#Idk if it took me a while to answer this
genderlesssnake · 1 year
Even though I’m not sure if we can distinguish whose gentials are whose on the hydra
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nouverx · 6 months
just imagine charlie being the only other character in the hotel to understand Alastor's sayings and gripes about the modern world. She's even older than he is, those two could have so much to talk about. I'm still fairly young but I have plenty of gripes about the modern world, I just know those two old ladies could find something to share lol.
I adore Charlie and Alastor as characters, and I adore your art! All of your art is damn cute to me, it's great! I need more of charlie and alastor interacting and being silly in my life, romantic or platonic doesn't matter to me lmao.
You are just like me for real 😭 when the pilot came out I was so intrigued with Alastor and Charlie they immediately clicked for me and became my favourite pair of the show (tho now that the first season is out all of Alastor's other relationships stole my heart lmao but I still love them a lot) the "big bad villain who initially wanted to manipulate the sunshine character ends up accidently getting attached to them" trope is like one of my favourite tropes ever and they have the potential to become just that so I'm really invested in what their storyline will be I'M SO EXCITED
AND YEAH the fact that the hotel was already so has-been looking before Alastor showed up makes me think Charlie is similar to him, she's more up to date than him regarding new technologies ofc but I just know my girl loves vintage stuff ahah
(Also I want them to have a duo song in the next seasons SO BAD no offense to Heaven 2 Hell I love this song but I need something new it's been 4 years lol)
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nomoretumbler · 12 days
one of my friends asked me what nuclear fission was and I went like this
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moeblob · 2 days
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Conversations with Paul never go Right's way.
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codacheetah · 3 months
5 for the isat ask game!
5 - What's your favorite optional event?
VERY TOUGH ONE TO ANSWER. I'm gonna go right ahead and disqualify twohats bc it's a predictable answer. If I had to choose just one though I think it'd probably be the sus event. It really got my goat on my first playthrough bc I didn't realize you had to do it in ACT 4. If I remember correctly I think sus is the only optional event locked to ACT 4??? Now that I've actually done it though I'm quite fond of it.
Sus event is one that you really have to go out of your way to do. It kind of reminds me of the True Ending in SASASAP but More and I'm sure that's intentional. Like the requirements for sus quest necessitate that you're going to do it, if not the loop before ACT 5, very soon before it. You have to know pretty much everything about Time Craft and Wish Craft already, so whatever you're doing in the loops now is basically taking out any optional stuff before you hit the end. You have to pretty thoroughly remember how the script goes just so you know all the best ways to break it. I feel like if the True Ending route is Loop going through the motions so many times that they can't deal with holding their facade together any longer, the sus route is Siffrin waving a big red flag around for help. There's just no way you're going to stumble into sus without preplanning what to do to rack up your points and make Odile aware of how Wish Craft works.
So I think it's interesting how much Siffrin pushes back against Odile trying to figure him out. It's a pattern of behavior that I am well aware of where you're desperately going "HELP ME" but you're not willing to accept it when it's offered to you.
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Siffrin spends an entire loop screwing everything up, to a point that's frankly kind of egregious even by Late Stage Timeloopers standards, and then they can't reckon with the consequences of it. I don't think sus event is as intentional of a cry for help for Siffrin as it is the player, mind you. But I do think it's. Very tragic. Yeah of course "it's too late" in the sense that Siffrin's about to talk to Euphie and the whole journey will end, but moreso it's that by the time that Odile can piece together all the information necessary to figure Siffrin out, Siffrin is just far too deeply entrenched in his self hatred and fear of abandonment to be dug out. I think if Odile could somehow figure it out in, like, early ACT 3, or if Isabeau was just a bit more pushy in getting Siffrin to do a feelings talk, maybe they'd actually be able to reach Siffrin a little. But they're always just a little too late, every single time.
I think the fact that you start really getting a bunch of weird points in ACT 3 gives this event a lot of buildup. For potential dozens of loops you'll see Odile brush against the truth of the situation, and then just barely miss. By the time she figures it out, it's too late. Explodes
Expounded upon slightly more in tags bc I don't like typing in post bodies I feel like a fish on land. eek
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queenlucythevaliant · 5 months
What are your thoughts on Eve? I have mostly positive thoughts/feelings towards her, so I want to know if you have any insights.
