#IDK I go back and forth on a number of them for sure
insecuregodcomplex · 4 months
i'm curious: which 911 character do you think you most relate to/resemble in personality or character?
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EEEEEEven more incorrect quotes! Merlin Academy Gang! AND MORE. Kinda long? Idk
(and ships)
Hook: Okay, who's turn is it to give the pep talk?
Uliana: It's Hades's turn.
Hades: Don't die.
Uliana, wiping a tear away: Truly inspirational.
(so beautiful 😭 I don't know how to explain, but this is canon now)
Maleficent : Now it's time for some witty back and forth banter. You go first.
Fay: *sobbing*
Maleficent : Look, I'm not sure where to go with that.
(She's used to her and Hades banter and fights. Fay still needs to get used to that)
Fay: What the hell is wrong with you?
Hades: I have this weird self-esteem issue where I hate myself but still think I’m better than everyone else.
(mm. Yeah.)
Hook: Goodnight to the love of my life, Morgie, and fuck the rest of y'all.
(just a normal day)
Morgie: *is throwing stones at Ella's window*
Ella: You have a phone for a reason, Morgie!
(Love my little chaos goblin. He absolutely knew what he was doing)
Ella: Hey, I was wondering, have any of you guys ever seen Morgie’s bedroom?
Bridget: No, they refuse to let any of us visit. You know what that means.
Maleficent, nodding: Dungeon.
Hades, nodding: Rich.
Uliana , nodding: Homeless.
Ella, nodding: Secretly in the mafia.
Bridget: What? No, I meant they’re messy. What the hell is wrong with all of you?
(Hook not being there because he's in Morgie's bedroom right now. they are cuddling)
Ella: I apologize for saying 'fuck' in front of Bridget.
Fay: You just said it again.
Ella: I am not a role model.
(don't worry Ella. She knows worse. She just doesn't use them)
Bridget: Accidentally indulged in too much ‘free time’, turns out I’ve been reported missing for over six months and presumed dead by most local and national authorities.
(once she went back to wonderland and didn't text anyone anything. Just sulking in her feelings for Ella)
Hades: How do you do that?
Charming: I'm fearless.
Hook: I saw you run from bees yesterday. You flailed around and tripped over a chair. It was both hysterical and sad.
Charming: I'm mostly fearless.
(Mhm. But fair)
Bridget, on the phone: I better go…kay, call me later… byeeee!
Hook: Friend of Yours?
Bridget: Nope, wrong number.
Hook: ???
(Hey. She's not gonna pass on making new friends 🤷)
(add some glassheart)
Chloe: What do you call quantums of electromagnetic radiation that don’t get along?
Red: What did you just say-
Chloe: Foetons! *Laughs*
Red: Wh-what?
(love how Red is just confused. Chloe making puns/dad jokes. Canon, actually)
Ella: Please pray for Chloe.
Bridget: What happened to them?
Ella: Nothing, they’re just very stupid.
(not her own mother saying that (he doesn't know tho lol). But honestly that's after the vase incident.)
Red: Chloe, you're my best friend.
Chloe: Best friend? BEST friend?! Bitch, I'm your only friend.
(oop- true)
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing*
Morgie/Fay: Would never stab anyone.
Ella/Charming: Would stab someone in retaliation.
Hook/Maleficent: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first.
Hades: Would stab without warning.
Uliana/Bridget: Would stab as a warning.
(I wanted to put Bridget in the last one lol. Like if someone went too far and hurt one of her friends she'd be like *stab* don't do it again or next time it will be worse)
Uliana: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go.
Bridget: Those are wanted posters!
(yeah. Still)
Maleficent: *looks at Hades*
Maleficent: Baby boy. Bad Boy.
Maleficent: *looks at Fay*
Maleficent: goody two shoes
(changed it a bit lol. Also Me just randomly shipped Maleficent and Fay because gay. Just a crack ship lol)
Red: I got an idea!
Chloe: Does it involve breaking the law?
Red: By now don’t you think that’s a given?
Chloe: I was just trying to be optimistic.
Red: Don’t bother.
Chloe: You're not my friend anymore.
Red: I was your friend?
(Red. You just called her your best friend a few seconds ago! She's just trying to play it cool. She's screaming on the inside.)
Red: Sometimes I talk to myself for no reason.
Red: Me too!
(oh no. She's mad. PSST. I HAVE THREE ACCOUNTS ON DISCORD AND ACTED LIKE TWO OF THEM WEREN'T ME. I HAD CONVERSATIONS WITH MYSELF, BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE WAS ONLINE AND I WAS BORED 😭 I was very invested in my own dramas that I created. It also started with only two accounts 🫠)
Queen of Hearts, to Red: You're starting to forget your Spanish. You don't practice.
Red: Lo siento. Estoy embarazada.
Queen of Hearts: You just told me you're pregnant.
Maddox: Congratulations Red, you're glowing!
(Red can speak Italian and Spanish and also has a hidden British accent. There, my new headcanon)
(a little surprise)
Mal, staring lovingly at Evie: I would die for you.
Evie, doing their own thing: Then perish.
(Mal, you know not to interrupt Evie while she's working)
Mal: As a responsible adult-
Evie: *chuckles*
Mal: … As a responsible adult—
(Eeeviee, don't do Mal dirty like that. Even if you aren't wrong)
Evie: What do I get?
Mal: A night of fashion, mischief, mayhem, and possible death.
Evie: Ooh, check, check, and check; not sure about that last one.
Mal: It won't be you.
Evie: I'll get my coat.
(what are they planning o~o)
Cinderella: What’s your greatest weakness?
Red: Interpreting the semantics of a question, but ignoring the pragmatics.
Cinderella: Could you give an example?
Red: Yes, I could.
(why does it feel relatable even tho I don't remember actually having done that)
Red: I don’t care what anyone thinks about me.
Chloe: Ok.
Red: Wait, why such a muted reaction? Did that not sound cool?
(Same Red, same Qvq)
Red, digging their grave: Long story short, this is ma grave.......Want me to make you one too?
(Omg Hunter! Is that you? ✨ love the owl house 😭😭😭. This is making me think Red fucked up a mission from her Mom. Like Hunter did.)
Red: I’m going to get so much done today.
Queen of Hearts: I’ll hold you to that.
*8 hours later*
Queen of Hearts: So how much did you get done?
Red: One thing.
Queen of Hearts:
Queen of Hearts: Well, that’s one more than usual.
(QvQ me TvT)
Mal, at Evie: You're my significant other.
Evie: Yeah I am!
Mal, at Celia: You're my child.
Celia: Yes boss.
Mal, at Uma: You're my bitch.
Uma: Yeah I am- wait, what?
Mal, at Carlos: My bestie.
Carlos: Naturally.
Mal, Jay: HA, GAY!
Jay: Fuck you.
(Jay x Gil 🤸)
Chloe: Wow! Celia made you cry?
Red, holding back tears: Yes, and they said some really mean things that are only partly true.
(Daaamn. She can do that tho. Wow fr)
*at an awards show*
Chloe: Can I carry you on my back like Mal did?
Red: I don't think Evie would like that.
Chloe: *pouts*
Chloe: *carrying Red on their back*
Evie: What the hell??
Red: What was I supposed to do? Say no?
(Evie was panicking over Chloe's suit/dress because she made it for her. Do not ruin her designs. She will not take responsibility for what happens after that)
This was gonna be longer but I shall post it now anyway.
Hope you liked it.
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judecole · 2 months
caught on film. cp20
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pairing: you x cole palmer
summery: you’re a famous retired footballers daughter and have been dating cole for a few months. the media hasn’t caught on to your relationship just yet but your appearance at the euros final in a certain players shirt causes quite the stir.
word count: 2114
authors note: idk
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You’re not exactly sure what you did in your past life to end up here, in this beautiful grand hotel in central Berlin. Despite your luxurious lifestyle, being born with a silver spoon in your mouth and having everything you ever wanted, you never took a single thing for granted. The hotel foyer is vast and grand, great marble columns dwarfing everyone in sight and traditional historic paintings in huge gold frames hanging on every wall. It’s beautiful. You stay in these kinds of hotels regularly but they never cease to amaze you. Your family PA is checking you and your family into the hotel as the several concierges begin collecting your luggage. You smile warmly at them and thank them before the manager greets you to show you to your suites. As soon as you enter your room you lay flat out on the bed, exhausted from your day travelling. You’d been flying back and forth from the UK to Germany for the last month. Any major footballing tournaments were a big deal in your family, you’ve been to pretty much every one since you were born. You can remember being a small child, wearing a shirt with your father’s name and number on the back and feeling so proud every time he stepped on the pitch. However now, things were a bit different. Your family were now invited as special guests and given all the best treatment, a private box in the stands where members of staff would meet your every need. You did truly feel blessed and very appreciative for everything your parents had done for you and your siblings.
You pull your phone out from your trouser pocket and check for any messages. Nothing. You bite your lip and open up iMessage and clicking on Cole’s name. You had been dating Cole for about six months. Things were going very well for the two of you, your parents loved him, especially your dad who was amazed by his talent on the pitch. You’d initially met him when he played at Manchester City after being invited to watch an U21’s match. You loved his laid back style and calm manor when he was playing. You smile as you remember the first time you spoke to him, all sweaty after the game. You’d gone down with your dad to congratulate the boys on their win and chatted with them. You swear you’d fallen for him right then and there, not being able to get his stupid grin out of your head. You begin typing a message to him when your younger sister walked into your room, plopping herself next to you on the bed. “You texting Cole?” She asks, a smirk on her face. She loved to wind you up about your relationship with the football player, often saying that the pair of you made her feel sick. You roll your eyes before replying, “Yeah, I’m gonna see what he’s doing after training.” You type out the message, “I know ur probably training rn but what are u doing tonight? I wanna see youuuu.’
You place your phone down on the bed and lay back, resting your head on the soft pillows. “Are you nervous about tomorrow? I hope Cole gets to play.” Your sister says, actually not being mean or sarcastic for once. “Yeah. I hope he does too.” You hear your phone ding. Picking it up, Cole’s name flashes on the screen. ‘Defo getting an early night but i can see you in the afternoon. Love ya.’ You smile at the words. You know how serious he takes his job, but he never fails to make time for you too. You text him back quickly and lay back again, smiling. “You’re so in love with him it’s gross.” Your sister playfully hits your arm causing you to slap her back.
A few hours later you’re getting ready to head to the England Squads hotel, a little trip planned by your father’s management team that conveniently lined up with your plans to meet Cole that afternoon. Your mum comes in to your room as you’re putting on some makeup and compliments your outfit, a simple pair of jeans and a top that was sent to you by a company that no doubt cost more than a night in the hotel itself. You smile and thank her, pulling her into a gentle side hug as she kisses your head. Your mum was definitely surprised when you told her about your relationship with Cole. Given your previous dating history he would never had been your type. But there was just something about him that instantly pulled you in, you still don’t know what it was to this day but you weren’t complaining.
