#Iris and Donnie fic
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Compilation of me trying to figure out how to draw turtles (from over a year ago)
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meggahamicide · 8 months
Megg's Masterpost
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Vermin Alternate Universe:
An Au where Leo is raised by Draxum under the name Vermin and only discovers he had brothers after he escapes and meets April. Queue angst, shenanigans, and so, so much brotherly love!
Official Character Redesign!
Group Reference (first draft)
Leonardo (Vermin) Reference / Clothes Redesign / Vermin's Background / Vermin Ramble / Mask v.1 / Mask v.2 /
Donatello Reference / Battle-Shell Redesign / Clothes Redesign
Raphael Reference / Clothes Redesign
Michelangelo Reference / Clothes Redesign
Baron Draxum Reference /
Answered Questions -> Topics of the AU / Hints at The Incident / Vermin's Name / Would Draxum use Mikey? /
More Vermin Art -> Part 1 (Retired Portrait) / Part 2 (Retired Cover Art)/ Part 3 (Bro Interactions) / Part 4 (Neon Vermin) / Part 5 (Vermin expressions) / Part 6 (The Gremlins) /
Vermin and Cleo AU Crossover / Part 2
Bound By Blood (fic):
The 2012 turtles find themselves wrapped up in a dimensional problem involving mystic energy, grief, fresh trauma, and four new brothers. (Please read the actual summary, this doesn't really explain much of anything!)
Fic Link
Donnie and Michelangelo / Raph and Donatello / Mikey and Leonardo / Leo and Raphael
The Full Set!!!
Chapter 10 Art / Chapter 14 Art
Miscellaneous Art:
Subway Screenshot Redraw / Subway Screenshot Redraw (wip) / Leo's Markings (blood) / 1K followers / Future Leo's Portal / Bunny Future Leo<3 / Original Turts / Vermin wip / Random SU wip / Hypno and the Worm / Cracked Shell (gore) / Iris Shapes / April O'Neil! / Graphic Leo / OG Turtle Art / Glasses / Alphonse Elric /
Current Take on Art Requests!!!
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hansel-and-gretel · 27 days
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Perpetual Emptiness
This is a small TMNT2012 OC story I came up with listening to ''Abbey'' by Mitski. I recommend listening that while you read. This is my first fic I've ever written so if you wants to leave tips to help you're welcome to do so! I didn't proof read so there may be spelling mistakes, anyway I hope you enjoy!
CW: Mentions of murder, and blood. Proceed with caution if you do not feel comfortable with those topics.
Dot knew this feeling, it had happened many times before and went away the next day. She didn’t know why it had stayed this time. She should feel scared, and she thinks she does, she can’t bring herself to care enough to feel it.
Her limbs have felt heavy since, she can manage, she thinks. It’s happened before and she got through it, it shouldn’t matter that it’s been longer than normal.
It’s been a few weeks and this is starting to affect her relationships. She hasn’t talked with her friends, or the turtles. She doesn’t feel like it, it’s too hard to type and think of words to talk, speaking is of the same difficultly, her words have been forced and quiet. She doesn’t remember the last time she did anything other sit and daydream or lay in bed on her phone, or visit her aunt, or just take a walk.
She’s been more vulgar lately; her words have become harsh and rude. She doesn’t have to strength to keep appeasing the others with lies of kindness she truly hasn’t felt in a long time. She mostly stops speaking, for she still does want company and friends; even if they are too much for her to handle and the more she stays with them the more she comes to hate them. She won’t talk with April, she isn’t open to losing that friend and possibly the turtles and Casey if she says something mean.
It’s a little noticeable that she cares less for things around her; the news of someone nearly killing a Purple Dragon for an attempted mugging was about her. She didn’t care for them and even less so when they tried to hurt her; she feels nothing for them. She’s not sure she feels anything for anyone anymore. It’s hard to pretend now, the last she remembers feeling sad, happy, or mad, or anything was during the last fight against some Foot Bots. One had managed to knock out Donatello and everything was felt at once; she’s sure she used all her strength to fight after that, she felt accomplished then, but now she wonders if it was worth it. Will she be able to feel or care again? She’s fought alongside the turtles since she began feeling endlessly tired, she was hurt and cut multiple times that day yet she didn’t feel it until Mikey pointed it out. Dot doesn’t remember a lot, the jokes Mikey makes aren’t funny anymore, Casey and Raph are just plain annoying, Leo is boring, and Donnie doesn’t make her happy anymore. It’s not their fault, she tries to keep the friendship, she won’t talk as much, but that never seemed to bother anyone. 
She wonders now if she made a mistake. She was with the turtles when it happened; they were ambushed by Rahzah and Fishface. The memory is blurry, but she remembers blood and the horrified faces of the turtles; Rahzah ran when she stabbed Fishface, she didn’t stop until she couldn’t make out his head from the bloody mess on the ground. It was the first time she did something like that, she doesn’t feel bad about it; in her eyes it’s justified. He attacked her and she just fought back. She doesn’t think she meant to go as far as she did but she can’t change it now.
The turtles won’t answer her calls or texts. She understands it’s hard to witness what she did, but she thinks at least telling her if they still want her around anymore would be nice. She wants the closure like with her last friendship, Iris doesn’t talk with her anymore, she reads their text and knows it was playful angry comment, she didn’t mean like that but she can’t have him back. April and Casey avoid her and won’t answer either; it hurts to know she has lost more friends, and its not just one this time.
Eventually she stops texting and calling after a short ‘’I’m sorry” text and makes her T-phone self-destruct. She won’t bother them anymore, they don’t want her near them; it makes her feel like a freak for not feeling anything. She hates her heavy limbs, she hates her very existence. She hates, and she hates. And maybe that’s why she'll stay alone.
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corevoid · 2 years
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AAYYY some refs for my turts!! Still tryna work out a name for this au lmao. Rewrote the text under the cut, apologies for my atrocious handwriting ahddhhdjf
Really vague story synopsis: “villain” donnie au where he doesn’t become evil exactly but instead snaps and goes on a violent revenge quest to avenge the death of someone close to him. He believes he has to be the one to kill the one who did it, and leaves his family and becomes a sort of antagonist to them as well while they try to help him and bring him back so they can tackle this together.
I don’t know if I’m gonna make it a fic or if it’s just gonna live in my head lmao (motivation to write is sucks) but I’m definitely gonna be doing a good chunk of art for it :D
(ALSO IMPORTANT: their origin is very rise esque in that they were mutated with the intention of them being weapons. They have some genetic enhancements (pain tolerance and strength, most notably) and have some added dna from wolves and cats.)
(Also also forgot Mikey and Donnie’s flags they’re genderfluid and demiboy respectively)
Hamato Leonardo, 17 y/o, he/him, 5’9”
-Headphones are Bluetooth
-yellow pupil, tends to unnerve people
-most doglike of the 4, lets him pull some terrifying expressions
-in regards to knee brace, pain from an old break
-pure white nictitating membrane
-inferiority complex + anxiety
-most wolf dna of the 4, shows in snout and teeth. Behaviourally very doglike. Incredible sense of smell and hearing.
-quiet but not shy. Scarily observant.
-adorably polite, massive people pleaser
-the most hungry for his dads approval, has gotten him and his siblings in trouble trying to get it
-music enthusiast. Has a YouTube channel dedicated to making electronic remixes of literally everything under the sun (huge nerd)
Hamato Raphael, 17 y/o, he/she, 5’7”
-Alligator snapping turtle, second youngest
-plastron chip is as healed as it will get. Is what remains of a near complete left shoulder to right hip crack.
-chews his mask tails when he’s nervous
-red pupil, black band horizontally through iris
-files her spines down, back is flat and smooth
-strap on back for carrying a skateboard like Mikey has
-light bluish iridescence to his nictitating membrane
-kept the most turtle features through mutation out of the 4. Iris band, mostly intact beak, can’t process a lot of foods, higher skin/scales ratio, etc…
-hot headed + short fuse, but also good hearted and gentle
-self proclaimed protector of the family. Made it his duty to be the only killer after seeing how Leo’s first (and only) kill affected him.
-it affects Raph too, but she pretends it doesn’t (get this child therapy!) Only ever talks to Casey about this.
