#It also helped I was in love with one of the tenors. :)
lionblaze03-2 · 4 months
sometimes I think about writing and singing music not because I’m an incredible singer but because no one has my fucking voice, especially in popular music, and its disheartening to be born a girl, told you’ll only get girl roles or try to voice match other girls, or ‘sing with the girls’ and then only be able to match male voices because you’re a fuckin tenor and not anything higher. I can’t think of any girl Broadway roles I can hit all the notes on. Most songs I love I have to pitch down for myself or use falsetto for singing along to. It bothers me a lot less now because I’m an adult who’s more secure in myself but as a teen in kids musical theatre it FUCKED with me, BAD style. And I know for a fact that even now when I hear people with a voice like mine singing I get excited and immediately invested in their work because they’re like ME, finally, for once. A brother in this world of being afab and having the voice of a recently pubescent boy forever. Maybe I should be that brother too.
#Using randomly gendered words because that’s me now but hey#Regardless of if you were born afab and are a girl 100% or if you were born afab and are someone else#It STILL sucks to always be grouped along with ‘girls’ just because of your voice and realize#You CANT hit that. You can’t hit the mark for ‘girl’. You’ll never achieve that without like. Hrt#Just say THE VOCAL CLASS. Like. Sopranos sing with this. Tenors with this. Bass with this. Etc#Then it doesn’t hurt! But nooo instead they’re looking or ‘sing with the other girls’ and you fucking can’t#And it gives you a crisis at age 14#Anyway all I know is when other people who were assigned female at birth and aren’t on something they changes ones voice#and just happen to have born with the same deep ass voice as me. It makes me proud to hear them use it#Because not enough people do. It’s like we’re all collectively embarrassed or something#I see so many sad posts from teenagers posting their dream roles and the reason they won’t get it is ‘girl’#and it’s like. I remember being that kid. Never able to get a female lead because of my voice. Never able to get a male lead because of gir#Even though my voice and appearance could easily swing male. Nope! You’re GIRL. So you’re doomed to background forever :)#I got 1 lead role and it was when I was at my most feminine and was also for a villain that was a fat hag#I LOOOOVED playing her im aunt sponge forever. BUT. Never getting one again after that… showed me. Something#More gender blind casting and more songs just written for tenors please#doing just ONE of those things would probably solve the issue#But both please because I’m greedy and I want what I couldn’t have for every kid today#(And also me in the future in adult community theatre. Haven’t had time/too intimidated so far but I WILL go back)#And before anyone questions the language on this post. I STRUGGLED with how to word it#TERFs begone. I love trans people. I am nonbinary and some form of intersex (pcos).#I just word it this way because of like. Where we all start#Whether we stay GIRL girls or realize we’re somewhere in between. It crushes us either way to have the ‘wrong’ voice to do anything#Because it did me at first. And I’m otherwise GLAD to be confusing#I’ve come to love my deep voice it baffles others and they never know what to call me it really helps the whole ‘what am I’ presentation#But. In terms of certain things. Like being in theatre in the deep south#It certainly does not help and can be disheartening#Especially back when I was younger and more self conscious#lion’s lair
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temporaltourguide · 2 months
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so like i think im fixating on this movie ive watched twice in a row on separate nights-
also like when im in the mood ill totes make so many gifs, i will FILL tenor full of gifs! and bonus, i made a looping gif of the last one! stimming going to EXPLODe
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i made these gifs cause like oh i just love giffing so much and i just oh i couldnt help myself heheheohohoh
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poetrysmackdown · 1 year
welcome to the 2023 tumblr poetry smackdown
tumblr has developed something of a canon of poetry over the past couple years, and i figured others might enjoy getting a chance to voice their opinions on a few of those poems! poems i chose for the poetry smackdown had to be more or less widely read on tumblr (generally 10k+ notes, most with more or spread across compilations), and relatively short so as to make voting easier. they also had to be complete—there are a lot of popular lines floating around on tumblr that are excerpted from very long poems and/or poems that are inaccessible via internet, and those aren't included here. a handful of poets are represented here twice reflecting my sense of their popularity, but i arranged the bracket in such a way that it won't be able to stay that way past round 2 at the latest. if i missed a poem that is super popular i'm sorry, that said the bracket is staying as is because this was a shit ton of work to put together and i don't want to. ty.
you can get to the polls by following the links below or going to the #round1 tag on my blog. you can also send me propaganda if you want via ask and i'll post it/add it to the next round's post if the poem wins.
happy voting!
sincerely amelia @poetriarchy :)
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ROUND 1: ENDS JULY 17 at 6pm EDT
"The Two-Headed Calf" by Laura Gilpin vs. "Butter Dish" by Leonard Cohen (cow poems)
"Poem" by Langston Hughes vs. "A Meeting" by Wendell Berry
"Miss you. Would like to grab that chilled tofu we love." by Gabrielle Calvocoressi vs. "My Sister, Who Died Young, Takes Up The Task" by Jon Pineda
"Hammond B3 Organ Cistern" by Gabrielle Calvocoressi vs. "Hong Kong" by Sue Zhao
"someone will remember us" (fragment by Sappho trans. Anne Carson) vs. "Wait" by Faraj Bou al-Isha trans. Khaled Mattawa
"The Quiet World" by Jeffrey McDaniel vs "Invisible Fish" by Joy Harjo
"Want" by Joan Larkin vs. "Come, and Be My Baby" by Maya Angelou
"Swan" by Mary Oliver vs. "How I Go to the Woods" by Mary Oliver
"The Orange" by Wendy Cope vs. "The Tenor of Your Yes" by Mary Ruefle
"Here There Are Blueberries" by Mary Syzbist vs. "Instructions on Not Giving Up" by Ada Limón
"To The Young Who Want to Die" by Gwendolyn Brooks vs. "A Litany for Survival" by Audre Lorde
"Night Walk" by Franz Wright vs. "Meditations in an Emergency" by Cameron Awkward-Rich
"Summer Was Forever" by Chen Chen vs. "I'm not a religious person but" by Chen Chen
"How to Be a Dog" by Andrew Kane vs. "Scheherazade" by Richard Siken
"I'm going to Minnesota where sadness makes sense" by Danez Smith vs. "Dream Song 29" by John Berryman
"Having a Coke with You" by Frank O'Hara vs. "Having 'Having a Coke with You' with You" by Mark Leidner
ADDENDUM: at 6pm on July 17th (or possibly a day earlier if there's already a clear sweep), I will be releasing a one-day poll that will give voters the option to sub in "Wild Geese" by Mary Oliver for the winner of matchup #8: "Swan" vs. "How I Go to the Woods". this is to help correct my significant oversight when I was remembering which two Oliver poems I've seen most on tumblr, and it's the only time I'm doing this kind of thing, so don't suggest it for any other poems after this please. that said, a sincere ty to @darkcomedies for first bringing its absence to my attention! and keep an eye out for this extra poll which i am calling ROUND 1.5: A HAIL MARY (OLIVER)
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awriternamedart · 3 months
One of the many things Akira noticed about Sakamato Ryuji was just how quietly he loved.
He didn’t mean specifically in a romantic sense. Friends, family, strangers- the way Ryuji showed his care and affection was almost silent.
It had first made itself apparent when Akira learned that Ryuji’s bright, yellow blonde wasn’t his natural tone- it was in fact, a bleach job he kept up on. He had noticed that Ryuji’s roots were growing in- a dark brown color that stood out starkly- and made an idle comment on it, drawing a fidgeting Ryuji’s hand to his thick, unruly hair.
“Oh, yeah. Been savin’ up to get some more bleach ‘n toner ‘n shit soon- ain’t let it grow out this long in a while.”
“You bleach it?”
“Yeah, started doin it round secondary and just- never stopped, I guess.”
He had later found out that he had done it so that Ann wouldn’t be alone as the only blonde, and even though they had fallen out over the years, he had still kept up with it. And considering the price of that kind of bleach job, the fact that he was always reminded to dye it back- it wasn’t an easy endeavor to keep up with.
And yet, he did so without even a thought of stopping.
It really had caught Akira’s eye when Yusuke had joined their little group.
For the first time, Akira got to witness Ryuji get along with someone from the beginning- and it wasn’t exactly easy. Ryuji, for all his sunny grins, had more than a few walls up when it came to new people. He got to see a gruffer, more agitated Ryuji- and also got to witness him slowly lower that outward mask to let their teammate in.
When Akira caught Ryuji suddenly always having a pencil on hand, he had known Yusuke had his seal of approval.
This type of pattern just kept repeating itself, mostly. With Makoto it was… a little more difficult- but that was because they had a history by ear. Ryuji’s reputation was the stark opposite of Makoto’s so there was bound to be friction- but Ryuji wasted no time in trying to help her anyway.
Even if Akira would forever shiver at the memory of Ryuji throwing himself in front of a moving car.
From there- Futaba, Haru, even Morgana, Sae, Sojiro and Kasumi on the off chance of meeting her- Ryuji would always have a special way that he loved. That he cared.
Something even Ryuji himself hadn’t seemed aware of when Akira first brang it up.
“Eh? Whaddya mean?”
“The pencil in your pocket. It's for Yusuke, isn't it?” Akira prodded, a nonchalant question more than anything. The quiet tenor of his voice carried a much lighter lilt to it now that they had taken down Shido.
“How'd you know I got a pencil- well, dudes always mumblin ‘bout drawin this or that.” Ryuji offhandedly waved, leaning back onto the comforter atop Akira’s mishmash assembly of a bed. “ ‘s easier to shut him up with it."
“Haru never running out of soil or fertilizer?”
“The bags aren’t that heavy- sides, it ain't like I got anythin’ else to do after school, ‘less ‘m hangin’ out with you.”
“Morgana’s treat pocket in your bag?”
“Keeps him from yowlin’ at me.”
“Futaba’s ever growing manga collection?”
“They were just gonna rot in my room.”
“Makoto mentioned that her notes are always nice and neat whenever she gets them back from you.”
“Well, duh, they aint mine. Gotta keep them in nice condition.”
“Your hair?”
“What about it?”
Akira just rolled his eyes. This guy was impossible- so silence fell over the pair in the quiet room overlooking the backstreets. Wood creaked nearby, a quiet snapping noise that neither paid much attention to.
There was more Akira could have gone into to- the dishes when Sojiro was out and Ryuji was hangin around, Akira catching him looking up gymnastics specifics one evening- hell, Ryuji had even begun to look through how to properly play billiards before.. yeah.
For all the shit Ryuji was dragged through, the butt of the joke, the beaten up punch line- he never stopped caring. Akira couldnt help but be proud of his choice in a loyal right hand.
