#It was a nightmare finally getting a chance to play yesterday
hurricanek8art · 1 year
So! Update on my SWTOR woes! I figure putting it in the main tag makes it so everyone that helped me sees it. Thank you everyone for your advice! I was so nervous about asking and you guys are so cool!
I'm planning on just doing Voss and Corellia for now to keep from burning out! This is like attempt three at me making a Jedi Knight because I wanted her to be my Outlander and then I'd freeze up and panic because I wanted it to be "perfect" but y'know what? Perfect's overrated anyway, this is supposed to be fun! I'll keep the other planetary storylines on the backburner in case I need to level up any further, but since I hit level 50 before I was out of chapter one and I thiiiink I hit 54 last night finishing Maelstrom Prison, I don't think I need to worry about my level being too low for a while. 🤣🤣🤣
(side note—thank you so much @greyias I GOT THE STUPID WHATSHISFACE COLONEL GUY WITH THE EYEBEAMS FINALLY 🤣 I do not know why I didn't think of using those crates as a shield before, I am so dumb :P)
You guys were so helpful and nice and I don't know what else to say I'm so bad at this 🥴🤣 but thank you! All of this actually helped me work up the courage to maaaaaaybe share my stuff? At least screenshots and backstory rambles because I have to share it somehow. I can only yammer my brother's ear off about it for so long, and he's the only other person I know IRL that's as into all this as me, so y'know. 🤣 I might make a masterpost to introduce everyone but I gotta gather up all my screenshots first and I'm kinda meh about getting good ones, so :P we'll see. And condense about two and a half/three-ish years of my brain hurtling backstories at me faster than I can write when I'm supposed to be writing other stuff into readable paragraphs. Uh... yeah, maybe don't expect it too soon. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm queuing this for tomorrow because I only got the chance to actually sit down and write this at midnight here, it's been crazy. Thank you again, everyone! I'm so bad at social stuff I don't know what else to say but thanks!
I don't know how to end this, so uh... Here! Unnecessarily adding all my Republic side characters in because I love them and I constantly want to infodump when it's not the time or place! 🤣
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Aja Verdona, my Jedi Knight; Reilly Hawkins, my Smuggler; Ataraxia Kestis, my Consular (and my smuggler's twin sister); and Ijaaka Ordo, my Trooper. They have permanently rewired parts of my brain and I love them all dearly even though I accidentally play favorites with Aja. 🥴
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bubblergoespop · 7 months
My Top Geordi Quotes
geordi come home i swear i’ll treat you better
“Oh. Cute. Hot. There’s a difference. There is a difference, but they’re both. How are they both? That’s not fair, you can’t be both!”
“It’s our bedroom, it’s our bed.”
“Smiling. Pretty smile. Don’t smile at me, that’s not fair.”
“My cutie.”
“It’s not a nickname it’s my full name, yes, it’s from Star Trek, yes, my parents were total nerds hahaha I like the show too, yes, I’m also a total nerd.”
“Nervous? Ya think? That’s a bit of an understatement, hot stranger. “
“Their face goes all soft when they smile.”
“Is this flirting? This feels like mental warfare. It’s kinda hot though.”
“That’s cool. That’s great. That feels good. I like this and I’m having a good time and uhhhh they want my number—”
“Just focus. Just run. Running’s fun, right? Run back to your car. Fast. Very fast. So I can have a panic attack in the comfort of my own home.”
“Have a good day, what am I, a drive thru employee?!”
“I don’t wanna hook up. Well… I mean—“
“Thanks. Oh my god, they kiss me and I say thanks?“
“Fuck they look cute. I love when you look at me like that. That little half smile. Like you can see right through me.”
“I don’t actually know how to play poker. But I sure know how to strip—“
“I’m not normal people. I’m a panicking mess.”
“You give good kisses. Except for that time where you sneezed in the middle of one.”
“I’m dating a crazy person. Oh my god they’re like those people who think they’re really vampires.”
“How did I not know they believe shit like this? They seem so normal!”
“Say… fucking… uh… ‘you asked for it, a whole video devoted to the Rainbow Sponge’!”
“I mean the two of us? Cuddling? Keeping each other warm? It’s scandalous! What’ll the neighbours think? I mean I’m pretty sure I saw your knees the other day, I mean we’re already gonna bring shame to our families at this rate. Oh and fucking on the couch yesterday probably isn’t helping our case either.”
“They come out as a Telepath and my fucking rat brain says ‘oh we don’t get to play video games?’”
“Shut up—! Call me out on it.”
“What are words? Don’t know them never met them. What am I saying? “
“This is a bad idea— This is a really good idea.”
“I don’t have a chance to refine my thoughts into beautiful prose, you just get monkey-brain going—‘You? Me? We fuck now?’”
“We’re gonna fuck— Yes thank you hindbrain. The evolved parts are trying to be at least vaguely romantic— [moan] Nevermind.”
“Why does that song always get stuck in my head?! God, it’s like a soundtrack to my insanity.”
“But it’s more than that. It’s you. It’s you in here with me. Sharing everything. No walls. I don’t have to have walls with you. I’m safe with you. Finally safe.”
“I love you. I’m glad your smile is back.”
“Hell is real and it’s here in this brain.”
“You make this all feel safe. And honest. I didn’t know it could feel like that again. Until I met you.”
“I can’t fix this, but I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. I got you. And I’ll hold you as long as you need.”
“Don’t smirk at me like that! But do, cause it’s cute. Rude. But cute.”
“Yeah, I’m all weeetttttt unnhhhh”
“Oh my god. You are a nightmare. My favorite nightmare. “
“Why haven’t we done this before—? Do not encourage them!”
“It’s really fucking hot. It’s also really fucking dangerous! Which is kinda hot… Oh my god why do I like this. “
“Touch me. I don’t care where we are, just touch me, fuck, please.”
“I see how much you struggle with this, and I want you to have peace from all that.”
“I want you to heal.”
“I love you. I loved you then and I love you now. You are worth work and effort.”
“Drinking this really bad bad coffee. [his laugh here brings tears to my eyes] That felt good.”
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stealanity · 7 months
[ lee hyunjae ] ꕤ loser, lover
word count : 1,524 genre : roommates au, enemies to lovers, angsty, a lot of crying, jealousy, hyunjae is a real asshole a/n : this is a repost !
as long as you can remember, hyunjae always played with your nerves. since you had the misfortune to find yourself being his roommate — with no chance of being able to fix it, your relationship is total chaos. he who was previously the man you dreamed of — in other words, your crush, had become your worst nightmare. every day, and even every minute, he manages to do something he knows will make you boil inside : like leaving all his dishes in the sink, or putting the garbage bags in front of the door, leaving a note on them, saying to to take them downstairs because he was too lazy to do it himself.. or unplug your computer before you have had time to save your work.
like yesterday.
situation that got you a sleepless night, strong coffee fuel to make sure you stay awake and finish your 15-page essay on time — even if the end result was catastrophic, causing you an unstoppable stream of frustration's tears. you still returned your work to your teacher, after staring at the clock, during the whole hour of class, which indicated that you hadn't slept since more than 24 hours. when the bell finally signaled the end of this exhausting day, it took you a few minutes to get motivated, lifting your weak body from your chair to notice, after putting your nose outside, that it was raining. a lot.
and obviously, you didn't take an umbrella with you.
reaching out to the sky, a few drops burst in the palm of your hand, extracting a weary sigh from you, before walking nonchalantly to your building. you had the impression that nothing of this day could be worse : between the tears which rolled down your cheeks all alone, mingling with the incessant raindrops which lashed your face, and the incomplete and surely atrocious homework you had returned, nothing worse could have happened — until a car passes by you and speeds right through a large puddle of rain, splashing you from head to toe. rubbing your face to try to remove the water that was streaming on it, you found that your makeup had run down your cheeks, depriving you of all hope of remaining worthy on this dreadful day.
all you wanted was to go home.
after a few long minutes of walking, you cross the threshold of your apartment, remaining motionless for a few seconds in the entrance, until you hear a mocking laugh. of course, hyunjae was here, and your condition obviously made him laugh. « you really look like a wet dog. » — after his sentence, you kicked off your soaked shoes and coat, walking slowly through the apartment, wishing to ignore him, until he pushes you back with his fingertips. « you're not going anywhere soaked like this, » he began, taking on an expression of disgust, « you will mess everything up. »
when you felt tears welling up in your eyes, you lowered your head slightly, clenching your fists tightly with the sole purpose of controlling your growing urge to hit him. « not like you're the one cleaning. » — you had the strength to say, despite the cracking of your voice. pushing him aside to go to your room, you were held back by his hand which gripped the hood of your sweatshirt. « you should repeat it louder, i didn't hear it right. » — ignoring his sentence when you finally felt the tears rolling down your cheeks, you sniffled lightly, which caught his attention.
« oh my god, you're crying? » he said, openly mocking you, and you felt your heart break slightly inside your chest. he kept crushing and playing with it, stomping on it, not caring how you felt — only focusing on his little person. but today you had enough, your mood and your warm heart was now cold as ice, and you didn't want to put up with his behavior anymore.
« you're a loser, y/n. » — this sentence made you twirl around, now finding you face to face with his mischievous angel face, and you hurriedly pressed your index finger against his chest, not noticing that his eyes softened at the sight of your face stained with ruined makeup and salty pearls escaping from your eyes. « enough jaehyun, i'm tired of this. i can't handle this anymore, i'd rather live outside than have to put up with you another second. this day was catastrophic and it's all because of you. you deleted my essay, you kept me up all night, broke my heart and i'm even sure it's raining because of you. stop breaking everything you touch, and above all, leave me alone. i don't want to have you near me anymore if it's for you to keep trampling on me. i have enough. »
suddenly, you felt nothing but warmth.
a soft warmth immersing itself in your body, as if you found yourself wrapped in a huge blanket. apart from the fact that it was actually two arms. you couldn't believe your eyes, and you wondered why hyunjae kept you all against him right now — but you were far too tired to react, letting your body melt against his, camouflaging your crying face against his chest. your desperate little hands clung to his top, coaxing a smile from him as he tenderly stroked your wet, messy hair. hyunjae couldn't help but find you adorable even when you looked like a huge mess — and it was when he saw the dark circles under your eyes and the tears running down your cheeks, that he realized he had gone too far. he had to stop resenting you for some stupid reason.
« it's been so long since we did this. » — he whispered close to your ear, making you nod slightly. truth be told, you felt like you couldn't remember the last time you were in his arms. looking up at him, coming face to face with his black pupils exploring your face, he finally spoke again : « i'm sorry. for everything. i'll make sure i don't cause you any more trouble. »
camouflaging your face against his muscular chest again, your fingers slightly released their grip on his t-shirt. « why do you hate me so much? » — sadness could be heard in your voice, which caused hyunjae's heart to tighten in his chest. he didn't hate you, he was just mad at you for flirting with his best friend, instead of him. « i don't hate you.. it's just.. i wanted you, but you chose someone else, » a sigh left his lips as you frowned, « i guess i think jealousy made me act like an asshole. »
« wait, what do you mean you wanted me? » — you say, pulling away slightly from him, finding your face a little too close to his, without really realizing it. a slight rosy tint painted hyunjae's cheekbones, who nervously scratched the back of his neck. « well.. » he said lightly chewing his bottom lip, « i really like you, but you were just hanging out with juyeon all the time. »
this time it was your turn to laugh at him, giggling as you crossed your arms against your chest. rolling your eyes as you stick your tongue against the inside of your cheek, you finally confessed to him : « yea, to talk about you. idiot. » — a faint 'oh' escaped the barrier formed by his lips, feeling dumber than ever. he could have avoided this kind of situation from happening, avoided seeing you and making you cry, but he had decided to act stupidly, guided by his ego of a wounded man and his misplaced jealousy.
taking a step forward towards you, now finding his torso pressed against yours, he naively slipping his hand into yours. « so.. does that mean– » he started, until you cut him off, « that i like you too? yea, that's what it means, loser. » — a stifled laugh escaped his lips, happy to finally find again your annoying character that he liked so much. approaching his face to yours slightly, he slipped his free arm around your waist, keeping you close to him, in the warmth of his arms that you loved so much.
« does that mean i can kiss you? »
rolling your eyes while wrapping his body in your free arm too, you pretended to think before answering : « i mean.. you should probably kiss me, yeah, before i– » and this time it was up to him to cut you off, pressing his warm, comforting lips to yours. he kissed you like it was something he had been waiting to do for a long time, bringing his lips to yours in a sweet and passionate exchange, picking up the previously trampled pieces of your heart.
and between the warmth of his arms, and the passion of his kisses, you finally felt like you came home.
thanks to hyunjae, your beloved enemy loser.
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charliedawn · 6 months
St Louis : Freddy Krueger’s Origin story
His beginning in St Louis
Warning: LONG !
Freddy was bored. He was aimlessly wandering the streets of his empty nightmare world and groaned loudly in annoyance. He had built this place to scare people, but why didn't people come to him then ?! He was tired of being alone in those empty endless corridors and wished for at least a little entertainment. It had been years since his last visitor or his last escape to the actual world. He wanted out of this place and almost regretted not keeping one of those pesky children around, just so he could make a deal and see what's out there.
He kicked a piece of metal on the floor that hit one of the metal pipes running along the walls and the sound echoed loudly. He sighed and was about to go back when he heard it—a small whimper.
He smirked.
Seemed like someone had finally found their way into his lair.
He found the source of the noise crying underneath a dirty rug, located between two pipes. Her face hidden behind her arms. She was a small shivering thing with her legs against her chest, her pink pajamas and her black hair covering her face.
~Oh. He would have fun with that one.
His smile widened.
"Seems like it's my lucky day..Fresh meat.", he made his presence known and she finally looked up at him with big tearful eyes. He relished in the fear in her gaze. She tried to escape, but Freddy grabbed her arm before she could and in an instant, they were plunged into darkness. All the girl could feel was a terrible cold—numbing her extremities and making her teeth clatter. She tried to rub her arms with her hands to gain a little bit of warmth, but to no avail.
And then, Freddy reappeared and pinned her to a wall before taking a long inhale of her scent. She smelt like jasmin and orange blossom. It was sickeningly sweet. He then slowly raised his clawed hand and tucked a strand of her hair away. He smirked when he felt her shiver in fear underneath his touch and he took a closer look at her face. He was agreeably surprised.
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"You're pretty. I like pretty. It's a nice change.", he commented appreciatively. She didn't say anything and he then pondered on whether he should kill her right now—or play a little first ? But then, he realized she was maybe the only person he would get to see before another century. She was also his only available ticket out of here. So, he kept his demon at bay in order not to frighten her any further and offered her a small smile that he hoped didn't seem very threatening, but he didn't count on it.
"Sorry, princess. I forgot my manners. Now...What's your name ? And tell me, how's the world been doing since I kicked the bucket ?"
He took a step back—but didn't back off enough to give her the chance to run away. She slowly turned her face back towards him and he could see that her lips had turned blue. His eyes widened as he realized he had forgotten he couldn't feel the cold, but she did.
"Oops. My bad." He quickly said before snapping his fingers and in a matter of seconds—they were both in front of a fire and she had a hot cup of hot cocoa in her hands. Well...a king of first impressions, he was ! He shook his head at his own mistake before waiting for her to be warm enough to answer. And finally, she did.
"My name is Eva."
He grinned and extended his hand forward.
"Freddy. At yar service." The girl still seemed a little spooked, but she still shook his hand.
He tilted his head and the girl stared at his every movement carefully.
"And tell me, Eva…When are you from exactly ?"
"When ?"
"Yes. When ?"
"Well...It's 20** now and..", she started, but wasn't allowed to finish as Freddy's eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"Damn," he interrupted her. "Really ? Sh*t. Haven't realized how long it has been.."
She nodded and Freddy sighed. To think he was already in another century...It seemed like yesterday that he was a simple gardener in a kindergarten. Well, before he went on a killing spree after his death. He then eyed her suspiciously. Normally, he could feel immediately when someone entered his realm, but he hadn't felt her…He then wondered if she knew him by any chance ? Maybe, was she the unfortunate offspring of one of the brats he had killed ?
"Say...What's your last name ?" He asked and she frowned in incomprehension before answering him.
Nope. Definitely not. None of the kids at his trial had that last name. He relaxed and they fell into an awkward silence until he eventually broke it.
"Say...you didn't answer my earlier question. How's the world been doing ? Anything to report ? You seem like someone who went to war. Did World War III broke out or something ?", he asked half-jokingly.
People who ended up in his realm were people who were scared as hell or were searching to escape their reality. Literally. So, what had brought her ? She visibly tensed up at the question.