Quite honestly, most of the time when I think about Eve it's in the context of historicity of Genesis-type stuff, which I'm guessing isn't what you're after.
She reads as very archetypal, you know? And in some ways she is. She's a type of the church, certainly; the first Church failed by the first Adam. She's a type of Woman in many ways, cursed to bear the effects of sin and suffering within her own body.
I do absolutely love the song "Like the Dawn" by The Oh Hellos (my favorite song by them) and, less theologically, the poem "Eve and Adam" by Bertha James:
I think that Eve loved Adam, first of all, Not in the garden where all things were fair, Not in the sad time when he failed her there, But when they were at last outside the wall And it was night. They heard the night-birds call, And as the sword curved flaming through the air They saw long shadows crouch and leap; their hair Was brushed by unseen wings; they heard rocks fall. Then defiant Eve was caught by fear; Perhaps she turned and reached for Adam's hand And leaned against his shoulder to be near, Not caring that he could not understand, Feeling him marvelously strong and good.
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einsatzzz · 1 day
fuuta ranking ☆ Top 5 most compatible khr characters with Kana ♡ I would like the tea
Thank you for sending this Jojo! 💜✨Considering the type of person Kana is and her lore, this was quite hard to come up with. I think for her, an incompatibility ranking would be easier to make 🤣🤣🤣 (e.g. yeah she hates this guy, yeah and this guy too!)
After much thinking, here is the top 5 most compatible characters for Kana-chan!
1. Kurumi&... (x)
Though the stream is divided by a boulder in its swift flow, I know the twain will soon unite again.
2. Kurumi!!! (x)
Into the gaps between the flower petals, the two of us come falling down How many times have our hearts crumbled? If it has to come to letting go when our hands have finally joined, It doesn't matter if our wishes don't come true As long as you're there with me.
3. Kurumi... (x)
Even with my heart beyond help… I walked together with you...
4. Kurumi...? (x)
In our days together, the smile you showed me Is so kind and tender, It will never disappear Please stay like that for eternity You don't have to understand anything.
5. Kurumi(?) (x)
When in sleep— Is only what we see then To be called a dream? This fleeting world, too, I cannot see as reality.
Phew! Now that the legally required special Kurumi category is done, we can move on to the top 5 most compatible canon KHR characters with Kana.
For this one, the main criteria we looked for are people she gets along/would agree with without the divine Kurumi intervention (regardless if they will ever even meet or not), so I'm dissecting her brain a bit. But just a little bit, otherwise it'll be dangerous 💀💀💀 (stalking her in my brain w/o the Kurumi or Yui factor is hard ueueueue)
Anyway, top five in no particular order (for now), except #1 is kinda obvious:
◆ Yamamoto Takeshi
She has nothing against genuine and earnest people like him, she appreciates them actually. Even moreso, if it's someone who can live by their ideals no matter what. Despite his natural talent as a hitman, he somehow has this interesting stubbornness to not kill people, even if his own life is in danger. She personally finds such a thing difficult to do, it's way easier to kill them quickly, so it's something she can respect.
That's why when she was asked to assist in training him, she didn't really argue against it, even though he's technically already someone from Vongola by then. He's smarter than he lets on, that much she knows. She wonders how long he'll pretend that this is all a game of mafia.
When Yamamoto came over to the Ninomiya Estate to train with her, he introduced himself to her parents (who happened to both be home at that time) as her friend. Upon hearing of such a thing, Kana's parents started tearing up dramatically in such an exaggerated manner. "Ah! Our beloved Kana-chan finally has a friend outside of this Family!"
◆ Giotto (Vongola Primo)
"The Vongola Primo believes that someone who abandons their own friends cannot be entrusted with the position as the boss of his Family."
Due to Oniyanagi and Vongola's long history together, he always makes it perfectly clear to his father how difficult he finds it to trust the Vongola Family, even if both organizations currently have a stable business partnership. A long history like this can only serve to lower one's guard, opening an opportunity for betrayal.
However, the thing he can agree with from the bottom of his heart (if any) regarding Vongola Primo is that they both wouldn't abandon their respective Families. If shit hits the fan, his priority is his own Family. The succeeding Vongola boss is just gonna have to fend for himself.