“Uh oh.”
“Ya got that look on yer face.” Ryuji leaned forward, a smirk rising on his face. “That stupid calculatin look like your takin a shadow apart with your mind.”
“I have no idea what you mean.”
The repressed smirk said it all to Ryuji, the way grey glinted behind faux glasses- Akira had all but two seconds before an arm was slung over his shoulder, gasping as he was tugged down and a hand was playfully ruffling with his hair. Laughter erupted, Ryuji’s demands that he tell him whats going on in his head almost lost to the tussle.
“Cmon, ‘Kira- you cant hide nothin from me!”
“Unfortunately.” Glasses knocked askew, Akira straighted up, going to fix them before they were snatched off his face. “Hey-!”
Ryuji just grinned back, shark teeth and all.
“So, gonna tell me or do I gotta hold these hostage?”
And Akira just rolled his eyes, easily snatching back his glasses and slipping them on his face. He looked back to Ryuji to see brown shining back, amber flecks dancing in the setting sun. Straw gold hair caught the few orange rays that managed to worm their way into the backstreets of Yongen-Jaya, freshly touched up blonde roots barely visible through the thicket of mismatched cut hair.
He felt himself just shake his head, melting easily to his partner in crime who just blinked- looking at Akira in slight confusion.
“Dude, you sure you're good?"
Neither of them were PDA people- maybe thats why it was easy for them to just exist around each other like they did. But for the rare moments- the quiet touch of their lips, the stolen moments they had, hands hesitantly bumping against the others- Akira knew.
For all the ways Ryuji loved, this was the way Akira liked the most.
The Quiet Way He Cares - awriternamedart
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incendavery · 6 months
Hi Dave! I noticed in a previous post of yours that you sing alto in a choir!
If you feel comfortable answering, how has hrt effected your singing voice?
I am also an alto that can range from a high F to most of the tenor range, and I am very interested in starting testosterone. Being as I sing in a semi-professional capacity, Im worried that if I start T I will lose my range that i know my director relies on.
Have you noticed a large difference in your vocal range since starting T? Have you dropped any high notes or gained any low ones?
No pressure to answer, its just always nice to see fellow trans mascs in choirs. 💜
hi! i actually sing bass, not alto!
before T, i sang soprano (though i did expand down to a low alto/high tenor range just from practice and a bit of help training from my choir director at the time)
after going on T, my voice completely switched from soprano to bass. i lost my high range; my mid range lowered, and i gained a low range.
its also worth noting that there was a period during the shift where my voice hadnt settled yet, and it could be frustrating to try and sing; it cracked and squeaked and was generally inconsistent
i didnt sing professionally or anything and just rolled with the change, so i dont have any particular advice on that front? i sang in choirs before, during, and since, but only ever recreationally.
(i can say that my singing voice was a big part of my identity, and i was scared about it changing and prepared to grieve it. however, i ended up not really feeling that way; i love my bass voice and get a huge amount of euphoria from it!)
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vesvosmozhno · 7 months
Hongjoong is officially the most normal one in Ateez and here's why:
I think most of us would say Yunho is the most normal at this point however: he flirts with everyone and everything. Like I recently went through my albums and why is there so many photos of him in a member's space in the hot dom way. Like it's not just the infamous Will Yungi. There's also a Wooyoung one in Bouncy. I'm convinced I will find more in other albums. Also he has a foot fetish
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I love u but pls stop showing us your feet
I think the next contender for normal is San. He's such a sweet gentleman! However this man is just so goddamn loud. Whenever he is doing anything he is doing it LOUDLY and it doesn't help that he has the pipes of a goddamn train horn. I could make an hour video of clips where he is being loud for literally no reason. It would need a headphone user warning.
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Original GIF creator deleted their account :(
Next I'd say Seonghwa. He's so. Fucking chaotic? Like anytime he's being hot he immediately does some weird shit after. And it's not just some lightly weird shit he's doing it is WEIRD. Like the spider crawl in. Deja Vu Relay. The weird ass dance in that one episode of one of their shows (I can't remember it was Pink Hwa and he's fucking dancing like a weirdo). Also he's obsessed with Legos star wars and animal crossing. You know, like normal people are.
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GIF stolen from some ateez news report article and honestly I'm really intrigued why they used this one but I can't find the actual article
Jongho is a pillar of strength and emotional maturity!!! This man is such a fucking menace. He's always bullying someone and it's in the most horrific uncalled for way like one of the members is just existing and then he says shit that could make a grown man cry. I'm honestly convinced he was a bully in school. Also he rips apples in half?? He rips apples. In half. HE HAS PUNCHED A WATERMELON TO DEATH. Also LOUD part two
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Sourced from here
Mingi was disqualified the second he stepped on stage. What the fuck Song Mingi. I support strippers and all but I think he's in the wrong career. Please stop moaning and whimpering on stage, Mr. Song.
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Sourced from Tenor (hence ass quality but I can't not include it)
Wooyoung..... Yeah. I don't even need to say anything.
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Sourced from here
Yeosang my sweet child. I'm a firm believer that he is the most chaotic and unhinged Ateez member.
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I.E: Hongjoong is the most normal member of Ateez. He's like gay and sassy and short. That's all. So much less chaotic than anyone else. I also haven't really found a moment where he's initiating the totally unhinged chaos, he usually joins in tiny and then gives up when it gets too weird.
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hellenhighwater · 7 months
I loved your labyrinth, it makes me want to learn ceramics too. What would you say is the best way for someone to begin learning? Also, if you don't mind me asking, whose voice was singing "Distant Melody" in the video? Sorry if that's such a broad topic and thanks regardless of your answer :).
The song is Miranda Elloway, I'm a little obsessed. She does these very light, lullaby-like vocal covers for songs that hit just the right tenor for this series.
If you're wanting to get into sculpting, just get yourself some air-dry or polymer clay and a handful of random tools (a spoon, a toothpick, a butterknife, a bottle for rolling stuff flat, whatever you have around) and just try it! You can use tin foil to make skeleton armatures to work around for polymer clay, and the clay itself is not too expensive. There's about a billion tutorials out there, but no need to spend a bunch of money to start. Just get one color of clay and start squishing it around! Sculpture is something you learn by doing.
If you want to make your life easier, get a spice spinner or a lazy susan to work on--being able to freely rotate your work helps tremendously. Look at the silhouette of your piece as you rotate it--examine the profile as it changes, and that will tell you if any given angle is incorrect.
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sofasoap · 1 year
Love at first sight - what if?
Pairing: Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra x F!reader ( aka Mini MacTavish)
Summary: AU to my Love at first sight series.
What if Mini was the one that fell for Rudy first?
Prompt :
- You are stunning
- Look at what you do to me
- You know I want you
- Did I do this
Warning: E Rating. Smutty smut. Alcohol usage. unprotected sex ( wrap it up people and use all sorts of protection!) p in v sex.
A/N: LET'S GO RUDY FEST! Thank you @glitterypirateduck the wonderful CoD fanfic and fanart curator for organising another festival :D you are awesome.
Thanks to my midnight crew @siilvan and @jynxmirage for putting up with my constant complain of brain cells burnt out. :)
Rudy masterlist
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A voice in your brain begrudgingly admitted the cliché of time stops when you met his beautiful brown eyes the moment you stepped off the helicopter.
“Sergent Major Rodolfo Parra. Welcome to Las Almas.”
Your heart may or may not flutter a bit when he quietly introduces himself with his soft tenor voice. 
You soon knew why he was a second in command and trusted by Colonel Alejandro Vargas and the Los Vaqueros. This is a man who exudes calmness and composure. And  after witnessing him on the battlefield? Precision, efficiency, bravery and most important thing of all, compassion.  It just makes you admire him even more.
You bury that admiration inside your heart. Happy just to keep the relationship professional. Besides, from all the gossip and talks, he doesn’t seem to be lacking in admirers around the base, nor be interested in relationships. You are only here for the short term. Better not get yourself too deep into it.Last thing you want is leaving with a broken heart. Why would he be interested in a little medic like you anyway? 
“Ah Doc, my second in command has something to ask you. Don’t you Rudy?” 
Everyone else sees it differently otherwise. Your brother gives you the quizzical look every time you start to ramble on about the Sergeant major, Gaz’s subtle jab about how you couldn’t take your eyes off him, Ghost staring at you (you could almost see that little bit of frown between his brows), and Price mumbles on how the two of you should just get your eyes checked. 
Alejandro suddenly called out to you one morning when you were dropping off some medical files into his office.  The colonel, not being subtle at all, pushes the sergeant major towards you, trying to get his hermano to ask you out on a date. 
“Only.. only if you want to. I just thought I want to show you the local festival and culture…” Rudy hesitated as he shuffled on his feet, his usual confidence all but disappeared. 
Well now here you are, at his family home, his sister Camila and mother ( with his mother half sobbing and mumbling what seems to be word of holy praises ) eagerly pushing you into the bedroom, getting you all dolled up with the traditional garments. 
You can see his jaw drop slightly as you step out of the room, and twirl around to show off your skirt. 
“Like it??” You asked as you flash him a shy smile. You absolutely love the dress. You were also amazed how well it fitted you.  “Someone may or may not let out what size dress you wear and told my brother…” Camila winked at you, letting out a bit of a secret. 
“Or not wearing?” You winked at him, His cheek instantly darkens. You just can’t help but tease him a little as you feel a bit brave ( or maybe it’s that two liqueur shots your fellow medics made you scull down before you came did the trick), and it’s fun to see his calm façade crumble. 
A soft smile appeared on his face after he blinked his eyes a few times, snapping himself out of a daze ,“You look stunning, Whatever you wear.” Oh, he is a sweet talker. You like that.
“Oh can’t forget this!” Camila rushed out from the room, placing the flower crown on your head. Rudy gently holds it in place as his sister clips it on with hair clips. After giving everything a final check, one of his hands slides down and ghosts your cheek before grasping your hand.
“Ready to go?”
Oh dear, you can already feel your body burning up, and you are pretty sure it's not from the alcohol.
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It has been a fun night, the music, the drinking and the dancing. 
Oh the dancing. The want and lust that he had carefully hidden slowly slips out as the night progresses. How he caresses your knuckles with his thumb, the hand always on the small of your back, guiding you away from the rowdy crowds. How you shiver when his lip brushes your ear as he whispers into your ear when the music gets too loud. Feeling the heat emitting through layers of clothing when his body presses against your during the dance, how he fails to disguise the sharp inhale of air when you slide your hand around his waist, hooking your thumbs between the gap of his pants. 