"I mean...No offense. But, I do not want to answer. We don't know each other."
Oh. It made sense now. He had fallen on one of those pesky closed-off overthinking brats with a lot of personal issues. He held out back an annoyed groan before addressing her a plastered smile.
"What ? Daddy gave you no house money, so you decided to make a deal with a demon or something ?", he jeered—but Eva glared at him with such animosity—and his grin immediately fell.
'Careful, little girl. I don't like that look..', he thought while raising his claws warningly. It would be so simple and satisfying to slash her pretty little neck and be done with it. Eva seemed to realize and lowered her gaze before explaining.
"No. I just lost my dad and my mom is always away for work." She then looked away. "She didn't even assist to the funeral.."
Well...Way to go. He had maybe just tear his own ticket to freedom to pieces. At this point, he may as well kill her. But, he was too curious.
"And why are ya here ? Why did ya summon me ?"
Eva sighed and seemed to hesitate whether or not to tell him.
"…I didn’t. I wasn’t trying to summon a demon."
Freddy tilted his head curiously.
"Yeah ? Then what ?"
She hesitated before confessing.
"…I wanted to see my dad."
They both stayed silent for a moment. He could kill her. She was right there and his bloodthirst was already boiling in his veins. But, instead decided to give her a choice—which was rare for him.
"How about you and I make a deal, princess ?", he said before entering her personal space once more—his sharp blades shining red with the light of the fire. "You get me out there, and I’ll give you a dad. How’s that ?"
He extended his unclawed hand forward with a grin and she frowned with uncertainty. Was it really wise to trust him ? She sighed. Well, it was too late to backtrack now. She finally indulged.
"Fine. But, I heard that demons couldn't break their vows so...You won't hurt me and you’ll hold your end of the promise, alright ?"
Freddy rolled his eyes, but out of options, agreed. Besides, she didn't seem to have caught on the fact he was only half demon. As far as deals were concerned, they didn't apply when he was in his human form. But, he wasn't going to tell her that. Besides, he wasn't counting on staying long.
"Fine. I ain't gonna touch you and I’ll do whatever ya say." He conceded and Eva frowned—unsatisfied.
"How can I be sure you're telling the truth ?"
Freddy sneered before suddenly moving incredibly close to her, so close she could see the flames of hell sparkling in his eyes.
"Would you believe me if I said I swear it on my heart ?", he asked with a malicious grin and Eva frowned.
She hadn't meant to sound so rude, but she didn't trust Freddy. She had heard of rumors and she knew what he was capable of.
"Fine. Here." He tear a piece of his shirt and gave it to her. She frowned and looked up at him with a skeptical frown.
"What's that ?"
Freddy scoffed. The girl wasn't even aware of what a gift from a demon involved, the most powerful way to get a slasher under someone's control. Some people had died for it, but Freddy didn't mind. He could tell the girl was the kind to be careful.
"A talisman. We usually don't give it that easy, but let's say I like you, kid. And you seem to be intelligent enough to use it when it's necessary."
Eva wasn't convinced, but she still shoved the piece of clothe in her pocket and then asked.
"Okay...What do I have to do ?"
"Nothing much. Just stay close to me and when you wake up, I'll wake up next to you."
Eva nodded and they both sat next to each other. Freddy looked up at the ceiling and Eva at her feet. They had to wait a couple of minutes for Eva to wake up and Freddy had no idea what to say to her.
Was it all a dream ?
Eva didn't know. And she didn't know if she wanted to know.
When she woke up :
Eva blinked several times before recognizing her ceiling and the little stars she had crafted when she was in second grade. She sighed
It was really just a dream after all...She closed her eyes. However, she was awoken once more by noises coming from her kitchen.
She quickly got up and ran to the kitchen, only to see her kitchen in a disastrous state. It felt like a bull had ran over everything and left it a mess. She was so shocked—she failed to notice the stranger behind her until he spoke.
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"Sup' ?" Eva almost fell backwards when she heard the voice behind her. She turned around swiftly and saw a stranger standing there with chopsticks and looking completely unbothered by her. He only kept slurping loudly on some noodles while staring at her.
"Is that my last noodle box ?" She finally asked with an arked eyebrow and the man shrugged.
"Is that my talisman ?" He shot back.
Eva looked down at the piece of cloth in her hand and sighed. Of course. Of course Freddy Krueger would haunt her nightmares. And of course she would bring him back to life...
"Touché." She conceded before settling down on one of the kitchen's chairs. She poured herself a bowl of cereal before looking up at the time and quickly finished her bowl. She then got dressed and grabbed her bag.
"Don't touch anything !"
Freddy scoffed. He would touch whatever he damn pleased...Matter-of-fact...He smirked to himself and followed her...He would take a look at her school—since he didn't have much to do anyway but scare a couple of teens.
At the end of the day :
Eva was called into the headmaster's office and she sighed. She hadn't meant to cheat. She just wanted to pass and had been unable to resist. She felt ashamed—but it was too late now.
"We called your father." The headmaster announced and Eva blinked once in confusion.
"My father ? But he's..", she started—but reconsidered. Did Freddy really hold up his end of the bargain ? Had he…? A smile drew on her face—but it was quickly wiped off by a loud voice in the hall.
"DADDY'S RIGHT HERE SWEETIE !" Freddy slammed the door open and raised his hands in the air with a big grin plastered on his face.
"Sorry. Got lost searching for the milk for the last 18 years. But, hey ! I'm here now !" He shook the hands of everyone in the room as if it was award-day before sitting down beside Eva who looked like she wanted to kill him.
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...What was he doing ? Where was her dad ?
"As we've told you before, Eva is an excellent student. She just seems to be a little preoccupied those days and we were wondering if it had maybe something to do with what was happening at home ?", the headmaster tried to explain and make Freddy talk about Eva’s home situation. But, Freddy was having none of it.
"My kid is perfectly fine." He scoffed. "She ain't troubled. She just needs people to leave her the fuck alone."
All the people in the room were shocked by his words and the headmaster finally spoke again after scratching his throat awkwardly.
"Mr. Cortez. No cursing please."
Freddy rolled his eyes before replying.
"Am gonna curse if I damn want to…"
He then raised his hand, but Eva suddenly grabbed it and lowered it back against him.
"Calm down, dad."
The glare she sent his way made Freddy immediately sit down—grumbling. The principal started explaining how Eva’s grades had been falling recently and how she was becoming more and more disrespectful with the teachers. Eva stayed silent while Freddy seemed to barely be able to contain himself. He was starting to get bored and annoyed. At the end, when the principal asked for his opinion…he didn’t have a lot to say.
"Go. Fuck. Yourselves."
The principal and the teacher present were dumbfounded and before anyone could stop him, Freddy grabbed Eva by the wrist and dragged her out of the office. When they were far enough, she pulled away and glared at him.
He cackled.
"Come on ! They were pissing you off too !"
Eva shook her head.
"Not that ! You pretended to be my dad !"
She seemed genuinely angry and it took Freddy by surprise.
"Daddy for a few weeks. Chill, kid. I gotta come back to my world at some point. Not that I don't like your nerdy a**. But, I ain't gonna torment you forever. Even I wouldn't handle it."
Eva frowned. What was he talking about ?! Where was her real dad ?! She had asked him for her real dad ! Not a damn knock-off ! She was about to answer when someone cut her off.
They both turned their heads towards the voice and Freddy saw a blond boy in the middle of the corridor. He was jot looking at Freddy though. He was looking at Eva. And from the expression on her face ? They certainly weren’t friends…Freddy grinned and squeezed Eva’s shoulder.
"Step outside, sweetheart. I'll be right behind ya."
She was about to protest when Freddy squeezed her shoulder once more and the look he gave her made her shiver. She begrudgingly complied and walked away.
As soon as she was outside, Freddy’s smile grew as he turned back towards the boy and grabbed him by the collar to pull him forward harshly.
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"Now, listen to me good, bitch. You speak to her like that one more time, and I'll paint this whole school with yar fucking blood, got it pretty boy ?"
"Y—Yes, sir !", the boy replied frightfully and his eyes went wide at the sharp blades now so close to his face.
"Good boy. Now, scram.", Freddy finally said before releasing the boy who ran away.
Freddy cackled before stepping outside. When Eva asked what he had done ? He didn’t answer. But, that boy wouldn’t be bothering her anymore…
Back home :
The moment they were back at the house, Eva turned around to glare at Freddy.
"I asked you to bring back my dad ! What’s wrong with you ?!"
Freddy sniggered mockingly.
"Nah nah, sweetheart. I can’t bring back the dead. I only told ya you could have A dad. Not YOUR dad."
Eva gritted her teeth and threw her backpack in his face.
"LIAR !"
Freddy barely managed to avoid it before glaring back at Eva.
"Not my fault ya one gullible lil’ girl."
Eva was furious and yelled.
Freddy cackled before suddenly grabbing her wrist to pull her towards him. He then grinned maliciously.
"Not a chance, sweetie. Am here to torment ya. And I’ll stay till ya lose yer goddamn mind !"
Eva gasped and her eyes widened at the cruel streak in his eyes. What had she been thinking ? Of course he wasn’t her friend. He would never be. She wrenched away from his grip and glared at him.
"…You are a monster."
He held back a snort.
"Took you long enough."
She huffed and slammed the door of her bedroom. The moment she was out of reach, she started crying on her bed. Freddy could walk through doors in his dreamworld, but not in the world of the living. He sighed and knocked at her door.
"Hey, kiddo. Open up."
She didn’t answer, but her door wasn’t locked. When he entered, he found her buried underneath layers of blankets and he hesitated whether or not to joke about it. But, he couldn’t help himself.
"Hey, rabbit. Get out your rabbit hole, will you ? Gotta talk to you."
She sighed before getting her head out and looking at him.
"What ?"
He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. This was going to be one hell of an awkward moment.
"Uh…Are you hungry ?"
Eva frowned. Why would the dream demon care about that ?
"…Not particularly. No."
They stayed in perfect silence for a while until Freddy’s stomach suddenly rumbled and suddenly, Eva understood. Her mouth twisted into a knowing smirk.
"Oh…Now, that’s hilarious." She looked up at his face and realised he was trying his best not to blush in embarrassment. Freddy wasn’t in his dream world anymore, which meant…"You’re hungry, aren’t you ?"
He grumbled something and suddenly, Eva pulled the covers off her to stand up in front of Freddy. Now that she thought about it, he wasn’t that tall. She thought he would be taller. In her dreams, he was this terrible dream demon who could make anyone’s life miserable. But here ? He needed to eat and bend down to human needs. So…
"Fine then. I’ll make you food. But, on one condition."
Freddy frowned as Eva’s grin widened.
"…You’ll do exactly what I say. And no doing anything without asking me first."
His eyes widened and he crossed his arms aver his chest.
"Oh ? You think you can control me, little girl ?"
She mimicked him and crossed her arms over her own chest.
"You wanna starve and live on the street ?"
There was a silent challenge between the two of them until Freddy finally yielded. He sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Fine, girly. You win. No more acting out."
Eva smiled victoriously before walking past him and getting downstairs to prepare dinner.
Maybe…Living with Freddy wouldn’t be such a pain after all.
A few days later :
Turns out, Freddy held his promise. He didn’t interfere with Eva’s life anymore, as long as he was fed. He stayed in the house most of the time and watched TV. But, Eva knew better than to trust the dream demon. Freddy was dangerous. And she would be foolish to forget it.
However, it seemed he wasn’t as much an inconvenience as she thought he would be. He was annoying. Rude. A pervert. But, he kept her company and actually helped around the house—which seemed rather strange. But, she wouldn’t be the one to point it out.
And soon enough, a strange thing happened.
They both fell in this sort of comfortable everyday life. She would leave for school, but Freddy was always there when she would come back. She didn’t ask what he was doing when she wasn’t there, but he told her anyway. Since he was technically human in the real world, his conversations were rather lively to talk about the most mondaine of things. He would talk about what he saw on TV like he hadn’t seen one before, he would marvel at the smallest things like Chinese takeaway and was so easy to satisfy…It was almost comical. He did have the occasional gross statements about the good looks of the women neighbours or his old kills. But, other than that ? He wasn’t that bad a roommate.
Unfortunately, Freddy hated being bored. And she knew that when he would be bored…he would come and annoy her. And soon enough, he finally found something to use against her.
They were sitting in the living room. Eva was doing her homework while Freddy was sitting upside down on the couch—staring at the clock. He had made the deal to get out and have some fun, but all Eva was doing was ignore him, pretend he was just a spider on the wall. He was tired of it.
He groaned loudly in annoyance before standing up.
"That's it. We're doing something fun !" He thought Eva would at least spare him a glance, but all she did was continue working. At this point, he was scared the girl didn’t even know how to have fun. He sighed as she kept ignoring him and he looked down at her bag before noticing a bright purple flyer. He picked it up and smiled as he read that Eva had a dance in two weeks. He looked at her—still plunged into her work. His smirk faltered.
Yeah…Fat chance she was ever going.
"Ya got a dance right ?"
He suddenly slammed the flyer in front of her eyes and Eva barely flinched. But, she did seem mildly surprised as she looked up at him with a quizzical raised eyebrow.
"Yeah. And ?"
Freddy seemed stunned by her complete disinterest and sat in front of her with a grin.
"And…Let me teach you a move or two."
Her eyes widened and for the first time since they met, Freddy saw Eva laugh. She burst out laughing. He would have taken offense if he wasn’t so shocked. When she was finished laughing, Eva shook her head in disbelief.
"I am not dancing with you."
He sighed and shook his head before suddenly slamming his hand on the table.
"Let me rephrase that. Either we have fun—or I go out and find myself a nice bunch of innocent virgins and make a blood sacrifice to...me."
Alright—not really convincing. But, at this point, he didn’t have much to lose. And he thought she would just brush him off, as always. But, her eyes glanced down at the flyer and she bit her lower lip in hesitation. She did want to go. But…She didn’t know if she should.
She finally closed her eyes and sighed loudly in defeat.
"Fine…Five minutes."
Freddy was surprised she was complying, but he wouldn’t lose his chance. He smirked and clapped his hands excitedly. He then grabbed Eva’s hand before she could change her mind and smirked as she tried to pull away. But…She then relaxed as Freddy started leading her into a dance. They didn’t say anything until Freddy started giving her instructions.
"You’re too stiff. Relax. It ain’t like there’s anyone around. Just your ol’ pal Freddy."
Eva sighed.
That was the problem.
"…Why are you being nice ?"
She asked and Freddy forced a smile onto his face. He tried to look reassuring, but it didn’t work. It made her worry even more.
"Am bored. Wasn’t trying to be nice," he tried to tell her…but Eva wasn’t fooled.
"Freddy…Tell me the truth."
Freddy stopped.
He hesitated.
He remained silent and Eva finally pulled away from him.
She waited for him to explain. He seemed…worried.
"Look…girlie. I…Hum…I have to tell you something." He didn’t know how to tell her that it was almost time for him to go. He had noticed that his body was slowly decomposing. He was a dream demon. And dream demons couldn’t stay in the world of the living.
But, the more he looked at her and the more he wondered if he should tell her. She wouldn’t care, right ? It’s not like they were friends or anything…
He huffed a laugh and shrugged.
"Just…Try not to fall on your ass when you get to prom, alright ?"
She tilted her head and didn’t seem to believe him at first, but he then decided to use her momentary inattention to trip her backwards and smirk as she almost fell to the ground. But, he caught her.
"Like that."
She huffed and groaned in annoyance before quickly standing up and giving him a glare.
"You scared me, idiot."
His smirk grew into a victorious grin.
"Well, I did my job right then."
She rolled her eyes before walking away—a tiny smile on her face. She was gonna cook dinner. Freddy followed her with his eyes and smiled as well…But, his smile fell when he looked down at his trembling fingers. He could feel his strength dwindling away…He closed his eyes and let out a sigh.
…He wasn’t going to tell her.
It was for the best.
The next day :
Would you be my prom buddy ?
A note was left on the table next to his breakfast plate. He looked at it. He looked at it for a long time. He actually stared at it until it was the end of school for Eva and she came back.
"…What the fuck is that ?"
He asked her before she could even put down her backpack. There was a long silence until Eva opened her mouth.
"…Can’t you read ?"
He glared at her.
"Yeah. Ahah. Don’t play smartass with me. What does it mean ?"
Eva sighed.
"It’s an invitation to prom. I know. It’s stupid. But, I thought…"
"You thought…what exactly ?" He cut her off. "Hey ! Let’s ask the dream demon for a dance at my stupid highschool dance ?"