-incredible cook, but only cooks for family. Own diet is just a normal turtles and entirely raw. (Still sometimes eats stuff he shouldn’t as a treat)
-loves animals, mad she isn’t allowed a cat
Hamato Donatello, 17 y/o, he/they, 6’2”
-Spiny softshell, youngest but tallest sibling
-one end of staff is a flamethrower :)
-top compartment of battleshell also acts as storage!
-self conscious about their height
-flexible and very flat shell, spines are soft
-removed several spikes so his battleshell would fit more comfortably —> no longer allowed in his lab unsupervised
-yellow iridescence to their nictitating membrane
-shell doesn’t come up past their shoulders when he stands straight
-very quiet and rather shy, confident in his intelligence but not much else
-doesn’t speak often, and when they do it tends to be very succinct. It’s a special treat whenever they actively participate in a conversation
-Mikey is very special to him. Rarely ever see one without the other. Mikey frequently acts as Donnie’s voice, always knows exactly what he’s feeling and thinking (like twin telepathy pretty much)
-enitrely carnivorous, and a good hunter
-struggles to keep their animal nature separate from their human nature. Prone to slipping into a feral state, especially under stress, and is always feral during fights
-VERY self conscious and embarrassed by this, tries very hard to stay in a human mindset
-robotics hobbyist. Participates in robot fighting and currently holds champ title. Attends remotely via a metalhead-esque robotic body. His persona/stagename is Dondroid :)
Hamato Michelangelo, 17 y/o, any pronouns, 5’ even
-Ornate box turtle, second oldest but still the shortest
-doesn’t wear elbow pads 🤨
-very tall and round shell
-pink iridescence to her nictitating membrane
-excitable and energetic, but like in an easygoing sort of way
-VERY emotionally intelligent,can understand someone’s emotional state via vibes alone
-closest with Donnie, they understand eachother on an insanely deep level. Frequently acts as Donnie’s voice and is his primary support
-they’re the most human of the 4. He’s incapable of making the more animal sounds his siblings can and has to just approximate them with the voice box he has.
-she’s also the only warm blooded turtle. Makes them a prime hug target.
-An artist! Loves any 2d medium. Has an ongoing comic (6 books and counting) about a self insert superhero lol (her sidekick is based off Donnie, too)
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lec743 · 2 years
Writing Trade For @s-s-ironnie
           Donnie was in his lab working on upgrading his personal computer. His lab was slightly vibrating from the dubstep that he was listening to as he was trying to drown out the shenanigans his family was doing. What shenanigan-er-ies could his brothers be doing, he does not know, nor does he care currently as he was installing a more proficient coolant system into his computer, to keep it from overheating from all the songs he’s downloaded from the Internet that reminds him of Iris.
           He was laying on his side, underneath his desk, as he was holding in place a difficult nut and bolt with one hand, while trying to find the proper sized wrench with the other hand, “S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. Will you hand me the ¼ wrench!”
           There was no answer.
           Still no answer.
           Donnie sighed, irritated as he let go of the nut and bolt and the nut popped him in the middle of his forehead as he shimmied his way out from under his desk.
           Sitting up he turned off the dubstep and yelled, “S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.” even louder.
           There wasn’t even the sound of tiny rotor blades humming, implying that the little purple turtle drone is around, but is just ignoring him. Donnie then realized that the house was relatively quiet to begin with, minus the sound of Splinter snoring in his recliner as a Korean drama played in the background.
           Donnie stood up as he got a sudden bad premonition. Usually when S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. doesn’t talk to him, it’s after having a big fight, but the two of them haven’t had a fight like that in a whole month. Which is their best record so far. So Donnie could only conclude that his brothers have done something to his baby and are trying to fix it before he finds out.
           Donnie stormed out of his lab as he rushed through the lair to try and find them. He speed-walked through the living/skateboarding room. He investigated each of his brother’s rooms. He then immediately ran to the kitchen and found his brothers congregated around the kitchen table.
           Pointing dramatically at his brothers, he shouted, “Where’s S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.!?”
           Flinching, Raph turned around as Mikey and Leo slid on either side of Raph. All three of them were trying to block his view of the kitchen table.
           Having none of it, Donnie engaged his extra robo-arms in his battle shell and used them to push them out of the way, much to their pleading cries to wait. Donnie gasped at the sight on the table.
           S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. was a mess. His little turtle head was caved in on the side and his eye lens was sloppily glued back in place. He was missing his front right roto blade. There was a big, jagged crack across his back, and he looked like he was fished out of the muck of the sewer and only recently, hastily cleaned up.
           Donnie usually has all the words, any words, to describe a bad situation; your incompetence is as mind blowing as a bad yelp review, you’d struggle with throwing away a paper ball, your voice is as grating at a cheese grater on glass, or even babies are smarter than you. For Donnie, this takes the cake and his words as he picked up S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. and glared at his brothers as he walked by them.
           “Donnie, we didn’t—” Raph tried to say but was cut off by the soft-shelled turtle.
           “Not. A word.”
           With one last glare at his brothers, he stormed off to his lab.
           First and foremost, Donnie made sure that the most important part of S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. was well and intact, his memories. Once he was in his lab, Donnie gently sat the little drone down on the table next to his computer set up while pushing aside his previous mess, then quickly got into S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s hardware and extracted his protected memory bank, then he plugged it into his computer. He did a diagnostic check on the software to see if any files were corrupted by the external damage.
           There was damage, not surprising, considering the damaged state the little drone is in, with most of the corrupted memory files being from that day before he got hurt. Also, not surprising since these are all categorized as short-term memory and deemed not needed to be saved, via his special programing.
Then he saw smaller chunks of corrupted memory that’s set in his long-term memory files. The memory of them overcoming their differences and the Purple Dragon’s meddling. The memory of them fighting beast mode Shredder together. The memory of S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. finally developing speech.
           Donnie felt his lip quiver at the thought that S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. considered these memories worth holding on to, but he coughed that feeling away to replace it with anger at his brothers. He wanted to scream but he settled for groaning loudly as he leaned hard into his swivel chair. He turned away from his computer monitor and looked towards S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s busted frame.
           He was doing mental calculations for what the little drone would need, and whether it would be a good idea just to remake his body entirely. Then as he was doing the math in his head, a simple thought slipped into his mind. The fact that this accident, this incident that completely destroyed S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N., will change him completely. Even if he makes his body just the way it was before he was broken, the little drone won’t be the same, even if he manages to find copies of the corrupted memories, they won’t be his memories.
           Donnie’s vision started to blur as this thought ricocheted through his head. Trying to fight it, he quickly stood up and went to his toolbox to find his tiny tools so that he can salvage what he can of S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s broken body. As he was unscrewing a rotor blade, he tried to breath evenly to keep himself from crying, but as soon as he started working on the second rotor blade, he felt hot tears run down his masked face.
           The soft-shelled turtle could barely see, but he refused to stop working. He was grimacing hard as the tears kept coming out of him, resigned to the state that he’s in but still angry about it.
           Donnie didn’t know how long he was working on salvaging S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s body. What he managed to set aside was his good rotor blades, the lenses were still good and intact despite the head being smashed in, and he was slowly discerning which of the hardware for flight function was the least water damaged when he heard her voice.
           “Donnie,” Iris’s voice was soft and hesitant.
           The purple coded turtle was already a mix of emotions, and with her here, it felt like a whole bottle of potassium was thrown into his personal cup of water. He froze in his actions, debating on whether he should try and hid his tears to save face for his bad boy persona he’s been trying hard to cultivate around her, or if that’ll just make him look even more of a loser than he already felt like.
           “Your brothers told me what happened to S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. I’m so sorry he got hurt,” Iris said, her voice getting closer.
           Donnie went back to work on the little drone as he continued not to say anything as he was thinking very hard of the situation that he was in. Simultaneously trying to pretend that he doesn’t care if Iris thinks less of him for crying over a drone and praying to any gods or magical creatures or whatever that she really won’t think less of him. All while trying to think of a what he can say back.
           There was a little gasp as Iris walked around the other side of the table to see the damage. Donnie looked up from his work to see her in all her beauty. She was wearing her usual purple and yellow dress, and her long orange-red hair was tied back with a purple bow. She gave him the most heartbroken look, even her pointed elf-like ears were drooping.
           Her genuine sadness over S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s broken visage made something break in Donnie and he dropped his tiny screwdriver, then covered his eyes with his hands as he sobbed.
He couldn’t think. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t do anything but cry. He didn’t even realize that Iris was hugging him until he was gasping for breath.
