’n I did whatever he wanted. I’d be a good little boy, and he’d give me a good little prize.”
Husk stretched out his wing and turned at the waist to continue his job on the inside. “I wondered why you were always over there if he could only fuck with you there…”
Angel dropped the feather again and scratched his palm. “I’ve only been able to go a couple’a days…it fucks me up so bad… I can’t help it. I can’t fuckin’ help that I ruined myself, and I’m so tired of it.” He slid his legs out and moved to sit next to Husker. He reached out, brushing his fingers against the other wing, pleased when Husk stretched it out onto his lap.
“Addiction’s exhausting,” Husker agreed. “I’ve had a half bottle this morning alone,” he admitted, turning his head to watch Angel’s hands gently pulling out old feathers. “You ain’t gonna hurt me. If they come out with a good tug, they’re meant to come out.” He grunted as Angel responded with a firmer touch.
“You could earn your own coke,” Husk offered, “but maybe it’s better to give it up.”
“Yea…I just…gotta get over it, I think…I can’t remember the last time I was sober. Definitely I was alive…it’s gonna be shit, these next couple’a days.” Angel smoothed his hands over the feathers. “I think I’m gonna have to find an outlet…a productive one. Distractin’.” He took a deep breath. “It’s probably the dumbest idea ever, but I think I’m gonna go see my family.”
“And you think that’s gonna make you want to stay off drugs?” Husk asked, incredulous.
“I mean, they all look like fuckin’ shit…might encourage me so I can stay cute as ever.” Angel giggled as Husk flapped his wing back, slapping him with the brunt of it. “I’m serious!”
“I couldn’t do it,” Husk said, folding his wings comfortably back into his back. He blushed as Angel pet down his tail, pulling the feathered end into his lap. “You got nervous fingers, you know.”
“I do. It’s why I carry guns on me.” Angel grinned, tugging on the feathers. “It gives me somethin’ to do. Makes me look hot, too.”
Husk sighed and leaned into Angel’s side, closing his eyes. “You gonna go see your family with guns out, then.”
“It’s the only way to see ‘em.” Angel hugged an arm around his middle, appreciating the warmth. “You wanna come? I could use some backup muscle to get them talkin’.”
Husk purred as Angel’s fingers worked into his fur. “Sure. I’ve done my fair share of interrogations.” He inhaled deeply, exhaling as he stretched sideways, taking Angel’s full lap with his torso. He tugged his tail away, letting it lazily flick onto the floor.
“Oh, yea, you seem really fearsome, actually,” Angel said, eyes wide as he quickly took advantage, petting Husk with all six of his hands. “I’m sure you’ll give them one look with those big eyes, and they’ll have to fuckin’ talk. Arackniss will be sure to tell you every little thing he knows.” He scratched at the base of Husk’s wings, internally screaming as it made his back paw kick.
Husk sighed and stretched his front paws out, a purring, kicking mess now. “Mmmhmmm,” he agreed.
Angel grabbed around with the one hand he could spare to find his phone and take a video. “Yea, I don’t know if he’ll actually have any info…but my dad probably will. If my ma ain’t a cryptic bitch like usual, I bet she’ll know even more.” He considered putting it off to spend the day rolling in bed with Husker, but his insides felt raw and itchy without the cocaine. It would be more satisfying to wait.
“Fuck, you’re so cute I could double die, Husker. You have no idea.” Angel couldn’t contain his squeal when Husker looked up at him with fat pupils. “Ugh, you’re such a little guy, I’m gonna explode!”
Husker snorted softly from his heart shaped nose and tightened his wings against his back. “Don’t call me that.”
“You don’t gotta be so sensitive about your height,” Angel teased, “I love me a short king.”
“I’m not,” Husker protested.
“You don’t care that you’re a cute little guy who makes Mommy feel so gooey inside?” Angel continued, tugging at his fur with several hands. “I wanna push you down and get all domestic, it’s drivin’ me nuts.--” He glanced down as Husk adjusted his hips farther on the bed. He took a deep breath, realizing the “problem.” It sent a wave of euphoric power through Angel’s stomach.
So this was why Husker hated when Angel pulled the Daddy schtick…or it was at least one of the reasons.
“Cuz Mommy just wants to give you a bath, and cut up your steak, and make you sit there as I dress you all cute and precious,” Angel rambled fast, saying everything he could think of as Husk’s nose blushed deeper and deeper. “I wanna push you on a swing and suck your dick until you’re such a mess I gotta carry you inside.”
“Enough!!” Husk pressed his face into Angel’s thigh. “Angel, stop,” his voice was pitiful.
Angel was breathless, and nothing had even happened. “Oh my god, I never woulda pegged you for having a Mommy kink. I mean I could. If you wanted.” He hugged his six arms under Husk’s arms and tugged him into his fluffy chest.
Now that Angel had Husk straddling his lap, it made him feel like a big shot. There was no way for the old man to hide. “Listen, Husk, I’ll dress however you fuckin’ want!! Polka dots? Big ole’ dresses and aprons? I’ll do my hair up all matronly and shit if it makes you feel the way you make me feel.”
Husk groaned into his chest. He inhaled sharply as one of Angel’s hands dipped lower, petting down his stomach. “Angel–” He choked on his words as Angel’s fingers slipped into the night shorts he was wearing.
“No,” Angel whispered into his ear firmly, “it’s Mommy to you, mister.” He felt a rush of excitement as Husker bucked into his touch.
Husk grit his teeth, trying to fight it only for a few strokes before gasping, “yes, Mommy,” he agreed. He whined and buried his face into Angel’s fur, purring noisily.
“You’re a good little guy, ain’t ya? You’re Mommy’s favorite. I can’t wait to play with this more someday.” Angel marveled at the length in his hand, fascinated by the texture as he stroked. It was definitely doing it for Husk, making the man writhe and mewl at his touch…Angel wished he felt well enough to handle a good fucking. He loved an animalistic dick down. “Are you gonna make a mess for Mommy to clean up?” He whispered daringly into Husk’s ear again, causing the desired effect to spill.
Husk clutched at Angel’s middle shoulders, breathing hard as his mind reeled.
“Holy fuck, Husker,” Angel praised, wiping his hand on his bedsheet. “I had you all wrong,” he whispered excitedly, “when you do me later, I’m gonna wear the mommy-est outfit I got-Ah!” He squealed as Husk shoved him back. “Not now, big guy!”
Husk was flustered, sitting on Angel’s stomach. “I’m not!” He huffed.
“God, you look like the angriest little boy right now,” Angel said, reveling in how his simple words made Husk squirm and bury his face into his paws. “I know your weakness now, Husker. Be careful.” He leaned up on his elbows, grinning.
Husk’s ears flattened, and he leaned down, flicking his tongue across Angel’s teeth. “Fuck off,” he said, climbing off in a huff. Husk stumbled slightly as his feet hit the floor. He bared his sharp teeth as Angel reached out to steady him.