Her eyes widened. She didn’t think it would get such a rise out of him. She thought he would actually appreciate the offer and it would go straight to his gigantic ego. But, he looked mad. Really mad.
"Freddy…Why are you so mad ? It’s just a stupid dance. Nobody asked me and you showed me that you liked dancing yesterday. I just thought…"
Freddy’s eyes softened. He knew that he shouldn’t be so angry. That it was the perfect chance to scare some teenagers and embarrass the girl for ages. But…His fingers were still shaking and he could feel his body’s slowly but surely withering away.
He looked away.
He couldn’t tell her.
He couldn’t tell her he probably wouldn’t be there anymore by the time she gets to the fucking prom.
Eva mistook his silence for spite and huffed a laugh of disbelief. She knew the demon was stubborn and cruel, but she didn’t think he would be the one to give her the silent treatment. Freddy was everything but quiet. It was one of the only great things he was. Loud. At least, she always knew what was going on through his dark twisted mind. But, seeing him acting like this was just…weird.
"…Fine. Have it your way." She finally huffed before walking away and Freddy winced as he heard Eva’s door slam shut. He sighed before looking at his hand where the decomposed flesh was already showing.
A few hours later :
Freddy eventually went upstairs and hesitated whether or not to knock at her door. Finally, he wrapped his fingers around the doorknob before turning it silently and entering discreetly. The bedroom was dark and Eva had her back to him. His eyes softened as he saw her asleep.
He raised his hand over her face and slowly moved a strand of her hair away from her face.
How could he tell her ? How could he tell her that he couldn’t stay ? How could he tell her that if he stayed in the world of the living for too long…He’d disappear ?
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"How am I supposed to go back when you got me all wrapped up around yar little finger, huh brat ?", he muttered while booping the girl with his finger. Eva turned around in her sleep and Freddy unconsciously smiled. Freddy tilted his head and smiled before wincing at the feeling in his chest. He didn't want a kid. He had already tried..People usually got hurt around him—if not worse.
He sighed before standing up to leave. He would keep his mouth shut. It was for the best. He thought she was asleep—he thought wrong. The moment he tried to walk away, he felt a hand wrap around his wrist and when he turned back—Eva's eyes were on him.
"Why are you talking weird..", she asked with a weak sleepy voice and Freddy sighed before sitting down next to her on her bed. "Listen. There is something I've been meaning to tell you but..."
She frowned worriedly and Freddy finally decided it was best to just show her. Eva gasped when he showed her his rotten arm and Freddy could already see she wouldn't understand. So, he explained.
"I'm dead, kiddo. I can't stay forever."
Eva squeezed his arm and shook her head vividly. No...It couldn't be.
"We..We'll go get some doctors. We'll figure this out. I'll..I'll find a way," Eva started crying and Freddy sighed before holding both of her hands in his.
"It's okay, kiddo. We both knew it was temporary. Besides, don't tell me you aren't glad to actually see me gone ?"
He was trying to cheer her up—but the nasty glare she gave him afterwards made him realize it was the wrong move.
"You are so f*cking stupid, Freddy Krueger.", she spat and Freddy knew he shouldn't get angry—but there was something truly infuriating about the hurt in her eyes. He was a monster. A slasher. She shouldn't be looking at him like that...like she cared...like she wanted him to stay. And worse of all, he shouldn't feel so damn disappointed he couldn't.
"What do you want from me, kiddo ? I do not make the rules."
"Bullshit !" She interrupted him. "You’re Freddy Krueger ! You do not have rules ! You just wanna leave me ! Like my parents did !"
Freddy’s eyes widened.
"Now, wait a minute, kiddo…That’s not fair. I swear I can’t stay. I am already rotting, little girl. There’s no…"
There’s no way I can stay. Sorry.
He wanted to say, but the words stayed stuck in his throat. Eva was glaring at him and he knew she hated him. And he knew he didn’t have a heart. He shouldn’t care about what some lousy brat was thinking…He really shouldn’t.
"You are a coward."
The words hurt more than he cared to admit, especially when Eva was looking at him with such hatred in her eyes. He knew what it felt like to be abandoned. But…
"Look, Eva…I…I really can’t stay. I wish I could."
He hoped she would understand.
A week later :
He had actually showed up.
Eva didn't know if she was happy or upset. But, he had put on his glamor and for a man with absolutely no taste, he had actually cleaned up good.
"...You're late.", she couldn't help but comment—but Freddy only shrugged.
"Hey. I'm here, ain't I ?", he retorted and even though Eva sighed in exasperation, she still smiled and took his hand.
"I'm glad...", she finally admitted and Freddy laughed before nudging her.
"Hey ! Don't go all soft on me now."
She huffed a laugh before discreetly wiping a few tears from her eyes.
"Yeah...You're right."
But their heartfelt moment was cut off by the mean comments of some of the other students.
"AHAHAH ! Look at those two freaks !"
"Is that really your dad ?"
"That’s just embarrassing…"
Suddenly, Eva felt all of their eyes on her and let go of Freddy's hand who threw a nasty glare around at all the other teens. He had forgotten how much they could all be a bunch of little shits. Made him not regret killing some of them when he had the chance.
However, Eva's reaction was what surprised him. She seemed to be hiding herself behind him, which would have been hilarious in any other circumstances than this one. She seemed genuinely afraid. She was shaking and Freddy sighed before turning around to face her and shield her from the others.
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"Hey. Calm down, drama queen. You're going to be alright. Take a damn breath. It's only a stupid party." He whispered to her—but Eva shook her head and whimpered.
"I should have never come..."
He felt her anger and disappointment as if they were his own and his smile vanished.
"That damn party will be enough to make me fail my entire life. If I don't make good face, I won't have a good social circle, with no good social circle, people will think I'm stupid and that I don't have what it takes to go to college..I won't marry. Have kids. Have a life."
She started rumbling and Freddy's eyes widened in astonishment. What was she going on about ?!
"Who cares ? You're 17. Live a little.", he told her—but she shook her head again.
"I'm 18, asshole. And what ? You want me to end up like you ?"
Okay. Ouch. That last part did hurt, but fair. At her age, he had already given up on school and had probably already been sent off to delinquent camp. He wasn't like her. At all. But, from what he could see—she was too fuckin' anxious for a kid.
"Now, you listen here, ya ungrateful little shit. I don't know who taught you that life is all about good grades and marriage and fuckin' kids..? But, they're full of shit ! Life is all about you and what you want !"
He forced her to look at him and was about to continue when he saw the desperation in her eyes. Fuck. He knew that look. The look of the lost. How many times had he looked at himself in the mirror with that very same expression on his face. Too tired. Too angry. Too fuckin' miserable. It didn't look good on her...
"AND I WANT YOU TO FUCKING STAY !" He was rendered speechless as she finally confessed the real reason why she was so upset. She wanted him to stay and remain her dad. Eva knew it didn't make any sense, but she wanted Freddy to be her father forever. She stormed off and Freddy gritted his teeth. Shit.
He ran after her.
"HEY ! COME BACK HERE ! DADDY'S NOT DONE TALKING !" Eva flipped him off and he rolled his eyes—even though he was proud to have taught her something. He then grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him just as the music was starting again. He could feel her big crocodile tears wetting his collarbone and her fists clenching in his shirt.
He wanted to make her forget. He wanted to make her happy. Fuck ! It was her damn graduation party and it felt like a damn funeral !
"How about a dance, champ' ?", he finally asked and smirked when he saw the way her eyes widened in shock. At least she wasn't crying no more.
Her protest fell into deaf ears as she was suddenly led into a dance. Freddy started twirling her around and even though she wanted to stop and yell at him some more, she couldn't. He turned elegantly, his body in tune with the slow music. Yet, there was a sort of harshness to him, like he was someone who shouldn’t be underestimated.
"Come on ! Let loose, girly. Let's not waste the little time we got."
His confident smirk made her feel as if he could do anything and she was just enjoying the ride, the thrill of dancing with danger. And even though she shouldn't, it made her feel as if she could do anything too. The warmth between them grew more powerful by the second. Her heartbeat was growing steadily along with the musical beat and if it was to be her last night with Freddy ? She would make it count. Their dance wasn't perfect; everything from their hectic breathing to how their feet moved to stay in sync with the music, but she wouldn't have it any other way. If, by the end of this dance her breath was taken away, she would know the exact reason why.
Eva didn't hear the dark whispers around her, as she was trying to keep up. And even though she was mad at him, she couldn't lie that it was the most fun she had had in a long time. Suddenly, Freddy went faster and to her surprise, she succeeded in dancing alongside him and when he bent her backwards, she even laughed.
"Here it is ! That smiley face people know and love.."
She opened her eyes and her smile fell when she saw Freddy's face. She hadn't realized that the reason for her classmates' cruel jeering was that Freddy's face had slowly melted away.
"F...Freddy ?", her voice shook with worry as she started touching the gooey texture he had tried to cover his face with. It felt...odd.
"Sh*t.", he almost dropped her as he tried to cover his face, but it was too late. He was vanishing. And he could now hear all of your classmates whispers around you both. He was the one ruining your party now...
"Hey. Look at me. F*ck them." Eva tried to drag him back into the dance—but he refused. Freddy only shook his head before storming out of the room to the gents' toilets and tried to hide his face all the way. He had never been ashamed of anything in his life, but he didn't want her to be hurt.
"She ain't even that pretty."
He kicked the door open and before either of the boys could escape, he had them both pinned by the throat.
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"Fuck y'all. Wouldn't recognize pretty even if it was to spit you in the f*cking face."
He walked over their corpses and didn't look back. He knew she would be angry, but he didn't give two shits. The contract would be over tonight and he would be gone. If his last action was to offer her a little break from assholes like them ? Then, he'd gladly take the chance.
But, he didn't think of the consequences...
Not until his right hand started hurting him and he realized it was rapidly rotting away.
He looked at Eva—waiting for him on the dance floor. He hesitated before looking at the window of the men's restroom.
His exit.
He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth.
"Sorry kid..."
A few hours later :
"FREDDY !" Eva ran towards him and he winced and was about to tell you not to come any closer, but the pain started worsening in his right leg and he couldn't stay up any longer.
She rushed forward just as he hit the ground and held him closer to her as she cried out.
"What is going on ?!"
He didn't answer and only smiled before raising his face to gently stroke her face.
"...Pretty," he muttered weakly and Eva broke into sobs.
"We..We can fix this. I'll just break the contract. We'll make another deal. Please. Why did you do this ?" She asked while he was spitting blood and he shrugged.
"Never liked school."
She laughed and wiped her tears away.
"Stop making jokes. You are dying, you moron."
"Bah. Not really. It's just this body's expiration date. I'll still be around. In your head."
"...You didn't have to do any of this, idiot."
"Bullshit. They needed someone to teach them a thing or two about respect."
"Hey. I was an alright dad, right ?", he asked as blood started dripping down his chin and Eva hiccuped a laugh.
"Are you kidding ? The best.", she said and Freddy let out a small cackle.
"You're a terrible liar..."
She held his hand tightly and smiled weakly at him.
"Daddy for one more day...Please ? Stay. For me ?" She pleaded and Freddy's breath hitched. Freddy's face slowly melted away and his burnt face showed underneath his glamor. But, Eva wasn't afraid anymore.
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He huffed a laugh before offering her a genuine smile and tipping his hat at her. "Are you kidding me ? Daddy for life, kiddo. For better and definitely for worse."
Eva smiled and kissed his forehead lovingly, but was then pulled back from him and dragged away.
"Wait...WAIT ! No. Please ! He was only trying to protect me !" She tried to explain—but nothing could have convinced them. Her eyes watered and in one last attempt to protect him, jumped forward to wrap her arms around him.
But then, she heard cars screech in the distance and stop just in front of the both of you. A man then stood out of the car and approached the both of you. He took a glance at Freddy's terrible state and sighed before introducing himself.
"Hello, Mr. Krueger. Nice to meet you. My name is Liam McCain and I am the head of security in a facility that is specialized in cases such as yours for complete rehabilitation..Do you accept ?" Freddy arked a skeptical eyebrow at him before eyeing the multiple holes in his chest significantly.
"In case you haven't noticed, I ain't got a lot of time left, buddy.." Liam seemed to realize and asked one of the nurses to bring something. When Eva saw the needle, she frowned and immediately grabbed his arm before he could inject whatever that was in his veins.
"Now, wait a minute ! What is that ?" She asked and Liam seemed to only realize now her presence since the moment he had stepped out of the car.
"Who is he to you ?" He asked in all seriousness and she was speechless. She actually didn't know who he was to her..Was he a friend ? No...That wasn't the right word. She glanced at Freddy's pitiful appearance and even if he must be in terrible pain, he forced himself to smile reassuringly at you.
"He's my dad." She finally settled for before holding his hand and squeezing it lightly.
Liam stayed expressionless at first, but his face was soon brightened with a knowing smile.
"Of course he is.."
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He then hit her on the back of the head and you fell to the floor—unconscious. Freddy's chest heaved as he didn't even have the strength to raise a finger and could only yell at general McCain.
He used his last strength to raise his clawed hand and try to get to you, but was unsuccessful. Liam ignored him and carefully picked you up before putting you in one of the officers' arms.
"Get her home safely."
The agent nodded promptly before carrying you away. Once you were out of sight, Liam crouched back next to Freddy and sighed when he saw that Freddy was giving him the middle finger.
"I can't believe I'm going to save the infamous Freddy Krueger..."
He then injected the substance inside of him and Freddy fell unconscious.
Freddy's eyes suddenly snapped open. But, before he could move as much as a muscle, Liam attached a sort of collar around his neck and he suddenly had a lot of riffles pointed at him.
"Welcome back, Mr. Krueger. And welcome to St Louis."
Freddy looked up and his eyes widened as he saw a big building made with red bricks. He could feel the power of this place and seethed.
"What the f...?! What the heck is this place ?!"
Liam smiled enigmatically.
"...Your new home."
Freddy was once again sedated before being dragged inside.
A few years later :
Eva Cortez entered St Louis and she took a deep breath. She had finally found it. It had taken her years, but she had finally found it…St Louis. Her feet immediately guided her towards the basement and once she was in front of Freddy’s cell—she stopped.
"...Hey, Freddy."
Freddy didn’t answer and Eva sighed.
She had his talisman wrapped around her wrist and gripped the bars of his cell.
"You remember me ?" She asked, but Freddy remained unresponsive.
"...Come on. It's me." She insisted and smiled. She was trying not to cry as she realised he wasn’t reacting. She sighed before asking in a weak voice:
"Daddy for a day ?"
Suddenly, Freddy seemed to react as he slowly turned his head towards you and his eyes lit up in recognition.
"...Daddy for life, kiddo."
Eva smiled and tried not to cry as she extended her hand through the bars and held his hand.
"I'm here. I'm here, dad." He smiled, but Eva was surprised when Freddy pulled her flush against his cage and his eyes seemed so cold.
"Go. Leave this place. Now. It ain’t for you here. Get out. Get out now."
Eva couldn't help but smile and even though her every instinct was telling her to run, she used her other hand to gently stroke Freddy's cheek.
"I missed you too.."
Freddy's face softened and he sighed before pressing his forehead against hers.
"Please. Leave, kiddo."
However, Liam entered behind her and Freddy's face twisted in anger. He scratched her hand while pushing her away and Eva fell to the floor.
"Go. Leave." Freddy told her and Eva’s eyes widened at the sudden change in behaviour of Freddy.
"I do not understand…Why ? Freddy ?"
Freddy didn’t say anything—his eyes glaring daggers at Liam.
"Miss Cortez. Please. Wait outside." Liam said and Eva sighed in defeat.
"Alright." Eva complied and Freddy sat back in a corner. Once she was gone, Liam returned his eyes on the cage where Freddy was waiting. Liam sighed.
"Your daughter came to visit you. The least you could do is thank her. She really did everything in her power to find you."
Freddy snorted.
"She shouldn’t have. And I have no daughter. She’s just a chick. Just…send her back."
Liam chuckled and Freddy glared at him.
"What’s so funny, asshole ?"
Liam kept a smile on his face.
"I am afraid I cannot send her away. You see…Miss Cortez applied to a position as a nurse in our establishment and she was hired."
Freddy’s eyes widened and he suddenly reached out to Liam to cut his throat.
"You BITCH ! There are other slashers in here ! She’s gonna get herself killed !" He roared and Liam laughed as he walked away.
"Those are the risks of the profession, Mr. Krueger !"
Freddy punched the bars of his cell and yelled:
"NO ! NO ! Get her out of here ! You hear me ?! OR AM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU, MCCAIN !"
Liam chuckled again on his way out and Freddy sank on his knees.
No no no…
She couldn’t work here. She couldn’t.