Arriving at the squads hotel you check your hair and makeup in a compact mirror, brushing a few stray hairs into place with your nails. Your sister rolls her eyes, something that had now become the norm and makes a comment under her breath you can’t really hear. You get out the car and are greeted by some of the staff who lead you in through the hotels modern entrance. The hotel looked more like a spa than a hotel, every piece of furniture placed exactly, in a way to promote relaxation. You follow through the entrance into a board room, filled with players, staff and other prolific footballing legends and their families. You scan the crowd, looking for Cole. It doesn’t take you long as you see your dad pulling him in for a hug and patting him on the back, obviously congratulating him on reaching the finals. You grin as lock eyes with him, quickly wrapping your arms around him. He places a kiss to the top of your head, surprising you. He wasn’t the biggest fan of PDA, even the smallest things like holding hands made him panic. Maybe it was the fact you were one of the most famous people in the world which constantly occurred to him but never to you. You noticed some eyes laying on the pair of you which made you release him. You quickly returned to your professional manner and wished him good luck before finding your mum. She nudges you and gives you a cheeky smile when you reach her. “You two are silly. Why does it matter if anyone finds out?” She says. “It’s not that. I want to be public with him but not now. I want him to focus on football and I don’t want the media circus for him right now.” You say and give her a small smile. “Well that’s very thoughtful of you but make sure you’re public before Christmas because I’m not editing him out of the Instagram pictures.” She wraps an arm round you as you approach more people and chat about the final tomorrow.
Later that night after an expensive dinner in a posh restaurant near the squads hotel, you text Cole and tell him you want to see him before he goes to bed. He replies almost immediately and you ask your driver to wait outside the hotel and that you were just going to take a quick walk. You could see his tall figure on approach which made you speed up, not wanting to waste any more time not having his arms around you. “Hey.” He says softly when you reach him, extending his arms out and enveloping you in them. “Hey.” You almost whisper. “Wanna go for a walk?” You nod your head and begin walking hand in hand. It was dark now but the city of Berlin was still bustling, what with the warm weather. You walk past busy restaurants and bars packed with what you could only assume were England fans based on the noise. Cole squeezes your hand every so often, he can feel his palms become clammy when you look up at him. He still couldn’t believe his luck. After the first time he met you he couldn’t get you out of his mind. He was glad you made the first move though, otherwise you probably wouldn’t have been in this position now. Once you reach somewhere quieter Cole lets go of your hand and wraps his arm around your shoulder, pressing a kiss to your temple at the same time. “Are you nervous about tomorrow?” You ask him. You almost knew what he was about to say, “Not really. You know me.” He cracks a smile.
“I hope Southgate plays you, Cold Palmer.” You joke and poke his side playfully. “Me too. Hopefully I’ll get some time.” You end up sitting on a bench overlooking a river, the hustle and bustle far behind you now. “It’s really pretty here.” You mutter. “Not as pretty as you.” He winks as you roll your eyes. You continue talking for a while before Cole regretfully tells you it’s getting late and he probably needs to head back now. He places a quick peck on your lips and stands up, offering you a hand. “I’m so excited for tomorrow. Are you gonna score a goal for me Palmer?” You tease as you approach the hotel. He shakes his head at you and smiles. When you return to the hotel entrance he turns to face you, you look up at him and he swears his heart starts beating a hundred times faster. “I’ll see you after the game, okay? I love you.” He places a soft kiss on your lips making you blush. “Good luck babe. I love you too. You’re gonna smash it.” You wave him goodbye and open the door of the car, getting in and thank your driver for waiting.
You wake up the next morning with a nervous feeling in your tummy. It sticks around for pretty much the whole day. You feel especially nervous when getting dressed. You grabbed your England shirt that you’d hung carefully in the hotel wardrobe and put it on, turning around in the mirror to see the back. You’d always wanted to wear his shirt to a game. You snap a quick picture and keep it for later, maybe to post on Instagram. You knew the absolute carnage that would take place when you did. You arrive at the Olympiastadion Berlin in your families usual fashion, through the back in all blacked out vehicles with staff waiting for you at the other end. The nerves had well and truly kicked in now. You check your phone to see if Cole had texted you. You knew he wouldn’t be nervous, very sure in himself and the team’s quality but you wanted him to text you to ease your nerves. Your dad shook the hands of the staff that greeted you and you thanked them as they took you all up to your private box. You were sharing with a few other well known people, you eagerly greeted them with big smiles.
(We all know how the game went so we’ll just leave it at that.)
A devastating loss for England. You were gutted. But also immensely proud of Cole. He’d been subbed on in the seventieth minute and scored only three minutes later. The only goal for England that game. You headed down to the pitch once everything had calmed down and spotted Cole in the stands with his family. His eyes were glassy with tears as he spoke to his dad. You approach slowly and he notices you, standing up immediately and wrapping you in a tight hug. You could hear the snapping of cameras behind you but neither of you cared in that moment. “I’m sorry baby.” You spoke quietly as you pulled away, cupping one side of his face with your hand. “You were amazing.” He sniffled slightly, trying not to cry in front of you but failing miserably as he pulled you in again. You rubbed his back reached up to kiss his cheek. His dad walked towards the both of you and pats Cole on the back before sitting with Cole’s mum. “I can’t believe we lost.” He reaches up to dry his eyes as you pout and rub his arm. You turn around slightly hearing his sister call your name. “Love your shirt.” He smirks a bit, it clearly cheering him up. He wraps his arm around your shoulder as you begin chatting with his sister.
You’re on your way back to your hotel when your phone begins to blow up. Story after story about your relationship with Cole, using the picture they clearly got when you were consoling him after the game. You save the picture, setting it as your lockscreen and then posting the picture of you in his shirt from earlier to your Instagram story.
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celestiababie · 2 years
Nice Guys Finish First- L.SM
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Pairings: Seokmin x fem! reader
Genre: Smut with plot, fluff, angsty bits
Warnings: cursing, seokmin is very insecure, mentions of shitty ex, dom/sub dynamics if you squit but overall no power dynamics, making out, seokmin is reallllly insecure, somewhat first times, oral (m rec, insinuated f rec), cum swallowing, praise, I think that's it? idk let me know
Word Count: 3.599k
Summary: After a first date with the sweetest man you've ever met, thanks to a mutual friend, you're more than willing to silence his doubts and show him how sexy he was to you.
A/N: I had so much fun writing this...this bss comeback made dk wreck me. This is mostly edited but my usual editing software I use was being a BITCH. I hope you guys enjoy this one and I would really appreciate feedback! Please don't be a silent reader!
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"I had a g-good, no, a great time tonight!"
The slight stutter in Seokmin's voice sent a wave of embarrassment down his spine. But he managed to keep the blindingly bright smile on his face as he gazed into your eyes. The urge to crawl into a hole was strong, but his desire to make a good final impression was stronger.
When his friend, Jeonghan, said there was a girl he befriended at work that would be perfect for him…he understandably had doubts.
Despite being single for more than a year now, Seokmin could admit that he wasn't ready for mingling. His tender heart had not yet healed from the messy breakup he faced and blamed himself for. Blinded by a pair of love goggles, it seemed as if everyone but him could see what a shitty, manipulative person his ex-girlfriend was.
Seokmin was far too trusting and kind-hearted to a woman who acted as if she could barely stand him and his silly albeit charming personality. He couldn't bring himself to move on even if her harsh, discouraging words ruined his already non-existent self-confidence.
He wasn't ready.
Until Jeonghan invited you to his housewarming party, deciding to go a step further at playing cupid and introduced the two of you with a mischievous smirk on his face, knowing that Seokmin would fall head over heels and vice versa after a conversation and some liquid courage in your system.
And his efforts paid off.
Seokmin was left in complete bewilderment when you asked him for his number at the end of the night. And in even more shock when you asked him out on a date after a week of texting back and forth.
Maybe he couldn't see how much of a catch he was, but you sure as hell did.
"I had a great time too, and thank you for walking me up to my apartment. It's sweet of you..."
You take a step closer to Seokmin, throwing your arms around his neck and playing with the hairs at the nape of his neck as your eyes flicker down to his lips. You watch them part as his breath hitches, trying to keep calm even though your touch was making his heart race a mile a minute.
In his defense, it had been so long since a woman showed him affection in any capacity other than those who'd attempt to flirt with him, but he'd just brush off their gestures as being kind. But it would be hard to mistake your intentions with your eyes honed in on his lips, and your hands toying with his hair.
Seokmin swallowed hard, clearing his throat before speaking up in a hushed tone as if he was worried the walls of the hallway could listen.
"You don't have to thank me. I wanted to make sure you got in safe…and I didn't want to say goodbye yet," he finishes with a mumble, but you could hear him loud and clear.
His shy smile makes you bite your lip before you decide to take a leap of faith with your next set of words.
"Who said anything about saying goodbye? You could join me for a movie or something if you'd like," you whisper back.
You weren't one for inviting guys inside your place after a first date, definitely not with the intentions you had in mind. But, Seokmin's warm aura made you feel comfortable, and the compliments he gave during your date made you feel beautiful. He was nothing but a gentleman towards you tonight, and something about it was just downright sexy.
"A-a movie sounds great," he replies as he eagerly nods his head, more than happy to see you for a little longer.
Your eyes light up with lust that Seokmin mistakes for standard excitement before you turn away from him to grab your keys out of your bag.
You mentally curse at yourself for not wearing a matching set of underwear tonight as you turn the key in the lock but push the thought away once you step into your apartment.
You eye him expectedly, waiting for him to get the hint to step in, which he luckily gets after a few seconds, mumbling a 'sorry' under his breath.
"So what movie do you—mmph?"
The moment Seokmin shuts the door, you press him against it and capture his lips with his. Your hands slide down his chest through his white button-up, loving his warmth felt against your palms. His hands stayed by his side as he was stiff in shock, trying to decipher why you were kissing him like this, even though your touch was addictive.
It took you a few seconds to realize that he wasn't kissing back, and you immediately pulled away from him, eyes darting across his face to read for any signs of discomfort.
"Shit- are you not into this? Fuck- I'm so sorry," you scramble out, worried that you had scared him off with how forward you were.
Seokmin quickly shakes his head and finally remembers he does indeed have hands and cups your face in his large palms.
"No, no, no, don't be sorry. I'm just surprised, that's all. Just…really really surprised, but I liked it; a lot. I don't know why'd you want to kiss me, but wow, you're a good kisser," he rambles in an attempt to reassure you that you hadn't massively fucked up.
Although you found his rushed explanation endearing, you couldn't help but furrow your brows towards the end of his rambling. The not-so-subtle self-deprecation upsetting you but fueling a fire inside you to show the man that stood in front of you just how sexy you thought he was.
"Why wouldn't I want to kiss you? You're sweet, you're funny, you're a great listener, and not to be shallow, but I thought you were one of the hottest guys I've ever seen when we first met. I've wanted to kiss you since we left the restaurant."
"Hot? No, trust me, I'm not-" he attempts to say before you cut him off with a lighthearted glare.
Your hands that were currently frozen on his chest begin to move once more, gliding up and down his torso before caressing his broad shoulders, trailing your hands down his arms before squeezing his biceps. Seokmin feels a twitch in his pants as your lustful gaze takes in all of his frames until your eyes reach his.
The hallway lights were much more useful for admiring every feature of his face, but even with the dim moonlight shining through the windows of your apartment, nothing could hide how attractive he was. Inside and out.
"Seokmin, shut up, please. I think you're sexy, and I doubt there's anything you can do to change my opinion unless you randomly start acting like a dick. But with the way Jeonghan talks about you, I have a feeling that won't happen. I really like you, okay?"
Your gentle tone eases Seokmin's nerves, a wave of confidence flooding his brain. He pulls your face closer to his before the destructive self-critic inside his head could ruin this moment for him. He deserved to be happy. He deserved to feel good about himself. He deserved someone like you.
And so he presses his lips against yours, kissing you softly before his lips move against yours in a way that had you melting in his hands. Seokmin wasn't aggressive, not at all, but he was passionate, the raw emotion of his slow, deep kiss turning your brain into mush.
Damn, this man can kiss.
A soft moan escapes your throat as he tilts his head to the side, nose bumping against yours momentarily as he deepens the kiss, his lips moving against your lips, void of self-doubt as his thumbs gently caress your cheeks.
