novafoxxo76 · 7 months
i would love to wear a skirt, but alas i doubt anyone around me would like to see me in a skirt exposing my hairy legs, yet now that i think of it, shorts are fine? Why can't I wear a skirt, no dabloons :c me treasure chest be empty. A pirate like me has no time to shave me legs, especially not me peg, she be covered in barnacles.
i was possessed by a pirate and um well im leaving it in but yeah
point is that um.... i want a skirt but im poor and ugly
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wroteclassicaly · 1 year
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A/N: I can’t sleep, I miss Eddie, and we still going through it, babes… So I channeled it into this. Love y’all, and thank you for making my dark days brighter ❤️
Warnings: Hurt that ends in comfort, angst with a happy ending, friends to lovers, fluff, depression, anxiety, mentions of past trauma/injury (Eddie’s wounds), & mental illness (reader has bipolar disorder).
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The noise is soft, quiet enough that you can hear it if you lay to listen for a few seconds. Then it raises in octaves, a few clatters and curses. And despite the haze of your mood, a brief bit of fog dissipates, pinching your brow into an amused raise.
“Shit, fuckin’… slap my ass and call me your whore.”
You cover your mouth with a snort, as your fuzzy sock clad feet touch hardwood, and you make your way into the night light lit hallway. There’s a buttery glow from your kitchen that spills out around the corner, giving you a perfect view of your overly theatrical friend — Eddie Munson, as you come into the eye-line. He’s clad in a black t-shirt and whitewash jeans, his pizza decorated socks covering his own feet. His curls are damp, bordering on drying, and he hums a rhythm as you watch him flip a golden shaped object with your Goodwill gifted spatula. You perch yourself against the paneled wall, a warmth stirring in your belly.
He’s had to have used your spare key, and now he’s here before it’s barely even daylight — making something in your kitchen? First off, he wakes up this early? And second, he can cook?
That’s what leaves your mouth, following a series of scolding laughters when he’s clearly startled and drops the utensil on the stove. His rings clink together as he pinches his shirt collar, and you want to apologize, an instant guilt brimming you at surprising him like this. After everything that happened a few months ago, you really should’ve thought your entrance through (despite this being your own home). Eddie tuts, a smirk suddenly finding him amongst his Bambi eyed mirth.
“You scared the shit out of me, kiddo. Thought you were another hoard of bats coming for my other nipple.” He snatches up the utensil and flips it Steve Harrington style, calming your sudden anxiety, and easing your guilt.
You make your way over beside him, bare hip resting against the kitchen counter. He smiles softly, pouring in (what you now see is pancake batter) more of the mixture, flashing a wink your way. You look so fucking perfect and soft, just in socks, panties, and your oversized shirt with stars and crescent moon prints scattered about on it. He’s used to seeing this on you, but it never gets old. When you nursed him back to health after he was released from the hospital, you both grew a lot closer, having been mere acquaintances beforehand.
Changing his dressings, soothing his nightmares, helping him in and out of the shower — you took care of him in ways Eddie never knew existed. You were fearless, you were brave, you were funny, you were smart, you were beautiful and sexy, and as Nancy Wheeler had put it — he was totally fucking in love with you, like old classic — tickle your belly and balls type of romance movies. Once he had reluctantly left to return to the trailer with his uncle to repair the damage, he found that his desire to be near you had increased. And all was going well, until you started staying away from everyone, your voice languid and breathless when he’d call. He was worried it was your own processing of things that occurred, even if you’d been through it a few more years than he had, but Wheeler came through again with her knowing.
You were dealing with something that Eddie recognized as ‘manic depression’. He’d heard about it, seen it printed on the pamphlets in the nurse and guidance counselor’s office. Bipolar disorder. Nancy had explained (with the help of Steve) that you get like this sometimes, that it almost always follows your elevated periods of elated euphoria. Combine that with everything else that happened to you — Eddie immediately went into protective care mode.
He’d gotten up, showered, dressed, and phoned Harrington since he wasn’t able to drive yet. Steve came without question, especially fast on his way when Eddie mentioned the errands were for you. Both boys had gone to the local fabric shop, purchased the curtain and rod, tripped to the grocery store, and Steve had dropped Eddie off. He used his spare key and got to work on his speciality: chocolate chip flapjacks. He intended on surprising you with them, maybe waiting until he thought you were awake.
He didn’t mean to startle you, nor upset you. He’s quick to ease and relax, joking with you, praying you’re not mad that he’s here, invading you, your space, and whatever you’re going through.
Eddie flips the last cake, sprinkling in a few chips, and he’s flashing a cheshire grin, one that fades to a crooked tilt of his lips. “M’ sorry… I didn’t mean to, sort of… break in here? I planned on waiting — shit, that sounds creepy. No, I just wanted to have this ready for you… whenever you might, maybe want to have it?”
You cause his heart to swell ten times in size when you smile and reach up to push a lock of his curls off his forehead. “I’m glad you’re here.”
You’ve put an old movie on TV as you devour the fluffy, butter and syrup covered mountains. Whatever Happened To Baby Jane. Like you, Eddie is comforted by classic horror films, and can easily fall asleep to the controlled atmosphere they contain. When forks clatter against floral printed ceramic, and you take Eddie’s plate, deciding to forgo the dishes, he makes a beeline for the remaining bag, showing you the other items. You nearly cry on the spot, emotions circulating that you aren’t prepared to deal with today.
Turning off the living room television, you follow Eddie into your bedroom and help as he mounts the new rod and hangs your blackout bedroom curtains. And you… maybe sneak a few looks at the way his shirt rides up and his jeans tighten across his ass. It doesn’t take long before he’s got them secured, first breaks of dawn light spilling in through your blinds and illuminating his sweet features. Your fingers itch to touch, and you think he might reach for you, might feel the same wild, heart racing sense of vertigo, yet being serenely satiated.
“Oh yeah, here.” He slides his wallet from his back pocket, the chain dangling across his palm, and he pulls a small square card with a quote on it — out, handing it to you.
One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else’s survival guide
Below it, you recognize his doodling. A hand drawn, mini bouquet of daisies. He might not be able to afford real flowers, but he can use what skill he does have and draw them for you. He just hopes that you don’t mind. Your eyes are brimmed full of tears when he looks back up to catch your reaction. His gut sinks into his ass, and he fears he overstepped or set something off.
Hell, probably both.
He tries to backtrack. “No, hey. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for that to make you upset, sweetheart. I just… I was trying to find something to think of to say, because my words kind of get lost in my mouth, catapulting into the space of my brain.”
“Eddie, it’s okay.” Your voice is jagged, tone being dragged over fragments of emotion, throat swollen and damp with it.
He keeps going, more bold to be vocal now. “I think that it’s okay for you to ride it out here. You don’t need to force yourself into ideas of sunshine and physical activity. You’ve been through so much shit, and if your brain is on fire, then you deserve to put it out and let it fuckin’ rest.” He approaches you cautiously, tone gentle and warm like honey going down, almost raspy with it. “You don’t need to force yourself to be okay. Not with anyone, and sure as hell not with me. I mean, you’ve seen my guts hanging out and my nipple ripped off, I’d say we’re well past pretending, aren’t we?”
You’re speechless, body growing heavy and eyes tired. You can’t convey the hope that blooms, popping a bubble through the haze of the fog inside you. It’s not much, but it’s enough to help your psyche stop the race and let you breathe. Eddie is able to sense your fatigue, and he reaches out to squeeze your shoulders, motioning to the hall. “You close these on up and I’ll call you later tonight, yeah?”
He gets about two steps away from you and you’re calling for him. It’s comedic how fast he turns around. “Eddie? Will you stay?”
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You’d turned the movie back on, on the set in your room, curtains closed and leaving the expanse shrouded in the glow of the set. Your head is resting on his chest, his jeans on the floor, legs tangled in yours beneath the patchwork quilt. The air conditioner is going, right along with the steady beating of two hearts, and Eddie doesn’t stop you when you knuckle-nudge his splayed palm up, pressing his fingers open to slide your own through. He accepts, squeezing, lacing, looking at you through the opening of light, and you lean into the kiss he presses to your crown. You’ll talk about things later, but for now… It’s okay.
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crucifysam · 11 months
dean is like a livestock guard dog and sam is set for fucking slaughter. like dean was bred for this but he’s far too fucking rabid and far too loyal and when the time comes for sam to be ripped apart and torn through and used for all his meat dean needs to be fucking muzzled and locked away and choked on a fucking leash bc he’ll bite and maim and claw and even then sam would still be left with teethmarks and fuckin scratches that go to the fucking bone pieces of flesh that hang from the wounds that dean would fuckin munch on if he ever got hungry enough to i’m insane i’m insane i’m insane i’m insane i’m insane iMm insne Im isne
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rockintapper · 5 months
i say stuff about rh characters part 2two
becuase. teehee
the fir1st one, the t3hird one
rhds tiem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!readmore jumpscare
yuka: wair i already d
that frog doll from the tutorial: I give!