You can’t hold onto the urge anymore. Your glossy eyes peer into his darken orbs, wanting the affirmation that it isn’t not just you who wants something more. More than just shy touches and polite words. His eyes flicker towards your lips and lower briefly, before meeting your eyes again, nodding slightly, Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed hard. 
And that is all the confirmation you need. 
Half dragging Rudy across the festival ground, around the back of the building and the little green area beside it, your body is burning with uncontrollable lust and fire. 
Once you make sure you are hidden away from prying eyes, you pull him down for a deep kiss. He responded immediately with one hand cupping your face and the other gently but firmly holding onto the back of your head. 
Two of you only parted when you pulled back slightly, gasping for air. He leaned forward slightly, chasing for a few more kisses before resting his forehead against yours. 
It’s all getting too much. You want him. Right there, right now.
Hitching your skirt up as you lift your right leg up, you hook it around his waist. “Look at what you do to me…” you whispered into his ear, grabbing his hand, guiding it towards your wet underwear.. “I want you Rudy. here. now. “
“He…here???”  he stuttered slightly, not expecting you to be this bold. He looked around, checking the surroundings again. The two of you are still close to the festival ground, but private enough that you are sure no one will be coming towards this side nor hear you both over the loud music. 
“No one is going to come this way.” You reassure him as you bring your hands up , looping it around his neck, grinding against his slowly aroused cock. You can feel his body shivering as you gently nipping his ear lobe.
 “Make me feel good Rudy. Please.” you cooed.  
How could he deny a request from you? Especially with those pleading watery eyes, voice full of need and lust. 
He only realised how enamoured with you when he saw you stepping out of the room in the traditional garb, the woman of his dream, he thought. The moment he realises his little hidden crush on you is now a full blown desire. 
Looking into your eyes again, “Are you sure this is what you want?” he asked again in a husky voice, giving you a chance to back out. 
You gasped as he sank his fingers deeper into you, curling it up slightly. Your head rolls back, leaning into the tree as you let out a satisfying moan. He leans down, licks a stripe up the valley of your breasts, up your neck, until he reaches your chin. He peppered kisses on your cheek as he sped up his ministration, muttering praises as he grabbed hold of your waist tight, knowing your orgasm is going to hit soon.
“You know I want you. And you want me too, right?” You move your hip slightly, hoping to get a bit of friction with his hand that is still cupping your sex.  That gave him the last bit of reassurance as he pushed the fabric to the side to play with your clit, eliciting a loud moan from you.
How wonderful those thick fingers of his feel on you. You have always wondered what his fingers will feel like when you sit quietly in the corner in the mess hall after dinners, him playing the guitar with his deft fingers while the soldiers around him sing the stress away, celebrating living on for another day, as the fight with the cartel and corruption continues.  
Your hazy eyes open up, mouth slightly agape, everything seems so muffle, so hot, so … good. 
“Look at you, so beautiful. Such an angel.” he whispered in a husky tone.  “Look at me, I want you to look at my eyes when you come.” he commanded as your eyes drifted close again, feeling that coil about to snap at any time. 
“Don’t hold back, just let it out…come for me mi vida… ” with those words, your orgasm hits you with a full force. You are sure if it’s not for the loud music, everyone in the festival ground would probably have heard you. But you couldn’t care less at this point as he slows down his finger thrusting, letting you ride out the rest of your bless high.
Your head fell forward into his shoulder, panting away as you tried to reorientated yourself as  he slowly pulled his fingers out, gliding it up towards your clit, making you tremble with overstimulation. Gently letting your leg down, making sure you are steady before he pulls you in for a tight embrace, you can feel his now fully erected cock straining against his pants. 
Pushing yourself off from him, you reach down towards his pants, carefully unbuckling his belt with your trembling hands. He let out a shuddered breath as you tug his trousers and underwear down, exposing his beautiful girth. 
“Did I do this? Did I make you hard Rudy?” you murmured as you slide your hand up and down the length, Rudy couldn’t hold back an unrestrained groan.  
“I want you inside me.. And make me come with your cock..please make me come again, please.”  You pleaded as you speed up the pumping, clenching your thigh with the need rising again, ready to take him in. 
Slowly but surely he pumps his delicious length in and out of you, each thrust and praise of words elicits more whimpers and moans out of your mouth, begging him to push you over the edge again.
Rudy grabbed your wrist to stop the ministration, and pushed you back gently until your back was against a tree, and leaned down to capture your mouth with his. Teasing your lip apart with his tongue, he hitches your skirt up and moves it to the side, hand finding your sex again. Taking his cock into his hand, he lowered himself slightly to aim his cock towards your slit, teasing it a little with the head before slowly pushing it in.
Both of you let out a contented sigh as the finally seated in you. It feels so good, so fulfilling with him stretching you nicely with his wide girth. You wouldn’t mind if he is buried inside you forever. 
He lifts your leg up and shifts your body slightly to get a better angle, thrusting even impossibly deeper than you imagined. You grabbed onto his shoulder tight, as you felt the familiar sensation building up again. With a few final hard thrust, you screamed out loud as you came for the second time,  he followed not long after with a loud moan as your pussy spasming around his cock, filling you up with his hot cum. He buried his face into the crook of your neck as both of you slowly rode out the rest of your orgasm. 
The two of you stayed in that position for a little while, eyes closed, with only the sounds of shuddering breathing from your post-orgasm highs heard between the two of you." You bite your lip, barely containing the sound of whimper as he pulls out from you, secretly wanting him to stay in there for a bit longer. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped you over and himself as well, before smoothing down your wrinkle top and skirt. You did the same for him as you buckled his belt back on, straightening his shirt. 
He leans into your forehead as you reach up and run your hand to smooth out his now sweat drenched hair, both of you burst out laughing. 
“ We look like we've been running a marathon. Or being chased by a group of bandits.” you quipped. 
“But it was a very good marathon.” he puffed out. Holding your face and kissing you gently on the lip, he murmured, “I would do it again any day.”
“Against a tree??” you giggled. 
“Preferably in bed next time” he chuckled. “Or anytime. Only if.. if you want.” his voice drops down to a whisper, suddenly all shy.
“I would never say no to that, Rudy.” you reassure him as you pull him in for another kiss. 
“About time.”
“Sick of the two of you dancing around each other.”
“Good job Sergeant major and doc! Wohooooo” 
“Don’t too loud at night, you two.”
“What the..” “ YOU GUYS!!!!” 
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ginsakatoki · 2 years
Dante, Vergil and Nero with an Introvert S/O
This was asked in the master list’s comments two days ago, sorry for being late! Also, for anyone making requests now, I have a couple of requests pending so I might be a little slow but I promise they’re all coming! Thanks for understanding and enjoy!
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gif by @rainbow-cadenza
Dante is a very talkative man. He doesn’t mind that his S/O is an introvert at all, he actually finds it cute and makes it his life mission to have you talk more. 
He will occasionally and unintentionally be annoying by asking them a thousand times if they’re okay because they’re naturally quiet.
Dante: Are you alright 
S/O: Yes
Dante: Really?
S/O:  Yes 
Dante: You sure?
S/O:  Yes,  I’m sure.
Dante: Oh you’re annoyed now.
S/O: No, Dante, I’m not. 
He will try to help them speak out more and he has good intentions, but it can be humiliating.
If they’re eating out or ordering something at a bar, their first instinct would be to let him talk. He always tries to get them to order. 
He may or may not intentionally ask for the most specific things to see them struggle.
S/O: Could I have a cappuccino please and uhm… a non-fat Frappucino with extra whipped cream?
Dante: Aren’t you forgetting something
S/O, blushing, looking at him and the Starbucks employee: And chocolate.
Dante, beaming: Good girl/Good boy.
He can be aggressive in his attempts, but he isn’t malicious. If he notices that they’re struggling too much he will intervene and save the day. 
Their introvertedness gives him a calm he’s not really used to, so he loves staring at them for no reason. 
Whever he sits at his desk and they’re nearby, he always leans on his hand and stares at them with a lovesick smile he can’t seem to brush off.
Overall, he’s a very supportive boyfriend and, while his methods can be brutal, they’re effective.
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gif by @CAPCOM
Vergil is introverted himself so he understands the struggles his S/O goes through. 
Talks with Vergil are usually short and essential, he’ll hardly ever start long conversations.
If he does, he prefers to be on the listening side of things so he’d ask about their interests or hobbies (he has discovered that his S/O gets very chatty when talking about their interests)
Sitting on the couch reading
Vergil: You seem invested, what are you reading?
S/O: Nothing much, just a novel I picked up from the library this morning.
Vergil: Doesn’t look like nothing, you haven’t eaten all day.
S/O, closing the book: OKAY SO let me tell you all about it.
They proceed to talk his ear off for the rest of the day.
If anyone ever bothers his S/O about being too shy or quiet, Vergil will just stand behind them and glare at the person until they leave. 
Nobody messes with his S/O. Dante made that mistake once, almost got himself a one way ticket to Hell.
When planning dates, Vergil makes sure to let his S/O know when, how and where they’re going, in deep detail.
Vergil: Would you like to eat dinner with me at this new restaurant? The place is near that park you like, very quiet and reserved. There usually aren’t many people and the food seems to be delicious.
S/O, worrying about which clothes to wear: Okay
Vergil: I’ll pick you up at seven. I got you some clothes to wear this evening, if you’d like. 
Very caring boyfriend, even though he doesn’t really show it. 
Introvert approved.
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gif by @BlinchixOfRivia (Tenor)
Nobody really knows how Nero does it, but he reads his S/O’s mind.
Everytime they need something they just look at Nero and he’ll suddenly give it to them, no questions asked.
S/O staring at the cupboard: ...
Nero: hi there
S/O looks at him: ...
Nero opening the cupboard and grabbing their favourite mug: You’re welcome sweetheart.
He doesn’t exactly help them with their introvertedness to be honest. He acts like the extroverted boyfriend that fixes all the problems for their introverted S/O. 
This is only what it looks like to outsiders though. In reality Nero and his S/O talk a lot about their introvertedness and he tries to give them advices on how to handle things on their own.
S/O: I get uncomfortable around people because it’s like they’re staring and judging me. What if I say or do something wrong?
Nero: What if you say or do something right? Plus you don’t really know if they’re judging you or not.
S/O: … they look like they do?
Nero, softly flicking their forehead: You’re overthinking this. Besides, even if they were, you should let them. We both know you’re the best.
He often cups his S/O’s cheek and kisses them softly whenever they are feeling insecure. 
The day his S/O orders on their own instead of telling him what they’d like to eat, he’s overjoyed.