He steps away from the front door, leading you backward until he accidentally stumbles over your bag, which you must have dropped on the floor during your initial kiss.
His lips parted from yours, the two of you letting out giggles as he bent down to pick up your bag, placing it carefully on the accent table by your door before turning his attention back towards you.
You waste no time grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him into another kiss, one that feels much more heated as his hands now rest on your waist, rubbing your sides softly before something in his brain snaps and makes him ache in need of having you closer to him. Seokmin wraps his arms around your waist and pulls your body flush against his, the intimate action allowing you to feel the impressive bulge in his pants.
You pull away from him, intentionally this time, hooded eyes looking into his as the two of you try to catch your breaths.
"Do you want to keep going?" You ask for safe measure, although you had a feeling you knew what he would answer with.
Seokmin cutely nodded, his eyes still glossed over with lust, but it was still cute nonetheless.
He bites his lip in anticipation and excitement once you grab his hand to lead him to your bedroom. He doesn't bother admiring the decor as he steps into your room, pulling his hand away from yours and pulling your back against his front, his bulge pressing into you as he tilts your head to the side to press kisses along your neck.
You moan as he manages to find your sweet spot in record time, your hand raising to lace your fingers into his soft strands, nails grazing his scalp, which rewards you with a moan that escapes his pretty lips.
His lips work diligently, kissing up to your ear before mumbling out words you're surprised you're not too delirious with need to make sense of.
"Mm, by the way, I really like you too," he breathes out with a laugh, fanning your ear, which causes you to turn around in his grasp.
You reach your hand between your bodies and palm Seokmin through his pants, the man immediately reacting to your actions. His jaw drops slightly, his eyes closing shut as he shudders from your touch. You admire the look of pleasure on his face as your hand squeezes and rubs him through the thick fabric, giving him some satisfaction, but you knew he needed more, and you were more than happy to give it to him if he looked this sexy when experiencing pleasure.
"I can tell, baby," you purr out.
The term of endearment nearly makes his knees buckle from underneath him.
All year he had convinced himself that he wasn't ready to move on. He wasn't willing to open up his heart again. But with your smaller hands rubbing him in need alongside your words of affection, his treacherous ex couldn't reside further in the back of his mind. He was far too gone, too enraptured with you to stress about anything else.
Until you pulled your hand away from his clothed cock to guide him toward the foot of the bed. Your hands press firmly against his chest, pushing him to sit down. Your hands soon take up the task of slowly unbuttoning his shirt, gradually sinking onto your knees, which only made Seokmin's eyebrows furrow in confusion since this definitely wasn't the most effective kissing position.
And his confusion only grew as your hands quickly moved towards his belt, eager to take his pants off so you could have some fun with him.
"W-what are you doing?" Seokmin places a hand over yours, engulfing it as his worried tone causes you to pause.
"I thought you wanted to have sex…it's totally okay if you don't want to! We can just watch a movie or go back to making out if you want-" you reply, now your turn to be a rambling mess.
Seokmin quickly shakes his head, "I want to! But what are you doing on the floor?"
You take your bottom lip between your teeth, biting back a smirk as you move your hands to rub up and down his now-exposed stomach, loving how his muscles tensed and relaxed from your touch.
"I wanted your cock in my mouth. Mmmh, I want it so bad," you answer.
Normally, you'd hate how the city lights beamed into your bedroom at night. But the adorable look of shock on Seokmin's face, eyes wide as his breathing gets heavier, have you silently thanking yourself for leaving your blackout curtains open before you left.
"You don't- you really don't have to," Seokmin whispers out, out of breath from how your needy hands were feeling him up.
Seokmin knew that any other guy (who was attracted to women) would be losing their shit right now, wondering what kind of idiot would try and turn down a blowjob from someone like you. But, honestly, he wanted to save himself from embarrassment even if his cock was leaking precum in desperation to know what your lips, which he already loved kissing, would feel wrapped around his length.
As if you could sense his inner dilemma, you sit back on your heels, gazing up at him with a pout written on your face.
"I know I don't have to. I said I wanted to. Do you want me to?"
Seokmin couldn't tell if it was the fact he felt smitten under your gaze or if he was just painfully honest, but his following words fell from his lips before he could save himself from oversharing his thoughts.
"I want you to, but no one's ever done…that for me, and I haven't been with anyone for a while, and I'm worried I'm gonna ruin the night by finishing too quick," he rushed out, his cheeks flushed red as he silently curses at himself for saying too much, fully prepared for you to laugh at him and kick him out.
But that didn't happen.
Instead, he's met with a heartwarming smile that soon forms into a smirk as you run your hands up and down his thick thighs.
"It's okay if you cum quick, baby. You can always make it up to me next time. Now, are you gonna let me have a taste or not?"
Next time?
Seokmin couldn't ignore the strain his cock felt against his pants. The thought of doing this and so much more in the future with you sent tingles down his body, and before he knew it, he was nodding his head for you to continue, a soft whisper of his approval leaving his lips.
You bite your lip, trying to mask your growing excitement as you trail our hands further up his thighs and finally finish taking off his belt, the metal buckle clanking against your floors which neither of you pays mind to.
"Gonna make you feel so good~" you purr, leaving forward to plant your lips on his stomach while your hands unbutton and unzip Seokmin's pants.
His pretty eyes flutter shut as he tilts his head back, savoring the feeling of your lips against his skin, trailing lower and lower to where he longed for them the most.
Raising his hips a little, he helps you shimmy his pants down his legs, watching with hooded eyes as you toss them to the corner of your dimmed room.
You pause momentarily, admiring and borderline drooling due to the sight before you. His shirt open, exposing his torso, his messy hair from your hands playing with it, the rosy hue on his cheeks as his dark brown eyes stared down at you, waiting patiently for more.
Your eyes flickered down to his bulge, obscured by the soft fabric of his briefs. You subconsciously kick your lips as you make out the faint wet patch spoiling his underwear, precum soaking into the material.
Seokmin felt his heart speed up tremendously as you slowly lowered towards his clothed cock. His hands grip your soft bed sheets underneath him, a low moan leaving his lips as you lick and kiss him through the fabric. You feel slick coating your underwear as sweet sounds of pleasure continue to leave him, filling up the room deliciously.
Seokmin doesn't know when his eyes shut closed again, but he takes a small peek and quickly realizes it was a mistake.
He never knew someone could look so beautiful on their knees for him. All for him and eager to please. He balances himself upright with one arm as the other moves to rest on the top of your head, slowly stroking your head as you drag his underwear down his thick thighs.
"You're so pretty," he gently compliments before throwing his head back as you kiss the tip of his cock.
"Mm, your cock's pretty," you mumble against him before moving a hand to cup his balls.
Seokmin can only reply with a breathy laugh before a loud groan fills the room, his whole body tingling with pleasure as you wrap your lips around the head of his cock, tongue pressing against the underside of his length while your hand gently rubs his sensitive balls.
It certainly wasn't a lie; Seokmin's cock was pretty. It wasn't massive to the point where you feared whether or not you could handle it, but it was more than enough to imagine the stretch your mouth (and cunt) would feel.
But what you loved most were the veins that ran along his cock, now pressing against your lips as you took more of his length into his mouth, driving the man above you absolutely crazy.
Seokmin panted as he tried to keep himself from cumming too quickly, the unfamiliar and wet sensation of someone's mouth wrapped around his cock almost too much for him to handle. His moans became more frequent as you slowly bob your head, fucking his cock with your mouth, feeling his salty precum pool in your mouth, mixing with your saliva, the slickness perfect for gliding his cock in your mouth.
With eyes rolled back, a guttural groan leaves his chest as you challenge yourself to take his entire length into your mouth, his tip hitting the back of your throat as your nose dug into his pubic bone. He reacts by mindlessly bucking his hips, forcing his cock down your throat, which he quickly apologizes for.
"Fuck—I'm sorry. You feel so good," he half whines, half moans as his hands shoot down to try and pull you off of him, worried that he had gotten too eager and hurt you (and your throat).
The first curse word you hear leave his usually polite mouth only makes you want him more, pressing your face as close as possible so his cock can reach as far as it can. You breathe through your nose as Seokmin's mouth gapes at the feeling of your throat closing around him before you pull your mouth from him with a gasp, a string of spit connecting the two of you.
Seokmin's hips thrash on the bed as you take his cock into your hand, jerking him fast as you give your throat a break by leaning down to suckle on his balls.
Shit, shit, shit—
"Y-Y/n, I'm gonna cum if you—holy shit…you're so good at this…is it always this good? Fuck—I'm gonna cum if you keep g-going," he stutters out, his entire being clouded with pleasure that he could feel threatening to spill out of him as a bubbling feeling in the pit of his stomach grew with each stroke of your hand.
You pull your lips away from his balls with a pleasant pop, smiling up at him, nearly causing him to cum on the spot.
So, so pretty…
"Then cum for me. I want you to cum for me," you practically moan before you wrap your lips around the tip of his deep red tip that was ready to burst.
Your hand continues to stroke his cock, your spit aiding your actions as your other hand fondles his balls, your lips sucking on his tip, ready for him to cum.
Seokmin goes silent for a few seconds, mind foggy with pleasure before he sees a flash of white as thick ropes of cum shoot out of his cock and into your mouth. His knuckles nearly turn white as they find themselves gripping your bedsheets once again as he shudders from the sheer force of his orgasm.
A long, drawn-out moan finally makes it past his airways as you slow your pace on his cock, wanting him to ride out his orgasm as much as possible.
You finally let up once you hear him whine that it's too much. He watches with glossy eyes he can barely keep open as you lift your head away from his slowly shrinking cock. Your eyes never break away from his as you swallow all of his cum with a low moan, feeling it slide down your throat.
He takes a few deep breaths before he helps you up to your feet, standing with you. He swiftly changes positions, you're now the one seated on the bed, and he's on his knees.
You chuckle at him as he takes off your heels you forgot to kick off already and kisses up your legs until he reaches where his lips meet the skirt of your dress.
His affectionate eyes that held so much lust in them glance up at you before he whispers words that shoot straight to your core.
"Is it my turn to have a taste?"
Fuck, he's sexy without even trying.
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onlyhoons · 1 year
so... bored | '02z ★
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# : smut, threesome, perv!matthew and perv!taerae, kind of subby taerae ? hehe idk
warnings : none (?)
wc : 0.7k (WOAH)
💬 : this is my first time writing a threesome fic hehe. I was giggling and twirling while writing this. this was also based on an ask!!!
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one day, matthew and taerae are just chilling in their dorms seconds away from dying; of boredom. matthew looks at taerae, whose been scrolling on his phone for hours, aswell as matthew.
an idea pops into his head. its not necessarily an idea since it happens so often, but he speaks up to tell his good friend nonetheless.
"taerae~" — "what now?" he sighs, hinting that he can already sense the mischief matthews up to. matthew chuckles "im.. super bored". taerae sets down his phone and sighs again as he slouches into their shared couch. "me too, do you wanna do something?" he asks the boy beside him, shifting his place to face matthews grinning face.
"lets call yn." matthew declares in a stern voice. "oh, youre that bored?" — "so.. bored, taerae". I think we can all tell what bored means by now.
"well, i guess we could..." taerae mumbles, faster than he thought he would. matthew grabs his phone and immediately dials your number.
you pause the show your watching to pick up another call from yet again, matthew.
"hello?" — "yn~.. me and taerae are so... bored. could you come over? lets hangout."
"matthew, i came over a few nights ago. and the night before, and the night before that! are you sure the others are okay with this? I cant keep going back and forth from my house everyday."
you exclaim, worried if your intruding the other boys space by coming over so much. you tried to lessen the habit but you just couldnt say no to matthews sweet whiny voice.