Freddy gritted his teeth and his eyes became red with anger…He would kill them all.
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kusagrasskusa · 11 months
An Eye for an Eye, ‘Til the World goes Blind
Chapter 3- Italian Food
Intro, Cha1, Cha2, Cha3, Cha4, (Chapter Selections! Click this to find later chapters)
Lovely Y/N gets ready for her date. He really is something so dreamy- so fine. He invites her back to his place after good food <3 Although maybe agreeing to go back to his place was not so smart. Maybe she should learn Italian to recognize the little pun in the restaurant’s name.
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There’s just one thing on her mind. Why did they look like her?
There was one thing they were thinking of. When were they going to reach her?
Buzz buzz
The ringing of her phone is what got Y/N to snap out of it. Her eyes were wide and her vision blurry as she daydreamed, not even realizing that she’d been holding her lip gloss on her lips for the past 5 minutes as she stared into her reflection.
“What am I doing,” she furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head to herself, dismissing the oddity and picking up her phone. “Hello?” She said with a smile.
“Hey, I’m here whenever you’re ready!” Tim’s deep voice replied through the phone, “I got my truck parked out front.”
“Okay! Give me just one more minute, I won’t keep you waiting!” She replied cheerfully, feeling the heat rise to her face and chest as she heard his voice. It was so dreamy!
“No rush, Y/N. I’ll see you in a minute.”
An intense anxiety and curiosity rested on her muscles. It was rare for Y/N to ever go out, let alone with a man who looked to be about 5 or 6 years older. Gosh, how would Mateo think of this?
But we all gotta live and rebel a little, you know?
“Yep, I will be there in one minute,” Y/N said out loud as she replied to her date, a shy smile on her face. Okay, she thought, play it cool. Cute guy asked for her number earlier and now he’s taking her out. Perfect.
Y/N grabbed her purse and fluffy coat and quickly walked out of her bedroom. However, she made a sudden halt as she passed the open door to her office- her furrowed eyebrows and pouted lip making her concern in plain sight.
No, she must be getting out there. She wouldn’t wanna keep him waiting after all.
But she hadn’t had the chance to just see if the girls’ faces were really similar to hers. With all the weird things the last 24 hours have brought, it could be enough to settle something deep in her mind.
Oh, he can wait a few more minutes.
Y/N plopped down into the chair, opening the monitors and following the same steps she had done many times to unlock her brother’s case files. Her legs shook with anticipation as she waited for the computer screen to load- a commonality in 2010 unfortunately- hoping what she saw was just a dream.
But that led her to think again. When did she fall asleep? There’s no way she fell asleep after looking at the photos, but she doesn’t remember falling asleep at the desk either.
Finally, the proper screen pulled up. “Here we go,” Y/N mumbled quietly to herself as the mouse clicked on the case photos, watching as the many bloody and graphic images flashed onto her screen. Her eyes scanned the entireties of the victim’s faces.
Next case’s photos, followed by the next, and then by the next. Each victim’s bloody face was blue, cold, and stiff; the daughters’ faces worse each time. It made her think of the daughter she saw dead yesterday, and how the back of her mind made that connection.
So, if it’s confirmed that each girl looked very, very close to Y/N… then when did she fall asleep between the time she looked through it and when she sat back?
A deep sigh escaped her lungs as Y/N stood up, pulling her coat over her arms and hurrying out the door. No more dwelling. What difference does it make, she thought, since it’s not like the nightmare was real. She felt annoyed with herself for letting the question bother her so much.
Something about the faceless man in her dreams just seemed to move her in a weird way, I guess.
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“Well, took you a bit more than a minute,” Tim joked as he smiled at her, leaning against his white truck as she stepped out of the apartment building. He flicked his cigarette ash onto the road before sticking it between his lips.
“Heh, sorry,” Y/N shyly said, rushing down the stairs and over to him. She blushed heavily upon seeing the man, like a middle school girl would to her crush.
He was wearing the same red flannel from earlier, and nicer jeans and boots. It also looked like he combed his hair a bit.
“No worries,” he blew out smoke as he opened the door for his date, “ladies first.” Y/N grinned at him as she got into the car, the door shutting behind her. Moments later, he got into the driver’s seat and started the vehicle.
“This is nice, Tim,” she shyly complimented, looking out the window and onto her apartment. Out of the reflection of the window, she could see his smile as he looked over at her.
“And you look real nice yourself, Miss L/N,” he replied.
The small talk continued as they drove to the restaurant- a nice little Italian place called L’inganno. It wasn’t too far away, but definitely a different area than where she usually goes. The two stepped inside, got a table, and thus began the date officially.
“It smells so good in here,” Y/N couldn’t help but smile widely as she spoke. You know that feeling when something you have been dreaming about for a while happens? Like, for example, getting asked out by a guy with good tastes? Because that was how Y/N felt right now.
“Yeah, I’d never been one for Italian food, but I know the ladies like ‘em, hah hah,” Tim joked, running his finger down the menu as he read the options. Y/N giggled at his comment, nodding her head.
“You choose right then,” she replied as she took a sip of her water. “Say, I noticed your accent and I’m curious: where are you from?”
“Alabama,” he replied as he looked up from the menu and into her eyes. “I must not be good at blending in, hmm?”
“Mister, I’ve lived here all my life and you stick out like a sore thumb,” Y/N replied in an exaggerated Southern accent, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms, inciting a playful smile out of her date. “So, that brings me to wonder, what business do you have in these parts?”
“Well, since I apparently talk like this,” he replied in an equally exaggerated accent, “I said I had to do sum internet installations out this way, ya hear? Not that fun of stuff. Now, how ‘bout you tell me more ‘bout your job?”
Y/N giggled playfully as Tim leaned forward, holding his arms on the table. Not his elbows though; a small detail that showed a lot of etiquette. “Well, I’m in school for criminal justice and sometimes work with my brother Mateo; he’s a pretty high-ranking detective here, just like our dad was,” she replied in her regular voice. Tim nodded his head, taking a sip of his drink.
“You lived here all your life then, huh?” Y/N nodded her head, looking back down at the menu. Seconds later, the waitress came to take their order before walking away with the menus.
“How long are you going to stay?” Y/N asked, scooting forward in her seat and looking up at the man.
“That depends. I could go back once my work here is finished, but recently I met a pretty lady in town. She might make me stay for a lil while longer,” he replied with a wink. Y/N felt her face flush as she looked away, a smile creeping on.
“She must be really nice then,” Y/N said, fumbling with her fingers, “I wonder what she could do to keep you here longer.” Oh, Mateo would be so unhappy if he witnessed this.
“There’s a couple of things,” Tim said thoughtfully as he tapped his chin. “I could never force anything though. Maybe all we could do is enjoy dinner, talk for a bit, maybe hang out for a bit afterward too.”
Her heart sped up as he spoke. It’s funny how when a girl feels herself falling for a guy, she loses her appetite at times. Her stomach felt warm and her legs numb.
And finishing dinner couldn’t have come soon enough for her.
They stood at the front counter for a minute as Tim paid; Y/N swaying her legs back and forth with anticipation. When they finally walked back over to the truck, it was a matter of a second before she was wrapping her arms around his neck as he held her waist. Y/N had never kissed a man like this before but she could tell he was experienced. Not very surprising for a man that attractive.
“Wanna go back to my place?” He whispered raspily, his voice inciting feelings within her. As much as she didn’t want to stop touching him, she knew it would be way better somewhere else than the outdoor cold on the side of a truck.
As the two got into the truck, Y/N pressed her legs together and fumbled with her fingers. “You just can’t wait,” Tim pointed out with a cocky grin. His face was flushed as well.
Y/N giggled, nodding her head shyly. “You’re gonna teach me a lot tonight, Tim,” she said.
“Oh yeah?” He replied as he turned out of the parking lot and onto the road, “Good thing you’re in good hands.”
The flirty remarks continued back and forth as he drove down the highway, turning into a backroad and continuing down. It wasn’t too far away from the restaurant, but she couldn’t tell if it was closer or further away from her apartment. It’s not like she was paying attention though; until Tim suddenly cussed under his breath abruptly and pulled over to the side of the road.
“What’s wrong?” she asked as she furrowed her eyebrows. Tim sighed with an annoyed expression.
“I just gotta check somethin’ real quick. I’m sorry but I’ll be fast, I promise.” He leaned over in her direction and gave her a quick kiss before stepping out of the vehicle, leaving the door wide open. The cold winter night air seeped in, letting out some of the warm air from the heater. She listened as he stepped towards the bucket of the truck.
It was that moment she took in her surroundings. It was dark and thick with woods all around. No streetlights or a single passing car- a perfect scene for a horror movie.
A few minutes passed without a single sound or word from Tim, making her grow a little uneasy. Y/N shivered as she opened her door and stuck her head out, calling out, “Hey Tim, is everything okay?”
No reply. Y/N hummed to herself as anxiety crept up her body. Okay, that’s a little weird.
“Tim?” she called out again as she stepped out of the truck, closing the door behind her. She made a face of worry as she slowly walked towards the back of the truck, looking around and seeing that he had just disappeared. “Hey, if this is some kind of joke, it’s not funny…”
Nothing; no reply. Y/N huffed, furrowing her eyebrows in annoyance. She swiftly spun around, gasping loudly as she came face to face with a large hooded man who was barely illuminated by the moon. His face was dark; maybe there was a mask concealing it from the moon’s light. His orange hoodie shun, however.
“What the fuck!” Y/N screamed as she jumped back, spinning her heel and breaking it for the opposite direction. That moment she felt her fucking heart skip a beat; a sentence she never once related to literally until this very moment. As well as the moment another man jumped out of the woods, forcing Y/N to a halt as she looked upon him with wide eyes.
He wore a feminine white mask that glowed in the moonlight, as well a yellowish jacket. The two men were much taller and larger than her; in fact, one of them was exactly as tall and large as Tim.
“T-Tim?” Y/N whimpered out as she felt tears sting her eyes. The man came stepping closer, before the man behind her quickly wrapped his arms around her and held her to his chest. Her survival instinct kicked in with her limbs flailing all around, trying to escape. The hooded man reached his hand up to her mouth to muffle her louds screams as he effortlessly held her smaller form.
Meanwhile, she watched as the masked man pulled out rope and effortlessly held her arms and bonded them together, unreactive to her kicks. He then grabbed her legs and tied them together. Once he finished, he walked over to the truck door and grabbed a rag and a bottle, pouring its liquid into it. Fuck, Y/N already knew what it was.
The hooded man released his hand from her mouth as the other pressed the rag against her nose and mouth. She whimpered out cries as the tears flooded down her frozen face. She tried not to breathe but she couldn’t relax enough for it to be easy- her body needed the air and took in the smell of the chloroform as well as whatever other drug it was laced with to make the effects kick in fast. Her vision began to turn blurry as she looked all around, trying to avoid the face of the fucker.
Her eyes were met with a dark figure in the woods. It was familiar- its face white and blank yet looking back at her. Thank God she got knocked out before she could stare at it for too long.
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pascaloverx · 8 months
As It Was (S2)
Chapter Thirteen
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Author's note: Dear readers, I will be writing this fanfic again. This second season will have shorter chapters and it will probably take me a little longer to update the fanfic but I hope you like it!
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS STORY, there may be adult content and verbal and physical violence.
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The day of my wedding with Bucky arrived faster than I had anticipated. The reality is that James Buchanan Barnes is both the only one not involved in the wedding and the groom. I simply couldn't get that stubborn head to change his mind. Okay, I didn't even try to get him to change his mind. Every new day in your life is another terrifying day in your head, not knowing if Killian or Steve will show up and end you or someone you love. So, this fake wedding is my last chance to end this nightmare. If Barnes doesn't see it that way, too bad for him.
"You look magnificent in that dress, Melisa. I'm sure Barnes would be the luckiest man in the universe if you two were really getting married. But my best friend is as much of an idiot as he is handsome, you know." Sam says, entering the bride's room that was specially prepared for me to get ready. To be poetic, I rented the hall where they killed my father and almost killed me. Here, they have a special wedding banquet hall. And it's a place I already know.
"Thank you, Sam, for the compliment and for being here. I can't believe this day has finally come, and that I may have spent money and time on something that will go wrong." I say breathlessly, thinking about the possibility of setting up an obvious trap and not being able to capture the criminals.
"Actually, that's exactly what I came to talk to you about. Yelena was talking to some of her contacts, and it seems Steve was seen around here yesterday. Dave is checking nearby cameras to confirm. But don't get discouraged just yet. This whole team is here to support you, even though it may seem dangerous. We won't let any of them hurt you." Sam says, hugging me gently. I'm relieved to know they're here with me. Whatever happens, we'll face it together.
"This time I'm prepared too. So, let's put the plan into action. The guests should already be in their places, waiting for the groom to arrive. The music for the bride's entrance will play in a few minutes. I'll walk in with Wanda as if everything is fine, and you guys put on a show pretending that Bucky is missing. I'll create a scene, cancel the wedding, and ask everyone to leave. It'll be the perfect moment for them to attack me. The rest is up to you guys." This plan was designed with every detail in mind. There are more cameras in this building than there were before; Dave is taking care of surveillance, Sam and Yelena are handling defense in case of a surprise attack, and Wanda will be nearby in case I need help if something goes wrong. Everything is carefully planned.
"Then I'll go there in case you need anything; remember, you have an earpiece. Just say 'red' in any way possible, and we'll come to your rescue. Good luck, bride." Sam touches my arm lightly and leaves, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I look at myself in the mirror, analyzing the wedding dress I'm repurposing. It's the same one from my first wedding, just adjusted. I thought this time a veil would be more of a hindrance than a help, and a long train would be an obstacle.I hear a noise behind me, almost like a step, and automatically grab the gun hidden on the vanity where I did my makeup. I point the gun at whoever is behind me not even five seconds after hearing the noise. Of course, I could have died because five seconds is a good amount of time for someone to kill another person. If I hadn't been distracted, I would have noticed someone entering this bridal room and known it was my ex-husband, the idiot.
"Great attack plan, but I suggest aiming the gun at the head next time. It would also be good not to get distracted, but your reflex was quick. By the way, you look beautiful. I like the changes to the dress." James Barnes says, smiling shamelessly at me. I'm torn between anger and surprise. What does he want here?
"Barnes, I don't remember inviting you in or asking you to be here in general. Before you ruin my plan, go away, and take that smug smile with you." I say, trying to sound serious. I lower the gun and turn around, ignoring the fact that Bucky hasn't budged despite my request for him to leave.
"Funny. I don't recall proposing to you or accepting one from you. Yet, everyone in this building came to see you and me getting married. I hope you liked the outfit of your future husband. I'm wearing the suit you gave me on our first anniversary." He looks handsome, but I don't want to give in. I wanted him by my side, and he abandoned me. Now that I made a plan without him, he shows up here. Son of a...
"Barnes, save my time. What do you want?" I don't have much patience on a regular day, let alone when I'm about to be bait to capture not one but two dangerous men.
"I want to marry you. I want to be by your side while you do the stupidest thing ever seen in the world, and most importantly, I want to apologize for being an idiot. I realized too late that loving you means accepting your plans that will undoubtedly cause unimaginable havoc." He speaks, getting closer and closer to me. Then he holds my waist firmly, looks into my eyes, and kisses me. It's a kiss full of passion and at the same time, longing. Truth be told, I missed him, and well... he certainly missed me too.
"I can offer you a second honeymoon filled with reconciliation sex, what do you say?" Barnes says in a playful tone, and I lightly smack his arm.
"Try not to ruin the plan. Figure out a way to leave me alone during the ceremony. They won't show up with you around, and I need to be the bait. Are we clear?" I know he won't like it, but whatever he wants. He's been married to me before; he should know that when I have something in mind, I do it my way. The problem is, he's the same way.
"Yes, ma'am. I'll let you do what you want without getting in your way," he says, giving me another light kiss. I smile, knowing he probably isn't entirely serious.
"Do you promise?" I ask in the middle of the kiss, my forehead resting against his. My god, how I love this man.
"No. Now get ready because I'm going to my groom's spot to wait for my beautiful bride." He gives me a peck on the lips and leaves before I can react. I then prepare to go to the hall to fake getting married.
"Nice pathetic plan, Melisa. Beautiful. You just forgot that I was a partner with all of you while you played the united little group. I smelled a setup since I knew you were going to marry Barnes again. Who in their right mind makes the same mistake more than once?" Steve speaks behind me as I head towards the hall where the guests are waiting. I smile because I did get what I wanted.
