#Icarus has hurt him so many times has hurt his family his friends
lillybearrie · 4 months
Hi chat hello this is a reminder to yall that Rae basically disowned Icarus (which tbh was a long time coming let's be so fr) they're next interaction is gonna contain yelling at best violence and injury at worst we can't keep suggesting that they go talk to Rae when they're in an emotionally fragile state It will not go well not to mention they don't need to dump that on Rae because if Icarus shows up bawling their eyes out Rae is either gonna slam the door in their face or he'll push down his own feelings on his brother to help an old friend
Guys they cannot be around one another right now not until Icarus finally let's themself believe that they don't have to keep killing people then and only then can any sort of progress be made can bridges be mended
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elderwisp · 3 months
Oooh.. OC Asks you say??? Don't mind if I do!! How many can I ask for at once? I'm feeling nosy 😅 Can I get: Betrayal -> "Unnamed" 👀 And if you're up for more... Mistake -> Atlas Desire -> Frances Alone -> Icarus Midnight -> Kai Skin -> Taryn
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Betrayal for Unnamed: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
⌾⃝ OMG this one is so good SO GOOD U DON'T UNDERSTAND- ok SO! Yes, Unnamed is ultimately betrayed by Atlas. I would say Unnamed is very much a do whatever the fuck you want kinda guy but if there's one thing he asks you to not do, it's for good reason. There was one thing, one thing, he asked Atlas not to do and what does this fucker do? The thing that in the end brings their relationship to a close. HOWEVER, he's also a bit of a hypocrite because he also betrays Atlas in a different way but this doesn't end their relationship. Their relationship is quite volatile and once Atlas comes to this understanding, he still gravitates towards Unnamed until Atlas fucks up. Bad.
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Mistake for Atlas: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
☾ So piggybacking on the previous ask, Atlas makes a huge mistake with Unnamed when he was seventeen. While he was already in some deep shit around that time, all self-inflicted of course, it ends up backfiring on him and affecting the one important person in his life. Which is honestly the last thing Atlas wants to do because at the end of the day, he knows what it's like to hurt so he doesn't want to inflict it on others. It's a huge reason why he lies to people because if it hurts less, then good. OK OFF TRACK so he's still figuring out how to fix it but sometimes you can't turn the clock backwards so he has to eventually come to terms with it.
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Desire for Frances: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
𖦹 BOOF! Stability for sure! Frances feels like life has always been unstable with them and it started the day she and her brother were put up for adoption. While she doesn't remember too much of it, it was an early memory and did set a tone for her life. She is incredibly grateful for Elliot and Toni for taking them in but things started to go out of whack in high school and after certain events, she made herself a few promises: Not to rely on her parents and to do anything to stabilize. She's quite open about it, her friends attempt to help her out, especially in the beginning because Frances will do anything to meet that goal. In school, she made sure to take all of the accelerated classes and secure a scholarship. In college, before working for Icarus, they did so many odd jobs. I would say the one misstep Frances took was she got so tired of her dorm roommate, she moved out on her own and that was what put her in a financial pinch which is when we meet her.
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Alone for Icarus: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
◍ Being alone is the one time Icarus can truly be himself. It's the moment when he can unclench the jaw, lower the shoulders and unwind. He's not uncomfortable with being alone, when his parents died, Aponi would argue that he did it too much but it was his way of grieving. He hasn't been completely alone because family is always around the corner. I would say he's a bit sillier, a lot more loose and fluid. In the recent story post, he's still a bit more put together around Frances (with little pops of his personality) but the more he gets comfortable around them, we'll start to see that side of him and the dialogue there makes me chuckle hehe!
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Midnight for Kai: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
✿ I think Kai's crush on Atlas brings up the bigger question on being gay in a religious community, especially one that is less accepting. When you're apart of something for such a long time, even if it isn't aligned with yourself, sometimes we seek approval from that because it's a community, it's a feeling of belonging so you don't want to be the odd one out. Kai holds a lot of shame for his identity because it's been drilled in his mind that it's wrong so for that shame to be uncovered, keeps him up at night. He likes to game a lot when he's feeling this way/unable to sleep because it's a form of escapism from these problems, he can pretend for a bit to be someone else.
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Skin for Taryn: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
𖤓 Ok so. Current Taryn is not comfortable in her skin. When she told Atlas "I keep asking myself why you’re so nice to me all of a sudden. Why would someone like you be around someone like me and it’s such a… Mind-fuck." while it was about their confusing situation, the low-confidence towards herself automatically equated that Atlas just wanted a one night stand. Taryn does view herself as undesirable, she really doesn't see herself as beautiful so she's dealing with that version of herself and it's heartbreaking to say the least. She acknowledges it completely and in a way it makes decisions for her. Facing this current self brings a lot of hopelessness and while she does enjoy her time around Atlas, hearing his compliments flies over her head because she's so lost in herself and that to me... Is a tragedy. She is slowly getting better, I think her setting boundaries and speaking up is her doing right by herself but damn does the rejection of her publishing book stings.
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seeinganewlight · 1 year
okay but for real HOW am i supposed to work like a normal person when i can’t stop thinking about how:
nancy said MULTIPLE TIMES that she’s in love with ace
nancy called ace her north star
nancy wrote down ace’s name for a ritual where lost lovers writer the name of their love in a bottle in the hopes that in this life or the next their souls will be reunited (oh my fucking god?????)
the first almost kiss and the forehead touch
the way their voices always soften when they talk to each other
nancy doing everything in her power to exonerate ace
the fact that both ace and nancy have shared their heartbreak with other members of the crew/their families
“or you could stay”
the fucking heart eyes nancy has when ace gets all the party goers out of the lock box room
“i lost my friend”
nancy literally crying every time she talks about how much she loves ace
"ace is responsible and law-abiding"
nancy asking everyone how ace is doing because she needs to know but she doesn’t want to hurt him any more than she already has
"well, no need to rub it in. the rest of us are lonely enough" she misses him so much of my god
her face when ace says he lost her over something that wasn’t even a kiss
the way any time they’re close to each other they unconsciously gravitate towards each other
the way their noses brush before the first almost kiss
ace finding out that she wrote his name and him RUNNING to icarus hall??????
“you do have feelings for me” not a question. a STATEMENT
and the way he keeps walking toward her in this scene oh my god it’s so hot
"this could have been written by anybody" / "how many order tickets have you written me at the claw? i know your handwriting"
"both times i felt something, and i know you felt it, too. and both times we were close enough to..."
the way they both inhale before their foreheads touch again
ace’s little groan when the flashlight breaks
“because we’re cursed” nancy says with tears in her eyes
everything about this was absolute perfection and i am never getting over it
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mr-orion · 4 months
I'd love to Know more about Icarus✨
Please Info dump
Hes 29
His bones are far too dense and he doesn't have enough wing muscle to fly. For his species (Stav'raw) the muscle needs to be trained vigorously to even get a flutter of lift off. It's not feasible for most people of his species
He can glide though!
He's scared of heights though!!
His hair naturally grows pink and brown
He has naturally black scalera, lips, and tongue
He is currently employed at Stags adult entertainment
His work wife is Lennia, who's in charge of music management. Lennia is a human super into angels and he finds Icarus' wings super cool. He's Icarus' token straight friend.
His best friend is a man named Rowan who paints fine works of art and runs a gallery. This man is actually his love interest's, Ray's, older brother. But seeing as Rowan is a tsundere and Icarus for the love of all that is good cannot use Ray's name when referring to him, they do not connect the dots until wayyyy late in their relationship.
He is deadass referring to Ray as "angel fluff", "hottie with the boddy", "zelda twink", "Ms. Shawty", "dreamboat", "princess babygirl", and so many more to Ray's own damn brother
Rowan is also the father of his niece, Onyx. Onyx is technically his twin sister's spawn but seeing as what she did to Rowan he thinks she should be shot on sight and does not deserve the title of Onyx's mother. There's a reason Rowan has full custody.
Oh yeah, he hates his immediate family
He's an Earthian. Born and raised.
He experienced extreme neglect during his childhood due to never knowing his father and his mother never wanting children. He found himself alone in his early adult life, and that experience wasn't made easier with his sisters unforgivable actions
Rowan probably saved him. He's the closest thing Icarus has to a brother/father figure
Icarus actually had a dream to be a pediatric nurse for children who have been abused
He thinks about all the times just being noticed would have made all the hurt better. Or just having a trusted adult.
That dream was derailed with his first relationship. Luciel Lovejoy destroyed him, got him into cartel violence, and drugs by luring him in with expensive things and sweet promises
It felt affectionate
Luciel burned down a building during their last year of high school and blamed it on Icarus.
Icarus lost his full-ride scholarship to the top university of the Solar System
It was so fucking devastating he stopped trying to live
All his clawing up out of a pit until his fingers bled was for nothing. Stolen from him by some vandal that blamed him for it
Icarus actually still doesn't know Luciel did it and blamed him (Ray eventually pieces it together as he investigates Luciel for his cartel dealings and does not say anything. It clicks and he immediately thinks of how devastating it would be to bring up.)
(Luciel is actually a driving factor in how Ray and Icarus meet)
It was the perfect opportunity for Luciel to lovebomb him and mold him into his ideal arm candy
And it worked, which set off Icarus' current career path
He actually does enjoy his job despite Luciel being absolutely rancid. He chooses to do it
The relationship with Luciel ended when the jerk abandoned him in the Bahamas with no money for a new piece of arm candy
He is absolutely loaded because of his desirability.
Icarus eventually goes back to school for his dream
Largely because of Ray
Ray is just an encouraging friend and while Ray respects Icarus' control path, he just couldn't handle being married to someone who does it
He's perfectly fine with Icarus dancing though
So maybe that kicks Icarus into gear. And when he takes the first step Ray is off the market. So it really is something he feels he has to do for himself and not to gain Ray's affection
He is pining pathetically hard for Ray. He's such an enabler too. Early on Ray will come to him for the type of comfort you get from a partner and Icarus gladly lets him.
They talk like adults who respectceach other though. When it starts to bother Ray Icarus reminds him that he can say no if he doesn't want to do anything with Ray
Eventually they figure it out. When Ray is absolutely 1000% sure he will be spending his life with Icarus
Sidenote: Ray has a sickness that affects him drastically everytime he loses a connection with a lifemate. He's a widow, divorced, and had been assaulted by the woman he was dating, which resulted in the sickness progressing. So three seperate occasions that absolutely fucking wreck him. So he really does need to be damn sure. It's also why Ray can't handle Icarus having a job that requires him sleeping with other people. I'll eventually get way more into this with Ray, this is such a brief explanation.
