#If anyone wants to know why I see her as the MC I’ll gladly explain in a reblog btw
no1ryomafan · 9 months
“If I had a nickel for every time Jun Kawagoe directed a mecha that’s consider “manly” but the main character feels more like the female led due to her getting more general focus in the plot then the boys even though she gets one real fight and isn’t the focus in the promotional work, I’d have two nickels-“
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Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 309: Gotta Go My Own Way
Previously on BnHA: Muscular was all “well if it isn’t the protagonist on his solo journey of self-discovery, for some reason I’m unironically glad I get to fight you!” Deku was all “hey Muscular before I finish kicking your ass would you please take a moment to answer these two survey questions? Question one, do you regret being a total piece of shit? And question two, if you could do anything at all in the world other than being a total piece of shit, would you?” Muscular was all, “pfft, no and no.” Deku was all, “thanks buddy, your feedback helps make me a better hero, here’s a coupon for fifteen percent off your next ass-whooping.” Then he whooped his ass.
Today on BnHA: Deku is all “what up All Might can you believe you’ve been here this entire time?” All Might is all “I sure can since that’s literally my catch phrase, anyway how are your magic movie 1 gauntlets holding up?” Deku is all “they’re holding up fine, how are Hawks, Endeavor, and Best Jeanist doing?” Hawks, Endeavor, and Best Jeanist are all “we, your fellow co-conspirators, are also doing fine, thanks for asking!” Flashback!Deku is all “anyway so I secretly have All Might’s quirk and the most dangerous people in the world are after me, so sorry mom but that’s why I’m dropping out of school.” Inko is all “I CAN’T ACCEPT THAT” while totally accepting it. All Might is all “I GUESS WE’LL JUST HAVE TO GO ALONG WITH IT SINCE I DON’T FEEL LIKE TRYING TO STOP HIM.” Hawks, Jeanist, and Endeavor, as previously mentioned, are all “yeah that sounds like a good plan”, and Gran is all “see ya kid, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” So basically everyone in the entire world has suddenly teamed up with Deku to defeat AFO, except for the one person whose entire foreshadowed endgame is “teaming up with Deku to defeat AFO.” O Kacchan where art thou.
dear tumblr image limit: okay look. you don’t like me, and I don’t like you. but just as an experiment, I’m gonna try writing this recap with as few images as possible and we’ll see how it goes
(ETA: spoilers for how it went: it didn’t, lol.)
oh my god WHY ARE WE OPENING WITH MORE KETSUBUTSU ACADEMY KIDS.ffs we’d better at least finally get some Ms. Joke content out of this
(ETA: seriously who do I have to bribe.)
so these two KB kids who no one cares about are watching Deku leap away from the scene after dispatching Muscular. but more importantly wtf is this chapter title omg. “I can’t stay being a child” so that’s how it is huh. we’re gonna have feels and we’re going to like them. well then
oh my god he’s hauling Muscular away dhfksklfkh okay this is gonna have to be our first image because I can’t fucking help myself. look at this
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just. Deku is so tiny and he’s carting away this massive unconscious lump of a man like it’s nothing why is this so funny to me. it’s like when people buy furniture, and they don’t want to pay extra for delivery and so they’re like, “I can definitely fit this king-sized mattress in the back of my compact sedan if I fold the fucking seat down, idk.” and they refuse to be talked out of it, and the next thing you know you’re watching them drive home with their open trunk door haphazardly tied down with bungee cords, and somehow it fucking works. because it turns out the compact sedan has super strength
anyway for SOME REASON now Horikoshi is all “have fun with that Deku, meanwhile we now return you to your regularly scheduled SHINDOU CONTENT” whyyyyyy
look at this. we’re really using up a whole fucking entire page on everyone arguing over who gets the honor of carrying Shindou
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love how the civilians are all, “shit lol is this actually our fault?? quick, how do we play this off all casual like we were the reasonable parties here all along”
turns out all it took to finally get them to listen was making them watch while a kid got his insides ground into a pulp because of their stupidity!! what a heartwarming conclusion to this little standoff
anyways THANK GOD we’re cutting back to Deku now!! well actually we’re cutting back to Muscular who is being dropped off at the police precinct, good bye and good riddance lol
so Deku’s leaving him there and bounding away and okjdlSKFJLKJDSL OH MY GOD
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no fucking way. no fucking way this little jaunt is All Might-sanctioned and approved. are you serious?? then who else is in on this?? what the hell is going on
so All Might is just WAITING FOR HIM IN AN ALLEY FFF WHO ARE YOU, JIM GORDON. or would Alfred be a better analogy here?? but like, Alfred if he ditched the suit for a moto jacket and shades
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this new ensemble of All Might’s may or may not severely impact my ability to take this forthcoming conversation seriously; please stand by
also, quite the spectacular landing there, Deku. seriously lol what was that
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are these the same gauntlets from the first movie, then? well that’s all well and good, except that now there’s going to be more Deku Discourse than fucking ever lol. so if it’s all the same to you guys, I’m gonna once again go ahead and declare this week’s post a discourse-free zone, at least when it comes to the specific discourse of Deku’s merits as a MC, and the impact that him kicking ass and having working arms has on said merits. this has been something of a low mental energy week for me, so I’d rather reserve the energy I do have for more fun topics, such as All Might’s bitchin’ leather jacket
anyway so All Might’s saying that the gauntlets will help reinforce Deku’s arms, but they can’t withstand OFA at 100%. so basically it’s a support item designed to maintain the status quo lol. we’re basically in the same situation we were before, arm-capability-wise
homg All Might’s getting a call. time to see who else is in on Operation: Deku Alone?? or not so alone for that matter
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(ETA: seriously are they really gone for good?? why would he even be back on active duty then?? does he have his own American ex-boyfriend who can hook him up with exclusive support items?? dammit Horikoshi we want answers.)
looks like Jeanist and Endeavor are teaming up as well, just like they said they would. I would gladly follow this trio around all day long tbh
is this the same giant villain from the very first chapter??
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looks like it to me, and it would tie in with that callback from the end of chapter 306. we all thought that was Muscular, but maybe it was this guy, and Deku left these three to deal with him while he ran off to take Muscular down
oh my god now Deku is running off again just like that
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kids these days
ffffff I have not had nearly enough sleep to follow along with whatever tf Hawks is talking about here sob
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like, is he trying to say that All Might is keeping Deku’s whereabouts unknown to anyone except for him?? in order to keep him safe?? but Hawks is pointing out that that’s a bad strategy and probably won’t do shit against AFO and it’s better if he lets Deku work with the rest of them?
(ETA: so @hanashimas​’ translation makes a lot more sense -- it’s not All Might who’s being overprotective, but Deku. in other words he’s trying not to drag All Might into his battles. and in addition Hawks is saying that their strategy is to take the offensive and go after AFO themselves rather than wait for him to come to them. which I’m not too sure about myself, but that’s another topic for another day.)
btw I can’t help thinking how much better this entire conversation would be if All Might was still wearing his sunglasses. put them back on my dude. it’s not too late. embrace your inner badass
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“turns out, we were just trying to scare you straight. fuck lot of good that did though lol”
also what is this. one true love: the hospital bed. is that a scanlator joke or is Horikoshi actually that funny omg
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ITSA ME!! omg I love this hospital so much. though it’s sure not helping me in my quest to try and keep this post below ten images. I’m already up to eleven haha r.i.p. to me if tumblr doesn’t get its shit together
whaaaaaat, so he’s saying that Deku’s injuries were external (i.e. Tomura beating the shit out of him) rather than internal this time?? whaaaaat. excuse me but that’s some bullshit lmao. believe me, I was there
okay now he’s going on to explain that Deku’s “internal structure” seems to have been protected from the inside and out, and the corresponding panel seems to be implying that using Blackwhip as a brace paid off. huh
and also that his body is just stronger now?? so I guess he’s better able to withstand the quirk after an additional year of training?? I’M NOT SURE IF I BUY ANY OF THIS LOL but I’m willing to suspend my disbelief
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what is this soft pop beat that’s suddenly being pumped in over the speakers. I’VE GOT TO MOVE ON~ AND BE WHO~ I~ AM~~~, I JUST DON’T BELONG HERE, I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAAAAAAAND. also, follow-up question, when is Kacchan finally going to come back so he can jump in with the “WHAT ABOUT US~~~” bridge, huh. come the fuck on, Horikoshi
lmao All Might jesus christ
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but given that it’s a stupid-ass decision...
anyway, yes!! finally that sweet, sweet “I don’t want to put anyone else in danger” angst!!
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mmm that’s good angst Brent. Kacchan with center panel honors as usual, you love to see it. anyways though who do I have to yell at to get Deku a goddamn HUG around here seriously
so Inko is of course reacting with panic, and sensibly saying that she doesn’t approve of Deku’s “RUN AWAY AND FIGHT THE BAD GUYS ALL ON MY OWN, DON’T WORRY MOM I’LL JUST GET STRONGER, EASY AS PIE, IT’S A FOOLPROOF STRATEGY” plan
son of a bitch this manipulative green asshole is really gonna sit here and smile fondly at his mom and try to convince her that he’s Not A Little Kid Anymore. the hell you’re not mister
y'all are really just gonna sit there and let him talk you into this?? surely it can’t be that easy??
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anyway sob so that’s the story of how Deku talked his parents into letting him drop out of school, and even convinced All Might to be his own personal Guy In The Chair. holy shit. this kid really went and rolled a nat 20 and the rest of them had no choice but to fold without argument
meanwhile here’s a panel of Best Jeanist trying to braid his phone into his hair just cuz
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I’m dying to know which part of his language he considers to be crude here. you literally didn’t even use a contraction my guy
so now flashback!Deku is talking to Gran in the dark, and Gran is all “can you believe I’m not fucking dead yet lol that’s too funny. anyway, you sure I can’t interest you in killing Tomura after all?? no?? okay then here’s my cape.” truly a heartwarming scene
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I’m kind of torn here tbh. on the one hand, my adhd ass wasn’t all that interested in sitting down and having an extended scene between these two when there’s so much else that I want to get to. but on the other hand, even I can admit that cramming this entire reunion into a single page seems just a BIT rushed. idk. like maybe someone can let Horikoshi know it’s a marathon and not a race. Deku didn’t even get any dialogue here, some of us want to know his thoughts!! but anyway
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how did all four of them let him con them into this. I literally just watched it happen and I still can’t figure out how. “I GUESS THIS SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD HIGH SCHOOL DROPOUT IS OUR LEADER NOW” ffflfjf. when Aizawa finds out he’s gonna go apeshit. AND DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON BAKUGOU KATSUKI, WHO I HAVE BEEN ASSURED DOES IN FACT STILL EXIST. WHAT ABOUT USSSSS, WHAT ABOUT EVERYTHING WE’VE BEEN THROUGH. WHAT ABOUT TRUST???! YOU KNOW I NEVER WANTED TO HURT YOUUUUU
btw lol don’t get me wrong, I am enjoying this, and I’m honestly glad Deku’s not alone because that would suck for him! but that said, Hawks and Jeanist have lost any credibility they might have once had as far as being The Responsible Ones, and as for All Might and Endeavor, fucking hell lol. everyone just deposited all of their fucks in a bank somewhere for safekeeping and decided to never look back. godspeed you mad lads
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alexlabhont · 3 years
I didn’t mean to fall in love with you
Chapter eleven
Book: Queen B - Choices (Universe)
Pairing:  Poppy Min-Sinclair x Trans!Male MC (Beck Hughes)
Genre: Canon re-write (Because I can)
Rating: Anyone can read it, really
Tags: @dopeyouth @theymakemegayer @save-me-the-last-dance @poppysmc (If anyone want to be tagged in or removed, just tell me)
This is me trying to write by and for the Trans community, specially FTM community, meaning, trans guys, but I actually took the liberty to use They/them pronouns for everyone out there who´s interested (Also, the name Beck was the most neutral one I could find, trying to use the cannon Bea Hughes)
If you have any comment, PLEASE BE RESPECTFULL and patient with me. This is also my first english fanfic and english is not my mother language, so… i’m sorry fo the grammar errors. I also installed recently Grammary, so… hope its worth it.
This chapter contains some sensitive topics about tragedies and sex insinuations, I really didn't want to write it down with details both out of respect. I mean, personally, I didn't want to explain what's "under" in a fanfic, but if you do have doubts or curiosity, ask away in chat, especially if you are starting hormones, there is a lot for you to know about down there because it definitely changes something. Also, this other topic might touch a nerve and I really didn't do it without respect to the victims, so I'm sorry if it feels like that.
Staten Island it’s the third-largest borough in New York, but it is the least populated. The northern part of the island is the most urbanized, with some areas of somewhat decayed housing blocks that didn’t attract attention at all. It was… ok? quiet? She wasn’t sure exactly what to say about that place, but what was another thing she wasn’t sure about? Well...
“Are you not going to tell me what are we doing?” Poppy asked once again, feeling irritated as they both walked through the breeze but warm streets. At first, she thought they were taking the bus but Beck asked something to a random guy and started walking for a really, really long time, what was all this about? Beck looked tense, kind of nervous, and that alone made her feel strange, unnerved. "Are you alright?" Poppy asked again, but this time she sounded worried.
"Yeah, I'm just…" They exhaled in an attempt to draw their nerves away from themself. "I'm pretty nervous. I've never done this before." Beck chuckled.
"Do what?" Poppy frowned, curiosity floating in her mind strongly, to be honest, she had never seen them so tense before, even though they were trying to look calm. Beck smirked and took her by the hand.
"Come on, I have to show you something."
"Is it too far?"
"Are you already tired?" Beck replied, mocking her with that sassy smile of theirs.
"Me? Absolutely no." She said, raising an eyebrow. "I could literally go for miles."
"I'll have to prove that myself." Beck winked and she couldn't help but laugh.
"You're a dimwit."
"Yeah" they shrugged. "I'm cute, though.”
“Barely.” She rolled her eyes, trying to suppress a smile but failing in the process so Beck laughed at it. Suddenly an unexpected drop felt swiftly in her nose, making her look up to the sky where a big, grey cloud was still above their heads. Soon, she felt raindrops in her hair, her clothes, her shoes!
“Oh, shoot. This is not good…” Beck said while they both walked faster, reaching out for cover in a shop awning.
“You think? These Jimmy choo are not even in the market yet!”
“Well, we don’t want them to be ruined, don’t we?."
"Of course not! What kind of dumb ques—"
Poppy didn't get to end the sentence, Beck took her by the wrist and started running full speed and nonstop. "Beck!" She screamed, the rain pouring down her body while that asshole laughed like a devilish kid. "Beck Hughes, let go of me this instant!!"
"We're almost there!" She heard them saying without turning to see her.
"Where are you taking me?!"
Beck slowed down little by little until they both stopped in front of a tiny, old, yellow house with barely two floors. Beck took the keys out of their pockets and opened the door, allowing Poppy to get inside the dark and quiet place.
“So… here we are.” Beck spoked turning on the lights.
The place that received them was the living room, but it was not an ordinary living room, it had neon lights currently exposing a purple color, a keyboard piano, a couple of guitars, and an old-fashioned mended couch with a lot of patches over black leather that actually looked really well together. The walls were exhibiting posters, framed cool landscape black and white photographs, and a Youtube silver plaque. She recognized the place right away.
“Wait… this is the place where you record your music.” She asked. Poppy watched Beck’s videos a lot recently at first the blonde was searching for information, then, to find a flaw to criticize with Chloe, but sooner rather than later Poppy found out… Beck was actually a really good musician, so sometimes when she was completely sure she was alone she’d listen to their songs while doing cardio or homework or whatever she was doing. “I was wondering where you found the location.”
“Yes… but also no. I mean, I do the videos here, but I have an audio booth upstairs. It’s actually a quiet neighborhood so it came in handy.” Beck took off their jacket, reaching out their hand to ask for Poppy’s. They both were wet, but not a lot, her shoes survived perfectly because they entered the house before a loud thunder sounded, followed by a deluge. “Damn, we do really dodge a bullet out there.”
“Yeah.” Poppy said, hugging herself. Without her coat, she felt a little cold. “Do you own this place?”
"No, this is my uncle’s." Beck whispered with reverence and a sad smile on their face. "My dad's little brother. He passed away."
"I— I'm sorry, Beck…" she managed to say, clueless about what exactly would someone do in this kind of situation.
"I didn't remember much about him, but my mom says he used to make these guitars out of plastic bottles as gifts for me to play them. She said I would go to the kitchen and play one for her to hear. She also said the sound was awful and she begged him to stop making them." Beck's smile was soft, turning on the heating, proud even though they were chuckling a little, spreading the same smile to Poppy. " 'I'm telling you, this little pal has talent.' he would say."
"Sounds to me like he made it to annoy your mom instead." Poppy said jokingly.
"Totally, he was a prankster." Beck replied, the emotions coming out from their eyes were difficult to tell. "And was one of the few dudes back at Farmsville that didn't want to settle down. The black sheep in every family… and the reason why my parents didn't want me to be here." Beck clutched their jaw, walking away from there to the kitchen. Poppy followed them in silence, feeling like it was something very private for Beck, seeing that vulnerable side of them again, but not hiding this time. "He was murdered years ago here in New York in a shooting. In Farmsville shootings don’t happen, so… They said it was dangerous going out of the farm to the big cities. That he brought this on himself... Took this out of the wrong way." The anger in Beck's voice was palpable in the air.
"Seriously? How can they be so selfish?" Poppy asked, how can someone be so fucking self-centered and dumbass to take a tragedy and blame it on one family member? She thought these things happened exclusively around that bunch of tight-ass people inside her parents’ social circle, but not inside a family farm.
"Back at home is different from here. Is a small town where everyone knows each other. They love routine and hard work and the good customs and shit… So when anyone goes against it… well— it's not funny."
Something clicked inside Poppy's mind.
"But then… How are you here?" Beck smiled but it didn't reach out to their sad eyes.
"Because I almost got killed."
Shock. Poppy couldn't help but feel agitated, her heart pounding loud against her chest and that same protective feeling that almost made her stab Bennett crawled its way towards her own core.
"What?" Poppy babbled, froze. Beck shrugged, with a weird grin as if they didn't know where to start, they caressed their neck, searching for the better way to put the puzzle together. They reach out for Poppy's hand, and she took it right away intertwining her fingers with Beck's.
"Coffee?" They asked. "It seems we will be stuck in here for a while.”
"It sounds nice." The words abandoned her mouth so fast that she even surprised herself, another red alarm ringed inside her mind, but now was not the time, so she ignored it again. Beck smiled and turned on a little coffee maker, bringing two mugs in silence. They both sat down on the surprisingly comfortable couch, Beck’s eyes were attentive at the black drink and the tension was still over their shoulders, she could see it so easily that Poppy wished for someone to take that weight out of Beck, so she took both cups and put them aside, sitting over Beck’s lap and intertwining her fingers with theirs, playing with them. Beck smiled a little and took a deep breath.
"I started to realize something was off inside of me when I was in high school. I mean, ‘till that day I was considered normal. I was the kind of child that played sports, climbed trees, and did hard work gladly. You know, average farm kid." Beck said, but even as they seemed to be calm, Poppy could feel the sweat in their palm, and a little shivering all over their body. "But I grow older and changes came, and puberty and—"
"Hey" Poppy stopped them from talking faster and faster. "You don't have to"
"I want to. " Beck interrupted, begging Poppy with their eyes. "I want you to know my past. I mean… if you want me to tell you, that is."
Poppy could have thought anything at that moment. She could have thought that she made it, that she had accomplished her very goal and knew she was about to have first-hand information to use against Farmsville, that she was spectacular for making it this far. She could have thought that now nobody would take her number one spot from her, or that she loved to have a new puppy to use in any way she wanted. But no.
All in what she could think about was Beck's heart opening up to her, trusting her for real this time. The connection intertwining both of them in a way that made her skin chill. Third alarm, but she muted it again.
"So? What are you waiting for? Go on." Poppy rolled her eyes, Beck had a goofy expression for a couple of seconds until Poppy smiled, squishing slightly their hands for reassurance. Beck's eyes glowed happily in which was the cutest gesture Poppy saw from someone that wasn't a dog in her entire life.
"I managed to handle myself a little for a while, but it definitely didn't last long. I was so afraid, I felt lost, and insecure. I didn’t know what was happening to me, why did I feel that way, trapped in my own skin... I stopped having friends because everyone could see how weird I was and nobody wanted to talk to me, except for this one girl: Bree Matthews."
Beck’s jaw tightened, their eyes wandering all over the place because of the nervousness.
“So, Bree and I started to hang out. Chill some time round. We were close, I mean, really, really close. She was the one who I told about my dysphoria first, and she was totally supportive. She helped me understand what I was going through, sometimes she would borrow her brother’s old clothes to give them to me and helped me pick my very first short haircut. Bree was my safe space in a town where I’d be mistreated just to use a bathroom. I kinda felt for her… so one night into the forest I kissed her. And~ it wasn’t a good idea.”
“What happened?”
“Well~ Daniel and his gang came into the picture and intimidated her, so she sold me as a pervert, a weirdo, among other… awful things. Can’t blame her, Daniel was a wrecked truck whenever he wanted so… yeah. My family found me eight hours after, all beat up from head to toes. I was unconscious and with an actually broken rib.” Beck tried to joke, but it was so bad at timing it actually made it worse for Poppy to hear. “I~ I almost die.” Beck sighed, as if with that they could put all that behind. “Anyway so she apologized to me through a phone call because she wanted to kiss me too but, you know, shit happens; I got better and now I’m in New York doing what I love so… Happy ending, right? It was funny, they didn’t let me use the bathroom but they all thought I was “male enough” to beat the crap out of me ever since.”
Poppy stopped playing with Beck’s hands, making them do the same. They told the end of the story so lightly as if they were talking about a T.V. show they just watched and not some really cruel harassment they went through for a long time. The strawberry blonde was a lot of things, bad things, but the things that beast did to Beck just because of their dysphoria? That was a whole new level that Poppy would never stoop into.
“How can you joke about things like that?”
“Well, I figured I had two ways to address the problem: Being insecure or making the most out of this. That’s why I do music. Yeah, my songs don’t talk about the transgender community directly, but I make sure everybody knows who am I. What I am. I write songs for people out there that feel just the same as I do. Not only transgender people, but the whole LGBTQ+ also needs representation! Folks having their back! And if I can reach at least one soul and show them that no matter how they were born, they can make it… Hell, I could die happily.”
The fire in their eyes, the passion radiating strongly from their body, from their words. It was impossible for Poppy to look away from Beck. Of course, Beck didn’t care about a spot in the T list, or and stupid award. Beck was more into their music, making their voice be heard. That was why they did claim to care less about competition, Beck was climbing their way to the top because of their conviction and resilience. It was curious how the more she learned about Beck, the more she felt drawn to them.
“You are so brave, do you know that?”
“And it only took me a delicate rib and trust issues.” Beck claimed proudly as if it was a bargain.
“Trust issues? Beck, you’re one of the most confident people l know!” They began to laugh, the blonde could feel their laughter below her because of the slight belly-shaking. “It’s irritating.”
“I am really amazing myself.” Poppy rolled her eyes at the flirty smirk Beck flashed towards her. “But I’m not insecure about myself… most of the time. I do have a hard time trusting in people. I mean, Daniel didn’t have a hold on me… Bree, on the other hand…” Beck shrugged. “But I do trust you, Poppy.”
Something inside the blonde felt off, those words accompanied by that good-natured smile made Poppy feel a bit guilty. Like, yeah, she was just trying to archive exactly that for her own benefit, it should feel like a win, right? But no.
“You haven’t done anything wrong, yet.” She said to herself. “For all we know, this is just some casual date.”
Maybe… give up? Maybe actually try and date Beck?
What could possibly go wrong?
“I trust you too, Beck.” She replied without a doubt. So she tossed her golden locks over one shoulder, leaning down to kiss Beck’s lips. She soon felt them kissing her back, sweetly, calmly at first but then it was obvious they both needed more than that. Poppy let go of Beck’s hands to place hers in their Beck, while they grabbed her by the waist. The heat soon took over her body, especially after they responded to it by biting Poppy’s bottom lip, making her moan. Poppy knew right away there was a change in Beck’s behavior, they were more confident, more secure, they actually felt ready and she had to say, that was a very welcome and pleasing development. But they were shaking still.
“What 's wrong? You don’t want to—?”
“No. No, it 's not it. It 's just…” Beck took a deep breath avoiding Poppy's gaze for a second before looking at her pleading while keeping hold on her. “I don’t want you to see me differently when you look at what I have beneath the clothes.” They confessed.
“I won’t. I promise.” She said, caressing the hair in the back of their nape. “This is just you, with all letters.” She smirked, trying to lighten the mood and she succeeded. Beck grinned from ear to ear, relieved, kissing her passionately, hungry and the Poppy did the same, tasting their tongue with hers. The caresses between the two became more intense and she couldn’t stand the fever growing anymore, so she took the edges of their favorite black t-shirt and pulled up, revealing Beck torso for the very first time.
She understood right away what Beck meant. Cutting through their chest there it was a thin, darker line, a scar that was slowly healing, but nevertheless it was there easy to pinpoint. It was strange, she had seen a lot of those mastectomy scars on google but Beck chest looked different somehow, strong, gym crafted, and the scar actually was interesting, sexy even.
“I don’t know what you were so scared of, Hughes. Hell, you’re hot as fuck, I hate you.”
Beck chukled, their confidence coming back.
“Yeah, well… There is not an ugly part on this body afterall.” They grinned.
“I’m going to erase that obnoxious smirk of yours.”
