#International Quidditch Association
yanxidarlings · 8 months
what's this? for once i am listening to a poll and not getting distracted by something entirely different?
fair warning this is probably my darkest yandere hp writing, reader goes through some shit (said shit being the slytherins shit) it's mostly just angst and misery with a hint of fluff (if you squint) honestly not that crazy about this, but i hereby present
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"remember, m/n, you have to do everything to be put into slytherin, no matter how it is the sorting works" draco levelled with m/n l/n, holding an uncomfortable amount of eye contact.
breaking away from the blond's gaze, m/n let out a snicker "i don't know what you're so worried about, draco, i'm the most slytherin person i know!" internally, everyone who wasn't m/n sighed. it was no secret m/n wasn't exactly.. slytherin material. but neither was enzo, or goyle and crabbe for that matter. but they'd all end up in slytherin together anyway, right?.
swinging an arm over the other male's shoulder, enzo pulled m/n in close "we just have to act as slytherin as possible, it'll be a lap around the quidditch pitch getting sorted if we just think things like.. how wicked snakes are- especially green ones! and.." the brunet furrowed his brows as he paused to think. "and just say mudblood over and over again as well! that'll convince them for sure"
m/n laughed, wiggling out of enzo's grip. if only he had actually taken the advice, maybe he wouldn't be where he was now.
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"ravenclaw" "hufflepuff" "gryffindor"
what did the hat even yell out? all m/n knows is that it wasn't slytherin. he sat motionless on the stool, gripping the edges, waiting to hear 'slytherin' yelled out.
"mr l/n, please make your way to the ravenclaw table" a stern voice spoke.
he looked up to see professor mcgonagall staring at him, indicating towards the ravenclaw table. "what, why?" he gave the old woman a confuddled look "that's you're house, mr l/n" the look of confuddlement had turned into pure shock "the.. over there?" when mcgonagall quickly confirmed yes his mouth went agape "are you sure? i.." he pointed towards the slytherin table, where the rest of his childhood friends had been sorted "whilst i'm not entirely convinced, the sorting hat is, move along child" ushering him off the stool and towards the ravenclaw table, mcgonagall quickly went to call out the next name as soon as he was down the steps.
taking a seat at the very edge of the table, m/n ignored the greeting from the boy sat next to him to stare over at the slytherin table. only lorenzo was looking over at him, the rest avoided his gaze.
the boy pinched his forearm, leaving a red mark. but he didn't wake up in his bed nor the slytherin dormitory.
looking down, he saw his robes had taken on the blue and bronze colours associated with the eagle house. his stomach dropped, the reality of the situation coming crashing down. m/n l/n's life was effectively over
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• the next day at herbology, the ravenclaw first class that day with the slytherins, none of them acknowledged him. it stung. sure, the reader had heard of purebloods not getting sorted into slytherin and being alienated from their family and circle, but it was never supposed to happen to him!
• the invisible treatment, alongside the howler he received from his guardian was enough to make him cry in the owlery after curfew. where else was there to cry? his new dormmates were mudbloods out for his magic! and the prefects patrolled the halls at night. imagine the humiliation if weaslebee or whatever the ravenclaw prefect's name was saw him balling his eyes out?
• lorenzo spoke to him, for a little while. but he knew the boy's parents would nip that behaviour in the bud eventually. the prestigious heir of the berkshire family? associating with a blood traitor? m/n knew none of them wanted to be dragged down with him.
• for a little while, he thought they just needed time to adjust to him being in a different house. it was just a house? the day after ravenclaw beat the slytherin team in first year, all hopes of that came crashing down.
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"draco!" m/n smiled as he came past malfoy in the halls, "can you believe wattle stole the snitch? she must have knocked it out of higgs hands, i swear he had it" quidditch was safe, right? m/n had never given a hoot about quidditch in the past, but if it meant getting back in draco and his gang's good books, call him a connoiseur.
malfoy shot m/n a glare "let's see you do any better then" he spat. crabbe and goyle had their arms folded, as if they were the blond's bodyguards.
the ravenclaw went agape before puffing his cheeks out, trying to think of something to say "i- i was just chatting" he folded his arms, not in the intimidating way crabbe and goyle were, as if to make himself smaller.
"you're pathetic, l/n, you think i'd want to be friends with a disgusting blood traitor. know what? i'm glad you got sorted into ravenclaw so i didn't have to find out the hard way, you would have taken us all down with you, wouldn't you?" draco sneered out, eyes narrowing.
m/n looked down, his face painted with shock "draco.. i swear i'm not a blood traitor, the hat got it all wrong!" there was no reasoning with someone like draco, who had been raised with the strict pureblood beliefs shoved down his throat.
oi!, a voice rang out from behind him, turning halfway, m/n saw a boy in slytherin robes that he had never met before "who's this" "who are you" m/n said in near unison with the stranger "he's no one, riddle, nothing but a worthless blood traitor"
with that, malfoy, crabbe and goyle pushed past m/n, and began chatting with the other boy- riddle.
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• to say the first few years at hogwarts are hell for m/n is an understatement. it wouldn't be a surprise if he developed anxiety, depression and paranoia from the constant ridicule and bullying. every corner he turned, one of them was there, calling him foul names, telling him he's a disgrace to his family name.
• who would want to stick around and become a victim as well? no one. that's who m/n had, no one. they brought anyone who he spent time with the same hell. it wasn't even just insults, it was physical, from getting into petty fights with mattheo, to theodore using the levicorpus charm to give him a concussion.
• if he so much as looks one of the greengrass girls way, elio would pour one of snape's potions over m/n's head and then tell the professor that m/n had stolen the potion. if he got the best grade in any class, enzo would accuse the reader of stealing his work, although tom always seemed to be the mastermind behind it.
• there was this one time when a girl a year below him, luna lovegood, began hanging around him, declaring that they were now friends. but m/n knew better than to get used to it, and he was right. within a few weeks of the friendship, a rumour started spreading that m/n was sleeping with rita skeeter and shit talking the quibbler. lovegood never looked at him the same.
• not to mention, the situation at home only got worse. the house was no longer a home, if it ever was. everything he apparently 'did' at hogwarts got reported back to his parents, who disowned him in fifth year.
• m/n didn't return to hogwarts after the winter break when his name was burnt off the family tree.
