#Ikki x male!Reader
bite-writes-yay · 6 months
Algebra Sucks
male!Reader x Ikki!Rutsu
part 1 chapter 1
reader P.O.V. another day, another six hours of high school, man I wish I could just skip school and just draw for my new comic... man this algebra assignment sucks. when I was working on my algebra homework in the library a weird girl with, no joke, orange and green highlighted hair sat to my right, she had a yellow sweater, pink crystal necklace, and jean shorts with purple tights. she glanced over her shoulder to look at me and at my homework, she even caught me staring at her with a dumbfounded expression, I quickly looked back at my homework, stuck on question three, I tried to guess the answer because, well, I'm kind of dumb when the girl just suddenly leaned towards me, "you have to organise them before you add or subtract them together" she said in a way as if she's giving me a tip. "oh uh, thanks" I mumbled out, a bit embarrassed about her knowing more about algebra than I do, then again, I'm dumb. after a while we started to talk a bit about my favourite show which is actually also her favourite show, Voltron Legendary Defenders. we where just talking about how Klance is way better than Allurance, and how Shiro is a literal six year old armless white haired child, eventually the school library closed and we had to leave, I even got her WhatsApp number from all that chatting. while I was walking home, I couldn't stop thinking about that girl, then I realised to myself, I don't know her name. END OF CH1
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^^ the mystery girl
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yandereaffections · 2 years
Amnesia (otome) Masterlist
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Kent HC
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Eliminating those whove harmed you (after ending)
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kawaistrawberry21 · 1 year
I'm in need of a smut story right now 🥲, anyone please give me links to read various fandoms specifically for Seiya and the Bronze Saint ( shun, hyoga, shiryu, ikki,) please!!!!!! Aggghhhhhhhhrrrr😫😫😫😫😫
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satoriberry · 2 years
niko ikki crushing on you!! :>
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❥ summary: headcanons with a pining niko [requested by anon]
❥ pairing: niko ikki x gn!reader
❥ watch out for: nothing!! just cute stuff with some crack + reader is oblivious asf btw not proofread
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- let me preface by saying that i love this guy so much
- ok lets start
- you're a student at his school and you just happen to catch his attention
- maybe it was your charm, maybe it was the kindness that you treated everyone with unconditionally, but whatever it was, it pulled on his heart strings and made him a sucker for you
- you're just so perfect and beautiful and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA <- representation of his thoughts about you
- everytime you walk past him, he just feels the urge to turn around and pull you into his arms but he can't because no.
- that's not how real life works
- even if you're not in the same class as him, he'd still try to find where you're hanging out in the school so he can sit far away and.....observe you.
- he does that a lot. his afro allows him to hide his eyes so you wouldn't tell whether he was staring at your or not
- doesnt have the courage to talk to you directly, but whenever he can, he tries to join conversations with mutual friend groups. he gets to hear your voice more closely :)
- he's an avid anime watcher (canon) and what he watches is influenced by his current life status
- so when he falls for you, you bet your ass he's watching all them cheesy shoujo anime where the male love interest is a suave, cool hottie so he can project onto him
- but at the same time, he feels so cringe because he thinks you'd definitely see him as some kind of weird loser with no social life
- tries to understand you by piecing together stuff his friends and classmates say about you, like favourite colour, food, celebrity, movie etc
- buys merch of your favourite band in hopes that it'll catch your attention and you'll walk up to him to talk :(
- he's bad at dropping signals and thinks that the most subtle gestures will attract you. they don't. you're too fucking dumb.
- his friends tease him for that a lot
- "bro, doodling their favourite character on your notebook will not make them notice you" "shut the fuck up, you don't know shit."
- seriously, he's so romantically inexperienced and doesn't know how to go about it
- during a particularly windy day, his bangs flew up and revealed his eyes when you were sitting on the rooftop (him alone and you with your friends). he ran off from embarrassment but left behind the book he was reading
- later that day, you walked up to him to return his book and while doing that, you slipped a complement about his eyes and how they were cute
- he screamed into his pillow when he got back home.
- but!!!! he can now talk to you!!
- buys your preferred candy by "accident" and gives it to you because "he pressed the wrong button on the vending machine"
- loves the little smile you wear when enjoying it ♡
- started to give you little acknowledgement nods when crossing each other in hallways. his brain melts when you nod back with a grin
- he daydreams about you a lot and even does that dreamy sigh thing with his cheek against his palm
- he....
- he has a manifestation journal and sporadically writes affirmations with your name in them...
- anyways.
- wants to invite you to soccer practice so you can watch him pull off sick tricks but doesnt know howwww >:/
- asks his friends to say good stuff about him so you can think he's cool
- "yeah niko regularly helps at a cat shelter", "he tutors my brother every sunday", "ive seen him adopt strays"
- at some point they started to say some ridiculous things so he had to force them to stop 💀💀
- watches your mannerisms closely and subconsciously copies them
- the way you open your drinks, tap your feet against the floor to make sure your shoes fit right, pop your neck in specific directions
- when he realizes what he's doing, he buries his face in his hands and lets out a high pitched scream with his face turning into a dark shade of pink
- gets really mushy when thinking about you, writes your name in hearts a lot
- turns into a mess when you're cheerfully talking to him about something you like
- once caught you napping in the library and took it upon himself to sit next to you and make sure nothing bad happens
- by the way that's a lie because nothing that bad could've happened and he wanted to gaze at your calm sleeping figure
- literally squealed as he watched you softly adjust your head on your arms
- so. we can conclude by saying that niko is really awkward when it comes to you and he has some pretty unorthodox methods of expressing his feelings, but he never loses hope that, maybe one day, you'll see him in the same light (he's a dumbass that can't see you already do)
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ramu-ego · 2 years
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(nsfw) LEAKAGE :: Ikki Niko x femdom!nurse!Reader
cw: fem!Reader, dom!Reader, aged up, virgin!Niko, bodily insecurities, dark content including but not limited to; age gap, male lactation, nipple play, handsfree cumming, dub con word count: 3.3k character(s): Ikki Niko synopsis - Ego's rigorous all week training took it's toll on the poor soccer genuis, only a trip to the Blue Lock nurse
DNI :: minors, blank blogs + m!Reader blogs
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"Ten days of absolute rigorous strength training. And if you so much as touch a soccer ball. Will be expelled, permanently."
Hell on earth was the ten days following the first selection that Niko hadn't been prepared to live through. Determination kept him going in the tear and sweat soaked blue lock uniform. Greedily taking the punishment as a way to better himself than his rivals. Niko would shed anything just to come out on top. Including blood.
"Hsssk-" A sharp painful inhale through clenched teeth. With a careful touch Niko peeled his uniform off his sweat soaked chest as he was the final one to finish for the day. Partly due to his lagging in the physical department but also to strategic timing on his own part. He'd intended to be alone just so no one could comment on certain aspects of his body.
Still wincing he wiped the soaked hair from his brow and held his shirt bunched up in his hands. Seeing the faded barely visible dried blood flakes on the inside of his uniform. Quick to see it's origin was his sore chapped nipples. Red, puffy, irritated; he'd put off ignoring the scraping rub of them during the long periods of cardio the first few days. Now though reality was catching up with him. Irritated from the constant sweat and fabric chaffing him. Niko flinched a little when he touched just under his tender chest.
Ready to disregard them like he had the previous seven days. The budding soccer play forced himself to ignore the dull throb in his chest as he disrobed alone in the locker room. Assuring himself that a quick calming shower would ease the discomfort.
Unfortunately, it didn't.
The second water hit the chapped skin around his nipple Niko clasped a hand over his mouth to hide a gasp. Teeth clenching and toe curling they were more chapped than they were even the day before. Raw little nerve endings making his bottom lip quiver as he rushed the shower. Even regretting the choice to gloss over his torso with soap when it stung his poor puffy nipples. Finally unable to imagine another day of rubbing and chaffing with no end in sight for this training, he had to think of something to do.
Unable to do a majority of anything in the shared sleeping quarters. Niko was to consumed by his problem to want any of the other Blue Lock members see this. Aware that some would tease him about his appearance. He attempted to soothe the pain with a cold wash cloth. Even trying to dip himself in a colder second shower. Nothing was helping and as another day of aching pain in his chest dawned on him. Niko saw no other choice but to discreetly ask to be seen by the only medical professional Ego had said was on staff. A nurses touch was all that he had left in the hopes of finishing out this training camp without loosing it.
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A surprise to you this late in the evening. Though the gig was 24/7 as stated on your contract. Nothing very eventful had happened except a few scrapes and contusions. So when the irritating little computer voice let you know someone needed to be seen as you were winding down for the day. It was safe to assume someone probably just needed an ibuprofen for a headache before bed or something.
More than just a little surprised when it was one of the quietest players you'd yet to see at all during the selection.
"Oh- Niko-" You sounded off utterly surprised to have him come in to your office when you called them in, "I'm sorry- Unprofessional of me-" Clearing your throat to put yourself back into the work mindset this late you straightened up in your chair, "Ikki Niko, what can I help you with?"
Though hard to tell with the bulk of his hair covering his eyes, his body language still read as nervous as the soccer player rubbed at his arm and shifted his weight on his feet as he stood in front of you, "I um- I'm sorry this is late- Really late in fact."
"Nonsense." You tried to offer him some peace of mind with a sweet smile, "I'm here to help. I was just surprised it was you, you always seemed so confident on the field and hadn't hurt yourself yet. Oh no-" Recalling for a second that they weren't working on soccer at the moment with all the strength training your mind jumped to what he might need, "Did something pull? I've got compresses, icy hot, hot and cold packs if you-"
"Do you have something for chapped um-" Niko fumbled into his words as he tried to say it in one go. They got caught up in his mouth though and he was looking down hiding behind his hair as he rubbed nervously at his upper arm, "For um- Well you see- My uh..." Finally he just had to come right out and say it, "I need something for my nipples they're chapped to the point of bleeding."
"Oh." Then it hit you and you accidentally looked a little surprised at him, "Oh! Oh of course." You quickly reel in your surprise and insist he take a seat while you look for something. Totally not unheard of you had just thought enough money was spent on this that the uniforms shouldn't have been too irritating. But everyone's skin was different and someone was bound to find the material irritating. Especially after the work Ego was forcing them to put in.
Niko sat with his hands clasped in his lap. Too sheepish to look up as he heard you rummaging through some containers. Only finally lifting his head when he saw the toes of your slippers when you stopped in front of him.
"Lanolin." You explained with the purple container in your grasp, "It's a barrier cream. But..." Broaching the subject gently with someone who obviously appeared a little nervous, you tried your best to seem blasé and sweet about it, "If they're bleeding chances are I need to look at them. You should have come in sooner if they were irritating you."
"I know..." Niko mumbled with his head down once more, "I just...prefer not to show people certain parts of me."
Setting a gentle hand on his knee you stirred his attention enough too look at you as you knelt down to eye level even with that mass of hair in the way, "Hey. No judgement here. A body is just a body. So-" A big smile to put him at ease as you held up the lanolin, "Let me help your body feel it's best, ok?"
Maybe it was the genuine smile. Or the simple fact he refused to give up over a little soreness and blood. Niko finally swallowed his nerves and lifted up his blue lock sweat shirt for you to see. And sure enough the red puffiness of his areolas were red enough to lead you to believe they might have bled a bit during cardio today. Not bleeding now you quickly took notice over what exactly he was probably trying to hide from people.
"Inverted nipples aren't actually all that crazy you know?" You asked if you could check to see if his swelling wasn't too close to an infection. Which Niko stiffed up a little but gave the go ahead. Tenderly tracing around his swollen nipples at least thankful to feel no hardness or radiant heat, he was in the clear for an infection as long as he took better care of it, "Lots of people have them. They aren't much of a commotion unless you're planning to breastfeed." A laugh to lighten the mood even if he stiffened up a little after you turned away to gather something out of a nearby drawer, "If it's alright, they should be cleaned a bit more properly then a barrier applied." You held up a washcloth to him, "Do you mind if I-?"
"N-No not at all." Niko vehemently shook his head. He had no idea why he agreed. At first wanting to get out of here as quickly as possible. But the moment your hands had touched around his pecs the soccer player felt a toe curling sensation that flirted with the pain of his sore nipples but also felt like something...different. Unsure what exactly. It had gotten his heart thumping and Niko spouted off before his tactful mind had thought of the right thing to say.
"We'll get you fixed up in no time." A happy chirp of your voice before the sound of rushing water filled the room.
Warm washcloth. A gentle soap. Niko sat gripping the edge of his chair nearly white knuckled and unable to unstick his tongue from the top of his dry mouth as you went to work. Holding the warm compress against each of his breast for a few seconds. He'd hoped his hitches in his breathing weren't too noticeable when it came to lathering them in a bit of gentle cleanser. Niko hiding a majority of his emotions behind his hair as your finger pads gently circled around the most inflamed part of his nipples. Slippery soap letting them glide over his puffy little nipples as you seemed engrossed in your work. Allowing him to stare at you uninterrupted in the silence of the small room. Unsure of why you cleaning him up felt so much better than the way he did just a little while ago in the shower.
