#If he were narrating he probably wouldn't even mention it
alexis-royce · 1 year
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There's a lot of fake Oscar Wilde quotes circulating in the atmosphere, but this one is particularly relevant
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
hopping on the kr/alsei hate train. the theme of being Forced Into Circumstances (Romantic Or Otherwise) is very prominent with the two of em, but especially with Kris. it's basically the entire game. every single one of the options to be "romantic" towards Ralsei are a choice on the player's behalf and nothing to do with what Kris wants.
hugging Ralsei is so sweet from our pov. until you recall that Kris doesn't like hugs. this is plainly stated by Asgore if you visit him in Chapter 1, and VERY telling by the way they don't reciprocate Toriel or Asgore's hugs. Kris does not make the decision to hug Ralsei - to do so goes against their personal boundaries.
some of the dialogue choices in the Acid Tunnel of Love are such polar opposites. the "nice" options, however, are incredibly presumptuous of Kris' feelings towards Ralsei, having a stark contrast from the "mean" option being silence or shutting Ralsei down. of course the player will pick the kinder one, even if it's odd.
I do want to mention that this lends itself to the notion/theory of the narrator being a seperate entity (as they were in Undertale) who may have the goal of keeping Kris and Ralsei together. for what purpose I have no idea, but it makes sense why one choice for dialogue ("Is it strange to say it's nice spending time with you alone like this?") is either shutting Ralsei down completely ("It's strange") or assertively reciprocating ("I feel the same way"). the narrator entity understands there is a third party, and they understand how to make us work for them without even realising it.
this isn't even getting started on how Ralsei's feelings towards Kris are incredibly idolising. Ralsei tends to be subservient to Kris and Susie, and talks about his sole purpose as a Darkner being to assist the Lightners. "It's the only way we can feel truly fulfilled."
not to mention, Ralsei has been alone for his entire life. he very reasonably wouldn't be able to understand the difference between his feelings for others, nor would he ever have experienced someone caring for him in a platonic or familial manner.
Ralsei saying "it's nice spending time alone with you" is not an inherently romantic sentiment. It is, however, probably the first time he has expressed any such sentiment. Of course he's flustered about it! He doesn't talk to other people, and this is someone he looks up to and admires as a hero from a legend. Kris has thus far fit into Ralsei's narrative perfectly - of course they're his favourite.
For Kris to reciprocate the sentiment is unique and new for Ralsei, which he even acknowledges. ("I mean, e-everything's a first for me, but... Hearing it from you, um... It... it means a lot.") Ralsei has idolised Kris, and as long as Kris continues to play the part forced by the player, nothing good can come of it.
I'm not saying Kris doesn't care about Ralsei. But it's an incredibly toxic dynamic regardless of the whole almost-siblings shenanigan (which is terrible enough to put me off from this ship anyway.)
TLDR kr/alsei sucks get better <3
NODDING AT THIS i don’t have anything else to add i think you verbalized everything i had thoughts on
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lime-bucket · 3 months
People who claim to love Lilith know shit about her.
Once I wrote in comments that Lilith was a rapist and somebody replied: "Why would she raped somebody who she didn't want reproduce with? Are you even can read?"
Another time when I made video about I got comment saying "Lilith didn't SA Adam." In that video I put google screenshot telling that she did. I replied to the comment saying "But google says that she did." They replied something along the lines. "I know that she didn't." (Like do you know her personally.) I answer with "Can you prove me that she didn't." And I got no answer.
There was post on Reddit about Lilith's orgin (it was a meme. People who know vs people who don't know) and still people call her the first feminist. Feminist? A FUCKING RAPIST?!
Lilith fans force the narrative that she was a victim, like bro, when you talking about her history, talk also about THAT part. It's not so hard to find.
"Well Lilith SA'd Adam, becouse he SA'd her first." Girl, show me the proof.
Adam wasn't even controling. He just didn't want to be at bottom. Which is fine. We should stop shaming Man and male characters not being comfortable with certein sexual things.
I'm still angry that (Hazbin Hotel) Adam is mocked for not liking giving oral sex. If he was a woman people would be on his side.
Btw story of Adam, Eve, Lilith, Sameal and Lucifer and Eden would be treaten differently if genders would be swap.
Adam would be probably shamed for Lilith leaving and Eve eating the Apple, if he was woman and Eve with Lilith were a man. Fem. Adam (Adamina) and Fem. Lucifer (Lucia) or Fem. Sameal (Samantha) would be put in "Madame and Whore complex" categoriesm
Male Eve SA would be forgotten. Female Adam SA'd maybe wouldn't, but she could be shipped with her abuser like orginal Eve.
Eve was raped by serpent in myths and in the show Lucifer (who is the serpent in the show) admits he sleep with Eve and probably Viv creates narrative that she like it? Ew.
Adam and Eve LOVED each other. They had healthy relationship. But she needs to make Lucifer better than Adam in anything, doesn't she?
Sorry that happened to u.but unfortunatly thats the result of modern reimaginings of ancient myth,as they present a safe version of the tale to audience wich when they find the original story,they fund it difficult to come in terms w/ their faves being..not so well liked to put it nicely.i myself had the same issue w/ the story of hades & persephone
Ughh dont remind abt lucifers comment abt eve,wich is just a can of weird/nonsensical implications i dont wanna dive in rn.nontheless i cant rlly agree on the gender swapping parts,theres already narrations mentioning adam was SAd but still got blamed fr it,but never have i heard abt the serpent assaulting eve,maybe its meant in a metaphorical sense?
U can call it overexageration,but i find it insidious when writers make the relationship of adam & eve unhealthy or unequal.since theyre the first humans,is it hard to not believe that love in it its most primitive form wont be beautiful?pure even?
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strawberrylabs · 1 year
Hi! I saw ur reqs are only open for lyney lol and as fate has it I’m DYING for some lyney content :DDD so I decided to maybe put a req!
Lyney x Reader (married? Or not) where they argue right before a big show (please let them make up and forgive each other 🥹🥹)
I don’t have much in mind for the specifics but I do have one where it’s like he has to put up a facade for the audience, but reader isn’t in the audience and everything is just wrong. He tries to perform everything as rehearsed and it looks normal to the audience but to Lynette it’s crystal clear what her brother is going through.
i can picture it all too vividly- anon you have a fabulous mind!
WARNINGS: spoilers for Fontane Archon quest and Lyney's story quest, arguments, mentions of injuries and a bit of blood
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It's not the same without you...
Synopsis: After Lyney and you had an argument before a big show, the magician just can't seem to get his head in the game without you there.
(note: will be written from narrator's POV)
"Why must you always be so insecure?! I've told you before it's part of the performace, (Y/n)!"
"And I've told you before that's fine, but I wish you'd at least remind them that you have a lover!"
This was not the first time (Y/n) and Lyney had argued about how friendly he gets with some of his fans while performing.
(Y/n) gets that his charm is part of the persona he's built known as "Lyney the magician", and he's never gone further than perhaps giving a flower that he made appear or complementing a smile or two. What bothered (Y/n) was that Lyney never told of his fans when they went too far.
One time, after giving a girl a flower out of thin air, said girl asked Lyney if he was free for a date after his show. And from the way she was batting her lashes.. she was after more than just a date.
Instead of reminding the girl he was taken, he simply smiled and said
"I'm afraid I'm unavailble tonight. Perhaps another time."
And from there, more and more of his fans gained the confidence to become more friendly with the magician.
"For the last time, I see no need why I should have to reiterate my relationship status to my fans when it's already clear I am with you!"
"Because they think you don't care! You never seem to show disinterest or even tell them off!"
"Enough! If you weren't so insecure of you average looks and boring personality, maybe this wouldn't be a problem!"
"..What is that supposed to mean? Are you saying you actually are interested in some of them?"
"Lyney! It's almost time for the- show.. uh.."
Lynette frantically looks back and forth between her brother who looks like he's seen a ghost, and (Y/n) who was now crying.
"I'll let you go. Hope the show goes well."
"(Y/n)! Wait!"
Before the magician can react, (Y/n) ran through the doors of the opera, and out of sight.
"Lynette... do you think (Y/n) will still watch the show?"
"I guess we'll have to wait and see. Let's go."
Lyney looked in the direction (Y/n) had run off too, a frown on his face.
Please come back.
(Y/n) to the the opera courtyard, and began to walk around the gardens.
The tears slowly stopped falling as Lyney's words repeated over and over.
He didn't mean it did he? He loves me...
(Y/n) heaves a deep sigh as they continue to wonder aimlessly through the opera gardens.
"Ah.. I don't want to miss the show. I should probably head back- Ah!"
The ledge (Y/n) had wandered too gave out beneath them. (Y/n) tumbles through the foliage and flowers, hitting their head on a rock as they come to a stop at the shore...
meanwhile at the opera house, Lyney is pacing back and forth during the intermission.
Where were you?
Although Lyney had managed to get through the first half of the show without too much trouble, he was losing it.
The audience couldn't spot the differences between Lyney during his usual shows and Lyney now. But Lynette could.
The way he didn't hold his smile constantly between acts, the way his eyes scanned the crowd fitfully every few seconds rather than smoothly dragging across them.
He was worried. Worried that his emotions got the best of him, that for once his words went too far. He worried that you'd left him.
What if you never came back? What if he hurt you more than he knew and you were crying to yourself someone, thinking he didn't love you? what it-
Lynette approached her brother wordlessly. She didn't need to ask to know what he was thinking.
