#If a hot goth girl came up to me and told me to call her Shadowheart
spicyraeman · 7 months
Was thinking about how if you were doing a modern au that yeah keeping Shadowhearts name the same would be a little weird, but then I remembered that I have a buddy I still call by his gamertag. Like Ive known him for years and I know his real name and everything, but he introduced himself as it so that's just what he is now real name be damned
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softshrimpy · 1 year
How To Woo A Hot Principal
Chapter 2: Step 2: Don't Panic
Summary: Working at the weathervane was exactly what you needed. The routine, the people, your co-worked. It certainly helped that a certain tall, blonde, fucking gorgeous woman happened to frequent the cafe. Now some may call hopelessly flirting with your customers inappropriate behavior.
But truly, when it came it Larissa Weems, who could blame you?
the silly bitch is back this time with teenage shenanigans. 🦐
Chapter 1
Cross Posted to AO3 Here
HTWAHP Masterlist
“You can do this, it’s just a building. A very beautiful goth as fuck building that happens to be housing the woman you’re head over heels for. The very woman whose coffee you’re holding…” you mumble to yourself, staring up at the impressive building of Nevermore Academy.
It really was a beautiful building, in a goth macabre sort of way. When you were younger you probably would’ve killed to go to a school that looked like this. You could’ve been dark and edgy on epic balconies, every depressed teen’s dream.  However, you’re currently more concerned with arguing with yourself about the stupidity of your offer. You can’t help but think maybe Larissa was simply being polite and didn’t want you to show up at her workplace. Maybe she actually can’t stand you and your painfully obvious crush on her and didn’t have the heart to tell you to buzz off. Maybe this-
Your spiralling is abruptly cut off but a monotone voice, “Are you just going to stand there or are you actually going to come in?”
“JESUS FUCK-“ you yell, jumping at the voice, nearly dropping your precious cargo. You look away from the window you had been staring out to see a dark-haired girl standing in the doorway, glaring up at you. She’s obviously a student, judging by the uniform she’s wearing despite it completely lacking its usual colour.
“How long have you been standing there?” you ask, trying to recover from your near heart attack.
“Long enough to question your intentions here.” She replies.
“Wednesday! There you are!” a bright voice exclaims from behind your interrogator.
You look behind the girl, Wednesday, to see a sweet-looking blonde girl skipping over to you two. She stops next to Wednesday with a bright smile. She looks like the embodiment of sunshine honestly. The two standing next to each other is quite the juxtaposition.
“Oh! Hi, I’m Enid.” She introduces herself, sticking her hand out for you to shake.
You tell her your name and she smiles before turning to Wednesday.
“We have botany soon, I was just coming to get you but you weren’t in our room. Thing told me you were trying to escape again.” She grins.
“Thing will pay for his treachery soon enough.” Wednesday mumbles. “And as you can see, I’m still here.”
“Escape?” You mumble, glancing back at Wednesday “I thought this was a school, not a prison.”
“May as well be one.” Wednesday huffs, followed by Enid smacking her arm lightly.
“It’s not that bad! You’re just dramatic. Anyway, we’re going to be late, so let’s go.” She says, all but dragging a scowling Wednesday behind her.
“Oh uh, wait! Could you tell me how to get to Laris- I mean Principal Weems’s office? I have something for her.” You ask.
You swear you have never seen someone move faster in your life. One moment Enid was dragging her grumpy goth friend away and the next she was right in front of you, staring up at you with gleaming eyes.
“You’re here to see Principal Weems?? Are you two friends? Are you more than friends? What did you bring her?” She gushes.
“Don’t uh…don’t you have to get to botany?” You ask, taking a step back.
You’re not all that sure what you and Larissa are really. Or why she said yes ti you bringing her coffee every morning. For all intents and purposes, you’re just a very dedicated barista to her. Which makes your heart ache in a very pathetic way. But you’re fairly certain she wouldn’t want whatever relationship you have going on to be known by any of her students. She strikes you as the type to value her privacy.
“It’s fine. We’ll take you to Principal Weems’s office. We won’t get in any trouble. And we’d be happy to help, right Wednesday?”
“I’d rather willingly poison myself with Miss Thornhill’s plants thanks.” She grumbles.
“See! It’s settled. Let’s go!” Enid exclaims, setting off further into the school.
“Is she always like this?” You ask Wednesday.
“Every hour of every day so far.”
The two of you catch up to Enid who then continues to try and grill you for information on what you’re delivering to her principal and what your relationship to her is. You answer relatively honestly, telling her you’re just there to deliver coffee and you’ll probably be back, but it’s nothing more than that. She seems to not believe you, which is doubled when Wednesday makes a comment about a trip to Nevermore to deliver coffee not being typical service from the Weathervane.
“You’re totally in love with her!” Enid squealed, practically bouncing on the spot.
“I-that’s. First of all, that’s none of your business, and second you’re jumping to conclusions! I just- laris- I mean Principal Weems is a wonderful busy woman who needs coffee. There’s nothing weird about me bringing one to her in the morning! And- and it doesn’t even have to mean anything! Can’t it just be me being nice?”
“You know, they say those who become defensive when confronted are usually guilty.” Wednesday chirps with a smirk.
Dear god having two teenagers gang up on you about your crush on their principal was not what you imagined your morning to include.
“Do you two enjoy bullying a kind-hearted adult?”
“Yes.” Wednesday deadpans eliciting a snort from you.
“And we’re here!!” Enid exclaims, stopping in front of a pair of double doors.
You stare at the golden plaque on the door. The nerves from outside have returned tenfold now. And you can’t help but wonder if you should just turn and leave. You have a habit of taking things a step too far, you’re worried this is one of those times. What if she’s busy and doesn’t want you bothering her? What if-
“Well, we should get going!” Enid smiles, and then -to your horror- knocks on the door before quickly dragging Wednesday away.
“Come in” you hear an angelic voice answer from the other side.
Well you can’t just turn around now, and you did come all this way. So with that thought you take a deep breath and open the door.
And Jesus fucking Christ it should be illegal how lovely Larissa Weems looks seated at her desk, glasses perched on her nose, light beaming in from the window behind her. She looks like an angel, truly. She looks breathtaking you genuinely nearly forget to breathe.
And when she glances up from her laptop screen to look at you? If you were meltable you’d be nothing but a puddle right this second. Christ on a stick it’s a good day to love women, especially the very gorgeous woman in front of you.
“Darling? What are you doing here?” She asks, standing up and rounding her desk.
Your heart drops a little bit, thinking the worst.
Obviously, she didn’t want you to come. How could you be so stupid?
“I uhm. I brought you coffee! I’m sorry it’s- god I- this is silly I shouldn’t have come, you were obviously joking and I’m disturbing you I should- I’ll just go,“ you ramble, looking at anything but her.
You jump when you feel her hand wrap around your wrist. When the fuck had she gotten close? Was she a ninja? Your eyes dart to her face to see her…wait is she blushing?
You blink up at her, trying to figure out why she’s standing there, holding your wrist with a bashful smile on her face and a blush on her cheeks.
“Larissa? Are.. is everything okay?”
“You really are too sweet to me darling” she murmurs, squeezing your wrist. “I had thought you were just joking yesterday. I’m not used to people going out of their way for me like this.”
“Well, people are fucking stupid then.” You retort, “People should go to the ends of the earth just to talk to you. I know I would.”
“If you keep talking like that you’ll never get rid of me.” She mumbles, looking away.
“The day I want to be rid of you is the day I’ve been body snatched and replaced by an evil alien.”
She snorts at that, her nose scrunching in the most adorable way. And wow she really is close. You can see the slight crow’s feet at the corners of her eyes, the laugh lines around her mouth. Christ her mouth looks far too kissable right now. You look back at her eyes and, oh gods she is not allowed to look at you like that you really might just kiss her. Would she kiss you back? The way she’s looking at you has you thinking maybe she would. All it would take is for you to lean in just-
A loud thud breaks you both from your reverie. You turn to face where the noise came from and just manage to catch a glimpse of blonde hair darting around the corner. You really should’ve suspected your kind escorts were going to eavesdrop. While you feel a little mortified you can’t find it in yourself to be mad at them.
“I don’t suppose you found my office on your own?” Larissa asks.
“I was very kindly escorted by two of your students, they found me panicking at the front door.”
“I don’t suppose they were a moody goth and a bright bubbly girl?” She hums.
“Yep. That was them.”
She sighs, bringing a hand up to rub her temples while muttering something about walking trouble. You giggle, much to your utter mortification, before lifting up the bag you brought.
“Coffee?” You ask.
“God yes.” She sighs.
You reach into the bag and bring out the thermos you’d brought handing it to her with the dorkiest grin on your face. She thanks you before taking a sip and borderline moaning at the taste (yeah your face could give a furnace a run for its money right now).
“Anyway I uh,” you clear your throat. “I best be off. Wouldn’t want to keep you from your work.”
“Do you need to head back to the cafe?”
“Oh no I’m not working today, I just thought-“
“It seems a waste coming all this way to leave so soon no?” She asks. “Let me give you a tour.”
“Oh no it’s okay! I’m sure you have more important things to do-“
“Well, I think it’s rather important you let me show you around. Please?” She asks.
And goddamn you couldn’t say no to her if you were being held at gunpoint. And the idea of her wanting to spend time with you is making you swoon. So you agree, ducking your head in a nod so she won’t see how flustered you are by her simple gesture.
She presses her laptop shut and grabs the takeaway bag from your hand, placing it down on her desk, before gesturing to the door.
“After you sweetheart.”
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Confession 26
Last night after work, the city was crazy busy. I was walking to the car park around 11pm and there was a big crowd of super rowdy guys barging through everyone, so I ducked into the archway/doorway of a shopfront to avoid them.
There was a girl, standing in the doorway to the store. About my height, round curvy, pretty, done up, goth vibes. She had on a fishnet top with her lingerie visible and a leather jacket and a short skirt, thick black eyeliner and black lipstick.
I checked her out and she definitely noticed, so I said “hey”.  She smiled. “City is crazy tonight” She nodded. “What are you up to?”
She looked me over coyly and smiled and said, “well I was on a date but it went badly, so I’m just trying to get an Uber but they aren’t accepting”. “Damn” I said in reply. “Sorry to hear that...” I looked her over really obviously, then smiled mischievously and said, “Baby, you’re sexy as fuck... like... where you headed?”
She seemed taken aback, but then cooly replied with her suburb. Casually, I said, “oh yeah? I live in (neighbouring suburb), I could give you a lift if you want. I’m parked just up in there” and I motioned towards the multilevel carpark. She paused for a second, then smiled again and said, “Maybe this is my lucky night after all”.
We introduced ourselves on the way to the car. Her name was Gabbi. Such a hot name. I opened the door for her, and said, “here you go Babygirl”, she smiled, and bit her lower lip a little. “Thank you, daddy”, her tongue traced across her lips as she spoke, as if she was tasting the words as she said them, and my cock was instantly hard. Our eyes locked as she sat in the car. I walked around to the driver’s door and got in. I looked deep into her eyes and she said “I’ve never done anything like this”. I smiled again and said “bullshit...” my hand reaching up towards her cheek, brushing her hair aside, “I can tell you’re a fucking slut”. And I lent in, my hand gripping her throat as I kissed her mouth, deep and passionately. We made out and she groped at my crotch, feeling my hard dick through my pants, she moaned. I felt her tits. We kissed some more, then I broke away and started the car. 
“Your place?” I said. “It’s not a good idea,” she said. “Mine neither, but it’s OK, I know a spot”. Off we went. Chatting as I drove. She liked the music I was playing in the car, and we really got along well. She told me a bit about her terrible date, then part way along the drive she said, “this is so perfect, I was really in the mood to suck dick tonight”. We made out and felt each other up at the lights, and eventually we got to the dark little out of the way place I take all my sluts.
We kissed some more. I put my hands between her legs and she spread them wide for me. She was so wet. “Oh that’s nice” I said. She moaned, “You like my wet little pussy”. I gripped her hair with my other hand and bit her earlobe. “I like your wet little cunt”. 
She gasped.
“ I liked when you called me daddy, too”.
“Mmm, yes daddy. Please play with my cunt. Put your fingers in my cunt, please, daddy...”
I did as she asked.
Fuck she was so wet. It was thick and syrupy. I slurped it off my fingers and it tasted amazing. I kept going and made her cum. She was so loud. I licked her thick pussy cum off my hand. I made her taste it too. 
Then I unbuttoned my pants and pulled her head over onto my hard cock. I fucking love it when sluts go all in for it with their mouth, and know not to use their hands. She bobbed her head on my cock, drooling her spit all over me, making it wet and sloppy. She would throat and gag, spit up all over it, then slurp it up.
“Oh fuck yeah, you are perfect” I said. As she gave me the best head I’d had in years. I told her to climb into the back seat and take off her panties. Then I followed her into the back and ate her wet cunt. It was so tangy. Then I fingered her some more and she came hard again. I lent back against the car door and licked her gooey tangy juices from my fingers once more and she wasted no time, getting her throat back on my cock, sliding down into the gap behind the driver’s seat, head between my legs I could see her staring up at me.
I told her to get down and suck on my nutsack. I think she’s the first girl to worship my balls properly. She was so good at ball sucking, I left her to it for about 40 minutes. While she sucked and licked my balls, we exchanged dirty talk, and I beat my dick against her face, occasionally taking control and putting  my cock back into her throat. She made my cock so wet and slimy with her saliva. It felt amazing.
As she licked and sucked my nutsack, I stroked my wet cock, and eventually I was ready to cum. To be honest, I could have let this go all night and edged forever, it was so perfect. I pushed my dick against her face and told her I was going to cover her face in cum. She begged for it, and I obliged, painting her face in the thickest load. She didn’t stop on my balls either. She kept it going and I kept cumming.
Then I noticed something weird. Something was stuck to the end of my cock. It was her fake eyelash. then I noticed the other one was stuck half way along my shaft.  We had a good laugh at that. She kept licking and slurping on my cock, and she was so happy to have my cum on her face. She was rubbing it into her skin, and slurping it off her fingers.
It took ages to unfog the car windows. We kept chatting, and traded details. I told her I’d love to fuck her wet cunt next time, and she said she’d love that. I drove her home after that, and I’m really looking forward to the next time we see each other.
I can’t believe I just picked up a girl off the street like this. I might be old, but I have definitely still got my mojo.
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animealways · 2 years
oh the irony
oc x oc/yulivia lilienne boonchuy get a chance with her crush
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Lily was sitting under the bleachers completely ignorant to the hot blonde cheerleader walking towords her.
''hey umm can i sit here?'' ''uh yeah sure.''
lily put down her videogame, kinda confused as to why emma the principal daughter decided to sit here. she almost wanted to check her good eye (she is blind in her right eye due to a childhood incident and cover it up with a black binder eye patch)
''sorry to bother you, i know this is sort of your spot.'' lily raised a eyebrow at that as her heart was beating so hard she could practicly feel it jump out of her chest. ''i mean, i see you around during games and sometimes even practices.''
''so uhh why did you come here..?'' lily slightly tilted her head while asking the question. she tried hard to keep her cool while talking to her crush. ''hehe fair question, i just wanted to get away from the noise i guess.'' that only confused lily more.
''uhh not to be rude but isn't that what you sign up for, i mean with the games and cheering you guys have to do?''
''okaay well, y-yeah thats a fair point, you are signing for noise i guess. when i wanted to sign up i thought more of it as a sport. kinda stupid i didn't think about everything els, i guess. i just wanted to do the tricks and stuff.'' emma looked around abit. ''its very peacefull here, you can still see the game but with more space.''
''uhh yeah its nice. thats why i sit here alot. hehehe...'' son of a slug was that ackward. lily cursed mentally at herself for that. ''uhh sorry, my name is emma and you?''
''im lily.'' she gave small smile that hopefully looked genuine. ''well nice to finally know your name.''
''oh?'' ''yeah i noticed you're under the bleachers pretty often, others have too. its always like 'who is that?' pretty mysterious. i actually think some of the girls on the team are scared of you.''
what els is new. lily thought to herself with the punk/goth/emo esthetic she had, it wouldn't be the first time someone judge her based on clothes alone.
''but that only made me want to sit here more, i guess im curious. uh sorry, i'm probably weirding you out. you sit here all the time and now this random cheerleader comes here in your sp-''
''no! its... its fine, you can come sit here whenever you want.'' lily cut her off in fear that emma walks away and that she might never get a good reason to talk to her again. ''i-i mean its not like i own the bleachers. would me kinda rude if a told you off just for wanting to sit here,''
''i suppose you're right but i assume you sit here alone for a reason.'' well she isn't wrong, lily told herself. there was silcent before lily decided to ask her a probably ackward question. ''so uh are you alright. i kinda saw the captain screaming at you...''
''ah you noticed, huh. yeah, i also came here to get away from her. alot of the girls on the team are nice though. they aren't like the cheerleaders in the movies and stuff but our captain is a very different story. i needed to get away from her and this seemed like a nice place. i also was curious to know who you are, so i killed 2 birds with 1 stone i guess.''
lily looked at the ground before asking emma another question. ''sooo did i live up to you're expections or..?''
''uh yeah you did and more actually.'' ''i did?'' lily asked confused again.
''well yeah~, i expected you to tell me to 'fuck off' actually.'' lily eyebrows got closer to each other. do i really look like that type of person? she mutter under her breath, soft enough for emma not to hear. ''like this random cheerleader with her pompomps and her bright ass uniform comes over to the cool kid sitting under the bleachers and just..''
what did she just call me? she thinks i'm cool? lily eyes widen at the words. ''i don't think most people would consider the girl that wears all black clothes, black eyeshadow, black eyeliner and leather jackets almost every single day 'the cool kid'.'' most people label her as creepy or something along those lines.
''yeah well, i think you're cool. its pretty obivious you no one is going to change you anytime soon.'' she shrugged and lily hold herself back from making the biggest grin ever. ''as a cheerleader you kinda just grouped together and seen as the same.''
''i don't think you're the same as the other cheerleaders, after all the fact you're sitting here talking to me kinda proves it.''
''okay, touche most cheerleaders wouldn't go and talk to the mystery kid under the bleachers. i guess that does make me different.'' emma smiled.
''well you have been asking me alot of question, wich makes sense i am the 1 that came over here. but i always wondered why do you sit under the bleachers? you don't seem like the type to care for sport games or my cheer practices or am i wrong?'' lily started to pick at the gras infront of her, a habit she had whenever she didn't want to answer something.
''o-oh i like doing... stuff underneath here...'' oh real smooth, lily thought to herself.
''its fine, you don't have to tell. if you didn't i would have never talked to you. you seem cool, way nicer then my captain for sure.'' emma pointed to the usual traning spot for the cheerleaders.
''i mean you could try for captain if she that bad.''
emma eyes widen at your words. ''i can't just become the cheer captain. its put to a vote? i think? honestly i'm not even sure. she's just always been the captain.''
lily leaned forword abit liking the conversation is going. ''well maybe its time to change it up abit and for someone els to step up.''
emma smiled at what lily was implying. ''maybe i will, don't know how but it be pretty cool. i would definitley stop with the 'punny' cheers and focus more skill, dear god i don't know where she gets those from.''
lily giggled at the comment and emma couldn't help but notice how different lily looked as she giggled. she looks pretty cute wich says alot about someone that is competely coverd in black and wearing silver chains, earings and rings. ''yeahhh, it be nice to not hear something about claws everytime another school with a cat like mascot came over.''