See? It wasn’t that bad
Very supportive boyfriend, 10/10 would reccomend.
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It took me an hour and 5 attempts to load this because internet was NOT collaborating. I hope you enjoyed it.
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nevgovhater · 5 months
Since u all fw marching band wttt then here u go except I'm only doing the states cause gov would def be the director who has to deal with them
Also these headcanons r real I swear I'm right (by a trombonist)
all in alphabetical order btw
1. ALABAMA — probably would do bari-sax
2. ALASKA — percussion. thats it. just percussion. (Up for interpretation)
3. ARIZONA — flute or bass clarinet, one of those.
4. ARKANSAS — flute
5. CALIFORNIA — he would be a fucking clarinet, no exceptions. He just gives off clarinet vibes, or just woodwind in general
6. COLORADO — tenor drums
7. CONNECTICUT — piccolo or mellophone
8. DELAWARE — flute
9. FLORIDA — cymbals or piccolo, one of those at the very least.
10. GEORGIA — trumpet. 100% trumpet player
11. HAWAI'I — glockenspiel or marimba
12. IDAHO — trumpet
13. ILLINOIS — euphonium or bass drums
14. INDIANA — saxophone
15. IOWA — alto saxophone
16. KANSAS — trumpet
17. KENTUCKY — trumpet or saxophone
18. LOUISIANA — trombone. (Sorry to all those saxophone loui lovers.. but i feel like his instrument would be the trombone,, it's still a jazz instrument so ykyk)
19. MAINE — bass drums or euphonium
20. MARYLAND — clarinet
21. MASSACHUSETTS — oh he's a flute, that's for sure. 😭😭
22. MICHIGAN — tenor sax
23. MINNESOTA — mellophone
24. MISSISSIPPI — trumpet
25. MISSOURI — vibraphone
26. MONTANA — cornet
27. NEBRASKA — trumpet
28. NEVADA — I'm sorry but he'd probably do tenor sax
29. NEW HAMPSHIRE — piccolo
30. NEW JERSEY — snare drum
31. NEW MEXICO — cornet
32. NEW YORK — snare or tenor drums
33. NORTH CAROLINA — trumpet
34. NORTH DAKOTA — flute (sighs)
35. OHIO — trombone
36. OKLAHOMA — alto sax
37. OREGON — marimba
38. PENNSYLVANIA — glockenspiel
39. RHODE ISLAND — sousaphone/tuba. im fucking SERIOUS about this man he would love this
40. SOUTH CAROLINA — clarinet
41. SOUTH DAKOTA — saxophone
42. TENNESSEE — tenor sax
43. TEXAS — sousaphone/tuba
44. UTAH — flute or bass clarinet
45. VERMONT — flute. (dear god help me)
46. VIRGINIA — flute (guess what)
47. WASHINGTON — flute (im going insane please stop)
48. WEST VIRGINIA — cymbals or drumline
49. WISCONSIN — xylophone
50. WYOMING — euphonium
I'm literally right abt this i swear ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
"You're wrong about—" SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP GET OUT OF MY HEAD ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
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thewritetofreespeech · 8 months
Hiii!! If requests are still open, could I request Tesla, Anubis, Buddha, and Hades overhearing their s/o praising them in her sleep?
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He’s not supposed to do equations in bed. [Y/N] has asked him several time not to do it as the pencil scratching keeps them up, but sometimes he just can’t help himself.
They’ve fallen asleep beside him, so Tesla assumes it’s ok (or they’ve gotten used to it) and he continued to scribble the last few lines of equations before he fell asleep as well. “Tesla….”
He turned to look over at [Y/N]. Thinking perhaps he had been a little to quick on the draw to assume they were asleep. But no, they were asleep. The even rhythm on their breathing, coupled with their rapid eye movement, as undeniable proof that they were still asleep. “Tesla…”
‘Ah’ He deduced. They were talking in their sleep. Which was fascinating as had never known them to talk in their sleep before. A new development.
“Tesla…so smart…so handsome…he’ll save the world….”
The genius felt his chest swell with pride. Everyone complimented him on his intelligence, but his looks and the fact that he was going to save the world with his genius? Almost never.
He finished his equations quickly and tucked his pad away on the nightstand before curling up with [Y/N]. Perhaps he would need to study this sleep taking a little further. Keep a log of their comments with corresponding dates to keep track of their progression.
No…that sounded weird.
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It was very late, and he knew that, and he knew that this was going to get him an ear full if [Y/N] was awake.
Luckily, they weren’t. They were already in bed by the time Buddha tried to sneak into their room. Letting out a sigh of relief as the argument could be much later, if at all, if he just quietly came to bed and said nothing on the subject again.
Slinking through the room to change and slid into bed unnoticed, Buddha froze when he heard his name and thought he had been caught. “Buddha…he’s so honest….so kind…so brave…’m love ‘m…”
He realized quick that they were talking in their sleep, but still he felt like a real heel. Here they were, with all these nice thoughts about him, while he was sneaking & skulking about to try and get one over on them. It wasn’t right.
He finished getting changed, in the usual way, and came to bed. Then at his usual tenor they still didn’t wake up. Buddha came up behind them and kissed their shoulder before he said, “sorry I was late coming to bed. I’ll try not to let it happen again.” He wanted to be honest. To be the man they spoke of in their dreams. So he would also be brave and face the fight in the morning, if there was one.
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His siblings were lucky that he loved them.
Had it been anyone else wasting his time with these meetings, Hades would have incinerated the place and left their corpses as a warning to all others who would provide him with such tedious work. But, he did love his siblings, and he had to stay. Despite that it went almost 4 hours longer than expected.
Coming home Hades made plans immediately to go to bed. He was sure [Y/N] was already asleep. At this hour he did not expect them to stay up and wait for him. He tried to be as quiet as possible when he came into the room. Luckily, like all palaces, the changing room and the room where one slept were so far away that he could have dropped a boulder in there and not woken [Y/N] up. Still, he wanted to be respectful.
Returning to the bedroom, Hades was just about to climb in when he heard his name from [Y/N]’s lips. Wondering for a moment if his presence had roused them. “mm…Hades…so dedicated….so responsible…they’re lucky to have him….’m lucky to have him…”
The god smiled softly as he realized they were talking in their sleep and crawled into bed. Though it might just be sleep sung compliments, it was nice to be appreciated. Like all his hard work wasn’t for nothing. At least [Y/N] appreciated them.
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leynaeithnea · 9 days
Just finished your beautiful beautiful very yummy and very angsty analysis of love in paradise ( maybe I shed a little tear here and there, maybe I didn't, you can't know that ) so I thought this would be right moment to leave you an ask for a gods game analysis maybe?? *stares at you with big brown eyes*
Last one of this saga!!!! Yayyy
Praying ill remember all the musical parts ive heard about but im sure theres so much hidden i forgot/didnt hear about yet
30. God Games
We open with a choir of course, because...gods! Athena decides to do something (finially)
“Father, God King” (athena asks daddy for help SIJGSEIG)
“Rarely do I ask for favors” being the good favorite daughter
“Now, I’m knocking on your door, with hopes to save a friendship with one who’s a prisoner far from home....Odysseus” I LOVE the melody of this part somehow??? especially how the drop before “odysseus”, ALSO SHE CALLS IT A FRIENDSHIP INFRONT OF ZEUS TOO
“Divine intervention, is that what you seek?” ........yes, bruh. Zeus dont fuck this up, u are decent enough in Homers Odyssey
“To untie apprehensions that were placed on that Greek?” okay i had to google “apprehentions, and apperently it both means “arrest” and “concern/fear”...........to untie the arrest on Ody, and at the same time the concerns of Odysseus THATS GENIUS, Ive heard Homer does a lot of these double meanings of words in his Epics and IM SO HERE FOR IT, also “that Greek”, come on, dont use it as a slur >:)
“You are playing with thunder for a man full of shame”..................NOW WHO PUT THIS SHAME ON HIM YOU MF, YOU WHAT KIND OF SICK GAME IS THIS-
“But if he’s worth the risk of going under, why not make it a game?” Lukes vocal performance in this part is something else, like dude??? hello? youre a tenor SIEJGSEIGJ, its good, also WDYM GOING UNDER??? HUH??? ....yeah of course you make it a game, because everything is a game to you, because really, theres nothing and noone who poses a thread to you
“Convince each of them that he ought to be released, and I’ll release him” the slight echo effect in that voice.......fascinatinggg, wish i knew if the melody in this part had any meaning, gotta look it up
“Who’s them?” Athena god of wisdom asking about details before agreeing to deals *cough* Odysseus, learn from your friend
“Apollo” APPOLO MY GUY ehehehehee
“Hephaestus” okay, fair
“Ares”, yea yea imposing yada yada
“Hera” cant exclude his wife
“Or me” OR me, so its ALL of them, or him? bruh
“What do you say?” WHAT IS SHE SUPPOSED TO SAY
“Great” ehehehehe apollo <3
“Very well” just doing it because
“Eh” shes so excited
“Alright” he IS excited
“Groovy”....ok? um...imma move on
“Bring it” of course she would choose all of them over Zeus, its Zeus, he just WANTS you to loose, bc hes the god king
“Apollo!” parrot
“You all know I’m a fan of catchy songs” god of music yada yada HIS VOICE
“so with so many sirens gone, I think Ody’s in the wrong”.........there are so many reasons to dislike Odysseus and you pick the SIRENS? .......did you just join for the fun and had no real reasons or did u get dragged there or-....but its ok, your voice is amazing, also IIRC it should be the melody of suffering??? of different beast??? i forgorrrr norrrr also Lyreeee in the background! ehehehe
“They were trying to do him worse, All he did was reimburse them Now they’ll tread with caution first To live another day and sing another verse” maybe the melody was in this part. also, yeah tell him athena, what kind of argument is that, they tried to kill him he just did what he had to--------admittely he was VERY cruel about it, but athena doesnt have to mention that, and well Ody probably protected even more sailors in the future through his actions
ALSO DONT COME AT ME WITH “but all the sirens are dead” THERE ARE MORE, theyre obviously not talking about the sirens Ody killed, its about all other Sirens out at see that woudlve seen the others dying after being brutally cut down by a human, they WILL be more cautious in the future
“If that’s true, release him”, yeah u really had nothing to argue against, he just shrugs it off LMAO
“Hephaestus!” Hefefuf ehehehe ALSO JORGES DAD YAY adorable, tho when first listened i rly thought it was Jorge with voice changer again THEY SOUND SO SIMILIAR
“Trust is not given, it’s forged”...true, valid argument, Also Scylla melody??? I THink?