“If I wasn’t so fucked up right now, I’d beg you to ruin me,” Angel assured him, making Husk bristle. “I’d beg. I’m so hot for you,” he promised, moving to the floor to hug against Husk’s back. “I’d do anything you asked just cuz you asked it,” Angel kissed the fur on the back of his neck. He knew Husker was melting by the purr rumbling through his whole body. “Anythin’ Husker.”
Husk took a deep breath, letting Angel hold him. It was humiliating in a delicious way.
“As long as you called me ‘Mommy,’” Angel couldn’t help himself.
“Please let me go get dressed,” Husk groaned, hiding his face again. “Don’t we got shit to do?”
“Yea, yea, fine, Babycakes,” Angel finally let him go. “But when it’s all done, I’m gonna spoil you…and you’re gonna love it.”
Husk turned and held Angel’s face in his paws. He looked at Angel’s beautiful face before kissing him. In moments, they were again a tangled mess of Angel’s arms around Husk’s small frame.
“You’re never gettin’ dressed, huh?” Angel wheezed, finally pulling away and standing.
“Shut up,” Husk checked into the hall before rushing out.
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bonesaftonistired · 11 months
I'm starting to realize that I'm not the only dysfunctional adult here whose parents didn't teach them enough things before kicking them out of the nest, so here's a few tips I've learned through trial and error over the last three years since I turned 18
1. The cold's gonna start hurting your bones eventually, invest in heated blankets to use during the cold months. This is especially important for people who were accident prone kids and had a lot of broken bones, sprains,and twisted wrists/ankles
2. FOOD IS FUEL. I know when you were a teenager, you could probably survive a whole day on just instant ramen and a couple bags of chips, but that is NOT true anymore. You can still enjoy foods you love though, just don't make it your whole diet. Add some veggies and a little meat to your ramen, spice it up and try new things, but try to have at least two meals a day with a couple snacks. Three meals is better though, trust me
3. I promise you, your bacon doesn't need flipped nearly as much as you think it needs flipped as long as you're cooking it on medium-low heat like you should be. Also, put it in the pan cold and let it heat up gradually, otherwise it might stick before it can let out enough bacon grease to slide
4. You are not a failure just because you can't find it in you to be as productive today as you were yesterday. It's okay to let yourself rest
5. Don't try to get your whole house clean in one go, you'll never do it. Break it up into smaller tasks, and take a 15 minute break in between tasks to get some water and maybe a snack
6. HYDRATE!! I know, I know, tea, coffee, soda, juice, etc all taste good and technically have water in them. They don't hydrate nearly as much as the real thing, though. You can add fruit and ice to make it taste better if you really can't take just plain water though! Nobody's stopping you!
7. For god's sake, go to bed at a reasonable time for when you plan to wake up. At least 8-9 hours a night, which sounds like a lot of planning but it really isn't! If you need to get up at 9 am, go ahead and stay awake til midnight. But if you're getting up at 6 am for work? Try to be in bed by 10 pm
8. Caffeine is not your friend past 7 pm, I know you need to get that paper done but you'll be so much better off if you make time during the day for it than staying up into the wee hours of the night with enough caffeine in your system to kill a horse. It'll throw you off balance and make your brain produce even more melatonin to counteract it and try and force you asleep, which just means you'll be that much more exhausted in the morning
Most importantly, just remember you aren't the only one with your problems. You aren't alone. And you've got this ❤
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So recently I had a realisation that improved my worldview by like 150%. It's just one point of view and I don't have a patent on wisdom so feel free to disagree.
If anyone is telling you they have their life together, it's a lie. And they're likely trying to sell you something.
Everyone is struggling. Constantly. Even if they feel fine or even good, they're still struggling, just choosing to put it on a shelf and deal with it a bit later. I rewatched Wreck-It Ralph recently and couldn't stop thinking about the similarities between videogames in the film and life. A rollercoaster, the weather, you could find a metaphor for life in a laundry basket if you wanted. So I'll give you one with videogames. Whack A Mole, SugarRush, Tapper, Fix-It Felix... all of them are about struggling to finish something, then celebrating your win and moving on to a new goal. Everyone struggles with them. And the ones who have mastered Whack A Mole usually get bored and move on to a different game, for example I got bored of skiing on small slopes and since I live in a country where I don't exactly have access to the Alps, I decided to start learning snowboarding on the small slopes. Just for the process.
The image of an ideal worker, an ideal home, an ideal opportunity, an ideal relationship, ideal productivity, an ideal day, month, year, life... it's like ideal gas, exactly what it is - ideal. An idea, unachievable. It makes me think of something my (very, very wise) friend told me a week ago - "Aspiration should give you a sense of direction, not a goal." This vision of your absolutely perfect and productive new year is a great source of inspiration, but if you actually expect it from yourself, you're bound to eventually be disappointed, frustrated, demotivated and beating yourself up over what a failure you are.
My mum is the classic "Everything has to be my way and if you're not doing it this way, we're gonna have a problem." type of person (she's an unhealthy ESTJ, would you guess...? 😅) and I can with 100% certainty say she's struggling as well. A lot. All the time. Suppressed trauma, standards the level of Mont Blanc and soaked up all the societal expectations like a sponge. So every time my AuDHD ass gets out of line, her radar goes off and she struggles with getting me in order on top of everything else she thinks she has to perfectly manage.
I have my point of view, she has her point of view and we piss each other off because we're looking at this one stupid thing from completely different corners of the room. And that's one person. We all struggle with each other. And expecting yourself to work like a clockwork orange on top of that isn't exactly helpful. Not to mention that even machines malfunction from time to time but that's another convoluted metaphor.
My point is, in the next year let's just stop expecting the best of ourselves and accept okay. Maybe if I had the ideal morning, I would've gotten up at 5, worked out with the abs of Dwayne Johnson, had breakfast, immediately washed the dishes and then studied until lunch with zero distractions. But guess what? I'm not a robot. I got out of bed after 6, it took me an hour to wash the dishes and I didn't work out or study at all because I'm sick (again) even though I had so many plans for this week that aren't going as I envisioned. Is that something to be proud of? Sure it's not. Should I beat myself up for it? Hell no, I didn't murder anyone while watching that youtube video. It's okay. And I think it could help us a lot to get comfortable with that for now.
So in my next year, I think I'll just try to be doing okay.
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mrsaguapapi · 1 year
Ch 1 
Chapter 2
Critical Hit
The Vibe:
She's a Rainbow-The Rolling Stones
I lie awake in bed, on my back and limbs sprawled out like a starfish; thinking about last night's strange series of events.
Fucking sorcerers. They're just damn wizards without hats.
"Strange people," I say out loud to myself, "Yukio, we're gonna go into the city today," I say out loud waiting for her to come to me. I feel her jump up on me and rest in my lap; I pet her and continue, "We'll go for a walk, maybe stop at our favorite ice cream shop. How does that sound?" Yukio wiggles her tale and licks my hand in excitement.