note: the jumperrrr
widget: oh its you. yknow your older brother /gn akai mono likes to piss people off sometimes /silly
conductor: jj rpcker questions why you dont move and im glad i can answer her with "he does in megamix"
chorus kids: hi elleon the screaming screamers. theyre ltierally so sikly. but Watch Out
robots (fillbots): the snall one reminds me of coxmo. yall know cozmo? the lil guy and he had cubs that he plays with. and you cn like. and he. cost 200 dolar. the snall rovoNow i feel nostalgic
pop singer (erina): shhehehjdubdmyedrjguexrguderjugdexkvguuggxrwguvvjgkzhdvjgwxd
monkey (fan club): boy stop staring at me your judgemental ass lyour fuckin We're the best fanclSHUT yo stupid ass up fuckin banana lookin headasss i suppose you should jump off a cli
paddler: scare the shit out of me /half sily
blastronaut and shoot-'em-up radio lady: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
inturders: l + ratio + get blasted
captain blue bird: when i heard this lil shit go "STRETCH OUT YOUR NECK" the firsttime i was like WA IT THAT REMINDS ME OF SOMETHIGNG,,, WHHWHAHAYTFAFYA
the blue birds: ok actually. the enitre minigame takes me all the way back to the we are number one rh remix imm so df. s SADDACGFHEVVHG /POS
moai kids: doo-womp womp
moai bird: wait i though you were called seagullx
love lizards: Wonderful cnaracters, HHHHHHORIBBLE minigame. that is all. unles you uh. i mean. listen. leans c,oser to you. what if you flicked for each shake.
oh god the vegetables again: ok!
moles: pats your head. i know. hes very mean to you guys. i mean. like. i misse dlike One of oyu and stomp farmer gave me A GOD FORSAKEN ok. i know its not his fault its the games. judgement system. but the way he
tj snapper: me and the bad bitch i pulled by being autistic
tj snapper's girlfriend: me and the goofy guy i pulled by being autistic
the dazzles: stop staring at me im trting my best,,
munchy monk: i call him munchy in my head. he smiles SOOO WIDE in the battle of the bands audience hes so goofy i lov
dj yellow: SCRATCHO
dj blue: i. the lips. the lips. what have the done to you. its gonna be okay. i sure as hell am not drawing you with those big ass lips. hily s
taiko rally squad: DON DOKODOKODON DOKODOKODON kinda unfair how in the try again and ok screens this guy Loses. but in the superb screen BOTH SIDES WIN. PARTICIPATION TROPHY-ASS SHIT
research scientists of love lab: bi4bi. and if youre willing, bi4bi4bi.
the three synchrettes: alley-oop!
dolphins: oh cool dolphins :)
ecto: omg hiiiii helloo litle guyyy i wuv youuu ^_^ kises your snall tiny forehead
booboo: FUCK you FUCK you FUCK you FU
spooky: honestly? i fw him
dog ninja: i wanna cook soup wjf youbyoure soawesome and cool and i lpve you hii doggyyy hi dogy. dohyynkkgunnbuyrctib
mister eagle: thanks for telling me to cut the fruits. i was gonna do that anyway but like. shoutout to you man. props
the frogettes: jj rocker really likes you huh. cant get enough young love rock and roll even
stepswitcher: love these thangs. i have several of my own thangs. the one i (mc) adore most is the purple thang. his name is mo
JJ ROCLEKEKRKMJ &*;*;&;&$-$×<;^<^<^$ UBGDEBGSCXUGBUSDXGBBHG my eif ei lvoe her so so sp sososososoos muuch foreverrr aheehee giggle. kicks my feet twirls my hair. i think i hauve covid
airboarder: yeeeeaaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHHH LETS GO
seals: wait. whatd you do with the dolphins. where are they. say somethign . Where are thr DOLPH
smiling coin: do i know you
thr cnaract3rs from tunnel the endless game: ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i gues. but like. do you really ned a cowbell to keep driving? i mean. just record yourself playing a cowbell and like play it on the radio. just do that. why am i holding a cowbell anc playing the cowbel for YOU. do it yourselfIs she even listening to. m
glass tappers: ths Glass Tappers J SWEWR EVERY TIME I READ THR WORD "TAPPERS"
the thing from rhythmove dungeon: youre. okay. i guess. i only played your endless game once. uh it 's fine. i mean.
clodhopper pickens: youre so full of glee,, id be happy too if my business card made music,,
slot monster: tjen scdrunkly. scdunkyl. scrunkly. sc
beat machine: i barely messed around with this one. it's fine . wish the crowd wasnt so judgemental thogu
beatbag I dont know this one
kappa dj: ive seen you on davidmismol thumbnails and thats basically it lel
okaye wow owwowow owowowo WOWWOWWOW
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thepaledivinebear · 1 year
I fuckin love Sea of Stars so much
Mechanically its just *Chefs Kiss* all the timing things, you are repeatedly told that they’re just a fun bonus! You don’t need them!!! And there’s so many relics on your journey to make the timing easier if you are really having issues.
The dialogue is sometimes goofy, but I find it charming :)
And Gods the Story 🤯 (loving it, pretty sure Imm like half or a third through?)
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kinkandkreep · 1 year
imm ask for moreeeeee if you don’t mind 🤭
srsly your Shuji ones were so good, so i GOTTA KNOW sum about dear Kenchin 🩷 [D, F, I, K, O]
thanks again, lovingggg your TR content~
Hey hey sug, good to see you again! 👋🏾Thanks for sending this in! I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the ride thus far, I’ve honestly really been enjoying myself as well. I hope you enjoy! And y’all feel free to peruse my NSFW Alphabet and send in more requests! 😁
Ken “Draken” Ryuguji: 
D= Dirty Secret (self-explanatory)
So 👏🏾
Let’s expose ole’ Kenny-kins 😈
Bro, the literal first thing that came to mind for Ken is that he is secretly into crossdressing
Like yes he is a badass and yes he will rock your shit with little effort but he is still a pretty princess and don’t you fuckin’ forget it 😤
His name is literally Ken; tats and scars and shaved head aside, he’s handsome enough to be like a literal Ken doll and you can’t convince me otherwise
His desire to dabble in crossdressing also coincides with his feminization kink
Oops, wait, that letter comes later 🤭
Don’t mistake, Ken can and absolutely does still maintain his role as a dom
But every now and then…
Every once in a while…
Our boi just wants to be ogled and smooched and told how pretty he is 🥺
And if that happens while he’s wearing this sexy little number then even better 🤷🏾‍♀️
F= Favorite position
As I mentioned previously, Ken really favors any position in which he and his lover are facing each other
He’s into intimate shit like that
He really likes cowgirl, the Lotus and just about all of the standing positions
He especially favors pile-driving and 69-ing 
And he likes picking you up and bouncing you on his cock, so any position where he can do that is a yes for him as well
(For my heavier girls, have no fear, Ken is adjustable and if he really feels the need, he will absolutely just hit the gym harder to get strong enough to pick you up. He’s already plenty buff though, so I just wouldn’t worry. 💪)
I= Intimacy (do they prefer to “fuck” or “make love”)
Kenny-kins prefers to make ~luove~
But he is also quite partial to a good fuck 🧐
Like, on a normal day: the birds are chirpin’, the sun is shinin’, and by some miracle people have managed not to piss him off for once, Kenny-kins would love to take his time with you
With gentle hands and slow, yet fervent touches
Ken breaks you down and builds you back up in the most loving, intimate way possible
But then, on any other day…
The sky is overcast, traffic is way too loud and Mikey has managed to get under Ken’s skin at just the right angle to nick the vein and suddenly!
Ken is fucking you within an inch of your life 😂
This also happens very often after brawls
He’s so hopped up on adrenaline that he needs an outlet, and you just happen to be the perfect one 😏
K= Kink (kinks/preferences)
Let’s do a rapid fire round for these (this list will not be comprehensive, I'll just be making mention of his main kinks here)
Ready? Lesgo!
Sounding 👀 (this is a very particular one and because of the potential risks associated with it Ken will only do this with someone who is experienced and in a safe, controlled environment)
Name calling (i.e being called “daddy” or “sir” normally, being called “pretty boy” or “baby” when crossdressing)
Biting (not too too hard or nothin’, just gentle little nips and the occasional harsher bite, enough to leave an indent but not break skin)
Impact play
Size kink
PRAISE KINK (please don’t ever be hesitant to tell this man how good he is and how good he’s making you feel, he will simply melt if you do)
O= Oral (receiving vs. giving, skill/talent level)
I’ma just say it outright, Kenny-kins is a fantastic head giver 😂
Like he’s got a naturally talented, highly tensile tongue, a good bit of experience and an eagerness to please
Like what more do you need? 🙃
Ken loves tongue fucking you, either your throat or your pussy, doesn’t really matter
Both are soft and wet and pliant once he gets ahold of them anyway so 🤷🏾‍♀️
Wait wait 🫣
Girl I be makin’ my own self flustered I need to chill 😂
But yeah, Ken has definitely made you squirt before with just his tongue
He 100% takes pride in that too
Again I say, I hope you enjoyed these hun! I feel like these were maybe a little goofier than Shuji’s but I just get so giddy at the thought of Ken that I can’t help but be at least a little silly. 🤪Oh, and please feel free to send in any more letters and characters from the list that you’re curious about, it’s no problem for me. 😁Have a good one! 👋🏾
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rakeshouseparty · 2 months
Lover post incoming
Hcs that I like seeing
When people depict Slenderman and others like him as fragmented, rustic of some kind, with carvings like wood or wrinkles, shits always so fuckin cooollll as hell! I love seeing it
When people hc some pastas being much older, like 30+ years old, pattin myself on the back with this one a bit, I just like it when they are more aged, im sick im the sickest man alive
Another pat on the back for me is when people draw EJ as more monstrous and not human-y?/non-origin EJ, love that version of them n love to see it when it does pop up i ckick my feet n giggle
When people make Rake sapient and is capable of understanding and speakin back, idk wtf happened between Rake when they first popped up to now, but Rake losing their sapience in that time sorta drove me to centre my blog around Rake (and other reasons heh) , SAme can be said about Seedeater, Both these freaks actively are horrid n possibly manipulative and threatening to get the results they want from humans and thats soooooooo sexxyyyyyy!