"But didn't the book say "friends" not "Family"?" "Aren't they technically the same?" "Yesn't."
◆ Reborn
Reborn being world's strongest hitman is something they found to be quite respectable, they even passed by each other on a few missions before. But him trying to be their tutor is something that they find to be quite troublesome. Their parents told them that the only ones getting "tutored" is Tsuna and his potential guardians after all. Nevertheless, it's not like they don't understand the lessons that he's trying to teach them. It's just that they're not in the mood to improve themselves in such a manner.
There are a good several times though when their brains would eclipse and the endpoint personal victim would be Tsuna.
"Kana, I need you to do something." "No thanks, I'm busy right now." "If you follow through, Tsuna will get punk'd in the end. Kurumi might just laugh if it's funny enough." "Ok."
◆ Hibari Kyoya
He's an admirable person who carries himself with such confidence and with full belief in himself. Undeterred by what's considered common by people around him, he paves his own path solely based on his own ideals and beliefs. It's almost as if he can overcome anything with his strength no matter what.
Whenever they slightly let their guard down, he might just remind them of a person they look up to. With the phrase itself "look up to" being an extreme understatement. Whenever they see the sight of that black coat of his hanging off his shoulder, swaying in the air, they can't help but think: "Isn't it disgusting? When you begin to recall such a warm memory, but feel thoroughly cold instead."
It's precisely because he's the exact type of person that they would've been fond of long ago that they need to deny anything he asks of them beyond arm's length transactions. Yet, look what he's trying to get them into, provoking them to reveal all their cards so early? What a bastard. There must be something wrong with him. But, who are they to criticize him in the first place? When, surely enough, there's a lot of things wrong with them, way more than whatever is wrong with him.
Proud battle-sexual vs Closet battle-sexual - where the former is trying to get the latter off the closet by bulldozing through them. But the latter keeps finding new closets to hide in. Their LG/BT stands for Lethal Gruesome Beatdown Tournament. They are both having a fun time, no cap.
◆ Checker Face
Compromising the lives of a "few", for the "greater good" is something they would agree on. Though, what they respectively consider as "greater good" might be different.
The means to an end only matter if you have viable options to choose from in the first place. If there's no other means, then it unfortunately just couldn't be helped, right?
"Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. And as I kneel here now; hands red with blood, I know deep down, that I'll do it again."
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princeblue · 10 months
You said something about Sanemi and Genya being perfect narratives for Kokushibo and Yoriichi and the Kamado siblings. I understand the Kamados but care to elaborate about the Kokushibo and Yoriichi one?
Yes I do care too! I’ll try to explain this as best as I can but I have a few different ways I look at the Shinazugawa’s and Tsugikuni’s and their narratives, so.
Kokushibou & Sanemi; two old brothers who were tasked with looking after their younger brother and eventually leading themselves to being cruel to said brothers, Sanemi hides his affection and love behind his vile words and faux hatred of Genya, but still keeps tabs on the boy and thinks to himself his only purpose is protecting Genya. Kokushibou becomes jealous and spiteful and declares he hates Yoriichi which might be true to some extent, but he still cries for his brother and keeps the flute for all those years upon his death, still weakly trying to convince himself and Yoriichi that he hates him (“stop it I hate you” as he thinks of child Yoriichi with the flute.)
Both of these older brothers use hatred, anger, jealously, cruelty to push away their younger brothers despite at the end their display of hatred crumbles away like ash (hah) and their true feelings are revealed, while Kokushibou is much more subtle and possibly up to the reader’s opinion, unlike Sanemi’s, it’s still very there in my opinion.
Yoriichi & Genya: these two are much more straightforward in their narratives methinks, two younger brothers who look at their older brother as if they hung the stars for them. Who remain so wholly good in their lives and display a rare type of genuine kindness, Genya may have strayed from his gentle nature (which he is described at regaining fyi) but with the help of trauma bonding with Tanjirou and Gyomei’s gentle guiding hands he is able to return to it when he could have continued to be so angry and hurtful from having been abandoned, watching his family he slaughtered and safe to assume growing up homeless after Sanemi left him all those years ago, that hardens a person and yet he becomes kind again.