“You will?” Beck grabbed a hold on Poppy’s hair and pulled slightly but demanding backwards, exposing her neck to them to kiss and lick, causing a shaking sigh that turned the heat even higher for both. “Show me then.” They whispered over her skin, their breath brushing bristling her body.
Poppy pushed them down on the couch, kissing them hardly. This was war now, and she would definitely win.
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that-scouse-wizard · 3 years
Tigress and Hound, a Friendship in Many Parts. (Part 1)
[A/N: Hi everyone, this is just going to be a little series of loosely connected one-shots mostly based on ideas I and @judediangelo75 have discussed about our characters. Essentially, a catalogue of David and Judith’s friendship, from humble and slightly awkward beginnings to the epic duo that they are. Hope you all enjoy!
Summary: The introduction between the duo who will become known as the Tigress and the Hound. 
Word count: 2151
MC friends: Judith Harris (@judediangelo75) 
1st of September, 1985 (second year)
Thick steam hung in the air, courtesy of the Hogwarts Express as David made the familiar first steps onto Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. Two other pairs of footsteps following close behind him.
“Wow!” Came the fascinated tone of Amelia, grey eyes on a swivel. Marvelling at the bright red train, the throngs of witches and wizards with their parents, and even at how they entered into this new place for the muggleborn witch, “We just went through a wall, we just went through a wall!” The young witch was practically bouncing with excitement
“This brings back memories...” David’s father, Matthew sighed nostalgically, giving a chuckle at Amelia’s attitude.
A smile tugged at the corner of David’s lips fondly, "And next year, you'll be coming with me to Hogwarts, Amy." He said as he pushed his luggage cart through the dense crowd that thankfully was parting in the wake of his trolley. Though Goliath didn’t seem to appreciate the rattling, the owl giving an annoyed chirp. One that David didn't pay any mind to, his owl was always in a bad mood when confined to a cage.
After handing his luggage over to be loaded onto the train, he turned to his father and soon-to-be step-sister, "I'll see you guys at Christmas then."
"Right, until then." Matthew said, sticking his hand out, “Best of luck to you, do well in school and please stay out of trouble.” David looked down at it, deciding he would cut his dad some slack. He ignored the outstretched limb, going in for a hug. 
“I’ll try dad.” David said as he pulled away from his now-surprised father, giving Amelia one too, one that the young witch happily returned.  He stepped onto the train, giving one last wave to them, now all he needed to do was find a compartment. 
“Oh, David, over here!” Came a familiar voice, the source of it being a beaming Penny Haywood, “We have a seat going spare, would you like to join us?” 
“Sure, cheers Pen.” David grinned, counting himself lucky he’d found a seat so soon, and with good company to boot. He soon found out the identity of the other two people who were occupying the area he would be sharing with Penny.
One was Rowan, who’s face lit up at the sight of her best friend, in letters they had exchanged she had detailed her own research into the Cursed Vaults. David would gladly listen if it brought him closer to finding Jacob. 
The second person was someone both familiar yet not. Dark skin, pale gold eyes, there was no mistaking who it was as David froze in place. Judith Harris, Jamal Harris’s little sister, a boy who had been a friend of Jacob’s. A person who had also gone missing alongside him. 
What exactly were they supposed to say to each other? ‘Hi, our brothers went missing together, let’s be friends!’ As if to make things even more uncomfortable, Penny took a seat, leaving the only one for David to occupy situated directly opposite Judith. 
 Just great...
Judith glanced at him as he sat down next to Penny, a mixture of shy and wary. The train soon pulled away from the station, “Oh, you two haven’t met before, have you? David, this is Judith Harris. Judith, meet David Willows.”
“Hi...” She said shyly, her voice so soft David almost didn’t hear.
“Likewise.” He said coolly in response, trying not to sound like he really didn’t want to be forced into an interaction. It didn’t help that Penny and Rowan had now struck up a conversation about potions, leaving David and Judith to avert their gazes from each other. David was seriously regretting his choice to not bring a textbook or something to distract himself with. At least then he’d have an excuse not to make eye contact.
“What were you guys up to over the summer?” He asked, not completely rude on his part but at least the question wasn’t just directed at Judith. David could have sworn Rowan sent a quick glance Penny’s way, as if she knew something he didn’t before his question was answered.
“I worked on some potions as some extra homework for professor Snape.” David smirked at Penny’s answer, should have expected that, her love of potions was as uncommon as her admiration for their normally dour professor.
“Well you already know what I’ve been up to.” Rowan stated excitedly, “I’ve been taking a closer look into Hogwarts’s history, aside from Sir Cadogan and a couple of other mentions in portraits of the castle, there’s nothing much about knights. Especially not about-” Rowan was quickly cut off when Penny slapped a hand over her mouth. 
“Especially not about...?” Judith asked curiously. David internally swore, the last thing he needed was more people involved in the Cursed Vaults business... even if she did have a personal stake in it herself.
“The weapons that they used!” Penny answered, taking back her hand as Rowan gave the blonde a brief glare, “David is interested in muggle weaponry, he knows about maintaining and how to use a shotgun.” She elaborated
“That’s right and Judith can use Dao swords.” Rowan said, trying to shore up the ploy, “Come to think of it, David knows how to fight hand-to-hand as well, and so does Judith.”
“Really?” David cocked an eyebrow at that, a clear interest in his tone encountering another magic user with any knowledge of non-magical self-defence was definitely rare in wizarding world.
“I do Tae Kwon Do.” Judith confirmed, though she did give a slightly pointed look to the other two for giving away that fact about her.
“Muay Thai.” David clarified succinctly.  
“What’s the difference?” Rowan asked, confused. That was when David and Judith were united, giving their mutual friend an incredulous look, then turning back to each other. A silent understanding passing between the two, Rowan Khanna not knowing about the differences in their respective fighting styles simply would not do.
“Ro, how would you like to learn something new?” David’s fellow Hufflepuff looked surprised, eyes widening at his question. A grin slowly spread across her face, all too eager to be educated.
“That has to be the best thing you’ve ever said to me, yes please.”
It had taken a while for the two of them to explain the differences and similarities between their respective styles but Rowan had hung on their every word. Excitedly writing down notes and asking various follow-up questions. Even after it had ended, their fellow Hufflepuff still eagerly went over her bullet points.
David had even seemed a bit interested in hearing about Tae Kwon Do and she couldn’t deny, Muay Thai certainly seemed effective as a fighting style. Then... despite something they could have potentially bonded over, David had opted to sleep the rest of the journey off. 
Judith was somewhat glad for the relief from the awkwardness on though she couldn’t deny she was somewhat miffed at his rudeness. Although, with him softly snoring as his head was lolled back, and Penny having fallen asleep against him, now would be the best time to ask Rowan anything she needed to without the threat of interruption.
“Rowan, what were you going to say before?” She asked. Immediately, her friend stiffened, turning to face her like a deer caught in headlights.
“Nothing.” She answered quickly.
“It didn’t sound like nothing.” Judith retorted quietly, her tone making it clear she wasn’t in the mood for games.
Rowan paused, glancing at the two friends opposite her while briefly mulling it over, and answering nervously, “Alright, fine. We’re looking into the Cursed Vaults. David didn’t want anyone else involved so I didn’t tell you...” She trailed off, noticing her friend’s fists had curled up.
Judith took a deep breath to calm herself. Her first year had been uneventful aside from bullying that came from being Jamal’s relative. She hadn’t uncovered anything about the vaults and now she knew why. David Willows had been keeping secrets. 
“Judith, I’m sorry-” Rowan began but was swiftly cut off.
“I’m not mad at you, Rowan.” Judith said reassuringly, “Any issues I’ve got is between me and David.” Rowan seemed to accept that answer, distracting herself with looking out the window as the train weaved through the countryside. The sky being lit up orange indicated it wouldn’t be long before they reached Hogwarts.
Judith focused on David. On one hand she could understand him not bringing her into the fold in searching for his brother. On the other, if Jacob Hall was found, then maybe Jamal wouldn’t be far behind. If there was a chance of getting her own brother back, she would gladly take it. She’d need to get him alone, the question was how.
That was something she would need to ponder...
David stirred from his sleep, being awoken by the high-pitched screech of the train’s brakes as it pulled into Hogsmeade station. Blinking sleepily, he could have sworn he saw Judith staring at him, though her head was turned away from him by the time he next looked so he couldn’t be too sure.
There was no rush for any of them, their path being blocked by throngs of students eager to be off the train. From bright-eyed first years to seventh years who looked quite nostalgic at the thought of this being one of their last journeys on Hogwart’s Express.
Eventually, the crowd cleared, leaving their group straggling behind as they tried to follow the flow of the crowd. Hagrid’s tell-tale call for the first years sounded out as they stepped into the chilly air of the September night. In contrast to the first years who would make their voyage across the Black Lake, the older Hogwarts students would be taking carriages up to the castle grounds.
They made their way through the lit, paved streets of Hogsmeade, Rowan excitedly pointing out some of the wizarding village’s landmarks such as the Three Broomsticks. One of the carriages passed by, bound to pick up students that were further ahead. David wondered if they were enchanted, seeing as there was nothing pulling them.
Penny broke into a light jog as they approached the lane the carriages would initially travel down, waving for one of them to hold on. There was just one issue, the carriage in question already had four students, there were just two seats left for any additional passengers. 
“Sorry everyone.” Penny said, scratching the back of her head sheepishly.
“David and I can stay behind.” Judith offered, taking a hold of his arm. David gave her a puzzled look, prompting to lean in and whisper in his ear, “There’s something you and I need to talk about.”
He understood, keeping her out of the loop had finally caught up with him, “Pen, Ro, go ahead.” David spoke up. Reluctantly, Penny and Rowan climbed aboard the carriage. 
David turned to Judith as the transport pulled away, not speaking up until the clicking of the wheels had disappeared. Leaving the two of them alone on the paved lane, “What do you want?” He asked shortly.
“Answers,” Judith shot back, “I know you’ve been looking into the Cursed Vaults, I want in on it.”
“I dunno what you’re talkin’ about.” He answered curtly, hoping that would throw her off.
“Rowan told me.” She clarified.
“Listen to me,” David began after a brief pause to gather his thoughts, “The vaults are my business, no one else’s. If I had my way, no one but I would’ve gotten involved in them.”
“And now you have at least Rowan helping out, so what difference does one more person make?” Judith asked rhetorically.
“Because my brother-” David began before Judith cut him off.
“Our brothers, like it or not David, you’re not the only one with a personal stake in this. Please, I want to find my brother just as much as you want to find yours, it makes no sense for us not to work together.” She stated, “Look, Rowan and Penny like you, so I want to trust you, all you need to do is trust me.” She finished, sticking her hand out.
Having more people to help out could be beneficial but still David was unsure...
“Please.” Judith sniffled, sounding somewhat desperate.
David was take aback by that, feeling a pang of sympathy for his fellow Hufflepuff, this really was important to Judith. He sighed in resignation before clasping Judith’s hand with his own.
“Fine, I don’t know how this is goin’ to go between you and me but if you’ve got my back, I’ve got yours.”
Judith’s face lit up in gratitude at his answer, nearly knocking him off his feet as she slammed into him with a brief hug, 
“Thank you.”
David chuckled at that, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all...  
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khoicesbyk · 3 years
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A/N: I'm officially obsessed with Wolf Bride and what does one do when she's obsessed with a certain book? She writes an AU about it! 😁 So, Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
Rated: Mature. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: Roman (LI) and Naia Evans (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and certain original characters, created by me) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 1,970 words.
Prompt Time! Since this is what consider to be a Drabble I’m using @wackydrabbles Prompt #77 “I didn’t mean to worry you.” It’ll be in bold in black.
Song And Story Inspiration: Fallen (Video Edit)-Mya | Break Of Dawn-Michael Jackson
Tag List: @lifeaskim @choiceslady @pixie88 @lucy-268 @bebepac @sfb123 @secretaryunpaid @choicesficwriterscreations @wackydrabbles
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you. 😁😘
This story is ongoing as the game chapters are released weekly. So as soon as I read them (or reread the latest chapter), I’ll write the chapters to this story.
This series is rated Mature. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
Chapter 1.) Call Of The Wolf.
It had been a 3rd straight week of weird dreams for Naia Evans. She would wake up in a cold sweat, a racing heartbeat and goosebumps on her skin. And like clockwork she would lay in bed staring up at the ceiling for 2 hours. And when she was never able to go back to sleep, she would put on jogging shorts and a tank top and go for an early morning run to clear her head.
All of her dreams started after she did research about her mom’s hometown of Hunt’s Peak West Virginia. She wanted to know more about it. Because every time she asked her mother about Hunt’s Peak, her mother immediately shut her down. She was all but forbidden to mention it, but it didn’t stop her from wanting to learn more.
She would look up Hunt’s Peak on Google and see pictures of the forest, mountains and the town square. She would think of meeting the uncle she never knew. But mostly, she wondered why her mother left a seemingly sleepy town in a mountainous area.
After her early morning run, Naia hopped in the shower then got ready for work.
Life for her was as normal as it gets.
She was born Naia Michelle Evans on October 30th 1988 in Raleigh North Carolina to Laurie and Shane Evans. And being an only child, she was spoiled rotten, especially by her daddy. She had a good job as an interior designer. But she wasn’t so lucky in the love department though. After two failed relationships, Naia was back to living at home with her parents in the Washington D.C. area. Although in some way, she felt somewhat unfulfilled. She felt like there was always something missing but could never figure out what it was or why she felt that way.
After coming home from a long day of work, she was in the shower. After the bathroom filled with steam and she stepped inside the shower, she heard a voice.
It was a man's voice. One she’d heard for weeks now.
She leaned against the shower wall.
“Go away!” She whined.
“Come home.”
She groaned and closed her eyes trying to block it out.
“Come to me…”
When she opened her eyes, the voice was gone. It was just her and a hot shower. She showered, changed into her pajamas then climbed into bed and went to sleep and began to dream. In her dream is where she saw a wolf.
But she wasn’t scared. Strangely, she was calm even a little bit curious. She watched its fur bristle as it walked towards her. As it got closer, she saw its beautiful eyes.
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They were golden and bored into her. When she reached out to touch the wolf, it changed into a man. He was what she always known as tall, fine and chocolate. But the one thing that struck her were his eyes. They were just as golden as the wolf’s eyes.
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He reached out a hand and she took it. Soon she was in his arms, looking up at him. She felt safe, wanted, needed and desired. She felt his strength and passion while she stood in his arms. She reached up to touch his face and watched him lean into her touch. He looked real. And when he kissed her, he felt real. Her knees felt weak and her body temperature skyrocketed. She needed him just as much as he needed her. Her body yearned for him. Her heart raced. And when their kiss ended, she was dizzy.
It felt real to her. She wanted more, especially after seeing his golden eyes. She felt a connection with this dream man and couldn’t explain it.
“Touch me…” she begged.
He tilted her chin up then whispered, “soon Beloved. Very soon we’ll be together.”
She woke up gasping for air right after those words were uttered. Breathing heavy, heart pounding in her chest and in a cold sweat with goosebumps all along her arms. Just like many nights before but this time was different. Because her body felt like it was on fire. Craving to be touched but not just by anyone. Her body craved him and his touch. When her heart stopped racing and her breathing calmed down she checked to see what time it was.
That’s the time her phone read after she woke up.
She sighed to herself and laid back down then eventually went back to sleep. Dreaming of his golden eyes. As weird as that dream was to her, she wanted it again. She wanted to see him again. She wanted to feel his arms around her again. She wanted to kiss him again.
Later that morning after breakfast she was in the kitchen, having a conversation with her daddy about Hunt’s Peak.
“I don’t know why you won’t but I wish you would drop this, Naia.”
“Daddy you know why I can’t.”
“Naia I’m not having this conversation with you.”
“You and mama never do! It’s like you’re ashamed to tell me anything!”
“There’s a reason for that! Just leave it alone!”
“Why won’t you tell me?”
Just then her mother walked into the kitchen and their conversation.
“Because it’s better for you to never know. Baby I know you want to know but it’s nothing that concerns you!” Her mother snapped at her.
“But mom!” She began to protest.
“No! No more! This conversation is over, Naia!”
Once again her mother shut her down.
“You two are absolutely impossible!” She fussed.
Her mother sat down at the kitchen table and looked at her daughter.
“Trust me baby, I’m doing what I know best.”
“And what is that mama?” Naia asks.
“I’m protecting you!” Her mother replies.
“From what? What could be so bad about a small sleepy town?” Naia asks.
Her mother took a deep breath before she spoke.
“When I was 18 something terrible happened. And I told people. But no one believed me. They said I was lying. That it couldn’t have happened. The people in that town said I was exaggerating the truth. So I packed up and left and I never looked back. That town and those people are dangerous. And I am telling you to stay away from it and them.”
Naia’s eyes went wide.
“Oh my God! Mama were you?” She asked in a panicked voice.
“No I wasn’t sweetie.” Laurie replied.
“But what about your brother?” Naia asks her.
Laurie scoffed and replied, “ohhh you mean the coward, who wouldn’t protect his only sister?”
Naia went quiet.
“Listen to me baby. You are a grown woman. More than capable of doing any and everything you set your brilliant mind to. You can be anything from being an architect like your daddy to a nurse like me, hell I can even see you being the next and first black female president. Hell for all I care you could even be a drug dealer both legally and illegally. As long as you apply yourself and you enjoy it. But this? I can’t allow this. Now I can’t tell you how to live your life or what to do with it. But what I am telling you is this: you are NOT to go anywhere near Hunt’s Peak! Do I make myself clear?” Her mother asks.
“Yes mama. I understand.” Naia replies.
Her father cleared his throat then spoke in a stern tone.
“Naia baby, your mama and I love you more than we could ever tell you. And we are only trying to protect you. Hunt’s Peak isn’t the friendly place you’re thinking that it is. I am begging you to listen to your mother. Hunt’s Peak is no good. So trust us when we say that you are NOT to go there!”
Naia knew she wasn’t going to win this argument.
“Okay. I’ll drop it.” She said to her parents.
Laurie reached out and took Naia’s hands in her own.
“Good. I know you think that we’re not being fair but sweetheart you have to trust us. Especially me. Because if something were to ever happen to you because of those people and town, I would never forgive myself. So you need to drop this once and for all.”
“Yes mama.”
Her mother kissed the side of her forehead.
“Thank you baby. Now if you don’t mind I have an anniversary trip to finish packing for.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?” She asked.
Her father scoffed then replied, “we barely want you in the house so no. You’re not going.”
“But daddy it’s Paris! I’ve always wanted to go to Paris!” Naia whined.
“And one day you will go to Paris. Just not today.”
They all laughed.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you.”
Her father stood then wrapped her up in his signature bear hug.
“Baby we know that you’re curious about your mom’s hometown but it’s safer for you to just let it go.”
“I promise I won’t bring it up anymore.”
“Good. Now what are you gonna do while your mother and I are gone?” Shane asks.
“Netflix, Hulu and takeout. Ohh and maybe porn.” Naia replied.
Naia chuckled.
“I just wanted to see what your reactions would be.”
“Laurie…get your child!”
“Ohhh so NOW she’s my child? Any other damn time you’d be willing to fight me to claim her!”
The rest of her Saturday went on as it usually does. But that night was anything but usual. After drifting off to sleep, Naia began to dream. And in her dream she saw him and his golden eyes. She was happy to see him and he was happy to see her. She couldn’t run into his open arms fast enough.
“I missed you.” She said to him.
She could feel his arms tighten around her, lovingly and protectively.
“I’ve missed you too, Beloved.”
“It’s time, Beloved.”
“Time for what?” She asks.
“Time for us to be together. It’s time for you to come home. To come and be at my side.” He replies.
“Where are you?” She asks.
He looked deep in her eyes then replied, “Hunt’s Peak.”
“I can’t. I promised my parents that I wouldn’t.”
“We are destined for each other Beloved.”
“But I…”
He silenced her with a kiss so powerful that it made her body weak.
“Come to me. Be with me. Answer the call.”
She woke up soon thereafter. She sat up in her bed and it became clear to her: she had to answer the call.
She HAD TO go to Hunt’s Peak. She had to find him. She had to be with him. So she made a plan to go to Hunt’s Peak. She knew it was a risk and she knew that she was disobeying her parents. But she knew that she had to take it. She needed to know. She had to know.
The next day she set her plan in motion. She waited until after her parents left for the airport, before she packed up her personal items, loaded them into her SUV and left her parents a note before leaving.
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“Dear Mama and Daddy,
I’m sorry to write this but I’m going to Hunt’s Peak. I have to go, so please don’t be mad at me. Please forgive me. I love you. Again I’m sorry.”
After driving for several hours, she checked into a Days Inn on the outskirts of town to rest before she continued on.
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She was sitting on the bed, blow drying her hair after stepping out of the shower, when there was a knock at her door. When she opened the door, her jaw hit the floor. It was him. She couldn’t believe that he was real and he was looking at her.
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prrplwtch · 4 years
I don’t know if you’ve done anything like this, but could you do something where mammon, Solomon and Simeon protect mc from a demon? Like the demon full on attacked her and they just happen to come by and save her (they’re dating) if you don’t want to do this, thst is of course ok and I hope you have a wonderful weekend :)))))))
Hi nonny :) Thanks for the request - I was no sure if you wanted headcanons or a fic, so I ended up doing headcanons. If you were asking for a fic, let me know, and I’ll gladly write it 💜
Mammon is out and about, attending to his daily demon business, when suddenly he hears a familiar scream.
Immediately he feels panic rise in his chest - the voice belongs to MC, there could have been no mistake
Rushes to the sound immediately, and saw some lower demon attacking MC.
“Hey you, LEAVE MC ALONE!”
Assumes his true demon form right away and attacks the demon. 
Mammon simultaneously feels fear for MC, anger at demon, and a little bit of excitement, which stems from the fact that he finally gets to save MC.
The anger and fear are way stronger, obviously because he really doesn’t want her to get hurt, and also because how care this lowly demon attack his human. 
The demon does not stand the chance against the second-strongest of the seven rulers of hell. 
As soon as the demon is defeated, Mammon rushes to MC to check on her. 
“MC, are you hurt?” he asks as he holds her close in his arms. Only when she assures him that she was fine, as the demon did not actually manage to inflict damage, can Mammon breathe a sigh of relief. 
Still, he feels anxious for her - if he did not happen upon her here, who knows what would have happened. 
He is surprised to see that MC seems pretty calm for someone who has just been attacked by a demon. 
Blushes profusely when MC puts her hand on his cheek and smiles at him, saying, “Thank you for saving me.”
“I-It’s nothing... Of course the Great Mammon could easily defeat any demon...”
Blushes even more when finds himself silenced with a kiss. 
Then feels confused when MC takes his hand, and makes him follow her. 
“Wh-where are we going?” he asks. 
“Back to your room, of course, I would like to properly thank my savior.”
Simeon is just about to leave the academy, when he hears a loud cry from one of the classrooms. Immediately, he rushes to see if anyone needs help - even before he realizes that the voice belongs to MC.
He sees her - terrified at the back of the classroom, with a demon about to lunge at her. 
Simeon’s heart is filled with worry - and with anger. He would never let anyone hurt MC and the mere thought of someone wanting to do that enrages him.
Luckily, a regular demon is no match for heavenly light - and the demon disappears in the bright flash. 
Simeon rushes to MC to see if she is hurt. He approaches her, and gently holds her by the shoulders as he looks her over. Luckily, it does not look like she is hurt, and MC confirms that. 
As an angel he can feel how shaken and scared she is, so he uses some of his angel abilities to make her calm down, as he gently holds her in his arms. 
“It all happened so suddenly,” MC says, her face tucked into his chest, “I was alone here, and suddenly he came out of nowhere”.
“He is gone now,” Simeon tells her, as he lightly caresses her hair. 
“What was that?” MC asks suddenly, “What did you do to him?”
“Just something us, angels, can do,” Simeon tells her. Now is not the time for lengthy, complicated explanations. 
MC seems to have calmed down, and she lifts her face and smiles at him, and Simeon feels happy.
“Thank you,” she says, “For saving me.”
“I would never let anyone hurt you,” he says, as he plants a light kiss on the top of her head. 
Solomon has been talking to MC a lot about magic, so it’s only natural that she became curious. One day when he decided to summon a lower level demon, MC decided to stay by his side. 
“Thank might not be the best idea,” Solomon protested, but MC was insistent and he related. After all, what could go wrong? 
The summoning itself was quite easy - Solomon told MC to stay back from the pentagram as he performed the ritual. Solomon was actually enjoying showing off his magical abilities to MC.
His joy soon turned to fear and sorrow however, when it turned out that just like on several other occasions his poor handwriting made him mess up one of the runes, and the demon broke free of the pentagram and lunged at MC. 
Luckily, Solomon was a strong mage with a good reaction - and before the demon reached MC he was nothing but a pile of dust on the floor. 
“Hm, I should really work on these runes,” Solomon said, as he looked at MC who was quite pale from fear.
“You mean he got out because you did not do the ritual correctly!” MC exclaimed. 
“No, I did it correctly - one of the runes, however, must have smudged,” Solomon started to explain. 
MC meanwhile was making her way to the door. 
“What, not even a thank you for saving your life?” he called after her.
“After you endangered it, by being careless with your magic,” MC replied, as she stopped by the door, “So no, no thanks for you.”
Solomon sighed as she left. She was so complicated, MC, sometimes he did not understand her at all. That must be why I love her so much, he smiled to himself.