"I'm sure they'll be there for the second half. You were a jerk, but (Y/n) loves you."
Lyney smiles at her.
He goes to open his mouth to speak, but is interupted by one of their assistants running into the room.
"Lyney! Lynette! It's (Y/n)- someone found them unconcious by the shore and-"
"Where are they?"
"The gardemek brough them to the infermary here-"
And that was all Lyney needed before he set off running. He can vaguley hear Lynette addressing the crowd, saying something about an unexpected emergency.
But he couldn't care less about the show.
What if you were badly injured? What if someone who wanted to get at "father" attacked you to get to him?
what if your last thoughts were about the awful things he told you?
What if the last thing you thought was that he didn't love you?
He couldn't stand to think of it.
When Lyney rushed into the infermary, he saw you sitting up on a bed, getting you head bandaged by the medic.
"(Y/n)!" He kneeled next to you, hands clasping yours.
"By the seven! I was so worried! I thought you had left for good and then I didn't see you in the show and then the assistant said-"
He stopped, looking at you as you smiled softly.
"I'm fine. I went for a walk to clear my head is all. Guess I went too far and managed to fall off a cliff."
(Y/n) turns away, their smile falling. The medic finishes up and leaves the room, giving the two some privacy.
"(Y/n)... im so sorry. What I said was out of line and not true! You're the only one I love, and no one could ever hold a candle to you. You're not average, your beautiful! And anyone who calls you boring is a fool! I know you're right about the fans, but I just got.. defensive when you brought it up. I promise to be more vigilant in letting everyone know that you are mine, and that above all I am yours"
(Y/n) once again had tears in their eyes.
"Thank you Lyney.. I needed to hear that."
"Thank the archons. Maybe my brother will stop messing up our show."
Lynette said from the door, causing Lyney's ears to turn red.
(Y/n) chuckles.
"I didn't realise I affected your performances so much"
Lyney smiles.
"Well of course you do! It's just not the same without you watching me."
"Well, I better get to my seat then!"
As (Y/n) goes to move, Lyney stops them.
"(Y/n) before you go!"
Lyney pulls them close and carefully presses a kiss to their bandage.
"I love you. More than any show or performance could ever amount to."
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You have no idea how tempted I was to make this A LOT angstier-
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ruexsdrty · 4 months
Petty Thievery
Pairing: The Ghoul x Reader
Note: Mentions of the game Fallout 4 setting/gameplay because duh I played it too fucking much.
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Gloved fingers gripped at the slicky thin bobby pin, twisting and turning gently just in the await of that sweet click. The wind was strong tonight but her overhanging hood saved her eyes from the unforgiving—and probably radioactive—sand. It was ironic that a radaway bag hanged on the inner side of her coat while she donned a gruesome ghoul mask on her face like second skin.
She had found it hanging alone on a wall shack in the corner of an empty costume house when she was seeking cover from the blazing raiders and mutants outside. There were a few of them until she had shot one with her .308 pipe revolver, awaiting a horde of sick grunts and snarls only to be met by silence. That was when she realised that it was no feral, just a harmless mask. Those were probably zombie masks but, well, there was nothing she couldn't fake.
‘Well, I had this idea...’ she narrates, her eyes catching the glimpse of a distant man coming towards her again through the sides of her vision. She wasn't mistaken, that silhouette was distinctively clear in her head. Only one man she knew held himself with grace and sickening danger altogether. The cowboy hat, the overhanging coat... ‘And when I thought I could handle lying about being a ghoul with wastelanders and other ghouls alike, I wasn't fucking counting him.’
Her fingers trembled as yet another bobby pin snapped, spitting curses under her breath that would make a sailor blush. She heard the familiar reload click of a shotgun a few feet away.
“Tell me why I shouldn't just shoot you right now, sweetheart.”
Oh, yeah, that voice. She knew it, was familiar with it. She has had one too many run-ins with him whenever she played the role of a runaway vaultie, and she could recall none of them to be pleasant. She just hoped he won't recognize her voice.
The flickering neon board hung overhead, a few lights hanging off its hinges, it read, ‘Pharmacy’.
“Nothin' wrong with a woman trying to survive,” She grumbled with an intentioned rasp in her voice, deepening it. ‘We practised this,’ she told herself to take deep breaths, ‘Just don't overdo it.’
“Well, darlin',” His southern accent was strong, dripping off each syllable, “Ain't nothin' wrong with a man wanting it all to 'imself, eh?” The barrel of the shotgun dug into the sides of her forehead through her hood. Ofcourse he'd want the whole store. Who wouldn't?
She sucked in a deep, slow breath, quiet and shaky. “That's not nice.” At a loss of words, that was all that she could've come up. She wasn't particularly proud of it, especially when even he couldn't bite back a short laugh.
After a long pause of silence, she huffed, “If you kill me, you can't get it. The lock's pretty tight!”
“Yeah?” He drawled, she peeked through the edge of her hood to catch a glimpse of his uninterested eyes. “And what gives I don't just break the damned glass?”
Again, a silence befell them. “I'm fucked then.” She had stopped fumbling with the lock now, looking at him with distrusting eyes while the wind furled gently against her hood. His fingers repositioned around the trigger.
A guttural growl filled the air as heavy steps shook on the ground they stood on. Their gazes widened at each other. He hit the barrel on her head lightly to accentuate the tension, “Get to it,” he barked.
She returned to pick the lock, the nearing footsteps of the wasteland creature and the edge of the gun digging on her head pushing her hands to shake more. With an irritated groan he knocked the glass with his elbow before opening the lock from the inside. With heavy breathes they rushed inside and pushed the door close.
He turned to her with an exasperated frown. She huffed, a hand to her chest to contain her beating afraid heart. “Don't blame me for having performance anxiety!” He looked at her incredulously like she was crazy.
It was dark, her feet hitting some clutter or the other as she creeped closer to the wall for safety. She stumbled behind the counter and slid down the wall, sitting on the floor as she stared out the glasses in fear. The sudden ticking of radroaches' mantis caught her off-guard and she let out a yelp, fingers curling around the revolver in her holster and shooting the creature before it could close in on her. Silence befell and she collected her breath with a heaving chest. Her legs sprawled in front of her, back hitting the wall in exhaustion but her fingers stayed tightly clutched on her revolver.
The Ghoul clicked his tongue, “You don't sound much like a ghoul.” Was that a joke? A threat? An accusation or just an observation? Whatever it may be, she knew she didn't way to stay around him much longer than necessary.
The fucking Deathclaw outside was an absolute epitome of her bad luck.
Heavy footsteps neared her. It was The Ghoul this time. For some reason, she thought it'd be easier to take down a Deathclaw than this man. “Gun,” he demanded with an outstretched palm in front of her face. She glanced at it once.
“And why should I?”
His foot striked down her wrist, the gun falling out of her grasp to the floor. He stood over her, kicking the gun to the corner and out of reach. His boot planted on either side of her legs. There wasn't much she could to save herself in this situation... or, well, position.
“Smooth skin, soft voice...” He observed, “When did ya' start turning?”
She hasn't done her research. “Seven.” But she figured seven years might hit the sweet spot.
He hummed and leaned downwards, the barrel nudging against her shoulder. ‘Don't panic,’ she met his gaze. He tilted his head down at her, sighing heavily in thought. He laughed short, fingers tightening around the trigger. Gunshots don't kill ghoul, at least not until their brains paint the floor.
"Well, sweetie,” he drawled, his voice deep and ruthless, “Let's see how much of a liar you are, huh?”
Deafening gunshot filled the small store.
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lipstickchainsaw · 10 months
Oh, for the stp questions, what do you think of the thorn? She is my favourite 🫶🫶
I think the Witch > Thorn route is probably my favourite, and most thematically coherent/meaty? Some Chapter 3 Princesses' are just their Chapter 2 version but More (like the Eye of the Needle, arguably the Den), but the Thorn really does stand out as a more fleshed out narrative, with more depth.
To get into the route, you have to either cheat the first choice (first going down without the Pristine Blade to lock the Princess into her more 'harmless' version before going back up grab the Blade and slay her), or take the first opportunity to stab her once her back is turned (yes, the Narrator is pushing you to do it, or you've locked yourself out of resisting because you already played the Damsel, but from her perspective, that doesn't make a difference). To build on what I said in my essay on the Pristine Blade, the simple fact that you have access to the Blade influences the dynamic between you and the Princess (corrupts it, really).
In either case, you really do betray her trust, and this hurts her considerably more than the arm torn/cut off, or whatever cuts you leave on her otherwise, because the violence she can immediately repay with her own. It's the hurt, the knowledge that she trusted you with her vulnerability and you took advantage of it, that she can't resolve, and this is, naturally, what the next chapter is about.
I'm not wholly sure why she's called the Witch, because she does surprisingly few things we might associate with witches.
Regardless, going in, you're joined by the Voice of the Opportunist, whose entire shtick is looking for ways to eke out short-term advantages without a care for any long-term concerns. In short, this fucker will defect in the prisoner dilemma after telling you he's going to cooperate, honest, and then be surprised you don't trust him in the second iteration, because he's on your side this time, he promises!
And this is how the Witch sees you, the Protagonist, because that's what these voices represent, and she sees her only defense against your backstabbing ways is to... be that exact same thing. To also keep her cards close to her chest, and jump at whatever first opportunity she gets to get one over on you (this is what she does if you turn your back on her in this route, even at the cost of her own life, the Scorpion and Frog/Farmer and Viper parallels are explicitly mentioned in the achievement). She's been hurt, and the only way she can avoid being hurt again, is to hurt you first.