Swiping away the soap gingerly you followed up by blotting his chest with the wet washcloth before unthinkingly leaning in and blowing a bit of air on his chest just to assure the skin was dry. Neither of you expecting the minor moan that peeped past his lips that had the both of you looking surprised at each other in the moment.
"Oh my god I'm sorry I-"
"It's fine it's fine it's fine." Niko chanted almost religiously as his hair began to fail in hiding his spreading blush.
You looked at the washcloth, quickly dropping it back in the sink behind you and trying to maintain your professionalism as you'd noticed his reactions to the way you'd washed him off previously, "The nipples are...well a sensitive spot on anyone. Human body stuff don't worry about it."
Niko realized he'd be sent out in a moments notice with the lanolin to do himself. All his awareness and it turned on him making him acutely aware that the tingle he'd felt through his body while you washed him up had some other not so slightly affects on his body. Mostly hidden by the bulk of bunched up fabric from the sweats he was wearing. Niko knew the second he stood up the outline of his cock would be seen. Though you could probably explain that away as you had gently done with the moan he accidentally let slip beforehand. Niko didn't want to leave as much as he also didn't want you to see his embarrassment.
"Can...Can you put the lanolin on?" He muttered immediately afraid of the rejection ready to come his way.
It didn't though. There was silence only understood why when Niko peeked up through his bangs. Heart jumping into his throat as he watched you squeeze some of the thick cream out onto your fingers. A copious amount at that. Though he had no idea what the right amount was. Only swallowing the hard lump in his throat that grew like the ache between his legs.
After realizing you fully intended to follow through with what he asked for. Niko held the hem of his shirt up around his face like a sheepish sorority girl. Chest exposed and easily accessible for your touch. Face flush with color and the lump in his throat growing like other things. He shifted in his chair hoping to hide his growing hard on from you even if he had asked you to rub his nipples down after all this.
With a gentle touch the heavy slick film of the lanolin was smeared across his puffy nipples by both hands. You attention to detail as you spread the foggy film over and around his chest. Circling his areolas. Grazing your finger pad carefully over his inverted nipple. And rubbing it back in with slow circular motions until it was evenly coated. Leaving a shiny coat of it over his swollen tits when you looked up at him.
Teal eyes locked onto you as he hid behind his shirt in front of you. None of it could defer the point of how incredibly turned on he obviously was. You'd noticed that the second you touched his sore skin with a washcloth. The tent in his sweats jumped to life but you hadn't want to say anything. Only making it more difficult to ignore when he'd uttered a little moan. Holding it together best you could it all just snapped. Sensitive nipped shy boy in front of you holding up his shirt as though he was inviting you for more. You hands couldn't be contained any longer.
"When you're sore like this..." You grabbed his nipples, feeling the gooey thickness of the lanolin glide your fingers over his puffy areolas with ease as you continued to slowly rub them as you'd done before, "It cane be good to massage them to make sure the barrier cream is really rubbed in after all..."
Niko's trembling grip on his own sweater was all that you got out of him as you glossed your fingertips over his nipples. Going even as far as to cup his pecs and rub your fingers over his hiding nipples. Teasing, touching and giving the utmost attention to as you continued to grope him. Smearing more of the cream into his chest. Turning it more into a lube as it ended up on more than just his nipples themselves.
Utterly enthralled with his tits in your hands you couldn't keep from pushing back on his tender areolas. Earning a gasp but he never once said stop. Pushing them back to see his budding little nipples hidden in them. Tiny and begging for relief. You could only think to do one thing.
Lean over and take the poor things into your mouth.
Tasteless lanolin on your lips didn't deter you. In fact made it that much easier to suck most of his nipple into your mouth as the other remained under the attentive attention of your hand. Plucking and squeezing it. While your tongue pressed into the little fold where his nipple hid. Finding the mark quickly as you flicked the tip of your tongue over his nipple and earning the loudest moan yet. Niko still holding up his shirt and trembling in his seat unable to stay quiet as you continued to suck on his tits.
"S-Sensitive-" He barely managed that squeak of a word when you turned your attention to the other tit.
The one covered in your spit and the lanolin now all slimy and that much easier to pull gently at. But as you continued the way he wanted them grabbed more seemed to only be insisted with the way he pushed into your face. Urging you without his words to be a little more rough with his chest. An obligation you couldn't ignore from a patient.
Sucking even rougher on his puffy nipple you began squeezing the other as you nursed. Niko's moans bubbling up in his chest and escaping his slacked lips. Breathing heavily above you as you pinched and pulled on his slippery nipples. Continuing to loose yourself in the soccer player's overly sensitive chest until a sudden new sensation made you stop to look at your hand.
Amazed by what clung to the fingers previously pulling at his nipples. You saw a thick milky bead roll down to the first knuckle of your finger.
"Aww you leak..." You reached back out and pulled on both of his nipples together. Confirming what you suspected when sticky beads of breastmilk rolled down on his nipples, "Though a little uncommon...I suppose they leak sometimes and that's why you didn't want anyone to see your cute little inverted nipples huh?" Niko stammered something but it was cut off when you tugged at them again. Forcing an expression as more beads of milk rolled down his chest, "Cute little milky boy..."
Gasping and groaning as you continued to milk him. It was obvious he must have done this often before blue lock. As the first dropped rolled out it seemed like you released a overflow of it. Asking him sweetly if he'd expressed himself since getting here. All Niko could do was shake his head holding his sweater with a white knuckled grip and gasping even louder the more you forced his breasts to leak over himself.
Rubbing the milk into his puffy little nipples you told him with all certainty that breastmilk was as excellent for them as the lanolin. Better in fact even. Insisting that if he was going to work so hard to be pro he'd need to do this daily. Or well at least while he was here in blue lock you could do it for him. Utterly engrossed in his leaking tits as you groped him without a second though. Adoring his rosy little nipples with your touch until a surprise took the both of you.
Niko groaned unable to stop himself. Quickly a wet spot began to form in his sweatpants. Not just a dot either. Seeping into the fabric as you twisted his nipples just to see his cock jumping to life in his pants and another blossom of wet adding to what was already in his pants.
"Did you-"
"I'm still cumming-" Niko gasped having to let go of his sweater and yank down his sweats.
And cumming in fact he still was. Your twirling fingers around his nipples didn't stop the flow of thick cum rolling down the underside of his cock. Niko holding the waistband of his pants down to keep the cum off them like they weren't already wet with it. His cock continuing to jump with little jolts of cum drooling from his tip when you rubbed his nipples. Fondling him with his pants pulled down you to continued to pull and play with his leaking nipples until the soccer player was utterly out of breath panting in your office chair. Milk slathered on his puffy nipples that were now even more rosy than when he came in. And his cum stained pants soaking up the rest of the cum that had rolled down his cock. Niko sat legs spread utterly out of breath and out of his mind as he struggled to gather his thoughts in front of you.
With lanolin and milk mixed on your fingers. It was impulsive to do so but you scribbled down something on a notepad next to where you'd originally pulled the lanolin out of. He only saw when you shoved the piece of paper in his hand and stood up wiping your soiled fingers on your shirt and looking down at him, "A note."
Niko blinked unsure he followed as he still sat with his cock softening and still too out of it to pull his pants up.
You gave a short roll to your eyes and sighed before leaning down and taking a kiss from the stunned player who nearly jumped to life the second your lips touched, "A doctor's note. So...we can see each other tomorrow of course. What kind of nurse doesn't take care of her star player's needs."
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Rules (Re-vamped for new added fandoms, rules, prefrences, Master List, and Current Works)
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(Re-vamped for new added fandoms, rules, and prefrences)
“I never ask a man what his business is, for it never interests me. What I ask him about are his thoughts and dreams.”-Howard Philips Lovecraft
Hello I'm Mr. Cosmic, I am a Romantic Asexual Man (Not sex repulsed, I actually find the concept of sex and how deeply it is ingrained in humanity fascinating) my birthday is September 26th, My favorite food is Spaghetti and Garlic Bread (I know I know, Asexuals and garlic bread), my favorite drink is home made Mountain Tea, I love writing romantic and fluffy things but I also may right angst if I'm in the right mood, My favorite bands are Queens Of The Stone Age, Arctic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand, Iron Maiden, Nujabes (RIP), Megadeth, Rob Zombie, and Foo Fighters, I hope we can all get along!
I take recommendations for shows to watch and add to the list of fandoms and music to listen to while I write (I am partial to fast paced songs, but I also enjoy slower ones)
I am also associated with the @favonius-library and @ecrin-de-litterature
One Hundred One Word Prompts
My Pet Peeves For Asks
One Of My Pet Peeves For Asks: Fighters, Not Body Builders
I only write romance for female characters but I'm perfectly fine with writing platonic male relationships (There are a few exceptions but most of the time this is the rule of thumb to go by)
I write for G/N, Male, and Female readers
Like any other Tumblr I reserve the right to reject asks
Be Respectful.
Do Not Hate On People In The Comments!
No Homophobia, Transphobia, etc. etc.
If You Have A Question About A Post Ask In The Comments Of The Post please.
No Politics!
I prefer to write for Ladies but I will do guys once in a blue moon if they're a part of the ask.
Due to a recent attempt to write trans readers and the anxiety attack which affected my willingness to write I have made the decision to (For the moment this may change though it is unlikely) not write Trans readers there is nothing wrong with Trans People I just feel like I can't portray them properly.
IF ONE MORE GODDAMN FUCKING PORN BOT OR BLANK BLOG FOLLOWS ME I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD I WILL GO ON A GODDAMN PURGE SO PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CUSTOMIZE YOUR TUMBLR OR I MIGHT ACCIDENTALLY BAN HAMMER YOU!!! Please, if you have a question or an ask, ask me the question in the INBOX not in my MESSAGES. My MESSAGES are for my mutuals to talk to me. Not to receive asks through, that is what the ASK BUTTON is for. If I continue to receive asks in my MESSAGES I WILL start blocking people.
Fate Grand Order and TYPE-MOON in general
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
Zenless Zone Zero
Reverse 1999
Goddess Of Victory: Nikke
Blue Archive
Girls Front Line
Limbus Company
Lobotomy Corporation
Library Of Ruina
Elden Ring
Baldur’s Gate 3
Senran Kagura
Persona 3
Persona 4
Persona 5
Shin Megami Tensei
Dungeon Fighter Online
Dungeon Fighter Duel
River City Girls
King Of Fighters
Guilty Gear
Granblue Fantasy
Under Night In Birth
Street Fighter
Resident Evil
Final Fantasy
Fear & Hunger
Fear & Hunger: Termina
Hi-Fi Rush
Trails Of Cold Steel
Chainsaw man
Jujutsu Kaisen
Ikki Tousen
Highschool DxD
(To Be Added)
What I Will Do
Character x Reader
All of the dere's (Yandere, Kudere, Tsundere, Goudere, Masodere, Sadodere etc. etc.)
Character x Multiple (Separate from Poly, NSFW only Ex. Free Use)
Platonic Relationships
NSFW (If You Want a Specific Kink You Have To Ask)
(More To Be Added)
What I Won’t Do
Non-Con (I might do CNC)
Kinks like Scat and Vore
(More To Be Added)
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datoneboardedguy · 11 months
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Avatar: Legend of Korra Fanfiction - Korra x OC Male Reader.
Book: 2 Chapter: 1 Meltingpoint Raid!
Three years later-
White Lotus Guard POV:
“Every action also has an equal & opposite reaction, Varrick’s Third Law.” My instructor says as he’s giving me tour of the prison & I replied with a simple “ uh hm.” answer as he continues as we’re on our way to check on the prisoner “if you want take a break i break your legs by Earthbending rock spikes through your knees! Action, Reaction.” I sigh “I get it, no breaks!” “THAT’S RIGHT, NO BREAKS! & you know why?!” “Because if you give breaks nobody will be here to listen to your long winded speeches?” “NO!.. It’s our job’s to keep our prisoner locked up at all times!” As we arrive at the giant prisoner cell door I curiously ask “What could this prisoner have possibly done to warrant us never taking any breaks?” “Well ’AS YOU KNOW!..”- “Actually I don’t know, that’s why you’re telling me.” -“DO NOT INTERRUPT YOUR SUPERIOR WHEN HE’S MONOLOGUING!” Sighs “Yes sir, sorry sir.” “AND DO YOU SIGH WHEN YOU RELUCTANTLY KISS MY A!”- “YES, SIR!” “THAT’S WHAT I WANT TO HEAR! Now, where was I? Ah yes, the prisoner’s committed horrific crimes. He’s murdered several World Leaders, assaulted & murdered dozens of innocent gua!-” As he finally finished his monologue he noticed that I dozed off to sleep & just sighed “Sometimes I wonder why I even bother. WAKE UP YA FLATWORM-MAGGOT!” “WHA-W-WHAT! So what were you saying? Sorry I must’ve of dozed off..” “Ugh I was saying..”- *DING!* “What the?”- *BOOOOOOM!* *BOOOOOOOOOM!* *BOOOOOOOOOOOOM!…*
Everything’s hazy & my ears are ringing. I start to regain my sight as see that everyone’s else is dead on the floor & I see a hooded slender looking phantom slicing up my new recruit.