Honestly it's no surprise they work out, the chemistry is fantastic
They're both highly intelligent, sassy, well dressed, a bit demanding.
Icarus is really sassy - which reminds me, I have a small written piece where Ray asks if he would love him if he's a worm... should I post that? Icarus destroys that question with facts and logic
Icarus has a thing for disco style blouses
He knows how to sew to alter clothes for his wings and tail
He also knows how to do makeup but would rather raw dog the world with his bare skin. Primer is the most he'll do
HE HATES BREAD, HE HATES DAIRY!! It makes him feel sick!!!
His favorite fruit is pomegranates
He has three dogs, Sir, Burr, and Essi
Did I mention he abhors greek/roman mythology references?
He does. So much.
Doesn't stop him from melting when Ray asks if he is "the star that melts him" though
Will genuinely punch someone if they make too many references to Icarus though
He was once asked if his "dad drowned instead of him" once and it took a moment to click but he clobbered the asshole
That may have been the moment that made him hate references to it
Icarus has a thing for motorcycles. He has a few and loves using his wings to do tricks.
He's not a burnt out gifted kid, he's rather blazing at the moment.
Thatsss all i have for now oops x3
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honeylikesyanderes · 2 years
the yandate characters are so interesting :000 can i learn some more about icarus and ren? — 🫧
(18+ mdni)
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you swiped right on icarus!
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icarus - half fairy, half angel
age: looks 24ish
birthday: march 6th
physical attributes:
chin length green hair
purple eyes
tan skin
broad af shoulders
semi-muscular build
birthmark underneath his right eye
sharp canine teeth
wings are ab 5'4 in height, and has a large wingspan
personality traits
is either deathly silent or is the life of the party
no in between
isnt necessarily the most charming but gets away with a lot because of his good looks
is probably the most subtly toxic yandere that you would ever meet
is extremely observant of people and his surroundings
is lowkey a perfectionist
are they aware that they are a yandere? does it bother them?
icarus is aware, but he's in denial about it, so it doesn't really bother him.
yandere! icarus:
yandere type: possessive
icarus is the type of yandere that'll give his darling their space
like he'd let you go out and whatever
but if he gives you a particular time to be back home, you better be back exactly on time
he's also the type to subtly manipulate darling's feelings just to achieve his goal
and he's so so subtle about it
darling won't even notice his toxicity until they find themselves crying alone in the bathroom because of something icarus said
regardless, icarus is extremely loving
and he shows it like 99% of the time
his major love languages are words of affirmation and gift giving
can and will write down love letters detailing his obsessive and compulsive yandere love for you, and seal it with hearts drawn in red ink (the blood of his love rival).
icarus fun facts
his day job is as a florist and professional gardener
he absolutely loves flowers (his favourite are carnations)
he owns a couple of vineyards in France and Italy
he enjoys making and tasting wine
also owns a popular wine brand
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you swiped right on ren!
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ren - ? tailed fox
age: looks 26
birthday: nov 9th
physical attributes
has variable height but is usually 6'7
waist length white hair
red eyes
has multiple piercings on his body
lightly tanned skin
birthmark underneath his right eye
slim yet muscular build
has 2 red birthmarks on each of his eyes
personality traits
looks like a dick, is probably the nicest guy you'd ever meet
is mostly introverted but is extroverted when necessary
is genuinely a wholesome and caring person
he's very truthful tho and doesn't sugar-coat
so he may come off as a bit rude or aloof sometimes
uses the 'dick' façade to chase away bad people or people who'll take advantage of him
but he's actually such a sweet guy (mostly to only his darling)
are they aware that they are a yandere? does it bother them?
ren doesn't really consider himself as a yandere; he just thinks that he's extremely caring.
yandere! ren
yandere type: protective
ren is a sweet guy
gives off he/they energy ykwim?
but uh
you're his mate babe
so he doesn't really want to see anyone around you
whether they be male, female or enby
you're his and his alone.
ren is most likely to be his darling's stalker
and he'd most likely isolate you from your friends and family
even if it means getting his hands dirty and spreading rumours about you
anything that'll get you isolated from the world and seeking comfort in his arms-
he'll do it.
on the other hand,
if y'all go out together, you can literally dress however you like
''i can wear whatever i want cause my bf can fight'' :)
ren doesn't mind getting violent with love rivals
and even with people who hurt darling.
ren is also the type to ensure that darling witnesses one of his fist fights, just so he can use it as a means of intimidation against darling.
ren fun facts!:
his day job is at a bakery
he's head baker
his speciality is japanese and italian pastries
his actual job is as a bounty hunter
no one knows how many tails ren has and he's never told anyone
ren is over 300 years old
he has been married before (its a long story)
he can grant wishes at a price and he used to do it a lot when he was a bit younger
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taughtcruelty · 10 months
[ TACKLE ]:    sender physically tackles the receiver during a fight.
THERE’S TOO MANY HUNTERS, TOO MANY CORPSES OF ALLIES & ENEMIES ALIKE strewn across a blood-soaked parking lot. tory can smell blood, gunpowder, death, anger & fear. the sharp acrid tastes of wolfsbane, mountain ash & mistletoe choke her senses, making it hard to focus. the choking smoke from the fire nearby doesn’t help make anything better, either.
at this point, she’s knee-deep in multiple warm corpses of their enemies. no one important from their pack has died, but a handful of wolves from the darst pack (an ally of emile’s) have died, & so have a handful of chris argent & johnny’s hunting friends. there’s blood soaking in her shoes, stained on her ripped, gunpowder-streaked clothes. her claws & fangs are bloodied, aching, but she’s not on the ground in pain. there’s blood caked in the roots of her hair from being kicked in the head earlier in the fight, but nova swooped in to rescue her from that. the teen boy who kicked her is dead on the pavement a few feet away, his jugular ripped out by ciro, his face charred by his hellhound’s fire. tory’s training thanks to emile & her sharp instincts are keeping her alive. her friends & mates are fighting for their lives - & for each other.
despite this, their pack still remain surrounded. allison’s hunters just keep appearing. it’s like they’re fighting a damn hydra - one dies, two more take the dead’s place.
tory’s been doing her best to keep an eye on sam, miguel, nova, scarlett & cosima. nova roars from somewhere off to tory’s right, & miguel bares his fangs as he kicks away a hunter with all of his might, elbowing another one in the face when the hunter tries to grab sam by her shoulders. their pack is hellbent on killing allison, her hunters, & their fucking deranged fur traders. ethan’s somewhere inside of the abandoned-warehouse-turned-slaughterhouse, but the complex was set ablaze under the top brass’s - allison’s - orders. everyone can sense that ethan’s bond with them has been waining. it’s making both tory & miguel incredibly fucking nervous. they don’t know if he’s stuck somewhere, unable to get out. it’s why theo, charlie, emma, icarus & emile’s werewolf pack are closest to the building right now, only about a football field’s length away from the side door because the front door is practically melted, trying to get in to rescue ethan & the handful of other innocent, kidnapped werecreatures. but they’re locked in a bloody battle with allison herself & her family’s hunters right now. tory can’t see tell who is winning that fight & who is losing right now.
the sound of a pistol cocking goes off from tory’s left, & the blonde doesn’t have any time to spin around before she feels someone tackle her, a snarl of anger leaving her lips instinctively. her world briefly careens to the side, & she winds up landing on her back on the pavement, but the gun goes off in that next millisecond, the bullet whistling through the air over their heads. her clawed hands immediately press against a pair of shoulders, ready to throw the assailant off her with all of her strength. she’s working purely on adrenaline & fear. she settles down enough to realize that it’s @taughtpain. her mate’s eyes are wide, & so are her anger filled ones. she instinctively checks him over for any life-threatening injuries, even with all of the chaos erupting around them. ethan wouldn’t be able to calm himself down if any of them got hurt. once he gets out of the complex okay ( & he will, he has to ), & after they’ve fought off allison & her band of hunters, he’ll immediately want to make sure that they’re all okay.
a pathetically soft whimper of pain sounds from where she’d been standing seconds ago. tory looks over. embedded in the forehead of one of allison’s hunters is a wolfsbane-laced bullet. the girl is about her height. tory’s eyes widen slightly. she feels nausea well up inside of her. if robby didn’t tackle her, that dead wolf could have been her. suddenly, nova appears behind the hunter who’d fired off the gun, & she punches her clawed fist clean through the teen’s chest, killing the boy instantly. her sister doesn’t even wait for the body to fully drop before she pulls out the heart, dropping it onto the ground, only adding to the blood staining the pavement. she quickly checks on tory to make sure she’s okay. tory’s eyes are still wide, but she’s unharmed. nova looks relieved, then she spins around, jumping right back into the battle with a newfound sense of rage filling her entire body.
❝ robby, i-i- ❞ tory begins shakily, staring up at one of her mates with wide eyes, but miguel’s growl of alarm cuts her off. miguel is standing back-to-back with sam now, & tory watches as his sharp claws arc down one of the hunters’ shirts with a brutal swipe, kicking the man’s leg out from underneath him. his eyes are glowing yellow, mouth full of fangs.
❛ ethan just told me he’s trapped in one of the back rooms of the complex. the fire is keeping him from escaping, & it’s getting worse. ❜ miguel tells his partners telepathically, barely taking a breath. tory’s eyes widen with pure fear at the news, & she quickly stands up on shaky legs. ethan’s bond wavers badly, & tory feels like throwing up. ❛ fuck. ❜ she curses, then leaps forward to knock a crossbow out of an approaching hunter’s hands. she doesn’t hesitate to punch that same man square in his face with all of her strength. he stumbles back in pain & tory doesn’t hesitate. she rips the man’s throat out with her claws in a messy, brutal display of speed, accuracy & strength. the man dies with a choked gargle, & tory shoves the dead body away from her & robby. the blonde quickly accesses her telepathic bonds with the whole pack.
❛ i’m going in there to get him. ❜ there’s immediate protest from nova, scarlett & cosima, along with scott & derek & a handful of others too, but tory ignores them. ❛ i’m faster & more agile than most of you combined. i need to save my mate. ❜ she explains, like it’s the only option - & it sort of is. because of her jaguar side, she’s one of the fastest members of the pack as a whole - she knows she’s the only logical choice. nova, too, but she’s more brutal when it comes to fighting, even more so than tory herself. the pack needs her here, defending the pack & taking care of their enemies. tory can rescue ethan.
