#Is that what's on the candle???
egophiliac · 3 months
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(almost) four years in, and I finally had time to draw something for the anniversary! woo! 🎉🎉🎉
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fluentisonus · 4 months
i've seen several variations on this meme with legolas & gimli but no one but me gets which way around it should be it should be like this:
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gremlin-ghoul · 6 months
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new header. escaping the scene of the crime
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nibeul · 1 year
uncle aaron in spiderverse fucks me up so badly because here is a man who has done terrible, unforgivable things, and he loves his nephew very much
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kiivg · 10 days
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.please please please please please pl.
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arrgh-whatever · 14 days
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zephyrchama · 22 days
The anachronistic feel within the House of Lamentation is neat and has so much potential to explore.
Leviathan has a multi-screen PC setup and virtual reality games that feel indistinguishable from reality. Beelzebub has to reheat food in a cauldron over a wood burning stove.
The lights in all the common rooms are either lamps or candles, including in the bathroom, but Asmodeus has a modern-looking crystal chandelier in his bathroom. The shared bathtub has a modern faucet but the kitchen sink is a hand pump.
Mammon has a surround sound stereo system and everybody can use the FabSnap app but they don't know what a slow cooker is.
Facilities in the Devildom as a whole can probably range from ancient to next generation futuristic. You never know if the building you're walking into will look like a historical museum exhibit or a contemporary upscale business.
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ldr-is-my-life · 2 months
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in the name of higher consciousness i let the best man i knew go
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amelia-yap · 1 month
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hap borthday
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lipglossuser · 5 months
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zu-is-here · 1 year
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make teleshopping great again ♪
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squishsquishy · 3 months
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x/x/x x/x/x x/x/x
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jewreallythinkthat · 2 months
I spent a large portion of today researching tekhelet for work as part of a piece on ancient dyes and I got so stupid emotional. Like it's just a dye, but it was such an important thing in ancient Judaism as the dye which would make tzitzit blue and the method of making it was lost around the time of the Arab conquest of Israel in the 7th century. (Also I note that lots of sources date the loss of the secret of the original manufacture but many just gloss over it mapping directly onto the colonisation of Judea/Israel by the Rashidun Caliphate - I know that the two events may not be connected but I have spent too long looking at history to be able to say that these were completely unrelated y'know... Lost knowledge is very, very rarely a coincidence)
They literally, to this day, still don't know how it was made.
There are multiple theories, most of which revolve around the murex snail (where we get Tyrian purple from) and the fact that if you expose the pigment it produces - di-bromo indigo - to light at the right point in the production process, it is reduced to regular indigo from which you can get your blue dye. But this has all been worked out using modern methods. The ancient production method of tekhelet is gone and I honestly find myself mourning yet another piece of lost knowledge form our history.
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this is probably one of my favorite outfits that i've ever put together! and it's all for one of my top five fav character designs, like... Ever!
i would like to note that my dear beloved Jaime (@/awkwardalphajay here on our very own hellsite<3 check em out <3) helped out a Ton by sending inspiration photos and providing insightful commentary on details and vibes!
overall i wanted Sally to have fancy vibes! while i was originally going to have her fit very much based on her canon one, i wound up veering off course and - while still keeping some elements - mostly went for Medieval Entertainer and Her House insp! continuing with the day/night theme, and leaning heavily into the fire aspect - she's a literal star fallen to earth, after all!
it was suggested that she should have dragonscale used in the making of her clothes since she's, you know, kind of made of fire! and it was genius! I imagine she has extra fire charms on this fit and also the rest of her clothes, since dragonscale is hard to come by and is a finite resource once Gathered. she gets better at Not burning everything she wears over time, thankfully!
i think that, like Frank, she'd have One (1) Dagger. for emergencies! it's likely very ornate, and she'd hate to scuff up the gleaming blade. Probably. plus, why would she need it? she's got firepower, babey!
there isn't quite as much to say about this as usual... mostly because this one was more Vibes than strategic "ok this and this and this because this and also-" i was just! makin a fun outfit!
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thatsbelievable · 2 months
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fizzytoo · 7 months
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Andrés (he/him) for @birdietrait's coven :D
it's been too long and he doesn't remember his age
he does remember to change his name frequently. he hasn't decided on a surname yet
prefers the company of books and cats to other humanoids but he does have a few odd friends here and there that will drop by on a whim. which he hates btw. if you're coming over, he needs to be warned well in advance.
when you do come over, you must bring a treat
he isn't particularly talented as a vampire, just all the normal quirks like turning into a bat and hypnosis (which he never really mastered).
when it comes to hunting, even after all these years, he isn't particularly talented at that either.
he will make an effort to turn into a bat the second he's being inconvenienced by his guests or a coven meeting.
stubborn but easily won over by sweets and affection
likes frills and lace and pretty things. he was a tailor at some point, still sort of is but he's particular about his clientele.
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