#It only took 33 years bless him
supernovafics · 9 months
requesting for the ill be there for you universe! the kids are coming over so steve and r plan a lil dinner party… well they make the dinner together… and its just a little too domestic…. bonus if they end up dancing to some silly song on the radio because arent we all a sucker for dancing in the kitchen 😭😭😭😭😭 the kids walk in on them and are like 🤨🤨 those two need to get together now so baddddddddddd
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"i'll be there for you" universe masterlist
pairing: bestfriend!roommate!steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 1.6k words
warnings: explicit language
summary: in which a new year’s dinner at the apartment sparks a bet— that you and steve are completely unaware of— among the friend group 
author's note: thank u for the request !! happy new year<33
general note: everything in this universe/series can be read as standalone oneshots but to understand the full “lore” it would prob be best to read the other stuff too<333
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Winter 1986
Steve heard the knock on the door first; you were way too engrossed in singing along to the song that was loudly playing to notice the sound. 
He maneuvered around you in the kitchen to go answer the door as you took a quick peek in the oven to check on the lasagnas. 
It was your idea to have this “New Year’s dinner” at the apartment— since you and Steve had been sick during the holidays and couldn’t see anyone, this was to make up for that— and Steve agreed. Of course, Robin and Eddie said that they would come, and then the kids were an immediate yes as well. 
Even though your and Steve’s collective cooking skills were not the best, you both still wanted to attempt and cook something for everyone, instead of simply ordering a couple of pizzas or takeout from some place. So, you got a lasagna recipe from Miss Johnson that she promised was very basic and couldn’t really be messed up; and so far, she’d been right. Although you did initially have to remake the sauce because of a mess up that you fully blamed on Steve and he fully blamed on you. But, after that, everything else luckily went fine. 
When Steve opened the door and you looked over to see everyone bounding into the apartment, it was then that you remembered just how big the friend group was— you could only imagine what that elevator ride up to the apartment had been like. 
“Is this The Breakfast Club soundtrack?” Robin asked, laughing as she slipped off her coat.
“Yes,” Steve answered. “This is what I’ve been subjected to for the past week.”
You immediately rolled your eyes at his words, which you somehow managed to hear over the loud music. “Oh, shut up, you were just singing along to the last song with me.”
“There’s only some truth to that,” He said as he walked over to the record player to turn the music down a bit. 
Everyone settled at the dining table that Steve’s mom bought for you two for the Thanksgiving dinner that you’d been forced to have here with your parents— that was still somehow a memory that lingered harshly in the back of your mind, like most interactions with your parents did. The table was only meant to fit six people, so the desk chairs that normally sat in your bedrooms were pulled out and placed at the table, and then two foldable chairs were borrowed from your other next door neighbor; this guy in his mid-sixties who would have weekly poker nights with his friends. You would continuously joke around with Steve and tell him that he should join in on the poker nights. In response, he’d always simply roll his eyes at you because you knew that he was bad at poker and he’d also rather not spend his Tuesday nights with random old men. 
Mike walked over to you and handed you a tupperware full of what you could tell were gingerbread cookies. “Since you missed the Christmas party, my mom wanted me to give these to you.”
You immediately smiled. “Holy shit, God bless that woman. Please tell her I said thank you.” 
He nodded at that and then went over to the table, sitting down next to El. 
Steve went back over to where you were in the kitchen and started reaching for the tupperware, but you immediately shooed his hand away. When he simply pouted at you, you rolled your eyes and then opened it so that he could grab a cookie, which he did and then broke it in half so that he could give a piece of it to you. 
“Is it just me or have they been acting extra old married couple lately?” Dustin asked, looking away from the interaction that just happened. 
“Oh, yeah, definitely,” Max answered almost immediately and pretty much everyone else simply nodded in agreement.
Neither you nor Steve were paying any attention to the conversation that was currently taking place barely ten feet away from you; instead you both were focused on finishing up the food. You were pulling one of the lasagnas out of the oven and Steve was grabbing the other before putting the store bought garlic bread in the oven— you both had figured that if the lasagna did end up turning out bad, there would at least be bread that neither of you had a hand in making to somewhat save the day. 
“I fully believe that this will be the year that they finally get together,” Lucas said, sounding very certain.
Robin shook her head at that. “No way. If they were gonna date, it would’ve happened already. Years ago, probably.”
She thought back to this past Halloween where you and Steve were dressed up in your Batman and Robin costume, and at some point during the night he ended up giving you a piggyback ride while you all were walking to some party, and she and Vickie were trailing a bit behind the two of you. She thought about how certain she had felt when answering Vickie’s question about if you two had ever dated. “They seem like they’d be perfect together, but I also think the world would implode if they ever tried something.” For the most part, that still felt entirely true. Even though it would’ve made complete sense if something happened, it still didn’t seem necessarily “possible” at this point— it felt like such a far-fetched idea.
“I’m gonna have to agree with Rob on this one. I don’t think they’ll ever actually get together,” Eddie said and then started laughing a bit as he said his next words. “Or it’ll happen twenty years down the road after they’ve both been married to other people and then divorced, and then they’ll finally realize that all they needed and wanted was each other.”
“Wow, that sounds like the most depressing movie ever,” Will told him. 
“I guess it wouldn’t be that sad since they would end up together in the end,” El said with a small shrug.
Eddie nodded. “Exactly.”  
“Okay, yeah, maybe that could happen, but I don’t think it would take that long anymore because things are so different now,” Dustin said. “They’re living together, they have a child together.” He gestured to Harold the Hamster’s cage that sat on the coffee table in the living room. “They’re practically already a couple. It’s inevitable now. Soon they’ll be married and there will be actual children involved, not just Harold.”
Robin rolled her eyes at his final statement. “They’re best friends. They’ve known each for like ten years.” 
“Yeah, which is just another reason why they’re definitely gonna end up together,” Lucas said. “Also, I can’t even remember the last time either of them went on a date, and Steve usually always talks about his dates.” 
“Actually, he was just going out with that girl last month,” Will chimed in. “Vanessa or something?”  
“And that ultimately led nowhere,” Max reminded him. 
Mike took a brief look over at you and Steve to make sure that you two still weren’t listening to the current conversation. “Okay, I have an idea. We should make this a bet. We each say when we think they’ll get together, and if it does end up happening we all give whoever got it right or was the closest five bucks.”
Eddie laughed before nodding. “I actually kind of like that idea.” 
“It’s a great idea,” Dustin said with a nod, and it didn’t necessarily surprise anyone when he pulled out a small notebook and pen out of his pocket because it somehow made sense that he would be the one to bring a notebook and pen to a dinner party; he was probably prepared for anything. 
He started off by saying February– because even though it was only a month away, it was in fact, the month of love— and then everyone started going around the table saying their guesses. Lucas said April, Max and El both said March, Mike said July, Will said August, Robin said a very certain “Never,” and Eddie finished by saying a playful and only slightly serious, “Twenty years.”
It was almost comical how oblivious you and Steve were to what was happening not that far away from you both. Instead, your attention was on grabbing enough silverware for everyone since the plates were already set on the table and Steve was pulling out some cups. 
“I think both of our moms would scold us for not setting everything out before they came,” You told Steve, laughing a bit.
“Very true. I guess our years of being forced to eat at fancy restaurants with them have truly taught us nothing,” He joked back and you smiled at that as you both walked over to the dining table. “We’re gonna bring over the lasagna in a second. What are you guys talking about?” 
“Nothing,” Eddie said casually as Dustin slipped his notebook back into his pocket, which was a subtle action that neither of you noticed. “Just some movie.”
Once everything was set on the table, you two went back to the kitchen to grab the lasagnas.
“The bread will be done in a couple minutes, so if the lasagna sucks we’ll eat that,” You said as you sat down in one of the two empty chairs left, which just so happened to be your desk chair. “Also, if it sucks, blame Steve, not me.”
He shook his head as he rolled his eyes at you and playfully poked your side before taking a seat in the other empty chair on the opposite side of the table. “If it sucks, blame both of us because this was a very mutual effort.”
Robin nodded. “Okay, got it. If this turns out to be the worst meal all of us have ever eaten we’ll make sure to hate both of you equally and not talk to either of you for at least a week.”
Luckily, the lasagna actually turned out pretty great.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
let me know ur thoughts<333
(requests are open for stuff you wanna see in the universe/series!🫶🏾)
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l4ndon0rris · 2 months
A Love for the Ages CL16
A collection of short stories of yours and Charles unique love story through the ages (each short flashback in time will begin with the same intro you see below)
pairing: Charles Leclerc x reader // sibling!Pierre a/n: if anyone has any scenarios they'd like playing out for the teenage years feel free to send me your ideas <33 - if you want to be added to the taglist lmk
previous parts can be found on my masterlist
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All eyes were on you, the white wedding gown that clung perfectly to your body, your impeccably crafted hair paired with flawless glowing makeup. There was no denying you looked ethereal standing at the altar gazing into his familiar eyes: those eyes that had comforted you, cried with you, looked at you with desire, had burned with anger and softened with apologies. The eyes that have witnessed dark days and brighter ones now bore into your own; you saw a flash of anticipation in them waiting for you to mutter the two words joining you together forever. Those eyes transported you back through everything that led you here, to this altar, holding his hands, about to embark on forever.
12 years old
You hadn’t become the most popular girl in school, in fact you were almost convinced that Pierre had even disowned you to some of his friends when they asked if you were siblings. Pierre was the cool racing kid who only carried a pen in his pocket and you were the girl who carried a backpack with every school essential. You weren’t blessed with talents like your brother but you made up for it with brains which you were sure had been knocked out of him in his many racing incidents.
The school bus home was never particularly fun but you always made sure to be prompt to the bus stop in order to get a seat to take the load off from carrying your books all day. Seats filled up around you, children piling onto the bus with an obnoxious amount of noise. Pierre and his fellow group of friends religiously occupied the back rows of the bus, ignoring you as if you were a stranger. His friends must have been as dumb as he was if they didn’t see a resemblance in the two of you along with a shared surname.
Your ears tuned in to one of Pierre’s friends unashamedly referring to you, “y'see that girl there - she’s in my sister’s class - apparently she got 90 out of 100 on a test,” - although his information had been wrong; it was actually 94/100.
“Charles! Mate! Come sit here,” Pierre yelled, ignoring his friends’ comment; Pierre would never admit it but he was glad you got the brains in the family. Charles was shuffling his way through the other kids standing on the bus. Glancing around the only available seat was next to you, you peered out of the corner of your eye at him knowing he wouldn’t embarrass himself being sat next to you. Charles still made time for you at the race weekends when he had time but there was no way he would commit social suicide in public at school.
 “We’ll make room here mate, you don’t have to sit there,” Pierre instructed as Charles took the seat next to you. You felt your face flush as the pair of you sat crammed on the seat between school bags.
“You don’t have to put up with him, you know”, Charles whispered in your direction. You kept your head looking out of the bus window, more so as to not embarrass him by being seen speaking to you and to hide your flushed cheeks. “Think of all the embarrassing stories you have about him,” Charles lightly nudged your arm which made you look at him, he was evidently ignoring the name-calling being thrown your way from Pierre’s so-called group of friends. You glanced over your shoulder to see Pierre forcing laughter as his friends continued, when you looked at him you swore you spotted a tinge of regret in your brothers’ eyes. “If you don’t shut him up he’ll just carry on…” Charles was sounding eerily like your mother.
Perhaps he was right - something in you snapped, the years of Pierre’s teasing piling up and climaxing to this very moment; you turned around to face Pierre and his friends and boldly announced, “Pierre! Has! A stuffed toy! He sleeps with it eeeverynight! Sometimes he even takes it to the race-track for good luck!” Pierre’s jaw dropped, his life flashing before his eyes as his social life was about to dive head-first off a cliff all thanks to you. “And! He wet himself in a go-kart!” Pierre was officially freefalling. On that note, you turned back around, head held high absorbing the laughter, questions of disbelief and teasing that was now directed at Pierre.
You looked over at Charles, though he'd encouraged it even he was shocked at the extent of your outburst. Guilt was already taking over you, battling with the adrenaline flowing through your body. Charles eyes were wide open under his thick mound of hair, shocked but proud. “Oh God, Charles, please don’t tell my mum- I don’t know what come over me- Pierre’s going to kill me-”
Charles interrupted your rambling, “I don’t know what I expected but it certainly wasn’t that." His grin made you feel more at ease. "Just promise me you’ll never let people know I wet myself in a go-kart too.” Charles nudged your arm playfully, making sure to whisper the last part in your ear. His breath against your ear set your hormones alight that day; you sat giggling with Charles for the rest of the ride home, long forgetting Pierre’s social turmoil behind you.
taglist: @rana030@sltwins@janeh22@likehonestlysametho @littlemisssummer @ahgase99
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beneathashadytree · 2 months
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Warnings : Sanji’s self-image issues, hangover, passing out, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : fluff <33
Additional notes : This is part 2 to a fic I posted 2 years ago (crazy, I know) called Intoxicated, so I recommend reading that first! Inspiration suddenly hit me ig🙏🏽 To anyone else reading this, my requests are still closed!! These are just old requests I had in my inbox🫶🏽
Tip jar!
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It was at times like these that Sanji cursed his entire being—most especially his body, for having gotten so used to waking up at a set time every day. Because here he was, with a pounding headache that threatened to split his head in half and squash his brain into a mush, and yet he was still unable to sleep in for more than 4 hours.
Delaying the inevitable, he tried his best to keep his eyes shut, even if just for a little while. Dread filled him at the thought that opening them would send lancinating pain shooting through his eyes and the back of his head, and that was an issue he did not want to deal with now.
Especially not after colossally mortifying himself like that last night. Actually, he’d much rather forget it all together. Maybe completely wipe the memory from his head.
Much of the second half of the night was a booze-induced haze, flashing images swirling behind his eyes like they’re floating in water, and he couldn’t bring himself to try and remember the rest of it. After all, why would he want to think about how he embarrassed himself in front of the one person he yearned for more than life itself?
Baring his heart like only an idiot would, skinning himself alive and prostrating himself in front of them without a single ounce of the dignity he’d tried so hard to preserve for ages… he truly was a lost cause.
“Putain,” Sanji swore under his breath, even his raspy voice sounding grating to his ears, and he buried his head further into—
—his jacket?
All inhibitions instantly cast aside, his head shot up from where it was, and he was hit with the surging pain of an unbearable crick in his neck. Eyes flying open and completely ignoring the sting of the light, it was only then that he realized that he hadn’t, in fact, stumbled his drunken way back to bed after his whole blurted confession and tumbled face first into dreamland.
No. In reality, he’d actually just slept an uncomfortable few hours on the kitchen table, his head just barely hanging on after being supported only by his crumpled jacket.
Shit. The kitchen.
It was at that moment he came to the sudden realization that the thrumming headache wasn’t only caused by him waking up, but also from the loud banging of another person in his kitchen pulling out his precious pots and pans.
It must be well past morning. Everyone was probably ridiculously hungry by now.
It took all he had for him to stop himself from snapping at whoever it was that decided to step up (and also make a wreck out of his sacred space and possessions) for only that reason. In his desire to drown himself in his sorrowful miseries, he’d completely neglected his duty as a chef. If not to sustain his crewmates and friends, what use was he outside of battle?