❛ i’ll go with you to get ethan, tory. ❜ ciro immediately speaks up. tory doesn’t protest. hellhounds are immune to any type of fire, even their own that they can naturally generate. they’re also much stronger than the average werecreature, which makes him perfect to clear any burning debris in the building that tory wouldn’t be able to get near, let alone pick up even with her strength. ❛ the building’s unstable, so we need to not focus on fighting anyone, just getting there. icarus, emma & charlie can cover us if anyone tries to stop us. ❜ he urges. the three in question suddenly teleport next to them, where they’d been fighting allison’s hunters seconds before. tory nods, then quickly turns towards robby.
❝ i’ll be okay. ❞ she blurts out to him, confident in her abilities despite the daunting task ahead of her. even in the middle of battle, tory thinks that robby’s never looked more handsome. she doesn’t hesitate before her hands come up, claws quickly flicking back into her nail-beds, leaving her regular human fingertips. she cups robby’s cheeks gently, looking into his eyes. ❝ i love you, robby. ❞ she murmurs, then surges forward to crush her lips against his own for a brief moment, the blood on her lips & her own resting in her own mouth be damned. just in case. she thinks to herself, then quickly pulls back. ❝ i’ll be back as soon as i can. with ethan. ❞ she promises him just as ciro makes his way over to them. his eyes are glowing orange, & he’s unharmed. the hellhound nods at robby, silently letting him know that he’ll protect tory no matter what.
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What I write for: Fandoms/Characters 
Rules: rules/regulations
NSFW rules
Last updated: July 28th 2021
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3 + 1 (Male reader) - avengers
Summary: Three times Y/n saved the avengers, and one time they saved him
The best of us (Male reader) - avengers
Summary: Leading up to Y/n’s death
So, you and my son? (Male reader) - Peter Parker, Dad Steve Rogers
Summary: Peter Parker is dating Steve Rogers son
Can you keep a secret? (Male reader) - Bruce Banner, Dad Tony Stark
Summary: Bruce Banner and Y/n Stark are dating in secret, but how long does it take for the infamous Tony Stark to find out? 
Is this a threesome? (Male reader) - Steve Rogers, Wanda Maximoff
Summary: Wanda and Y/n invite Steve into their relationship and show him the ropes to a polyamorous relationship.
And we were stars (Male reader) - Avengers
Summary: Y/n gives his life up to save his team, and all he can think about is the memories of his families that warm his heart.
Crack drabbles 2 3 (G/n reader)
Summary: Just small dribbles to get me writing every day
The morning after (G/n reader) 
Summary: The morning after a saucy night with Thor
Icarus (Male reader)
Summary: Loki has hurt Y/n far too many times, much like the story of Icarus he was the sun, but would he too be his downfall?
Spring (Male reader)
Summary: For Bucky It was love at first sight 
Best guy (FTM reader)
Summary: Y/n comes out to Bucky as a trans male.
That mouth (Male reader) 18+
Summary: Y/n and Bucky's relationship was a weird one, one second they hated each other and next they were kissing, even they were confused. (Top bucky)
Hurt (G/n reader)
Summary: Peter gets hurt and Y/n loses it
To love a hero (Male reader)
Summary: Loving a hero is a painful and gut wrenching experience.
I’m sorry (Male reader)
Summary: Peter is a negligent boyfriend, and now he’s lost the one he loves. 
Heal (Male reader)
Summary: Y/n is hurt on a mission and doesn’t seem to care, but Peter does. 
Shifter (male reader)
Summary: Peter finds out Y/n's secret, that affects him greatly.
Sup Nerd (Male reader)
Summary: Peter meets Y/n, a librarian he can't help but fall in love with.
Survivor (G/n reader)
Summary: Peter's sibling is a little hard on him, but there's a reason for it.
Take care of you (Male reader) 18+
Summary: Peter gets hurt on patrol and things get heated (top Peter)
In the city (Male reader) 18+
Summary: Patrols slow, so Y/n and Peter decide to have some fun (top Peter)
Home Pt. 2 (Male reader)
Summary: (Pre Serum) Steve had never been good with his feelings, turns out he wasn’t good at dealing with the realization that he was gay either.
Control (Son reader)
Summary: Y/n is Steve’s son and during Age of Ultron is under Wanda’s mind control. 
Who you are (Son reader)
Summary: Y/n Rogers had never come out to his dad, and now he kept making comments about getting a girlfriend, and the anger just kept building.
See you again (Son reader)
Summary: 5 years after being dusted Y/n is finally back, but he gives up his life instead of Tony
I hate you, I love you (Male reader) 18+
Summary: Steve supposedly hates Y/n, but unforeseen things bring them together (top Y/n)
Idiot (Male reader)
Summary: Wade has a habit of calling Y/n weird names
Accident (Male reader)
Summary: Scott’s boyfriend, who is still in the closet is accidentally outted. 
I love you (Male reader)
Summary: Late night ‘I love you’s’ are swapped between Scott and Y/n
2 Geniuses in love (Male reader)
Summary: Bruce helps a long time friend come to terms with new and terrifying powers
Mentor or More? (Male reader)
Summary: As the sorcerer supreme Stephen trained many, but Y/n was special and dear to his heart.
Fuckin jars (Male reader)
Summary: Y/n and Stephen share hand tremors and the two men that hate each other bond over the medical issue
Comfort you (Male reader)
Summary: After a difficult mission Stephen is there to comfort his boyfriend
Don't leave (Male reader)
Summary: Tony and Y/n are connected at the hip, but something comes up that could possibly break that connection.
Revelry (Male reader) 18+
Summary: Tony lives for the attention, especially his boyfriends (top y/n)
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Dating Connor HC’s (G/n Reader)
Summary: the title tbh
That’s my boyfriend (Male reader) 
Summary: Hanks coworkers meet the lieutenants famous boyfriend. 
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Complaisant (Male reader)
Summary: Y/n finds out about Hannibal’s past time activities
Prey (G/n reader)
Summary: Hannibal uses Y/n’s trauma against them during an argument
My pianist (G/n reader) 
Summary: The sound of Y/n playing piano chases his nightmares away 
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Befriending a Witcher (G/n reader) 
Summary: Y/n is a demon who happens to befriend the infamous white wolf 
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Overworking Hc's (G/n reader) - Karl Heisenberg, Salvatore Moreau
Summary: Y/n is a witch who tends to overwork themselves
Knowledgable Hc's (G/n reader) - RE8 Lords
Summary: The lords reacting to having a very knowledgable S/O
Dating Karl HC’s (G/n reader) 
Summary: The title my dudes :) 
Dating Ethan HC’s (G/N reader)
Summary: Dating HC’s
Meant to be yours (Male reader) 18+
Summary: Ethan may not be able to go back to his old life, but at least he has Y/n (top y/n)
Harry Potter:
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Harry Potter:
Jealousy (Male reader) 18+
Summary: Harry can get jealous, luckily Y/n likes getting a rise out of him (top Harry)
Ron Weasley:
Moving forward (Male reader) 18+
Summary: As long as Y/n is by his side, everything would be okay (top Ron)
Cedric Diggory:
Champion (Male reader) 18+
Summary: Parties can lead to drunken decisions, but some of those decisions are the best you can make (top Cedric)
669 notes · View notes
mermaeids · 3 years
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MY KINGDOM COME UNDONE: a nace fic by lilypottersghost on ao3 work rating: m | wip wc: 2.6k | ship: ace/nancy chapter one: our coming of age has come and gone
work summary:
In the aftermath of Temperance's death, Nancy isolates herself from the rest of the Drew Crew as winter falls over Horseshoe Bay and reanimated corpses start to disappear from their graves in the cemetery. But when a body goes missing from the morgue, Nancy is thrown back into Ace's life, which she quickly learns has crumbled apart just as much as hers.
read on ao3
chapter 1 preview:
Horseshoe Bay falls head-first into a bitter Maine winter. The air is so cold that some days it hurts to breathe. The snow comes in torrents, heavy and blindingly white. The nights are long.
Nancy spends the majority of her time holed up in Icarus Hall, fixing it up, taking clients here and there: petty theft, a mysterious voice in a woman’s basement, even, briefly, a missing child (who wandered into the woods and got lost). All the while, Nancy tries to conjure up explanations for the dug-up corpses in the cemetery but finds none. One night, Nick helps her set up a security camera, but it’s destroyed when she goes to check on it the following morning. The police department is beginning to lose their patience, with grieving families pressuring them to find answers. Nancy is beginning to feel hopeless herself, waking up in fear that one morning, the ground over her mother’s grave will be split open and her body missing.
All of these events provide handy explanations—excuses—for Nancy to give her friends and family: she has to organize the furniture in the mansion to make it more welcoming for business, she has to build a client base, she has to investigate the corpse case. And all of this is true. But she’s also hiding.
Because she’s losing hope. In all her efforts to clean up Icarus Hall, equal are her efforts to uncover Temperance’s secrets. Nancy scours every spellbook, every journal, every word that the witch ever wrote. And still, she has found nothing of curses and moths.
And she’s beginning to think that she’ll never be able to fix this.
It’s been a month since she left Ace in his apartment, having let him believe that she doesn’t love him back. She hasn’t seen him since. Her friends have stopped trying to reach out to her after one too many missed hangouts; the Drew Crew group chat lies dormant. Maybe it wasn’t just Nancy’s fault, given Nick’s family being here and his recent breakup with George, who is too busy with the Claw and community college to even call these days. Bess is doing well at her new job as Keeper, but she has been cold to Nancy ever since what happened with Ace, protective over him to a fault.
But Nancy is protecting him, too. Just no one knows how or why.
It’s a strange half-life, like continuing to live after one’s heart has been frozen and ripped out. Some nights, she’ll dream of it: of his lips on her neck, his chest against her cheek. But it always ends in the crash, in her confusion and despair as she holds his limp body in her arms.
Nancy sits at her desk in Icarus Hall, resting her elbows on the wood, staring at her phone in front of her. Another body was discovered missing from the cemetery this morning. She knows that she has to call Bess, that she should have done it ages ago. But she’s a coward.
read the rest on ao3
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mintandcoldwater · 3 years
Saw a tweet some time ago that was basically saying how if you think about it,,, Bakugou really isn’t anybody special and that’s honestly one of my favorite things about him.
And then I watched the team matches again so I started thinking.
I thought about how it’s implied that Bakugou worked on his everything all on his own. And then thought about how strong he was even just entering UA. Thought about how he’s up in ranks with kids who were born in high society and hero families with home training and similar quirks. Thought about how he’s acknowledged as one of, if not the strongest after the mc. Thought about how he’s really just a kid with big dreams who’s working for them. So we got this little number. I wrote it a while go, just now posting it here but I might complete it one day, who knows.