           “There, there,” she said, as he felt her petting his head, “I know. It’s hard when people you care about get hurt. Cry for as long as you need to.”
           Donnie was still sitting in his chair, while Iris was standing in front of him between his legs, while his face was pressed against her diaphragm area. She felt soft and warm and smelled like sweet mixed berry pie. His hands shook with nerves as he attentively wrapped his arms around her waist to hold her a bit more snugly against himself as he was starting to calm down.
           It’s not like he hasn’t gotten hugs from her before. It’s just they recently got into the hugging faze of their friendship and this is their first kind of emotionally fraught hug, and it felt more intimate than the usual quick squeezes they give each other. It was nice though.
           Coughing, Donnie said, “Um. Could you go grab my water bottle that’s on my nightstand.”
           She smiled at him and nodded. Then she grabbed his water bottle that was by his incubator bed and handed it to him.
           Donnie chugged the water bottle empty, then taking a few moments to wipe away his tears and runny nose, without looking at her he gave her a bashful, “Thanks.” Then the threw the water bottle over his head and into his lab to be picked up later.
           “Of course. Any time,” she said enthusiastically. Then she asked, “So, what else can I do to help?”
           “Can you use magic to fix him back to normal?”
           She laughed at his joke, then said, “No. As far as I know, magic doesn’t work like that, but I can help you get supplies or devices or anything else you might need.”
           “I have to finish seeing what I can salvage from him first,” Donnie said as he turned away from her.
           “How about we get one of your brothers to do the slowly taking apart bit while you and I head to the surface to see what the electronics store has,” she said as she walked around the table to stand in front of him.
           Donnie gave her a disbelieving look as he twiddled a screw between his fingers.
           “Okay. Okay. Not your brothers, but you can salvage the rest of S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. later, the stores will close, up top soon,” she said.
           “And they’ll be open tomorrow. Right now, seeing what S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. does have still working for him is more important.”
           She puffed out her cheeks in a pout. Then Donnie watched her drag her chair, that she sits at for art projects, over to the table he was working on, and she sat down in front of him.
           “Okay, then I’ll help you get through this faster,” she said as she reached for a piece of the purple drone, but then she hesitated and asked him, “But only if you want my help.”
           “Thank you… I’d like that,” he said as he looked down at the busted drone.
           Nodding, Iris picked up a piece of S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. and Donnie handed her a flat head screwdriver.
           They sat silently as they both worked together to take apart the little drone, but after Iris asked him if a computer chip was worth saving, he asked her a question of his own.
           “Why is it so important to you that I get this done as soon as possible?”
           “The sooner we get him fixed, the sooner you’ll feel better, and the sooner you start feeling better, the sooner I’ll get to see your beautiful smile again.”
           Donnie felt all fluttery inside from his smile being called beautiful, and he saw Iris’s face turn a dark shade of pink as she seemed to realize what she just said. They both looked away from each other.
           “A-anyways, the chip! Is it good or not?” she asked him again.
           “Junk it.”
           Donnie and Iris managed to take apart S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s old body and they managed to salvage a number of things that were primarily plastic or metal like his rotors and camera lenses, but they also managed to salvage his flight pattern abilities, and his original voice box.
           They both stretched in their chairs from being hunched over for so long, and Iris pulled out her phone.
           “Oh! Yes! We have two hours until all the good tech stores close for the night. Do you know what we should get for S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.?”
           Donnie stood up as he rolled his shoulders, saying, “Yah. I can make the body, but I’ll need to buy some special wiring and chips that are mass-produced that I can’t make myself,” then he got out his own phone as he got on the map app, “There’s a Mousey’s Click Tech shop that’s a ten-minute train ride from here. They should have what I need.”
           Iris hopped out of her seat and cheered, “Alright. Then get your hoodie on and let’s a go! Go! Go!”
           He sighed and smiled at her as he meandered over to his lose laundry pile and picked out a purple hoodie from a dozen identical hoodies. Iris skipped ahead of him as he was putting on his hoodie and they walked out of his room/lab. As they were leaving Splinter was still fast asleep in his recliner, but Mikey was sitting on the floor beside him as he was watching the Korean drama too.
           Donnie saw Mikey turn at the noise they were making as they were leaving, and the soft-shelled turtle avoided his gaze as he turned his hoodie up. Iris was helping his mood, but he was still angry at them for not immediately telling him about S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.
           The two of them boarded the earliest train that arrived at the station and made it to the tech store in fifteen minutes. Now usually when they travel together Iris would tell him about her day, how her mother’s shop is doing, and/or tell him something she found interesting. Instead, she was focused more on her phone as she was texting someone, which is fine, since he was focused more on trying to remember what that one really durable plastic is called so that he can make S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s body out of it.
           The two of them walked into the store and it smelled of plastic, fresh ozone, and freshly sprayed febreze. A thin, shaggy white guy with dreads was sitting at the counter with his feet propped up on the counter as he was playing on his phone. Donnie asked him if he had any of the items he needed on stock, before the two of them went looking around the store.
           “I don’t know man. You’ll just have to look.”
           Annoyed, Donnie sighed and said, “Fine.”
           He and Iris walked around the little store to try and find internal computer components but the more they looked, the more they saw that they barely had anything, and what they did have wasn’t compatible for drones or complex computers.
           The two of them went back to the front counter where the guy hasn’t moved and hasn’t looked up from his phone as Iris said, “Um, could you look in the back storage for what we need. We couldn’t find it on the shelves.”
           “Sorry, Ma’am, if it’s not on the shelves, then we don’t have it,” he said as his phone suddenly got musically energetic like he opened a special box in the game on his phone.
           “Okay. Then when are you expecting the computer parts to show?” Donnie asked as he leaned angrily against the counter.
           “I don’t know. We’ve been waiting for a month now. If you want to add a new keyboard to your computer, we have those,” he said, still not looking at them.
           Donnie was glaring heavily at the disinterested man, and Iris pulled him back by his shoulder and started gently pushing him towards the front door, as she said, “Okay. Well, we hope you can get all your stuff as soon as you can. Have a good rest of your night.”
           “You too, Ma’am.”
           The two of them stood on the street as Donnie groaned out his frustrations.
           “Welp, that was a bust,” Iris said, “but it’s no big deal. We can go to other stores.”
           He sighed, then said, “Yah. We can.”
           Then he got out his phone and looked at the map to see where else they can go shopping for the parts he needs.
           They went searching at every store they could reach quickly. They tried another Mousey’s Click Tech store. Then they tried a store called Pineapple. Then a store called Junk Tech. Then Future Tech. Ghost In the Shell. Galaxy Tech. Drone Heaven. Turbo Tech. Each store that they visited, the more frustrated Donnie felt and even Iris was getting annoyed, as the stores were either as bare as the first store they went to, or it was even more bare.
           “What the heck is going on. Why is every tech store like this!” Donnie yelled at the sharply dressed woman at the counter.
           The brown skinned woman with long black hair and half her head shaved stared at Donnie with a professional glare.
           Iris sighed as she lightly turned the purple coded turtle away from the working woman and she said in an annoyed tone but much calmer voice, “Sorry. We’re having a rough night. He just lost someone special to him and we just can’t seem to find the parts we need.”
           The woman’s face softened then she said, “I’m sorry to hear that. But yah, every tech store is having shortages.”
           “Do you know why,” Iris asked as she gently rubbed Donnie’s back who’s resigned himself to smooshing his face onto the counter.
           “Have you two heard of Bit Coin?”
           They both said yes.
           “I absolutely hate the concept of it, and I’m surprised it’s still going,” Donnie said at the same time as Iris said, “I love it. I think it’s going to be our new future.”
           The two of them looked at each other in surprise, but their attention was put back on the woman as she spoke.
           “Well, whatever your stance on the new fake money is, these people who create Bit Coin have been buying up all the computer components to keep their giant c.p.u.’s running. So if you decide to buy online, don’t get a used part. It’ll just die on you after two boot ups, okay.”
           “Okay,” Iris said
           “I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier,” Donnie mumbled to her as they were walking out, and the lady was following to lock the door behind them.
           “Thank you. I understand losing someone too,” she said.
           “Have a good night,” Iris told her as they were outside.
           “You too and stay safe out their kids.”
           Then she locked the door and turned out the main lights. Iris was texting someone on her phone while Donnie was trying to think of where else they could possibly go, since ordering anything online is not available to him.
           Donnie turned to Iris with a questioning hum.