Both funny cartoon emo boy jeff and more realistic depictions of Jeff rock so fucking hard, which is crazy bc i dont like emo boy EJ? My brain and its pickiness ig
Also i fuck w/ that old anon that said something about rake not being physical(?) but more of a fear manifestation whoch is also such a coolgodly idea
when ppl also hc Slender and others they see like him, like as a whole species A being asexual because they reproduce an entirely different and unique way , and i know its confusing considering my hater post, but there’s a difference between this and hc the only character that may have a higher chance as being seen as autistic as asexual
Seeing whacky versions of laughing jack rocks, people draw them either a bit closer to canon or make em really different but still can be seen as LJ which rocks hard i love seein it
I’d put grande here too but i dont see a lotta hcs that have personally snagged my brain, tho they r all fine hcs Imm sure!! Uh i guess grande hc where he sucks Me Off
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chthonicgodling · 2 years
hello is anyone actually ACTUALLY here this is so,, hhhhh. fluctuating wildly between Twitter and ig and Twitter is collapsing and I guesssSSS S I’ll stay here since I never actually left but like all the effort it takes to post art here to an audience of???? no one????? At least I get my three loyal likes on Twitter Or whatever liiiIIIIKEEEEEEE—
i have a ton of OC’tober art that I dutifully posted to ig and twt but gave up posting here bc it was a lot of work on a slow decaying site but I guess if (gritted teeth) we’re all actually, ACTUALLY, coming back here I should probably. fuckin. Do the backlog. right!! right?? hhhhh right…….
(IMm annoyed can there just be a real site that real people are actually on that isn’t collapsing into oblivion!! everyone in twt keeps sayin they’re coming back here but it still FEELS like a graveyard aahhhHHHH)
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etatio, how would you begin to go about change in the caste system?
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TC: ya do realize youre asking a dude Wwho Mmight not be the sMmartest tool in the shed... TC: sorry i Mmeant sharpest...
TC: i dont get politics TC: they sound really fuckin stupid to Mme
TC: but i guess i understand that a fuckin coMmplex systeMm needs proper disasseMmbling TC: its like Wwith Mmy Mmotorbike TC: i cant just thoughtlessly rip soMmething out shove soMmething else in and expect it to Wwork flaWwlessly
TC: gotta grab the right tools for the job TC: gotta unscreWw stuff bit by bit TC: do soMme cleaning and give that Mmachine soMme tender care TC: and have a proper replaceMment too
TC: though iMm thinking TC: eMmpathy Wwould probably do a lot of necessary Wwork TC: if all of us had Mmore eMmpathy toWwards each other TC: especially eMmpathy for people that arent in your direct social circles TC: Wwe should all have Mmore eMmpathy for strangers TC: i think a lot of suffering Wwould lessen if Wwe had that...
TC: that bein said... TC: id be doWwn to rip the heads off those unWwilling to change for the better TC: changing soMmething about yourself is in your hands and nobody elses TC: so if yer a piece of crap and you have no Wwillingness to be taught better? TC: iMm feeding you to Mmy Lusus
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jrueships · 2 years
Kyle/jimmy not a valid ship? [sad jimmy noises]
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jutaishi · 4 years
the truth behind the death of minoru’s mother is....
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bl00dw1tch · 5 years
i dont know anything. What the fuck is a sexuality? Bitch im gonna kill myself
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myrainydayloves · 6 years
Fun Grad Assembly at school for all the seniors!!!! All the departments give out awards!!!
Art? You asked? Did you get the art one?
I got the crazy girl award. Aka the Counseling department award! Which I was give because!!! I was crazy allllllllll senior year and they were so proud of how far I came!!!!! Thanks!!!!! I GUESS??????
Mmmmmmmmmm nothing better than getting the Counseling department award and the whole school Just Knowing why you got it. Annaka lost her mind this year, don't you know? Went totally mad for the beginning of school!
Yummmy delicious.
"You've grown so much"
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imdoingitareyou · 2 years
Drained (Part Two) – Joel Miller X Reader
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Summary: a part two to Drained (I don't want to say anything that'll spoil it but here we go)
Characters: Joel Miller, reader, Ellie, Tommy.
Warnings: cuddling, angst, mentions violence, lots of blood, trauma, hurt/comfort again, grinding, kissing thigh-riding, submissive Joel, (sort of) fingering, Joel looking at the reader A LOT, Joel smiling, Ellie being everyones favourite as per, drinking, fluff, use of “Y/n” once.
Notes: Thank you so much for all your lovely comments and support on the first part of ‘Drained’, you're so sweet I love you all. I haven't checked this and probably won't for a while because laziness. Sorry if this is long and also someone please tell me how to do that keep reading thing, it would help a lot. Thank you. Enjoy xx
A golden, rising sunlight slipped between the gaps of the boarded up windows and poured in through the diaphonous, white curtains, while Joel Miller watched you remain as peaceful as you had for the past hour––at very least.
Your breaths were deep, calm, but every so often the pattern would be broken by a hitch, or your arms tightening around him, or your face pressing into his chest just that little bit further each time. He wondered what had made you do so. Had it been a dream? Of him, maybe? Or something else? He wished you dreamt of him.
With a jolt towards Joel and a short inhale, you were suddenly awake. Your eyes fluttered open, as his arms tightened around you slightly, and you pressed your eyes closed, sinking into the feeling of him before tilting your head back and noting his eyes, that soon bore into yours.
“Mornin', darlin'” he said, and there was, at the nickname, an eruption of butterflies in your stomach.
“Hey,” was all that you could manage.
Chuckling softly, Joel leaned backward ever so slightly, putting a new, short distance between your bodies. A frown overcame your features; were you so repulsive to him like this, without any alcohol rushing through either of you? Was last night just that––one night that you'd always look back on, wondering if something more could've come from it? Every instinct that you had, told you to reach out to him, to place your hand on his chest, or to keep him from moving any further away. But you were completely still, able to do nothing but watching him like a deer under headlights.
Having noticed the rosy tone that adorned your face, Joel inhaled, bringing the back of his hand up and pressing it gently against your forehead. “You ain't got a temperature, but you are red as a fuckin' tomato––you all right?”
“Ha-ha,” you said dryly, well aware of the burning sensation beneath your cheeks, but all the same unable to keep from submitting to the feeling of his flesh on yours. The exhale you let out when he abandoned your skin was heavy. “You're such a dick, Joel.”
Joel offered a dramatic frown, responded: “I beg your pardon. You trying to offend me?”
You offered a smirk then and hummed, “Yes, actually. And to say, I was beginning to think my hard work was going unrecognised, but... maybe you're just a little slow. Either way, I'm glad it's working, finally.”
Tilting his head, the expression on Joel's lips mimicked that very one on yours. “Oh, is that so?” He pulled back almost entirely, and lifted himself up, pressing his palms into the firm mattress on either side of your head. He breathed out slowly, hazel eyes almost attacking your emerald ones. “How 'bout now? You still glad?”
“Joel...” you turned your head to the side and it was then that his cool breath combined with the sensitive skin on your revealed sternum. You closed your eyes and, beneath the lids that wouldn't allow him to see your furstration, you rolled them. Your writhed beneath him, wanting more than anything for him to lower his lips, attach them to your skin, or your lips. You only wished he would do something. Anything.
“Go on, darli-” he cut himself when there was a loud clicking in the near distance. His eyes widened and he pulled himself off the bed entirely, immediately.
You sighed, having not caught the sound, and frowned toward him, “Joel, what is it?”
“Clicker,” he knelt down to the side of the bed, where he'd left his revolver the night before. He loaded it and crept down the stairs. Steps behind, you followed him eagerly.
As he'd been tying the laces of his boots, you'd gotten a headstart, unlocking and opening the door and slipping out silently––the shiv you'd constructed a few nights ago held tightly in your palm. Your fingers were wrapped wholly around the handle of it, and even then there was space remaining. You seemed unable to bring yourself to care when your nails began to pierce your palm and blood trailed slowly from the newly-formed marks.
You clung to the wall, your palms running along it until you peeked around the corner. The sound of the door opening met your ears and you shot a look back to Joel. He rolled his eyes and followed you.
When there was the light contact of his fingertips reaching your hip, your head spun rapidly. “I know what I'm doing,” the words came out softly, without any prompt or even reasoning.
“I know,” he nodded, and pulled out from behind his back his best, modified shotgun. He slipped it into your hand, said in a voice so smooth and silky in its quiet that you almost missed his words: “Just in case.”
“Thank you.”
A glance was shot back to Joel, and you gestured for him to approach the large stone on the left, that would mean some sort of protection from however many infected you would encounter. He nodded and shot looks every so often at you to ensure you were still okay. Each time he did, he saw you near the Clicker ever so slightly. He began to worry when your toes almost touched its heels with even the littlest of steps, when you decided to stop waiting and thrust yourself upward, wrapping your forearm around its throat and pulling it backward, using your right hand to pull up your shiv and stab it.
As the thing stopped its incessant clicking and fell to the floor with a thud, Joel let out a slow exhale. He checked his rear and made his way to you.
“You see any others?” you asked quietly, having spotted him on his way to you.
Joel's head shook subtly. Then, he asked, “You're okay?”
“Yeah. Ugly fucker didn't even touch me,” you shrugged, watching as his eyes fell to your feet before relocating yours again. He seemed to have been searching for some sort of mark on you, though that that would really have been was an excuse to stare at you for longer. “I think I'm gonna check on the horses. You see if that thing had something we could use.”
“Yes, ma'am,” he nodded, drawing the subtlest of smiles out of you. Well, it would've been, to anybody else. But to Joel? Oh, to Joel, that little upturn in the corners of your lips was the greatest, most encouraging thing he was sure he would ever witness.
