#Indian journalism
gbn24nes12 · 25 days
Stay Ahead with These Top News Agencies in India
Introduction to the Top News Agencies in India Defining News Agencies Importance of News Agencies in the Media Industry The Role of News Agencies in the Media Landscape News Agencies as Primary Sources for Journalists Influence of News Agencies on Public Opinion Analysis of Leading News Agencies in India Overview of Major News Agencies in India Comparison of Editorial Policies and…
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debasishsinha · 4 months
Unveiling Biases: Decoding Western Media's Portrayal of India
A growing number of people are worried that various news organisations are covering stories in a biassed or partial way, which is a major problem in today’s ever-changing media environment. This does more than just damage to journalism’s credibility; it also makes it much harder to promote international understanding and collaboration. This article explores the complex depictions of India in…
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adreameratdawn · 1 year
This is scary. And im heartbroken and enraged about how they were treated.
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stainedpoetry · 7 months
I think the best thing that our generation has normalised is having "online friends" . The bond created with these people is not based on their looks or their status but on the basis of their likes, their personalities, their favourite fandoms and their interests. You might have never shook hands or hugged them but still you are more comfortable telling them about your stupid mistakes and stupid jokes. The best thing about these friends is you don't have to meet them regularly to keep your friendship alive. And it's also the worst part not getting to meet them regularly or even once a week or once a month. From meeting them in the comment section of a meme to listening to their rants to updating them about our lives, online friends become our forever friends. It's a different kind of friendship but it's the cutest no pressure of any sort just two people sharing bits and pieces of their lives with each other and supporting each other.
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kalki-tarot · 3 months
Deities in Hinduism 🛕
Hinduism is the largest religion in the Indian subcontinent, and the third largest religion in the world. Hinduism has been called the "oldest religion" in the world, and many practitioners refer to Hinduism as "the eternal law" (Sanātana Dharma). The faith is described by some to be monotheistic, where all deities are believed to be forms of Brahman, the Ultimate Reality, as popularised by the Advaita philosophy.
"A Hindu can choose to be polytheistic, pantheistic, monotheistic, monistic, even agnostic, atheistic, or humanist."
1. Lord Vishnu
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Vishnu is the god of Preservation, the great maintainer who often appears in various incarnations (avatara) to provide salvation for humanity. Some of his best-known avatars, who are tremendously popular and beloved throughout Hindu India, are the gods Krishna and Rama.
2. Lord Shiva
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Shiva holds one of the most prominent roles in Hinduism as the god of destruction. He is one of the three most important gods, alongside Brahma (the creator) and Vishnu (the preserver). The sect of Shaivism holds that Shiva is the Supreme Being which all other gods are aspects of.
3. Maa Kali
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Kali is the Hindu goddess of death and rebirth, she expresses the dual nature of the destruction that must come before new beginnings, and of the strength of the female power which can sometimes do what the man cannot. She is also the goddess of time.
4. Maa Durga
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Durga, goddess of Shakti - the divine positive feminine energy and focus of festival celebrations. This very elegant bronze figure of Devi (goddess) Durga - is an attractive and prominent figure and a principal deity in Hinduism.
5. Lord Ganesha
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He is widely revered, more specifically, as the remover of obstacles and bringer of good luck; the patron of arts and sciences; and the deva of intellect and wisdom. As the god of beginnings, he is honoured at the start of rites and ceremonies
6. Maa Saraswati
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Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of knowledge. She is associated with wisdom, music, art, and learning. She is one of the three main goddesses of Hinduism, along with Lakshmi and Parvati. Together the three goddesses are called the Tridevi.
7. Maa Lakshmi
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Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, good fortune, happiness, youth, and beauty. She is the wife of Vishnu, the god that sustains the universe; he makes sure the universe stays together while Shiva, the destroyer, rips it apart.
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sambaridli · 9 months
Have y'all noticed this scene where when varadha goes to narang to request him to stop vishnu from troubling him and narang says it will only happen when varadha's head is at narang's feet and in the next scene which is the beheading scene you see the head of narang rolls and correctly sits at varadha's feet.
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chand-ki-priyatama · 4 months
Jab ek shaqs ko apni dua me rakhne se koi harz nahi Tab uss ishq se bada koi marz nahi ~K.Y 💗
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Moonlit Pages #7
Moonshine's Musings
चांदनी का चिंतन
After studying for the whole day , I went to the balcony from my room , the slow chatter of rain washed away all my anger , grief , pain and tiredness....