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(Author note: sorry for the bad quality drawing, it been drawn on a smartphone.. ☹️)
Third Person POV:
The phantom then walks over to & opens the giant prison cell door, the prisoner asks the intruder “You’re interrupting my meditation?..” then the mysterious phantom breaks the prisoner’s chained restraints & asks the prisoner “Early Parole.-“ The surviving White Lotus Guard interrupted the phantom by shouting “NOT IF I HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT!” As he makes a move to try & earthbend the prisoner slices the guard’s head clean off with his chains, spraying out tons of blood all over the phantoms suit he quickly wipes the fresh blood off of his face as resumes to ask the prisoner “So.. you interested?..” then the prisoner steps out of dark cell to reveal it’s Zaheer & simply replies “I’m In.”
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Korra’s POV:
“I can’t do this, it’s too much!” Ikki says “Don’t give up!” Then Jinora says “You can go on, I believe in you Korra!” I close my eyes & try to eat another final few mini cabbage balls in my bowl before my opponent finishes his, as I eat the first one Meelo quickly shouts “REMEMBER, BE THE CABBAGE BALL KORRA!” I nearly vomited all 19 of them straight back out after hearing that but I managed to swallow them all down & proceeded to eat the next one as my opponent just eats his second last cabbage ball, then I eat the final cabbage ball I struggled at first but barely managed to swallow it down then my opponent attempted to eat his while he had managed to eat his final cabbage ball at first he ultimately fails to actually swallow it & he vomits all 21 of his cabbage balls onto the floor. Then the announcer blows his whistle & says “& OUR VERY OWN AVATAR TAKES & CLAIMS THE TITLE CABBAGE BALL CHAMPION & IS THE WINNER OF THE CABBAGE CHARITY FESTIVAL THAT HAS BEEN GRACIOUSLY SPONSORED BY BOTH CABBAGE CORP & SATO INDUSTRIES! NOW GIVE A ROUND OF A APPLAUSE FOR A NEW CHAMPION EVERYBODY!..” & everyone starts to clap & cheer.
I then wave to the crowd as I made my way through the upper level of the main foyer, then when once I was out of sight I covered my mouth & started running through several corridors accidentally bumping & pushing over several Cabbage Corp staff in a race against the clock until I reached the back entrance to the building & rushing through the back garden to a secluded cliff side balcony to finally vomit up all 21 cabbage balls over the ledge of the balcony, as I finished & started feeling better I hear a familiar voice “Great job holding your cabbage balls Korra, I couldn’t even make it past ten Cabbage Balls.” I turn around to see none other than Tenzin is the one who just said that, my widened as I say “Tenzin the Airbending master has got ..jokes?!” Tenzin chuckles as he remarks “Contrary to popular belief I do have my fun side, if you consider swallowing Cabbage Balls for charity fun?..” he said with a snickering smirk. I roll my eyes at his immaturity then say “Your kids have changed you, you never used to not be an uptight stick in the mud.” “WHAT’S THIS ABOUT ME BEING A STICK IN THE MUD?!” He fumingly shouted as his face turned dark red “..& THERE’S THE TENZIN THAT WE KNOW & LOVE!” Then we both laughed.
Then his family arrives & the all kids scream “KORRA!” Simultaneously as they tackled me into a huge group hug. Then Meelo soils the mood as he says “See, I TOLD YOU that you can be Cabbage Balls!” Then my stomach churns & I immediately rush over to ledge of the balcony to vomit again, once I was finished I turned around to see everyone else giving Meelo the look as Ikki punches his shoulder & just says “Really, ..soo not cool bro!” Meelo shrugged as he confusingly says “What?!..” Pema then says “Congratulations Korra, you actually beat Tenzin’s record.” “Thanks Pema, I really do appreciate your.”- I then see a certain familiar smirking brunette woman standing behind them & i excuse myself from the group to follow her as she approaches the nearest corridor corner she slides her hand along the corridor wall as looks back & winks at me with her devious smile she playfully rushes to the nearest secluded storage room as I followed her I mumbled under my breath “hm, She always did love a chase..” then playfully give chase follow her to the Storage Room & as we enter Asami locks the door behind us & we started deeply passionately kissing each other until she recoiled back sarcastically saying “Ugh Cabbage balls Breath!” I jokingly said “You want some more leftovers?!” & I put my cabbage coated tongue out show her as she predictably retorts in playful disgust “EEWWW YOU DISGUSTING MONSTER!” We both then just laughed then Asami asked seriously “Nah but seriously, are you feeling alright after swallowing all of those?”- “Don’t you dare finish that sentence & I’ll be just fine okay?” “Uh Sure Korra, I hope you’re still hungry enough for our weekly dinner date?” “Oh you bet babe, just as long as it’s a smaller meal this time for obvious reasons..” “Of course.” She said with a smile & a small giggle. “Have I ever told you how adorable your giggles are?” “Heh, Definitely not enough times. Let’s go..”
As we exited the storage room we a familiar voice remark “You know you guys are being way too literal with the whole Coming Out of the Closet thing when you both are literally exiting out of an actual closet together?” We both giggled as we hugged both Mako & Bolin & happily greeted them “Hey you two it’s been too long!” “Yeah we’ve been wondering what you guys have been up to the past few years..” “You know what we’ve been doing.” Mako said “I know but that’s just work, what have you guy’s been up to outside of work?” “Oh well I don’t have anything really going on, just work I guess.” “You know it’s unhealthy to spend all of your time working?..” “Yeah I know, but when there’s always someone in need I have to help..” “what about you Bolin? Have you & Opal been thinking about finally tying the knot yet?” “Oh, uhh..”- *BOOOM!…* everyone tumbles over “Is everyone okay?!” Mako asked then both Bolin & Asami nodded as I said while also nodding “Yes Mako, we’re fine.” I then quietly checked with Asami “Are you alright?” “I’m alright Korra.” “Good.” Then an Alarm goes off throughout the building, a intercom message starts playing which is oddly narrated by the Pro Bending narrator (“This is an Emergency Cabbage Corp announcement Cabbage Corp is 100% under the attack! I repeat Cabbage Corp is 100% under the attack! Could everyone please safely evacuate the building before I piss my pants again! This is NOT a drill! THIS is a drill!” *Jackhammer Noises**STATIC*) Bolin quickly remarks “Hey where’d he go? I was about to go get the popcorn!” Asami confusingly remarks “Not the time Bolin!” “Oh come on you can’t say that listening to that guy’s voice doesn’t want to make you sit back, kick your legs up & just eat some popcorn?!” “You can’t be seriously be?!- Yeah okay, me too.” then I tell them “Focus guys, we need to get the civilians out of here before someone gets hurt. I’ll go check on Tenzin & his family to see if they’re all okay, I’ll meet you all at the main hall!” I quickly pecks Asami on her lips as she tells me “Be carful Korra.” “No worries darling.” Then run off.
I then arrived back to where Tenzin’s family was before the explosion to check on them as I arrived I see chief Beifong is with them & I concerningly asked “Is everyone alright?!” “We’re all fine Korra, but we all have bigger problems.” “What’s happening?” Beifong explains “It’s Tokuga, he’s returned & is attacking the building.” “Okay, get get everyone out of here & we’ll handle it.” “Got it, you all heard the Avatar. Let’s go!”
Tokuga’s POV:
“How long do we have before we’re in the Vault?!” “Just a few minutes sir!” “Good, everyone else kill everyone who tries to reach us!” a Sarge looking fellow replied “YA GOT IT CHEIF! ALRIGHT YA NANCIES, YA HEARD THE MAN NOW LET’S HUSTLE ON THE DOUBLE!” Then everyone got into their positions ready for a fight.
Third POV:
The room was quiet, too quiet then the barricaded double doors burst open with a lot of smoke filled the area then as the dust clears there’s the Avatar standing in the middle of the doorway cracking her knuckles. As she says “Alright fellas, who’s first?” soldiers then shout “OPEN FIRE!” She then Earthbended up a rock barricaded in front of herself, then metalbends the bullets lodged into the barricade right back into their guns causing them to explode in the soldiers hands *BOOMS* “ARRGH!” She then airbends them all back away from the door causing them the runaway back into the foyer towards the Vault screaming “RUUUN!” “AH OH SPIRITS!” “I DON’T WANNA DIE!” Asami, Bolin & Mako all run in to meet Korra & tell her “Everyone’s out, it’s just us & them..” Korra simply said “Good.” Bolin shouts “THIS IS GONNA BE FUN! TEAM AVATAR BACK AT IT AGAIN!” Then Team Avatar heroically changes into the army of mercenaries & attacks in unison.
Then a wave of pure WATER, EARTH, FIRE, AIR all sweep through the foyer area. The soldiers started getting cat & mouse chased all throughout the room with a few soldiers hiding behind a wall puffed out as the sarge says “Come on guys let’s keep moving on double or in this case on the Quadruple!” “I think we should fight, otherwise they’ll just start picking us all off on by.-“ *CRASH* & a metal bended improvised glove tears through the wall & grabs the talking soldier by the neck plate as he shouts “ONE!..” then is pulled into the wall disorienting him before the whole wall is sent flying into him pushing him into the opposite wall then Avatar Korra water whips another soldiers left leg pulling him into the air sending him flying into the downed soldier knocking them both out, as the sarge cocks his soo called shotgun Bolin Earthbend his feet into tripping him over causing him to miss at point blank range then he Earthbended to coat the bottom of his boots & sidekicks Sarge square in the head, sending him into the wall a sniper rifle soldier tries and fails to shoot Bolin from a far not realising that Korra metalbended the bullets out of the way then argratingly shouted “Son of a rotten Spirit! Why can’t I even hit anything with this stupid faulty Sniper-rifle?!” The Sniper narrowly dodges a blast of fire to the face as Mako jumps & lands right in front of him & retorts “It’s not the tool, it’s the man!” Then shoots a fireball at him, he ducks out of the way then flicks a switch on his rifle then his Weapon starts charging up with electricity as he starts minalikly  laughing as he pulls the trigger Makos eyes widened then as the rifle fires a blast of pure electricity he manages lightning bend & redirect it at the soldier blasting him outside of the building then more guards started showing up shooting at him & on instinct he quickly moves arms in a figure eight motion & as the tips of his two index fingers on both of his hands connected he conquered up a translucent energy shield that inveterated every bullet that flew through his shield, he & all of the soldiers goes wide eyed at this spectacle they just witnessed then as he felt a charge buildup from each bullet that he incinerated he just reversed the figure eight & punches the shield forward into the soldiers stunning then all “Holy spirits, I WANNA DO THAT AGAIN!” Then more soldiers show up to get their asses handed to them, a guard is knocked off the catwalk & down to the ground landing on & knocking out a soldier who had Asmami at gunpoint & dead to rights then shocks a soldier’s rifle behind her causing the rifle to conduct electricity & blows up the gunpowder inside of it in the soldiers face uses the electrified rifle barrel as an improvised stun baton beating up every soldier she came across then sent a electrified stunned soldier towards Korra & she Airbended him in a concrete road block landing balls first into it cracking the area with his not so thick layered groin pad as he painfully stutters “W-wh-Why d-didn’t you just k-kill me?!..” as he falls to the ground unconscious.
Tenzin’s POV:
“Alright everyone is safely evacuated, we have to-“ *BOOM!* we see person shoots out the side of building into the side alleyway next to the building then Rohan just started charging off after them Pema Shouts in terror “NOO.. HUN, COME BACK!” “NO ROHAN, GET BACK HERE! I started chasing after him before he gets himself hurt..
Third POV:
Back inside the building the fighting intensifies & some of the soldiers started to panicking “Oh my Spirits, oh my spirits, oh my spirits! Oh sweet A RIFLE!”- “Hey uhh, I hate to say this but that’s my rifle.” “WHAT?! There’s literally hundreds of rifles on the floor, just pick up any rifle.” “But i bring that rifle with me everywhere I go, I sleep with that rifle in my arms every night!” “Dude, it doesn’t matter just pick up another rifle!”- *WHIP* “ARRGH!..” he shouted as he was water whipped into his friend who he was bickering with by Korra then she turned to the lonely soldier with only a small firearm & he drops it saying “Oh screw this I need to get a bigger weapon!” & turns to run while barely dodging the armada of waterbending attacks. As he turns the corner he runs into another soldier who just escaped from the rampaging Asami mowing down everyone else as he asks “What in spirits do we do?!” “I don’t know, I’ve never seen soo many powerful benders in one room before!-“ he looks at his comrades energy weapon & asks “Wait do you know how to use that thing?!” “My Energy Sword? F%CK yeah I know what it is, what’s wrong with just swish, swish, stab? It’s a energy sword dude it’s not a frickin SATO Fighter Plane!” “Just come on over & help me!”