The main difference between you and her, of course, is that you have the Blade, the power in this situation (yes, she did kill you last time, but that's hardly what matters here), and acknowledging this is the key to getting to the Thorn.
Because you have to give it up! You have to give the Blade to her, by way of apology, putting your trust in someone you know has no reason to like you and every reason to hurt you, and you have to put yourself at her mercy. Let her use that power against you like you did against her.
And the Witch doesn't understand why you do it! Why would you give up the upper hand when you have it? She wouldn't, after all. So she's suspicious, and she doesn't know what you're doing, but she remembers the hurt, and whatever game you're playing, she can now hurt you before you hurt her, so she takes the opportunity to kill you and immediately proves that hurting you doesn't stop her from being hurt either.
She asks you why you let her do that to her, because hurting you didn't resolve the dissonance between what she thought you were like and what you actually did. Hurting you doesn't suddenly bring your plan into clarity, and it leaves her incredibly confused.
But I think she asks herself another question, quietly, without quite being willing to acknowledge it to herself:
'Why would I do that?'
And this finally brings us to the Thorn (sorry for taking so long to actually get to her, anon, but I can't help myself). Some time has passed between the end of the Witch and now, and she had been plagued with those questions, with thinking of who she is, what she wants to be, and how to deal with the hurt while she tries really hard to figure out if she can actually trust you or not.
This is why the first question she asks you is if you're there to laugh at her. She thinks she might have seen your play (and she can be correct if you do decide to laugh at her! The achievement being called 'Past Life Gambit' is very fitting. You get a ton of opportunities to be cruel to her here and validate her distrust!), and when you say you're not, she's just... lost.
The thorns around are neat, because the degree to which this betrayal has hurt her also causes her to hurt herself. The thorns are pointed inward. You can get in, but you can't get out, and neither can she! This distrust within her is literally digging into her own skin, and even though she has the Blade, has the power in this situation, she cannot use it to resolve this situation for herself. She's going to need you, but if she gives you that power, how can she possibly know you're not just going to hurt her again? How does she know you're not going to make the same decision she did? How can she make the decision you did last time, when she doesn't understand why you did it?
And these fears are not unjustified! For all that the Opportunist is in favour of schmoozing up to the Thorn, the moment she gives up the Blade, he turns into the Witch again, immediately suggesting the very choice that resulted in the very misery the Thorn is now struggling with (because the Opportunist is kind of an asshole). Even though you both know you need each other to get out of this mess long-term, actually doing that when you've both stabbed each other in the back previously is not easy, and giving in to those short-term impulses is so very tempting. How do the Scorpion and the Frog not kill one another?
And this provokes big argument in your own mind, too, long enough the Thorn gets worried she fucked up by giving you the Blade in this anxious way that doesn't understand why you haven't made either decision yet.
Fortunately, the Opportunist is joined by the Smitten at this point (and I think this is a bit of a redemption for the Smitten compared to the Damsel route, but that's a matter for another post), and he argues very passionately (because whenever does he not) in favour of the beauty of trust and cooperation and love!
And so by sharing your power and using it with care (the Narrator even tries to make you slip, but the Smitten says no), you resolve the pain at the heart of the Thorn, and finally make it clear that you do deserve her trust as she deserves yours, and you get arguably the best ending of a single run.
Of the Third Chapter Princesses, I think the Thorn stands out in becoming more... human compared to her previous, rather than less. It adds a lot of depth to her narrative, and makes the resulting romance feel more real than the other options.
And of the potential Witch follow-ups, I think the Thorn is a more interesting resolution than the Wild, because the Wild is more about burying the resentment and pain and pretend none of it happened and you're united as one, whereas the Thorn sees you actually resolve your differences and develop a more healthy relationship in the wake of it.
And you teach the Opportunist the value of long-term thinking, which is neat.
Also, you get the only kiss in the game on this route, so that's also fun.
In short, yeah, fantastic route, interesting and nuanced Princess, wonderful resolution.
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streets-in-paradise · 9 months
Of Palaces, Princes and Magic - Thor x (Fem)Reader
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Warnings: Clueless, powerless Thor from 2011. Tons of fluff
Summary: Wandering arround your home Thor discovers evidence of the fairytale fantasies of your childhood and promises to make your dreams come true.
Note: I wrote this last night on my phone with the last bits of battery I had and post it on the morning from the laptop. There is no editing or proofread.
Tags: @thorsslxve
Allowing a stranger inside your home wasn't your initial intention, but you kept stumbling with him untill you realized he had nowhere else to go. From the barely understandable bits of explanations you got from him, your first guess was that he may have just escaped from a cult, but that didn't make him necesarily dangerous. He was lost, clueless of the world after abandoning the place that was all he ever knew. You did remember him mentioning something over the lines of ' being casted out as a punishment' and that seemed to comfirm your theory. A cult linked to norse mythology, with a leader believing himself to be Odin who had raised him as his son.
Thor lived in a fantasy world and you could tell he was harmless because he never meant to hurt you in any way. He probably required of professional help, but to get there he needed to reach some bassical functionality. If many people would get to hear more of his nonsense, he would end up locked and that possibility saddened you deeply. As far as you could tell, he probably had been physically disconnected from the world all his life already. Besides, it was clear that he trusted you, because the out of place displays of odd arrogance he had with everyone else didn't happen much between you. For you he only had a quirky but lovely chivalry that sometimes was enough to make you live his fantasy for a while.
From all the decorative details in the place, his atention was focused in a miniature replica of Cinderella's castle you had on a table near your bookshelves. A beautifull toy incluiding small figures of characters to habitate it, so delicated and romantic that you kept it as decoration even if you wouldn't play with it anymore like when you were a little girl.
" Do you like it? " You asked him, followed with a sweet smile of encouragement. " It was my favorite growing up ... I'm a grown up woman and I still love it."
The last part of the explanation confused him a bit.
" I don't see why age would fundamentally change your appreciation, it's a fine sculpture of a castle fitting for the aesthetic preferences of a lady."
You couldn't help chuckling a bit, then showed him how to unfold the toy in order to see the inside and put it all back in.
" It's a toy, for little girls to play with." You corrected him. " Many girls enjoy playing pretend to be princesses as children, but when we reach a certain age we stop thinking of palaces, princes and magic... Unless we are reading a fantasy novel or something like that. It's stuff of tales and Disney movies, not reality."
The answer surprised him even more, but there was some sort of sadness in it. Pretty much as if he took pitty on the fact.
" Are people like me casted out to remain only in the literature of this realm?" He asked, with genuine curiosity. " Which tale does this castle tells? If there is any, as your words suggest."
Even in the simplest of details, the conversations with him allways felt like the dialogue of a fairytale.
" If someone would tell me that you have came out from the pages of a fantasy book, I would believe it."
" Yet you can't believe that Asgard is my homeland." He mocked you in return. " I'll convince you, all your doubts will be clarified once I will have my mighty power back."
You didn't argue with him, there was no need at the moment.
" Alright, your highness ... Do you still want me to tell you the tale?"
Thor smiled in agreement and you began to narrate using the playset castle as a visual guide. The fact that a grown man was just being introduced to the tale of Cinderella felt quite odd, but very cute. He was particularly intrigued with the fact that the King found no issue on letting his son marry a servant that presented herself to him magically disguised just because she was the owner of the crystal shoe.
" ... Even if she was the rightfull heir of the household, her stepmother made her a slave and that's a downgrade that should have disqualified her at the eyes of the King. How could the prince convince him of blessing that union? "
He was taking the story seriously and it was hard to provide answers in that perspective.
" I guess he simply indulged his son and let him marry the woman he loved. Prince Charming fell for Cinderella at the Royal Ball, he had no idea of who she was back then. The girl was a princess in spirit and maybe the King saw that, the crystal shoe proved her worthy of the prince."
For some reason, your answer made him smile a bight brighter than before.
" I believe you are a princess in spirit. " Thor sweetly confessed. " ... and a magnificent storyteller."
His pure cuteness was too much for you and behind your own smile heat has started to take over your face.
" Me, a princess? Please! You don't have to flatter me for hospitality. I haven't wore a tiara since I was eight."
Thor looked at the little figures of Cinderella and Prince Charming in their miniature balcony, then glanced back at you as if a new strange idea had just occured to him.
" What if you could experience what's like to be a princess? Would you believe me then?" He asked you out of sudden. " Not only about Asgard, but about my very sincere perceptions of you."
You began to wonder if the last part was some sort of romantical approach and were quite confused about that. He was very sweet and you loved his company. It could be said that you fancied him too, but encouraging him would be taking advantage of the strange situation and you would never do that.
" It's allright, Thor. I'm fine just like this. We are friends, you can help me arround ... "
" I insist, that's how I will repay you for all the troubles I have caused. " He cutted you off with determination. " I will take you to a real Royal Ball."
He sounded so serious about it that you began to question your own sanity.
" The noblefolk would be judging, It's a bad idea. "
" They will see you like I do." He optimistically replicated. " Your looks will reflect your royal spirit and you will not have to flee at midnight. If that's your desire, you will get to dance with a real prince ... Maybe two, if Loki also requires it. Ask him nicely and we may convince him of hexing your shoes to look as if made of crystal."
You giggled out of a pure,sweet surprise while hearing the details of the fantasy he was almost roping you in.