''ugh i know, i try so hard not to cringe when i hear them. the pompomps are a perk though, swinging these around is more fun then most people think. i should leave though, i took enough of your time.''
''its fine, you can stay.'' lily waved her hand around trying to seem casual. ''you sure?''
''yeah i like talking to you. unless the others are looking for then you can go...''
''oh them? i'm pretty sure they saw me walk over here and thought i was crazy but that doesn't matter. they're missing out anyway. you're really friendly up close and cute at that.'' oh frog she called me cute lily bite her lip not letting her emotions get he better of her. ''oh you're just flattering me now.''
''no i mean it, beside people should compliment each other more.'' lily rubbed her trying to work up her confidents. ''well you're really beautifull, like the most out of the team.''
''oh i don't know about that. we have alot of pretty girls on the team.'' yeah but you're my favourite lily thought to herself. ''yeah but i like you better then the others. you work harder then them.''
''how do you know?'' ''i watch your guys practise, remember.''
''oh right i forgot that for a sec. you still haven't told me why though.'' should i tel her? she decided she might as well. ''well~ my mom makes comics as a living the art, storyline, pretty much everything. i uh like to help her out here and there. so i d-draw people to help her out with designs and poses and stuff...'' lily avoided emma eyes with the increase ackwardness she is feeling.
''really? thats... really cool. can i see some of it?'' lily eyes widen at the last scentence, ah crud. ''i uh well it isn't anything impressive, just some sketches and drawings and stuff...''
''oh come on, i bet it looks great. i promise i'm not gonna judge you. they are of me or well... i'm assuming i'm in there somewhere.'' uh alot actually. lily grabbed her backbag and found the notebook. as emma grabbed it and open it, she found a very detailed drawing of herself.
''yeah, just some sketche-'' emma looked up from the book straight into lily eyes. ''are you kidding me this is amazing! i can see being a artist runs in the family.'' lily smiled at the compliment.
'' i wouldn't called it art.'' emma raised a eyebrow at her. ''then what would you called?''
''oh you know drawings, sketches. that sort of thing.'' lily was fiddling with her hands not sure how to act around emma anymore.
''you really made me look beautifull.''
''well its easy to draw someone pretty, if their already drop dead gorgeous.'' lily casually said without a second thought. ''i don't know about 'drop dead gorgeous' but thank you.'' oh shit i said that out loud!? lily froze for a second before swallowing.
as lily was about to open her mouth she could hear someone shout. ''emma! there you a-are... what are you doing with them?'' lily looked at emma and then amelia. ''oh we're just talking, anyway whats up?'' emma looked up to her friend. ''well your dad is here to pick us up.''
''oh okay looks like i gotta go.'' she got up on her feet. ''but before i go.'' emma bended down and kissed lily on the cheek ... ''hehe, sorry if i surprised you but i wanted to thank you before leaving.''
she smiled and waved while lily just stared wide eyed at her but as soon emma started walking lily grabbed her hand. emma turned around looking at lily. ''i uhh are you free monday? we can hang out since i don't have any plans that day.''
''yeah i'm free then. oh! i almost forgot, do you have a pen?'' lily without saying a word dropped emma hand and grabbed a pen out of her bag so she could give it to emma. she scribbled on lily hand. ''and~ here, now you have my number.''
she handed the pen back to lily and walked away with amelia. lily looked back at her hand and smiled. she look up to see the 2 girls walk away and lily stood there smiling like a idiot. she immediately save the number in her phone.
~hour later~
''its dinner time!'' anne shouted for the kids to come down. lily quickly saved the game and got to the kitchen to wash her hand. sasha noticed the weird colouring on her daughter's hand.
''what that?'' she pointed to words lily hand. ''hmm? oh this! i-i...'' lily try to search for the right words. ''i think i made a friend today!'' she smiled brightly at her mom. ''oh really? well tell me.'' sasha smiled as lily went on a rant about her new 'friend'. she was glad her daughter made a friend considering she knows how hard its was to make friends for lily.
i can't believe i wrote a entire fic about 2 girls sitting under the bleachers and talk but here we are. i'm planing on making a small series on this probably will take forever lol
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Being trashy 2
i never been dominated before and i wanted to see what it was like! it had to me sensual and hot i know that! but when the week came and also another girl about my age came though he door i wanted to know what the fuck was going on here!
"this is elle! she ws dominated my me a year ago! she was supposed to be my one amd only but she alloweed me to go with other women!" he stated, "other then you i love fucking her"
elle was a 20 something like me but with out being goth! she was into kink and random hook up with petey! she was one to wear pig tales! i must add me that she turned me on! and oopps! i said that!
"she will be your lover when i am fucking round!" he stated, licking her in the mouth! she giggled and went up to me amd started kissing me deeply! i never kissed a girl before! but what if she was wearing a ski mask too! she looked the kind ifgirl you would except to be loose!
"so, elle! have you seen his face before or does he wer the ski mask," i asked!
"petey, i seen his face a couple time! darkly handsome with full lips!" she said. "makes you want to fuck those lips!"
"and do you know is middle and last name!"
"petey pablo moses!"
wierd, thinking of the song ready aim fire! then shr mentions the song! that she likes making out with other girls with that particular song playing! the the song started to play as we made out! she go on top of me and was murmuring about favourite positions! also she was kissing me deeply like that of petey couldn't not do!
"he is too a reggae singer, small time!"
i did not know that about my sexy super hero! then she said he knew russian, arabic and well as Jamaican patois! who was he! he seemed to be a gifted bady boy! but why the sky mask!
"he made a few enimies that want to kill em, some even from other countries!" she said! "thats why!"
as i was trying not to make out with elle, she started to say that he was a troubled man of 30! that he had many gifts but was troubled! like what for example? i thought. i wanted to know more about petey! but he seem to use elle as i way to communicate with me when we werent having sex!
"he was borning in a terrorist country and was hurt before being adopted and he was constantly bullied in school! he was also a ghetto boy!" she said.
"wow!" was also that i could've said! "which country!"
"lebanon!" she said! "why cant't you be in love with me, i could make you happy!" she started to make love to me and i did not think about him for the first time in my life!
i must admit it was nice to make out with her, but i did not know about love making until she started to tease me! god did that feel good!
"elle!" i demanded! "what do you do for a living!"
"by day i am a TSA agent and at night i am a call girl!"
"who do you kater too mostly!"
"some man but mostly women!" she kissed me and bit my lip softly. i wanted to bit her lip to be honest!
elle was in love with me! but my question was how petey would react!
then he walk into the room and did not notice that we were making love! except for "hot!" and he watched the tv! it was one of those smart tvs and that he was watching youtube! the youtube was about a creature called sirenhead! it was kind of interested, but i was more into my friend at this point!
that night elle and i were going to be dominated together by petey! the first of seven days as we went into the play room i found more about elle then before! she loved being dominated and acting like trash. as he was going to town with her he told her to go topless! then i was to lick her allover! it was interesting that he was just with him self watching us get it on! the he entered me from behind!
i was finished one sexy task to do another.....just take it as he had his way with me!
but i did not think of elle! she walked out of the play room as petey and i coupled! was she jealous of him that he was getting better animation from me!
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xoutmysoul · 2 years
Chapter FOUR.
My name is ETHERIA, and I have no last name. On the first day of school me my friends went on the gothic adventure that was the coolest thing to ever happen to any goth ever. And on the way home we found a book it's called the Bible of other and we read some of the chapters in decided that we would all try to become spirits of the underworld and become powerful goddesses that lived powerful lives hidden in the magic of the Bible. But I couldn't wait to read the Bible on my own so I could get my very own selfish amount of power out of the book and become the most powerful gothic vampire dark soul girl that ever existed in life. We decided that we will share the book everybody would get a week to read and decide on what they wanted from the book and I was going second I waited and waited for a long time even though I didn't trust Lacey with the book and I especially didn't trust Halo I was gonna do my own thing with the book in this led me to believe that they couldn't be trusted at all for a little bit I sat in my room listening to my chemical romance and blasting music in my room I start alone and waited and into this baby the day I could read the book on my own then my mom came into my room and she told me your music is too loud so I told her to shut up and threw a pillow at her and she left because she didn't want to argue with me because the last time that we argued I punched the door and slammed the door in her face after calling her a b**** she knew not to mention me and I knew that I could easily make her mad and it was her fault that my dad left her because she was crazy and always mad and she secretly knew I had been cutting myself because he left us.
I had so many plans for the school year like finding a boyfriend and making more frames and even spreading rumors about my English teacher who I hated that he was having sex with the head two leader in giving him fired the principle wouldn't believe me because I was always in trouble but the counselor had to believe me so when I was ready to spread that rumor I was going to tell everyone including the council that I thought from myself that way by the time the counselor with it do his research everybody in the school would already know I was just a weird lonely gothic girl so why would anybody think that I would lie and this was my plan at the beginning of the year because I was dark-minded dark spirited and I was super bored. Also I was lonely so I was hoping like getting a boyfriend would be cool so he could take me in a concert in we could explore the local medals he because all the grown-ups got to go to metal concerts and we were too young to even go to the bars where they all hung out so I was gonna do my plan in fulfill the great prophecy of running everybody's lives including my friends if they got in my way.
So I paste my room thinking about what I would do and say with that friend of their negative day at the bus stop because they were so boring me. Even though I didn't hate them I always had to pick on them because they knew that we had to be the coolest golf girls ever to exist and they were doing lame stuff and taking too long to make moves and it made me nervous that we would fail in in the being try hard like the rest of the posers and emo kids at our school that we totally ignored.
But that totally didn't bother me the one thing that bothered me was the head emo girl that everybody knew that I hated in everybody knew that she hated me in hunting with Deondra. The head of the Emo's.
My biggest part of the plan was I was gonna ruin her life first standing up against me and for being an emo golf girl because she wasn't even smart enough to be a god so I was gonna ruin her like and make sure that she was never popular we can and even make some of the emo kids turn off so they could be our followers and then get a god boyfriend because everybody on the internet was always talking about how golf girls need a golf boyfriend and now super hot guys love to listen to Marilyn Manson and we're gonna sneak into the mail and maintain concert below did my friends know that I was gonna try to get them backstage so we can meet me on the mountain in all his hard friends and I could have sex with their base player Twiggy Ramirez.
The next day I will excited to talk to my friends because I think that I was never going to tell them even though my friends were pillar than me and were doctor closed and me and had more spiked changes and beautiful outfits that I secretly couldn't afford because my mom was a hater never took me to hot topic I had a plan to become a more extreme goth girl than they ever could have been. I was gonna become a witch first and learn all the magic spells I the bible of Other and become the strongest goth witch ever.
Thank you so much for reading another Chapter, I'd you are really a fan of this book you can show me love by Sharing this book with all your friends. And NO I don't hate emo kids,I was emo once but then I grew up and became the awesome goth I was destined to be so thank you very much.
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looooooooomis · 3 years
F I N A L  G I R L |  S E V E N
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You were his final girl. And there was no chance in hell that anyone or anything was going to mess that up.
p a r t   s e v e n |  b l o o d
masterlist here
pairing: Billy Loomis x f!reader word count: 6k warnings: s m u t (18 +!!!!!) lets just say this gif is a teaser as to what takes place in this chapter. major blood kink in this chapter. period play?? lmao sorry about it.
There was a shift after that weekend at Billy’s cabin, and you knew he felt it too.
It was never really that casual between you and Billy, that much you knew, but there was something that changed when the two of you got back to Woodsboro. There was something to be said about being able to openly show affection to the person you loved, to hold them and kiss them in public and you’d gotten that treatment in that little lakeside town. You felt like Billy’s actual girlfriend, not his plaything, not the bitch who was backstabbing her own best friend for a fucking boy, you were it.
And while Billy had always said that you were his girl, you hadn’t truly felt like you were until now.
Which was precisely what made tonight so fucking awkward.
Not only had you been coerced into going to the movies with the gang but, unbeknownst to you, Sid had taken it upon herself to fix you up on a blind date with one of Randy’s annoying friends from the video store.
Why had you agreed to this? You were a cold, calculating bitch behind the scenes when it came to fucking your best friend boyfriend and yet saying ‘no thanks, I’m not up for it tonight’ was beyond you? Were you just plain stupid or a closet masochist that thrived on dicey situations?
Either way, you’d never wanted to throw yourself into oncoming traffic more than you did tonight because not only were you trapped into an uncomfortable blind date with a guy you were fairly sure was frothing at the mouth at the idea of getting you alone in the car after all of this was said and done but you just so happened to be seated directly next to Billy.
You were smack dab in the middle of hell. Between a man you were fucking, a man you were disgustingly in love with and had just spent a weekend away with and a man you’d just met today but couldn’t stop playing handsy on your lap whenever he thought the others weren’t looking.
But Billy was always looking.
You knew that better than anyone. He had this innate sense of finding you in a crowded room. You could feel the weight of his brown eyes on you nearly every second of the day, soaking you up, taking every inch of you in, no matter who was around and tonight, as your ‘date’ smacked on his popcorn all the while feeling your thigh up any chance he could, Billy’s dept stare was tuned in and you knew it.
This had to have been karma. Karma for going away and having a beautiful weekend away with the guy you loved so wholly. The one whose girlfriend was on the other side of him with her pretty head on his stupid shoulder as you suffered in silence at just how fucking laughable this entire situation was.
“See that actress?” Your date, Anthony, whispered into your hear. He smelled like movie theatre butter. You wanted to scream. “Have you seen any of her other stuff?”
You were watching The Crucible and the actress in question was Winona Ryder. Everyone and their left nut had seen Winona Ryder in at least a dozen movies. Frowning, you blinked across at the man and blinked. “Yeah. I’m familiar with her work.”
Focusing ahead on the movie, you tried your damnedest to focus on what was going on but when you felt his slithery palm slide up your thigh, you were this close to pouring your Coke on his lap. Why the fuck had you agreed to this?
Pushing the man’s hand away as subtly as you could to avoid any unwanted attention from your friends, you bit down on the side of your mouth and heaved a quiet sigh. You deserved this. This was your punishment.
“She’s hot.” Your lovely date quipped, squeezing the area of your thigh just above your knee. “In that goth-girl next door kind of way.”
Was he getting off to Winona Ryder all the while coming on to you? Was he picturing Winona as he squeezed your thigh? You truly didn’t want to find out. Once again, you pushed his hand away and, this time, crossed your legs and leaned into the arm rest you were sharing with Billy.
The move was subtle, and you were barely even touching Billy but you needed to create a distance between yourself and Butter Fingers if it was the last thing you did.
With a subtle nudge to your arm, Billy’s eyes flickered towards you as his brows furrowed in question. The muscle in his jaw was pulsing in his cheek, that you could see even in the darkness of the movie theatre, and there was murder in his eyes as he sized up the man just over your shoulder. It was as though you could feel his blood pressure spike just looking at the guy and, as you held your breath, silently pleading with him not to make a scene that would undoubtedly give the two of you up, those brown eyes slowly found yours.
There was anger in his eyes, a palpable rage, but it was the look of pure despondency in his stare that made your own heart break. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. He wasn’t supposed to be holding hands with Sid and you weren’t meant to be dealing with the idiot to your right.
How it felt up at the cabin, the freedom of loving each other and holding each other and kissing each other in broad daylight was how it was supposed to be. How love was supposed to feel.
Not this.
You were both hiding in plain sight. Putting on a façade to your friends, to each other whilst in public, and it was in that moment, in the middle of a crowded theatre, looking at each other knowing there wasn’t a damn thing either of you could do about it, that you felt that pain so intensely that it was hard to breathe.
Tears burned behind your eyes and you hated yourself for it.
You weren’t going to cry. You refused to cry over a situation you were willingly putting yourself in. This entire thing could have been avoided had you had a stronger backbone here. You weren’t the victim in this scenario. That was Sid. Sid was the one completely getting fucked over in this situation, not you. You had no damn right to feel this shitty because you were doing it to yourself.
This was just the high of the weekend wearing off and reality settling in. Until circumstances changed, this was your norm.
Swallowing back your nerves, it was all you could do to give Billy a small, barely-there smile before focusing ahead on the movie.
“I’m going to grab us another Coke,” you heard Billy say to Sidney. “Anyone want anything?”
“More popcorn,” Stu waggled his empty bag. “Maybe some Milk Duds, man.”
“Candy.” Tatum mumbled, not taking her eyes off of the screen. “Surprise me, I don’t care what kind.”
Billy nodded and took Stu’s money before he gently nudged you. “You want anything?”
You opened your mouth to speak but was cut off but Anthony. “You mind keeping it down, buddy?” He popped another handful of popcorn in his mouth. “We’re at the movies, not here for snacks.”
It was as though Billy’s wrath was physical as his dark eyes scraped over Anthony’s face. His mouth was pulled into a thin, hard line as Anthony’s pompousness sank in. Why couldn’t it be Randy beside you? Why had that dipshit agreed to take this asshole’s shift in order for you to go on a blind date with him? This entire fiasco could have been avoided had it been Randy.
“Yeah, I could use a drink.” You slinked out of your seat. “I’ll help you carry everything back.”
You didn’t wait for Billy as you marched down the aisle but, as you walked down the stairs and out of the theatre, you weren’t at all surprised to see him broody and annoyed as he followed you out.
“If anyone should be looking like that, it’s me,” you groused, falling in to step beside him as you made your way to the snack bar. “I’m stuck on a date with that asshole.”
“Don’t get me started on that,” he grumbled, grabbing his wallet out of his back pocket. “I told Sid to leave well enough alone, but she insisted.”
You hummed and lined up at the concession. “Lucky me.”
Again, you felt his stare before you actually lulled your head to the side to face him. Intense, searching eyes sweeping over your features in both concern and possible envy. “One word,” he muttered, stepping closer towards you. Too close. Not because you didn’t want him that close but because you were in public. Sid and Tatum and Stu and fucking Anthony were a stone’s throw away. “One word from you, baby, and I’ll take you home. Fuck that guy.”
You glowered across at him as though he’d grown a second head. “While I appreciate the sentiment, shit for brains, we’re in public right now. Your girlfriend could walk out any second and see or hear you.”
He seemed to mull over your words for a second but didn’t bother moving away from you. “Maybe I don’t care.”
“You do,” you rhymed off, shuffling closer to the front of the snack bar.
He ignored that. “Also, you’re my girlfriend. Stop calling her that.”
This was not a conversation the two of you should have been having in the middle of a fucking movie theatre. Looking across at him, you raised your brows and blew out a puff of air through your lips. Trying to keep up with Billy’s rationale of staying with Sid to ensure he doesn’t hurt her any further after her mother’s death all the while being with you was giving you whiplash. You knew he loved you and, begrudgingly, you loved him right back. And, a part of you knew, that he was struggling with being back in the real world just as much as you were since coming home from the cabin.