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the great hall was bustling with students, catching up with friends after the yuletide season. the 'best spot' on the slytherin table (where the roasted turkeys were) was dominated by what was best known as the 'slytherin gang'.
blaise was quiet, but when wasn't he? he only spoke when something needed to be said. eyeing the ravenclaw table for his favourite person to lovingly stare (glare) at, he saw no familiar face.
darting his eyes back and forth between the entry and the table, a solemn look crossed his dark features. "what's got you so pissed, mate?" theo leaned over, following zabini's gaze. blaise briefly made eye contact with theo before taking a bite of roasted potato
"i don't see him either" riddle, tom, to be exact, remarked. theo made an 'o' face, the name didn't have to be said for everyone to know who they were talking about. they spent their days thinking of ways to torment him, who else would they notice the absence of?
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• nobody explicitly said they missed the reader, but actions speak louder than words.
• tom was the first to notice something was amiss. you couldn't waterboard the information out of him, but he couldn't stand not to know where l/n was. he honestly thought the bullying was a bit ridiculous, but as long as he was isolating the reader, he didn't care how it was done.
• he takes action the quickest, stalking the long halls, trying to determine whether or not m/n was just avoiding them.
• it became something of a group mission find out where m/n is. before, they were just possessive, but now, now they were becoming obsessed.
• when the darling finally returned to hogwarts after weeks of being MIA, all the torment, all the bullying, it just stopped. they were being nice which only scared m/n even more. five, even four years ago he would have eaten this up. but he knew better than to trust people now- no, he was straight up paranoid.
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• blaise was one of the only ones who truly believed m/n was a blood traitor. but he never gave up on him. in blaise's mind, the years of 'torment' was him helping show the reader the importance of blood purity and status.
• blaise won't apologise for what he did, not sincerely. it'll be more of a 'i'm sorry it took you this long to understand the point'. he truly thinks he was just molding the reader into the perfect future spouse for him.
• the reader has simply traded one hell for another with blaise. refuse to agree to the arranged marriage? won't spend time with him? then the reader truly must be a blood traitor.
• blaise has his softer moments with the reader, where he'll reassure them that he never actually hated them, that he didn't mean any of what he would say to them. but the damage is done.
• when it's his night with m/n, sometimes he'll be awoken at 2am to the sound of m/n getting ready for the next day. when he tried to open the door to the bathroom, he had never heard such a panicked "don't!" when he asked m/n why, "i'm not presentable yet" it broke his heart.
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• draco had been encouraged by his parents- no, by his father, to put m/n in his place. now that he looks back at it, it had nothing to do with m/n, it was about making sure draco never even considered betraying his blood status.
• he engulfed the reader in a hug when he finally saw him on the way to class. whispering apologies, holding back tears. "i thought- i thought you had done something stup-" but he was quickly shoved off, m/n even mocked him for the tears.
• for the first time in his life, he understood what it felt like to be in the readers position. merlin, he was a git, wasn't he? he'll spend his entire life trying to make up for it if he has to.
• what he couldn't handle was m/n rejecting his attempts at friendship. gosh fucking damn it just love him already, draco makes it clear that the bullying might be over, and he's really sorry it ever happened, but the reader is never allowed a life outside of the slytherins.
• people who interact with the reader are still targeted, leaving him as isolated as ever. at some point he might accept draco's offer of friendship, but he'd never be stupid enough to actually buy into that bollocks.
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• lorenzo was kind of like the readers guardian angel throughout his years of torment. he might have been a bystander, but he never directly took part in foul 'pranks' they'd pull on him. it hurt his heart to see m/n so misrable, but he had a reputation to uphold and parents to keep happy.
• whenever the chance would present itself, enzo would try and make m/n's day a bit better. he sent anonymous chocolates from hogsmede for a good while, until pollux and draco started calling m/n a pig when he'd eat them at dinner.
• but it was the thought that counts! and that's what enzo tries to tell m/n in fifth year. he got punched. m/n told him to get lost in the forbidden forest and to take the rest of them with him.
• time heals all wounds, enzo probably has one of the best chances of developing an actual friendship with the reader. but they all want more, especially enzo. who believes he has some sort of precedence over the others for being 'so good' to the reader when everyone else wasn't.
• he thought he was being slick, discussing the possibility of an arranged marriage with his parents. but blaise has made plans a while back, and tom had taken the dark mark with the promise that his father would oneday have m/n marry him.
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• mattheo is by far, by a long mile, the worst of them all. he used to cruciatus curse on more than once on m/n whenever he was in a particularly jealous or bad mood. objectified him based on his looks "i'd bash your face in but then i'd ruin the only thing you have going for you."
• he didn't even know the reader before hogwarts, he just saw the way draco treated m/n, felt a funny warm feeling, and decided that meant he hated the reader.
• but god forbid anybody else does what he does, mattheo sometimes even tells off the other slytherins, the ones he doesn't like (draco lmao) to back off. maybe if he took his own advice m/n wouldn't be as traumatised as he is.
• lost his shit when m/n didn't return in fifth year. felt like he was dying, it was then he realised that maybe m/n is more important to him than he thought.
• babies the shit out of m/n when he comes back- he tries to at least. offers to carry his bags, trys to sleep in his bed with him, patches up even a small paper cut. it's a startling contrast, m/n probably feels like he has to go along with it, or risk becoming mattheo's target again.
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• theo wouldn't have gotten in on the bullying if it weren't for his father and the others encouraging him. he didn't do nearly as much as draco or mattheo, but was still considerably worse than blaise or enzo.
• he would always hover around m/n, using his robes, sometimes skin as an ashtray. always making some sort of sarcastic or witty remark. and he always had a glare that would sink though m/n's skull, leaving him constantly on the edge.
• even during the earlier years of hogwarts, theo would have moments of softness, where he dropped the hateful act. which is why he was the one m/n trusted the least when the torment finally stopped.
• m/n keeping his distance, emotionally at least, is what drives theo over the edge. instead of saying something demeaning when he gets like that, theo now has outbursts where he demands closeness: mattheo will often have to drag him out of the room.
• there's always an over the top apology, only for it to go horribly wrong when the reader doesn't eat it up. he drowns in self hatred and anger, wouldn't it be great it time turners could go back years and none of this happened?
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• tom honestly thought the reader deserved the treatment they got at first. to be born with pure blood and to throw away the privileges that came with it so easily? absolutely disgusting.
• he used to mastermind the bigger plans, until he came to respect m/n's intelligence and strength. anybody else would have ended themselves by now, and he had never met anyone as intelligent as himself. of course at first he developed his own hatred towards the ravenclaw whenever he'd get the same or a higher score on a test than him.