"they dont mind yn! besides, we can be as loud as we want. I mean, you can stay for as long as you want. hanbin took the rest to his moms place so its just me, taerae, and you. just the three of us." he reassured you. in a soft, persuading voice. hell, even taerae was getting hard because of matthews words.
"i.. okay.. I'll be there in 10." you hang up the phone quickly as you get ready to see your best friends for the fourth time this week.
matthew puts his phone away, noticing taeraes growing hard on in the corner of his eye. "holy shit, are you hard already?" he laughs in utter disbelief whilst taerae throws a cushion at the other boy, covering his face with his shirt. (Imagine his abs holy fuck).
"I cant hold it in anymore, i really need to fuck her." taerae admits shyly. a slight blush creeping onto his cheeks.
a few 20 or 30 minutes later matthew sprints from the living room, rushing to open the door. the door swings open to a very excited matthew. "what took you so long?" he asked, worried.
"there was a lot of traffic on the way, anyway, let me in please?" you tease. "oh, right." you step inside the apartment, hearing a slight ruffling noise coming from the next room.
"where's taerae?" — "huh, i dont know, he's been in our room ever since i left.." matthew replies innocently, knowing damn well what taerae is doing in their shared bedroom.
you and matthew walk over to the bedroom door and twist the knob open slowly. revealing taerae with his right hand sliding up and down his dick while the other is covering his mouth to supress the dirty words he want to say to you.
you gasp, covering your eyes with your hands subconsciously.
matthew puts his hands over yours and gently removes them from your face, then snaking his arms around your waist. "oh come on. dont you wanna watch, sweetheart?" he whispers softly into your ear. shivers were sent down your spine as his voice rung inside your ears.
taerae stops hesitantly, sitting up so you can see him better. precum dripping from his tip, twitching so shyly. he starts tearing up, needing your touch. "help him baby, help me. we need you so.. so badly." matthew whispers, just loud enough for you to hear. before you knew it he pushed you onto the bed beside taerae and started kissing you everywhere.
"matthew I- mmffph" you try protesting but its no use, youre already too far into their trap. lust takes over your soul as matthews tongue roams around your cute little mouth.
your hands run through his hair as taerae stares for a bit before slowly stroking himself once again. you could already feel your core aching for more.
this was gonna be a long night for the three of you.
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part two ? [ written by ©onlyhoons ]
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rius-cave · 2 months
Disguise AU
How and when would their first real date be like??
Or would they even see eachother after that hot night?
My thoughts are that Adam would wake up completely hangover either in his couch or either in an hotel room -though I doubt they would go THAT far the night they met- with a note next to him, it has a phone number and says ‘Call me handsome’
See, I think my answer is heavily influenced by something I read or watched once (probably some yaoi manga idk) but I don't really remember what lol, here's what I think:
They absolutely had sex the first night. If it had just been some heavy make out sessions, Adam wouldn't have freaked out as much skfkgksgd.
I think they probably start making out, then Lucifer, being just a bit tipsy, asks Adam if he wants to come to his hotel room. Adam, who is absolutely smashed, says yeah sure whatever just keep touching me. They probably do some hand stuff in the car because Adam literally can't keep his hands to himself and is drunkenly horny lol. And then yes, they go to Lucifer's hotel room and cut to black and all that.
Next day I reckon Adam had a freakout and storms out, leaving Lucifer very confused and also a tad disappointed and sad.
There's a couple days, maybe even weeks, with Adam just going back and forth with "WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO" and "holy shit that was the best night of my life" and "IM NEVER FUCKING DOING THAT AGAIN" until of course, he starts going down again lol, and if he's conveniently going to the same bar where he met the stranger each and every time, well... That's just a coincidence, promise.
However, Lucifer never shows up, leaving Adam feeling like an idiot for thinking it was possible to meet him again, he tries hooking up with other people, women, but it's just not as great.
Until of course one day he sees him there again, and debates another good 20 minutes if he should talk to him or not. He finally walks up to him.
He half explains himself on why he ran out, and Lucifer is understanding and says not to worry about it etc etc, they were drunk bla bla. Lucifer says he can't stay that night cause he has some business to attend to, but gives Adam his card and tells him to ring him sometime.
It takes Adam another good while to actually call him lol. I think they'd have a pretty normal date, though neither of them call it that. Can't really decide what they'd do for their date in this context, maybe Lucifer surprises him by going to a concert with VIP seats, idk, something that only rich people could do lol.
They have a great fucking time and connect really well, for a second Adam thinks, hey, this is not even gay! Maybe I was just really drunk off my ass! This guy is just fun to hang out with...... And then a couple hours later they're making out again and having a quick one in some alleyway or whatever lololol
Honestly, I could go on forever, but this is already long and if I keep going I'll end up wanting to make it a comic and I can't afford that right now LMAO
If you guys crave more from this AU, Dedmerath is going to be making a comic on her Patreon!! Go support her, she's super awesome!
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moonyspetwolf · 4 months
Okay so I’ve seen like 20 videos on tiktok of people saying they have no idea how exy is played so I’m gonna make a post about how I understand the rules. I’m not really an athlete but I know a bit about sports and I also coincidentally went to the same school that PSU is based on
(I haven’t read the books in like 5 years so if I’m wrong about something feel free to correct me)
First thing, exy is played inside, not outside. The game can’t work in an outdoor stadium and I’ll explain why in a minute. The stadium is like a combination basketball court and hockey rink. Wood flooring and plexiglass walls surrounding the court. There are two goals on each end.
Okay so the lineup. From what I remember there’s 4 positions you can play on an exy team: dealer, backliner, striker, and goalie.
Backliner is pretty straightforward just classic defense. They protect the goal and focus on the other team’s strikers. I think it’s similar to basketball where they’re assigned a mark (opposing striker) who they have to cover during the game. That doesn’t mean they’re not free to move or check other strikers either, but basically they try to stop the other team from scoring any goals. I’m not sure if it’s against the rules for them to make an attempt on a goal or not.
Strikers are similarly straightforward. They’re straight offense. Their job is to get as many goals as possible. They work against the opposing team’s backliner and shoot at the goal
The dealer is the most confusing position but I think they basically control possession of the ball, so I think their job is to get the ball from the other team and make sure it gets to their strikers. At the start of the game or after any breaks they’re the ones who deal the ball and try to pass to their teammates. Idk if they operate similar to backliners or not, like checking, tackling, etc.
The goalie is the same as any other sport- their job is to protect the goal. Goalies have special racket that are bigger and heavier than other players. They also wear special padding to protect them since they’re constantly getting exy balls chucked at them and often have to use parts of their body to block them.
(Side note: if exy balls are anything like lacrosse balls they seriously hurt to get hit with. They’re dense and heavy, when they work up enough speed it feels like getting hit by a slightly bouncy cannon ball)
From what I can remember, at any given time there are two backliners, two strikers, one dealer, and one goalie on the court for each team. Players are subbed in and out as needed (I might be remembering the numbers wrong, maybe they have 3 backliners at a time idk)
Exy is a high contact sport similar to lacrosse, so players are free to use physical force against each other. They can check, tackle, and basically do whatever it takes to get the ball. Just like in hockey, players often get into fights. Excessive use of violence can get them flagged by referees, but it’s by no means a gentle sport. Players go into it with the expectation of getting thrown around and bruised.
Players wear padding and helmets to protect themselves, but bruises, sprains, concussions, and broken bones aren’t uncommon within the sport.
There are some basic rules for how the game is played. Exy is kinda like lacrosse in that players pass the ball back and forth with their raquets. I don’t know a lot about all the rules of lacrosse but I know exy has a rule about possession that’s similar to basketball. In basketball a player has to dribble the ball while they’re moving, if they hold it in their hands without dribbling for too many steps it’s called traveling and it’s a foul. Exy is the same, a player can only be in possession of the ball for 10 (?) steps before they have to pass it. If they carry it farther than that it’s traveling (idk if there’s a special term for it in exy speak). There are ways for players to get around this. They can either pass the ball to a teammate after they’ve taken their 10 steps OR they can rebound it off a wall, catch it in their racquet, and keep moving. This is the reason exy has to be played inside and not outside, so that the players can use the walls. If it’s played outside they can’t rebound the ball and they have to rely strictly on passing back and forth, which isn’t always possible especially if a player is being heavily guarded. I’m not positive if this possession rule applies to all players or only strikers, but it would make sense for it to be all players.
I can’t remember if the books say anything about who is allowed to shoot at the goal. Obviously strikers can but I can’t remember if there are any rules saying backliners, dealers, and goalies can’t score points
The game is played in 2 halves, a total of 4 quarters. I’m not sure if the book ever says how long each quarter is but it’s probably safe to assume each is 15 minutes, so a total of 1 hour playing time. However with timeouts, breaks, penalty time and other interruptions games usually last far longer.
The foxes are a unique team because they’re much smaller than pretty much any other team in the league. They only have 9 players by the end of the year, so they can’t sub players in and out as easily. Most teams have upwards of 18 people so the players are usually on court for a much shorter time and have more time to rest between playing time. In the foxes vs. Trojans game, USC decided to play with the same size roster as the foxes meaning they rarely got to sub out players, which is why they were so exhausted by the end. Throwing yourself around a huge court at top speed for an hour is tiring.
That’s all I can think of at the moment, I’m not an expert and it’s been a while since I’ve read the books but I think exy is a pretty cool sport :)
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utilitycaster · 2 months
1/2 I was thinking about the Creator Hammer its intended function, which feels way closer to Predathos than Ascension based on my understanding. Like TRQ erased the old god's name and face when she ascended, but there was still a role for her to fill. But Predathos (and the thing in Tengar if it's not just Predathos) more or less created a vacuum of divine domain until TRQ'S ascension. Even the old god didn't seem to absorb those domains? And we don't know what would happen without any gods left
2/2 And I feel like that distinction is kinda crucial - it's wild to see some people treat the hammer as 'just' killing the gods (which. already has huge implications) but actually getting rid of the domain entirely feels like a step even further, and if the gods didn't already have a right to freak out at the idea of being killed, I think this really cements a reason for them to be concerned, idk!!
Hey anon! So actually I've been wondering about some aspects of deity lore/cosmology and I hope we get more answers because, to be honest, I'm not sure what happens here.
It's implied that the nothingness that destroys Tengar is Predathos. We also know that Predathos does not seem to take memory and name when it destroys something; Aily and the other entities of light are still able to say Edun's name after he goes away, just as Ethedok and Vordo's names can still be said. This is in contrast to the Raven Queen, who in ascending did erase the prior god's symbol and name (and aspects from memory, though to varying degrees - Asmodeus does recall in EXU Calamity that he was a brother, but acknowledges the name is gone). I think her rites of ascension likely added that aspect, especially since we know her mortal name was forgotten and made impossible to read. Finally, we know new domains can be created as Vecna ascended without eliminating another god, and simply added himself.
So with that information I think the distinction the gods are making between Aeor and the Raven Queen isn't necessarily one of preservation of domains but rather intention. The Raven Queen was not trying to kill a god out of spite or fear or hate, but out of a sense of obligation towards the station. Which does translate to the preservation of domains in this case but I think the point is that Aeor seems to be killing for the sake of killing and not for some higher goal.
Perhaps this isn't correct to bring in Worlds Beyond Number, particularly since Brennan is working, with I'm sure plenty of leeway and freedom, within Matt's worldbuilding here, but I do feel like the way he talks about the witches and their domains [note: haven't listened to the latest episode no spoilers please] is worth mentioning. The witches are proposing killing one of their number (Erika's PC, Ame), and when Ame brings up her domain, they note that if she dies, her domain doesn't disappear; it simply isn't tended to.