But this was not how he should have been handling it. Not out in the open like this. Especially while you were on a triple date with your friends in a theatre down the hall.
“Billy,” you muttered quietly, ensuring no one was listening in, “please let’s talk about this later. Not here. Not now. Let’s just get the fucking concessions and go, okay?”
He licked his lips and you watched his brown eyes flitter down your face before briefly looking at your own lips. He wanted to kiss you and fuck, did you want to be kissed by him.
But that wasn’t the deal.
So, instead, you watched as he took a hesitant step away from you before nodding his head once. “Yeah, okay,” he agreed, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked down at his shoes. “Tonight.”
“Sure,” you smirked, “I mean, if I’m not with Anthony, that is.” You almost laughed at how wide his eyes got as you uttered those words. But, when he saw the playfulness in your stare, he visibly relaxed and rolled his eyes as you continued. “The way he’s been mowing down on his popcorn all night has me wet as hell, so I might be busy with him later.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled with a shake of his head. Then, he turned to you and gave you a crooked smile. One that almost made this horrific ordeal worth it. “You’re a real bitch when you want to be, you know that?”
“Yeah,” you laughed, nudging him with your elbow. “I’ve been told.”
True to his word, Billy slipped in through your unlocked window a little after midnight that evening with a bag of stale licorice and a drink he’d swiped from the gas station on the way over to your house.
“We didn’t get our movie date.” Was his explanation as he popped The Lost Boys into your VCR and all but hopped in bed beside you. When you’d remained standing by your dresser, eyeing him with both curiosity and sheer happiness radiating off of your face, all you got was a confused look out of Billy before he patted your mattress. “You going to get that ass over here or what?”
So, naturally, you’d joined him.
And it took all of thirty-two minutes of watching the film for the two of you to end up pawing at one another as the tension of the day slowly peeled off of you with every layer of clothing the two of you tore off one another.
In no time, you were both stark naked on your bed as The Lost Boys played on without an audience. All Billy cared about watching was you. Watching you writhe and moan. He could watch you do just about anything, but it was that dreamy look you got on your face whenever he touched you that he had imprinted into his skull. It didn’t even have to be sexual. You just had a certain look whenever the two of you connected, one that he felt but managed to keep stowed away inside of him, but one you expressed. It was happiness.
Pure, unadulterated, bliss.
He knew you. Knew your body in and out, knew how to get you to come undone, knew what made you tick, what made you squirm.
You were muscle memory to him, at this point.
He knew you better than he knew himself.
Which is why, when you subtly stopped him from slipping his fingers inside of you, that Billy’s focus went to your ass. The only time you pushed his hand away after he’d spent minutes sucking and biting and focusing on those perfect tits, was when you were on your period.
So, he didn’t push it.
The two of you had fucked a few times whilst you were on it but you were deadest on limiting that to the lighter days. The very beginning or the end. Never in the middle. But god, did he want to experience the middle days.
You were so fucking horny when you were on your period and why you thought he’d give a shit about how much blood came out of you as the two of you fucked was beyond him.
So, he’d focus on your ass. Something that drove you to the brink of insanity and something that made him harder than anything.
But tonight, it wasn’t enough.
He needed all of you.
Ever since the cabin, he’d needed more of you in his life. It had become nearly impossible for him to show any iota of affection for Sid now that he’d had a taste of what life felt like with you at his side. You were his Final Girl. His everything, if he was being completely honest. And, while he knew he couldn’t open himself up to you to that extent, not yet, he needed you to feel that raging darkness inside of him. Not too much of it, but just enough to gauge your reaction.
If you could handle a shred of it, maybe he could share more of himself with you.
The darker parts.
His hands stilled as they trailed down your body and, as he hovered over you, he bit his lip and slowly drew tiny circles into your hips. “You’re on your period, right?”
You nodded, your lips swollen from the amount of kissing having gone on since popping the movie in. “Yeah, but it’s not a light day.”
He nodded in understanding as he bit his lip. “You think we could try it, anyway?”
Your eyebrows raised in mild amusement. “By not a light day, I mean its kind of heavy, Billy. It’d look like a crime scene in here.”
Billy made sure to keep his face stoic, but the idea of the two of you fucking whilst covered in blood was nearly enough to make him come on the spot.
“Aren’t you curious?” He asked, dipping his head down to lick your painfully hard nipple. “It’s got to feel so fucking good, right?”
You ran your fingers through his hair and sighed in contentment when he began to suck your tit again. “It’s messy, though.”
“Lucky for you,” he released your nipple and kissed the sensitive flesh of your breast. “I like messy.”
Your head flopped back against the pillow as you thought over his request. I did feel good, but did you want Billy to have to witness you cleaning up a fucking homicide scene once he was through with you?
Blowing out a quiet raspberry, you eyed him with mock suspicion before he gave you those goddamn puppy dog eyes. “Ugh,” you groaned with a laugh, “fine. Let me take this fucking tampon out and I’ll grab a towel to put underneath me because it is heavy, and you will be grossed out.”
Billy’s cock twitched as he watched you roll out of bed before disappearing in the bathroom. Within a few moments, he heard the toilet flush and the sink run before you re-emerged with a towel in hand.
He could watch you parade around like that all day. Naked, eyes hooded from desire, nipples and lips red from where his mouth had staked its claim.
You were perfect.
A vision.
You were fucking everything.
“I’ve been wanting to try this with you for a while.” He admitted, watching you carefully roll the towel onto the bed before perching your ass directly on top of it so as to avoid any potential leakage onto your sheets.
“I wish I could say I was shocked.” You teased, laying back down. Spreading your legs, he watched you slip a finger through your folds to tease your clit.  
He swallowed as he watched you finger yourself. But then your words sank in and a panic settled in his chest as he swept his eyes up your body to meet your amused stare. “What’s that mean?”
You shrugged so casually as you continued the tirade on your own pussy. “All the scary movies we watch and stuff. You get hard as a rock if there’s a scene with a pretty girl and some blood.”
Billy froze. This was only supposed to be a peek inside of his darkness, not a full-blown window. But you didn’t seem all too fazed by it either, which confused him endlessly.
Rather than deny it, Billy hesitantly reached for your cunt to replace your fingers with his own. He didn’t delve inside of your pussy just yet, just circled your clit the way you’d been doing seconds prior. “And that doesn’t bother you?” He whispered, placing a kiss to the side of your neck.
“Nah,” you hummed, “we’ve all got our kinks, I guess.”
You released a quiet moan as he pinched your clit, but his eyes never left your face. He knew you were talking about blood in respect to the movies, but your casual tone still caught him off guard. There was no shame in it, no doubt. Just an honest to god shrug as he circled your clit with his middle finger.
Testing the waters, Billy slipped his fingers down your pussy so that his thumb coaxed your clit as he slipped two fingers inside of you. At first, it simply felt like you were soaked on account of all of the teasing and, maybe you were, but as he glanced down at the base of his fingers as he pulled them out of you, Billy nearly moaned.
Your blood.
All over his fingers, pooling along the top of his palm.
Billy was fascinated. This wasn’t the first time he’d felt blood between his fingers, but not like this. When he’d killed Maureen Prescott, there was so much fucking blood that he’d been sick afterwards. He hadn’t expected that level of destruction but, after puking a few blocks away, he didn’t exactly shy away from it. He thought about it often, thought of the carnage that had surrounded him once he’d finished with Sidney’s mother, thought of the way the blood felt between his fingers, splayed and smattered across every inch of his body.
But this was euphoric.
Because he didn’t have to hurt anybody to feel that warmth on his palm. In fact, as he slowly slipped his fingers inside of your hot cunt, he was doing anything but. You were gyrating into his hand, unknowingly spreading your blood further and it was killing him. He was so fucking hard, too fucking hard, but he didn’t want to rush a damned thing.
He’d thought about this far too often for it to be over so soon.
“Fuck,” he whispered, slipping his hand out of your pussy just long enough to slowly spread your blood down your inner thigh. It left a fine red trail that he had every intention of lapping up in a few seconds if you were to allow it. “You feel so good, baby.”
He’d half expected you to make a comment about making a bigger mess than what your piddly little towel would allow but, as he slowly found your hooded eyes through the dim light of your bedroom, only hunger marred your pretty face.
Leaning in, Billy placed a small kiss to the apple of your cheek as his fingers continued to fuck you. “Does this feel good?”
“So good,” you rasped out, leaning your forehead against his as you bit your lip to swallow back a moan. Between your arousal and the blood, the natural lubrication that coated your pussy as he slowly pumped his fingers inside of you all the while rubbing your clit was killing you. “So fucking good, Billy.”
He smirked and quickened his pace on your clit just enough to drive you to madness as he bit down on your earlobe. His breath was hot against your cheek. “I want to taste you tonight.”
Though the promise of his tongue replacing his thumb enticed you, the fact that you were on day two and a half of your period was not a good plan. So why were you intrigued? A part of you wanted to see if he’d put his money where his mouth was but a much larger part of you wanted to see how feral Billy could get where you were concerned.
Torn, you pulled back and searched his eyes. “It’s going to be…messy, Billy.”
His dark chuckle was velvet against your skin. “I already told you,” he curled his fingers inside of you and admired the way your entire body twitched. “I like messy.”
He began to kiss his way down your body. You tried not to get lost in the feeling of his tongue swirling across every inch of your skin on his way down or the way his teeth nipped and bit at your stomach and hips as he positioned himself between your thighs. But mainly, you tried not to focus on how fucking bloody it was between your thighs because you knew that Billy wouldn’t be down there long on account of it.
“You don’t have to do this tonight, Billy,” you tried to reason, chest heaving in anticipation as he settled between your legs.
Something flashed across his face as he held your stare. For a second, you were almost sure he was going to back out and leave well enough alone, but then you watched as the bastard leaned into your pussy and raked his tongue from the base of your pussy right up to your bloodied mound.
He held your stare the entire time.
“I want you like this,” he assured you, yanking you further down the bed so that you were right at the edge. His voice was hoarse and breathy and as you chanced a look down at him through a pair of hooded, drowsy eyes, you watched him pump his cock with his free hand as he licked his lips. “I love you like this.”
You opened your mouth to respond but the words died in your throat when he buried his face between your thighs. You gasped at the contact but didn’t shy away from his touch for a single second as he slowly lapped at your core. With the one hand still gripping your hips, holding you firmly against his tongue, you knew there would be bruises where his fingers carved into your flesh, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. He was desperate to get you closer into his face and you were desperate to feel that perfect fucking tongue on your pussy.
It was as though he’d been possessed in those few moments. Billy couldn’t get enough of you on a good day but tasting you like this was enough to make Billy wild. Your pussy, the blood mixed with your slick, tasted so fucking good on his tongue. Burying his face further into your folds, he nuzzled at your clit and, now forgetting about his own pulsing cock, pulled you even closer.
Throwing your legs over his shoulders, Billy moaned into your pussy and bit down on your clit just enough to entice a moan that was probably a little too loud for your parents being home. But, he didn’t care. He refused to care in that instance.
All he wanted, all he cared about, was tasting as much of you as humanly possible before making you come on his tongue.
His name tore out of your throat as you gripped his hair between your fingers and pulled. You were being rougher than normal, and he fucking loved it. You were pulling on his hair and bucking into his mouth with such hunger that he could barely breathe but fuck he didn’t care. If this was how he was taken out, so be it.
“Baby,” you whined, voice low. “Fuck, I’m going to come.”
Your grip on his hair was vice-like as the veins in your neck swelled. With wild, laboured breaths, you found yourself bucking into his mouth as a white-hot orgasm rippled through your entire body. You moaned and groaned and cursed into the bed, but Billy’s mouth was relentless.
It wasn’t until he was absolutely sure you couldn’t take another second of torture, that he pulled away and allowed you to collapse back onto the bed. Your cheeks were flushed, and your lips were parted as you attempted to catch your breath. With a quiet chuckle, he kissed his way up your body, grinning against your skin as your legs continued to twitch.
He could feel your blood all over his chin and nose and as he licked it off, using his fingers to swipe at the areas his tongue couldn’t quite reach, Billy was coasting on a high that only you could provide.
“Oh, god,” you buried your face into the pillow with a quiet laugh as you moved to get off the bed. “Hang on, I’ll grab you a towel for your face.”
“No,” Billy shook his head and grabbed for your wrist. “I want to see it.”
You blinked and scraped your eyes along his bloodied face. Your nipples were still rock hard and your cunt was still pulsing on account of his tongue, but it was the look of pure ecstasy on his face that made you clench.
He was being serious.
“Come with me,” he hummed, slipping off of the bed to head towards the small bathroom attached to your room. His fingers threaded through yours as you both walked across your bedroom before flicking the light on.
The vision that he was met with made his cock twitch.
Your blood coated almost everything from his nose down his chin and as you stood beside him, looking at him through the mirror, still fully naked and still housing bloody handprints left behind from his busy hands coating the lower half of your body, Billy had never wanted to bury himself inside of you any more than he did right then and there.
He found your curious stare through the mirror. Your pretty eyes swept over the mess of blood left behind on account of you and as you turned to face him, he found himself hypnotized as you reached out to sweep his hair back and away from his forehead.
“Blood suits you,” you teased with a small smile. “Horrifically enough.”
He said nothing as those brown eyes soaked you in but as he stepped into you, cornering you against the sink counter, the look on his face said everything. He didn’t kiss you though. He seemed to hesitate, as though gauging if you’d kiss him whilst covered in your own menstrual blood. “Is this okay?”
“I don’t know.” You admitted almost sheepishly.
He nuzzled your neck and slipped his knee between your thighs to allow himself better access to your pussy. With his hand wrapped securely around his cock, he slipped the head of his dick along your folds and swallowed hard as he watched your blood coat the head of it. “Fuck,” he whispered as his forehead fell against your own. “You’re going to make me come before I’m even inside of you.”
You were watching his face as he once again slipped the head of his cock through your folds so it teased your clit. His eyes were so dark and there was so much desire in those warm eyes that it almost caught you off guard.
“You’re really into this,” you remarked quietly. When his eyes found yours, you could see blind panic cross over his face as he instinctually took a step away from you. You stopped him before he could think of stopping himself. “Hey,” you cooed, reaching out for his face. “I didn’t say it was a bad thing, relax.”
You felt the tension in his shoulders disperse as you played with the curls at the nape of his neck. “You’re too good for me,” he muttered, cradling your face. “You know that?”
“Oh, yeah,” you goaded with a smile. “I know.”
He barked out a quiet laugh and ground his hips into yours. “A smartass, too.”
You hummed as his hands slid down your body to hold you against the counter. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Anything.” Billy nipped at your neck.
You leaned back to allow him full access to your neck. “How did I taste?” Your words seemed to make him still as he slowly pulled back to search your eyes. “With the blood. How did it taste?”
The look on Billy’s face was primal as his grip on your hips tightened. Leaning in, he nudged your nose so that your lips were perfectly aligned with his. “Kiss me and find out.”
You weren’t sure at first, but as he closed the distance between you, you found yourself leaning into the kiss both curious and slightly mortified by the taste of your blood on his lips. It was strange and you weren’t sure if you liked it at first, if you were being honest. It was coppery and a little sticky and yet as he walked the two of you out of the bathroom and back towards your bed, you found yourself hungry for more.
With your fingers tangled through his hair you gave it a tug, garnering a low growl that rumbled in his throat as he continued on with the bruising kiss. When the back of his knees hit your bed, the two of you fell into a jumbled mess on your mattress, never once breaking for air as your tongues battled for dominance.
Expertly, knowing the way your body moved better than anyone, Billy moved you in such a way that he was sitting up in the middle of your bed as you straddled his lap. And as you lowered yourself onto his pulsing cock, the gruff low moan that tore out of his lips was enough to kill you.
His large hands splayed out across your back, guiding you further into his hungry mouth as your bleeding cunt teased him beyond belief. You were so wet and with every twist of your hips and every gentle moan, he was finding it harder and harder to concentrate on anything else besides just how fucking good you felt.
Digging your nails into his shoulders, blood slowly pooled in the wake of your crescent moon shaped nail markings. He hissed at the sensation and squeezed your tits rather roughly as he tried to stop himself from coming right then and there.
But then you lowered your lips onto his shoulders and he felt your hot tongue trace over every last cut and he almost lost it. There you were, with dried blood all over your chin and parts of your cheeks from having kissed him after going down on you, licking the blood that gathered along his shoulders.
He was in a state of euphoria.
“You are so fucking gorgeous.” He pushed out, revelling in the feel of how warm and wet your pussy felt.
Rather than say a word, all you did was bite down on the reddened area of his shoulder as you quickened your pace on his dick.
Drawing more blood.
Licking up more of his blood.
Something in him snapped to life in that instance. An almost ancient need bubbled to the surface as he held you there against him. Your tits bounced as you writhed on top of him and as he began to meet you halfway with violent, earth shattering thrusts, the outside world ceased to exist.
The sound of his balls hitting your sopping pussy combined with the sound of your wetness, both slick and blood, squelching all around the two of you was all that surrounded you as you whined out his name. You could barely breathe as he pounded into you, barely function.
“Billy, fuck, I—”
His mouth buried your words with another hungry kiss. You were both breathless and desperate to be as close to the other as humanly possible as you sat on your bed, fucking each other raw. His tongue slid along your bottom lip, gently tugging at it as his forehead fell against your own.
There was a shift after the cabin that you’d both felt inside of you, but there was a shift in the air tonight, as well. An unspoken trust, of sorts, that went beyond anything the two of you were prepared for.  
His hips bucked into yours one final time before he came undone inside of you. A flood of warmth settled in your belly as he came and as his thumb continued to circle your clit, rubbing and pinching at it every step of the way, you soon followed suit.
With one last shaky pump, Billy held you there as he slowly pulled out of you. He kissed your lips, your cheek, down your neck, and along your shoulder before his eyes found yours once again.
His thumb skirted across the apple of your cheek. “You’re my girl,” he whispered, revelling in just how fucking gorgeous you looked in that instance. “You know that?”
“I do,” you affirmed, kissing him softly. “You’re helping me clean my fucking bedsheets in the morning,” you muttered, “do you know that?”
Despite everything, Billy found himself smiling across at you before glancing down at the bloody mess of your sheets. “Yeah,” he chuckled, “I do.”
“Good,” you gently smacked his cheek and crawled off of your bed towards the bathroom.
“Where you going?” He asked, watching your naked body pad out of the room.
“Shower,” you merely said before popping your head around the corner. “Care to join me?”
Billy was at your side within the blink of an eye.
hehehehehehehe let me know if yall like it 
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sohemotional · 2 years
Prompt: Tina puts a hex on Santana and turns her into a cat and Britt has to help her turn back.
Also posted an edited/longer version here on AO3. Alternative Universe. Brittana never met before, Santana is a rich business executive. Just to warn you it'll be a little cracky. Here goes.
Santana wasn't known for being nice. Her sharp, acid tongue and constant insults made everyone a little intimidated by her. She liked their reaction to her. Being gentle and sweet wouldn't get her anywhere, she reasoned and besides, someone needed to just tell it like it is so she figured it might as well be her. She didn't need friends; she had money, power and fame. Besides, her ambition and strong personality were how she got to become a manager in her company at such a young age.