• his attraction to m/n causes him to pull out of partaking in the bullying by around third year. he's got better things to do, like being the top of the class over the likes of an ungrateful blood traitor.
• his main motivation in helping his father resurrect was the power it would give him over m/n. once he became a loyal death eater, he would be rewarded with m/n. the readers feelings be damned, tom wasn't above the imperius curse, amortentia or the cruciatus curse.
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xreaderbooks · 1 year
The Shadows of Our Love Masterlist | Sebastian Sallow
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Sebastian Sallow x Reader (Platonic! Garreth Weasley x Reader, Platonic! Ominis Gaunt x Reader)
Navigation - Playlist - Wattpad and AO3 - Moodboard 1
Following the events of Hogwarts Legacy: Tension rises in the Hamlets as well as in the house of Slytherin as Sebastian Sallow has taken to avoiding Y/n since the beginning of the school year. The lack of communication causes a rift between the once-close friends, both yearning for the other yet never fully expressing themselves to one another.
This school year was meant for studying, friends, and trying to rekindle her friendship with Sebastian Sallow who is set on avoiding her.
Y/n L/n is back at Hogwarts for her fifth year, left with an insurmountable amount of guilt, trauma, and ancient magic that she has lost control of over the summer; she must learn how to overcome her internal battle while also fighting a new one this year. With talk of a high society group called Death Reapers; Y/n must once again find the strength to fight for the wizarding world and confront her love for Sebastian Sallow.
Aged-up characters: 17-18 (6th years)
Slowburn - Friends to Lovers
Warnings: Hogwarts Legacy spoilers! Language, Violence, Death, Torture, Angst, Implied sexual content (no smut), SLOW BURN ASF
Chapter 1 | In the Shadow of Return
Chapter 2 | In the Shadow of Potions
Chapter 3 | In the Shadow of Evasion
Chapter 4 | In the Shadow of Strength
Chapter 5 | In the Shadow of Truth
Chapter 6 | In the Shadow of Rumors
Chapter 7 | In the Shadow of Quidditch
Chapter 8 | In the Shadow of Promises
Chapter 9 | In the Shadow of Interest
Chapter 10 | In the Shadow of Letters
Chapter 11 | In the Shadow of Duels
Chapter 12 | In the Shadow of Detention last updated: 8/15/23
Chapter 13 | In the Shadow of
Chapter 14 | In the Shadow of
Chapter 15 | In the Shadow of
more chapters to follow...
Y/n’s 6th year schedule:
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction, The author of this story has no ownership of any of the characters in the Hogwarts Legacy video game. Some dialogue is taken from the story set in Hogwarts Legacy. All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and some scenes where the original character is involved are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.
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hchollym · 2 years
Percy Weasley & the Weasley's Homophobia/Transphobia
I wrote about Percy having Oldest Daughter Syndrome in this post, but that got me thinking, and I realized something - out of all the Weasley siblings, Percy is the only one that doesn't fit into gender norms.
So I started going back and rereading to double check, and I was blown away by just how many traditionally feminine traits Percy has in the books that I didn't notice the first time I read them! 😱
It has me wondering if that was subconsciously - or purposely - a major contributor of why the Weasley children disliked Percy so much (given how homophobic/transphobic the Wizarding World is in general).
The Basics/Personality Traits
Percy doesn't play Quidditch (i.e. sports).
He enjoys Divination - a subject that is seen as silly by the popular characters & only people like Lavender and Parvati (i.e. "dumb" girls) enjoy it.
He's not great at chess: "He [Harry] suspected he wouldn’t have lost so badly if Percy hadn’t tried to help him so much." According to many studies, there is a stereotype that boys are better at playing chess than girls.
Percy is more organized and clean: ""Ron hasn't put all his new things in his trunk yet," said Percy, in a long-suffering voice. "He's dumped them on my bed."" This is a common stereotype for women, while men tend to be thought of as messier.
Descriptions/Word Choice
Percy is said to be, "fussy about rule-breaking and fond of bossing everyone around." Fussy and bossy are both sexist phrases that are commonly used to describe women who aren't accommodating enough.
Book 2 said, "Percy swelled in a manner that reminded Harry forcefully of Mrs. Weasley. “Get — away — from — there —” Percy said, striding toward them and starting to bustle them along, flapping his arms." It's not a coincidence that the other Weasley brothers are never compared to their mother.
In Book 4, it stated, "“Mr. Crouch!” said Percy breathlessly, sunk into a kind of halfbow that made him look like a hunchback. “Would you like a cup of tea?”" He is portrayed as being quite submissive and eager to please in his job (traits traditionally used to describe the ideal woman, particularly in the religious sectors).
Later in Book 4, there's this conversation: "“Maybe Percy’s poisoning him,” said Ron. “Probably thinks if Crouch snuffs it he’ll be made head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation.”" Poisoning is most often done by women, whereas men tend to kill someone in more aggressive ways.
His Job
Percy worked as an assistant/secretary to Mr. Crouch and then for the Minister of Magic - both of which are considered "women's jobs." This dates back to the Industrial Revolution, when more than 1.7 million women began working in this career, and it is still predominantly held by women (who make up almost 90% of secretaries and assistants).
Even his research was feminine:
“What are you working on?” said Harry. “A report for the Department of International Magical Cooperation,” said Percy smugly. “We’re trying to standardize cauldron thickness.
Cauldrons are generally associated with women because they were also used for cooking, and in paintings, it is almost always witches (women) depicted with cauldrons.
Then, there's this:
“I don’t reckon he’d come home if Dad didn’t make him. He’s obsessed. Just don’t get him onto the subject of his boss. According to Mr. Crouch . . . as I was saying to Mr. Crouch . . . Mr. Crouch is of the opinion . . . Mr. Crouch was telling me . . . They’ll be announcing their engagement any day now.”
A secretary falling in love with their boss and becoming obsessed... hmm, where have I heard this stereotype before? 🙄
A research study on parental discipline found that, "“When it comes to disciplining the kids, there’s been a role reversal in the modern home,” the study concluded, with moms being more consistent in discipline than dads. The researchers found that dads are no longer the strict disciplinarians that they were in the ’50s and ’60s, and are more likely to let children get away with wrong behavior and less likely to talk through discipline issues with the kids.""
We certainly see that dynamic in the Weasley household with Molly & Arthur, and we continue that trend with most of the Weasley sons - Bill & Charlie definitely aren't disciplining anyone; they're the cool, "chill" brothers who contribute to the problem by smashing tables around in the air for fun.