Nothing, he thought to himself, blearily blinking the sleep out of his eyes as he began to turn around with a sigh, not looking forward to the confrontation that was to come, nothing at all—
“There you are, darling,” came a soft voice from behind him, barely above a whisper. A blooming warmth rushed to his cheeks, and he almost toppled out of the chair as he recognized just who it was that was saying those saccharine words.
It couldn’t be. There was no way he he’d be so blessed by the angels first thing in the morning.
And yet. And yet.
Here they were, in all their fresh-faced, tender-hearted glory, leaning down to gently stroke his cheek with a deft thumb. If Sanji let slip a broken whimper of half-relief, half-agony, they made no comment on it. “You’re hungover, then?”
With his mouth feeling like it was filled with cotton wool, no words could come out, and he instead just nodded his head weakly. Thankfully, that too they let slide. “I got Chopper to help out with that.” They pushed a cup with an odd liquid and two pills towards him. “Should help.”
For a couple of seconds as Sanji downed them and sent a silent prayer to whoever decided to let Chopper have the lack of common sense to join their crew, they turned around, probably on their way back to the stove that now sizzled and emitted the lovely smell of caramelized onions and garlic—and if his nose wasn’t betraying him, simmering in some balsamic vinegar and soy sauce—that he had memorized long ago. But after a moments’ hesitation, they walked up to him once again, sliding his jacket out from underneath him and carefully folding it.
“You should go to your quarters and get a proper sleep in. I’ve got it from here.” With that sweet smile of theirs that threatened to send his heart into overdrive, they began to usher him out. “When you’re up again, I’ll reheat your food for you. You don’t look so ready to eat now.”
If he was looking as green as he felt, he couldn’t blame them one bit for calling it out as it is. Clearing his throat once then twice, he tried to speak again, voice awfully raspy (even more than after he’d had a smoke). “You… you cooked?”
They hummed in affirmation, now with their back turned to him as they began to crack eggs into a pan. “Not done yet, but yeah. You’ve only slept a couple of hours, so I figured it would be better if I managed to get us through breakfast in your place. Won’t be as good as yours, but I hope you can trust me to try.”
As they waved off to their left, he saw how they’d propped up his notebook against the pepper shaker. And maybe this was just him feeling extra sensitive and still a little in a haze, but something stirred in his chest at the thought of them carefully following every step in his recipes and diligently trying to emulate his cooking.
“Mon ange, you shouldn’t have…” His voice was still a little rough yet trembling with the emotions he couldn’t even try to hide; emotions that were bigger than his own feeble heart could take. His fists curled at his sides, eyebrows furrowed as he watched them elegantly handle the kitchenware like they were their own. This was too much for him. “I can handle my own hangover. It’s… it’s not your responsibility to do my own job.”
With a sigh, they turned down the stove and looked back at him with an exasperated yet incredibly fond look in their eyes. “You silly man, no one’s forcing me to do this.” At the affectionate lilt of their voice, Sanji’s mouth went dry, and he tried to swallow (with much difficulty) past the lump in his throat.
What could he have possibly done to deserve this? He can’t have earned this much goodness. There simply was no way.
“You don’t have to earn my love, Sanji.” Fuck. Had he really said that out loud? Their soft-spoken words and the sympathetic look in their eyes told him that yes, he had. He hadn’t intended to make himself sound so pathetic, and yet here he was, accepting the way they brushed his curly eyebrow with slivers of shame curling inside his chest. “I’ve already told you, my love is yours to keep,” they softly said.
“Your… pardon, quoi?” His heart came to a stuttering stop, all his movements halted and his eyes blown wide open almost comically as the words they said finally hit him.
One look at how utterly confused and shocked he looked, and realization seemed to dawn on their face. “I guess it would be too ambitious of me to expect you to remember much of last night,” they huffed out a laugh, before taking to the chopping board and beginning to chop up some fresh vegetables as they slowly spoke, as though hoping to break it gently. “You weren’t the only one who had an indirect confession in store.”
Digging the palms of his hands into his closed eyes, Sanji threw back his head and groaned as the memories came back to him bit by bit, achingly slowly and then all at once. “Merde,” he hissed out, the throbbing in his head doubling with every image that replayed in his head. “I can’t believe…” It was almost like he’d set a personal challenge for how much a person could embarrass themself within less than 12 hours.
What other explanation was there for him just completely forgetting that the one person who’d burrowed into the depths of his heart had somehow expressed that they felt the same for him? How else could he explain not remembering that they’d said that they wanted to be with him, in some miraculous way that he still couldn’t quite believe was real?
The chop-chop-chop of the knife stilled, and they set it down with a chuckle that sent tingles down his spine and his heart into near cardiac arrest. Lovely, lovely, lovely. His hangover seemed to have a weak spot for their laughter too, because why else would his headache somehow chip away just at the sound?
They were quick to soothe him with their words, their hands reaching up to tug his arms back to his sides. “It’s fine, I promise. You’re just a bit disoriented now.” Looking into such a fond gaze didn’t help the heat rushing to his cheeks, and he found himself being reminded of just how desperately in love he was; so much that he could swear it burned him alive. “I mean it though,” they earnestly mumbled, tenderly cupping his face, “and I’ll wait till you’re well-rested. Then we’ll talk.”
“Alright,” he managed to whisper out between breaths, “But—“
“Go.” They gave him a gentle push, before turning around to stir something in a small pot and add some spices that made the smell even more tantalizing. “If you don’t want breakfast to be a disaster, that is. Wouldn’t want to send my boyfriend’s kitchen up in flames.”
That’s it. A sharp pang in the deepest crevices of his chest and he was gone, his head floating with dizziness and his vision swimming. Sanji was long dead and on his way to whichever heaven would accept him; a heaven where he was somehow inexplicably loved and wanted; a heaven where he’d hear those words from their lips and know that they were indeed—thanks to some ridiculously generous higher power that blessed him beyond his wildest dreams—referring to him.
The last thing he felt were his limbs failing to keep supporting him, and a lightheadedness that overtook him so suddenly, crumpling to the ground in a helpless heap.
I think I’m gonna die a lucky man, he dazedly thought to himself, before finally succumbing to a blissful unconsciousness against the cold kitchen floor.
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Taglist: @stories-that-shaped-me @finch-ya @wifeofkyojuro @fluffismystaplefood @angry-and-yandere @semi-orangeapple @carsonology @respitable @spotted-salamander @musiclover2119 @thatbaepizzalover @scentisterror @shengbiao-shiny @jammycheese @klutzycora-san @hyunskz
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ffsg0jo · 3 months
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𝖆𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓[𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘] - 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1
no way. there's absolutely no way you're tutoring sukuna. never in a million years, not if there was a gun to your head, not if.... gojo's willing pay?? maybe you can make arrangements, after all you're always happy to help >_<
college au - various x fem! reader
warnings: swearing, sukuna, ooc characters, mentions of pregnancy (NOT the reader)
w/c: 2500 words+ (somewhat proofread)
a/n: this chapter took so so long and i apologise for that :(( thank you to @storiesoflilies for beta reading and for the encouragement!! and thank you to everyone who left a lovely comment too. they honestly give me so much motivation and energy to write more <33
series masterlist :: general masterlist
join the taglist here to be tagged in future chapters <33
previous chapter :: next chapter
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it was a beautiful and blessed day. somehow, the stars aligned, and you and shoko managed to wrap up your lectures early and go for lunch together. heaven knows you needed a break, and its light truly was shining down on you.
shoko, being a med student, had a packed timetable, and you rarely saw each other. you missed your best friend and spending your free time tutoring was taking a toll on you.
with your lunches comfortably settled into your stomachs, you both turned to your favourite pastime. gossiping.
“you know that one third year?”
“which one shoko? there’s literally hundreds?”
“the rude one, shit i’ve forgotten her name,” shoko rubs her forehead with one hand, a cigarette in the other. she puffs out smoke, manoeuvring her lips so it avoids hitting your face. “with the long brown hair? spilt her drink on you on purpose?”
“ohh you mean yorozu?” you say, finally realising who she was talking about.
you remembered that day like it was yesterday. you were sitting in the library tutoring geto when all of a sudden gojo comes waltzing in looking for him, his entourage hot on his tail.
apparently, yorozu didn’t like geto’s attention being on you (even though you were there for strictly business purposes), and ‘accidentally’ dropped her drink in your lap.
that might’ve been the only time gojo had been somewhat nice to you, grabbing a bunch of tissues from his pocket and offering you his jacket to cover up the stain.
still, it didn’t make up for the other 99 times he was a prick. and it only made yorozu hate you more.
you pause, taking a sip from your mug. “i don’t want to be mean, but she’s such a bitch.”
“she literally made fun of professors toji’s daughter who’s terminally ill, there’s a special place in hell for her,” shoko paused and took a long drag of her cigarette before continuing. “anyways apparently she’s pregnant with that one third year with the facial tattoos.”
your mouth falls open in shock, and the mug nearly falls out of your grasp.
“choso?!? choso got her pregnant?!!? there’s no way, choso would never, he’s so sweet! and if he did he’d tell me!”
“not choso you dumbass. sukuna.”
“oh,” you deadpan. “him.”
sukuna, whilst you’ve had the pleasure of never really interacting, was one of gojo’s little friends. you really didn’t want to judge people on appearances, but sukuna lived up to his expectations.
for the most part, he’d ignore you when gojo relentlessly bothered you. but sometimes you’d catch him giving you the dirtiest and most scathing looks. as if you personally replaced the feathers in his pillow with dog shit. how he and yuuji, the absolute sweetheart of a first year you tutored, were brothers was beyond you.
snorting at the look on your face, shoko brings her cigarette up to her mouth once more.
“wait sukuna?” you said somewhat confused. “i thought she was with geto?”
“they weren’t together. she was fucking both and was trying to sleep with gojo too.”
“how on earth do you know all of this?”
“gojo has a big mouth, and we have lab together.”
you hum in acknowledgement, remembering shoko complaining at the beginning of last semester, about how much of an annoyance he was.
“what about nanami?” you asked, trying to act nonchalant and disinterested. he was part of their friend group, and he could be considered attractive by a lot of people (definitely not your own words), so it was only natural to ask, you rationalise. shoko gives you a pointed look, slightly raising her eyebrow.
“she hasn’t slept with him if that’s what you’re worried about, she thinks he’s ‘too boring’.”
‘too boring my ass’ you mutter to yourself. nanami was one of the best listeners and conversationalists, you know, if not the best. and he was funny! sure, maybe his humour wasn’t for everyone, but his dry and witty remarks had you snorting ten out of ten times.
a part of you almost sighed in relief that nanami hadn’t fallen into her trap. she was beautiful and looked like a model. and whilst you were confident in your looks, you were certain you didn’t stand a chance next to her.
a sudden ping pulls you out of your thoughts. sheepishly apologising to shoko, you turn to put your phone on silent. she waves her hand at your apology and takes one last drag of her cigarette before stamping it out on the ashtray.
you quickly check the notification, eyebrows furring at the unknown number. shoko sees the look on your face and asks if everything’s okay. instead of responding, you show her the message.
‘hey it’s sukuna. need a tutor u free?’
speaking of the devil, you wonder how he got your number and why he thought to message you of all people. probably through yuuji, but he would’ve asked if you were okay with it first. you just got rid of a student, and you wanted some time to yourself. also, sukuna of all people wanted a tutor?!? he barely shows up to lectures and seminars there’s no way he’s serious about studying.
“just ignore him,” shoko said, seeing the turmoil on your face. for once, you decided to agree with her and took her advice. she’s right, you’re not obliged to tutor anyone, especially not someone like sukuna. you were trying to distance yourself from that group to avoid trouble anyway.
sighing you lock your phone, ignoring his message and turning back to shoko.
before long you’ve completely forgotten about his message, caught up in shoko’s wild escapades.
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it had almost been a week since sukuna first messaged you, and you still hadn’t responded. truthfully, sukuna had forgotten about it after a day or two. but then his academic advisor scheduled a meeting for him to discuss his future at the university, and he panicked, suddenly remembering his message.
‘too nice and too scared’ to refuse him his ass. nothing but pure waffle comes out of gojo’s mouth, he doesn’t know why they’re still friends if he’s being honest.
“why the sour face?”
sukuna turns to the girl lying beside him and resists rolling his eyes. he was hoping she’d have left by now, but here she was, on his bed. her hand on his chest was slowly moving further down.
“none ya business, don’t ya have anywhere to be?” he bites back.
the girl’s eyes narrow as she stares at sukuna coldly. retracting her hand, she moves off the bed and picks her clothes up off the floor, taking her time in putting her tights on.
“scan’s next week, baby should be the size of a plum, you coming?”
“’s not mine, go ask the twelve other guys you’ve slept with.”
yorozu falters, her dress still bunched up around her midsection. she turns away from him, rushing to roll her dress down and moves to the door. a part of sukuna feels bad, he really shouldn’t be nasty, but he was adamant the child wasn’t his. even at her insistence on her being on birth control, he never once went without a condom.
once she hurried out of his room, he let out a massive sigh. god, where did it all go wrong? here he was, about to flunk out of uni, potentially be stuck paying child support for the rest of his life, and loveless.
at least his brat brother was doing well. yuuji and sukuna were like night and day, but he thanked every god out there for the way yuuji turned out. sure, he was a little stupid at times, but his brother always gave it his all and had the purest heart. the effort he put into raising yuuji really paid off.
“morning kuna,” yuuji chirped as sukuna walked into the kitchen of their shared apartment. of course, he was already up and making breakfast for the two. “i’d ask if you slept well, but i saw that girl running out of your room.”
sukuna only grunted, scratching his bare stomach in response. yuuji continues scrambling the eggs as sukuna grabs two plates from the cupboards and places them next to the stove.
“dunno why you’re still with her kuna. i support all women, don’t get me wrong, but she’s horrible! the things she’s said about gumi’s sister, i’m embarrassed to know her by association!”
“s’nothing to do with me, quit yappin.”
yuuji side eyes his older brother with a look of disgust on his face. why sukuna insists on sleeping with her is beyond him. he knows for a fact sukuna has zero feelings for the girl and is just using her.
yuuji tuts and shakes his head, plating up the eggs and moving to the dining table where they both tuck in.
“thanks for breakfast brat,” sukuna says, mouth full of food,
“no problem big bro,” yuuji beams.
the youngest itadori glances at his watch and jumps up suddenly, realising the time and leaving his breakfast half uneaten. he runs into his room and comes back out 3 seconds later with a bunch of textbooks and papers.
“(name)’s coming over for our study session, she should be here now.”
you tutored yuuji? since when? just as sukuna’s about to ask his little brother someone knocks on the door of their apartment.
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you were feeling good today. with a lecture in the afternoon, you thought you’d fit in one of your students for an early study session, and who better than yuuji. he worked better in the mornings, and he was a pleasure to teach, so you were actually quite looking forward to it.
you knock on yuuji’s door and anxiously wait for him to open the door. you hear the lock turn, and the door creaks open; your face falls upon seeing who’s on the other side. the universe must hate you.
you’ve never once ran into sukuna whilst tutoring yuuji, thanking your lucky stars every day. but the one time you wanted to avoid him at all costs he’s there in all his glory.
there sukuna’s stood, topless and in his boxers, his bulky torso managing to take up the whole doorframe.
eyes naturally falling to his chest, you notice the tattoos across his body. the rings around his biceps and wrists, the delicious markings across the expanse of his torso, they complement the ones on his face so well, and you can appreciate good art when you see it.
wait, delicious? you snap out of your thoughts and meet sukuna’s gaze, who’s smirking down at you, having noticed your oogling. your face instantly morphs into a scowl.