She strutted proudly into work in her black blazer, knowing how hot she looked and ignored the rest of the peasants who all watched her warily with a mix of fear and admiration, no doubt wishing they were as good.
However, her day began to quickly go downhill starting with the sales meeting they had that morning. Santana rolled her eyes, grumbling under her breath as recent hire Tina Cohen-Chang from the marketing department rambled on and on. The meeting was into its second hour and she was beyond bored. She hated Tina's pushy personality. The girl's heavy black eyeliner, black lipstick and clothes that looked like she came from a Dracula movie made her even more distracting in a bad way.
Everytime she had to interact with Tina, Santana always made a point of throwing in some snippy remark about her goth fashion and she lost her temper with the talkative, emotional woman whenever she went on one of her rants.
"Do you have something to share with us, Santana?" Her boss, a man called Will Schuester who was mostly a pushover turned to her with a stern face. Santana was surprised and a little embarrassed when her colleagues all turned to stare at her.
"Just that her campaign ideas are terrible." Santana said with a casual shrug and everyone gasped.
"That's rude and uncalled for. You need to be more of a team player, Santana," Will said, shaking his head as Tina was saddened by Santana's remarks, frowning and hanging her head. "We want to be respectful of others' feelings here and you can be a lot nicer than that to Tina."
"You asked me what I thought so I told you the truth. Who cares about feelings? Are we back in kindergarten? It's all about success and Cohen-Chang doesn't have a clue what she's doing."
"Santana! That's not very nice. I'll kindly ask you to leave this meeting if you can't be more professional." Her boss told her while the other high-ups, Figgins, Emma and Beiste just nodded in agreement with Schuester.
"Fine." Santana fumed, as she picked up her laptop and swiftly walked away. How dare they confront her and humiliate her in front of everyone like she was some unruly child throwing a tantrum? She was senior in the company and they didn't give her the respect she deserved. No one talked to her for the rest of the day for some reason but she ignored her co-workers. What did they know about anything?
She groaned, realizing that she hadn't brought a packed lunch for herself that day and she was starving as the hours went by. She texted her personal assistant, expressing her annoyance that they hadn't sent food for her and just walked outside. She hated this type of cheap food but her stomach growled at the sight of the nearest hotdog vendor and she sighed, going up to them.
On the way over, some homeless man grabbed at the bottom of her pants, pulling at it and Santana jumped away in repulsion, glaring at him in outrage.
"What do you want?" She snapped.
"Please... do you have any change to spare?" He asked.
"No, leave me alone. It's your fault you don't have any money!" She spat, walking away briskly. She hated people who were stupid and lazy enough to end up needing to beg for money. Besides, that man was ugly and smelled terribly. She was happier than she thought she would be when the vendor passed her the cheap, greasy hotdog and she slipped him some cash. Junk food was beneath her but it was better than having nothing and she was pretty desperate.
Just then, some annoying guy in the line accidentally bumped into her and she cursed when she tripped. The food went flying out of her hands, accidentally landing in the dirt while her drink splashed onto her once pristine, button down silk shirt.
Everyone laughed at her as this happened, including her co-workers Quinn and Mercedes who were also standing there. Santana just growled at them, giving up on the food and walking away. She tried her best to ignore her hunger pains as her personal assistant never replied to her either.
She couldn't wait for the day to be over as nothing was going well for her and everyone was giving her these judgmental looks after how she had talked about Tina. By the time she finally got into her car to go home, Santana was beyond irritable and getting stuck in traffic for an extra hour didn't help. To make things worse, lightning was beginning to strike while thunder roared and the rain was pouring like cats and dogs as she parked her expensive car then ran up the driveway towards her mansion-like house.
Her umbrella didn't work, so her hair and clothes got completely soaked. She cursed when a nearby car drove by, splashing muddy water all over her. When she finally got into the house, she breathed a heavy sigh of relief but grunted in annoyance when someone was knocking loudly on the door a moment later. She looked through the peephole and scowled, realizing who it was but opened the door a crack. She was annoyed that Tina had followed her.
"Santana, please can you help me? My apartment is just up the block from here. It's raining and my car broke down. If you could just let me take shelter from the storm-"
"Get away from me! How do you know where I live? I don't care about your stupid car!" Santana grumbled, slamming the door in the girl's face. She had just had the worst day and Tina Cohen-Chang was expecting her to fix her problems. Little did Santana know, her day was about to get much worse.
"Please, Santana. I really need help!"
Santana did her best to ignore Tina's cries even though it sounded like the girl was sobbing and that did make her feel a little guilty.
"No, you should take care of your own problems, Goth!" She snarled, turning her away.
Santana wasn't expecting the door to open again on its own, as if by magic and Tina to have this terrifying expression on her face. She gasped when books, candles and other objects began to levitate around Tina. This couldn't be real - she had to be dreaming or hallucinating.
"You're a selfish bitch, Santana. It's clear to me now that you don't have any love or kindness in your heart at all."
Santana recoiled in fright and repulsion as Tina advanced on her, holding open a heavy black book in her hands that looked like a witch's grimoire and chanting what sounded like some kind of incantation.
There always had been something a little off and weird about that girl with her all-black clothes, Santana thought. Something a little freaky. That was the last thing on her mind before she screamed in fear as her body began to transform. She looked down at her hands and claws were growing where her nails used to be. Black fur was covering every inch of her once smooth, buttery dark skin. The world around her looked much bigger but that was because she herself was shrinking inside.
"What have you done to me?!" She cried but what came out of her throat was a loud yowling sound. She was startled as she saw her reflection in the standing mirror nearby. Gone were her naturally high, sculpted cheekbones, plump lips and sharp jaw, replaced by something inhuman. Predatory, yellow eyes with dilated pupils stared back at her, along with pointed ears, whiskers and a swishing tail. Instead of the beautiful looks she was once vain about, she was somehow in the body of a cat.
"You act like an animal so maybe being a beast really is your truest form," Tina laughed from high up above her as Santana hissed and clawed instinctively, her fur all standing up. "So here's the deal: if you can actually find someone who loves you in this form and you love them back before the next full moon then the spell will be broken. We all know that will never happen. If not then... I guess you're stuck forever. Maybe it's better for you. Oh well, sucks for you."
"You won't get away with this!" Santana shouted but again, the only thing that came out of her mouth was a fierce hissing sound as Tina just cackled menacingly as she turned away. Santana just curled up into a ball and whimpered, hoping that this was all just a terrible nightmare she was about to wake up from.
To say that Brittany was a crazy cat lady was an understatement. She had ten cats already at home who were all rescues. She also had a popular Youtube channel for her volunteer group that was dedicated to caring for the local cat colonies in Lima. Her channel was so successful that she was able to live on those earnings alone.
That afternoon, she went out to the quiet streets with her group of volunteers. She spent lots of time snapping photos of each cat and taking cute videos that she knew her followers would love. She knew each cat by name and all of her regular "stars" showed up one by one to get their screen time. The nearest cats jumped onto her backpack, digging their claws into it as they knew there was food inside. Brittany just giggled, carefully reaching into the bag and getting out the dry cat food along with some fresh water to pour out.
There was Celeste, a pretty diluted calico, an older tom cat with a mean face and chips on the ears called George, a shy tortoiseshell called Sheila, and a peaceful white and tabby speckled female known as Domino who had given birth to many of the local kittens but was already pregnant again. Brittany knew and loved each of these cats like they were her own but she was surprised when a new, stunning panther-like black cat appeared suddenly when she finished sharing out the food to the others.
Santana couldn't stop the loud, pleading meow that came out of her when she saw this girl giving food to cats. She had been chased out of the house by her own maid who thought she was a random stray cat and had been wandering the streets all day, hungry and lonely.
Everyone she saw shooed her out of their shops and homes, saying mean words to her or just ignoring her when she begged for food. She thought about finding Tina but gave up on that idea. She was so depressed that everything that happened hadn't just been a terrible dream. She felt sick with hunger and she was ready to give up.
She had already been in two cat fights with some of the local felines who weren't so happy about this new panther encroaching on their territory. She got lost and somehow found herself in this suburban neighbourhood, wondering how she was going to get food.
How could she be a cat? This was awful and fuck that Tina with her wicked, witchy ways. The great Santana Lopez was now a street cat? It couldn't be.
"Aw Brittany, look at that black cat. Where did she come from?" Marley asked her, watching the feral cat wearily. "I've never seen this one before ever."
Brittany... so that was the girl's name, Santana thought, not knowing why she felt it was so important for her to know.
"Hi, Sweetie. Don't be scared..." Brittany cooed softly, holding out her fingers for Santana as she gestured for her to come closer Santana was surprised at how instinctual it felt to sniff to make sure that the girl was safe. She instantly felt more relaxed, loving the light, clean floral scent of the girl. "Sksksksksk..."
Santana grimaced at the odd hissing and whistling sounds Brittany was making at her from the back of her throat, as if she was talking to a cat. Which she technically was but she felt mortified that someone was calling her like that. Strangely enough though, her ears switched at the sound and it did make her want to come closer. No, this was bad...she was really starting to think and act like an animal.
"Watch out, Brittany!" Sugar gasped when Santana began to hiss and her claws came out, batting at Brittany and the others aggressively with her paws when they came closer. She snapped at Sugar with her teeth bared when she tried to pat her head. "I think she's feral. She looks a little mean."
"Aw, she's not mean. She's just a little scared. It's okay, Baby." Brittany's heart just about melted for some reason when she saw this particular cat. The cat was small and thin, with short smooth black fur like a panther and she looked weather-beaten, as if she had been through a lot. She especially liked her striking eyes, although the cat was currently very nervous of them "She just needs someone to care for her. Want some food?"
Brittany bent over to her level and held out her hand open towards her, holding a little food. It smelled like seafood. Santana then noticed for the first time when she looked up at her how soft and beautiful Brittany was. Something about the girl's presence was so calming to Santana. There was nothing worse to her than the idea of eating fishy cat food but her hunger took over and she began to eat from Brittany's hand timidly.
"Aww see, you don't have to be afraid. I would never hurt you," Brittany said softly, looking delighted at how Santana was eating for her and slowly putting out more for her. It was embarrassing how she started to purr when Brittany took a chance and began stroking her head and back softly with a gentle hand. "She's so pretty, like a little panther. You're purring!"
She would have blushed if it were possible. It was humiliating for sure that she was purring but it was nice having this pretty girl with her angelic face touching her, even if she was in this furry body. If she was still a human, she would have totally hit on this girl.
"Not much of an eater, are you?" Brittany commented, smiling when Santana turned her nose up at the offer of more food. She purred more loudly when Brittany scratched under her chin and crawled up into her lap when Brittany got onto her knees.
She was so happy that she began to knead her paws as she purred, her claws going straight into the material of Brittany's jeans and didn't care that she was probably ripping tiny holes into them. Brittany was ecstatic and giggled, stroking her head and back the whole time.
"She's adorable."
The other two girls came closer and Santana's mood shifted instantly, growling and leaning away from the others when they tried to touch her fur. Only Brittany was allowed to do that. The girls gave Brittany skeptical looks as she kept saying how cute and cuddly Santana was.
She jumped, startled and bolted away in fear as a car drove by really fast.
"Wait!" Brittany shouted but it was too late because Santana had already run away into the bushes. Santana didn't know what to do with herself but as the night wore on, the mice that were running by suddenly seemed delectable.
"What should we call her?" Brittany asked, tilting her head to the side.
Santana, my name is Santana!
"I don't know, she's cool looking but a little scary sometimes," Sugar replied, patting Celeste who was purring happily. "Something a little devilish maybe...Satan, Lilith, Villanelle...Diabla?"
"I think Diabla is a good name for this one. She's pretty but definitely a little monster sometimes, always with that scary look on her face." Rachel suggested with a laugh, Marley and Sugar nodding beside her as Santana continued to hiss and snarl at them violently whenever any of them came near except for Brittany. All of the girls adored cats but Santana's grumpy moods were sometimes a lot for them to take, especially when she chased the other cats.
Just yesterday, she had bit Rachel on the arm when the brunette rubbed her head for a little too long. Santana was the only cat who was persistently angry and mean, slapping the volunteers aside from Brittany and the other cats every single day when she came for food.
"She's not that bad. Are you, Honey? I think she's nice." Brittany whispered. A large, chubby German shepherd with a dopey face who was being walked nearby, tried to get close to Santana. She shrieked and hissed, jumping into Brittany's lap for safety because she was petrified of dogs. Brittany cuddled her close and it felt a lot better.
"Aw Diabla. Don't you worry, that puppy just wants to be friends," Brittany cooed as Santana's claws went out involuntarily and her fur stood up comically. She was a little annoyed that Diabla was apparently her new name but at least it was cooler than something like Patches or whatever people normally called their cats. "Ouch. Don't worry I won't let any big scary dogs get you."
She felt much calmer as she was cuddled by Brittany. It made her happy that she got the most cuddle time with the girl everyday. She liked being Brittany's favourite and she spent most of her days following the girl secretly to make sure Brittany was protected whenever she walked around on the neighbourhoods.
She had even bravely chased a dog ten times her size who had growled threateningly at the blonde once. The girl was so quirky and air-headed so she'd get distracted and Santana liked being her protector. For some reason, it made her pleased that Brittany seemed to live alone with no husband or boyfriend.
She smacked the orange cat George viciously when he walked up meowing to get Brittany's attention. George gave her an offended look but backed off.
"Don't be jealous, Diabla." Brittany admonished gently with a giggle as she stroked George behind the ears.
Santana kept following Brittany around for the rest of the day, even following her down the street for once. She felt very lonely and enjoyed the warm feeling she got with Brittany that she had never felt with anyone. The one good thing about her being a cat was that she got to meet Brittany, who was the most beautiful girl in existence inside and out.
"Oh someone really likes you, Britt. You've got a little admirer." Marley chuckled, glancing in the black cat's direction.
"You don't say. She literally never leaves her lap. It's no surprise though because cats sure do love Britt," Rachel added, giggling. "It's like she has a big crush on her."
Brittany bit her lip, watching Santana who darted into the nearby flower bushes to act like she hadn't been following them. She was a master at hiding in small places and her scrawny body made it easy to fit into them. She almost got completely distracted by a butterfly and swiped at it, thinking it looked tasty.
"I think I should take her home with me, at least for a little while until I can find her a home. She just looks so alone and she needs someone to love her." Brittany finally said after a while. Deep down Brittany was thinking she hoped the little sleek black cat could stay with her forever.
Brittany's words reminded her of the curse Tina had put on her. Time was flying by so quickly and if she didn't find someone to love her as she currently was she'd remain permanently in this body. She didn't know if Brittany would ever love her as much as Santana wished that she did. Who would ever love a battle-scarred, scrawny and ferocious black cat with a temper as bad as hers?
As the days had gone on, Santana began to feel bad about how she had treated everyone when she was a human. It was humbling when no one saw her as anything special - just a street cat with no food who had to accept the kindness of strangers to survive. She thought of how cruel she had been to the old beggar that day who just wanted some change, to Tina and to everyone else and it made her cringe.
When she was younger, her parents had spoiled her and given her everything she ever asked for but other people didn't have that luxury of being so rich and spoiled. She now realized how wrong she had been and how arrogant. Maybe she deserved this punishment.
Santana let out a high pitched meow, startled when Brittany just picked her up in her arms and carried her. It was a little embarrassing and scary but she liked being carried around in Brittany's arms. She nuzzled into her chest.
They reached Brittany's tiny but cozy house that was just a little further down the street right next to her parents' house that was almost identical. It was a lot smaller than the type of mansion Santana lived in and she certainly didn't have a team of maids and butlers. Nevertheless, Santana liked being around Brittany.
She had never liked another person's company this much, even when she was human. Brittany's other cats immediately darted away and cursed at her when the blonde introduced the new addition to them.
"Want some milk?" Brittany asked, taking out a carton and a little cat bowl. Santana meowed grumpily, still not liking being thought of as a cat. As soon as she saw and smelled the milk, her mind quickly changed and she immediately began lapping it up, making Brittany chuckle.
When she was done and had spent an hour cleaning herself on Brittany's carpet, she climbed onto the girl's lap and licked Brittany's skin on her arm affectionately to clean her as well. Then she gave her a little lick on the cheek and tasted the salt on her skin.
"Ow, your tongue is like sandpaper but you're so sweet." Brittany laughed but cuddled Santana closer.
Brittany got up and changed out of her clothes right in front of her when they went into her bedroom later, making Santana start to feel very flustered. She was still a human after all and seeing a girl walk around topless, just wearing panties was a little too much for her. She couldn't take her eyes off of Brittany the whole time as the blonde slipped into comfy pink shorts and a tank top as pajamas.
The tall girl picked her up and put the cat in her bed beside her under the covers that night, the other cats too annoyed at Santana to come around them. Santana curled up next to her and felt completely content, quickly falling asleep.
Santana slept well for the first night in what felt like a million years in Brittany's bed. When she eventually woke up, she stretched out and screamed when she looked down at her hands, seeing actual normal human hands instead of furry, clawed ones. She jumped up in bed in shock.
Brittany had been cuddling the black cat all night, thinking about how much she adored the aggressive but sweet cat. When she woke up feeling movement beside her, she saw a woman with a scowl that was identical to the cat's own. The blonde blushed when she realized that the woman with dark skin and black hair was completely naked. She was also the hottest person Brittany had ever seen lying right there in her bed. She had always loved dark eyes, dark skin and jet black hair, so this girl was was her ideal.
"Diabla? Is that you?"
Apparently the idea that her cat could turn into a human woman wasn't so shocking for Brittany, which Santana was immensely grateful for.
"Yes, it's me. My name's Santana, actually," She explained, her heart beating fast as she tried to figure this out. She pulled the sheets up to cover herself, flustered under the blonde's stare when she realized she was fully naked. "I know this will sound crazy, Brittany but I'm a human. I mean... I've been a human all along my whole life. This witch turned me into a cat."
Brittany just nodded, staring at her wide-eyed the whole time and taking this all in. She accepted the explanation.
"But she said the only way the spell could be broken is if... I love someone and someone loves me before the next full moon...does that mean? Britt... you love me? How could you actually love me?"
Santana practically felt tears come to her eyes, in shock that Brittany could love her even in that cat form and even when she was so unlovable in every other way with her aggression.
Brittany wrapped her arms around Santana's neck in a comforting hug.
"Of course I do. What's not to love? Santana, huh? I love that name. It's really pretty just like you. Everything about you is just perfect, especially your eyes; they're so deep and haunting."
Santana just grinned, speechless. She was happy to be a human again and for once in her life she didn't feel miserable about anything.
"I guess this means you love me too?" Brittany asked shyly with a soft smile, her light blue eyes meeting Santana's dark ones.
"I guess so..." Santana nodded with a big smile. She couldn't resist leaning in and pressing her lips against Brittany's, smiling into it when the girl closed her eyes and eagerly reciprocated it. Both of them blushed a little when the sheets slipped off of Santana again accidentally then Brittany suddenly looked at her, realizing something.
"You already saw me practically naked yesterday, so I guess this means we're even." Brittany giggled, pulling her into another kiss that quickly turned into a lot more than that when Santana stripped her out of those pajamas.