Percy is the only one who disciplines the younger kids - especially at school and in the role of a prefect:
“Five points from Gryffindor!” Percy said tersely, fingering his prefect badge. “And I hope it teaches you a lesson! No more detective work, or I’ll write to Mum!”
Fred and George were going the wrong way about cheering her up. They were taking turns covering themselves with fur or boils and jumping out at her from behind statues. They only stopped when Percy, apoplectic with rage, told them he was going to write to Mrs. Weasley and tell her Ginny was having nightmares.
Lack of Humor
“Yeah, well, Percy wouldn’t want to work for anyone with a sense of humor, would he?” said Ron, now starting on a chocolate eclair. “Percy wouldn’t recognize a joke if it danced naked in front of him wearing Dobby’s tea cozy.”
It is repeated regularly throughout the books that Percy isn't funny and can't take a joke, which correlates to the sexist idea that women aren't funny (or that men are much funnier).
Mother-Hen Tendencies
Percy has so many instances of looking out for his siblings (or noticing when something is wrong) and worrying about them (i.e. fussing over them):
Her Pepperup potion worked instantly, though it left the drinker smoking at the ears for several hours afterward. Ginny Weasley, who had been looking pale, was bullied into taking some by Percy.
Dear Tom, Percy keeps telling me I’m pale and I’m not myself. I think he suspects me…
& After the Second Task in Book 4:
Percy seized Ron and was dragging him back to the bank (“Gerroff, Percy, I’m all right!”)
Compare this to Fleur's reaction only a few sentences later:
Fleur had broken free of Madame Maxime and was hugging her sister.
(In fact, Percy & Fleur share a lot of characteristics, but that's a topic for a different time.)
Percy had a girlfriend, but he still broke the gender norms by writing love letters to her all summer and keeping a photograph of her. This type of romantic personality isn't stereotypically common of most teenage boys (especially in these books), but it is common of characters like Lavender, who bought Ron a gold necklace (and Ron was appalled at the idea of wearing it).
His Brothers
To compare, the only other Weasley brother who shows any traditionally feminine traits is Bill with his long hair (and I guess his one earring, but that became very popular among guys during the 80's/90's). This is a physical characteristic as opposed to an emotional/behavioral one, and Bill doesn't get any negative reaction, because he is masculine in every other way - He had a dangerous, exciting job for many years; he has a career working with money (74% of people working in finance are men); he married a much younger, attractive woman (think about Leonardo DiCaprio not dating women over the age of 25); and he had a completely heteronormative marriage.
To Summarize
Percy has an abundance of traditionally feminine characteristics in the books, as opposed to his brothers, who definitely do not. Given how society is in the Wizarding World, it is very likely that this contributed to his strained relationship with his family. 😥
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hephaestiions · 5 months
Inspired by your Drarry fic recs and your amazing Flintwood fic, do you have any Flintwood recs or personal favorites?
ah! fantastic ask, anon! flintwood was, incidentally, my earliest hp ship & maintains a soft spot after all these years. their functions in canon (quidditch captains of rival houses, pinnacles of a certain kind of obsessive, single-minded, aggressive athletic masculinity) conduce some of the most raw and gritty characterisations— kind of like if tracing your tongue along the jagged, broken end of a tooth was a ship. flintwood encapsulates a very specific kind of mood— a foregrounded physicality, a delicious emotional dimension balancing both subtlety and brashness. this ship is especially delightful when you're in the mood for some deferred emotional payoff, a little out of reach and more satisfying for it.
(tw for some discussions of queerphobia & masculinity!)
flintwood also works with and subverts some common stereotypes & tropes associated with sports as a site of exalted & amplified masculinity. oliver and marcus are both, in fic, often representations of what a popular (largely homophobic & patriarchal) culture understands as 'masculine ideal stereotypes'— physically hulking, emotionally repressed, narrow-focused, a little dangerous. and flintwood, as a ship, is crucially also about these 'ideal men' making the choice to step away from the hallowed halls of homosociality towards explicit queer desire, dynamics and love.
i'm getting into this because a large selection of flintwood fics i've loved deal (overtly or covertly) with coming to terms with queer awakenings, reckoning with being queer men in sports and similar explorations. my flintwood fic (thank you for reading it, anon!), addictive tendencies (~4k, T, tw for internalised homophobia) also grapples with this fairly significantly. in fact, even when the central tension isn’t explicitly about a queer reckoning, and the worldbuilding has little/no queerphobia, many excellent flintwood fics have some of the themes, ideas and tropes you find in literature accounting for our society’s (often disparaging) attitude towards queerness: a desire both intense and grudging, a sense of “i can’t have this person” justified through rivalry and/or jealousy, poignant internal conflicts, etc.
anyway, enough talk, here's a selection of flintwood fics i've dearly enjoyed, hope you do too! mind the tags & notes & remember to send some love the authors' way :)
best kept secrets by slyther_ing (M, 1.8k)
Marcus Flint is leaning up by the metal chainlink fence - gum popping, grin flashing white, and Oliver has the urge to run away because everything in the taller boy’s stature screams trouble, trouble, trouble.
twenty gauge by provocative_envy (T, 3k)
It takes Marcus less than ninety seconds to determine that his four o'clock is an aggressively annoying piece of shit.
wake up, get up, shut up by provocative_envy (E, 4.2k)
Marcus is twenty-three and half-concussed when it finally occurs to him that he might actually kind of sort of be really into dudes.
rugby boys, they play 15s by thistlecat (M, 4.5k)
Fifteen significant moments in Oliver Wood’s collegiate rugby career that did not make his highlight tape.
no vacancy by provocative_envy (M, 10.1k)
The dreams are frightening, at first.
true but not nice by v (E, 10.2k)
Marcus found out about it from Warrington, who heard it from Montague, who heard it from Derrick, who heard it from Nott, who heard it from Zabini, who heard it from Malfoy, who they said heard from the Quidditch dressing room, which really just meant that Marcus was going to fucking kill him.
self preservation by al-the-remix (E, 17.8k)
Outside the night had grown dark, and at some point Oliver had moved to perch on the edge of Marcus' bed, thigh pressed against his and tray settled between them. As if they had some sort of understanding. As if they were friends.