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curiousconch · 3 years
Chapter 5 of Ricochet (An Open Heart AU) 
Catch up here: Series Masterlist
Chapter Synopsis: As Heather struggles to decide how to move forward, she and Bryce gets embroiled in a night full of revelations.  
Pairing: Rafael Aveiro x MC (Dr. Heather Song) | Bryce Lahela x MC (Dr. Heather Song) 
Words: 2.7k+ | Genre: Crime, Mystery, Thriller, Romance
Rating/Warnings: Mature (16+) / language and a bucket heap of angst (maybe more)
Author’s Notes: I will expect some hate towards all the drama, but a love triangle is always a complex subject to deal with. In reality, navigating through it does not spare any of the hearts being broken at some point or another, because of the level of humanity that gets exposed when love isn’t returned. I know that firsthand.So this chapter is somewhat taken from that very real experience. But I promise, there’s purpose at the end 🌈🙂
This was inspired by IMHO, one of the angstyiest songs ever produced in the face of the earth - Gravity by Sara Bareilles. Also, disclaimer: majority of the characters are owned by Pixelberry, except the main character Heather Song and an OC villain Jordan Anderson.
Thanks for taking the time to share and read this ❤ BTW, are you Team Bryce or Team Rafael? Let me know in your reblogs!
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Rafael tucked his cold hands inside the pockets of his jacket as he kicked a random rock from the sidewalk. He badly wanted to sleep, but he can't. He can't stop thinking about what he's done to Heather, and about how he much he hurt her. 
He can't stand staying in his apartment due to the memories that flooded each corner, couldn't even bear to clean up the pieces of shattered glass from that night. So that cold night, he decided to sulk in the middle of the crowd. At least, he wouldn't be alone. 
He arrived at Donahues, and nodded to a few regular patrons as he approached the bar. He asked Reggie for a bottle of beer, and settled himself on one of the stools. 
As he was about to take a sip, he heard a voice nearby. He could single out that voice anywhere, so his eyes immediately darted towards the direction of a nearby booth. Once he found who he was looking for his gut twisted in knots. He knew that silhouette like the back of his hand.
There she was, leaning on an old jukebox, a glass of cocktail in hand. His heart jumped inside his rib cage, excitement at the sight of her flooding in. He twisted himself to stand, but abruptly stopped as he saw a tall figure approach her. 
Even in the dim light, she saw her brilliant smile as she looked up at the guy. He instantly felt like an idiot all over again.
A fast-paced song flooded through the speakers. He saw Bryce offer a hand to her, which she happily took. Rafael saw them dance to the beat, laughter filling the gaps in between. He noticed a new spring in Heather's step, taking him back to the first time he brought her home to his grandmother. It was the same night when he taught her how to dance samba, with only the moon and the dim street lights illuminating their movements. The very night he decided to pursue Heather - the only woman who embraced him at the time when all he could offer was himself, a woman whom at first he thought as entirely out of his league.
All of those fading memories suddenly returned in full color, now when that same woman is dancing with anyone but him. Now it wasn't his hands holding her, it wasn't him who's making her laugh, it was no longer him who made her smile. Instead, he became the cause of her pain. 
He looked away, the idea of Heather being with someone else becoming more unbearable by the second. He leaned heavily on the bar and chugged the rest of his beer, before asking for another bottle. He covered his face with the palms of his hands, as the pain of his guilt pricked him inside like a fresh wound. 
When the tune ended, he looked back at Heather and didn't immediately find her. 
"Rafael?" he stopped as he recognized who just said his name. He wanted to ignore her. But deep down all he wanted was to make amends and be hers again. So despite his shame, he turned to face the music. 
"Heather," he straightened himself up, sobering when he saw the shine in her eyes. "How are you?" 
"I'm doing fine," her icy tone was like salt to his open scar. 
 "Can we talk?" 
"Why, so you could come up with another of your lame excuses?" she leaned away from him as she ordered a round of shots. 
"I deserved that," Rafael rubbed the back of his neck. He stepped closer, fixated in trying not to touch her. "Heather, please, just this once."
"Okay," Heather said before she even had the time to think. She couldn’t help herself, she was still drawn to him, and she cursed herself for it. One moment with him seemed to decimate all of her fragile strength. "Let me just bring this over to the guys and then I'll meet you outside," she turned before walking away, "but you get only 10 minutes, then we're done." 
“That’s more than enough for me,” he nodded. He trailed her with his eyes before he went outside, finding an empty table in the back garden. 
Heather handed out the shots among Jackie, Aurora, Sienna, Elijah and Bryce while she explained the situation. Bryce almost choked halfway through his tequila when she mentioned Rafael. It was as if a bucket of cold water just washed over him. He made an effort to keep his cool, while he internally battled with his desire to stop her from going back to him.
Heather was able to make a read on Bryce’s sudden silence though. He was full of life just a few minutes ago, when he twirled her around as they danced together. She was almost certain that he wanted to interject, but chose not to interfere. 
“You really wanna do this?” Aurora broke the quiet that fell upon their booth.
”I don’t know if it’s the best thing for me,” Heather replied, ruffling her bangs. “Maybe? I think I just owe it to myself to hear him out.”
“Well if it helps you both in the long run, I say you should go,” Sienna said as she offered a comforting squeeze on Heather’s arm.
Her best friend as usual, was right. She needed to hear what Raf had to say, regardless of how they both move forward. That was all the encouragement Heather needed. She then tipped off one shot - slightly relying on the liquid courage to help her get this over with.  Although there was something that seemed to anchor her on the ground, she went to find Rafael anyway. 
Bryce followed her with his eyes, hoping against hope that by the end of the night he wouldn’t have to let her go again.
”Hey,” Heather sat down opposite Rafael in a corner table.
He watched her without speaking, unable to find his voice for a few moments. His chest felt heavy, conscious of the fact that the odds were stacked against him. Yet, he held onto hope, not wanting to give up so easily.
“You wanted to talk, so, talk,” she crossed her arms, and tried to put up a brave front. 
He cleared his throat, delaying his response as he tried to compose a coherent offer to convince her take him back. When he found the right words in his mind, he began to speak. 
"I'm not going to justify what I did, Heather. It was incredibly wrong of me to betray you and to have caused your hurt," he shifted a little, leaning closer to her, and tried reaching out for her hand. Seeing that she did not flinch, he continued.
"I can never take back what I did, and the damage I've done. But if I have to spend the rest of my life asking for your forgiveness and trying to make this work between us, I will do everything in my power to do that, meu amor," he reached out and took her hand in his. "I simply can't stand to not be with you, I love you so, so much. I still do. So if you still want this, if you still want us, I'm asking you to take me back."
Heather felt her bravado begin to dissolve with his touch. Oh how she missed the calloused hands with which he caressed her, every cell in her body seemed to betray her. She sighed deeply, blinking back the tears that threatened to fall. In her heart, she wanted nothing else but to forget everything and move on. But at this point, she wasn't sure if she wanted to do that with him. 
"I-I don't know, Raf," she stuttered, her eyes beginning to shimmer. It hurt that she couldn't just say yes to him again. "I know I'll be able to forgive you someday, Raf. But I'm not sure if I can choose to stay with you, for what you've done..." she concluded. 
She didn't know. At least not now. That's what he heard her say. Even if there's a slight chance of her being able to forgive him, and to take him back, he'd gladly accept it. 
"You don't have to answer now," he said. "Take all the time you need to think about it. I promise I won't bother you until you're already decided," he spoke gently. 
"Thanks, Raf. I'll think about it." And with that, she excused herself and went back inside. She went directly to the restrooms, her head spinning. She slumped herself on a nearby wall, inhaling air deeply as if she was drowning. She felt her chest thump with her rapidly beating heart, exhausted with the encounter. 
After several minutes, she composed herself and went back out, moving towards the direction of their booth. Her friends asked how it went, so she shared the general gist of it. They all agreed that it made sense, pitching in each of their own thoughts. Heather tried to listen to them, but she was distracted. 
Bryce's disposition faltered a little. She noticed that something changed, leaving her bothered. She knew that there’s a reason behind the diminished sarcasm in his voice, as well as in his almost-muted cockiness. She tried to justify to herself that he probably had something to deal with at work, but couldn't completely convince herself. She didn't want to let herself swim in her own assumptions, unless until everything with Raf was settled. So she chose not to prod. 
It wasn't long that they all decided to call it a night. They both walked towards his car and got in without a word to each other. She noticed that he barely even looked at her. The rest of the ride back to the condo was spent with her fidgeting with her phone, the awkward quiet gradually swallowing her whole. 
When they entered the hallway, Heather couldn't hold it in anymore. She wanted answers. 
"Hey Lahela, what happened there?" she asked. 
With his back facing her, she couldn't see his reaction. 
Bryce was stumped in place, unable to take another step forward. Damn it, reading me like an open book as always. The swirling emotions in his chest threatened to loose control. He shut his eyes closed for a few seconds, willing them away to no avail. So with clenched fists, he turned around and stared at the woman who captured his heart and threatened to unknowingly rip it apart. 
"You're a smart ass woman, Heath, try to figure it out."
Heather's mouth went ajar, unsure how to process his response. "I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or as an insult, Lahela." 
Bryce forced himself to walk forward, leading his steps to the liquor cabinet in the kitchen. He poured himself a glass of Jack Daniels, downing it all in one gulp. 
"What's gotten into you now? Just this afternoon you gave a freaking speech about bouncing back and yada yada yada, now you're insulting me?" Heather was flustered and beyond infuriated as she followed him to the kitchen.
"I don't have to explain anything to you, not now, Heath." He poured another helping of the strong liquid, hoping it was enough to push down the rising anger within him. 
Heather was hell bent in getting to the bottom of it tonight. If there was anything she valued in her life, it was honesty. And when she wants it from anyone, she won't back down. 
"Yes, you do. You know fucking well that you need some explaining to do. I'm done beating around the bush with you, I'm done being in the receiving end of veiled threats, betrayals, or hidden truths. I'm not taking that crap from the one person whom I can rely on to not screw me around with lies," she pounded her fist on the wooden surface of the table separating them. "So for the last goddamn time, I'm going to ask, what the hell happened with you tonight?"
He replied by setting down his glass, the force with which he set it down cracking its bottom. All the pent up frustration within him was now manifesting unrestrained. 
"Fine, you want to know what's the deal with me? You. It's you, dammit," he finally said without shame, like a contrite man in confession, his hands waving in the air.
Fuck it, I'm doing this. Friendships be damned.
"I never liked commitments in relationships because, I wanted to stay suspended in midair, always on a high," he paused, sucking in a deep breath. "For me, all that romantic crap only meant being pulled back by gravity, it's all just a whole gigantic crash and burn. Ever heard of my mother?" The mention of his own mother's selfish act still stung him to the core. "But every single time I see you, I'm more than willing to crash down to the ground for you. It's because I want you, you idiot. I wanted you ever since I met you. I wanted you so fucking much that I hid it because I wanted to stay in your life, even as only a friend."
There I said it. Bryce no longer felt suffocated, lighter, like a heavy boulder was lifted from his chest. 
He watched Heather who was stunned into silence, as he tried to catch his breath. He attempted to translate the expression that suddenly filled her hazel eyes. He sighed in relief when he noticed it soften, as she began to speak. 
"A little too late, Lahela," her voice was small, and her smile seem to be filled with sadness. 
Bryce's eyes widened in shock, as the meaning of those five words dawned on him.
"You didn't just assume that I opened up to every man that showed interest, didn't you?" she laughed bitterly, sitting down while her knees buckled with regret. "I waited for you to make a move, Bryce. But you never did. So I thought you weren't interested. Then Raf happened." 
He couldn't find his voice, confounded with what Heather was trying to tell him.
"When Rafael and I first met, I thought of his as a close friend. It wasn't love at first sight, it was a more of a slow burn. A gentle, uncomplicated but stable romance," she paused, raising her head to look him in the eyes. "But he was man enough to own up to his feelings, Bryce. He was man enough not to hold back," he watched as she bit her lip, struggling not to shiver himself. "But most of all, he didn't quit. Not like you who bailed himself out too early, too afraid to get hurt."
He took a step forward, wanting nothing but to hold her and kiss her. His confused emotions held him hostage to the spot where he was standing.
"I'm not some clueless bitch you think I am. I had an idea, but you were too busy hitting on every woman in front of me that I never thought you'd get serious with someone," she paused, her voice filled with rue and remorse. "For the so-called golden boy of Boston's DA office, you're one hell of a wimp," she rose from the table and walked away, leaving Bryce alone and regretful more than ever.
Bryce spent the next morning in an empty apartment. He heard Heather move around and leave at dawn to catch her early morning flight to Baltimore. But he didn't have it in him to face her. At least not yet.
Gathering the will to pull himself up from his bed, he prepared for another day at work. He mindlessly went through his routine as he processed the events of last night. He finally admitted his feelings to her, but she trampled with it with her own revelation.
Her words echoed repeatedly in his head, and he sunk within himself a little more. I waited for you to make a move, but you never did. He hated that she was right, that he was just some egotistic, self-absorbed coward who missed a hell of a shot with her. He also hated being helplessly powerless to do anything about it, her being more than 400 miles away from him.  
So he instead made himself busy - preparing drafts and evidence for the various cases that was about to go to court soon.  
The day was almost done when his phone began to ring incessantly. He ignored it at first, but it rang and rang until there was no the point to refuse to answer it. Sienna's name popped up on the caller ID. He sensed that something was wrong.
On the line, Bryce could hear the rising panic in her voice. 
"Johns Hopkins just called Dr. Ramsey. Heather didn't show up in the research facility today. Did she chose to stay back at your place? Bryce, please tell me you know where she is?"
Tag list - @choicesficwriterscreations for Fics of the Week
Ricochet AU tags - @eleanorbloom @ramsey-lahela​
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kirishwima · 4 years
hello! if it’s okay, can you please write some head cannons on the RFA members comforting a sad/crying MC because someone at her school said something racist to her? This happened to me in class and I’m feeling a bit upset and would like some cheer up! T-T
awe i saw this in my inbox and had to get to it as soon as possible. Anon I’ll gladly fight these students for you! That’s not only immature but also shows just how stupid these people are, please don’t ever bear any mind to them.
Here’s RFA ready to cheer you up!!
* He opened the messenger while in his last class of the day, tired and just looking forward to getting home to rest
* Yet the conversation going on in the chat made his plans do a complete 180-MC was talking with Zen about what happened at school today, quoting the horrible things some other students said to her
* Yoosung was furious. What was wrong with these people?! Who gave them the right to make fun of others like that, especially a person as wonderful as MC?
* He grabbed his stuff and left the class in a hurry, ignoring his teachers’ questions of where he was going. Instead he opened up his phone and called Seven, immediatly telling him what was going on, asking if he can help dig up who these students were.
* Whilst waiting for Seven to do his magic, he called MC next, the fatigue in her voice breaking his heart. He told her exactly what he thought about those people, and before she could interrupt him, he told her exactly what he thought about her-how he considered her to be the most wonderful person he’s ever met, how her kindness and patience helped him get out of the dark place he was in, how in his eyes she could never be anything less than perfect.
* Hearing her voice break as she tried to reply made him wince, tears filling his own eyes. 
* “MC, I’m coming over right now. I’m bringing chips and video games and we’re playing and I’m not leaving until I see you smile!”
* He spent the day with MC, making sure she’s better before leaving, and once Seven found the students that made fun of her-he wasted no time in giving them a piece of his mind, along with the hacking of their social media thanks to Seven, turning all of them into Winne The Pooh furry art fans.
* He’s on the phone with MC during a break with rehearsals, asking her how her day’s been, when she tells him what happened.
* When he hears her cry he freezes, eyes wide. She was crying?! These idiots with empty freaking heads made her cry?! He’d fight every single one of them, no questions asked.
* He would push the thought away in the meantime, focused on making MC feel better.
* “Darling, you shouldn’t give such people the light of day. They’re clearly in over their heads, and have zero common sense. How could anyone ever say anything rude to you? You’re a godess! A literal angel! These idiots know nothing, and they don’t deserve to even glance your way.”
* If she keeps crying, then Zen’s protective mood is ON. He’ll leave the rehearsals early to go to MC’s place, bringing with him his favorite type of face masks and a carton of MC’s favorite ice cream, spending the evening pampering her and talking about everything and anything.
* He won’t forget about these people that dared comment on MC like that though. He’ll get their names. And when he finally sees them face to face, he’ll absoloutely punch each and every one of them. 
* No one messes with Zen or his loved ones. N o. O n e
* She’d met up with MC for a cup of coffee after her classes ended, and was shocked to see her near tears, her bottom lip trembling as she tried to hold back her sobs.
* Jaehee immediatly ran to her, grabbing her gingerly by the shoulders as she looked her up and down for any signs of injuries that could cause this pained look on her face.
* “MC, oh no, what happened? Did someone hurt you?”
* MC told her all about what happened, about what these people said to her-and Jaehee’s blood was boiling. If this were an anime, you’d be able to see the menacing aura gathering around her, flames shooting out of her eyes in fury.
* Lo and behold, as they’d met near MC’s school, the person that made that racist comment was walking past nonchalantly, not even noticing the two girls across the sidewalk.
* Jahee realised this must be the person as MC tensed as she saw them, eyes wide. Jaheee confirmed it with MC, and with a decisive nod, she let go of her, walking across the street and towards that person.
* She tapped them on the back so they’d turn to face her, and after politely asking who they were to confirm their identity, she smiled her usual buisness smile and threw a mean kick to their shins, letting them drop to the ground with an anguished cry.
* As confident as ever, she turned and walked back to MC, bringing a hand around her shoulders as she led her into the cafe. “Now, let’s go get a nice cup of coffee and some delicious desserts. With a little bit of sugar and spice you’ll forget all about today’s incident, and I’ll remind you of your true infinite value every time you even try to remember it” Jahee said, this time with a sweet, sincere smile. 
* Don’t mess with Baehee is the moral of this story folks
* He was at work when Jaehee knocked on his office door, telling him he should probably take a look at the messenger-MC was clearly upset, but refusing to tell anyone the reason why, and if someone’d be able to pry it out of her, it’d be Jumin.
* Shocked, he immediatly called MC, hearing the sniffling and her soft sobs as she answered the phone.
* “Tell me what happened. Now.” he commanded, his tone more grave than MC ever heard it be before. With a gulp she told him exactly what went on, and he listened patiently, nodding to himself as she finished.
* “Give me their name MC.” He left no room for arguement, and so MC did, confused as to why.
* At that, Jumin’s voice softened, his tone back to the lovely friendly one MC was so used to. 
* “Thank you. Now, need I remind you of your worth? You are as dear to me as Elizabeth the 3d MC, you are the kindest and most pleasant person I’ve had the pleasure of meeting, and no immoral fool could ever change that with their ignorant comments. You’re wonderful, and I’d never say this lightly.”
* He’ll stay on the phone with MC for as long as it takes for her to feel better, working through paperwork in the meantime, and even skyping MC if she wants so that they can hang out even virtually. He’ll be there for her until she’s better, and will refuse to hang up until he can get a genuine smile out of her.
* And as for the person that hurt her...well, pay no mind to them. They’ll be sure to keep their distance from now on.
* He’s always texting MC while she’s in class, being the big ol’ rebel he is, and this day was no exception-he was trolling with her in the messenger, when she went radio silent for a while.
* He sent her a private message in the RFA app, asking if everything was okay. 
* Knowing there’s no way to hide from Seven of all people, MC told him the truth, explaining the racist comment this person made.
* Seven was shocked. What sort of trash-loving idiot would ever dare to insult MC in any way shape or form? Do they have no common sense? Do they not realise there’s no person nicer and sweeter than MC?
* His revenge plot begins instantly. No fool will be left unpunished.
* “Have no fear, your angel 707 is here! All I need is a name my princess, and as your hero of justice, I’ll seek out vengeance for your honour!”
* MC was confused. After more consistent pestering and teasing from Seven, she gave him simply the first name of the person that made that comment, not knowing just how much power a name can hold for a hacker such as Seven.
* He kept sending her memes and jokes throughout the day, until he called her late in the evening when he knew she’d be out of class.
* He joked around with her on the phone for a while as he typed away at his computer, when he halted in his movements, his tone far more serious.
* “You know their opinions and comments about you mean nothing right? I mean-of course you have to know it. You’re the greatest person I know, and you’re really really dear to me and-I don’t just go around saying that lightly you know! Your positive energy is infectious, and you should never, ever let one simple idiot bring it down, ever!”
* He stayed on the phone with her for longer, and before hanging up, he simply said “Oh, by the way, you might want to check your social media.”
* Confused, MC opened her facebook’s homepage-and realised what had happened.
* Seven had hacked into this person’s page, and created a bot that’d constantly post the entire script of the Bee Movie from their account every 2 minutes, repeatedly, non-stop, for at least 3 hours now.
* When would it stop? Well, never. Not even if they deactivated their accounts and got wiped off the face of the earth, not if Seven had something to say about it.
* Don’t mess with cats and hackers, the saying goes, but Seven added a twist to it; don’t mess with cats, hackers, and MC!
-send me mystic messenger headcanons/prompts for the characters to react to!-
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thelucyaddams · 4 years
Part 4
previous parts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 I'm sorry for letting you wait so long. Here comes the next part of my fic :). Oh and just feel free to give me feedback if you want. Kamilah x MC MC's name: Lucy Words: 1709
"Did you see that? The stranger just joined them!", Kamilah stated clearly concerned, "What if he's dangerous?"
"We don't know that. But Lucy is one of the strongest people I know. I believe she can do it.", Adrian said trying to calm his best friend.
"I don't know he's giving me strange feelings.", Kamilah admitted.
"Yeah, he could be harmless but he could also mean trouble. We'll have to stay alert.", Jax said.
"I bet she's having lots of fun right now.", Lily said with a grin.
"Miss Lucy, are you alright?", Lysimachus asked a little concerned.
The human gulped and nodded.
"Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry. Just had to think about something. It's nothing important."
Lysimachus looked at her with a thoughtful expression as if he was trying to read her but once again Vlad broke the tension.
"So Lucy, I must ask... What exactly are you and your friends doing here? I mean from my perspective it looks a little suspicious."
Lysimachus frowned a little but watched them in silence.
"I uh... I just wanted to meet the famous Dracula. The moment I heard about you I was so curious. I hope that's alright..."
"Is that so?", Dracula asked with a smirk.
He liked the fact that someone might be interested in him.
"Yes, I wanted to get close to you.", Lucy said with a smile.
Lysimachus put his now empty bottle on a side table just as Lucy emptied her glas of wine.
"I'm happy to hear that. Would you like another drink?"
Lucy nodded and handed him the glas.
"What about you, my friend?", he asked Lysimachus.
"No, thank you. I don't need anymore.", he declined.
With that Vlad left the room for the moment and left them both alone.
Lysimachus immediately took the opportunity to find out Lucy's intentions. Her real intentions.
"So what are you really doing here? Because it does sound suspicious if a bunch of New Yorks council members are here along with a human...", he asked getting straight to the point.
Lucy gulped and looked at him. She wasn't sure if she could trust him. From what Kamilah told her she could but thousands of years can change a man. But then again the expression in his eyes gave her the feeling of safety and that he was trustworthy.
"I... You can't tell him.", she started to say.
"I won't.", Lysimachus promised and waited for her to continue.
Lucy moved a little closer to him and lowered her voice.
"There's a dangerous vampire in New York. He took over the city and drank the blood of the First..."
"Yeah, Gaius is unbelievably strong now. To stop him we need a special stake made from the Tree of Eternal Life. But in order to find it we need to find the grave of the first vampire which is only possible if I get the Eye of Bathory.", Lucy explained.
"Did... Did you say Gaius?", Lysimachus asked as his expression hardened.
"Yes, you know him?"
"He's my maker... So you think Vlad has this Eye of Bathory?"
Lucy gulped as she realized how much more Gaius hurt Kamilah. Obviously he never told her about Lysimachus being a vampire. It made her a bit angry.
"I know it. It's the amulet he's wearing."
Lysimachus tensed up and nodded.
"I'll help you. But also I'll help you fight him. I have some unfinished business with Gaius.", he said cracking his knuckles.
Lucy's expression saddened a little. One person had caused so much pain and still is and probably doesn't regret anything.
Before they could talk more about it Vlad entered the room again with wine for Lucy and himself. He even brought another bottle of beer although Lysimachus had declined.
When he walked over to them Lysimachus couldn't help but to watch the amulet hanging from his neck. In that moment an idea came across and he smirked.
"Dear friend...", the Egyptian said and grabbed the other vampire by his collar and pulled him closer to him. He put a seductive expression on, "Sometimes I actually find you very... delicious.", Lysimachus growled and just kissed him on the lips.
It caused for Vlad to lose hold of the drinks so he could put his hands on the Egyptian who smirked into the kisses they shared.
The tension got heated and Lucy couldn't do more but to watch them with a surprised expression.
Lysimachus stood up and put his hands on Vlads body stroking his sides and chest.
"Let me undress you."
Lysimachus didn't wait for permission and took off Draculas clothes and threw them on the couch where Lucy was still sitting on. The last thing he took off was the amulet which he gently threw in the same direction.
Vlad wanted to undress Lysimachus as well but the Egyptian stopped him.
"Don't.", he said commanding and pulled out a handkerchief of his pocket.
"Let me cover your eyes.", Lysimachus said and again didn't wait for permission.
Vlad didn't mind though. He was enjoying it and was too excited about finally getting what he wanted. At least that's what he was thinking.
The Egyptian threw him gently on the large bed and moved his hand over Vlads chest down to his hips and then again up to his chest. He circled the bed like a predator thinking about what to do next.