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fabuloustrash05 · 3 years
What were your first impressions of Leo and Karai's relationship before Nick announced that Karai was Splinter's daughter? (Not a Le*rai shipper)
Buckle up buttercup because I’m giving you my whole history with Leor*i
In the beginning I shipped them hardcore. Like really hardcore. *GASP* I know. I’m shocked too. Looking back on it, I hate it…
Karai’s introduction episode “New Girl in Town” was my first real episode I watched in the 2012 series and it’s what got me hooked to watch more. It ended with only Leo and Raph knowing about Karai, this mysterious female ninja that works for Shredder, and it got me curious to know what would happen next so I started officially watching the 2012 series.
Growing up I loved Leo and Karai’s dynamic, the good boy and the bad girl, how he knew she had a good side but due to their rival clans they can’t be together.
I was 12 when I first started watching the series so when the reveal during the season 1 finale that Karai is actually Splinter’s daughter Miwa came into play it didn’t really cross my mind. I was young and dumb and it went over my head. I still thought “LeO aNd KaRaI aRe SoUlMaTeS!”
I think what started my realization that shipping Leor*i was wrong was in season 2 when Splinter came out and told his sons the truth that Karai is actually Miwa, to which it leads Mikey to say this:
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My reaction to that line when I was 12:
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Yet still despite that, I actually tried to ignore that fact! I still shipped them with a burning passion! And I’m disgusted that it took me so long to see how wrong it was!
12 year old me anytime Leo and Karai being brother and sister was acknowledged:
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I tried to move on and continued to ship them. I tried ignoring ever time they say Karai was Splinter’s daughter or how she’s the turtles long lost sister. I was a dumb naïve child!!
Remember this moment?
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I remember watching this moment and I fangirled like crazy, I so badly wanted Karai to kiss Leo. I remember ranting to my friends about how mad I was that they didn’t kiss, but looking back on it now I’m so glad they didn’t!
As the show went on, Karai got mutated and didn’t make that many appearances, she was gone for most of season 3, so that gave me time to think over my shipping taste.
I started thinking over past moments in the show, Mikey always referring to Karai as his and his brother’s sister, saying he’s her little brother, Splinter calling Karai and Leo his “son” and “daughter” in the SAME EPISODE, and Leo and Karai both calling Splinter “Dad” or “Father”, again, sometimes in the SAME EPISODE.
Leor*i didn’t make that big of an appearance during the ending of season 2, a lot of season 3, and first half of season 4, so that gave me room to start focusing on other (more healthier and happier) ships. That’s when then Renetangelo and RaMona entered my life <3
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I guess in a way, they saved me from sinking with the Leor*ai ship. They made me realize what a good ship looks like. RaMona became my new favorite ship and my new ship obsession (I considered myself the captain of the RaMona ship lol) and for a short time they made me forget Leor*i even existed.
As the show went on I started to grow up and mature. I started to realize the wrongness in Leor*i. I was 15 by the time Karai officially came back into the show (second half of season 4) and my love for Leor*i was practically gone. I still enjoyed seeing Leo and Karai interact and their dynamic was good and entertaining. Them being friends and clan allies was nice, but anytime the writers forced a “romantic” moment between them in season 4…
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I cringed
But it was okay because the writers gave Karai a hot goth witch girlfriend in the end so everything is good in the world 👍
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Shinirai forever
I officially disliked Leor*i by mid season 4, I realized how wrong it was, they are siblings, Splinter is there father, no matter how much you look at it Leor*i is incest!!! Karai is their big sister and it disgusted me looking back at it now that I actually wanted them to get together!
But what made me really hate the ship as much as I do now are the people who still supported them and shipped them and the horrible excuses that they gave them!
I realized Leor*i shippers were (and still are) crazy toxic!!
I could go into more detail about that, but that’s a topic for another post and I don’t have the energy for that right now, but my friend @qiralync always makes really good anti Leor*i arguments. She honestly makes better arguments then I could about the ship. XD
So to wrapped it all up, 12 year old me shipped Leor*i but as she got older she realized how f**king wrong and disgusting that ship was. RaMona entered her life and saved her and now she realizes the truth.
And I know I’m not alone on this cause many TMNT 2012 fans were in the same boat as me when we were all kids and now we despise the incest ship known as Leor*i. It honestly makes me so happy seeing us TMNT 2012 fans all grow up and realize how wrong Leor*i was, and we all collectively agree that Leor*i was a terrible ship.
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And to those who still refuse to admit it, I wish you the best and I hope you come to your senses someday soon, because remember I was in the same boat as you and now I look back on it and ask myself “What was I thinking??” It’ll eventually happen to you too.
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mandoalorian · 3 years
Maybe like a fanfic about Javier Peña based on the song angel eyes from mamma mia
Angel Eyes
Javier Peña x F!Reader
Warnings: few curse words, allusions to sex, hurt/comfort
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They were a deep shade of honey brown, and they seemed to darken considerably whenever you touched him. You’d met him in the heat of central Colombia, where sunshine was a constant, and it beamed down onto him like he was some kind of angel. You swore you had never seen someone so perfect. His brown eyes melted into golden rays, circling an eclipse. They were magical. They were framed by his long and thick lashes, and in a way, you sort of envied them.
Maybe it was your fault. Maybe you were foolish to fall head over heels in love with a man like him. A man like Javier Peña. You’d heard his name before. You knew of his reputation. You should’ve known better.
You’d been seeing each other for around six months, catching a beer with him every night after work and stopping over at his apartment. Six months was already longer than any relationship that Javier had in the recent years. He probably should’ve figured something was up sooner. The sex was amazing. But... there was something more to it than just a friendly face to have a drink and warm the bed with. There was a deeper connection.
And Javier felt it too.
That’s why he had to let you go.
So he ended things abruptly, without an explanation. Because what was there to say? “I have deep commitment issues and I feel myself falling in love with you. And I can’t let that happen, because my biggest fear is hurting you.” No, of course not. This was Javier Peña, and he wasn’t going to let himself be vulnerable like that. So, he opted for the easy way out. He broke your heart and left you standing there feeling helpless and alone.
The second he got back to his apartment he regretted it. He regretted letting you go. He deserved happiness, just for once, he deserved to be happy. And you made him happy. He told himself that he done the right thing... that in his line of work, there was no time for settling down.
But... in this very moment, settling down didn’t seem so bad at all.
It was too late now though. Javier needed some kind of release. He knew better than to dwell on his past mistakes.
About an hour after Javier left, you gathered together his belongings and stuffed them in an old grey duffel bag. You knew you had to return them; you couldn’t hold onto them forever. It pained you, but you wanted to at least get it over and done with. You were only two blocks away when you saw him standing by the riverside with his large hands on the waist of another woman.
There was another woman.
Was that why he’d ended things? You felt sick to your stomach. Part of you wanted to drop his belongings and run. Another part of you wanted to fall to your knees and cry. You contemplated throwing his bag of possessions into the river. Your thoughts were racing a million miles an hour.
You looked at the woman and noticed one thing. She was completely entranced by Javier’s angel eyes. The eyes you had fallen in love with. They were hypnotic, and in that moment, you felt bad for her. You felt bad for this other woman because, no doubt, he’d treat her the way he treated everyone else; ruthlessly, and without a single care in the world.
You wanted to scream but when you opened your mouth, all that came out was a teary sob of his name. “Javier.”
Both Javier and the woman turned to face you. The woman looked more than confused, but, on impulse, Javier ripped his body away from hers and chased after you. You could hardly run, your legs feeling weak as your cries echoed throughout the cobbled street. Javier grabbed onto you and held you, swinging his arm around your body and navigating you into a quiet alleyway.
“Cariño,” his voice was gruff but his touch felt like home. It only pained you more.
“Stop,” you protested, shaking your head. “Stop. You can’t— you can’t call me that anymore. You can’t touch me like this anymore.”
You haphazardly swatted his hands away but he brought his thumbs up to your face and wiped away your tears.
“Please, please don’t cry. Don’t think I wanted to end things, because I didn’t.”
You dismissed his comment and tried to regulate your erratic breathing. “If there was another woman, you should’ve just told me.”
Javier’s sweet eyes filled with tears. “No other woman,” he choked out, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down in his throat. “Just you. Only you.”
You sighed and tried to look away from him. You could look anywhere in the world, as long as you didn’t look into those damned eyes.
“Then— then who was she?”
Javier looked back at the riverside, and it seemed like the woman he was with had already left. “The second I got home I regretted it,” Javier revealed. “I regretted leaving you. I figured maybe I could find another woman to just... forget about it, for a few hours at least. But the truth is, I’ll never be able to forget— Forget this feeling. These feelings. The feelings that I have... for you.”
And finally, your eyes met his. He looked heartbroken. Javier was stumbling over his words, picking at his fingernails, and he’d never looked so nervous.
“I’m in love with you,” he professed, a single tear slipping down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away with his sleeve and straightened his posture, irked with himself for getting so emotional. “And I fucking mean it. Shit, I’m sorry. I’m... I fucked up. But one thing is for certain. I never make the same mistake twice. So if you’d forgive me...”
You pressed your lips against his and he pinned you against the cool brick wall. You could hear the ambience of the river gently slushing in the background as the warm Colombian sunset beamed down on you both. His moustache tickled you as he slid his hot, wet tongue into your mouth. He was intoxicating, there was no doubt about that. The husky moans that left his lips sent vibrations straight through your body.
And you didn’t know what it was, but this time, you believed him. You forgave him. And you hoped that maybe this time, things would be different.
If you knew one thing for sure though, it was that none of this would’ve happened if you never had looked into his angel eyes.
Permanent taglist: @paintballkid711 @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell​ @xoxo-callie @stardust-galaxies​ @wickedfrsgrl​ @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal​  @kiwi-the-first​ @pedroepascal​ @castiel-barnes​ @honeymandos​​ @rocketqueen​  @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth​ @moth-guillotine @pedro-pascal-love @hayley-the-comet​ @pinkninja200​ @maxiarapamaya​ @autumnleaves1991-blog​ @artsymaddie​ @harrys-stan​ @kennedywxlsh​ @cripplingmoon​ @cheekygeek05​ @mrschiltoncat @rye-flower​ @theamuz @persie33 @sleepylunarwolf​ @martellthemandalor @pedro-pastel ​ @steeevienicks @rrtxcmt @saphic-susperia​ @beskarprincessjenny @readsalot73​ @softmedics​ @jade10077​ @dodgerandevans​ @planetariumx @pascals-cat @ajeff855​ @spideysimpossiblegirl​ @smoldjarin
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bruhlsbees · 3 years
Blurb idea! Okay so I wear alot of goth and punk clothing and I just love the idea of opposites attract pairings so like maybe a goth/punk/alternative reader with Alex? Like they meet at the bar on open mic night while she's preforming and he's like whoa she's so cool! But so out of my league💀 and he thinks he'll never get a chance and all of a sudden the reader comes up and is like hey you're cute wanna hang? And he is baffled lol
opposites attract || alex kerner x fem!alternative!reader
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gif credit to @/lovecafes
summary: while singing at an open mic night in the bar, you catch the attention of someone least expected
pairing: alex kerner x fem!alternative!reader
word count: 2,313
warnings: drinking (alex and reader), alex being incredibly awkward, reader loving it and teasing him
a/n: hope you like this one!!! i thought this was an incredibly sweet idea - i imagine reader is singing something from the cranberries, like zombie or linger - this is also set a couple years after the events of goodbye, lenin! - i'd say in mid 90s
The last act had just left the stage when the host jumped on the stage, grinning out at the audience who continued to hoot and holler. It was open mic night down at the local bar, The Sour Apple, and for a last minute event, a lot of people turned out. The Sour Apple wasn’t your usual hangout. Typically you were in the basement smoking pot with the rest of your friends, or performing in backyards with your band - but you wanted a new change of scenery that night, and you thought - hell, an open mic might be fun.
You had invited a few of your friends and bandmates, hoping that maybe you’d be able to perform some of your new songs to test the crowd and see if they were feeling it or not. Only a couple of your friends showed, but the whole band came out and you were pleased. It took quite a bit of convincing, especially for your drummer, Reed, to tag along since apparently he had a bad history with The Sour Apple.
Not only that, but you all stook out like a sore thumb. Leather, studded belts, platform boots, multicolored teased hair, heavy makeup - you weren’t fazed by the stares you received when you walked in, all typical reactions when you went into a new place. Maybe that’s why you stuck to the typical spots, to avoid the judgement. It wasn’t like you cared, but it did get tiring after so long - feeling the stares on the back of your head while you just tried to enjoy life.
“Okay everyone, last call for anyone who wants to get up and participate in open mic!” The bar fell silent into hushed whispers, looking around to see if anyone else wanted to get up on stage. “Any takers? Come on now, don’t be shy!”
Turning towards the rest of your bandmates that were seated along the bar, you grinned their way before the bassist, Lee, shot up - beer spilling from the cup as you gained the host’s attention.
“Right here! We’ll come up!” He exclaimed, stepping off the barstool he was propped on and onto the main bar floor, turning and holding up his hand towards the bartender, “Five shots of jäger my good man!”
While the bartender poured out five shots, the rest of the band groaned, wishing that Lee hadn’t been the one to pick the shot. He was the only one to like the taste of the thick licorice. You only wished it was something more easy, like fireball or hell - Jack Daniel’s would suffice. But you braved the shot, clinking glasses with the rest of them before dumping your head back and letting the warm shot run down your throat.
You held in your gag as you sat the glass down, being pulled now by the guitarist, Winny, through the crowd and up onto the stage. As the singer, you took center stage, the spotlight blinding you as you held your hand up to block the light while you adjusted the mic stand, the rest of your band getting set up behind you.
“Hey everyone! We’re the Toxic Cats and we’ll be singing-” You stopped short, what were you going to sing? Turning around, you glanced towards Lee who shrugged before the other side at Winny who came up to the mic.
“You all know the Cranberries! How about their new song that just came out! You all liked that?” When the crowd erupted in cheers, you smiled weakly, looking at Winny who winked your way, “Looks like we got our song. Go kill 'em, Tiger.”
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
“You gonna sing tonight, Alex?” Denis teased from his spot at the bar, downing the rest of his pint while he glanced over at Alex who was facing the stage, shaking his head. “I heard you got a real pretty voice.”
“Well whoever told you that is lying. Don’t think anyone wants to hear me sing. Sound like a rat stuck in a trap.” He explained, lifting his own pint up to take a drink from. He sighed and leaned back against the bar, blinking slowly as he watched the last act get off the stage before the host jumped on. Shaking his head, Alex exhaled slowly, turning back to face the bar.
As he turned, he caught the laughs that came from the other end of the bar. The group of alternative folks catching his attention. He didn’t mean to stare, but they were just so...different. They weren’t the typical crowd that hung around The Sour Apple, and it surely didn’t go unnoticed.
“Weird folk they are,” Turning, Alex furrowed his eyebrows at Denis who was drinking a new pint now, glancing at Alex, “They’re in a band...not a big fan of their music, but they’re pretty popular I’d say. I’ve seen a couple of their shows. Always doing something with fire or chanting in another language. Gives me the heeby jeebies.”
“I think you’re drunk, Denis.” Alex noted, rolling his eyes as Denis waved him off, insisting that he wasn’t while sloppily sipping from his pint. His attention fell back towards the end of the bar, towards the band as they now took shots before heading up onto the stage.
Through the crowd, Alex only noticed the red hair on you. It reminded him of a Coca Cola can - maybe that wasn’t the best comparison, but it’s what he thought! His posture returned to his original spot, leaning against the bar while facing the stage where you now stood center stage at. While your teased dyed red hair stood out the most, he also noticed your outfit, which surprisingly impressed him.
Starting at your feet, he noticed the high platform boots - you were probably taller than him in them. Alex also noticed the ripped tights, wondering if they came that way or if you did that yourself, under the black skirt that was tattered. You were wearing a band tee of some sorts, not recognizing the band. He had seen alternative girls before, but never once did he look at them the way he looked at you. You were pretty and Alex was awed by your mystery.
When you finally began to sing though, the familiar tune of the Cranberries, Zombie, harmonizing through the bar, his lips turned into a smile, straightening up to really be intune with the song. He had heard it a thousand times, but your cover, hearing it from you - it was more haunting and beautiful than anytime he heard it on the radio.
Alex felt hypnotized to your voice, leaning forward with his mouth gaped open as he listened, gaze remained fixed on you as you swayed on the mic or leaned against one of the other band members. He hadn’t even realized it was over until Denis shoved him, his attention snapping towards him.
“Jesus man, you’re drooling!”
His cheeks went hot, face red as Alex reached his hand up to his mouth, wiping away the drool with the back of his hand before turning back towards the bar, doing his best to ignore Denis who was laughing and in a drunk fit.
“Oh man, you got the hots for her don’t you? The singer! Man, I don’t think I would have ever taken you as the type,” Denis watched as the band made their way back towards their spot at the bar, high-fiving those in the crowd as they passed by them. When you were settled back in your seat, Denis stood up and grabbed the back of Alex’s jacket, pulling him up and with him towards the end of the bar, “Come on, go introduce yourself!”
Before Alex could protest, Denis shoved him towards you, stumbling forward and knocking into you. You turned around, ready to yell at whoever had knocked into you and made you spill your beer before your gaze softened, seeing Alex cowering.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to-”
“Hey, it’s fine...relax,” You let out a weak laugh and turned towards him, placing your now empty pint on the counter, “I’m a little disappointed though, someone just bought me that. I didn’t even get the chance to drink it.”
Alex smiled back at you, staring at you for a little too long before he knocked himself out of his trance, turning towards the bartender and holding up his hand.
“Two pints please!”
It didn’t take long for the bartender to fill up two new pints for the both of you. Scooting them forward while Alex picked up his, you picking up your own. You clinked your glass against his before taking a drink, setting your glass back down with a sigh.
“I don’t think I caught your name,” You introduced yourself and leaned forward, your right index finger swirling around the rim of the glass, “I’d like to thank the cutie who bought me my drink.” You sent a wink his way and grinned, seeing him look down briefly as his cheeks went pink.
“Alex, I’m Alex!” He introduced, sitting down finally on the barstool beside you. When you called him a cutie, his chest tightened, feeling flustered as he tried to think of what to say next.
“My favorite color is red!” He blurted, “How do you get your hair so big?”
Alex cringed at his question, closing his eyes and mentally slapping himself in the face. He was sure at that point he had lost all chance of impressing you, and he hadn’t even been talking with you for more than two minutes. But when you laughed and didn’t throw your drink in his face, he opened his eyes and smiled weakly.
“Lots of hairspray and teasing. Unfortunately I’m not the most eco-friendly with this hairstyle. Mother Earth is probably taking her revenge with all my split ends.” He let out a laugh at your joke, glancing at the guitarist of the band who turned in her stool, leaning forward.
“Or maybe it’s because you’ve just fried your hair. I’m telling you, you should just let it go natural.” You waved off Winny and nudged her back, your attention keeping fixed on Alex.