I get up and begin my morning routine feed Yukio, eat 2 bananas, shower, brush my teeth, and throw some loose curls in my hair. The great thing about Japan's winter months is that I can wear my hair down without frizz-altering humidity. I'll throw some box braid in a few months to prepare for the summer heat.
I walk to my closet and hold my hand out feeling for the tags on my hung-up outfits. Each outfit is put together and hung in garment bags along with a shoe that matches; Each bag has a permanent tag written in brail so I can tell which is which. I have a personal shopper who specializes in helping the blind; she comes in and organizes my closet every once in a while, occasionally swapping out old outfits for new ones.
I find the label of one outfit,
Chunky black leather ankle boots| Stone-washed, high-waisted capri jeans Forest green knitted long-sleeve halter tank top Long black overcoat
I'm 25 now and it's been about 10 years since I lost my sight, I can barely remember what colors look like, and my memories have faded a bit. I told my shopper to pick whatever and that,
'I'm blind but I still wanna look hot
I get dressed and grab my sling bag with my essentials, wallet, keys, and my foldable cane and pack my bag; as well as leash up Yukio and begin our walk. We do our usual stroll in the city walking past several markets and shops and listening to people laugh and gossip like no one is listening. It was a nice little hour and a half of constant eavesdropping; some people watch the Kardashians I go and ear hustle the streets.
We stop at the ice cream shop and I decided to just get a vanilla milkshake and grab Yukio a puppy cone to enjoy. We sit outside the shop on a bench enjoying our cold treats when my phone vibrates and begins to speak a text to me,
Hey boss, can you stop by and sign for delivery? They are refusing to release our product until the owner signs off.
"Yes," I say
"I'm about a 10 min walk away, be there asap"
"Yes" I reply
I put my phone back in my bag and stand up, "Come on Yukio gotta stop by work real quick" I say to her as we navigate to my restaurant.
When I arrive I hear Kai arguing with the delivery boy in the foyer of the restaurant.
"I'm sorry it's a part of our new policy," the boy says
"You think you could have notified us first? Our owner is blind she needs to know these things ahead of time"
"Kai," I say, "Thank you, I can take it from here. Wait out here with Yukio for me?
"Yes ma'am," he says before taking Yukio's leash
I walk into the building and throw my customer service voice on, "Hi how can I help you?" I ask
"Are you the owner?" he asks
"I am"
"I thought the owner was blind"
"Well, that was incredibly ignorant." I say pulling out my cane for a little bit of flair, "Is this better?"
The delivery boy clears his throat and hands me a clipboard and a pen, "I'm sorry ma'am, can you please sign for this?"
"Yes," I say taking the pen and board, "Can you guide me where to sign?" he takes my hand with the pen and places it on the board prompting me to sign there.
"Where should I unload these?"
"Take them to the kitchen, Kai will guide you, and for now on Kai can sign off on these. Thank you" I say before walking out "All taken Care of, you now have the authorization to sign off," I say holding my hand out for Yukio's leash.
Kai places the leash in my hand, "Thank you, boss, sorry for the inconvenience"
"It's no problem, honestly. The delivery boy is going to unload in the kitchen, you got it from here?"
"Yes ma'am! Have a great day!" he says before walking away inside
I let out a long sigh, before turning around and beginning to walk away.
I hear someone clear their throat from my side, "Excuse me Miss" a man says causing me to stop in my tracks and look at him, "Kiyotaka Ijichi. Gojo sent me to pick you up for your interview"
"Um?... What interview?" I ask
"The interview for the Combat Specialist position," he says a little nervous
Not this shit again
"I already turned down his little offer. The answer is no"
"Ma'am I-"
"You know what, call him please?" I politely demand
"Yes Ma'am" he obliges rather quickly.
The phone rings twice before Gojo Answers, "Gojo Mrs. Himari-"
I quickly take the phone from his and put it to my ear, "Gojo what the hell man"
"Heyyyy! Ari, what's up?"
"Don't play dumb, what weird shit is this? Why is there a man waiting for me outside my business, I could have sworn I told you no, did I not? "
"You did. Come on, at least come to the interview and check it out."
"Why? Why would I do that? I don't need a job"
"Because It'll be fun. You seem like you could use a little fun. I saw the way you fought it was natural for you, even with being blind. You can't tell me you aren't a little bored with your mundane life? I have a feeling you weren't always this 'humdrum'"
I scoff, "Oh whatever, don't pretend you know me, asshole."
"Come on, will it kill you to humor me?"
I hold my head back and rub my brow bone in frustration, "If I say yes will you leave me alone?"
"Yes," he says rather quickly
"Was that a lie?" I follow up
"Yes" he laughs
"Goodbye Gojo," I say before handing Ijichi the phone, "Hang up on his ass"
"Yes Ma'am"
"Take me to this damn interview" I sigh and check my attitude, "Please" I add
"Right away Ma'am," he says before opening a car door
"Yukio you first," I say. I hear her climb into the car and follow her.
Ijichi closes the door for me and climbs into the front seat, "Jujustu High is in the outskirts of Tokyo, we'll be about 20 min okay Ma'am"
"Okay, thank you," I lean my head on the cool window pain and relax for the short car ride.
----------------------------------------------- When we arrived I could smell the blossoming trees and fresh air. We must be near tons of trees and greenery. Ijichi leads me and Yukio through the halls of this supposed school; after a few more turns we stop and Ijichi opens up a door, "I have been instructed to go only this far. Please navigate yourself to your seat the principal will be with you shortly"
I bend down and unleash Yukio as well as pull out my cane, to help with the walk, "Thank you" I say before walking forward through this big room and eventually making my way into a seat with Yukio sitting beside me on the floor. There we wait for about 10min before I hear a large man walk through the room and sit behind the desk that rests in front of me.
"Himari Sanada?" he asks
"In the flesh" I dryly respond
"Principal Yaga, nice to meet you," he says, "Gojo says you're a natural fighter"
"I suppose, I am"
"How open are you to sparring with some of us?"
"You want me to fight you?"
"Yes, no point in getting further into the conversation until after I see your skills. The position is for combat not speech"
"Well, I'd really rather not. I have warded off senseless violence, Unless absolutely necessary."
"Is that because of your previous occupation?"
"Okay, so not only have I been stalked at my place of work, but you've also looked into my past. Don't get it twisted just because of what you read, you still know shit about me" I say showing my frustration
"I know you're the adopted daughter of former Yakuza boss Tonaka, at the ripe age of 6 you began training with your father, and by age 11 you were running point on missions for him, I know you lost sight due to a degenerative optic nerve condition at the age of 15 and that somehow you came out from that horrible fate stronger than ever. They called you Kokushibyō, the Black Death. You were a career criminal, an assassin"
"What are you getting at?" I dryly ask
"Mrs. Senada, every day these cursed spirits get worse and worse and jujutsu sorcerers are becoming even more of a rare breed. Last year the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons, we lost nearly a hundred of our Sorcerers in that battle. As we raise the next class of fighters I see that they are lacking in hand-to-hand combat and weapons proficiency. Our children are dying, we need help."