You turned away––before he could notice how red you'd gotten (again)––and approached the makeshift stable further along the side of the house. Your head turned quickly, while your palm pressed against the final panel of wood that had kept the horses out of the cold last night, like Joel had for you.
Your eyes widened slightly, and a glossy layer built over them as you looked down at the large, black and white figure, collapsed on the floor, whining and kicking its legs to no real use.
“Ransom,” you said, frowning. From your back pocket, you retreived another shiv, refusing as you did to look away from the pleading eyes of the animal. “I'm sorry, bud. I'm really sorry.”
You knelt down by his head, and allowed your palm to once more explore the short fur aside his bloodied, white mane.
“That's it, good boy, you calm down. You're gonna be fine. Don't gotta worry no more.”
Pulling your eyes to close gently, you lifted the blade and plunged it up into the throat of the horse. There was a sort of gasp and choking sound before you left without another look back at the horse.
Joel first saw the blood on your palms. His dark eyebrows pulled together, and he watched, from the door, as you approached the corpse of the Clicker and stood over it for a short while, just looking at the repulsive thing.
Once the door was locked behind the two of you and the barricades on the windows were checked, he pressed his palm against the small of your back.
“Darlin', what is it?”
“That fucking... Clicker!” you exhaled slowly. “The prick got Ransom, and Old Beardy must've just gotten away. Fuck.”
Joel didn't remove his palm, and you didn't ask him to. You wouldn't have dreamt of it, not even with your mind as occupied as it was then. He took in a deep breath, said, “Well, most important thing is we're okay. Yeah? Old Beardy won't get far, I reckon; he'll be back and we'll leave as soon as.” Soon enough, his lower lip was confined by his front teeth, until he asked: “D'you mind? Sharin' a horse with me?”
“No. But he ain't even back yet, so I wouldn't go getting ahead of myself, if I were you.”
Once his light chuckle had subsided, Joel asked, “And when'd you become so pessimistic?”
“Not sure, might've been some time around the start of the worldwide apocalypse.”
“All right. But don't you worry, Beardy'll be back.”
You let out a soft exhale. “You're awfully confident in your horse, considering you suggest I shoot mine only yesterday.”
Joel tilted his head, “If anything, it was implied, not suggested... and I didn't even say that, I just said-”
“I know what you said. ‘Too anxious,’––I know what that means.”
“I'm sorry. You loved that horse; I shouldn'ta said it.”
“If you say something and mean it, that doesn't bother me, Joel,” you lowered yourself onto the second-lowest step, looked up at him as you untied your laces and eventually toed off the heavy boots that were sprinkled with dried blood. “Did you mean it?”
Kneeling down close enough to you that his eyes were at the level of your lips and only about ten inches away, Joel did the same, and said, his eyes bearing into yours, “I meant what I said, that he was too anxious. But that was all.”
“You want breakfast? I'm quite hungry.”
You ate what little you could find, rummaged through the house one more time, and packed your bags so you could move any minute. Joel sat in that large armchair again, leaning back, his chin rested on two fingers as he watched you. His eyes told you he was conflicted, debating some deep inner matter that you weren't sure you could help with if you tried.
“Are you okay?” he said after a while, puncturing the silence between your eyes that had conversed silently but had yet to say anything.
You nodded stiffly, “Yes. Are you?”
“I'll be better when we're in Jackson; don't like this house.”
As you tightened the saddle around Old Beardy, Joel leaned back against the wall of the house. His thumbs were hooked into the belt loops of his dark jeans as his eyes trailed carelessly down your body, rolling over the uncovered skin of your forearms, following the curves of your hips, catching onto your nimble, diligent fingers that so gently caressed the back of the horse. He sighed gently, unable to tear his eyes from you.
“You ready?” you asked as your head turned quickly in his direction.
“Mm-hmm,” Joel nodded. He strode forward four times, stopped abruptly behind you. Quietly, he said, “How do you want to...”
That was when you quickly pressed your left foot into the stirrup, held the saddle, and pulled yourself up, finding the other stirrup eventually as well.
“All right,” he hummed, jumping up and planting himself behind you.
His hands were on your waist, and above the crispy aroma of the large trees, that seemed to have you trapped, and anything else, you could smell him. It was torturous; the press of his strong chest against your back, the strong biceps wrapped around you, the subtle stretching of his fingers across your stomach.
You didn't know how long you'd been riding, but could've sworn it seemed like an eternity, with how impossibly close he was to you, and how impossibly excited you were by that fact. Like a little child, jumping up and down, begging for the chocolate bar that their parents had promised, that had seemed to be forgotten.
Joel seemed to have noticed how much you were moving around in the saddle, because he asked, “You comfy, darlin'?”
“Comfy enough.”
“We can-”
“No thanks,” you said all too quickly, knowing that whatever he was about to suggest probably had some connection to getting off and having him guide––you didn't want him to let go.
“All right,” he said. “We shouldn't be long now.”
You just nodded, ignoring the way his words seemed to cling to your neck, on the sensitive part that was revealed due to the pony tail your hair had been quickly wrapped up in earlier. Or, more accurately, trying to ignore.
With Joel so close to you, it was impossible to do most things. Was he aware of this effect he had on you? Probably. Would you ever outright tell him? His head doesn't need to be that big.
Behind you, Joel couldn't much concentrate either. His mind was with you alone, and he couldn't help but wonder what you were thinking about. Him? Unlikely. He wished he could tell you, how you tore him apart and opened him up and he both hated it and loved it at the same time. Would he? Most likely never.
“Joel!” Ellie beamed as he strolled first into the bar.
“Hey, Ellie,” he chuckled.
You made your way in shortly after, and found Joel already tackled in a hug. A short smile was on your lips as you turned and approached the bar.
Before you could've sat and even thought about a shot of tequila, Ellie called you over, eliciting a quiet groan from you; as much as you loved her, you weren't sure how much of her excessive energy you could manage then, if that was any at all, of couese. But you fell back into the seat beside Joel's all the same, looking across at her and smiling gently. Her eyes were wide, smile unwavering, and head bobbing up and down slightly.
After a moment, you hummed, “I'm just gonna say it: are you on drugs?”
“Hey!” she gasped.
Joel laughed softly, tilted his head toward Ellie, also intrigued by her vivacity that wasn't quite regular.
“No! I am not on drugs, just happy to see you guys! Can't a girl be happy to see her mom and dad? So, how was it? Did you two finally-”
Inhaling, you said, pushing your seat back quickly, “You know, I'm gonna stop you right there. If this is happening, we need drinks.”
The two at the table nodded as you turned and left. Once you were out of earshot, Ellie leaned forward, her eyes wide, filled with some apparent worry this time as she asked, “Oh, my fucking God. Did you? Was it? Did she not? Ooh, Joel!”
“Hey!” he said, throwing up his hands. “Let a guy answer at least first. No, we didn't.”
“Why not?!”
“Come on! You must know it makes sense!”
“Would you be a little quieter?” he asked, tilting his head downward slightly, gesturing with his hands to the woman at the bar as he spoke with wide eyes.
Ellie sighed, leaned in further, and whispered, “You have to stop messing around, Joel. You'll miss your chance if you don't.”
He sighed softly and bit his lip. “I want to, but... what if she doesn't? I don't want her to feel uncomfortable.”
“Joel, you're so sweet... and so fucking stupid.”
“Okay, sorry, but it's true! Just look at her,” she gestured back to the bar that she was facing away from. Joel did. “What's she doing?”
“Um... her hair.”
“How? How's that ‘exactly’?”
Ellie exhaled heavily. “I thought you were smart. I'm disappointed, honestly.”
“Oh, would you just tell me? Please?”
“Well, she ain't doing her hair for me, is she? So who? Who else here, in this empty bar, could she possibly be doing her hair for?”
Joel shrugged, “Herself?”
Ellie sighed out slowly, claimed, “You're so dumb.”
You lay on your couch, your head racing, your thoughts all too loud as you couldn't rid your mind of Joel. You'd tried everything––reading, patching up the little tears in your trousers, even drawing. But nothing worked. Joel was all you could think of. And the worst thing was deciding whether or not you should actually do something about your stupid, intrusive thoughts.
It seemed to be just one of those thoughts that had carried you all the way out your house, down the road, and then to Joel's. On his doorstep, you exhaled, your brain and your heart at odds as you debated reaching out and knocking.
Joel set his guitar aside having heard some quiet knocks, and lifted himself from the couch. He opened the door slowly, and was considerably surprised to see you on the other side of the frame.
“Hi,” you said softly, and bit your lip.
“Howdy,” he smiled.
As you inhaled, and observed the damp hair that he ran a palm through slowly and the t-shirt that seemed to only have just been put on, you realised he must've only just gotten out of the shower.
“I want to say something to you, and I don't think it can wait.”
He gestured subtly, said, “Go ahead.”
“Okay, um... I... don't want things to... change now.”
“I liked how we were... in the cabin, and I don't think I can just go back to what we had b-before we left. Just... pretending isn't for me, you know?”
Joel nodded, “I know.”
He watched as you turned and made your way away from his house, his jaw hanging low as he wondered how you could say something of such significance, with no real idea of just how much he agreed with every word you'd said, and just walk away, as if it was nothing.
“You don't have to leave,” there was some residual sanguine in his tone, when he leaned forward out of the doorway slightly.
Your steps halted and your head turned slowly.
“You can stay here tonight, if you want to,” Joel picked at his fingers as he spoke. He inhaled, stated, “I... want you to.”
“I am.”
After talking and listening to Joel quietly strumming his guitar for a while, the two of you lay on his bed, his arm wrapped securely around you, his finger tracing little shapes on your cool skin. You hadn't even realised it, but your hands had gradually found their way up the trail of burning hot skin beneath his thin t-shirt, and when you finally did they were on his chest and you both seemed to like that, so you kept them there.