           “You know who I bet has a finger to the pulse on this whole shortage situation and would be exploiting it for any money he can get? Repo Mantis,” she said as she put away her phone, “If he has anything, it’d be him.”
           “If he does, it’s more likely that he’s doing it on accident, you know, unless someone’s told him already. But even if he does have what we need it’s not like he’ll sell it to us at a reasonable price.”
           “Who said anything about buying,” Iris said as she gave Donnie a sweet and mischievous smile.
           Donnie’s brain kind of fizzled at the sight of her smile. He loves her smiles, but her lets-start-trouble-on-purpose smile is his favorite.
           Already walking towards the scrapyard to hide the, what he considered, obvious lovestruck look on his face, Donnie said, “Welp. The night’s not getting any younger.”
           Iris jogged to catch up to him and once she was walking side by side with him, she hip-bumped him and said, “Yah! We’re going to get those parts and you’ll be able to rebuild S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. and you’ll talk with your brothers again.”
           Donnie huffed at that last comment.
           “Have you heard what happened from their point of view?” Iris asked, hesitantly.
           “No. And I don’t want to. You saw how bad S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. looked and it was just his body. I didn’t show you, but his mind got corrupted by the damage too. He’ll never be the same again.”
           Donnie felt his eyes sting with budding tears, and he rubbed his eyes, then looked back at Iris. She was looking at him with sad puppy eyes, like she wanted to say more, but didn’t know what to say.
           He looked away from her because he was starting to feel weak against her puppy eyes. They were essentially telling him to just; pretty, pretty, please talk to your brothers. After a few seconds he looked back at her and she was still looking at him with sad, pleading eyes that seemed to have gotten bigger somehow.
           He groaned to the sky as they waited for the street sign to give them the okay to cross as he said, “Okay! Okay… I’ll hear their side of the story. But I’m still going to be mad that they didn’t send S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. to me as soon as they could have.”
           She patted his back with a small smile and said, “That’s fine.”
           The Repo Mantis Salvage yard was dark, with only a few key lights lighting up certain areas, like the front entrance. The small building that Repo Mantis lives in and his shop, and the heavy-duty equipment that’s used to break up cars.
           Donnie and Iris were a few yards away scoping out the scene and making sure that Repo’s giant mutated cat wasn’t prowling around. Using his goggles, Donnie scanned Repo’s small shop and saw that the mutant mantis man had a lot of busted computers in it.
           “I think he got rid of his pet cat,” he stated.
           “No. I can smell her. She’s still here, but probably locked up somewhere.”
           “…You can smell the cat on the wind?” Donnie raised his goggles and looked at her.
           “Yah, you know that smell. That pungent cat smell that people have in their homes. You probably don’t recognize it because you guys don’t have a pet cat,” Iris said.
           “Okay. Well, the small shop has a bunch of electronics in it, your theory may be right,” he said as he looked back at the scrap yard, “We’ll have to be careful. If he shows up, you run as fast as you can okay. I’ll make sure he can’t hurt you.”
           “Uh, no?” She chuckled, “I’m not leaving you behind. If we get caught, we stick together. You hear me, Mister?”
           Donnie groaned, then he said, “Okay. How about this. We just play by ear. Does that sound good to you?”
           She hummed a high-pitched “okay” at him.
           The two of them snuck onto Repo’s scrap yard and Donnie expertly unlocked the four different locks the mutant man has on the door to his workshop, then deactivated the silent alarm.
           Donnie activated two extra robot arms to come out of his battle shell while holding two flashlights. It was small and the inside was a mess of broken electronics of mostly computers, but what wasn’t broken was expertly taken apart and labeled.
           “Ohhh,” Iris squealed quietly, “This looks promising.”
           Donnie nodded in agreement with her.
           The two of them looked through the labeled computer parts and other scrap. Donnie found everything he needed and more for his little drone. However, Donnie took only what he needed. He then turned to Iris to tell her that they should go, but she had her arms full of different computer chips and wires and miniature cameras.
           “What are you doing!?” he harshly whispered at her.
           “I’m trying to get as much good stuff for S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.,” she whispered back just as harshly.
           “He doesn’t need all that hardware! Put it back! Back! Back! Back!” he said in a panic under his breath as he tried to get her to silently put everything away.
           “Oh, come on,” she breathed, “Don’t you think these will make S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s eye’s pop with these types of cameras?”
           They were shiny and brand new looking, and Donnie could see that they were the latest model of robotics cosmetics. His mouth drooled a little at the sight, but he shook his head and was determined to be resolute.
           “No! S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s current eyes are still good,” he murmured.
           Amidst their arguing, Donnie accidentally elbowed a pile of neatly stacked laptops that crashed loudly to the floor. Less than a minute later, the lights in the shop were turned on and a giant purple mantis with an Elvis style hairdo appeared in the entrance. Repo’s buggy face was furrowed with such a deep rage that it was almost like a canyon of anger was etched across it. He stood in an attacking stance like normal praying mantis do when they get ready to hunt their pray.
           “Trespassers! I’m gonna decapitate ya!”
           Repo lunged at them, swinging his claws like scythes.
           Donnie pushed Iris out of his path as he dodged the other way. He got out his bō staff and got ready to fight, but Repo instead was going after Iris. Repo swiped at her, but she dodged with amazing agility and grace. Doing backflips, sliding under a table covered in tech to block, and side stepping like she was dancing with the giant mutant mantis.
           “Hold still,” Repo yelled at her.
           She kept on dodging, but this time, while giving him the finger.
           Donnie ran up to Repo, hopped on his back, and put the mantis man into a choke hold using his staff.
           “Go!” He yelled at her, “I’ll be right behind you!”            Nodding, she ran around them and slid out the workshop door.
           While Repo flailed around trying to get Donnie off his back, the teenage turtle planted his feet firmly on his back, then at the same time as he released the chokehold, Donnie pushed off Repo and did a backflip. Landing on his feet. Repo, however, was pushed roughly forward into a pile of old junk computers. The force of his landing made a shelf above him fall and a pile of paint cans crashed on top of him.
           Donnie flinched at the sight, but when he heard the mutant mantis groan, he ran out the workshop door while pocketing his staff.
           As he ran out, he saw that Iris was anxiously jogging in place while waiting for him.
           “Come on!” he said as he grabbed her hand.
           The two of them raced out of the scrap yard and ran through the streets. Neither of them stopping until they were both out of breath and were deep inside the city.
The two of them were catching their breath crammed in between a dark alleyway. Iris moved to the entrance of the alleyway to double check and see if they were followed, and Donnie noticed that they were still holding hands.
           There’s not a lot of situations in which he can contrive a reason for them to hold hands. She has very pretty hands with a lot of work done on her long nails to make them look cute. He’s sure they’re not fake long nails but regardless, she takes good care of them. Her soft hands are strong, like she could snap his neck with one hand if she wanted to and he’s not sure why he likes that idea so much. She loosened her grip on his hand and he reluctantly let go as she used it to tuck a piece of loose hair behind her ear.
           “I think we’re safe,” she said.
           Donnie fiddled with his controller wristwatch and retracted his two robo-arms back into his battle shell, and Iris untied Donnie’s hoodie from around her waist and gave it back to him so he could put it back on.
           “Thanks,” he said as he started putting his hoodie back on, “What you did back there was really cool, I didn’t think all your dancing prowess could make you an excellent dodger.”
           “Hehe,” he laughed as she rubbed the back of her neck, “I think that was mostly adrenaline but look what I managed to get.”
           From out of her dress pockets, she pulled out the two advanced robot eyes that they were arguing over before.
           “Now, before you say anything,” she said, reading the look on his face, “I know you said you don’t need them, but these are just for incase. You know? I want our favorite little drone to not have to worry about his eyes in the future.”
           She handed them to Donnie and waited for him to take them.
           Donnie sighed, then smiled at her and took the robo eyes, placing them with the other hardware for S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s rebuilding.
           “Thank you for caring so much about him with me. It means a lot.”
           “Of course, Donnie. You both mean a lot to me. Now let’s go home. The boys have some explaining to do and you have some listening to do.”
           As they made their way to the nearest train station, Donnie groaned but didn’t argue with her and Iris got out her phone and started texting with someone.
           The two of them entered the lair and they walked into the living/skateboarding room and saw that Splinter was still asleep in his recliner, but the projector was off and most of the noise was coming from the kitchen.