Meanwhile Lucy smiled at Lysimachus who came over to her to take Vlads shirt. He winked and went back to his prey while Lucy quietly took the Eye of Bathory.
The Egyptian bind Draculas wrists and kissed him again heated.
"Oh Lys, you don't know how much I dreamed about this..."
In that moment Lysimachus gave him one last kiss and went back over to Lucy. He offered her his hand which she gladly took. 
The second they wanted to leave the room Lysimachus stopped and turned around. He heard a strange noise and when he saw the source of it he frowned. Lucy followed his gaze and noticed the walkie-talkie.
They listened closely and heard a voice speaking.
“Vlad, you’re there? The Order is about to surround your castle. We’ll make our move now. Thanks for your cooperation.”, a man said and Lysimachus slightly squeezed Lucys’s hand.
He was getting angry about the fact that Vlad arranged this whole ball just to let them all get murdered by the Order. 
Without another glance he dragged Lucy out of the room and ignored Dracula who was getting confused by the lack of kisses and touches but was still too excited to realize the situation he was in. 
When they arrived back at the dance hall Lucy immediately called for her friends who came over to her as soon as possible.
“Lucy, are you okay?”, Adrian asked.
“Did you get the Eye?”, Jax asked shortly after.
The human nodded and handed them the amulet. She was a little out of breath but wanted to tell them what they just found out. Luckily Lysimachus helped her out.
“Quick, you need to get out of here. I think there’s a back entrance over there. I’ll catch up with as soon as I warned the others.”
“Warning about what?”, Lily asked confused.
“The Order is here.”, Lucy answered and dragged her stunned but also angry getting friends out.
“Everyone! You need to find a way out of here! The Order is coming!”, Lysimachus shouted a few times while making his way through the dancing crowd. 
Soon enough vampires heard him and started to panic and to flee. That’s when he followed the direction Lucy and her friends escaped to. 
The front doors burst open and soldiers from the Order came in immediately shooting every vampire they saw.
It didn’t take long for Lysimachus to catch up with Lucy’s gang. they were outside hiding behind some bushes. The Egyptian spotted two Order members and smirked. They stood in a perfect line for his weapon.
With a skilled move of his wrists he made two chained daggers appear in his hands which were hidden inside of his sleeves. With another skilled movement he threw one of the daggers which flew right through the heads of the Order members. Using his vampire strength he pulled back his dagger by its chain and caught it perfectly in his hand. 
Lucy and her friends looked at him surprised. He winked and instructed them to move forward with a nod of his head.
So they snuck around the yard killing one or two more Order members without anyone to notice and made their way out of the area by using some hidden tunnels. 
When they were sure the coast was clear and nobody followed them they stopped running and walked in silence until they arrived in front of Kamilah’s office.
“That was... awesome. Thanks for helping me and us back there.”, Lucy thanked the Egyptian.
“No need to thank me. I did what was right and if Gaius is involved well... then I have to do something.”, Lysimachus answered.
“You know about Gaius?”, Adrian asked.
Lysimachus nodded.
“Lucy told me but I know him myself anyways.”
This gave Adrian but also Kamilah a curious look.
“I’d like to join you and help to stop him if you don’t mind that is.”
“Do I have say in this because yes!!!! Let’s keep the hot foreign vampire with his badass dagger moves!!!”, Lily shouted and earned a smile by Lucy.
“We could use any help don’t we?”, Jax added.
“Yes, why not.”, Adrian finally said.
Kamilah frowned and looked up and down the Egyptian before her. Again he gave her a strange feeling.
Lysimachus felt her gaze on him and looked back at her feeling strange as well. They looked into each others eyes in silence while the others could feel the tension between them.
Lucy grew nervous and broke the silence.
“There’s more to talk about but... it’s better to go inside for that.”, she said.
Adrian agreed and they all looked at Kamilah now.
She swallowed slightly and finally looked at Lucy. She nodded turned around and led them all inside her office.
This will be one hell of a talk, Lucy thought and followed them nervously.
Hope you enjoyed the new chapter :)
tags: @kamilahsayeed-owns-me , @vampireprincess1212
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Sycamore High: Tear The Union Apart (Chapter 36)
A/N: Sorry this chapter is shorter!! But there wasn't a lot I could do for right now! Also, there will be some jumping back occasionally
summary: The professors discover something...
words: 1368
warnings: Swearing, negative thoughts, kissing
Ao3 Link
February 14th
(Ok so this is one hundred percent not accurate about adoption and all that but…this is not how it works but for the sake of my story ahaha sorry I'm really sorry)
“Good morning” Chad greets strolling into the kitchen, Henry smiles at him handing him a cup of coffee. He leans over the counter placing a soft kiss on his lips. “Happy Valentines day love” Henry smiles nodding, he yawns covering it up with his hand.
“Wheres...wheres Ted?” He inquires joining Chad on the other side of the counter. He wraps his arms around his husband from behind, leaning his head on Chad's shoulder. Chad sets his coffee down, looking through the mail.
“He and Tommy are out doing something” He informs, Henry nuzzles. It's these nice moments he carries with him throughout the day. Chad picks up a hefty letter, reading the address “Oh! Its Teds adoption papers! His official ones!” Chad squeals, Henry chuckles nodding. Chad opens the letter reading it thoroughly, he mumbles a few words his face falls. “What?”
“What's wrong dearest?” Henry asks, he wraps his hands further around Chad swats them away. Henry pouts but his husband turns to face him. His face his riddled with confusion. Henry feels his stomach drop below his feet. “What is it Chad?”
“The adoption papers…” His bottom lip begins to tremble, he holds it up reading “Ted Hidgens formerly known as Ted Porker is now the legal child of one Henry Hidgens” Chad reads, he purses his lips looking up. Henry waits for him to continue, and Chad Hidgens. “Teds not my son…” Chad trails off, Henry shakes his head taking the paper. He reads over it but no mistake, no misinterpretation, Chad is not the father.
“This has to be a mistake” Henry swears, Chad nods doubtfully. “Why don't we call them?” He hands Chad the papers and fishes for his phone. “Here” He hands it to him, Chad reads the number and calls. He goes through everything listening intently, he holds up a finger-walking out of the room, presumingly for some information. Henry cleans up their cups, he’s furious. They've had small mistakes happen like this before, but he never got a clear answer why. Chad returned holding the phone in his hand, his face reddening, his eyes wide. “Love?”
“We aren't married,” He says, confused and hurt.
Present Day
“Morning” Ted announces walking up to his locker, the group waves at him save for Tommy who has his head buried in a study book. Ted glances his way but continues towards his locker, opening it to put some items in. He sits in his chair placed next to Paul and Tommy. He leans over nudging Tommy, he looks up adjusting his glasses.
“Yes?” He asks. Ted smirks at him, flashing his teeth. “Ted, I'm really busy do you have something to say?” He irritates. Ted recoils.
“Nevermind, jeezus” He mutters “Just wanted to say good morning” He shuffles in his bag for his own work. Tommy rolls his eyes.
“Yeah hi, morning” He rushes returning to his work. He tries but slams his book shut, stuffing it in his bag. He stands folding up his chair, putting it back neatly before leaving. Ted watches, his face falling. Bill notices the encounter and leans over.
“Are you alright?” He asks, Ted nods unconvincingly. Bill had known him for enough time to tell when even the slightest thing was wrong. He opens his bag handing Ted a pop tart he wasn't going to eat, it was a nice gesture from his father but…
“Thanks, dork,” He says taking it gladly. Bill smiles, ah food, the way to Ted's heart. Not that Bill didn't already have a special place in Ted's heart, forever and always. “Whatcha up to?”
“Studying for finals” he responds showing Ted his booklet, Ted nods showing him his laptop opening to his own study guide. They continue working, Jackie joins the group kissing Charlotte on the forehead as she arrives. Ted offers her Tommys seat, she takes it gladly making sure to flip off Paul, who returns the favor.
“Why were you so late Desai?” Paul asks accusatory, Jackie bounces in her chair.
“Wouldn't you like to know weather boy” She responds fist-bumping Ted in the process. Charlotte sighs wondering how she ended up dating this moron. “My snake was sick so we had to take care of him. Paul's eyes widen as he leans forward, Bill shuts his book.
“Snake?!” They exclaim in unison, both equally interested. Jackie chuckles, she pulls out her phone showing them a picture.
“His name is Token, he's a corn snake” She informs, Charlotte awes a little scared. Bill buzzes in his chair, Ted smiles. He loves snakes, he loves them and Ted can see it in his eyes. “You good there Dorris?” Jackie asks eyeing him, he shakes his head frantically.
“I wanna meet him!” He exclaims, the group has never seen him so excited. Jackie laughs and nods, Charlotte begins packing her things. Emma follows her example. “Where are you guys off to?” Bill asks, Ted begins packing up his own things.
“We have a free first period so we are going to go study over at Beanies” Emma explains, Ted nods agreeing. Paul takes Emma's hand, she leans down kissing him. “Bye Matthews” She smirks, he smiles back. Jackie nudges Charlotte's foot softly, she smiles a goodbye. Ted blows a kiss to Bill, who catches it mockingly. The group chuckles as the three of them disappeared leaving Jackie, Paul and Bill, alone.
“Hey fucker” Paul motions to Jackie, Bill shuts his eyes.
“Not even a second” He mumbles scribbling down some notes in his book. The bell rings signaling the start of class.
“That wouldn't make sense, because ‘E’ equals ‘MC’ squared,” Ted says, Emma nods writing it down. Charlotte yawns exhausted, she takes another sip of her coffee. “Oh my god, I just wanna play Minecraft” He groans, leaning back in his chair. Emma snaps in agreement. He pulls out his computer, much to Emma's laughter. Charlotte eyes him “I'm not gonna play, I just wanted to look something up… Leave me alone” He pouts.
“I'll play with you as soon as I'm done with this one sheet,” Emma remarks, He gives her a thumbs up. Charlotte rolls her eyes at the pair, looking around tapping her pencil. She pokes Ted with the eraser, he looks up.
“Hey, where's Tommy? He usually has a free period around this time as well” She notes, He bites his lip, nodding. He shrugs turning back to his computer, she wants to keep pressing but lets it go. Ted opens up the messenger app on his computer. Emma opens her own computer, doing the same.
Ravioli give me the formuoli
Em: Hey dweeb
Paul: Ms.Perkins are you texting during class??
Em: always babe
Paul: what's up buttercup
Em:  just wanted to check-in, we didn't talk much this morning
Paul: Do you care about me perkins?
Em: Forever and always Matthews
Paul: That's cute and cheesy don't do it again
Em: Noted, so how are you?
Paul: I don't know...I don't wanna tell anyone though
Em: You told me :)
Paul: Because you cornered me and sai “Hey fucker, you are sad, what's up”
Em: …
Em: I did not give you a chance did I?
Paul: No you didn't, but tbh? Right now, I'm fine. I'll tell people when I'm ready
Em: Ok, well I love you <3
Paul: Weirdo
Paul: but I love you too
Emma giggled shoving her phone away per Charlotte's request. She hoped Paul was ok, after everything he had told her? She could only hope and check-in. Ted, on the other hand, did not have as much luck.
Dearest: Hey, Charlotte wanted to know where you were
Gumdrop: Busy can't talk
And that was that. He shut off his computer, returning back to his physical work. The last text itching the back of his mind. What was happening? The prolongment of something dead? Did he miss something, was it his fault? The words scraping his heart for some unknown reason.
Cant talk
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1rosex · 6 years
BTS reaction to their s/o thinking they cheated
Request; Could I get some angst... mc has a misunderstanding and thinks bts is seeing someone else despite knowing her feelings. And could you use Yuu Na in place of Y/N (written in 3rd person)? Thank you!
A/N I've never written a reaction in 3rd person so hopefully this is alright
Also sorry for the wait I was really struggling with giving each member their own plot
"Oh she's going to love this." Jin assured his friend as he packed the gift for his girlfriend into a present box. His friend, a female worker that had helped the company out with their music videos, nodded in agreement to his words. She'd come over to help him, Jin said it had something to do with females knowing what females wanted, he wanted to choose something his girlfriend would like.
"Yuu Na is a lucky girl." His friend smiled as he craddled the box and nodded in agreement. He went in for a friendly hug to thank her for her help, just as his girlfriend decided to step through the door. Yuu Na froze in her steps, eyeing Seokjin's arm around another girl with a present in his arms. She could stick around, ask what was going on. But the scene seemed to tell the story itself. Jin looked up and met eyes with her, his eyes widening when he realized how wrong this all looked. Jin let go of his friend and reached out to his girlfriend, calling out her name but she had already tightened her grip on the door knob, enough to slam the door closed. Yuu Na went down the steps of their shared complex and headed for her car, ignoring Jin's shouting for her to wait.
She got into the vehicle, Jin was only feet away from the car now. Yuu Na stepped on the gas, the wheels spun in place for a split second before the car sped off and left Jin coughing in the remains of the fumes. He turned to see his friend at the doorstep, her eyes wide with pity.
Jin would have gone searching for her immediately, he would not allow himself to lose her. After mutiple ignored texts and calls, Jin's face turned into relief when she finally picked up the phone.
"What?" Came her angered voice over the speaker, icy cold.
"You didn't let me explain. That present, that was for you. Remember that girl I told you helped us out with the mvs? The one that's married?" Jin asked, rushing so she wouldn't have time to interuppt or hang up. He just wanted her to understand. "That's who was helping me. She's got a good eye for things. I swear- I would never do something like that to you. Please believe me." Jin leaned his back against the wall and held his breath waiting for her to respond.
".. So she's just a friend?" Yuu Na asked, sounding slightly guilty about the scene.
"Just a friend."
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Anger was the only thing Yuu Na could bring herself to feel. When she was invited out to dinner with Namjoon and the rest of the staff, she wasn't expecting to be sitting only feet away while one of the staff members was getting all touchy with her boyfriend. The others seemed to notice and even joked about it. Yuu Na swore she wouldn't bring it up or get jealous, but the last straw came when the staff member rested her hand on Namjoon's thigh and he did nothing to stop it. Yuu Na stood up in the middle of conversation, throwing her napkin down and leaving. Some of the staff looked in her direction in surprise, but most of them simply went back to talking and eating. Namjoon on the other hand, quickly got to his feet and ran after his girlfriend.
"Yuu Na!" He called, nearly knocking into a waiter as she continued to walk away. She'd gotten out the door and halfway to the car before she felt his hand come down around her shoulder. She whipped around, clearly upset as she pushed his hand away.
"What the hell! I came here so I could have dinner with you! And instead you let this girl grope you while the rest of the staff makes comments about it! They don't even realize why I left as if it always happens! As if they don't know that we're.." Yuu Na trailed off before looking at him with wide eyes. "They don't, do they? They don't know we're dating. That's why she was all over you."
Namjoon looked at her with a guilty expression on his face.
"I'm sorry. I don't know how my company would react. That girl is older than me and pushing her away would just seem disrespectful, believe me when I say I did not want her touching me. I'll talk to my management about it, but please try to understand why I haven't told them about us." He reached out for her hand in apology. Yuu Na looked at his hand, then back up at his face.
"But you have no feelings for her. None?"
"I wouldn't leave you for her in a million years. I'm with you, and I only care about you."
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Yuu Na groaned when Yoongi's phone started to go off from the dresser and disrupted her dream. She tried to go back to sleep but the phone dinged multiple times, Yoongi nowhere to be seen. Finally she reached over and grabbed the phone, switching on the screen to see who in the world who could want Yoongi so urgently so early in the morning. The contact photo showed a girl, a very good looking girl, the contact name was blank and only had the senders number. She looked at the message that read "Maybe we're just worlds apart because of her". Yuu Na didn't want to think that this girl was anymore than a friend, Yuu Na was not the jealous type. She was understanding. That was, until the mysterious sender sent another message.
"I love you too much to let you go."
By the time Yoongi returned to the room from brushing his teeth, Yuu Na was glaring at the phone.
"Why are you going through my messages?" He asked.
"It kept ringing. I was trying to silence it." She carelessly tossed the phone onto his side of the bed and rolled over onto her side, giving him the cold shoulder. Yoongi sensed the tension and picked up his device, reading the messages. His eyes widened when he realized what had happened, taking a seat on the edge of bed.
"Really? You don't think that I.. No. It's not like that. This is one of the artists I'm helping with, she promised to send me the rest of the lyrics she had written in the morning so I could go over them. I swear this is nothing more than work based." Yoongi said calmly, watching her back. Yuu Na thought about what he'd said, Yoongi was a truthful person. And she could never see him actually cheating on her. He was known for being a good songwriter and for helping others on occasion, so this his truth sounded real.
".. What's her song about?"
"Its about her, and how there's another girl who's after her boyfriend. That's all. I have to get to work, but believe me when I say that I would never stoop that low. Especially not when I'm with you."
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Hoseok is not the type of person you'd ever expect to do such a thing, so Yuu Na was a bit more than devasted when she walked in on her boyfriend giving another girl flowers. Hoseok hadn't noticed her presence in the room yet, handing the girl the boquet of flowers while smiling bodly. The girl receiving them gasped, her lips widening into a smile as she gladly accepted the gift and wrapped him into a hug. Yuu Na swallowed dryly as Hoseok finally glanced over, his eyes widening when he saw her standing at the doorway. She turned on her heel and started to hurry down the hallway, trying to escape him before he could stop her. But Hoseok was immediately running down the hall yelling for her to wait, sprinting to her side and stumbling for an explanation.
"Yuu Na! Wait! Let me talk! Please!" He ran ahead of her and blocked her way out trying to get her to listen. Yuu Na tried to shove past him, but he held her place by her shoulders and locked eyes with her. "Hey! Look at me, I'm not seeing anyone else. That girl is a staff member that's leaving today, I just wanted to give her a goodbye gift."
"A goodbye gift? You looked at her just like.. Just like you look at me." Yuu Na tried to get out of his grip again, but Hoseok was suddenly pushing her back and crashing his lips into hers. Yuu Na wanted to pull away, but she couldn't. She melted into the kiss, and soon enough released her tension and stopped struggling against him. Hoseok pulled away for air, pressing his forhead to hers.
"No, I only ever look at you like this. And I would only ever kiss you. I wouldn't cheat on you Yuu Na, not for all the sprite in the world."
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Yuu Na watched with a bitter expression as the television played BTS' interview. Jimin kept getting questions about this girl that Yuu Na had never heard about, there were pictures of her with Jimin and even one of them hugging.
"But don't you have a girlfriend, Jimin?" The interviewer asked. Yuu Na's heart stung when she saw the look of hesitation on Jimin's face, why wasn't he answering? "Is the girl in the photos your new girlfriend?" The interviewer pressed on. Yuu Na couldn't take it anymore, switching the television off and throwing the remote down. When Jimin came home later that afternoon, he was suprised to find her curled up on the bed facing the wall.
"Yuu Na?" He asked quietly, but she didn't respond. He slowly came towards her, not even sure if she was awake until she spoke.
"Are you cheating on me?" She asked.
"Why would you think that??" Jimin asked, incredibly taken aback.
"The interview today." She answered, finally turning to face him. He could tell that she'd been trying not to cry.
"Oh that! No... That girl, that's my cousin. When they asked if she was my girlfriend I didn't know what to say because the situation just made me uncomfortable. And whenever I say you're my girlfriend, I always end up getting asked personal questions." Jimin moved closer to her and put his hand on her waist. "I would never cheat on you."
Yuu Na suddenly felt guilty for thinking him of doing such a thing, sniffling as she came closer to him. "I'm sorry Jimin."
"Don't be. I understand Yuu Na. But please, try to have a bit more confidence in me next time."
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When Yuu Na found a bra in Taehyung's dresser that wasn't hers, she was definitely angry to say the least.
"What is that doing in here?" She asked the moment Taehyung stepped through the door. He gave her a confused look, asking her to elaborate. She pointed to the open drawer with one hand, watching Taehyung cautiously make his way across the room and peek into the dresser. His eyes widened in realization, wanting to explain the misunderstanding immediately.
"Yuu Na its not-"
"Not what it looks like?" She asked bitterly. "Then what is it?"
Taehyungs face was full of uncertainty. This was all giving worse signs as he rubbed the back of his neck. Yuu Na started to walk past him, Taehyung finally snapping to action as he reached out for her arm. "Wait! Okay, I'll tell you the truth." He glanced at her before crossing his arms and sighing. "I'm not.. Not cheating. That bra in there, well.. I was trying to buy you a lingerie. If you don't believe me you can just take a closer look, the tags still on it. I just didn't know if it was the right size so I chickened out. Well, this is embarrassing." Taehyung shrugged a shoulder. Yuu Na stared at him for a long time before taking grabbing it again. Sure enough, there was a tag hanging off of the strap signaling that it was brand new. She looked back down at the drawer to see the recipient tucked under it. Yuu Na took a deep breath and rubbed her temples.
"You scared me Kim Taehyung."
"I'm sorry. Maybe though, if you're not opposed to the idea, you can still try it on?"
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Jungkook was exhausted from the filming of the new Run episode when he arrived home. The penalty of the latest episode, was to have another member give the loser a kiss on the cheek while wearing bright red lipstick. Unfortunately for Jungkook, he'd been on the losing team and had Hoseok give him a noticeable smooch on the cheek. Jungkook had washed it off before he got home, but failed to notice that Hoseok had given him double, the other one on the lower half of his neck.
Jungkook opened the refrigerator as Yuu Na gave him a welcoming hug from behind, nuzzling into his shoulder. Jungkook grinned and turned to greet her, putting his hand over hers.
"Hi~ how was your day?" He asked as he pulled out some yogurt and closed the door to the fridge.
"Tiring. Yours?" Yuu Na was about to let him answer until her eyes landed on his neck, the red lipstick mark visible on his fair skin. "Jungkook.. Is that.." She didn't want to believe what she was seeing, starting to back up. Jungkook looked confused, looking down and not being able to see what she was staring at. He rubbed at his neck, pulling his hand away to see the red lipstick rub off on his fingers. Jungkook's eyes went wide as he looked up at Yuu Na. Her eyes were watering as she whipped around to leave. Jungkook reached out and grabbed onto her, holding onto her waist while she thrashed around trying to get out of his grip.
"Let me go Jungkook!"
"Wait! Listen to me!" He used his strength to hold her still, turning him to face her. "It was J-Hope! A penalty from todays run episode- nothing else! You'll see when it airs, you'll see that I'm not lying!" Jungkook started to relax his grip as Yuu Na stopped struggling.
"... I thought it was another.." She seemed lost now, knowing the proof would be in the episode.
"Believe me, please. I would never do that to you."
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The Marshmallow Chronicles (Ch. 16: The Beaumont Bash) *NSFW*
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Author’s notes: Right. So I am SUPER nervous about this chapter bc it’s the most different and the one I’ve added the most stuff to so far. I really hope you like it omg. It’s also the longest yet. As always, I’m deeply sorry if you have to scroll through this on the app, but as of now, there’s nothing I can do about it /:
Thanks to all who like, reblog and/or comment, you guys keep me going! And especially to @starstruckzonkoperatorbat, @notoriouscs, @simplyaiden-blog, @snyggflicka, @asprankle, @speedyoperarascalparty, @mirivalencia, @mymandrake, @asobigokoro2018, @krisnicjack and @fabi-en-ciel for asking me to tag them! Please let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged (:
I love you and I reaaally hope this is okay.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Mention of depression, suicide.
Rating: NSFW
Pairing: Drake x MC
Words: 8,059
As he got ready for the Beaumont Bash, Drake was aware of feeling an aching thirst for alcohol. He figured getting wasted was his best chance at surviving the unbearable sight of Liam and Riley together and might even stop him from thinking about her all night. 
With this in mind, he poured himself a glass of the unopened bottle of whiskey Liam had given him for his birthday. He swallowed with savage pleasure, as if Liam could know he was ignoring his request to share it with friends.
He debated whether to pour himself a second glass, then decided against it; he’d been to enough Beaumont parties to know this would be a long night. He should pace himself.
Having thrown his usual outfit on, he barely glanced at the mirror, not really caring much at all about his appearance tonight. 
It’s not like anyone will be looking. 
He trudged down to the ballroom, only to find Lady Kiara at the foot of the stairs. In his current mood, he gladly would have avoided her, but it was unfortunately the only way down.
Nevertheless, he tried to keep their meeting short and discourage conversation by saying, “Lady Kiara,” as curtly as possible and not stopping. 
He wasn’t fast enough, though, as a hand seized his forearm before he could make his getaway.
“And where do you think you’re going, Monsieur Walker?” she asked with a smirk. “I haven’t forgotten your promise of a legendary night, tu comprends?”
Oh fuck, not this. Why did I have to open my goddamn mouth?
Drake extricated his arm as politely as he could and averted his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I comprends or whatever.” This made Kiara giggle, so he added a very discouraging, “We’ll see,” for good measure.
He burst into the ballroom, eager to fade into the crowd and get drunk by himself. And who should be there to welcome here other than Riley. She was wearing a midnight blue dress that made her skin look radiant and her eyes a deeper color than usual. Her hair was up in an elegant bun. Drake privately decided – I shouldn’t even be thinking about this – that he preferred it down, but there was no denying she looked beautiful either way.
Of fucking course. Can’t have a moment of peace around here. Does she always have to look so... so...
His frustration was such that he couldn’t come up with a single word for her; he came up with too many. He realized he’d pursed his lips and balled his fists when he’s seen her. He relaxed as he stepped up to her.
“Welcome to the Beaumont Bash...” she said with a grin. 
You’d think nothing happened yesterday. 