I go back and forth on how much the domains of the gods of Exandria matter because we know there is overlap - Nature is a very big thing that encompasses aspects of Death, Storms, Sun, and Moon. Corellon and Moradin and Erathis all share parts of the creative process and it's implied Pelor does too. Agriculture is part of civilization.
If all the gods were killed? Perhaps it would destroy the world, but if some were I think they would simply lose that overlap. I don't know if there is a tipping point - and I do believe there is one (and it's indicated some Exandrians who might know, such as Keyleth, believe this too) but it's also possible that the domain still exists, but the magic and potential within it is gone. If both Melora and The Raven Queen are killed, for example, perhaps there is no longer an afterlife for anyone, but death will still exist.
When Asha says that Aeor will destroy everything I don't think it's a domain thing - I think it's just her noting that Aeor is already consuming a huge number of the planet's currently limited resources. The apples are going to Aeor and not to the starving beggars nor the animals. I think it's just a statement, in terms that a hungry nature goddess would use, that this is an exploitative empire taking advantage of their position of power amid war and natural disaster and that it will eventually exhaust the natural resources Exandria has to offer and die out itself: "This thing, this will be rock and nothing else. Three generations, four, they're going to end it for everything." Taliesin out of character in Cooldown then says Asha/Melora is speaking on behalf of life on Exandria, generally. I don't think it's that nature or storms or death or dawn will cease to exist overall, per se; I just think that they believe that if the only power left on Exandria is Aeor, all life will starve and die out not long after.
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submariini · 11 months
Thee Antwerp Gig Overview (by #5)
me and @jeevm arrived around 7:50am at the gig, numbers 4 and 5 bc belgians simply are not a queuing people. not much happened beside chaotic uno and trix doing a short interview with us seven? i think at that point i forget
the bus arrived a little before ten am, and we were allowed to sit inside at that point so we just all went outside again and just stood there for a whole ass three hours being clowns.
jaakko, jukka and jesse walked by a few times entirely undisturbed bc belgians also do not talk ever. (and dutch ppl ig). respectful times.
eventually, at around one, Häärijä got off the bus (mostly as a distraction for K going the other way). This man came by like proper we thought he was gonna just walk by, but he waved and then decided to ignore everyone and beeline straight into my direction for a hug? hello? unsure how he still knows what i look like (was not in the yellow tshirt yet bc cold and he hasnt seen me since simerock).
K and Jesse came by as well -- please note at this point there were like goddamn 40 people there. Nothing like the Munich papal visit scenes at any point.
K just the nicest. Didn't remember me from simerock (fair, it was a factory of photographs) and was like wtf rollo (as per ushe), complimented my boots bc he likes them (they are r+ but usually kids sizes) and i got to be "mean" abt the r+ ticket sale and the bus making it stressful. When he asked it I wanted him to sign anything, I didn't have anything and he just offered to sign my boots? Man did not expect the clown to clown communication that was happening bc he seemed very oh god for real when I agreed.
Someone gave him a necklace and instantly wanted to put it on. The person who gave it couldn't fasten it bc nails/shaking hands so I offered to try and then idk how it got fastened bc christ I shook as well. Not helpful: Mikke both filming that and the boot signing up close 😭
Told Jesse he told me at simerock that I should just join the tour bus and he went "yeah that sounds like something I would say." then scolded me for not having been in Berlin for that 😭
H wandered back and forth a bit, had another weird football chat (rip hazards career) where I was sitting on a little wall, back to the bus still at that point, and he just leaned into me turning around and just held my shoulders the entire time? When I got sweaty and took my hoodie off later he also suddenly grabbed my tshirt when it was riding up I am Feeling Fine.
Was wearing the yellow tshirt w the cross stitch and he made me turn to show Jesse??? And Jesse did the nicest "wait can I touch this?" bc I guess he thought it would be fragile???
People formed a nice selfie line and K just said he's santa claus 🎅
H vanished, then came back out of the bus, and we had a weird mime moment bc I wasnt sure if he was motioning at me to get to him away from the rest. He was and I got fucking free merch??? Like free, not yet available merch. Genuinely what the FUCK. Im making an extra post abt this most likely bc I cannot explain what the hell happened in that moment and the things around it.
When Mikke did the interview w the first queuer, H just stood behind the glass door into the venue and started miming at us. Like not even properly in character? Help.
Jesus Belgian audiences proving once again we just Are like that. Refusing to goddamn shut up. Every time. Man disallowed to banter by loud belgian screaming. He seemed so touched though jesus christ time to cry
Got roasted for basically slut dropping and shooting my Häärijä sign up in the air before Mic Mac. "yes that mean fucking häärijä" local man fed up w my antics.
Got roasted AGAIN straight after Mic Mac because I was the person he pointed at during the "this is your home now" bit. (promptly decided diving behind the barrier and Face In Hands was the best reply)
Mild bit before the 2nd Cha Cha Cha as I was the front row person he called out for not sitting down. Just yelled that I got bad knees and I'm not sure anyone caught his reply properly 😂
Overall 10/10 excellent gig what the HELL. The belly flop on the balloon, the whole banter before paidaton bc so much of the queue ppl I was with took their shirt off, the way we refused to kept chanting, him trying to eat the bubbles, him talking about Hs dick and the whole balls convo??
Post Gig
Had to pick up merch for a few people, so went with the hope of a third Häärijä hug. He eventually got a bit held up outside of merch by people (lit at the door into the merch room) and I got to just "Sorry it's me again" but he just instantly hug. We talked a little about the gig (did I like it, how I was doing) and like K feeling much better/doing better ft. some dumb crap.
Merch was in fact gotten after I just LOST my friends bc of H.
CANNOT wait for London. and Glasgow but thats with normal people. Like met so many fun people in the queue who are going to be at London jesus christ. Party time.
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pttwice · 11 months
hai !! do u think you cld write abt autistic little!mina who has severe auditory sensitivity issues with cg!namo? something along the lines of them going out to the park with other littles from the group but smth happens while they’re playing and causes mina to meltdown and namo have to help her? or you can direct it however you’d like! just an idea :)
its okay if its too much !! I love your writing, thank you for existing and having this blog to share with us!!
also idk if you do anon emojis but if you do, wld it be okay if I was 🐯 anon? <3
hiya :) absolutely! i love the concept of anon emojis! you can definitely be 🐯 anon! also, thank you for the prompt!
|| littlend!mina, little!sana, cg! nayeon, cg!momo ||
The park wasn't Mina's favorite place, but she liked it in the fall. Not many people liked going to the park when it was cold out, but it was Mina's favorite since not a lot of kids actually wanted to play outside when it was cold.
Nayeon and Momo bundled the littles up before they left. Momo triple checked they had everything since it was a bit of a drive back to get to the park.
When they arrived, the littles hopped out of the car, each rushing to their favorite places on the playground. "Jihyo, keep an eye on your little sisters!" Nayeon yelled out to her as they all went running. Jihyo turned around and smiled, nodding and she gave her mommy a thumbs up.
Nayeon and Momo sat down, already exhausted as they watched the littles. Momo took a sip of her coffee, pulling her hat down a little lower as she saw Mina out of the corner of her eye.
"Don't you want to go play with Sana, Minari? She's playing your favorite game." Momo leaned down, pulling Mina onto her lap. Momo watched as Sana looked around, unsure of where Mina was. When they were at the park they usually played counting. They would see how many pinecones they could count and the winner would get an extra dessert from their mamas.
Mina looked up at Momo, holding onto her penguin stuffy. She had his wing in her mouth, nodding her head as she rocked back and forth in her mama's arms.
"Do you want me to take you over to Sana, sweet girl?" Momo smiled as Mina nodded, holding her arms up. Momo picked her baby up and walked over, sitting with her and Sana for a bit until they started their game.
"Minawi whatcha doin?" Chaeyoung walked over to Sana and Mina. She was holding an armful of twigs for her fort she was building with Dahyun and Jihyo.
Mina smiled and pointed to her neat pile of pinecones. "Count.
Chaeyoung nodded, looking down at Mina's large pile and Sana's smaller pile. "How many?"
Mina looked down at her pile again, quickly calculating the number in her head again. She smiled and held her fingers up. "45."
Mina was proud of her pinecone pile. She usually only got 40 by the time she left. Although it wasn't really a competition, it made her happy that she could get so many pinecones.
"Mina. Wanna go slide?" Sana pointed to the slide, hoping that Mina would say yes. Even though Sana could go alone to the slide, she didn't want to leave Mina alone. The little would be content to just count her pinecones over and over again, but Sana loved playing with Mina.
Mina looked over at the slide and nodded. She walked over with Sana, holding her hand. Mina touched the slide, shaking it a bit to make sure that it was going to be safe.
Sana went down the slide first, showing Mina that it was safe. She held Mina's hand as she climbed up the steps of the slide. Mina was a little scared since she had only been on the slide once, but when she went down, she wanted to go down again and again.
Other than the pinecones, the slide was Mina's favorite now. Even though she didn't like the cold, she liked the feeling of the cool metal. Mina went down the slide one more time and as she was about to run back over to Sana, but there was a loud noise that made her feel like someone was banging on her head. Mina threw herself to the ground, curling up as her hands flew to hear ears. A loud scream left her, scaring Sana.
Nayeon and Momo heard Mina immediately and ran to find her. As Momo bent down to make sure that Mina didn't hurt herself, she heard what set her off. Someone in the parking lot of the playground had shut their car door which caused their alarm to go off. Even though the car was pretty far from them, Mina had severe auditory sensitivity.
Despite the little's protests, Nayeon picked Mina up, holding her close so she wouldn't hurt herself. Mina tried to bring her hands up to hit her head, but Nayeon held onto them tight. Her cries only got louder, but Nayeon couldn't let her baby hurt herself.
Mina pushed against Nayeon to try to wiggle her way out of her mama's arms, but Nayeon kept a close hold of her. In the meantime, Momo ran back to the car. She nearly tore it apart trying to find Mina's headphones when her heart sank to the bottom of her stomach. Even with her meticulous triple check, she managed to forget Mina's headphones.
Mina's headphones were something that went along with them everywhere. It got to the point that Mina needed them most days and they had at least two pairs on them at all times. The little preferred the over the ears to really cover and block out sound, but earbuds would suffice if there was nothing else.
Momo stood there with the passenger door open, hands tangled in her hair as she mentally cursed herself for forgetting something so important. She looked up at the sky, trying to take a few deep breaths to calm herself down so she could think of anything that would help Mina right now.
By the time Momo got back from the car, she saw Nayeon still kneeling on the ground with Mina. The little had stopped trying to push herself away from her mommy's arms but she was still whining very loudly, a pained expression on her face. Tears were streaming down her face and Momo knew that it felt like the poor girl's entire body was on fire.
Momo knelt down, looking at Nayeon who raised her eyebrows. Momo just shook her head, wordlessly signaling that she had forgotten the one thing that would help the meltdown almost immediately.
Although the girls and the littles knew that Mina's meltdowns were something that their mamas were well equipped to deal with, Sana peeked out from the slide she tucked herself away in. She had collected her pinecones and was sitting with them when she still heard Mina groaning. She wasn't used to Mina's meltdowns lasting so long if her mamas were with her.
Sana looked down at her pinecones and then back to the heartbreaking scene in front of her before wiggling out of the slide. She took a few pinecones in her hands and walked over to her mamas and Mina.
Mina heard Sana's footsteps and started groaning even louder. The last thing her brain could handle right now was anyone else being near her. The pressure from Nayeon holding her was starting to feel nice and it was very slowly squeezing the icky feelings away, but only just.
