#Ikaris is so offended
softquietsteadylove · 11 months
Hi! I have a request about Zombi au👀 how about when they settled into the new place they meet up with druig and Makkari and they we're just all getting along in the instant and one time they having lunch conversation Makkari suddenly tell how Ikaris roughly handled thena on the supply run when Gil is still pass out and then Gil is not happy about it that thena needed to calm him down before he could kill the guy and assure him she already handled it. Thankyou ❣️❣️❣️
"Hey, you."
"Hey," Thena looked up as Gil circled behind her, his hand drifting over her shoulder as he sat down with a tray of food. "How's cooking duty?"
"Getting there," Gil answered simply. "I don't have the best inventory yet, but there haven't been any complaints."
"I'll say, this shite is better 'an anythin' we've had yet!"
"Gil, this is Druig," Thena introduced, only after Druig had taken the liberty of complimenting the food and then loudly shovelling in another bite. "He also worked here under Ajak in the beginning of things. He worked in psychiatry apparently, but he also is quite good with agriculture."
Gil smiled at the man eating like he had been famished for days, and then at the woman who gave him a cheeky kind of wave and smirk. "Uh, hey."
"Makkari," Thena smiled, putting down her fork and raising her hands. "She's deaf, but she's their top runner. She can cross the entire city in two hours, apparently."
"Whoa, that seems," Gil furrowed his brows, but Makkari grinned, signing something back to Thena. He would have to ask her to teach him during their off hours.
"She was a track champion, she says," Thena smiled, translating in real time as Makkari's hands flew at lightning speed. "She could have gone national if she hadn't been disqualified."
"Disqualified," Gil looked at them both, but Makkari didn't seem particularly bitter about it. She lifted her arms and made bunny ears with her opposite hands, a few times even.
Thena laughed, shaking her head as well as she lifted her fork for another bite, "stealing."
Makkari practically rolled right out of the cafeteria seat in her laughter at Gil's face.
"Extra food," Druig clarified, relieving Thena of translation duty. "Don't worry, she won't nick any of your valuables."
Makkari gave him a wink and a shrug.
"She won't," Thena raised her eyes at the woman across from her (across from Druig, really, but in her eye line). "Because she likes you."
Gil smiled sheepishly, picking at the meal he himself had prepared. "That's what everyone says when they're hungry."
Thena nudged him gently, under the table and away from the eyes of their new comrades. "You know very well that's not true."
He finally took a bite of food, looking around at those whom Thena had befriended in her short time here and without him. She didn't usually end up talking to people, let alone liking them. "How was the run today?"
"It was okay," she smiled, eyes searching him for a deeper worry under his light tone. "Makkari and I went into some higher hotel rooms close by--I told them about the mini-fridge trick."
"I can't believe we never considered 'em," Druig said with only half a mouth full this time, "all this time."
"Thena's smart like that," Gil praised freely and openly, looking at the woman beside him instead of eating his bean salad. Not that she noticed.
It could have gone better.
Thena did look up at Makkari but didn't bother speaking up, resuming eating instead.
Gil frowned at her, "what?"
"It's nothing," she shrugged, reaching for her bottle of water.
Makkari looked at Gil, it did go well, until a certain someone started arguing with Thena over whether to take the stairwells or use a dumbwaiter system in the elevator shafts to get the supplies down.
Gil leaned behind Thena, asking Druig with his eyes to please translate for him.
Druig looked at Makkari, and then at Thena, who must have given him a hell of an expression. He swallowed his massive bite slowly. "Uh, well, it was mostly smooth sailin', apparently. Nothin' to worry about, big fella."
Gil frowned, though. He put his fork down and slid his tray away from him, only so he could slide Thena's tray away from her. She stared at the table, as if trying to figure out what had happened to her meal. She turned and looked at him the way she would look at the devil himself. "Thena?"
She just glared at him, lips pursed (cutely). "It was nothing."
He slid her tray even further away from her. He knew there wasn't much that could break the iron will of the Goddess of War. But withholding her food - so long as it was made by him, which was kind of sweet - was the one way. "Thena, what happened?"
She eyed the tray, knowing he would not make getting it back easy. A faint huff escaped her as she tossed her fork down, "Ikaris and I got into it, nothing worth dragging up again."
"What do you mean," Gil said quietly and evenly, his hands already tightening around the edges of her tray, "got into it?"
"Blondie here is cocky, that's what she means."
"Ikaris, not now," she turned in her seat, all too prepared to bark at him about minding his own business. "It's water under the bridge."
He glared her down, though, crossing his leanly muscled arms at her in his navy t-shirt. "I said we should use a dumbwaiter to get the food up and down. But GI Jane here said it would be better to carry the shit all 'emselves down seventeen fuckin' flights of stairs."
"You can't rely on the cables in elevator shafts anymore!"
"Okay, okay," Kingo patted Ikaris' shoulder beside him, "don't wanna go starting this again."
Gil stood. "What happened?"
"Uh," Kingo looked around, as if he would find a glowing door that would help him escape another scuffle.
"What," Gil repeated, having no problem standing nose to nose with the obstinate guard, "happened?"
Ikaris looked down at Thena, who was still seated, determined not to rise to his bait (as Gil was). He scoffed, "she's savvy out there, but she's got wee arms to be doin' heavy liftin', no? I got my hand around her whole bicep."
Gil tilted his head faintly, trying to absorb what Ikaris was saying. He had held Thena's arm? He had held her by the arm? He had gripped her by the arm? He had fit his entire hand around Thena's slim upper arm?
"If she bruises it's only 'cause she has as much meat on those bones as a pigeon."
Gil grabbed Ikaris by the front of his shirt, backing him up into the seats behind them. Ikaris' knees bent, making him grab the edge of the table behind him. Gil leaned over him heavier. "Don't you ever touch her!"
"Gil!" Thena rose, eager to intervene as others in the cafeteria started gasping and whispering.
"Don't ever put your hands on her!" Gil roared in the guy's face. He didn't care. He didn't care that he was making a scene or making a powerful enemy. He didn't care if he got kicked out for this. "If anything - anything - ever happens to her out there I will kill you!"
"Easy!" Kingo yelled, trying to pry the much larger, much stronger Gil away.
"Come on!" Druig growled, also trying to drag Gil away from Ikaris.
"I mean it!" Gil barked at him, "if anything ever happens to her it's your head!"
"Gilgamesh!" Thena moved between them, pushing against his chest as Kingo and Druig attempted to pull him by the arms. She pressed her fingers into the divet between his pectoral muscles. "Stop it!"
He was out of steam, anyway. But he was still glaring at Ikaris as he picked himself up, huffing and glaring, obviously ready to go on if he was let go. Gil was all but panting, light headed from the adrenaline rushing through him. He couldn't help it. All he felt was rage looking at this bastard.
"Gil," Thena attempted, raising her hand to his cheek and forcing him to look at her, "hey."
He blinked, the edges of his vision expanding again.
"Look at me," she whispered, her thumb against his cheek, "I'm right here."
She was right here, unharmed.
"I'm fine," she assured him, making him look at her instead of over her head at the man he was frankly ready to beat to death.
Gil carefully raised his hands. He knew everyone was watching him. They had seen him lose it twice now, if not more, considering how long he was out of it during his recovery. They probably thought he was some monster of a man.
But he ran his hands over Thena's arms gently, as if just touching her would make the bruising that asshole was talking about appear before his very eyes. Her skin was so soft. "Y-Yeah?"
She nodded, still holding him, grounding his senses in her instead of his rapid heartbeat and boiling blood. "Yeah."
Gil let go of a long breath, letting the rest of his energy leave him. He was exhausted, and he was still on dinner and cleanup duty for the night. "Okay."
Thena smiled, satisfied that he was feeling calmer about the whole thing. She let him pull her closer until she was tucked against his chest, which he would argue was the safest place in the world for her. She pressed her cheek against his clavicle and the collar of his t-shirt under his unbuttoned flannel. "It's okay, Gil."
Druig stepped away from him tentatively, hands still at the ready, "all right, then."
"Come on," Kingo patted Ikaris as he picked himself up. He looked at Thena and Gil, neither apologising nor condemning them. "Let's go."
Ikaris did give them one last glare before storming off.
Gil watched him go. He didn't like that guy, no matter how nice Sersi was. But once he was far away enough, he resumed burying his nose in Thena's hair. "Sorry."
She rubbed his back, as if soothing him after a nightmare, "you're okay."
"What is going on in here?!"
Thena pulled away, looking up at Gil with wide eyes. He was not to say a word.
"S-Sorry," Druig stood as Ajak made her way over. "Me'n Ikaris...y'know."
Ajak gave him a look, but the fact that she so readily believed him really spoke to how well the guard got along with most here in the hospital colony. "How many times, Druig?"
"Aye aye," he nodded, like a teenager getting scolded after curfew. He sat himself back down, "won't make a peep, mother dearest."
Ajak just rolled her eyes at him, despite what she claimed to be a very strict rule about in-fighting. She looked at Gil, leaning against Thena's shoulders. "Everything okay?"
She most definitely knew that it was Gilgamesh involved in the fight, not Druig.
Gil smiled, hiding his fists in his armpits, "great!"
"Hm," she pinched her lips together, at him and then at Thena, "I trust the matter was resolved?"
Thena just nodded, but Ajak seemed to accept the silent promise to her that the fighting was at least done for now.
"Right," the doctor sighed before rushing away to her next fire that needed squashing, her white coat flaring behind her.
Thena looked up at him. "That was too close for comfort, wouldn't you say?"
Speak for yourself, that was the most fun I've had all week!
Thena just glared at the petty thief and friend across from her.
He sighed, sitting down with her and trying to ignore the stares focused on them. He slide their trays over again, half pushing his into her space for her to take what she liked from him. "Sorry."
Thena nudged Druig's shoulder faintly as she picked up her fork again, neither looking at each other, "thanks."
"Nothin'," Druig shrugged, also not looking as he resumed eating his corn (while Makkari resumed stealing bites of his canned fruit).
"You sure I can't come with you?" Gil asked her gently, no longer having any appetite. He hovered closer to her than necessary, even running the back of his knuckles up and down her bare arm. "I'm no 'you', but I'd be better than that guy."
Makkari nodded eagerly.
"That's for Ajak to decide," Thena said gently to dissuade him from his overprotective argument. "And besides, who would make these delicious meals then?"
He sighed. She was appealing to the chef in him, but he would rather crawl through filth with her than serve a hundred strangers his best three course meal. "Come on."
"Not to pick sides, but T's right, big guy," Druig piped up, again with his mouth full. T? "I ain't eaten like this in a dog's age, and I bet the rest of 'em here'll get how invaluable you are right quick."
No one else here talked like that.
"I can handle myself," Thena assured him more quietly. She even let him pull her knee so her thigh could rest against his. "You don't think I would let him grab me and not nail him right in the nuts, do you?"
Gil chuckled. No, of course she had gotten in a shot directly to his biggest weakness. That was the Goddess of War he knew (and loved). Thena leaned in gently as he pressed a kiss to her hair, "of course not."
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supercap2319 · 7 months
A guy around Ikaris's height answered the door wearing ruby colored sunglasses. He had dark hair with a slight stubble on his face. The man had a visible frown on his face as if Ikaris and Y/N's very presence offended him.
"Ikaris. I never thought I'd ever see you darken our doorstep again."
"Always the most welcoming, eh, Scotty?" Ikaris teased.
"It's Cyclops. What do you and your... friend want?" Cyclops looks at Y/N.
"We need to see Professor Charles Xavier." Y/N said.
"He's inside. Come in." He moved to the side as Ikaris and Cyclops eyed each other. "Still with your little eye beams? That's so cute."
"Yes, and I remember that my 'little eye beams' outlasted yours after I kicked your cute little ass." Ikaris winks and flies down the hall as Cyclops chuckled.
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cabispace · 2 years
Human traditions part. 2
Thena : By the way, I know what a mistletoe looks like.
Kingo : So why did you still kiss them ?
Y/N : Want some fun, give us space grandpa
Kingo *clearly offended* : Excuse me !
Karun : That's kind of true Sir, you are older than me technically
Sprite : As boring and strict as an old man
Kingo : Okay all of you stop, first of all Sprite for succeeding the human life you have to adopt a schedule that way you can have more time for sleeping and second of all be organized is kind of fun if you think about it, that way you have time in the day for a resourcing nap and--
Kingo realising : Oh my god, I became as boring as Ikaris
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sunfoxfic · 2 years
Rhubarb: a favorite snippet of dialogue
Dialogue is my favorite and the Feligami fic has. A lot. I'm gonna do a few good exchanges because akldsfjk yes.
"And this isn't what you should be worrying about right now," Amelie said, "but do you know your blood type?" "O," Kagami, Marinette, and Adrien answered simultaneously.
Blood type comes up throughout this fic several times but Ikari Gozen establishing that Kagami uses blood type as a form of small talk makes it. Kinda humorous ajskdhfdsa.
[Kagami:] "That would imply that you had someone else to [date]." [Felix:] "Did you just... insult me?" "Do you believe that you have a reservation on insulting for fun? "No, I — I... I don't even know why I'm offended, it's completely accurate."
This is the. kdshfajkdsf. Kagami bullying Felix after the most stressful 14 hours of their lives my beloved <33
"Can you pull up a map?" Felix asked. [Amelie:] "What's the address?" "It's the Tom and Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. They're functioning off bakery hours, so someone will be awake." "Do you know Tom and Sabine?" "Well, they're my cousin's girlfriend's parents, so, yes, I have tea with them every Saturday. Lovely people, really, I'll put you in contact."