" That's very sweet. You are the sweetest man I have ever known."
You were gazing into each other's eyes when he formalized the promise.
"Currently less than what you deserve, but I will fix that soon. I will be back to my former glory, I will be worthy of you and In honor of your infinite kindness and patience, I shall make your dreams come true. "
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armpirate · 9 months
Soundleasure | Choi San || CH. 1
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Pairings: Soft!San x fem!reader || Strangers to lovers, fake dating
Genre: smut, angst, fluff, online sex, ghosting
Warnings: inexperienced!San, fem!reader, masturbation, online sex, camboy, first times.
Summary: You can do whatever you please and be whoever you want on the Internet. And San knew that a little bit too well.
After finally following all the signs the universe was throwing at him, he started living a double life that no one was aware of. Everyone in his daily life knew him as Choi San, the reserved and quiet boy who wouldn't raise his voice, and would barely communicate with anyone outside of his comfort group. But only a few knew him as Soundleasure, the man with a sexy voice and a filthy mind that had their toes curling just with his narrations.
He never thought of the possibility of those two lives ever meeting, he had always tried for them to follow a parallel route and had always played safe to keep his friends from ever suspecting that side even existed. But his plans will start to crumble when he gets a little too close with one of his subscribers and she invades his real-self and altergo's universes without being able to stop it.
Y/n will not only help him to keep his secret from his circle, but will also show him there's more of Soundleasure in him than he'd like to admit. 
Next >>
Aprox. time of reading: 12 minutes
Chapter warnings: Audio porn, camboy, female masturbation, explicit talk
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He looked at her with a weird smirk, that far from being cute and attractive made him look like an even bigger asshole. It wasn't like she was too into him when they started texting, but at least she wasn't disgusted by him like she was then.
She didn't care about picking him up at the station, when it was late at night, mainly because he had previously told her he was new in the city and he still didn't know how to move well around. And she also was able to laugh it off when he whistled at her from afar when she walked past him, instead of just calling out her name. Y/n could shrug it off, and blame it on him being new on dating apps and just meeting new people in general.
But there was something off around his vibes.
And she should've run when he started mentioning how desperate people in those dating apps were, and how lonely they should feel in their lives to recur to meeting strangers and trusting them. He had a point there. She shouldn't have trusted his nice talk at all, because that way she wouldn't have been in the uncomfortable moment she was in.
They both were walking next to each other, while Y/n grasped the fabric inside the pockets of her jacket while trying to hold herself back from giving a bad look or a bad response. Maybe he was just nervous, and he was just trying to break the ice between them.
—Shall we get in somewhere? —he suggested, walking past the line of several restaurants.
—I'm not really hungry —she shook her head, dropping a small nervous smile.
—Me neither —Jordan scoffed—. Let's just get something to drink somewhere. It's too cold to be walking around.
When his lips curved, and she was able to see his crooked teeth with a gentle smile, she chose to give it another chance. He was cute looking, with his tanned skin and his gleaming green eyes. She was being too harsh on him after just fifteen minutes.
Y/n insisted on going somewhere else when he stopped in front of an establishment with wide crystal walls that allowed to see the decoration inside. Although it seemed like a pub at first glance, she spotted some people sitting on the tables having pizzas and pasta. And even the empty tables had the cutlery placed in front of each chair, for the moment someone would take those seats. Despite her mentioning it probably wasn't the type of place they were looking for, Jordan carried on, convincing her that they'd be allowed to only have a drink.
Five minutes later after sitting and being handed the menu, she moved her eyes up at him.
—Let's get something to eat. We can share a pizza if you like —he closed his menu, pointing at hers with his chin—. Pick whatever you like.
—Are you sure? —she asked, eyeing the different types of pizzas they were offering— Is there something you don't like?
Her question was genuine. Because even though Jordan already said it was her choice, she wanted to pick something he'd be fine with eating.
He shook his head, and assured her he ate anything that was served in front of him. Still, she went for something safe and asked for a Pepperoni pizza when the waiter stopped by their table to take their order. Although Y/n would've hoped he had stayed for a bit longer when silence knocked at their table.
The darkness outside didn't allow her to see further than her own reflection on the window, but it was better than looking at Jordan's uncomfortable face as he found nothing to talk about. And it'd have been like that on the way to the bay if she hadn't brought up random topics, like asking for how long he had been in Boston and what was the reason that took him there. She wasn't the outgoing type, but she still found the way to build a conversation to fill the silence. She was showing some type of interest.
She couldn't say the same about him, when she found the lighting of his phone illuminating his face, after she turned to him.
She still gave it a pass. There was no point in discarding someone only because he was shy.
Jordan was also weird. After saying he didn't have a problem with any type of food, she found him taking the slices of pepperoni from his half of the pizza, and even poked into the cheese with his fork to take the remaining. And seeing him struggling with his food made her feel bad, because maybe she should've opted for a more basic option so his dinner wouldn't be ruined.
She regretted those thoughts three seconds later.
—I thought you said you weren't hungry —he commented, after she was done with her half.
Biting her tongue, she held back any type of rude response. Her eyebrows frowned slightly though, confused by the comment, and unable to know what she should answer to that.
They'd pay for that food anyway, was she expected to take a slice and then leave the rest of her half there?
She just giggled the comment away, moving her eyes over the restaurant and stopping at the TV placed at the corner where the counter ended. She had never been interested in football, but that day it seemed like the best entertainment for the night. Only moving her eyes back to her table when Jordan called her attention, after hearing two of the waiters speaking in Italian.
—You said you spoke Italian, right? —he hurriedly asked.
During one of their late night conversations, she did mention she spoke Italian. Not a big amount though. Just enough to keep a simple conversation, after being able to learn some words and understand the way their grammar worked after her ex-boyfriend explained it to her. Not like it was useful though, because when they went to Milan to meet his grandparents she barely used the language. Mattia adopted the role of the translator without giving her a chance to speak once.
—Well, I said I knew some words —she nervously smiled—. That's quite different.
—Why don't you ask for the bill in Italian? I bet they'll think it's pretty cool.
Or they'll think she's a dumbass mocking them.
She had nothing to lose though. She could give it a try, and not step inside that restaurant a single time again in her life.
Her pronunciation was poor, and she struggled with the words when the pressure of having all those eyes on her finally kicked her. And, while the waiter smiled gently and nodded after she was done, she heard a chuckle on her right that activated the last nerve.
—You tried, at least —he kept scoffing, shaking his head and drinking.
Her lips were pressed tight against each other, dying to set free all the mischievous words going through her head, but avoiding to make a scene.
She didn't fight to split the bill, she didn't comment on anything, Y/n just wanted to get back home, delete the dating app and forget that date ever happened.
—I'm not the type to fight. I really don't like violence. But if you're being an asshole, I have to bring you back to reality, you know?
What was she even supposed to answer?
Y/n just nodded, seeing the light when she was able to spot her building from afar. But peace wasn't reaching her that easily yet.
She was ready to say goodbye, open the door and never see him again, but he sat at the small stairs that led to her door, lighting a cigarette and keeping the monologue while looking into the distance.
Maybe her skin was way too thin, but she couldn't find the way to feel interested about anything that was coming out of his mouth after what happened in the restaurant. Maybe she had been so hopeless about love after so many failing dates, that she found herself bothered at the slightest thing.
—I guess we'll meet again —he threw the cigarette to the road in between the two vehicles parked in front—. Next time you're the one paying —he reminded her.
—Sure, sure.
Before Jordan was able to hook her in a hug, she walked up the steps, looking for her keys in her bag and opening the door before she finally said goodbye to him.
—Get home safely.
If he expected to get in her bed that night, he'd have a shocking reality check.
A loud sigh and the keys tingling when she dropped them over the green sideboard at the entrance informed of her way back home, having Julius -a black cat with a bit of overweight-, peeking his head over the corner to confirm it was its owner uninterestedly.
After closing the door, she saw the golden hooks she bothered herself to hang so she wouldn't be leaving her keys anywhere. It was cute, and it went perfectly well with the style of the house, but she was so upset over the evening she had, that she couldn't find herself picking up the keys and hanging them there.
She could only pray Julius wouldn't jump over the sideboard and drag her keys to the floor, so he could play until he pushed them under the couch like the last time.
On her way to her room, where she was looking forward to hiding once she reached her bed, she felt her phone buzzing in her hand. Her head fell back with an exasperation moan when she saw the dickpic blasting on her screen.
What was even the reason for that bullshit?
Loverboy6577 shot higher than what he could reach. Well, at least he was straightforward and he wasn't wasting her time.
She snuggled inside her bed, finally taking the decision of deleting her profile and letting go of any possible hook up, or relationship, that could come with it. She wasn't going to be delusional anymore.
Boys just weren't worthy of her time.
At least not any that were at her reach, or realistic to her. That was what she convinced herself of when she found herself smiling excitedly when a notification popped up at the top of her screen over her social media.
*Soundleasure has just posted a video*
Reaching for her earpods inside the drawer of her nightstand, she lied on her back, clicking on the notification to be redirected to his page.
If someone in her circle knew she was wasting money on content like that, she'd probably be judged and dragged to shreds. Fuck, she was the type to laugh at people paying to consume that type of content before she found him through a random video in a porn site -after another failed date, unsurprisingly.
Dating was difficult, love was non-existent for the possible partners she had met. What was the point of wasting money and time going out with them, in exchange of some lame sex, when she could enjoy herself with a sexy voice and her own imagination?
