#In The Eye Of The Beholder
joannebernice · 2 months
We Are Family 1
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depravedmicrowave · 5 months
I’m reading a spideypool, bc sometimes you just need a muscle daddy and danger twink that can have a power dynamic going either way and still be hot, and I got to thinking. Peter’s eyesight has to be like crazy good right? Like what if it was super focused (I think theres like a scene in one of the movies?) and so he sees like pores and skin flakes and oils oozing or whatever. Like kinda gross and maybe creepy at first for him but it becomes normal. But then he sees Deadpool’s face or like the lower lip area when he’s eating (there’s always a scene with this) and Peter kinda zones in on what to a normal person looks like raw ouch but he’s seeing like a cell division version of those migraine auras.
What I’m saying is, maybe, to Peter’s spider eyes, Deadpool’s skin looks like a cuttle fish changing colors and shape in a cloud or flowing way. Maybe he look kinda pretty.
Deadpool of course would take the awed staring as Peter being grossed out but our poor baby is a nerd and just really liked watching the changing face of this handsome guy.
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deer-a-day · 5 months
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why so soft and fluffy why so plush
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euesworld · 1 year
"Beauty can be a flower, beauty can be a look.. beauty can be in a breath, and beauty can be in a book. Beauty can be anywhere, over here or over there.. beauty is in the eye of the beholder, two beautiful eyes above your shoulders. Beauty can never cease, there is beauty in the trees.. there is beauty in the sky, beauty in love. But the most beautiful things come from the heavens above.."
You are beautiful.. be beautiful - eUë
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hali-ra · 7 months
In the Eye of the Beholder chapter 27 is up now!
Excerpt: He walked through the familiar hallways towards the kitchen. Barely anyone was awake at this hour. He could feel Madara and Izuna sleep yesterday’s exhaustion off and Touka, who had had a guard shift that night, was just settling down herself. Tobirama spread his senses, taking in the quiet peace around the Senju compound. No one, not a single Senju nor Uchiha, were at each other’s throats, all taking this chance to enjoy the calm before the storm.
And above the compound, the invisible Sun watched over them. Their grief, regret, tangled until Tobirama was barely able to sense the connection that had started forming anew between them. He hurriedly cut the link and flinched as the pain snapped at him, taking a single calming breath to steady himself. It wavered, just as his will did.
He leaned against the wall, closing his eyes. The point is not to hurt either of us, Madara had said yesterday. They were wise words that Tobirama wished he could follow. He felt empty without Amaterasu; so used to her constant presence was he by now that being alone with his thoughts spiralled him deeper into uncertainty. He didn’t want the distance, but he couldn’t cross it either.
He was pathetic, he thought.
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sketchy--doodles · 8 months
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In the Eye of the Beholder
The third week of the art challenge made by theworldofprompts: theworldofprompts.tumblr.com
This one was an interesting one. I decided to draw Sage Snow-Leopard as her Felice Aswhiteassnow identity, forlorn, thinking that her real self is not considered beautiful. In the eye of the beholder, Felice is the beauty. It's a bit of a stretch, but I wanted to draw one of my toons here. Sage just wishes she could be seen as beautiful as her real self, not as a persona, even if this persona is an award-winning actress.
I am very proud of the shading here!
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
ask game! Will you ever continue in the eye of the beholder fic?
I have no idea, Anon 🤷
Whilst my fics are only discontinued if i say as much officially, the problem with some of those older fics is that I've changed so much as a writer. In the Eye of The Beholder is still a fic plan that I'm attached to, but I would need to reedit and replot scenes before progressing. That's not something I have in the works right now. The idea is there though and readers, if they remember when I've updated older fics after big gaps, shouldn't write it off! (Lol)
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I worked in a high class gift shop during studying. And I would always take the holiday shifts. Nothing's funnier than desperate wealthy men in full on melt down mode, bc they couldn't be arsed to think of a gift for their wife/gf. They would buy anything I recommended.
'That's a lovely full silver candelabra with 5 arms. It weighs about 25 kg, is as tall as your oldest child and costs roughly a month's salary. Oh, you take it!? Let me wrap it up for you!`
What arseholes!
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yourstruly235 · 2 years
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Tvoříjen den pátý
Ten Obraz Visí Na Nepravděpodobném Místě
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vanill-tea · 2 months
Great news!
The third chapter of in the eye of the beholder is finished!!! I will post it in the next few days after my friend had a final look at it!
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joannebernice · 8 months
My First Blender Renders
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Kurt and Michaela were my first specimens.
CW: Bewbs! don't have a stroke tumblr.
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swiffin · 7 months
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Jon is my comfort drawing :7
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vickozone · 18 days
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Look at the sky, Martin. 👁️
k I’m gonna go eep now
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bagofdo-ritos · 1 month
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local goth boy is haunted by the Horrors TM
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hali-ra · 8 months
In the Eye of the Beholder has been updated! (Imagine that!)
Excerpt: Amaterasu hadn’t known the grief of loss because she always focused on showing the brightness left in life, the love that lived, the peace those gone had gained. She danced and laughed and sang, day and day again.
She never saw the darkness the night brought with its cold.
“I am so sorry, Tsukuyomi,” she whispered and the wind swept her words away.
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