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dcafpaperback · 17 days
That's the thing, your original post was clearly saying Ginny was a Pick Me in the HBP book and states that "she's not a feminist icon as her fans claim her to be". I'm sure every Ginny fan has seen similar arguments just like yours to tear Ginny down. But as I said, a lot of Ginny fans (and hp fans in general) associate her with Choice feminism, which is in reality demeaning and low-key anti-feminist. Omg she chose to let go of her athletic career at her prime just to be Harry's baby machine and...this is celebrated? That's not feminist. But at least she has a career and is financially independent from Harry, that's awesome.
So sorry for being defensive, I was not attacking you, I was strongly disagreeing with you. But anyway, I still disagree about Ginny being a huge pick-me. A lot of her actions that are called Pick-me behavior are literally her just being a teenager. And the difference between Ginny and the male characters tore apart limb by limb is that Ginny does not appear as much. She was doomed by the narrative.
oh i passionately HATE the headcanon of her leaving her quidditch career behind just to raise her kids. i hated it since the beginning of my time here in this fandom, i still do. my headcanon is she played atleast a solid 22 years for Holyhead Harpies. And no this 'baby machine' notion is not at all celebrated in the hinny fandom, we all are pro quidditch player Ginny. I also don't mind the healer Ginny headcanon, i think she would be very professional in any job she opts for. And I didn't call her a pick me in a way to demean her no, I'm sorry if that's how it came off as. I tried to put it in a matter of fact tone since I know there is nothing wrong with having a pick me phase. I had one, my friends had one, we all grew out of it. That's what I said as a conclusion that I'm sure she becomes better. Overall I think JKR rushed her character portrait a lot in HBP to fit her into the 'Harry's love interest' narrative. She desperately tried to give Ginny the 'oh look i'm cool i'm a sassy girl who plays quidditch' vibes because that sort of mirrors Harry's personality of being a sassy jock. She deserved to have more to her character than quidditch and meanness in the initial chapters of the book. I liked her way more in OoTp and DH. Jkr used her as a vessel to channel her own internalized misogyny. But like I said, it is OK to accept flaws of characters, those make them unique. You stand by what you said, I stand by mine and still we can love Ginny for who she is together. If you wanna talk more, you are always welcome <3
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nobleflowers · 2 years
My marauders era headcanons part 8
Slytherin squad (Reg, Dorcas, Pandora, Barty, Evan and Emmeline) edition
They're all in the same year
Barty, Evan, Regulus and Dorcas were friends before Hogwarts since they're all purebloods and are also associated with the sacred 28
They met Emmeline and Pandora at Hogwarts and became friends instantly
They LOVE to cuddle and it's always so messy trying to fit six people in one bed
They're all Slytherins obviously
Emmeline, Regulus and Dorcas all play quidditch and Emma Vanity is their team captain (she's 3-4 years older than them)
Emmeline has a pet lizard and it loves everyone but Barty (Barty will claim otherwise if asked)
They watch horror movies and only Regulus and Dorcas are not scared
They love to gossip in slug club
Hottest friend group fr
When Regulus came out as trans in 2nd year they all helped him pick out a new name
Pandora and Emmeline are the parents of the group because the other four didn't really have a clue what good parents look like
Emmeline struggled a lot with her identity and had a lot of internalized aphobia before the others helped her figure out that she's aroace and accept it
Pandora and Regulus are both autistic and bonded over that a lot
When Evan and Barty happened in sixth year Emmeline, Pandora and Regulus all handed Dorcas galleons because Dorcas knew all along
Eventually Dorcas, Evan and Barty moved away from their abusive households and got a flat together
Regulus also moved out a bit later and went to live with the potters
They have a lot of inside jokes too
Marlene and James are honorary members of the group
This was more of a time line thing so I may do more about just them as friends
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character profile - Kyle Lucas {the student}
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G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N Name: Kyle Alexander Lucas Nickname: N/A Gender: Male Birthplace: Essex, United Kingdom Birthdate: June 12, 1995 Current Residence: London, England Employer: Ministry of Magic, Department of Magical Games and Sports Occupation: Wizarding Games Associate, Level Seven Blood: Pureblood
A P P E A R A N C E Height: 5' 11 Hair: Dark brown, wavy Eyes: Brown Dominant Hand: Right Other: His left thumb is slightly crooked from a Quidditch match in his sixth year
Playby: Tom Holland
B I O G R A P H I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N Kyle has always been a carefree kid, working hard not to let his anxiety get in the way of his present. Sorted into Hufflepuff House, Kyle enjoys the calm nature of his fellow students and has no problem spending his evenings with a cup of tea in the common room. However, when he told his parents that he was just having a good time chilling with his classmates and attending his classes, they encouraged him to try to join a club or team to get more involved. Kyle had always had fun flying his broomstick at home in the countryside, so one of his friends suggested he try out for the house team. Just for the heck of it.
As a first year, Kyle was only able to start off as a ball boy. Then at tryouts, they chose him to be a backup Seeker. As he took part more and more in the sport, Kyle fell in love with his teammates and spending his evenings zooming around the pitch. For fun, he dares his mates to see who would get the highest before jumping off into the lake. Swimming is another strength of his, which led to his confidence in taking part in the recklessness. By his fourth year, Kyle was the main Seeker of the Hufflepuff team. His first match in the position almost led him to have a panic attack from the stress, but he pulled through and was able to at least catch the Snitch to end the game.
Ever since that day, Kyle finds that he is able to meet situations a bit more calmly than he used to. His team is always there to support him, and because they are a team they handle each loss and win together. Kyle always considers his Quidditch team friends to be some of his closest mates and tries his best to keep in touch with them when he can during the holidays. During the quarterfinals of the house cup of his sixth year, he fractured his left thumb from a Bludger to the hand that nearly knocked him off his broom (which is currently the Nimbus 2001, although his heart is naturally set on getting himself a Firebolt one day). Hufflepuff placed third in the House Cup in 2010, fourth in 2011, and first in 2013.
Now in his final year at Hogwarts, Kyle's parents are encouraging him to figure out what he wants to do once he graduates. Although Quidditch had become one of his passions, he knew he wasn't cut out to make it a livelihood. After a few summers of mowing lawns, shoveling driveways, and delivering newspapers, Kyle applied to become an intern in the Department of Magical Games and Sports at the Ministry of Magic. He wants to see the world, but he also has no problem spending his evenings at home with a cup of tea.