When she first met him, it was cheaper. And it wasn't like he had many subscribers either. But his exposure increased with the passing of time, having her little secret increasing the pricing in subscriptions.
When she played the video, she was met with a completely dark screen -something usual from him. It was one of the things that attracted her the most, not being distracted by some random nudes or sex scenes, and being allowed to let the arousal properly build up.
—Was it a hard day today? —he asked.
Y/n's head instantly nodded to his question, feeling like he posted that video purposely for her and her mood, trying to make up for what the rest of the irky males around her made her go through. Although she probably would've been okay with his rough side as well, like some other times. She would've been happy with whatever was the mood of his audio.
—Hmm, does my baby want me to make her feel better? —he rustled softly, caressing her ears so gently that she moved her head to the side, as if he was actually next to her.
His breathing was light, before the sound of his pecks came. At some point she swore she could even feel his lips against her skin, washing the tension away with every kiss.
—I'll make it better, babe —he assured through the mic—. Let me kiss you.
She loved his content, but that part always took her out, turning her into a giggling ball while cringing over the sound of his lips trying to mimic the sound of a wet kiss, gasping for air with every move. It helped her to get an idea of what his lips looked like though. They probably were a pale pink, adopting a darker tone after a make out session that could suck their souls.
He proceeded to describe how he moved down her neck, worshiping every centimeter of exposed skin in her body until he reached the elastic of her panties. She could perfectly picture a pair of fierce eyes looking over her mount, before he asked:
—Can I take it off?
Along with his audio, her pants and panties were long gone under the sheets, going in sync with his voice.
—Look at you, so wet already —he groaned.
The mix of his heavy breathing, mixed to the wet sounds coming from her core when she slipped her fingers through her slit, almost made her back arch.
All her hairs raised when she heard his breathing cutting off before he sucked on something, skillfully moving his tongue and sucking his lips onto her hard button -that was trapped in the slow circles two of her fingers kept tracing.
—You taste so good —his words were followed by another open-mouthed kiss—. I'll make you feel alright. I gotcha, babe.
He spitted, making her tiptoes curl when she imagined his spit rolling down her folds before he sank his face into her core again. Her fingers kept moving over her clit, mimicking the twirls of his tongue, wishing for the millionth time that it wasn't only an audio, but a reality.
—Cum on my tongue. I'll make you cum on my cock after.
Along with his voice and his sounds, her back arched and her pussy clenched around nothing as she allowed the pleasure to invade her after he motioned her to cum.
She still went on with the audio, touching herself to mimic the situation he was settling for her, trying to make it as real and vivid as possible while she heard his groans and moans when he slipped his cock in her. It was insane for her how he was able to have her moaning, pressing her thighs together when she finger fucked herself while listening to his whimperings and praises.
There was only one problem there, and it was that she bet her moans would sound perfectly mixed with his in that audio, while they did in real life what he was promising in the video.
Maybe it was her low self-esteem for the night acting up, or maybe her brain was still fried by the two orgasms he helped her having, but she only felt encouraged to enter his profile while she was still recovering, unstable breathing while she tried to type a message for him.
Usually, he just seemed so out of reach. Soundleasure was a thing, she forgot he was even a person after cumming. He was just content that she consumed, because she felt lonely and needy, and no real man would make her reach her high the way he did with his voice only. But it didn't seem like she thought like that that night.
"Good video... But maybe next time you could have my moans in it" she wrote in his private message.
Y/n didn't want to think about it too deeply after sending it. If he answered, good. If he didn't, then he'd keep being that content she consumed randomly at night when loneliness knocked at her door. 
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thatswhatsushesaid · 3 months
more salty commentary about.... salty fandom commentary, but for a fandom i'm not really involved with
ftr this is about the gay-ass (affectionate) vampire show
squinting at some of super vitriolic anti-armand commentary that tumblr's algorithm keeps throwing at me like 'this? you want this one bestie? no? what about this one instead?' when in fact i want none of these takes, actually. "i don't believe a word that comes out of that lying liar's mouth!!" "of course he could have stopped claudia and madeleine's murders, he's the most powerful vampire in the world!!" (uh, i'll come back to that one later. maybe. if i feel like it) "he was onboard the 'let's murder claudia!' train from the very beginning!!!" etc. if you're even peripherally keeping your finger on the pulse of this fandom's discourse, you've probably seen some of this, too.
and... okay. bearing in mind two things:
it's been about 20+ years since i read the original novels, and
the show's relationship to the original novels, as well as the 1994 movie, is both conversational and subversive,
two seasons into this delicious mess, how are we still collectively failing to recognize that the central conceit of amc's retelling is that, intentional or not, all recollection of louis' past is both catharsis (for louis) and performance (for ???)? that all of louis' recollection of his own actions, as well as the actions of the other vampires in his orbit, is filtered through the lens of his own feelings about those vampires in that moment? like this isn't a subtle storytelling device, this is something the show is repeatedly bashing us over the head with again and again and again: louis' reliability as a narrator of his own experiences can't be trusted even when he isn't so consumed with rage that he tries to drain twenty year old daniel molloy dry for the unforgivable crime of /checks my notes, mouthing off at him like a dumbass, or goes into vulgar detail describing to lestat precisely how he is going to kill him, cut his head off, and then feed his decapitated head to lions at the zoo. which, it bears mentioning, is not the version of events that we were presented with during s1, but it is the version of events that louis himself comes to reluctantly believe is the more accurate recollection of the past.
does that make lestat into The Real Victim™️ who did nothing wrong to louis or claudia, ever? please tell me you're not actually asking me this question. be serious.
the point is that louis is right in the thick of feeling his intensely passionate vampire feelings about armand in real time, in the present day, while looking backwards through time at the 77 years they have spent together, and he is questioning everything. justifiably so, for the record! why wouldn't he question the actions and motivations of the supposed love of his life after discovering that such an important memory from his and daniel molloy's shared past was erased from his mind? but seriously, if you have reached this point in the story and your takeaway from the last episode boils down to "THIS TIME louis' recollection of the past is definitely 100% accurate! the rose-tinted glasses are OFF and we can see the TRUTH about you now armand!!!" then i just. i don't know what to say to you. lmfao.
anyway rather than getting into the weeds with anyone actually in the fandom about which of these diva vampire daddies is right, actually, find me hanging out with claudia and madeleine's ashes giving all of them the proverbial finger. because honestly, fuck all these vampires (affectionate).
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amiti-art · 1 year
Okay, so I finished the book and I have a question: where tf is Apollo?????
I get that he couldn't go on a quest with them, he said so at the end of ToN but why doesn't he appear at camp at the end of the book? Or at least visit Will in a dream? Hades did that for Nico.
Also at the beginning it's said that Rachel spoke the same prophecy like 12 times. Apollo is literally the god of prophecies, why isn't he doing anything about it? (Unless Rachel first went to him and he told her to go with this to Nico and Will and asked her not to tell them that he sent her. Idk just an idea).
Personaly I don't have a problem with Will thinking that he might not see Apollo in years or even ever again, because well, it's not presented as fact, it's what Will thinks. And it fits with his fear of abandonment that we can see later in the book. If he has moments when he thinks that his boyfried could leave him behind in the Tartarus or the Underworld then I can easily belive that he thinks that his dad wouldn't bother with visits now when he's a god again.
But that's exacly why Apollo visiting at the end, to give Will comfort after a dengerous quest, would be perfect. It would prove that Will's assumptions were wrong. (I'm just gonna pretend that this is what happened the next day 🙃)
This book has a problem with mentioning important characters in general. Like where are Jerry, Gracie and Yan, you know, Will's new siblings? What was the point of introducing them if their existence is never acknowledged? Austin and Kayla are never mention during the quest itself, they just go home and Will and Nico never think or talk about them. And Hazel, the only alive sibling Nico has, is mationed like once I think???
So it's not that Apollo is the only victim of narration here, but he it the most noticible one because 1) he was a main character in the previous books. 2) he's name is constantly mantion in reference to Will: 'son of Apollo said this' 'son of Apollo did that' and so on. And maybe it's just me, but did anyone else noticed that Will is refered like this a bit too often? Like Nico is somtimes called "Son of Hades" by narration but not near as often as Will is called his father's son, especialy in the later in the story. Like at some point I had a feeling that the book was literally screaming at me "Hey remember Will's dad? This guy named Apollo? Yeah we know he's not in this book, but don't forget about him! He's still important we swear". Anyone else noticed this? Maybe I'm just being delusional but I swear they were doing this for a reason.
I don't know what are Rick's plan for the future, maybe there will be an explanation on why Apollo was so ignored by this book. Maybe he was super busy with something, or maybe he feard that if he intervenes he would bring Zeus' attention to Will and Nico and tbh we don't know how Zeus feels about quest to Tartarus, especialy if the said quest involves saving a titan (because let's be honest, Zeus probably dosen't like the idea of bringing a titan out of Tartarus).
Or maybe Apollo's planing a revolutuon to take his tyrannical father down, who knows.
Sorry if this is a bit messy, I normally don't write analasys/observations but I wanted to get this of my chest (also English is my 2nd language so sorry for all the mistakes)
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autisticlalna · 3 months
anyway uh. ruby showed off a new skin on stream today, and theres been something ive been wondering abt with her skins, and this one in particular caught my attention because the sunglasses are darker than normal.
pardon the peeling, but:
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thats.. new.
cherruby's eye color has just kinda become a Thing i keep squinting at since episode 4. because the episode where we get the "timeline status: unstable" message from R.C. is the same message where the clock glitches out is the same episode where we first see a hint of blue and red under cherruby's shades in the thumbnail.
their eyes are hidden again on episode 5's thumbnail, but that's also the episode where we first see the talksprites Box made, and those have visible eye colors. and then more obviously, episodes 6 and 7's thumbnails have the eye color clearly visible.
so, uh, all of that is when and after the timeline becomes unstable.