“You're really hot,” you stated.
Joel's eyes met yours. He smirked, told, “Well, thank you, darlin'. Ain't so bad yourself.”
You shook your head. “No, really. Are you okay? Do you have a headache at all?”
Sighing softly, he smiled, “You don't have to take care of me.”
“You're avoiding my question which only makes me think you do.”
“I don't. And, even if I did, it's just a headache––I wouldn't die.”
You raised your eyebrows, mused, “You better not, Joel.”
He nodded and pressed a gentle kiss onto the top of your head, and then another, and then his palm found the base of your skull and he tilted you backward to look into his eyes even closer now. He held you there for a moment, eyes often falling to your lips but finding your eyes again soon enough.
“Is it okay if I kiss you?”
“You don't have t-”
“I know what I want, Joel. I want you to kiss me.”
Before he could even get it out of his head that you might've not wanted to, you lifted yourself and lowered yourself onto him slowly, leaning down and encasing his lips in yours. You waited a moment, allowing him the choice to take control, if he wanted to. Apparently, he did. He used his hand to pull you closer while he slowly pushed his tongue in through the little gap between your lips.
Time seemed to stop, but your pulse did the opposite, thriving now in this moment that you hoped would never end. His lips, soft and gentle, contrasted perfectly the rough hands that never quite rested on the back of your neck. His left hand found your waist and he pulled you down further onto his abdomen, and you moaned softly, not able to control the involuntary reaction when he so carefully and considerately showed you that he was in control still.
Joel pulled away, bringing his hand up to move aside the hair that had fallen in front of your eyes. He frowned slightly as his thumbs ran gentle lines down your cheeks.
“What is it?” your eyebrows furrowed as your thoughts consumed you. Had that been not good enough for him? Had you really just felt everything, and him nothing?
Joel hesitated, said eventually, “I love you.”
Then, you were the one frowning. Joel's eyebrows did what yours had done. Too soon? Fuck. Way too soon.
“I wanted to say it first,” you complained quietly.
“I do love you, but I just wanted to say it before you.”
Joel let out a quiet chuckle, of joy, and of some relief. He assured, “It's all right, darlin'. This ain't a competition.”
You inhaled slowly, said quietly, “Well, you can say that, because you won.”
“Yes, I can,” he said smugly. So slowly that you almost hadn't noticed the natural-seeming movement, he pulled your face closer to his. His lips met with yours in a soft touch, and he retracted his head before you could've even wishes it to go any first.. “But don't worry, I'm sure there'll be somethin' for you to win. You know, it'll obviously have to be aside from the shootin', ridin', fightin' and apparently confessin' that I already have on you, but... they do say there's somethin' out there for everyone...”
The next morning, everything seemed right. The warmth radiating off Joel wasn't too much to overwhelm you, but just enough to keep your fingers from going numb, and the way the sun tumbled onto him and allowed you to gaze at him for so long without even realising, seemed right. Not to mention it felt like a great weight had been lifted off your shoulders, because he finally knew how you felt, and you knew how he did, too, and that also had a feeling of rightness to it.
His breathing seemed perfect: steady and calm, in line with yours––as if it belonged no other way, as if it being only a second out of time with yours wouldn't have been enough, as if the two of you were meant to be. Or something like that. And even that you didn't know just you why or how you could feel so strongly about someone didn't seem wrong.
It was only almost an hour after your waking that Joel did the same. He'd turned and––having previously been watching the side of his face like he was some statue that enticed and bemused you so greatly with its beauty––you didn't realise just how far he had moved and how close he had gotten, until the skin of his forehead brushed against yours. You whispered a short apology, though you didn't know why, because as far as you knew he was asleep, and you shuffled back slightly.
It wasn't after long that, that Joel's arms hooked around the back of your waist, forbidding you from moving any further away. Then he pulled you back toward him.
“Oh. Good morning.”
He chuckled as he pulled you into his chest. “Mm, mornin'. And happy birthday, darlin'.”
A wide smile approached your lips and you had to stretch out your neck to even have your eyes level, but you nodded, mumbled, “Thank you,” and leaned forward, pressing your lips onto his. This time, you were quick to take the dominant role. As you hooked your leg around Joel's waist and used all your hip strength to roll him onto his back, the man, soon beneath you, groaned into your mouth.
You pulled away after a while, your breathing heavy, and your hands tugging lightly at the ends of his hair.
“Are you okay with this?”
“Shouldn't I be askin' you that?” Joel chuckled lightly.
Your eyebrows pulled together and you did what you could to deny the frown that tempted your lips. You simply said, “It goes both ways. Plus, I think it's more than obvious that I want this,” After some hesitation and a prompting head tilt from Joel, you added, “I do.”
“So do I, an-” he interrupted himself with a guttural groan, a result of you planting yourself back down onto his bulge and rolling your hips slowly. “Fuck, darlin',” his voice was strained, “since it's your birthday, we can do what you want to do.”
“Could I...” you hesitated.
“Go on, don't be shy.”
You inhaled shortly, pressed your eyes closed as your hands trailed down to his chest and remained there for a moment, where you massaged the many scars and marks beneath the minimal, short dark curls of hair. You distracted yourself with tracing the little imperfections that made him endlessly perfect as you asked, “Could I... ride your thigh?”
Joel said, “Oh, of course.” His hand lifted and found the side of your face again, taking your chin between his fingers and lifting your head ever so slightly, giving you only his face to admire. His hazel eyes looked back into yours with some sympathy and a subtle eagerness. “You don't have to be shy, darlin'. I'd give you any fuckin' thing, you just gotta ask, is all.”
You moved back, relocating yourself onto his thigh. Joel smirked, watching your glistening eyes that didn't at all hide your excitement.
Once you'd gotten a good rhythm, Joel was certain he'd never been harder; the friction on his cock and trousers, combined with that gorgeous look on your face, was making it impossible for him to have even a coherent thought. He pressed his head back against the pillow and groaned, moving his hand down to approach the opening of his trousers. You noticed this, and his state, and decided to help him out a little. Sort of.
You pressed your palm on top of his hand and moved it slowly up to his abdomen where you held it down against him.
Joel looked up, his eyes pleading with yours as soon as they met. He whimpered, almost, “Please, darli-”
“Joel,” you said softly, your eyes warning him against any in-the-moment moves. “Let me help you.”
He nodded, “Okay, go on. Do what you want. Please. Please.”
“Oh, you're very impatient, Joel,” you sighed quietly. “But I'm still willing to be generous.”
All the while, you didn't yet cease your movements, only ever becoming more turned on with how you could make Joel Miller be so... this. And all by riding his thigh! You wondered what he'd be like if he was in your throat and you wouldn't let him come. You wondered how his pleads would sound then.
His voice was hoarse, every not-so-natural intonation telling you just how desperate he was for your touch, “I'll do anythin'.”
“Such as?”
“I'll... fuck-” he was breathing quite significantly, just as you were. “I'll eat you out, o-or... finger you. Wherever. Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it.”
“Hm,” you tilted your head. “Good. You did really good, Joel.”
“Can you please-”
You giggled softly, and nodded, “Yes.” As you uttered the word, you traced your fingers around the thick outline of him. He was so large, and in every aspect possible. Your mind went to places it shouldn't have and you quickly pulled down the shorts, releasing his cock that sprung up. Completely erect, it looked like something that would hurt you, that would tear you apart. You bit your lip and wrapped your fingers around it.
You hadn't even realised in the moment, but you'd stopped riding Joel. It was when he clenched his femur that you looked up and realised what he was hinting to. You rode him and stroked him, watching the precome fall from his tip and trail down his length, until finally reaching your fingertip.
With that one little seam of your thong catching your clit for what must've been the hundredth time by now, you were certain you were close. You were so close.
You waited, though, biting your lip, curling your toes, doing all you could to avoid the orgasm building inside of you, tightening itself into a knot in your stomach at the most torturously slow pace.
Meanwhile, beneath you, Joel breathed through struggled exhales and short intakes, feeling completely weak and vulnerable to you, and for what must've been the first time in decades, not finding himself worried by his apparent openness.
When you were at your breaking point, there was a loud crackling sound from the side of the bed. Joel's head turned and he looked at the walkie-talkie which had interrupted you. Moments after the sound came Tommy's voice: “Joel, where the fuck are you?”
Joel looked at you, and pressed a finger gently to his lips. You nodded, and as your eyes followed his face, he turned slightly again and lifted the walkie from his bedside table. He wasn't sure whether you didn't understand that he'd wanted you to stop, or if you just continued pumping him for fun, but he couldn't hold back a grunt. He inhaled deeply, pressing down on the button on the side of the little device, and responded, “At home. Why?”
“Because, idiot, it's Y/n's birthday! You're the one who recommended this whole party, you are not getting out of helping set it up.”
You stopped then and Joel let out a relieved exhale. His eyes met yours and, to the questioning look you offered, he just shrugged.
“Okay, well I gotta do some things right now, Tommy. I'll be down there in half an hour.”
Your eyebrows raised slightly. You planned on dragging this out, but not for half an hour. Surely Joel knew that, too. So what else did he have planned? Your pussy clenched around his thigh in anticipation.
Joel looked at you with a smirk on his lips and flirtatious glint in his eye.
But the moment in which your eyes met and you seemed to speak with them was soon broken by Tommy. He said, “If you're more than twenty minutes, I will come down there and drag your ass out myself."
Joel chuckled quietly. “O-” of course you started again, “okay, Tommy.”
“Hey, she's not over there by any chance, is she?”
The oldest's breath hitched. “Why?”
“Well, 'pparently Ellie wanted to drop by with a present for her earlier but she wasn't in. I thought she might be at yours.”