“Why should I give him my support? He sacrificed his own cohort”......well....um.....he didnt rly have much of a CHOICE ....but its a more valid concern, the sounds that sound like a hammers in a forge sound cool btw
“Did you forget they failed to listen?”.........yeah literally
“He was betrayed and then imprisoned” IMPRISONED AH ODY, but yeah EXACTLY, the WIND BAG, THE MUTINY AH
“But if you make the right decision He can still build a future with those who miss him” AND BUILD TRUST WITH THEM AGAIN AHHHHHHH yes. Hefefuf choose right.
“Fine, release him” good.
the music making it sound like steps in a game as you level up....fine, it sounds nice
“Aphrodite” seductive, i like it
“Your little high and mighty Odysseus” SHeS pissed, and does not like Ody you can hear the “high and mighty” in her voice :”) ouch
“Claims to love his mother But let her die of a broken heart” LIKE HE HAD A CHOICE IN THE MATTER HE TRIED TO GET HOME SHE DIDNT HAVE TO JUMP
“He was busy fighting”, yeaaah
“More like busy spiting the cyclops”.........yeah okay we can get behin that this was stupid decision but it wasnt a rational decision either he just lost his best friend, THATS LOVE TOO; GIVE HIM SOME SLACK
“Let him feel the pain that his mother felt and rot” WHY U BE SO COLD HEARTED , i love the melody/music in this tho
“Wait, please reconsider this”, athena using quick thought on a goddess, intriguing! also shes begging her :tear: aw man
“Really Athena? These old tricks?” annoyed older brother breaking into quick thought to the rescuse of his lover, makes him likeable somehow, i love the delivery of this line
“Ares!” yeah shes pissed
“What kind of sick coward Holds back his power While his friends get devoured? He didn’t even fight Scylla Didn’t even try to kill her Hides inside a wooden horse to get the job done Never handles things upfront” sorry that he didnt want to DIE dude??? i get your concern with straight forward, open combat but???? is dying on the battle field rly that much worse than wanting to come home COME ON, he wins, he is EFFECTIVE, are you jealous of his stragedies? HE GOT MENTORED BY ATHENA; OFC HE WILL CHOOSE THE SMART WAY OUT NOT THE QUICKEST-WAY-TO-DIE WAY OUT smh
“Pathetic and weak like his son” thats a low blow what is your issue with telemachus bro, the drums for ares makes sense
“Hold your tongue now His son’s my friend” awwww shes calling him a frienddddddd
“And tell your lover that a broken heart can mend” AHAHAH “tell your lover”, true true
“You want more bloodshed? Then set him free To get back to his homestead, he’ll make everybody bleed” SEUHGSOUEGESH “if you let him back he’ll kill everyone” Ares: :D thats what i like to hear, Athenas piano playing again, as she fights Ares is fun too
“Ugh, release him”, what made them change their mind? Esp Aphrodite? was it Athenas concern for Telemachus? and for Ares athenas promise of bloodshed? maybe who knows
“Hey baby”.....okay, flirty? from Hera? alright, lets interpret it as motherly flirting
“Hera” how to hit those high notes
“So many heroes So many tales Give me one good reason why yours should prevail” NOW THAT is intersting, everyone else so far gave a reason NOT to release him, but now Hera asks her to give her one reason WHY he deserves to be released “dont tell me of all the sins he didnt commit, tell me of the virtue he holds” typa thing
“He’s got the mind of a genius”, fair, but there would be others
“Try harder”, encouraging, she doesnt rly want her to loose does she? she support it, she just wants to see if Athena is worth it, i do like this characterization (as long as i ignore the disco animatic, i know its Jorges creative freedom but my brain tries to refuse ANYTHING that would be a reference to modernity, let me live in the bliss of ignorance to pretend its a movie set in ancient greece x)
“He’s pretty skilled with words”, hes a lair, i love him for it
“You can do better than that”, ...yeah
“He’s kind of funny?” running out of reasons athena, also YOU THINK HES FUNNY? LMAO ur right, the odyssey is quite the commedy for anyone but odysseus (and a few others but yk)
“Eh” doesnt sound convinced heh
“Never once has he cheated on his wife” HA HA HAHAHAHAHA HA right thing to say to Hera
[also the whole debate about “did odysseus cheat or not” no. idc what anyone says. if anyone argues he INITALLY consented to Calypso: fine, its blurry in the narrative, anyone can choose how to interpret that as they wish, but Circe was bestowed upon him by Hermes (in the myth at least, in Epic there ofc very clearly refuses her, and she accepts him (hear that calypso? HEAR THAT CALYPSO)) and Calypso, at the very least later on turned VERY unconsensual. FOR SEVEN YEARS., but the “he liked her no more” could also mean she didnt like her as a person anymore after she saved him. its not 100% clear how the relationship started out, we just know how it ends rly, but given the historic context too, it might very well be that it wouldntve been considered as cheating, even if it was consensual, would hera consider it cheating bc she does so with Zeus? maybe, idk, i think the idea of Ody being (one of) the only greek hero(es) that doesnt cheat is one i like, he gets praised enough by homer for all his skills he might as well have the skill of being true to his wife, in EPIC we know that Ody refuses her from the beginning so whatever did or did not remain unnamed in Epic, would NOT be cheating,.........and anyone who mentions Odys proof for cheating being the telegony or any other later versions where suddenly children show up, and he offs penelope for cheating and telemachus marries circe, can kindly, do some more reading into the history of the text and how later authors added their own twists, we dont know if the odyssey from homer was the most well known version, i think, but its the one we consider canon now, and i rly refuse to believe that Ody coming home only to get a new wife]
“Release him” the side glace Zeus mustve gotten LMAO
...ok angry zeus choir again, rly?
“I’ve played your game and won”, she did, fair and square
“Release him” you better
“You dare to defy me?”, what happend to your voice zeus? also....are you pissed that she called you out on cheating? bro, ur just pissed that she choose everyone else over you, grow up zeus
“To make me feel shame?” shame about loosing the game or shame for the humiliation about cheating, mhh
“No one beats me, no one wins my game!”, sounds like my 3rd brother, but hes at least cute when hes throwing a fit about a game having rules
“Thunder, bring her through the wringer Show her I’m the judgement call The one who makes her kingdom fall! ”.your voice is getting worse btw, but...are we talking about pride still? Athenas pride? or is “her” just Athena now? mhhhh, Odysseus DID call her “selfish, prideful and vain”, so maybe it does refer to her pride, she DID Have a character arc tho >:) unlike zeus, hes just an ass, also he gets a choir background for this? intersting,
NOW HE THROWS LIGHTING AT HER??? thats intense, i was gasping when i saw, night sound design
“Is she dead?”, he does sound concerned, is it bc big brother energy or bc athena was zeus favorite child? or do they know how Zeus fucked up just now? hah..ha
the flashes you can hear in the music....aaaah
IS SO BEAUTIFUL ITS SO GOOD THE WAY “WARRIOR OF THE MIND” AND TELEMACHUS LULLABY AND LEGENDARY BLEND TOGETHER AND BECOME “ATHENAS FINIAL STAND” (as its supposedly called) ITS SO GOOD i ah i like this part the most of the song, together with apollos voice aseghsegij Aphrodite is fine too :) and "rly athena; these old tricks"
AlSO her having a flashback to Ody giving her Telemachus to hold after his birth, PLS??? Thats so vulnerableeeeee aaaaaaaaah yeah, yea that was good
“Let him go, please, Let him go”, she reaches out to Zeus, as her light dims and she begs him to let Ody go, nothing left of the selfish and prideful goddess, she was selfless- sacrifcing herself and ler go of her pride to beg to Zeus to let him go, who stops as he grabs to throw another lighting, in shocked realization of what he has done.