"You, you arrogant jerk." I turn around, plunging a sharp and likely lethal knife into his chest. Poor guy, he had no idea this time I would be prepared for him. The loud thud of him hitting the ground was startling. His look of desperation mixed with the anguish of pain, simply cinematic.
"Let me guess, you thought you would come here, and I would be frightened. You'd kidnap me, and I would cry in desperation. Then, it would be a remake of the last time we were together, but this time I wouldn't survive. That way, you and Killian would go unpunished. My question is, did you underestimate me so much that you didn't even bring a weapon to threaten me?" I say, watching him writhing in pain. Poor Steve, caught off guard. 
"If you think this is all, you're totally..." He tries to continue speaking, but I yank the knife out of his chest, and he's too busy feeling his blood leave his body to insult me. Oops...
"Dave, I think you can hear me. Ask Sam to come deal with Steve, near the bride's room. I'll continue with the plan." I compose myself, somewhat perplexed by what just happened, but the show must go on.
"Dave can't talk right now, but I'll pass the message to Sam. After all, Melisa... you were waiting for me, weren't you?" I get nervous hearing Killian's voice on the earpiece. Damn.
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punchdrunkdoc · 11 months
Part 3, Chapter 3
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Summary: After the events of S3, Matt Murdock is trying to once again balance life as a lawyer and a vigilante. But he’s been scarred by loss and betrayal - will a mysterious new neighbour help him heal? Or will her secrets drag him back into the darkness?
Notes: This is a slow burn romance with an original female character, told in 3 (maybe 4??) parts. There is mystery, intrigue, action/violence and angst - all the good stuff!
Also available on AO3 and Wattpad
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Chapter 3
The next morning, Matt smiled as he walked passed the florist on his way to work, the rich, heady scent of roses filling the air.
Yesterday, that fragrant reminder of the upcoming romantic celebration had only added to his bad mood - the bad mood caused by a week spent worrying about Calina and her strange phone call, and a month and a half spent missing her. The fact that Valentine’s Day was approaching meant he was bitterly reminded of what was taken from them, and what other couple’s took for granted - the chance to be with each other.
But today, he was actually feeling…optimistic.
Calina may have been a few days early, but she’d given him the perfect Valentine’s gift:
Her brief visit last night had spurned him out of his morose despondency. It was the catalyst he’d needed to realise that it was time to stop dwelling on the negatives and obsessing over what they’d lost.
Instead, it was time to focus on the positives. They were both still alive. Still healthy. And still fighting for each other. Distance didn’t matter. Being temporarily separated didn’t matter. They loved each other. They would have the rest of their lives together. A few months apart was nothing compared to the years to come.
Matt had been dealt some crap hands throughout his life - losing his sight. Losing his father. Losing again and again. But he’d always found a reason to stay in the game. To accept the defeats and find the will to carry on playing.
This was no different.
He just had to have faith that God’s plan would reveal itself.
And this morning, he felt like he was finally getting a glimpse of the tapestry. He was finally seeing the beauty in the chaos. This separation would only strengthen them as a couple. It would serve to reinforce their bond, and ensure that they never took each other - or their happiness together - for granted.
“You seem…better,” Karen commented when Matt reached the office.
Matt shrugged. “I feel better.”
“That’s good.” She gifted him with a wide smile, and Foggy patted him on the shoulder.
It made Matt realise how much his foul mood had been impacting his friends and their workplace. “I’m sorry, guys,” he said. “For being such a miserable bastard the last couple of months.”
“I wouldn’t say ‘miserable bastard’,” Foggy replied. “That’s a bit harsh. ‘Forlorn asshole’, maybe. Or ‘wretched son of a bitch’ would be more accurate.”
Matt laughed. “Okay, okay, I get it. I’ll try to be more upbeat from now on.”
“What brought on this sudden change in attitude?” Foggy asked.
Matt couldn’t help his smile. “I saw Calina last night.”
“So you got laid! That explains everything!”
Karen slapped Foggy’s chest with the back of her hand. “God, Foggy.”
Matt just laughed. “No, it was just a quick visit. But it helped give me some perspective. It’s like you said, Fog - this is just a long distance relationship. It won’t last forever…and other couples go through similar experiences all the time.”
“Exactly, man. Astronauts.”
Matt smiled. “Yeah. Astronauts.”
“She’s Neil Armstrong, and you’re the little lady waiting back on earth.”
Matt rolled his eyes. “Something like that.”
“Okay,” Foggy said, rubbing his hands together. “Well, since you’re in such a good mood, you can take point on the meeting with the new nightmare client, while I finish off the brief for the Chisholm case.”
“Nightmare client?” Matt asked.
“Yeah, a tenant dispute case. They’re arriving at 10.”
“Fine,” Matt agreed. Liaising with a difficult client was the least he could do to make up for his less than stellar performance the last couple of months. “But I have something to do first.” He held up the USB drive that Calina had slipped to him last night.
“What’s that?” Karen asked.
“I’ll let you know as soon as I do.”
Matt booted up his computer and plugged in the device. It contained a single large document which he printed off in braille and started scanning through. At first there was just a list of chemicals - the results of the analysis by the Widow scientist - but then Calina added some context.
And it changed everything.
“Guys?” he called out. “You gotta hear this.”
“What is it?” Karen said, taking a seat on the other side of his desk. Foggy joined them a moment later and leaned against the door frame.
“Calina found something.” Matt spun his monitor around to show the document on the screen. “Apparently, one of the main ingredients of the fear pheromone is something called Arsonium bromide. Its a chemical that environmental groups have been calling for greater regulation on, because it’s disposal has been linked to soil contamination which is affecting agriculture yields across the country. Those environmental groups were successful in convincing a prominent politician to lobby their cause to the EPA last year.”
“Okay,” Karen said slowly. “How does this help us?”
“That prominent politician was Governor Andrew Benson.”
“The guy Calina was supposed to assassinate?”
“Yes.” Matt leaned forward as he laid out Calina’s theory. “Two days after the failed assassination, Benson suddenly, and without warning, withdrew his petition to the EPA, and walked back all his previous objections to the chemical.”
“Somebody got to him,” Karen added. “Somebody with a vested interest in the use of Arsonium bromide.”
“Exactly. With Benson’s support, the environmental groups were gaining traction in their fight. So someone tried to take Benson out. And when that failed, they likely played off the assassination attempt as a warning.”
“Do as we say, or next time it’ll be for real,” Foggy guessed. “Which means whoever is behind the manufacture of the fear pheromone-”
“Is the same person who arranged for Calina to be reactivated,” Karen finished.
“It’s all connected,” Matt said. “If we find out who created the pheromone, we find out who ordered Calina’s mind control. And vice versa - if we can find out who paid to have their very own Widow assassin, we find our pheromone guy.”
“Holy shit,” Karen whispered, tilting the monitor so she could read through the information on the screen.
“I take it the Widows are concentrating on finding out who bought Calina’s ‘services’, for want of a better term?” Foggy asked, reading the screen over Karen’s shoulder.
“As much as they can - but they’re more focussed on hunting down Volkov. He’s the bigger threat to them right now. Which means we’ll be doing them a favour if we find this information first.”
“So where do we begin?” Foggy asked.
“I say we concentrate on researching this chemical. Where its manufactured, who buys it, and how.”
“I’ll start today,” Karen answered, scribbling in her notebook.
“What does this mean?” Foggy said, pointing to something on Matt’s screen.
“Which part?” Matt asked, shuffling through his print outs.
“The last sentence. It says, ‘I hope this helps, shereen-am.’ What is ‘shereen-am’?”
Matt tried to control his reaction. “It’s nothing. Just an inside joke.”
It wasn’t nothing. And it wasn’t a joke. But it was something private, just between Matt and Calina. He’d googled the phrase before calling the others into his office and found that it was a Persian term of endearment. Roughly translated from Farsi into English it meant ‘Honey’.
By using that term, Calina was reminding him of Christmas Day, when she’d whispered all those terms of endearment into his ear as they’d made love on the couch.
She was reminding him of a happier time, to help get him through the dark and lonely days to come.
Matt smiled as he skimmed his fingers over that word again: Shereen-am.
Calina’s visit last night had given him hope. The information on the USB had given him a lead. And the affectionate nickname on the end of her message had given him a glimpse of how things would be between them in the future.
It was a promise, of better times ahead.
“And then he grabbed her and kissed her!”
“It was like something out of a movie - the way he dipped her back, and with the two of them bathed in the moonlight with the stars twinkling overhead…”
Calina groaned and sank into her chair as Katya and Inessa gushed to the other Widows about Matt’s antics on the boat last night. The three of them had arrived back at the mansion at dawn, and after a brief nap, they were now debriefing the rest of the team.
But it had gotten a little side-tracked.
“‘Bathed in the moonlight’?” Sofia repeated. “Come on, Inessa, I think you’ve been reading too many of those romance novels.”
“But that’s exactly what it was like!” the younger Widow protested. “It was the most romantic, swoon-worthy thing I’ve ever seen!”
“That’s not really saying much, given the way we were raised,” Viktoria commented.
Inessa rolled her eyes, and opened her mouth to respond but Anya cut her off. “Enough about Calina’s love life. Did you find the warehouse?”
Calina sat up again. “Yes, enough about me. Tell them what you found.”
Anya had found mention on Ranieri’s laptop of a recent real estate transaction. Which wasn’t unusual in itself - the Ranieri family seemed to prioritise property and commercial investments over gambling on the stock market. But while the rest of Salvatore’s portfolio made sense for a party guy in his late twenties - night clubs, bars, trendy apartments in major cities across the world - a former wholesale carpet warehouse in an industrial estate in New Jersey did not.
So Katya and Inessa had been tasked with scoping it out. 
Katya tossed a USB stick to Anya. “Photographs and schematics as requested. The place was deserted - no personnel on the grounds - but it was spotless, with signs of a recent professional clean. It’s definitely being prepped for something.”
“Like a lab to manufacture the mind control serum,” Sofia guessed.
“Possibly,” Yelena interjected. “But we can’t get ahead of ourselves. We need more evidence. We need to be sure before we make any moves.”
“Agreed,” Anya chimed in.
“Which is why we planted a few cameras,” Inessa said with a cocky grin. “And several bugs. We’ll know soon enough what the plan is for that building.”
“Good,” Yelena responded. She looked around the room at the rest of the Widows. And a rare smile graced her face. “I know I just told you all to be cautious…but I have a good feeling about this. I think this is how we get Volkov. I think this will all be over soon.”
Several of the women whooped and cheered in response - a sign that Calina wasn’t the only one who was looking forward to this confinement ending.
And it also proved to Calina how much the Widows had come out of their shells over the last few months. They laughed more readily now. They expressed their emotions without prompting. Conversations flowed instead of stuttered, and there was an easy camaraderie between everyone.
The stilted, angry, and bitter atmosphere that often pervaded the base in South Carolina didn’t exist here in Maine. And Calina knew it had nothing to do with the change in scenery - the weather outside the mansion was dark and grey and wet these days, holding little of the sunny, vibrant beauty of Charleston.
Time was the reason.
They’d been given time to start the healing process. To learn about themselves and the world around them. Time to find their little moments of joy.
Joy that even Volkov couldn’t take away. If anything, the looming threat that he posed had the opposite effect - as if the Widows were defiantly enjoying themselves even more to spite him and his attempts to force them back into an emotionless, violent existence.
Calina would be sorry to leave this place when the time came. She no longer felt the need to escape this environment. Not like in the beginning, when she’d first been freed. Back then, she’d felt suffocated by all the pain and rage around her. She’d wanted to strike out on her own and discover who she was away from that toxic environment.
But everything was different now. Now she would miss living here with all her sisters.
Though not as much as she missed Matt.
Seeing him last night had been a rollercoaster ride. She’d swung from the lowest low of wanting to escape his presence, to the highest high from that kiss. Because as much as it made Calina cringe, Inessa’s description had been spot-on - it had been the most wonderful, romantic, swoon-worthy gesture in the history of the world.
But on the journey back to Maine, the high had worn off. And all her doubts and fears - and all the guilt - had come flooding back.
And all of it boiled down to one thing - she didn’t feel worthy of him.
She didn’t feel worthy of the kind of man who would fly a hundred feet through the air just to kiss her. She didn’t feel worthy of a man as amazing and kind and smart as Matt. A man who fiercely protected the strangers in his city, and could touch her with such reverent tenderness.
The kiss had made her forget all that. It had short-circuited her brain and over-rode all her negative emotions, until the only thing left was passion. She’d given in to the moment, to the feel of being in Matt’s arms again.
Which she’d known would happen. It was the reason she’d chosen that cramped, awkward crane jib as their meeting point in the first place. She’d known that if they’d met in his apartment, or on the pier - or anywhere else out in the open - he would have taken her in his arms and she would have been powerless to resist. She would have accepted his embrace and returned his kiss all the while feeling undeserving of him.
So she’d chosen that metal cage instead, as a way to deny herself.
As a punishment.
But he’d gotten around her little ploy. He’d kissed the life out of her on that boat deck, and everything else had faded away. How guilty she felt about Italy. How scared she was that if he truly knew her and everything she’d done as a Widow that he’d hate her.
How terrified she was that they were too good to be true.
Calina lifted her head at the sound of her name. The other widows were all staring at her. “Huh?” she asked.
“You spaced out there,” Inessa explained.
“Sorry. Just tired,” she lied. “I’m going to head back to bed.”
The chorus of ‘Byes’ and ‘Sleep wells’ from her sisters followed Calina up the stairs, but she was already lost in thought again.
She didn’t know what to do about Matt and all these doubts she was having.
Did she share them with him? Admit her fears about not being worthy of his love? Could she even explain them without having to divulge all the dirty secrets of her past? Wouldn’t that just bring about the end of their relationship and defeat the purpose of the whole ‘sharing’ thing?
Calina fell forward onto her bed and smothered her frustrated groan with her pillow. Then she flipped onto her back and stared up at the ceiling as she contemplated the alternative scenario: being with Matt, with this constant pit of worry in her stomach. Revelling in his affection and his love whilst always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
A tear leaked from the corner of Calina’s eye as she wrestled with all of these unfamiliar emotions. A tiny part of her longed for the days of being an unfeeling automaton…but she quickly squashed that treacherous notion.
This was better.
Despite all the uncertainty and pain and confusion, dealing with these emotions was far better than living as a shell of a human being under the Red Room’s control.
“Hey, you okay?”
Calina hastily wiped away the tear as Katya entered their room. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Liar,” Katya teased, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. “You’ve not been okay since Italy. Did something else happen there?”
Calina levered herself up to rest against the headboard. “What do you mean?”
“Well, when you debriefed us after the mission you said Ranieri just got a bit handsy. Did something…more…happen that night? You can tell me.”
Calina shook her head. “No, nothing else happened.”
“So what is it? What’s going on with you?”
Calina’s first instinct was to lie again. To keep everything to herself. It was the way she was raised - the way they all had been. Even before the mind control serum took away their emotions they were trained to hide them. To bury their sadness and their loneliness and their pain. To never confide in anyone how they were feeling.
It was a difficult habit to break, but Calina was determined to tear away this next layer of Red Room conditioning. So she took a deep breath and told Katya everything. How she’d called Matt before the party in Italy. How having Ranieri’s hands on her felt. And how it was all messing with her head. “I know intellectually that nothing really happened,” she explained. “It was just a few unwanted gropes and a kiss on the neck - I’ve been through much worse on missions like that - but I just feel so…guilty. I keep imagining if it was Matt in that situation, and he’d let some other woman touch him. I would hate it. Which means I can’t tell him, because then he’d hate me.”
“You don’t know that for sure,” Katya interjected. “If you just explain to him that it was a mission and you were playing a role-”
“But that would just open up this whole can of worms. About all the other roles I’ve played in the past, and the things I’ve done-”
“While under mind control, Calina.”
“Again, I know that intellectually…but don’t you still feel guilty about everything you did while under the serum?”
Katya smiled. “I feel guilty for stabbing you in Seoul.”
Calina rolled her eyes. “I’m being serious. We all did some really messed up shit for Dreykov. Doesn’t that…stick with you at all?”
Katya looked down as she picked at a loose thread in the bedspread. “Occasionally. Usually at night - my dreams are sometimes…not fun.”
Calina placed her hand over Katya’s remembering what it was like when she first arrived in New York - the endless nights spent pacing the rooftop, unable to sleep. “I’m sorry.”
Katya shrugged. “It’s fine. They’re just memories. The important thing is that I don’t blame myself for it. And you’re not to blame either. We were kids when we were brainwashed, and then we were forced against our will to commit all those acts.”