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I understood that I belong to the nature , and that my true "HOME" is no where but at the heart of nature. It might be just raining for many but for me , it's the tears of sky which fell from the heaven , it's the agonizing seperation of beautiful rain drops from the one's livin' up above the sky....
I find solace in the sound of these rain drops , that's where I belong , it feels as if the nature is trying to convey me something....
As the rain comes it takes away longing and grief and gives me a hope for a better tomorrow ....
I hope "August" is kind to all of us
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Rain also gives me a hope on how something so tragic can be so fruitful , at how something which can be agony to one , can be happiness to other.... At how to truly grow we need to let go of a few things, just how clouds let go rain drops only for them to be held by the soil of earth and be cherished forever....
Clouds and rain drops seems like an unrequited love story , but the soil , the ground always loves and cherishes rain....
This is the sound which I heard and I do not know but it felt so serene to me with "Aaja piya tohe pyar doon" playing in the background.... Felt as if the universe is telling me to never give up on anything be it my studies or my hope of finding love in this life....
बारिश है या बार(इश्क) जो भी हो चाहे मौसम है ये उम्मीदों का इश्क के चाहने वाले रंगीलो का....
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It's the inherent romanticist in me who ends up romanticizing rain so much , who wants to be drenched in the rain with the love of my life....
Coming back to the unrequited love story , i cannot help but think what the creator of this world would have thought while creating rain....
And oh thunderstorm started too , perhaps the nature also need to scream to it's heart's content to showcase it's agony and pain....
To the past me ~ lil Kaya forfeiting her own worthless Kaya (skin) to be the lover of rain....
To the future me I hope you never get tired of forfeiting your Kaya (skin)....
Sincerely the lover of rain , Moonshine 💌
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nando161mando · 3 months
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The Wall Street Journal (Jabronis) ceases any remaining resemblance of neutrality. Not a single mention of Epstein file and Trump in the past 30+ days.
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jodhadreams · 4 months
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21st of May•
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sunbeamsinapinecone · 5 months
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Spotting bison
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garadinervi · 7 months
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Audre Lorde, February 18, 1934 / 2024
(image via Journal of West Indian Literature)
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amarmonerkotha · 7 months
I don't want my friends to remember me as a distant memory
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stainedpoetry · 5 months
I really love the idea of romanticising life but not in a way perceived on social media where it all feels like a compulsion of looking cute, clicking cute pictures and loving things. Honestly romanticising doesn't mean any of that, it's not about loving things forcefully but about appreciating things. It's about finding beauty in the chaos and celebrating it instead of waiting for a perfect moment or a perfect place. The idea of romanticising life is more about finding moments of peace in your daily life instead of wishing to escape your life. It could be you just drinking a cup of coffee on a morning but without any anxiety in your gut, it could be the colourful sky at the time of sunset, it could be you journaling in your cute diary, it could be the whispers of gentle breeze, it could be a mere look at the sky. Romanticism saves people by actually filling people up with so much of gratitude for everything and everyone.
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mangotalkies · 1 year
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12.06 decompressing after some really daunting responsibilities; bought some books to reward myself for not breaking down through it; finally some headspace to create my notion and bujo to track my gazillion self-initiated projects; wondering how to commit to everything
basically, not much of progress but kickstarting everything this week.
i also suddenly want to start a substack for book reviews and mundane ruminations. right now it's all on insta. but i doubt that’s gonna happen any time soon.
i gotta say, i'm impressed by how much i expect out of myself despite knowing my erratic moods and procrastination levels.
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ixhika-jsx · 1 month
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The Type of day I adore 🖇
7-08-2024 Wednesday 🏷
Festival for womens and girls to doll up🧸
I took off from school because of my health but today was quite a day for real😭🫶🏻
Thank you God mwaah! 🫶🏻🎀
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Academically i did a lot....like srsly I am sick and have viral fever but I still slayed.....🗣
Did mathematics - PNC and completed chapter - vectors of physics also started new chapter - Motion in 1D💬
I didn't do chemistry....I know I am kinda avoiding it because of Inorganic Chem but in the end I will have to study chemistry.😭
I went to Market by myself (as today is a known festival for womens and girls to doll up) and bought myself earrings and bangles wohoo !! 💌
I dolled up in my traditionals with new piece of accessories !! 💅🏻
I went to my coaching too and I am literally exhausted now so signing off
Take care.🌷
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