I breathe in and cross my arms while rubbing my neck.
"I was almost hopeless and then I hear of a blind girl who was able to not only navigate her way through a curses pocket dimension but then went to kill said curse that she couldn't even see. You didn't have a cursed tool, which leads me to believe you have mounds of cursed energy within you. You seem like you want to live a good life, like a good person, and that you don't want to hurt anyone anymore and I want that for you but why let your skills waste away when you make good use of them?"
I sigh loudly and roll my eyes, "Fuck you for making me feel" I say in disgust, "If I agree, we do it my way, How many students?"
"Nine total, but we want you to focus on the first years for now; Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, & Nobara Kugisaki "
"Okay, who's currently in charge of teaching them?"
"Kento Nanami part-time grade 1 sorcerer, from time to time teaches hand to hand; took the time to personally train Yuji Itadori, who is probably the most skilled out of the three of them. As for weapons, Atsuya Kusakabe grade 1 sorcerer, and teacher here; skilled swordsman but no honor, he would 100% leave you behind if it meant saving his own skin."
"Noted." I stand up and dust my pants off and grab my cane, "Well if we are gonna do this, I'd like to fight the first years as well as Mr. Nanami."
"Why not Atsuya as well?" he asks
"Well from what you just told me, I've got a clear understanding of what kind of fighter and man he is. A coward and cowards are shit fighters" I respond. Yaga says nothing but laughs under his breath as stands leading me out of his office.
He leads Yukio and me outside to what I assume is an open field by the feel of the grass under my feet. Eventually, we come to a stop and I hear a few familiar voices, "ARI!!!" I hear Gojo yell, "Are you ready to tussle?" He asks.
"Are you ready to shut the hell up?" I snarkily say. Next to him, I hear the smallest most hidden chuckle coming from Gojo's side.
"Ouch right in the heart, why don't you like me?" he asks fawning sweetness
"Because you're annoying" I laugh at him
"She's right," Nanami says, he must have been the one who chuckled
"Ari, glad you came!" Yuji says before hugging me
Fucking golden retriever
"Down boy." I laugh
"Sup," Nobara says, "You can't see him but our black cat is next to me. Say hi Megumi"
"Hi" The boy plainly says, "Is that your dog?" he says with a hint of excitement
"Hey, girl, nice to meet you Megumi, yes this is Yukio" I respond, "You can pet her". Megumi quickly takes me up and that offer and kneels down and pets her head.
I listen around me a little further and hear that there are a few other people there whose voices I don't recognize.
Principal Yaga speaks up, "Fushigoru, Itadori, & Mrs. Kugisaki front and center." he commands. The three take their time making their way to the center of the field near Yaga. "You three one at a time will fight Mrs. Senada. The match will be over once one of you are unable to continue."
"No need for one at a time, all at once is fine" I chime in folding my cane away and taking off my coat, and placing them on the ground with my sling bag; I begin to approach the others, stopping when I stand in front of the first years.
"Okay, then you heard her," Yaga says walking away, "You may begin"
"Umm this doesn't seem fair," Megumi says a little unsure, "You're blind and it's three against one"
"Worry about yourself," I say, "attack when you're ready"
The Vibe:
Swamp Bitches-Doechii, Rico Nasty
We all stand there for a few minutes, I hear them contemplate and whisper amongst themselves
"Itadori, you bulldoze and rush ahead, you've got the strength for it, Kugisaki and I all will come around the sides"
I'm sure they think I can't hear them.
"On the count of the 3. 1..2..3!"
Itadori quickly approaches throwing several punches, I manage to bob and weave between his attempts and block his last hit with my forearm, which hurt like hell; he's definitely got the strength and the speed but he's sloppy as hell. While blocking his hit with my arm I take my free hand and punch him in the side causing Itadori to topple over in pain; I finish him off with a right hook and he falls to the ground.
Finally making her move, I feel Kugisaki come up behind me and try to restrain my wrists; while she was focused on my hands I took the opportunity to knock my head back hitting her in the face. She let go suddenly in pain and I swiftly back kicked her in the stomach.
I hear Fushigoru rush toward me and decide to run towards him head-on; just as we were about to meet I used the momentum from the dash to drop kick him in the chest knocking him back to the ground. From the force of my kick, I fall down too but quickly recover rolling back and making my way to my feet.
Taking a second to assess the situation, I listen and hear Itadori sound asleep, I must have knocked him out. Kugisaki is on the ground trying to stand back up but not finding the strength in her legs. Lastly, I focus on Fushigoru and hear him coughing and gasping for air.
"Your reflexes are shit," I say out loud, "Your sight is a privilege that you take advantage of and you underestimated my strength. Lots to learn," I say that last bit under my breath. I go over to Fushigoru and bend down to him, he still wheezing, I put my hand on his chest, "Calm yourself and Breathe" I say as I breathe in deeply and out slowly encouraging him to do it with me. He does and eventually, he calms down a bit, "You and Nobara most likely have bruised ribs, take it easy and go help her up" I say standing up and holding my hand out to help him up. He walks away holding his chest.
I make my way to Yuji and bend down to make sure he's okay, he's still fast asleep, "Yuji wake up" I said shaking him. After a few seconds of this, I give up, "Gojo come get your kid" I speak up a little louder, "He's not waking up any time soon; honestly, they all should go to an infirmary" I say
"I see why they called you the Black Death, quick and painful" Gojo says
That stings, I hate that fucking name
I think Yaga notices my uncomfortablity and quickly speaks up, "Gojo take your students to Shoko"
"WHAT! Why do I have to go, it's getting so good" Gojo protests
"Kugisaki and Fushigoru can't take Itadori to shoko they are clearly injured. Go and be responsible for once" Yaga plainly states
"Fine" Gojo says defeated before he basically throws Yuji over his shoulder and begins walking, "Come on you two" he says to Megumi and Nobara who follow behind.
"I thought we were friends Ari" Nobara says as she walks away
"We still are" I laugh and yell behind her.
"Alright Mr. Nanami, you're next" Yaga says
I hear him take a deep long sigh as he makes his way to the center of the field, "Lets make this quick, you know how I feel about overtime"
I softly laugh at his demeanor as I take my position on the field, "This should be good, You can start whenever" Yaga says
We stand there for several minutes sizing each other up and planning our first move, "I am a VERY patient girl and I promise you I'm not moving first 'Mr Overtime'." I say taunting him.
"Teasing me won't work. Considering one of my only friends is Gojo, I have HIGH threshold for nonsense." he quips back, "I want to go home so I suppose I'll I make the first move" He says before suddenly throwing a punch
I quickly block him but he's fast, he manages to sucker punch me in the stomach knocking me back a bit.