We’ll call this one:
Perfect Victory
It’s his fight now. 
Everyone’s watching. 
They always are. 
No matter their opinions, if they love him, if they loathe him, the one thing they cannot do, the one thing they can never do, is ignore him.
He looks at the team surrounding him, a conglomerate of blunt edges and mismatched abilities, and sees pieces slot into place, he already knows which buttons to press, he already has the combination moves in mind, he doesn’t need a cheat code. He looks at them and he thinks strong. He looks at them and he thinks, perfect.
He grins, heart already matching the pace of his mind, fast, unyielding, unrelenting. He can already hear the roar in his ears and he can feel the untamed energy reflecting in his eyes.
He’s excited.
And is it beautiful? Is it tragic? Is it poetic? That he is in a place where he has no right to be. That he had gotten a taste of the clouds, wet and heavy and heady like sin, and refused to let himself be dragged down. He has desire on his tongue, want in his lungs and he. refuses. to. let. go.
He’s a boy with an explosion quirk, yet he taught himself how to fly.
Icarus boy, crafting his wings with the nitroglycerin in his palms. Icarus, always reaching too high.
Among old names and legacies and inheritance he has the audacity to be reaching for the best.
Others are reaching (for good, to provide, to prove themselves, help their friends, their families) but he, he has the insolence to want to be on top.
And what is he, who is he to aim for the top? 
Katsuki isn’t special.
No one entrusted their legacy to him.
He’s not born out of tyrannical parental ambitions.
He’s not from old names and ancient money.
(He didn’t receive guiding hands, or solemn advice or cheerful instructions. No one gave him a fucking cheet sheet. He is no one’s successor. And he’s okay with that. His wings aren’t made of wax.)
Katsuki isn’t special.
But that means nothing. He won’t allow it to.
He’s on his way to be the best. He’s always been willing to put in the work for it.
(That may be the only thing that hurts. When they see that he works and he works and he works to become faster, stronger, better, and they act as if they expected him to stumble and not get up. When they see his power and underestimate him because they don’t expect, they don’t want him to get better. He had never thought that hard meant impossible. He was always willing to work for what he wanted. He didn’t need a mentor to do that.
How many people think controlling explosions is something that comes easily?
His dreams aren’t unattainable)
What do you call boys with wild eyes and even wilder hearts?
 (A yell)
The fight starts.
Icarus was never meant to reach too low either.
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filmsmakkari · 3 years
Wordcount- 1.7k
Hamilton!Tom Holland x Angelica!Reader
Tom Holland x Princess!Reader
I would recommend listening to the song here!
Full Series Masterlist
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Your time in Hasnaa was joyous. You wished you could have stayed there forever, but you most unfortunately had to return to your husband, and your disastrous marriage in London. With him, the days were drab and dull. It felt as if every day dragged on longer than the last, but drag on they did, and before you knew it, five years had passed.
You were sitting at the end of the table what felt like miles away from your husband, when a servant entered with a letter in her hand.
“It’s from Prince Phillip, your grace.” The servant girl curtsied before exiting.
“Thank you,” you said as you opened the letter.
It read:
My Dear Aunt,
Cold is my heart as I reckon with the affects my father’s whims have had on our family name. I’m not sure if word has yet reached you there in London, but I must most regretfully inform you that our dear Duke of Saataun has had a most unfortunate affair with the young Countess Nadia Renoylds. Apparently, it took place when we were visiting grandfather at the Fadar da Hasnaa, a considerable time indeed. He also had the privity and connivance of the count, whom he paid off to not tell mother. Apparently, the entire affair was an elaborate scheme on the Renoylds’ part. Their most intricate plan was for the countess to seduce father into an affair, and then blackmail him. If father did not find himself in a prosperous enough position to put wealth into their pockets, they would tell mother of the affair. Of course, this all took place many years ago, and father did pay the count off. None of this would have come to light if those vultures Anthony Monroe, Christopher Jefferson, and Aaron Blackwell hadn’t accused father of embezzlement. To prove his innocence, father published an essay entitled “The Reynolds Pamphlet”in which he admits the truth of his affair, and how he did not in fact embezzle money, but rather used it to pay off his mistress’s husband. In truth it isn’t much better, but he committed no crimes. He might have mortally wounded his prospects, but his papers are orderly, that is a fact none can deny. I have attached a copy of The Reynolds Pamphlet with this letter so that you may read it yourself. Tis no surprise that my mother is outraged. She has father sleeping in his office, and last night as I was passing her cracked bedroom door, I saw her setting fire to all the hundreds of letters he’s written to her. I know it is much to ask of you, seeing as you are the ruler of a large realm, but if you could journey here to see her, I’m sure it would be much consolation. With our dear Peggy sick in Paris, you are the only of her sisters with the ability to make the journey. Please consider.
Votre neveu le plus adorant et le plus vrai,
Prince Phillip of Saataun
Your heart sank as you read your nephew’s words. You quickly took the “Reynolds Pamphlet” from under his letter and read it.
It Read:
I owe perhaps to my friends an apology for condescending to give a public explanation. A just pride with reluctance stoops to a formal vindication against so despicable a contrivance and is inclined rather to oppose to it the uniform evidence of an upright character.
The charge against me is a connection with one Anthony Reynolds. For purposes of improper speculation, my real crime is an amorous connection with his wife, for a considerable time with his knowing consent, if not originally brought on by a combination between the husband and wife with the design to extort money from me. I had frequent meetings with her, most of them in my own house, the Duchess with our children being absent on a visit to the King.
This confession is not made without a blush. I cannot be the apologist of any vice because the ardour of passion may have made it mine. I can never cease to condemn myself for the pang, which it may inflict in a bosom eminently intitled to all my gratitude, fidelity and love. But that bosom will approve, that even at so great an expence, I should effectually wipe away a more serious stain from a name, which it cherishes with no less elevation than tenderness. The public too will I trust excuse the confession. The necessity of it to my defence against a more heinous charge could alone have extorted from me so painful an indecorum.
The essay went on for several more paragraphs, but you could not bear to read any more. Your heart felt as if it was cracking as you thought of your dear Eliza. Oh, all the pain she must have been in. How could Thomas, your Thomas have done such a thing? How could he have hurt your sister in such a way? The anger must have been clear in your eyes, as your husband suddenly spoke.
“What is it?” his monotone voice asked. He barely even looked up from his newspaper.
“My dear sister, Eliza, and our brother, Thomas seem to have been involved in a scandal. I must return home immediately.”
“Oh, well you do that. I shall remain here.”
Oh, of course, he was. You held back an eye roll as you stood and went to your quarters to begin packing.
You booked passage on a ship that was heading for Saataun the next day and quickly made your way home. Your carriage was awaiting your arrival when you stepped off the docks, and you immediately directed him to Eliza’s palace. When you knocked on the door, to your surprise, it was answered by your nephew, Phillip, now fourteen years old. You hugged him tightly.
“Where is your mother, Phillip?” you asked as you released the boy.
“At the store, I believe. But father’s just upstairs, in his office.”
You thanked the young boy before rushing up the stairs and into Thomas’s office.
His eyes widened at the sight of you. “(Y/N)?”
“I came as soon as I heard,” you said flatly.
“Oh, (Y/N), thank God,” he rose and walked towards you, taking your hands and trying to kiss it “someone who understands what I’m struggling here to do-” he paused as you snatched your hand away from him.
“Congratulations, Thomas.”
He looked at you confused.
“You have invented a new kind of stupid! A damage you could never undo kind of stupid, an open all the cages in the zoo kind of stupid! Truly, you didn’t think this through, did you?”
You gestured with your hands as you spoke. “Let's review, shall we? You two a rumor a few-what was it, three- people knew and refuted it by sharing an affair of which no one has accused you!” You got close to his face, saying, “Thomas, I begged you to take a break and you refused to.”
Now you were pacing and speaking loudly. “You’re so scared of what your enemies will do to you when in reality you’re the only enemy you ever seem to lose to! Do you know why Jefferson can do as he pleases? He doesn’t dignify schoolyard taunts with a response! So yes, congratulations, Thomas.”
“You’ve redefined your legacy. No, really! Congratulations,” you said, walking out.
“It was an act of political sacrifice!” he exclaimed.
You stopped in your tracks, looking back at him bewildered. “Sacrifice? Thomas Holland, you know nothing of sacrifice.”
“What does that mean?”
“Thomas, I languished in a loveless marriage in London, I lived only to read your letters. I look at you and think “God, what have we done with our lives, and what did it get us?” It doesn’t wipe all the years or all my tears away, but I’ve returned to Larione, and this time I’m here to stay. Do you know what I’m here to do, Thomas?”
“(Y/N)...” he said, coming close to you and cupping your face.
As much as it pained you to do so, you grabbed his hand, tearing it from your face, and saying, “I’m not here for you.”
Thomas sighed, tears burning in his eyes.
You felt the anger begin to rise again as you spoke, “I know my sister like I know my own mind! You will meet a more gentle, kind, trusting soul. I love my sister more than anything in this life! If it comes to choosing between her happiness and mine, I will choose hers every time! Yelizaveta is the best person in our lives, so never again make the mistake of forgetting that you have been blessed with the best wife! For the rest of your life, every sacrifice you make is for my sister, you be sure to give her the best life!”
You raised your hand and slapped him as hard as humanly possible and turned to leave. You paused in the doorframe, turning back to him. “Putting what we had aside, I’m going to find my sister and I am going to stand by her side. I already know “you could never be satisfied.” God, I hope you’re satisfied.” And with that, you were gone.
Your night was spent whispering comforting words to your younger sister, remarking to her “Oh, my dear Eliza, I fear you have married an Icarus. He has flown too close to the sun.”
You did in fact stay in Larione, just as you had told Thomas you would, choosing to relocate to the Fadar da Zuri. It was frowned upon by the public that you, the Empress of Jimbaari, were staying in a palace outside of your country without a husband or some other guardian, but you didn’t care. Your sister and her happiness were all that mattered to you. You prayed for your sister’s happiness. You also prayed that she’d forgive Thomas. Not, in fact, because of your love for Thomas, but rather as you didn’t want anything weighing on your sister’s gentle soul.
As for your ever most complicated relationship with Thomas, you barely interacted with him, not speaking to him when at their home and not writing to him. Though sometimes, you would catch him staring at you with such deep longing that it made your heart ache. And it pained you so deeply, because you knew you couldn’t have been more in love with him- even after his betrayal. So, pray you did. Prayed for your sister’s inner peace, and your own, prayed for the well being of the children, and prayed begging the lord why in all his goodness, he would cause you the utmost pain by bringing that foolish soldier Thomas Holland into their lives.