“take a picture it’ll last longer”
“is yuuji home?” you say, choosing to ignore his words for your own sanity.
“aww you embarrassed about being caught staring?”
“it’s too early for this, if yuuji’s not home i can come back another day.” stepping back, you turn to walk away, but yuuji’s out-of-breath shriek stops you.
“kuna stop bothering her! ‘m here (name), was in a rush getting everything ready, just come in.”
you brush past sukuna, your elbow grazing his warm, bare skin. willing yourself to not think about it, you follow yuuji into the living room, where everything’s set up.
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surprisingly, sukuna leaves you both alone whilst you’re tutoring yuuji, choosing to take his breakfast into his room after forcing yuuji to finish his first. sukuna was many things, but a bad brother was not one of them you realised.
a part of your heart softened seeing him take care of yuuji, glad he had that support system in his life. but the other part of you got the heebie jeebies.
still, the last thing you wanted was sukuna to confront you about his message, knowing you had ignored it. as yuuji’s session was drawing to a close, you started forming an escape plan. if you ran fast enough, you could avoid ever bumping into sukuna on the off chance he decided to confront you. and if you just grabbed your shoes and put them on outside the apartment complex you’d be even quicker!
with your plan ready and all thought out, as soon as yuuji finished his last question, you packed up, said your goodbyes, and bolted towards the door. it was like you had developed tunnel vision, blurring everything out except the door. you were so close, and so far, there was no sign of sukuna. you could do this! you could pull this off!
“leavin without saying goodbye?”
you stopped in your tracks, recognising the irritating voice coming from behind you. maybe if you just ignored him he’d go away?
you couldn’t though, you raised yourself with good enough manners, so begrudgingly, you turn around to face sukuna.
sukuna had a massive smirk on his face. he saw the way you almost ran towards the door, evidently trying to avoid bumping into him. it was actually quite comical, to be honest.
he did feel a little bad for you. you didn’t have the best experiences with him and his friends, so it was somewhat understandable. but gojo would not stop talking about how you were smart and a great tutor, and he really needed someone’s help.
sukuna would never admit it, but the textbook and the hundreds of research papers were completely inaccessible to him. he couldn’t understand the results sections to even decipher whether the results were shown to be significant or not. and why do people accept the null hypothesis? what even is the null hypothesis? and what is that funky little r he sees everywhere?
anyway, the bottom line is he really needed the help. sukuna sighed and realised he needed to come at this from a different angle.
“listen ‘m sorry about ambushing you, but i really need a tutor.”
the apology and defeat in his voice struck you off guard. maybe you were wrong about sukuna. maybe he just had a really angry resting face all those times he stared at you like you murdered his family.
“can’t you ask anyone else,” you replied
“not many people can get through yuuji’s thick skull, so you must be one helluva tutor. and gojo'll pay for your time.”
you raised your eyebrows at that, not believing satoru gojo would be willing to pay you for tutoring someone else. regardless if he truly was, you weren't going to say no to money. especially since he was known throughout the university for his trust fund.
your shoulders dropped, and you looked up at the ceiling, trying to think of what to do. he was being uncharacteristically nice about it, and you can never say no to people when they’re polite. plus the money would be good.
“fine,” you acquiesced. “i’ll do it.”
“wait seriously?”
“yes, but i can only do wednesday afternoons.”
“but not this wednesday, we’ll start next week.”
“got it, next wednesday.”
sukuna was half expecting you to say no, but he’d take it. he gruffly thanked you, saying he’d message you about further details later and left you to put your shoes on in peace.
slipping them on, you mourned your no longer free wednesdays. you’d worry about lesson plans and everything later, but for now, you needed some strong coffee to get you through the rest of the day.
what had you gotten yourself into?
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© ffsg0jo 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way shape or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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yourdoorisunlocked · 4 months
The Altruist Family Children - Headcanons
𝐀/𝐍: Some headcanons about Alastor x Reader's children in my AU <33
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🎙️ Rowan and Louise are darling twins of the Altruist Family, your own little bundles of joy that grew up to wreak havoc across the neighborhood. Absolute sweethearts.
🎙️ They both look strikingly similar to their father, with deep gray skin, cherry red hair and gleaming yellow teeth, sharpened to the point, but their hair ends in tangles and curls, much like Alastor's when he was alive.
🎙️ Lousie is Alastor's little princess, of course, and he just adores doting on the little girl. Purchasing her whatever her little heart desires, whether it be trinkets and toys, her favorite desserts, frilly dresses and laced skirts – he'd spoil her absolutely rotten.
🎙️ Rowan, on the other hand, was quite the anomaly, at first. Raising a boy – as a father – were uncharted waters that Alastor wasn’t all too keen to tread, at first.
🎙️ Truly, Alastor was just little bit nervous apprehensive when he learnt that you would be having a boy, since his own experience with his father was rather... unsavory, to say the least. But when you sat him down, giving him all the faith and reassurance a man could ever need, well... how could he say no to his darling wife? 
🎙️ And so, Alastor resolves to raise Rowan as his dear mother, bless her heart, raised him to be – a gentleman. The first time Rowan opened the front door for you was the only time Alastor allowed a camera inside the house, or anywhere near his children.
🎙️ When your sweet little boy finally came of age – at a ripe eight years old – your husband took him out hunting. As much as you wanted to suggest that he wait a few more years, the giddy excitement Alastor exuded while polishing his favorite rifle, preparing for a full weekend of spending time with his son, was just too endearing for you to say no to him. 
🎙️ So, every weekend, Rowan and his father would disappear for a few hours, only to return at near twilight lugging some sort of Hellbeast behind them, and their prey only grew in size each year. And by the time Rowan turned thirteen, it wasn’t just wild game that he and Alastor were hunting. 
🎙️ You cut their hair. No questions asked.
🎙️While Louise refuses to get down into the mud and dirt with her brother and father, she adores gardening and growing her own flowers, and has a collection of books on poisons and toxic plants. You humored her fascination with toxicology and allowed her to grow a collection of poisonous flowers, so long as she kept them far away from the kitchen. 
🎙️ Family dinner nights are a given, especially when Alastor does the cooking. There'll be a jazzy swing number playing in the background, while Louise helps her father prep for the meal, and you'll be laughing and dancing with Rowan in the living room.
🎙️ Sometimes, whenever the children play with you, Alastor would lurk just around the corner, watching you with such softness in his eyes, before they drift down to your stomach. You were so good with them, perhaps you'd grace him with another?
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This turned out to be so long 😭 I just have so many ideas for this AU, I can't wait to release the oneshot
@starsformydarlingmazel, @chitter-chatter, @hazzbindarlingg, @darkangel582, @matrixbearer2024, @prosciuttosblog, @frog-fans-unite, @mysterypotatoink, @burgerflipper72, @chibikochannumberone, @strawberry-gothic, @roboticsuccubus83, @lulurubberduckie, @fangirlanxiety74, @viviannagiorgini, @localmsifan, @justtnat, @karolinda007-blog, @mglawwica, @wonderlandangelsposts, @saitisfied, @repostingmyfavs, @weirdflower2024, @montis-posts, @sirens-and-moonflowers, @theperfectmangovoid
@slytherin4ever, @i-love-jafar, @itzlochnessie, @mariaclarade-la-cruz1, @susvale, @valentique, @twismare, @robin-the-enby, @v3n7s, @forbidden-sunlight, @leathesimp, @matemor, @groovybear99, @frompeach, @moonmark98, @nyxnightshade7656, @sushigogo, @crowleysthings, @zombiesnips-blog, @sirens-and-moonflowers, @impulsivethoughtsat2am, @ashdaidiot, @crybabycat1, @repostingmyfavs, @crazii-saber-wolf, @reikamasama, @dudesorriso, @speckle-meow-meow, @alastor-simp
@maggotzdilemma, @cassidywinters
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saturnznct · 1 year
finding out you’re pregnant again | ldh
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➸ request from anon; heyy i luv all ur works!! it's exactly what im looking for, so cute! also if you still take requests? could i request reader finding out she's pregnant which she didn't expect and announcing it to husband haechan? him being lovey-dovey with reader all excited about the baby, kissing the whole fluff 😁
➸ note; aw bless you anon tysm! hope this is what you were looking for <33
➸ word count; 1223 words
➸ dalgun; aged 8, kyungah; aged 3, sunhee; in the womb lol
➸ warning(s); none
nct masterlist
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
You felt awful. Donghyuck never showed you any signs of stress. His life was so busy, even at his older age, he worked hard as a singer and member of NCT, and even harder as a father to your two young children, Dalgun and Kyungah, who were eight and three years old. He loved his life, he had everything he could possibly want, but you knew things were a lot for him to deal with. The two of you had already tried to take a breather when your daughter Kyungah was born, moving back to Donghyuck’s home of Jeju for a short time. It was beautiful, life was quiet and idyllic, having picnics on the beach and playing in the fields of pink muhly together. But, Donghyuck was constantly called back to Seoul for work, so it was decided that Seoul was the best place for your family to be together. Donghyuck worked so hard to provide for your family, schedules took up large amounts of his day. He would only ever occasionally reveal his worries, telling you that he wanted to be there for your children more and how guilty he felt at his own absence. So now, when you’re staring down at a positive pregnancy test, another type of sick feeling settles in your stomach. Surely this would add so much more weight to Donghyuck’s stress. 
‘Mummy/mommy?’ Kyungah knocks on the bathroom door, interrupting your train of thought. You quickly shove the test under a stack of flannels.
‘Hi sweetheart,’ you open the door, ‘sorry I went away for a few minutes.’
Kyungah doesn’t seem to mind, ‘will daddy be home soon?’
‘I don’t know, angel, why don’t we give him a call?’
‘Please!’ Kyungah crawls onto your bed, sitting up against the headboard, you sitting down beside her and pulling up FaceTime on your phone.
‘Hi baby,’ Donghyuck picks up after a few rings. He’s hunched over his phone, black North Face puffer almost swallowing him whole, black mask pulled up around his face. His eyes look heavy and worn, clearly from his long day.
‘Hi daddy, someone wanted to say hi,’ you pan the camera to Kyungah, whose head is resting on your shoulder. Donghyuck’s eyes brighten at the sight of your daughter.
‘Hi Kyungie,’ you can’t see his mouth, but you can tell how widely he’s smiling.
‘Daddy, are you nearly finished?’ she asks, you stroke her hair as she cuddles you.
’I’m nearly done, sweetheart,’ he confirms, ‘I took my makeup off, look.’
He pulls his mask down slightly, showing a red spot on his face that would usually be covered with concealer, making Kyungah giggle.
‘Just wrapping up, then daddy will come straight home.’
‘Okay,’ Kyungah smiles, ‘I made you a drawing today.’
Donghyuck’s eyes widen, ‘ah, thank you angel, I can’t wait to see it.’
‘Kyungah, honey, why don’t you go make sure it’s all ready to give to daddy?’ you suggest, wanting to speak to Donghyuck alone for a minute.
‘Okay!’ Kyungah shuffles off the bed, toddling away towards the shared playroom.
‘Are you alright?’ Donghyuck suddenly looks concerned, wondering why you’d had Kyungah leave.
‘I don’t know,’ you answer truthfully, ‘had a super long day.’
‘You look exhausted,’ he sighs, and you laugh dryly.
‘I am. I- can we talk when you come home?’
‘Are you sure everything’s okay?’
‘I just want to talk,’ you know you’re likely worrying him further, but you don’t have the will to say that things are okay.
‘Alright, we’ll talk,’ he hums, ‘I love you, I’ll be home soon.’
‘I love you too,’ you smile weakly, ‘I’ll see you soon.’
Donghyuck arrives home less than an hour later, both of your children running to meet him at the door.
‘Hey, you guys should be in bed! It’s too late to be this excited,’ Donghyuck takes the both of them into his arms regardless, squeezing them and pinching their sides.
‘Come on, you two, let daddy breathe.’
The kids remove themselves from Donghyuck, but are still excitable.
‘I think it’s your bedtimes,’ Donghyuck announces, the two kids groaning.
‘But you just got here,’ Dalgun whines.
‘Bedtime doesn’t change,’ Donghyuck shakes his head, motioning up the stairs, ‘lets get ready for bed, Lees.’
The kids go through their bedtime routine, you and Donghyuck supervising as they brush their teeth and wash their faces, each sleepily wandering to their bedrooms.
You both read a story to Kyungah first, with her being the youngest, Donghyuck kissing her forehead and murmuring a ‘good night, angel’ before flicking on her nightlight and leaving her to sleep.
Dalgun, being older, only takes a kiss and a cuddle as a goodnight, before you and Donghyuck are left alone.
‘Hey,’ Donghyuck wraps his arms around your waist from behind, ‘you okay?’
‘I have to tell you something,’ you mumble, ‘sit down.’
Donghyuck removes himself from you, sitting down on your bed.
‘I- I didn’t feel too well, the other day,’ you begin, standing in front of him, fidgeting with your fingers.
‘I know,’ Donghyuck nods, ‘do you still feel unwell? Do you need me to stay at home with you and the kids? Because I can-‘
‘Hyuck, I thought I might be pregnant.’
Donghyuck’s eyes widen, ‘you think you’re pregnant?’
His expression is hard to read, he looks equally shocked and unnerved.
‘Hyuck, I know I’m pregnant.’
His face grows softer, but he still doesn’t react much.
‘I’m sorry,’ you begin to ramble, his head snapping up, ‘you’re so busy. You work so hard for us and you have so much on your plate, even without the children, I mean, we already had to leave Jeju, I should’ve been more careful and-‘
‘Hey, don’t say that,’ he’s grinning, arms reaching out to hold your waist, ‘come here.’ You hide your face in his neck, feeling some slight reassurance as he reaches a hand to your hair and begins running it through his fingers.
’This is good,’ he’s smiling widely into your head, ‘this is a good thing.’
You sniff, tears swimming in your eyes, ‘but-‘
‘No, stop that,’ Donghyuck gently pulls you down onto his lap, ’I know it may feel like I’m so busy all the time, and I’m sorry. I have honestly been thinking recently that I need to cut down, I miss the three of you and I miss Jeju. I’ve enjoyed my career.. but I want to be with my family even more.’
You pull away, reaching into the pocket of you hoodie to show Donghyuck the positive test.
‘Wow,’ he sighs in disbelief, breaking into the widest most genuine smile you’d seen from him in a long time, ‘we really made another baby.’ He presses a long kiss to your cheek, arms still secure around your waist.
‘I’ll start cutting down,’ he declares, ‘before it’s too late, we’ll move back down to Jeju. Give our children the life we’ve always wanted to give them.’
‘You love your work..’
‘I love you, Dalgun, Kyungah and this baby so much more.’
‘We love you too,’ you smile tiredly, lifting your shirt a little.
Donghyuck practically melts, despite the fact there’s no change to you yet.