Fuck, he's got some strength
I hear Yukio begin to bark and growl, she thinks this is a real fight , "Yukio Stay" I command. Swiftly I recover not allowing myself to feel that pain. I advance towards him and throw a series of punches at him, starting with two at his stomach, two at his chest, and a upper cut to his face now knocking him back. I hear him grunt as he quickly regains his stance throwing a left hook in my side and his right to my face knocking me to the ground
Jesus fucking christ that hurts; I think he broke my nose, Clearly he's got speed and brute force. I need to be more agile and quick on my feet to keep up.
While down, I take the opportunity fuck with his head, "Oh god" I wine and moan, "You broke my nose you asshole; what the fuck" I begin to cry real tears (Low key does really fucking hurt).
Nanami instantly regrets his actions and comes near me to offer a helping hand, "Shit are you okay? I knew we shouldn't have done this; i was afraid you would get hur-" he says before I punch him in throat cutting him off. He instinctively grabs his neck gasping for air; I stand up over him and side kick him in the face knocking him down to the ground.
I feel my nose bleeding down my face, so i back up a few paces and swipe the blood off my face and wipe my hands in the grass, "Get up" I say before I take my hands and placing them on both sides of my nose before I quickly break my nose back in place, "Fuck me that hurts" I yell.
I hear Nanami groan and struggle to get back up, eventually he stands back and begins to speak, "That was a shitty cheap trick" he says with a raspy voice
"That was shitty is that you came into this fight thinking it was an easy win. I'm a fighter in my own right treat me like one." I say holding my hands up a defensive position.
Nanami rushes me and throws a few more punches, this time with less focus; he is pissed, "Your anger is making you sloppy" I say before grabbing his punch and twisting his wrist as I swing my legs around his neck using my weight and his to pull us down hard to the ground. I soften my land with body and quickly crawl up him resting my legs on his upper arms pinning him down and for extra measure I have a hand around his neck and my other ready to knock him unconscious if he moves, "Do you concede?" I ask. He says nothing but uses what mobility he can and taps my leg with his hand.
I take the hint and release him and roll off of him and eventually stand up. I offer a hand to him to help him up; I can tell he's hesitating, so I gesture again for him to take my hand and eventually he does. I help him stand up, this is the first time I've been this close to him and actually let myself be aware of his height and how he towers over me.
He smells so nice, like evergreen trees and lemons
"Good fight" he says to me bringing me back from my inner thoughts. Eventually he lets go of my hand and for some reason I'm a little saddened by that. Yukio makes her way to me and begs at my feet. I bend down and pick her up and reassuring that i'm okay.
"I've seen enough" Yaga says pulling both of our attentions, "You've got the job if you want it"
"I'll take it" I say, "You have me Mondays and Wenesdays for hand to hand training. Fridays for weapons and Sundays will be open to staff who want extra training. I own a restaurant so my Tuesdays and Thursdays will be dedicated to that unless discussed beforehand and Saturdays are for me."
"Deal" Yaga says, "Welcome to Jujustu High"
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ariella-schoenheit · 2 years
🌞 you're my sunshine 🌞
Valeria x reader
A/n: Idk if it gender neutral but I never specified the gender. Just fluff and love. Mentions of spicy themes but not too bad. Once again. I didn't re read this I'm going feral y'all.
(I need a Valeria/Rudy/Alejandro/Simon in my life.).
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Valeria thinks of you, her lovely partner. Often. She hopes that she comes into your mind as much as you into hers. It drives her to be more productive at work, so she can come home to her sunshine lover.
You've met her family and they loved you eventually, after winning all their hearts like how you did to hers. You remained true to your intentions and your little quirks and antics have become endearing to them.
Valeria is greatly relieved that her family loves you the same way she does, maybe even more. One less problem out of the way.
"A gentle soul to calm the hot fire of Valeria Garza." They would say. You smiled gently as they proceeded to shower you with love, trusting that you wouldn't break Valeria's heart . Although if Valeria was the one who broke yours, she would not hear the end of it. That's how much they love you.
Sometimes they marvelled at you could calm her wildest fire with your mere touch. Valeria was one of the more troublesome kids in the neighborhood and is no different in adulthood. As El sin Nombre, she's bound to run into heaps of troubles.you would go out of your way to prepare a nice surprise for Valeria, whether it be cooking her favourite meals or wearing that laced lingerie she loves so much...
Valeria hates to see you upset. She want to see that pretty smiles of yours with your Rosy cheeks and gleaming eyes. If she's the cause of the upset, she would feel different levels of guilty, depending on what your upset about. You rarely ever have major agreements but when you do, she makes sure both of you are at least in a safe space. Goes stiffly says she going out to clear her head and leaves you in your room. Last thing she wants is to lose you over things that shouldn't be said.
She makes it up by small but noticeable gestures, and mutters a "I'm sorry mi amor, can we not fight?it breaks my heart to see you like this" in your hair as you cuddle in bed the morning after. She absorbs anything you say to her, she's able to take it.
" Do you even know how much it worries me? I'm so riddled with anxiety and you ran brazenly into the gunfire! How could you do that?"
She hugs you tight, her heart swelling up at the thought that you care for her wellbeing. She promises she'll be careful and does exactly that. She does everything she can to make it up to you and she holds her promise.
Valeria spoils you to death. Anything you want, you get. That cute designer bag you briefly glanced at? It's on the dining table the next morning she has to leave early. Or the seasonal fruit that has an ungodly price tag attached to it? You have a whole carton waiting for you, only the freshest and best of the bunch. But you don't ask for much material things. You simply ask " what time are you coming home?" and she's ordering everyone to work twice as fast and hard to go home early. The pests that don't wanna pay up? Gone. The pesky government agencies trying to bust her business. Done and dusted. She arrives home at around lunch time and you're pleasantly surprised. You spend the whole day doing alot of wholesome things before the mood changes at night ;)
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beloveddawn-blog · 1 year
Teleri sat up suddenly, and Nathanial groaned next to her. "Wha tim iz ih?" He slurred, turning himself back into the pillow.
She smiled at him, charmed by his very human mannerisms. "Early." She replied. "Probably too early." She ruffled his hair softly. "Or we were up too late last night. Either way."
He curled around her waist somewhat, still half asleep. "Worth it." He muttered, kissing her spine. She laughed and slid out of bed. He pouted into the sheets. "Come back here." He tried to cajole, but she simply laughed again.
"Not happening." She replied, pulling her dress over her head and looking for her boots. "I think Roza might actually murder me if you're late for another morning inspection. It's apparently 'a bad example' when the Captain shows up halfway through and with his surcoat on backwards."
"That was one time." He protested, shooting into a sitting position himself in outrage.
Teleri smirked at him. "Only for the surcoat." She finished pulling on her gloves and gave her husband a quick kiss before reaching for her headphones. "I'm off. I've got things to do, and I wanna drop by Nel'Vari and give Sera that warming baby blanket I made. I'm gonna have to make more of an effort to go there, since she's getting a bit too far along in the pregnancy to be watching my animals for me." Her eyes grew slightly distant. "Maybe I'll ask Iris to check in on them for me. She's at the pastures all the time anyway, and I can offer the farm for her to work with her experiments on. Wesley's been a bit high strung from all of this and it's showing in his discomfort with her work. This should help both of them."