(ep4's thumbnail is also the only time the clock is at night instead of halfway between night and day and im STILL squinting at that but im trying to wrangle my adhd ass into focusing on one thing at a time)
but now it's on the skin, and that's kinda concerning. it's not very visible (hence me having to peel him), but it's there. specifically, it's there partially.
this worries me. i dont know if its actually linked to the timeline instability or what, but its definitely something thats happening. its also notable that its happening when theyre mimicking someone by proximity again.
im trying to avoid pointing and going "AH! SAPPHIRE!" like how im trying to avoid pointing at summertime and going "AH! BLUE!", but like. our first indication of sapphire in tsmp was the eye color change. and then there's the thing with the wings and losing thereof, which was a Big Deal in tsmp. and-- okay, this is a tangent thought, but ahah hey isnt it weird that sapphire communicates in mangrove signs and cherruby's eye color change happened on the skin where he's mimicking someone from mangrove kingdom. anyway
..if this isnt sapphire, though, then whats going on? in episode 1's opening narration there was the blue-red echo effect on "time", so that association is there. there's also the cherry kingdom clocktower, which has the same inconsistent clock faces as the upside-down clocktower on tsmp (and ruby said offhandedly yesterday that time doesn't work quite right in cherry kingdom).
if this is sapphire, when is this happening? navigator(?) / VP is actively observing sbk and told truby about the other her that's "turning into a monkey for some reason" (lmao), but he also said that he's "not good with time", and i cant remember what exactly he said but he was distracted by SOMETHING when moving the twitchcon duo. so uh, we cant exactly trust him as a reference point for "these things are happening side-by-side". which brings up the concept of sbk being before tsmp, but that raises even more questions because does that mean Summertime is sapphire's brother?
but, no, the way cherruby talks about summertime puts distance between them, in sharp contrast to sapphire and her brother being close enough that his vanishing made xem break down. and cherruby mentioned that he does have a family back where he came from and was wondering if they were missing her. WHICH IS A PRETTY SIGNIFICANT THING WE HAVENT TALKED ABOUT, ACTUALLY. CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT? PROBABLY NOT IN THIS POST BC THIS IS LONG ENOUGH ALREADY, BUT,
...hey wouldn't it be fucked up if the book cherruby has with the clock and compass is truby's journal.
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lil-melody-moon · 4 months
Okay so I thought and thought and thought about writing a chapter by chapter "Tommy" fic and I gotta say I've decided to write it.
I wrote the base for the plot, it still seems solid to me, I wrote a "test" fragment to see if the third narration fits, if the setting is weird enough, if a certain bond is strong enough to make changes and I dare to say I probably worked so hard on it, that it is - I have this idea since November 2023 so a lot of time.
So, without further ado, what I wanna write is this: "Tommy" fic that focuses on an uncle x niece trope (so basically Uncle Ernie x Me fic - yes, that will be a self-insert), but in a way that there will be a bond between them. I have this whole idea of me being the unwanted daughter of Nora and Frank (giving Tommy a loving sister in the process) who finds the parental love in Uncle Ernie's arms, but the bond I'll create with him as a child will actually have a side effect that will resolve in Uncle Ernie falling in love with me at a very young age and with me falling in love with Uncle Ernie once I grow up enough to realize that perhaps I see him more than a parental figure.
Can't say much more, but this is what the whole idea is based off. I also want to see if there will be any interest in reading this kind of fic so that's why this post exists and that's why I've decided to share the "test" fragment I wrote. It generally shows what atmosphere this fic will have, how I see the situation unfolding. It might appear in the fic in a changed form. It's down below, under "read more" so if you're interest, go ahead and read it and I hope you enjoy it <3
Tagging the ones who were interested from the get go and the ones who were liking the posts where I've mentioned this fic - I read it as in that you're interested, don't feel forced to read what's in the "read more" section:
@jimmysdragonsuit13 @radioroger @ennals @burn-on-the-flame @fiammee @minty-playhouse @dzdndcnfsd @littlemissheavenonearth
The frustration was getting to him, his beloved alcohol not helping much anymore, the image of his niece burned into his mind without any way to erase it. She's looking at him with that sweet smile on her face, so happy to see him, calling him uncle in that innocent and full of adoration voice of hers that is driving him insane… The empty pint hit the hard table at the bar, Uncle Ernie muttering curses under his breath, while Frank was observing him cautiously.
"Ernie" Frank mumbled, more drunk than his friend, but that was normal. He could never outdrink him. "What's going on?"
"A woman is stuck in my mind." He didn't look at Frank, he didn't have to. "It's starting to piss me off…"
Frank's grin was as big as never before. "Did you, perhaps, fall in love, you old fool?" The idea of that was laughable to Frank, but what he heard next made him change his mind.
"I fucking did." The silence after that was heavy. Frank cleared his throat, not believing in what he was hearing.
"You're too drunk" he concluded, drinking the rest of his beer. "You've never treated a woman like she's deserving to be treated, I doubt you even know what love is. As far as I can tell, I would call it lust not love-"
"I couldn't even bring myself to touch her." Uncle Ernie spat out, hitting the table with his dirty fingers. Frank blinked in disbelief. "If it was lust, I would fuck her years ago. And now as it is…" A short, high laugh escaped his throat. He didn't finish the sentence, but he knew exactly what would happen if he had a chance. My tiny sweet wouldn't survive it, he thought, creepy smile appearing on his face at the thought of his niece crying and whimpering beneath him as his cock is buried deep inside her. Shivers run down his spine, not to mention that he got hard at the idea, a visible bump forming on his pants.
"That woman has to be a witch" Frank commented, shaking his head, to which Uncle Ernie laughed. He suddenly turned to Frank with insanity in his eyes.
"She's a beautiful angel!" he announced as if it was the most obvious thing on earth. "Curly, light green eyed, chubby beauty who you've handed to me since she was a little girl!"
Frank needed a while to connect dots, when he did, he suddenly felt sober again. "Are you…" Frank's voice ceased to exist when the person Uncle Ernie described appeared in his mind. "Are you talking about my Caroline?"
"She's not yours" Uncle Ernie corrected him. "She never was, you've never loved her." He pointed an accusatory finger at Frank. "She only calls you her dad because she has to, because she's your offspring."
Any father would get mad upon hearing this revelation, upon knowing that his own friend fell in love with his daughter, but not Frank. He actually smirked. "You are right about that. Caroline was always a bother to me."
Uncle Ernie laughed upon hearing it, he knew he was right. He was the one Caroline called dad when she was little and who she still treated like one. "She feels that, you know?"
"She told you?" Frank asked out of sheer curiosity. A plan was slowly forming in his mind.
Uncle Ernie nodded. "Plenty of times."
"How can you know it didn't change?" Frank put another question out. Uncle Ernie lifted an eyebrow. "Caroline's been avoiding you and here you are, thirsting for her like a dog."
"She called me two days ago" Uncle Ernie explained, calming down a little bit. Back at his home, he almost fell while hearing her voice on the other side. "She was crying, apologizing to me, asking if we could meet."
"Did you decline the offer?" Frank had to hold himself to not burst out laughing at the way Uncle Ernie glared at him, offended.
"I accepted. There was a reason why I was at your house yesterday" he explained, still regretting that nothing had happened. That one kiss wasn't enough.
"Then I'll have good news for you!" Frank exclaimed, taking Uncle Ernie aback. "You might have a chance to visit her and live with her for a few days." Upon seeing Uncle Ernie's confused expression, Frank started explaining: "I'm planning to go on holidays with Nora. I was about to leave Tommy with Caroline, she can take care of him well, but we can take him with us, just to leave her to you."
Uncle Ernie quickly caught up with Frank's way of thinking. "Are you giving her to me?"
Frank smiled widely. "If she's so eager to go to you then I can allow that."
I might finally get rid of her, Frank thought.
I might finally get her for myself, Uncle Ernie thought, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "When are you planning to go?" Was his next question.
"In a month" Frank answered.
"Enough to get close to her" Uncle Ernie mumbled, laughing to himself, already feeling excited. The only question left was if he was able to hold himself for another month.
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animentality · 7 months
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I'm curious. How much of a part do you think ketheric played in durge's downfall? I recently replayed moonrise and ketheric is smirking and gloating and the narrator even mentions he knows exactly who you are but will never tell. Gortash's memoirs indicate that they learned about the elder brain after visiting moonrise, and the warden says that durge only ever visited once and never left. Maybe durge and Gortash learned about the brain then just ran off to conspire together, giggling and plotting, and ketheric was just done? Especially since Durge and Gortash came up with the plan without him - leaving ketheric out while in his own domain. Plus, how did orin know they were even there? I can't see durge telling their underling about their plans. Did ketheric somehow find out about her and contact her like "I know how you can remove durge. Btw pretend to be Gortash, trust me"? She had no reason to be there. Plus the way ketheric smirks at durge, commenting "treat me like you would any other chosen" when it had been just him, durge, and Gortash previously, which is basically him saying to give him the respect durge gave Gortash. I feel like ketheric probably played a major role in it and I'm interested in your take on it. Thanks so much!