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Rambling About Octane
The limitations of the community comics make certain things a little difficult to keep up with at times, but even so, today's comic really put a whole lot into perspective.
Firstly, it really shows how much thought Eduardo has put into his plans- Plans which haven't even been explained.
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This alone speaks in volumes about Eduardo Silva's true character. Not only is he ensuring no one catches wind of his heinous acts or ever captures him, but he's willing to put his son in the spotlight. However, it wasn't in the sense of putting finger prints on anything or falsifying evidence, but he knows how Octavio reacts.
As horrible as it is to say, Tavi is a coward. Eduardo knew for a fact that he wouldn't tell Che, not only because he considered it fun, as he himself mentions;
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But because he's also because he was afraid of being someone as awful as the man he called "father."
The way I percieve Tavi handling things is like this;
"My father never cared for me, so I won't care for him. But now this awful information is surfacing, which could endanger many people, and even kill them. So, do I make this my own business when it isn't, or do I listen to Che and ignore everything? Just like when that head mentioned our parents..."
"Is it better to pretend not to care, or is it better if I do? What can I do to help? Am I a bad person for ignoring this? Am I a bad person for not telling anyone sooner?"
Essentially, he painted himself into a corner. Just like Eduardo knew he would. And when he calls him out on it, he can't even face his best friend. Because it's true.
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And yet... There's something deeper for them.
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This is why I dislike the limitation of being restricted to four panels. Those who aren't familiar with Ajay and Tavi's prior relationship, or who simply don't understand it, would see this as Lifeline being stubborn. Refusing to sell out someone she considers a friend. And that may be true, but it goes far deeper.
Ajay and Tavi only had each other for the longest time. Their friendship evolved into a connection that made them practical siblings. Ajay knows Tavi, far better than Eduardo does. She knows he was afraid. She knows he wouldn't have wanted to hurt people.
By the way, props to you, Caity. Even with the four panel limit, you managed to create a single panel that speaks louder than words.
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Absolutely stunning.
So much emotion in one image. Upon closer inspection, you can see Tavi wince, wince away from his friend. He knows he messed up, probably worse than he ever has, and that fear that Ajay might actually decide that she's better off without him makes him dodgy. And his best friend, the woman he likely looks up to, the girl who became his only family, stands proud in the face of danger, all while he cowers in the dark.
He's guilty, he's humiliated. As Ajay points out, he doesn't want to hurt people. He doesn't want to be like his dad. He was caught in the midst of Eduardo's horrible plans.
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But even so, that doesn't necessarily erase what he had done. Hes still got a lot of growing up to do, he's still got to realize that he can't play pretend in a fantasy world everyday.
The Icarus brought a lot of turmoil for people, and Tavi will have to come to terms with that. He and Ajay probably have a lot to talk about, but more importantly than anything,
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He doesn't have to be alone anymore.
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lillybearrie · 5 months
Wanna say this outright. This is not (trying not to be at least) an Icarus apologist post you can read it however you would like however they are in the wrong they never should have gone after Jamie they shouldn't be listening to Fable there was no logical reason to kill anyone the should not be fighting for the sake of "daddy said it'll be ok in the end" this is simply how I see where they're headspace may be and how that influences their actions because for one i go abababa and for 2 o think it's important to see their logic however twistedand flawed and just factual incorrect it may be. This us also not me condemning Rae's actions today quite frankly I applaud his restraint it was admirable
Now back to your regularly scheduled Icarus psychoanalysis:
Icarus feels out of control and when they don't have control in their life they act erratically because if they have nothing else then they can have their identity as The Lunatic who kills an tortures for the hell of it and they lean into it because well they're already in the hole might as well keep digging maybe then when they're down so far those at the top will stop shouting stop throwing down rope stop begging them to come back up maybe at some point they'll see it's worthless to try and pull them out they aren't worth it they've never been worth it.
"You not worth another reset"
Rae his brother his friend his family the one who has always always cared when no one else did when no one else would who saw hope were there wasn't any the man who has held him and he has held so many times on some of the darkest days no longer believes in him. And why should he? They killed his nephew for fuck's sake! He finally realized what everyone has always said is true. Icarus is the unsalvageable insane monster who has convinced themself that death is temporary can be temporary will be temporary if they just kill a few more. They're erratic They're dangerous and they don't care who they're hurting in the process. And now Rae knows it. But it's ok they don't need Rae and his soft words and gentle touch they don't need his kind smiles or open doors they have fable they have their dad the man just like them the man whose going to fix everything the mortal with the power of over half the pantheon in the palm of his hand Their dad will fix everything they don't need anyone else...yeah they... they don't need anyone their perfectly fine on their own.
But you know who does need someone? Vanda yeah Vanda needs help she's injured and that wing isn't going to heal at all is she keeps flapping around like that. So Icarus sits out in the rain calming her speaking gently as they coaxed her into their hands holding her gently against their chest as they make it back inside and they take a look at that wing giving her seeds when she cooperated. Icarus wonders how long she's been like this out in the rain all alone with a broken wing. Icarus stays awake for longer then they have been in recent past because Vanda needs the attention and maybe their being a bit to careful but better safe than sorry especially with wing like that you have to be very gentle. Icarus knows how take care of their birds
(This is not about the birds)
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stardust-walker · 3 years
Summary: Sigyn was supposed to have died almost 100 years ago. A peace mission to Migard gone wrong and she had never returned. Everyone had thought she was dead until Loki is shown someone who looks too familiar when he comes to Earth on a mission. Sharon Odell. Shannon Orwell. Sidney Orwell. No matter what name she goes by, it’s all the same. Now that Gods and heroes are real, there’s no use hiding who she really is anymore.
Chapter Summary: Loki arrives on the Helicarrier.
Chapter 3: Icarus
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Thin fingers tapped nervously on the metal railing as Sidney listened to the men begin to plan to go after Loki. He was in Germany. What the hell was he doing there? He wasn’t hiding either. It was almost like he wanted to be found.
She was just grateful she would be staying behind. “Steve,” she called out as she jogged down the hallway after the man.
The solider turned his head as he continued on his way to the jet with Natasha beside him. “Sidney,” he nodded. “Did you need something?”
Sidney frowned as she walked up on his other side, her nose wrinkled in concentration. “Just be careful, alright? We don’t know what we’re dealing with here.” Lie. “He can be-”
“Dangerous, we know. Which is why you’re staying here.” Natasha interrupted with a look that was somehow both reassuring and slightly threatening. “Steve can handle himself.” The man took longer strides now as the two women fell behind. “Or he should be able to.”
“Fingers crossed,” Sidney smiled weakly.
A while had passed and Sidney still couldn’t shake the worry from her mind. As much as she tried to focus in the lab, she couldn’t. They didn’t even have the Tesseract yet. She should be preparing but she couldn’t stop thinking about that was happening out there in Germany. A sharp pain behind her eye made her lurch forward with a yelp. 
“Whoa hey!” Banner set down the tablet he held and hurried over. He held a hand close to her arm as the blonde straightened up; a hand still pressed over her eye. “Are you alright? What was that?”
“I’m fine,” she assured the man as she waved him off. “I think…I think something just got in my eye.”
“The lab seems pretty clean to me. Everything should be pretty sterile.”
Banner sounded worried. Shit she had to come up with something else. “Cluster migraines,” she hissed through gritted teeth. “I-I get them all the time, unfortunately. I’m gonna step outside.” She hurried from the lab before the man could protest.
Bruce was too nice of a person to bring up the fact that he’d seen the fact that SHIELD had deemed her a threat. There would be more time for that, he thought. Unless whatever made her a threat showed itself before anyone had a chance to push her to whatever her breaking point was. He shook the thought off as he went back to his own work. Fury didn’t seem like someone he would want to piss off.
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Sidney pushed her way past armored soldiers as she stumbled through the hallway. The pain had spread from behind her eye to the back of her head and was slowly making its way around to the other side. She hadn’t been able to focus over the past day or so, she was away from the wards she had placed around her house, and that only meant one thing.
“Excuse me,” she practically grunted as she finally pushed her way out onto the deck. It was a lot cooler out now even as she started to feel more and more over-heated. A quick glance over her shoulder told her that some soldiers definitely had their eye on her as she slipped further towards some of the strapped down jets. Something in the air felt different too but she didn’t have time to think as the splitting headache finally made its way full circle. 
Sidney dropped to her knees with a whimper as the few jets that surrounded her shook. Then just as suddenly as it had begun, it was over. A breath that she didn’t even realize she was holding escaped her lips as she finally opened her eyes. Everything felt a little bit lighter but it didn’t take long for the dread to creep in.
“You’ll be happy to hear that Captain America has successfully apprehended Loki. With an assist from Tony Stark. Wasn’t expecting it to happen that easy. Would you happen to know anything about it?” Phil Coulson’s voice cut through the silence. Sidney turned as she lowered herself into a sitting position.
She raised an eyebrow. “He came quietly?”
Coulson nodded. At least it sounded like no one had gotten hurt. Still, it didn’t sit right with her that he had come so quietly. He could probably guess that she was there but she wasn’t foolish enough to think that she would be the only reason that Loki would want onto this plane. Or was it a ship?
“I’m sorry that you had to see that.” Coulson spoke again. She didn’t even have to ask; of course they already knew she’d seen her file. Sidney’s face softened as she looked up and met the man’s eye. “I’m guessing that you can be considered a little less neutralized now. Just judging by the whole-” He tapped the jet beside him.
Sidney gritted her teeth and shrugged. “I can only work with what I have, Philip. I had to run away from home. I didn’t have much of a chance to grab the necessities,” she rolled her eyes. A heavy sigh left her lips as Coulson held out his hand.
“I apologize,” Coulson smiled as Sidney took his hand and allowed him to help her to her feet. “Can we still count on you?” 
“He tried to kidnap me. Do you really expect this to be like those news stories of the families crying after being reunited when one of them was off to war,” she questioned him bitterly.
The older man clapped a hand on her shoulder, his smile turned a little more sad as he did. “I’m truly sorry. I-” A loud crack of thunder interrupted him. The attention of both of them turned skyward. 
“Uh-oh,” Sidney whispered under her breath as a bright streak of lightning lit up the sky.
“Is that what I think it is?” Coulson sounded exhausted.
The hair on Sidney’s arms began to stand up from a mix of the electricity and anticipation. “I do believe it is.”
“Damn it,” Coulson huffed as he hooked his arm with Sidney’s to lead her back inside the helicarrier. “Hill, alert the others. We’re gonna have more company once they land. Yeah I know. Well figure it out, please! Thank you!”