Similarly Yoriichi easily could have been as hurtful and zealous as Kokushibou, he was the child who was born with a “curse” and who was almost killed at birth and was meant to be sent away once of age, he was kicked out of the very organization he helped form by being open minded with a demon and listening to her story, deciding to spare her, and after almost killing Muzan himself.
And yet he remains kind of enough to leave for his BROTHERS sake, to be kind enough that animals flock to him, to be kind enough to fetch a midwife for Tanjirou’s ancestor and pass on his sun breathing moves in the form of a dance to them.
And they are both the reasons for their big brothers falling, for sanemi his ways of fear and anger crumbles away as genya does and for kokushibou, kokushibou finally dies and makes way for michikatsu to see what he has done and become.
Now this one is my favorite, and something I wished the manga could have done.
Kokushibou & Genya; two brothers who were undeniably less talented than their other brother, and yet still found means of being powerful and strong (moon breathing/demon consumption, you can’t tell me that isn’t op asf) and while Kokushibou becomes jealous and angry, Genya still remains kind and loving, even as sanemi nearly pokes his eyes out he still doesn’t blame him and outright defends him from zenitsu, in a way, Genya is what Kokushibou could have been, a loving brother who seeks to help protect his brother and cherish him. And this part is me daydreaming a bit but it would have been fantastic and a moment of character growth on Genya’s part for Kokushibou to take notice of him and notice of genya and Sanemi’s similarities and try to recruit him to the demons by relating with being a brother who was/is less powerful/meaningful than the next brother and Genya saying no I’d never be like you and trade my love for my brother for power.
So that is just kind of how I view each sets of brothers, maybe narratives isn’t the best words but I have spent so much time thinking about them and how they are similar because they’re both my favorite set of siblings in kny and to me the Tsugikuni’s could have easily been the Shinazugawa’s and vice versa. Probably not the best explanation out there but I hope you get what I was gunning for here.
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luck-of-the-drawings · 4 months
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when i was in highschool one o my biggest coping mechanisms was drawing all the kids i hated getting killed and eaten and killed. and well. time is a slowly ascending spiral. you will find patterns.(i work as a blackjack dealer. gamblers are FASCINATING
#cw blood#luckys original content#ITS SMALL BUT ITS ART SO IT GOES ON THE ART BLOG#also wwaooooww its meee its my lil persona!!! i dont draw myself enough....#anyway i have bigger things in the works. im slowly but surely chipping away at a pd thumbnail for that pd thumbnail project#FINALLY COLORING. BUT COLORING IS SO HARD AND I HAVNT BEEN IN THE COLORING MOOD#SO IVE JUST BEEN MAKING RLY DUMB COMICS INSTEAD... OOPS..#idk if anything finished n polished will be posted here anytime soon. BUT i post wips of everything on my twitter#and i post jrwi exclusive wips on my slucky blog. you may look at those if u have Truck Art Wishdrawls. as many do. as many do#THIS BLACKJACK JOB IS RLY AWESOME BTW DONT GET ME WRONG#i work three 12-hour days ina row. i gotta take an hourlong bus up to the depths o the mountains and then#i get to stay in this delightful lil hotel that was built in an ooold hospital. its a whole casino town. and an OLD one at that#ITS GORGEOUS HERE. last week my bus home was delayed for 2 hours#so i finally got the chance to head to other casinos and try drinkin n gambling. lost ten bucks to a pretty girl. NOT the first time#i rlly wanna try it again!!! i love interracting w ppl and i love being inebriated in public bc im just so sweet and pleasant and friendly#and pretty girls LLOOOOVEE MEEEEE i think i just need to go to gay bars more#but theres fucking NONE HERE. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im collectin comrade queers up here tho#we wanna make a Group but we just gotta come up witha name first. i need something weird and strange#yknow i remember being in highschool. and being miserable n unmedicated. my mommas ultimatum was that;#if i dont drop out of highschool; i dont need to move out. she probably wouldntve kicked me out anyway bc my mommas sweet like that but#she REALLY wanted me to graduate. and i remember dreading that i might never do that#i remember feeling like the Resident Idiot. sweet but so so fucking dumb. it took me 7 years of strife n stress before i finally graduated#i remember worrying back then that i might not ever be able to handle myself out there. that i'd be too dependant on others#AND HERE I AM. DID U KNOW I WAS LOOKIN AT HOUSES A WHILE AGO? IM AN ADULT AND IM WWINNINNNGGGGGGG#IM RUNNING OUTA ROOM BUT HERES MY ADVICE TO YOU. BC I KNOW UR FUCKING SCARED TOO. THE ONE THING THAT SAVED ME.#THAT KEPT ME FROM SINKING INTO DESPAIR IS REMEMBERING ONE THING: ITS LITERALLY JUST LIKE VIDEO GAMES#MOST PPL YOU CAN JUST WALK UP TO N ASK A QUESTION N THEYLL ANSWER. THEYRE ALL NPCS THEYRE NOT REAL#LIKE IF U WALK INTO A BANK AND ASK HOW A DEBIT CARD WORKS THEY WILL HELP YOU#AND IF YOU THINK THEY HAVE ULTERIOR MOTIVES RELATING TO MONEY. YOU CAN ASK THE CUSTOMERS TOO. ITS JUST LIKE VIDEO GAMES#ANYWAY STAY SAFE KIDS HAVE FUNNNNN. IM GOING TO GO DO DRUGS NOW. HOPE U CAN DO DRUGS SOON TOO. I LOVE YOU
