#Israel military
sugas6thtooth · 5 months
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feline17ff · 4 months
Greg Stoker, a former Special Operations member in the US army, analyzes the war in Palestine from a military perspective, debunking Israeli propaganda and explaining why the regime is losing its ground campaign.
I absolutely love greg.j.stoker's I/P conflict analyses on Instagram.
He's an ex US veteran who knows the ins and outs of military science, as well as US military obv.
Usually his IG vids are a few minutes long analyzing Israel's military tactics (or lack of)
He's so good at explaining and gets right into his subject matter that I didn't notice this interview of his on TMJ News Network was 30 minutes long lol
He talks about what the US military really thinks of Israel's military, years before Oct 7th. Spoiler: The US military doesn't trust Israel's info coz they know they just LIE.
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pilloclock · 7 months
Did the IDF realllly not think that NO Arabic speaker would translate that calendar for what it actually says ? Over 100 million people speak Arabic ! Of course people are going to know it’s a calendar
Link to watch video in full ⬇️
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a-typical · 7 months
Testing America's Bullets
"In East Jerusalem, the Americans give Israel sponge bullets," Mack said. "First, they started with a blue sponge bullet but then they decided – this is their statement – that because the Palestinians wore a lot of clothes, it was not very effective so then they changed it to a [more powerful] black sponge bullet, which caused huge damage and there are dozens of Palestinians that have lost their eyes and other organs of their body."
The black sponge bullets are manufactured by Combined Tactical Systems, a Pennsylvania-based firm which also supplies Israel with tear gas.
The company's brochure for these bullets contains a note marked "caution." It reads: "Shots to the head, neck, thorax, heart or spine can result in fatal or serious injury."
Israeli troops began using the black bullets in 2014.
The attack on Gaza the previous year enabled Israel to showcase some of its newest weapons. It was reported, for example, that the Hermes-900, one of Elbit's drones, made its "operational debut" in that assault.
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autistic-zukoao3 · 6 months
Anyways I hope all Israeli soldiers "just following orders" a very gruesome death 💕
I wish all the horrible things they've done to be done to them. I want them to be injected full of adrenaline to keep them awake and conscious so there's never any release.
I want the same for everyone contributing to these genocides.
I want the people responsible to suffer until they break apart. I want them to be completely unrecognizable due to the horrors.
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kropotkindersurprise · 3 months
February 28, 2024 - American military veterans burn their uniforms calling for a free Palestine, at a vigil for Aaron Bushnell in Portland, Oregon. [source]
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intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
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this cop also did this to another protestor:
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i remember when Instagram mostly banned me from my account for an entire year after posting about police brutality and its' links to white supremacy and institutionalized violence -it was during the height of the BLM movement after George Floyd was murdered. i remember calling out ex-co-workers at the time and people on social media i was mutuals with at the time for saying 'but it's not all cops, some are good,' and my response to that, and will always be: policing systems do MORE harm than good in communities. cops get little to zero training and are allowed to bear arms and have a licences to maim, injure, and kill people (most of whom, are NOT threats). and it's beyond unacceptable. the amount of funding these fucking systems get too when it can be allocated to programs that ACTUALLY do good.
defund the police.
end the occupation and free palestine!
*also, a few people have noted this, but yes, I believe it appears that the cop spat on the memorial candles too. and the fact he will never be fired and told to give up his badge for doing such a heinous thing is just despicable* -and yes all cops are bad.
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gillianthecat · 7 months
ST. LOUIS SHUT DOWN A BOEING FACTORY TODAY! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
at 7 am—
HAPPENING NOW: We're blocking all entrances to Boeing Building 598 outside St. Louis, the facility that manufactures Small Diameter Bombs (SDBs) and Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) bombs for Israel to drop on Gaza. If politicians won't block the bombs, WE WILL!!
We DEMAND Congress and @potus call for an immediate ceasefire and stop arms sales and funding to Israel. We call on all communities to take direct action to shut down Boeing and other companies that profit from Israel's genocide and occupation.
update at 9 am—
WE SHUT IT DOWN !! All workers have been sent home and deliveries stopped at @boeing building 598.
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mysharona1987 · 3 months
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They have turned the Palestinians into actual Guinea pigs for the military industrial complex.
We will see the robots and miserable remote controlled dogs at the next big BLM protest on American soil soon enough.
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head-post · 6 months
UN “concerned” about reports of Israel using white phosphorus in Lebanon
The UN said it was “very concerned” by a report that the Israeli army used US-supplied white phosphorus munitions during an attack in southern Lebanon.
UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said he could not confirm the information. He noted:
We’re obviously very concerned about any use of these types of incendiary munitions, especially in populated areas. But we will see if I have anything more to share with you on that.
The Washington Post reported an Israeli attack on 16 October on the Lebanese town of Dheira, near the border with Israel.
Human rights group Amnesty International called the incident a potential war crime.
Anadolu also took several photographs showing the use of white phosphorus bombs against Gaza civilians, and several lawyers said they could be used as evidence in a complaint against Israel.
Read more HERE
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sugas6thtooth · 5 months
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Absolutely inhumane. Psychos.
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gamepassofficial · 6 months
Why is United Nations Failing ? Dark Truth about Weapons Industry 2023
Hello, friends! The Israel-Palestine war began over a month ago, over 10,000 lives have been lost already. Surprisingly, amidst this tragedy,certain entities are benefiting significantly— American weapons manufacturers. Since the war began, the stocks of these companies have surged by $30 billion. The two major defense contractors in America Raytheon and General Dynamics have…
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pilloclock · 6 months
Dear Pro Israel people please read this full post below and ask yourself why you are defending Israel ? Does stealing the organs of murdered Palestinian men, women and children represent your beliefs? Do you think it’s okay ? Do you think it’s justified? Can you find it in your heart to have sympathy for Palestinian people and find anger towards Israel for their evil, inhumane, criminal and violent acts? Or will you continue to defend them because you have no humanity yourself? What will you tell your children and grandchildren when they learn about this when it is old history? Will you say you proudly agreed with Israel? Why?
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ustv · 6 months
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a-typical · 7 months
I asked Brom (A retired brigadier general who works at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv.) if it's true that Israeli arms companies use the fact that their products have been tested on Palestinians to gain international business. "Of course," he replied. "Why not? Marketing [professionals] try to use any advantage and if they can use the advantage that this system was tested operationally and it worked, they will of course use it for marketing."
"It is legitimate because the Vietnam War sold a lot of weapons," he said. "War usually sells weapons. But this is not to say that Israel is seeking war in order to sell weapons." (Uzi Rubin, a founder of Arrow, an Israeli anti-ballistic missiles program, is now a researcher at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies in Bar-Ilan University near Tel Aviv.)
"I'm talking about using the electromagnetic spectrum or high-powered microwaves to get people dizzy," she said. "If you're dizzy you lose your balance. You know, I'd rather people just get an upset stomach and really just have to have diarrhea right in the middle of a demonstration or puke their guts out than to be killed." (Barbara Opall-Rome has spent a few decades covering Israel for DefenseNews, a trade magazine for arms manufacturers.)
[Their] comments reveal much about the sadistic mentality of Israel's weapons-makers and their promoters. For them, Palestinians are not human beings worthy of respect but subjects in one cruel experiment after another.
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itsmenefertiti · 7 months
Another joke said by the Israeli Military lol.
“They are trying to minimise the deaths of civilians in Gaza.”
Very considerate of them really, maybe they expect us to thank them for this intention or gesture.
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