Also very funny about that interaction is that Felix is driving a French car for the first time ever so he's panicking about the roads being on the right (and also about what's going on in the backseat but that's beside the point)
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aquilaaqua · 2 years
Juvenile (Gokaiger)
*Warning: Gai bashing. To be honest, I hated the way Gai wanted the pirates to change their personalities to be more likable during his introduction and never got over it.*
  “But Marvelous-san!”
  “My answer is still the same.” The pirate captain shot the whiny tagalong a glare.
  “You need to change your attitude to something more suitable as a hero!”
  At this point, the other pirates, including Doc and Ahim, the nicer ones of the bunch, were growing as annoyed as their captain for Ikari Gai’s demands.
  And Marvelous’ temper was fraying. His fist was tightening and itching dangerously close to his gun. But oblivious to this, Gai pressed on.
  “You can’t keep up that juvenile behavior in public. Maybe if you don’t, the Super Sentai senpai will…”
  Everyone in the room jumped, even Marvelous. Because surprisingly, it was his normally cool headed right hand man who snapped.
  Joe marched in front of Gai, looming over him with an angry glare. “Do not call Marvelous juvenile. You are the one who is acting like a brat to try to force us to change to fit your image of a hero. We are not toys or robots or your minions.”
  “What he said.” Luka sauntered up casually but her aura oozed with killer intent. “We are who we are because we are pirates, not heroes. If you can’t get that through your thick skull then you don’t belong here.”
 “Gai-san,” Ahim stepped up to give her two cents, “as a princess, I understand your concerns with image. But I know that forcing Marvelous or any of us to ‘clean up’ our acts would only alienate ourselves from our Super Sentai seniors because they will know our attitudes are fake. So far, we have gained our senpai’s respect by being who we are and will continue to do so.”
  “Accepting others for who they are can be an important factor for a hero too.” Doc added.
  Gai lowered his head. Shame filled him as he realized they were right. He had been pushing for the change out of selfishness. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend or hurt anyone.”
  Satisfied that he learned his lesson, Marvelous stood up. “Alright, the matter’s over. Let’s eat. Doc, when is dinner ready?”
  Doc sighed good-naturedly as he headed to the kitchen. “I’ll get it done soon. Gai, help Ahim to set up the table.
  Eager to make up for his faux pax, Gai trailed after Ahim. The princess gave him a kind smile and patted his shoulder. “No one will bring up the matter any more as long as you understand.”
  “Ah…thank you.” Gai ducked his head. Looks like he had so much to learn to be a hero. It was not just doing good deeds and wanting to do more good deeds, it was also about learning to accept others for who they are and not condemn them for not fitting the molds of his ideals.
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junoxpress · 2 years
Okay so I’ve been writing smth for a bit. It’s not rly based on anything just smth I came up. I guess this is like a teaser or smth - lemme know what you think I’ll publish mire maybee
BOOK I (take one)
”Aro, bring me the list.”
Aro was just striding to Alchly’s side when a huge crash was heard.
Alchly’s eyes focused while he stayed composed in his chair. Whatever happened didn’t come from below. The living had come knocking things down once more.
”It seems Ikari is causing trouble above once more.” Another one sighed in the corner.
The spacious room was quiet. Isolated from the disturbance outside and even though things outside were very chaotic the three conversed in total peace.
Aro glanced at Alchly while waiting for approval. The latter gave Aro a nod and so the tall man disappeared out through the door.
Alchly stood up from his seat and glanced at the remaining person in the room. The person understood the gesture and walked out as well, closing the door behind them.
Alchly stood from his seat and started walking towards the door. Each strode he took the young man transformed from the eerie dark figure to one with a much blander aura. The impressive white locks tinted black, his face becoming almost unrecognizable and his clothes’ smooth expensive fabric changed to a rough fabric that of a commoner. Only the slight blue hint in his eyes remained.
The newly transformed young man strode through the door towards the commotion.
The streets of the dead city were busy and full of people. However, a certain spot called for attention. People had gathered around in a bunch, som screaming, some shaking their fists in the air aggressively.
Alchly listened quietly. Amid the chaos a few of the living stood. Two were shouting just as loud as the dead of the city but one stood to the side quiet. There were few more living gathered listening in near the commotion. It seemed they had not yet been noticed by the angry crowd. In midst the chaos a strong presence stood. As the crowd started to notice that person they quieted down.
It seemed indeed that using Aro was very efficient. Although the man never uttered a word, his presence alone was enough to quiet the crowd.
After Aro a handful of the dead guard stepped forward.
”Quiet down!”
Altough the intent was not to mock it seemed to rally the dead crowd again.
”What do you mean quiet? These living smelly motherfuckers dare barge into our city without invitation!”
”Yeah! Who the fuck do they think they are?”
The crowd was quite foul-mouthed and didn’t hold back.
The living in the midst of chaos started to become anxious shouting:
”Why do we need your permission? Your people barged in first!”
While the two sides started shouting back and forth a low rumbling sounded and everyone went quiet immediately.
The crowd immediately erupted in countless apologies:
”We’re so sorry dead lord sir! So sorry we did mean to disturb you!”
”Our sincerest apologies to my lord for offending you!”
Alchly stood to the side patiently waiting for the crowd to quiet down.
The living stood by awkwardly not knowing whether to apologize or start shouting offensives.
In all honesty the living had not experienced the new dead lord’s powers although it had already been over a hundred years. Unexpectedly when the new lord rose to power things got very quiet and peaceful and nothing major between the living and dead ever happened. Well, except for the problem in hand.
”That damn two face man of yours is going around causing havoc again!” One of the living shouted.
”We apologize for Ikari’s actions. The problem will be dealt with immediately.” The one from before answered now appearing next to Aro.
”Sure! That’s what we’re told each time! Where’s that lord of yours? Let me talk to him personally and make sure this
problem is actually dealt with!” One of the living lords said.
A corner of Alchlys mouth rose and he took a few steps closer to the crowd.
It seemed Aro had noticed his presence and glanced at the shorter man next to him.
”My lord, unfortunately the dead lord does not meet any visitors. But I can assure you that all information will be passed on to him shortly.” The shorter main said.
Aro glanced back at Alchly and Achly strode towsrds the crowd casually.
”It seems the living lords think they can just come down here and make whatever demands.”
Alchly said passing the living in the middle of the crowd while quirking up one eyebrow teasingly.
However he did not get far before his steps came to an abrupt stop.
Aro followed followed Alchly’s eyes which stopped at the living lord standing quietly to the side.
The living lord seemed to feel the sudden need to address the issue since the two were glancing his way.
”My apologies for barching in to your city and disturbing your peace. However this problem has been recurring countless times without a resolution. It would most certainly give the living some reassurance if it would be possible to address this issue with the dead lord himself.”
The man was extremely tall with satisfying physique His dark black black locks fell to frame his face, reaching all the way to his hips. The person spoke with respect for both side not wanting to offend anyone. He obviously did not want to cause any more disburtance.
Aro glanced at Alchly who woke up from his startle by the man’s words.
”And why does this lord think they have the right to meet the dead lord personally?”
Alchly stared intently at the tall man raising a brow.
”I only wish to meet the lord to resolve this issue which has caused harm to both sides for long. I do not wish to offend anyone.”
The man’s voice was low and husky. His presence strong. Even though he had been quietly standing of to the side, once he stepped forward one had to stop and admire his blue eyes shining with intent.
”Come on then.”
Alchemy said.
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wheezyhyperfixates · 3 years
the few DC comments (references?) made in Eternals really took me out.
they felt personal 😭
also had DC comics been made cannon in the mcu before this movie or no (other than in deadpool) cause i swear i had to check with my friends if i had heard that right when Ikaris got called Superman 😭
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
I noticed on your Season 4 Index that you’ve finished Robustus (congratulations on another completed episode!) which means the next one on the schedule is Prime Queen. Any opinions on Nadja, her akuma, or the plot itself that you’d like to share after you’re finished rewatching for SL? :3c
OHOHOHO You caught me at a good time because I JUST watched it yesterday and I have THOUGHTS!
This might surprise some people but this was actually my first viewing of Prime Queen. Yeah. I'm that behind. And I had a few preconceived ideas that turned out to be just...lies?
I thought Nadja had full intentions of doing a good interview but after Chloe calling in just to brag about herself and Alya trying to steal views (as well as throwing her off by having Manon there when Marinette's supposed to be watching her) I thought Nadja was pushed by Harlette to save the show by bringing up the Dark Cupid kiss to push the idea of LadyNoir being a couple.
NOPE! Turns out this was her plan all along! Harlette constantly brings up the "scoop" that NADJA pitched to her and the "supportive evidence" that she brought! Holy hell, that totally reframes the whole thing! The whole time Nadja tricked two teenage superheroes into an hour long interview with the intention of needling them about their romantic relationship?! That's so fucked up and I don't feel anything when her show is "cancelled" and she's a sobbing mess when she's akumatized because that's what you DESERVE Nadja!
Also the akuma seemed to ping pong between a dumb writer and a genius writer because there was some whiplash to Prime Queen's level of diabolical genius:
Dumb Writer: "Admit you're a couple live on 'tv' or I'll crash a train with Chloe Bourgeois in it!"
Heroes: "Ugh, FINE, sure, we're a couple, you happy now?"
Genius Writer: "Almost. Now that I've trapped you in a walk in freezer miles away, reveal your identities and give me your Miraculous or I'll drop the Ladyblogger, tied up and stuck in a sarcophagus, into the Seine to drown 💕"
Heroes: "Uhhhhhh- counter offer, we WILL do those things, but you don't get to watch because we put a pizza box over the only TV screen in the freezer."
Dumb Writer: "Hope you're not lying~" *punches with the arm that HAS THE AKUMA WATCH ON IT!
Like, girl, you HAD them! Why'd you turn stupid after turning brilliant?!
Another assumption I had was that Chat Noir kept trying to kiss Ladybug because he was hung up on the Dark Cupid kiss picture that he couldn't remember and wanted to make up for it. NOPE! He literally never brings that up again, doesn't seem concerned with it, and is just going along with Prime Queen's want for them to be a "couple". Yeah, sure, why do anything INTERESTING with a call back, that would only be fun or something and we can't have that here.
Moving on, I don't understand the show's In Universe Obsession with LIVE shows, it literally only made sense in "Stormy Weather" and "Ikari Gozen" because in SW that was an American Idol live finale to, what I'm assuming, was a season long competition where the outcome is determined by votes and in IK because it was a real time competition where the participants were normal people, not preselected competitors.
But "Kung Food"? "Troublemaker?" "Silencer?" and now "Prime Queen?" Why are these live? Is France television nothing but LIVE competition shows and interviews? Isn't that a huge liability risk, especially when the studio is KIDz+? Even if I went on a show with the best of intentions to keep myself PG, I might stub my toe and cuss LIVE ON TV, do they want to take that risk?
I'm basically trying to say that Nadja's big meltdown could've been avoided if it wasn't LIVE - Ladybug and Chat Noir could've recorded ahead of time, gone over okay and not okay questions, and then if Nadja goes off script, offending their guests to the point of leaving, she's not in the lurch and would have time to edit around it or find a solution. But no, because if all these multiple shows weren't LIVE it wouldn't be...as humiliating???? Just seems like things that professional "journalists" would predict and have contingencies for.
(It was funny that views went down as soon as Chloe was on the screen.)
The first half of the akuma becomes so frustrating because it comes across as Nadja being akumatized because two teenagers wouldn't "admit" to being in a romantic relationship when that was a rumor SHE STARTED! (Wait is this Glaciator 0.5?)
I dunno the legitimacy of this translation but like 👀
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Maybe this was present in Season 1, but this is the first time I've noticed Chat Noir say "Cataclysm" several times without activating it, so, confirmed: Intent Matters. I look forward to a later episode debunking this idea because consistency doesn't live here.
They made a big deal of saving Chat Noir's cataclysm until the very end and then didn't even use it on the akuma - he used it on the freezer door AFTER the akuma was defeated, lol. Like, don't get me wrong, I get WHY, but it's just that they brought it up so many times that this felt like a "wah wah" moment in comparison to the build up.
And while I'm glad Marinette got to wrap up her Having-to-Ditch-Alya-with-Manon thing in a satisfying way, it is weird they didn't wrap up the whole "everyone thinks we're a couple" thing since the whole episode was stuck on it? Like, I guess I get it because the resolution is that there ISN'T one which is why we have episodes like Glaciator 2, but you get what I mean when it feels like within the episode there's no resolution? Especially since this is supposed to be back in the "watch in any order" era.
"Prime Queen" has some of the derpiest, creepiest faces. But it's "Red Bang Alya" so I know it's the less..good studio:
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That's Chat Noir trying to be suave and go for a kiss
Manon without her buck teeth. She didn't have them when she was talking either
More than once Nadja's lips are off center in a way that doesn't seem intentional
Chat's bottom lip remains curled up like this while he schools Ladybug about the Subway System and it's W E I R D
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Chloe and Alya both call in with the lights off for some reason, but it really makes Chloe's facial features get really creepy
Chat where's your NOSE?!
His chin is so BIG!
This episode is just kinda pointless. Extra pointless because for all of Nadja's sobbing about her career being over she sure did bounce back immediately with a literal rename of the EXACT SAME SHOW, which instead of feeling like a resolution just makes Nadja look melodramatic.
I also hate that when Alya says "LadyNoir is not a couple" that's listened to and is "setting the record straight", not when Ladybug HERSELF said that she and Chat weren't a couple. Gross.