“Actually... yeah,” he responded, not even giving himself time to doubt it. “She's upstairs, still sleepin', I think.”
The quiet crackle came again, and his brother hummed, “And you're...?”
Joel shot a glance to you, who pumped his cock as if you'd done it a million times, as if you knew the ins and outs of him, just what had him gasping, as he was. He inhaled and controlled his heavy breathing as best he could. Pressing onto the little button, Joel responded: “I'm on the couch, asshole.”
Even through the walkie, Tommy's subdued laugh was audible, and it seemed the words he'd pressed down on the button for just wouldn't come out. “Oh, I bet.”
“Shut the fuck up, Tommy. I'll see you in twenty.”
“Mm-hmm,” was all the two of you heard before all noise from the walkie-talkie ceased.
Joel let out a moan that you couldn't quite tell was voluntary or not. Either way, it was hot as fuck. And so were the words that had followed it. “Oh, baby,” he'd groaned. “God, I can't- where do you want me to come?”
You resumed rocking your hips back and forth, until it came to you. You lifted yourself entirely from atop him, moving to the side and bringing your lips so that they lingered by his cock head.
“Darlin', you don't ha-”
Before he could fight it too much, your lips were wrapped around him and the precome helped you moved your head slide up and down the large cock. It took only you hollowing out your cheeks one time for Joel to buck his hips upward and come in your mouth. Simultaneously, your walls had clenched around nothing.
You swallowed all of his come and you brought your thumb up to catch the little drop you could feel falling from your bottom lip. All the while, you'd looked up at Joel, and watched him as he attempted to regain his breath.
“Holy shit, darlin',” he said softly. “Come here.”
Within seconds, your noses almost touched. Joel's palm found the back of your head and he pulled your face closer to his. His lips clashed with yours in a furious, needy, passionate kiss.
Reluctantly, he pushed you away. There was some quiet shame in the midst of the hazel of his eyes. “Look at you, being so good for me, but it's your birthday. I'm meant to be the one treatin' you.”
“There's plenty of time for that later.”
“Please,” he sighed out. “I-”
You stepped onto the soft carpet and looked at him. “You'll need a shower before you leave. Can I join you?”
“Oh, that's more like it, darling. Yes.”
“You seem awfully chipper for someone who spent the night on a couch,” Tommy mused as he looked over at Joel, whose palm was pressed against the wall on his right as he leaned back, as far as was possible whilst on a ladder, and checked the banner was straight.
Joel shrugged, told, still looking ahead, “I slept well.”
“You're grinning. No one sleeps that well, nevermind being on that ugly old couch you have.”
“What are you tryin' to suggest here, Tom?” he glanced over and noted his brother's raised eyebrow, and tilted head. “She was upstairs, I was downstairs-”
“That itself sounds like a euphemism.”
Joel shook his head, “It's not. Do you think it would... matter, though, if something were to happen?”
“No. You planning on gettin' her somethin'? If you know what I mean.”
Sighing, the older of the two admitted, “I think I do.”
“So, that's my business.” Joel looked away and, once the banner was put up, he brought his left hand up to his jaw. He rubbed it lightly where it was sore, ignoring the eyes of Tommy he could feel plastered on him.
Joel said once you were finally free from the many people offering you their wishes of a happy birthday, leaning against the surface of the bar and attempting to meet your eyes, “You're wearing my shirt,”
“Sorry, I couldn't really wear what I slept in, so I had to grab one of yours.”
“Don't worry about it. Keep it, if you want––looks better on you, anyway.”
You turned your head and offered a smile. “Thank you.”
He shrugged, told softly, “Oh, you're welcome,” as his hand found the beer bottle that had been on top of the bar, Joel leaned forward. “So, when can we leave?”
“I say we have another twenty minutes, most, of this... thing, and then we should be able to just go out the side door. Can I stay with you tonight?”
“You can every night. Can I kiss you?”
“Here? You really want to do that?”
Joel smiled. “More than anything, darlin'. But if you don't...”
“Your move, cowboy,” you hummed, smirking. “You can do whatever you want, they can say whatever they want-”
Before you could even continue, Joel closed the gap between your bodies. His soft lips caught onto yours like they belonged there, and he showed no sign of a willingness to detach from them, all the while his left palm slipped into the small gap between your body and the bar he was pushing you against, using the small of your back to draw you into him.
You basked in his touch, and the scent of him, as you felt a slight buzz in your chest. You'd waited for this––for much too long, too. And now you had it. You had Joel, kissing you, in the bar, where anybody could see. It was perfect. For a moment.
“You guys!” came the laughing shout of Ellie from over Joel's shoulder. “Finally!”
Reluctantly, you pushed Joel away slightly, with the palms you pressed to his chest. You glanced over his broad shoulder at Ellie, who walked toward the both of you, with her hand on her girlfriend's waist.
Groaning quietly, Joel turned. He fell back slightly, the back of his shoulder meeting with your arm, and he softly sighed. Dina's eyes sunk slightly as she glanced apologetically at yourself and Joel. You smiled and stepped to the side and forward, telling Ellie, “How about we get some good music starting?”
Her eyes widened and she turned her head in the direction of Dina, expression softening as if that was her way of asking if it was okay. Her girlfriend nodded and watched as you walked off with the intoxicated cordyceps-immune girl.
Joel shifted against the bar, watching Dina with an adament suspicion in his retinas.
“So, what are you drinking?”
He cleared his throat, shrugged, “Beer.”
“Nice... um...”
“Yeah, you don't have to,” Joel nodded. Dina let out a sigh of relief, and seemed to ease up, ever so slightly. “Ellie likes you, so I'm willing to not hate you. But if you hurt her...”
Dina's head shook, she insisted, “I wouldn't.”
“For your sake, I do hope not.”
“Please tell me you didn't threaten Dina when I took Ellie away,” you said, sighing softly as you ran the tip of your finger down the little line of Joel's tricep.
“I didn't... really.”
“The fuck does that mean?”
“Not sure. But I promise you, darlin', I didn't say I would kill her, or imply it... I think.”
Your eyes widened slightly, you lifted your head in an attempt to meet his shameful gaze. “What? Wh-what do you mean, you think?”
“Well, it's not up to me how she interpreted it.”
“Fuck, Joel,” you sighed softly, head nestling into the crook of his neck. “It's a good job you're pretty, because you can be seriously dumb sometimes.”
He tilted his head, and retorted, tone teasing: “Oh, so you value me with my looks?”
“No... just not with your intelligence. At times.”
“Great. Thanks,” he said flatly.
“Oh, shut up.”
Joel then retorted, “Well, it's not entirely my fault, is it? You're the one who took Ellie. I like Ellie.”
You let out a sigh, and brought your hand up to his cheek, caressing his bearded face slowly. “I know. I'm sorry, I'll never force you to talk to that monster again.”
He chuckled. “Really? Thank you.”
Bringing your palms to find the base of his skull, you sunk your hands into the dark hairs there, and smiled. “You're welcome. Bonne nuit, mon amour,” you said softly.
He mumbled his quiet repose: “That French?”
“Yeah. Didn't I tell you, I learned it in college?”
Joel shrugged, said, “No, you didn't. What's it mean, anyway?”
“Good night.”
“That what it means, or that you tellin' me you're done with this conversation?”
You giggled lightly, claimed: “It means good night, Joel.”
“And the other bit? That's, uh, ‘my love’, ain't it?”
“I like it. You should talk French more.”
“Ah bon?”
“See, I don't know what that means, but... whatever it is, yes. Yes, please.”
Subsiding your soft laughs, you simply nodded, “Okay, Joel. Good night. I love you.”
“I love you too, darlin'. Bon newy.”
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veilder · 3 years
"I thought you left" "Nope, just making pancakes" - Convin
Okay, so, I love this prompt and I promised I'd try to write it so... I actually did this last week at like 2 am and have been too busy to edit it until now. But I'm kinda sick of trying to puzzle it out so just take it please, omg.
(Prompt from this post if anyone's curious.)