           The two of them entered the kitchen and saw that dinner was made for Iris and Donnie.
           Raph was doing the dishes. Leo was reading a comic at the kitchen table and sitting next to him was Mikey who was drawing something.
           “Oh, this looks so good. Thanks for making this for us, Mikey,” Iris said.
           All three turtle boys snapped their head up at her voice and they all looked at Donnie.
           “You guys knew we were coming,” Donnie asked.
           “Yah, Iris has been texting us all night since you two had left,” Raph said as he dried off his hands on a rag.
           The two of them sat down and started to eat.
           “Thank you, Mikey,” Donnie mumbled over his food.
           Mikey smiled at him.
           As they ate, Donnie could tell that his brothers were trying very hard not to say anything too soon, and it was slowly grating on his nerves.
           When he finished eating, he said, “Okay. I’m listening. What happened when S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. was with you guys.”
           Iris was still eating, but she was silently watching everyone interact with each other.
Leo and Mikey turned to Raph who was leaning against the kitchen counter.
           “Okay. So, a giant alligator/crocodile mutant guy was prowling around outside our lair when we were all goofing around. The guy then attacked us, unprovoked, and tried to bite us to death. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. was trying to help us by being a distraction to him so that we could get out our weapons, but the alligator/crocodile guy managed to get him with his massive tail and just batted him into the concrete wall, and he then bounced into some sewer muck,” Raph said.
           Donnie gave his brothers concerned looks.
           “Don’t worry. The crocodile guy hasn’t comeback yet,” Leo said.
           “I’m still wondering why he attacked us in the first place, thou,” Mikey said as he continued drawing.
           “Why didn’t you guys just bring him immediately to me,” Donnie asked, pleadingly.
           Donnie saw Mikey put down his coloring pencil, but he didn’t look at him and Leo went back to looking at his comic, but he wasn’t reading it. Donnie turned his attention back to Raph.
           “We were all kind of scare of how you’d react. Even S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. was scared. He asked us to try and fix him before he shut down,” Raph explained.
           Donnie was reeling at this information.
           “I’m not that scary when I’m angry… Am I,” he turned and asked Iris.
           She winced at him a little as she brought her hand up and made her thumb and pointer finger almost touch each other.
           Donnie turned away from her as he brought his hand up to his head and rubbed it, sighing into the table. Then he sat up and looked at his brothers.
           “I’m sorry I made you guys feel that way. I want you all to know, no matter how angry I get, I still want to know these things. I need to know these things. Or S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s memory wouldn’t have gotten as bad as it is.”
           Mikey looked up at Donnie and Leo looked over his comic at him while Raph stood up straighter.
           Mikey asked, “What do you mean? What’s wrong?”
           Looking away from them, Donnie told them what he found out about the little drone’s damaged memories and how it’ll affect him in the future. When he looked back at his brothers, all three of them were teary eyed and they immediately moved to embrace him. Donnie was almost tipped out of his chair by the force of his brother’s hugs. Mikey and Raph were crying the loudest while Leo was crying silent, guilty tears.
           “We’re so sorry,” Mikey spoke for them all, “We should have just bit the bullet and showed you the damage immediately.”
           Donnie let them cry since he hashed out all his crying earlier, but he hugged them back as best he could as he said, “I’m sorry too.”
           Donnie then saw Iris come over with a soft smile on her face as she joined in on the hug. She patted him on the head like she was saying, good boy, to him. He puffed out his cheeks at her in a pout. Her smile widened in response and that made him look away from her in shy embarrassment.
           Eventually his brothers let him out of the hug, and he was able to stand up.
           “Hey, don’t feel too guilty guys. You three did do a good job on cleaning away the sewer muck from him and it minimized the damaged to his memories,” Donnie said to reassure his brothers.
           “And we got all the parts we need to rebuild S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. good as new,” Iris chimed in.
           Leo was wiping off his face as he said, “That’s good at least.”
           Having finished drying off his face, Raph said, “Okay guys. It’s pretty late. We should head to bed and let Iris go home,” then quietly to a still weeping Mikey, Raph said, “Come on, little man. You can sleep with me tonight if you want.”            Mikey nodded his head as he let Raph lead him to his room while Leo followed them out.
           Donnie and Iris were now alone in the kitchen. Iris started picking up the dirty dishes from the kitchen table and Donnie followed her lead.
           “Hey. Thanks again for tonight,” Donnie said, “and uh, I have another favor to ask of you, if it’s okay?”
           “Of course it is,” she said as she put the dirty dishes into the sink.
           “Can you… help me think of a code word we could use to signal to me that I’m getting too angry? I don’t think I understand just how much anger I have in me, and maybe I can avoid something like this happening again.”
           He was avoiding making eye contact with her as he asked this, and he only looked at her when she placed her hand on his shoulder.
           “Heck yah, I will. And we can get your brothers in on this too and we can all brainstorm together. It’ll be fun.”
           She gave him the biggest and sweetest smile he’s seen from her yet.
           Smiling softly at the sight; he took her hand off his shoulder, gripped it lightly in both of his hands, and gently raised her fingers to his forehead where they lightly brushed against him.
           “Thank you,” he said looking down, then looking back up at her face he said, “Truly. You’re too good for me.”
           Donnie saw her wide smile had shrunk down into a tight-lipped smile, and her face seemed to be turning a bright shade of pink. She took her hand back with an awkward laugh that confused him.
           “Okay. Well. I’ll see yah around,” she said as she speed-walked away from him and she said, “Text ya later!”
           Then she was out of his sight.
           Donnie stood alone in the kitchen for a minute, confused by the situation, until realization hit him in the face.
           “Oh no,” he said to himself as he staggered against the kitchen counter and covered his mouth with his hand, “Was I being too forward?”
To those that may be interested in the story: @thelaundrybitch @rheawritesforfun @turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @mysticboombox @drowninghell @raphielover @raphslovemuffin80 @doctorelleth @post-apocalyptic-daydream @tmntspidergirl @s-s-ironnie
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My guinea pig just passed and I’m looking for fluffy fics or headcanons to cheer myself up....I was wondering if you’d do a small Drabble on Barry and Iris taking care on a recently de-aged toddler Bart? Tysm ;v;
oh honey
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I’m sorry about that and I hope you’ve been kind to yourself today. There’s a lot of logistical stuff with that (like 3 other speedster toddlers) so I hope this drabble of Barry and Iris just taking care of bby Bart will do.
Iris West-Allen looks up from her tablet, smiling at the sight of her husband carrying their 2 year old grandson. Barty waves at her as he babbles, auburn curls poking out from his towel hood. 
“What’s Grandpa doing, sweet boy?” Iris takes Barty from Barry with a peck. Pushing the hood away from brilliant green eyes, the reporter taps his little nose. “Is he being mean?”
“Uh huh!” Barty nods, grabbing his grandmother’s hand. The curious look on his little face reminds her of his father. Reminds her how long it’s been since Dawn and Donny were this little.
“I’m mean?” Barry scoffs, tickling Barty’s neck. “Grandma and Grandpa offer to take you for the weekend so Mommy and Daddy can get away--”
“We forced them to take a break, Barry, don’t lie to him.” Iris makes a face at her husband as she lays Barty on the couch, getting his pajamas and night diaper on. “Your mommy and daddy work so hard and still give you so much attention.”
Barry watches her with a smile. In all his years of hero work, of being the fastest man in the world, it’s times like this he remembers why he did it. Why he put on that red suit for so many years. Why so many in their family followed behind him.
“Hello?” A familar bright voice calls from the door. 
“Well this is a surprise,” Iris laughs. Dawn tosses her spare key onto the table as she kisses her parents hello. “Thought you were working tonight?”
“Nope. Requested it off to spend time with my favorite little shit.” Dawn scoops up her nephew, blowing a raspberry on his cheek. “Gotta get my Aunt Dawn time in when I can.”
“You just saw him yesterday!” Barry laughs.
“That was yesterday, Dad! I can’t help that Mel and Donny made a cute kid.” Dawn tickles Barty’s belly, filling the room with giggles. 
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backtothestart02 · 6 years
25 Days of Westallen Fanfiction: Day 19 - A Day in the Life
A/N: I changed the title so it wouldn’t be repetitive with the synopsis. It also allows this to be a multi-chap potentially in the future of different scenarios of WA being cute parents in love. Enjoy this installment for now.