“So, Alex, did you just want to come over and ask me about my hair?” You took another drink from your pint, your gaze fixed on him as you watched him get flustered again, trying to think of the words to say. “You know, guys like you don’t usually go for girls like me. Did your buddy set you up for this?”
It had happened plenty of times. Pretty boys always got a kick out of embarrassing the alternative girl. You wouldn’t be hurt if this was what was going on, but you would be pissed to have your time be wasted. To your surprise though, Alex seemed to be different.
“No! I mean, well he pushed me over here, but not like that,” He rushed, leaning forward slightly in his stool, as if ready to catch you if you tried to turn away. “Your singing, I’ve never heard you guys before. You sound great! God, part of me was thinking that you sounded better than the Cranberries-”
“Better than the Cranberries? Now you’re just pulling my tail,” It was your turn to blush, cheeks red as you waved him off while he continued to praise you, his hand falling to your knee. You looked down briefly at his hand, smiling before back up at him, “Well, maybe you should come see one of our shows? I’ll get you a front row seat on the best couch in the basement.”
The best couch in the basement. Why did he have a feeling that this wasn’t something he had experienced before. He watched as you pulled a napkin from the bar, digging into your coat pocket before pulling out a pen, scribbing your number down before handing it over to him.
“Here’s the house number. If you call just ask for me, I’m usually around.” You looked up at him and smiled, opening your mouth to say another thing before hearing your bandmates call you for you behind, insisting that it was time to go. Frowning, you grabbed your coat and stood up, towering over him in your platform boots.
Your gaze kept on Alex who stared at the napkin, his smile stained on his face as he ran his thumb across the number. He looked cute, innocent, pure. All things you weren’t used to. When you heard Reed calling for you name, you nodded and waved them off before resting your free hand on Alex’s shoulder, leaning down to kiss him on the cheek.
“I’ll see you soon, yeah?”
But before he could answer, you were already turned and heading out of the bar, catching up to the rest of your bandmates who were climbing into the taxi to head back home. Standing up, Alex held the napkin in his hand, staring at the dark doorway that led outside of the bar. Of course he was happy, but damn - did you have to leave so quick?
Turning, Alex tucked the napkin neatly into his own jacket, making sure it was secured before making his way back to Denis, sitting back in his original spot. When Alex settled back in, he turned and looked at Denis who was laughing.
“What’s so funny?”
Without saying a word, Denis motioned towards his own cheek, signaling for Alex to check his face. He reached his hand up and swiped at his cheek, noticing that your black lipstick had made it’s way onto his skin. He smiled to himself, feeling giddy inside before cleaning the rest off.
“So I take it went well?” Denis asked, leaning closer towards Alex. Smiling, Alex nodded and took a final sip from his pint.
“It went great, now come on, let’s get you home.”
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pookha · 3 years
Unexpected Magic
An Owl House fanfic featuring Vee and the Goth Girl.
Vee goes to the Valentine's dance with Gigi. She confesses what she really is and gets a confession in return.
Spoilers for 'Yesterday's Lie'. Seriously, spoilers, beware.
Goth Girl is named Gigi in this story, explanation is in the story.
Unexpected Magic
“You’ll call me if you need anything?” Camila asked me.
I leaned over and hugged her. She didn’t hesitate at all before hugging me back. I was so lucky to have found her.
“I promise, mami.” She smiled; she liked it when I called her ‘mami.’
I pulled back and got out. Gigi waved at me from just inside the entrance to the gym where loud hip-hop music came from.
“Have a good time. I’ll pick you up at ten.” She leaned over and waved at Gigi. I closed the door and ran to the gym’s door. The cold February drizzle dripped down my bare shoulders and into my dress.
Gigi met me inside, grabbed my hand, and immediately pulled me off the side. It was early and there still weren’t a lot of people here yet. A couple of kids were dancing, but no one seemed to be together. I figured they were mostly the people that came without dates, like me and Gigi.
“You look nice,” Gigi yelled into my ear to be heard over the music.
“Thanks,” I said. “You do, too.”
She’d told me I’d be surprised by what she was going to wear, but I was still surprised. She usually wore all black, but tonight it was a long, floor-length green dress that looked heavy and a string of pearls.
“It’s vintage; I found it in my grandmother’s stuff when she passed away, and it mostly fits. Nana was pretty small.”
She twirled and the heavy fabric spun out at the bottom as she did. I reached out and touched it; it was so soft.
“It’s velvet and something like this today would be supes expensive.”
I nodded.
“I’m not used to seeing you in a dress,” she said.
I spun for her the same way she’d spun for me and she laughed the wry chuckle that I loved so much.
“Camila made this for me. She said it helped with the stress.” I left off that the stress was her daughter being trapped in the Demon Realm.
“Being a vet’s got to be hard,” Gigi said, leading me to a seat in the bleachers. “All those poor, sick animals, and some of them having to be put down.”
I looked around.
“Where’s Ethan and Pol?”
She sighed.
“Ethan said, and I quote, ‘dances are lame and for the lame,’ and Pol’s mom wouldn’t let them come. Pol said they were in trouble for not doing their homework.”
“So, it’s just going to be us?” I asked.
She chuckled again.
“And a few hundred of our classmates, but I know what you mean.”
The song changed to the one about the giant rims on cars in Houston, and she yanked me to my feet.
“Let’s dance!” she shouted and pulled me out to the floor.
I let my mind go blank and moved to the music. She watched me as she danced. She quirked her crooked smile at me and flailed her arms around.
She leaned in and shouted.
“I didn’t know you could dance like that!”
“What?” I shouted back.
“You dance really good!”
“I dance well?” I asked, then realized I’d stopped self-consciously.
I walked back to the bleachers which had filled up more during the song and she followed me.
“You’ve been holding out on me, Vee Noceda,” she said as she sat next to me and leaned up against me. Where her bare shoulder touched mine warmed me more than the hot gym.
“I--I didn’t know I could dance like that,” I said honestly. We’d danced in each other’s rooms and Ethan’s and Pol’s before, but it had always been bad.
“Teach me some time.”
I nodded.
We talked about school for a while and our friends. She slid out her phone, took a photo of us there, and sent it to Pol and Ethan.
A moment later, Ethan’s text came back.
“you both look bangin’ Now I wish i’d come”
“Can you send that to my mom?” I asked Gigi.
She did and Camila texted back a big smile emoji.
A hard hand smacked the back of my head.
“Hey, Luzer!” John Snelbrook giggled as he tried to smack Gigi too, but she dodged. His friends laughed as they sat behind us.
“Couldn’t get actual dates and had to come alone together?” He mocked rubbing his eyes like he was crying.
I looked around.
“I don’t see any girls with you either. Probably couldn’t take the stench.”
I held out my hand to Gigi and we got up and moved.
“Ugh, I hate him so much,” she said.
“Yeah,” I said. “He’s not nice.”
We danced a couple more times and I noticed her eyes on me more than normal. I met them a couple of times and she blushed and looked away, which wasn’t like her.
“Can we go outside for a few minutes and cool down?” she asked when the song ended. “Velvet is hot.”
I nodded and we went out to sit on the curb. The drizzle had stopped and it was just chilly.
“I--I have something to say to you,” she stuttered a bit.
“What is it?” I asked.
She blushed and turned away.
“I asked Ethan and Pol to not come tonight, so this would be more like a date.”
“I--what?” I asked. I’d wanted to ask her to the dance as a date, but I wasn’t sure how she’d respond.
“I like you, Vee; I want to try to be more than just your friend.” She looked up at me, face flaming.
“I’d like that, too,” I heard myself say.
She leaned up to kiss me, but I pulled away.
“What?” she asked.
“I have to tell you some stuff first.” I took both her hands in mine and put them in my lap so we sat facing each other more.
“I’m not Luz, I’m Vee. When I asked you to call me that, it’s because it’s my actual name, not just what I want to be called.”
She laughed.
“I told you my name was Gigi because of my initials, but really it’s because all the kids in junior high called me ‘Goth Girl’ so I ran with it.”
I smiled wryly at her.
“Not quite the same. I’m not actually Luz. She’s missing.”
Her eyes got wide.
I inhaled, exhaled, and counted to five.
“I’m a shapeshifter from the Demon Realm, and the real Luz is trapped there. Camila agreed to help me here in the Human Realm while I’m stuck here.”
“You’re serious?” she asked.
I nodded.
I shifted my hand away to my natural form and she watched as it slid in her hand. She rubbed the scales and claws of my fingers and then looked at me.
“I was being held prisoner there and I escaped when Luz went over.”
“What is your natural form?”
“I’m a basilisk, sort of snaky and weird.” I held up my hand. “Like this, but more so.”
She leaned over and kissed my hand. My human-seeming cheeks flamed.
“Nah, I’ll bet you’re cute there, too.”
She put our joined hands back in my lap.
“I’d show you, but it takes so much magic to change back and I’m almost out.”
“There’s no magic here?” she asked.
I shook my head.
“There are some objects that came through the portal, but I’ve used most of them up. I eat magic and I’ll probably starve before Luz manages to fix the portal.”
“What about human food?” she asked. “I’ve seen you eat.”
“It feeds me, but it doesn’t nourish me. It’s like if you were missing some important vitamin and got a disease.”
I sighed and shifted my hand back to human, using up a precious amount of energy.
“What can I do to help?” she asked.
“Be my friend,” I said then shook my head, pulled my hands away from her, and put them behind her neck and head.
“Be my girlfriend,” I said and leaned in to kiss her wry smile.
Her soft lips met mine and I felt it. A surge of magic like a well-enchanted item or a masterful potion. She felt something, too, because she pulled back.
“I’ve never been kissed like that before,” she whispered.
“Me neither,” I said in her ear and then kissed her again. This time the magic flowed more strongly and she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closer.
When we broke apart she whispered.
“True love’s kiss?”
“I don’t know,” I whispered back, "but I want to find out together.”
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ecto-american · 3 years
Prom Season
Phic Phight Oneshot for Rikaleeta and ghostgothgeek: As Prom draws nearer, Danny finds that he has competition in asking Sam to prom. Danny/Sam
Read on AO3 and FFN
"Dude, you're staring again," Tucker nudged him. Danny blinked, snapping out of his daze, and he stood up straight, tapping his fingers anxiously on the counter.
"Sorry, dude, it's just. What the hell would Dale want with Sam?" he scowled.
The jock was standing near Sam, the two chatting idly by Sam's favorite part of the comics store, the vinyl section. Sam was smiling, nodding and agreeing with whatever Dale was talking to her about.
"Dale's been eying Valerie lately, maybe he's asking Sam about her?" Tucker suggested. He smiled politely at a customer who came into his line, promptly beginning to check them out. "Even so, why do you care? Sammy's a big girl."
"Prom season's coming up, somebody might ask her," Danny argued lightly.
"And why's that matter?" Tucker asked. In no time at all, the customer had paid and left, and the two were left standing in the mostly empty comics store.
"Dude, you know guys!" Danny grumbled, throwing his hands up as if it was obvious. "They only want one thing, especially after prom! You should know. Don't you and Star plan on finally doing it after prom?"
"Probably, but mostly because we've already been doing it," Tucker shrugged. Danny choked on nothing.
"Wait, what? How come you didn't tell me!?" Danny asked. Tucker opened his mouth to reply, only to jerk his head to Sam.
Dale had left the store seemingly, and Sam was already at the counter, clutching a new vinyl. Danny chuckled.
"This is why we can't visit Tucker at work, you'll always end up with something," he teased her. She rolled her eyes.
"But Tucker works here now, so he'll be sweet and let me use his employee discount?" she half-asked hopefully, staring at Tucker with a bright smile. He sighed, and he entered his employee discount code as he rang her up. "Thank you!"
"Anytime," he assured her. He handed her her bag. "So did Dale ask you to prom?" Sam snorted in amusement.
"Oh hell no," she replied. "He wanted to know if anybody had asked Valerie, and if I thought his plan to ask her would go over well."
Tucker sent Danny a sideways "I told you so" smirk, and Danny made an annoyed grumble.
"Either way, you ready to drag me to Hot Topic?" Danny asked.
"Only every day," Sam said. She turned to Tucker. "You close tonight, right? Do you want us to swing by and take you home?" Tucker shook his head no.
"Nah, it's okay!" he assured her. "I have my uncle's old car now, remember?" Sam lit up a bit.
"Oh yeah! Well, just drive careful!"
Tucker waved her off with a grin.
"Don't worry about me. You two lovebirds have fun," he teased. "But not too much fun."
Danny could feel his cheeks burn. A glance at Sam, and he could see her own face flushing some. However, she rolled her eyes and jokingly flipped Tucker off, getting one in response as they walked out and into the mall.
"Do you want me to carry your bag?" Danny offered, holding his hand out.
"Sure!" Sam agreed, and she handed it over. "Have you thought about the piercing? I'll buy you one if you're going for it."
"Eh, I'm still trying to figure out how badly my mom would flip if she saw that I got my nose pierced, and if it'd be worth it lecture," Danny shrugged.
"You should totally do it, then deflect it by coming out as Danny Phantom," she joked. Danny snorted. "Come on, we could match!" Sam had gotten her left nostril pierced almost a year ago, currently occupied by a tiny black skull, as well as four total piercings per ear. As expected, her mom nearly lost it over the nose charm. She poked his nose. "You could get a little white ghost charm." He couldn't help but smile.
"Now you're tempting me to risk it," he admitted.
He gestured to the Hot Topic, and Sam went inside first, him right behind her. She went right for the piercings display, looking. After a moment, she tapped on the case, looking over her shoulder for Danny.
"See? Right there, you could get that cute little silver ghost," she told him. Danny peeked over her shoulder. She pointed at another charm, one in the shape of a laptop. "Oh! And Tucker could get that one! We could all kinda match!"
"Pretty sure Tucker's mom would actually kill him if he came home with another piercing," Danny replied. Sam had already convinced Tucker of getting his ears pierced, and his mom was Very Unhappy about it. "Just like my mom would kill me if I came home with a nose piercing."
"You're already half dead though," Sam pointed out. Danny gave a half shrug and smile.
"Got me there. Alright, I'll get it," he said. Sam grinned widely, going to the counter to immediately ask for an employee to retrieve it.
They only browsed a bit more before they finally left. No sooner were they out the door…
"Sam!" a familiar voice called out excitedly. The not-lovebirds glanced over to see Paulina and Elliot coming up to them, Paulina a few steps ahead as she excitedly half-jogged over to Sam. Elliot was carrying two Starbucks cups, taking his time following. Paulina threw her arms around Sam, hugging her tightly, the goth only giving a half smile and lightly patting her back. "If I knew you were coming to the mall, I would have invited you to get your nails done with us! Look, Elliot and I match!"
Paulina pulled away to show off white nails with pink details.
"Oh they look nice!" Sam complimented. "It's okay though. Coming today was kinda a last minute thing." Or rather, they decided to hang out here after catching the Box Ghost, who was making himself home in one of the new stores that hadn't quite opened yet.
"You got me Starbucks?" Danny joked as Elliot finally came close enough to properly hear him. Elliot rolled his eyes. "How sweet."
"If you wanna give me the four dollars it costs, sure," he joked back. He handed Paulina the clear pink drink, and she took a long sip from it. Danny noticed that he did kinda match her, with black nails and matching details, only in a pastel blue.
"What are you guys up to?" Paulina asked. "We were just about to see if Macy's had any cute prom dresses out yet." The mentioning of prom made Danny's stomach feel a bit weirdly queasy.
"We're gonna go get Danny's nose pierced!" Sam replied, pointing to his nose. Danny snapped out of the feeling.
"Wait, what? We're doing that today?" he asked. Sam grinned.
"You're eighteen, they'll let you!" she replied. She reached into the Hot Topic bag to pull out the piercing. "I gotta make you put it on before you change your mind." Oh, a bit too late already.
"Ooh, that's a lot more interesting than prom dresses!" Elliot mused. "I can drive us." He put his free hand to his ear. "I've been thinking about getting another piercing anyway." Paulina hummed thoughtfully.
"Spike should be working today, so I might see if he has my new tattoo design ready," Sam mused.
Another thing that her mom, if she were to ever find out, would flip out over. Sam already had two that her family were oblivious to. Danny knew that she had a spider on a web on her ribcage; he had held her hand while she got that one done (and nearly ended up with a broken hand). The other was a black and deep purple rose and vine on her thigh, which he had only seen right after she had gotten it. Jazz, out of everybody, had gone with her to get it, and even came back with a tattoo herself. Though Jazz, like a nerd, had opted for a book tattoo. Danny had never seen it before outside of the photo Jazz took of it, but knew that it was on her ribcage and something Spike gave her as an anniversary present.
"I guess that settles it!" Elliot grinned. "Let's go to the tattoo and piercing shop!"
After somehow surviving Elliot's crappy little car, only somewhat affectionately called "the shitbox", they were huddled in the waiting room area of the shop. Paulina, already filling out the usual safety and health and consent forms, was standing and staring at the wall of previous art done.
"You gonna get a tattoo instead?" Elliot teased her as he handed the receptionist his own filled paperwork. Paulina shot him a smile, but still slapped his shoulder.
"Papa would kill me," she insisted.
"So? Get it where nobody will see," Elliot replied. Paulina playfully slapped him again.
Danny rolled his eyes, continuing to fill out his form as he drafted all the excuses he'd have to give his mom when she inevitably chewed his ass out when he got home. Whelp, he was already bound to be grounded sooner or later cause of the ghosts. Might as well spice up the grounding reasoning once in a while.
Sam appeared from the back, clutching a piece of paper up. Spike was behind her. Sam made a beeline for Danny.
"Dude, look at how nice it is!" she told him, holding it out for him to see. Danny glanced up. It was a skull with flowers growing out of it.
"Oh, that's sick," he commented.
"I know, right?" Sam grinned. Danny smiled, returning his attention to the paperwork.
"So you wanna get that this Saturday?" Spike spoke up.
"Uh, Danny are you free Saturday?" Sam asked. Danny glanced up at her, raising an eyebrow.
"After today I'll probably be grounded," he joked, signing his name for the last time on the forms. Sam chuckled.
"True," she replied. "Hmm, ah whatever. I can tough it out." Danny quickly looked up again as it suddenly hit him why he needed to be free. Sam had already turned to Spike. "Yeah, let's go for Saturday."
"Oh, if you want somebody around, I can come," Elliot popped up.
"That'd be awesome!" Sam grinned. "This one's going on my back, so it's supposed to hurt."
"Well, you can break my hand, I don't care," Elliot assured her. Danny's chest squeezed a bit as he felt a hot flash hit him.
"No it's okay, I can just sneak out!" he said immediately. Sam glanced at him.
"Nah, it's okay. I don't wanna get you into anymore trouble," she assured him.
"I don't care," Danny quickly blurted out. Spike chuckled.
"Man, Mrs. Fenton's scary when she's pissed, your best bet is to just obey her," Spike told him. He nodded at Danny. "Did Jazz tell you about how she nearly got into a fistfight at the bridal shop a few days ago?"
"No?" Danny raised an eyebrow. "What happened?"