"It's too early for plotting." Her husband insisted, getting up to find his pants. "You need to wait until I'm at least fed if you want sensible feedback."
She laughed again, gave him another quick kiss, and headed for the door, headphones sliding into place as she went. Nathanial quickly finished dressing himself (making sure his surcoat was the right direction this time) and grabbed both a cup of coffee and a meal out of the fridge on his way to lean in the doorway and watch his wife work (fried fish is absolutely the breakfast of champions and no, he is not taking criticism).
There he watched a sight he would never tire of: his wife, the most powerful mage he's ever seen (don't tell Lucia. She'd skin him, all while crying about 'traitors' not appreciating all she does) call upon the forces of heaven and earth... To water the seedlings and till the soil. For all she hadn't been able to access it before Elios awoke her latent ability, Teleri used magic like she breathed. It was a part of everything she did in a day.
And that was all by design.
She saw him watching her and pulled her headphones down, a slightly quizzical look on her face. Finally, on this unspecial day that was just like any other, he decided to ask.
"Why do you do that?"
"Do what?" She replied, tilting her head in confusion. Cute was all his brain supplied for a moment, but soon enough he regained enough of his original train of thought to continue.
"Use magic for everything." He replied. "I know you used every trick in the book to gain the power you have, but everything you do with it could be done by hand almost as well. You're somehow both the laziest person I know, as well as the most productive."
She threw her head back and laughed, and laughed, and laughed. He felt his one eyebrow raise as she slowly got herself under control, even wiping away a tear. "Really, Beloved? All those years getting to know me and you still don't understand the nature of water?" She had been walking towards him before, and now she was close enough to slide one arm around his waist (and how he wished he wasn't in his armour...) and boop his nose with the other one. "Water always takes the easiest path. Always. And if there isn't one? It will cut through anything to make one." Her smile was back to sly and knowing, and he couldn't help dropping a soft kiss on it. "But it's also never still. Even contained, stagnant water has movement within it. It's not in my nature to stay in one place."
"But you will for me." He answered back, knowing the truth of this. It was what he held to while everyone around him fell for his beloved, and he knew it was true.
"I will for you." She replied, honesty shining through her eyes. She would outlive him, they both knew, and eventually move on. But for now she was his to love and cherish, and it was the greatest accomplishment of his life. Then she smirked again and drew out a whistle. "But not now. For now," She blew a short tune, then swung herself up on the owlbear that manifested and held a hand out to him, "You're going to be late if we don't get a move on. Come on, I will drop you off at the barracks."
Nathanial grabbed her hand and let himself be hauled onto the beast, the one greatest truth of his life ringing in his mind: I'm so in love with this woman.
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crinkled-emotions · 2 years
Oh G!
Can I request Lap/Chest pillow for Eddie or Jake PLEASE 🥺
Heeeeeey Kat! Happy holidays mate!
You got it! I'm in the mood for Jake getting some time with Mav but I have a feeling I'll come back to this and write some Buddie lmao 😂
Bob had been looking for Phoenix for at least an hour when he clocked that he should probably check the common room. Sometimes she hung out there to read or play cards with the guys. 
Look, all I’m saying is don’t bet against her. She will bleed you dry and then charge asshole tax. It’s her charm.
“Tash,” he said as he let the door slam behind him, “I’ve been looking for you-”
“-shut it. Right now.”
Bob blinked, startled. Phoenix never told him to shut up, or go away, or that he was annoying. Not like how she spoke to the others, how she was the first one to yell fuck you at Rooster or insult Hangman with a simple raise of her brow.
“Sorry,” Bob whispered. He snuck over to the couch and immediately his jaw dropped.
“Is that-”
“-mmhmm. Coyote went to get him some more meds, but I said I’d hold the fort. Mind passing me my water?”
Bob wordlessly passed over her water bottle and she took a sip, frowning as she cupped Jake’s forehead again.
“Is he sick?” Bob whispered. 
“Burning up. Think he was nauseous earlier but Coyote said nothing productive happened.”
“Do you... need someone to switch with? How long have you been here?”
“I’ve been doing this for as long as I’ve wanted to punch him,” Natasha said with a grin.
“I dunno, Jake gets a fever and he just... different person. Completely. It’s a little unsettling.”
With his head on Natasha’s lap, Jake shifted and she glanced down at him again.
“How are you feeling?” She asked softly. He gave a little so-so motion and Natasha nodded.
“Javy just went to get you some Pedialyte and some crackers. Do you need anything else?”
“Is my phone there?”
“Hey,” Bob said as he knelt in front of Jake. He sent him a sympathetic smile as he passed Jake’s phone to him.
“How long have you been sick?” Bob asked. Jake shrugged.
“I dunno, since this morning. Tash tried to drag me out of bed around nine.”
He winced as a cramp wracked his body.
“Bad idea.”
“I can tell. Uh, well, maybe you should get some more sleep, nap off the bug.”
“That would be good...”
Phoenix and Bob exchanged a look, Phoenix’s fingers running through Jake’s hair while he went back to sleep.
“Did you drug him? I don’t think I’ve ever- is he- he’s out,” Bob whisper-yelled in delight. Phoenix rolled her eyes.
“I told you. He gets a fever and he’s a little like a cat.”
“Hey, Bagman, missed you this morning. Roo had the most amazing waffles-”
Phoenix glanced up from the couch and paused, words lost in her mouth.
“Uh- are you okay?”
Coyote had an arm wrapped around Jake’s shoulders, holding him steady as they stumbled toward the couch where she had been falling down the tiktok rabbithole for the better part of an hour. She sat up, holding out her arms and Jake collapsed on to the couch beside her, resting his head on her knee. Phoenix frowned, placing her hand gently on his forehead and her eyebrows shot up at the warmth there.
“Oh, dude, you’re sick...”
Jake leaned into her touch, practically melting into the way she ran her fingers through his hair. Coyote nudged her shoulder.
“I’m gonna go and get some supplies, I can’t find any Pedialyte in this place and Rooster is MIA so I can’t ask him or Mav. Hopefully the infirmary will have some otherwise I’ll have to go to the store. Could you-”
“-yeah, I got him Javy. You go.”
“Thanks, Tash. I owe you one.”
“Nah, me and Bagman have been here before, he’s good.”
She squeezed Javy’s hand and he poked Jake’s shoulder, making sure he was listening before he started.
“I have to go get some shit, stay here okay? Tash is with you. Nothing wrong with being sick.”
“Bye, Javy.”
Jake closed his eyes, and Phoenix took that as conversation over. He could sweat out his fever whilst asleep, that would be fine by her. She kept running her fingers through his hair, listening for when he’d actually fall asleep. When a few minutes went by and nothing had happened, she frowned and cupped his forehead again.