Dedication: @tooold-toship​ - a little late since her birthday was on Christmas Eve, but here you go, hun! Enjoy!
(*Many thanks to @jade4813 who let me borrow the bit about Don and Nora getting their speed gradually as children instead of immediately when they were born as inspiration for my fic - I thought it was so genius when I saw it incorporated in the fic she wrote for me that I decided to write a variation of that in my own gift for someone else.)
*Big thank you to @valeriemperez for beta’ing.
Synopsis: Barry and Iris help prepare their five-year-old twins for their Christmas Dance recital.
It was Saturday.
Iris knew this instinctively, even in that place between sleeping and waking.
Her alarm had not gone off. She was aware of the warmth of the comforter surrounding her, and the quiet pitter-patter of rain drops on her bedroom window was easily lulling her towards the sleep end of the spectrum.
At a time like this, few things could successfully knock her out like cuddling up to her husband and feeling his arms wrapped around her. She reached across the bed for him, eager to take the last step into unconscious bliss, but instead her hand came into contact with bare sheets. They weren’t particularly warm either. The sudden bang coming from downstairs in addition to some shushing made her eyes flash open and her body snap up to a sitting position. But the following whispered words that somehow rose to their bedroom informed her there was no cause for alarm.
“Shh, Mommy’s still sleeping.”
Oh, that’s right. She was a mother of two, and today was their Christmas recital.
Reluctantly, she tossed the comforter and sheets aside and slipped into some fuzzy slippers. Then she pulled on her robe, tied it into a double knot and proceeded to descend down the staircase.
“Okay, one more time, guys, then Daddy will make breakfast. A one, a two, a one-two-three-four-”
Iris watched as Barry at first initiated and then silently backed away to leave their twins doing an impressive dance number in a neat line in front of the dining table.
Iris couldn’t help herself. She clapped enthusiastically from the bottom of the staircase after they’d finished.
“Mommy!” The twins both gasped, looking straight at her, horrified and then sheepishly away. “Daddy, we’re-”
“Oh, don’t worry about it, kids,” Barry said, coming up from behind them and tousling their hair affectionately. “I’m sure it was your mom missing me in bed that woke her up and not  Donny losing his footing and accidentally pushing the couch over, knocking the table down and sending the lamp crashing to the floor,” he said, but it was all in amusement and not scolding, even if Don blushed fiercely at the reminder. “Right, honey?” He winked.
But Iris’ planned playful response vanished from her mind at the mention of ‘crashing to the floor’. Her eyes immediately sought out the evidence of said crash. There were some scrapes on the floor from the couch moving and the table toppling over, but just about everything else looked to be okay. The lamp was set against the far wall though. Iris pointed at it and looked at Barry.
“The bulb shattered,” Barry explained. “We can pick up some more when we’re out later today, I think.”
Don’s face was downcast.
“Hey, buddy, it’s okay,” Barry assured. “Accidents happen. When I was your age, I was knocking things over all the time! Isn’t that right, Iris?”
But Iris had a single eyebrow raised.
“When you were his age, Bear? Honey, you still do that.” She crouched down so she was at eye-level with her twins. “You guys have seen Dad play baseball, right?” She cringed, and the twins followed suit.
Barry almost mentioned cooking. He was incredibly close to pointing out how at least he could cook. But he figured he could swallow his ego for the sake of the adorable moment unfolding right now with his little family. So, instead he laughed, indulging them.
“All right, guys, why don’t I make us all some pancakes? Enough excitement for one morning anyway.”
“Yaaay!” the twins cheered, and Iris smiled.
“Come on, guys, you can help me set the table while Dad starts breakfast.”
Eagerly the five-year-olds trailed after their mother into the kitchen and handled the plastic plates and cups with care on their way to the dining table. Iris stopped to give her husband an appraising look from head-to-toe. He locked eyes with her, knowing what that look was for. His woman was undressing him with her eyes and forcing him to redirect his thoughts lest he develop a boner in front of their children.
Iris’ latest kink had been seeing her husband be such a Dad with their adorable children. He only wished they could squeeze in some alone time before they took off for the recital that evening. He muttered something incoherent after she left, trying to suppress the semi-arousal when her lofty giggle reached his ears, setting off a series of delicious sensations.
“Daddy, hurry up! We’re hungry!”
He cleared his throat and shook himself out of it.
“Coming right up, Princess,” he responded, enacting his super speed to make this breakfast a speedier one. The giggle from his daughter successfully redirected his thoughts, and for the morning at least, he didn’t have to worry about that type of embarrassment unfolding.
After a day of some playtime and a few more practice rounds, Barry and Iris prepared their kids for the concert and headed over to the lavish ballroom in downtown Central City. Iris was particularly fussy over their kids’ appearances, but the two pristine looking five-year-olds pushed her away when they spotted their teacher near the entrance.
“They look great, Mrs. West-Allen,” their teacher assured her, and Iris felt a twinge of embarrassment for herself mixed with pride in her darling children.
“Thanks, Mrs. Beesly.”
The woman nodded and took a hand from each of the children in her own, heading behind the curtain and down the long hall to where the rest of the participants were located.
“C’mon, Iris,” Barry urged, brushing her elbow. “Let’s go find our seats.”
She shook off her nerves at leaving her babies and focused instead on her husband, who was looking incredibly sexy and looking at her much the same way she had looked at him that morning.
“Are you sure that’s all you want to do, Mr. Allen?” she asked sultrily, sidling up to him.
He chuckled but made a mentally ordered his lower regions to calm down.
“That’s all we can do right now, Mrs. West-Allen,” he said into her ear. “Unless you want to miss out on our kids’ amazing dance routine during the opening act?”
She sighed regretfully. “I suppose you are right.” She drew her finger down his shirt till right above his belly button, retracting it when she heard him suck in a breath of air suddenly. “Let’s find our seats then.” She patted his chest and headed for the concert hall, swaying her hips slightly as she did so.
“That’s deliberate,” he muttered under his breath and followed her to their seats.
Despite the oozing sexual tension between the Allen and West-Allen respectively, all of that faded away when they saw their kids on stage. The other kids performed very well of course, but there was nothing quite like seeing Don and Nora West-Allen dressed as fashionably as their mother and performing as naturally as their father. They blew the crowd away and had their parents gushing.
Iris clapped enthusiastically both times they performed, and after the last hit of the night, there was a standing ovation. Iris had to keep herself from running up to the stage after the encore and handing each of her children a brilliant red rose and a bag of cookies.
“You both did so amazing!” she fawned. Barry repeated the sentiment.
“Yeah?” Don asked, his eyes alight with wonder.
“We did?!” Nora squealed, jumping up a bit on her toes.
“You were the best,” Barry assured, smiling so wide it almost hurt.
They each hugged their children, and as soon as the crowd had started to dissipate, they let their precious five-year-olds jump down into their arms and then walk proudly out the door with them, a skip in their step, as they hopped into a limo and went out for ice-cream.
“Ooo, a limo,” Don gawked at the sight, both when they were outside and inside.
Iris looked over at her husband, an eyebrow raised.
“Yes, wherever did you find it?”
The window partition between them and the driver lowered at the stop light, revealing one Cisco Ramon.
“Uncle Cisco!” the children cheered.
“At your service, monsieur and madam.” He tipped his hat.
Iris looked at him curiously.
“It’s a side gig I picked up just for kicks,” he explained easily.
Iris suspected that wasn’t the whole truth, but she let it slide. If she knew her husband and her friend, Barry had rented the limo as a surprise for their kids and had selected not to have a driver because Cisco wanted to be a part of the action.
But she wouldn’t pester Barry about that until later. He’d probably silence her with kisses – and there were children present.
“Well, all right then, Uncle Cisco. Take us away!”
“Will do, Madam.” He tipped his hat again, making Iris roll her eyes.
But Cisco rolled up the partition again and took them to their favorite ice cream spot in the city where they all enjoyed their favorite dish. At the end of the night, Cisco dropped off the family of four just when the young West-Allens’ sugar high was finally starting to drop. By the time they reached their bedrooms – of which Barry and Iris had carried them halfway to – they were both half-heartedly protesting to stay up longer and all but snoring once they were in their pjs and tucked away in bed.
“What a night,” Iris said, taking off her jewelry at her vanity.
“Our kids were terrific.”
“Mhmm,” she agreed.
“Especially Don. That boy can move.”