The sun was already high in the sky when Gavin finally blinked awake. He could tell because there was one fuckin sliver of window he could never manage to cover with the blackout curtains hanging up in his bedroom and the goddamn sun was shining right in his fuckin eyes, Jesus Christ! With a groan, he rolled over, squeezing his eyes shut in a futile attempt to go back to sleep. But even that small burst of cognizance had its consequences. Gavin could feel the awareness creeping in fast, God fuckin dammit. Was a little shut-eye too much to ask for? But there was something... Something niggling at the back of his mind. It itched at instincts well-honed by over a decade on the force and not even his most earnest desire to return to oblivion could keep it at bay. Restlessly, Gavin huffed out a disgruntled sigh as he kicked at the covers, frustrated despite himself at being roused after the night he’d had— Like a shock passing through his body, Gavin’s eyes snapped open, memories of the previous evening flashing through is mind. But just as readily, a heaviness settling deep in his heart as he took in the other side of the bed. The sheets were mussed and the pillow indented, a clear sign of its former occupant. Evidence as plain as day told Gavin that last night hadn’t been some delusion or dream. And yet… He reached out a hand, an involuntary, desperate motion, tracing the outline where his partner had lain. Where Connor had lain. But just as he’d feared, the sheets were cold. They matched the ice filling his heart. Slowly shuffling upright, Gavin leaned back against the headboard as memories of the previous day filled his waking mind. Flashes of the case he and Connor had worked together rushed by in a flurry. The tip-off for the perp they’d been tracking for weeks and the reckless chase that followed. The abandoned warehouse. The shootout. Vivid Thirium across dirty concrete. Connor had taken a bullet for him. Gavin remembered staring up into those brown eyes, watching as a splatter of blue burst from his chest. "I'm fine," Connor had said, "the bullet didn't nick anything important." And even though the android had gotten right back up and proceeded to almost single-handedly take down the rest of the hostiles attacking them, it was still a moment Gavin knew would haunt him for a long-ass time. Shit was enough to give him nightmares. It did give him nightmares, in fact. Which is how the two of them had ended up back here. In Gavin's apartment. Together. Because after that little fiasco, after the gang had been arrested and the hostages recovered and both he and Connor had been checked over by a medic and technician respectively, it still left the job far from complete. Needless to say, Gavin had eventually nodded off at his desk after a long night of interrogation and paperwork, the rushes of adrenaline and fear more than even his beloved coffee could contend with. He only meant to rest his eyes for a moment. Just a moment and then he'd finish up. But when he awoke some indeterminate time later, it was to his own voice screaming, Connor's name upon his lips, Connor's blue blood scattered across the darkest corners of his mind, Connor's hand upon his shoulder jostling him awake. The android’s LED was flashing a violent red as he stared Gavin down, his brown eyes wide with worry. Gavin couldn't help but cling to him, something twisting, clenching in his heart and demanding he hold on tightly. From there, things had passed in a blur, though he remembered Fowler's imposing figure ordering the both of them to take the next few days off. Too tired and distressed to argue, Gavin agreed immediately, only too glad to get the fuck out of there and go home. And Connor? Connor insisted he drive Gavin home. Connor insisted he make sure Gavin got to his door. Connor insisted that he get Gavin to his bed. And Gavin, still clinging to the android with every last bit of his flagging strength, let him. Over and over he let the android steer him along, trusting a partner fully for the first time in... For the first time
in far too long. And when Gavin had finally settled, comfortable yet shivering in his too-large bed, he took a moment to insist right back. "Stay," he'd said. One word. One plea. A lifetime of wanting to not be alone wrapped up in a single syllable. A few short weeks of shifting worldviews and growing affections cradled in four letters. A wealth of experience in loss stealthily couched within a breath. Gavin insisted. And Connor stayed. Or, at least Gavin thought he had. Because here and now, in the stupidly bright light of day, he was alone again. Like always. He didn't know why he'd expected otherwise. He really should've known better. After all, why would Connor want to hang around here? Especially after his fuckin embarrassing little act last night, fuck. He probably had loads of things to do. Important... android things... People to meet. Places to be. He wouldn't waste his entire day sitting around in Gavin's shitty apartment while he slept like a log. How fuckin stupid would that be? It didn't mean anything. Gavin told himself this over and over again as he shifted, swinging his legs out from under the covers and onto the floor. Just because they could be considered friends now didn't mean Connor had to drop everything for him. Just because he'd begging him to stay didn't mean Connor owed him anything. He'd probably felt uncomfortable as hell last night, what with Gavin whining and bitching at him like a fuckin child. Probably said what he could to mollify him before getting the hell out of Dodge. Gavin couldn't even blame him for that. Fuck, Connor'd just had emergency maintenance done! Because of Gavin! Like hell he'd want some handsy human all over him for ten straight hours, Jesus Christ. It didn't mean anything. Even if he wished it did. His stomach picked that moment to rumble, thankfully interrupting his little pity-party. Thank fuck. It was too early in the morning (or afternoon technically) to be crying over stupid shit. He was probably just hungry. Yeah, that's it. He's all fuckin emotional cause he hadn't eaten in almost 24 hours. It didn't matter that Connor fucked off ASAP, Gavin could get some waffles delivered. Waffles never fuckin betrayed him. He could trust waffles. With newfound resolve, Gavin stood, fumbling for his phone on the nightstand before scrolling through his food delivery aps to see if he could get waffles from anywhere at two in the fuckin afternoon. With heavy tread he stepped out into the hallway, mouth already watering at the prospect and stomach rumbling again in agreement. Fuck, he could almost smell them already. Wait. No, he can smell them? What the fuck?! Before Gavin could do anything more but stand there in his pajamas, wide-eyed and mystified, a figure stepped into view. Instinctively, Gavin's heart raced, adrenaline flooding his veins as the threat of a home invader cycled through his brain. In that fraction of a second, he was prepared to dive into an all-out brawl with the bastard. He was not in the mood for this shit! But then said bastard's lips quirked into a dazzling grin and a brown-eyed gaze sent Gavin reeling in disbelief. While his brain was preoccupied with keeping his suddenly-weak legs standing, his idiot mouth opened up on it's own: "I thought you left,” he said, choking on his disbelief. Connor (because of course it was Connor) only quirked his head to the side in that cute way he does, looking for all the world like the dogs he so adored. His LED flashed a single, swirling yellow before settling back to blue and he said, "No, I was just making pancakes. I thought perhaps you might be hungry." A strange hesitance entered his voice, some dour note falling across his features. "Did you want me to leave?" "No!" Gavin blurted out in a moronic, high-pitched squeak because again, he was nothing if not an idiot. (And one destined to embarrass himself at every possible moment at that.) Clearing his throat, he tried again. "I mean, you can do whatever you want. Doesn’t matter to me." (He's lying through his teeth. It obviously did matter to him. It
mattered a huge fuckin deal!) Connor blinked at him, the only sign of the awkward atmosphere between them the flashing colors at his temple. "Your words run contrary to both your body language and your involuntary actions," he said, "And they are a direct counterpoint to your request last night." Gavin fidgeted, knowing the damn android was right but never in a million years wanting to admit it. "Stop analyzing me, dipshit, it's too early for this." Finally, Connor's face relaxes a bit, a smile smile stealing across his lips. "It is two thirty-three in the afternoon, Gavin. Far from early." "Oh, can it, Poindexter! You know what I mean!" With a huff, Gavin moves forward, sidling past his annoying house guest. "What was that about pancakes?" Connor beams at him as the two of them enter the kitchen. "Ah yes. I determined that you would be hungry after going so long without food. I managed to make due with your atrocious grocery selection and have prioritized calories over nutrition for the time being. But just this once.” While Connor seemed dead set on critiquing the apparently-lackluster pantry he’d been forced to bravely overcome, Gavin only had eyes for the heaping pile of flapjacks sitting at his breakfast nook, fluffy and golden brown and still steaming. Fresh off the griddle, holy shit. How did he…? Despite his hunger, Gavin looked over at Connor questioningly. It was almost like the android could read his mind (which was a scary fucking thought) as he answered his unspoken query immediately: "I calculated your sleep cycle based off the Circadian rhythms I observed during your convalescence. I'm glad I timed it right. I wanted you to enjoy your breakfast." "It's past 2 pm," Gavin retorted with a smirk, "can't be breakfast now, hotshot." Connor's answering smile made Gavin want to melt into a puddle and he quickly turned away, staring at said breakfast with a helpless desperation. "Indeed," the android said, heedless of his partner's distress. "Regardless of the time of day, I wanted you to enjoy your meal, nonetheless." And something more vulnerable finally stole into his voice then, the merest shadow of his quiet pleas from the night before. "I thought, perhaps, you might consider them an offering." Gavin tore his gaze away from his not-breakfast then, looking up at his partner with enough confusion to drive out all other complicated emotions. "What offering? What the fuck are you talking about, tincan?" And now Connor was the one to look away. "It's just that..." He drew in a deep breath (though Gavin knew it was only him mimicking humans. Fucker didn't actually need to breathe) and continued, "yesterday... Yesterday frightened me. When I saw that gunman aiming at you, I—" He clenched his eyes shut, LED flashing a dangerous red. "In that moment, I preconstructed a multitude of outcomes, many of them where you did not survive. In which that bullet found its mark. And the thought of it, Gavin!" he wails. "I couldn't—! The thought was unbearable! And so I calculated the best result. And I determined my course of action. And you lived. You lived. And I thought that would be the end of it. But..." Finally, Connor looked up, his eyes meeting Gavin's head-on once more. "It was like a glitch. The preconstruction, it— It kept resurfacing again and again and again, every time you were out of my sight. And I... I disliked the feeling immensely. I think perhaps I hated it, even. And so I did my best to linger. I didn't want to leave you. Even though I knew you were safe, I still... It was so irrational but I still wanted to verify that you were okay. I still do." Before them the pancakes were growing cold, but neither paid them any mind. Connor looked away again, eyes shut. "I thought that, perhaps you had figured this much out last night. Which is why you asked me to stay. Because we are friends now and that's what friends do. But I worried that I may have... forced the issue... in my desperation. And I-I... I wanted to do something for you in return for your generosity." Looking down at the cooling
breakfast, Connor's face fell further. "I know it's not much but I thought at least—" Gavin had heard enough. "Okay, okay, okay, hold the fuck up, dumbass!" He stood, breakfast forgotten, and approached the shocked android with a fierce determination. Jabbing a finger directly into Connor's chest, he stated as sternly as he could, "You don't owe me a goddamn thing! For fuck's sake, Connor! You fuckin saved my goddamn life yesterday! You took a fuckin bullet for me! And even after that, you still fuckin stayed with me and made sure I got home safe!" A growl rumbled through his chest as Gavin poked Connor again. "I was having a fuckin nightmare about you dying! When you woke me up in the precinct! Did you know that?!" Connor shook his head but Gavin only poked him a third time, this time with much less force. He left his hand there, palm splayed across where his heart would be were he human. "That shit kept replaying for me, too. Over and over again. So I get it. I get wanting to 'verify.' I was doing the same thing. That's why I asked you to stay. Because I fuckin—! I wanted you here, okay?! Because the idea that you were hurt or injured or fuckin dead had me panicking!" He brought his other arm up now, slinging it around Connor's broad shoulders in a half-embrace, and leaned in, burying his face in the android's neck. "That shit's unbearable to me, too, tincan. Thinking of this fuckin trash heap of a world without you in it is—" He sucked in a breath. "Can't stand the thought." They stood there for what felt like an eternity (though it was probably only a few seconds) before slowly—tentatively—Connor brought his own arms up to squeeze around Gavin. He held him with a brittle tenderness, his touch light and careful as if he was afraid Gavin might break. And fuck, maybe he would. Maybe Connor could shatter him into a hundred-thousand little pieces. But shit, he'd take it. Because Gavin would never have been in this situation in the first place if Connor hadn't broken right through his walls first, scattering him and leaving him adrift in a strange, new world. And when he’d managed to build himself back up, it was into something—someone—stronger. Someone who could look at the world and see progress instead of oppression, opportunity instead of limitations, people instead of just machines. Connor had shattered his body once before down in the archives. He'd shattered his mind too over these last few months. It’d only make sense for him to shatter his heart as well. But he didn't. He wouldn't. And as Connor held him like a thing to be cherished, Gavin felt again that perhaps he'd been right last night. Perhaps this was a partner he could trust. A partner who could trust him, too. And perhaps he would— "Stay."