“You’ll recognize some of these fine floral arrangements as yours...” she gestured to the centerpieces.
“Heh. After yesterday, I was skeptical about this place being ready in time, but...” he looked around the lavish room, appraising it. “Looks like you’re about to have an actual party here.”
“I know, right?” said Riley excitedly. She gave him a once over, seeing him fully for the first time. “Though... you don’t look like you’re dressed for the occasion.”
Drake opened his arms as if on display. “You don’t like my look? This shirt’s clean.”
Riley sighed and rolled her eyes. “I guess that’s the most I should expect. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you dress up for these fancy events. It might be a nice change of pace.”
The comment stung more than it should have. 
Well, what did you expect? She’s marrying a prince! Why wouldn’t she think you look like crap? Anyway, me? Dressed like a fucking noble? No way.
He shrugged studiously. “Eh. Fashion is subjective. Besides, people are here to see the Prince, not me.” He attempted to keep the bitterness out of his voice at that last part; it was just a fact, after all. He thought he’d been successful until he saw Riley was shaking his head sadly at him.
He was about to reassure her that he didn’t mind, when Hana bounded up to them. She waved at him with a smile and he returned her greeting with the most cheerful nod he could muster. He felt an arm around his shoulder and turned to see Maxwell had joined them as well.
“Riley! Maxwell! I’ve never been to the Beaumont estate before. This looks wonderful,” admired Hana.
Maxwell replied, “Thank you, Hana...” as Drake shrugged his arm off.
“And you look lovely tonight, Riley,” said Hana, her eyes shining as she took in Riley’s elegant figure.
Riley beamed and returned the compliment, “As always, you look gorgeous too!”
Hana blushed deeply. To the unsuspecting eye, she might just seem like someone who was not used to receiving compliments, but Drake knew better; the corners of her lips were twitching and it was clear to him she was fighting back a smitten smile.
Luckily for Hana, at that moment, the waiters started bringing out the appetizers.
“Our creations!” Maxwell whispered.
“I hope people like them...” said Riley, biting her lip.
Lady Kiara, who was just behind them, wondered aloud, “Uhh... what is this dish?” when the waiter handed her one, along with a napkin.
Maxwell, doing his best pompous celebrity chef impression, explained, “What you have there is a deconstructed delicacy of caviar cultivated from pampered hake fish of the Swedish fjords with paprika harvested from a micro-nursery in Provence.”
Lady Penelope had bitten into it halfway through Maxwell’s bluffing description and now exclaimed, “Wow... so fancy... I like them! Spicy, salty, definitely unique.”
Encouraged by her friend’s reaction, Lady Kiara gave it a small bite too. “Mmmm... It reminds me of when I dined at the top of la Tour Eiffel in Paris! Did you use the same chef?”
She looked so impressed, Drake almost snorted. 
Rich people. Throw some food together, call it something fancy and they're happy.
“Someone comparable,” choked out Maxwell, obviously holding back laughter.
The suitors moved on to mingling with other nobles and Maxwell turned to his friends, “Well, the reactions to our appetizers seem mostly positive.”
“They like the food? Really?” Riley’s smile was almost ear to ear. “I can’t believe we pulled that off.”
“Yeah. I really thought this would be a complete disaster,” agreed Drake.
“I told you... it’s all in the marketing!” Maxwell gave him finger guns. 
Drake’s snide response was interrupted by the arrival of his two least favorite people – or should I say my least favorite snake and possessed murder doll.
Judging by the grimace on Riley’s face, which she quickly covered up with a reluctant smile, she felt the same way. “Duchess Olivia... Countess Madeleine... welcome.”
Hell no. 
Maxwell seemed to be thinking similarly, for he walked away from the group with Drake.
They each grabbed a glass of champagne.
“To not being a part of that conversation,” toasted Drake.
Maxwell chuckled and clinked his glass, saying, “Oh, come on, Drake, they’re not that bad. Olivia has been very loyal to Liam.”
“So? Doesn’t change the fact she’s about as pleasant as a root canal. And don’t get me started on Madeleine!”
“What’s wrong with her?”
“Are you kidding? I’d trust her as far as I could throw... Liam; I could probably throw her pretty far, actually. At least Olivia’s open about how terrible she is.”
“That’s a fair point,” Maxwell conceded. “She’s definitely crafty.”
“That’s one way to put it."
Noticing Madeleine and Olivia had moved on, Maxwell and Drake returned to where Riley and Hana were standing.
“Welcome, everyone,” rang out Bertrand’s clear voice. “If you’ll please take your seats, dinner will begin shortly.”
"That’s my cue. I have a seat in the back,” Drake said, pointing to his table, “so I’ll see you after dinner.”
“And I’d better go and take my seat with the other ladies,” chimed in Hana.
Riley pouted, “I wish we could have all sat together.”
Drake touched her arm lightly. “Hey, don’t look so disappointed, Addams. You’re sitting with royalty. I learned a long time ago I don’t fit in there.” He sighed in resignation. “But don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be able to handle one dinner without us.”
“Right...” Riley replied dubiously.
"We’ll catch up later!” Hana reassured her.
On his way to his unglamorous table, Drake overheard Olivia whine, “What am I doing back here?” He automatically made eye contact with Riley across the room and they both burst into laughter. 
Still chucking he sat down at a table with Bastien and other guards.
He tuned out most of the conversation throughout the meal, focusing instead on the food and drink. He had to admit, dinner hadn’t been half bad, considering it was fancy rich people nonsense. The champagne was the best part, though.
Feeling slightly less grumpy thanks to the food and – in large part – to the alcohol, he felt ready to start a conversation.
"So, Bastien,” he turned to his right, “did you find the person behind the photos?”
“Not yet. I haven’t been able to get ahold of the reporter to whom they were being sold,” the older man grimaced, clearing his plate.
“Bummer.” What Bastien had said reminded Drake of something else. “Oh, hey, what’s this I hear about a reporter being caught inside the grounds at the Manor? It it true?”
He gathered from Bastien’s exasperated sigh that it was.
“What the hell, Bastien?! Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was under the impression that I reported to Prince Liam, not to you,” Bastien snapped with ice in his voice.
Drake was momentarily hurt into silence. The fact that he’d specifically said he reported to Liam instead of King Constantine seemed designed to make him feel smaller. Bastien sighed again and put a hand on his shoulder; Drake resisted the urge to brush it off.
“It was nothing, all right? I figured you had enough on your mind and didn’t want to add to it because of a meaningless incident. She was caught and promptly escorted out. End of story.”
“How can you be sure she didn’t do anything? Take pictures or... I don’t know.”
“Drake, we made sure, trust me.”
Bastien met his eyes earnestly. Drake felt ashamed at having doubted his old friend. 
Why would he tell you anyway? What have you ever done? 
He shook his head as if to rid himself of that spiteful little voice.
"I have had a lot on my mind lately,” he admitted. “What with Liam’s Coronation, and Riley–”
“I see Lady Kiara is still taken with you.”
He whipped his head around to the suitors’ table and saw Lady Kiara engrossed in a conversation with Hana.
“What are you talking about? She’s not even looking this way.”
“You just missed it.” Bastien clicked his tongue regretfully. “I think she’d be good for you, if you don’t mind my saying.”
“Uh, really?”
“Definitely! She is charming and intelligent, and I’m sure I have heard you mention her physical, er, attributes.”
“Yeah, Bastien, she’s hot, you can say it.”
“I will not. But I hope you take my meaning.”
“Now that the dessert course has been served, the grand hall is now open,” came Bertrand’s voice from the main table. “Please join us there for the after-dinner festivities!”
Standing up, Bastien patted his shoulder before leaving the ballroom along with his men to take his position in the main hall, where the party was to be held. Drake filed out of the ballroom alone and stood among the crowd anonymously as Bertrand continued giving unnecessary speeches.
“Citizens, nobles, friends, we’ve gathered here today to celebrate the end of the social season. So if you’ll hear me out, I’d like to share a few words...”
At this point, Drake’s attention drifted. 
There’s only so much noble rambling I can take in one night. 
He looked around and spotted Liam at the very front with his family. He wasn’t eager to join the King and Queen, so he kept searching the crowd. Hana was carrying what seemed like a tiresome conversation with Lady Penelope. Drake shuddered. 
I’d rather be alone than talk about poodles. 
Left with no other choices, he looked for Maxwell.
Disconcerted, he realized his friend was not part of the crowd. 
Where the hell is he?
Bertrand’s voice, once again, broke through his confusion, “... and so, with all of House Beaumont with me, let us propose a toast!”
Drake finally spotted Maxwell coming up the stairs carrying a mace. Close behind him – his eyes widened – was Riley, valiantly hauling a battle axe that looked like it weighed about as much as she did.
“To our gracious royal family...” Bertrand continued.
“To all those here tonight!” Maxwell added.
“And to the PARTTYYYY!” Riley yelled, hoisting the battle axe up precariously. “Let’s rock this place to the ground!”
“YEEEAAAHHH!” Maxwell pumped his fists.
He swung the mace at the champagne, shattering the bottle.
“We’ve never let a lost bottle stop us before. Bring out another!” called Bertrand to the staff.
“WOOOOOOOO!” Maxwell was almost buzzing with frantic energy, his hand and bottom half soaked in champagne.
Riley gripped her axe and sliced with difficulty at the bottle. Perhaps because it was so heavy and thus she had very little momentum, she managed to hack the cork clean off. Champagne immediately bubbled out and she took a drink directly from it. Beginner’s luck, scoffed Drake, though he had to admit to being a little impressed.
Maxwell, on the other hand, was very impressed, and possibly a bit jealous, “Whoa... It took me much longer to master that move.”
“From all of us at House Beaumont... thank you!” Bertrand brandished the bottle Riley had opened at the crowd and they cheered in unison. Waiters marched into the room with tray upon tray of champagne. 
Thank God. 
Drake’s pleasant buzz had begun to subside and he knew he was only a few sober minutes away from getting sulky. 
Meanwhile, Maxwell had raced to the top of the stairs.
“... Maxwell!” Bertrand said.
“What?” Maxwell called back.
“Let the revelry begin!”
“AWWWWWWWWW YEAH!” yelled the younger Beaumont, sliding down the banister.
Deafening pop music blared all around the room, and professional dancers and acrobats, dressed in colorful, circus-like costumes, made their entrance. The room now felt twice as crowded.
Drake stood in his spot, back against the wall, gulping down the champagne he’d snagged from a passing waiter. He didn’t notice his friends walking over to him until Liam spoke, “So, enjoying the party, Drake?”
“It’s been less than two minutes, and my ears hurt...” he grumbled.
Liam elbowed him, “Come on, Drake, you usually give it at least five minutes before tapping out.”
I usually don’t have a crush on the girl you’re marrying.
“There’s so much happening,” Hana marveled.
Drake rolled his eyes. “That’s the problem.”
As if on cue, he heard Bertrand shout, “Bring out the horses!”
“The horses!” Maxwell echoed.
“The horses?! You’re bringing horses in here?!” Riley asked over the music.
“Who’s ready for a little horse riding?” Bertrand led the horses to the center of the room.
“I am!” Maxwell piped up.
“Great...” Drake shook his head. He hated this tradition of theirs. The poor horses couldn’t understand what was happening and were obviously spooked. 
Fucking nobles and their “eccentricities”.  
Maxwell, already mounted, asked, “Who will be my partner?”
“How about our king-to-be?” suggested Bertrand.
“I nominate Drake as my proxy.”
If looks could kill, Cordonia would have found itself without an heir. Liam held back a laugh at Drake’s irritation, but the latter merely said, “Oh, no, you’re not forcing me into the saddle tonight.”
Hana chose that moment to say, “I vote for Riley!”
“Riley!” Maxwell repeated.
“Come on up then, Lady Riley.” Bertrand offered her his hand. “Your saddle awaits.”
Riley was helped onto the horse, which whinnied uneasily. “Easy, girl.” 
Riley scratched the horse’s mane and that seemed to help calm it down. She then led it in a gentle turn around the room.
She and Maxwell waved at the crowds.
"My fellow Cordonians, take a picture!” Riley proclaimed. “I want everyone to see my noble horseback pose.”
Drake snorted at that. She wasn’t a bad rider and her pose was not terrible but it was a far cry from “noble” as she put it. Not for the first time, he found himself wishing he could teach her better, before clamping down on that dumb instinct.
“Phones are not allowed inside these parties. Nobody wants to see embarrassing pictures of themselves in the news.”
Bertrand was right; phones were not allowed and yet... there were always exceptions, weren’t there? He thought back to Maxwell’s video of him dancing to Hayley Rose and felt his face grow warm. A lot more sinister were the pictures of the bachelor party that someone had tried to sell for profit.
“I’ll take mental pictures for you,” Hana consoled her.
After going around the room once more for their adoring fans, Maxwell said, “We should let some others ride around on the horses.”
“Fair enough.” Riley dismounted and made a beeline for Drake.
“Drake! I feel like I haven’t see you all day.”
That’s ‘cause I’ve been avoiding you.
“Well, you’re seeing me know,” he replied, noncommittal, looking down at his champagne.
“Yeah and guess what? I wish your face didn’t look like you just swallowed a lemon.”
He looked up sharply at that, eyes narrowed, and Riley laughed. As per usual, her laugh was too contagious to resist and he ended up chuckling along.
“See? That’s better,” she smiled and brushed her fingers against his. He stopped laughing instantly. 
“I need a drink.”
“Me too! I’ll come with!” 
He groaned a little but could think of no way to dissuade her without hurting her feelings, so he let her follow him to the makeshift bar.
He opened his mouth to order whiskey, when Riley elbowed him aside and spoke over him. “Do not give this man whiskey. Do not. We’ll have two shots instead.”
The bartender looked at her expectantly. When Riley didn’t elaborate, he asked, “Shots of what?”
“Surprise us.” Riley turned to Drake and smiled with that mischievous glint in her eyes. “Scared, Drake?”
“Pff, I can drink you under the table, no problem.”
“Then how about a bet?”
“What? Another one? We both have bets we never settled!”
“Then I guess they cancel each other out!”
“You just wanna get out of paying up, Addams.”
“How dare you! I’ll remember this insult against my honor when you lose, you know?”
Drake put on a whiny voice and begged, “Oh, please don’t, I’m so scared. I’m sorry I insulted your honor, Lady Riley the Waitress.”
“That’s Head Waitress to you, grumpy commoner.”
They were so busy trying to stare each other down, they didn’t realize their shots were ready. The bartender cleared his throat awkwardly. 
Drake turned to him, “Er, right sorry,” and grabbed the two shot glasses.
Handing Riley hers, he proposed, “Okay, how about whoever makes a face or shows any difficulty in swallowing this, loses?”
Riley put on her best poker face, though he noticed her lips were still twitching. “You’re on.”
They clinked their glasses, maintaining eye contact the whole time – I have to, for the bet! – and then threw their heads back. The base was definitely vodka. Drake had only negative experiences from his teenage years to associate with that spirit, but he powered through his body’s rejection of it. 
Riley was not faring as well; for a moment it seemed like she might actually throw it back up. In the end, she managed to keep it down, but she couldn’t help the pronounced grimace on her face as she did.
“HA! I knew it!”
“No! I demand a redo! I cannot handle vodka, okay? My body hates it!”
“Rules are rules, Addams, don’t tell me you’d back down from a bet? Surely your honor wouldn’t allow it,” he teased.
She took a step forward, “Well, maybe I’m not so honorable...”
Drake licked his lips unconsciously. “Neither am I.”
He hadn’t realized when it happened, but his breath had quickened. He felt his hand rising as if of its own accord, reaching toward her, to touch her.
A familiar tall figure was approaching them from behind Riley.
“I better go. Wouldn’t want to interrupt your time with the prince,” Drake said, leaving hurriedly back to the bar and ordering whiskey.
Leaning against it, he had a prime view of Liam and Riley talking. He went to take a swig of his whiskey only to find it empty. He ordered another one straight away. When the bartender handed it to him, he saw Olivia interrupt the couple.
Yes! Go Olivia! Oh my God, what the fuck. I’m actually happy to see Olivia. 
Before leaving with a person that Drake considered to be in his personal bottom three and yet felt like hugging right now, Liam kissed Riley on the cheek. Drake downed his whiskey and ordered the next.
The rest of the party went by in a blur of alcohol, dancing – or, in Drake’s case, being forced to dance by Maxwell – and crazy hijinks, like trying to shoot an arrow through an apple on a bust’s head. 
Nobody could do it. They hit other things, though... The bust, mostly. But there was an exciting moment when Penelope, swaying, very nearly hit Maxwell. He wouldn’t have been badly hurt – the arrows were blunt – and it hadn’t even brushed him, yet he still took it upon himself to act out a Shakespearean death scene, much to everyone’s amusement. 
Drake hadn’t even tried. His level of drunkenness paired with how bad he was at archery at the best of times was a recipe for disaster; even drunk him knew that.
The party felt like it was winding down. Lady Kiara was sitting on the floor in the corner, moaning, “Too... too much... Je ne me sens pas bien.”
Penelope, in the meantime, was leaning against one of the horses, going, “You know, horse. You and I have so much in common... hair, bodies, an adoration of poodles. You’re like my equine soulmate.” She seemed to doze off at that point.
Liam and Olivia were chatting in very loud voices. Well, Olivia was; Liam was talking maybe a tiny bit louder than he normally would, but his cheeks were far more rosy than usual.
Bertrand was sitting against a column with an empty champagne bottle in one hand – Drake didn’t doubt he’d drank it all himself – and a sword in the other.
“We gave those apples what for,” he said proudly to no one in particular.
Maxwell, to no one’s surprise, was still dancing while Riley and Hana looked on, amazed at his energy.
Drake walked over, hoping the fact that everyone was pretty drunk meant he could go. “It’s over. I’m finally free.”
Maxwell stopped dancing and wheeled around to face Drake. “What do you mean ‘it’s over’? The party is just getting started.”
“Lady Penelope is literally talking to a horse,” he nodded toward her. “The party has done its job.”
"Your mane is so soft,” she was saying as she ran her fingers through it. “You have to tell me who does your hair.”
“Back home, this was always about the time we’d break out a game of Truth or Dare, but I bet you guys are too classy for that!” Riley raised an eyebrow.
“You’d be betting wrong! I love Truth or Dare.” 
Of course Maxwell would love a party game.
“’Truth or Dare’?” Hana met Drake’s eyes; they both seemed to be thinking the same thing: Truths could mean trouble. “That sounds dangerous...”
“Well... only if you have something to hide...” shrugged Riley. Drake almost laughed. “Or a fear of embarrassing stunts...”
She looked at Hana beseechingly and the latter couldn’t resist, “It sounds... Fun!” 
Normally, Drake wouldn’t blame her, he knew by now how powerless he was to resist Riley’s requests but... 
Dammit, Hana! Not after yesterday!
Riley took Hana’s hands, “I can’t believe you’ve never played! Now we’ve go to do it.”
Drake shook his head over and over. “Oh no. I’m not playing Truth or Dare.”
“Come on, Drake, we should do it for Hana,” pleaded Riley.
Hana backtracked politely, “I don’t want to pressure you guys into doing something on my behalf.”
“But I would!” said Maxwell. “Do it! Do it!”
“I see where this is going...” Drake was already rubbing his face tiredly, waiting for what he knew was coming.
“Drake! Drake! Drake!”
Aaand there it is. Does this man ever not chant?!
“Okay... fine. I’ll play, just stop chanting my name.”
“Whoohoo! Someone’s going streaking tonight!” Maxwell wiggled his eyebrows.
“We can play in my room!” Hana offered, and she led the way upstairs.
Drake and Maxwell followed suit. Riley, for all her talk, lingered behind. 
Waiting for Liam? 
He didn’t know what to feel if that was the case. On the one hand, relief that he wouldn’t have to play a risky drinking game with her; on the other, pure, uncontrollable jealousy. 
Who am I kidding? I’m no closer to controlling this stupid crush than I am to controlling the fucking weather. 
To his immense relief and despite his hesitancy to play Truth or Dare with her, Riley joined them soon in Hana’s room. They were all sitting crosslegged on the floor in a circle. Riley took a spot between Hana and Maxwell, facing Drake.
“This is so exciting! How do we start?” asked Hana.
“Usually with a few drinks,” Drake replied.
“Oooh, there’s a full bar!” said Hana, noticing it for the first time. 
We are very different people. 
“What do you guys want?” she asked.
“Make me something fruity and delicious!” requested Maxwell. “I know! I want Sex on the Beach!”
Hana’s hand went to her mouth, her cheeks turning red, “Oh my! I don’t think...”
“It’s a drink...” explained Maxwell hastily. “Never mind, I’ll make it myself.” He stood up and joined her at the minibar.
“I’ll just have–”
Riley cut Drake off, “Let me guess. Whiskey.”
Drake rubbed the back of his neck, feeling his face heat up, “I’m getting predictable, aren’t I?”
“Maybe just a little bit,” she said with a small smile.
“What about you, Riley?” asked Hana. 
“I’ll have a whiskey, too,” she winked at Drake, who couldn’t help grinning back.
Hana poured two whiskeys and a glass for champagne for herself, while Maxwell mixed himself a bright orange drink.
“Cheers, friends! Thank you for joining me tonight!” Hana extended her hand to the center of the circle.
“Cheers.” Drake followed.
Maxwell added, “To friendship!”
“To friendship!” agreed Riley, clinking her glass to the others’. “And Truth or Dare!”
Drake drank deeply, remembering what they were all there for. “Oh boy, this is going to be a long night.”
“Drinks have been accomplished! Now, what comes next?” Hana looked at them expectantly.
“Someone goes first,” said Maxwell.
“Addams should start.” Drake pointed at her. “This was her idea.”
Maxwell turned to her, “Okay, Riley... truth or dare?”
“I choose Truth.”
“I was hoping you’d say that.” Maxwell rubbed his hands together with relish. “I’ve got a great one for you. If you were stranded on a desert island, where you’ll never see anyone or any civilization ever again... Which one of us would you want with you?”
Riley pretended to think for a moment, tapping an exaggerated finger to her chin, then announced, “I’d want Drake!”
He could not have been more taken aback. He knew they were on good terms now, maybe even more than that if yesterday was anything to go by, but there was no denying he was a difficult person to be around, let alone be stuck with. 
“Me? Be honest, Addams, you just want me there so I’m suffering as much as you are.”
“Mostly just to see how you’d look in a grass skirt,” she smirked.
“Hey!” Drake threw a nearby cushion at her, which she deflected with her arm, laughing. 
“Ha ha!” Drake allowed Maxwell to laugh for a second before glaring at him.
“Just kidding. I think you’d be gruff and grumpy, but deep down, when it counts, you’d probably save me from a tiger or something,” continued Riley.
“Well, I’d feel terrible if a tiger ate my only companion,” joked Drake.
“And there wouldn’t be any nobles around, or courtly intrigue, or gossip...” Riley was now looking intensely at him, as if trying to say something other than what her words conveyed. “In fact, I think you might enjoy being stranded more than palace life.”
Staring into those hypnotizing blue eyes, all Drake could think was that he’d sell several body parts if it meant he could be alone with Riley anywhere. Even a deserted island.
The corner of his lip quirked up, “You never know.”
“Okay, Maxwell, it’s your turn.” Riley broke their eye contact before the others could wonder if there was something else to the innocent answer. “Truth or dare?”
“Dealer’s choice! I’m not afraid of anything!” 
“Okay, then, tell us a secret that no one else knows about you.”
Maxwell’s bravado faded right away. “Aw, I’m an open book! Everyone knows everything about me!”
Drake scoffed, thinking back to how weird Maxwell had been just the day before. “Nope.”
He caught Riley’s eye and she nodded, remembering the same thing. “Not true at all.”
“We know almost nothing about you!” countered Hana.
“Well, all anyone ever had to do was ask. Okay, let’s see...” Maxwell reflected for a moment, then said, “I hate carousels.”
“Really?” asked Riley, incredulous. “I thought everyone loved carousels...”
Maxwell elaborated, “When I was little, the royal court took all the kids to a theme park for the Prince’s birthday. But when we were on the carousel, some reporters got in and mobbed us. The security team did their best to get us all out of there, but I was the last one they got to. So I was stuck on this dumb carousel for what seemed like forever with people taking pictures and shouting questions at me.” 
He had a glassy look in his eyes, as if transported back to the horror of helplessly riding a fake horse round and round. 
“I was only three... I had no idea what was really going on. And because our parents had spent so much time trying to warn us about dangers, I thought I was about to get murdered.”
Riley leaned her head on his shoulder, “Aww... Maxwell...”
He shook himself. “I’m fine. I was a long time ago.”
“Still...” Hana sounded disproportionately concerned.
“Aw, geez, this is why I don’t like to talk about serious stuff. I’m fine, you guys!” Maxwell reassured them. “Just forget it! Next up... Hana, truth or dare?”
It struck Drake that this was something Maxwell did all the time and he was an expert at it: seemingly divulging information about himself while at the same time withholding anything of meaning. The fact remained that he had no idea what his friend was going through right now and likely wouldn’t find out anytime soon if Maxwell insisted on bottling it up. Not that he was a model of mental health.
He turned his attention back to the game. Hana had just decided, “Oh... um... truth!”
“Tell us about your first kiss,” said Maxwell.
Hana bit her lip. “My first kiss?”
“You have been kissed, right?” Maxwell asked curiously. 
Hana’s brow furrowed. “Yes, of course.”
“You were engaged, after all!” Riley shot Maxwell a reproachful look.