Sana carefully stepped up beside Mina and reached out, a pinecone in her hand. She was careful not to touch Mina as she very quietly whispered, "Minari I have a pinecone you can add. Now you can have 46."
For a moment, Mina kept groaning, unable to understand what Sana had just said to her. Although the car alarm had gone off, there were still so many sounds. The rest of the littles on the playground, their shoes crunching leaves and sticks, and even the sound of the breeze rustling her jacket.
Once Mina's brain was able to slightly process that Sana was talking to her, her groaning subsided a little. She turned her head a bit, ears still covered with her hands as she opened an eye to look down at Sana's hands.
There it was. One more pinecone. Sana was right. She could have 46 and it would be the most she'd ever had when they played the pinecone game.
Mina's groans slowly turned into very quiet whines. She still had a hand over one of her ears to try and block out some of the sound, but she reached her other hand out to grab the pinecone. It was just sharp enough to make the burning feeling in her body go away but not so sharp that it cut her when she squeezed it.
Mina took a few minutes, her eyes still closed as she squeezed the pinecone. Although the pieces breaking off of it were still loud, the way it felt in her hand was so good. Her hand shakily raised up as she pressed the pinecone to the top of her head. Most of the scales of the pinecone had been broken off due to how hard Mina was squeezing it, but the way it scratched her head just enough felt relieving. It felt like it was scratching all the bad feelings and thoughts away.
Nayeon and Momo watched in awe as Mina calmed herself down. Mina's shoulder dropped and her eyes slowly opened. They had no idea that Mina and Sana's little pinecone game would help so much. Sure Mina had made it clear that she loved the game and tried to bring the pinecones home with her every time, but they didn't know it was soothing to her.
Once they were sure Mina was okay to go back into the car, they all left the park early. Momo put a beanie on Mina's head in an attempt to muffle a tiny bit of the noise. The littles knew that Mina wasn't feeling good so they stayed quiet the whole ride.
The second Momo carried Mina into the dorm, she picked up the pair of headphones Mina likes the best and slipped them over her ears. Mina let out an audible sigh, her body slumping over in Momo's arms.
It was still going to be a while until Mina felt good, but for now things were okay. She kept a tight hold onto the pinecone Sana had given her the entire night. The only time she wasn't holding it was when Nayeon gave her a bath. Even then, it was within her line of sight.
Sana's mamas thanked her and gave her extra kisses as they tucked her in. "How did you know that Mina would use the pinecone, sweet girl?"
Momo knelt down by Sana's bed, gently running her fingers through her baby's silky smooth hair. Sana yawned and glanced over at Mina who was fast asleep. Her pinecone was still clutched in her hand and she had earplugs in to sleep through the night without interruptions.
"Mina likes pinecones." To Sana, it was as simple as that. If Mina liked pinecones when she and Sana were playing, then they must be comforting to her when she felt icky. And thankfully, they did.
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ephemerensis · 2 years
Oatmeal Raisin // Jason Todd x GN! Reader
lil fluff piece. platonic! but any kind of relationship can be implied. jason has a lil craving for cookies that you help him out with. tim is allergic to peanuts which idk if that’s canon or not but…
As far as you were concerned Jason didn’t like you, not really. He got along with you civilly, certainly. But in all your years of friendship with one Timothy Jackson Drake, you hardly spoke. So you never really got to know Jason the way you got to know the others. At least not at first.
It was difficult to get to know any of them actually. Especially before you were let in on the whole Batman thing, and even after. It was hard for them to open up. And that was fine, because you understood that. And they were trying and you could appreciate that.
Naturally, Dick was the easiest to like and it got even easier when you found out that he was your beloved Nightwing. You were in love with Nightwing; owned all the memorabilia, had postcards of him plastered on your wall, knew his patrol routes as well as a civilian could so that you might just catch a glimpse of your favorite masked crusader. When you learned that you knew him? Dick became the sole recipient of your constant doting and gushing about how cool he looked on TV and what the latest magazine had to say on his relationships, his impacts on Bludhaven and so forth. You both shared a sense of humor, corny dad jokes and all.
Damian was trickier. You weren’t exactly good with children, which was bad enough, but he acted so maturely for his age it was hard for you to not feel intimidated. But as you fell for Titus, he yielded himself slightly. And when you learned that he could be swayed by the promise of a bedtime story (Jane Austen of course), so long as it was offered without condescension, it’d sealed the deal.
You bonded with Stephanie and Cass over disorganizing Tim’s meticulously arranged utility belt and hiding away all his suit capes around the manor. You argued with Babs over which stage of the hero’s journey Bruce was at in his developmental arc. You didn’t galavant the streets with them in search for crime, nor did you share tragic secrets in hushed solemn tones. Being a friend was enough.
Until eventually, you clicked with everyone over time. Everyone but Jason.
That’s not to say you didn’t like him. You admired him in your own way. He was pretty cool. He never missed a shot in training and if you were lucky enough to catch him in a talkative mood he’d teach you about the vital points to aim for or how to break off the safety switch on a gun so it wouldn’t interfere with your performance and throw you off (not a true story, just a hypothetical.) “Essential street smarts.” That was the extent of your interaction.
Until one night, you found him knocking on your window.
How he got your address was another story, probably the same way Tim knew your credit card number or how Cass found your Netflix password, but regardless he was at your window tapping away. You opened it, letting him in.
“Hey… If you’re looking Tim or something, he’s not here.
Jason clambered through the window, taking his hood off and setting it on your kitchen countertop on the way.
“Timberly? No no, I’m not here for that loser. He keeps talking about how much you like baking though, is it true?”
His back was to you as he tugged the gloves off his hands to run his hands under the water from your faucet. He sure knew how to make himself feel at home.
“Yes. Yeah. I do. Why?” Your brows knit in visible confusion as he turned off the water, wiping his hands on the towel you hung off the oven handle.
“You know how to make oatmeal raisin cookies?”
“I’m sorry? Oatmeal raisin?”
“Yeah. You know how to make them or not?” Turning around, the muscular man crossed his arms, looking down at you from across the room almost condescendingly, like it was a challenge.
“...you know what? I do know how to make oatmeal raisin cookies. Go run and buy raisins, I’ll start on the batter.”
Sure enough, within ten minutes Jason came swinging back through your window with a jumbo bag of raisins. After nagging him for walking through your living room with his boots on and making a quip about how he’d never finish that many raisins, you invited him to the kitchen.
He was a terrible cook. You didn’t know how he succeeded in mistaking flour for sugar, but he managed. After scrapping the first batter he added four extra eggs to and halfway through the second, you kicked him out and took over completely.
“No, I insist. Let me do it, it’s okay. Just sit over there and read a book or twiddle your thumbs or something, please.”
A half hour later, your kitchen was soiled but they were baking. Closing the oven with a satisfied huff, you looked over to Jason as you straightened yourself up.
Jason was watching you. But not in the critical way he fixed his gaze on passerby’s on the street or the hard gaze he’d set on his targets; just watching you. Calloused hands tossed a bullet cartridge between them as his feet swung to and fro from your barstool chair. He looked so boyish, it was almost cute.
“They’ll be done in twelve. Why oatmeal raisin? I’m not judging or anything but I make a mean chocolate chip that blows raisins out of the water.”
A tap sounded as he placed the cartridge down on the marble counter with a shrug.
“S’what my mom used to make.”
Slinking over to the adjacent chair, you took off the oven mitts to rest your face in your palms, looking at him expectantly to continue.
“What? We’re telling stories now?”
“I mean, you almost never talk to me and then you swing in asking for the least popular cookie type to date— I think a story time might be in order.”
“You’re keeping your mouth shut short stack, no one hears any of this.”
Huffing a giggle, you motioned zipping your mouth and flicking away the invisible key as he rolled his eyes.
“I didn’t exactly grow up rich. We’d have oatmeal every other day, mostly because that’s what she could scrape together. Fucking twat I was, couldn’t stand it. Threw a tantrum couple times ‘bout how tired I was of it. So she made oatmeal raisin cookies.”
His gaze was on his hands as he spoke but his eyes seemed to see anything but.
“I don’t want to get into all the details but, no matter how she treated me or raised me, she was still my mother. Afforded me this much kindness. Sometimes I almost miss her. So. Oatmeal raisin cookies.”
Wide eyes watched him, at a loss for words as your mind ran to process a response.
Breaking free from the recesses of his mind, he turned to look at you as he continued.
“Alfred usually makes them, but he’s out of town on business so… just thought I’d swing by I guess.”
The beep of the oven took you out of the trance.
Blinking, you stood. Clapping your hands together and reaching for the oven mitts.
“Well! I don’t know how good hers were, but mine are pretty hard to beat.”
Pulling the tray out of the oven, you let them cool a moment as you sought out a plate. Transferring them over, you slid it in his direction with a smug smile.
“Yeah, nothing beats Alfred’s, bud.”
He brought one to his nose, taking an obnoxiously loud whiff, cocking an eyebrow almost animatedly.
“6/10, more cinnamon could’ve been in order.”
“It’s not my fault you dropped like half my jar in the first batch!”
“Don’t yell at your food critic. Three point deduction.”
You scoffed, crossing your arms, “my apologies, my liege.”
Without missing a beat, he’d managed to shove the entire cookie in his mouth in one bite with the same cocky arrogance he’d held before. Mid chew, he stopped, looking at you in bewilderment before reaching for another one.
“What the fuck did you put in this?”
You burst out grinning, “Love, rainbows, and cyanide, it’s a secret recipe.”
If he heard you, he didn’t acknowledge it; scarfing down another with hesitation. Not that you minded. His usually stoic, suave, aura paled in the way his face lit up.
Between the two of you (mostly him), three tray fulls evaporated in the span of half an hour.
Packing up the last few batches you’d prepped and insisting he take the raisins home, you handed him a bag to see him off with.
“These got any nuts by any chance?”
“I used peanut butter, yes.”
“Thank you for your service, I will be passing on some to Tim.”
You snorted, “You’re not killing my best friend.”
With his hood back on, bag in hand, he clambered halfway out your window before turning his head back towards you.
“...can I come back for these? When Alfred’s busy that is.”
It caught you off guard.
“Yeah. No yeah, absolutely! Whenever you want. I’ll keep my window unlocked.”
“Not in this city you’re not.”
if you guys read the Last Cup of Coffee fic sgdjdd this was a deleted segment because i wanted to focus more on Tim 😭😭 recycling content at its finest tbh
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suspendingtime · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
I've been tagged by @stars-of-kyber and @andthebubbles. 😁 So although I feel barely qualified, I guess I best do this...
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
7. 🤗
I started about 2 months ago, so... and yes, they're all Kanthony. Initially just started as a way of contributing to Anthony Week 2023, and I didn't even expect that I'd actually do all 7 days.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Currently ranging at 661 to 3,779 per fic. Rookie numbers!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
So far, just my beloved Bridgerton.
But there have been a couple other shows that have tempted me...
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Astride  - 166
Nursery  - 118
Hunt - 105
Yours - 94
Temptation - 88
Having published a handful with various ratings, it's quite interesting to see the kudos, bookmarks (private vs public), and subs ratios! Much to think about.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Why... I sort of have a need? Idk, when I see a comment it's hard to just leave it hanging there and not to reply. Like irl if someone looked at something I made and verbally commented on it... and I just stared back blankly not saying anything. 😐 This is how it feels to me on the receiving end at least haha. And my replies saying various forms of 'Thank you!' is probably quite repetitive, but hey ho.