Sidney reached up and absentmindedly stroked the pendant around her neck as the door closed behind her. Maybe she should go lay down for a bit. Bruce didn’t seem like he would mind. Besides, she could always make up a story about having some lady problems; that usually stopped any questions. She had too much to think about.
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The room that she was in was brighter than the one she’d fallen asleep in that was for sure. Someone’s shoes clicked on the hard ground as the blonde stood and chewed on her thumb-nail nervously. 
“Calm down,” a female voice spoke from behind her.
She whipped around and narrowed her eyes slightly as she placed her hands on her hips. “Oh how easy that must be! Forgive me, Lady Sif. I’m in awe of your wisdom.” She didn’t mean to snap, but sometimes she still felt a bit of jealousy towards the other woman. How she used to dream of being able to be a woman warrior like the Valkyrie or even like Sif . She had no such luck.
“Many are,” Sif smirked as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. She felt herself relax a little bit as her friend stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Just as they will be in awe of you.”
Sidney’s eyes popped open as a beeping sound invaded her ears. She hadn’t meant to fall asleep, truly. Maybe the incident outside had taken more out of her than she thought it would. The blonde raised a hand to touch her shoulder. Her dream had felt real. She’d half expected to open her eyes and find her friend before her.
She could never be so lucky. The beeping sounded again. With some semblance of grace, she lowered herself down from the top bunk where she had slept and grabbed the source of the beeping off of the small counter.
“You should know better than to interrupt my beauty sleep,” she sighed as she turned and looked at herself in the small mirror. 
“They’ve landed. Come to the bridge whenever is convenient for you, sleeping beauty.”
She gritted her teeth as she snapped the phone shut. Damn Fury right to Hel.
Sidney leaned over and splashed cool water on her face. Her hands shook as she straightened out her shirt. She couldn’t put this off for ever. Still, she was in no hurry to throw herself right into the lion’s den.
It felt like controlled chaos as she exited her quarters and stepped into the hallway. The once bustling area was quiet but the tensions still seemed higher than they had before. The blonde woman took a deep breath and fixed her dark eyes on a spot on the wall ahead of her as she started on her trek. Every step she took, it felt like something in her gut tried to warn her. Pull her backwards as she felt the urge to run back and curl up on her bed.
No. She couldn’t give any of them the satisfaction. 
Plus, Bruce would probably need her help now and at least the lab could keep her occupied. 
Any semblance of rational thought left her as she rounded the corner. Her heart skipped a beat. Her palms grew sweaty as she clenched them into fists. Time seemed to stand still as her brain processed who walked towards her now. Loki stood in the middle of an entourage of armed guards. 
Just as her ability to move kicked back in, she drew in a deep breath. Her shoulders shook as she tried to hold her stoic expression. It became even harder as Loki’s eyes finally drifted from the window of the lab towards her. 
Their eyes locked. The smile on his face grew even bigger as he was led closer still. Where the hell were they taking him?
Despite the group he walked with, he seemed close enough to reach out and touch if he wanted to. The cat had got the canary right where he wanted her.
“Son of a bitch,” she hissed as he drifted out of sight.
Sidney nearly jumped out of her skin as she spun around to meet the curious eyes of Bruce Banner. “Jesus Christ, Bruce. You always that quiet?”
He raised an eyebrow at her as he shook his head slowly. “No…I think we should go though. You know, safety in numbers.” He smiled nervously, “Besides, that Loki guy gives me the creeps. How about you?”
“I wouldn’t say that’s the word for it,” she mumbled under her breath as she looked over her shoulder one last time.
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“Fury does have a way with words,” Sidney observed as she listened to the conversation from her spot on the bridge with the others. She was careful to keep her eyes off of the new arrival though she could feel his gaze on her every few moments. 
“A mindless beast,” Loki sounded too happy as he said that. Sidney glanced at Bruce and placed a hand on his arm. “Makes play he’s still a man.”
He’s just playing games with all of us.
“How desperate are you? You call on such lost creatures to defend you!” 
Sidney could barely even listen anymore. How could this be the same Loki that she had known? He was a trickster, sure. But killing for fun? Thor had always been more one to go off and start a war because he was bored. Something was very wrong…
“It burns you to have come so close,” Loki taunted. Now that piqued her interest. He knew something that none of them did and it bothered her almost more than anything else that he’d said. 
“He really grows on ya, doesn’t he,” Bruce spoke up as the video feed cut off. Sidney let out a snort of laughter. At least Bruce didn’t seem so bothered by the jabs that Loki had surely meant to unleash the beast. He was really a genius.
“Loki’s gonna drag this out,” Steve frowned. “Thor. What’s his play?”
Thor furrowed his brow as he turned to face the group. “He has an army called the Chitauri. They’re not of Asgard or any known world. He means to lead them against your people.” Thor glanced over at her for a moment; she didn’t avert her eyes this time. “They will win him Earth in return, I suspect, for the Tesseract.”
“An army from outer space,” Steve dead-panned.
“He’s building another portal. That’s what he needs Erik Selvig for.” Bruce sighed.
Sidney’s jaw clenched as she sucked in a deep breath. “That’s what he needed me for.” At least one of the things he probably wanted her for anyway.
“Selvig? He’s a friend.” Thor explained. Maybe his time on Earth had changed him. It had sure changed Erik but maybe not so much for the better.
Sidney kept quiet as the rest of the group continued to talk. She didn’t want a part in this discussion about Loki. At least not yet. Something didn’t sit right with her about the whole thing. Something was wrong about everything.
“I don’t think we should be focusing on Loki,” Bruce interrupted. “That guy’s brain is a bag full of cats. You could smell the crazy on him.”
Sidney’s nostrils flared as she bit down on her tongue. Now was not the time to argue.
“Have care how you speak. Loki is beyond reason, but he is of Asgard. And he is my brother.” For a moment, Sidney’s heart swelled with appreciation for the blond man. At least it seemed like he still held some loyalty to the caged man.
“He killed 80 people in 2 days.” 
Sidney let out a low whistle as she glanced from Natasha back to the God of thunder. 
“He’s adopted.”
She could barely focus on what happened in front of her anymore. As Stark took center stage, a plan popped into her head. Thank god Tony loved the spot light, she thought as she took the opportunity to quietly slip out of view of the others. 
Once she was in the hallway, she kept her eyes down. If anyone asked, she would say that she was on her way back to her room. Hopefully, no one would question her since she’d been…sick before.
Her shoulders tensed as she passed the window to the lab. She was closer now. Sidney lifted her gaze as she passed by her room. Just a little further. Footsteps were coming towards her now. 
“Shit,” she hissed through gritted teeth. As the guard stepped into view, Sidney furrowed her brow and made a show of looking around. 
“Miss Orwell,” the guard called out. “I’m afraid that this part of the ship is restricted.” He sounded pleasant enough but there was definitely a hint of a threat in his voice.
Her brown eyes widened. “Oh! I thought I’d gone too far. You know once you get far enough in, everything starts to look the same,” she let out a high pitched laugh. The guard raised an eyebrow.
“I’ll show you back to your quarters.” 
Sidney held her head up higher as she allowed the guard to lead her back to her room. She didn’t have much of a choice.
Despite her set-back, she didn’t let that hold her back. The blonde woman waited a few minutes before she decided to venture out again. A better plan on her mind this time. 
Her fingers clutched her key card tight as she walked close enough to the wall that she could hopefully hide if anyone noticed her. Some God out there must have wanted her to get answers as she made it without much of an issue. Sure, she’d run into a guard or two, but she’d managed to dodge them this time.
It felt like her feet were rooted to the ground as she stood outside of the locked room. Her brown eyes closed as she focused on the keycard in her hand. If she was right, then she should be able to at least do this. With her eyes still closed, she raised the card to the scanner and a satisfying noise echoed around her.
Sidney opened her eyes and swallowed hard before she took a step inside. She spotted the camera from across the room. From what she could see, there was no light on. Hopefully that meant that no one was watching. 
Her shoes tapped quietly on the grates as she walked up the small set of stairs. Sidney’s heart felt heavy as she stepped onto the landing and turned to face down the aisle. The cage was almost not even noticeable the glass was so clear. If she didn’t think too much about it, the man inside looked like a sick version of someone as they waited at the end of the aisle in a church.
Her arms folded in front of her chest as she took a defensive stance. Loki stared her down as he rose from his seat and stepped closer to the glass. Despite herself, Sidney mirrored him as she too took a few steps closer.
The hair on the back of her neck stood up as Loki observed her. Even though he was the one in the cage, she felt a bit like a rare animal in a zoo as his eyes seemed to take in all of her features one by one. Finally, his blue eyes met her brown ones. They were too blue.
“So you do live,” Loki’s voice was quiet even as a grin stretched across his face. Sidney held her head up high as she kept quiet. “Where have you been hiding?”
Sidney squeezed her eyes shut. In spite of the thought that she’d put into it since she’d seen him in the hallway, she hadn’t prepared for this. She had prepared for death threats and questions about the attempted kidnapping. Now she just didn’t have it in her.
As her eyes fluttered open, a small smile formed on her face. “Hello to you too, Loki. I’ve missed you, love.”
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Taglist: @mysticunicorn7​ @lunamyangel @moncheriemoony @heyarely16​
Let me know if you would want to be added to a taglist! Hope you continue to enjoy! Reblogs are appreciated!
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dreamersleeps · 4 years
I keep re-reading MHA 299 and I know many are upset Hawks is standing up for Endeavor but... I get the whole chapter was setting up that Hawks is going to commit suicide by heroically protecting Endeavor. He doesn’t want to look at the alternative because it just adds to the tragedy of his life, but also because he wants to die. He probably feels he doesn’t HAVE to investigate it at ALL because what does it do for him? He’ll be dead and it won’t be something he has to worry about.
Hello, it’s nice to talk to you again! :) So I’m not sure if this is the response you were looking for cause I just sat down, began writing and it kinda went off topic? I’m not entirely sure, but thank you for sending your thoughts and opinions in!
I read over Chapter 299 a few more times and I’m not sure if I really interpreted it as Hawks wanting to die. However I think I can kind of see what you mean by he’s going to commit suicide in the sense that (depending on the outcome) the action of Hawks going to help Endeavor is “suicide” in that it is his choice. 
I think the root of my interpretation lies with my opinion that while Horikoshi does work with heavy and difficult subjects, I can not see him ending the story of Hawks’ with death. While I think he could die in a metaphorical or symbolic way (something I believe has already happened when he took Jin’s life) when his story ends, a physical death is not impossible.