Asami’s POV:
The soldiers were being completely beaten by all four of us a fireball nearly hit us to get our attention, we turned to the source & see a Fire bending soldier grab a small device from his belt then suddenly lightning bends to charg it up with electricity revealing it as an energy sword & shouted to us “HEY SWEET CHEEKS REMEMBER ME?! STEP AWAY FROM THE IDOT’S” As Korra goes to attack I stopped & sternly said “No Hun, he’s mine!” Which made Korra’s eyes widen as she cautiously stepped back to watch what’s about to unfold. Then the two of us circle each other then we started exchanging blows between his energy sword & my new stun baton then we started locking weapons then he tried taunting me “What’s this pussy baton sissy crap?! where’s your energy sword? Having trouble getting it up? Don’t worry it happens to everyone.” “Ugh, don’t you ever just SHUT UP!” I then frustratingly break the clash by kicking him straight up into his nuts “Ow! Son of a Bitch!..” then I headbut his face & spin kick him in the gut sending him back a few feet then he slips & falls backwards into pallet of barrels of black paint as he gets up he then realises he’s now covered in black paint “Ugh, what in spirits is this Black Stuff anyways?!” “Trust me, it’s an improvement.” I retorted he then gets real mad as he says “Alright that’s it, come here!” Then as they were about to charge at each other a massive metal crate container fell right between the two then they heard another not so bright soldier from the catwalk above shout “YES, I SAVED MY FRIEND! Oh wait, I saved my friend..” “Hey what gives you idiot?! I was meant to distract the SATO chick so Jeff Could kill the rest of the Benders take so we can take her hostage!” & we all turned around to see a soldier with some kind of shoulder mounted weapon frantically trying to load it up while shouting in a panic “YOU JUST RATTED ME OUT YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Then as he finally manages to fire it he shoots out a literal small Rocket Propelled Grenade at us! Which Mako then jumps in the air to quickly firebend the rocket flames to redirect & orbit the rock around him & right towards the soldier that just shot it in the span of a couple of seconds then as the rocket is about to hit the soldier he shouts “OH SPIRITS!”- then the rocket blows up the platform right below him, sending him flying into the air towards Team Avatar where Korra then metalbends her grapple around his legs he shouts “OH SPIRITS!” again & she swings him right towards Bolin who punches him towards the energy sword bending soldier with a Earthbending coated fist & as he smashes into the energy sword soldier couldn’t help himself from shouting “THAT WAS AWESOME!”- *SMASH!* “URGH!”
Soldiers POV:
We’re now closing in on the Avatar’s location & meddlesome band of friends then the catwalk above us comes tumbling down into the area in front of us creating a huge dust cloud. The dust clouds created from the collapsed catwalk rubble blurred all of our visions as we arrived we see a blurry black figure sluggishly trying to stand up then the figure turns towards us & says “Oh, it’s you guys..” we can’t tell if they’re friendly or not & at point we don’t care then max says “There’s the Avatar, get ‘em!” “We then hear them shouting “WHAT?!” our of pure confusion, then me & max start beating them up & we’re winning?! As they’re cowering & not trying to fight back & this person is trying to tell us something but it’s while as me & max are also shouting random stuff at them like “take that!, this isn’t as hard as I thought, yeah suck it blue eyed bitch!” We also heard some one from our team snickering & laughing at the spectacle in front of them. Then Jeff gets up & tells us “Hey, hold on a minute guy’s!” I back off but Max then gets this supposed Avatar into a headlock then starts repeatedly punching them top of their head as Jeff shouts at us stop “Max! Stop!” “Why?!” “I think that’s Alex not the AVATAR!” Then Alex managed to mumble out “See.., eye tol’ you guy’s same team!” Max then punches him one last time while confusingly looking at Jeff try to process what just happened which knocks him out of the headlock “Ow what was that for you idiot?!” “Eh sorry, force of habit!” Then Alex frustratingly shouted “WHAT THE F#CK JEFF?! You sit there & watch me get pounded by these two idots?!” “What? no! I was knocked out until after they started double teaming you!” “Wait than who’s snickering & laughing at me?!” Then a shadow figure next to me eyes lit up & I said “Oh son of a bit!”- *KICK!* “OW MY NUTS!” & a few other silhouette’s attacked us revealing themselves to be Team Avatar, knocking us out of the smoke cloud & against the wall & while the dust cloud was finally starting to clear up we all started to stand up & get our footing then Max says “Ugh She’s kicking our asses fellas, & yet I’ve never hit a girl at all in my life!” & I said “Yeah we noticed, You should try harder!” Then the smoke finally cleared up revealing Team Avatar & they started walking towards us “Oh no, here she comes again!..” I said in a panic & I frantically grabbed whatever i could find as a weapon which unfortunately for me was a Traffic Cone. “Screw it, desperate times call for desperate measures!..” then we charged into battle..
Tokuga’s POV:
“What’s your status?!” I asked the vault driller “We’re in!” “Good! Extract the Artifacts & prototypes, I’ll keep them busy & take them down a peg or two..” a shadowy figure said hidden behind the both of them in the catwalks then he sees the fly off as he sinisterly smirks.
Bolin’s POV:
The last soldier was on the ground defenceless screaming “PROTECT ME CONE!” As Korra kicked him the nuts soo hard that he went flying back several feet away into the wall knocking him out *KICK!* *SMASH!* “Damn that poor souls doesn’t even have anything left!” Mako comments “Yeah even I felt that one from here..” As we finish off the last of guards a shadow started looming over the entire room then a shadow man lands in front of us with a black hooded shadow leather, red lined costume & I confusingly asked “..& who are you supposed to be?!” & he just says with distorted reverby voice “I am..-“
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& simply say “WHAT THE F%CK IS WITH THIS GUY?!” Then he suddenly shoots out two grapple ropes that seemingly created a whole bunch more of this mad man & as they started charging at us everything’s suddenly enveloped in endless darkness. We all cautiously stood up against each other back to back to avoid being separated then multiple Phantom Bison’s emerged from the darkness & swarmed us we tried fending them off as long as we could but soon enough they quickly started overwhelming us then as everything felt hopeless I get an idea & Lavabended a wave of lava then Earth bended myself a stone surfboard & rode the title wave of pure Magma Awesomeness & shouted “SURFS UP! Follow me everyone!” Then Mako shoot’s himself forward into the air using his firebending fists to basically fly while Korra air shooters herself along the wall with Asami holding onto her for dear life & suddenly the Phantom Bison’s glowing blue eyes widened as the tide was literally turning against him then he quickly grappled himself away & sharply turned around as his shadow duplicates were being engulfed by the lava tidal wave he then shouts “WHAT THE F%CKS WITH THIS GUY?!..” as he’s desbratly trying to escape the lava tidal wave. Then he suddenly gets a massive speed boost out of nowhere escaping the lava wave as wave finally dies down & losses it’s momentum which causes my stone surfboard to crumble apart I managed to leap off at the last possible second managed to stick the landing, everyone else quickly followed suit & all landed right next to me with their own badass posses. He retreats behind another wave soldiers who looked just as unprepared & incompetent as last group of soldiers, then he closes the blast doors behind them locking them out with us, one of them looks up & shouts up to the Catwalk while shouting “HEY ASSHOLE! REMEMBER WHEN WE SAID NOT TO HELP US?! FORGET THAT WE NEED HELP US! RIGHT NOW!” Then a metal shipping container drops from the crane above us then it seemingly squishes us since everything goes dark then we hear the soldiers prematurely celebrating shouting “MY SPIRITS, I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT WORKED!” Then a pair glowing eyes appear & suddenly everything lights up again revealing the Korra’s in the Avatar state to catch & lift the shipping container up revealing the massive crater that was caused by Korra’s sheer iron will to catch that container which caused the metal flooring to cave in under the pressure & when the soldiers saw that container moving up the soldier immediately says “OH CRAP, THAT DIDN’T WORK!” Then comment “I totally knew it wouldn’t work. I don’t know if you bad guys are aware but Avatar Korra’s a bit of a Badass!” Then once they see Korra climb up out of the Crater while still casually lifting a shipping container & stares down into the soldiers eyes staring into their souls the soldiers relent & say in a blind panic “ARE YOU F#CKING KIDDING ME?! RUUN!..” & as those poor soldiers desperately tried to escape their fates Korra throws the large shipping container directly at the soldiers & into the barricaded door completely destroying the blast door.
As the door blasts open Phantom Bison is waiting for us & immediately grapple whips at Korra which was a bad idea since in the Avatar State Korra instantly catches the grapple with her right hand & effortlessly yanks him towards herself to finish him off with her mean left hook to his face, as she’s moving her fist towards his face he does the same as he’s approaching Korra. Then as their fists make contact with each other’s faces there’s suddenly a blinding bright flash of light that comes out of nowhere.
Korra’s POV:
After a sudden blinding bright white light flashes in my face I’m suddenly seeing this horrible image of a seemingly war torn street completely completely engulfed in flames with an ember filled smog floating all around me obstructing my vision, I feel my body’s covered in dirt, soot which is burning into my open wounds, then as the ember smog finally clears I see the entire street floor covered in bodies, Men, Women, Children, Entire Families all dead. I then look down to my feet & see a dead Red Lotus Commander with his throat slit wide open gushing out blood down his lifeless body, I feel myself holding something in my left hand I looked at my hands & see their completely covered in blood with a bloodied Grapple blade resting in the palm of my hand. I then heard several Satomobile engines closing in the distance, I then started to panic, dropped the grapple blade onto the dead body below me & couldn’t think of anything else to do other than just make a run for it. Then as I started making a break for it my ankle gets snared by the same grapple blade I just dropped tripping me over to the ground with a loud earth shattering *THUD!* I rolled over onto my back & as I sit up I see Red Lotus Corpse rising up onto his feet then the grapple starts to pulling me towards the standing Red Lotus Corpse I started to frantically try to get the grapple rope off of my leg but all of my efforts were in vain as the grapple finished dragging me towards the corpse it turns towards me reveal a face I’ve never seen before but is still feels somewhat familiar with block void where his eyes should be. His soulless gaze sends waves of shivering dred as he says with the same demonic voice as Phantom Bison’s voice. “You did this to me!” He says as black smoke emanates from his bloodied clenched fists as he raises them up to show me then proceeded to say “YOU DID THIS TO ME! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOOOU! ABANDONED!.. ME!…” The void that filled his eyes streaks down his cheeks & as they reached the bottom of his chin the void spreads across & covers his entire face & in a flash of inverted brightness he turned into Phantom Bison his illuminated eyes creates a blinding *FLASH!* & suddenly for a brief second I see my child self laughing & smiling from another child’s perspective smiling then in a another *FLASH!* I wake up in a cold sweat.
I’m trying & failing to get back up onto my feet as I see everyone else seemingly to be knocked out cold then I see the Phantom Bison barely standing while he’s walking over towards me with Grapple Blades in hand as he says “Alright- Avatar ..You & you’re ‘Team Avatar’ friends have all had your fun.”- I then see his metal cable launcher’s so I tried to metalbend them to stop him but ‘nothing happens’ this makes me realise that it’s pure platinum & thought ‘I-i can’t stop him! Who’s this guy?!” as my eyes widen at this horrifying revelation Phantom Bison takes a deep breath then proceeds to say *Deep breaths* “But this parties over.” He says as he winds his arm back for one final swing I then think quickly as he’s attempting to finish me off. I quickly Earthbended up a small stone wall between us to block it at the last possible second then push my arms forward & pushed him back a few feet with the said stone wall..
Then Bolin wakes up & & starts hurling Lava throwing stars at him he’s able to send him back a moment longer before Phantom Bison takes a deep breath, Bolin throws his next Lava Throwing Star, then he seemingly catches & redirects it directly back towards Bolin?! He thankfully is able to block it with some earthbending but the collision creates a small explosion sending Bolin back into the wall knocking him out on impact I attempted to push him back with airbending then I’m suddenly forced onto the ground with a sudden giant gust of wind without being able to move I looked up to see what’s causing this only to see someone from the roof catwalks seemingly flying down towards us then as they got closer I realised who’s approaching & I shouted in a raspy voice in terror“N-No!.. It can’t be?!” & see that it’s none other than ZAHEER himself slowly descending towards the ground.