"Basically when Jazz went in for her dress fitting, she had apparently gained a little bit of stress weight since the last fitting, cause she's been driving herself insane over grad school applications," Spike explained. Danny nodded understandingly. "and the lady fitting her dress kind of gushed over it cause she thought Jazz got pregnant. It made her cry, and man. Mrs. Fenton went off on her, and apparently nearly began throwing hands with the manager."
"Oh man, poor Jazz," Sam said somberly. Danny couldn't agree more as he gave a low short whistle at the audacity. Between graduating early, grad school applications, and getting married, he had never seen Jazz look so stressed out. "Why don't you guys push the wedding back a bit?"
"She'll get more money from FASFA and scholarships, plus better housing, if we get married sooner, and she doesn't wanna just elope and have a party later," Spike shook his head a bit. "But uh, either way though, I got some numbing cream for ya Sam if you're worried about pain." Spike shot Danny a reassuring smile and a wink. He felt a little better. Sam sighed with relief.
"Please," she confessed. "It's not too bad when Danny's here, but if I'm alone I know I'm going to get a little anxious."
"Aw come on, I'm not reassuring?" Elliot teased. To Danny's relief, Sam also playfully slapped Elliot on his shoulder.
"Are you kidding me? You'd probably actually ruin my tattoo by making me laugh the entire time," she told him. Danny's heart squeezed again, and he got up to silently hand the receptionist the forms.
"I think I might get a tattoo," Paulina finally spoke up. Elliot's interest was immediately piqued.
"Oh?" he asked. Paulina nodded, pointing to a tattoo on the wall, a pretty collection of flowers.
"This is sooo pretty, I think I'd get something like this," she said. Sam glanced at it.
"That'd be like, what? Four hundred-ish dollars, Spike?" she guessed. Spike glanced at the reference photo and nodded.
"Yeah, give or take," he replied. Paulina made a face.
"Maybe one day in the future," she decided. "I need money for a prom dress." Sam waved a hand.
"Prom dresses are temporary, tattoos are forever!" she told her. Paulina made a noise of disinterest, and Sam shrugged.
"Danny, did you wanna go first?" the receptionist asked as she glanced at the three stacks of piercing requests.
Danny coughed a bit nervously. He glanced at Sam, and he nodded.
"Thanks again, Spike!" Sam beamed. Spike smiled fondly at her, offering her a hug. She gladly accepted it.
"Anything for my favorite future sister-in-law," he teased. Sam's face instantly burned. Danny scoffed as he lightly touched his new piercing anxiously.
"Sam isn't related to us, dude," he told Spike. Spike gave him a weird look, then shook his head.
"You're lucky you know how to do math, man," he told him. "Also let me know if Mrs. Fenton kills you." Danny gave a nod.
"Don't worry, you'd be invited to the funeral," he joked. Spike chuckled. "Also I give you permission to tattoo my corpse before they put me down."
"Sick," Spike grinned. "I'll give you some of those lil blob ghosts the float around."
Elliot and Paulina were chatting a mile a minute outside the shop. When the not-lovebirds came out, Paulina immediately pushed her hair behind her ear to show off her new helix piercings. Danny could already see Elliot's singular orbital piercing.
"Look! I feel so punk!" Paulina gushed. Sam snorted in amusement.
"Girl, I'm gonna have to get you into a lot more black and leather before you're anywhere near punk," she teased. Paulina giggled.
"Maybe some leather pants," she mused. She shrugged. "Anywho! Elliot and I were gonna go look at the prom dresses! Wanna tag along?"
"Yeah, sounds fun!" Danny agreed.
"Yeah! I still need to get mine," Sam agreed. "I really want your opinion on a dress anyway," she said to Paulina. "Cause you know I'm going to customize mine no matter what I get."
"Yeah, I might ask you to do the same to mine, like help me tailor something if needed," Paulina mused. "I need my dress to be absolutely perfect. But we need to make another Starbucks run."
"Really?" Elliot raised an eyebrow at her. "Boo, this is your third trip today." Paulina pouted cutely at him. He playfully chuckled. "Alright, alright. I kinda want another iced coffee anyway."
"So, has Elliot talked to you about it yet?" Paulina asked, taking a long sip of her drink as they waited near the door to the popular coffee chain. Danny made a confused "hm?" noise as he took a sip of his own. "That he wanted to ask Sam to prom?"
Danny's heart stopped, and he instantly returned his attention back to the pair of goths. They were customizing their Starbucks drink at the counter, smiling happily and chatting casually about something he couldn't heart.
God, of course! Fuck, he was so focused on every other dude that he forgot that Elliot wasn't gay. God damn it, and Sam would potentially actually say yes to him too.
"Uh. Um. I-uh." Danny coughed into his elbow as he tried to think of some way to respond that sounded normal. "No, he, um. Hasn't said anything to me yet." Nice response, Fenton.
"Oh, well, be prepared I guess," Paulina replied, taking a sip of her fancy-looking pink drink in the clear plastic cup.
Danny took a huge gulp of his coffee as he tried to process it. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He needed to think of how to reply to Elliot if the guy were to actually confront him or talk to him about it. His gut twisted. How was he supposed to reply? Elliot didn't deserve to go out with his Sam. What the fuck was that moron thinking? They were just friends.
"You guys ready?" Elliot glanced over his shoulder at them.
"Yup!" Paulina chirped. Elliot walked over with them, Sam quickly behind.
"You got your hourly Starbucks?" Elliot teased her.
"Mhm!" she hummed.
"You almost need to start working at Starbucks," Elliot told her.
"But then I'd just spend the whole paycheck on Starbucks," Paulina playfully protested.
"Fair, fair," Elliot hummed.
They exited, and they all piled into Elliot's car. Danny and Sam in the back, Paulina in her normal position in the passenger's seat.
"Do you know what kind of dress you're looking for?" Paulina asked as Elliot pulled out of the parking lot. Sam nodded.
"Yeah, definitely something black or purple," she said. "I'm really into long dresses lately, so probably a long dress, but I dunno! Short dresses are cute too."
"Oh short dresses are sooo in right now," Paulina agreed. "I want a short dress! Definitely pink, I want a really cute pastel pink maybe? But any shade of pink, I think it looks best on me."
"Hmm, yeah but greens look really good on you too," Elliot spoke up. "Like pastel and light greens?"
"They do but it's prom so I really want something pink," Paulina replied.
"Hmm, I think I look good in purple and black," Sam mused. "What do I look good in Danny?"
"Purple, black, red, and green, but like? An ecto green if that makes sense?" Danny said. Sam thought about it.
"Yeah, I really do like ecto green," she agreed. She shot him a sly smile. "Reminds me of Danny Phantom. And well. Ya know. I think he's really cute." Danny flushed, shyly smiling back.
"Ugh he's sooo cute," Paulina gushed. "His eyes are the most beautiful shade of green I've ever seen. Elliot, why are your eyes so dark." Elliot chuckled.
"Cause both of my parents have dark green eyes," he replied. Paulina huffed.
"I think that was rude of you. You should have bright green eyes like the ghost boy," she said.
"Yeah, it's pretty rude," Elliot agreed. "I'll fix that tomorrow."
"Do you actually think Danny Phantom's cute?" Danny asked Sam. She smiled, giving a half-shrug.
"Absolutely one of the cutest guys I've ever seen," she confirmed.
Danny took a long drink of his coffee, hoping that chugging some of it would help explain why his cheeks were beginning to burn.
"Oh, this is sooo your color!"
"Oh my god! I love it! Do they have it in my size?"
"Hmm, um, lemme see...yeah! They do! Here!"
"Ugh I cannot wait to try it on! Oh! Oh look! Look at these sleeves, it's like a princess dress! I'm going to grab one to try it on."
"Ooo, that's going to look so good on you. Hm, I think I might try on that one too, cause it comes in dark purple and those sleeves kinda look witchy...Danny what do you think?"
Danny snapped out of his zoning out to look at Sam. The goth was holding up a short dress with long, flowy sleeves. It was a mid-dark purple and plain, though he had no doubt that Sam would likely customize it to her liking. She did that a lot with clothes.
"Yeah, looks good," he said neutrally.
"Oh, that'll look so good with your bat heels!" Elliot pipped up. Danny nearly forgot that the dude was sitting with him on what was dubbed the boyfriend bench near the dressing rooms. "Especially if you wear a corset over the midsection. Like if you found a purple version of that red one you have, with the black lace over it."
"Oo, that would potentially look so cute," Sam mused. She put the dress over her arm on top of two others. "I'm gonna go try these on."
"Oh, I should too," Paulina mused. Unlike Sam, her arms were overflowing with four, five? Danny counted at least ten different potential dresses if he went by the different looking fabrics alone.
"Yeah, you need to narrow some down," Sam told her.
"They're all just so pretty!" Paulina complained. "I wanna wear them all!"
"Well, let's just eliminate some," she suggested.
The girls went off to the dressing room, and Danny leaned back against the boyfriend bench. He pulled his phone out, and he replied to a message from Tucker and another from his mom. Man, was he not ready to face her later.
"So, Sam huh."
Danny glanced at Elliot.
"Uh, yeah. She's great," Danny replied shortly.
"She is, she is," he agreed with a slight hum. Elliot shifted to rest his elbows on his knees. "Ya know I was thinking about asking her to prom." Danny felt a lump stick in his throat.
"Really?" was all he could think to reply.
"Yeah!" Elliot smiled. "I mean, yeah. I wasn't the best dudes four years ago, but I feel a lot better about myself, ya know? I think I finally know who I am now, and I still really like Sam. She's funny, smart, really pretty. Love hanging out with her. Kinda wondering if she feels the same, and if she'd be down to go with me. What do you think?"
Danny bit his tongue to avoid an unnecessarily harsh reply, but he did get anger. How dare he. After all the lies he told Sam, and the way he lied and manipulated her. Sam deserved better than that.
"I um. I don't think you should go for it," Danny said hesitantly. Elliot raised a curious eyebrow.
"Why, did she tell you something?" he asked. "Or did somebody else ask her?"
"Um. Well, not exactly," he hesitated. Danny bit his lower lip. "I mean, I know she likes you. As a friend!" he quickly added. "But uh, I dunno man. Just don't think it's a good idea."
"What do you mean, is somebody else going to ask her?" Elliot asked.
"Why does it matter?" Danny nearly snapped. "You asked me what I thought, and I said it."
Elliot snickered in amusement, rolling his eyes. It only served to irritate Danny even more. Foreign phony. God, why did they even hang out with Elliot? Paulina and Elliot made sense, cause they were both huge prep kids and did cheerleading and soccer respectively, making them both jocks. But why did he have to hang out with Elliot. Well, because Sam and Paulina were friends now, and that meant that Danny also had to be friends with Paulina's friends. Of fucking course.
"What's so funny?" he demanded to know.
"I think I get why," Elliot smirked.
"What do you mean?" Danny questioned. Elliot just shook his head. Danny opened his mouth to question again.
"Hey! Whatcha think?"
Danny shut his mouth as Paulina bounce out in her first dress option. It was a bright pink dress that came to her knees, the skirt incredibly puffy and reminding Danny of a ballerina tutu, with inch wide straps.
"Oh, it looks so good on you boo," Elliot cooed to her. Paulina beamed, twirreling. "But that may also just be you, you look fabulous in everything." Paulina put her hands over her chest.
"Thank you," she gushed. "Can you take my photo? I wanna compare all the dresses I wear."
"Of course," Elliot agreed, pulling his phone out. He snapped a photo of her.
"Oh Sam!" Paulina squealed.
Danny noticed the goth coming out in a fully black dress that also came only to her knees, with a much slimmer skirt and short sleeves. It looked fairly plain, but man. Sam still made it look great. Danny was glad he was sitting, because he knew he was weak kneed.
Sam was smiling brightly, giving Paulina a light wave.
"I take it you like it?" Sam questioned, doing a quick turn around.
"Girl you always look so good in black," Paulina praised.
"She's sooo right," Elliot agreed. "It just looks so good on you, no matter what. Just." Elliot made a chef kiss motion. Sam flushed a light pink, and Danny glared at him. Dude, shut up. "No wonder you're goth. You were just made for black."
"I dunno, I think you're exaggerating," she replied. Sam glanced down at her outfit. "I mean, it's fairly simple. What do you think, Danny?"
Danny swallowed hard.
"Oh uh, I think it looks great!" he said, smiling brightly. Sam returned it. "I mean like. It's kinda? Plain but I know you'd make it something great. You always do." Sam hummed.
"Mm yeah. It's pretty plain, but I dunno if I wanna put in the amount of work it'd take to make this dress really poppin'," she mused. "I'm gonna go try another one on."
The two girls went back to the dressing room, and Danny could hear their lighthearted conversation. Soon as they turned the corner, he spoke up.
"What do you mean?" Danny demanded to know. Elliot snorted.
"Bro, just admit that you like her, and that you don't want me to take her to prom," he said.
"Where on earth would you get that idea!?" Danny scowled. Elliot rolled his eyes.
"Dude, you've been crazy about her since like, what? Ninth grade at the earliest? Paulina says you two have been making googly eyes at each other since like third grade," he said. Danny felt his cheeks flush. It had not been since the third grade. Had it?
"It's not like that," he insisted. "I just, you know. Really love and worry about her, she's my best friend."
"Best friends don't get worked up like this, this much, over a mutual friend asking them out."
Danny just glared at Elliot before rubbing his face with the palms of his hands. He took a deep breath, exhaling hard.
"How's it look?" Sam's voice asked. Danny glanced up, and his heart just absolutely flipped.
She looked amazing. Beautiful. Stunning. Like a plant goddess, a model, an angel. He felt like there wasn't a flaw to be found, and he had never seen somebody look more enchanting. Her dress made her look even more divine, emphasising and showing off the best parts of her. The purple matching her eyes, the dress fitting her absolutely perfect as it flowed almost to the floor and the strapless feature making her hair flow smoothly over her shoulders. This dress was perfect for her.
But none of those descriptors came out. Instead all he could do is nervously swallow, tongue tied as he felt his cheeks burn up. He struggled to pick just one of those adjectives, and his brain settled for just saying nothing at all and simply staring at her instead.
"Oh, you just look so lovely!" Elliot spoke up. He stood up, going over to walk around her. "It fits you perfect, like it hugs your hips just right and really shows off your-"
"Pretty!" Danny suddenly half-yelled. The group looked at him oddly, and he felt his face flush harder. "It makes you look pretty!"
"Thank you," Sam replied, pausing a bit as she raised an eyebrow at him.
"...Uh, yeah. Um, yes!" Elliot clasped his hands together. "Just stunning. I love this purple on you, it's such a beautiful color. This dress specifically was made for you."
"Dude, chill," Danny grumbled. Sam gave him a Look, and he flinched.
"Danny, can I talk to you for a moment?" Sam asked through gritted teeth.
He had no opportunity to respond, as she grabbed his arm, painfully hard owwie, and began to drag him away, towards another boyfriend bench near a jewelry display counter and out of earshot.
"What's going on?" Sam demanded to know. She finally let go of his arm, and he huffed for a moment. Instead of responding, he put his hands behind his head, pacing back and forth. She quickly grew impatient. "Well? Say something!"
"Elliot wants to ask you to prom!" he blurted out, letting his hands fall. Sam blinked.
"He does?" she asked, sounding clearly surprised and...not angry. Sam smiled a little. "Really?"
"Oh don't tell me you're gonna actually take that foreign phony up on the offer!" Danny snapped. Sam instantly glared at him, crossing her arms.
"Elliot's our friend, dude," Sam reminded him. "Why do you care?"
"B-b-because!" Danny's arms were moving wildly as he talked. "He lied to you for months, and you're just going to ignore all that!"
"That was years ago, and he apologized," she said. "He's more than made up for it. And he's a super sweet guy. I like him."
"You like him!?" Danny nearly shouted. Sam slapped his upper shoulder with the back of her hand.
"Calm down and lower your voice," she told him. "And well, yeah. As a friend. Maybe I kinda like him more than that too."
"What the fuck, Sam!?" Danny, in fact, did not lower his voice. He dry-heaved for a few seconds, briefly making Sam start to watch him worriedly. Finally, he took a deep breath, and he returned to a normal inside voice. "What does he have that I don't?"
She went from worried to a blank stare.
"Apparently liking me enough to say or do something, especially when I've dropped so many hints or made moves myself," she replied. She brushed past him and left, returning to their friends.
Danny found himself taking a seat on the bench as he tried to collect his thoughts and the wide range of emotions that accompanied them. He put his head in his hands, rubbing his face. God he was so fucking stupid.
"And it's just! Why him! Why Elliot?" Danny continued to vent after spilling the whole story. Jazz gave a small hum of acknowledgement as she finished writing another name out on the envelope. She set it aside for Danny. "I've liked Sam for so long, and I thought she liked me too."
"You're an idiot," Jazz immediately concluded. Danny glared at her as he folded another wedding invite, slipping it into an already addressed envelope before putting the sticker on the back to keep it sealed shut, and a stamp on the other side. Both were sitting on the floor of the apartment she shared with Spike, with each sibling on the opposite side of the coffee table, with Jazz resting her back against the couch and Danny sitting within reaching distance of their TV.
"Hey!" he protested. Jazz gave him a Look, grabbing another envelope.
"I mean it. She does like you, and she has for a while," she told him. She began to write out another address. "You just always never responded. You pushed her off in favor of another girl or because of some weird commitment issue that you seem to have going on. So be honest with me, and yourself. What's the problem?"
Danny silently folded two more invites, repeating the process of putting them in addressed envelopes and putting the sticker and stamp on.
"...I'm scared," he finally admitted.
"What of?" Jazz asked, not looking up from her activity. Danny had to really think. He casually tossed the finished wedding invite into the 'finished' basket.
"I guess just...it not working out. What if it doesn't work out? What if it drives us apart, and we lose each other?"
"You won't know that until you try," Jazz replied.
"She might also reject me, cause of the same mentality. What if she still likes Elliot more, and-"
"Danny," Jazz interrupted. She finally looked up from writing. "You will never know what the future will and won't hold. Just talk to her, and let her be part of the choice rather than blowing it all off due to fear."
He thought about it, and he gave a small sigh.
"Yeah...I think she's kinda pissed that I haven't been letting her be part of the choice anyway," he mused. He glanced at the pile of envelopes next to her. "How many invites do you have left?"
Jazz checked her list.
"Least a hundred more to go," she sighed.
"What the fuck, you have like no friends! Who are these people!?" Danny cried out. Jazz glared at him, reaching behind her to grab a pillow to hit him with.
Knock knock knock.
Danny floated awkwardly outside of her window. She didn't answer, but he could tell that she was there. Her light was clearly on, and he could hear her music playing.
Knock knock knock.
"Sam?" he called out. "Sam, can we please talk?" He knocked some more.
The longest minute of his life passed before he heard the music turn off. The curtains opened, and Sam was on the other side, staring incredibly annoyed at him. She gestured for him to come inside, and he did. His feet landed on the floor, and she reshut the curtains.
"What do you want?" she snapped. Danny exhaled deeply.
"Sam…" He took a deep breath. "I'm so sorry about how I've been acting. I've just been…"
"Stupid?" she suggested.
"Yeah. But more importantly. I." He paused. "I've been honestly such a huge coward. Still kinda am, actually. Like…" He swallowed nervously, glancing at the ground. "I've been too afraid to bring it up or to really even talk to you about it."