I never considered the double entendre of "treat me like you would any other chosen" and that was DEFINITELY Ketheric being a little cunty elf, like ok queen, I see you, I hear you, I feel that.
EDIT: Ok, I just checked, and he apparently says, "Obey me like you would any other chosen."
Which is less iconic. But still. Have a cookie for writing that little double entendre better than Larian.
Not so sure on the "obey" part in terms of durgetash though. I highly doubt the Dark Urge ever "obeyed" Gortash just, without question.
But as for if Ketheric was involved...I don't know.
He didn't seem particularly happy to have Orin on board. The plan really started unraveling when the Dark Urge was deposed too. I doubt he liked the power struggle. I don't think he really had a huge issue with the Dark Urge, all my joking aside, only because the plan was going along well when the three of them were working together.
Him smiling and being coy could just be him being amused at their state, since he's an asshole, and the last time the Dark Urge was at Moonrise, he was mad at them about something...
Although...to be fair...I guess we never did know why he was angry at them.
The Dark Urge specific scene says that the Dark Urge was "demanding" something from Ketheric.
But I don't think we ever really know what?
Like they were working together on their brain thing...the fuck were they annoyed about? What were they demanding?
Also...in the timeline where the Dark Urge just dies...Orin hikes their body all the way back to Baldur's Gate, fully intact?
She went all the way to Moonrise, then lugged it back?
I guess that's just nitpicking, but it doesn't totally make sense to me because, first off, I don't understand if Orin tadpoled Durge at moonrise or somewhere else. secondly, I just don't see why Ketheric would support an usuper instead of the Dark Urge.
Ketheric being a smug little bitch only because he hates you on principle would make SENSE. Because he definitely knew you got fucked, since Balthazar is his advisor, and he knows what happened to you. There's no way Balthy wouldn't have told Ketheric, right? So Ketheric just straight up didn't tell Gortash because he's an ass.
And he smirks at you because he's remembering how annoying you are, and he's glad to see that arrogant bhaalspawn put in their proper place.
But the story in terms of how/when the Dark Urge got tadpoled is very scattered! I am not the only person who's noted this. It's a MESS in terms of timelines. Especially where the Dark Urge is concerned.
I really don't know how involved Orin was in the Absolute Plan before she usurped the Dark Urge.
Was she their right hand, and thus, well known? It might make sense for Ketheric to hear her out...but again, I don't think he'd be fond of a power struggle?
You get tadpoled in the opening...but the Dark Urge is the first tadpole victim.
So I guess you had the misfortune of being tadpoled twice (ahaha, just kidding, this is a nitpick, I know it's the same for everyone).
More seriously though...so the Dark Urge seems to know Enver Gortash is the Chosen of Bane BEFORE they did their little Hall of Wonders date.
But Gortash says that their gods came to them in a dream? And named them as Chosens together, and to seek out Ketheric Thorm?
But then...then they didn't come up with the plan...they got sent to Moonrise...
But...the Dark Urge only went to Moonrise ONCE?
It's CONFLICTING information! It gets even worse when you realize ok, so they went to Moonrise together (maybe?), found the mindflayer colony, realized they could enslave an Elder Brain, then decided to seek out Helsik to steal the Crown...but when they stole it, it's mentioned by Gortash that they "crowned" the Brain and THEN started the cult of the Absolute?
So the Dark Urge would be running through the streets murdering people????
So...where in the plan did the Dark Urge go missing?
So in short.
I really don't think Ketheric was involved in the Dark Urge disappearing...and insofar as, when and how did Orin kill them...
I don't know, but their body is literally in her bedroom if the Dark Urge dies in that timeline.
So...she never tadpoled them...then...who was the first victim?
The wiki conflicts with info in the game, Gortash is a lying slut, the Dark Urge only has three notes and two of them are just thirsting over Gortash, and the other is inviting Orin to split their skull open...
We don't have any correspondence with Ketheric on the Absolute Plan because it's too early to find that out in act 2...
It's a mess, my guy (gn).
I don't even try to piece it together most of the time.
If anyone knows...dm or anon me, and we'll figure this out.
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emeritusemeritus · 7 months
Hello!! Could you write an angsty Fred x reader scenario, based on Melanie Martinez's song "Pacify Her"? Basically reader it's completely in love with him, but Fred doesn't realize it since he's in a relationship with Angelina Johnson (who does know about reader feelings, and bothers her on purpose). If you don't like the idea, ignore me hehe 😊❤
Hi Anon! Okay I have to admit, this one threw me for a loop but my gosh I actually love how this turned out. Hope I did your request justice! 🖤
Pacify her.
Warnings: Reader is delulu. Mentions of infidelity, unrequited love, slightly deceptive and devious behaviour from reader. Sorry Angelina. Unreliable narrator, plotting.
Word count: 1.3k
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Someone told me stay away from things that aren't yours. But was he yours, if he wanted me so bad?
Loving Fred Weasley was as easy as breathing. He was funny, charming and unbelievably handsome, the kind of person people are naturally drawn to. He'd drew you in like he had so many others before you, becoming best friends so naturally that it felt like two magnets pulling together, unable to pull apart even if you wanted to. He was easy to like and even easier to love, a change that shifted so subtly that you'd never been able to put your finger on the moment that you'd started seeing him differently. But that's all we was and all he would ever be, your friend. You longed for more, longed to have him see you as you saw him, to have him feel what you felt and to stop the cruel and twisted emotions that came with unrequited love.
But then one day he did; he opened up, felt that pull to another person, wanted all the things you'd hoped for with him for so long only it wasn't for you, it was for Angelina.
She was beautiful, smart and incredibly talented on and off the quidditch pitch. Looking back now it was obvious why Fred liked her, blatantly so, on paper she was a natural fit for him, yet you would never find peace about it nor be happy for them as long as you tried. He was yours first.
He had always been completely oblivious to your affections, only further proving that he only saw you as a friend and nothing more, no matter how hard you tried to make him see; a fact that killed you deep down inside. To make matters worse, you and Angelina did not get along, at all. Once upon a time you might have been considered friends, but that was long in the past. You were the only girl in the inner friendship group, his best friend, natural competition for all potential girlfriend just by your standing in his inner circle. You were the one that the girls didn't trust, they didn't like your friendship with him; probably because you were so clearly in love with him.
For the sake of Fred's happiness, you'd tried to push down your feelings, to be at least cordial with Angelina even if it tore you up inside but the universe wouldn't allow you to fall with dignity, instead it seemed intent on smiting you wherever it could. You’d become almost numb to love now, numb to the pain and distraction it caused, pushed it down until it lay dormant inside you. One day it would escape from the prison inside you, the day that Fred Weasley told you he loved you.
Angelina knew how you felt about Fred, it was obvious from the looks she gave you, the roll of her eyes when Fred laughed at your jokes, the way she'd always try and physically put herself between you and Fred, being overly touchy and smothering whenever you were near, only to give you a smug little smile that he never seemed to notice. The way she whined constantly when she didn’t get her way, like an overgrown toddler that didn’t know how to communicate. It was childish, stupid and getting on your nerves.
I can't stand her whining
Where's her binky now?
Watching them on the quidditch pitch was like enduring purgatory with no hope of paradise on the other side. Her hands all over him and the secret whispers that made his cheeks heat up redder than his hair, it was all for you. Purposefully done just to hurt you, to punish you for having feelings for her boyfriend. But he was yours first.
Pacify her
She's getting on my nerves
Her whining only got stronger once he’d made plans with you to visit the kitchens after hours, something you often did to kill the hours on a boring evening. She whined and clung to him with a pout whilst he tried to reason with her, a pointless effort you thought. Why was he with her? Why joy did he get from her companionship? Did he actually have feelings for her or was he just stuck? Unaware that he could have had you, a much better fit for him, someone that could love him for exactly who he was, in exactly the right ways.
You don't love her
Stop lying with those words
The cracks started appearing only a few months into their relationship, your eagle eyes missing nothing. Her whining and near constant pout had been incessant, all because Fred and George had invited you to the Burrow over the summer holidays, an annual tradition that had been established years ago. You’d goof around down by the lake, fire off fireworks on the warm summer nights, perhaps steal a beer or two from Arthur’s stash and eat the best food you’d ever eaten for the whole week curtesy of Molly. Of course she was unhappy about that, trying to persuade him to cancel, to change his plans and go to meet her mum and dad. When he didn’t fall in line immediately, she became pretty unbearable to be around, if she wasn’t already before. Fred started looking tired, worn down, his restrictive relationship becoming a burden.
And loving her seems tiring
So boy, just love me.
Summer came around quickly and your visit to the Burrow was well underway, surrounded by the family you loved, the boy you loved. You had hardly stopped laughing since the moment you arrived, immediately met with warmth and love. The hug Fred gave you lingered for a while, his warmth, the sweet scent of him and the softness of him lingering all around you for what seemed hours.
Until the letters started coming.
George had sighed, silently protesting the unceasing flow of letters sometimes multiple times a day. Errol was exhausted, completely depleted after two days of flying back and forth, usually with less than soft landings. Fred hadn’t said anything outright as he’d sat and replied to her but you could tell he was getting frustrated, his usually playful demeanour beginning to wane.