The song fades out. And we are left to wonder if Athena is ded or not
now initially i rly thought Jorge killed a goddess
by now im more hopeful that she isnt dead (im hoping for that, mostly for the fun of sticking to the source material of Athenas help in the last chapter(s) of the story)
im still doubting a bit. the chance is there that she is, infact, dead, but i dont know how that would impact the narrative-,...i suppose we’ll see, either in the vengence saga, or at the lastest in the ithica saga x)
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read-write-thrive · 1 month
inspired by my last post on dead boy detectives high school AU: obligatory band kid AU (and it ended up v long so buckle up)
edwin: if we’re talking still in his shell edwin, he’s an oboe/bassoon player. if we’re talking out of his shell edwin, he’s a French horn player. either way he is 100% first chair but will only accept the section leader title if there’s no one else in his section, he is not about to deal with marching band any more than he has to. he aces competitions and the like when he’s on his own, but rarely has the patience for ensemble work. his parents started him on his instrument younger than his peers so it makes sense he’s so good, but his ego is mostly separate from that—he’s just like that. he’s in the main/symphonic band, marching band with some hesitation, orchestra, and chamber/honors band
charles: while you could say almost any brass/low woodwind instrument and I would say fair enough, I personally think he’s a trumpet player. he does sports so he is often running back and forth on practice/game days but wouldn’t trade it for anything. he’s probably not first chair, or at least isn’t until his later years since he/his parents prioritise sports, he 100% would love being a section leader!! he fits the loud trumpet stereotype but is one of the few that’re complete sweethearts (as long as you keep him away from some of the more toxic dudes, he can get a little swept up in it from time to time, but luckily he figures it all out by the time he graduates). he doesn’t do competitions or any of the fancy stuff since he has obligations with sports, but it sometimes makes him sad that his friends are so good at his instruments while he’s juggling this other stuff and can’t match their level. he’s in the main band, marching, and jazz band in the spring semester
crystal: she’s a saxophone girlie 100%. she can play any of them if pushed, but she tends towards alto sax during marching season and tenor/baritone during the off season depending on the piece’s/concert’s needs. she kept up with some of the more toxic upper woodwind/percussion players in her mean girl era but she’s since come to her senses and avoids them whenever possible. she could be first chair and section leader if she wanted, she’s good enough (parents definitely put her in lessons) and charismatic enough, but she’s not enthusiastic about either position and often purposefully dodges the extra responsibilities. likewise, she’s not interested in separate awards or competitions or anything like that (though I think she also tried it her first semester, like orchestra, to try to get her parents’ attention—when it didn’t work, she dropped it). I can see freshman being simultaneously terrified of and crushing on her. she’s in the main band, marching, and jazz band, though she tried orchestrating for a semester before deciding it was not her vibe
niko: I see her as a violin/strings player who then switches to flute for symphonic/marching band, especially since she’s an international student. I don’t think she gets along super well with the other flute/violin players, so she’s glad to make friends with the group. she’s taken lessons for both violin and flute, but violin was mainly when she was a kid and flute was to help her catch up to everyone else. she does competitions and such mainly so she can get out of classes and hang out with her friends, but tries her best to do well without taking away from her other activities/free time. her instrument cases are COVERED in stickers. she’s super nice to the younger years but they stop talking with her much once they find their friend groups, which always makes her sad. she’s the type to be a “band mom” to an underclassman once one sticks around, but it takes until her senior year for that to happen. she’s in the main band, marching band (again, more to hang out with her friends than for any enthusiasm in the competition), and orchestra to get a chance to play the violin
monty: that boy plays the clarinet argue with the wall. he has his shy moments but also his outspoken moments, just depends on the people involved. he was never in lessons but definitely practices more than your average person. he’s the one to always be in a practice room, either actually practicing or giving people readings, to the extent that there’s a practice room that’s unofficially his (including him scratching/writing his name somewhere before he graduates). he’s perpetually second chair, and secretly would like to be section leader but is just enough of a people pleaser that it never happens (either by him giving it to someone else or the director doesn’t give him the position). he’s in symphonic, marching, orchestra and chamber
thomas/the cat king: so I think he’s a percussionist as his mood can be a little all over the place and hard to read, so I think the variety of percussion suits him. plus the putting on a persona thing just screams percussionist to me. if he isn’t the one dealing himself he 100% has an in with the local dealer (which ig isn’t band related but the percussionists were the dealers/stoners in my band so). he isn’t first chair by any means but he is 100% the section leader of the pit (I cannot see him marching). I think he’s also one of those guys who tends to date underclassmen which concerns literally everyone and breaks a few hearts but is ultimately harmless if a bit of a dick (said with love). he’s in the main, marching, and jazz bands
jenny: was a stellar saxophonist in her time, graduated a few years ago but comes back to help with marching band over the summers/eventually decides to become a band director herself and student teaches during the gang’s senior year. when she was in school she did every ensemble available, which honestly intimidated most of her peers (barring the sapphics bc she 100% had everyone crushing on her, dated quite a few of them too). she’s a great band director once she learns more on how to deal with the inevitable students breaking down in your office on random lunch periods
esther: monty’s mom but refuses to be part of any band parent organization. will occasionally show up to concerts, but if you talk to her she somehow makes it all about her. at some point she gets in trouble with her concerning relationships with minor girls and as a result can’t go to school functions, which monty doesn’t talk about to really anyone but secretly is glad about. she never played any instruments and openly calls monty a nerd for enjoying band
the night nurse: I’m sticking with her as an assistant principal/in charge of attendance/some cog in the bureaucratic system. the band kids are all too familiar with her as they’re often incorrectly marked absent when they go to band practice during lunch/free periods, so getting called down to her office happens to everyone sooner or later. during the gang’s senior year she’s assigned to be directly in charge of the band (for whatever reason idk) which has her suddenly showing up to games and concerts. no one really likes this but they eventually warm to her. she tried the flute once when she was in school but wasn’t good right away so she decided it wasn’t for her
tragic mick: I’m again sticking to custodian but specifically the custodian that’s in charge of the practice field/band rooms/etc and is as such a beloved if cryptic figure in the greater band family. he played the tuba when he was in school but when asked says it’s been far too long to remember anything about it
kashi: hear me out, Kashi as the band director goes hard. like he’s eccentric, always has a grand story to tell, and is simultaneously good at making you laugh and at giving advice. his main instrument is something weird like the soprano saxophone or the euphonium or flugelhorn or harp, but as band director he’s learned most of not all of the instruments in the band over the course of his career
david the demon: percussionist. I take back what I said about the cat king dealing, david is 100% the sketchy dealer of the band. Is also older than the gang. was in the main and marching band but that’s it.
Lilith: superintendent. cryptid type figure. is the one responsible for the shit that goes down with Esther. showed up to exactly one concert and everyone is still losing their mind over seeing her in the flesh
I cannot remember her name but the lady who ran the gift shop: the choir director/theater teacher/eccentric English teacher. well known by the band kid population but not directly involved
the finality or whatever that character is called: prinicpal. directly in charge of the night nurse. surprisingly agreeable for how much bs/cruelty she oversees. her coming in right at the end of the series echoes her showing up to graduation and that’s it for out side of school hours
the ghost mail carrier: he mans the front office desk. will deliver messages over the intercom that always make people jump
extra info/plot points in a fic i doubt I’ll actually write:
monty and edwin get close after being sat near each other in orchestra and then working together during a chamber piece
thomas/the cat king is also older than the main gang. edwin is one of the underclassmen he cozies up to, but edwin never actually dates him
the charles and edwin dream duo imo is charles on trumpet say behind edwin on French horn, with both of them constantly making little comments just to make the other laugh/roll their eyes/react during practice/rehearsal. their senior year they end up being co-section leaders of upper brass but only after some serious begging on charles’s part
crystal has a major crush on jenny at one point
not a single person can stand esther finch, to the point that Kashi slips monty some flyers on different help resources and the other kids all let monty crash at different points when she’s angry
it’s at one point revealed that thomas/the cat king’s parents aren’t in the picture for some traumatic reason and he’s being raised by his grandparent(s), which most people accept as justification for his iffy behavior (it isn’t, for the record, but ive seen this situation happen exactly twice over in my band career and it lines up with him too well not to include)
crystal and charles date for a time and are the band’s it couple when they do. a handful of people don’t like it, but it’s mainly bc they’re jealous they missed their chance with one of the other ( cough edwin cough ) but it doesn’t end up lasting
david and crystal date when he’s a senior and she’s a freshman and it’s BAD. like she’s partaking in drugs she doesn’t fully understand and he’s enabling it/actively supplying it. it’s ultimately jenny who notices the spiral and talks some sense into crystal/gives her a semi-relatable authority figure to lean on. aforementioned crush happens during the chaotic period during/immediately following this. david stays in town and still deals post-graduation, so he shows up to high school parties and without fail creeps on crystal if she’s around. as such she starts avoiding parties, which is the final mail in the coffin of her mean girl era, leading to her befriending charles and niko (and eventually edwin) and made part of the gang
there’s a running joke/conspiracy theory that Kashi and the night nurse are in love with each other. it has been used to embarrass freshmen several times over the years. the night nurse actively denies it but kashi keeps it vague just for the fun of it
at one point when charles and crystal are dating and the four of them are already friends, someone starts a rumour/starts suggesting that niko and edwin should pair up. edwin isn’t openly out but his friends all know so they laugh about it (I also hc niko as aroace for a multitude of reasons i won’t get into here but I think that adds to the humor of it all)
when the band plays for a sport that Charles is on the team for they all go WILD when he’s mentioned by the announcer/scores/what have you. to the extent that there a specific chant/riff/cadence/whatever they start playing specifically for him. this eventually gets them in trouble on some big championship game and the band only stops/does it quieter so that charles doesn’t get in trouble over it
charles had a letterman’s jacket that he adds his band letter to (as well as some diying with pins and patches and such to make it more his style). he uses offering it as a way to flirt/show off his partner(s). it is very effective (to the chagrin of some of those partners who wouldn’t otherwise be caught dead in a letterman’s jacket, incl crystal and edwin)
monty initially charges the rich-asshole kids for readings until he’s caught and forced to stop. he then stops giving readings to anyone he doesn’t already know/like. he uses readings as a way to flirt with edwin, who literally doesn’t realise it for an extended period of time. monty keeps trying to flirt/ask edwin our, but by the time he hyped himself up for it the bell rings and the lunch period ends. they eventually go on one date, which edwin doesn’t realise is even a date (despite his friends insisting otherwise) until monty kisses him at the end of it. it’s awkward for a while afterwards but they eventually settle into a friendship
several other band kids place bets on when edwin and charles will finally get together. niko wins the bet, despite actively encouraging monty x edwin along the way. some say she’s biased being so close to them, but she openly admits that she wasn’t sure it would ever happen
may add to this post later but ive written wayyy too much for rn so we’ll leave it here
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makeyoumine69 · 2 years
● PAIRING: Sugar Daddy!Patrick Bateman x Fem!Reader
● SUMMARY: When on one day Mr. Bateman came to your office, you never knew how far it could go.
● WARNINGS: Implied flirt, seduction, small innocent touches, sweet-talker Patrick Bateman himself, minor possessive behaviour.
● A/N: One more prequel about Patrick and his little Cupcake, I enjoy writing their backstory so much! Btw, I was inspired by this American Psycho edit. As always, I hope you like this chapter!💕
● SONG REC: The Weeknd - Starboy✨
● LINKS: [Sweet like a Cupcake Masterlist] [Main Masterlist]
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The days after that “little accident” with Mr. Bateman felt like a horrible nightmare.
You were constantly thinking about losing your job, strolling around your office and watching the sun's rays breaking through the window. What if you just stayed silent and let him ground you into the dirt, soaking up all the shit he was saying–would your boss be satisfied with you then?
The click of the door opening caught your attention before Cindy’s sonorous voice reached your ear.  “(Y/N), we should go get coffee! Our favorite barista finally came back. Woohoo, no more shitty coffee!”
With a dull smile on your face, you tapped the papers on your desk. “I need to finish this by the afternoon.” You looked over the documents again, and then sighed. “Just go without me.”
She whined, disappointment clear in her voice, and when you looked at her, she was already standing in the doorway, checking the time on her watch. “I’ll just rush, so our coffee won’t get cold. Do you want a latte or cappuccino?”
“Dealer’s choice,” you chuckled and took your place at the deck. “Just… Don't spill it… Okay?”
“Alright, alright…”
Then she walked away, leaving you alone in your office again. Back to work.
Leafing through the documents was a kind of meditation for you–it helped soothe your mind, distracting you from obsessive thoughts. 
Your edits were quick, slashing across the page, adding notes in the margin with a well-loved red pen. The door opened again. “What did you forget this time?” you asked, not looking up. “Cindy, could you also bring me a cupcake–”
“Good afternoon.” A familiar, tenor voice caused your whole body to taut like a string. You knew who it was before you even looked up.
Ever hauntingly perfect, Patrick Bateman was standing in the doorway, casting a studying glance at you. You stood up abruptly, anticipating nothing but the worst. He might really be so vindictive to come in person with your termination notice.
“(Y/N), isn’t it?” he asked smoothly, closing the door behind him. 
“Yes, that’s me,” you replied, attempting to sound as confident as you could. “How can I help you, sir?”
“First, call me Patrick,” he gave you his most cocky snow-white smile, roaming around your office and getting closer to your desk. “And please, relax. I’m not here to fire you.”