C O N N E C T I O N S Parents: Emma Lucas (mother), Owen Lucas (father) Romance: Beatrice Quade (girlfriend) Tension: … Bast Notables: His father tends to be harsh on Kyle while his mother shares his anxiety; has a brown owl named Daisy
O T H E R T H I N G S Education: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hufflepuff House Wand: Holly, eleven inches, phoenix feather Sexuality: Undecided Spoken Languages: English Likes: Swimming, tea with a squirt of lemon and a teaspoon of honey Dislikes: His anxiety, stress Song: Close Your Eyes - Breaking Benjamin
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bewltching · 2 years
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CAELUM BLACK ✶ archie renaux, 23, cisman, he/him, pureblood, fourth year, magical law ( international cooperation ). member of slytherin quidditch team, competitive potions, extreme wizard chess, and debate team. can be described as distant, rebellious, compassionate, self-sabotaging.
full name: caelum regulus black
nicknames(s): cee, black
age: twenty-three
birthday: october 25, 1999
hometown: london, england
gender: cis male
pronouns: he / him
orientation: bisexual
house: slytherin
specialization: magical law ( international cooperation )
extracurriculars: member of slytherin quidditch team, competitive potions, extreme wizard chess, and debate team.
tw: cancer
caelum regulus black might as well have been named atlas. from the moment he was born to regulus and anjali black, the weight of being the heir to the black family was on his shoulders. his parents would go on to have another child, but caelum would always be the oldest and next in line to inherit his family's wealth and social status.
from a young age, he had a habit of asking too many questions for his grandparents’ liking. his father never discouraged it - he seemed quietly fond of caelum’s rebellious nature, especially when he disagreed with anything involving blood purity. but, he also made sure caelum understood that at the end of the day, he was a black, and he had to carry on the family legacy. personal beliefs were secondary to the role and responsibilities tied with being from the noble and most ancient house of black.
he went to thiudreiks, finally away from the pressures of his grandparents and the emotional absence of his parents for awhile. there, he made friends with who he could, working to toe the line between being the person he wanted to be and being the man his family expected him to become. caelum never supported blood purity, but he understood that his father expected him to keep his grandparents happy, and that meant sticking with the right people. he associated with all sorts of different people, but the people he was closest to had to be the best of the best. caelum didn't always like it, but he had decided that he would work with the system that was in place for now with the knowledge that once walburga and orion finally died, he could be who he wanted.
however, things have begun to shift recently. over the summer, caelum found out his father was diagnosed with cancer. he’s currently undergoing treatment, but it’s still unknown whether it will be terminal or not. in the meantime, his grandmother has shifted her attention to caelum as the next black to inherit everything. and frankly? caelum is over it. he’s worried about his father, he wants to finish school, he wants to be his own person - because his dad spent his whole life being exactly who his parents wanted him to be, and where did that get him?
caelum has been more rebellious recently, more defiant in ways he wasn’t before. and most importantly, he’s done pretending that blood purity means anything at all. he’s still distant and hurting over everything with his father, but he wants to put himself out there in some ways more. he wants to live a little recklessly, and get to know the rest of his family, seeing as they might be all he has left. caelum is reevaluating his life so far, and there are definitely thing he wants to change.
the generational trauma in the black family is off the charts truly, so caelum has a complicated relationship with his dad ! reg never really shook off the pressures of his parents, and stayed their golden boy since there was no war. as a result, caelum grew up in the EXACT same pressure, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't resent his dad for it. but he also loves regulus ? he's closer to him than he is his mom or his grandparents, but even then, he's not close.
anjali and regulus were set up by their parents. she came from a wealthy anglo-indian pureblood family, and was very distant for most of caelum's life. truly caelum has never known his monther and likely never will.
truly hates walburga with every fiber of his being. he hated orion too, but i think orion probably died a few years ago.
i think he reminds regulus so much of sirius at times, so regulus was always fond but distant with him.
he has a younger sibling that i will be requesting, so stay tuned for more family headcanons !
caelum's always been kind of quiet in school. i think he had friends, but he was never really close with them. he knew a lot about them, but they never really got to know him ( yay him literally being just like his mom in some ways too ). as he got older, he's probably come out of his shell some. i'd love if he actually was close to some people now !
he's studying magical law per his family's recommendation. i think he doesn't love it, but he doesn't hate it either. caelum's good at it, and that's what matters, right ? if he could do it all over, i think he'd chose to be something else, but he thinks it's too late for that now.
caelum likes sports / doing activities that get him out of his own head, which is why he does quidditch and extreme wizard chess. he loves quidditch, and running / staying in shape for it.
he's become much more reckless and careless since his dad was diagnosed, because fuck it, right ? like, regulus lived his whole life for other people, and caelum doesn't want to be in the same boat. he's really over everything to do with being a black. i feel like it's the prime time for him to get into shenanigans for sure.
wanted connections.
best friend / ride or die
close friends
party friends
family friends
complicated will they / won't they
former fwbs
exes on good terms
exes on bad terms
former friends turned enemies
antagonistic relationships
anything we brainstorm together !
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ahz-associates · 10 months
The Ultimate Guide to the University of Chester: Your Next Academic Home!
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Located in Chester, England, lies the renowned public research university, the University of Chester. It is the fifth-oldest university in England to have been founded. "He that teacheth, on teaching" is the university's motto. Thus, the knowledgeable tutors support the emerging talent by providing them with current research material and inspire them to become outstanding leaders in the future. Thus, the university's ultimate goal is to serve society and build a great community.
The University founded the UK's first teacher training college specifically for that purpose. The exceptional institute offers foundational, undergraduate, and graduate courses in an outstanding academic subject. Here, the institute is recognized for its cutting-edge academic research initiatives with the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) Silver Award.
Despite the Christian beliefs that guided the university's founding, personnel and students of all faiths are today warmly welcomed. It belongs to some of the top industrial associations in the globe, including the Cathedrals Group, the North West Universities Association, and the Association of Commonwealth Universities (AACSB).
Past Events
The UK's first teacher training college was founded by the University of Chester. The university's founding was accomplished in 1839 by Chester Diocesan Training College. Chester changed its status to associated college of the University of Liverpool in 1921. Chester's pupils may thus make use of Liverpool's resources. The institute is granted full university status in 2005 and is renamed the University of Chester.
Places and Accomplishments
97th in the Times University Guide 2023
74th in the Guardian University Guide 2023
In the second Research Excellence Framework (REF) in 2021, 51% of research at the University of Chester was rated as either world-leading or internationally excellent, up from 31% in the first REF in 2014.
Scholarships Abroad
an international student's scholarship to study in the University of Chester, awarded on the basis of excellence. The scholarship for both undergraduate and graduate education shows a notable decrease.