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shmokeymoe · 1 month
Do you think Cassandra would have joined Raph in the Red Angel that Prevents Harm patrolling if the show continued?
ABSOLUTELY 100% she would join
It would be a good way for them to get to know each other better to build a strong relationship and can maybe further move along her redemption arc mayhaps
Man their vigilante duo would go so hard 😭
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mattodore · 1 year
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The BOLD THE FACTS tag with Theo (requested)
tagged for theo by @wldestluv-rs and @earthmoonz <3
The Rules are simple! Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty / other (theo is financially dependent on his wealthy parents and technically has no money of his own) ✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly (he overworks himself, gets very little sleep, smokes frequently, and abuses drugs… he’s not doing so hot) / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable ✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other ✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other ✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but hasn't been caught (theo uses illegal drugs) / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children ◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased ◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parents / not applicable / other (while technically living with his parents and being raised by them as a teen, theo was raised more closely by his au pair when he was younger)
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between ♦ disorganized / organized / in between ♦ close minded /open-minded / in between ♦ calm / anxious / in between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between ♦ cautious / reckless / in between ♦ patient / impatient / in between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in between (he can lash out but generally theo keeps a lot of his thoughts to himself) ♦ leader / follower (theo doesn’t like the spotlight) / in between ♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ♦ traditional / modern / in between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between ♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown (theo hasn't had enough people in his corner to answer this one with any amount of certainty) ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown (similar to the above, theo hasn't dated enough to give a general answer for this)
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious❀ Philosophical: yes / no
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual ❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless / other (theo has sex regularly but that doesn't necessarily mean he's favorable... this isn't to say that he never wants or enjoys sex, but that he has a tendency to use sex in unhealthy ways. it's complicated.)♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naïve and clueless / romance suspicious (doesn’t trust people not to hurt him)❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naïve / inexperienced / curious ⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic ☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker ✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed (headache meds regularly and sleeping pills a few months out of the year) / frequently / to excess ☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater $ Splurge Spending: never/ sometimes / frequently / shopaholic ♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
tagging @wldestluv-rs for faye (i've got you nene ☝️), @veone for nick, @stinkrascal for vlad and also maybe amarie if you wanna, @omgkayplays for malaika, and @lucidicer for pogo and vincent whenever you come back from your break ♥
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angeart · 4 months
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something? :)c
i think one big thing that can certainly put me off the fic is formatting? endless paragraphs are one thing but...
ok, look, it can be an amazing story, but if i keep getting confused about who's talking, or especially if there are two different people talking in the same paragraph (something that bothers me endlessly), i might just give up and drop it.
if we're talking content wise, i think especially in romance (but this can apply to friendships too)— if i don't feel like the characters love or care about each other unless they spell it out? that's. not good. you know, when they say "i love you" and you're just there blinking at the screen like, DO YOU????? that.
i think these two points in general do sway me a lot.