‘Oh, angel, I would do anything for you,’ he tilts your head down, kissing you deeply, before sinking down and kissing your stomach, ‘and all of our babies.’
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ohgodimafraud · 9 months
panic! at the drugstore (j/jk, nanami)
hiiiii @ezynse merry xmas, happy new year, happy day. <3
im ur secret santa. <33 i hope u like this fic. ily. i want u to know the j key on my keyboard is challenged so i wrote "Goo" by accident sm ToT
(sorry for the title i dont even rlly listen to them i- )
please keep this to sneeze kink blogs only! 18+ only!
Summary stuff:
Fandom: J/JK
Characters: Nan//ami, Go/jo, Ijic/hi, Yu/ji,
Pairings: slight nana/go. in the way la croix has flavor
Good future AU (no bad stuff, everyones an adult. set in 2023)
As soon as Nanami detected Gojo’s presence, he should have turned on his heel and left. Instead, he’d gone into the drugstore, reasoning that the necessity of his trip outweighed the aggravation it’d cause. He wasn’t naive enough to hope he’d get out of here without any additional psychic damage but maybe he’d luck out and Gojo would— 
“Nanami!” Gojo sang from a few aisles over. This was starting to play out like one of his nightmares. Verbatim. “Wow, you shop here too?!” 
“Not anymore.” 
Gojo laughed easily and brushed off the obvious rejection with a wave of his hand. “Oh, don’t act like you’re not happy to see your best buddy!”
“I have no such thing.” Nanami sighed and drew out a cough in the process which he managed to muffle into the sleeve of his jacket. Anyone else would have read the room and left him alone, but Gojo continued to chatter on at a volume unfit for the public space they were in. If only he’d move back a few centimeters so Nanami could escape without having to push past him and potentially causing a bigger scene than they’re already causing. He’d already used up his energy—both cursed and otherwise—at work today and he was quickly fading. 
 For the first time, he wished he could focus on the bubblegum pop blasting through the speakers with its sentiments of Sakura blossoms and old times; it would beat trying to follow the embellished story Gojo was telling. He pinched the bridge of his nose. To make matters worse, the temperature change had caused the congestion that had mostly settled by the end of the train ride over here to return with a vengeance. His nose threatened to drip and he risked a small sniffle. Immediately, he recognized it as a mistake when the lingering prickle sharpened and traveled deeper into his nose.
As if he hadn’t sneezed enough today. 
“And after all that I got some wagashi at this great place near the hospital, Great Luck right? And haha it was! Anyway, the point is… I got some stuff for Yuji, but then I got hungry waiting for the car so I figured I’d better make up for it.”
Nanami made a point of checking his watch as a last ditch effort for a polite departure, less for Gojo’s sake and more for the sake of everyone else in this godforsaken store. But most of all for his own sake, considering he’s quickly losing the battle against the pertinent tickle up his right nostril. “I don’t have time to talk,” he said evenly, breath only wavering once he’s gotten the last word out. 
Unfortunately, Gojo clasped his shoulder, refusing to let him leave. “Did you take the train here? We could carpool instead, Ijichi is—”
“ht’KKxt!” Nanami interrupted with a poorly restrained sneeze directed into the sleeve of his jacket. 
“Bless you!” Gojo’s head lolled to the side; he had the decency to release him, but otherwise didn’t move out of his personal space. Nanami nodded and turned away. “Wow, that sounded painful. You okay?”
It was. “hGNXt’ch! h’kKt…chh.” Damnit. “Hh- kmpht’Chhh!” He might not have been able to see Gojo’s eyes, but he sure could feel them on him. This tickle just wasn’t going to quit until he let it out, and he’d rather end this as soon as possible. “h’eSCHh!” 
“Oh bless you.” Gojo, ever uncaring of displaying any decorum, took zero steps away from him. He examined him from a few different angles, tapping his chin as he hovered. “Bet I can guess why you’re here today!”
“Excuse me.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed small circles all the way into the inner corners of his eyes and tried to ignore the heat that had risen to his ears. His head pounded even harder than it had before. 
“Always so formal, huh?”
Always so inappropriately casual, huh? Nanami glanced at Gojo’s basket and its contents: strawberry shampoo, bags of candy, winter apple body wash, face masks, moisturizer, cotton candy flavored lip gloss, and more items he couldn’t quite make out, but surely none of them were essential enough to inconvenience Ijichi in the way Gojo was. Everything he’s learned about Satoru Gojo has been against his will, and now he’s horrified that his brain was wasting the time wondering if he’s one of those people who can’t go to the store and truly buy one item.
“So, how was your—”
“I don’t have time to talk. Excuse me.” Risking a shoulder check, Nanami walked towards the aisles. He tried not to sniffle more than strictly necessary and tried to ignore the extra set of footsteps behind him. Key word was tried.
“Oh wow, you really sound terrible.” Gojo said sympathetically, continuing to haunt Nanami all the way to the cold and flu aisle. “How long have you had that cold?”
Why did it have to be Gojo?
“Stop following me.”
“You forgot your basket, though.” 
So he did. “I don’dt need that much.” It was true, but Nanami accepted the basket anyway from the pouting man. 
“Mm, really? You kinda sound like you’re dying, y’know.” Gojo wandered around the aisle and picked up a box of medicine that he held up to his blindfolded eyes. “No offense.” A man started walking in their direction, took one look at Gojo, and immediately turned around. Nanami released a small forlorn sigh through gritted teeth.
“I’ll be finde.” he said, clearing his throat. He could curb the hoarse quality his voice had taken on, but the congestion was something he’d have to live with for now. “You mentionded Ijichi is waiting?”
“Yeah, so hurry up, Nanami!”
“I will n’dot be ri-ridi’hhgg wih—” He’d gotten distracted and hadn’t noticed that the itch from before had been slowly respawning. Gojo gave a questioning hum as Nanami his knuckle to his nose, sniffled sharply, and cleared his throat again. “I will not be riding with you.”
 “Aw, not with me?” 
Nanami shot him a glare. All of his efforts were in vain because the urge to sneeze returned with a vengeance and demanded his attention in a way that put Gojo’s efforts to shame. The prickle spread like wildfire through his sinuses, and in spite of his efforts in snuffing it out, he’d allowed himself to get distracted enough to give the enemy the advantage. “Hh-!” He inhaled sharply before shoving the back of his wrist up to his nose. “nGhthsCH! hh’NGXTCHh’ueh!” That last one had been particularly loud but had been just as unrelieving as its predecessors. “hehH’TSChhiuh!”
 Gojo patted his back. There was a warmth to his palm that Nanami could feel even through the layers of fabric acting as a buffer between them. “Bless you.” Using only his free hand, he easily broke the seal of a travel pack of tissues on the shelf and nudged a few tissues into Nanami’s palm.
“You’re supposed to pay first.” In spite of the protest, he fixed his glasses that were in danger of falling off his face and accepted the tissues; by noon, his handkerchief had become unusable and he’d already gone through the tissues he’d accepted at the train station this morning, so his options were limited. He turned away for a moment to blow his nose. While his efforts were productive, they did little to kill the taunting buzzing in the back of his nose. He pinched his nostrils shut from behind the tissue and willed the tickle to recede.
“Not yet! Hey if I buy your stuff will you ride with me? Wouldn’t you get back sooner that way? Oh, bless—”
“—you again!”
He took a moment to massage the bridge of his nose in a silent apology to himself for the poor attempt at stifling before clearing his throat and bringing up sodden tissue to wipe the lingering moisture from the red rims of his nostrils. 
No amount of free cold medicine would make spending his free time with this absolute menace in a small enclosed space worth it, but at the same time it’d be less aggravating for him to just go along with it in the long run. Gojo’s already made it clear he has no intention of leaving him alone. He gave half a nod and picked up the first bottle of cold medicine that he saw and a bag of face masks and took a few steps in the direction of the check out. 
“That’s all you’re buying?” Gojo asked. His lips formed an exaggerated frown and his forehead wrinkled as if he was bewildered by Nanami’s shopping habits.
Nanami was too busy fighting a losing battle against the threat of another sneeze to tell Gojo to stop adding more items to the basket, but he managed to shoot him a pointed glare before his expression crumpled. “Hh- hehhH- …mPHTtshhiuh! Pardon,” he said more out of habit than anything and wiped his nose again, “I have more than enough now.” 
“So frugal.”
He supposed the cough drops, vicks, lotion tissues, vitamins, and nasal spray wouldn’t hurt, especially if accepting them will get Nanami out of here faster. Since he’d already opened the tissues, he figured he might as well put on one of the masks in the pack. His glasses immediately fogged and he tucked them into his inner coat pocket.
After they’d approached the register Gojo told the cashier they would be paying together and nuzzled his cheek against Nanami’s shoulder in an intimate way. He’d smack him later. 
The cold pierced through Nanami’s coat as soon as they opened the door. As annoying as this situation is, he can’t say he’s upset that he won’t have to walk back to the train station. They turned a corner and Gojo pointed out the car. 
“I know, I know.” Gojo opened the door to the passenger side and abruptly wrapped an arm around Nanami’s shoulder, yanking him into the field of vision as if he’d run away. “That took a little longer than I said, but look who I ran into!”
“Nanamin!” Itadori called out from the back seat with a cheery wave. Nanami is just as surprised to see him, though he’d mostly tuned out Gojo’s story. “No way, what a coincidence!”
Nanami shot Gojo a withering look and gave a slight bow to Itadori. “Itadori-kun…” 
“Think fast!” Gojo called out and threw a bag of candy at Itadori. 
He caught it easily. “Wow, thank you, Gojo-sensei!” 
“Gojo-san, we were meant to be back over a half hour ago—“
“Ijichiiii, you need to relax. Seriously, you’re already getting frown lines, that’s no good. Look, I even got something for you. Tadaaa~” He dropped a pack of instant udon into his lap and a face mask and made himself comfortable in the passenger seat. “Can you drop Nanami Kento-kun off first?”
“Don’t call me that.”
Ijichi sighed and took a moment before he half-heartedly thanked Gojo for the gifts. Then he turns to look at the backseat. “Of course, Nanami-san.” He and Nanami shared a quick glance as the cause of their stress tore into his own pack of candy and ate it noisily. 
“Oh, why are you wearing a mask, Nanamin?” Itadori asked as Nanami sat next to him and put on his seatbelt. “Do you have a cold?”
“It’s alright,” Nanami assured him and cleared his throat, “just a mild one.”
“I dunno if mild is the right word there, Nanamin.” Gojo interjected as Ijichi finally started driving.  
Itadori’s face fell and Nanami sincerely considered kicking the back of Gojo’s chair, though he was too busy pinching his nose shut over the fabric of the mask to stifle a sneeze that had nearly escaped his detection. “hGXxt’chshh!- excuse me.”
“Bless you. I hope you feel better soon.” Itadori frowned and offered him a piece of candy. Nanami shook his head and Itadori shrugged and ate it himself. 
“You’re gonna pop an eardrum like that,” Gojo chastised, clicking his tongue.
All of this was past the point of the nightmare he’d thought he was having earlier and was starting to veer into the fever dream category. Perhaps in more ways than one. Gojo flicked through the radio stations until he found what he was looking for and started singing along with a pop song. Itadori joined him and they pointed at each other while Nanami reflected on his life choices and folded his arms more tightly over his chest.  
Nanami glanced at Ijichi’s GPS. Twenty minutes of this felt like a death sentence. His limbs had started aching a few hours ago and now that the adrenaline was long dead and he was sitting again, he felt it in full force. The sudden urge to lean his temple against the foggy window arose and he indulged in it, ever so slowly pressing his forehead to the window. 
While Gojo was especially pitchy, the noise at least took the focus off of Nanami as he muffled a series of throat-tearing coughs against the crook of his arm. His lungs gave a slight whine as he regained his breath and he could feel the silent attention the other three men were giving him. 
“Can you breathe okay, Nanamin?” Itadori asked, patting his shoulder. If it were anyone else, Nanami would have batted the hand away, but doing that to Itadori would feel like kicking a puppy and it's not like he was heartless. While most people become hardened and jaded after living the life of a jujutsu sorcerer, Itadori remained as kind and genuine as ever over the years. 
Instead he nodded. “Yes. Don’t worry.” 
Itadori gave him a thumbs up. The singing continued and he pitied Ijichi for how long he’s had to put up with Satoru Gojo today. 
To Gojo’s credit, he toned down the singing, but Nanami almost wished he’d go back to his caterwauling, because his nose had chosen that moment to betray him yet again. It itched like mad and putting pressure on the tip of his nose did nothing to chase the feeling away. He did his best to muffle it into his sleeve anyway, hoping the extra layers would do anything to make it less intrusive than he knew it would be. “Hh- hgzt’SChhiuh! heHMPHhshh’ieuh!- pardon me.”
“Aw, bless you,” Gojo chimed in, stretching out his seatbelt as he turned his body around to face him. “Do you want my jacket, Nanamin?” He puckered his lips.
This time he let his shoe dig into the bag of Gojo’s chair. “No.”
Ijichi quietly turned up the heat. “Give him a break, Gojo-san,” he said tiredly. 
The rest of the ride quite literally blurred together as Nanami fought to keep his eyes open. With the heat on, his chills were kept at bay, and it was easy to drift off to sleep. He jolted and shook himself awake at least three times before the familiar building came into view, and the third time, it’d been because Itadori was saying his name to get his attention. Ijichi pulled up closer and stopped the car. Nanami thanked him for the ride and held up a hand to stop Itadori from offering a side hug. 
“Get well soon, Nana—”
Nanami shut the car door and ignored the rest of Gojo’s sentence. Getting into the apartment was a blur, but it wouldn’t be the first time he’d come home in rough shape, relying on autopilot. He immediately hung his jacket and loosened his tie, and then he removed his face mask, cringing as he pinched away the lingering moisture from his nostrils. He’d done his best to avoid rubbing his nose all day, but his efforts seemed to be in vain considering how sore it still was. 
As much as he wanted to just collapse into the couch, his discipline won out and he managed to undress. Though, not without challenge. “huhh…HGSCHh’uh!” He sneezed all over his chest, too slow to cover in his exhausted state. Undeniably, it was a relief to be able to sneeze freely in the privacy of his bedroom. “hh-...hDJtSchh’euh! hhaH’DTzSHhh’ih!” 
He found the tissues from the bag and blew his nose, letting out a slight hum of relief as some of the congestion came free. His eyes still ached and with a quick dose of medicine, he was ready to close them. He laid in bed with the extra throw blanket atop the comforter and waited for the chills to die down so he could sleep.
It  was restful for the first few hours. As he’d anticipated, he woke up in the early hours of the morning coughing, hair clinging to his forehead with sweat, and his mouth bone dry. 
3 AM. 
It was too early for this. He forces himself into the kitchen to fill a tall glass with water and to find a few more items from the bag. He took the cough drops out and put one in his mouth and placed the rest of the bag on the bedside table. 
Somehow knowing that he needed as much sleep as possible hindered him from doing so. He drifted in and out of sleeping for the entire morning, occasionally walking up mumbling something incomprehensible. 