So yeah. My struggle right now (since I'm in the writing phase) isn't not coming up with ideas on where to take the episode, it's that I have too MANY directions I could take the episode and need to nail it down. A lot of competing ideas are happening right now, so I'm narrowing it down so that we have some focus while also being a satisfying Season 4 Finale that leads into Season 5.
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poemsforparker · 3 years
Can you write a fluff Druig imagine where Kingo overhears a conversation and misunderstands a thinking Druig and the Etenal!reader are breaking up leading him and the Eternals to meddle while Druig and the reader are confused?
It Takes Two - Druig × Eternal!reader
my first requested one! yay! :) thank you soo much for your request, anon! ‹3 I enjoyed writing this sm! I pictured Kingo being just like Boyle from b99 and being CRASHED with what he thought he heard, I love the concept.
no warnings for this one just pure fluffy fluff ahh
word count: 1266
(not my gif)
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You were currently on your shared bedroom with Druig at the dome. Laying side by side and game consoles in hands. You were having a blast with the new game you just got. Although it did cause some minor arguments about who did the mission wrong or whatever. The both of you knew you didn't mean it when you argued over games.
You were playing "It Takes Two", resuming a lot the history, it is about a couple that was getting a divorce. Very ironical, to say the bare minimum, since the game and the consoles were your anniversary gift for him, for one of your hundreds (literally) of anniversaries.
You never hoped that Druig would become so found of such a human/modern thing. But he was. He loved games, specially the ones he could play with you. You both would spend hours playing and laughing together, those turned to be one of his favourite moments with you.
The moment at the game now was one of those phases you both had to cooperate to get by. It was turning out to be more stressful than fun. But you both were still smiling at each other every time one of you did a stupid thing that made you loose and have to start over. After you made him fail at one of his tasks he stared at you doing the same expression his character had at the game and said, playfully at you "And that is why we're getting a divorce".
What neither him, or you, could ever imagine, was that a very unaware Kingo was walking by the door of your room and overheard the hole thing. This can't be happening. He thought. Without y/n Druig is going to be unbearable again. He rolled his eyes just by the tough of it. I have to do something.
. . .
While you were literally all fun and games. The eternals were crushed at the living room thinking about how would they try to convince you to get back together.
Kingo and Sprite were pure despair. Makkari and Sersi were both feeling offended you didn't talk to them about it before you made your decision, while Ikaris would never admit he cared about the both of you as much as he did, and he did think Druig was more bearable with you so he wasn't exactly happy either. Gilgamesh, Thena and Ajak were being reasonable and saying they would support whatever decision you made. But also sad.
. . .
When Ajak came to call the both of you for dinner you could tell something was off, she has a frown on her face and you looked at eachother very confused. You nod at her and say you two are coming soon, just need a little bit more time alone, tho you didn't mention it was for a game. Poor ones. She thought. They're thinking about a way to tell us.
"They're coming" she said now sitting at the table with everyone else. "Don't act all crazy about it. Let them have their own time." Everyone at the table nodded at her statement, ready for the two of you to come and spill the news. Witch got them very confused when the two of you walked at the room holding hands and smiling.
They're good at pretending. Kingo thought. They're so good together. He let out a tear he was quick on wiping out. But not before you noticed it and ask him what was wrong. Y/n's so strong. He thinks. Going through all of this and still concerned about me. "I'm alright" he says giving you a very-clearly-fake kinda smile "Are you alright?" He asks squeezing his eyes giving you a creepy look.
"I am," you say laughing at his weirdness "thanks for asking, kings" with that said you took your place at your seat next to your lover and acted normal trough the whole thing. Obviously. But for your other fellow eternals it was starting to get weird. You two were saying nothing?
By the end of the meal, Kingo was getting tired of the both of you hiding it, constantly exchanging looks with Sprite every time you showed affection towards Druig and, in his head, faking it for them. When you were about to seat up with the help of the mind controller hands. Kingo got up suddenly before you and yelled, very offended "So you two were planning on telling us when?"
You look at your lover shooting him a very confused gaze and he gives you a shrug and a frown, showing he also had no idea what was the subject in question, witch is what you decided to say. "What are you talking about?"
"ABOUT THE TWO OF YOU!" he says pointing his finger at you intertwined hands with your partner. Okay, now you were confused.
"About us?? You do know we're together, Kingo. You were literally at our marriage. 'the hell are you talking about?"
"YES. AT. THE. MARRIAGE. I WAS THERE. AND YOU TWO WERE NOT GOING TO TELL US ABOUT YOUR DIVORCE?" he yells and you look your other friends looking for answers, but for your surprise, they were all agreeing with him.
You look at Druig and start laughing. "What kind of joke is this?" you say unable to control your laugh and almost out of breath.
"Us," Druig points at you and him repeatedly "getting a divorce" he even leans on you now to support himself, the laugh also getting the air out of him.
You stop once you see the two of you were the only ones who where laughing. Now with the two of you in silence, you hear Sersi's voice. "Wait, so you two are not getting divorced?"
"Of course not, why on earth would we do that?" You ask her "And if I was, witch I'm not, you really thought I would do this without talking to you first" you sign to Makkari while verbalising it to Sersi. They both shrug, embarrassed. "Unbelievable, the two of you, unbelievable"
"Why did you think we were getting divorced, anyways?" you hear now the lovely accent of your partner behind you say while he places his hands on your waist, as someone who's reassuring everyone in the room you're still his.
"Well, I heard you say it" Kingo reveals waiting for the both of you to be shocked. You just laugh again.
"Kingo, have you ever heard of privacy? We were playing a video game, that's all, man." Druig shoots him a disapproval glance. "And also," before Kingo answers to him, he's now turned towards Ikaris "was that a sad look on your face when you thought y/n and I were breaking up?" Ikaris blushed
"No, it was not"
"Sure thing sweetie," now it was Sersi's turn to speak as she cupped the face of her husband. "let's pretend you didn't just asked me at dinner 'what would be of our double dates now?'" she air quoted his words while the eternals now turned their attention to him to make fun out of it.
"That's adorable, Ikaris" you mock while hugging your husband and looking at your family gathered at the table laughing at Ikaris. It may not be true you two were parting, but heavens did it feel good to see how much every single one of those cared about the two of you that much. You look at Druig cupping his face with your small hands and smile at him. "I love you, handsome."
"Love you more, my beautiful"
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so-sures-blog · 2 years
Headcannons: Pokéguys with affection
I was in a Valentine's Day mood, alright? 💗
Ships: Poke, Contest, Ikari, Wish, Geekchic, Oldrival, Handyman, Fourthwheel hints
… and Brock
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— Ash is legitimately good at flirting — but the thing is, he doesn’t even know he’s flirting.
— He and Misty are walking through the Kanto snow all bundled up, and Ash notices Misty rubbing her hands together and shivering.
— “You cold, Mist?” Ash asks, and before she can respond he just. Takes her hand, locks their fingers together, and puts her hand in his pocket.
— Misty damn near has a heart attack, sputtering and turning bright red. Before she could say anything though, Ash continues on, holding her hand as they walk.
—He’ll also be complimenting her, saying “Wow, Misty, you look beautiful with your hair down!” or “Misty, you were incredible battling that Pokemon today!” 
— Misty feels like a little girl talking with her childhood crush (okay, maybe that comparison was a little too accurate …) so the only thing she can respond with are stuttering half-insults before fleeing in shame.
— Ash is a very physical person. Always has been, always will be. He’ll be slinging an arm around her shoulder, walking close so that their bodies bump, pull her into a side hug, even arm wrestling her. The touch is so casual, but it’s so often that Misty can’t help but psychoanalyze every interaction.
— Poor Pikachu has spent many nights with Misty’s face cuddled in his fur to hide her blush. He’s had his ear talked off with Misty’s ramblings of “—does he even know he’s flirting with me?! Is he even flirting?! He’s gotta know! Or am I just making it up all in my head again? Is this psychological warfare or something?!”
— Misty doesn’t know if Ash is flirting with her, if he even knows if he is, if he’s even aware of what he’s doing. Misty gets so flustered she becomes angry that she’s so flustered. She wants to beat him with her mallet for making her so embarrassed; another part doesn’t because she likes the Butterfree he puts in her stomach.
— Ash Ketchum is so impeccably smooth at flirting and pulling moves he isn’t even aware; he just thinks he’s being nice and friendly. He has a trail of hearts behind him after all his travels and he doesn’t even realize.
— Brock is a little ways behind them, watching with pure shock.
— Roses. It’s always roses with those two.
— When Drew would give roses to May ( *ahem* sorry, Beautifly) it was a mocking. The flowers were filled with taunts about how her Pokémon were carrying May to victory.
— Then as Drew starts noticing May, his roses become fleeting — everyone knows what red roses meant. How could Drew give out roses when he didn’t even know who he was really giving them to?
— Drew fell in love with May, and May fell in love with Drew, and there was a trail of roses between them like a timeline.
— When they date, they are the most lovey-dovey couple in the room. At first, all of their friends were happy that they got together, but soon they grow sick of the constant PDA
— Honestly, whenever Max walks into the room and see May and Drew in there, he just straight up walks right out. May gets so offended, but she quickly forgets her brother’s disgusted face when Drew pulls her in for a kiss
— May and Drew have started dating, and May finally drops the bomb about meeting her family. Drew instantly gets flashbacks of Max’s judgey looks, know-it-all expression, and suspicious eyes from Hoenn and almost regrets dating May.
— Apparently, May has been holding off the meeting for quite a while, but has finally conceded. Caroline is sweet and welcoming, swooning about May getting a boyfriend and gushing how handsome he is. Max is still as skeptical as ever, but has softened to the idea of Drew thanks to his traveling partner, Bonnie.
— And Norman … May left Drew and her dad in the same room for less than a minute, and when she came back Drew spent the rest of the time subtly hiding behind May
— When Drew asked May to marry him, he made it this big extravagant proposal. He led May on a scavenger hunt, each rose with a romantic letter on where to find him. When she finally found him, she had a dozen red roses and a ring on her finger on the beach of Slateport City.
— Brock is a little ways behind them, watching with pure jealousy
— Reggie is the first one to notice the way his brother is always touching Dawn. It’s so subtle, Dawn doesn’t realize it; Reggie doubts that even Paul realizes he’s doing it. But for someone who has been raising his younger brother all his life, it’s so obvious.
— Paul is usually adverse to physical touch, so seeing Dawn and Paul interact is like a slap to the face. His hand is barely touching her hip as he guides her to where they’re going. When they sit together their shoulders brush. He leans down to Dawn’s level to lowly talk in her ear. Not to mention the way Paul looks at her —
— Reggie honestly can’t believe his eyes when he sees them together for the first time. He can’t help but tell Maylene, and of course he confronts Paul with some teasing.
— Whenever someone asks about Dawn and Paul’s relationship, Reggie cheekily replies, “They’re an affectionate couple.” Paul always scowls darkly.
— Dawn had no idea until Maylene lets it slip. At first, she just stares and laughs, because the words Paul and affectionate don’t even belong in the same sentence.
— But then Dawn suddenly realizes: she is always the first one to initiate contact — through a held hand, a hug, or a kiss on the lips ...
— But Paul was always the one to let it linger. He never pulled his hand away, he would let her hug him (sometimes he would even lean into it), and he would even kiss her in private.
— Dawn was always the one who pulled away first: becoming embarrassed if someone would walk in on them or pulling away to look at a cute store.
— She immediately sets out to do an experiment of her own: to see how long Paul could deal with physical affection.
— One day Paul is laying on his couch doing whatever, and Dawn sees the perfect opportunity. She strolls over, stands over him, and just … clambers on top of him, resting her head on his chest and fitting her body snugly between his legs.
— He was effectively pinned down. Paul went stiff with surprise, and Dawn honestly expects him to push her away and mutter complaints under his breath as he stalks away.
— After a moment, Paul sighs and drapes his arm around her waist, going back to whatever he was doing. Dawn’s heart leaps, and her belly does a dozen backflips. She honestly can’t believe she’s getting away with this.
— But this was only half of the challenge. Now, Dawn had to wait and see how long he would tolerate her. So she settles down, closes her eyes, and falls asleep to the feeling of Paul’s warmth and even breathing.
— When she wakes up, hours have passed. Paul’s hand is still on her waist, she has drooled a little bit in his shirt, and he was undoubtedly uncomfortable from sitting for so long.
— Still, it is a testament on how much he truly likes her when he says nothing about his discomfort when she wakes.
— For some reason, he distinctly feels like he’s passed a test when Dawn sees that he’s still there and kisses him
— Brock is a little ways behind them, watching with pure disbelief
— Chilli and Cress absolutely adore Iris. She’s sassy and blunt and determined, and a perfect fit for Cilan. Chilli loves going back and forth with Iris trading sarcastic quips and Cress appreciates her blunt honesty
— She’s practically a part of the family, inviting herself over to the gym and spending weekends there. Half the stuff at their place is practically her’s, and she shows absolutely no shame in that fact.
— When all of their friends know they’re dating, they are simultaneously surprised and not in the process. It’s just that Cilan and Iris are so different, one a sophisticated civilian and another a animalistic wild child. But they just fit together, so well that none of their friends can ever imagine seeing them with another person.
— When Ash hears that they’re dating, he is beaming. Because while he’s happy that all his friends found their significant other, none of them have gotten together with their traveling partner (except for Serena and Clemont, but that comes later)
— Ash feels like a proud matchmaker because he says Iris and Cilan would not have gotten together if it weren’t for him. Iris calls him a little kid.
— Cilan shows his love through words of appreciation, which never fails to embarrass Iris.