--- question from this ask game
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theloveinc · 1 year
do u think deku would invite all-might over under the pretext of just having dinner with the three of u..
and then try to progress the situation into a spit-roast?
or maybe a full-on butt-fucking cock-sucking threesome?
it is six in the morning babe I think you need HELP. But I do too frankly so I have a lot to say on this‼️‼️‼️
I think if Deku were kind of a weirdo… yes. It would absolutely happen like this. And I’m trying to consider, like, if All Might would be in on it, too. It would be a shame if it was sprung on both of you and shit went south from there (cuz realistically, I can imagine AM being the one who freaks out LOL).
But is All Might a huge cuck? For his almost-son’s spouse??? YEAH.
It’s hard not to be aware of the awkward sexual tension that exists when all three of you are together. The way things go from sweet and loving with only Deku to like you’re being watched and preyed upon by these Two Big Men who always act like they know something You Don’t. You’re surprised you even make it halfway through the meal before someone’s hand ends up somewhere and you’re being sat on the other’s lap like a little doll meant to be fondled.
(You could tell the moment was coming, were waiting for it to be sprung, always making sure you were wearing your good panties to no one’s complaint… but you were always just a little too nervous to ask about it out loud.)
That being said, I think the first time it happens it isn’t so wild. Deku definitely maes a show of fucking you with AM simply watching for a long time before letting him even touch. It’s honestly kind of… nice.
This whole thing is also especially more likely if this is an Villain!AU… then it’s occurring every damn weekend👁️👁️
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gifti3 · 5 months
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Im in such an obey me mood today haha
other than "pls dont tell asmo about that",,,, i have questions about these freaking vegetables (im putting under the cut since im talking about food and bad eating habits/diet related stuff)
im assuming they would have to be mixed with other regular ingredients to prevent the hunger but it sounds like ppl would use them as the main component in a dish or just eat them by themselves
So does all of it get digested? No leftovers (waste) comes out the other end im guessing? is it like a magic type thing?? it has to be right? Cause if not...ur body will take the calories needed to replace the ones burnt, take the nutrients, and the rest will just get tossed out
And since it doesnt make you full, like wouldnt it be way too easy to overeat this type of thing? so you could accidentally end up making urself go to the restroom more often :/
Ig if it gives u the nutrients u need that itll be useful then. So maybe its a 'heres ur macros for the day' type dealo? but u still have to go eat an actual meal or make sure u mix it with other stuff tho
#ik its just a silly joke type text but i do like to take these things and overthink them and apply them to real life#its just interesting to me cause ik the answers will never come so its like a brain exercise or something#eating disorder tw#just to be safe#but yea..................#im gonna just go off in the tags cause im just wondering about when this would be useful cause regular veggies are the better choice to me#ig that could be useful in a very specific circumstance where you went over calories but still need certain macros..but like...its veggies#going over for some for veggies isnt that big a deal imo but if ur mostly concerned with deficit then ud cut anywhere u can...#u could also like use it to lessen the calories in the dish overall and maybe add more of the ingredients u actually like#tho i feel like it would not remove that many calories in the first place#and ud probably wouldnt even get to add that much more of what u actually want in comparison#and then...ur gonna be hungry cause u took away a big volume of the food which was the regular vegetables#but for me when im making food the last thing im worried about in my dish is the freaking vegetables#im trying to add more veggies and less of everything else ._.#i feel like this would make more sense if it was like a sugary treat#especially if this is supposed to be a thing that helps with cravings#u get to eat and enjoy the thing without consequence (for the most part) while eating a more restrictive diet#tho it would probably be even more dangerous than the veggies when it comes to overeating...#idk how the demon biology works but it seems about the same to humans but just more durable#and with asmos eating habits...i can already see in my minds eye whats gonna go down#it just seems like a bad idea all around to tell him about this!#obey me nightbringer
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sushisocks · 11 months
Hey there! I believe you said in another post that the final confrontation would be unlikely to happen if lenny and sean were alive, so i'd like to ask if you could expand on that pls(if u havent already and i just didnt see it lol)
Btw on a side note im actually super invested in your sean content😭😭the fandom seems to only talk ab him to label as an idiot, so as a fellow sean lover the way you characterize him has me so in love❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oh Anon you are SO LOVELY!!! Thank you not only in giving me the opportunity to rant more about Sean and Lenny (which I am always so willing to do), but also for your super kind words!! Sean is very dear to me, and I'm glad my reading into him as much as I do strikes a chord with other people ;;u;;
The way the general fandom often characterizes him isn't very surprising to me, given his personality & the surface level impressions he gives, but maybe for now I'll save THAT rant for another time, else we stay here forever lmaoo
So, to start answering your question, I believe you're talking about my post from a few months ago, where I talk about how I believe Sean & Lenny would've sided with Arthur & John if they'd lived to see the final confrontation. In it I mention how I find that final confrontation a lot more unlikely were Lenny & Sean to survive that far and stick around for the entire thing.