Plus comments give you that lil hit of dopamine; from both povs as a writer or reader. Being on the reader side for most of my Ao3 activities I tend to comment on most of fics I read, I can't help it - I must tell you what I loved about it and why, and there's a pleasure in reciprocating that back too. Look, now I've written half an essay on the subject, gaaah. (I've not been on Ao3 as much as I'd like to recently, and because I opened it to scoop out the stats for some of the questions above I can now see that I have some unreads... and the need is happening.)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm *thinking really hard*, I don't think any of them have an ending that is all that angsty. If I had to choose, maybe Temptation?
The pattern I've shown so far in my posted works is that it's gonna be 90% fluff. Though that is liable to change. 😆
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Nursery?
I'm not sure, cause they've all ended on a pretty optimistic note so far. But that one has Kate and Anthony with a few of their kids, so it's the furthest on the Kanthony HEA timeline.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet...
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ummm 👀 I may have dabbled in some smut.
What kind... hm, the kind where both people are panting for each other, and end up caving because they literally can't hold their horniness in anymore (this totally explains why I went feral for Bridgerton S2, ha). Another pattern I seem to have is making Anthony a submissive man puddle.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not yet, but I do have some crack ideas I may explore.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, I very much doubt it.
How often does this happen to people?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I'd certainly be all for it if anyone ever wanted to translate any works of mine. 😊
If I was proficient enough to write in other languages, then I would probably try publishing the different versions from the get go.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nothing formal, but there was a lengthy comment thread on Reddit some months ago where myself and another user went back and forth re-writing the script for that stormy library scene 😅 (not so much re-writing what was already there, bar the last few lines, more of a continuation in a universe where Kate hadn't fled).
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Must I even answer this? Kanthony, c'mon now.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There's only 1 work that I have, where I've actually started a chapter 2. And I have all the faith that I will finish it. ✍️🤓
Other potential WIPs, that are currently just posted as one shots, only exist in my head... who knows if they will see the light of day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
This question feels illegal to be asked.
I have no idea, I'm very new to this whole writing thing. At least in terms of fiction, so I'm not sure what I'd consider my strengths to be. I feel like I need some more practice before I can get a real sense of this?
I would say that dialogue usually comes very quickly to me, and it's having to fill in the bits around it that takes more brain muscles. So that might indicate something.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Everything apart from the answer to the question above.
But really I think it's remembering that there is a world outside of the main couple happening, and trying to describe the details there. Also other general 'setting the scene' stuff like clothing, weather etc etc. I usually just want to jump straight in with some random dialogue.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
On writing it... no thoughts; not done it yet!
If I needed to for some unknown fic reason in the future, I'm sure I'll be apologising profusely in the author notes for trusting Google translate and probably butchering whatever language it is.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Still just the one so far, Bridgerton. 😌
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Hunt 🥺🥹 I was a lot of feels, and just very indulgent tbh.
I also really enjoyed my shortest one, Obedient, which was in 2nd person (hadn't done that before). The writing of that one was just really fun and I idky but I've reread it quite a bit!
I'm woefully looking at my Ao3 bookmarks (which has grown exponentially since joining Tumblr), full of things that I've not got round to reading yet. So I'm tagging partly based on stuff hanging out on top of that pile: @islemeadow, @ladykettlechips, @hydriotaphia, @eleanor-bradstreet, and the smut aunties @colettebronte & @fayes-fics 😋 (if y'all wanna do it, ofc. I tried to find those who hadn't been tagged/done it yet, sorry if you've actually already done this and I've just not found it).
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f0point5 · 2 months
Feel free to ignore this, but I was reading your older work of Max and Emillia (the few Jos Verstappen related chapter) and was stuck with some thoughts I needed to vomit out.
I have seen so many people hate on Jos Verstappen and say how Max should cut him off, and that Max would be better off without him, that he is nothing but a abusive narcissist and cannot help but think how simplistic that line of thought is. Don't get me wrong Jos is totally a horrible person and father, but that does not mean he is not one of the reasons that Max has achieved so much success and has the competitive mindset.
Now I am not in favour of abuse, in fact I relate to Max and Jos relationship alot as it is quite similar to the one I have with my parents. Asian Tiger parents (most of the stereotypes are true in my case) but they broke their backs providing for me. Any want or comfort of mine was above their need. They were hard on me, too hard alot of times but without it my siblings and I won't have achieved whatever we had.
I hate my parents for the number of time they made me stay awake till late at night, until I got a math concept down and then woke me up early to revise it but at the same time I remember that they too were awake with me, sitting beside my table (occasionally smacking the back of my head or making sharp comments), but they were awake despite having come from 10 hours of work and being dead tired. I also can't ignore that the fact such childhood was what made it possible to be able to give my last semester exams with 102 fever, in-between blood transfusions and constant saline drips and still score good.
So I understand how complicated relationship between Max and Jos could be and how you could be resentful but grateful at the same time. I would never be such a parents to
I truly believe people who take the line of “Jos should be burnt at the stake” were not in competitive environments as a child. Parents pour their hearts, souls, and money into their children’s passion, so yeah they get too involved and too personal and often too pushy. At a high level, more often than not they are too pushy. Because if your child comes to you and says they want something that only 0.00001% of people ever get (whether that’s an F1 seat, an Olympic medal, or a career in the arts) you are going to have to want it as much as they do in order for them to get there. Some days you will have to want it more than they do, because at 11 a kid isn’t going to want to be in a go kart every weekend. But at 20 they will be glad you made sure they were. So there’s that to start.
Similarly, like you said, for every moment you were up at 10pm wanting to sleep, so were they. For every time Max was driving a kart around in the rain, Jos was standing by the braking point coaching him. Jos drive back and forth from Italy in a van every weekend. Jos poured millions of his own money into his child. He gave up time with his daughter to be there for Max. He sacrificed his career for Max’s. Anyone can debate whether that was the right thing to do, but no one can argue that it is a small thing. And if Jos had done less than that, Max wouldn’t be where he is.
It’s a straight lie to say Max would be where he is without Jos, and people might feel better thinking it’s “in spite of him not because of him” because that’s easier to have the “moral high ground” if you look at it that way. People like a black and white story.
To me, it’s obvious that Jos absolutely adores Max and he tried to be the best father he could. Was he the perfect father? No. Was he even a good one? I guess that’s debatable. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love his son. People like to think that loving someone means the rest of your relationship is going to be healthy, or hold up against the scrutiny of people who think they know better and that’s not the case. Love doesn’t fix anything. The same way being a parent doesn’t turn you into a person different than who you are.
Idk, as someone who had a dad who lived vicariously through me for a lot of his life, and wasn’t always kind, or even halfway decent, I can say that as an adult he is still the person I would trust most in the world in a crisis. He may not have gone about being a dad the right way because he didn’t have the emotional tools, there is no one in this earth who wants the best for me more than him. And as an adult, that’s actually the important part, because I’ve learnt to take on board what I need for him and leave the rest out. And I presume that’s at least partially where Max is with it. I do have a lot of resentment towards my dad, it’ll never feel good to look back and remember how much all those situations hurt as a child. But at the same time I’m happy with who I am, and I wouldn’t be the same person if my life had been different so…how much of that would I change? It’s not a straightforward answer.
At the end of the day, the only person Jos needs to square the past with is his kids, and he seems to have close relationships with them. His adult children seem to find value in having him in their lives and Max in particular feels he has a lot to thank his dad for, so idk why people think they know the situation better than the person who lived it. It’s wild to me how comfortable people are saying Max needs to cut off his dad when that’s so obviously not how he feels, as far as we know.
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serve-cunt · 7 months
however this time I am a fair bit LESS confused and befuddled because that was a WONDERFUL explanation of everything I asked, thank you so much zoe you are literally the loml this helped so much
so what I have deduced is that the next grand slam tournament is the French open (muddy one lmao) which sounds SO fun and cool and I will be watching
more questions if you do not mind (i am sorry)
how much does grass/clay/hard court affect play??? Is it like a MASSIVE difference???
you mentioned a thing called Break Point in the fic which I thought was a made up tennis equivalent of drive to survive but APPARENTLY IT IS REAL AND EXISTS, so should I watch that????
how does the scoring work? I know the basic concept is bonkity bonk hit ball back and forth and try to make it touch the ground in your opponent's court, but I think it's like points within sets within games within matches???? am i right or do I have the order fucked up (I probably do) and what are the details of all that????
is there a lot of bias towards men's tennis vs women's? Obviously there are almost no girls in f1 ever and I know a lot of sports like football have HEAVY bias towards men, is tennis like that? I feel like not as much because it seems like I hear just as much about players like the Williams sister and naomi osaka as I hear about people like Roger Federer and Andy Murray? is that true?
who are the top 5-10 players in the world rn? who's number one? and like pls point me to somewhere where I can find a very basic fact file of sorts on each of them, I need to know who's the lewis and max and sebastian of tennis....
what's the next big-ish tournament in the next few weeks ish that you think I'd be able to handle??? like an atp 250 or 500 or smtj??? bc I wanna start Watching but the French open is SO far away
gimme a few basic facts on each of your favourite players because im sure you will appreciate the opportunity to infodump about your faves just as much as I will appreciate the introduction :))))
any good tennis movie recs? I've seen that thing with will Smith about the Williams and that was SO GOOD it was ages ago that I saw it though so I remember nothing lmao
obviously feel free to drop in random facts or anything or WHATEVER, I WANT TO KNOW ALL OF THE THINGIES
i think that is most of my questions???? how are you??? how is life??? i hope you know how much I appreciate you because you are SAVING MY LIFE here, it is now time to go stalk those other blogs you recommended....BYEEEEE ZOE ILYYY <3
HELLO AGAINNNN back for more 😈😈😈 this is how people get HOOKED .. the way I rubbed my little goblin hands together to start typing up an answer to all of this LMAOO ok here we go …
"how does grass/clay/hard court affect play"
a LOT! in simplest terms, different surfaces change how a ball bounces. but that has a huge impact on the play: clay is the slowest surface, because it's kind of grippy so the ball loses momentum. that's good if you like to stay at the baseline, be patient, and wait for somebody to make a mistake (which is why I gave that surface to Oscar lol). Grass is fastest because it's a slick surface (no grip) but it's unpredictable because it will be more uneven & different courts will feel very different. another issue w/ the season being short! but if you're a quick learner and you like to play close to the net, grass is for you. Hard court is like. "neutral" surface. it's the most common so everybody knows how to play it! you'll often hear players talk about different hard-court tournaments being "slower" or "faster", generally what they're talking about is the specific surface material, which is the cushion over the concrete that can vary in terms of bounce & grippiness.