Sam cocked her head to the side. She took a few steps back, sitting down on her bed and patting the spot next to it.
"Talk to me," she encouraged. Danny plopped down next to her, turning human as he did so.
"I want to be with you," he said bluntly. "But just...I get so caught up in all these what-ifs. What if it doesn't work out? What if you get tired of me? What if you eventually realize that it sucks being with somebody who has to cancel dates or who ditches you because I have to stop Skulker or Technus or Ember? What if you get hurt because of me? What if…" he trailed off, not even wanting to get into deeper thoughts.
"I wish you had told me this sooner," Sam spoke softly. "We could have talked about it." Danny sighed.
"I know, I know. I just." He rubbed the palms of his hands up and down his thighs as he tried to provide some kind of a rational answer. "I'm afraid. Even now. I don't want to lose you."
"You're not going to lose me," Sam reassured him. She put her hand on top of one of his, and he stopped. "You're one of my best friends, and I love you so much."
"...I love you too," he confessed. He turned his wrist, moving to intertwine their fingers together. "I can't imagine a future without you being there in some way. And I just...I guess I've always been worried about you not wanting to be there anymore."
"I'll always want to be there," she smiled. She leaned in, lightly pecking his cheek. He sighed deeply in relief. "Even if we tried, and we found that it didn't work, that doesn't mean we can't still be friends after. But we'll never really know unless...you know. We tried."
"So, I guess that means that um...you'd be interested in maybe going to prom with me?" he asked.
"Of course, ya dingus." She lightly tapped his new nose ring. "So. How much trouble are you in with your mom?" Danny flinched.
"Man, let's just say I'm surprised she didn't fully kill me."
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ukaidilf · 4 years
hi lovely!! sorry to hear youre snowed in :( ive barely ever seen snow but it seems scary in excess.
as for requests and such i was thinking of kuroo or saeko (i love her sm pls) dating an s/o who dresses alt (like layering, mom jeans, and chains) seeing them dressed up in like a tight outfit for the first time and their brain kinda short-circuits LOL idk i think its cute when theyre flustered :’)
hi! being snowed in isn’t too bad! just means no school or work, but gets tiring after awhile! this idea is so good omg- you are a genius.
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(some fit inspo~!)
kuroo would 100% have a “goth gf.” or alt, or e-girl, or whatever. he doesn’t really care who he dates as long as they breathe.
kuroo always hyped you up. he loved your body and praised you no matter what you wore. while he waited for you at the park, a picnic all spread out (because he was just cheesy like that!) he stared as his phone. “hey kuroo!” he looked up expecting you to be in your usual. some loose fitting jeans, maybe even sweatpants. usually with a sweatshirt or big shirt thrown on top. but this time, he bounced over to him with a smile on your face in a sheer top with a bralette underneath, as well as a pair of your usual jeans. “h-hey y/n chan!” he smiled, forcing the words through. it wasn’t that he didn’t like the outfit, it was that he definitely was not expecting it today. “It’s hot out, isn’t it?” you sighed, wiping a drop of sweat off of your brow while sitting down on the blanket. kuroo still stared at you, with an almost shocked expression. “what is it?? is there something wrong?” you asked worriedly, tilting your head. “you’re so..exposed y/n chan! anyone can see you!” he blabbered, obviously slightly irked by your outfit choice. “but it’s HOT kuroo!” “YEAH that’s not the only thing that’s hot! you look beautiful! but you’re MY chibi-chan! I don’t want anyone else-“ “Oh kuroo! shut up and show me what you packed!” you leaned over and kissed him, “of course i’m yours! now just let me look hot for you!” crimson spread across his face as he rubbed his neck, “okay, my beautiful chibi-chan. you look great.”
LESBIAN GF SAEKO <3 she is so hot! and gay. did i mention she’s a lesbian? anyways here’s her reacting to ur fit!
saeko was what they call... a simp. she was always dragging you around for dates. this particular night she texted you and told you she was taking you out to eat. she had texted you “dress cute y/n chan!” then another message came through, “scratch that, you always look cute, fancy yourself up for me will ya?” you had never worn anything particularly fancy in front of her. so tonight you pulled out a sleek black tight dress and threw something simple on over it. you heard her pull up and picked up your things before heading out and locking the door behind you. “hot DAMN!” you stopped and looked back at her in which she was leaning out the window, motioning for you to come to her. “oh stop it saeko!” you laughed getting into her car. “hell no i won’t stop! are you kidding me? you look AWESOME!” she grabbed your face and kissed you before leaning over and putting the car in drive. “my hot ass girlfriend. I’m so lucky.” she put her hand on your thigh before pulling out.
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Babysitter (pt 9)
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Thor (Ragnarok) - fanfiction
Pt 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 
Summary: A Loki interlude.
Characters: Hela, Loki
Word Count: 2,111
Warnings: Idk, swearing?
Loki was incredibly annoyed at the current situation. 
He’d woken up on a random, clunky spaceship with a pounding head and a bruised neck. He remembered the world going blank and being quite certain that he’d been dead until, frustratingly so, his lungs gasped for the most painful breath he’d ever taken. 
A janky pirate ship had snatched him from floating in space amongst the debris, stripped him of his armour -no doubt to sell or melt down into other knick knacks- and left him in the back amongst the cargo. They’d presumed he was dead, so when he had woken up, they had a bit of a shock. 
Not a word was comprehensible, Loki couldn't understand whatever gibberish language they spoke, so he ignored them and shuffled to their food supply. That got him a whack on his back from a whip and a kick to the back of the knees. 
Trying to take back his armour also earned him a few bruises. They didn’t seem very dangerous, but quite a nuisance. 
Amongst the cargo he found familiar debris that struck an icy chord inside Loki. There were piles of Asgardian clothing- ripped and filthy, but Asgardian nonetheless. Bags with very few belongings, and metal scraps of the ship they had been on. 
It didn’t take a genius to figure out that the remainder of the ship of refugees was probably lost. When the pirates began to beat him again for rummaging through their stuff, a rusty old pipe amongst the stolen goods helped quiet them down immensely. 
With his kidnappers knocked out, Loki scarfed down what measly rations they had and set course for Earth at light speed -well, the closest speed they got to light speed which was more like a quick paced jog. 
He tied up the crew and tossed them in the back, and lounged in the cockpit as the ship traveled on autopilot, picking scraps of food from between his teeth. 
Communications on this ship were absolute garbage, he concluded. There was barely any signal and he couldn’t figure out where the closest planet was. So, he took a nap, ate some more food, and tried not to think too much about the harrowing experience of Thanos choking him to death.
Hours later, they entered a very familiar atmosphere. Loki let the ship crash-land, grabbed a bag of few supplies and hopped out just before they hit the ground. 
He marched on through the thicket of trees where they landed. Angry shouts that were no doubt curse words echoed from the smoking ship as he left them behind and tried to gather his bearings. 
An old cabin was the first building he saw. With a rusty dagger at the ready, he inspected the home around the back, looking for a vehicle he could take, something to get him moving faster than his legs, when suddenly a high pitched shriek nearly shattered his eardrums.
A young girl, no older than six, was staring at him with big brown eyes. Rain boots covered in mud, an aged stuffy in her hands. Loki put his finger to his lips, dreading that he was going to have to kill the girl before she gave him away or screamed bloody murder. 
“Daddy! There’s an Avenger in the yard!” she sped off towards a shed, where there was a light on inside. Loki’s shoulders slumped in disappointment. Whatever outcome he was expecting, this was by far the worst. 
“I’m not- fuck.”
He shoved the dagger away and out of sight and stomped towards the shed, fuming with annoyance. He was about to go off at the man for letting his daughter talk to random strangers and how he certainly was not an Avenger, but the man in question had a large saw in hand and about 200 pounds of muscle to carry, so he snapped his mouth shut. 
“Oh, hello there,” he said, his daughter bouncing about the workshop. “What brings one of you all the way out here?”
“And where exactly is out here?” Loki asked.
“Canada! What, you superheroes never been to Canada before? Always hanging around New York, eh? Are you taking a trip or something?”
“No. I, uh, crash-landed here.”
“From space?” the girl piped up, gawking.
“Yes, from space,” Loki said through gritted teeth. “Fighting angry aliens.”
“I told you, Daddy! He’s a hero!”
“I bet you’re trying to find your way to America, then? Lord knows why, there’s all kinds of weird things happening around town nowadays.”
“What do you mean?”
“Half the world’s gone! Poof! Just like that, some alien business I bet.”
“Are you going to save us from them?” his daughter asked again. Loki sighed.
“I’ll try my best. Now, can you please show me how to get to New York as fast as possible?”
The lumberjack’s husband took Loki and his daughter in his jeep and drove a merry long way to the nearest airport. On the way, the little girl asked him all sorts of questions about the Avengers, that he could only half-answer.
“Is it true Thor is super powerful?”
“Well. He's not that powerful. He just uses a hammer. Anyone with a hammer can use it as a weapon and suddenly be considered powerful.”
“I wish I had a super powerful hammer. Then my brothers would stop teasing me so much.”
“Hey,” her second father softly scolded.
“They’re mean!”
“Sibling feuds? I know the feeling,” Loki muttered.
“Do you have siblings, Mr. Avenger?”
“Sure do,” he smiled wryly. “Absolute bullies.”
“Me too!”
“Hey now, let our guest settle down a bit,” her dad said. “She gets a little excited around new people, so sorry.”
“It’s no problem.”
“The local airport’s just up here. It’ll take you to Detroit, and then you gotta get a connection flight to New York.”
“Thank you,” Loki said, genuinely.
“Why are you going to New York, Mr. Avenger?”
“To find my siblings,” Loki sighed. “At least, one of them should still be there.”
“But they’re mean to you?”
“Yeah,” Loki pondered as the car came to a stop. “But they’re family. I suppose.”
A few cunning lies and disguises later, Loki was suddenly landing in New York, amidst chaos. It had been a few days since he’d woken up, and apparently a few days since what they call the ‘Blip’. Humans clearly don’t like having their realities altered. 
Your home was abandoned. Alfred didn't even greet Loki at the door, and no amount of pulling and prying opened it for him. The lights were off, and he feared the worst.
It wasn’t until he was in the streets and overhead muttering about some crazy goth lady terrorizing a nearby street that Loki thought he had finally found something.  
He marched down the street until, to his surprise, he found Hela sitting hunched on the side walk, scowling and daring anyone to come close to her. She looked incredibly tired and disheveled, but her eyes were clear and angry, and recognized her idiot brother immediately. 
“What the hell brought you back here?” Hela snarled. 
“A toddler’s wisdom, if you’ll believe it,” Loki said, ignoring her glare as he sat down next to her. 
“You look like shit.”
“Thanks. So do you.”
Hela grumbled. 
“Have you eaten?”
“Since when did you become Mother? I don't need your help.”
“Really?” Loki picked up a filthy scoop from a pile of three ice cream tubs that were fully devoured. He dangled it from his fingertips for a moment, pulling a face. “I think you do.”
“You’re supposed to be dead.”
“Glad to see you too, sister.”
Silence. Hela really did look like shit, Loki noted. Her hair was mussed, and there were rips and broken pieces in her armour, reminiscent of the time they’d met. She had to be weak not to bother fixing it with her powers, or was just too preoccupied to even think to fix it. 
“Where’s Y/N?” Loki asked. 
“Beats me.”
“Did you kill her?”
Hela’s eyes snapped to his, a sudden fire in them. “How dare you say that?”
“Well, her home is abandoned and no one answered the door, and you’re here  cowering like a criminal. One makes conclusions.”
Something changed in her expression, and she turned her body to face him. “Abandoned?”
Loki frowned, “yes. Didn't you know?”
“No- I.. I’ve been here, the last time I saw her...” 
Hela jumped to her feet, nearly kicking Loki in the process. “That bastard, he took her, didn’t he? Him and his awful, forsaken pieces of shit he calls friends.”
“Our darling brother,” she spat. “He came in and- and threatened me, and then took her from me.”
She paced in front of him, green fire trailing behind her heels, hot with anger. She had expected you to come find her, take her back to your home, make her feel safe. But when you never came she had assumed you had abandoned her. Now, knowing Thor had taken you instead, filled her with rage.
“Where does your little posse hang out, hm? Some supposed secret lair? A great big castle in the sky?”
Loki blinked at her, at her sudden outbursts, at the scared glances from passerbys, and didn’t know what to say.
“Fine then, I’ll get her myself,” she growled, turning away from him. 
Loki nearly let her walk away, let her walk into whatever doom she was getting  herself into, but with a groan and a mad realization, he knew she was the only one he could rely on right now.
“Wait,” he said, reluctantly, hurrying after her and grabbing her arm. “You can’t just go running off. Tell me what happened.”
Hela spat at his feet. “I don’t need to tell you anything.”
“You care about her, don't you? Y/N? Why else would you want to ‘rescue’ her from our brother?”
“Be silent,” she hissed.
“No, no, I’m right, aren’t I? You care for her, but you messed up, and now you have no one on your side. That’s why you left, and that’s why Thor had to take her.”
Hela yanked her arm away before Loki could see her face, but he knew what she felt; remorse, and loss. 
“Tell me.”
And so, reluctantly, knowing she had no other choice, Hela sat him down, this time on an actual park bench rather than the ground. She told him what had happened, how her mistrust had turned to affection for you, and how Thanos had destroyed everything in the end, and how the Avengers had fought her out of fear.
“I know the feeling,” Loki agreed, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, watching an elderly lady feed a bunch of pigeons as if nothing drastic had happened to the world the past few days. 
“And now I don't know where she is, and she probably hates me, but who am I to blame her for that?”
“If I know anything about Y/N, is that she cares about everyone, but it takes a lot more to win her love. She doesn’t hate you. She’s just afraid. I mean, you did after all break her window and run off into nowhere.”
Hela stayed quiet, made an annoyed sound in her throat, and looked away.
“I’m starving, how did you get all that ice-cream? Why not an actual meal? Or were you just eating your feelings?”
“Y/N doesn’t like it when I kill people, so it was either massacre the street or steal their dairy products,” Hela bristled. 
“Fair enough.”
“Now what, hm? You come out here, seemingly from the dead, chastise me for messing up, and now judge my diet? What do you really want, Loki?”
“Not sure, to be perfectly honest,” Loki said. “I thought I was dead, and then I wasn’t. Frankly, my priorities are shifting.”
“And what is your current priority?”
“Getting you back to Y/N so you stop moping around and fix this.”
“And how do you suppose we do that?”
Loki grinned, standing up. His armour shimmered and regained its full glamour; horned helmet and deep green cloak. 
“Taking notes from me, are we?” Hela grumbled. Loki glared at her.
“I was wearing this look long before you got here. Now, get up, we’re going to infiltrate the Avengers and give you your romantic happily-ever-after so you stop being such a pain in everyone’s neck.”
“You think we’ll just be able to get in? You really are as mad as Father was.”
“I’ve broken into quite a few places over the years, I’ll have you know. I’m the God of Mischief after all.”
“Am I supposed to be impressed?” Hela stood, her own armour strengthening again. 
“Shut it.”
A/N: Loki is not dead! I know he’s technically alive in an alternate universe or whatever.. but I wanted the Odin Trio to be together sooooo here we are. Let me know what you think!!
taglist: @midnight-lestrange​​ @cheerfullyvenomous​ @germansarechill​@gaylorrds @amii-nyc​ @waitingfortheendtocome​ @novakitten0901​@marvels-writings​ 
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beholdthesword · 3 years
My brain came up with the dumbest griddlehark meet cute au idea this morning: carnival AU
Hear me out:
Harrow and ianthe are reluctant roommates
Ianthe drags harrow out to the carnival/fair and harrow is like ‘wow this is terrible I hate it here’ and just sulks the entire time
Ianthe is bored bc harrow isn’t enjoying herself and so for amusement she’s like hey harrow I bet you can’t ride the tilt-o-whirl without puking and harrows like wtf why would I even try to do that and ianthe is like it’s okay if you’re to weak to do it we can’t all be super strong willed like me (plus I’ll pay your portion of the rent this month) and harrow is like ugh okay fine
harrow is at the front of the line and Gideon tries to make small talk bc she’s like oh shit look at this cute lil goth girl in my line but harrow is like no thank and just flat out ignores her
Gideon just shrugs like okay fine w/e but then as the night goes on she sees harrow go through the line a few more times and is like huh that’s weird but okay guess she really likes this ride
At some point maybe harrows fourth go around she tries again to make small talk
“So, I’ve noticed you keep coming back. Is this you favorite ride? I personally prefer the roller coasters, myself, higher thrill and all” and harrow straight up is like I don’t like rides
And so Gideon is like okay what the hell is going on
Luckily after this ride, cam comes to replace her as ride operator for her break
And Gideon doesn’t go far just watching harrow go through the line yet again but this time she notices harrow stumbling on her way out, like a lot and says fuck it and goes to help her
“Hey are you okay?” “I’m fine” “if you don’t like rides why in the hell did you get on five times??” “My bitch ass roommate bet me the rent money that I couldn’t do it without vomiting” harrow says while leaning heavily on Gideon and dry heaving (lol)
Harrow grins and reveals “it’s pretty easy to not puke when you haven’t eaten all day” and Gideon is shook like ‘omg bitch what you need to eat it’s like 9pm’
So she drags this poor dizzy goth to her favorite food stand to get some food in her system before she passes out
And she takes her to (of course) a griddle cake stand (palamedes works there and knows them both but says nothing bc he’s a professional, he does gossip with cam later though)
And as they eat Gideon is like “um there’s a pasty angry blonde woman that’s been watching us eat” and harrow turns and sees ianthe like two tables behind them just glaring and harrow gives her the finger and says “yeah that’s my bitch roommate, she probably mad I didn’t puke”
And Gideon looks over again at ianthe and is like “mmm pretty sure she’s pissed because I swooped in to save you - think she’s got the hots for you” and harrow chokes on a cake
And then Gideon says “you know what would really piss her off? If you agreed to go on a real date with me, preferably one not at my place of work”
And harrow really is t like into dating but is very intrigued by this very tall, muscled lady who likes thrill rides but also rescues stumbling fairgoers while on her break and takes them to her favorite food stand time plus it would piss off ianthe bc this griddle cake girl is basically the antithesis of her
So harrow hands over her phone for Gideon’s number and puts the name as first name ‘griddle’, last name ‘cakes’ and Gideon laughs when she leans across the table to see and harrows like “well, you haven’t told me your name yet so this what you get’ and Gideon’s like oh shit true I’m Gideon and harrow is like ‘harrowhark, but you can call me harrow’
(I imagine that harrow is v formal with most people and insists on using her full name, she absolutely hates it when ianthe calls her Harry and routinely destroys ianthes belongings around the apartment ‘on accident’ because of it which backfires a little bc ianthe is loaded and just buys more stuff to replace it)
Can’t decide if I want harrow to stay until gideon gets off work, making ianthe go home alone or if harrow does go home with ianthe and just refuses to respond to any of ianthes questions about Gideon on the way home and ianthe comes home and slams her bedroom door in frustration like a lil toddler tantrum
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