Connor: "Okay, but only if you eat your pancakes. I didn't download an entire cooking catalogue for you to let them go to waste, Gavin." Gavin: "Fuckin bite me, we're having a moment here." Connor: "Is your stomach rumbling part of that moment?" Gavin: "God fucking dammit, I fuckin hate you." Connor: ^_^ "False!" Gavin: "Fuck!"
And they lived happily ever after. ♥
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robinofinashiro · 4 years
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request from anonymous: “hello! May i request for a levi fic where his female s/o sneaks out when he's asleep and sneaks in when he wakes up but he notices it. She seems like she's cheating and he gets hella angsty about it but when he thinks he's gonna catch her, it turns out she was planning an anniversary surprise with the help of their friends and he gets hella soft :> modern au or not depends on you hehe” 
pairing: levi ackerman x fem! reader (modern au)
note: omg, i’m a fuckin dumbass and read that as birthday instead of anniversary. i hope it’s okay if that’s what i wrote instead. 
request status: CLOSED
it had been going on for a few days now. you would sneak out of bed at random hours of the night, sometimes going to bed extremely late and not return back until almost the crack of dawn. 
Levi hated to think and assume things but a gut feeling was starting to form. He tried to suppress it but his mind started racing whenever he would feel you leave the bedroom when you assumed he was asleep and not come back or when you would tell him you were going to hang with Hanji but he saw them not even a few hours later alone. 
he confided in Erwin, hoping he would calm down what Levi was thinking but neither him or Hanji would try to deny it. they would just claim he was being a bit paranoid and he should have more faith in his wife. 
Levi loved you. more than he ever thought he would love anyone else. you were there for him when his mother passed. when his two closest friends passed. you knew everything about him and you knew he NEVER confided this much of his past on anyone that wasn’t Hanji or Erwin. 
you were one of the newest teachers at Scout Academy. you were the newest teacher in what felt like years. you were there to be the trainee’s newest commander and although the position had been vacant for a while now, when you arrived, it was kind of a shock to the entire academy. 
you were sweet, soft spoken, and extremely friendly. you weren’t like Hanji who tended to scare people of with their rants about science. you sure weren’t Levi who just scared people in general, and as for Erwin, being that he was at the head of the chain of command, no one really sought out to be his friend. 
you tended to make friends with everyone who ranked beneath the three. Moblit and Petra being your closest friends. 
the day you unintentionally got close with Levi was one he wasn’t even expecting to happen. you had been dealing with a rowdy group of new trainee’s and weren’t able to calm them down for whatever reason that day. they weren’t just listening to you and every time you tried to reprimand them, they would go back to doing whatever they were doing. 
“hey Levi?” you asked, knocking softly on his door. he heard your voice from the opposite side and welcomed you in, “I don’t mean to intrude on your work time but the 108th is acting extremely out of hand right now and won’t listen to what i’m saying. I would get Erwin but I don’t think it’s that bad.” 
Levi shoved himself away from his desk and marched to where you were training the kids. upon his arrival, some realized that Levi walked in, however; others didn’t and continued their shenanigans. 
Levi walked to the nearest rowdiest kid and flipped him to the ground, shoving his boot to his jacket so he wouldn’t get up. 
“all of you going to be here, cleaning, training, and following mine and her orders until dinner starts and after that, you’ll be doing laps around the facility until it’s time head back to your bunkers.” 
they were all shaking in fear as Levi screamed at them to get started on doing their training regiment. you stood on the side, instructing them on what they were doing wrong or what they could improve on. 
he could see that although you were angry at your students, you couldn’t treat them the way Levi did. you saw the trainee’s almost as your kids and even though they reached your last nerve, you continuously praised them for getting something right. 
Levi’s office was right next door to your training facility so he heard your commands now and again and he couldn’t help but wonder how you got to handle your trainee’s to listen to you so well without screaming at them sometimes. 
“where did you come from before this?” Levi asked you suddenly. you smiled, taking a sip of your tea, “oh, I worked for the Military Police Brigade for six years prior to this,” he shuttered at your confession, “I worked right under Nile Dok as his second in command until he retired and put Hitch in charge. she changed my position to work in another section and I quit not even a few days after.” 
Levi laughed at the disorganization that came from the Military Brigade. he knew that out of everyone, they were seen as the lowest of the three ranks so to hear that you came from the most prestige rank to work with them, he couldn’t help but want to rub salt in the Brigade’s wound. 
“and I must admit, the Scouts is a lot less than crazier than I thought it would be. everyone who found out of my position change told me that the Scouts wasn’t the job for me because of my prior experience with the military police but if I’m being honest, the Scouts is a lot less judgemental and I must say, less hectic.” 
the lunch bell rang indicating that everyone was due on break for an hour. after you dismissed your trainee’s, you looked to Levi. 
“would you like to have lunch with me? I brought more than enough from what I made last night!” you asked excitedly. Levi’s mind raced for a moment, “sure.” 
he followed you to where your office was placed. it was in the second story office level where Petra’s and Moblit’s offices were. the highest floor was placed for only Erwin, Levi, and Hanji so he hardly made it down to where their assistants worked at. 
Levi saw the few plaques that were hanging on your wall. they were all of your accomplishments from when you worked with the brigade. the shiny green unicorn made his scoff until he saw your photo. it was you holding the certificate from when you first got approved to work with the brigade as you dawned the brown jacket with your last name etched on it. 
“I made beef stew! I hope you like it. I cooked the meat in a Instapot cooker all day and the meat turned out really soft and moist,” you explained as you poured copious amounts on a disposable bowl, “I was saving some for Moblit and Hanji but since you did help me out, I figured it would be my way of repaying you!” 
you put the plate in front of him as the two of you sat on the small wood table. Levi unintentionally moaned making you spit out in laughter. your laugh caught the attention of Hanji and Moblit who were going to have lunch together to discuss a few things in his office. 
“hey, Captain Levi is in Vice Captain ( your name )’s office!” Moblit explained as he saw you hyperactively talking to Levi. Hanji immediately turned around, basically rushing to the small window you had that. 
they saw Levi’s ghost of a smile on his face as he just nodded to whatever you were talking about. Hanji’s eyes widened, knowing they were not going to be able to keep this to themselves. 
Levi felt you get out of bed, getting quickly dressed in outwear before running out of the room and go into your car. he sighed, sitting at the edge of his bed, running his hand through his hair as he slipped on a shirt and grabbed the second set of keys for his car. 
he wanted to follow you so he could finally get confirmation on his assumptions. a part of him didn’t want his suspicions to be true but Levi knew that if he didn’t get answers, he would explode on you. 
your location on your phone was still on so it didn’t take an idiot to find you but when he finally saw your location, his heart dropped to his stomach. you were at Erwin’s second office across town.
that office was only used for extreme and dire situations. like when the Military Police and the Garrison Regiment had to gather together to handle something together. 
were you cheating on him with Erwin? and using his second office as the place to have your escapades? 
Levi’s heart felt like it was about to break as he saw Erwin’s car parked in the parking lot. your car was right next to his. 
the brutal winter made the wind hit his face and feel like it was about to burn. he hated that you had to do all of this so you could have an affair with his boss, especially because the holiday season was literally about to approach and he had gotten you one of the most perfect gifts. 
a promise ring. 
Levi entered the building, heading into Erwin’s office to catch a recording of your cheating session so he could have solid proof when he finally confronted you about it. 
as he opened his phone, he felt a stray tear roll down his face as he saw the photo of you two as his background. you were giving him an annoyingly happy kiss on the cheek as his face said that he was extremely annoyed at the situation, however; the smile that played said different. 
Levi put his ear to the door, expecting some moans and whispers of each others names but what he heard was the complete opposite. 
he heard Hanji screaming about something as you tried to quiet her down. 
“Hanji, pay attention!” you yelled, “Levi’s birthday is on Christmas and since I don’t really feel like celebrating it on the 25th, I booked his venue for the 28th which is a Saturday night. I want everyone who works with us to attend but since it’s a surprise, Erwin you’re going to have to make sure to keep him occupied.”  
Levi’s heart swelled hearing what you were saying. you weren’t cheating, you were planning his fucking birthday! 
he kept hearing the plans until he realized that all of you could walk out at any minute and catch him. Levi quickly got into his car, rushing back home as he saw that your location said you were on the move. 
Levi felt himself physically sigh in relief that all of his assumptions were wrong. a bit later, he felt the bed slump down as you got into bed and snuggled into his chest. your hands were still cold from the wind but he immediately brought you into his brace, feeling you melt in his arms. 
maybe that promise ring had to be changed into something else.  
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