Other Scholarships and Discounts
International Alumni Scholarship
Masters Scholarships
Chevening Scholarship
DIKTI Scholarships
Goa Education Trust Scholarship
Snowdon Masters Scholarships
Commonwealth Scholarship
Student Life
The Chester Students' Union (CSU) is sufficiently engaged to improve the educational environment. The students' voice is the one that puts the interests of the students first. Students can participate in a variety of clubs, athletics, and other activities there. Course-based societies include Disney, Quidditch, MMA, and mountaineering.
In the North West of England, University of Chester is the safest university located in a city. As a result, the city is well-known for both its modern and cultural histories. It is one of the top 10 cities in the UK and one of the eight renowned British Heritage cities in the globe. Visitors and international students alike can explore the cathedral, Chester Zoo, Cheshire Oaks, Eastgate Clock, Roman amphitheater, and historic Roman fortifications. Travel time between Manchester and Liverpool is less than one hour.
Housing: University of Chester housing offers on-campus amenities. International students are assured housing in University of Chester residence halls. They might also choose for contemporary purpose-built homes or Victorian homes that have been renovated. Students can also live in the UK at a reasonable cost. Modern amenities and facilities are completely furnished in both self-catered and semi-catered residences.
The specialist campuses situated in:
Apart from that, the University of Chester has a list of private sector properties situated near the Chester or Warrington campuses.
Move around
Parking zones are part of the university's sustainable travel options. Students can use bicycles, public transportation, or foot to get from one area to another. There are bike routes to the bright red fix stations along the Millennium Greenway cycle path. In the city, there are four Park and Ride parking lots.
Many people think of Chester as a welcoming, vibrant, and varied community. It is routinely rated as one of the best places to live in the UK and was chosen the second most student-friendly city in the country in 2019.
Chester is in a prime location since it is close to North Wales, which has some of the most beautiful natural scenery in the UK. Major cities like Manchester and Liverpool can be reached by train in less than an hour, and London can be reached in less than two hours.
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psychologeek · 3 years
just heard the @usquidditch and MLQ want to change the name, to avoid connection to a certain person we all know.
I vote for “Queer B*tch”
@aqaofficial-blog @uaquidditch @pdxquidditch @quidsecrets
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universalmovies · 6 years
Firenze: Tutto pronto per i mondiali di Quidditch
Firenze: Tutto pronto per i mondiali di Quidditch
Tutto pronto a Firenze per la Coppa del mondo di Quidditch babbano, lo sport ispirato al mondo di Harry Potter.
La cerimonia di apertura è attesa per domani, 27 giugno, in piazza Santa Croce dove si terrà una partita dimostrativa tra l’Italia, paese ospitante, e Australia, paese campione in carica.
Le gare del campionato saranno ospitate negli impianti sportivi di Campo di Marte ,con la finale…
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sophsicle · 2 years
Hey Soph do you have any Drarry fic recs? I’ve only read wolfstar and jegulus but everybody tells me there are amazing drarry fics and i wanna try and i trust your opinion 💕
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Hello lovelies! Here are some of my favs: Like Lightning at Your Fingertips by potterwatch (Teen, one shot) This is genuinely one of the loveliest fics I've ever read, it's eighth year, Draco and Harry end up as roommates, the writing is excellent, the exploration of how magic works in this world is done really really well and there's just something very sincere about the relationship that develops between Harry and Draco, cannot recommend enough
Make Me a Headline (I Want to Be That Bold) by dicta_contrion - (Explicit, multi-chapter, completed), it's post-war, Draco runs the Daily Prophet, Harry and him have a history, one day a compromising photo of Harry lands on Draco's desk and he has to decide what he wants to do with it, the writing is very good, very quippy, and there are some genuinely sweet moments in here
In Which Harry is Magnetic North and Draco Is An Idiot by bryoneybrynn (Teen, one shot) this is super cute, post-war Draco needs a fake date to his Parents Christmas party, Harry volunteers, but is it fake? Is it? Lots of boys being bad at communicating feelings and general adorableness
The Seeker by kedavranox (Explicit, multi-chapter, completed), post-war, Harry is a pro Quidditch Player, Draco is working with the International Association of Quidditch aka he helps regulate the sport and there's a new doping scandal, this really plays into my love of sports romances, the plot is great, we get some Oliver Wood in there which is always a bonus in my opinion, and the complicated relationship between Harry and Draco is all you could ask for Freedom to Be by Quicksilvermaid (Explicit, multi-chapter, completed) , post-war, Harry is an unhappily married man frustrated at his job when one day he wanders into a BDSM club, Draco is a single dad getting over the loss of his wife, trying to make amends through charity, and...running his own business... Listen, I recommend this fic all the time because it's honestly I think my favourite portrayal of these two characters and their dynamic, and the way BDSM is used in this plot to explore character and trauma is done very very well and very thoughtfully, so like 10/10 would recommend
The Shape of the World by bixgirl1 (Explicit, multi-chapter, completed) post-war, After the battle of Hogwarts Harry Potter disappears and no one can find him for years until one day Draco Malfoy is walking down a beach in Venice California and he sees a familiar face, the plot is super interesting, the relationship between Draco and Harry is amazing, it's a good one! :) :) :)
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somegymnast · 3 years
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The tension in these is amazing I love it. Hope you enjoy :)
Of toenail clippings and designer underwear (Andithiel / @andithiel) (T, 4k)
Harry is tired of walking in on Ron and Hermione in various states of undress. But since Pansy recently moved in with Ginny there’s another room available. The fact that the room in question is in the same flat where Malfoy lives shouldn’t cause any problems. Right?
and it has a super hot sequel!! Take a trip into my garden
we do this (MaesterChill / @maesterchill) (T, 1k)
There are so many good things about sharing a flat with Harry Potter.
Or, the one where Draco thinks it's totally normal for flatmates to prance about in their underpants and cuddle on the sofa and touch each other's hair.
Pardon Me While I Burst (GallifreyisBurning / @gallifrey1sburning) (T, 1k)
Harry has his own ways of coping with being in love with his flatmate. He just never expected to get caught.
For the classic prompt: Character A tilting Character B’s chin up to get a better look at their face and the evidence of the fight. A delicately thumbs away the streak of blood by B’s mouth, saying nothing as they examine it. After a brief pause, B’s heart skips a nervous beat as A looks them dead in the eyes. Their voice is quiet and tense, their anger barely restrained. “Who did this to you?”