He was finally asleep until his phone went off a few minutes past 6 AM. It wasn’t his alarm, but an obnoxious ding.
heyyy nanamin~ 
… Nanami clenched his jaw as he watched the animated ellipses bubble and waited to see what could possibly be so important to disturb him.
good morning! 🌞hope u get some rest today hahaha :D you sounded awful 🤒dont go dying </3
Typically jujutsu sorcerers have about as much paid sick leave as he would’ve had at his former company: basically none. What kind of fucked up—
Nanami frowned, realizing he’d missed some other notifications, including the ones canceling his mission for the day. It’s easy to put the pieces together. He had to put the phone down to sneeze a few times, and it continued to ding throughout his fit.
we’ll have to go out when youre better!! next friday?? theres a new barcade i wanna try and then KARAOKE!!!!!! :DDD
Nanamiiiiii D: 
don’t leave me on read
bless youuuuu :3
no i cant hear u im just guessing
was i right?? o.O 
Nanami silenced his phone and went back to sleep, deciding to address the new situation, along with the strange feelings that’d started coming up, later. For now, at least he could relax. 
Thank you.
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In this life... (Pt. 1 ?)
Summary: Getting married and married life with Welt Yang, domestic, fluffy and wholesome hcs <3
The Proposal:
It took him a while to propose! Taking into consideration how much he's seen within his lifetime, he was very patient and methodical as to when he would be able to pop the question. It kept you on edge, but when time came down to it, it was more than worth it.
It was a private proposal, but extremely personalized and thoughtful gesture. He snuck in an extra scene in a preview of his new Arahato animation with just the two of you at the screening where the mechs shoot fireworks instead of rockets that spelled out the question into the stars.
Welt was so nervous about it the entire time on what you would say. While drafting out a plan, March and Himeko definitely teased him a little bit about the unique idea, but neither could contain their excitement for when it would happen.
When you said yes Welt couldn't believe what he was hearing, smiling fondly at you and barely able to contain his excitement. He holds your hand gently and presses soft kisses against your knuckles, swearing to you that you won't regret this as well as several other sweet promises to be the best husband he could be for you (and boy does he fulfill that promise).
Once word got out that you've said yes, March gave the idea to celebrate accompanied with a commemorative photo.
The Wedding:
Everything runs smoothly thanks to him.
It was a collective effort for the both of you to plan it, fulfilling as many wishes as you had on any possible wedding dreams you’ve had, while also combining it with some of his own!
He volunteers to do lots of the nitty gritty as to how those dreams were to be fulfilled, making the calls and scheduling, it takes off lots of pressures off your shoulder (bless him).
The venue would be on the space station, a beautiful display of the galaxy and well-decorated area. There would be ships that would help get various friends across the galaxy to arrive and watch you two get married and to celebrate!
His vows are very sweet, the kind that’ll pull not only your heart strings but the audience’s as well, every word carrying it’s weight in gold.
March is wailing at this point.
The reception to the two of you was such a blur. Both of you were in a collective daze over the fact you were married, and your dreams made you question if what just occurred was a mere dream, too.
Yet waking up to a peacefully slumbering Welt, your now husband, was an indication that this was as real as it gets.
The Life:
Welt is such husband material;;
Even before you two were married, he already starts calling you his spouse, his lovely wife/husband before the day even comes <3.
Lays awake at night talking about all the sweet and domestic things to happen in the future, adopting any pets, possibilities of children to raise together.
Welt wakes up earlier than you without fail, and you wake up every morning to the smell of freshly brewed coffee/tea wafting in the bedroom that he prepares for you, ready for the second you wake up.
It’s his way of waking you up gently if you have places to be <3
Some days he’ll wait for you in the kitchen reading up on some past history studies or comic books just so he can share a nice morning with you before he has to do any sort of work.
“How did you sleep last night, honey?” “I hope it’s not too early for you” “Any thoughts for dinner later tonight? I was thinking of going on a grocery run later in the day” “We could go and see a new movie together. It’s about…”
Welt wants to spend as much time with you as possible as your husband. He wants to make sure you’re feeling loved and cared for every second you’re together <33. Now that he doesn’t do as much of the adventuring as he did years prior, all he has is time, and is intent on spending it all with you.
There was one time where Welt was running late for a task at hand and he was rushing to get out of the house. He managed to do everything he needed for you but forgot to dress for the bad weather he had to greet him.
“Wait, dear, you forgot your scarf!” once you manage to stop him by tugging at his coat sleeve, you quickly wrap his token scarf loosely around his neck and messily draping over his shoulders.
Such a simple act of kindness and Welt was absolutely smitten. He gives you a small peck on the lips, not having much time to thank you before bolting off to work.
Welt started leaving behind his scarf on purpose so you could help him with it. It felt like an act of endearment, although he’d never admit it he forgot on purpose until you just wordlessly figure it out on your own.
“Oh, honey… you could easily do this yourself, you know.”
“But like all things in my life, my love, it’s much more fun with you.”
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Junelezen Day 4: Departure
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Sickness took him early, just as it had all the others of his family. A curse from the Elementals, he was always told. Derrinall was buried at only 33 summers old, just before the total collapse of Gelmorra. He was not able to witness the end of his people...but perhaps this was a blessing in disguise. His soul went adrift in the Aetherial Sea for years, then decades, then centuries. His sense of self persevered through the times, all the way to the point he was forcefully pulled from its currents.
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blair-the-juggalho · 2 years
Ah! My love, you have once again opened ur requests for get me through life and bless me 🙏🙏
May I oh so request the Ericson gang (except the kiddos, we ain't do that here m'lady) x reader who can be that happiest person ever, energy is an all time high and very positive
They tend to crash and burn a lot, they're like a four year old who ate to many pixie sticks in a club, and have a habit of burning out and finding their s/o and just...kinda falling asleep on em!
Imagine: Mitch for example, doing idk what and here comes us happily tap dancing our ass in and just climbing onto his lap and falling our ass to sleep
If that makes sense! With my love, my one and only 🤭
Anything for you my love! I hope you enjoy <<33
Sorry if I messed this up No1 gal!
Please read the following text allowed with a Scottish accent:
Twdg Ericsson gang with a reader who’s energetic but gets burnt out
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Now this girl is just watching every crazy thing you do either giving you a loving eye roll or a stressed out very love filled sigh <<33
She can’t keep up with you but she loves watching you go crazy and scaring the shit out of Ruby
It’s so funny to her-
She’ll be chilling in her dorm and you burst through and waddle over to her
Climbing into her lap and then falling fast asleep
“Oh fucking god finally-“
She’ll sit there and let you rest for a few hours as she just lets her mind wonder and relaxe
And when you wake up you’re back to fully energy mode
“The walkers alive huh?” She jokes
She finds it adorable
This girl might play a tough act and tell you to chill out some times but DONT EVER she loves it
Especially because at some point you’ll come back to her for a good rest and relaxation
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It took him time to get use to all your energy
But he did like it when you got all sleepy because then he could actually spend time with you and relax
So anyway, he was sat him his dorm room just chilling (because as much as he loves you there’s no way he’d let you sit on his lap or cuddle him in public. Mans got a reputation!)
And you come happily skipping in!
Mitch lets out a jokey sigh and puts down his knife he was carving
You sway about like a silly billy for a bit before climbing onto his lap and falling asleep
Ok now he’s confused
He held on to you gently and just sat there for a few minutes thinking about what tf he’s meant to do…
Are they actually asleep???
He’d gently call your name or gently shake you
Well Shit.
You’re asleep.
He lays down with you and waits for you to wake up
Honestly he enjoys the calmness of this situation
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He was so happy to have someone like you!
But when you get burnt out? You get burnt out together.
You know that joke that’s summat like “if you’re on your period then I’m on my period, it’s a uterUS!”
That’s him when it comes to literally everything
So you’ll both be in your dorm cuddling each other and falling asleep on each other
Everyone’s like “where’s Louis and (name)?
And someone’s (probably Mitch or Vi) are like “they probably finally crashed. Thank the heavens they give us a brake.”
As a joke ofc they all love ya!
When you two wake up it’s all a rise and repeat cycle baby!
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Marlon knew you where always up and running and found it really cute!
Even if he’s worried you’ll braking something or run into someone and start a fight by accident
But much like all the other he can’t keep up
He has important work to do!
So he watches you outside the head teacher’s office with a smile
This one afternoon you prance into his office and walk right up to marlon
He can tell you’re just about ready to crash
You sit on his lap before totally blacking out, fast asleep
He quietly laughs and shakes his head
He picks you up and places you on his bed in the office and joins you so he can rest with you
He finds it as equally adorable when you get all tried and will do whatever he can to make sure you’re ok
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He can’t keep up with you!
I mean don’t get me wrong he loves you but he spends his time watching you instead of joining in with you
But he’s always a few steps ahead
He can tell when you start getting tired
And my man practically teleports next to you
“You finally ready for bed?”
You lean against him, already feeling your eyelids getting heavier, you nod and he drags you back to your dorm
He just sits next to you and chills out with you
He will also stay in the room with you while you sleep incase you wake up
He’ll make sure to be quiet too
Omar likes to stay put making food all day, so he can’t really join you in whatever crazy shit your usually up too
Instead he just watches you from his cooking station, smiling and laughing as you dance about and do stupid parkour on the picnic benches
This is has gotten good at picking up on your body language btw
He can tell when you’re starting to get tired
You cheerfully walk over to him as he’s cooking and just lean on him
You either fall sleep standing up, using him as something to lean against
Or you fall on your ass when you tried to sleep
Omar laughs and carries you back to your dorm as quick as he can
He loves you but he can’t leave food unattended!
Omar’s even already prepared a meal for you so you can eat then have a rest
If you’ve gotten sleepy after he’s finished making food then he’ll sleep next to you, holding you tight
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As much as she admires when your energetic she’s just stood there in shock
“Now how the hell can you have this much energy in the morin’?” She jokes
She does love how positive you are!
It truly brightens up the pace and cheers her up so much!
But when you start getting burnt out she’s instantly by your side and sits you down so you can rest on her
just before you’re about to sleep she gets you up and walks you (or carries you if you’re too gone) to bed
She makes your bed and gets you all cozy
“See? I told you this would happen, sugar! You need to take more care of yourself.”
She already has a drink and some food ready for you when you wake up!
She knows you could use a boost of energy after your crash
Also I’m sorry but you’re not allowed coffee when your hyper (you don’t need THAT much energy…)
Hyper or burnt out, she’s always there to help you!
This girl is always on her toes with you
She usually can’t keep up with you when you’re energetic
She just watched you go crazy while she sits and laughs
She truely does find your energy adorable!But whenever you burn out?
She totally understands!
You’ll come up to her and rest your head on her shoulder
She already knows that means you’re ready to sleep
She’d wait until you’re fully out of it
She finds away to drag you’re fast asleep self all the way to bed
She’d cuddle you while you sleep and wait until you wake up
Brody gives you a gentle kiss on the forehead and softly laughs
“Finally awake? I’m not surprised! Your burning more energy than you already have! You should be more careful, sweetie.”
You never actually listen tho-
And she’s not surprised
Honestly she actually likes it when you get burnt out (as bad as it sounds) because it’s when you two share the most intimate and relaxing moments between you too
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clickerflight · 1 month
Clove: Epilogue
Author's Note: We are at the end. This is wild. I have a hard time finishing stories, and ages ago I started this and thought I would never finish it. But I came back to it and here we are. Here we are. If you have any questions about this story, anything more you want to know, please send me asks. I love everyone who read this, even if you didn't comment or reblog. Thank you.
Masterlist - Part 33
Content: Vampire whumpee, emotional angst, being immortal sucks sometimes, dead body/funeral
The funeral took place on the perfect day. It was warm, but a pleasant breeze swept through the air, stirring everyone’s hair and clothing. The trees rustled warmly, as though telling everyone that it would be alright. 
And it would have to be. 
Margaret lay in the box in front of them, Josh leading the ceremony in her stead. He was officially the village’s witch, with his wife’s help. There were tears in his eyes as he recounted a tale of the old lady bashing his knuckles for putting herbs in the wrong place only to care for the scrape she caused herself. 
“She never really knew her own strength sometimes,” he sniffled. “Or maybe she did and she just didn’t care. She was a good witch, and I hope to fill her shoes one day in taking care of this village.”
Ephraim bowed his head where he sat on a front row next to Benny. Hyrum sat on his other side, his little Goldenrod, who just couldn’t sit still. One moment he’d lean on Ephraim, fidgeting with the old fashioned ruffle tie Ephraim wore, then he would sit up and pick at his crooked fingers, then he would bounce his legs wildly. 
The fourth time Ephraim had to pull Hyrum back up into his seat on the bench as he bent down to look at something in the grass (the church pews having been pulled out for the funeral since it was so nice outside) it hit him through his grief how much of a blessing Hyrum’s constant fidgeting was. 
He opened his eyes and looked at Margaret, lying peacefully in the box and remembered how still and deathly Hyrum himself had been. Ephraim had often wondered if he really was a werewolf, and now his boy, not so little as he’d started a new growth spurt, was acting like a true werewolf. Stir crazy in the sun. 
Benny, on the other hand, was as still as the stones that marked the small graveyard they sat beside. He had helped dig the hole his sister would be going into, dirt still crusted under his nails. He’d started growing his hair long again, and he was wearing something much more sensible, a long brown overcoat overtop a cream linen shirt and black trews. The muscles in his jaw tensed, and Ephraim knew that Benny was trying to convince himself that it wasn’t his fault that he missed so much time with Margie. Trying to convince himself that just getting this last year was a blessing. 
Ephraim knew that argument well. He would continue to lose friends and loved ones, even Hyrum one day, but he was used to that now. Benny would have to learn to come to terms with it as well. 
As Josh went to sit down, Ephraim stood. There was no order to the speeches and anyone could decide to talk if they chose. Ephraim wondered if Benny would. He doubted it, looking back at his fledgling.
Ephraim got up by the casket and looked down at Margie’s face, marveling at how much peace he saw there. How did Josh manage that? He’d always imagined she would look just as stern in death as she was in life. Josh had better not be messing about with dark magic. Again. The man was too curious for his own good. 
Ephraim shook his head and looked out across the crowd. Everyone in the village had come to pay respects, and everyone except for the children were willing to put up with the funeral all afternoon if there were so many speakers. 
In fact, he could see in their faces they were looking forward to Ephraim’s speech; he who knew the witch so well. 
He cleared his throat and said, “About a year and a half ago I attended another funeral. In the fae realm.”
He glanced at Halia and Kortops who sat leaning on one another, Josh and Anna sitting next to them with a child who looked like Dimitri when he was a baby in Anna’s arms. The young lad had finally passed away during the winter while Ephraim and Hyrum had been in the fae realms, and while he had been distressed to hear he had missed the child’s last few months, Halia and Kortops gave them another child to share between the four of them, and shaped by the love of his new human parents, he was growing up to look like Dimitri, if a bit stouter and taller, his eyes more wild and free. Kortops reached over to run a hand over his changeling’s head, Halia smiling as Anna cooed to the baby who was babbling happily. 
“That funeral,” Ephraim continued, “Was the most splendid thing I’d ever laid eyes upon. There was a procession, feasts, and even decorations and food made by magic. However, in all of it, I don’t think a single fae you picked out of the crowd would have been able to tell you the name of the fae who had died.”
There was silence, people almost leaning forward in their chairs. Ephraim barely talked about the fae realms and everyone was desperate to know more. 