Just to express my train of thoughts easier, the following panels are not in the exact order of how they appear. 
"Endeavor’s in Trouble” 
I can see how you could interpret what Hawks says as him “standing up” for Endeavor but I did not really read it in that way. Standing up for him implies that he is in a way “okay” with what Endeavor has done in the past, and if we get more on Hawks’ thoughts later it will be clearer on where he stands but if this is all we get, I’d argue that he is not “letting things slide,” because it’s Endeavor. 
All we currently have is that Hawks states, “Endeavor’s in trouble.” I think he’s most likely referring to Dabi here. 
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I guess you could argue that he may commit metaphorical suicide by choosing to help Endeavor. If we want to continue pursuing the Icarus narrative: then even after falling and after gaining his freedom, Hawks chooses to head towards Endeavor, or the sun again.  
So as you convey, this is the controversial page. 
“Even if what Dabi says about the Todoroki family is true... I know things are different now.” 
The inclusion of Hawks’ memory of Shouto and Endeavor is very, very important here. It appears in the middle of this sentence. I’d argue that Hawks here was not brushing off or ignoring what happened in the Todoroki household, and again this is mainly because of the inclusion of the memory which happens during the Endeavor Internship arc. This is how he is thinking through the situation. Seeing as we get a glimpse of Hawks’ past memories, I’m sure that he has been contemplating about everything that was revealed by Dabi. Especially considering that Hawks most likely can relate to Touya to a certain extent. 
Hawks’ hero career involved a lot of him having to collect information, analyze information and reach a conclusion in order for him to act upon it. Perhaps that is why when he states, “I know things are different now,” it comes off as very bold. I think the boldness of his statement is what may have upset people but I think it has to do with the way he’s been trained to think. 
The secret missions Hawks had to undertake while working for the Hero Public Safety Commission required one to detach their job from their individual feelings and thoughts. He must not let sentiments get in the way. 
As always, I like to include definitions of words I find very important that could be understood differently based on who you are - what are sentiments? A couple definitions that come up in the dictionary are: 
1) an attitude, thought, or judgment prompted by feeling, 2) an idea colored by emotion (Merriam-Webster) and 3) exaggerated and self-indulgent feelings of tenderness, sadness or nostalgia (dictionary) 
We see that feelings and emotion get in the way with his job when Hawks confronts Jin. Hawks had a connection and relationship with Jin that he did not have in his life. As we see below in Chapter 265 even Dabi points this out, “Looks like sentiment tripped you up after all, hero!” Yes, ultimately Hawks takes Jin’s life but I do believe he was hesitant and did not want to. The dialogue between the two has Hawks expressing that he believes that Jin is a good person who was dealt an unlucky hand in life. 
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While he does convey that he wants to “save” Jin by helping him but after already assessing the threat he believed Jin posed and with the arrival of Dabi, Hawks weights his options and chooses to take his life. 
From a detached, cold reading of this scene, Hawks does mess up. His hesitance distracts him and makes himself vulnerable to Dabi’s attack which badly burns him, and he loses a large portion of his feathers. 
Now I’m only going to focus on the fact that Hawks takes Jin’s life and the thinking that went behind it. I’m not here to discuss in depth about my thoughts and opinions on the matter however I think by the end of this post, you may have an idea on where I stand.  
What is a hero? 
Okay, my wording here is confusing but I’m going to try the best I can to convey what I’m trying to get at. There is also the idea of the two concepts of heroism that float around the manga: 1) working as hero as an occupation and being able to fulfill that role, and then 2) one who we label as a hero/heroic in how they think and act. For both we think of saving, strength, power, charisma, etc. 
Then there are the other qualities we tend to associate with the second concept of who/what a hero is: being selfless and compassionate, having moral integrity, showing concern for others no matter who it is and being understanding of others’ perspectives. There are others as well but these are what come to mind at the moment. 
While the qualities I list above can be associated with heroes in general, in BNHA there has been an effort to differentiate at least two different concepts of heroism. The biggest example was with the introduction of the character Stain. If the reader had not been questioning hero society beforehand, Stain told us directly to think critically and refrain from being passive like the characters in the story. Due to the emergence of quirks, there were those whose quirks deemed “unacceptable” by society, their existence often leading to a difficult life or being  labeled as a villain. The demand for heroes created the concept of the hero as a job. 
And so heroes became celebrities. They are rich and influential, and they cover the cities with their faces to sell and endorse products. Even the physical copies of the BNHA manga have ads of various pro-heroes selling products in the back. There’s plenty of other criticisms that you could talk about such as the Hero Billboard Chart. 
While the older pro-heroes seem to have lost or never embodied the meaning of what the reader may argue as “being a true hero,” we see that there is a difference with the students, but first let’s go back to Hawks and Twice again. 
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Yes, Hawks attempts to save Jin but the outcome is that he takes his life instead. Definitely not what the act of saving is supposed to look like. As seen above, Hawks had already verbalized that he may have to kill Jin. I’ll also throw in that I felt like Hawks was looking down at him in pity (like he does with his parents) and determines that Jin is need of saving. Hawks reaches that conclusion himself. But that is not what happens. Instead he decides that the death, or “sacrifice” of an individual is worth it if he can save hundreds or thousands of others. In this way you could argue that he has successfully acted to fulfill his job as a hero. But, as many people were wondering: 
Aren’t heroes supposed to save everyone? 
Perhaps one of the defining qualities of a hero is that they chose to save indiscriminately or most importantly, whoever they can reach. 
In the same arc we get Midoriya who is faced with a very similar situation. Shigaraki poses as a significant threat to the heroes and the rest of Japan. Midoriya knows that Shigaraki can wipe out all of those he holds dear to him and the rest of Japan if he is not stopped. Midoriya sees firsthand Shigaraki’s terrifying and destructive powers, his friends, teachers and allies being critically injured. He is with the knowledge that the people in his life and millions others may lose their lives. 
When faced with such a horrifying outcome, would stopping Shigaraki be enough? I’m assuming that taking his life would have been a very tempting option. To take a life to save millions of lives.
But even after all that we get this page spread of Midoriya’s final thoughts before he loses consciousness at the end of Chapter 295. 
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Midoriya chooses compassion. 
The juxtaposition of Midoriya’s thoughts and image gave me chills when I first saw it. We see the outcome of the conflict: a quiet, lifeless city in ruins with the dust in the process of settling. This is the result of Shigaraki’s destruction. The reality that there are thousands of civilians who got hurt, are critically injured or even dead hangs heavy in the air. When society chose to ignore Shigaraki and the heroes chose to label him as an evil, unredeemable villain, Midoriya has chosen to look directly at him. 
Based on the first concept of what a hero is/does according to hero society, Midoriya dues not fulfill his duty as a hero after failing to defeat Shigaraki, however based on the second concept because he chooses compassion he has begun to embody the ideals of who a hero truly is.
Hawks is tripped up by sentiments but acts to finish the job the way he sees fit. 
exaggerated and self-indulgent feelings of tenderness, sadness or nostalgia 
He tries to be compassionate and understanding but isn’t. He has an image of Jin he created himself that is not the true Jin, hence why they are mere sentiments. He chooses to focus on his mission because he does not actual understand how Jin was feeling. This results in him looking past Jin’s life to protect the lives of millions of others. In contrast, Midoriya recognizes Shigaraki, the person who is standing immediately in front of him. In its purest form, to be a hero means to save indiscriminately and to save those you can reach. 
Being a hero as a career in BNHA becomes tricky as it means to defeat and take down villains, and choosing who to save as Hawks demonstrates. 
However to save someone like Shigaraki, Dabi or Toga (who were all let down by hero society) requires someone to take the more difficult path to reach a hand out with selflessness, compassion, and understanding. It seems that Midoriya, Shouto and Ochako will be the ones to extend their hands to them. 
“Starting With my Origin” 
Children often are only able to understand and grasp basic concepts. A hero is someone who saves you, or puts a smile on your face. We get a glimpse back in to Hawks’ childhood, to that innocent concept of heroes that Hawks had. 
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As they say, “Never meet your idols/heroes” mainly because they are not actually who they are portrayed to be. The world looks very simple when you are younger, black and white, but as you grow and experience more of life, you start to begin to see just how complicated things are. There are way more gray areas when you begin to look closely. 
Similarly, Hawks does not see him in the same lens as he did in his childhood. He understands that the image of Endeavor he had when he was younger is not who Endeavor actually is. I don’t think that Hawks’ decision to want to go help him was made without thought. He takes in information and contemplates on it until he makes a conclusion. For someone who was actively seeking out more information, I’m wondering if all he has is what Dabi has stated. We have to remember that the information we have as the reader is not the same as the characters in the story. I’d also argue that he is not ignoring what Dabi has said but taking into consideration the past and whether Endeavor is working to change. 
Now that he is most likely no longer working for the Hero Public Safety Commission, he is free to do as he please, and as seen earlier, he chooses to walk towards Endeavor. The team up between the two in Fukuoka, and the ambush against the League of Villains and Meta liberation army may have strengthened their relationship but Hawks wanting to help Endeavor this time does not stem from hero work. 
Wanting to help Endeavor will put him directly on the path towards Dabi. 
Like you, some people believe that he may as in consequence for his actions, he will ultimately crash in to the ocean like Icarus, and die. The final fall. Perhaps his mistake will be that he will choose to pick Endeavor over Dabi, or find himself in a position where he may believe he has to take Dabi’s life away as well. 
Others believe that Hawks has had his Icarus fall already but will learn from the consequences of his actions. He’s died, but has been reborn like a phoenix. Shouto will be meeting Dabi again as well, and as we’ve seen, like Midoriya, he sees Touya as a person: his brother. He even identifies himself to him. I’ve seen people talking about and hoping for a team up between Hawks and Shouto so we’ll see what happens if they do. 
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I’m going to bring the very last page back, but most of Chapter 299 has to do with Hawks’ childhood. His mother would ask him about why he was born and what the point of his wings were for and Hawks’ answer is to save people.
“Starting with my origin, so to speak... Endeavor’s in trouble.” 
We get a focus, visually to Hawks’ back. The origins of what allowed Hawks to save and be a hero: his fierce wings quirk, and it looks his wings are healing and growing back. I think you could also see it as him referring to Endeavor as well. The hero who saved him when he was a child, could also be seen as his origin.
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During the High End vs Endeavor fight in Chapter 190, we see some of Hawks’ insecurities. Hawks is/was insecure about his back, and that is where his wings are. This was during the time when Hawks was working as a hero because it was his job. He did have that desire to save people but it was only a muted motivation behind what he did: he worked as a hero as a job first. I’m wondering if things have changed. 