— Whenever his Dragon Master wins a battle, he showers her with praise for her and her Pokémon. It’s like his evaluation times, filled with so much fervor and passion.
— Iris always gets so embarrassed, especially if her friends and rivals are there teasing her, but she secretly likes the attention and the praise she gets from Cilan (he is her boyfriend, and a World-Class Pokémon Connoisseur)
— Sometimes when she gets particularly embarrassed, she just marches over to Cilan in the middle of the battle, yanks him down to her height, and kisses him hard to shut him up.
— It always works (Cilan turns bright red and dazed, and to Iris’s satisfaction, he always, always shuts his mouth afterwards) but they don’t know that Iris’s kisses inadvertently fuel Cilan to go on his rants.
— So in actuality, does it really work?
— Brock is a little ways behind them, watching with pure awe
— Clemont has always admired Serena ever since their traveling days, but he would always push aside his feelings when he saw the way Serena looked at Ash.
— Back then, he had low confidence and even lower social skills. There was no way he can compare to Ash. So he pushed aside his feelings and focused on being her friend instead, supporting her and working to improve himself.
— It took a long time for Clemont to work up the courage to ask Serena out. She was trying to get over her crush on Ash, and they were both too busy focusing on their dreams
— One day, Serena went with Bonnie to cheer Clemont on in a super important Pokémon match. Clemont won, of course, and right before his final move Serena is struck.
— Clemont’s face was bright with electricity and his eyes were clear with confidence. Serena is struck, because she just realized Clemont wasn’t that geeky kid with low self-esteem and inventions that blew up anymore. Clemont was grown, and Serena feels like she is seeing him for the first time.
— It wasn’t just how he looked (Serena was mature enough to admit that Clemont looked … well, amazing during the battle), it was his confidence.
— It wasn’t the Ash type of confidence — bold, brash, and brave. It was the Clemont type of confidence — intellectual and sharp, confident in knowing he would win because Clemont was a lot of things, and no one could ever say he wasn’t smart.
— When Clemont wins, he immediately turns to Serena and Bonnie with a bright smile. Bonnie is beaming and bouncing on her feet, and Serena finds herself blushing with her heart pounding faster than the time she kissed Ash.
— Ever since then, Serena can’t get the stupid feelings out of her head. Her crush on Ash feels childish and far away compared to Clemont.
— Clemont is shy and awkward, but he is sweet and charming. Serena has always known this, but now it’s in a whole new light. She can’t help but notice all these little details about him, like the way his hands move when he talks, or the way he pushes up his glasses and the way his eyes light up.
— Whenever Clemont is working on an invention, Serena finds herself genuinely trying to listen and help. Whenever she stays over, she offers to help Clemont with the cooking.
— They go out to see the lights on top of Prism Tower, Serena teaches Clemont to properly dance, and they spend late nights in the gym just enjoying their companionship.
— At first, Clemont is frustratingly oblivious, blinking innocently and awkwardly laughing whenever they seem to have a romantic atmosphere lingering around them. Serena wouldn’t label it as Ash-Level-Oblivious, (because, frankly, nobody can ever be denser than Ash) because back when she had a crush on him, she was actively trying to hide it.
— Clemont, however, for all his bright intelligence and love knowledge (mostly stemming from Bonnie) can’t figure out for the life of him that Serena was flirting with him. She didn’t know how much more obvious she could get!
— (Just last week, Clemont’s father, Meyer, wouldn’t stop smirking knowingly and last month, Misty had thrown her a half sympathetic-pitying-understanding look when she and Ash came over to visit.)
— Clemont hasn’t noticed Serena’s flirting, but he has noticed that she’s been acting strange. With him, specifically. It’s almost as if she’s flirting with him, but obviously she isn’t because they are just friends.
— Clemont’s heart already skips beats whenever Serena dresses up, and he sometimes gets tongue-tied when she smiles at him, and his face feels very warm whenever she hold his hand but — they are just. friends.
— Clemont doesn’t want to give himself false hope and he already feels like he’s betraying Serena’s friendship with his stupid infatuation he’s had since they were kids.  
— (But still … still …)
— Clemont can’t help but compare what Serena is like now to when she had a crush on Ash. He can’t help but notice the longer hours she spends at the Lumiose Gym, even when Bonnie’s not here. He can’t help but notice the way she smiles at him, holding him close as she teaches him how to dance. He can’t help but notice how her eyes sparkle when she looks at him, shining brighter than they ever did when she looked at Ash.
— Bonnie is totally oblivious to the growing tension whenever Serena is over at the Lumiose Gym, or to the stolen moments the two seem to have that she unassumingly walks in on. Serena’s always been close to the family, and she and Clemont are friends.
— It’s Max, Señor Skeptical, Mr. “I hate romance, why focus on love when you can focus on Pokemon” Maple, that has to tell her what’s going on (seriously, he thought she was the love expert) and she flips out.
— She then immediately plots to get them together (mentally planning their wedding in the process) and drags Max along in the mix despite his protests
— She does everything she can to create romantic atmospheres for Clemont and Serena (Max told her that proposing to Serena for Clemont would only scare her off).
— Clemont and Bonnie argue over her schemes and Max is standing behind her, mentally trying to communicate with Clemont his utter sympathies.
— Finally, after a long uphill battle, Bonnie triumphs by embarrassing Clemont enough to make him ask her out.
— Clemont is red and stuttering through his whole proposal, and Serena, having figured out what he was planning on asking her a while ago, just decided to put him out of his misery and kiss him, blushing pink.
— Clemont is breathless and dazed afterwards. It was so cute, Serena finds her gut clenching hotly and her biting her lip to hide the enormous smile growing on her face. It was definitely worth it, waiting this long.
— Max and Bonnie are little ways behind them, and Bonnie throws her arms around Max in celebration
— Gary Oak has known Leaf Green since childhood. She had grown up with him and Ash. They were the trio of Pallet town. Gary spent days at his Grandpa’s lab with her and Ash and nights at Delia’s house for dinner.
— Ash and Gary were rivals, but him and Leaf were something else. Ever since they were kids they were always arguing, going back and forth with each other. 
— They go separate ways as their journeys take them on separate paths. Gary becomes a successful Pokemon researcher and Leaf has traveled all over the regions. 
— Years have passed when he runs into Leaf again by complete chance.
— At first he can’t believe his eyes. How on earth was this gorgeous woman the bratty girl he grew up with? It’s the same for Leaf. Gary has always been a know-it-all as a kid, but when did he grow into this handsome researcher? She had always brushed him off as that guy who cared more about his hair and girls.
— They catch up and it’s like no time has passed. They still bicker and argue about every little thing under the sun, but now Gary is finally able to label the tension between them.
— They get kicked out of the place they’re in, and when he gets home, he has the biggest, goofiest smile on his face that — quote Misty — “makes him look like an idiot” and Leaf’s number in his pocket.
— Professor Oak knows right away that his grandson has met Leaf, and tells him to invite her over to Pallet Town. Oak has always had a soft spot for Leaf; ever since they were kids he could see that she’s the only one for Gary.
— Before Leaf is suppose to come over, everyone can tell that Gary is nervous. He does his best to not show it, obviously, but he was surrounded by the people who knew him best. Gary keeps running his hands through his hair and the Pokémon are particularly skittish (Pokemon reflect their trainers, after all). Ash, Tracey, and Misty tease him relentlessly while Delia and Oak look on in amusement
— When Misty meets Leaf she instantly likes her: Leaf is strong and stubborn and determined. She is striking and vivacious, and the perfect match for Gary. She’s honestly the only one who could put up with him.
— Misty and Leaf get along great, and when they meet up they constantly make fun of their boyfriends. They are both fierce battlers, and often challenge each other to battles whenever they see each other just like Gary and Ash in their younger days.
— Gary and Leaf spend time together, exchanging snarky flirty comments with each other. They both like to drive each other wild with their teasing and their friends are crazy with the thought “oh god, will those two ever get together?” They’re both hot, and they know it. 
— Sometimes Gary gets pulled away with work, so Leaf joins him whenever he’s on a research dig. She brings warm coffee and offers insight to what he’s missing and fights back a smile whenever Gary geeks out about his findings (she finds it cute how his eyes light up when he rambles — even though she has no idea what he’s saying).
— Leaf absolutely wears the pants in the relationship, because there’s no way she’s letting Gary dominate their relationship. Gary is not willing to admit he’s whipped for Leaf but he is. And everyone can see it. Gary would ruthlessly make fun of everyone for their girlfriends wearing the pants in the relationship, but it’s the exact same with Leaf. He’ll be stubborn, pout, whine, and complain, but will ultimately do her bidding. Everyone is amused.
— Leaf likes the fact that Gary is smart, and is able to hold an intelligent conversation. Back when they were kids, he would go on these spiels of Pokemon facts and would rub the knowledge in her face. It made him very punchable. Now, Leaf can’t help but be immensely attracted to Gary whenever he goes on rants of his research findings. 
— With Gary, he likes how Leaf can keep up with him. Gary can never really get bored with her like he does with other girls because Leaf keeps him on his toes. Their banter keep him up for days on end, and her flirting makes him wild. Her strength and perseverance makes his heart jump in admiration. She makes him want to be better.
— Brock is a little ways behind them, watching with pure annoyance
— Tracey met Daisy through Misty when she invited him to the Cerulean Gym, and the first time he saw the eldest Waterflower sister his heart skipped a beat
— He had only heard of Misty’s sisters through her long rants over the phone, so he had a (less than appealing) idea of who they were — even though he had tried his best to remain neutral
— But the first time he saw her, his fingers itched with the urge to sketch as he shook her hand. They didn’t say anything beyond greetings before Misty came in and dragged him away, he found he couldn’t stop thinking about her the whole visit
— He had to go back to Pallet Town eventually, and he finds himself drawing distracted sketches of Daisy when he’s supposed to take notes.
— He can’t help it. Usually when he’s struck with inspiration, he sketches it down instantly. With Daisy he didn’t get the time to do that, so it made sense why he couldn’t get her out of his head
— That’s what he told Gary anyway, when he caught him drawing a sketch of Daisy’s face. Gary merely shakes his head, calls him and idiot, and sends him packing for Cerulean City before he can even blink
— Tracey’s heart is beating unusually fast when he asks Daisy if he can sketch her, and a flattered, surprised, beautiful grin crosses her face (he immediately starts drawing it down)
— They spend a lot of time together, and Tracey finds out he can’t get enough of Daisy. They end up talking about everything under the sun, sharing secrets and sketches with each other.
— Tracey is fascinating and unlike anyone Daisy has ever dated. Daisy is much more that she appears, and Tracey wants to peel back every layer to see her true beauty
— (picture Jack and Rose from the Titanic. They definitely do the draw-me-like-one-of-your-French-girls when they start dating. )
— Tracey feels denser than Ash when he realizes that the feelings he associated with sketching Daisy were actually for Daisy herself.
— Tracey stays around Cerulean City for a while, using the excuse of checking out the water Pokemon and helping with the plumbing so Misty doesn’t get suspicious
— Misty is definitely suspicious of the way Tracey turns red whenever Daisy makes a flirtatious comment, or the way her sister seemed to brighten whenever she heard he was around or coming over
— It took her a while to corner Tracey and demanded answers, but he finally admitted to it. Misty instantly accepts him, but she makes a show of threatening him if he hurts his sister
— (all of her sisters boyfriend’s have to pass the “Misty Test”. Misty refuses to be around douchebags (minus Gary) and to have to deal with her sisters crying after a failed date or broken heart. The Misty Test has scared off multiple suitors, but her older sisters are ultimately grateful despite their complaining of not as much boys around the house because of Misty’s Gyrados)
— Daisy ends up asking him out because Tracey was too much of a coward. She laces their hands together, kisses his cheek, and tells him to pick her up at 5.
— Tracey ends up staying the night
— Gary is infinitely smug, and Professor Oak merely shakes his head with amusement
— Brock has been a sad, sad boy watching all his friends grow up and fall in love — and yet Brock can’t seem to find his special lady! He is a successful Pokemon doctor, a great breeder, a good cook, and shoots the best one-liners, if he does say so himself.
— Brock becomes so desperate he actually goes to the guys for help … and it goes exactly as expected. Ash is clueless, Paul says nothing, Drew is unhelpful, Clemont was shy, Tracy was nervous, Gary was Gary, and Cilan was just overall confusing.
— Then he goes to the girls for advice, and while their insight was helpful to an extent … that was it. He went to Misty, May, and Dawn, listening to their offhanded remarks on who liked Brock back (it was a pathetically short list) while wearing face masks and nail polish.
— Brock was about to resign himself to a lonely, loveless life of a bachelor before he came across an offer.
— Bonnie, satisfied that her brother has found a suitable wife in Serena, offers her help in the matchmaking business — and drags Max along with her.
— Arceus, it pains Brock to take orders from Max’s smug little mouth, but he finds equal petty retaliation by pointing out how easily Bonnie bends Max to her bidding
— It takes a while for them to get in sync with each other — Brock was chasing after every other girl and Bonnie was eager to help by doing the exact same thing. Max was the one with the only brain cell when it came to girls
— The trio bond through terrible rom-com movies for “research” — Brock chose the movies, Bonnie got the snacks, and Max would rather die than admit that he actually liked the dramas
— Between Bonnie’s sweet blue eyes, Brock’s cheesy (but romantic) lines, and Max’s intellect, the trio soon have this matchmaking thing down in the bag
— They find him a perfect match and send Brock in (“— just be yourself, cheesy one-liners come later —”) and it’s a huge success. Brock has swept her off her feet and he can hear Bonnie cheering from outside the Pokemon Center’s window
— Brock is right where he’s meant to be, glowing with happiness.