It’s late night, perhaps early morning when you both sit on the floor in his and George’s room, the light of a little lantern illuminating the space between you as George lies fast asleep in his bed, oblivious to your little gathering. You’re wearing Fred’s sweater, the early morning chill creeping in through the small, unavoidable gap in the window. You’d like to say that you hadn’t been prepared for it, forgetting your sweater, appearing to forget about the tiny but impactful crack but in reality your sweater lay unneeded at the bottom of your bag.
Fred sighs, resting his forehead on his bent knee as you sit crowded together between the beds, his shoulders resting on George’s bed frame.
Your eyes flick up to him, worried about the heavy sigh until your eyes follow his gaze, looking at the building stack of unopened letters that sat on their shared desk, all from today.
You don't love her
“Tell me,” you say gently, giving him the option to finally be truthful with you. He looks up at you for a moment, holding strong until you see his resolve break, shoulders dropping.
“It’s just not easy, not like it should be… not like it would be with you.”
“Then be with me.”
Time stops as you stare at each other, the words finally spoken out loud after so many years. Cards finally laid out on the table.
The last letter he sends Angelina is a definitive end to their correspondence and to their relationship.
Tired, blue boy walks my way
Holding a girl's hand
That basic bitch leaves finally
Now I can take her man
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justaneedle · 11 days
Okay, I didn't even plan think about Thalia, but thinking about Luke and Annabeth will certainly lead to her, too. And to my problems with her.
Luke and Annabeth — kin. Annabeth is just kin, so I don't love her so much as I understand and accept her.
Luke is a kin mixed with the biggest "what if" of my life. Therefore, I understand, accept and absolutely unconditionally love him.
And the fact that my two kins have never completely ditched each other till the end probably doesn't do a favor to Thalia, who is not only inconsistently written, but also has no real connection with Annabeth and is the only one who truly dumped Luke... in general, there is hardly anyone to whom I would treat — with my own attachment issues — worse than Thalia.
If she were a normally written character, I might be influenced by the explanations of the fandom that this is related to Annabeth in TTC. But against the background of the fact that Rick didn't prescribe the relationship between them from books 3 to 5, and the fact that we have Annabeth as an unreliable narrator in books 1 and 2... even when I consciously try, I can't convince myself that the relationship between Thalia and Annabeth is at least somewhat comparable to the relationship between Luke and Thalia in importance (which is also questionable due to the way Thalia is written), and it's better not even stutter about the weight of the relationship between Annabeth and Luke.
Annabeth and Luke clearly share attachment issues that Annabeth hates changes, which is why she will prefer poor stability to any change, even if it's an attempt to change objectively rotten stability to something better.
Annabeth understands Luke's motives, but simply refuses to accept that he has a life of his own. Annabeth stays on the side of the gods not because they are a more preferable constant, but on the contrary — Annabeth has a better chance of getting Luke back, getting him to be with her again, than to pull off reform (when her hubris isn't really against) the entire system of the gods. That's why she also believed that Thalia wouldn't have joined Luke — Annabeth didn't really know Thalia, she was just a little kid, even if she was smart. The memories about Thalia itself became a constant, and if Luke moved on, Annabeth's brain made the logical conclusion that the constant (Thalia) wouldn't move on, because then it would be an unnecessary change, which Annabeth hates.
Luke's attachment issues are not related to any changes in general. He just wants to have people who love him and whom he can love in return. Feelings that would really be able to achieve the point from both ends, because with his parents it wasn't. He loves demigods as a species cause of his compassion — because of the rotten system of the gods, their lives are similar — filled with pain, suffering and death. And, of course, ideally, he would prefer those he loves to be by his side. He accepts that this is impossible for one reason or another, but as long as he knows that affection is not dead, he would like to be together with dear people. So he repeatedly asks Annabeth to join him (he also asks Percy about it in SOM) and Thalia to join him.
Annabeth, although she doesn't accept his offers, never completely turn around from Luke; Percy, although full of negative feelings to Luke, actually retains the lion's share of sympathy for the elder one, which becomes most obvious in TTC and BOTL, and in TLO is one of the key points at all. Thalia completely cuts off Luke in the TTC, and TLO only confirms this.
Thalia doesn't show purely human sympathy towards Luke, not to mention that Luke is supposed to be her best friend once.
So how should I perceive Thalia against the background of all this? Six months later (biologically, according to her feelings) she is someone who hated the gods for their shit and was Luke's best friend, but now she completely disowned him, after his alleged death by her foot hand Thalia quickly switches from grief to “you were right about”, leaves Annabeth becoming a servant of the goddess (dubious), after about 2 years she doesn't show any special emotions after reuniting with friends (again, Annabeth), but at the same time remains a servant of the goddess, even when it is no longer necessary, because... she is devoted to Artemis (?!?).
I can't bring myself to call Thalia anything other than spineless.
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bloodgulchblog · 6 months
Have you seen that YouTube video where some guy reads every Halo novel back to back and then reviews them? If so what did you think
The Brian David Gilbert one? Oh yeah, all my friends showed me it when it came out. (It was honestly kind of cute seeing how many people thought of me immediately.)
Rewatching it to refresh myself because it's been a couple years and a full-novel reread for me since the last time...
High fiving BDG because the Master Chief parts of The Flood were definitely the most boring parts.
He didn't have anything to say about First Strike which I think is a shame because I think it's better than The Fall of Reach and actually has A Theme I Find Interesting.
Rightful recognition of Contact Harvest as pretty damn good.
Rightful recognition of the Forerunner Trilogy as dense oldschool-style SF with deep worldbuilding. (Also the San'Shyuum thing.)
I disagree with him about, and have significant problems with, Kilo Five. He is correct that Kilo Five actually delves into some of the dark places in Halo in a way it really needed, and I would even say that its writing is extremely engaging by Halo novel standards. However, while he does notice the obvious parallels between what ONI is doing post-war and the kind of shit the CIA has pulled again and again irl, I think he misses some of the subtext I see where it feels like it justifies some shit a liiiiittle too much if you know the author's irl politics re: the military. He also doesn't seem to notice the character assassinations (particularly of Catherine Halsey) that I and a lot of other fans see/object to in those books. I kind of gaze into the middle distance with a haunted expression at the suggestion that these are the ones to read if you don't touch any of the others just because they are, ironically, so heavy-handed and feel like they treat certain kinds of evil as inevitable in a way that actually feels way worse to me than the excuse plot offered by the earlier/lighter Halo novels. (But idk, that's me? Nobody is committing a crime if they disagree with my frenzied insane person red string diagrams about Kilo Five.)
I'd swap Pariah for Dirt in the Evolutions anthology if it were me, but I think these are solid standouts.
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Broken Circle is neat but really nonessential he's not wrong.
A one-sentence review of New Blood is probably not enough space to get into how fucked up the Spartan-IV program is, but yeah. New Blood is fun if you don't find Buck's first person narration annoying. (It comes and goes for me in that one.)
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BDG you're an absolute sweetheart, I think Hunters in the Dark is kind of goofy in a way I cannot in good conscience ignore if I'm gonna review it. But it really really is so much fun and I love that one a lot anyway. The "it's like Halo 3... 2" observation is solid.
High fiving him again because I also found Last Light disappointing. And it is also a me problem.
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Hell yeah these are all good pulls from Fractures, I would say Shadow of Intent is the pick of the litter in that anthology for me. Interesting that as a Kilo Five enjoyer he didn't single out Rossbach's World, which is the last we've heard about Osman and Black Box. (Also, that one is good.) I think Oasis is worth an honorable mention because I'm an Envoy stan, and the Forerunner stories are interesting but I wouldn't go for them if you don't already have a healthy interest in the trilogy.
This tangent is so fucking funny now that we know more things:
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Oh BDG, oh buddy, it's really not for the people like you and me huh. (Disclaimer: I have no idea if BDG likes the Halo tv show or not and I have no desire to dig up evidence about it.)
Also, while you're here, this is the bloodgulchblog origin story:
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Smoke and Shadow is fun so it's a little sad that when he ends that sentence with "whatever," I can't actually say he's wrong to. (Sorry Rion your part of the lore just.... hasn't... touched anything that touches anything else anymore.)
ENVOY IS GOOD AND EVERYONE SHOULD CARE ABOUT IT okay okay I'm cool I'm normal, anyway. Envoy is the Halo novel that restored my faith in reading Halo novels and reminded me that authors can care and know how to do nuanced, interesting themes in this space. It's great. Everyone in this book has war refugee trauma (except the Spartans which have Spartan trauma) and that's incredible to me. Please care about Envoy if you have spare room in your heart for Halo side characters.
I am cheered to see someone indifferent to the Veta Lopis stories, but I still feel petty for feeling it.
I don't have a lot to say about Legacy of Onyx here but it's always so fun seeing someone else suffer and care.
Bad Blood, the Blood is Bad now is a fun joke but lol yeah. It does have this very vital moment where Chief and Arbiter talk, though. For the first and only time in years.
PROPS FOR NOTICING THE YA NOVELS they're actually pretty nice.
"The Master Chief is the protagonist and boy does he shoot some people" is most of how I feel about Silent Storm and Oblivion too, I know they have their fans but Troy Denning's Chief books don't do much for me personally.
Renegades hadn't had its followup Point of Light yet but yeah, Spark stuff is interesting.
I had to remember that oh yeah, there are multiple books now that didn't exist when this was made. I wonder if he read them?
OKAY I THINK THAT'S ALL I HAD TO SAY as always if y'all want specific book opinions, I might have a tag for them. Or just yell in my ask box, I'm sure I can scrounge up some thoughts.
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