Putting this all together, I think I’m currently leaning towards the second possible outcome from what I listed before. If Hawks can go back to his origin and become someone who tries to embody the true heroism. Of course he’ll stumble but it’ll still be a drastic change from how he had been living before. 
While I understand that many people are upset about these panels, I think we have to wait to see what will happen. To be honest, while I’d personally prefer the second outcome, I think I would be satisfied with either outcome. 
As the reader, we certainly can argue that Hawks is a tragic character however I’m not sure if Hawks considers his life as “tragic.” I think he will continue to do what he can as I feel like he defines his purpose based on what he does.
So will Hawks be tripped up on sentiments again, or will he be able to think and be understanding like Midoriya? 
As for now, I think it may be the first. 
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petersasteria · 4 years
That’s The Thing With Love - Haz Osterfield
Pairing: Haz x Holland!Reader
Requested? Yes! By anon x
Hamilrequest #43
“Love doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints. It takes and it takes and it takes. And we keep loving anyway. We laugh and we cry and we break and we make our mistakes. And if there’s a reason I’m by her side when so many have tried, then I’m willing to wait for it.”
Anon asked part 3 for Hamilrequest #38
Tagging my good friend @lovingsiriusoswald​ <3
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You ended up staying at Tom’s for a month. Harrison didn’t bother you, because both of you knew that it wouldn’t end well. He would text and call you to talk to Harley.
Harley missed his dad. He started throwing tantrums, because whenever Tom tried to do something Harrison usually does, he’d freak out and shout that he wanted his dad. You and Tom wouldn’t tell him why he hasn’t seen his dad. It made both of you guilty, because at some point, Harley thought Harrison abandoned both of you.
Tom told Harley that Harrison was on a trip for work and Harley believed it. You were thankful that Tom said that, because you knew you couldn’t think of an excuse. After all, you were still deeply hurt even though the situation has died down now. 
“So, why aren’t you filing a divorce yet? Or are you even going to?” Tom asked after you got home from bringing Harley to school. It was your day off from work.
You shook your head, “No. I won’t file a divorce. I’m doing this for Harley.”
Tom scoffed and rolled his eyes, “If you hate him so much and if you don’t love him anymore, just leave him."
"I didn't say that I hated him and I didn't say that I didn't love him anymore, Tom." you glared at him. Tom looked at you and sighed.
As your older brother, Tom loved you and he supported you with everything in him. You're his best girl. So if you planned on still staying married with Harrison, he had no choice but to respect that.
“Look, I understand that you’re looking out for me, but please let me just handle this one.” you sighed. Tom pursed his lips and nodded, “Ok-”
He was cut off by the ring of the doorbell. Both of you weren’t expecting anyone and the twins only come by sometimes, but if they do, they come by when Harley is home from school. So, you and Tom were surprised.
Tom walked to the front door and opened it. By the look on his face, you knew it was Harrison. You walked towards them and invited Harrison in. Tom widened his eyes at you as you closed the door. You hissed, “Tom, just go upstairs or something. Harrison and I need to talk anyway.”
Tom walked upstairs not before telling you that if you needed him, he’ll be in his room. You went to the living room where Harrison was sitting and you sat down on the same couch where he was sitting, but on the other end. You two didn’t look at each other. Harrison didn’t look at you, because he was ashamed. You didn’t look at him, because you would breakdown.
After a moment of silence, you cleared your throat. Harrison looked at you and said, “I know you hate beating around the bush so I’ll just get straight to the point. Let me start off by saying sorry for everything and for the pain I’ve caused you. I have no excuse for what I’ve done and I take full responsibility for it.”
“I swear it only happened three times. Now that I look back, I don’t even know how and why I didn’t stop after the first one. I don’t even know why I cheated in the first place and for that, I’m sorry. This is all my fault and I’m so sorry I fucked up.”
“I didn’t reach out for a month, because I knew you needed time and I hope I gave you enough time for it. After a month of not being with you and Harley, I was a wreck and I still am. I’m really thankful that you made me even talk to Harley, but I think he hates me now. And you know what? If he does, I don’t blame him. I’d hate me too.”
“But then I realized that you haven’t planned on getting a divorce and I thought that maybe it’s not too late to fix this. So, I’m here today to not ask for forgiveness, but to tell you that I’m planning on winning you back. I know that you wouldn’t forgive me just like that; I’m not an idiot. I know that I have to earn it and I’m telling you that I’ll do everything to earn your trust back and to earn a little ‘I forgive you’ from you.”
“What I did was something a poor excuse of a man would do. A decent man wouldn’t do that. But I’m here in front of you in full surrender telling you that I’m man enough to own up my mistakes. I’m not afraid to tell you that I fucked up and I will forever regret that.”
You didn’t want to interrupt him. You didn’t even know what to say. Instead of talking, you just looked at him.
“You and Harley mean the world to me and it would kill me if I didn’t do anything to keep both of you in my life. I love you both so much and I’m deeply sorry for not showing it enough. I hope that you’ll give me another chance to let me show both of you, especially you, how much you mean to me. I want us to be a family again and I know it’ll take us awhile to go back to the way things were, but I won’t give up.”
You didn’t know how Harrison was able to say that without crying, but you knew he meant it. His eyes held sincerity and the look on his face had guilt with a mixture of shame.
Everything was like Greek mythology. He was Icarus and you were the sun.
Icarus had always been in love with the Sun; head over heels for her warmth seemingly reaching through any cold corner she could and cast away the darkness within the deepest recesses of the Earth. He indeed flew too close, but he wished to bathe in her rays once more for the rest of his life. And the Sun, though her heart broke at his pitiful plight, took his hand and moved closer to him.
“Thank you for being man enough to admit your faults. I really appreciate it. You’re right. It’ll take me a while for me to act like before around you, but if you’re willing to fix and this, and I can see that you are, then I’m willing too. Other women would be stubborn and they’d act cold even if the man was already changing, but I’m different. I’ll still feel tense, to be honest. But I won’t pretend to be blind in everything that you’ll do.” you gave him a small smile and that small smile was enough for him to tear up.
Both of you didn’t know what the future may hold. You didn’t know when you’ll forgive him and you didn’t know when everything will be back to the way it was. But one thing’s certain: in time, everything will be okay. After all, forgiveness is also a form of love. And sometimes, you��ve never really loved someone until you learn to forgive them.
* * * * 
𝐇𝐀𝐙 𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @abrielleholland​​​​​​​ @silencetheslaves​​​​​​​ @peachmaybnx​​​​​​​ @imeanlifesabitshit​​ @joyleenl​​
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell​​​​​​​ @justasmisunderstoodasloki​​​​​​​ @rubberducky-jrr​​​​​​​ @petersholland​​​​​ @osterfieldnholland​​​​​ @miraclesoflove​
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parasite-core · 3 years
Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~☆
What does happiness mean to your character? (To be content, to have won, to have something to be proud of, etc.?) Why? Does their definition of happiness change with time?
Thanks for the ask ☺️ My number of OCs I decided to answer for started to get long so answers under the cut.
Roland: Happiness is the time spent with his found family, the satisfaction of hard work paying off, and finally getting to rest at the end of it all knowing he did well and left the world better many centuries after his time should have been up.
Kiyo: Happiness is the joy of discovery, both scientific and in nature. It is the feeling they get after helping someone who was in need, be it with a doctor’s medicine or a vigilante’s blade. Happiness is Lalaith’s sense of humor bringing a smile to their face no matter how terrible the joke may be.
Sai: Happiness is seeing Luka flying through the night sky. It is the smell of freshly planted flowers in a community garden for everyone to enjoy. It’s spending time with Hayden and Gaeron and Icarus, and it’s her found family together and getting along despite their differences. It’s being free of her past and forging a future free of nightmares and darkness, or if it’s shrouded in darkness it’s a darkness of her choosing.
Lucien: Lucien has a hard time imagining future happiness. He puts on a good face but he is severely depressed. All he sees in his future is more of the same cycle of finding temporary joy and growing bored of it, of everything he likes becoming dull and grey. He sincerely believes he is going to die in one final glorious fight against a great rainbow dragon, and that this will be the final great joy in his life, one final burst of color and meaning. Lucien…despite coming off as one of my most carefree characters on the surface because of how he acts, is actually one of the ones really severely hurting the most.
Haruki: Haruki thought becoming human and going back to a sense of normalcy is what would bring him happiness, but he’s beginning to realize there’s no returning to normal. Even if he ever finds a way to get his human form back, things won’t just go back to normal, he won’t just forget how people turned on him when he was turned into a drow, nor will he be able to turn a blind eye to his father’s atrocities in the world below Naraku. Not to mention the fact his people’s god condemned him for sins of his bloodline he didn’t have anything to do with, and the only chance at redemption he was offered was giving up his free will entirely and being transformed again, this time into an angel, which he refused, despite knowing he probably doomed himself to be rejected by his people and slowly die to magnetite poisoning. At this point, what will probably bring him true happiness is embracing his new circumstances, which he’s only really rejected due to how his society conditioned him not due to anything he dislikes about the transformation. He just needs to get to a point where he can accept that realization himself. And also curing his magnetite poisoning. Not dying from being turned into a big crystal statue is a really good first step to being happy. Also punching god. Because he’s from a Shin Megami Tensei RP so punching god is going to happen and it’ll just be really cathartic for him I think.
Kaius: He’s achieved his happiness. His daughter’s illness was cured, he’s retired from adventuring and living with his family, he helped to begin redeeming the fallen member of their party he felt like he’d failed, he’s honestly extremely content with where things have ended up in his life. Did Volstat and Hiyi swear revenge for them choosing Gabby over them? Maybe a little. That’s okay. Kaius is at his core a selfish creature, and if he’s chosen a favorite that’s who he’s sticking with. His wife might disagree since she liked Hiyi.
Umbrolus: Being with Kleio makes him happy. Having friends for the first time makes him happy. Traveling the world makes him happy. The fact he’s going to go to the moon someday makes him happy. Umbrolus is very simple in what makes him happy. Friends, love, adventure, new experiences.
Draven: He honestly doesn’t know what would make him happy anymore. He puts on a smile and cracks jokes, but it’s all superficial, actual real happiness isn’t something he’s had in a while. The closest to happiness he currently has is his best friend, Leto, but that’s a bit bittersweet. I can think of one thing that would bring him sincere happiness, but since he’s a D&D character and I haven’t played his story yet there’s something about his story I don’t want to post where my friends might see it and spoil it. I may come back and reblog this answer later to add to it when I can actually talk about it in more detail later, because I do know the answer.
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