“But what about now? We’re acting on our own free will, and we’re still murdering and stealing-”
“Yes, to stop the bad guys!” Katya protested. “We’re on the side of good now. And we have the rest of our lives to be on that good side, and to make up for everything we’ve done”
“Can we, though? Can we possibly balance a ledger with so much red in it?”
“Now you sound like Natasha. And look what she’s accomplished. She’s an Avenger. Little girls all over the world want to be like her, because she’s a hero. We can be like that too.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever feel like a hero. Matt’s a hero, and he-”
It was Katya’s turn to roll her eyes. “You know I like Matt, but he’s not exactly squeaky-clean. He’s a vigilante - he breaks the law every night.”
“It’s different. He has a moral code. One I’ve violated again and again. If he ever found out the truth about me, he’d hate me.”
Katya studied her for a few moments, a frown marring her face. “Calina, what is the ‘truth’ about you?”
Calina swallowed harshly. When she finally answered, her voice was small and shaky. “That I’m not a good person.”
Katya reared back. “That’s ridiculous! You were brainwashed and under mind control-”
“I’m not talking about that! Since leaving the Red Room, I’ve abandoned my sisters, I’ve lied to everyone I’ve met, I’ve killed people, and I- I cheated on my boyfriend!”
“You didn’t cheat!”
“What would you call it?”
“I call it necessary! We’re fighting a war here, Calina. And wars are messy, and they involve sacrifice and difficult decisions. Killing the men who came after you, lying to protect your identity and going undercover to steal from Ranieri were difficult decisions, but necessary.”
“I’m not finished!”
Calina snapped her mouth closed. She’d never seen Katya like this - so agitated and…loud. She’d always been one of the quieter, more rational Widows.
“As to your other ‘sin’,” Katya continued. “You did not abandon us. You came to save me in Korea - you risked your life to save me. That’s not abandonment. And the other widows told me what you were like after you were freed - they could all see you were struggling. Moving to New York was another necessary decision. You know why?”
“Because you’re a good person. You were never cut out for this kind of life. Even as kids we realised that you were too sweet and sensitive. And the Red Room persisted in trying to beat that out of you, but they never could. Despite what you’ve been through and what you were forced to do, you’re still that same sweet, sensitive, good person. It’s why you’re feeling all of this so much more than the rest of us. And while we all appreciate your help with taking down Volkov, if you want to leave again, not one person would blame you.”
She bumped her shoulder against Calina’s. “We love you, Calina. You are worthy of love. You just need to convince yourself of that.”
So do we think Katya got through to Calina? Does she believe now that she's worthy of Matt?
Read chapter 4 to find out...
Tag list: @hollandorks @stilldreaming666 @yanna-banana @chezagnes​ @tearoseart-blog @acharliecoxedfan​ @freckledbabyyy ​​
If you’d like to be added - let me know!
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twothpaste · 1 year
Thoughts about Porky?
my thoughts on porky are such a vast tangled web of forever spaghetti that i'm not even sure where to begin or what to pin down. the premise of a tormented child ascending to near-godhood out of sheer misanthropic spite towards the whole wide world makes my brain do backflips like a sea world dolphin. i'll ramble a bit about him.
he's ness' foil. just two chubby kids who probably grew up with their (un)fair share of bullying. the only thing distinguishing them was the familial abuse porky suffered, which he inevitably regurgitated. then destiny comes along, choosing ness over porky, and the jealousy just eats porky alive. watching his bestie accumulate friends and accolades, unable to accept it's his own rotten behavior that's driven a wedge between them. gotta imagine the burden of cutting porky off was almost unbearable for ness. somethin' that keeps him up at night, wondering if he'd just been a little kinder, or sterner, or more understanding - maybe he could've saved his old friend? not quite yet realizing it was Not At All his responsibility to "fix" someone who'd dug his grave and laid in it. porky's the kinda bad guy you love to hate, but considering his upbringing, you hesitate to blame the poor schmuck. all he knows is authority and manipulation. if you gave any ornery ostracized thirteen year old unlimited power - instead of empathy and guidance - they'd probably go down the path of vengeance, too.
he's lucas' foil. both of 'em were given plenty of reasons to hate the world. when faced with an unhappy childhood, do you choose love anyways, and move forward? or do you let it become your villain origin story? porky refuses to grow up, to such an extreme degree, that he's gotta drag everybody down into neverland with him. thinks he's got human nature all figured out, when really - kid dropped out in eighth grade - his expertise starts at the middle school lunch table and ends at Lord of the Flies. where lucas seeks to bring about a brighter future, porky's terminally obsessed with the past. barfs up the same old hierarchical capitalist bullshit he grew up with. hoards memorabilia. makes monuments to his warped nostalgia, as if anyone on the nowhere islands knows or cares. even tries to mold lucas into a makeshift ness - one last final battle, one last chance for destiny to stop me, here, take this baseball bat, come get me, let's play. but it doesn't worrrrk, because the gilded past he aches for is long buried, and these people aren't actors in his self-aggrandizing biopic. where lucas wakes up and says, "i don't have to be the same coward i was yesterday," porky says, "me? change? not a chance in hell." even if it costs him everything. porky's real worst nightmare is a world that moves on without him. once he's trapped in his time capsule, that's exactly what he's got in store.
i think he's the sunk cost fallacy incarnate. the sheer momentum of a thousand horrible decisions he can never turn back on. earthbound porky might get a little bit of slack, sure. but given a bazillion years worth of opportunities to change, mother 3 porky actively chose to get worse. what fucks me up most is how real he is. can't call a villain like this "insane", or even terribly exaggerated, when i'm lookin' out the window these days at billionaires, covid deniers, fuckin' terfs and maga hats. some people really would sooner die, or become all-consuming monsters, than admit they were wrong. it's all or nothing. in his eyes, either he's a visionary hero, or everything he's ever done was irredeemably reprehensible - and all the torment and criticism and loneliness he endured was therefore deserved. he can't bear the weight of it, so he simply doesn't. that's what underpins his character, to me. like. the moment he'd admit fault, or apologize, or express an ounce of regret? he'd cease to be porky. denying himself the human capacity to grow, forever, just to spare his fragile ego. could almost pity him. almost.
a perfect villain for both of the stories he terrorizes, and my favorite villain in anything ever. when itoi said "porky is truly a poem in himself" he wasn't kidding.
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The Terrifying Ordeal of Falling in Love with Leon Kennedy
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x Reader (female reader)
Series Warnings: Minor injuries, Leon teases reader a lot, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Drinking, Drinking followed by driving, DO NOT DO THAT THIS IS FICTION, Anxiety, Leon S. Kennedy has PTSD, Leon has an anxiety attack, Anxiety Attacks, Swearing, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Nightmares, Leon S. Kennedy has Nightmares, Cuddling & Snuggling, Probably incorrect medical talk, Strangulation in one tiny little scene, Reader's brother was a cop who was KIA, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Grief/Mourning, Christmas Fluff, Mistletoe, Fluff and Smut, Eventual Smut, Arguing, Love Confessions, Looking for Alaska is mentioned, Inconvenient Love Confessions, Penis In Vagina Sex, Dirty Talk, Dirty Thoughts, Oral Sex, Cunnilingus, Leon loves eating Pussy change my mind, Shower Makeout, romantic smut, Desperate Leon S. Kennedy, They are both desperate for each other tbh, They say I love you as they come, Scar Kissing, Enthusiastic Consent, Always pee after sex, UTI PREVENTION, POV First Person, No use of Y/N
Words: 2.1K
Author's Note: This is the chapter where the story intersects with RE4! This chapter has brief strangulation! Be aware!
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August 2004
I can wait for you at the bottom
I can stay away if you want me to
I can wait for years if I gotta
Heaven knows I ain’t getting over you
-Just Pretend, Bad Omens
My feet hit the coffee table, finally getting off of them after a whole day of no rest. I’m pretty sure my calluses have calluses. I realize now would be a good time to shower, and after scrubbing each inch of my sweaty skin clean, I dress in a loose shirt and shorts. After resting on the couch for exactly 3 minutes, I find myself craving the feeling of Leon. The warm wrap of his arms, the heady scent of his cologne. Taking a deep breath in through my nose, I decide to pull myself off the couch and step into his room, gently opening his drawers until I find one of his t-shirts. I know he won’t care, but I can’t help but feel like I’m intruding. It’s not the first time I’ve worn his shirts either, but something about this feels different. I’m wearing it by choice. For comfort. Not out of convenience or necessity. I’m sliding the shirt over my head after removing my previous top because I want to. Because I miss him. He left yesterday, and I miss him.
Hours pass, my book open on my lap as mindless TV plays in the background before suddenly, there is a knock on the door. A quick look at the clock shows 10:58PM. Who the hell could be here this late?
Stepping up to the door, I glance through the peephole and I feel my gut hit the floor. Chris and Jill are standing outside. My thoughts begin to spiral.
He’s dead. Something happened and there was nothing they could do. He was MIA and they can’t even find his body or it’s mangled beyond recognition. Every single worst case scenario races through my mind in the time it takes to for me to grip the handle and pull it open.
“Chris? Jill?”
“Hey. We need to talk to you,” Chris says and I feel my heart shatter. No. No he can’t be gone. I didn’t get a chance to tell him…
“Yeah, come on in,” I mumble, gesturing toward the living room.
“How about you grab anything you need and come with us instead?” Jill’s voice is calm, but the tone in her voice implied something serious. Something dangerous.
“What’s going on?”
“Trust me, grab your stuff.” There’s no room for argument. I nod, and move as fast as I can.
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They are taking me to a safe house. They haven’t explained anything, Simply saying it’s ‘just in case’. They wouldn’t have locked me in this safe house, this cabin in the middle of the woods, just in case. Something happened. Dr. Dalton has texted me multiple times, telling me he hopes I’m feeling better, having to claim a serious illness. ‘It’s to protect him’ they said.
The game of ‘go-fish’ got old hours ago. Jill is trying really hard to keep my mind off of things without answering my questions.
“Is my sister in danger?”
“No. Want a drink?”
“Why me?”
“It’s just a precaution. What’s your favorite movie? Maybe we could rent it.”
“Is Leon okay?”
“He’s a good agent. I’m sure he’s fine. Do you want to make dinner with me?”
It’s been 3 days, and by this point, I can guarantee that they don’t actually know anything more than I do. They were just put on protective duty.
“Hey,” Chris starts, eyes unsure as they land on me after he steps in from a call. Jill and I both look to him, forks resting on our plates, and I know my appetite has been gone practically the whole time I’ve been here. “Got an update, Jill.” She stands, heading toward him with an apologetic look in my direction.
“I get that I don’t have clearance, but I think I deserve to know why I’ve been stuck here for 3 days!” I shout, frustrated tears brimming in my eyes. Their eyes show empathy, and I know at least Jill wishes she could say something. “Is Leon even okay?” Jill huffs before she abruptly moves to rest her hands on the table. “He’s been radio silent for the last 6 hours.”
“Jill,” Chris scolds, but she brushes him off in favor of looking into my eyes with her intense blue glare.
“We lost comms about 6 hours ago. Haven’t been able to get a hold of him since. Hunnigan is about to send a chopper in.” Finally.
“Who’s Hunnigan?”
“His communication. You could say she’s his ‘guy in the chair’.” I nod in understanding.
“Is he even alive?” The tears spill from my eyes, and I don’t think I have ever been so afraid. He could be gone. Crystal blues drained of everything that I fell in love with. Jill looks at me, and I pray she can at least give me something. Anything.
“We don’t know.” Is this how it feels to love someone? To feel your heart break at the mere thought of them being gone? My head drops into my hands, elbows resting on the table as I feel the terror slide into my thoughts, gripping me with a chokehold and refusing to let go. My stomach twists uncomfortably, and I stand quickly before rushing to the bathroom, the contents of my stomach emptying into the toilet bowl. Jill comes up behind me, rubbing my back softly, and I hear Chris behind me, frustrated.
“You shouldn’t have told her.” Jill helps me to the couch, and I turn on the TV, mostly just to hear something other than my own heartbeat in my ears.
Chris and Jill argue behind me until the door to my right opens, rain from outside pouring in.
“Leon!” The sound that leaves my throat is guttural, mouth dry as tears begin to pour as I launch myself into his arms. Forearms clasped tightly around my ribs as he lifts me and without thinking, I wrap my legs around his hips, face buried in the space where his shoulder meets his neck. I break down in his arms, and I lean back, his cheeks cupped in my palms. He’s clean, like the rainwater was enough to wash away every worry he had left, and dressed in a suit, navy blue with a white button down.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to scare you,” he apologized, tears filling his own eyes, the blues melding with the black center until the orbs are a galaxy, pulling me in and threatening to suffocate me.
“I was so scared. I thought you were gone.” The words are barely coherent through my tears and panic.
Then he kisses me. I gasp into his mouth, trying to process the sensations, his lips tasting like whiskey and spearmint and my eyes slide shut. His tongue slides along the seam of my lips, and the moan that escapes is completely unbidden. He smiles into the kiss as his tongue twirls with mine, his hands dropping to hold me up by the ass as he turns, pressing my back against the wooden wall of the cool cabin. He removes his lips, the messy kiss staining both of our lips red and I open my eyes to look at him. Fuck, I love him. Fuck, his eyes…
Are… red…?
“I am.”
“What?” I blink, and in that quick of a moment the hole in between his eyes appears, blood dripping from it.
“I’m dead, sweetheart.” He says, the stream of crimson red running down his nose down to his lips. “And it’s your fault.”
“Leon, I-I didn’t…”
“You distracted me. I was so worried about getting home to you that I stopped paying attention. Hence…” His eyes glance up as if they could see the bullet wound. His tongue darts out and licks the blood on his mouth as his hand comes up and wraps around my throat and squeezes. I gasp, hand coming up to remove it but his grip is too tight, cutting off my air supply. “What’s the matter baby?” He leans in, breath no longer warm and light, but now cold and almost… Sickly… “I thought you liked it when I squeezed you?”
“Lee-” But I can’t finish his name.
“You killed me. So now, I’m gonna kill you.”
“LEON!” My eyes fly open, panic gripping my heart as Jill runs into my view, arms around my shoulders and calling my name. The tears pour from my eyes as Jill pulls me into her arms as I sob into her, arms clinging to her shoulder blades.
“It was a dream,” she assures, hand rubbing softly over my hair. “It wasn’t real.”
“He’s dead.” I wail, heart shattering as I repeat it over and over. “He’s dead.” It’s your fault. “He’s dead.” I’m dead, sweetheart. “He’s dead.” I killed him. “I never got to tell him that I loved him…” I never got to tell him.
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The clock hits 11am. 14 hours since they lost contact with Leon. No one has called for updates, so we assume the worst. Jill has taken to running her fingers through my hair - my head resting on her lap - while reading the book I brought out loud, trying to help me focus on it, trying to be comforting in the only way she knows how. She has a beautiful reading voice at least.
“I wanted so badly to lie down next to her on the couch, to wrap my arms around her and sleep. Not fuck, like in those movies. Not even have sex. Just sleep together in the most innocent sense of the phrase. But I lacked the courage and she had a boyfriend and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating. So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was hurricane.”
Chris’ phone rings and we all turn to look at it like it alone would destroy all of humanity. He stands and reaches for it.
“Redfield.” A car door closes outside and Chris and Jill lock eyes, both pulling out handguns from their respective holsers. “Hold that thought.” Jill glances out the window shades, before she drops it quickly, pulling the door open in a huff and rushing out. I stand to follow before Chris gestures for me to remain out of sight.
“You haven’t contacted us since last night, telling us about the lost communication with Agent Kennedy! You couldn’t have given us some updates?” I can hear Jill yelling, before she begins to talk at a regular volume, calm overtaking her brazen entrance but making it impossible to hear her. I stand at the edge of the couch, gripping it between my fingers so hard my knuckles begin to ache and Chris stands on the other side of the door, ready for anything to come through that’s not supposed to.
A voice calls out my name. Oh my god.
“Wait!” Chris tries to stop me as I bolt forward to stand in the doorway, chill from the August air brushing against the exposed skin of my legs, revealed by the pink shorts and Leon’s gray RPD hoodie, my socks doing little to protect my toes from the cold.
There he is. He’s dirty, face covered in smudges of mud and what I assume is blood, and there is a bandage on his jaw. His arms are littered with cuts and his right hand is encircled in white sterile wrapping, and beneath the thigh of his black cargo pants - which have a very large hole - there is more wrapping. His eyes practically droop under the weight of the dark circles resting below the multitude of blue swirls, blonde hair stringy and clearly in need of a wash hanging down to graze his cheek.
“I sure hope you didn’t give them too hard of a time, Nurse Nosy.” Tears swell in my eyes at his tone, the final nail in the coffin that it’s him.