“Here, however, I know every single one of you knew Margeret. Every one of you ate her food, had her medicine, knew how a scolding from her felt. Everyone here remembers and honors her memory, and that is more precious than any fae decoration, food, or procession.”
He stopped, feeling choked up before he said, “She was a wonderful woman her whole life. Fearless and true. She never feared what others thought about her and stood for what she knew. Some may call that stubborn, I call that being a good witch.”
Ephraim turned fully to the casket and laid an undying hand on Margaret’s peaceful brow. “Rest now, daughter of Death. Rest now and return. Know that we will miss you, but we will….. Most of us will join you. Beloved and wonderful life burn out and give over to the night. Rest and know we remember you.”
He bowed his head over the funeral rites of an ancient culture he could no longer remember fully before he headed back to his seat. 
There were no more speeches after that. Ephraim had learned to try and go when he felt everyone important had gone at funerals. People told him he had a gift with words, and that there was no possible way to follow him. 
He went back over to the pews and nodded to Hyrum who was making big puppy dog eyes at him. Hyruym jumped out of his seat and ran after the other wolf pups as Ephraim called out, “Try not to ruin your clothes!”
A laugh came from behind him and he turned to find Tory standing there, hand on her hip. “He’s a werepup, Ephraim. You’re wasting your time. Your fault for putting him in those clothes in the first place.”
“Oh?” Ephraim said, raising an eyebrow. “Aren’t those your pups wearing funeral clothing?”
Tori looked over to the box where Margaret lay and sighed. “I wanted to show some respect to her, I guess. Ruined clothing seems the best way to go.”
Ephraim smiled warmly. He was glad to be getting along with Tory more these days. She had to take the brunt of protecting the village while he was gone, and it seemed she had a new understanding and respect for what he did. 
“I’ll keep an eye on the kids,” she said. “Looks like you still have more work to do.”
Ephraim glanced over his shoulder where she was looking to see Benny leaned forward, his head in his hands. 
“Yeah, looks like,” Ephraim said gruffly. 
He nodded to Tory before going and taking a seat beside Benny again. 
Benny didn’t move as Ephraim put a hand on his back. 
“I miss her, Ephraim… and I barely knew her,” Benny whispered. A sob escaped him and he pressed his face into his hands harder. 
Ephraim curled an arm over Benny and pulled him closer and tighter into his side. “I know…. I’m sorry, Benny. I really am.”
Benny trembled for a long moment. “And what if I never die?” he whispered, horrified. “I’ll never see her again.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say never. Life happens. I’ve seen plenty of vampires die, but we have been given this gift, this curse, to never know how long it will take to go with Lady Death and be welcomed home. It’s not easy, but there is still joy to be found in it.”
Benny was silent for a long time before he said, “I don’t want one of your sermons, Ephraim.”
“Okay,” Ephraim said placatingly. He ran a hand up and down Benny’s back as people started to help take pews back to the church, giving Ephraim and Benny space as the ones closest to the witch. 
They sat there, longer than mortals could stand but a short while for beings who lived as long as they did. They were the only ones left, their pew alone beside the graveyard. Maragret’s box had been closed, nailed shut and sprinkled with herbs and flower petals. Benny had shivered with every nail driven into the wood, and Ephraim crooned and chirped to him comfortingly the whole time. 
Ephraim didn’t worry about Hyrum. He had another child to take care of, and Tory would make sure Hyrum ate well. 
Sunset approached and Josh came back from attending to other duties, looking reverent and solemn. “It’s time. Lady Death waits.”
Benny sobbed again and Ephraim helped him up. 
After Benny recovered himself, he took one end of the casket, Ephraim taking the other, and they gently carried it to the hole, lowering it in. 
Ephraim began to fill the hole again, and, after a moment, Benny started to help, though he stopped halfway through to kneel by the hole, sobbing as Josh comforted him. 
Finally, the grave was filled and Ephraim, with dirt covered hands and sweat grimed face, helped Benny up. 
“Watch,” was all he whispered into Benny’s ears. 
Benny opened his eyes as Josh stood before the grave and gave the funeral rites of this culture. “Lady of Death and Skies, here lies a woman. Your beautiful daughter. Recognize her, and take her home. Let her know peace and happiness in the great expanse of your palace.”
Ephraim watched eagerly, and there, invisible to mortal eyes, a woman in dark purple silks and dark vails appeared. Her black wings swept the grass, her wide brimmed hat, like that of a fancy woman’s sun hat, was draped in vails that fell all the way to the ground around her. 
She looked up at the two of them. 
“Ephraim,” she intoned. 
Ephraim let go of Benny, bowing fully from the waist to Josh’s surprise. “My lady.”
She looked to Benny, giving him a soft smile. “She is safe with me,” she promised. 
She bent her knees, reaching down into the ground, coming back with something pale and glowing in her hand before she disappeared. 
“What…. Was that-?”
“The Lady Death,” Ephraim said softly. “This is the gift we have been given, Benny. We do not know when we will die, but we are not left without her comfort.”
“Lady Death? What? Did you see her?” Josh asked the two of them. 
Ephraim smiled at Josh. “A fraction of her, yes. Come on, Benny. There’s celebrating to be done. If you’re not drunk in the hour, slap me.”
The two of them made off into the village to take the edge off their sorrow with remembered joys of Margaret’s life and time well spent with friends. 
“Idiots, the both of them,” a wretched voice said, though as she spoke, the crackling quality faded. 
“Perhaps. But they are yours.”
“Yes,” Margaret said as she turned to walk with Lady Death to her palace. “That they are.”
Hey! Reminder that I have other stories you can check out, and I will be starting a new story soon since this one is finished. Again. Thank you for reading :D
Clove Taglist: @wolfeyedwitch @the-blind-one-speaks @whumpsday @extrabitterbrain @inkkswhumpandstuff 
@honeycollectswhump @whump-blog-reblogs @pigeonwhumps @mj-or-say10 @percy-frayer 
@currentlyinthesprial @scoundrelwithboba @whumps-and-bumps @hellodecisionparalysis @scatteriskity
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love-toxin · 2 years
OK but Bully Eddie's dad probably engraved the “I'm only mean to you because I like you into his head.” so man's took that and ran with it. Wayne is shaking his head. also feel like Wayne treat Angelface so kindly. He'd be so excited to be a grandad 
100000% what i was going for ehe <33 my iteration of bully!Eddie heavily relies on an extreme influence from his dad, but to a lesser extent than just being a carbon copy of him because Eddie's got some idea of what it's like to be on the receiving end. character development, empathy, and all that.
and absolutely, Wayne's been trying to grind that mindset out of Eddie for years, but strong habits are tough to break so he tries to just set a good example. but he'd find Angelface to be such a sweetheart, he'd think you're a blessing to Eddie and would try to step in as a good father figure to you, too. buying your favourite cereals to keep in the trailer since you're over so much, and picking out a mug for you to use that even Eddie isn't allowed to touch. he'd probably get a bit jealous that Wayne pays so much attention to you, but then again it's kinda cute to see you two chatting away on the porch.....you looking happy for once, looking relaxed....it's a little cathartic.
Wayne knowing he's gonna be a grandad makes it even sweeter. he comes home with little baby outfits all the time and brings toys and furniture over to your trailer when Eddie moves you both into a new one, always insisting he's found some bargain he couldn't pass up until he's bought you most of the stuff you'll need for the new arrival. and he forces Eddie to practice holding the baby since he knows the kid can be a bit heavy-handed, and when they're squabbling and Eddie demands to know why you don't have to practice with a damn cantaloupe in a blanket, Wayne just answers him with something along the lines of "that girl's gonna be a fantastic mom, she handles you just fine. now try again, so you don't give my grandbaby any brain damage."
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Four Criteria the Messiah Must Fulfill
by Jews for Jesus | July 01 2000
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So what’s the deal with the Messiah? For many, the Messiah figure seems like an ancient Jewish version of Superman—a childhood hero on whom most of us have long since given up. But according to the Talmud and the Jewish Scriptures the Messiah is not only real, but should have arrived a long time ago.
Maybe a Messiah who never comes is not such a big deal, but a God Who breaks His promises is a very big deal. The detailed messianic timetable in Daniel 9 allows us to explore solutions to these questions. Not only is there much more to be known about the Messiah, but we can know exactly when to expect him!
Fact One: The Messiah would arrive in a certain time frame.
The details of when Messiah will arrive are written in the book of Daniel. This prophet lived during the time of our exile in Babylon and received a vision that the Messiah would come 483 years after the command to restore Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple:
From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until an Anointed One [ad mashiach], the ruler [nagid], will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks. It will be rebuilt with a plaza and a moat, but in difficult times. (Daniel 9:25, CBS)
The “clock” on these 69 “weeks” (units of seven years) began ticking when Artaxerxes issued a decree to Nehemiah to rebuild the Temple and restore Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:1-8). While other decrees went out, this was the only one that involved both the Temple and Jerusalem. History records this took place in Nisan (March/April) of 444 B.C.E. That would mean the Messiah would appear by 33 C.E. History does not record anyone, other than Yeshua (Jesus), who was from that time period and claimed to be the Messiah.
Fact Two: The Messiah would come before the destruction of the Second Temple.
Daniel predicted that after the appearance of Messiah, “…the people of a prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary” (Daniel 9:26, JPS). We know that occurred when Titus’ Roman legions marched on Jerusalem in 70 C.E., destroying both the city and the Temple. The Talmud teaches that at that time people believed that the time of Messiah had already come, but because of the sins of the nation the messianic kingdom was withheld at the time it should have arrived.
The school of Eliyahu taught: Six thousand years is the duration of the world. Two thousand of the six thousand years are characterized by chaos; two thousand years are characterized by Torah, from the era of the Patriarchs until the end of the mishnaic period; and two thousand years are the period of the coming of the Messiah. That is the course that history was to take, but due to our sins that time frame increased. The Messiah did not come after four thousand years passed, and furthermore, the years that elapsed since then, which were to have been the messianic era, have elapsed. (Sanhedrin 97a and b [emphasis added])
Other passages support the understanding that the Messiah would come while the Temple was still standing. The psalm is one of the Hallel Psalms which praises God for His deliverance of Israel and of Israel’s leader, the king. Israel was rejected by its enemies, as was its king.
Hoshienu—Save now, I pray, O Lord; O Lord, I pray, send now prosperity. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! We have blessed you from the house of the Lord [emphasis added]. (vv. 25,26)
The only way that they could bless the Messiah from the house of the Lord was if the Temple was still standing! Ironically, these are the same words the Jewish people used to greet Yeshua when he rode into Jerusalem the week before Passover (Matthew 21:9–12).
Haggai, who was in Jerusalem as the Second Temple was being built, made the messianic prediction that the “glory of this last temple is to be greater than that of the first” (2:9).1 And Malachi confirmed it: “Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his Temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come” (3:1). Twelfth century Jewish scholar, Rabbi David Kimchi (also known as Radak), equated Malachi’s messenger of the covenant with the Messiah.2
According to Daniel, the Temple would not only be standing at Messiah’s appearance, but it would be destroyed soon after. That Temple, which was originally built by Ezra and beautified by Herod, was where Yeshua did most of his teaching and claimed to be the Messiah. The New Testament records the painful words of Yeshua to those who spoke of how beautiful the Temple looked after its refurbishing under Herod: “These things which you see—the days will come in which not one stone shall be left here upon another that shall not be thrown down.”3 Yeshua was pointing to Daniel’s prophecy being fulfilled. Less than 40 years later the destruction of the Temple was so thorough that, to this day, the exact location of the sanctuary is unknown.
Fact Three: The Messiah’s lineage could only be identifiable while the Temple stood.
The coming of the Messiah had another time constraint: it was connected to his descent from the tribe of Judah.
The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; [emphasis mine] and to Him shall be the obedience of the people. (Genesis 49:10)
This well-recognized messianic prophecy indicated that Judah was to retain its identity until Shiloh (one of the names for the Messiah according to rabbinical literature) was to come.
Apropos the Messiah, the Gemara asks: What is his name? The school of Rabbi Sheila says: Shiloh is his name, as it is stated: “Until when Shiloh shall come.” (Sanhedrin 98b)
According to the book of Ezra (1:5-8), Judah’s position was maintained throughout the 70 years of captivity in Babylon. It was also intact back in the Land, until the Romans made the kingdom of Judah a Roman province. While there was a provincial government in place, about 50 years later (in 70 c.e.) that too ended.
Not only was the Messiah to be from the lineage of Judah, but more specifically from the house of David: “I have made a covenant with My chosen, I have sworn to My servant David: ‘Your seed I will establish forever, And build up your throne to all generations’” (Psalm 89:3-4 NKJV). This messianic prophecy clearly refers to a descendant of David. Proof of such lineage was destroyed when the Temple was destroyed.
And while we do not have the Temple records, we do have the record of Yeshua’s family tree in the accounts of his life by both Luke and Matthew. They both identify that he is from the house of David. We don’t know anyone else who lived at that time and claimed to be the Messiah, who is descended from the tribe of Judah and the house of David, apart from Yeshua.
Fact Four: The Messiah would be cut off.
The Daniel prophecy (9:26) says that after the seven weeks and sixty-two weeks, the Messiah would be cut off, but not for himself. This phrase “cut off” meant to be killed or destroyed, often used in the Tanakh to describe how a sacrificial animal was ritually slaughtered (Gen. 15:18; Jer. 34:18).
The idea that the Messiah would die was not new to Judaism. Isaiah wrote of one who would suffer and die for the sins of the people: “…For He was cut off from the land of the living; For the transgressions of My people He was stricken.”4 Psalm 22 graphically portrays death by crucifixion, a method of execution not known to the author writing one thousand years before Yeshua was crucified.
Could it have happened just as Daniel so carefully predicted? Counting 483 years after Artaxerxes’ decree would bring us to 33 c.e. The Temple was destroyed in 70 c.e. That leaves a window of 37 years in which the Messiah from the tribe of Judah and the house of David could come. Not only that, but he was to die a violent death at that time.
Has Messiah Already Come?
God promised our people a Messiah, and He gave us a way of computing the time he’d be coming. Think about it. If Daniel is right and the Messiah came before the destruction of the Second Temple, that means we have to admit that the Messiah has already come. And if he’s already come, then who is he?
He had to arrive before 33 C.E, while the Temple was still standing, needed to be an identifiable descendant of David, and would be killed before the Temple was destroyed. The details of these facts together present some of the strongest evidence that he has in fact already come. The only person who fits that description is Yeshua from Nazareth.
Yes, for a Jewish person to consider the idea that Jesus might be the Messiah seems extreme. But every single one of us has been there and we’ve all come to believe that Jesus is exactly who he claimed to be.
If you’re unsure, why not ask God? The same God who communicated to us about when the Messiah would come and who he would be wants to reveal the truth to you, but it requires an open heart. He says, “Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known” (Jeremiah 33:3). Do you have the courage to call out to Him?