Now, WHY do I believe this? I touch on it briefly in that original post, but let's really get into it here!!
Okay to start off, there's a LOT of ways I see things going, in regards to Sean and Lenny, were they both to survive, because it adds SO MANY variables, but let's start at the very top.
At a meta level, it is important to recognize that RDR2 is a prequel to RDR1. This meant from the get that RDR2, as it is canonically, was bound to a certain outcome, to set up for RDR1. This ALSO means, that every step from the start of RDR2 was very much there not only to lay the groundwork for the end of RDR2 but also add another emotional layer to RDR1. This is all certainly things we are aware of already, but I think it's important to have that context in mind while we talk about alternative outcomes.
Because, see, Sean and Lenny HAD to die for the outcome in RDR2 to be the one it is. Not only them, but Hosea, Kieran, Molly, and Susan's deaths are ALL integral and important to the story, they ALL make a difference and contribute in pushing the story a certain way, and in reinforcing the steadily increasing hopelessness which infest the gang from Sean's death and out.
So if we're like "what if none of them died?" there are suddenly a LOT of new variables for every mission and every scenario we know from the game, which need to be considered. This is true EVEN if the change in survival count is only reduced to Lenny & Sean.
How different do you not think Shady Belle would have felt, initially, without Sean's death hanging over it? What about the bank job -- would Lenny & Sean end up on the boat to Guarma? What would've happened to them there, then? Would either of them be caught by the Pinkertons instead, with John or in his stead maybe? What other options would there have been, where would they end up at the end of that?
And already here we have to consider how those experiences might've impacted them psychologically, because of who they are.
In the post I mentioned earlier, I talk about how Lenny is new to the gang and probably isn't as stuck in it mentally as Arthur and John, nor do Sean and Lenny have the same emotional attachment/baggage in regards to Dutch. They're loyal of course, because they feel a sense of obligation to the gang, because it provides them with safety, friends, and allies, in an otherwise unkind world.
But what then happens when that changes?
How do you expect Sean and Lenny to respond when the gang starts turning on itself? When Dutch visibly starts losing it? When people start snapping at each other and threatening one another in the middle of camp?
(I have a half-formed thought here about how people would ABSOLUTELY be snapping and talking down to Sean in a way more cruel way towards the end of the game, for trying to keep things light and easy, yknow, fulfilling his role in the gang. I can only imagine what that'd end up doing to him, tbh.)
And, I'll be repeating myself from other posts here, but how do you think Lenny, a young black man painfully aware of the social structure as it exists in America at that point in time, would react to realizing what Dutch's plan with the Wapiti is? Same goes for Sean, who has SEVERAL instances through the game showing him just as politically aware as Lenny - certainly moreso than Arthur.
Would the outcome for the Wapiti tribe be the same, do you think, if Charles had more people than a very sick and tired Arthur to lean on, willing to help? Would Lenny in particular want to stick around to see Dutch attempt to drive the tribe into the ground for his own gain?
Also, I'm sorry but like, Lenny has a camp interaction with Dutch where he disagrees with him (about Miller, Dutch's favorite author) and explains why in a very well-articulated manner. In one instance, Dutch gets straight up offended by it, bcz Lenny can argue very well (and is RIGHT mind you lol).
I do absolutely believe that Lenny would not just sit around quietly in Beaver Hollow. I'd expect him to be among the most vocal in their discontent with the situation, and probably the best at arguing against Dutch.