“Leon?” He opens his arms just like he always does, and despite the nightmare looming in my brain, I bolt toward him, uncaring of the mud seeping into my socks until my arms are around his shoulders and his are squeezing my middle, lifting my feet off the muddy ground.
“Keeping my hoodie warm for me, sweetheart?” He teases in my ear and I let myself cry, tears streaming from my closed eyelids as I sniffle, refusing to let go of him for the first time since I met him. “Wrap your legs around me, sweetheart, you’re not wearing shoes.” Given my lack of coherency, my muscles move unconsciously, winding around his waist. His nose in my hair, lips against my scalp, arms tight around my ribs. “Let’s go home, sweetheart.”
Leon: @house-of-kolchek @bonnibuckets @athanasia-day @muffimtv Everything: @chaosandbubbles @kassiekolchek22 @akiramoon8088
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blessed-curse · 2 years
Blessed Curse
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"Let me tell you a secret... come closer. Did you know, looks can be deceiving? And that one should never judge a book by its cover."
Blessed Curse, is a Superhero, Urban Fantasy, Romance interactive novel set in a fictional universe of an alternate Earth that exists in the wild and infinite multiverse, Earth 2B-63 Alpha. Your story began the day Atlantis sunk. It was the day you took thous- no millions of innocent lives. You use to be a simple child of a renowned scholar. Your father was someone who was respected and loved by many. Even the Queen of Atlantis, once loved him. And due to this a scandal broke out when you were merely no older than 14. It had come to the Atlantean King's attention that the Queen had a relationship with your father 14 years prior to your birth. Due to the adultery, the Queen and your father were both beheaded, while you a bastard child born from their union was to be imprisoned for life. You were scorned, hated and found repulsive by all who set their eyes upon you.
Everyday, every night became a struggle. You wondered from time to time why you should keep drawing breath. Every night the thought you should just end it all, came calling. For the perpetual agony that followed you and all it's suffering, seemed never ending. But then every time the sweet words of death called you, you would remember your father's last words; "The past is the past, and tho it can destroy the future. Remember to live a life for what tomorrow has to offer. Not for what yesterday has taken from you." So you kept fighting everyday, for 7 years straight. Till one day the King offered you chance at freedom if you partook in a secret experiment.
And so, you accepted. You and 99 other candidates were to be part of the project, that if successful would evolve the human evolution by leaps and bounds. At first the tests were simple and harmless in nature. That was what you thought at first... till they started getting harsher by the week. Until finally the first of the candidate's died. From then on those part of the project started to drop like flies. Three years later, you and 17 others were all that was left. Upon the final experiment only four of you made it out alive. But the nightmare of three agonising, harsh, treacherous years did not end there. No, in fact once the Chief Scientist was finally able to create and replicate the perfect serum and process of evolving the human race into god like beings. You and the rest of the living test subjects were to be disposed of.
Unfortunately for them, you had enough of everything. You tried to live, you tried to be good and forgive when they took your father, and the mother that you never got to know. When they took your dignity you stood proud, when they took your freedom you new one day you would see the light again. But now, now they wanted your life when you gave them everything you had to give. So you finally had enough with giving and instead took from them, you took their lives, their homes, their dreams you took it all and destroyed them.
11 644 years later...
In this story you play as one of the very first superhumans. It has been nearly 12 millenia since you left Earth, to live on the moon. You had lived there in peace away from all of it. The pain, the memories and the guilt. But now you've returned to the rock you once called home. Especially since the risk of being discovered on the moon has increased with years as humanity has advanced through the ages. But what you didn't expect upon your return was for there to be humans who had evolved into super beings, which they now call, all those who wield powers a Descendant Or an Empowered. So how will you the oldest and maybe, just maybe the strongest superhuman to ever live traverse a world where history has taken a different turn of events.
I have known despair
I value hope
I have tasted frustration
I value fulfillment
I have been lonely
I value love"
Play as Male or Female.
Be Gay, Straight, or Bisexual.
Choose your physical Appearance. Your costume. Your Alias and your name.
Choose 1 of 17 unique main abilities for your character.
Romance 1 of 8 unique romances throughout your journey. Or just make enemies along your path instead.
There is 1 secret romance. And 1 poly route available.
Go on romantic... maybe steamy dates?
Deal with your guilt as it tries to consume you and all you have left to love.
Have epic, gory and super destructive battles.
Be a Superhero, Super Villain or... maybe something in between?
But remember time is short, so make those small moments matter.
Strong Language
Nonspecific mentions of rape and sexual violence.
Explicit sexual content.
Dead bodies, violence, and gore.
Depictions of self harm and mentions of suicide.
Depictions and mentions of various mental issues.
18+ Thanks. No Kids.
Romantic Interests:
Love Interests Info.
Demo TBA
Maybe late March??
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desultory-novice · 1 year
I haven't had the chance to do it yet, but do you know if the Japanese pause screens or text in RTTDDX contain any lore that, by chance, didn't appear in the english translations? I ask because I just remembered when Star Allies did the same thing with Void Termina's jp pause screen. (I wish I could relive that day, lol)
I'm sorry, Inifinite! I actually had this post ready to go a while ago but Tumblr kept borking on me and I eventually shelved it because I was so annoyed by it crashing mid-edit! Finally came back to it because this is a very good question!
So, I only looked at the ones I had screenshots of, but I want to start out by saying the Pause Screen translation here is without question more accurate than previous games. This is FL levels of accuracy - the only differences being very minor word choices. As such, I've gone ahead and stuck with the EN descriptions here and "added back" (via parenthesis) anything that could be said to have been "left out" from the Japanese!
[Master Crown] (The resurrected crown of control has become a mistletoe tree (1) bearing red fruit) Those who wear the Master Crown will gain power, but so will the darkness in their hearts. Thanks to the red fruit, it's become a wrathful wreath-a destroyer called the tree crown without a ruler!
(1) The word for "mistletoe tree" can also be read in Japanese as "host tree" because mistletoe is a parasite!
[Master Crown; Last Phase] To free the tree (from the bindings (2) of control) and bring an end to the destruction... To take responsibility for his wicked ways... With all of his magic infused into the sword, he must strike! Magolor must atone for his misdeeds!
(2) The full kanji here would typically be 呪縛 - "curse" + "restriction" but "curse" and "tree" are sound-alikes, so they left the "curse" kanji off, meaning it CAN be read as "bound tree"
[Magolor Soul - True Arena Phase 1] The one-eyed wreath grants power but swallows the soul... It devours, stealing any sense of self... Truly, this crown rules all. Free him from this nightmare! Take his hand and save a new friend!
This one is...basically as is. Anything would just be word choice nitpicks, but to be honest, I don't even have that many. The biggest one would be that the Japanese says "...become friends!" rather than "save a new friend" but "new" implies that they're going to become friends, so yeah. It's the same
[Magolor Soul - True Arena Phase 2] Kirby... Ugh! I hate having to rely on you, and your vacant stare when I revealed my grand plan was truly insulting. Well, let's see if you can break this thing on my head. If you can, then someday...hee hee heee...I may get to toy with you again!
I wrote my alternate translation as well as my reasonings for it and what this translation does well in another post [HERE!]
[Magolor EX] It was in a dusty(4) tome that Magolor first learned about that legendary item. It all sounded like a fairy tale, until he (miraculously) found the Lor and began scheming. It's time to save the universe, Lor...and Magolor!
(4) "Dusty" is an elaboration on the EN part but definitely not a stretch. One thing that is different is that "legendary item" is absolutely PLURAL in Japanese. Meaning he learned about everything through those same books. Presumably, this includes the artifacts he tells Kirby about, including the Fountain of Dreams and Galactic Nova.
[Magolor Soul EX] (A battle that exceeded all limits caused the limitless power of the Master Crown to overflow without stop.) What remains of Magolor is a sad shell. He's possessed by the limitless power of the Master Crown, imprisoned by the hatred and obsessions of prior rulers. Now...defeat it and free Magolor's soul!
I mentioned in a post just yesterday that it was implied the Master Crown kinda went berserk because of Magolor and Kirby's fight and the pause screen lore does seem to play into that interpretation. It was definitely dangerous, but the fight is what caused it to overflow and consume Magolor? Of course, something like that seems like it was bound to consume him eventually...
[Lor EX & Magolor]
Lor sensed something was amiss when it met Magolor. It can travel to far-off paradises with ease...so why didn't it? Perhaps it hid its true power, wanting to be stopped after (3) stealing the crown...
(3) Another fine translation; what's most interesting here is word used here in Japanese can also be interpreted as "being made a pawn to retake/recapture the crown"  The key being "recapture" rather than "steal"
There's some mysteries about Magolor this game has given us. (Gotta find time to work on my Magolor essays... Plural...)
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thebalancer · 4 months
Everlasting Flower: Nae Sarang~Lies of P Fanfic: Chapter 2: Colorful Mind
A/N: Finally finished this chapter after a long time working, and spending all day yesterday writing. Make sure you read the others before this one. Regardless, please enjoy!
Summary: The new guest makes herself comfortable with the new faces in the safe haven she reached. She meets some new faces and ones she gets to know before she has to head out, but brings ally with her.
Coated in dimness the girl who escape Death’s grasp laid. Warmness cover her cold wounds. Away from the terror for now. However, a calm slumber is interrupted by a chilling nightmare of past events - the horrors of Moonlight Town meeting it’s downfall. All the images of disoriented monsters coming back in her memories. Rhosyn jolted up from her slumber. Stressful breaths puff out of her open mouth as she attempts to relax; telling herself it was all just a dream, expect the dream recall the moments from yesterday - as if recurring the events that played out again. From the attack to the fall. All leaving her in a quivering state.
*“Are you okay? You had a bad dream.”* The Ergo chunk whispers to her. Rhosyn became silent for a bit before finding the courage to answer him: “No, I’m….not.” She wipes away the salty drops that manage to escape from her vision. “I….I don’t think….I’m gonna go back to sleep anything soon.” She grabs the pocket watch off the nightstand and uses it to check what the time is: It’s midnight. The gloomy paddles of the night shower settle the atmosphere of the already sad mood. She sat the watch back down and pulled the covers off her body. Filled with stubbornness and determination, Rhosyn carefully lifted herself off the bed.
*“Hey! Rhosyn, buttercup, your wounds are still healing up. You need to sit back down.”* Boomed the voice of the Ergo necklace. Rhosyn used the desk of the nightstand to get herself up her feet, carefully.
“I’ll be fine. I’m not sitting in this bed all night. If I’m not gonna go back to sleep, I minus well go explore the hotel when I have the chance; go down memory lane. You and I. '' In all honesty, the whisper would like that very much.
She got a stable, balance stand on her feet. Another exhale puffs out. She ruffles her messy short dirty blonde with natural red highlights in and begin making her way towards the door. All while the crystal makes a sigh comment: *“Stubborn as your parents…Please be easy on yourself.”*
Bright light returns to her tired eyes. It seemed there was so much she haven’t seen or recalled in this mysterious hotel. She minus well sink it in. Give this place another look now that she is older. Check out what she had missed when she was a child. Rhosyn make a couple steps towards the staircase until the blue around her neck illuminated the halls again.
“Huh, what’s a matter? Did you sense something?” Rhosyn questions the little guide around her neck. Lifting her attention up from the gem, another visible soul is present in the room.
On her way to the stairway, Rhosyn spots an elegant woman in a white ruffle dress draped by a blue coat over her shoulders and blue-colored hair tied in a stylish bun. She even had a cute little butterfly brooch on her jacket. The woman appears mature based on her physical appearance alone. She stands calmly at the end of the stairs…as if unaware of the people around. Lost in her own little world like she was admiring the attire of the lovely hotel. The ergo necklace started radiating again. Apparently, the whispers from the blue caught the woman’s attention. She did appear mature, yet her face looked so youthful. Her bright blue eyes appear to be staring at her. Somehow, Rhosyn can see her….as she’s suppose to.
The woman in white form a friendly, relaxed, and welcoming smile.
“Greetings, young Listener.” Said the blue-haired woman. Rhosyn’s eyes immediately widen. Wait, how did this woman knew she can hear the voices of the Ergo? Is this a hallucination she’s encountering right now? No….Rhosyn never had hallucinations in the past. Nothing she ate or drank never caused such nonsense. The meds prescribed never cause such reactions. She been fine since. “Do not be alarm. My name is Sophia. I am glad you have made it here safe. I am a Listener like yourself. You can see me. Not many others here cannot.” Rhosyn’s face scrunch up into a puzzle face. Sophia’s words made Rhosyn go “Huh” at the very best. Sophia can see the expression on the girl all so clear. Perplexed about this newfound discovery. The butterfly has a lot of explaining to do, and she better do so now, or else the survivor will be asking many questions.
“I know this information must be a lot to adjust for you, but I promise you,” Sophia adds, hoping her explanation will clear things up. “The ergo wrapped around you, the ability you inherit, you have the capability to hear Ergo and communicate with puppets. That ability allows you to see me. You see….”
Rhosyn listened closely to the butterfly woman. Something didn’t sit right. Yet, her Ergo necklace reacted to her presence. For all she knows, this woman knows more about the ability she has. “....Everyone in this hotel doesn’t have the ability. Therefore, they can’t see me. But you, you can.” Sophia smiles once more. “I see you have already met Geppetto’s puppet.” Rhosyn nodded her head: “Yeah, I have. He’s….nice. He prefer to be called P, though.”
“Is that so?” Sophia acknowledged the idea of Pinocchio wanting a name for himself - giving himself his own identity; on the road of becoming a real boy. It intrigue her all so well. “If that’s what he wishes to go by, I shall refer to him as such. Having a name is beneficial for one they go by. He’s….changing, but he’s not there yet.”
Rhosyn tilts her head. “What do you mean?” Is that puppet boy trying to find himself? As in, becoming human? She could not understand.
Sophia lowered her head. “You see, I was the one who had awaken him. I believed Geppetto’s puppet will save Krat from the devastation it is under.”
“So, are you like his….guardian of some sort?” Rhosyn asks Sophia.
“More like his guide.” Sophia answers the human. “I use my power to help him on his journey. I also told him if anything troubles him, he is willing to tell me such.” Sophia lowered her head while placing a hand on her heart. She always expected the best for the little puppet in choosing the right path for him. Never thought the blue guardian expect Pinocchio to wake up his Ergo and forming his own identity. Bright blues return at the girls gaze. “Although, I do act like his guardian; I use my power of time to save him. I can’t say much about it to you, but….you must understand, your power can help Krat.” Now the human girl is perplexed by everything she mentioned. This Listener ability past on by her family is already something Rhosyn cannot comprehend. Her parents found out she can talk to puppets when she communicated with watchman Murphy. Little Rhosyn told the other children Murphy wants to hear the whistle. Of course, they think she’s silly and a weird girl.
She even had to prove Coyra about her abilities; one day two children, Rhosyn and Coyra were outside the Moand Charity House in the school’s lovely garden near the greenhouse. It was a place where gold coin fruits are mainly planted in before it’s passed on to a safer location. The garden was also a way to teaching children how to properly maintain the beauty of the scenery and strict them into behaving better. The Charity House’s garden became the perfect hangout and play area for the two. The young Rhosyn spotted a maid puppet during her regular duties by the flower bushes. When the innocent long blonde girl told her friend about her special ability, the short redhead did not believe her at all. So, Coyra made a bet if she can tell her what the puppet is saying. Little Rhosyn answered with: “She says: Ugh! These kids tracking mud all over the place! Soon, one of them’s gonna bring a dead animal.”
“Wait, is that what she’s actually saying?!” Little Coyra had to ask her trustworthy friend. Amber-colored eyes dart at her with curiosity in awaiting for her to state the fact.
“That’s what the maid puppet actually said! I told you I can hear what they’re saying, just like my mom. But, don’t tell anyone. They’ll think I’m weird and that I’m just using my imagination. Some made fun of me for it.”
That was a vague memory from the past she only knew - only because Coyra did bring in a dead animal inside the school one day, just to get a reaction out of the maid puppet. The puppet took a stick and smacked it out of Coyra’s hands. The short-haired girl thought it was the funniest thing ever. She got in trouble for that. On the other hand, Little Rhosyn inspect her stupidity by offering a despise look many would back up from.
The older Rhosyn in the present is only trying to understand where her powers come from. Trying her hardest in figuring out why she can hear Ergo. She wraps her hand around the Ergo necklace.
Pinocchio got himself comfy in the library reading the same book he shown to the pretty guest. The book tells a tale about a curse on a young prince casted by a witch all because he was cruel - the curse can only broken by the act of true love.