“You’re really warm, maybe you should go and have a shower?”
“Don’t want to move.”
By the time Bob came looking for Phoenix, Jake had fallen asleep in her lap and she wasn’t willing to move.
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miniar · 2 years
So, the thing about reincarnation, and past life memories, that no one really talks about, is the realization that there's no way off this ride.
I am depressed.
I have depression, diagnosed and all, and it's basically untreated because I haven't ever met a set of meds that really work for me. The actual diagnosis on paper is dysthymia but in discussion with general practitioner docs (given that therapy is inaccessible and psychiatry is even less available) is that "double depression" might be more accurate.
Double depression is actually the name of the thing where you're always a little to somewhat depressed with occasional bouts of severe depression. I'm kind of in a dip right now. Can't actually tell if it's been a while or if I'm coming up or what is actually fully going on per se, but it's not a fun ride.
I'm also one of these woo-woo people who believes, due to significant personal experience checked with the greatest care to avoid cross contamination available to a random person, that this isn't my first lifetime. I Do Not expect You to take me at my word or treat my belief as fact. In fact, with my propensity to philosophize and read an unacceptable amount of literature into psychology and philosophy and obscure historical and modern sociology, I'm not entirely convinced that any of this is exactly "real" myself.
Some tiny fragment of me kind of expects that I may wake up at any given moment and be something else entirely, somewhere else entirely. Who knows.
The thing that Bill Hicks talked about, you know, we are all the universe experiencing itself subjectively, that sort of thing. But that thing is so fundamentally unknowable to me in the moment and so unlikely to make chocolate more readily available that I've opted out of this and chosen rather to go off the operating assumption that this reality is real, that I'm a person that exists, and that while my perception is flawed it's not completely untrustworthy.
So with all that in mind, I still think I've been here before, and this interacts with my depression in a way that I haven't seen a lot of talk about.
The depression that I have, along with the anxiety, that was sparked to some degree by my ADHD has been fueled quite vigorously by the state of the world around us. Let's not be obtuse about it. The world, right now, is not a friendly place. Hate is on the rise, the cost of living is crippling enough without being actually disabled as I am, our climate is becoming increasingly unstable, threatening to become unsuitable to sustain human life as we know it, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting more desperate. It's no surprise, given all this, given my emotional disorder, that sometimes I go to bed and I think to myself that it would be a positive thing if I'd just not have to wake up in the morning, not have to wake up at all, not again. I want to get off this ride. But what happens after I get off the ride? Well, if any of my personal experiences are to be believed at all, I'll just get put on it again.
So what good would that do?
What is the point of dying, if it's only temporary, if it's just gonna result in a repeat, why even do it?
Not only does this kill any motivation I might muster, but every tiny little good thing I've got going for me right now is that much more important.
Who knows, perhaps in the time it takes me to get born and grow big enough, the production of chocolate in general just stops. I'd miss out on the last few years that we had that, and so on and so forth. Maybe, I'll be out of reality just long enough to miss "the revolution" whichever one that'll be. Maybe I'll miss humanity's fall. Maybe, I'll miss humanity's rise and redemption. Maybe, I'll miss whatever reason there might be to have hope.
Or maybe I'll wake up to a new life, exactly as shit as the last life, with everything just a little bit different and yet everything being basically the same, and the whole damned thing will have had no effect on my life what so ever, and meanwhile someone'll forget to water my plants and my dogs, well, you get the idea.
So, you might say, that the profoundly irrational belief that I've been here before, and the weight of the implication that I'll be here again, pins me to this body in a way that few other things do. It doesn't keep me around, not all on it's own, but it makes it possible for "but who will water my plants?" to keep me here. It makes the dogs' efforts to get me out of bed actually work.
I have tried to brush of my experiences as unbelievable, but alas, the fool I am I went and did my best to gather information and verify it without cross contamination and it left me with things being verified that should not be true. I don't like it. I don't like the idea that there's something "magical" about the world. I like rules and structure and fact and evidence. I'm the type to grumble and huff and tell the house ghost that they're not real and that this whole fucking thing is ridiculous and that they should stop this nonsense and go back to not existing.
And here I sit, stuck inside my little meat prison, because if I try to get out I'll just get stuck inside another one. And so, if I gotta be here, might as well make the most of it. Might as well have a piece of chocolate, and make sure to water the plants.
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stargazer-sims · 2 years
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Charlie: What's the matter? Don't you like your hair?
Eden: I like it a lot, actually. I'm just depressed because every time I look at it, I'm gonna think about how it was one of the last things you did before you left.
Charlie: Wow... when you put it that way, it is depressing.
Eden: Yeah.
Charlie: You make it sound like I’m dying or something. I'm not leaving forever, you know. This first part of the tour's only going to be a couple of weeks.
Eden: I know, but I’m gonna miss you anyway.
Charlie: We'll all be back for Winterfest, and then there’s two shows in Kyoto before we head out again. Both shows don't overlap with your competition, so you should be able to get to one of them, and maybe you can even stay with me at the hotel.
Eden: Really? Nikolai and I were just going to commute, since it's only half an hour away, and I'm obviously not going to be competing every single day of the event. But, I'd like to stay at the hotel with you. That'd be fun.
Charlie: That’ll be the plan, then. You know, unless Haru wants you to stay with him in his room.
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Eden: You think he will?
Charlie: I think you’re in a better position to know that than I am.
Eden: If he asks me, I’m definitely saying yes, but I still want to hang out with you for at least one night.
Charlie: Okay, but are you really going to leave Nikolai on his own for two or three nights?
Eden: No. Anya’s going to be back for Winterfest, remember? I think Nikolai will be totally fine without me.
Charlie: Right. Anya. Remind me again why we agreed to let her stay here.
Eden: Because we love Nikolai and can’t say no to him?
Charlie: Must be something like that. Incidentally, while we're on the subject of Nikolai, where is he?
Eden: At the rink. Yesterday, just as we were leaving, he met a woman who wants her kids to learn how to skate. They just came here from someplace in the UK or something, and she wants a teacher who speaks English, so it's kinda perfect.
Charlie: Good for Nikolai. It didn't take long for him to find new students.
Eden: I'm glad it didn’t. He'd have been too bored if he didn't find something productive to do soon.
Charlie: And what about you? Did you ever hear back from that dance school?
Eden: Oh! Yeah, I did! You've been so busy this past few days that I didn't get a chance to mention it. The head instructor wants to meet with me. She thinks I might be able to teach introductory lessons. You know, for younger kids.
Charlie: That's cool. I actually think you'd be awesome at that. Have you told Haru yet?
Eden: Yeah. He thinks I'd be good at it, too. Can you imagine me teaching? Do you think the kids can call me by my first name, or would they have to call me Mr. Seong?
Charlie: Around here, they’d call you ‘sensei’, but I think it’s up to you whether you let them call you by your first name or not.