“Well... it was actually a very chaste courtship. Our first kiss was in front of a professional photographer for our engagement photo shoot. My parents were insistent that we publish a very public announcement in all of the papers. It was... somewhat awkward,” she finished, staring down at her hands.
“He wasn’t a great kisser?” grimaced Riley.
Hana sighed and said, “He missed.”
Drake had never been so confused. “Missed? How?”
“He kissed my ear. Well, he punctured his lip on my earring, actually. He started bleeding. I felt terrible. My parents were furious that he ruined my dress. It was a complete disaster.”
Drake had been about to burst out laughing, when he caught a subtle shake of Riley’s head. 
Okay, not the time. 
He carefully avoided looking at Maxwell, whom he knew would also be close to laughter. One glance and they’d both cave.
“Hana, you deserved a better first kiss than that!” Riley put her arm around Hana. Drake saw her smile in absolute delight, holding Riley’s hand.
“Thank you, Riley. But it wasn’t so bad. Looking back, it was actually pretty funny. I mean, who can miss that badly on a kiss?”
Feeling like he had permission, Drake laughed, expecting Maxwell to join him. However, he only gave a small, “Hah!” 
Drake turned to him questioningly and Maxwell continued, “I know. I mean. What a loser...”
By now, Drake was excellent at knowing when his friend was hiding something. “Maxwell...”
Maxwell sighed and slumped his shoulders, “Okay, maybe I accidentally kissed someone’s chin but that’s, like, a totally understandable mistake, right? I mean, it’s right below the mouth...”
Hana did an amazing job of containing her laughter, only letting out a small giggle, “Hee hee. Yes, that’s completely normal.”
Riley and Drake however, were not so considerate, howling with laughter.
Annoyed after a minute of this, Maxwell talked loudly over their subsiding laughter, “Okay, my turn again! Riley, I dare you to go streak through the ballroom in your underwear!”
Uh oh.
The exact same thought seemed to have crossed Hana’s mind for her eyes widened and she glanced at Drake instantly. Fuck. I cannot see Addams in her underwear again. I might spontaneously combust.
Hana beat him to the punch, “That’s not fair! It’s not her turn.”
“Yeah, and she didn’t even choose ‘dare’,” Drake pointed out
“Well someone should streak tonight or this game is a bust. Come now, Riley, it’s your game. Who will it be?” asked Maxwell.
This time, she didn’t even pretend to think, “Drake.”
He rolled his eyes at her and felt his face grow warm.
“You trying to see me shirtless, Addams?”
“Not if you run fast enough!” she said cheerfully.
The group went down to the now deserted ballroom. The tables had already been cleared by the palace staff, leaving a vast, empty room perfect for something like running around half naked.
“The things I do for you people.” It had been his constant refrain lately, yet Drake had to admit that the phrase should be singular. It’s not like he’d do this just for Maxwell or Hana, as much as he liked them.
He took off his shirt and pants and stood there for a split second in his gray boxer briefs. He thought he saw Riley’s eyes glint.
Fuck it, let’s get this over with.
He sprinted the length of the room, the cool air feeling nice throughout his whole body. He realized he hadn’t known how drunk he was until this moment, when running proved more difficult than he’d anticipated. He managed not to trip, but it was a close thing.
“Woo! Go Drake!” Riley cheered from the other side of the room.
He ran back to them and stopped.
“Yep!” said Maxwell, “Now what?”
Riley grinned. “I’m going to join in!” 
For the love of God, NO.
She took her clothes off efficiently and yet even then, Drake couldn’t help but think how sexy her confidence was.
Fuck me, now she’s in her bra and undies. I’m gonna die. That’s it. RIP Drake Walker.
It took all of his concentration and strength not to look below her face at her amazing, perky breasts in a black bra; at her long, shapely legs; and most of all, at her ass, whose every tempting curve was hugged by her matching underwear.
“We can’t make Drake be the only one. Come on, Hana!” urged Riley.
Yes! Yes, that might make this feel more normal. More like a “friend” thing.
“Hee hee... okay! It does look fun!”
Hana took her clothes off as well. Drake barely registered her creamy underwear, although he would have to be an idiot not to see that she was a beautiful woman too.
“Let’s go!” Hana gestured for them to run.
Riley turned back, “Maxwell?”
“I’ll be the photographer.”
“I mean, I’ll stand guard!”
The three of them took off running and immediately, Drake felt better. The other two were nothing but a blur and so he could be just a normal guy having fun with his friends, rather than a commoner pining for the prince’s fiancée-to-be.
“Wooooooooo!” squealed Riley.
“Freeeeeedom!” roared Drake.
Hana shouted, “Truth or Dare!”
They ran the length of the room twice and then collapsed next to Maxwell, out of breath and with spinning heads.
“Wow, that took a lot out of me,” mumbled Riley.
“Me too. I need to lie down.” said Hana, a hand on her head.
They returned to her room, carrying their clothes. The four friends threw themselves on Hana’s bed, resting for a moment. Drake found himself lying down next to Riley. Her head was resting on her arm and she was staring at him. She reached out and brushed his bare chest with her fingers.
He exhaled sharply and sprang off the bed. The others took this as a sign to do the same and got dressed. Riley stayed on the bed a moment longer, then put her clothes on as well. 
“I can’t believe we just did that!” Hana was flushed and her hair was wilder than Drake had ever seen it. She also looked happier than ever.
Drake ruffled her hair further. “Ah, the magic of Truth or Dare.”
“This was so much fun tonight! Thank you,” she said to them all.
Riley smiled. “Any time.”
“Yeah, you know me. I don’t need much of an excuse to party.” Maxwell did the robot. 
“And I’m... still not sure why I came this time, but I guess I’d do it again.” It had been a risk, and it had almost gotten too dangerous, but nothing happened.
“Drake, I think we’re graduating from friends to best friends!” Hana beamed.
Drake put his hands up defensively, “Whoa, whoa, whoa... Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
“I dunno, man. We all drink together, goof off together, spend most of our time together...” Maxwell nudged him.
Hana squeezed Drake’s arm. “It’s too late, Drake. We are best friends!”
“I guess I’m just going to have to accept this, huh?”
“It’s probably for the best. You could do much worse than the three of us,” said Riley.
Oh, I know. It’s you guys who should be thinking this twice.
“That’s true, isn’t it?” He sighed. “Okay. You got me.”
“Yay!” exclaimed Maxwell. 
"Yay!” echoed Hana.
Drake crossed his arms. “Please tell me this isn’t a thing we do now.”
Riley patted his arm, reassuring him. “This is not a thing.”
“Thank God. At least someone still has some sanity.”
“I’ve got your back.” She gave him one last squeeze before letting go.
Hana stifled a yawn behind her hand.
“Okay... we should probably call it a night before we break Hana...” Maxwell said, concerned. 
Hana nodded. “Good night! This has been a very memorable evening!” She waved goodbye to everyone as they prepared to leave her room.
“Good night, guys,” Drake said.
“G’night!” Riley repeated.
Once in the hallway, Maxwell went left, while Riley and Drake went the opposite way.
“So, that was fun, right?”
Drake only grunted in response, cursing nobles internally for having such big houses. He couldn’t be alone with her.
“What’s up with you? I feel like you’ve been avoiding me all day.”
“Uh, no, I haven’t.”
It wasn’t exactly convincing, but she couldn’t prove anything.
“Are you tired?”
Drake answered, “Nah,” before thinking, Shit. Why didn’t I just say yes?!
“Cool, me neither. Let’s have a drink.”
She pulled him into her room and he found that he didn’t feel like fighting her. Without asking, she poured them both whiskey and they sat down on a futon.
“Truth or Dare?” she asked softly.
“Down your whiskey.”
“Come on, Addams, at least make it a challenge.” He was just bragging. His throat actually felt like it was on fire and his head hadn’t stopped spinning since the ballroom. He was extremely drunk already.
“Truth or Dare?” It was his turn to ask.
“Same thing.”
She rolled her eyes at him and gulped down her drink. She managed to swallow all of it, but she had a coughing fit. He thumped her back, although he wasn’t sure that even did anything.
She stopped coughing, but he didn’t remove his hand; she didn’t seem to mind.
“Your turn.” Her voice was still hoarse from the whiskey.
Fuck it. Hope this doesn’t bite me in the ass.
“Are you mad at me?”
Her voice was so small, he could barely keep himself from squeezing her. 
I can’t even blame her for thinking that. I’m such an asshole.
“No. And I’m sorry for making you think that.”
She seemed to be waiting for him to add something, but that was as far as he was willing to go, so she nodded.
“Do you miss home?”
She was quiet for a long moment. Drake thought he could hear a clock ticking, but he couldn’t see one. He wondered idly what time it was. Late, but how late? He didn’t dare check his phone at that moment.
Finally, she sighed and spoke, “What is home, anyway? I don’t really have anyone, so no.”
She was leaning into him now, his hand still on her back.
“I’m sorry, if you don’t want to–”
“No, I do. It’s actually kind of a relief to be asked. I know my life is a million times better here than it ever was in New York, but sometimes it sucks that people just assume I’m happier here.”
“Aren’t you?”
“No, I am! I definitely am but...”
Drake waited again until she was ready to continue.
“Remember back in Olivia’s estate? When we went out before the storm?”
You mean the moment I knew I was falling for you, even if I was in denial? Yep.
“Sure,” he replied.
“I told you I knew what it was like to feel like you failed someone.”
“Yeah,” his voice was barely audible. He had been wondering about that but it seemed serious and he didn’t want to push her. He figured she’d tell Liam about it, rather than him.
“I... had a younger brother. Growing up we were really close, but then I left for college and we kind of drifted apart. I thought I could justify it, being a busy college student and all that but... He started having a hard time and I–I didn’t even know about it.”
She squeezed her lips together and continued, “One day I got a call at school that my little brother,” her voice wobbled, “had killed himself.”
Tears were now escaping her eyes, falling too fast and hard to roll down her cheeks. Drake realized he’d been rubbing circles on her back for the past few minutes.
She shook her head. “I didn’t even think to check up on him and I knew depression ran in the family.” She put her head in her hands and took a deep breath. “In his note he asked me to forgive him. As if it were him I needed to forgive.”
She let out a small sob, her face still hidden. A few seconds later, she wiped her tears and spoke, her voice still unsteady, “Coming here, I was just running away from my guilt. But I’m happy for the first time in years thanks to you guys, and you’ve helped me believe I do deserve it, despite everything... I haven’t completely forgiven myself, but I’m closer than I’d ever been.”
She gave him a watery smile. “So thanks, for everything.” She squeezed his hand.
He could not believe she was smiling. The horror, the trauma of losing a loved one in such a way and yet she still found something to be grateful for. He felt his own throat closing up, overwhelmed with affection and admiration. Unable to speak, he squeezed her hand back.
They stayed that way for a few minutes, with her head on his shoulder and his hand stroking her back. 
She sniffed and stood up, walking to the mirror. “God, I’m a mess!”
Drake went to stand behind her. “I think a pink nose suits you.” 
She giggled. “And to think I might have met Liam looking like this!” 
Drake’s smile died on his lips. Right. Liam.
“Listen, if you’re feeling okay I should leave you to it.”
“Oh, um, yeah, I’m fine.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, it felt good to tell someone.”
So she hadn’t told anyone? Not even Liam?
He entertained that thought for a second and then shook himself.
It doesn’t matter. You can be her confidant; she’ll still marry Liam. And that’s okay. Having her in your life is enough, but you need to forget about anything romantic happening between you. She deserves no less than a fucking kingdom.
“You should go meet Liam. I bet you can still make it.”
“You... think I should?” Her expression was unreadable.
“Yeah.” So was his.
His feet carried him to the bar, where he ordered shot after shot. He lost count. His bed was only a few feet away, so he could get as drunk as he wanted. As drunk as it would take to forget about Riley for a second. To forget about her bravery and resilience, her vulnerability, her warmth. 
We can be friends. We have to be friends, I can’t lose her. I just have to find somebody else.
As if planned, Kiara plopped down on the stool next to him. He couldn’t really focus her properly, but he still knew she looked beautiful as ever.
“Drake! I haven’t seen you all night!” Her speech was not as proper as usual, maybe even a bit slurred, but Drake was in no condition to notice.
“Theeeerrre you are, mylittlecroissant.” He had no idea he was barely intelligible at this point. Kiara didn’t seem to mind, anyway. “Voulez-vous choucher avec moi?”
“I thought you’d never ask!”
They finished their drinks and Kiara moved to his lap. He didn’t see the bartender leave, but he must have. Drake crashed his lips clumsily onto hers, their teeth accidentally clashing. She responded enthusiastically, her tongue entering his mouth. They made out sloppily, his hands roaming her body.
She pulled him closer by his shirt and let her hands stroke his chest, going lower and lower. She brushed his inner thigh and he felt his cock stir in his pants.
He jumped up from his seat, making her fall to the floor.
“Oh! Sorry, sorry, sorry!” He apologized over and over again as he helped her up.
“Kiara, yeeer great, ya know? Like, s-superrr cool an’ev’rything but I can’t. I juss can’t.”
He left her standing there and stumbled back to his room as fast as his condition allowed him. 
As soon as he was through the threshold, he slammed the door and leaned against it, breathing heavily. His hand trembling with need, he undid his zipper, pulled out his cock and took himself in his hand. 
He started out slowly, just savoring the feeling. Then, without meaning to, he let himself imagine what a smaller, softer hand would feel like. His hand moved faster. Unbidden, an image of Riley in her black underwear and matching bra came to him and he was powerless to stop it. His hand moving at a feverish pace, he had to clench his jaw to stop himself from crying out.
Still, he couldn’t help groaning, “Addams!” through clenched teeth as he spilled all over his hand.
Steadying his breath, he cleaned himself up and staggered to bed, already knowing his future self was going to regret so much of what happened that night.
I’m so fucked.
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choicesfanatic86 · 6 years
TTS:  Part 14 (Liam x MC)
DISCLAIMER:  All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except characters unique to my story.  Those belong to me. ;)
PAIRINGS:  Riley (MC) x OC, Riley (MC) x Liam, Liam x Riley (MC) x OC, Olivia x Drake, Bertrand x Savannah, Maxwell x OC
SUMMARY:  Riley’s trying to deal with the aftermath of Liam’s arrival, and unfortunately she’s not handling it very well.
If you are new to the series and would like to catch up by reading previous parts, please check out my master fan fiction listing.  CATCH UP HERE
TAGS:  @herladyshipxx  @theroyalweisme @blackcatkita @devineinterventions2 @hopefulmoonobject @captainkingliam @pbchoicesobsessed @cocomaxley @queencatherynerhys @mfackenthal @boneandfur @spetstoof @bobasheebaby @grapefrults @pessimystic-fangirl @dralenamax @mspaigemoore @drakelover78 @kaitycole @jayjay879 @hhiggs @umccall71 @penguininapinktuxedo @topsyturvy-dream
If you want to be added to the tag list so that you an be notified when new parts of the series are released, please let me know, and I will add you to the above list.  Also, if the tags aren’t working for you, I can also message you when I post a new part.  Please request to be added to the “message” list and I’ll gladly shoot you a quick message of the new part’s posting.
Thank you everyone for being so patient while I worked on Part 14.  We’re back on the emotional roller-coaster this part, but I think it really serves the story to see Riley running through all of these different emotions.  As always, thank you for all of your kind words! I look forward to hearing what you think about it! :)
Part 15 will be released on Saturday.
Part 16 will be released on Sunday.
Part 14 - Secrets and the Lies We Tell Ourselves
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It was well after midnight when Riley bid Liam a goodnight.  Their conversation had left her breathless.  She still had a difficult time believing that it wasn’t all a dream.  She contemplated pinching herself to be sure that she wasn’t dreaming.  She played with the tiny slip of paper that he had given her.  Its presence reassured her that she definitely hadn’t been dreaming.  She glanced down at it, unfolding it to see what he had scribbled.  It was a telephone number – his private line she assumed.  She bit her lip.  What was she getting herself into?  She felt herself going a bit crazy, wondering if she had made the right decision.  Did she really want to go down this path again? No, she reassured herself, it was just dinner.  He had said it himself, as friends, nothing more.  He knew she had a boyfriend, and he said he’d respect that relationship.  So then, why did she feel as if she couldn’t believe him?
Already having been restless before Liam arrived, she found herself even more agitated than before.  She thought that doing some bids and answering some emails would have calmed her non-stop thinking, but Liam’s unexpected arrival had thrown a wrench into that plan.  Instead, her body was pumped with adrenaline, causing her to linger on every single word he said.  She replayed their conversation over and over again.  She needed to stop.  This wasn’t healthy – it was obsessive.  She needed to get him out of her head.  Was Andy still up?  She had to be . . . she was just as thrown off by the time difference as she was.  Maybe Andy would be able to calm her nerves.  Glancing at the clock, she saw that it was almost one o’clock in the morning.  Did she dare wake her up at this hour?  Riley weighed her options.  Could she force herself to go to sleep in her current state of mind . . . it was doubtful.  Not with her mind going back and forth about her decision to go with him to dinner.  She wanted . . . no needed . . . to talk to Andy.  She was the only person she could trust to lay it all out on the table for her.  She had the least amount of bias in the situation because she had never met Liam.  Plus, this was technically Andy’s fault to begin with . . . she had been the one who told her she needed to come back to Cordonia . . . for closure . . . . to move on.  How ironic, when Riley knew after her meeting with Liam that closure was the farthest thing from Liam’s mind.  
She slowly snuck off toward Andy’s room, carefully knocking at the door.  She didn’t want to wake anyone else in the house up, especially Little Bartie.  She tapped lightly on the door for a second time, but there was still no answer.   She wondered if she should just call it a night and catch up with her in the morning, but her mind started to race again, and she realized that if she didn’t talk to someone, she was going to burst from the emotion overload she was facing.  She felt like if she didn’t talk to someone, she was going to go crazy.  She gently opened Andy’s door, tiptoeing inside, careful not to startle her.  As she stepped closer to the bed, she realized that while Andy was fast asleep snugly wrapped in the comforter . . . she was also not alone.  She saw Maxwell’s bare torso, his hippo tattoo slightly peaking out of the covers on the bed.  His arm was wrapped tightly around Andy’s waist.  
“I’ll be damned,” Riley muttered to herself.  Had Riley not felt so embarrassed, she would have felt a bit concerned about the predicament her two best friends had found themselves in.  She felt the blush rising from her cheeks to her ears, as she rushed to carefully back herself out of the room without waking them.  When she made it out, she lightly shut the door, and leaned herself up against it, breathing a sigh of relief.  “Well this is a very odd turn of events,” she sighed.  What had she just walked in on?  Was it love?  Or just a casual hook up?  It wasn’t like Andy to jump headfirst into something without a safety net . . . then again Cordonia made people do crazy things.  She was living proof of that.  She pushed all her thoughts on Maxwell and Andy’s relationship to the side.  It wasn’t her place to figure out what was going on; that was something that they had to do on their own, and on their own terms.  Who was she to judge if it was just two consenting adults having fun with no strings attached?  Riley slipped back to her bedroom, deciding not to think about anything else.  Her need to talk to someone was minimized by her embarrassment.   As her mind continued to race, her exhaustion ultimately won out and she drifted off to sleep.
Riley woke early the next morning feeling hung-over, which she found incredibly inconvenient considering that she had only had a few mimosas during the derby.  She knew it wasn’t the alcohol that made her feel so crummy.  She was drunk off Liam’s words from the previous night, drunk off the millions of thoughts that were still running through her head.  That was stronger than any alcohol she had ever consumed.  As she nursed her massive headache, she heard someone knocking on her bedroom door.  “Come in,” she yelled, “I’m just getting ready.”
Andy strolled in looking exceptionally happy.  “Morning, bestie.”
“Good morning, sunshine,” Riley yelled from the bathroom.  “You’re awfully chipper this morning,” Riley noted, as she walked toward the bed, sitting down to put on her socks.
“It’s a great day to be happy,” she explained.  “I came to escort my beautiful best friend to breakfast.”
“Great . . . I’m just about ready,” Riley said as she was tying her hair up in a short ponytail.  She looked at Andy for a moment, deciding that she needed to get the whole Liam debacle off of her chest before starting the rest of the day.  “Hey, do you have a minute before we go down for breakfast?” Riley asked anxiously.  There was a slight blush in her cheeks as she remembered seeing Maxwell lying next to her.  Even though she considered Andy her best friend, she was still felt a bit awkward about walking in on such an intimate moment between the two of them, especially when they hadn’t exclusively brought up the status of what was going on between them.  She knew they had gone out on a date, but she didn’t expect things to progress so quickly.  They probably didn’t even have a definition for their relationship yet.  She definitely wasn’t going to bring the subject up to her unless Andy decided she was ready to talk about it.
“For you, I have twenty minutes,” Andy smiled at her.  “What’s up?”
“So . . . I think I may have made a mistake last night,” Riley explained.
“What happened,” Andy asked concerned, sitting next to her on the bed.  “Did something happen with Paul,” she asked.
“Oh no, it’s nothing like that.  Paul’s fine,” she said, “I did finally get in touch with him, so that was a relief,” she smiled.  “He’s in Boston, that’s why I couldn’t reach him,” Riley explained.
“Work again?” Andy inquired.
“Yes, well, he’s thinking that the merger is going to be done by the end of the month, so he had to fly back to get the closing ready,” she explained.  “He thinks he might be able to make it to the wedding after all.”
“That’s great news,” Andy smiled, before a frown suddenly appeared on her face.  “Wait, does that mean I lose my plus one status?”
Riley smirked.  “I really don’t think you have to worry about being my plus one anymore, Andy,” she comforted.  “I’m pretty sure you’ve secured a plus one spot in Maxwell’s eyes.”
“Um yeah,” she blushed shyly.  “I actually need to talk to you about something later,” she said softly, “But after you tell me what’s going on with you first.”
Riley nodded, clearing her throat.  “So, I couldn’t sleep last night, and I figured maybe if I got some work done, I’d be tired enough to fall asleep.  I hadn’t been out there for more than half an hour, when I heard the sliding door open.” She recalled.  “I didn’t think too much of it, figuring it was Drake coming back late from the derby festivities, but then when he spoke . . . I realized it wasn’t Drake at all . . . it was Liam.”
“Liam?” Andy perked up, grabbing Riley’s leg in surprise, “As in the King?  As in your exboyfriend?  How on earth did he find out you were here?”  Andy gasped suddenly.  “Did he see you at the derby?”
“I’m not sure how he found out, honestly, and he wouldn’t tell me.  He said it didn’t matter.  That’s why I’m thinking it’s Drake . . . I bet he doesn’t want me reading him the riot act,” she said shaking her head.  “But trust me, the next time I see him he’s going to hear a word or two from me,” Riley fumed.  
Andy cringed, “Did it go that badly?  What happened?”
“Nothing really.  We just talked . . . well I yelled and he sort of just listened and then I cried . . . again” Riley sighed.  “But then the oddest thing happened.  He said he still wanted to be friends,” she shook her head in disbelief.  “After everything I said and how I ended things back then . . . for some strange reason he thinks we can rebuild our friendship.”  She shrugged her shoulders.  “He asked me to go to dinner with him.”
Andy squealed.  “Oh my goodness, are you going to do it?”
“I said I would . . . but now I’m sort of second-guessing it.  He did give me his number to call him if I was free tonight.”
“Oh Riley . . . this is big!” she exclaimed.  “Wait . . . what about Paul,” she said quietly.  “Oh my God, what about Paul!” She said much louder.  “Are you going to tell him?”
“I hadn’t even thought that far yet.” she laid back onto her bed, frustrated.  “Maybe I should just cancel the whole thing,” she said exasperated.
“Absolutely not,” Andy said.  “I’ve heard the whole back-story from Maxwell, and you’d be doing yourself a disservice if you didn’t at least have dinner with the guy.”
“What did Maxwell tell you?” Riley asked curiously, leaning back up.
“He told me enough to know that Liam is a decent guy who may have made a few wrong choices in life.  Maxwell told me he still cares a lot about you.  It was killing Maxwell not to tell him you were back,” she explained.  “But he didn’t!  He wasn’t the one that told him,” Andy clarified.
“Oh, Andy.” Riley sighed heavily.  “I think Maxwell has a romanticized idea of us.  He forgets all the not so great stuff that happened back then.  I wish I had as spotty of a memory,” she muttered.
“Well, I’m just saying, from what I heard, your relationship was damn near perfect.”
“Except for the whole being engaged and then married to another woman thing,” Riley rolled her eyes.
“Look, I say what the hell.  Go for it and see what happens.  Go tonight in fact.  The sooner you figure out what the heck it is you want, the sooner you can move on, right?”
Riley thought about it for a minute.  Maybe Andy was right.  She couldn’t deny that seeing Liam again had brought back all the feelings she had wanted to avoid.  It wouldn’t be fair to Paul if she didn’t at least try to get some closure with Liam and move on.  “You’re right.  I’m going to give him a call after breakfast,” Riley said decidedly.  “Moving on is a step in the right direction . . . especially if things with Paul are going to get serious,” Riley smiled, content with the decision she had made.  “So, how about that breakfast?”  She moved to head out of the bedroom.
“Hey . . . not so fast, I kind of have to talk to you about something, too.  After breakfast?” She asked.
Riley nodded.  “Of course . . . what would we do without each other?” Riley laughed.
“We’d have hefty therapy bills for one,” Andy laughed as she and Riley headed down the staircase.
As Andy and Riley walked into the dining room, Bertrand and Savannah were already seated eating breakfast.  Little Bartie was sitting in the corner of the room playing with some blocks.