I heard a familiar voice that isn’t Zaheer to my right say “Hello there Avatar Korra, how’s your wonderful family?!” I turn to see who said that & it’s the man who started this attack Tokuga himself staring at me with his ugly mutatedly grotesque sinister grin & he turns to look at Zaheer & says “Took you long enough, how hard is it to shave off both a whole head of hair & a full beard?” “I don’t need to explain how important recon work is.” “Well then don’t keep us suspense, we got what we came for now is it finally clear to evaluate?” “Of course, now what are we going to do about her? Being the major threat that she is we can’t just let her go..” “If we take her hostage we won’t be able to hold her for long & if we take her lover she’ll tear our whole empire down.” “Then we take her smart mouth friend.” Phantom Bison said which prompted Tokuga to say “The Cop Man will be a problematic hostage to keep in line.” “I’m not talking about him.” Phantom Bison says as he & new friends are all giving me a knowing sinister smirk that sends shivers down my spine.
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As Tokuga snake arm grabs & picks up Unconscious Bolin I’m desperately trying to get up & trying to stop them while shouting “NO! S-STOP! STAY AWAY FROM HIM!” only for Zaheer to increase his power keeping me stuck to the ground completely unable to move. Then Phantom Bison walks up to me hits me with the handle of his grapple blade while remarking “Lights Out Avatar.” *WHACK!*
Tenzin’s POV:
As I finally catch up to Rohan I say “There you are Rohan, we have to get outta here!”- then I hear grunting noise from the rubble just ahead of us then I see massive hole in the side wall of the now burning Cabbage Corp building, as I look back at pile of rubble I see a Red Lotus Soldier sluggishly emerging from said rubble. Then he sees us then for the next few seconds we’re staring at each other like a Cheeta-Stag caught in headlights, then he makes the first move & starts to firebends several fireballs towards Rohan, I block them just in time & counter airbended him with small spheres of concentrated air towards him. He blocks a few of them with fireballs but the spheres he didn’t manage to block I made them orbit & continuously spinning around him turning into a dust devil. He tries to firebend but can’t conquer up any flames or even a single spark, then I smirk & make a snarky remark “Having performance issues?!” & I speed up the Dust Devil’s rotation drastically causing him to lose his ability to breathe then he starts flying upwards until he’s a few stories high in the air then I airbend a strong down draft slamming him straight down into the ground in hopes of knocking him out. As I hesitantly approached he shoots out a small bolt of lightning at me I try & failed to block it & I was hit square in the chest sending me back into the factory wall. Then he gets up while sinisterly remarking “Did you forgot old timer that Lightning ..always cuts through air!..” Then as starts to lightning bend a glass bottle hits & shatters into pieces as it impacts him in the back of his head causing him to miss his shot of lightning he tried to finish me off with.
He turns around & looks towards the direction it came from only to see a rolled up poo filled diaper ball get thrown square in the face. He instantly started vomiting the poor guy *EXESSESIVE VOMITING!* “UGH.. CRAP!” then once he regains his barings he sees the person who did it is none other than my son Rohan who’s now in stitches very loudly laughing at him, not wearing any pants & has just thrown his diaper at this Firebending psycho making him look embarrassed for a moment making me laugh a little. He then yells in aggression “YOU’RE A DEAD LITTLE RUNT!”- I then tried to stop him but he kicks in the stomach sending me back into the wall & he just started punching me in the face & kicking my stomach while I’m down & as he’s about stomp onto my face to finish me off I heard a heard Rohan scream “NOOOOOAAAR!..” *WHOOSH!..* the Sh#t Faced Red Lotus Soldier is flying straight through the pile of rubble further down the alley & crashing into a Satomobile truck full of Cabbages.
I got up & looked towards my son not caring that he’s half naked while saying with pride & shock “Rohan, ..You just AIRBENDED!” Rohan then shouts in excitement “YEAH! I BLOW WIND JUST LIKE DADA!..” he then goes ahead to blast small bursts of wind in all directions in celebration. I quickly muttered to myself “My Spirits, I’ve just created a monster.. A monster of enthusiasm.” *BOOOM!* I turned around to see the source of the blast only to see Tokuga with some hooded guy & my least favourite person “Zaheer?! No! It’s impossible! You’re supposed to be locked up!” “You should know by now Tenzin that Chains can’t hold me!”
We then hear a strong gust of wind behind us, I turn & see it’s the Fleet of Airbenders wingsuiting towards us with Ryu, Kai & my brother Bumi being amongst them while Opal is leading the charge. As she & the rest of the Airbenders land Bumi quickly hands me a pair of pants for Rohan since it’s not his first flashy rodeo while remarking “I couldn’t find any diapers. So here’s the next best thing..” I sigh & swiftly put them on him as Opal giggles as she tustles his hair then the rest of the Airbenders surround this cursed Sinnister Trio while she sternly shouts “We’ve got you all surrounded, just give up!”- then her facial expression suddenly turns from stern to panick as this hooded man brings out a knocked out Bolin over his shoulder from the burning Cabbage Corp Building then Opal absolutely losses it & charges after them with godly speeds while furiously shouting “AAARRRGH!..” Then Tokuga smugly remarks “So long Team Avatar!.. HEHEH!” Then a massive hurricane emerges down from the clouds above & surrounds them then vanishes & Opal just screams “No! NO! NO!.. BOLIN!…” Opal then starts to break down crying while hugging her stomach, Bumi then comforts her & tries to reassure her “Don’t worry chief, we’ll get him back..” then Kai asks “Hey, where’s Korra & the others?!”
A couple of hours later-
Korra’s POV:
As I started regaining consciousness I jerked up, sat up in a cold sweat gasping as I shouted “NO!” Asami then immediately hugged & calmed me down reassuring me “It’s okay Korra we’re safe now!” “Not everyone, they took him. They took Bolin..” we then see the Cabbage Corp building completely engulfed in flames as the CEO arrives in his Satomobile & rushes over to the front of the burning building then drops to his knees while screaming “NOOOOHOOHOHOOHOOO!.. MY CABBAGE CORP WAREHOUSE!..” then Mako walkover to us as Opal follows “That Phantom Bison is a dead man, if those thugs lay one hand on him!” “We’re getting him back Mako I promise.” “& I’m coming with!” Opal bluntly chimes in “What?” Mako says “I’m not asking..” She says with a ‘Don’t eff with me!’ look in her eyes..
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tokuteasings · 2 years
REQUESTS ARE CLOSED: Rules and Intro~!
Greetings y’all~! After much thought and much inspo from @lunalove25 @toku-fanservice @imaginemaskedheroes and others, I have decided to make a dedicated blog meant to portray all of my writings about Tokusatsu~! Half of this is going to be me...screaming into the void but I’m happy to meet ya’ll!!
Call me Tale (she/they) and you can find me on ao3 at historynut19~!
Requests and Submissions are C L O S E D
Of course, I gotta list out some rules:
Kamen Rider Shows: Ryuki, Kabuto, Den-O, Kiva, Decade, W, OOO, Fourze, Wizard, Gaim, Drive, Ghost, Ex-Aid, Build, Zi-O, Zero-One, Saber, Revice, Geats, Amazons, Black Sun
Super Sentai Shows: Gaoranger, Hurricanger, Abaranger, Dekaranger, Magiranger, Boukenger, Gekiranger, Go-Onger, Shinkenger, Gokaiger, Zenkaiger, Kyoryuger, Donbrothers, ToQger, Kingohger, Kyuuranger
Other Toku Shows: Garo (The One Who Shines in the Darkness era specifically), Garo: Vanishing Line, Legend Hero, Tomica Hero: Rescue Force and Rescue Fire, Godzilla
I won't take NSFW requests for younger characters who are under 18 and will keep them platonic or romantic depending on the situation. For the ToQgers especially, I will only take more platonic requests for them.
Poly relationships are a-okay! Actually I may write about some on my own volition lol.
Most of the time I'll keep the reader as gender-neutral. So if you want them to be a certain gender, lemme know~!
What I say isn't really law, but my own interpretations of the characters. You're more than welcome to interpret them however you wish!
I'm a simp, don't judge me.
If you wanna kiss any of the female characters, one-offs, villains, movie-only peeps, monsters, go for it! Lord knows I am attracted to like....60 different peeps in a single season.
I’ll post the stuff I write both here on tumblr and on ao3!! That being said, you are more than welcome to request in the comments on ao3 or in my tumblr asks which are preferred.
This work is mostly used for Reader x Character stuff so I won't take much ships between characters because I know everyone doesn't ship the same thing and like...you're free to ship whomever~! I'll write em if they strike my fancy on the day lol.
Please be patient!! I’m working two jobs and have other responsibilities. I also tend to burn out easily....so it’ll be here and there. 
Please also be hella specific and detailed on what you ask me. I’m dumb as hell so ya gotta lay it out for me whether you want like generic headcanons or romantic ones! 
I’ll list out warnings in the front of everything I write, and if something bothers you or if I forget to list something, please tell me! On that note, I don’t mind yandere kinda stuff but like it’s going to be....very.....very sparse and will be labeled accordingly. 
You’re more than welcome to interact with me! I’m so fucking lonely out here in the void...please come talk to me :’)))
So, shall I spin you a tale, my dear?
TO DO LIST: IN NO ORDER AT ALL (listen lord knows whatever the hell Imma write)
Shinkengers Kiss Headcanons
Momotaros, Urataros, Kintaros, Ryutaros - Dating Headcanons
Angst Headcanons Ushijima Hikaru
Protective Headcanons - Zack
Bath Time: Sononi x Male Reader x Kitoh Haruka
Kuroto Dan Kiss Headcanons
NSFW Headcanons - Hino Eiji
NSFW Headcanons - Hiden Aruto
Satarakura x Plant manipulating reader
Houji Tomasu x sassy reader
Gentaro’s friend x Lucky (Kyuranger) Headcanons
Fluffy Fukamiya Kento fic
NSFW Kadota Hiromi Headcanons
NSFW Momotani Jiro headcanons
Dating Headcanons: Sudo Masashi, Shibaura Jun, and Sano Mitsuru
Roomates with Nitoh Kousuke
Dating Headcanons: Kurenai Wataru, Igarashi Ikki, Sakurai Keiwa
Sleepyhead S/O x Sudo Masashi Headcanons
Dating Headcanons: Lucky x Reader
Dating Headcanons: Spada x Reader
BFFs with Sakuma Kotaro
NSFW Tomari Shinnosuke Headcanons
Traveling to different worlds with Tsukasa, Headcanons
Rook with S/O that can turn invisible
Whatever the hell my brain can come up with lol
S.O.S Series - MetsuBouJinRai x Reader 
Some sorta fluffy Neon fic bc fuck the JGP
More Kingohger bs bc I love myself
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otomes-world · 3 years
Yay!!! Ok can I request some yandere amnesia hcs for ikki ❤️
For this I rewatched his moments from anime and relistened his songs. Hope, it`s still more or less sound canonical (/// ̄  ̄///) P.S. I made picture special for him!
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Where to start, probably, with the character of Ikki. He is known as a frivolous womanizer, but we know that deep inside this is not so. He is interested in solving math puzzles, board games, music. He is good at everything where hands may be required, that is, everything. Just at one point in his life, a miracle happened that Ikki himself does not consider as such. Be that as it may, since girls began to fall in love with him from a single wave of eyelashes-.. it would be strange not to start enjoying everyone's attention, since the chance fell.
It had been like this before, but now Ikki began to question his wish. He began to doubt that he could be truly loved. He was sure that all the emotions that girls feel for him were false. Besides, he even knows where they came from. Therefore, it seems to me that this fact slightly, but shook his psyche. Another case that also hammered a nail into the coffin of his self-esteem was the actions of the fan club, when the girls broke up with him after three months. Did he have reason to believe that his charms only lasted for a limited amount of time? More than that.
In the light of these events you appeared. You, who turned up your nose from him at the beginning. You, who were not affected by the power of his eyes. Ikki couldn't help but be interested, though maybe he just couldn't believe what was happening. Is it possible.. his abilities have malfunctioned? Is it possible.. after years the higher powers finally decided to take pity on him?
Yandere Mod begins when Ikki goes from denial to acceptance and then fear. Fear that everything will end soon, that the spell will begin to act on you. Although sometimes he caught himself thinking that this time he would not mind. However, this did not last long. In the next second, he realized that then everything would return to the beginning, and the only chance in life would pass him by.
He had already guessed that his fans were not the most peaceful in the world, but who would have thought that this time their behavior would became trump card into his hands. The young man was waiting for the right moment to appear and, like a prince on a white horse, save you. Perhaps if the situation were calmer, you yourself would understand how feigned it looks, but when you are surrounded by several people with not the best intentions, small details like a satisfied smile do not attract attention like a noble gesture of help.