Eden: Maybe I should ask Haru about the proper etiquette for something like that.
Charlie: Maybe you should. Are you still planning to go over there tonight?
Eden: To the Hideaway?
Charlie: Yeah.
Eden: I actually love that it's called that.
Charlie: Me too. I like how mysterious it sounds, but like, also cozy at the same time.
Eden: Have you been upstairs yet?
Charlie: No. That's something you're going to do before me.
Eden: I'll let you know how it is. Ji-Soo is picking me up at six o'clock.
Charlie: Okay.
Eden: I’m going to spend the night. Is that okay with you?
Charlie: Of course. I mean, who am I to get in the way of your wild night of passion?
Eden: *laughing* Haru shares a room with Taiji. We might be sleeping in the same bed tonight, but even my standards don’t include fooling around with other people in the room.
Charlie: You can let me know in the morning if you managed to stick to that.
Eden: Okay, fine. We might fool around a tiny bit, but we’re not going to do anything serious with Taiji there. We’ll be gentlemen… mostly.
Charlie: Whatever you end up doing, have fun, but be careful.
Eden: Yes, Mother.
Charlie: You’re such a brat.
Eden: Maybe, but I’m your favourite brat, right?
Charlie: Yeah, you are. That’s why you get away with as much as you do. I mean, how am I supposed to fulfill my protective older brother responsibilities and stuff if I can’t stop you from being so freakin’ cute and constantly manipulating me into letting you do whatever you want?
Eden: So, you’re saying I’m irresistible?
Charlie: I wouldn’t go quite that far.
Eden: Haru thinks I’m irresistible.
Charlie: He’s your boyfriend. That’s his job. My job is to make sure you stay safe and don’t get into too much trouble. You know, if such a thing is even possible.
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
Hi, it's me again, back on my bs.So this is for the very extensive ask meme.
2, 5, 7, 15 to 27, 36, and 43. For Vax. Or Vincent.
Whomever you choose and whichever questions you choose to answer. I'm interested in all 50 but that'd be going overboard. 😅
So um. I really appreciate you and your characters, and I'm sorry for the amount of work I put on you 💜
Hello Lovely!!! Thank you sm for the interest and never apologize 😭💕💞 I love talking about my babies and love people being interested and involved with them it makes me so happy
2. Do they have any daily rituals?
Vax- Yes, he always showers in the morning, after breakfast and coffee. If it’s going to be a stressful day or he just feels like it, he’ll make a cup of green tea to go. And every morning he brings Kerry breakfast from their favorite bakery💓
Vincent: Always showers at night. He also likes to draw before bed, it doesn’t matter if he’s home or at Johnny and Kerry’s place, he always draws a little before bed. 💕
5. Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
Vax has a home office that’s actually pretty tidy, he knows exactly where everything is, files organized physically and digitally. He also cleaned the office of the Afterlife as well. And for fun I think he once stress cleaned the Villa and it scared the people that work for Kerry because there was a merc in his house stress cleaning.
Vincent keeps his tattoo booth clean, he kinda has too since it’s a sanitary issue but his room… not so much. He tends to throw clothes around and drawings and papers and old homework shoved everywhere. It’s a nightmare but he can tell you exactly where the paper clip on the floor left of his desk is.
7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time?
Vax likes to paint. He likes to blast music in his ears and paint until his arms feel numb. But he does get worried about not being productive even when there’s nothing to do. Being the owner of the Afterlife, he’s always expecting the worst or a phone call saying a merc died and it’s just stressful. Kerry sometimes makes him go sit down in his studio just to relax a little
Vincent loves wasting time. Homie is so unbothered. He’ll smoke, watch tv, draw, maybe write about his dnd campaign.
15: Biggest and smallest short term goal?
Vax: Biggest Short term goal, meeting Kerry’s family. Smallest short term goal, um, not dying so he can meet Kerry’s family.
Vincent: Biggest short term goal, putting his art on display for a contest. Smallest goal, getting a new car because his truck is an issue and River drives it more than he does.
16. Biggest and smallest long term goals?
Vax: Biggest long term goal, running the Afterlife and possibly raising a successor so he’s not running it for the rest of his life. Smallest long term goal, getting Louise to like him. (It’s not that it’s not important to him, he just knows it may take a while)
Vincent: Biggest goal, opening his own tattoo shop one day. Smallest goal, graduating college. (Again, important but gonna take at least another three years)
17. Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding it?
Both are the same, shirt first, the pants, then socks, boots, and THEN jacket/hoodie/whatever they are wearing that day over their clothes (if you put your socks on first I’m scared of you)
18. Favorite beverage?
Vincent; Vanilla Coke
Vax: just a normal cola or green tea
19. What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
Vax: The good stuff? Kerry. The bad, literally everything. The stress of being the owner of the afterlife and trying to fit into Rogue’s shoes, how many people depend on him, how heavy everything feels on his chest. Missing Johnny.
Vincent: A good life where he and Kerry and Johnny all live and love each other forever. He likes thinking they’ll live forever.
20. Childhood illnesses? Not really?
21. Turn ons, turn offs?
Vax: Praise kink, hair pulling, being called Prince (he likes to be a lil spoiled okay?)
Turn offs: Bitches names Allen Or Kovachek. Fuck those assholes.
Vincent: I really haven’t thought about it😭
(Gonna skip a few, this got a lil long. But I do love answering them💕💓💓)
27😈. (Hehehe angst moment) What is their biggest regret?
Vax: being unable to save Jackie and Johnny. He wakes up calling for Jackie often and cries in Kerry’s arms. Especially after he finally gets to process and mourn, he still can’t believe Jackie is really gone. And Johnny, Johnny was always there. Not that he had a choice, but Johnny became his saving grace a lot, and damn did it hurt losing him. He thought he’d lose his mind, he almost did.
Vincent: he let everyone down. He tried and fought and cried and bled and at the end of the day, he abandoned everyone and left them. He disappointed them. It hurts knowing he let Kerry down, broke his promise. He hopes maybe one day, he can fix it.
36. What makes them feel guilty?
Vax: Jackie, Johnny, anytime someone mentions the amount of money and sleepless nights Kerry went through to get Vax down from the space station, remembering the panic Vik went through when Vax was going through some shit.
Vincent: Nicky (ex boyfriend), thinking he came between Johnny and Kerry, not being there when Kerry needed him most, adding stress onto his parents in middle and high school.
43. How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self- education
Vax: So, i don’t quite know abt schools in Night City in canon, but I don’t think Vax went to school, I do think he learned from Vik and the other people that helped raise him. I think he’d value self-education because that’s what he went through, and obviously he came out okay. (And no child of his is going to Arasaka Academy 😡)
Vincent: He’s in college! So he got through elementary, middle, and high school, and by the time we meet him in the fic, he’s a second year in a five year program. I think he loves learning, but also understands it’s not for everyone to go to college. He loves learning about what he wants to learn about, either at school or self taught.
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