The corners of your mouth twitched slightly, but that didn’t really ease the tension. His presence here was making you feel weirdly thrilled.
"As you wish, sir, but I’m afraid that a first-name basis breaks the subordination rules of our company,” you pressed the pen against the tabletop, leaning a bit on your other hand. “Penalties are strictly enforced for things like that.”
Amused, Bateman was standing in front of your table, so the smell of his cologne easily hit your nose. “Our previous meeting was… Well, it was horrible as hell,” he said, watching you nervously rap the pen. “I just want to apologize, and I hope you’ll let me take you to lunch, at least.”
With a sharp click, your pen flew away in an unknown direction, but you just ignored that, continuing to act naturally. “I’m sorry, but I can’t. I usually don’t have time to eat, 'cause I’m pretty busy and–” you stammered a bit as only now you noticed you were looking into each other's eyes for over thirty seconds straight.
“My boss won’t be happy if I don’t have these reviews done by–”
“Wait a second.” Patrick held up a finger to stop you before he crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m your boss, sweetie.”
Gulping, you had no choice but to turn your face into a friendly expression and grin politely. “With all respect, sir, you’re the boss of my boss. And, I really need to finish these.”
Patrick huffed as he stared at you, his hazel eyes spinning with green and brown, until they were a hypnotizing spiral that sucked you in. “Okay, I think I get it.” He shook his head, smirking all the time from how timidly you were batting your eyelashes. “Now listen (Y/N), in two hours I will be at Four Seasons, the one down here,” he quickly checked his Rolex, and then glanced at you again. “I’ll be waiting for you there. Don’t be late.”
As if he didn’t want to give you a chance to refuse, Bateman turned around and left your office. The silence filled up your ears after the door closed. Your chest was rising and falling so quickly; you couldn’t really believe what just happened. Biting your lower lip, you thoughtfully slid your hand against the tabletop–a creeping panic was growing in your gut, making it hard for you to breathe.
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When Cindy returned fifteen minutes later, you didn’t say even a word about what had happened just before she came back, because it would sound completely absurd. And considering her previous reaction to what you told her about Mr. Bateman, she would probably burn with envy. But there was one more problem–how to sneak out from the office without anyone asking questions?
“Erm, Cindy…I’m going on a quick break,” you mumbled as you got up to grab your coat. 
“Wait, wait! Where are you going?” 
“It’s nothing interesting,” smiling sheepishly, you wrapped a woolen scarf around your neck. “Oh, did I thank you for the coffee? It was really nice!”
“Hey! Stop messing around!” she protested, standing up from her seat, with arms crossed. “You usually don’t go anywhere for ‘breaks’!”
Sighing, you took your bag and glanced at your watch. Plenty of time. “I’ll tell you when I get back, okay?” a small bluff wouldn't be an issue–you concluded, watching Cindy sadly pouting. “One of our colleagues asked me for lunch, that’s all, you know. Nothing special…”
“And who’s this cutie pie? Ah, don’t tell me, I think I know who it is!” She clapped her hands, and her voice trilled with excitement. “If you say that it’s that nerd from our computer department, I’m gonna die!”
Humming, you gave yourself a few seconds to think before replying: “Yes, it’s him.”
“Eeeee!” she giggled, shushing herself with a palm. “Oh, my gosh, poor ‘Romeo’ finally made a step!”
“Yeah, yeah,” you chided, holding out your hands to soothe her. “I don’t have much time, and I still need to find the place where we’re having lunch. So, see you later… Oh, and Cindy, if the boss calls, please tell her I’m out for some office supplies.”
On that bright note, you left your office, with mysterious excitement.
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It was your first time at Four Seasons, though you heard a lot of positive reviews about this place from the top management of P & P. Once you made just one step inside the restaurant, you met at least three or four good-looking females, all dressed with expensive clothes and jewelry. After a quick examination of yourself, you had to admit—your office uniform was looking unsuitable for this kind of an establishment, but who would care? If one arrogant snob didn’t force you to come here, all restaurant visitors wouldn't have to suffer from your “super luxury look”—you giggled sarcastically to yourself before you approached the maître d' — a young blond lady with a very deep neckline. As soon as she noticed you, she gave you a suspiciously friendly smile and greeted you:
“Good afternoon, Miss and welcome to the Four Seasons. My name is Veronica. How can I help you?”
“Oh, hello!” you smiled back. “There should be a reservation under Mr. Bateman.”
The last words you said made her face change literally before your eyes and now it was not as friendly as one minute ago. “Let me check please,” she was sorting through the pages of the logbook, looking at you from time to time from under her long lashes. “Please, follow me.”
The closer you were getting to the table, the more you felt an uprising fear in your chest and you couldn’t really understand what was really scaring you that much: him, this fancy place, or all of these things together. Wrapped in your thoughts, you didn’t even notice you had already reached the place as the maître d' extended her hand, inviting you to take the seat just across from Patrick, who at that moment was studying the menu, with his face half covered by it.
“Have a good time!” The blonde glanced at you contemptuously for the last time before she strolled away.
“Thanks…” You replied to no one, nervously undoing your scarf.
“Glad to see you again, sit down.” Bateman murmured, putting the menu aside, his brown eyes were exploring your frame like a scanner. 
“I hope I am not late.”
“No, you are just in time,” he smirked as you finally sat in front of him, your hands nervously fixing the sleeves of your white blouse. “What do you usually prefer to drink? Tea, water, maybe coffee?”
“I had enough coffee today, but thank you,” you looked at him more confidently, as your strategy for this lunch was pretty simple–be nice, friendly, and polite. “This place is so lovely!”
“You think so?”
“Uh, yes. Well, I’m not the type of person who goes on lunch to such places,” you paused as you noticed how attentively he was listening to you, raising his right eyebrow. “So, I don't know what to compare it to, but this one looks exquisite.”
You heard him chuckling softly before Bateman took a sip of his whiskey, pointing at the menu with his stare. “Choose what you want to eat.”
With a warm grin on your face, you took the menu but once you saw the prices–you felt your hair standing on edge. “You know, I’m not really hungry.”
“Stop pretending, sweetie,” damn, did he call you like that again? “If you were not hungry you wouldn’t ask your friend to bring you a cupcake, right?”
Stunned by his sudden trick, you hid behind the menu for a second to reflect on what to answer him back. “You have a significant memory, Mr. Bateman.”
“It’s Patrick,” he smiled at you flirtatiously while his piercing gaze seemed trying to catch any little weaknesses of yours. “As you should know, my type of work requires such things.”
“Of course.” You nodded.
“And… I really prefer you to call me Patrick, but on the other hand, the way you say ‘Mr. Bateman’ sounds kinda hot.”
You nearly let out a nervous laugh but you held back yourself as you gave him a confused look. 
Unlike you, Bateman couldn’t help but snigger at your reaction. “Relax, silly. I’m joking.”
“That's what I thought…” You were acting as if nothing happened, desperately trying to suppress an unknown frisson inside your body.
Then, a tall dark-haired waiter got your attention as he came across your table, with a notebook in his hands. “Are you ready to order, sir?”
“Beef Steak with Grilled Vegetables and Sweet Potatoes,” Patrick pointed with a finger, forcing his golden Rolex to wiggle on his wrist. “(Y/N), did you make your choice?”
“To be honest, I’d rather eat something sweet,” you glimpsed at the waiter with hope, because you didn’t even see the dessert menu. “Maybe you can recommend something to me?”
“We have amazing cheesecakes and tiramisu-”
“A dessert for lunch?” Bateman asked in surprise, cutting off the waiter and leaving you a bit embarrassed. “I think Sweet Pea and Tuna Salad sounds better,” he waited for the busboy to take away the menu and then added: “It’s healthier, and it tastes delicious. You are gonna like it.”
Confused, you watched the waiter walking away when you suddenly blurted out: “Actually, you could make an order without asking-”
“I could, but I wanted to give you a chance,” the way he kept interrupting everyone was really pissing you off. “So, how long have you been working in our company? Cause I can’t really remember you,” frowning a bit, he leaned on the back of his chair. “You must be a new one?”
With a cunning smirk, you took a glass of mineral water that was already standing on the table. “Well, you can say that,” you smiled again before continuing: “I’ve been working as an accountant in Pierce & Pierce for two years already.”
Satisfied with how awkward he was looking right now, you made a victorious sip of water, waiting for his next step.
“Two years… Huh, that’s a lot!”
“Yes, but it’s fine we never met,” you stated, meeting his languid gaze more decisively. “Usually, top management doesn’t see any of its workers and it’s okay.”
Bateman nodded, humming something to himself as if the puzzle inside his head finally completed. “Mm-hm, I hope you’re happy with your job and you don’t feel overworked.”
Was it some kind of test? As much as you wanted to lament about all of your grievances, you couldn’t take any risks–how could you even trust the guy who first antagonized you and then asked you out for lunch… in Four Fucking Seasons. That was so weird. 
“I love everything about my work. But of course, it’s not perfect but nowhere is.” You replied confidently. 
“Don’t you mind if I smoke?” Before Bateman asked, he was already having a cigar in his hand.
Even if you did, what would you say? 
“Go on.”
And then you suddenly lost it, as you watched him lighting his cigar after your words, and you could swear to God–never in your life, you saw a man who was smoking sexier than that. Mesmerized, you couldn't take your eyes off of his beautiful features, especially his ideal cheekbones, which looked so sharp–you thought you could cut yourself if you touch them… Touch them?
Meanwhile, Patrick was definitely rambling about something, but you could only see how his perfectly shaped lips curled whenever he was speaking, and damn… His side profile seemed to be forged by a sculptor, as you didn’t really have any other explanations for how this man could be so fine… Wait, what were you even  thinking?
“(Y/N), are you listening?” His concerned voice took you out of your thoughts. 
“Oh, yes… Sorry! I just remembered about my report, which I should finish today and-”
“So, you’re really overworked if you can’t even stop thinking about your job while being here with me.”
Did he sound really offended, or it was just your slightly clouded mind–you couldn’t really find an answer as he added:
“Maybe I should speak with your boss about this?” he puffed on his cigar, giving you a challenging glance. “And guess what? I think we should have dinner.”
“That’s exactly what I said,” smirking, Bateman blew some smoke rings, his dark eyes glowing with excitement. “Dinner, where we can chill a bit and have a proper conversation. Not like this.”
Just as you were about to reply, the waiter brought your meals, how unfortunate–you thought before taking a napkin, and of course, you touched his palm because Patrick was doing just the same thing. As if you were in some romance movie, you took your hand away like from fire, but that only spurred him to catch your palm again, stroking it nearly notably, and somehow, this time you didn’t even make a move—you only gasped. Rising your eyes on him, you could only see a devilish grin of satisfaction on his face and there was nothing really left for you to do, rather than ask yourself if that was really happening.