“Lady Andy.  Lady Riley, you both look well-rested this morning,” Bertrand greeted them.
“Is that Bertrand speak for you look pretty happy?”  Andy asked.
“It’s as good as a compliment as you’ll probably get, so I’d take it,” Riley winked at her.
Riley, Andy, Bertrand and Savannah engaged in small talk as they ate breakfast, mostly catching up about the happenings at the derby.  Savannah and Bertrand recounted the spread of appetizers and beverages that were in the King’s tent, and Riley had talked about the view they had from the seats they had found.  Bertrand brought up how terribly he had lot with the bets he had made.  He blamed Maxwell and his gut feeling for causing him to lose so much money.  Mid-conversation, Drake came into the dining room, dragging his feet.  It looked like he had been through some sort of battle.  He had dark circles under his eyes, and looked absolutely drained.  Riley almost felt bad for him for a second, until she remembered that he was probably the culprit who told Liam she was back.  All sympathy faded as her temper started to flare.
“Morning,” he yawned tiredly.  “Sorry about getting in so late last night,” he said as he sat down.  “I hope I didn’t wake anyone up.”
“Did you come back late because you were trying to avoid a run in with Liam?”  Riley said sarcastically.
“Huh?” Drake said, looking confused.  He rubbed at his eyes tiredly, still not really focusing on what she was saying.  “No, I was with Olivia . . .trying to diffuse our little situation at the derby,” he yawned again.  “What’s for breakfast, Savannah?”
“Don’t try to change the subject, Drake!” Rile spat out.  “You know what you did and you know exactly what happened last night.”  Riley was fuming.  Why couldn’t he just admit that he told Liam and be done with it?  She couldn’t possibly be angrier than she already was, so why pretend to not know anything about it?
Drake stared at her, still trying to gather his bearings.  “Me? What did I do?” he asked with what appeared to be a genuine look of confusion on his face.
The dining room grew quiet; Bertrand and Savannah shared a bewildered look between one another.  Riley stood up and walked across to where Drake was sitting on the other side of the table.  Little Bartie had even stopped playing with his blocks so that he could see what all the commotion was about.  
“You told Liam I came back after you explicitly told me you wouldn’t!  I trusted you” she moved to sock him in the shoulder.  Drake being all muscle in his upper arms, barely felt the hit, but it still caught him off guard.
“Hey, Lawson, watch it!” He yelled back.  “What are you going on about?  I didn’t even see Liam all that much yesterday.  What is wrong with people today?   First I have Olivia breathing down my neck, now I have you yelling at me about God knows what,” he seethed.  
Bertrand and Savannah shared another glance between one another, suddenly very uncomfortable.  Savannah cleared her throat, “Maybe – “
Riley ignored her.  “If it wasn’t you, then who was it then?  Olivia?”  Riley shrieked.
Maxwell walked into the dining room at that moment, and noticed the tension in the room.  He opened his mouth to ask what was going on, but decided against it when he saw how angry Riley was.  He made eye contact with Andy, who just motioned for him to sit next to her.  He hurriedly moved to sit down, clearly not wanting to place himself in the middle of whatever was happening between Drake and Riley.
“Olivia didn’t even see Liam after the derby.  She was too busy yelling her head off at me for the rest of the night!” He tried desperately to explain to Riley.
Bertrand suddenly cleared his throat.  “Perhaps I may intercede?”
“No,” Riley looked at him scornfully.  “I’m getting to the bottom of this right now, Bertrand.  I appreciate that you want to be a referee here, but this doesn’t concern you.”
Maxwell, gathering the gist of the conversation decided to chime in.  “Riley, is it really so bad that Liam knows you’re back?”  She turned to him, a look of betrayal on her face.  “What I mean is . . . now there’s no need for all the cloak and dagger.  You can freely wander about Cordonia without any worry about being spotted by him,” he explained, a hint of optimism in his tone.  “Maybe Drake did you a favor more than anything else,” he trailed off.
“But I didn’t do anything!” he persisted.
Riley hadn’t thought of that.  She briefly considered Maxwell’s line of reasoning.  It did take away one huge worry that had been plaguing her since her return.  The other had been dealing with the press, but after what Bertrand told her at the derby, that didn’t seem to be a problem anymore either.  Did she truly have nothing to worry about anymore?  She suddenly felt a bit foolish at her outburst.  She had let her emotions get the best of her, and she wanted to blame somebody . . . anybody for the lack of control she suddenly had with Liam knowing she was back.  She thoughtfully responded, “Well, that’s true . . . but it doesn’t change the fact that he – “Riley pointed at Drake “went behind my back and squealed to Liam that I was back.”
“For the last time, I didn’t tell Liam anything,” he said with irritation.
“I really do think I should interject,” Bertrand stated.
“Who asked you?” Andy narrowed her eyes at him.  “Let Riley and Drake work it out.”
Bertrand looked at her indignantly.  “No one asked me, you are correct, but I do happen to have something to add to the conversation,” he said boldly.
“And that is?” Maxwell questioned.
“I know for a fact that it wasn’t Drake or Olivia who informed King Liam about Lady Riley’s return to Cordonia.”
“How would you possibly know that, Bertrand?”  Andy asked doubtfully.
“I know because I was the one who told him she was back,” he said simply.  He gave Maxwell a pointed look before taking as sip from his teacup.  
“You what?” Maxwell yelled, suddenly sitting straighter in his chair.
Riley stood there in shock.  She reached for the chair next to Drake, trying to sit down.  She was stunned.  Of all the people she had thought would have broken down and told Liam about her being back, she had never imagined it would be Bertrand.  He was always so stoic and uninvolved with what he deemed frivolous antics.  Why on earth would he suddenly feel inclined to tell Liam she was back?  She sucked a breath in, feeling the heavy weight of the betrayal in her chest. “Bertrand?” Riley gasped.  “But why?”
Savannah shook her head disappointedly.  “Is that where you two went off to during the last race?” She asked.
Bertrand nodded slowly, only looking slightly abashed when Savannah had given him a stern look of disapproval.
“Bertrand,” Riley looked at him, a mix of anger and hurt in her eyes.  “I don’t understand why you would do this to me.  You knew how I felt about things.  Having him show up here late last night . . . it knocked me on my ass.  I’m sorry, I know that’s not exactly a ladylike expression, but I was caught completely off guard.  A little warning would have been nice or even a consultation with me before you decided to blab,” she said sadly.
“Lady Riley, I did not do anything to you,” he shrugged.  “I did this for you.” He stated.  “I simply informed his majesty that you were back in Cordonia and that you were having a bit of difficulty blending back into court life.  It was exhausting to see you question yourself and contemplate missing out on our wedding festivities out of a ridiculous fear of seeing King Liam.  You have spent every day since returning walking around disgraced, taking back entrances like some common riff-raff.  I will not have a member of House Beaumont slinking around the country as if they were a pariah.
“Maybe I would have told him I was back on my own terms.  Did you ever think of that?” She said softly.
“Lady Riley, do forgive me, but I believe that you had no intention of ever speaking with King Liam on your terms.  So, I decided to give you the necessary push to make amends,” he said simply.
“I just don’t understand why,” Riley said annoyed.
“Why?” He said, looking at her intensely.  “Because once, a short while ago, an American woman not so gracefully barged into our lives with her kind heart and captivating charm.  That same woman became a part of our family.  Without her . . . well, I might not have the two most important people in the world by my side today,” he gave a loving look to Savannah who now had Bartie seated on her lap.  “She gave me a push when I needed it the most, and I’ll be forever grateful to her for that.  Now, I’m giving her the push that she needs.  Maybe, she won’t find love as I have, but if she can at least find peace and happiness, then that will be enough for me,” He said thoughtfully.
Riley listened to his words, and suddenly she felt even more foolish than before.  She was constantly looking at reasons to fault her friends for trying to bring Liam back into her life, when really, they didn’t care about just Liam’s feelings, they were worried about her own.  Bertrand had seen how detached from things she had become – how fragile at the mere mention of Liam’s name.  He was trying to help her overcome her fears and worries by making it easier for her.  He didn’t do it out of spite or to get in Liam’s good graces . . . he did the only thing that Bertrand could do to show how much he cared . . . he tried to solve her problems for her.  He was a fixer.  His methods were often unconventional and maybe even a bit harsh at times, but the intent and his heart was in the right place.  “Oh, Bertrand, I’m so sorry,” she whispered, suddenly ashamed of everything she had said and done that morning.  “When you put it like that, I suddenly feel very grateful that you care enough to do something like that,” she said sadly.  “Although maybe not the right course of action, the sentiment behind it is very touching,” she explained.
“It’s quite alright, Lady Riley.  I am aware I crossed a line, but at the time, I just didn’t see any other way to help you and end this ridiculous charade,” he sighed.
Riley nodded, “You’re right . . . I was acting unreasonably.  I guess I was just scared about what would happen if I did see him again.  Now that we got that out of the way, I guess Maxwell’s right, I don’t really have anything left to worry about . . .” Except going to dinner with him, she thought to herself.  
Bertrand nodded acknowledging her explanation.  “Lady Riley, I’ve come to realize that life will never be smooth sailing with you around, but I do admit, as much as your crazy antics bewilder me, your heart is often in the right place as well,” He smiled.  “Well, Savannah, should we be off?  We wouldn’t want to be late for our portrait sitting.”  With that, the couple and their son left the dining room to prepare for their portraits.    
“Hey Lawson . . .” Drake said, disrupting the now quietness of the dining room.
“Yeah Drake?” She said softly, still overcome with emotion from Bertrand’s speech.
“’I’ll take that apology now,” he smirked.
She sighed heavily, she knew he was right.  She had accused him so harshly, and he was innocent, having kept all the secrets she had asked him to keep.  “I’m so sorry, Drake.  I was an idiot.”
“It’s okay, Lawson.  Glad you can finally admit it,” he joked.
“Ha, ha, ha,” she said sarcastically.  “I really thought it was you, considering you spent the morning with him at the derby . . . and how you told me that he and Madeline were divorced . . . I just thought you were trying to get us back together . . .” she trailed off.
“Give me a little more credit than that, Lawson” He nodded.  “Yeah, Liam’s my best friend, but I promised you I wouldn’t say anything.  I’m a man of my word,” he shrugged.  “Can’t break a promise to a pretty lady,” he laughed.
Maxwell seeing that all was well again smiled at his two friends.  “He wrapped his arms around Drake and Riley. “Isn’t it great to all be together again?” His voice filled with joy.  
“Stop hugging me,” Drake deadpanned.
Maxwell unclasped his arms from around the pair, “Now that we’ve had enough excitement for one morning, I was thinking that maybe we can all go down to the park, have a nice relaxing picnic?” he suggested.
“Actually, Maxwell, I was going to help Riley get ready for her date tonight,” Andy replied.
“Oh . . . okay . . .” he sounded disappointed.  “Wait, what date?”
“It’s not a date,” Riley said firmly.  “Liam asked me to join him for dinner, and I accepted.  As friends,” she emphasized.  “Oh my goodness, speaking of which, I need to call him and let him know that we can go out to dinner tonight,” she said.  Before rushing off, she turned to Andy, “Give me ten minutes and you can come up to my room and we can finish our chat from earlier, okay?”
“Got it,” Andy nodded.
Back in the safety of her own room, Riley found herself thinking about Bertrand’s words.  What were they all seeing that she was missing?  She admitted, she needed closure with Liam.  The way things were left between them . . . there was unfinished business.  Words that weren’t said, feelings that weren’t expressed . . . all of that needed to be resolved before she could jump back into her life in New York.  She fished in her pocket for the slip of paper that Liam had given her last night.  She looked at the number as she pulled out her cell phone.  She tentatively dialed each digit, her nerves kicking in.  The phone rang twice before she heard his raspy voice on the other end of the line.
“Hey, Liam?” she asked into the phone.
“Riley . . .” she heard murmuring on the other end of the line.  “Sorry, I had slept in.  Sundays are usually my days when I have a late start.”  
“Oh, I’m so sorry if I woke you.  I can call back later if it’s a bad time,” she started to say.
“No, it’s perfectly fine.  I’m up.”  He cleared his throat.  “I’m up now.  How are you?” He asked.
“Um, I’m good.  I, uh, thought about our conversation last night.”
He remained silent on the other line.  She wondered if his heart was in his throat, too.  “It seems like I’m free tonight to go to dinner with you.  If you still want to, that is.”
“That’s fantastic news.  Yes, I definitely still want to,” he said excitedly.  She could hear more movement on his side of the line, as if he started to dash around.  “I’ll send a car for you around six o’clock this evening, and we can meet at the restaurant, does that work out for you?”
“Yes, that’s perfect . . . oh and Liam . . .”
“Yes, Riley?”
“I’m going to try really hard to be your friend,” she said lightly.  “Maybe this will be a good thing, for both of us,” she added.
She wasn’t sure, but she thought she heard him give out a small chuckle.  “I’ll see you tonight,” he said as he ended the call.
Riley threw her cell phone on the bed, inhaling deeply.  “Well, I guess there’s no turning back now.”
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siconetribal · 6 years
Forevermore Part 10
Pairing: Jumin Han/Maya (I named the MC for ease of writing, you can change the name in your head since it is just MC)
Warning: Fluff and angst
Requested: @bat-yo-us​ Thank you for always being so patient with me!
Jumin returned sooner than she had expected, the two out the door with his hand resting on her lower back as he escorted her to the awaiting car. She was a bit curious as to how the car was ready, but she figured he must have contacted the driver when he was freshening up. The restaurant he settled on was a lovely place with the most exquisite dishes to choose from. All of it was a bit much for her, her head spinning from the rich decor to the equally rich sounding food. She always led a simple life and she knew he always came from a world far out of her reach, yet here she was noticing the gaping distance between them. All of the unease was quickly washed away at the sight of his concern however, the way his brows knit together and creased the skin between them was not something she wished to see today if she was able to clear away the trouble.
The two dined and conversed for what seemed like hours, her laughter and his gentle chuckles filling the air around them as they happily settled in their own little world. Occasionally his hand would graze over the back of hers, her fingers loosely entwining with his in response each time. She always felt so incomplete without him and now that she was complete again, she realized even more how hollow she felt when was gone. Jumin was no different, though he always was torn by the thought of leaving her to wait for him. However, he was not about to dwell on such thought. He wanted to focus on what was before him now and that was the love of his life, his one soulmate.
The two of them talked for hours, catching up one what had been missed in the time apart and the differences that were in this time now. The fact that they were allowed to be out in the open like this so freely was certainly something new. She always led a sheltered life in order to keep from harm as she waited and he was always of a status that was far beyond her reach. Though one’s name and money still mannered in society, it was no longer taboo for them to be seen together. The fact he knew this and had taken advantage of it right away left her drowning in love she thought impossible to expand upon.
As dinner time came, the two of them ordered once more and resumed their lengthy conversations as they reveled in the presence of one another. Where the time had gone, it was a mystery. The sun, at some point, had been replaced by the moon and stars. The other patrons were gone and a waiter had come to express the establishment needed to close for the evening. A little flustered, Maya apologized to them and Jumin a bit stunned with how much he had enjoyed the company. It was no surprise he would, he was with her after all. It was the fact that he had partook in the conversation and told her of many things that startled him the most.
“Well, I suppose this is the end of today.” Maya whispered as they stepped out of the building and awaited Kim to bring the car around. The fact she had to be away from him after finding him was bittersweet. She wanted to stay by his side, but she lacked the voice to insist it.
“It doesn’t have to be.” Jumin answered, startling Maya from her dark feelings. She peered into his perfectly chiseled face that was lit by the streetlights around them, trying her best to understand what he meant by such words. Unable to to come up with anything, she gave a slight frown. Jumin found himself lost in admiring her delicate features, amused at how her brows came together as her golden eyes were riddled with curiosity that knew no bounds. Ah, even that frown of yours is utterly adorable. If you keep this up, even someone such as myself will want to be cruel and tease you.
“What do you mean by that?” She spoke up.
“You can come live with me.” He simply stated, squeezing the hand he held. “Please move in with me. I know we only just reunited, but it’s silly to assume we don’t know one another well enough to stay together. We’ve been married so many times already, I can easily argue against my own beliefs of living together before marriage. You won’t be without amenities. Everything in the building and my penthouse would be available and accessible by you whenever you wish. My guards and employees will be at your disposal as well. If you insist on a separate bedroom, that can be prepared for you as well, there is more than enough room for us to have our own space if you so wish.” He calmly explained to her, his business-like manner of speech earning a soft giggle from her. “Is something I said funny?” He raised a brow at her reaction. He was not insulted by it, in fact he found himself rather pleased with her reaction and wished to take note so that he may elicit such sweet sounds from her once more.
“No, it’s not what you said per say. It’s, you’re speaking as if you’re trying to sell a deal almost.” She quickly shook her head, loosening some of her bangs. Before she was able to reach out for it herself, his fingers were already at work to tuck the loosened strands back in place.
“Well this is a serious matter to me. Of course I would do my best to convince you to come stay with me. Though I much rather avoid forcing a hand and give you the freedom to choose of your own will.” She giggled once again at his manner of speech, squeezing the hand that still held hers.
“I will gladly accept your offer Mr. Jumin Han.” She tried her best to speak as professionally as possible, sobering up her expression from the smile that had been plastered on it for most of the day and evening. His soft smile had her melting in an instant, the smile she tried to hide back on her lips.
“I’m glad,” he mumbled as he pressed his lips to her forehead. “Let’s gather your things and I’ll speak with the company that runs your building. I’m sure I can easily buy you out of your contract or whatever arrangements you have made with them about payment. I’ll have assistant Kang get a meeting set-up with them tomorrow. Thank you Driver Kim,” he turned to the employee as he opened the door for the two of them. “Please head to the apartment complex we went to earlier. We will be gathering Maya’s things.”
“As you wish Mr. Han.” Kim bowed to his employer and closed the door behind them once they were settled in and made his way to her apartment once again. Maya was a little stunned at how quickly he worked, his phone out of his pocket as he dialed his assistant. She heard the exasperation in her tone and Maya felt a little guilty for such late night work. Extending her hand to him, she awaited his attention.
“May I…?” He blinked at her outstretched hand, pointing to his phone. She nodded in response as he looked between it and her. Frowning, he handed the device over to her and watched as he placed it to her ear. “Hello, Assistant Kang? This is Maya, the reason you are getting such late night assignments at the moment. I won’t be so bold and say that you can hold off on this until the morning since Jumin is your employer, but I personally have no issues if you both decide that it can wait. Either way, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to help me out. I’ve learned from talking with him just how much you do for him and how high his expectations for only makes me respect you even more. I hope I do get a chance to meet you, but for now thank you very much. I hope you have a pleasant evening. I’ll return the phone to him now.” She quickly handed the device back to Jumin, her cheeks a little red as she nervously bit at her lower lip. Peering at him through her lashes, she was worried she may have stepped out of bounds.
Jumin was very much surprised with what she had to tell Jaehee, not expecting her to say all that but he knew it was very much like her to do just this. She was never one to shy away from giving her gratitude to anyone, but the fact she only just now thought of approval from him was adorable in a way. The bashful behavior tickled something in him to tease her, but he paid it no mind as he took the phone.
“Mr. Han, who was that?” Jaehee asked, stunned that she would even hear a woman’s voice with him and to be doing a task for someone she had no inkling about and not business related at all. Jumin glanced at Maya, his poker faced expression giving away nothing to Maya as his mind worked at something he never expected from himself.
Then again, she’s the only one to ever make me want to be so free. A sly smirk slowly curls at the corner of his lips just as Maya looked down at her hands that smoothed her skirt over her lap. “She is Maya, the love of my life.” He simply stated, his words working a vibrant and hot blush on Maya’s cheeks as she let out an adorable squeak at his confession.
L-love of his life? Maya?! How have I not heard of this woman before?! Oh no, has he snapped and become like his father? What do I do?! She panicked. “Mr. Han, that is, this is all very sudden. You haven’t ever stated interest in someone before. Are you certain this is alright?”
“Yes, I’m very certain Assistant Kang.” He assured her, slipping his arm around his currently shying away lover. “She is the reason why I have no interest in other women and never will. Now, if she is alright with waiting, then you may start this first thing in the morning. I will see you tomorrow in the office. Good night Assistant Kang.” Without letting her say another word Jumin hung up and pocketed his phone once more. “And why are we so red?” He casually asked, his fingers grazing the tops of her ears as she pressed her face further into his chest.
“You know very well why! How can you so blatantly say that?!”
“Well, am I wrong?” He calmly asked, tracing her jaw to the tip of her chin as he pulled away and made her look up at him. “Or do you not love me?”
“You know very well that’s not the case! You’re so cruel.” She pushed out her lower lip in a pout, her glare breaking his cool expression as he chuckled in response.
“My apologies my love, but you were simply being so cute I could not help but want to tease you a little.” He whispered, pressing his lips to each of her rosy cheeks before sealing her lips in a sweet and simple kiss.
“I’ll forgive you this time, don’t think you can get away with everything just by giving kisses!” She tried her best to scold him, forcing a stern expression to which he smiled and nodded in agreement.
“Of course not, I would never think to do such a thing.” Happy with his response, she rested her head on his shoulder as he pulled her closer to eliminate any gaps between them.
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mrsjihyunkim · 7 years
20 Seconds of Bravery Ch 4
       The doctor was gone and I had just decided to order pizza for dinner. My brain was still trying to come to grasp with the fact that I had two, for lack of a better term, pizza virgins standing in front of me. I needed to know exactly how much of my theories were true. I was about to ask V but then Jumin cut in. "V have you ever had pizza before?" Jumin said pizza like it was a completely foreign word. I understood Jumin never having pizza. He was a big shot CEO who lived a very luxurious life.
"I can't say that I have actually. At least not the kind MC is talking about. All I've ever had is gourmet flat bread pizza." He said with his hand on his chin. I was amazed at these two. No wonder they were so mopey and stoic. They've never had pizza before.
"Oh my god. That explains so much. Pizza is like greasy cheesy heaven. You guys have no idea what your missing.
"I was never allowed to have such pizza because it was considered commoners food. This will be interesting." Jumin was highly amused as he continued to hold Yeti.
"Alright got Mr. CEO on board how about you V?" I don't think I had ever gotten so excited about ordering pizza. I could tell that V was amused.
"Of course I am MC. You haven't steered me wrong yet." I ran into my office and grabbed my cell phone. I noticed a lot of missed calls and texts but I ignored those and dialed the number for pizza hut.
"Any preferences on toppings?" They again looked like I was speaking a different language.
"What ever you think is good MC." I nodded and waited for someone to answer the phone.
"Hi this is for delivery. I need one large stuffed crust pizza with extra cheese, bacon, and chicken. Then I need a small pizza ran through the garden and the slaughter house. The address is 138 Sherman ave and I'll be paying with cash." I hung up the phone and walked back into the living room. "It will be here in about 30 minutes. Would you guys like anything to drink while we wait? I have soda, coffee, wine, tea,"
"Can you drink wine with pizza?" Jumin asked. He seemed to be consumed by curiosity. He wasn’t even paying anymore attention to Yeti.
"I mean you can drink what ever you want with pizza. Eating pizza is all about freedom so you can do what you'd like. I sometimes drink wine when I order pizza but it's just a what ever your in the mood for thing."
"I see. So you also drink wine." Jumin peered at me as if he was challenging me. I simply walked over to the cabinet in the living room and unlocked it.
"I do in fact," I pulled out a bottle of Merlot, "I was saving this for dinner this Saturday but if it's ok with V we can open it tonight. It taste good with just about anything." I passed the bottle to Jumin and he inspected it. "I also have whiskey, tequila, and a white wine if you'd rather have those. All my dramas are on hiatus so I haven't been buy wine a lot."
"I've never heard of this wine. I'd like to try it if V doesn't mind," He looked to V who nodded in approval. I was glad because I needed to unwind after the day. "Then it's settled. How long do you need to let it breathe for?" I got the corkscrew out of the cabinet and took the bottle from Jumin.
"Rule number one of cheap wine, it doesn't really need to breathe. Rule number two, drink slowly because it will hit you hard and fast." I popped off the cork and pored it into glasses. "We've still got about 15 minutes before the pizzas get here. So tell me Mr. Han,"
"Jumin is fine." I smiled and continued.
"So Jumin, what kind of things does V say about me?" V's face turned red and he chocked on his wine. He looked in between Jumin and I like he was dreaming. Jumin laughed and he seemed amused by his friend being flustered.
"It's nothing bad I assure you. He mostly just talks about how well you can cook, your cats, and how he worries about you. Oh he also talks about how cute you are and that you made your cats mini pancakes. I'm actually very interested in that last part. Elizabeth the 3rd won't eat my pancakes and I don't know why." Hearing that V talked about me made me feel very happy. It made my stomach do flips and my heart beat fast. "Honestly I haven't heard him talk about anyone like this since he met Rika." The name Rika struck a cord with me and I dropped my wine glass. I knew that name and I didn't want to remember it. The wine glass crashed onto the table and I could hear echos of V and Jumin's voices but all I could focus on her blonde hair and those green eyes. Something warm grabbed my hand and my body began to move. The more I moved the more I came back to reality. I was standing in my kitchen and V was very close to my face.
"MC. Please say something. What's wrong? Just breathe. I'm right here." I could hear the fear in his voice and then I realized what I had done.
"V." He breathed a sigh of relief and he pulled me into his arms.
"Oh thank God. Are you alright? I was worried. What happened?" I felt bad making V worry but I also didn't want to lie to him. If Jumin was talking about the same Rika that means V used to cherish her.