“Right into the couch apparently,” Iris snorted, but she knew her husband spoke the truth. She’d seen first hand how impressive her son’s moves had been up on the stage during the concert.
“It was an accident,” Barry said, coming up behind his wife and placing his hands on her arms. “I think his speed short-circuited for a second and sent him farther than he meant to go.”
Iris nodded. The super speed had started to show up in spurts in the last six months. It didn’t happen often enough for the children to notice, but Barry had picked up on it right away and the second time so had Iris. It was a point of concern, whether or not to tell their kids that they were metahumans. Iris wondered if they were too young to handle it and Barry wondered if they’d be targeted if it started happening more often and in public and if they couldn’t suppress it – or chose not to.
“Let’s not think about it tonight,” Barry said, sensing where her thoughts had gone. “They did great on stage. The crowd loved them. And they did that just by being them, no super speed required.”
Iris turned around in her husband’s arms and draped her arms over his shoulders.
“Something tells me they have you to thank for that.”
He shrugged. “I liked practicing with them.”
She smiled serenely.
“And I love you for it.”
She pulled him down for a sensual kiss, one she knew her husband couldn’t immediately draw back from.
“You’re not too tired, I see,” she said when they finally came up for air.
Wordlessly, Barry drew down the zipper on the back of her dress and let the gown to fall to the floor, pooling around her bare feet. Then he tipped her chin up so she could see the heat in his eyes.
“Not for this.”
Pleasure shot to the tips of her fingers and toes, and she shot up to capture his lips again, winding her legs around his waist when he lifted her up and placed her on top of her vanity, all manner of items falling to the floor.
With their children asleep just down the hall, Iris was impressively quiet. Barry was less so when they moved to the bed, but by then their children were in a deep sleep. Nothing save a roaring thunder could wake them from their slumber.
*Also posted on AO3 and FFnet.
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boneswriteswords · 6 years
Hi! Sorry if the ask box thing already closed. You can ignore it if that´s the case. Just know I read all your TMNT fics/hc and i love them all (in the future i will reblog and comment each of them; once im done with college stuff xp ). I... was thinking of maybe a Donnie x reader where they are far away from eachother and reader is having a breakdown and just wants to be hugged so bad by her bf, so Donnie writes what he can to let her know she is loved. Thank you for being you Bonnie! *Hugs*
A/N: Something I have learned about myself recently. I never follow the exact prompt. Ever. No matter how hard I try, somewhere I deviate and it takes off and I can’t make it fit into the boxes its supposed to be in.
So here is what I came up with for this ask. 
Thank you for the message, nonnie. I hope this doesn’t disappoint you. 
Unbeta’d because I never proofread ok I will die like a person who makes mistakes and gives no fucks. 
Words: 1135. 
Tw: Panic Attack
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It had seemed like a good idea at the time. One of yourprofessors really liked your thesis paper on sex trafficking and wanted you tomeet with some of his colleagues at a convention he was invited to. He thoughtyou were brilliant, your paper insightful, and your perspective unique, and youpreened under the praise.
You eagerly agreed to attend said conference, recognizing itas the fantastic opportunity to get your name out in the field that it was. Students,especially undergrad students, were rarely given invitations to attend thereally big professional conferences – the ones where minds who have been in thefield for years get together to discuss their research, new theories and findings,concepts that were put on hold or only partially disqualified, and debate – andthey most certainly were never asked to actually speak at them. You spent hoursgoing over everything, from the flight plans to your presentation to yourtalking points, with Donnie to make sure you were prepared to impress.
You were on cloud nine up until the exact moment that youweren’t. It started small, like it usually does. The quivering in your bones asyou boarded the plane and watched New York fade in the distance as the sun wentdown. The discomfort settling into your stomach as you tried to adjust to atime change.  The sudden inability toremember what you packed in your bags. The agitation at being stationary andthe walks around the hotel you were staying at you took to help alleviate thedarkening mood. The dread of falling asleep, of waking up, of getting ready tospeak to numerous professionals that know way more than you do. The fear ofembarrassing yourself in front of them.
You didn’t expect to crash as hard as you did.
And you didn’t expect it to happen while you were on thephone with Donnie.
“Dove. Dove, listen to me. I need you to breathe.”
How could you when your lungs weren’t working?
“Listen to me dove. Focus on me. Can you turn on Face time?”
In your haze, you fumbled with the phone with shaky fingers.Donnie’s face popped up on your screen and a small burst of comfort flowedthrough your body. It vanished as quickly as it had come though, when yourealized that you were alone.
He wasn’t here. He wasn’t with you. He was in New York andyou were in this lonely hotel room thousands of miles away and he couldn’t getto you if you needed him.
“There you are. I’m here, my dove. My lovely little dove,”he cooed, keeping his voice soft and gentle as you struggled to make sense of reality,“You’re having a panic attack ok? Dove, I need you to breathe for me.”
“You-you-you aren’t here Donnie. I ca-can’t…I don’t…I-I-I.”Words were hard. Thoughts were hard. Breathing was hard. “You aren’t here.”
“Look at me honey. Look at me. Open your eyes.” When had youclosed them? “Good. I am here. In the room with you. Talking to you. Breathewith me honey. Inhale….” He paused, inhaling, holding it for a couple seconds,and exhaling it. “Exhale. Now do it with me ok.”
Inhale. One. Two. Three.
Exhale. Four. Three. Two. One.
“Good girl. Again.”
Inhale. One. Two. Three.
Exhale. Four. Three. Two. One.
“I am here. Pull the blanket around you. Just like I do athome.”
Over and over again. Inhale. Exhale. Praise. Instruction.
The pressure behindyour eyes loosened. The hotel duvet was on the right side of heavy and warmalong your shoulders. You pulled it tighter, adjusting yourself so you wouldn’tdislodge it.
Donnie watched you, eyes flickering back and forth over youon the screen. You kept your eyes on his, taking note of the way his irisdilated as he spoke to you, the different colors in the iris, the kind shape ofhis lids, and how they rested on his face. He has beautiful eyes. Slowly, you driftedfrom his eyes, taking in the shape of his head, the slope of his snout, the wayone of his nostrils sat just a tiny bit higher than the other, the way his lipscame together to form words and how different it looks when he leans in to kissyou….
“….dove? Are you listening to me?” You hadn’t realized hehad tapered off the breathing exercise and was speaking. “I need you to focuson something. Anything.”
“I am. Focused,” you slurred, “One of your nostrils ishigher than the other.” The muscles in your back slackened. His lips quirkedinto a grin.
“Really? What else do you see?”
“You have freckles on your snout but they’re a differentcolor than the ones on your shoulders and legs,” you continued, body recliningback on instinct. Donnie always nestled you somewhere soft and squishy as you descendedfrom madness, his arms wrapped around you to keep you weighted. “Your lower lipis thicker than your upper lip.” You could feel the tension seeping from yourbones, a residual ache left behind that a hot shower would fix in the morning. “Youhaven’t been sleeping much. The lines under your eyes are deeper.”
He chuckled and you smiled, a sleepy little thing as yourhead lolled back against the pillow. You didn’t have any strength left in yourneck so you lifted the phone and changed the angle so you could keep looking athim, “Thank you, Donnie. I feel better.”
His face reflected all the affection he had for you and yousoaked it up, “You are the love of my life, you know that, Donnie? Can’t dothis life without you anymore.”
The smile returned, blinding and shy. He decided againstpointing out that you went most of your life without him in it. You survivedwithout him, had a life without him in it. You would again, if it came down toit. If choice was removed.
He hated to think about it and there was no sense in sendingyou down another spiral, not when you were so soft and open now. Vulnerable.Unsuspecting.
Something a lesser man would take advantage of.
“I know, dove.”
The fact that you didn’t wantto live a life without him though was enough to seize his heart in hischest. He knew what he had with you. What you allowed him to have with you. Thefeeling he got when he could reach you when you succumbed to the worst parts ofyourself and bring you back and you trusted him enough to allow him to see youthrough it was something he couldn’t put into a spreadsheet and quantify, nomatter how hard he tried.
You bloomed for him.
“I love you too.”
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craptaincold · 7 years
Anonymous submitted to craptaincold: 
 “We could name one Joseph,” Eddie said. “After your dad.”
“Maybe,” Iris said. “What about Wallace?”
“I like Wallace,” Barry said. “Or Edward and Francisco?”
“Edward and Francisco, I like that.”