You, from your part, could not understand what was happening with the girls, as soon as they saw your colleague at work. Yes, he was handsome, charming, charismatic. You could not deny this, but nevertheless, in your opinion, this was not a sufficient reason for every lady to lose the head of him. In any case, it did not concern you, or so you thought until a certain time. Until this most charming colleague began to pay attention to you, along the way causing envy in the rest of his fans. You didn’t need such happiness, you didn’t get a job for this, so you tried to politely, but clearly express your position, namely, to show that you were not at all interested in him.
To your surprise, Ikki turned out to be a gentleman who did not force his feelings on you. He calmly backed off, promising that he would not cause you any inconvenience. This added to him points of sympathy on your part, making your attitude towards him more favorable. You even become friends, although you still felt hesitant to communicate with the guy you turned down. However, Ikki showed with all his appearance that this did not bother him at all, which means that you should not either.
You guessed that his fans would not like that some leftist girl was spinning around their an idol, whom this idol more than just favors. You just didn't think they'd show their dislike so quickly.
It all started innocently, with letters of warning. There was nothing in them other than a request to leave Ikki alone. However, this fact quickly changed, and you began to find rotten eggs in your mailbox, your own jagged photos and more, much more then that. It was very unnerving. When they somehow expressed everything they think about you to your face, you began to be afraid. Fear for yourself and your safety.
You would be mad at the cause of everything, Ikki, but he was always there to help you. You personally heard him tell some girls to leave you alone. It was not his fault that they did not heed his words. Not his. You felt safe with him. They never attacked while you were together. However, you couldn't deny how suspiciously your intuition screamed for escape as soon as he appeared next to you. It felt so paradoxical that it drove you crazy.
You would be grateful for his support if he wasn't the only one you could turn to for help.
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kyannae · 3 years
request info.
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✦ ─ actively in the fandom
✿ ─ sort of left the fandom
1. strictly no nsfw allowed in any requests. suggestive is allowed, things like kissing is allowed.
2. limit yourself to a maximum of 3 characters per requests.
3. be patient, i have a life outside of tumblr - i am not free 24/7 to attend to your request.
4. do not request for any character that I won't be writing for. if you are unsure, please just ask.
5. state the pronouns and gender of the reader. if not, i will assume the reader is gn, and going by they/them.
6. i write for character x reader, character x character (some).
7. i do not write for fem!reader. only gn!reader and male!reader.
fandoms and people i will be writing for:
hunter x hunter (✿)
1. gon (no suggestive themes)
2. killua (no suggestive themes)
3. kurapika
4. illumi
5. chrollo
demon slayer (✿)
1. tomioka giyuu
2. kocho shinobu
3. kamado tanjiro
4. agatsuma zenitsu
5. kamado nezuko
6. tsuyuri kanao
7. hashibira inosuke
8. kanroji mitsuri
9. kyojuro rengoku
10. shinazugawa sanemi
11. tokito muichiro
lookism (✦)
1. hong jay yeol
2. daniel park
3. mira kim
4. zoe park
5. zack lee
6. lee euntae (vasco)
7. crystal choi
8. jong gun
9. johan seong
10. eli jang
11. dg (diego)
12. joon goo
tokyo revengers (✿)
1. manjiro (mikey)
2. emma
3. shinichiro
4. izana
5. kakucho
6. ran
7. rindou
8. sanzu
9. senju
10. hina
nijisanji (✦) <- just entered fandom
1. ike eveland
2. vox akuma
3. shu yamino
4. mysta rias
5. kanae
6. luca kaneshiro
7. nina kosaka
blue lock (✦) <- just entered fandom
1. isagi yoichi
2. meguru bachira
3. kunigami rensuke
4. chigiri hyoma
5. nagi seishiro
6. reo mikage
7. itoshi rin
8. itoshi sae
9. michael kaiser
10. alexis ness
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11. niko ikki
return of the blossoming blade (✦) <- just entered fandom
1. cheongmyeong
2. baek cheon
3. yoo iseol
© kyannae
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storydays · 3 years
Legend of Korra X Male Reader
Hey guys! I’m loving all the likes you’re giving. I want to hear more of your questions and comments. Also I would really appreciate it if you would tag me and give me credit when you reblog my work. Thanks
(All credit for Legend of Korra goes to Nickelodeon and it’s creators ❤️)
Season 1, ep 5, p2
Kazan and Meelo yawned sleepily, full from dinner. "That was really good, (Y/N)." Pema complimented, rubbing her belly happily. "Glad you liked it Auntie." You then turned to your Aunt Rene who was sulking in the corner with a smug grin. "So, Auntie, thoughts?" you teased, making her start. "Listen little boy! Don't you dare give me attitude just because you're a better cook than me!" Everyone laughed at the banter between you two. "It's late, and the children are sleepy, why don't you guys sleep here for the night? Nagisa can sleep with Jinora and Ikki, and Kazan can bunk with Meelo." Pema suggested. 
"Yay! Sleepover!" cheered Ikki and Nagisa much to Jinora's annoyance. "Here, I'll help but the boys to sleep, Uncle."He smiled appreciatively at you, grabbing Meelo while you carried Kazan. "You did good tonight, nephew." Tenzin said, leading the way to the boys' room. "You heard from the radio?" you tilted your head, adjusting your grip on the young firebender. "No, I saw from the corner. You really are your parent's son."
You stared at his back in shock before smiling. "Heh, thanks Uncle."
*That night*
You inhaled the fresh air as you and Nevermore walked to the arena to get ready. But stop seeing Mako and Korra each facing different ways, and leaned against a pole, out of their sight line. "What kind of game are you playing?" asked the Firebender. "Um, pro-bending? We have a quarter final match." Korra stated like it was the most obvious thing. "No, I mean with Bolin. You got him all in a tizzy, and I know you're only using him to get back at me." Mako accused. 'Ooh bad move, Mako.'
"I am not. We're just having fun. What do you care, anyway?" Korra defended. "I'm looking out for my little brother. I don't want to see his heart get broken." 'That is such bull.' you laughed silently. Korra knew it was too, "Wait a second. You're not worried about him; you're jealous," Korra was smirking and you were too. "You do have feelings for me." Mako didn't miss a beat. "What? Jealous? Don't be ridiculous." 
"Admit it, you like me." Korra didn't realize she was playing with fire, quite literally. "No, I'm with Asami." "Yeah, but when you're with her, you're thinking about me, aren't you?" The Avatar sounded so smug right now, and you were silently rooting for her. "Get over yourself." Mako snapped. "I'm just being honest!" "You're crazy!" Mako denied. "You're a liar!" cried Korra.
That was when you decided to step in. You splashed the two with water you kept in your pocket, and sent your teammates a raised eye brow. "If you two hot heads are done, we do have a match to go to." You then walked away, your pony tail swinging behind you. You stopped the two from entering the room and to keep Bolin from getting him involved. 
"Listen you two, don't bring this energy around Bolin. And while you are out on that ring, keep your personal feelings out of it. We've come too far for you two to mess it up. Am I clear?" The younger teens looked at each other and sighed, when Nevermore snapped her jaws for good measure. "Yes, sir." "Good, I'll be here when the match is over." You walked in and over to the railing, waiting for the match to start. 
*15 minutes later*
"Eight teams have been eliminated, and eight advance into the quarter finals, which get underway tonight. The rookies are about to take on the former and longest running champs--the Boar-Q-Pines. Youth clashes with experience in a battle for the ages or rather of the ages. Korra dodges and--ooh slams right into her teammate! Down goes Mako, and Bolin and Korra." You face palm and growled as the second announcer said, "Round One goes to the Boar-Q-Pines." 
Your (e/c) eyes narrow, noting Mako was saying something to Korra in a very aggressive way. Poor Bolin looked so confused. The waterbender part of you wanted to switch out with Korra, but the airbender part of you, reminded your that this was how Korra and Mako were going to make up. Nevermore nuzzled your cheek making you chuckle and rub her head. "Thanks, girl."
"The Ferrets looking to mount some offense here in round 2. Bolin lets fly a flurry of attacks. He's a one man bending battalion." "Yes! Way to go, Bolin!" You cheered for the Earthbender. "The Ferrets having a tough time finding their rhythm tonight. But thanks to Bolin, they narrowly notch round two." 
Round 3 started and at this point the crowd noticed their was something wrong as well. "Not sure, what's eatin' them, but this is not the same team that took out the Rabbaroos." You winced in sympathy as the Avatar took Earth disk to the stomach. "Round 3 is a tie. We go to a tie breaker to decide the match." A referee tossed a blue and red coin into the air, and caught it, covering it up. 
He moved his hand to reveal the red side. "The Fire Ferrets win the coin toss. Which element do you choose?" Immediately the three tried to decide who would go to fight, until Bolin stepped up with the older Earthbender. "Looks like the Earthbenders will collide in the tie breaker face off. Bolin goes in for the grapple, Chang reverses." You grit your teeth as Bolin was flung into the air but cheered when he fired from mid air. 
"Bolin strikes from mid air, knocking Chang to the edge of the circle, and another strike from Bolin, knocking Chang into the drink!" "The Future Industries Fire Ferrets win their quarter final match!" You, Mako, and Korra sighed in relief as the announce continued talking. "Ooh, close one folks, youth trumps experience tonight." 
You met the trio at the edge and grinned at Bolin. "Good job, Bo! You were awesome out there!" You watched as Korra and Mako went their separate ways. You sighed, and walked over to Mako and whispered in his ear, "You better get your act right, Mako. You maybe my best friend, but I won't hesitate to kick your ass." He looked at you with wide eyes, knowing you were dead serious. "Hey, (Y/N), come with me! I need your help!" Bolin dragged you out the room, making you laugh. 
*Time skip*
You and Bolin walked up to where Korra could be hiding and you stopped seeing Korra and Mako kissing. 'Are they kidding me?!' "Wait, Bo, don't--" 
You were too late, as he stopped seeing the scene in front of you. You hid half your face in your hand, Nevermore trying to hide her head in your hair. It was silent until Bolin started crying and ran away. "Wait, Bolin, this isn't what you think!" He turned to Korra with a glare on his face. "Great! Look what you did." "You're blaming me?" demanded Korra. 
"You kissed me!" "You kissed me back!" Both gasped being splashed with freezing cold water, and turned to you. Nevermore's teeth were drawn back into a snarl, and you had a dangerous look on your face. "It doesn't matter. You are both at fault! Now what matters is how the hell you are going to fix it." You and Nevermore growled as Mako groaned and ran after his brother. You turned to the city view and didn't even look at the Water Tribe girl.
"Korra, I know you've been isolated all your life, and you probably thought you would get your happily ever after with Mako. But there's so many fish in the sea for you to explore with. Don't settle for the small fry." "Well played, Korra." she said, hugging herself. "Live and learn, Korra." you sighed, "Live and learn."
*The next morning.*
You followed Mako into the restaurant.  "Morning, Narook. Is my brother here?" The man behind the counter gestured behind you guys, and Mako waved in thanks. "Thanks." He walked over to Bolin and shook his shoulder. "Come on, wake up. I'm taking you home, bro." That cause Bolin to sniff and look up sadly. 
"Don't call me that. You're not my brother!" He drunkenly slapped Mako's hands away from him. "You're a brother-betrayer." He sobbed into his arms. "The only ones I can trust: are Pabu and (Y/N)! They love me!" "You're a mess, and we've got the biggest of our lives tonight. Let's go." Mako tried grabbing Bolin who screamed at him. "No! I'm not going anywhere with you traitor!" You sighed, pushing Mako and grinning at Bolin. 
"Come on, Bo. I need my favorite Earthbender to fight with me tonight!" He finally got up with his arm slung over your shoulder. "Only you Bolin, can drunk off Water Tribe Noodles." You laugh gently. "I told you dating a teammate was a bad idea." Mako sighed. "You're a bad idea!" You laugh at their antics, even if you were pissed at Mako. 
*That night* 
You finished braiding your hair so it hung down your back, and out of your face, as Korra walked into the room. She looked at Bolin slouching on a bench,and noticed you over at the mirror. You were lost in thought, but it was clear something was bothering you. You suddenly snapped out of it and stood up, putting your helmet on. "Let's go guys. And leave your personal feelings here." 
"You can't find a team more evenly matched. In age, size, and strength than the Fire Ferrets and the Buzzard Wasps. Believe me, I looked." he joked. "This should be a pulse-pounding semi-final, folks." The bell rang and the Buzzards fought first. "The Buzzard-Wasps open with a flawlessly executed combo. 2 of the Ferrets take an early visit to Zone 2, and Mako's knocked all the way back into Zone 3! The Ferrets have been struggling to stay alive since the opening bell. It seems Bolin and Mako are out of sync tonight. (Y/N) taking the brunt of the impact from the front lines." 
The crowd groaned with Bolin as he was hit in the gut, hard. "Ooh, that has got to sting." You heard retching and groaned, knowing it was Bolin. "And Bolin looses his noodles, literally." All the players seem to have froze with that disgusting scene. "Which reminds me, this match is brought to you by our sponsor, Flamey-O-Instant Noodles. 'Noodlest- Noodles in the United Republic.' " Soon Bolin was knocked back into Zone 3 with Mako, leaving you to get defend from Zone 1. 