"I'll tell you later. I don't want to sir up memories while Jumin is here." He looked unhappy with my answer but before he could argue there was a knock at the door. "That's the pizza. I need to go pay for it. Can you go set this towel down where I spilled my wine?" He took the towel from me and kissed the top of my head.
"Ok. Just relax for now." I watched as V walked back to the living room. I walked to the door and opened it. I saw the familiar delivery guy Eric standing there with my pizzas. 
"Hey Eric. How's it goin?" I asked while taking out my money.
"It's goin good. How've you been? I haven't seen you at the shop in a while." I handed him the money and he gave me the pizzas.
"I know. I've just been really busy and it's been cold. I'll come by when the weather gets warmer." I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Jumin. "Yes Jumin?"
"Do you need any help MC?" I was shocked at his gesture but I gladly let him help. "Thanks Jumin. You can just put these on the table. I'll be there in a seconds. V knows where the plates are." He looked from me to Eric.
"So this is a pizza delivery man. Interesting." I was going to introduce them but Jumin had already walked away.
"Was that Jumin freaking Han? Who the hell are you?" I rolled my eyes at him. "But no seriously why is he in your apartment and why is he eating pizza?"
"Well I'm kinda dating his best friend." Eric dropped his pizza bag and hugged me.
"Holy shit that's fantastic! Shelby is going to flip, but has Jake found out yet?" My face fell flat at his question.
"Yeah and he's not happy about it. But I'm done being afraid of him. I gotta go now. I'll stop by the shop and tell you guys everything later. Bye Eric." He waved as he headed back to his car and I closed the door. When I turned around V was standing behind me and I froze. "How much of that did you hear?" I asked trying not to panic.
"Enough to know that we're apparently dating and there's someone who isn't happy about it." I felt all the color drain from my face.
"I'm so sorry. It was just easier to say that than to tell the whole story. I didn't mean to assume anything." V walked over and grabbed my hand. He looked me in the eye, without breaking eye contact, and kissed my hand. There was no words but I somehow knew what he was saying. I had no idea what had come over me since I met V but I was the happiest I've ever been. My mom always said that 20 seconds of bravery was all it took to change your life and I was finally seeing what she meant. I embraced V and he wrapped his arms around me. "I promise to tell you everything after Jumin leaves."
"There's no rush MC. We'll talk later but right now Jumin is looking sliver wear for his pizza and won't listen to me." I rolled my eyes and laughed. I walked into the kitchen and Jumin was pouring another glass of wine.
"Ok Jumin. First of all how dare you try and eat pizza with silver wear. You use your hands, like this." I flipped open the lid and pulled a piece out and proceed to eat it. I put my piece on a plate and got a piece out for Jumin. "Think you can handle it Mr. Trust Fund?" I said giving him a look. He gave me a quizzical look.
"She sounds like Zen. Are you sure she hasn't met him yet?" Now V was laughing and I was just confused. V walked over and handed me a glass of wine, which I gladly took.
"I'm pretty sure it's just a coincidence Jumin. Unless you know who Zen is MC." I was busy drinking wine so I just shook my head. "See. You worry for nothing." I had moved over to the table and just watched the two talk and eat their pizza. Jumin missed his mouth a few times but we let him think that we didn't see. Soon enough they joined me at the table and Jumin began to post in the RFA's chat room. "It appears that you keeping MC a secret has made Saeyoung angry at you." He reached for another piece of pizza and put it on his plate. "He said he keeps trying to call you but you won't answer." V just waved his hand in dismissal.
"Saeyoung can track my phone. He's just pouting because I won't let him do any digging on MC. It's not like when we met Jane and everything was suspicious. I understand that he worries but this is my personal life and he needs to accept that. Plus MC is honest with me and we've only know each other for about a week. I don't see a reason to rush anything."
"I see. Then you should at least tell him that. Can you really blame him for worrying though?" V seemed to look guilty and sad. By now I was on my third glass of wine and felt I should speak up.
"V if you want to tell everyone about me you can. I mean I've already met Jaehee and Jumin." I then turned to Jumin, "In fact Jumin is there anything that you want to know? Cause if there is now's the time to ask, I'm a lot more relaxed right now so I'll tell you anything. With in reason of course. That way V doesn't feel guilty and everyone can be satisfied until I meet them at the party." Both Jumin and V seemed shocked at my words.
"MC you don't have to do that. I don't want you do be uncomfortable and have another attack." I could tell he was worried and I was so touched by it.
"You are just too sweet but don't worry. Wine helps me relax so I won't have any more attacks to night. So Jumin ask away. Seriously anything you want to know." I took another bite of pizza and waited for him to ask.
"MC are you sure you're just not drunk?" V asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Trust me I'm not drunk. I just relax after a couple glasses of wine. My anxiety goes away and I'm able to be the person I truly wish to be. Someone who can make friends and go out on dates." I could tell I was getting sentimental so I changed the subject back. "So I say it again Jumin, ask me anything you want. I promise on my degree to answer anything to the best of my ability." He seemed more than amused by all of this.
"I'll raise you on your deal. Since I'm in the chat room already, I'll just ask everyone what they want to know and you can answer. I don't have any questions of my own so this will be more productive." I leaned back in my chair and took a sip of wine.
"Alright deal. So whose up first?" Jumin was still typing on his phone.
"My guess would be Yoosung. He's always very curious and suspicious of me." V was also now drinking his wine. I could tell he was nervous but I wasn't sure why. I wondered if he was worried about something I would find out.
"V relax. I'm gonna be fine. Watch this," I looked him in the eye, "my mother died when I was eleven. She was a doctor and I miss her every damn day." I waited and once he saw that I wasn't going to have an attack he relaxed. "See I've got this. So whose first Jumin?"
"Well both Yoosung and Zen wanted to know what you look like so I sent them a picture I took while you were talking to V. Now Luciel wants to know where your from."
"Easy. I was born and raised in this city. Next question."
"What do you do for a living? I can answer this one if you'd like." I nodded my head as he typed the answer. "Ok Saeran want's to know your favorite ice cream flavor."
"Mint chocolate chip in the summer and moose tracks in the winter." I looked at V, "Who is Saeran?"
"That's Saeyoung's twin brother. Zen is a musical actor, Yoosung is a student at Sky University, and Luciel owns a toy shop."
"Hey I went to Sky University! Jumin can you tell Yoosung that I said 'Go Rockets!' he'll know what it means."
"Alright. Zen also asked if you were single and I told him no."
"Wait what made you tell him no? I mean I'm glad you did but I'm just curious."
"V may think he's hiding it well but I'v known him for a long time and I can tell when he likes someone. That and he has his arm around you, so I assumed the interest was mutual." I hadn't even noticed V's arm around me. It just felt so natural. V had pulled his arm back and his face matched the wine he was drinking. I couldn't help but laugh.
"I mean I don't think your wrong. We haven't really talked about that, but if I may be bold, I like to think that there's hope." Now my cheeks were turning red. V got up and excused himself to the restroom. I felt like it was a little bit my fault. "I hope I didn't seem pushy. I do really like V but I'm grateful just to be friends. I don't know if he told you but I have really bad anxiety and it makes it hard for me to talk to people or even go out. But for some reason I feel safe with V. It's something I've never felt before so I'm still trying to figure it out." I realized that I was probably just boring Jumin with my feelings. He looked so deep in thought like he was trying to understand something.
"I see. I won't speak for V but I've only seen him with one other woman and he looks a lot happier with you. I can tell he cares a lot about you but I'm not sure what his intentions are. If he's scared then you'll have to be patient with him because he can be very stubborn." He took a sip of wine and leaned back.
"That I know. He chased me for three blocks just to apologize for taking my picture in the store and then insisted on walking me back. If that's not being stubborn then I don't know what is." We both laughed and then we heard a camera shutter. I looked over and saw that V had taken our picture.
"Well now that you've finally gotten your picture I should get going. Elizabeth is surely missing me. V would you like a ride back too?"
"No I'm going to stay with MC and help her clean up. I'll call a taxi later. Plus we need to talk about some stuff before I leave."
"Alright then I'll get out of your way. V don't forget that you need to set a date for the party too. We've started recommending guest  so Jane needs a date." Jumin headed towards the door and V followed him. I began to pick up the plates and put them in the sink along with the empty wine glasses. I finished my glass and put it next to the bottle. Seeing the bottle of wine reminded me that I spilled a glass in the living room earlier. I grabbed the stain remover and went to go put it on the spot. As I was talking care of that I heard the front door close and V walked into the living room.
"Would you like some help? That looks hard to do one handed." I had completely forgotten about my wrist until this point and I looked down at it. "What's wrong? Does it hurt?" I shook my head and smiled at him.
"No I was just having such a great time that I had forgotten about it. And as for the carpet just forget about it. If the stain is still there in the morning I'll just replace it." I stood there awkwardly because I knew that V had questions. This was the first time our silence had been awkward.
"So are you still relaxed enough to answer some of my questions, or should I save them for Saturday?" He had his hands in his pockets and was leaning against the wall. I hated that I was hiding so much from him. I wanted to take time and tell him everything slowly but I knew that the longer I kept talking to him the more aggressive Jake would become.
"V wine or no wine I'll tell you anything you want to know. But yeah right now is the best time so ask away." I laughed nervously as I went to the kitchen to wash my hands. I poured what was left of the wine into my glass and took a big drink.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to be uncomfortable anything. I'm willing to listen but if you're not ready to talk then I'll wait." His cheeks were tinted red and his face looked really melancholy. I couldn't keep him in the dark. If I wanted things to go any further with V I needed to be honest and take the risk. I was worried that he would bug out and leave but I was almost certain that wouldn't be the case.
"I want to tell you everything but I'm just nervous. I don't want to lose you like I've lost everyone else. I thought keeping you at an arms length would be best for both of us, but I don't think I can do that anymore. So I want to tell you everything and I'll just have to hope that you choose to stay." I watched as V crossed the room and hugged me.
"MC I promise you that I'm not going anywhere. I don't care about your secrets or anything. All I care about is being there for you. I want to help you face problems that you have. So please know that you can always rely on me."
"Thank you V. It really means a lot that you'd say that. Let's go sit down and I'll tell you what you want to know." I took his hand and we walked back to the living room. As soon as we sat down Yeti jumped in my lap and I began to pet him. "So where do you want to start?" He thought about it and seemed to make a decision.
"Why did the name Rika freak you out so much earlier?"
"I had a feeling that would be your first question. When I was in foster care I lived with this other girl named Rika and she was just awful to me. She was very beautiful, with her blonde hair and green eyes. Everyone thought she was so nice and sweet but when it was just us she was completely vile. She would always hurt me and say that she was just trying to shape my darkness. At first I tried to tell our foster parents about it but they didn't believe me. they thought I was just looking for attention. I had to put up with her for two years until she was actually adopted. After that it was in my case file that I a liar so I just stayed in the system. No one wants a teenager with attitude issues." V grabbed my hand and he looked so sad.
"How did she hurt you?"
"Usually it was just mentally. We only fought once but I was stronger than her physically, so she never tried that again. She would tell me that I was always unloved and no one but my darkness would accept me. Or that my mom left me because she found my darkness ugly. There were many times when I almost believed her but then I would look at pictures of my mom. If I disagreed with her she would so things to make my life difficult like one time she burned my homework. Or there was one time she got me expelled for supposedly trying to sell her weed. Honestly if I wouldn't of had so many memories of my mom I probably would have given in to her. There's no telling what she would have done to me then." When I looked at V he seemed to look very sad. "I know it sounds bad but looking back I pity her. She never knew her parents so I can understand why she was so bitter. A lot of kids bullied me because I was different from them. My mom never abandoned me, she just died. I was loved and I knew what that was like, so that made me different." I stopped talking so that V could take it all in.
"What was Rika's last name?" I had to actually think about it because I hadn't thought of her in so long.
"I believe it was Yang. Why do you ask?" Could my Rika be the same one that Jumin mentioned earlier. I really hoped that wasn't the case.
"I thought maybe I knew her but I seem to be thinking of someone else." I knew he was hiding something by the way he avoided eye contact. It made me sad that he wasn't being honest with me but I knew he'd tell me in time. For now I would just have to trust him.
"I see. Well I'd tell you more about her but after she got adopted I never saw her again. A couple years back I did run into those foster parents and they told me she was engaged, but that's the last I heard of her." I was watching V closely to see if he would react to that.
"If she's really as bad as you say then I feel bad for the man she married." He laughed nervously and ran a hand through his hair. He noticed me staring at him and he relaxed. "I'm really sorry that happened to you MC. I wish I could have been there for you."
"It's ok. Dealing with Rika was the nothing compared to Jake. At least Rika is gone but Jake is still trying to control my life."
"That was my next question. Who is Jake and why are you so afraid of him?" I took a deep breathe and got up from the couch. I reached behind the TV and pulled out a small book. I sat back and opened the book to a photo of me and a blonde hair boy. He was a little plump with a cigarette in his mouth and, although the picture didn't show it, he had his hand on my ass.
"Jake was my first boyfriend. I met him my freshman year of college and he was great at first. Then I began to focus on school and he just wanted to party. It started out as just emotional abuse. He would tell me that my major was pointless or that I was useless. It wasn't until I tried to break up with him that he got physical. I tried to maintain control but I was alone and had no one to lean on so I lost it. I just became some toy to him. He told me where to go, what to wear, and what I was going to do." I took a deep breathe and looked at V. His face was very stoic but he nodded at me to continue. "I would always try to run away but he would always catch me and punish me for it. He took everything from me. I never felt safe and there were days where I honestly thought he was going to kill me." I stopped to catch my breathe.
"So how did you get away?"
"I mean I never really did. I met Eric a couple years ago and he knew right away what was going on. Him and his wife helped me build a case against Jake and he went to jail for a while. I also got a restraining order against him so he can't come with in 1,000 feet of me. But that doesn't stop him from harassing me."
"What do you mean?" I pulled out my phone and opened my texts messages. "He has friends who watch me and tell him what I'm up to. For the last year I haven't heard a peep but since our dinner last Saturday I've gotten all of these." I passed V the phone and he scrolled through the messages. His calm expression turned to anger the more he read them.
"MC I fully apologize for this. If I would have know that you were receiving such vulgar messages I would have asked Luciel for help. Why didn't you tell me about these?" I could tell he was struggling with controlling his anger.
"I didn't tell you at first because I thought I could keep you at arms length and he would leave you alone. He can't do anything to me without risking more jail time but there's nothing stopping him from coming after you. I didn't care if you left but I didn't want you to get hurt." I felt so ashamed and couldn't even look him in the eye. "I know know that it wasn't the right thing to do but I also barely knew you. I didn't even plan on telling you any of this yet. I wanted to wait until I knew weather you'd actually stay." I heard V let out a deep breathe and he grabbed my hand. "I'm sorry. I know this a lot to take in and I understand if your angry."
"I'm not angry at you. I'm angry at this Jake person and I'm angry at myself. I just want you to be happy but I'm only causing more problems for you."
"V none of this is your fault. I knew that I'd have to deal with Jake at some point. I just never thought I'd have courage until I met you. I want to be happy and have you in my life, weather it's as a friend or something more. I want to make more memories with you V." I could tell he was shocked by my deceleration and his cheeks had turned a little red. Then he smiled and squeezed my hand.
"I'd also like that very much MC. I'll do what ever I can for you because your precious to me. Please don't ever forget that." His words had me speechless and all I could do was nod. "I have more question for you if that's alright," I gave him a look and he smiled, "Will you go out on a date with me this Saturday?" My face turned red and I was baffled.
"W-w-hy are you asking me out so suddenly?" I blurted out. V just laughed and smiled.
"Because if we go out on a date I can start calling you my girlfriend." He said it so smoothly and I was both elated and shocked. In my mind I was jumping up and down with joy but I realized that no words were coming out of my mouth.
"Well I guess Zen's question did strike a cord with you." I laughed as he blushed. "Of course I'll go out with you. I just have two request," he raised his eyebrow at me, "no where too fancy and no where too crowded."
"I think I can work with those." He said laughing. Yeti then jumped off my lap and began to meow. I looked at the time and saw that it was almost eleven.
"Oh wow it's late. Are you still going to be able to get a cab?" Now that V knew about Jake I was more concerned about his safety.
"Probably not but I can always try calling Jumin or Luciel." He pulled out his phone, "Excuse me for a moment." I nodded as he pulled out his phone and dialed the numbers. I went into the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of water. When I went back V had just hung up the phone. "Neither one answered. I guess I'll just find a hotel." Suddenly and idea dawned on me.
"You could stay here. My office has a murphy bed in it and I hardly ever use it." V's face was red but he kept his composure.
"I couldn't do that MC. I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable in your own home." I rolled my eyes at him.
"V I trust you and I don't think you'll ravage me in my sleep, not without my permission at least." I had not expected that last part to actually come out. Both of our cheeks were red so I quickly changed the subject. "I even some extra clothes that you can sleep in. Wait right here." I went into my room and came back with a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. "I hope these fit. I've never worn the sweat pants because they're way to long and I have more than enough t-shirts. You can use the bathroom to change and stuff. I'll go get the extra bed ready." I went back to my room and grabbed some sheets. I set them on my bed and quickly changed into my own pajamas. I went to the room next door and pulled down the murphy bed. It had been a while since I actually used it but it still seemed in good shape. By the time I had the sheets on it V was done in the bathroom and standing in the door way. The shirt was a little small on him but he didn't seem to mind.
"I don't think I've ever worn clothes like this. They're so casual and comfy." I laughed at his amazement.
"Well you can keep them if you want. Like I said the sweat pants are too big and I don't wear the shirt often because it's too tight. There was a small silence and I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to say goodnight but I knew it was late and today had been a long day. "Well is there anything else that you need?"
"You've already done enough. Just make sure you get some sleep." He kissed my forehead gently and I smiled.
"I will but if you need anything I'm just on the other side of this wall, so don't feel bad about asking." He nodded and I left the room. As soon as I got into my room I collapsed on my bed. I was completely exhausted but I had never had such a fun day. For the first time in my life I didn't have any trouble sleeping.      
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Can I please request an MC who is afraid of people who drink/drunk people because of bad experiences in the past and how the RFV + V + Saeran reacts to finding this out? Thank you so much I just followed you a day or two ago and your writing is awesome!!! (* ॑꒳ ॑* )⋆*
I totally feel you on this one anonny, drunk people can be pretty scary so I tried to make this one come across as a more comforting ending! And thank you so much for the kind words, I appreciate them as well as your patience with me!! Thank you for the request and I hope that you enjoy!! ^^
Yoosung was excited to take you, his first girlfriend, to a party that some of his college friends were having
He held you hand and smiled as the two of you walked to your destination, he couldn’t wait to show you off to all of his friends
When you got there, Yoosung’s friends welcomed their buddy with some high-fives and hair ruffles
You grinned as Yoosung introduced you to his friends, excusing himself to go get you a drink
Just as you were about to sit down on the couch, one of Yoosung’s friends was extremely drunk and slung his shoulder around you
Yoosung walked back to you only to find you looking truly terrified as you tried to push his friend off of you with shaky hands
Before you knew it, Yoosung ripped his friend away from you and the two of you started going back home
Your tears and trembling hands made Yoosung ask if his friend truly scared you that much but you denied it, saying that because of a past experience you were frightened by drunk people
Yoosung immediately wraps you in a warm hug, kissing all over you face as he apologized for taking you to the party in the first place
The two of you spent the rest of the night cuddling and placing little kisses over each other for comfort as Yoosung reassured you that he’d keep you safe
“I’m such a lightweight when it comes to alcohol that I don’t even enjoy it. So I promise that I’ll never drink so you don’t have to be scared MC!”
Zen had always noticed that ever since the first day he met you, you always seemed somewhat on edge
Every time he’d try to cautiously ask what was wrong, you would always nervously dismiss his accusations
He didn’t want to ask too much, he knew that the second you needed him he’d be there for you so he left it along, for now
Until one night Zen came home late since he was out drinking at the local bar with some of his old biker buddies
He was a bit tipsy, but he had a clear enough mind to know right from wrong
When he opened the front door, Zen saw you about to greet him until you froze in your tracks, eyes widening
Zen was about to give you a hug until you shrieked at him to get away as you ran into the bedroom
Confused, Zen slowly opened the door to find you under the blankets and sobbing
He was immediately at your side and pulled you into his chest, begging you to tell him what was wrong
You shakily explained that because of past events, you were scared of drunk people and noticed that he was a bit tipsy and you became scared
Zen quietly hushed you, apologizing for not noticing sooner as he vowed that even though it would take time, he would stop drinking since he’d do anything for you
Jaehee smiled as she flipped the ‘closed’ sign to ‘open’ on the cafe’s door
It brought her so much joy to know that she finally pursued her dreams but even better was that you were by her side to help her
She was even more excited whenever you agreed to work with her at the cafe, although you always seemed to be a little tense working night shifts
When another busy day flew by, you and Jaehee were cleaning up the cafe whenever a customer came in
Jaehee informed him that the cafe was closed but it seemed that the man was too drunk to listen to her
While Jaehee was about to escort the man out, you let out a scared yelp as you scrambled to the back corner of the cafe
Once Jaehee gave the man the boot, she went over to find you cowering in the corner, shaking with fear
She lowered herself down to you and slowly put her hand on your back as she asked what was wrong
You explained through tears that because of past events, those who were drunk made you feel frightened beyond belief
She nodded understandably, feeling terrible for not kicking the crap of the drunk man before but she assured you that things would be okay
Jaehee enforcers a strict no alcohol policy at the cafe the next and anyone who broke it would face her wrath
Jumin tried to always make sure you were comfortable around him, although at times it seemed like he was failing
At certain moments you would tense up or suddenly excuse yourself to leave the room, Jumin couldn’t figure out what it was that caused you so much distress
He tried asking you what was wrong but he always came off as gruff and awkward and you would dodge the question
So Jumin payed no mind to your behavior, opting to help you whenever he saw the chance
But for now, Jumin wanted to celebrate with you since he just signed a new successful business deal
You told him how proud you were as he smiled back, searching the cabinets for some wine to celebrate with
The second Jumin pulled out the drink and offered you some, you vigorously shook your head no and were about to excuse yourself
Until Jumin grabbed your wrist to stop you, pleading with you to tell him what was wrong
You crumbled into his chest as you told him that you’ve had people in the past hurt you because they were intoxicated with alcohol so you were scared of it
Jumin got rid of all alcohol in his home and put out a search warrant against those who harmed you, he wanted to ensure you that you’d always be safe with him around
Seven has always looked at you as a kind and confident person who didn’t take any crap from anyone
But there were rare times when you seemed to be nervous and Seven was pretty positive he knew what it was
Every time he tried to consult you would call him crazy but after tonight, he was sure he could confirm his theory
You and Seven were going to your high school reunion where you yet again seemed on edge
But Seven gave your hand a squeeze and reassured you that he’d be by your side all night
Things were going well until a few of your past classmates offered you some alcohol and when you nervously refused, they called you out
They said about how you were strange for never wanting to drink and yet again, tried getting you to consume the alcohol
Before you had a panic attack, Seven was at you side and swiftly led you out of the building
Once the two of you were in his car, you broke down crying, telling Seven how sorry you were for embarrassing him but you were terrified of alcohol because your uncle use to abuse you while he was intoxicated
His jaw clenched when he heard your words, he knew all too well what it was like having an abusive relative
Seven quickly drove you home and smothered you with hugs and kisses all night and once you were asleep, he hacked into your uncle’s account and ruined his life, he was going to make sure that you never felt any harm because of alcohol ever again
V always wanted to make sure that you were happy and comfortable around him
So when there would be times when you felt anxious or upset, V would do whatever it took to help you through it
You had always felt safe around V because of his calming presence plus you knew that he wasn’t a heavy drinker
He truly wanted to make you happy but he needed some new ideas so he asked Jumin for his advice
After talking with his friend, V had a huge grin on his face as he planned an at home romantic dinner for you
V opened the door and pulled you in for a hug, which you gladly returned, until you saw the alcohol in his hand
You jumped back and hastily excused yourself and went straight to the bedroom
V felt his heart break, he had no idea what he did wrong but he was going to fix it
He carefully opened the door to find you holding a pillow to your chest and taking ragged, short breaths
Immediately, you felt V’s long arms around you as he asked what was wrong
You told him that during your past, you’ve had bad experiences with people who have become drunk and you were scared that he was going to be the same
V’s arms around you tightened as he buried his face in your hair, promising to never drink any alcohol and to protect you so that you would ever have to feel sad again
Saeran would always be grateful for the fact that he could always be honest with you and you’d never judge him for it
He was so wrapped up in his own world that he often forgot about your feelings and wellbeing
So as an apology, Saeran decided to take you out for dinner one night
It wasn’t the fanciest of restaurants but Saeran wasn’t a very fancy fellow himself but you still appreciated his efforts
The evening was going fine until your waiter offered the two of you some alcohol, which you anxiously but politely refused
But he wasn’t taking no for an answer, shoving the strong drink in your face asking you again if you wanted the drink
Saeran could see tears starting to form in your eyes so he grabbed the waiters wrist and twisted it, making the man yelp in pain
The two of you quickly left the restaurant as Saeran mumbled an apology for the evenings events but asked why you were so scared of the man
Your cheeks tinted pink as you explained that you had a bad experience in your past with a drunk person so anything dealing with alcohol scared you
He grabbed your hand and gently squeezed it, Saeran’s small form of affection, as he completely understood where you were coming from since he remembered his own past with his drunken mother
Saeran told you not to worry anymore because he would always be by your side and even if he didn’t always show it, he would always protect and love you
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