“What about Bartholomew?” Cisco asked.
“It’s Bartholomew,” Barry said. “Besides, it was my grandfather’s name, Henry would make more sense if you followed the Allen naming pattern.”
“We can’t name them after only two dads. What about Leonardo?”
“It’s too close to Leonard, Snart would never let us hear the end of it,” Eddie said.
"Michelangelo?” Barry said. 
“Are you listing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?” Iris asked.
“Dante was a renaissance artist,” Cisco said. “We can’t actually name one after my brother, I’d never hear the end of that, but we could find another artist.”
“And you happen to pick the ones the Ninja Turtles are named after.”
“I do not know many artists.”
“Of course not,” Eddie said. “What about Rose, for a girl?”
“Rose is nice,” Barry said. “There are a lot of names.”
“Great Aunt Dawn used to say that was why she never had kids, so she didn’t have to come up with any names.”
“Dawn?” Iris asked.
Five Months Later
“Seriously, you couldn’t have done this last week?” Cisco yelled, sending a shock wave to throw Weather Wizard off his feet. 
“Got plans, Vibe?” Lisa asked, and Barry pulled Cisco out the way of her gun.
“We do, actually,” Barry said. “So if we could wrap this up now, that would be great.”
“Not so fast, Flash,” Snart said.
“I’m always fast.” He dodged the blast from the cold gun.
“It’s our thing,” Wally said, knocking Cold off his feet.
“Er, guys?” Linda asked through the comms. “Iris is in labour.”
“What?” Barry asked. “Seriously?”
“A week late, they’re definitely yours,” Cisco said. 
“Rude, being late is a perfect cover for the fastest man alive.”
“No, you’re just terrible at time keeping,” Linda said. “Get here now.”
“Excuse us, Rogues,” Barry said. “Vibe and I must leave right now immediately.”
“I’ve got this,” Wally said. 
A breech opened, and Cynthia, Jesse, and Jay appeared.
“I’m getting too old for this,” Jay said.
“Never,” Jesse said. “Hi, Flash.”
“Hi,” Wally and Barry said. 
“Vibe,” Cindy said. “I heard you might need some cover.
"I would love some cover. Flash, let’s go.”
“Coming, dear.”
“They’re so beautiful,” Eddie said. “Babe, you did so well.”
“I can’t believe you made these,” Barry said. “They’re so tiny. Hi, tiny babies. I’m Dad.”
“You’re cute,” Iris said. “What do you think, Pa?”
“I love you,” Cisco said. “One of each, it’s perfect.”
“Dawn Nora and, we never did decide on a boy’s name,” Eddie said. 
“Donny,” Iris said. “He looks like a Donny.”
“I like that one.”
“For Donald?” Cisco asked.
“Donatello,” Barry said. “You did want an artist, didn’t you?”
“Donatello Joseph,” Iris said. 
“Donny and Dawn,” Cisco said.
Eight months later
“Bartholomew Henry Allen!”
Barry ran downstairs to find Iris standing in the front room, with toys and paper everywhere. Don and Dawn were asleep in the middle of the floor. 
“What happened? It looks like there’s been a tornado in here.”
“That would be your kids, Bartholomew. It seems they inherited more than bad timing from their father.”
“Oh. Whoops.”
who... who keeps sending me these beautiful fics... why on anon.... i must know who you are....my savior....
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Metal Is Magic
An MLP fanfiction by Donny Darkblade
This Fic takes place in an alternate Equestria Girls universe.
Rated M for language and some shipping.
*Author's Note: Canon character names have been changed to be more human (ei. Apple Bloom=Abby, Sweetie Belle= Stacey, etc.)
Disclaimer: I do not own any songs in this fic except the Fort Massacre originals. Furthermore, I do not own any names of bands or characters except for the members of Fort Massacre that are not Big Mac. This includes Barry, Shifty, Meta and Beta AND the band name Fort Massacre. Fort Massacre is a band of my own invention and any similarities to another band, living or dead, is completely coincidental. Also, the band name Black Iris and all songs of theirs belong to me.
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lec743 · 2 years
ROTTMNT Master List
One Shot Fanfic - Lost and Found
Tina Kurama Part One
One Shot Fanfic - Tedious Teleportation
Itsuki Kurama Part One
One Shot Fanfic - Dental Danger
Tina Kurama Part Two
Art Trade by @digitl-art-monstr
One Shot Fanfic - Home Life Complications
Itsuki Kurama Part Two
One Shot Fanfic - Girl's Night
A bit-o-lore
An April Scene
A Mikey Scene
Random Scenes
Another Mikey Scene
Father/Daughter Powers
Hill Falling Scene
One Shot Fanfic -  A Favor for a Favor
Not understanding that she’s a little sibling
One Shot Fanfic - Shogi
Donnie’s new fascination with magic
Guitar Time!
Romance What? Date Who?
New Jupiter Jim Fan
Study Problems
Joking Pains
Elaborating on The Raph and OC Dynamic
Wrong Music to Love
One Shot Fic - On a Mission
My first drawing of her
One Shot Fic - Rabbits and Birds
Iris Fanfic 0.1
Iris Fanfic 0.2
Short Animal Bride Stories
January Challenge Fic
Fireflies - Fanfic
February Challenge Fic 
March Challenge Fic
April Challenge Fic
May Challenge Fic
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What was the batfam/flashfam’s reaction to meeting bby Asha??
So! I have a few fics in the Speeddemon tag addressing that
Wally and Linda adore their grandbaby. They are proud of Irey for stepping up and working her butt off to be a good position given everything going on.
Jason, Tim, and Dick make a joke about Damian completing the circle of bird daughters, but they all love Asha. Dick feels strange being her uncle, especially when Mar’i and Jon adopt Charlie who’s a month older than Asha. Tim and Jason bring Grace and Dahlia over all the time.
Stephanie, Cass, and Barbara will steal that baby whenever Damian and Irey are around. (Because Asha is cuddle baby)
Selina calls her kitten (and is only slightly offended Asha is allergic to cats)
Helena likes playing with her and tries to remember using nice hands.
Barry and Iris offer to babysit when they can.
Mel thinks Asha is adorable and it gives her some baby fever
Dawn and Donny had a moment of “Our baby cousin has a baby” panic, but Asha’s sweet face made it all better.
Bart is Uncle Barty and won’t respond to anything else
Given the events just before Asha’s born, and his general attitude towards metas/speedsters, it’s a while before Bruce meets asha. Not as sweet as the others.
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Can I request Mel first learning Barts their kid from the future? Love your fics❤️❤️❤️
Hello! So I do have a fic where Donny and Mel fight because she found out Bart was their kid. If you are ok with it, I want you all to see Mel interacting with Bart for the first time after that. Also! Thank you! Enjoy my love!
Mel sits out on the porch. She counts the cars that go by. It’s not her first family dinner, but it’s her first family dinner to 
She looks up to see Bart, rubbing the back of his neck, “Hey, Bart.”
“Can I sit?” When she nods, he takes the spot beside her. Leaving plenty of space between them. It’s a few minutes before he says, “So. You know.”
“Yeah.” Mel nods, “I think it explains why you acted so strange when we first met.”
“Not every day you meet your mom for the first time.” Bart looks at her, “Does it help if I say Dad didn’t know until after that first meeting?”
Mel thinks back to the fight they’d had. The way Donny started tearing at his hair, panicking. The horrible words they’d shouted. She sighs, “A little. It’s just. It’s strange that this guy I’ve known for two-plus years is my son. Like. I told Donny I was from the future a week after we met.”
“Like mother like son?” It’s a shitty joke, but it gets a small smile. “Look, we don’t have to make it a thing. I promise. I call Donny Dad to annoy him mostly.”
“Wait, is that why Iris randomly yells ‘Don’t call me Grandma?’“ 
Bart laughs and nods. Mel laughs because, honestly, that’s something she would have done. Bart gives her a soft smile, “Dad loves you. Growing up that was one thing I never had to wonder about.”
“...Is he still a good man?”
“Best I know. Aside from Grandpa.” Bart shrugs. Mel turns and gives him a look. The look that always made him freeze in his tracks and think back on everything he’s done wrong. 
She holds her hand out, “Hi. I’m Meloni Thawne.”
Bart smiles and shakes her hand, “Hi. I’m Bart Allen. I’m your son from the future.”
“it’s really nice to meet you, Bart.”
“Nice to meet you to, Mom.”
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