That is, up until a certain point. Lenny is a young black boy, and Dutch is a white authority figure. Watch Dutch snap and yell at him, like he does John in Ch6 for example, and see how much longer Lenny sticks around fr. The trade is loyalty for safety and the same in kind. Why do you think members start leaving when things start looking their worst? And don't you think Lenny would be among the first to see the writing on the wall?
Though that is hinging on that very specific vibe in Beaver Hollow, where they're all scattered and losing their ties to one another. Add then in Sean, who is VITAL as social glue, and for making conversations easier. If he, and Lenny, and Mary-Beth, Tilly, Arthur, Charles, etc etc, insert your favorites here, managed to retain some of that community feeling, despite it all, then I absolutely see Lenny sticking around for them.
Same goes for Sean, tbh. I can see him leaving earlier, bcz the trade stops being equal and bcz he's not being taken seriously, and I can see him staying, for his friends.
There IS also a version of things where things are similar and I do see Sean siding with Dutch; but that is a very sad and lonely Sean, who is VERY different from where he's at in Clemens Point, and I think that's an unfair perspective to take for him in general.
Okay so, now we're back to that final confrontation, after I said I found it unlikely, why is that? Because, with every question I've posed thus far, about what Lenny & Sean's reactions might've been to canon events after their deaths, I have essentially presented a variable that comes with their survival to those points. Them being there for it, HAS to mean a change, has to mean something different happens, because their deaths are direct contributors to the path we already know the story takes WITHOUT their presences.
Now, what are those differences and changes? I honestly can't answer; something being different earlier or later can butterfly-effect into something completely new or remarkably similar to what we already know. I could sit here all day and wax poetic about all the different options and possibilities for where things could go, were ANY character to survive past their death point, BUT thankfully, that is what fanfiction is for, lol.
I hope this satisfied some of your curiosity, dear anon!! It was a lot of fun for me to write and think about, so thank you very much for asking!!!
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star-quill · 1 year
okok hear me out, peter is an international sports star and you’re his wag 🥲
i feel like he'd def be part of the nhl. his family definitely grew up watching a lot of sports but he was very into watching hockey the most. he was a scrawny kid so his grandpa was always worried about him getting slammed into the wall or falling on the ice when he was practicing but as he got older, he buffed up, got stronger and it hurt less when he fell over or got hit.
now he's famous, and with that came a reputation. he's a flirt, and you were currently on the receiving end of it. it was the end of season, his team just missed out on winning the championship, but they're still throwing a party. the team, their partners, the manager and the rest of the staff were invited. you were a friend to one of the players' partners and she dragged you along. and luckily for peter, you were single.
it didn't take long, or much flirting from his end, for you to give in. you'd been single for a while and to be honest, you were desperate, and peter was hot as fuck. you weren't about to turn him down. he dragged you out the ballroom of the hotel, up to his room and within a minute, you were on his bed, dress discarded on the floor and his large body was now over you, his thighs bent up slightly behind your thighs, his hands beside your head as he kissed your neck.
that night with him turned into more nights, which turned into weeks and eventually turned into him finally asking you out. you knew what would happen if you said yes, all the implications that come with being in a relationship with a sports star, scaring you slightly. but peter was so reassuring.
so you said yes, and now you're at every game, cheering him on and hanging out with all the other wags of the players. you only missed a few games of the season, either due to work or illness. and as the end of season approached, peter's team was on course to win this time—and he's fully convinced it's because of you. every game you missed, the team lost, and every time they won, you were in the stands watching. he kept telling you this, that you were like his lucky charm, or rather, the whole teams lucky charm.
so you promised him from then on out, you'd be at every game so they'd win every game. he just smiled and laughed slightly.
"yeah? every game?"
"mmhm.. every single one.. even if i'm sick.."
peter just smiled, kissed you on the forehead as he grabbed his gear and headed out the changing room, your hand in his as he walked you outside. you both got in his truck once you were in the parking lot and he kept stealing glances whenever he had to stop at a red light. he was so lovesick, it made you blush. and to think, for a second when you met him, you weren't going to give in to his charm. but you wouldn't change it for the world.
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