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dollystuartwrites · 2 years
Stray Gods - Chapter 32
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Pairing: Gods!OT8 x !F!Reader
Genre: romance, friends to lovers, polyamory, mystery, supernatural, angst, fluff, smut
Wordcount: 3814
Chapters:  [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] [11] - [12] - [13] - [14] - [15] - [16] - [17] - [18] - [19] - [20] [21] - [22] - [23] - [24] - [25] - [26] - [27] - [28] - [29] - [30]   [31] - [32] - [33] - [34] - [35] - [36] - [37] - [38] - [39] - [?] MASTERLIST
Summary: With no memory of who you  were, you wake up in the woods, only to be found by eight unusually handsome men. With no information of the past, the guys decide to take you in and take care of you for the time being. But that time becomes  years, and as time passes, you start to notice that there is something  different about them... and something different about you...
Warnings: angst, praise, thigh riding, kissing, fingering, overstimulation, lovebites, bad/miscommunication, low self-esteem, swearing, name-calling, dry humping, college, degradation, gods, special powers, vaginal sex, oral sex (f&m), mentions of contraception (condoms&thepill), injuries, mentions of death (but no character deaths), virgin!reader, teasing, orgasms, poly relationship, semi-public sex, daddy kink, strength kink. I've probably forgotten some so let me know if I did and I will add more as the story progresses.
Taglist: @eastleighsblog @tangerminie​@speedybagelmongerpasta​ @swittyregan​ @septicrebel​ @jiimout​
Special thanks to my beta and cheerleader Millie.
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Waking up in Changbin’s arms was utter bliss. His sweet pouty lips were slightly parted, and once again, you couldn’t help but be in awe of his beauty. You couldn’t believe how lucky you had been with him, with all the boys, with life, or this existence or whatever it was. You would’ve counted yourself lucky if you had simply been able to live in the same timeline as them, but having them as your friends and lovers was more than you could’ve ever wished for. Even though you knew you had been destined to be with them. Even though you knew you were a Goddess, and they were Gods, and you had picked them beforehand, it still felt like a blessing that you were forever thankful for.
You put your hand on his cheek, your thumb caressing his soft skin, and Changbin stirred. He opened his eyes, revealing their magical brownish-red colour. A soft smile appeared on his lips as he noticed you were awake’ too and stroking his face.
‘Good morning, my love,’ he whispered softly. You smiled at his words.
‘Good morning,’ you responded. Changbin moved his hand to cup yours for a moment, closing his eyes and savouring the feeling of you touching him. Softly he took hold of your hand and moved it from his skin, guiding it towards his lips to kiss the back of your hand.  
‘Did you sleep well?’ he asked you as he moved your hand to place it back on his cheek again.
‘Very,’ you answered, ‘You?’
‘Better than ever before,’ he said, grinning peacefully. He pulled you in close for a moment, and you nestled your face into his chest, taking in the warm, homey smell of him.
‘You were amazing last night,’ he said after a moment of silence, holding you close. You could feel yourself blush but knew he couldn’t see.
‘You were amazing,’ you said shyly, prodding his chest with your finger, and he chuckled. You could hear the rumbling in his chest.
You stayed nestled in his arms for a little longer. Besides sex and kissing, having the guys hold you closely was the best feeling in the world. You felt safe and relaxed like you belonged there. Which, in a way, however crazy the thought, you apparently did.  
‘Binnie?’ You said after what could’ve been a few minutes or hours. Changbin grumbled in response to let you know he had heard you. ‘What time is it?’ you asked.
‘Hmm,’ Changbin sounded. Without letting go of you, he scooted over to the side of the bed, where both of your phones sat on the nightstand. You could feel him reaching over you to pick one of the phones up and check for the time.
‘Time for breakfast,’ Changbin groaned. You could feel him putting the phone back on the nightstand before he let go of you to stretch himself with a yawn. ‘Sorry babydoll, can’t skip the most important meal of the day,’ he said, finding your eyes and giving your cheek a playful pinch, which made you giggle.
‘Actually, I’m pretty hungry too,’ you admitted. Changbin arched a brow playfully.
‘Really? Are you saying you’re dumping me for food? Don’t you wanna cuddle some more?’ he said with a pouty face and an aegyo voice. You gave him a playful indignant look.
‘But you just said-,’ you sputtered indignantly. Before you could finish your sentence, he rolled you over, pushing you softly on your back as he hovered over you.
‘I’m kidding,’ he chuckled, placing a soft peck on your forehead. You giggled once more, and Changbin rolled over to sit up at the edge of the bed. You got up to sit next to him.
‘Want me to get some clothes from your room?’ Changbin offered as he started putting his socks on. You shook your head quickly.
‘You know I much rather steal your clothes,’ you said playfully, but you meant it. Changbin grinned widely. Now and then, the boys would complain about how much you always stole their favourite clothing items, but you knew secretly they all loved it. Even Hyunjin, who often nagged you about it, somehow seemed to place his (and your) favourite shirt always at the top of the pile of clean clothes, making it oh so easy for you to find. However, you had seen the looks on their faces whenever you wore something of theirs. A mixture of pride and amusement would cross their faces before they would quickly roll their eyes and complain about how they had wanted to wear that specific item today, and they had been looking for it for ages.
Changbin rummaged through his closet and handed you a pair of clean joggers and a sweater. He already provided you with a clean pair of boxers yesterday after showering, and although big, they fit you comfortably enough not to have to get new ones from your own room. Changbin got dressed as well, and even though you had seen a lot of him last night already, you could still not keep your eyes off him.
‘Like what you see?’ he said boldly, but the light pink shade on his cheeks didn’t escape your notice.
‘Always,’ you said, getting up and walking over to him. You grabbed his upper arm, and he flexed his muscle. Even with two hands, you probably wouldn’t be able to fit around it. You looked at him in awe.
‘So strong,’ you muttered, more to yourself than to him, as you used your other hand to gently squeeze his other upper arm. Changbin’s cheek flushed even darker, but he looked incredibly proud and pleased with himself. As he should, in your humble opinion.
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Changbin was holding your hand when the two of you arrived downstairs. You walked into the breakfast lounge to find all the others already sitting at the table. And with all the others, you did mean all the others. It was almost as if yesterday night’s (or more like this morning’s) get-together had never finished, and the boys simply had moved location. The two groups were scattered around the table, the members mixed up and talking with each other. The only reason you were sure they had stopped and gone back for at least a few hours of sleep was that they were all wearing something different. Hyunjin looked like he was still half asleep, and Jungkook’s hair was such a mess it was obvious he hadn’t bothered to brush it yet.
‘Good morning,’ Changbin said cheerfully as the two of you met the group. The both of you were met with kind greetings.
‘Hey! No hogging!’ Minho said teasingly when he noticed the two of you holding hands.
‘Yeah, dude, no hogging,’ Han went along playfully.
Changbin pulled a face but let go of your hand.
‘Do I get a say in this?’ you asked with a chuckle.
‘Definitely not,’ Han said, shaking his head and pulling out the empty chair beside him. You tutted at him but still went to sit next to him.
You looked around the table. Everyone was already eating and talking. Changbin went to sit next to Chan, who, to your happy surprise, was talking with Namjoon. The fact that you had come in holding Changbin’s hand seemed to surprise no one. Not even the other group had batted an eye at it. Not even when Minho had said something about it. Did they know?
For a moment, you felt slightly awkward about it, the idea of the other group knowing the relationship you had with your boys. But you decided to shake it off. There was no use in lingering on it; besides, they either did not care or did not mind - or both.
‘Slept well?’ Lady asked you. She was seated opposite you and, unlike most of the others, was already neatly dressed.
‘Erm, yeah, I did,’ you said, blushing slightly. ‘You?’
‘Bit short, but I’ll survive,’ Lady chuckled. Seeing her here suddenly made you remember a question you had had since earlier, which you had forgotten to ask her before.
‘Lady, I have another question,’ you began. She smiled at you and nodded.
‘Shoot away,’ she said, taking a sip of her coffee.
‘Well, when I, erm, arrived here on earth, I couldn’t remember anything about, you know, before. Is it always like that?’ you said, feeling a bit stupid for some reason. Lady nodded as she drank her coffee, and her answer made you feel slightly less stupid instantly. ‘Oh, okay. But why do we forget? Why don’t we remember who or what we are? I mean, the guys do know when they arrive, why not us?’ you said, feeling almost like it was unfair. Lady put her cup down.
‘That is a great question,’ she said, smiling. ‘And it’s also one I do not have an answer to.’
Her response made you feel slightly stunned.
‘I might know a lot, but I certainly don’t know everything either,’ Lady chuckled, seeing your stunned face. ‘I mean, I have theories, but I don’t know whether any of them are true, of course,’
‘What are your theories then?’ you said eagerly.
‘Well, one of them is that we kinda need to figure it out for ourselves,’ Lady said thoughtfully. ‘Like, our jobs as Goddesses are pretty intense,’
Minho made a sniffing sound, and you looked at him. He quickly straightened his face and looked away from you, but you had seen it. You kicked him under the table, and when he looked at you, annoyed, you returned his gaze with the same look.
‘Anyway,’ Lady said, clearly not missing the situation and the other side of the table, but there was still a small smile around the corners of her lips, ‘I think it’s necessary for us to do some self-discovery before we can guide them properly. Like getting some experience and understanding what it’s like to be human and how the world works before we take care of others,’
You nodded slowly, thinking about it.
‘However,’ she followed up, ‘Your story kind of debunks that theory, I think,’ she admitted.
‘Why?’ you said with a frown.
‘Well, all the other Goddesses I’ve met took quite a while before they remembered, and then it took them another while to find their Gods. But you, you found them instantly, and they immediately took you in, even though they didn’t know you or what you were,’ Lady said, frowning slightly. ‘It’s the first time I’ve heard about it. And the fact that it took you about what? Three, four years to figure everything out? That’s the fastest anyone’s ever done it, as far as I know,’ Lady said.
‘She’s a smarty pants,’ Han said, putting his hand around your shoulder and smiling proudly.
‘But I didn’t figure it out,’ you said, now also frowning. ‘I mean, I kinda figured out they were Gods by accident, but I never really understood what I was until I met you,’ you said.
‘True, and another hole in my theory,’ Lady admitted. ‘As I said before, all other Goddesses I’ve ever met figured out they were a Goddess before they recognised their Gods,’
You felt slightly uncomfortable, knowing that your journey hadn’t been the way it should have supposed to be.
‘It does, however, make sense with my other theory,’ Lady said suddenly. You looked up at her.
‘You might remember how painful it was to cross over,’ Lady spoke. A sudden memory crashed through your brain and made you cringe slightly. Minho and Han instantly looked at you, not missing your discomfort. You nodded, unable to stop your grimace. ‘Well, it could be something like a trauma response made by our human bodies,’ she suggested. ‘Our human bodies can’t take such a force, and the trauma of it might cause us to forget for a while, like some sort of protection maybe.’
‘That could make sense,’ you said thoughtfully.
‘Either way, I’m not sure if we’ll ever know the answer. There are still questions I’ve never found the answers to. We might be Goddesses, but we can’t know everything,’ she spoke wisely as she shrugged.  
You smiled.
A phone rang and Lady pulled hers out of her pocket.
‘Oh, my taxi is here,’ she said when she looked at the message.
‘Taxi?’ you said, surprised. Lady looked at you with a sad smile, getting up.
‘I’m leaving today,’ she said, her tone of voice apologetic.
‘Wait, what?’ you said, surprised, getting up as well.
‘Yeah,’ she sighed sadly, ‘There are some things I need to do.’ She pressed her lips together and looked at you.
‘Go time?’ Namjoon asked from further down the table. Lady nodded at him. Instantly all the other guys stopped their conversations and got up.
‘We’ll see you off then,’ Hoseok said with a soft face.
‘Will you be coming back?’ you asked quickly, as all the other Gods gathered around her. Lady shook her head apologetically.
‘But you have my number? You can always call and text me. I might not always reply instantly since I’m always busy, but I’ll always be there for you, sister,’ she said with a wink.
Even though you felt sad that she had to leave, you understood. You nodded, smiled and waved at her as she and the guys left the room to wave her goodbye.
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The following days you spend mostly with the guys. Now and then, the other Gods joined your group for activities like dinners, hikes or sports. Changbin, Chan, Namjoon and Jungkook trained together every morning.
On Thursday afternoon, the boys decided to hold a baseball match on the pitch nearby. As usual, you went along to referee. After three matches, unsurprisingly all won by Seungmin’s team, the guys decided to call it a day regarding baseball. After dinner, since it was still light and warm outside, most guys decided to stay in and lounge at the poolside for a bit.
‘You guys go behave like children; I’m going out,’ Seungmin said when the nine of you arrived back at the hotel.
‘Where are you going?’ you asked curiously.
‘I wanna go take some pictures. There are a lot of really nice spots here,’ Seungmin said.
‘Can I join you?’ you asked. Seungmin looked slightly surprised by your request but then shrugged and nodded.
It was nice to spend some time with Seungmin. Although he wasn't very talkative because he was focused on taking pictures, you still enjoyed your time with him. It was quiet and calm for once.
‘I would think you’d prefer to take pictures of the sky or something instead,’ you told Seungmin when he took a closeup picture of a bush with small white flowers. Seungmin looked up and blinked.
‘Just because it’s my speciality doesn’t mean I don’t get to have other hobbies,’ he said savagely. ‘Quite narrow-minded of you to think like that.’
You pouted at him, but you weren’t offended at all. You knew Seungmin too well for that.
‘Besides, you’ve seen me take pictures before; you didn’t tell me I should’ve been taking pictures of the sky instead back then,’ he added.
‘But that’s because I didn’t know or realise what,’ you said, quickly looking around and slightly lowering your voice when you continued, ‘what you were back then.’
‘And because you do know now, you expect that it has changed?’ he teased. You shrugged. He did have a point. You knew about his interest in photography. You had seen him take pictures of the other guys, of you, of plants and flowers and of pretty views and urban sights. You even had a few of his photos hanging on your wall back in your room. None of them were of the sky nor had anything to do with the weather.
‘Why do you like it?’ you asked curiously.
This time it was Seungmin’s turn to shrug. ‘It’s calm, easy. Doesn’t cost much effort, and it’s not too loud,’ he said. You chuckled. Although he was one of the younger ones, he did look down on the other’s behaviour now and then. Not that he didn’t have his own moments of craziness. But in general, he could be more composed than the others.
You leaned back against a tree as you watched him take another photo. Seungmin turned around, checking the screen of his device for the result before he noticed you. He tilted his head slightly like a puppy trying to understand something as he stared at you.
‘What?’ you giggled.
‘You look pretty like that. Can I take your picture?’ he asked. Feeling slightly taken aback but flattered, you nodded. You didn’t take pictures often, especially not of yourself, but whenever someone else took your photo, it always made you feel extra awkward. You did your best to look natural and keep the pose and facial expression you had had when Seungmin had turned around, but it was hard. However, after trying a few different angles, Seungmin seemed satisfied and came over to show you.
‘Here,’ he said as he came to stand next to you and showed you the end result. The angle did indeed make you look good, and you couldn’t help but smile at the picture.
‘It’s nice,’ you nodded, feeling your cheeks slightly redden.
‘Shall we take one together?’ he suddenly asked fearlessly. Even though it wasn’t a big deal, it did make your heart bounce a little faster. You nodded, and Seungmin came to stand next to you, putting his arm around you. He pulled you in against him and leaned his head on top of yours. Before you could even realise what was happening, you had already heard a click. Seungmin checked the screen.
