1eeminho · 4 months
im a big fan of the "dont just listen to what people online tell you, do your own research" crowd but at the same time i wish people would also advice to actually learn HOW to do research... the amount of people citing papers to justify the insane conclusions they jumped to is increasing and its soo dangerous jfc heres one of the most basic aspects of research interpretation: CORRELATION DOES NOT!!!!!!!! EQUAL CAUSATION!!!!!!!!!!! thank u
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atlanticsea · 1 year
truly sorry to be a hater when i finally get what i've been asking for for weeks (a nate convo with his dad) but i'm so deflated about how it went 😔 like already nate quitting and having a huge character moment OFF SCREEN when it was a perfect occasion to parallel his departure from richmond to show how much he's grown, in an episode that spends like 5 minutes on roy's tie dye shirt??? like sure it's an okay bit but the disregard for nathan makes my blood boil lmao 💀💀 also don't get me started on edwin akufo and how ted lasso Loves to have unreasonable characters of colour that throw tantrums for no reason because it has me so heated. whatever
anyways the main thing i have problems with is that "i didn't know how to parent a genius" is the peak example of how ted lasso fails to understand racial dynamics meaningfully and my child of immigrant self is so so sad because TO ME nate's dad pushed his son because people of colour face immense pressure and must always be the best to even be taken into consideration, and he DID care about him succeeding because if you succeed it means you Made it, and it means your parents' sacrifices paid off, and it means everything makes sense now. and it would have been so so meaningful to have a scene where a parent says "i wanted you to be successful, so i pushed you as hard as i could. and i see now it was wrong. i'm sorry" but oh well lmao. also the fact that nate's convo with his dad doesn't start his redemption arc but finishes it because the show was too focused on him having a manic pixie dream girl gf with literally 0 personality.... what a waste!!! what a fucking waste. nathan you deserve bettee and jade u also deserve better. read my nate character study it slays absolute pussy unlike the episode.
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bringmoreknives · 11 months
tumblr: what does our userbase even want? users: we want things to stop changing to be more like twitter and tiktok and every other godforsaken part of the internet tumblr: they're completely unreadable. we have been throwing everything at them and we're getting nowhere users: yeah, that's because the appeal of tumblr is lost when you take away its individuality tumblr: what can we possibly do? users: you can listen to us and make the changes we have consistently been asking you for tumblr: guess we'll stop putting any effort at all into this site
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marauderswolf22 · 5 months
wait what my duolingo course have changed and they literally did undo my last 5 lessons? i started another unit and now im in the middle of the last one 💀
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bungostrayradio · 10 months
this godforsaken trash show istg BRING HER BACK
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lukedjarinsblog · 1 year
season 3 of mandalorian so far really had the most shittiest, messy writing. yeah, it has good parts, got me laughing and loved the new characters, but the way they are so fucking inconsistent with their writing messed up the whole show. im tired of this nonsense.
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dolfin · 1 year
an ant bit me on the ass while I was gardening this morning 💀
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stardewhhore · 1 year
Sorry to break character but why is foreman a PIECE OF SHIT
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themournwatcher · 1 year
you all are about to witness a mental breakdown of epic proportions over my fucking ea app not downloading shit
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pcrfectstorms · 2 years
idk where all the bullshit anti-steve shit came from but if i see another tiktok about how he ‘SA’d’ nancy im going to fucking scream. i beg you dumb bitches to go back and actually watch the show. did he fuck SA nancy, and it’s fucking disgusting to claim he did, this is the type of fuckery that makes people who have actually been SA’d wanna fucking break shit tbh. like yes, we all acknowledge that season one steve was a cunt, but he wasn’t a r*pist, stfu.
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supaara · 2 years
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barzzy · 5 months
why do they play with a sense of urgency only towards the end of the game? put that type of effort in every period 🤡
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cleeksfire · 7 months
If I had a nickel for every time my purple coded PC wanted to romance the buff red fire tiefling but not being able to ID HAVE TWO NICKELS
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lovphobic · 9 months
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of course this would be the first song of 2024 for me. never shuffle your discover weekly.
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fanaticalthings · 3 months
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the muskification of twitter except it's lex luthor instead of elon lol
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vettelcore · 1 year
looking at car insurances hoping to find one that won't make me have to sell a kidney to afford it xoxo
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