— He isn’t done yet, though. He still has to get Max back for all the ear-pulling he did back in Hoenn.
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nowayspidey · 3 years
── jealousy, jealousy ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀(Male!reader)
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀| Eternals slight spoilers |
Where Druig is jealous of his cousin Ikaris for being your first choice, and not him.
Authors note; yes, ikaris and druig are cousins.
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You didn't even doubt why he had chosen to be the chief figure to a small community. Everything was silence and peace. Both hadn't seen or heard from the rest of you in years, decades, in a long time since you were ordered to live a life before you lived long enough to destroy each other within the same team when it came to question different ideals after regularizing the threat of the deviants and watch the humans fight and consume themselves in the fire.
You opened the doors of the façade where you shared a house with your partner, you couldn´t remember exactly how both chose to follow the same path, but now you were like the heads of the community taking care of the families and children who ran barefoot on the ground treading on the leaves.
──  It's cute isn't it? ──You said with both hands on your back looking around with a half smile. ──Humanity, humans are somewhat… peculiar and interesting.
── Ajak warned us not to interfere in their wars. ──Druig commented watching the children run. ──So we don't do it, we just protect them and keep them away from others.
── You control their minds all the time so they don't kill each other, that's the only reality. I still remember that moment, in Tenochtitlan, how you controlled the minds of all these people and walked away, but the way you objected to Ajak about following orders was a bit… hot. 
── Arishem created us in different ways and I'm sure that only you had hormones to spare. I thought that the worst of us was Sprite that she could never grow. 
── Oh come on, don't act like you don't have feelings friend. ──You said mockingly rubbing your shoulder with his. ──But hey, I can't expect much from someone who preferred to eat a sandwich at his own cousin's wedding.
── Ikaris and Sersi. ──You sighed. ──For each other, their wedding was beautiful because I DID SEE IT, I didn't prefer to eat.
── It was extremely sweet and gooey at the same time. ──Druig began to walk towards the forest, you therefore kept noticing that people greeted him as if he were a king.
── You know? Ikaris always projects me a boss image, I bet he would be the perfect candidate to lead the avengers now that Rogers and Stark are gone. ──You shrugged your shoulders swearing to hear a silent rebuke from Druig. ──Pretty sure i was going to follow your cousin in that separation.
Your steps stopped and you left your mouth slightly open arching your eyebrows watching as Druig stopped a few meters ahead.
── You got into my mind because you knew that I wasn't going to follow you but that I would follow Ikaris. ──You crossed your arms tilting your head slightly. ──You were jealous.
── The rules just weren't my thing and I suspected that neither was yours, that's why you chose me….
── I can't believe it, you were jealous of Ikaris. ──You laughed at his attempt to disguise his act of affection for you. ──How do I know you're not ... -
── Controlling you right now? Because I promised not to do it again after that night in Tenochtitlan, I didn't want Thena to end up hurting you even though i didn't agree to have her memory erased. I care about you and that is why you were safer with me than with any of them.
── Awwww, probably your cutest words. ──You said resting gently your forehead with his. ──Every day I can hear and feel your heart race with your blood rising in temperature. It means that you do have feelings after all.
── Your skills are pretty useless (M/r), you know that, right? ──Druig smiled and you pretended to be offended, you touched his cheek with your fingers-tips causing him an instant blush. ──I hate when you do that.
── Controlling people's emotions has its advantages and one of them is seeing the true side of an emo who loves to flirt with his man all the time.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀(.....) ────── ⊱
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softquietsteadylove · 2 months
Hello darling, can you give us your headcanons of the Mermaid Au pettry please 😊🩷
Mermaid time!!!
Thena and Ikaris were the kids who were always getting into fights. Like, alarming fights--parents would worry about ripped fins and torn scales. But when some big sharp tooth was giving Thena a hard time, Ikaris tackled him and dragged him all the way down to the bottom of a completely dark chasm. He held him down there and dared him to ever hit his sister again.
Thena does love Ikaris, deep (deep, deep, deep down). He's an annoying big brother, but she knows he cares. But she still doesn't let him near Gil; she took the drowning incident very personally.
Thena makes a point to go and visit Makkari more often after having been accused of being the type of mer to only spend time with her mate and forget her friends. She was completely mortified and offended by this, and now swims out to see her once a week. She does not make a point to see Ikaris before she goes home again--if it happens, it happens.
Thena has taken Gil exploring a few times. She holds his hand while they swim around little reefs and such. He explained snorkeling to her but she doesn't like the idea that he could explode. She just stays with him, passing air from her lungs into his as he needs (not that this can be carried on for an especially long time).
Sersi loves Thena. She doesn't care at all that Thena is a mermaid, she's just so happy to finally have a sister after dreaming of one for years. And Thena is so curious about everything, she's happy to let Sersi take her shopping and try on makeup and different hairstyles on her. Gil thinks it's sweet they get along so well.
Thena has tried asking Sersi questions about intercourse and Sersi refuses to even broach the subject, no matter how curious she is about the biological systems of mer reproduction. Thena gave her a loose 'birds and the bees' type explanation of it, although Sersi isn't totally clear on the logistics.
Gil hasn't told Thena about any of his ex-girlfriends. Not that there are many, but he just doesn't think she really needs to know.
Gil has asked about mer reproduction solely out of concern. He managed to kind of explain condoms and what they're for. Thena told him there was no need to worry, since she had no plan of laying eggs at any point in time. Gil - having not known literal eggs were involved - nearly spat out his coffee, and now he can't enjoy boba.
Thena is obsessed with boba.
Gil is still a little overprotective, but he lets Thena go out by herself sometimes. If he's going to be late, he'll radio the house. She can swim to the mainland and get changed in a secret spot. She likes going to the grocery store so she can see all the different foods.
She doesn't like shoes, but Gil is determined to find her as many pairs as possible, because she keeps managing to destroy them. She has no concept of being careful with them so she'll do things like sprint across rocky terrain in delicate sandals and break them.
Gil has asked if mers have mating tokens. She brings up her necklace but he means more like engagement rings or some such. She says they don't, although really if one were to find something incredibly rare and precious, like a fancy pearl or something, one would only give it to their mate.
Thena bites him sometimes. Not hard, but it's kind of an instinct for her. And she still hisses at things that are too loud or smell bad.
Thena with her legs on is a few inches shorter than Gil, but with her tail on, her total length is roughly two metres.
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supercap2319 · 9 months
"Santa? Jólnir?" Y/N asked the man in the red and white suit. He walked towards the Christmas elf with his sleigh and reindeer.
"Yes, Y/N? What can I do for you?"
"I was just wondering if I could get my Christmas present from you." Y/N said.
"Ah, yes. Your Christmas wish. You wanted a Christmas kiss from that Eternal you think is hunky, right?" Santa/Jólnir smiled.
"Actually, I was hoping for some Christmas cookies, but that works too." Y/N blushed and jokes.
"Well.... I could give you this." He hands him a picture and Y/N almost faints from shock as he saw Ikaris shirtless in a Christmas hat and jeans. Wearing a Christmas robe. He looks so good that Y/N could do... Could...
Y/N squeaks and blushed. "I mean I wouldn't be offended by this."
Santa/Jólnir laughed. "Unless you're still aching for that Christmas kiss. I happen to know that Ikaris is on fifth street getting hot chocolate at this very moment. And there's mistletoe underneath the door."
"Sold!" Y/N smiled.
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redheadspark · 3 years
Honey Bee
Summary: Druig and the Female Eternal develop their friendship over the centuries, growing closer together and having the Female Eternal question iwhat she is feeling for the mind controller before it’s too late. 
Part Two of Dandelion Wine
Previous Chapter:  Dandelion Wine (Part One)
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W/C: 5,704
Warnings: Mostly fluff with a Hint of Angst.
A/N: I’m going to add a snippet for Part Three, or an epilogue!  I had more to write for this but I didn’t want to drag it all the way out for another 2k of words!  The Epilogue will come soon enough I promise! :)
Once again, this work bring on the topic of Asexuality!  If this does offend you in any way, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP!
I love the feedback that I’ve had with this work so I thank you so much!
Taglist: @lozzmullarkey @rach-12
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1,093 AD
Countryside, England
"Has anyone seen Druig?" 
You walked through the main meeting room of the Domo, looking around at the couple of Eternals that were lounging about in the early afternoon.  You only saw Sersi, Sprite, Phastos, and Gilgamesh, the rest were out on a patrol when some Deviants were seen out near the countryside.  Thankfully the Domo was well hidden in the forest, away from the humans and their curious eyes.
"He wandered off earlier today," Gilgamesh explained to you with a shrug, "He's been wanting some more alone time these days,"
"He hates not being able to help." Sprite commented as she was sitting on one of the benches, watching Phastos as he was twerking a piece of machinery that he was perfection with a hint of agitation in his brow, "It's making him more of a sour puss than anything,"
"I doubt that Sprite," Sersi reasoned as she walked over to you with a sincere smile, "I just saw him walking out to the fields in the East.  It's real quiet out there, that would be your best bet to find him,"
"Thanks, Sersi.  I'll go see him," You said to her lightly, clasping her on the shoddier before you walked off, a bit of a pep in your step.
"Make sure he gets back before the others do," Phastos said behind you, "Ajak will tear him a new one if she finds out he wandered off on his own again before nightfall."
"Will do!" You said over your shoulder, hearing Sprite snort.
"She's the only one who can talk to him these days," She commented, hearing a chuckle from someone else as you walked gracefully.  It didn't matter too much in your mind that they were talking about the two of you.  You knew they mean well, mere observation and gentle comments were never harmful to you.  They didn't see the true nature of Druig, not as you did.
It was a sacred friendship that developed over time.
Since the night of Sersi and Ikaris's wedding, Druig became your friend and comrade on the ship.  You felt like you gained an ally of sorts, someone who listened to you spill out your feelings and what was being battled within you.  Druig never once looked at your differently, not since that night.  On the contrary, he looked to you for some company a lot more in comparison to before.  It was rather nice, having Druig around to eat meals with or be on patrol together as a pair.  His company was comforting, your small talks and conversations were always positive and light.  
As you grew closer to Druig, you were also feeling protective of him.  You fought alongside the others during Deviant attacks, never once diminishing your bravery and your need to protect the humans.  The ability to transform into an animal was a huge advantage on your end, and you were well notoriously known for transforming into a massive bear.  Something about the spirit of the bear and the thirst to be loyal and protect those you loved move through you with your cosmic energy.  It was such a contrast to your human form: the confident yet soothing woman with curves and a gentle smile that would morph into a massive and deadly bear.
There are a few times when you felt Druig's life was in the balance, and you would protect him without a second thought or in hesitance.  It wasn't just Druig, but the others that you knew weren't vicious fighters.  In your mind, they were your family and they came first in your life.  Every time you saved them, or even Druig in particular, you would feel a wave of admiration from your fellow Eternals at your selfless act.  It made you happy, truly happy, that they saw your value and your love for them and they loved you back.
Especially Druig.
Walking out of the Domo and going through the high trees that were shielding the Domo, you were once again attuned to the sounds of nature there in the afternoon and with the warm sun.  Once in a while, when you needed your own alone time or a time to recharge mentally, you would go out into the woods and shapeshift nto an animal.  Sometimes it was a fox, quickly and lively to graze along the grass or find a burrow to curl up in.  Other times, you were a wolf, wanting to stretch your legs and weaving your way above the tree trunks and fallen logs.  As tempting as it was to change into a wolf and bolt, you decided not to and just merely walk in your human form.  It was only a 7-minute walk, give or take, to the open field that you knew where Druig was going to be at. So you merely enjoyed the sun on your skin and the wildflowers under your fingertips.  
Finally, you reached the opening onto the plains, seeing the small slope of the tall grass and the blue sky high above it. It was almost picturesque to see and breathtaking, the mixtures of green against the light blue above with the puffy clouds that seemed like mist.  You kept walking, your feet were quiet on the ground as you were scanning the field around you for some kind of sign of Druig.  After a few moments, you saw a small hole in the grass off to the right near the top of the hill.  
You gave three long whistles, intimidating a bird.  It floated in the wind as you stood a fair distance away.  It was a signal you and Druig would give to each other to alert each other.  There were times when Druig needed to be alone, perhaps to have his own time for grief or to vent.  You would give him space, but you’d signal to him that you were close by in case he needed your company.  Druig did the same for you, and it became the little tactic you two would do with one another.
Finally, you heard three high whistles back from the hole in the grass, having you grin as you slowly walked in that direction
"I was wondering where you wandered off to," I called out as you strolled.
"Just needed some air is all," Druig's voice rang from the hole in the wall while you were walking closer.  You finally approached the hole, standing right outside of it as you peered down to see Druig sprawled on his back, the tall grass around him like a force field, with his hands laced on his chest and his eyes closed.  He looked content there in the grass, the warm sun hitting his face as he was taking in long breaths with a grin on his face knowing you were right above him.
"Did I disturb your beauty sleep?" You asked coyly, hearing him chuckle from his spot on the ground.  
"Not at all," He replied in a hum, then opening one eye to see you almost perched over him with our hands folded in front of you.  He grinned at you, then motioning with his head to the spot next to him, "Come join me,"
"If you insist," You replied, making your way to the ground to be on his right side with your own back on the grassy floor and your head tilting up to the sky.  You could see the sun hitting your face, some of the shadows coming from the tall grass that blocked you from view and tickled your skin as your snuggled in a bit and giggled, "Wow, this is quite nice,"
"I wouldn't be down here on the floor if it wasn't comfortable," Druig joked back with you, having you look over at him and see the content gaze he was giving to the sky above you both.  You knew it was getting harder for him to restrain from helping the humans, being told to stay back and let the humans run their course.  He wanted to stop the hurt and pain, to bring down the wars and mass murders that would happen everywhere.  Druig craved to bring peace and tranquility, with no more blood spilled.  However, time was still going on and the once innocent planet you occupied was being tainted in sin and flaws.  