‘Oh, your eyes are closed,’ he noted. He brought the camera in front of the two of you again, and you quickly looked at the lens, trying your best at a “normal” smile. There was another click, and Seungmin checked his screen again. ‘This one is nice,’ he said, sounding satisfied. You looked at it as well but noticed there was a strand of hair that looked kind of weird.
‘No, wait, let’s retake it, my hair-’ you began, quickly trying to fix it.
‘It’s fine,’ Seungmin said, and out of nowhere, he planted a soft kiss on your cheek. ‘I’mma use it as my wallpaper,’ he said cheerfully, as he was already walking away, looking for a new spot to photograph. The butterflies in your stomach made you unable to protest any more, and you simply followed him.
After a few pictures of views and a wild squirrel, Seungmin returned to plants and flowers. He was just about to take a picture of a small blue flower when you tried to lean over to see it better. Something sharp and painful brushed your arm, and you hissed. Instantly Seungmin jumped up and turned around, noticing your arm. He put his phone away and grabbed your arm softly, inspecting it closely.
‘It’s just a scratch,’ you said, checking it for yourself, but noticing it wasn’t much, ‘It’s nothing.’
Seungmin shook his head. ‘You’re so clumsy,’ he said, clicking his tongue. He let go of your arm. ‘Gotta get it disinfected to be sure,’ he stated.
‘No, Seungmin, it’s fine, really,’ you huffed. It had barely scratched the surface of your skin, and although the lines were slightly red, there was no blood. But Seungmin didn’t take no for an answer. He grabbed your hand and pulled you away from the thornbush that had scratched you, walking in the direction of the hotel, not letting go of your hand. Even though you thought it ridiculous to go back or disinfect for such a small scratch, you still didn’t protest. You knew it would be of no use anyway. Instead, you entangled your fingers with Seungmin’s and let him drag you back.
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Silently and carefully, Seungmin applied the cotton bud with the cream on your scratches. You looked around Seungmin’s hotel room. As usual, it was immaculate, compared to both your and Changbin’s room. You felt warm air brush your skin and looked back at your arm. Seungmin was blowing on the ointment he had applied. It didn’t sting at all.
Unlike his savage words sometimes, he often had times like these as well, where he was simply soft and sweet. He put down the cotton bud and grabbed the plaster he had prepared for you, unwrapping and meticulously putting it on you, oh so carefully.
When he was done, he looked up and smiled at you.
‘Thanks,’ you said, your voice coming out unexpectedly soft. Possibly because of how light you felt with all that fluttering in your stomach and head. Seungmin gave a curt nod and got up to throw the remnants of the products away.
‘Where do you wanna take pictures next?’ you asked, feeling slightly guilty you had cut his hobby session short.
‘It’s already getting dark outside; the lighting won’t be good anymore,’ Seungmin noted, pointing at the darkening sky that was visible through his curtains.
‘Oh,’ you breathed, feeling even more guilty.
‘Besides, I got all the shots I wanted to,’ he said carelessly. You weren’t sure if he was just saying that because he noticed your guilt or because he meant it, but you were still thankful he said it.
‘Oh. Right then,’ you said, slightly unsure what to do and got up as well.
‘Wanna watch a movie?’ Seungmin offered as he took his phone out of his pocket and connected it to the charger. You were happy to take any reason not to go back to your own room but stay with him instead, so you agreed immediately.
To your surprise, Seungmin propped up the pillows against the back of the bed and laid down on it, petting the spot next to you as a way of telling you to come to sit with him. Having already walked over to the couch, you quickly walked back, smiling at him sheepishly. Your heart had been pounding slightly, but as soon as Seungmin wrapped his arm around you again and you scooted close to him, it calmed down slightly, in a good way. It felt safe with him. Warm and at home, at ease. Being at his side felt good.
Without having to use the remote control, Seungmin switched on the tv.
‘You really have gotten the hang of that electricity thing, haven’t you?’ you giggled as you saw him flick through the channels with ease without having to lift a finger.
‘It’s rather convenient,’ he nodded with a smile. You put your head on his shoulder and your arm around his chest, feeling comfortable and happy with him while he flicked through the channels, looking for something for the two of you to watch. 
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Thank you for reading so far :)
My apologies for the inconsistent uploading. Besides writing I still work four days a week and have college one day a week. Most of my spare time is spent studying so I don't have a lot of time to write. After finishing a chapter, it also has to go through a wonderful and lovely beta LittleMissMillie2003 with whom without, this story definitely wouldn't be as good as it is today. Obviously, this precious beta writer also has a life, which means the chapters also sometimes take slightly longer before they can be posted.
I expect that I won't be able to upload as regularly or systematically as I used to. Sometimes you might get three chapters in three days, and sometimes you might have to wait for a week. I wish it could be different but I hope, despite the irregular uploads, you will still be able to enjoy this book.
I still have quite a few things planned, so it will definitely go on for a while longer.
Please enjoy :)
Lots of Love,
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antisociallilbrat · 1 year
It's Mike time baby, he needs some love
-Mike and Bill take scenic drives all the time. In the book Mike's dad would send him to different places around Derry to find or see cool or interesting things and because of that Mike found a lot of great views and he and Bill would take his truck to those spots and just read or talk or cuddle together. Mike is a very astute observer of his friends and so whenever he notices that something's bothering Bill, he whisks him away to these beautiful spots he finds.
-Bev loves to take Mike on days out. She calls them "Adventures". She loves finding new restaurants or coffee shops they've never been to or seeing indie movies she's never heard of at local theaters. Even in a clown-less universe, Mike still spent a lot of his formative years working on the farm instead of having fun so she's trying to make up for that now for him.
-Mike and Eddie take random classes all the time. They love picking up new skills. It started when Eddie got everyone CPR certified and they saw an ad for a cooking class on the way out and they're the only ones interested. Then follows knitting and gardening and dance and so on.
-Mike and Richie both took a gap year before heading to college. They didn't feel ready and so instead they went on a cross-country road trip together. Mike had seen so little in his life and he was so excited. Richie took enough polaroids to fill two albums and was in charge of the music. Mike picked all the stops and was adamant they see every dumb local attraction they could.
-Stan gets Mike incredibly invested in birdwatching as a hobby. At first Stan thought he kept offering to go with him because he's kind, but Mike eventually started getting his own gear and his own bird book, he packed them lunches, and then he found them a local group of birdwatchers for them to join. They stand out a bit as 20-somethings in a group made up of seniors, but that doesn't bother them. Stan still insists they go with just each other about half of the time though.
-One year for Mike's birthday, Ben built him a chicken coop in their backyard. He knew that Mike was happy to be in the city with his friends, but that he was definitely a bit homesick for the farm. Ben helped him hatch some chicks and raise them. They both cried tears of joy when their first chick hatched. Each of the Losers got to name one. The Loser's cook only with Mike's eggs from that day forward.
Rose everytime you grace my inbox it's absolute blessing- and to bring some love for Mike while you're at it <33 aaaaa okay okay
-Mike is so the guy to take long rides to clear his head and I'm happy to think about him including Bill on them. Sometimes they talk, sometimes they listen to music, and other times they just drive in silence with the windows rolled down and breathing in all that open space
-I read this point and the first thing that popped into my head was that 'treat yourself' meme and yes these two do that. They treat themselves to new restaurants and experiences but i can also see them being thrift shop buddies? They've definitely done the bit where you go to like goodwill and pick out silly outfits for the person you're with. They have a good time with it
-Eddie and Mike taking random classes is top tier. Yes they both know how to make pottery, knit, scrapbook and they've taken at least one intro class of a foreign language. It's just fun and sometimes they'll flip a coin to see what's the next class they're going ot.
-Speaking of scrapbooking that came in real handy with this one. Mike and Richie taking a cross country road trip aaaa. I can see Mike sitting in the passenger seat with a map and circling every little tourist trap he wants to go to and him and Richie both being genuinely excited over the littlest things, it's such a sweet image <3
-Stan and Mike birdwatching :( Mike loves animals so of course he'd actually get excited about this and the boy already loves to learn so he eat ups every fact Stan gives him about birds. And honestly these are the two losers that would hang out with a group of seniors- it's very on brand for them. Stan already dresses like an old man and all the old ladies love Mike bc he's so charming. Stan may or may not be jealous.
-Something about how Mike and Ben are already kinda seen as the 'mother hens' of the losers and then them raising actual chickens...and yes Mike has all the kisses for Ben when he sees that chicken coop and the chicks they hatch might as well be their actual children let's be honest
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thebleedingeffect · 29 days
o/ Hi, I'm here to ask about pre-calamity Link holding resentment towards Zelda
(I really like your takes on their relationship between games, and I'm really curious about what you're cooking for this one!)
HI HELLO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING !! Get ready for my character study based off quite literally nothing but my beautiful mind <33
So, I'm replaying botw and I absolutely adore how the game characterizes all of its characters, but I have a particular love for botw link and how it characterizes him through absence and little hints of his childhood. What we know for a fact about him is that he showed skill at a very young age, four years old to be exact, when he was able to fight and win against a grown, trained knight. When he's around twelve years, he draws the master sword for the first time and is officially recognized as the hero of destiny by the entire kingdom. If you assume that Link was seventeen like Zelda when he became her appointed knight, that means that there was only five years inbetween him drawing the master sword, training, and then being responsible for- possibly- the most daunting task in all of hyrule: protecting the princess.
This was a task that he was expected to carry out at all hours of the day and, essentially, Zelda was his prime responsibility above all else. But, the fact still lies that Link was born into a family of knights, very possibly royal knights considering it would've been that much easier for Link's skill in childhood to be noticed. From the moment Link is born, his destiny has already been made for him, there is no conceivable way that he can avoid taking up the sword. Unlike most other preexisting Link's, he is born into a life where everything is already decided for him and he never has a moment where he chooses to take up the sword.
Ocarina of time? For a brief time, Link is a child and he has a home on kokori forest. Twilight princess? For his entire childhood and teenage life, Link was just a country boy who was good with kids and was dependable. Skyward sword? So much of the story is about how both Zelda and Link were kids before the story begun. Wind waker, spirit tracks, minish cap- so many of the Link's that have existed have lived completely normal lives and had a journey where they purposely took up the sword and chose to become heroes. Pre-calamity link though? He never had that. It's not even that hard of an assumption to come to that the moment it was discovered it could wield a sword so skillfully at a young age, he was thrown into training.
You don't just throw a twelve year old at the master sword unless you are absolutely positive without a shadow of a doubt that they are the fated hero. Being born into a knights family, I'm sure that this incarnation of Link has been training and has been told of his duty his entire life. In Zelda's entries, she even says that the reason Link is so quiet is because of the sheer amount of pressure and responsibility on his shoulders. To me, I interpret this as Link purposely not speaking up or having a voice of his own because he learned extremely early on that his body is not his own. Zelda resents Link, at least for a time, because she believes that the goddesses blessings practically hang off him. In her defense, they do, as the very symbol of the master sword on his back is enough proof that the goddesses had long since chosen him.
She resents him because he is the very symbol of her failures, all that she lacks in both skill and divinity, is embodied in him. She is born for a royal family with divinity in her blood, and yet she cannot hear the goddesses voice nor awaken her powers. Link is from a knights family, and he has succeeded in passing in every expectation that they've laid before his feet. The kingdom talks behind her back about her shortcomings, the kingdom preaches that the fated hero has been found. It is not hard to see just why Zelda resents Link so much in the beginning, because to her, he has everything she has ever wished for and more. At first, Zelda is preoccupied with her own troubles and it's only later that she is, as far as we know, the only one who has ever really asked him if he wishes things could be different. If he would've ever picked up the sword if he had the choice.
Which is such a heart-breaking question for many reasons, but one detail, for me, which makes it all the worse, is that I believe pre-calamity Link resents Zelda because she has at least achieved a taste of freedom. Personally, I like to believe that Link heard Hylia from a very young age and the act of becoming hero was taken from him to instead grow as a hero. Link never had a point in his life where he was allowed to breathe and choose what he wished, from everything from his own studies, his training, becoming knight, to becoming Zelda's personal knight. All of this was never in his control, but he exceeded in those expectations because the weight of just what the kingdom expected from him was that heavy. He never had a point where the weight was off of his shoulders, as it was that weight that straightened his spine and eventually made him silence himself. He learned at a very early age that his words, his choice, his very autonomy, was never important. Never was there a point that he was even allowed to focus on something that wasn't his expected destiny because he was the hero first and a child second.
Most assume the goddesses blessing to be a heady, beautiful gift, but I've always believed that Link secretly resented just how carefully the goddesses watched him. Where others preen for the goddesses blessings and gifts, he struggles to stand underneath the sheer weight of their gazes. He never had to earn the goddesses grace because it was forced upon him, and so, the very thing that Zelda resented him for was the very thing that he secretly despised.
In a way, I think Link began to resent Zelda in turn, but was just much better at hiding it, because he saw a girl who did not fully realize how much of a blessing it was to be free from the goddesses. Despite how much it was expected from her, she was still able to escape into the wild and chase after her true passions, which he dutifully followed her the entire time for. Personally, I think he came to resent her for this perceived freedom and escape, as well as how much she yearned for Hylia's blessing, despite it being nothing but a curse for him. More than anything though, I think he resents her, at least a little bit, for being able to speak up and fight back. It's something that he desperately wishes he could do himself, but he knows that he cannot and he's petrified about what would come out of him if he did open his mouth.
Link has had an entire lifetime of resentment, self-inflicted silence, expectations, surveillance, and a crippling sense of duty his entire life. All of these things are things Zelda shares as well, but in a way, I think he begins to resent her because she is a warped mirror of himself but with a handful more freedoms that he desperately yearns for. Yes, the weight of the kingdom is so very heavy for the both of them, but why would she destroy herself for the goddess? He wishes to tell her that it is not a weight that she should chase after, but instead cherish every moment that she is able to breathe without it. His destiny has long since been made, and he hates that she seems to desperate to destroy her own freedom with her own bare hands. It's a resentment born from envy, desperation, isolation, and a crippling sense of self-loathing from so desperately wishing that he had been given a moment to just be himself. His sense of identity is so loose because he has been told that he is a knight, a hero, the sword of hyrule, before he is Link, and for that... he hates and resents Zelda for wanting to throw away the one blessing that separates them. She has hope. He is damned, at least in his eyes.
This is all born from the thought that Link exists as an extension of Zelda where Zelda is actually able to exist on her own. Link seeing himself as a tool being passed from hand to hand and just wanting to be able to make a choice for himself. This is actually one of the big, BIG reasons I headcanon as to just why he's one of the most isolated, lone Links to exist because he craves the lack of eyes on him. He just wants to be a person man.
Not only that, but he purposely buries his own feelings because to acknowledge them is to acknowledge that something is wrong and that he's deeply unhappy of his fate. He resents Zelda, so he overcompensates by being over-protective and hovering over her so that he might beat back his resentment of her. If he buries his resentment and instead blames himself for even thinking those thoughts in the first place, then his own guilt will even further fuel his dutiful nature. It's a fucked up vicious cycle of his own guilt, resentment, and anger that he's drowning in the entire time !! And he'll never go out of his away to even mention it to Zelda because he doesn't want to burden her with his actual self !!!
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