You were suddenly knocked into Zone 3 by an Earth disk, while avoiding a flame burst. "The Buzzard Wasps fly deeper into Ferret Territory. And Mako plunges into the pool. Can the Fire Ferrets hold on?" You and Bolin looked at each other and continued to fight with all you got. "The Ferrets are backed to the edge now, and are saved by the bell! They had better pull themselves together, folks, for round two. Otherwise they can kiss their finals goodbye. "
"Round 2!"  You used water in a arch to knock two of the Buzzards back into Zone 2. "Oh, what a strong start from (Y/N)!" Mako groaned being knocked into Zone 2, and sent fire towards them, hitting Bolin in the process. He cried out, and turned onto his back to glare at Mako. "Hey, watch it!" He gasped being knocked into the water, from his distraction. "The Wasps take advantage of Mako's unforced error, and move forward." 
You and Mako spun your elements together and knocked the opposing  Water and Earth benders out and into the drink giving the round to you guys. Round 3 came and you looked between the boys. "Look, we've been working for a long time for this. Get your heads in the game guys. Please." You begged slightly; they knew what this tournament meant to you. "Let's get this over with." Mako sighed.
When the match started, Mako was already in the drink, and Bolin's shoulder was messed up,and then he was in the drink. "The Ferret's dream of making it to the finals rests on Councilman (Y/N)'s shoulders." You smirked to yourself, used your waterbending to get the team into a line of three, and knocked them down like dominoes. "It's the big kaboosh! What a knockout!" 
The crowd went wild and you could hear Mako and Bolin cheering for you.  "It didn't seem possible folks, but the Fire Ferrets are headed to the finals." You laughed, waving to the crowd, before walking away. You took your helmet off and groaned when Korra gave you a big hug. "Korra! Korra! I need my....lungs...to breathe." "Oh! Sorry!" she sheepishly let you go. "Sometimes, I forget about my own strength." You sent her a lopsided smile, "It's okay, Korra." Bolin and Mako walked up to you. 
"That was pretty much the coolest thing I've ever seen." "Thanks for not giving up on us; we never would've made this far without your level head. We owe you big time." You rolled your eyes, walking past them, taking your helmet off. The three looked at each other, uncertain. "(Y/N)--" "Look, I know things are confusing between the three of you, but this team means everything to me, and the last thing I need is for some petty love triangle is to mess it up." 
Your sudden attitude caught the other's off guard; you were usually so carefree and cool. You got ready to leave the room when your ex walked in, making a scene. "Ooh, ooh, you boys smell something in here?" Tahno pinched his nose before smirking. "Oh, wait I know what that is. Yeah, it's the scent of losers." "I hope we see you in the finals. Then we'll see who the real losers really are." Korra said back. 
"Yeah, I'm peeing my pants over here." Tahno said confidently before turning to you, with a very faint blush on his cheeks. "I'll win this match for you, (Y/N). Maybe we can go out to that Water Tribe restaurant you like so much." You turned to him with a bored look and said, "Gag me. We are not together anymore, Tahno, I just can't trust you." You brushed your bangs into your face and left without another word. 
You ran into Asami in the hallway. "Oh, hey Asami." she hugged you and took a step back, noting your mood. "Great job! What a comeback! I--Hey...what's the matter?" she asked, green eyes shining earnestly. "Nothing, why don't you go see you boyfriend." You began to walk away when she grabbed your arm. 
"Hey, you don't need to be strong around me, (Y/N), you've been there for me when I needed it. You can talk to me--" "No! I can't talk to anyone and especially not you because on of my main problems is I'm in love with you, and I just think you're wrong for Mako because he and Korra kissed and they belong together and I--" Asami cut you off by hugging you tightly, your arms tight around her waist. "(Y/N), I-I didn't know you felt that way." You took her hand in yours and kissed the top of it, locking eyes with her. 
"Asami..." you left it at that and walked away, leaving her to her thoughts. 
You ran to where you hid Neo, and hugged him with all your might, begging your tears not to fall, and while the polar bear dog didn't know what caused your pain, he simply nudged you with as much warmth as possible.  You took such good care of him, it hurt him to see you so upset.
You sniffed, and looked into Neo's blue eyes with a watery smile. 
"Let's go home, boy."
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aceavatar · 4 years
Mako x Reader (Asami x Reader, Korra x Reader, Asami x Korra)
Warnings: none?
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“I can’t believe that Korra and Asami are getting married today.” Bolin says, straightening his tie.
“Me neither.” Mako and I mutter at the same time.
“Is it weird for you, y/n?” Bolin asks.
“Uhhh...” I say, scratching my neck.
“Be quiet, y/n!” Asami whispered.
I nodded, clasping my hand over my mouth so I wouldn’t giggle.
“Girls!!! Get back here this instant!” Our teacher scolded.
Asami and I were standing on the toilet, in the stall so our teacher couldn’t see our feet.
“You two are gonna be in big trouble.” She said, leaving the bathroom.
Once the door shut, Asami and I giggled.
“We got her, huh y/n?” She said, smiling at me.
“Sure did.” I grinned, hopping off the toilet. “Where are we going to go now?”
“Home?” She asked, raising her eyebrows.
“Yeah!” I grinned.
We climbed out of a window, and sprinted back to Asami’s mansion for the rest of the afternoon.
“How come I always have the most fun with you, y/n?” Asami said absentmindedly.
We were both seated in pajamas on a couch in the living room, painting our nails.
“I dunno.” I said, blowing on my right hand.
“Do you like it here?” Asami asked.
“Of course. I’m so grateful you and your dad took me in.” I smiled.
Her father needed a distraction after he lost his wife, so he picked up a kid from off the street and gave her a home. I happened to be that kind
“Good.” She smiled. She then reached out her arms and did little grabby hands.
I giggled and set my nail polish down and moved into her arms. She held me tight and sighed, our legs tangling together.
“I like you, Asami.” I said happily.
“I like you too, y/n.” She said.
Even though we were only fourteen, we thought we’d marry each other. We planned our wedding and everything. It went well, until her father found out.
“What in the spirits are you two doing?!” A male voice boomed through the room.
We were only cuddling in my bed, nothing bad. We were basically kids.
“I’m comforting her, dad. She misses her family.” Asami snapped a lie at her father.
“I know feelings when I see them.” He growled.
I sat there silently, looking at Asami.
“You!” He pointed at me.
I snapped my head towards him and met his furious piercing eyes.
“You made my baby girl like this!” He screamed, making my heart hurt. “You’re not welcome here. Get out. I never want to see you again.”
“Kind of? I mean I’m happy that my childhood best friend is happy.” I shrug, sipping tea.
“Yeah I get that, but what about Korra?” Bolin asked bluntly.
I spit out my tea.
“We’re fine...”
After I got kicked out of the Sato mansion, I sought refuge elsewhere.
I ended up going to the small island by the city to become an Air Acolyte.
At 14, when I found myself at the shore of the island, I shaved my head, wore air nation clothes, and joined the beautiful culture.
I befriended Pema, Tenzin, and Jinora. Meelo developed quite the crush on me, and Ikki and I found ourselves wandering the island in the late morning.
Two peaceful years went by, then she came.
“Y/n’s room is over there. She’s one of our favorite Air Acolytes.” I hear Ikki’s voice.
I smile a little at the compliment and step out to see who’s there. It ended up being none other than the avatar.
“Hi! You’re y/n, right?” She asked, smiling at you, blushing a tad.
“Yes. It is nice to meet you, Avatar Korra.” I bowed.
“The pleasure is all mine.” She smiled at me.
That was the moment she fell for me.
She snuck me out to a pro bending match (which I didn’t really enjoy), but it was nice to do something with her. At the end of the match when we arrived back on the island, she kissed me good night.
We became really close. I comforted her after her airbending training and we hung out together in our free time. I even showed her how to meditate.
I found myself being her rebound. She kissed Mako and all of that drama, she came back to me.
To my horror, Asami was back in the picture.
I ended up avoiding her little “team avatar” until I simply couldn’t any more.
Seeing Asami again was a little weird, especially because she was dating one of the pro benders we met.
When Korra ended up dating Mako, it got strange.
That was when I befriended Bolin. He was kind, and he didn’t try to get with me. He was my buddy, and I loved him (platonically).
After Korra and Mako broke up, Korra came back to me.
I kinda got angry and rejected her, telling her to go do Asami or something, just because I didn’t want to be a backup.
She understood, but somewhat resented me for not being there romantically.
“I mean we haven’t spoken in a while but ya know. We’re okay.”
“Good!” Bolin says, smiling and hugging me. “You two ready for this?”
“Yeah.” Mako says, sighing a little bit.
“Great! I’m gonna find Opal. See you when it starts!” Bolin kisses me on the cheek and hugs Mako, then runs off.
“How are you?” I ask Mako.
“I’m okay.” He smiles gently. “I’m glad they ended up together.”
“Me too.”
The ceremony finally started, and Bolin, Opal, Mako, and I are in our seats.
It’s beautiful, and both girls looked absolutely stunning.
Korra’s dress ended up being a pale, almost white, blue color, while Asami’s was plain white.
I smiled up at them.
A warm gentle hand held mine. I look away from the brides and smile at the firebending boy. He smiles back at me contently.
I sat on the edge of the island, my feet kicking the water. I had just found out I gained airbending after the spirit world and the human world combined and I had an existential crisis.
I felt like I wasn’t worthy of the art I had studied for so long. That I would hurt myself and/or others around me. That I’d never be able to be happy.
I heard footsteps behind me.
“Go away, Bolin. Jokes won’t help this time.” I mutter.
“Uh, I’m not Bolin.”
You sighed and allowed the person to come sit next to you.
“Hey Mako.” I said, not even looking at him.
“Hey, y/n. What’s wrong?”
“Why do you care?” I snapped, crossing my arms.
“I just do, okay?” He snapped back.
I smiled a little bit. “Just a bit of a crisis.” I laughed.
“Do-uh, do you wanna tell me what’s going on?” He asked shyly.
“I’m an air bender. I’m not worthy of the ability, though. I’m a nobody who ruins lives.”
“Woah, what?” He asked. “An air bender? That’s amazing!”
“I guess.”
“You’re an acolyte, literally nobody else deserves to airbend than you.” He said, patting my back soothingly.
“Thanks, Mako.” I smiled and met his eyes. They were kind.
It hit me at that moment that I never really met Mako. Or knew him. I had only heard about him from Korra and Bolin, been somewhat alongside him in some fights, but nothing personal.
“What’re you out here for?” I asked.
“Just needed a break.”
“From what?”
He looked at me.
“If you don’t mind me asking.” I rushed.
“No, it’s okay. I don’t know you, but I feel like I can talk with you freely.” He said, blushing a tad.
“You can. I don’t judge.” I smile.
“Okay, well, I just haven’t ever been able to keep a relationship.” He frowned. “I lost my parents, and I only have my brother left. We’re obviously okay, but I’ve dated and ruined my relationships.”
“Hey. I’m sure it’s not all your fault.” I said, scooting closer to him.
“I’m too unlovable. I’m just, I don’t know. I can’t get it right.”
“I get that.” I chuckle. “I was a rebound for years.”
“Ouch.” He said.
“Yeah. It was actually your fault a couple times.” I joked.
“Wait, what?” He furrowed his eyebrows.
I gave him an ‘are you serious? are you really this blind?’ look.
“You really don’t know?”
“Korra.” I laughed. “Anything went wrong, she was at my door.”
“No way,” he gasped.
“Yeah. Honestly when she picked you over me, I was flabbergasted.” I joked.
“I never would have guessed.” Mako laughed.
“Yeah.” I smiled at him, bumping shoulders. “I’m glad I ended my involvement with her.”
“Yeah, me too. I still love her, just, ya know,” he started.
“Not like that.” We both said at the same time, nodding and laughing.
After the ceremony, the party started.
Mako and Opal chat while Bolin and I stuff our faces.
After we eat, Opal and I start to dance together. We became close after Bolin kept gushing to me about Toph’s beautiful granddaughter.
“Y/n?” Mako calls.
“Better go.” Opal smiles at me, giving me a hug.
I smile and jog over to my boyfriend. Yes, boyfriend. (I was surprised I was attracted to guys, too. You’re not the only one.)
“Hey. Thought I lost you.” He jokes, holding my hand gently.
“I’m always here.” I say, hugging him.
“Oh my gosh! Y/n!” A voice says, making us pull apart.
“Asami!” I say, hugging my old friend. “Congratulations! It’s good to see you again.”
“Thank you. It’s good to see you too.” She smiles.
“The dress looks familiar.” I say, nodding at the dress. It’s just like the one I said she should wear for our wedding.