It wasn't just Druig that felt that pain in not being able to stop conflict or turmoil.  You had those moments too, having to watch humans hurt each other and murder one another with no chance of stopping it.  Although it wasn't as heavy on your heart as it was for Druig In those times, it wore you down.  So you leaned on each other when one was feeling low or broken down, whether it was just sitting next to each other in silence or giving each other words of encouragement.  You both kept each other strong.
"You have something on your mind," Druig said, making you look over at him now and see his gaze at you with intrigue on his eyes.
"What makes you say that?" You asked him back.
"You scrunch up your nose when you think too hard," Druig explained, "Like this," He scrunched his own nose to match yours, cracking a smirk in the process.  You rolled your eyes as you gave him a light smack on his chest, hearing him chuckle as you looked back up at the sky above you, "What are you thinkin' about?"
"You won't judge me if I tell you?" you asked him, not in fear or hesitance but mere curiosity.
"Since when have I ever judged you?" Druig countered back.
"Druig…" You commented, hearing him sigh.
"I won't judge you if that's what you want to hear," Druig explained, sounding like his true self now as you both were laying in the grass, side by side, watching the clouds roll by.  You took in a long breath, already having those lingering thoughts that you've had on your mind all morning become magnified.
"Do you believe in love?"  
Druig shifted a bit in his spot next to him, looking a bit confused at the question as your hands were resting on your lower stomach, moving with your inhales and exhales.  
"That seems like a loaded question," He hummed, sounding soft but also serious at the same time, "Do you mean the concept of love?"
"Being in love, falling love…. all of it I guess," You hummed, watching a particular pattern of birds fly by high above you, "Just the word in itself is so vast and yet simple.  Love can mean plenty of things and take many forms,"
"You've been talking to Sersi again, haven't you?" Druig asked, having you shrug as you waved your hand in front of your to bat away a fly near your nose.
"Perhaps I have," You answered, seeing him gently smile as he was watching the clouds high above the two of you, "There's nothing wrong in talking to another person about love.  Humans have had love since their beginning here on the Earth, Sersi and Ikaris have it…"
Druig hummed nonchalantly, showing he was listening as you placed one hand behind your head to be a pillow.
"Do you ever picture yourself falling in love?" You asked him, seeing looking over at him for a moment.  His eyes were still up at the sky, but you could tell he was thinking about it to himself.  You made it sound like this was another conversation you two would have together, but it was such a heavy and delicate topic to have between you.  
"Don't know," He said softly, sounding genuine in his answer, "I never thought about it."  He then looked over at you finally, having you see the kind stare he was giving you and how his brown hair was almost melting into the brown soil beneath his head, "Have you?"
"Yes," You replied with no hesitation, giving him a soft smile before looking back up and pulling a long glade of grass between your fingers.  You held it up in your view, over your head, and against the view of the sky as you twisted it in your fingers.
"Love is such a simple word, but it can mean so many things," you explained, watching the grass move in your fingertips, "Humans fought for love in wars and battles, they gave out love in songs and poetry, it's so easy for them.  But to give it to someone whom you care for, seems like the ultimate goal for life on this earth, wouldn't it?  To find that one person who knows you more than you know yourself, that will cherish you and bring you peace, and just being in their company alone makes you the happiest you've ever been,"
It always festered in your mind, the pondering thoughts if you were ever going to find that kind of person to be with.  You saw it in Sersi and Ikaris, how they loved and took care of each other.  How they looked at each other like the other hung the moon, or how they brought out the best in each other.  It made you wonder late at night in your bed, or when you would be alone on your patrols if you were ever going to have the chance to have yourself.
If someone was going to give that to you.  
"Would it be so wrong to be in love with someone?" You asked out loud, maybe not directly to Druig but yourself as you let the blade of grass fly away with a gust of wind, "I know being an Eternal doesn't really leave us with the opportunity to love someone here on Earth, since we're immortal and all, but still…..to have that just for a moment wouldn't be so bad, would it?"
You didn't think that Druig would ever answer, only to listen and have you air out what was stuck within your brain.  But as your watched more cloud patterns float from the right to the left, the soft sounds of grasshoppers singing to signal the sun setting, the comfortable quiet was almost a moment of zen and time stopping.
"No, I suppose it wouldn't," Druig replied in a mumble, almost like he was in a trance himself.  You grinned shyly blinking a few times.  
"I heard Gilgamesh say that if you love something, you protect it.  We've been protecting these humans all this time on this planet, and I wouldn't take it back, Druig.  But if someone did love me, truly loved for who I was and who I am, I would protect them with my life,"  you explained, making your stomach feel a bit lighter.  In your mind, love was deeper and more intimate than being physical with someone.  
Love and sex seemed the same to most, but not to you.  
Your reservations against sex were still there, it was still something that was now a part of you that you knew was never going to leave.  But you were content now, more at peace with it.  Yet love, love seemed so different.  It wasn't just being physical with another person on that level.  Love was about having your soul intertwined with another soul, it wasn't biology or evolution.  You even thought about spending the rest of your immortal life with a person and just simply being there in the moment.  Whether it was holding their hand or cuddling them close to you, or filling them up when they were down.  You yearned less for physical intimacy and more for romantic and emotional intimacy. 
Was there such a thing?  
"Maybe you'll have it one day," Druig said to you in a breath, having you grin and look at him once more.  He was peering back at you, a tenderness in his blue eyes and along his body as he was staying still on the ground next to you.  You felt like you were under a microscope with him, but it wasn't in a negative way.  Was he reading into your mind?  
"You think so?" You asked almost sheepishly, seeing him give you the softer smile you have ever seen from him.  You knew his smiles at this point: the forced smiles he would give when he would try and put up a front, or the sincere smiles when he saw humans being kind to one another.  Yet this one, this was he has never used on another person, or in another situation.  
"I do," He replied.
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Over the next few centuries, you saw little things creep into your life thanks to Druig.
It was the smaller things that you were noticing with Druig that made you question for own feelings for him.  He would always seek out to be by your side during meals and talks, which was not a huge change.  But he would consistently seek you out for company when he did it the most.  You didn't mind it, you enjoyed having him around you.  
The more you hung out together and stayed close together, the more you could read each other and the moods that you would have.  For Druig, his facial expressions would give him away for you instantly.  When he was in his better moods, he was loose in how he stood and in how he walked.  On the negative side, he would so stiff in his face and almost look like he would punch a wall.  
You consoled him plenty of times when he was in his negative moods.  Sometimes he would come into your room when you were reading or mending your civilian clothes, saying nothing but merely sitting next to you on your bed and taking deep breaths or sprawling out on top of your bedding with a huff on his lips.  You would let him, not wanting to push him or make him uncomfortable.  He would vent to you at times, but other times he would simply just breathe and try to release the tension in his neck.  
When you were stressed and drained, Druig knew how to take care of you then.  He would steer you from the situation that was draining you, placing his hands on your arms and walking with you to calm you down.  You couldn't help it when you were feeling drained after fighting a Deviant or diffusing a situation.  All you needed was to breathe, and Druig knew that instantly.  
"Take some breaths, it's going to be okay," He would say to you like a mantra as he walked with you and consoled you.  You felt safety with Druig when it was just the two of you, the protectiveness that he had with you was growing throughout the years.  He calmed you and made you feel safe.  
Safety was something that you loved having with Druig.
You were willing to put your neck on the line for Druig when it came to a fight.  You knew he was no real fighter, he only fought with his words and with his mind-controlling ability, never with his fists.  It was his nature to use his words and sway people in that manner, where for you it was better to just fight it out with the Deviants.  You were strong in your animal shapeshifting, yet at times it was a bit dicey on your end.
At one time, over in the 1300s when you were all out in Asia, you were in the form of a red-tailed hawk flying over the area to look for Deviants within the area deep in the rural jungle.  The rest of the team was below in the ground, Druig being the only one who could communicate with you through your thoughts as you were flying through the air and scanning with your hawk eyes for any more Deviants within the area.
"What do you see?" Druig asked in your mind.
"Two Deviants to the west, near the tree line and close to the main city walls," You thought back, then looking up and dipping out of the way just in time as a flying Deviant nearly collided with you mid-flight, barely touching your feathers, "Druig, I have a Deviant on my tail up here in the sky!"
"Fly back to us, we can get rid of him for you," Druig urged you, having you hear the urgency in his voice and how serious he sounded.  You are flying hard, trying to dip and dodge the Deviant that was right behind you and trying to nip at your tail feathers.  It made you go faster, a sense of fear now itching over you. 
"He's right on me, Druig!  I can't lead him back to you all!" You yelled in your mind, barely feeling the Deviant's tweet about to snap right at your talons.  
"That doesn't matter!  Get back here and we'll handle the Deviant!" Druig argued with you now, sounding stern.
"I'll lead him off and take him out in the tree line!" You explained, not listening to Druig and his pleas to get you safe.  The last thing you wanted to do was to lead a Deviant back to the group when they were already trying to take care of two others on the ground.  Deviants that were airborne were harder to maintain and handle, leaving only yourself and Ikaris to the task on handle those.  Ikaris was nowhere to be seen, which meant you were on your own.
"Damnit, listen to me!  You're going to get hurt—" Druig argued with you as your heart was beating so fast.  You were about to take a sharp turn to the left when you then felt a stabbing pain in your left-wing like it was sliced.  You screeched out, your hawk cry was heard and vocal in the sky as you were then falling to the ground and spiraling.
The last thing you remember was Druig calling out your name before your vision went black.
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Something inside you was warm, rolling over you like a blanket as you finally woke up in a gasp.  You are on the jungle floor, looking high above you at the high trees that made you feel like an ant.  Your body seem so stiff and in pain, your head was against a fallen log and your left shoulder felt like it was on fire.  You were trying to breathe, but your lungs weren't working properly.  There was somebody perched over you, your face was being framed and held in calloused and shaking hands and wide eyes looking down at you.
"Hey!  Hey, you're okay!"
It was Druig, protectively perched over you and was cradling your head in his hands.  Your own eyes were wide from the pain in your shoulder, and you also felt some thick moister along your arm and onto your fingers.  
"Where's Ajak?" You heard Kingo above your head, sounding concerned himself as you were still watching Druig with your wide and scared eyes.
"She's coming over now.  Ikaris killed off that Deviant before it could do any more damage," Thena answered him to your right, sounding more in control but stern too.  You wanted to look at Kingo and Thena, purely out of instinct to make sure that they were okay, but you were in too much pain to move.  
"W-what happened?" You gasped out, hearing the pain in your tone and feeling it on your shoulder.  Druig said nothing, looking petrified over you on the jungle floor as you looked with your eyes to your left shoulder.  That's when you gasped loudly, seeing a rather large dent in your shoulder through your orange armor and on your skin.  A hole was seen, drenched in blood and some blood was oozing out from the wound.  
The Deviant pierced your arm.
"Ajak's coming right now, just stay still for me, okay?" Druig said to you as you looked back to him, still seeing the desperation on his face in his voice as you were trying to breathe again.  The shock was coursing through you from the attack, your brain trying to get back into focus and your left hadn't was shaking.  Druig looked down at your shaking hand, hearing you gasp out for breath consistently.  Druig moved one of his hands from your face, reached down to lace your fingers together to hold it in a death grip.
"Are y-you guys o-okay?" You asked Druig, seeing him pause for a moment as he was squeezed your bloody hand.  He almost scoffed at your genuine question, though you were still thinking about the others and what happened to them.  
"Are you serious?!  You nearly got killed from a Deviant punching a hole in your shoulder, and you're asking if we're okay?!" he asked in shock, almost angry with you as you watched him try to control his anger in front of you.  Your eyes went wide in shock.
"Druig that's enough," Thena scolded him nearby, her voice having authority in it while you saw Druig grimace a bit from how he sounded.  You were quiet, part of you understood why he was angry with you.  But the other part of you was shocked at how he was reacting to you. He never spoke to you like that before, and you thought your heart broke slightly.  
You looked away from him for a moment, feeling foolish then.  Maybe it was the wrong choice to take on a Deviant with no help and no aid.  You are injured now on the jungle ground, covered in blood, and someone whom you care for was angry with you and your actions.  
"I'm sorry," you said in a low tone, feeling rather guilty being in this mess because of your choice.  
"No, don't say that, okay?  I'm the one who should be sorry," Druig said in a hushed tone, almost in pain as you were looking away from him.  He still had his hand on your neck, the touch was so gentle and almost possessive as you tried to take in another breath, "I'm sorry I said that, okay?  I'm just…I'm scared for you,"
You finally looked back at Druig, seeing his face change from the slighter anger and seriousness he had moments before to something more tender and fragile.  There was a new pain on his face, maybe it was self-inflicted in how he was handling this with you, but you could have sworn you saw love there within in his eyes.  He was emotional in how you were injured in front of him, emotional in how you were thinking of others before yourself, and finally, he was emotional in how he made you feel guilty.  It was all bubbling within him.
Several sets of feet were heard rushing over in your direction, Kingo sighing in relief above you.  