"should I watch Break Point"
hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahha. oh no!! idk ….. I really don't like Break Point, I think it's a failed attempt to bring the success of DtS to tennis .. but idk, maybe watching BP as a newbie is helpful?? you will at least start to recognize some names which might be fun?? but yeah it's not as good of an entry point to how the sport is played (imo) and because tennis doesn't have the contained cast of characters that f1 has it doesn't actually help you THAT much with recognizing players on the courts, lmao. also certain episodes made me hate certain players ... looking at you episode about the american men ... taylor fritz my enemy ...
but!! it might help you to pick a few faves based purely on vibes hehe
"how does the scoring work?"
akdjfhalksdjfhakjh how DOES the scoring work … great q … no jk it's actually not too bad you just have to let it settle into your brain lol!! okay so:
within a GAME:
players start at zero, or "love". Why "love"?? who knows!! but here we are. then scoring proceeds through: 15, 30, 40. why?? WHO KNOWWWSSSS
you HAVE to win a game by two points. if you're ahead 40-30 and you win the next point, you win the game. HOWEVER, if the game is tied at 40-40, you are at "deuce", and you have to win TWO points in order to win the game. if you win one point you have advantage: that will look like "A-40" on most scoreboards. if your opponent wins the next point you lose the advantage and you drop back to deuce. so a score could look like this over the course of 6 points:
40-40 — you win a point -> A-40 — they win a point -> 40-40 — you win a point -> A-40 — they win a point -> 40-40 — you win a point -> A-40 — you win another point! -> game!
did that help or did it make everything MORE confusing?
within a SET:
so you won your first game! the set is now 1 game to zero, or 1-0. Time to play the second game. Oh no!! your opponent is serving for this game and they won it, the set is tied 1-1. No worries -- your turn to serve again. You hold your serve! 2-1. Ah shoot, so do they. 2-2. Okay, great, you hold again. 3-2. oh my god you BREAK THEIR SERVE!!!! 4-2 BAYBEEE!!! and you hold again! 5-2! they hold: 5-3. okay moment of truth ….. YOU HOLD SERVE AND WIN THE SET 6-3 GOOD JOB YOU'RE DOING GREAT SWEETIE !!!! <3
you also have to win a set by two games. remember this rule! win by two is the tennis mantra. if a set is tied at 6 games all, it's time for a tie-breaker, and you have to win the tie-breaker by two points. (mostly you play a tie-breaker to 7 points, but this can vary by tournament)
within a MATCH:
you won your first set!! great job your mom is so proud. however. you aren't done yet!! usually you are playing best of three sets, so you still need to win one more set. in Grand Slams if you are a man you are playing best of five, so you need to win TWO more. um. GOOD LUCK!! Here's what a score line might look like:
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^You can read that as Bertens being up a set, so the match is currently in the second set, which is currently tied at 1 game all. Venus is serving (that's what that dot by the numbers means) but Bertens is up 2 points. (lmao. 30-love = 2 points up. I apologize for tennis)
omg you lost a set. NO WORRIES YOU CAN COME BACK. best of three: I believe in you <3
"Is there a lot of bias towards men's tennis"
do you even need to ask 🥲🥲🥲 yes unforch. men consistently get the best broadcasting time-slots on tv, they often get more prize money, and they generally have more name recognition. however!! I think tennis has benefitted from some amazing personalities in women's tennis -- the Williams sisters of course, now coco gauff -- and the prize money sitch is improving for sure. there's hope!! but yeah -- it's a scheduling feedback loop!! give the women better tv times and more eyes will be on their matches!! ajdhflakh it's so frustrating to watch tbh!!! anyway.
"who are the top players and how do i find that"
Here are the ATP singles rankings and here are the WTA singles rankings! If you click on each name you will see their official stats page :))
"what's the next big-ish tournament"
here's the list of upcoming ATP tournaments and here's the list of upcoming WTA tournaments - there are some upcoming small-ish tournaments that look fun (atp in rio, wta in dubai) and then … THEN!! Indian Wells :D :D
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I'm an Indian Wells DEVOTEE ,, the players really like it, the vibes are so good, celebrities come out from LA, everyone has a nice time, it's SO FUN. all the hype & fun of a slam with slightly lower stakes
"tell me about your favorite players"
jannik sinner: part of the "next gen men" wave that includes carlos alcaraz, loooooong of leg, skinny of limb, floofy of hair!! methodical and hard to shake, emotionally and mentally, beautiful clean and powerful play. also !! just!!! seems like a good guy!! def a "class pet" on tumblr lmao (thank you @advantage-sinner )
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carlos alcaraz: part of the "next gen men" wave that includes jannik sinner, a phenom, natural talent, all-round player, people are predicting great things for him -- he plays gorgeous, interesting, creative tennis and he has FUN DOING IT, really a joy to watch. the 2023 wimbledon final between him and djokovic (our local villain, but an all-time great in men's tennis) was an incredible, amazing, show-stopping match that he WON and I will remember that day forever and ever and ever amen
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coco gauff: crazy athletic, big hitter, hit the scene young, super charismatic on and off court, just very fun to watch
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iga sviatek: gorgeous gorgeous player, aggressive as heck, quick as heck, loves clay, loves to put spin on the ball, SUCH A WEIRDO I LOVE HERRRRR she likes lego and she reads a lot, she's such a funny little introvert who happens to be #1 in the world LOL
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daniil medvedev: stands so far away from the baseline to return serve he's often out of camera frame. he's so tall and his limbs are just … everywhere … andrey rublev (another fave) calls him "the octopus" … he has the BEST INTERVIEWS HE'S SO FUNNYYYY AHHH
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ons jabeur: "minister of happiness" except that lately .. she has not been super happy … she wants to win a slam SO BAD my heart hurts for her … when she's on she's a lovely lovely player, very creative, but when she's off she's hard to watch, just a lot of unforced errors (which is an error that is your own fault, vs an error that you make because your opponent hit a ball that was hard to get to or technically very tricky to return)
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I have the occasional emotional fling with andrey rublev (hehe sad wet dog), karolina muchova ( :( sad wet cat), daria kasatkina (…sit on me), caspar ruud (…SIT ON ME), and alex de minaur (cute!!!)
I literally have no tennis movie recs I can't think of a single one BUTTTTTTTT Challengers comes out this year 😈 mike faist my beloved… zendaya in tennis whites ...
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I can't believe how many words you let me spew at you @ivystennis and then ASKED FOR MOREEEE I LOVE YOU thanks for "coming out" as it were lmaooooo.
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thebeckster · 3 months
Kiss prompt #35 for Wayne/Kasumi or Frank/Miranda
Thanks for playing along! I had to do Frank/Miranda for an awkward kiss after a first date. I love those two and I wish the game did a little more with their relationship.
(Did maybe something experimental and did no dialogue with this one. Idk why it just started working out that way)
It had been a lovely afternoon. There was at least that. If nothing else came from this day, at least there would be memories of a lovely afternoon spent in good company.
Miranda had long given up on the thought of Frank taking a fancy to her. After years of friendship, of singing and playing together, of professional partnership, of dropping hints that never got picked up, Miranda just had to accept that Frank was not interested. Whether he was disinterested in relationships in general or just in a relationship with her, she couldn’t say for certain. But she had stopped holding her breath for invitations to dinner or drinks at the bar.
But then Frank’s niece had moved in and in the process of settling into her own farm and life she’d shaken up a number of things in town. She’d revivified their sleepy little town, helping complete projects that had long been abandoned. She’d brought friends closer together and helped forge new friendships all up and down the mountain.
Miranda suspected she had Frank’s niece to thank in part for encouraging him to work up the nerve to ask her out. She’d also caught the farmer receiving pep talks from Wayne a couple of times, so the postman probably had some hand in it as well.
Still, the invitation had come to Miranda as quite a surprise. It was a quiet afternoon in the general store, Frank had ducked in to chat while he waited out a passing summer rainstorm. They’d shared the usual pleasantries and small talk until Frank took his hat in his hands, fidgeting with the brim as he stuttered out his desire to go on a picnic with Miranda.
There had been some back and forth as Miranda tried to probe out if this was a friendly picnic and Noel was expected to join, or something meant for just the two of them. Frank took a minute to admit it was meant as a date, but Miranda accepted instantly.
On her next day off, Miranda sent Noel off to play at Colin’s until dinner time, she’d put on a nice sundress, and made sure to prepare her contribution to the picnic. Frank had insisted he would take care of everything, but Miranda insisted she bring the lemonade and some fresh-baked cookies. Frank arrived promptly at one with a large basket tucked into the crook of one arm, wearing what looked like a new shirt. It was nice on him.
They walked together through town and then out heading off towards the waterfall. It was the height of summer, a beautiful day where occasional fluffy clouds crossed the clear blue sky. The greenery near the riverside was lush, flowers bloomed in abundance, birds sang in the brush and trees overhead, and when the wind shifted the cool mist of the falls blew over them, providing a moment of refreshment from the summer heat. The picnic was a lovely feast, if simple fare. Sandwiches and chips, fresh fruits and vegetables, sweet cookies, all paired wonderfully with the cool lemonade.
Their time spent together was lovely as well. The afternoon passed in easy conversation and light laughter. They treaded familiar topics, testing the waters of what this might become before they broached more serious matters. It was a first date, after all, not a marriage proposal.
As the afternoon began to turn to evening, they packed up their picnic, both Frank and Miranda had chores to do. The afternoon had been pleasant, but there was real life to get back to. Still, Miranda would very much like to have another pleasant afternoon like this.
Frank escorted Miranda back to her store. They paused on the sidewalk outside her door, lingering over a goodbye, over how to say it. It was Miranda’s turn to be brave.
She leaned in slowly, giving Frank the chance to pull back if he wanted to, and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. He was clearly stunned by the kiss, freezing up beneath her, so Miranda didn’t linger. She looked into his eyes as she stepped back, he was surprised, but pleasantly so.
Miranda smiled and winked, and then turned for her door, promising Frank she’d see him tomorrow.
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aalyre · 2 months
tbh as someone who still views kevin as cowardly despite all the arguments against it (I just don't find any of them convincing). I don't see why it bothers people sm? It doesn't hurt anyone for people to view him this way/have this opinion. I feel like most ppl just take it as an insult to his character, and then take it personal cuz they like his character
hi!! thank you for your ask!
I personally love this discourse because i LOVE analyzing characters and i LOVE kevin day so 🤝🤝
i just wouldn’t describe kevin day as a coward. i agree that he has acted cowardly before but i don’t believe that this makes him a coward.
here is the definition of coward according to Oxford Languages: a person who is contemptibly lacking in the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.
to me, if there is one thing that kevin doesn’t lack, it’s the courage to endure dangerous/unpleasant things.
his time at the nest proves that he is able to endure unpleasant/dangerous situations but more importantly, his time at the foxhole court proves that he is able to put himself through unpleasant/dangerous situations for the sake of others
yes, he’s had cowardly moments, we can argue that his remaining as number 2 for so long when he was so obviously better is one (although extra content im pretty sure explains that he wasn’t even aware of this for the longest time since riko was always #1), the way he didn’t tell anyone about neil’s dad in baltimore (although we know it’s partly because he promised not to, partly because he wanted to believe that it wasn’t true) and so forth.
but the way that he decided to leave the nest when he KNEW that the moriyamas wouldn’t hesitate to kill him if they thought him worthless and bothersome (which he was being for them) and go to his dad (without knowing if he would ever accept him)
the way he spent weeks/months practicing relentlessly with his non dominant hand to be able to get back on the court, although it must have been very unpleasant and knowing that the moriyama’s (esp. riko and tetsuji) would be FURIOUS to see him playing for another team
him going out of his way to recruit andrew when he knew that he would be a pain to train, him covering his tattoo up, having it in himself to score the winning point in the finals knowing that it would again make the ravens furious, going against everything he knew (being second) for his actual desires.
him coming to see jean multiple times when he was at Abby’s, even though jean did not want to see him and even though it hurt them both, because he knew it was the right thing to do for jean. (could talk about them for hours)
all of this summarized is that 1) he has acted cowardly before 2) he has acted bravely before. but he made the difficult choices when it mattered, whether it was for himself or others, and being brave is not the same as being reckless. sometimes laying low is also brave, sometimes it’s neutral. and one thing about kevin day i believe is that he’s morally gray. (another discussion i could have but too long for this post)
i don’t believe that calling him a coward is an insult or a bad thing (honestly if i’d gone through what he went through i would act as the biggest coward) and i don’t believe that bravery is a quality that everyone should have (unlike idk respect/kindness stuff like that) so i don’t believe that kevin being brave = good and kevin being a coward = bad, i just don’t believe, after thoughts, that he is one
anyway i would actually love to hear your pov, and know that i respect it ofc!!!! that’s the cool thing about kevin, he’s so complex like ugh i love him
lots of love and take care!! (sorry if there are any typos i did not proofread this)
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