“Yeah, well a genius told me I’d look good in it. So I tried it and I fell in love with it.” She jokes, smiling at me.
I laugh. “I’m really happy for you.”
“Thank you, y/n. I’m really happy for you, too. I’ve never seen Mako so happy.” She nods towards Mako, who’s refilling his fruity drink.
“I’m glad he’s happy.” I smile absentmindedly.
“Y/n!” Korra shouts, nearly tackling me with her hug. “I’m so glad you made it!”
“Me too! Congratulations, by the way.”
“Thanks! Oh hey Mako!” Korra says as Mako walks up to us.
“Hi you guys. Congratulations.” He says genuinely with a smile.
“Thanks Mako.” They both say.
“So, when’s your wedding, huh?” Korra asks, nodding towards Mako and I.
“I-uh, um” Mako stutters.
“Well, sorry to say, but you just missed it. It was yesterday.” I joke, making a face and nodding.
“Wow, I’m so offended. You didn’t invite both of your ex girlfriends to your private wedding.” Asami says, putting her hand to her heart in mock offense.
We all laugh.
“I’m really glad our relationships didn’t work out.” Korra says.
“Yeah, thanks both of you for breaking up with Mako. I wouldn’t have known I like guys if it weren’t for y’all.” I joke.
After a while of talking and laughing between the four of you, you and Mako move to the edge of the party.
“What a nice night it’s been.” I say, looking at the small pink flowers growing from the ground.
“Yeah. I’m glad it wasn’t as awkward as we worried.” Mako says.
“Me too.” I laugh.
We fall into a comfortable silence, looking up at the stars and just being together for a moment.
“I love you, y/n.” Mako says quietly.
“I love you too, Mako.” I say back, turning to kiss him gently.
Thank goodness for the messy love squares/triangles that were formed when we were teenagers.
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♆ Yandere (Ringo Noyamano) You’ll See
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📑 Table of Contents
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Romance ☁
Word Count: 2,172 ☁
Pairing: Reader x Ringo ☁
World: Air Gear ☁
Prompt: #2: ”It’s for your safety. You’ll see.” ☁
Author’s Note: This was requested for the Yandere Set! If you’d like to request your own, please see my post [here] to check and see which are available~ I had to research this one because it’s been so damn long since I last watched Air Gear xD
You had never really been into Air Trecks, though you did enjoy hanging out at the park and watching the riders as they had fun, especially your girlfriend, Ringo. She had always been such a gorgeous girl in your eyes, but when she was skating, she turned into a goddamn goddess. This is the main reason you decided to try it out for yourself, though the constant bugging from Ikki and crew were also factors in this decision.
When you told Ringo that you wanted to get into Air Trecks and had saved up enough to buy a pair, she did her best to persuade you against the idea, giving you an entire two-page list of why you shouldn’t do so, but your mind had been made up, much to her great displeasure.
Ringo ran a hand through her burgundy hair in frustration as she sat in her desk. Her hair had gotten quite long since starting her second year of high school, easily reaching past her butt. She used to always keep her hair in twin tails, but ever since you told her how beautiful she looked with her hair down, she had since abandoned the previous style.
You shifted in the desk in front of her, resting your arms on the back of the chair as you gave her the cutest look you could muster. “You know, it would be awesome if there was some beautiful, smart, talented girl with lots of knowledge about Air Trecks that could help me pick out the right pair~”
Despite herself, she smiled slyly and tucked a piece of stray hair behind her ear. “Hmm, I hope you find her.”
“Come on, Ringo.” You reached forward, taking her hand into your own. “Are you really going to leave me alone? What if I choose the wrong pair and it explodes or something?”
“That’s not going to happen, Y/N.” She rolled her eyes, curling her fingers around your own. “Fine, but if you’re going to get into ATs, you’re going to do it right. I’m going to start teaching you!”
You straightened your back, offering her a mock salute as you attempted, and failed, to keep a straight face. “Yes, Ringo-sensei!”
She wouldn’t admit it aloud, but she just loved the way you spoke her name and she could definitely get used to you calling her ‘sensei’. It made her feel like she had power over you and that made her heart race within her breast. She leaned forward, tugging you closer until your lips met hers. “You’re lucky I love you,”
You hummed against her lips, unable to hide your smile. “I know I am~”
You stuck your head out of your bedroom window, eyes cast toward the darkening sky. It was only six-thirty in the afternoon and yet the sun was gone, hidden behind gray clouds. Thunder roared overhead, rattling the glass above you, and it was followed soon after by a streak of lightning, angrily striking the earth in the distance.
Your phone buzzed on the bed, making you pull yourself back into the room to check the screen. There were two unread messages, one from Ringo and one from Ikki.
• Ringo: ‘There’s a storm rolling in. You’re still at home, right?’
• Ikki: ‘Yo you comin or not?’
You had to chuckle at how different the two messages felt. First, you replied to Ringo, letting her know that you were, in fact, at home, safe and sound. You had to admit, you felt a bit guilty. Even though you weren’t lying to her, you knew she’d be upset about you leaving the house. Next, you texted Ikki to let him know that you were on the way. You grabbed your ATs and headed out the door. With any luck, the rain would wait until you got some practice in.
Ringo was set to start teaching you this weekend, but you wanted to get in some practice before the lessons started because you weren’t sure you’d even be able to stand up in the skates, and how embarrassing would it be if you fell on your ass in front of her. You could picture her stifling her laughter as she watched you and it made you feel terrible inside. Shaking your head to get rid of the image, you ran faster.
The park was empty because of how late it was getting, and because of the storm that was threatening to open up at any moment. You scanned the area, but couldn’t spy the male anywhere.
��Ah!” You jumped in surprise, dropping the skates to the ground and whipping around, eyes wide and heart racing.
Ikki burst out laughing, falling to the ground as he clutched his stomach. “Your face!!”
You scowled, lightly kicking his shin. “You’re such a jerk,”
A light, airy giggle made you glance up. Standing a couple feet behind him was a girl with short pink hair, her outfit short and clinging tightly to her body. You had never seen this person before, but you knew instantly who she was – Simca. Ringo hated her, often complaining to you about her on more than a few occasions. Likewise, Ikki never missed an opportunity to comment on how hot she is.
Though you had never met her, you didn’t like the aura she radiated. She seemed the type to toy with people, someone who would stab you in the back without much provocation. Plus, she made Ringo very unhappy, and that was more than enough to make you dislike her.
Ikki pulled himself to his feet, wiping away the tears from his eyes. “What are you waiting for, Y/N? Get your ATs on and let’s go!”
You nodded, settling yourself on the bench so you could remove your sneakers. Even though you had already worn them once at the store to make sure they fit properly, they still felt so magical wearing them. You felt lighter, free from all of the worries and problems that bound you to the earth.
Carefully, you stood up. Pride filled you as you were able to keep your balance without falling. “Okay, what’s first?”
“We race!” He grinned widely.
Simca giggled, putting a manicured hand over her mouth. “Whoever wins gets a picture of me!”
Your brow furrowed, lips tugging down. “That’s not very -”
But the two of them had already taken off, leaving clouds of dust as they sped down the sidewalk.
You swallowed your nerves as more thunder rolled overhead and you carefully tried to move forward, but all you ended up doing was lift your foot. ‘He could have at least told me how to make these things go,’ You sighed, leaning forward so you could look down at them. The motor suddenly engaged and your body jerked forward, arms flapping frantically to keep yourself upright. Your heart raced fearfully as the scenery around you started to blur, the warm air nipping at your face. Adrenaline pumped through your veins and your lips split into a wide grin. ‘This is… so awesome!’
You were starting to catch up to the pair so you leaned forward excitedly, willing your ATs to go faster. And they did, but the pair suddenly jumped into the air, their feet landing on the side of a brick building. They skated upward with ease, crossing paths back and forth to form a chain of figure eights.
You were quickly approaching the wall and, while some panic seeped into your chest, you didn’t attempt to come to a stop. ‘If that fool Ikki can do it, then so can I!’ And you certainly did try, but apparently it wasn’t quite as simple as just jumping onto the wall. You managed to get one foot up but the skate tried to rush up the wall without the rest of your body.
The world around you flipped as your body slammed against the ground, arm twisting at an unnatural angle beneath you. A cry of pain shot from your lips, but it was masked by the sudden boom of thunder. The sky opened up, rain starting to fall in sheets from the sky.
The adrenaline quickly faded as pain took over your body, your right arm going completely numb. You bit your lip hard, trying to pull your body upright but the slightest bit of movement caused a jolt of pain to shoot through your arm. ‘Ringo is going to be so pissed…’
“Are you okay?” Simca’s face appeared above you, looking worried as she kneeled beside you, arm resting on your uninjured arm.
“I think it’s broken,” you groaned, head falling back against the pavement.
“Can you mov -”
“Get away from them!” Cried an angry voice, followed by a blur of burgundy as Simca was slapped away from you, clutching her reddening cheek. Ringo’s eyes flared with rage as she put herself between the two of you. She was about to attack again when Ikki appeared, throwing himself in front of her.
“Calm down, Ringo!”
“Calm down?” She cried, bordering hysterics. “How can I possibly calm down when she -”
“Ringo,” you called softly, trying to ignore the pain in your arm as you reached out to her, barely managing to tug on the bottom of her shirt.
“Leave,” she hissed at them, waiting for them to walk away before kneeling beside you. Her gaze softened, but you could still see the rage burning within the depths of her purple eyes. “What the hell were you thinking? What was the point of even asking me to teach you?”
You frowned, guilt swirling with the pain. “I’m sorry… I just… I wanted to impress you, you know? I thought if I got some lessons from Ikki before you started teaching me, I could impress you and you wouldn’t laugh at me.”
“Idiot,” she scolded, taking your face between her hands. “I would never laugh at you.” She suddenly pulled back, pulling her sweater over her head, leaving her in just a sports bra.
“R-Ringo, what -” Your face burned as you scanned her body before quickly looking away.
She chuckled, draping the sweater over your body. “You’re going to get sick,”
‘I’m pretty sure you’re more likely to get sick in just a sports bra…’ you sweatdropped, but you didn’t argue. The pain was getting worse and you just didn’t have the energy to argue about it.
Her fingers gently stroked your cheek as she shifted to hover her body over your own, blocking most of the rain from hitting you. “You were with Simca,”
“It was just supposed to be just Ikki…”
“To think that bitch touched you,” she muttered, her grip tightening against your cheeks. “I’m going to kill her.”
“Ringo,” you breathed out, your free hand resting against her waist. “There’s no need for that. I’m yours, you know that.”
Her lips curved into a smirk, ghosting over your own. “Yes, yes you are. All mine.”
You stifled a yawn as you stepped out of the house, your right arm in a sling around your neck. In your other hand was your ATs, which Ringo had explicitly ordered you not to wear.
Ringo pushed away from the wall when she saw you, taking the ATs from your hand before setting them by the door and then lacing her fingers with your own. “Are you ready to start your lessons?”
You nodded, giving her hand a squeeze as you started toward the park, glancing back at the skates you had spent so much money on. “You don’t plan on letting me figure it out on my own, do you?”
She scoffed angrily. “I would never do something so stupid,”
“I know, I know.”
The park was full of people, young and old. Little kids were running around playing on the jungle gym while their parents sat nearby, chatting about their lives. Several high schoolers on ATs were riding around, seeing who could do cooler tricks.
You plopped down onto the bench with a huff. “How am I supposed to learn how to skate without my skates?”
“Do you really think I’m going to let you back on your ATs?” She narrowed her eyes at you, hand on her hip. “You’re going to study the basics first by watching me,” Ringo stated matter of factly.
“Come on, Ringo, you’re being too over-protective!” You motioned toward your arm. “Don’t you think I’ve learned my lesson? I’ll be much more careful from now on.”
Ringo clicked her tongue as she stepped closer to you, hands resting on either side of your neck as she lowered her voice, eyes shining with a sort of crazed affection. “It’s for your safety, Y/N. You’ll see. I won’t allow you to be hurt again.” Her nails dug into your skin when you didn’t respond, and you winced. “Do you understand?”
“Yes, Ringo.” You responded, unable to look away from her intense gaze.
“Hmm,” her tongue darted out to wet her bottom lip. “‘Yes, Ringo‘ what?”
“Yes… Ringo-sensei,”
She giggled, roughly claiming your lips.
📜 Read more by checking out my masterlist 📜
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sourame · 3 years
Ikki namiki x male reader who is the ultimate otaku headcanons please
ult otaku!reader
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- please game with him. doesn't matter what game it is, it could be Mario kart. He just loves spending time with you
- he clings to you when you two are in public, just for safety purposes.
- he's wrote a poem or two about you, about how beautiful you are.
-he likes movie nights with you. where you two can just cuddle under a blanket and watch an old movie.
-he'd definitely buy you flowers. specifically red carnations. they mean “my heart aches for you”
“I love you a lot, MC. Please don't leave me.”
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