"Ajak!  We're over here!" Kingo called out, Druig moving away then with a small amount of pain still on his face as Ajak was now in your eyesight.  Druig's hand on your neck left you, that warmth was no longer there against your skin as Ajak was now the one cradling your face and looking in your eyes.  But you still felt Druig cradling your bloody hand within his own hands, almost afraid to let you go.
"I'm here now," Ajak reassured you, petting your hair with your fingers before she placed her hand on your wound, "You'll be better before you know it, alright?  Just breathe for me,"  
You breathed through the uncomfortableness that was seeping through you thanks to Ajak healing you, yet it wasn't as painful with Druig holding your hand as a lover would.
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That night you stayed awake in your bed, thinking back to what happened earlier.  Your shoulder was all better, merely a bit sore not a blemish left behind.  Your mind though was more occupied and filled with Druig, you couldn't help but.  You thought back to how he was holding your hand, not minding how it was stained in your blood.  How his voice sounded so broken and hurt from seeing you hurt on the jungle ground.  And lastly, you thought back to the concern and pure emotion in his eyes and face.  
Something clicked inside of you then as you were sprawled in your bed.  You were in love with him.
It all made sense, and yet it surprised you.  All those hours together talking and being together.  The small gestures that Druig would do with you and around you when he thought you didn't notice came into your mind then too.  Sneaking you snacks that you knew you liked during meetings, giving you some flowers every once in a while when you were down just to make you smile at him, or even giving you sound advice when you needed the council.  You loved hearing his laugh and snarky tone from a joke, or his gentle soothing voice when it would just be the two of you sitting together on your bed, swapping old tales that Sprite conducted about the both of you.
Druig's presence soothed you, no matter if you were happy or if you were sad.  
You never saw or admired Druig sexually, that wasn't the issue.  That sexual attraction that you never had to anyone wasn't there with him, but it was other attractions that took place.  The emotional attraction of feeling your full self when Druig was around, almost fully connected feeling the love and respect he had for you and vice versa.  The physical attraction of being physically close to Druig and feeling cared for.  Whether it was a shrug of the shoulders when you walked together, or how he would hold your hand when you are in distress.  
You didn't know what to do, but you knew that you loved him and you would do anything for him.  
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"If you want to stop me, you're gonna have to kill me,"
You watched in pure sadness and defeat as Druig was eyeing Ajak up and down with pure pain in his eyes and anger festering under his skin.  The flames that were engulfing the city below with the recent Genocide of the people tinted his face, showing his anger and pain as you were all at the top of the temple.  It all happened within a blink of an eye, so any factor going in at once and there was no chance of slowing it down or stopping it.  
Druig didn't want to play by the rules anymore, not when he saw people being murdered right in front of him and the slaughter of innocent people was being taken place.  You saw his breaking point that night, and it didn't matter if he didn't lash out outwardly at first, he did after when you all saw Thena and her Mahd Wry-Ry almost kill Makkari and wound Phastos and Sersi.  You were in stunned silence as Druig was unleashing all that was screwed in tight within him on Ajak, feeling in your bones as he was crying next to you and staring hard at the others in pain.  
Finally, after he said that to Ajak, he looked over at you before he would walk away from the family.  He searched your eyes, the redness in his eyes and blue orbs made you feel your tears about to fall too.  All you could do was simply take his hand in your own, the two of you close enough to almost breathe in the pain of each other.  As selfish as it was that you wanted him to stay, that you wanted him to work it out with the family and try to make things better, his mind was already made up.
He made his choice.  
You didn't have to say anything to show that you did understand, and he didn't have to say anything to know that you were going to stay with the family.  Your paths were going along a different way now, no longer in sync as it was for the past few centuries.  You two were inseparable then, but now at that point, you both knew what you had to do.  Deep within yourself, you wondered if you were going to see him again if that warmth that he brought to you would be there once more.
Your heart was breaking, but you hid it.
Druig pressed his forehand against your own, having you press your head back and hold his hand in a tight grip.  You knew matter how badly you wished to tell him to stay, you had to let him go.  It ached your heart, it pained it like a gutted wound.
"Will you stay safe?" You asked with your thoughts, not wanting the others to hear.  
"I will." He replied calmly, though you heard the pain in his tone as you nodded your head against his and took in one more breath, “Please stay safe for me.  We'll see each other again,"
"Will we?" You had to ask, almost not believing him.  He looked at you directly in the eyes, having you see the reflection of the flames in his eyes but they were looking so certain at you and not at all hesitant.  You wished to take that pain and heartache away from him and make him happy again, but maybe letting him go was going to be enough.  Gilgamesh's words rang in your mind again.
"If you love something, you protect it,"
Letting him go, away from this fracturing family, was in a way protecting him.  He needed to be away from them all, away from the hostility and the downward spiral of negativity and anger.  Druig would be fine on his own, you said it over and over in your brain as you two were staring at each other intensely and with some affection there.
"I know we will," He replied in his mind to you.  You watched with a heavy heart as he walked down the steps, out of your life.  For now, you repeated.  This was only temporary, you had to know that you two were going to meet up again sometime in the future.  
If only you knew when your heart will stop aching, and your love for him would continue.  
To be Continued....
Part Three: Mend
A/N: SUCH A BIG ONE HERE!  I swear, Part Three will come!  Let me know if you want to be tagged for the third installment that will be short and sweet!  Thanks for reading and for showing the love!
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a1most-perfec7 · 2 years
A Hand in Harmony | Ikaris x Reader
[My writing for an idea I had a few weeks ago. Apologies for the absence, I totally over thought the entire piece, I really wanted it to be great, now its just really long, ha. Also yeah, lame title I know but I honestly had no idea what to call it. Anyway I hope you enjoy.]
Word Count: 3k (just over) Warnings: Angst, one (1) swear word, spicy implications but nothing explicit. Druig is villainized-ish, nothing personal, I love the character too, it just worked out better to write him like that. Description of injury? Its not too overdone but I thought it might be worth mentioning.
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In the first five months when you had met him Ikaris was gentle, never prying too much into your personal life but never once distant or uninterested. Ikaris was charming, able to light your face with an impressed grin or a rush of heat to flush your cheeks. Either one had him in a good light to you. As you progressed from a budding friendship to a blossoming relationship, he became open, bravely revealing secrets of an unknown time to you, but a clear story of the past to him. You remained silent about any personal thoughts that may have contradicted his stories, freely enjoying his baritone, accented voice as you became lost in his cerulean eyes.
“Now, you’re not even listening to me.” He accused, his lips fighting off a smirk. “I was listening.” You plead, turning away as his gaze intensified with Ikaris now leaning into your atmosphere. “Then what was I talking about, hmm?” He mocks, clearly teasing you with the knowledge that you’ll fail. You can’t help the burning in your face as you whip your head back to him, only to be met with his burning gaze that bores into your soul.
You gulp, silently you hope, as your noses bump against one another. In your hypnotised gaze, the coolness of your beverage starts slipping ever so slightly, that you barely register his fingertips brush against yours to place it securely on the coffee table. Or when those same fingertips come under your face, taking a gentle hold on your chin jaw. Your eyes flutter momentarily as you come to, breaking free from his captivating gaze. You wet your lips as you reevaluate yourself, a shuddering breath slipping out.
“I- I’m sorry; What was the question?” You murmur, now aware of the limited space between your lips meeting his.
“Can I kiss you?”  That faint but alarming whisper of air fans over your face, more specifically your mouth. You can’t find any words as you bump his nose gently, affectionately, before bravely meeting his gaze and nodding.
“Yes.”  You answer silently.
Ikrais’ lips meet yours in a slow and steady seal of affection, not wanting to push any boundaries of second thought that may arise. But when your hands press against his chest, sliding up to tangle around his neck to where your fingers knot in the locks of his hair, he pushes all doubt to the side, reciprocating the gesture the same as you. A calloused hand pulling you closer by the neck, gently cradling you in place. That moment would be the beginning of a beautiful union between the two of you, holding each other with pride and affection.
As the two of you ventured down this path together, one of the many stones you would come to conquer would be his family. Before meeting them, a part of you thought them to be nothing more than an elderly couple with some estranged siblings on the side. For siblings, you weren’t wrong, but elderly couples? Certainly not what you had in mind anyway.
Ajak, a maternal figure of the Eternals, welcomed you with open arms, despite the threat that arose for the impromptu reunion.
“We have been waiting for you. For many millennia, in fact.” Her arms outstretched in an eager embrace, bringing you close to her bosom. “Me? I don’t understand.” You query, hoping not to offend. “That’s alright my dear. We have waited many years for the one who would come to bring harmony to our dear Ikaris.” Her hands, though weathered, gently hold and map out your being, caressing your face and shoulders, silently reassuring you of your anxieties.
Ikaris stood in the doorway leaning against the frame, previously gazing with frustration and distaste, a deep indent that was once prominent between his brows now softening and smoothed over as Ajak admired you. He’s soon joined by the pixie cut Eternal, who stares between Ajak, yourself and Ikaris then filtering between you and Ikaris. She shrugs off a thought before clearing her throat.
“So, do you think they’ll come with us?” Sprite asks.
“Well, what makes you think I’m going with you?” He scoffs, side eyeing her briefly. “Because Ajak asked you to. Not Druig, not Kingo, or Sersi- anyone else, not even me. But because of Ajak.” Ikaris clenched his jaw in defeat. She was right, Ajak was the all knowing of them all, even when Ajak had no clue what was next, she was, and still remains, a leader of the Eternals.
A mother of the Eternals.
The cicadas were particularly enchanting in the Amazon, somewhere you had never thought in your life you would be spending the night, yet here you lay. You slipped out from the covers, leaving Ikaris to his soft snores as you stepped out into the dark of night. But as you had discovered, it wasn’t all dark but luminous with the stars above glowing an incredible rain of light that filtered through the trees. You ventured closer and the leaves were now painting their shadow upon you.
“My, my.” A voice breathes behind you. “It is quite a view, isn’t it?” Out of your sudden fright, you quickly realise it was only Druig. “It’s beautiful. All of it, this sanctuary you’ve made for these people. It’s incredible.” You praise, taking in the mystical breeze that had come ghosting over your skin. “Well, thank you. But if I had met you earlier, I can assure you, you would’ve made a beautiful blueprint.” Druig’s sly and flirty nature barely fazes you, even when the back of his hand brushes against your cheek softly.
“Well, aren’t I lucky that Ikaris found me first then?” You barely have time to register his shocked yet impressed expression when a bright blast of yellow shoots past him. The blast barely skims his sleepwear and imprints a blackened burn that scars a tree nearby.
You both look over in the beam's homing direction to find Ikaris with his arms crossed, shoulders squared and glaring daggers at Druig. “Spoil sport.” Druig mumbles to himself, smirking as he retreats his hand away from your face.
“Goodnight Y/N.” He smirks.
“Goodnight Druig.” You nod politely. 
As you venture towards your  lover, Ikaris still has his glare fixed on his brother, even long after his cabin’s door had been sealed shut. As you take his hand in yours, he’s quick to divert his gaze to you.
“Are you alright, sweetheart? He didn’t do anything to you, did he?” His hands clasped over yours, squeezing them tenderly while bringing you closer, eyes searching and scanning your own. “Of course not, silly. Why would you ask that?” You grin, eyes twinkling in the starlight. “I was just a little restless that's all. This place is enchanting, it's like it's singing to me.”
He sighs tiredly before pulling you to his chest, squeezing you tightly before stretching to arms length, a cheeky smirk adorning his lips now. “Ya’ know, if you’re still feeling restless, I can think of a couple ways to put you to bed.” He purrs, kissing your cheek and then along your jaw before nibbling at your bottom lip. “Is that so? Well I guess you'll have to show me some then.” You whisper, complying as he carries you back inside.
The morning arose and aside from the awkward side eye and then some, it was smooth as all could be. You were helping the locals along with Makkari, who had signed, asking about the new found tree burn.
“It’s a bit of a long story.” She smiles, handing a water basket to a small family. “<I’m sure it is>” She winks knowingly. Only Druig would be the one to rouse cause such a reaction.
You weren’t entirely sure of everyone's power. Ikaris seemed to harness the power of flight and energy dispersal through his eyes. Kingo somewhat the same in the latter, just with his hands. Ajak a healer, Gilgamesh harbours intense and pure strength, but for the most part, the rest remain unbeknownst to you. Not wanting to pry or come off rude, you observed these before, now it seemed you were boring Makkari.
“May I ask, what your power is?” You signed poorly, but spoke clearly in the hopes she could lip read all the same. She grinned, freeing her hands before pointing off into the distance. A red fruit hung stark against a green bushel far off into the distance, you could just make it out.
“<Do you see it?>” She signs and you nod. <“Keep your eyes on it.>” You obediently fix your eyes on the horizon and just as soon as you blink, a whoosh of wind brushes you back and forth and suddenly you can’t spot the object. “What the?” You breathe, heavy confusion dawning over you. Makkari, cheerful as ever, grins and displays the fruit before you. In your amazement you deduce her power to be that of incredible speed.
Most of the Eternals would agree that your mortal bewilderment of their abilities boosted some sense of pride in them and fed some egos. But not yet that of Druig, who watched from a distance Makkari’s demonstration for you. All you had heard about Druig was from Ikaris, and maybe some passing comment for Kingo, who heeded you to stay away from him; not that that was completely in your abilities, to avoid a person who actively would seek you out.
“Well, you two seemed to be making good friends with each other.” Druig stalks over, hands clasped idly behind his back. “<Hello, Druig.>” Makkari signs. “<Yes, I think so too, wouldn't you say?>” You grin cheerily, slowly deciphering her speech before nodding in agreement. “Yes, I would say so.”