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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Gif from: Tenor
Daniel as a yandere would be really overprotective of you and rightfully so after everything he's gone through, clingy because he's worried and scared that he might lose you to Johnny Lawrence, his bully aka. the biggest jerk of the Valley
He has a bit of a hero complex as well and he doesn't even realize it's there in him. He just feels this deep urge and need to save his loved ones from danger, especially you of all people. Johnny and his jerk squad the Cobras can pick on him and bully him all they want but he won't be so forgiving if they target you. He won't like it at all if one of them try flirting with you, Daniel is easily gets riled up and he'll start a fight with them
He might notice you if you're new to the Valley or something or if you're in his class and offer to help him out with something. He's always touched by kindness and he'll thank you for it with a cute yet goofy and dorky smile on his face. Though he might look all innocent and unsuspecting as a yandere, he knows how to look all innocent like so people won't suspect him of anything. How can anyone accuse such a cute face like that of doing something wrong?
Will NEVER EVER let you join Cobra Kai, EVER. He's had his personal experiences with them and he doesn't want you going there as well and suffering like how he did so he'll do whatever he can to make sure you don't join Cobra Kai. Whenever he goes over to Miyagi Do, he'll take you with him just so he can be at peace knowing you're at least safe there. Will love it if you try training with him and Miyagi would smile at the both of you doing your karate with each other. Daniel encourages you to do karate and he'll help you get better at it. If you already do karate he'll be really impressed and he won't stop ranting and rambling about how cool you look
When he develops his karate skills he gets the feeling he's being your knight in shining armor and he makes it his responsibility to save you from everything that can ever harm you. Also, he'll grow more clingy to you and he's willing to injure anyone for you. You're the only one who doesn't mind the fact that he's from Reseda and he really admires and appreciates you for not judging him like all those rich Encino brats
When you do catch onto his possessive and abnormal behavior he'll just deny it and have the expression of a kicked puppy, asking you how you could say something like that. Do you not love him anymore? Do you want more love from him? Because if that's the case then say goodbye to your personal space and freedom. He might get angry at you sometimes but he will NEVER hit you, you're the love of his life. He won't be able to forgive himself if he hits you. And now, fast forward to the All Valley Tournament. You'll be there for him when he's competing and giving him encouraging words like 'You'll do well' and 'I know you can do it' and stuff like that, he LIVES for those. He nuzzles into your touch when you help him calm down and he wishes he could just be in your arms forever, unfortunately it's time for a death match
Would love to take you for car rides in one of Mr. Miyagi's cars to a place where the both of you can see the stars and be with each other in peace. He also wants to make you happy, he wants to be the ONLY one to make you happy. Your first kiss with him might be a bit awkward but he'll develop his skills at it and he'll be stealing quick kisses from you every now and then. If one of the Cobras try asking you out or anyone tries to ask you out for that matter, that's when he gets all sneaky and manipulative and will do something that'll get the other person in trouble. They deserve it after all, they were trying to take you away from him! Daniel can't imagine living life now without you
You'll be there to comfort him when Bobby injures his knee and he likes it when you're worried for him and fuss over him. And when he finally crane kicks Johnny in the face he realizes he's gotten the strength from you, tonight was all about proving himself to you, showing you that he can take care of you and you have nothing to worry about in life because Daniel will always be there for you no matter what
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steddie percy jackson au part 2 (part 1) (part 3)
The party is still full on and as close to Dionysonian opulence and indulgence as a bunch of underage demi gods can get when Steve returns to the bonfire. Despite the crowd, Eddie's eyes find him instantly. They always do. Steve hasn't bathed in the Styx yet, still, he can always feel that pull at the small of his back towards Eddie, always his anchor in an ocean of people.
"Where did you disappear to," Eddie grins when he reaches Steve, dimples sitting on rosy cheeks, colored from dancing and the heat of the fire.
One bitter part of Steve wants to be surprised that Eddie noticed that he was gone. After all, he had seemed mighty chummy with that Ares kid. But it's hard to be bitter when the blessing of the goddess of love is cursing through your body. "
The lake," Steve says before he takes a deep breath. "I ran into Aphrodite. She uh...kinda claimed me? Not like she is my mom, but...more like I devoted myself to her?"
"Holy shit, that's amazing," Eddie clasps him by the shoulders, shakes him a little, excitedly. It's stupidly adorable, the way Eddie shows his joy. "So what, you're a priest now or something?"
"More like a knight," Steve explains. "She said you would call it a paladin?"
"You talked about me?" Eddie smirks and despite it being a joke, Steve can't help but blush. Of course, he wants to say. You're my Eddie. Before he can confirm or deny anything though, Eddie's face falls.
"Wait, does that mean you'll have to change cabins?" Steve laughs, loves that Eddie is just as concerned about it as Steve was. Every time Steve loves it feels like a little sacrifice to his new goddess. No, not sacrifice, gift.
"Don't worry, you're not getting rid of me that easily, Munson."
It's a good thing that Steve can stay in the Hermes cabin, small little room just across from Eddie's. He wakes that night, covered in sweat, shaking in the aftermath of gruesome nightmares. It's a common occurrence, you don't win a war at 19 without physical and mental scars. He pads across the hall, doesn't knock just slips into Eddie's room, his bed, his open arms, because Eddie always knows, always wakes when Steve can't sleep and vice versa. They hold each other in the quiet of the night for a while.
It's comfort, it's home, it's safety that Steve finds in Eddie's arms. Enough of it all to sheepishly, almost inaudibly, confess, "Do you think she regrets it? Picking me?"
"What? Why would she?"
"I don't know," Steve shrugs, reveling in the way Eddie wraps his arms around Steve tighter. "I guess I just don't get why she would want me. Why anyone would want me."
"Stevie," Eddie's voice is tinged with sadness and Steve hates the sound. Wants to hear laughter and levity vibrating in the tenor of Eddie's voice. "Who wouldn't want you? I've never seen anyone love the way you love."
Steve doesn't point out that neither his father nor his divine mother wanted him. That maybe it was pity that made Aphrodite ask for his devotion and not love.
"Have you considered that being devoted to Aphrodite means not just to love others. But also learning how to love yourself?"
"Ufft, that's a pretty hard task," Steve tries to joke, but it doesn't land. Gingerly, Eddie cups his face and turns his head until they are face to face, jasper eyes staring into amber.
"Steve, loving you is as easy as breathing," Eddie says and maybe he is right.
Only that in that moment Steve is unable to get any air into his lungs. It's not a confession, at least not one for them to finally pull their heads out of their asses. That one happens at the end of summer, of weeks filled with unbearable heat and torturous yearning.
They'll get send on a mission, something small. Just go find a wild minotaur and kill him. Basic, routine, no danger. Despite the simplicity of it, Eddie still gets called up to the attic, a prophecy waiting for him. He is pale when he returns.
"And?" Steve asks. "What does it say."
Eddie recites it perfectly:
Two destinies connected by a thread/ shall retrieve the minotaur’s head/ one shall become lost to forever roam/ unless the call of true love guides them home/
Steve tries not to read into it. No one is going to get lost. It's a quick job, into the labyrinth, kill the minotaur, out again. They have a foolproof plan. Dustin and the other Hephaistos kids have engineered a rope that cannot be cut, cannot tear, is indestructible. They'll both tie it around their waists, Steve will wait outside, Eddie will go in, kill the minotaur and then follow the rope back outside. Easy as pie.
"See you on the other side, Harrington" Eddie says even though it makes very little sense.
"Not if I see you first, Munson" Steve says in turn and then Eddie disappears into the labyrinth, rope pulled taught between them.
It's fine. All Steve has to do is wait. He is good at that. And so he waits. Tries not to worry, why should he? Easy job, right? Only that about an hour later the rope around his waist suddenly goes slack.
Which it shouldn't it absolutely shouldn't. It's impossible to cut. But when Steve pulls on it, panic tightening like his very own rope around his throat, choking him, it comes back, end torn, no Eddie to be seen.
"Eddie?" Steve calls into the labyrinth. "Eddie??"
There is no reply, no sign of life, no nothing. Steve feels like he is about to throw up. He can't go into the labyrinth, even if he found Eddie in it, there is no way they would make it out again. So Steve does the only thing he can think of: he sinks to his knees and prays to the goddess he is devoted to, the goddess that has become so dear he has started to think of her as not just a patron but a mother instead.
He prays and brings her sacrifice in the only way he knows. He tells her about his love, tells her about all the ways he loves Eddie. How he is smart, so smart. And funny and a goddamn nerd but he pulls it off. How he is dramatic, loves to put on the show. But if it's just the two of them, secluded, clandestine, he never puts on a mask. Always shows Steve his true self, let's Steve see and sees Steve in return. How he is protective of their kids, will give his life or them, puts on a brave face even though in the quiet of the night he has confided into Steve how scared he is most of the time.
Steve is scared too. Scared for Eddie, scared that Eddie might not return, scared of how allowing himself to love Eddie, openly, fully, loudly might destory him. But he promises that if Aphrodite guides Eddie out of the labyrinth that Steve will do it. Love Eddie unapologetically. She just needs to bring Eddie home.
Steve can feel a surge of love vibrating through his body. A sign that his goddess has listened, has given her blessing. And when Steve looks up, tears running over his face, hope pulsing in his chest alongside all the love he has all the love he will give, he sees that his goddess has kept her promise.
Eddie stumbles out of the labyrinth, blood on his sword, his shirt, but none of it thankfully his own. In his right hand there is a bull's horn. Steve jumps up, hurries into Eddie's arm with such a force he almost tackles them both onto the floor.
"You came back to me," he whispers into the crook of Eddie's neck.
"Of course, I followed your call," Eddie says and when they part he lifts his left hand, a red string tightly wrapped around his pinky.
Steve follows the string, finds that the other end is tied around his own pinky. An Ariadne's thread, wool woven out of love, pure, true love. In that moment Steve knows he wouldn't have needed his mother's blessing to get Eddie back. The call of true love would have always guided Eddie back home. Still, Steve is thankful nevertheless. And he has a part of his bargain to uphold. And he does it so willingly, so happily, does it because it is as easy as breathing.
"I love you," he tells Eddie. "With all my being. With all my heart. I love you!"
"I love you too," Eddie whispers back, promises, swears it as his own oath to Steve. Eddie's own personal demi-god of love. They seal that oath with a kiss.
(part 3)
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