Bedmates (ununquadius) (E, 18k)
Flat for renting!
One bedroom, one bathroom. Small but cosy. Good lighting.
I’m a 24-year-old man who works at night, so the flat will be all yours during the day and the weekends. We won’t meet at all. The only issue is that there’s just one bed, so we’ll have to share it.
If you’re interested, ask for James in the address below.
Draco thought it was a very good offert.
Third Time’s Not a Charm (manixzen / @manixzen) (E, 10k)
It’s Draco’s least favourite time of year: the mandatory annual work retreat for employees of the International Quidditch Association. There’s nothing quite like being forced to stay in a remote lodge in the middle of nowhere with your coworkers, especially when there’s one co-worker, in particular, you need to avoid.
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popculturebrain · 2 years
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Quidditch Changes Name to Quadball Following J.K. Rowling’s Trans Comments
U.S. Quidditch and Major League Quidditch — now rebranded as U.S. Quadball (USQ) and Major League Quadball (MLQ) — both announced the name change this week. The International Quidditch Association (IQA) will also follow suit in adopting the new name.
Subscribe to the Pop Culture Brain Daily newsletter for more stories like this!
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First Broadcast: 29th November 1998
Angelina Johnson: Hello wizarding world. My name is Red-Hot, and you are welcome to this very special ladies night edition of Potterwatch. I am joined today by my lovely co-host, Ridgeback.
Alicia Spinnet: Pleasure to be here Red-Hot.
Angelina: We’re hosting today because River and Rapier are appearing before the Wizengamot today for breaching the international statute of secrecy, among 361 other charges.
Alicia: That’s right Red-Hot. Which brings us on to today’s news. Beloved joke manufacturer George Weasley, and noted entertainer and Griffyndor quidditch team fan Lee Jordan, are currently appearing before the highest court in the land for a variety of crimes.
Angelina: Weasley alleges that his ‘pocket chimera’ product, a miniaturised chimera toy, is not in fact dangerous.
Alicia: This comes after the charms on the product malfunctioned, and no fewer than 12 chimeras grew to gigantic size and terrorised muggles across the country, including members of the royal family.
Angelina: Although it is traditional for the Queen to be informed of the existence of magic, and in fact 2 of Queen Victoria’s daughters attended hogwarts (Hufflepuff 1859-1866 and Ravenclaw 1868-1875), it is unusual, although not unheard of, for a chimera to lay seige to Buckingham Palace.
Alicia: Yes, we all remember the time George III fought off the Chimera of Camden with nothing but a cheese sandwich and a sword allegedly created by Merlin.
Angelina: Weasley now faces hundreds of charges, several of which relate to his other products.
Alicia: Jordan faces several charges, after hijacking a BBC radio 3 broadcast to report on the event. He claims he was trying to warm muggles of the danger, but his repeated use of the phrase ‘this is the f*****g funniest thing I’ve ever seen begs to differ.
Angelina: Any other news Ridgeback?
Alicia: Indeed Red-Hot. Molly Weasley, noted knitter, has been awarded an order of Merlin, 2nd class, for her role in keeping Harry Potter alive and well nourished, and thus indirectly saving the wizarding world. This is on top of the Order of Godric she recieved.
Angelina: The order of Godric dear listeners, is the new honour created by minister Shacklebolt for those Griffindors who fought you know who during either wizarding wars. Counterparts for each of the houses have also been released.
Alicia: A well deserved honour for Mrs Weasley. And finally, the WDSS, or Wizards of Differing Sexualites Society, which offers support for LGBTQ+ members of the wizarding world, has revealed that its founders, kept anonymous for many years, were none other than Albus Dumbledore and Sirius Black.
Angelina: I didn’t know Sirius Black was gay?
Alicia: He wasn’t, but according to the WDSS spokesperson, Sarah Cohen-Musa, Mr Black’s personal papers regarding the founding stated that he helped create the group ‘because his mother was an ardent homophobe and it would annoy her. Also everybody, regardless of gender, orientation, race or blood status should be treated equally. Except Severus Snape’. Albus Dumbledore wished to remain anonymous because he didn’t want the organisation to be damaged by association with him.
Angelina: Fasinating stuff Ridgeback. And now, we are joined by a very special guest, arguably the one of the greatest witches of the 20th Century, Rothesay.
Professor McGonnagal: Good evening girls, lovely to be here.
Angelina: Now Rothesay, you have worked at Hogwarts for many years, and served as deputy during the tenure of Albus Dumbledore. What is the most memorable event during your tenure?
McGonnagal: The Weasley swamp was probably one of most amusing and imaginative uses of magic I have ever seen. There was also the time I caught James Potter and Sirius Black attempting to smuggle a baby Swedish Shortsnout into the Slytherin common room as a ‘gift’ for Severus Snape. The dragon got loose, and spend 8 weeks living in the Astronomy Tower, where it acquired a fairly sizeable horde of trinkets, aided by Peeves, unsurprisingly.
Alicia: Whatever happened to the dragon?
McGonnagal: Despite the objections of Hagrid, who wished to keep it as a pet, the dragon, referred to by James as ‘Remus Lupin Jr’ was eventually rehoused with the help of Newt Scamander to its native Sweden. It later returned to Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament.
Angelina: Is that true?
McGonnagal: yes, all four dragons had previously been to Hogwarts, as it helped them acclimatise. The Welsh Green was also a James Potter prank.
Alicia: Amazing Rothesay. You have been a teacher at Hogwarts a long time. Who, if anyone, was your favourite student?
McGonnagal: Obviously I have no favourites, although I am somewhat partial to Gryffindor students. A personal bias.
Angelina: ok then Rothesay, how about most frustrating students?
McGonnagal: James Potter, Sirius Black, George Weasley, Fred Weasley, Lee Jordan, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Oliver Wood.
(Background sound of Harry Potter swearing loudly)
Angelina: You said that very quickly Rothesay.
McGonnagal: Ladies, you don’t understand the frustration of Oliver Wood camping outside your office in a Puddlemere United tent for 13 days due to quidditch being cancelled.
Alicia: That sounds very on brand.
Angelina: Finally Rothesay, what is your proudest moment as a teacher?
McGonnagal: The day Harry Potter returned to Hogwarts during the reign of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Followed closely by beating Slytherin in Quidditch.
Angelina: Thank you Rothesay. Potterwatch will return soon, where the password will be Quidditch. Until then, I’ve been Red-Hot.
Alicia: and I’ve been Ridgeback. Thank you and goodnight.
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