“My, my, you sure are a quick learner, aren’t you?” Druig chimes, with you having spent less than a day with Makkari and knowing the very basics of sign language. “It helps to be patient yet quick to piece phrases together.” You shrug nonchalantly, admiring the fruit in your grasp. “Yes, you are quick, especially last night.” He teases, a massive blush blooming on your features as Makkari gawks, brows raised in surprise then suspicion.
“<What happened?>”  She jumps in, half joking, half serious yet completely lighthearted. “Nothing happened.” You elbow his ribs, sending him sideways with a jaunty laugh. “I was just packing a bit more attitude than he expected, is all.” “<Right.>” Makkari signs, laughter and joy falling short between you. Druig’s gaze flickers through yours and a shadowing being behind you, but you don’t notice. His eyes narrow in on you.
“So, I saw Makkari showing you her powers. What’d you think?” He prys, curiosity lacing his voice. “What did I think? I thought it was incredible. Everyone has been incredible.” You swoon. “Oh, really, well what do you think of mine?” He asks, to his knowledge you hadn’t seen them in any way, shape or form. “Well,” You blush coyly. “I don’t think I’ve seen them active.”
“Would you like to?” At his proposition, Makkari puts her hand on his shoulder, pulling his attention. She sends him a knowing look while shaking her head, squeezing his jacket in her fist as he presses further with nothing but a raised eyebrow. You look over at Makkari, who now sends you the same message, No.
“I don’t understand; why not, Makkari?” As soon as the question leaves your lips, heavy, menacing steps trudge through the dirt, branches snapping at their mercy. “What the hell do you think you’re playing at?!” You recognise the voice before the back of Ikaris wedges between you and Druig. “Aye, what the fuck do you think you’re doing, Druig?!” He seethes with a thickening accent, squaring his shoulders once again.
“Oh, woah, slow your roll there, Ikaris. I just asked if they’d like to see my powers, that’s all. Isn't that right?” He peeks over Ikaris’ shoulder to look at you, smirking at your confused nature. “Ikaris- '' You begin to plead but it falls short, much like Makkari trying to steer Druig away, but he shrugs her off with ease.
“You know what you’re doing, ya right prick!” Without hesitation, Ikaris shoves the Eternal, almost sending him to the ground, but Druig stumbles and regains his footing, fixing his jacket in one smooth motion. “They just wanted to see my powers.” Druig’s eyes start to mist with a golden glow slowly overtaking his blue iris’. “What’s the harm in showing her something she asked for?” Druig tilts his head, glowing eyes seeking and glaring your way over Ikaris’ shoulder before he starts levitating, hovering above the ground. At this, Makkari tries to pry, break Druig away, but he remains rooted to the ground, chastising Ikaris silently with nothing more than a smirk.
You try reaching for his hand but it's curled in a tight fist. “Ikaris, let's just go.” Your begging falls on deaf ears while a similar golden mist rises up from his cheekbones, now glowing from his eyes. A vein on his temple pulses against his skin. “Ikaris, stop!”
He suddenly tenses his back, preparing to shoot as Druig remains unfazed. You’re done with waiting when you make a rash decision. You leap up on his back, legs wrapping around his waist securely, then quickly covering his eyes with your hands. At the initial contact, his face feels warm but soon enough the heat burns and you feel the skin is searing.
Ikaris awakens from his daze at your action and drops to the ground with a heavy thud, yourself bouncing off and to the ground at the impact. “Y/N?!” He kneels beside your curled form. You cradle your hands to your chest watching an angry red marking blossom on the skin. You hiss as he tries to check over the injury. “What were you thinking?” He quietly scolds as you suck in a calming breath. Makkari and Druig stare in shock before she speeds off into the distance. “You were going to make a mistake.” You groan, coming into his side for comfort. “That’s not for you to decide.” Ikaris tsk’s before rising to his feet, charging towards Druig and pinning him against a tree.
“Look what you’ve done!” He snarls at him. “Look what I’ve done? Look what you’ve done.” Druig snarks just before a body rips Ikaris away from Druig. “Enough!” A voice calls. Ajak.
She marches towards the scene before kneeling beside you. “Let me see.” You look up at her with blurry vision, foreign tears streaming down your cheeks. “Please, let me see.” She offers her hand and patience. You gingerly pull them away and reveal the bloody, blistering sores fresh on your skin. She maps over them first before turning to the Druig and Ikaris, now separated by Gilgamesh. “Makkari, take Druig back to camp. Gilgamesh and Ikaris, go for a walk.” Ajak orders before immediately returning her attention to your hands. “I’m not leaving Y/N.” “And I’m not asking, Ikaris.” Ajak doesn’t bother to look hi9s way, now focused on healing your wounds. The foliage beneath them crunches in their absence and before he can turn away, Druig throws an apologetic gaze your way. ‘I’m sorry, Y/N.” And with nothing left to say, he and Makkari leave.
You sob, prompting Ajak to coo you in your pain, her hands once again running over your wounds lightly, but now the wounds are healing themselves, holes reattaching themselves with the glow from her hands. She repeats the process until she is satisfied with the healing. You look down at your palms again, the sting and sear dull and faded now, and see they are almost like new, holding only a dark bruise now.
“Thank you.” You bring your hand up and wipe your face clean but it seems futile as you begin berating yourself mentally. That was such a stupid, stupid idea.
“It was not a stupid idea, Y/N.” You look at her confused as she holds your face. “You did what you thought was right, you thought on your feet.” You nod along with her. “Give him some time. He will come to you, you bring his harmony after all.” And with that you both stand to your feet, she takes you under her arm as you both walk back to the camp.
Later that evening, you retired to bed alone, Ikaris absent from dinner with the family. Conversation was light, few and far between but ultimately, had left alone in bed, comforting yourself in the night. Hours had passed into the night when you finally felt the guidance of sleep lulling you into slumber that the cabin creaked open and heavy steps ventured in. You sat yourself up, taking in Ikaris’ form that crept towards the bed.
“Hi.” You mumble.
“Hi.” He replies, never meeting your eye line.
“I didn’t think you’d come back.” “Of course I’d come back to you.” He says earnestly, gingerly seating himself on the bed. You reach out, brushing your fingertips against his, petting his hand to hold. He takes it in his hands, squeezing it gently before turning it over and inspecting the bruise. “Ajak helped me. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.” At this, he inspects the other hand before holding them tenderly in his.
“Why- why would you do that?” He mutters, shaking his head with his eyes squeezing tears away but to no avail. “I was scared you would do something you’d regret.” You answered solemnly. He scoffs, looking at you with tears pooling in his eyes. “That’s not a good enough answer, Y/N.” His voice croaks towards the end, making you reach over, placing your hands in his face, cradling him lovingly.
“Ikaris please, I-” “I could’ve killed you, I -” His words fall to growls as he presses his forehead to yours. He brushes his nose against yours, just like your first kiss. “I couldn’t live if I lost you.” He whispers, his lips ghosting over yours before you press yours against his. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He mumbles between pecks but you shake your head. “Please don’t be sorry.” You sigh. “I just didn’t want you to do something you would regret. It was wrong, what he did, how things were dealt with, but he’s your brother, in a sense.” Ikaris cringes as you continue. “And I believe, that if you had hurt anyone today, like how you wanted to hurt Druig, you wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself.”
“I’ll never forgive myself now.” He cries, clinging to you desperately now, pulling you on his lap now. Tears wash over your skin, his head buried in your neck as he sobs. You rake your fingers against his scalp, in his hair, trying to soothe him. “Maybe we should get some sleep.” You offer, climbing off him and pulling him with you.
Soon enough you’re both under the covers, embracing each other tightly, his lips tracing your hairline tenderly. You inspect your hands one last time before putting in his chest, feeling the thrum of his steadying heartbeat. You think back to what Ajak said; you bring him harmony. It may have been more true than you thought. 
[I hope you like it, I’m low key proud of it even if its horrendously long to read. No gifs are mine, just the writing]
Tag: @sykeslander @bronze-metal @hotwheelsenthusiasthic​ 
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casi-eternal · 3 years
First at all. English isn't my first language so am really sorry if there's some mistakes.
And is been a LONG TIME since i write something.
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It was a nice evening, you were sitting in your couch watching a movie, relaxing with a cup of tea, when someone knocks at your door "Who's there?" You asked.
"Y/N it's me, Ikaris, open the door please" you frown at that and keep going with your things "Leave" was the only thing you said and other knock sounds, this time louder "Open the door, is important" "Go away, I don't have time for whatever you have to say."
"Stop acting like a kid and open the door" you hear Ikaris "Hey Y/N open the door, we bring your boyfriend" You hear Sprite say and you froze on your place 'He's here? There's no way they bringing him here.' You thought and go to the door "My what?" You said opening the door and reveling almost all of your fellow eternals "Druig? What are you doing here? Come here" the mind controller passed you entering your house and before anyone enter you close the door on Ikaris face and hearing a groan.
"Hey, why didn't call me, if I was knew that you where outside I open the door before" "You know Ikaris, likes to be the protagonist" "Yeah, fuck Ikaris" both sit in your couch and you turn off the tv "How are you? What brings you here? And what are you doing with them? I thought you don't want anything to have with any of them or well, at least with Ikaris and his minions" Druig smile at how you express about your fellow eternals "The village is destroy, everyone is gone" he said and you could feel the sadness in his voice.
"What? What happened? Are you okay? If Ikaris did that I swear in this moment that I'll go out and kick his ass so hard that..." Druig's stop you placed their hands on your shoulders, he sighs and look at your eyes "The deviants are back, Ajak and Gilgamesh are gone, a group of deviants attacked the village and we where send here on a suicide mission and the world is ending in a few days."
You stay quiet for a moment processing all the information that the blue eyed given to you.
"What's the plan?" Druig smile at your response "There's a celestial that's about to born and I have to put him sleep or else the Earth is destroy" you look at him at the eyes and nod "Right! Sounds easy, I mean definitely it's not like you've never put a celestial to sleep before,yeah we definitely gonna survive this."
"Thanks for the vote of confidence" you stand from the couch and stretch "Anytime baby" givin a wink you offer your hand and he take it "You know, Ikaris would hate you for close the door on his face" you shrugged, take your stuffs and open the door.
"Oh right people, let's go, the end of the world is going to happen and we need to prepare this guy to stop it."
"So, how did you end up getting ​this emerald tablet my beautiful beautiful Makkari?" she look at the tablet and taking it from Druig's hands "Did you miss me?" The group of eternals look at the interaction and having confused expressions while you laugh at the couple.
"Well hello there, looks like someone received the tablet that I sent" you said approximate to them, smiling you put between them and looks directly at Makkari 'I know that you missed me but why not you show me how much?' you sign to her and she give you a big hug.
"You found the emerald tablet?" Druig ask when the hug finish "Well I know Makkari was looking for one and that come to my hands so I thought it would be a good gift for my best friend" "I thought that I was your best friend" said Druig now offended "Of course you are, but Makkari too, I can have two best friends" he looks at you and Makkari and later say "Yeah, but I feel betrayed by the two woman's most important for me."
"Aww I'm one of the most important woman in your life?" "You know you are" "I know but I love to hear it."
"Okay what's going on here? You guys are dating? Because I'm really confused" said Kingo looking at the three of you.
"You think I'm date Druig?" You ask trying not to laugh "Your not?" "Of course not, why the hell did you think that?"
All stay in silence and you put from your pocket a Twinkie that you stole from Ikaris package and offered to Druig 'Now can you explain to me why the painture I made in 1863 and disappear is here?' you ask to Makkari and she just give to you a sly smile and disappear into the hallway.
"How's William?" Druig ask while open the Twinkie "Fine, he's on L.A., receive a call and it was important" "You gonna tell him about the end of the world?" "I don't want to but I have to" you sigh and take a sit "I'm really sorry for your village, I know how important is for you" "Is more important stop a celestial"
You both stay quiet for a moment and then Makkari get back with something in her hands 'What's this' you sign 'A wedding gift' she sign happily and you laugh 'Makkari my wedding was years ago' "Yes, but we never have the chance to give you anything" said Druig, "Open it" he nudge your shoulder gently.
You take the little box and carefully opened reveling a beautiful small pectoral shield with a chimalli on then, is was made of gold, with turquoise stone on their. A viking horn and a dagger from the XIV century. You can't help but smile at the memories and all the moments come to you.
"What a peculiar wedding gift"
'We thought that you deserve to have close to you something that remind you who you are and the importance you bring for the people in this planet' Makkari signed and you nod 'Thank you.'
"The shield was my idea, your one of the greatest warriors I ever met and the horn is from Makkari, we know how important was that era for you, that two things are what makes you who you are, you find yourself in them and you don't have anything from that time."
'And the dagger is to Bill' you roll your eyes laughing and close the box "I imagine that, he will be happy to have something historical" "Well we could give you the 'Jack The Ripper' weapon but is to much work" said Druig shrugged "This is enough, thank you guys."
You give a hug to both of them and Kingo comes to ruin the moment.
"Okay let's go back, you married and don't invite any of us?" "We can't have a private moment?" You said angry "Oh no, don't act offended now, who's your husband and when did you get marry?"
"Phastos, I need to control the mind of a Celestial" said Druig making the attention of everyone goes to Phastos and the solution of the celestial. 'You know, if they would now bother me about my marriage, I don't want to imagine how they will be when they find out about yours with Makkari' you think knowing he would be in your head 'Don't you dare' 'Of course not. I owe you one' 'Now I'm your only best friend, right?' 'Yes, but don't tell Makkari or she will beat our ass' 'Deal.'
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