Sometimes, P feels like he’s under some curse; under attached strings still wrapped around his heart made for moving him. Under the strings in his creators hands. Have to listen to his orders: Must do this tasks, help out that, and be put in danger from the highs and lows. It’s a cycle between a man and a puppet.
If only he saw his wonderful creation as his own son, then (if he was alive) both the puppet and the lost boy can be twin brothers who watch each others back. That dream will never become true - nothing but a dream in electric sheep's. The oldest Geppetto would wish upon a star for a sibling that’ll love him more than his father could ever. They’ll do silly children things when Sir Geppetto was in his workshop crafting another puppet. Either catching insets on a warm sunny day, going to Krats outgoing festivals, and attend school together. Perfect little boys with a father who cared about his creation more than his own children, but they will have each other through thick and thin.
But Pinocchio will never have a brother nor a sister. Not in many years. Unless fate changes one day. If fate is real…. Pinocchio can’t help but had a dread of loneliness cloud his wondering mind whenever he thinks about it - Even hearing the story of the nice guest she shared before her drowsy eyes gave up for the night. He wonder if her older brother she’d mentioned in the story is alive. Surely, the Gray Wolf must miss his little sister, and that best friend she sworn to; a sister-figure to the rose girl. She must be okay, too.
What about the little girl, Aliza? He barely knew her and yet it was an innocent child put in a dangerous situation. It was almost as if Rhosyn’s group were like family to her. A family she got tragically separated from.
This idea made him want to help Rhosyn even more. But…..why, though? She was just another survivor. Another person finding refugee in the hotel for her ow will. Sophia is someone he see as family to him. The blue fairy treats him as his personal guide; one who gives him strength to get through the worst obstacles in the city.
She woke him up for a good reason. Not only is the puppet on a mission to save Krat; He’s on a personal task of finding humanity - the path reaching there was far, yet he felt like he was getting there if he follows his heart.
Perhaps the young beauty in violet already got him closer, but the roadblock prevented him from such. They just need to get through it together. That’s what a mother would want for their child.
“Alright, thank you, Sophia. Have a good night,” He lifted up his head off the page telling the tale of Beauty’s life in the castle he was reading and found himself fixated on the girl in purple when she finished talking to Sophia. No one here knew Sophia’s existence but Rhosyn. It delighted the puppet. That explains the necklace all too well. He saw her - standing there interacting with the lady as the blue hue glows on her neck. Pinocchio watch the human walk towards his direction. His gazed fix on her noting that she’s not in a weak state than she was earlier; she walks at a steady pace. In a much better condition, yet she hold a trouble tone in her eyes. He saw how much the disaster messed up her pretty casual purple dress in a more closer detail. Red and black splattered all over. Yet, it remain the elegant design from the ruffles across her upper area and sleeves. The dress had a flowy appearance, making the survivor appear like a beautiful lady on the streets of the busy town. The red scarf ties secured around her as the back follow in the flow motion. P wonder why she wore the scarf there of all things. He haven’t seen many wear one like her before. He seemed to like it. It made her stand out from the others ladies.
Overall, the Listener gave off the energy of a beauty but a dangerous woman. A rose with thorns and fire.
“Hi, P. Hi, Gemini.” Pinocchio waves at the girl as she takes a seat in one of the comfy chairs. Gemini cricks a cheerful sound. “Hey, Rhosyn! Good to see you all better, but….why are you up so late? You should get some sleep.”
Rhosyn sighs to the lamp. “I had a nightmare and I don’t think I’ll be going back to bed anytime soon. I figure I explore the hotel - hoping it’ll help clear my mind.” She fiddled the loose end strings of the scarf in the fragile fingers. Nervousness quickly wash on her. Pinocchio gloss his eyes on the troubled girl in front of him expecting her body language she’s now demonstrating. Hands on her lap, eye contact focus on the book, leg twitching. All showing signs of an anxious manner. The mute puppet can’t help but have his metal heart beat a sense of a sympathetic act. He thought dreams are filled with positivity. Those provide with hope for the person in achieving greatness. How does her dream create a nightmare?
“Oh man, that’s terrible,” Gemini says. “What was your nightmare about? Maybe we can help you feel better.”
“Just the past events. The tragic stuff that happened yesterday; The big, flying monster that attacked my group and I. Its creepy red eyes never left my mind…..” She shivered; the goosebumps are not visible but the idea sent the notion how disturbing it was to her. Already the image of the large winged, long neck creature in her mind made her feel uncomfortable just recalling it. P quickly noticed the unsettle expression from the way she hugged herself in the chair. Like, she became small of sort. Before Gemini could speak what the puppet has in his mind, he grabs a nearby notebook and a ink pen off the round table. The pen belonged to Geppetto while the paper was for personal use for everyone, provided by the headmaster. He begins writing according to his program - Rhosyn was glad Pinocchio found some tools to get some words out. Although, she won’t mind learning what he’s telling her without written words. Pinocchio jogged down in persist motion. Careful not making any slight mistake for pen ink cannot be erased so easily. For he’ll have to restart all over again. Rhosyn watches in awe; seeing the pen move against the paper with the hand in a steady but quick pace. He’s a fast writer than she is in comparison. This entice her. Finally, P finished putting down his words. He hands the rose the written paper. Rhosyn takes the time in reading what he wants to tell her.
The paper reads: “I’m sorry that you had to go through so much just to get here. I understand the struggles of constantly dealing with what’s going on in the city. You are a strong survivor - I can tell. My friend Gemini and I would like to help you find your friends and brother if you wish. I understand if you don’t accept the offer. With the city being in a dangerous state, it be wise you have someone with you, especially if the giant winged creature you mentioned is possibly after you. We may not know each other well, but I trust you enough.
I also want to say that you’re a very nice girl. I enjoyed our conversation we had earlier.”
Rhosyn finish reading the last sentence in the note and it made her surprise from the puppet’s true words. The note by itself entirely catch her off guard.
He was offering his help in finding her group? She’ll take having a extra partner by her side. Dangerous lands (even in a dwell wasteland city like Krat) provide a team to get through the toughest of challenges. Many have advice it, but she dismiss it; much rather continue the mission alone as trust with strangers in the open area always leave her in a state of awareness on who she’s trusting. One time, a man she trusted stole one of her important items while she slept in a rusty shelter space. He promised her a good meal and valuable tools when in doubt. However, Rhosyn woke up one morning to notice one of her canisters have gone missing - follow by her small, old bag filled with important stuff. Rhosyn never forgotten how betrayed she’d felt that morning. That bag included a small photo of a pet rabbit she once had she got commissioned by a talented artist to draw….now its gone for good. One day, she’ll hunt down that man for stealing her old belongings behind her back.
Pinocchio already proved he’s a good person even if he is still learning his ways of becoming a real boy. Not once had he tried anything suspicious. Instead, he treated her as a gentleman that she doesn’t deserve from different folks.
Having someone like P by her side will come in handy. Who knows? Maybe they make a great team. Fighting against evil in rescuing the city from the agony it suffers in. A duo with a mech puppet boy and a human princess? An interesting little story that Krat citizens would enjoy on a nice rainy day or for those who enjoy a good book when relaxing from a hard day of work.
Rhosyn smiles at the note and than back at Pinocchio. “I would like that very much. You do seem like a nice person. I’ll gladly take your offer. I can use all the help I can get. You never know what strange, hostile, disoriented things that lurk in the streets these day. You may also be right about the creature possibly after me. If I’m by myself, I might not make it out.
Also, thank you for your nice words.” Pinocchio nods his head at the rose girl in response to her comment. He’s doing his best in replicate her smile, but it’s not even close. It’s an attempt….he’ll get there.
Rhosyn pushes a bit of her hair behind her ear, revealing a pair of yellow drop-shaped gem earrings on her. Pinocchio found the the visible earring quite pretty, seeing it small shimmers dance in the hotel light; matching with the red heart gem brooch on her dress which is more brighter from how big it is. Pinocchio hinted that Rhosyn likes gems, or those are gems associate with her family she’s wearing. If its one thing P had learned about knowing others: People wear certain items that belonged to their loved ones. Both big and small. Mostly certain items that herdic from another. Rather from a friend, a family member, or someone they care for close to heart.
She could be wearing them in honor of those she loves. Someone in her past life she may have known - a mother or a sister. Pinocchio only knows so little.
He’s more curious about the Ergo necklace of hers. Does it belong to a love one of hers? He wants to ask her; quickly write his question down about it, but now’s not the time. Instead, he keeps his soft gaze at the human girl. Those soft glittery eyes coat by dark under bags display how many battles she must fight; many roadblocks of death by painting the streets in black and red just to reach a safe haven. Looking at her face, Rhosyn’s too tired to explain everything right now. Both emotionally and mentally. Was there anything he can do? His springs react just by thinking ways he can help her feel better.
Gemini chirps again - only this time twice. The green cricket had an idea: “I was thinking, how about we read you your favorite story? The one Pinocchio brought to you that you said was your favorite? Beauty and the Beast is it? Maybe that can help you fall back to sleep with a happy book.” The cricket inside the lamp sound worry from all the hardhips she dwelt on. Especially from the chaos indured yesterday. Of course, I’ll gladly read it to you if you like.”
“Sure! I like that very much,” Rhosyn says with a different attitude in her tone than what she had before. Display a positive outcome in her distressful situation she is under. Moreso, the human’s endeavor at putting aside the darkness weighting on her shoulders. The cricket in the lamp asks his pal to bring the book to him, putting it up in a standing position while still open. Flipping back to the beginning. Gemini clears his throat.
“IN a country very far from this is to be seen in a great city….” Gemini begins reading the tale. Pinocchio had himself sit beside the lamp so he can turn the page when requested. His expression is soft as a curious boy he is. Rhosyn has herself comfortable on her knees on the floor with her head resting on her ruffled-coated arms on the table. Her hair rests over her diligent cheeks like silk from a spinning wheel. The rain of night almost finished from the way the drops against the giant glass behind the velvet curtains are slowing down. Colors of green, blue, and yellow comforted the small library at a warm glow. Peace filled the cold evening as the friendly talking cricket tells the fairy tale how a young girl simply name Beauty fell in love with the Beast. How a kindhearted girl who loves a good book finds her way through all the hardships she’s put in. Though the highs and the lows. The girl grins calmly hearing her favorite story outload.
Pinocchio listened closely at the story being told. He haven’t had a clue why all of Beauty’s sisters are so cruel; even being jealous of the gorgeous sister among them all due to her pure heart and looks. The girl got unfair treatment for a unknown reason. Heck, he wondered how a father maintained twelve children in total: six boys and six girls on his own. Not even Father Geppetto himself can manage that many children if he can - although his crafted puppets do count as his children, but that’s a different story left alone in the ditch somewhere. He didn’t want to think of that right now. He much rather enjoy the story while his P-Organ beats. The fairy tale started grabbing the mechanoid's attention after each told paragraph.
After each old page turned, blue-doll eyes swift towards the rose raven in front of him. She appear more relaxed than the last time they spoke. He did wonder about the wound on her waist - Nurse Signora made sure the injury’s not bleeding. When he held her tight from her fall, he felt the red liquid blending into the red scarf wrapped around her. No wonder she felt weak. The injury from the sword slash made her lightheaded at that time. If only P could do much more, but he knows there's only much one man can do. So many lessons he has to learn on his own. Find the answers he seeks.
He noticed how her hair shimmer of gold and red in the light, display the appearance of a beauty within the room; as if her hair is like a canvas made of thread. Pinocchio almost wanted to touch the short strains, yet he rather not invade the girls' privacy. Instead, the proper idea to do is offer a compliment on her hair just like she did with his. Pinocchio found himself noticing how she fiddled with the necklace. Clinging the crystal chunk in between her rusty but diligent fingers. The crystal had a special bond with her in some way. It sort of like her comfort item from what he can piece together. Who would ever find Ergo a tool for comfort? Ergo itself is a mystery on its own, dated back when talented old alchemists sailing on a boat discovered its existence long ago. Somewhere deep.
The puppet can’t help but tilt his head near his shoulder. His gaze locks on the red crystal heart brooch on her dress below the ruffles. For sure that didn’t look like the material is made out of Ergo, or else he learn about the existence of red Ergo for the first time. The gem is more of a ruby kind based off the shine reflected by the chandelier lights. Beautiful as the woman’s heart. However…. Something caught his observant eyes….
The ruby-colored gem had a small crack in the center. The heart’s not broken, but the heart held together from breaking apart; refusing to die so sudden. What even happened in the first place?
Did…a tragic event happened to her? What caused it? There’s so much he wants to learn about her. Moreso, why was “Beauty and the Beast” her favorite story? Conceivably, he’ll know her more once they set out tomorrow morning. Yet….why is he so worried for this survivor’s wellbeing? It’s made clear the girl is capable of handling herself. Is it because she’s a listener?
Many questions circle in his system - Curious as to the history behind the story of the rose raven. Right now, the human almost fell asleep ... .until Gemini tried pronouncing a complicated word in the book. She lifts her cheek off the resting state.
“Uhm…” He chirps, troubled. “I can’t pronounced this word….I never heard of this word before…..”
“Can I see it?” Rhosyn asks the little friend; she takes the book after Gemini accepted the offer. She carefully read the word in the page of the book. Her finger traced over the bolded letter in the sentence describing how Beauty feels seeing the Beast. “It’s repugnance. A fancy word for intense disgust.” Rhosyn sets the index finger of hers off the page. “Don’t worry, I had a hard time reading it on my first time.” Rhosyn titter in a sweet gesture. The calm, warm smile pasture on her cut lips despite how painful it must be for her. “Huh?” The lantern cricket became curious, “How interesting. You must have read a tone of books in your time. Are books your favorite?”
“Yes they are. I enjoy a nice story or two, but I’m always fascinated in folk tales and the art of science.”
Can this girl not have the ability to be so sweet? Pinocchio can’t help but think she’s the real beauty from the story. His heart felt warm from hearing her laugh alone. Then the positive energy held on her quickly changed in a lower one. The frown came back.
“But….I get questionable looks and judgement whenever I have a book in my hand, or when I talk about some scientific idea. Basically anything I enjoy. They judge me as a outsider of all things. Hell, I get ridiculed for doing archery! Archery! All because I’m a ‘beautiful girl who should be settling down with a man.’ ” The girl exhaled, softly yet in a form of distress. Pinocchio can’t help but perk up from her words alone. What she told them had him wonder in concern: People ridicule each other? Especially when society expects a certain lifestyle from you. Poor Rhosyn - that doesn’t seem fair at all. Perhaps she feels how P is (minus being an actual puppet), having strings be pulled and control by a unknown entity. Following orders if you felt like it or not. Being told what you must be over what you wish to be.
“Golly, some folks are just straight up rude,” Gemini says. “But, don’t listen to them. I mean, you can’t now that Krat is….well not Krat. In my little bug eyes, you are already a wonderful person. A brave, strong one with a good heart. I mean, it wasn’t easy but you fought your way alone just to get here - all through the hardships you’ve faced along the way. That’s a big achievement.” Another bug noise escapes out of the friendly insect. For some reason, the crickets' sounds warmed the human heart.
“Also, you should be yourself rather than be what others want you to be. That’s what’s important. And if one day you want to settle down when Krat becomes normal again, you should find someone worth your heart. Someone who will treat you for you. That’s the best advice I can give. You’re a good person who deserves the best.”
The frown becomes a small grin again.Of course, being careful not have the cut on the bottom lip pour red again.
“It’s the best advice. Thank you, Gemini. You have no idea how much I needed to hear those words.” Said she as the rose sets her chin back on her ruffled sleeved arms. The necklace dangles over the glass table in the center.
Gemini went back to reading the story; the two live souls present in the room stayed silent again. He begin sharing about the cursed ornaments in the castle providing the luxurious dinner to the beauty. Even Sophia listened to the tale from afar. Remaining in the halls, she kept her blue hues on the young puppet hero of Krat as she stands by the doorless entrance of the room near the record player. The butterfly can’t help but feel a sense of happiness by just how much she’d seen Geppetto’s creation grew in becoming his own person. The emotion in her heart made her believe she did a decent job in playing the role as a guide for Pinocchio.
However, her soft, bright hazel eyes begin fading. Her eye lids are becoming heavy. And just seconds later, Rhosyn drift back into the world of Wonderland on the table. It was already late for her; she needed to try getting some shut eye again before light cover the outside world again. After all, she needs sleep, and her Ergo necklace would definitely agree in the owner trying to sleep again. Gemini’s suggestion worked perfectly. Round black orbs witness the girl fall asleep in a peaceful state. A cozy, hospitable smile forms on his tiny face. “It worked, pal. She’s asleep,” Gemini whispers, “Hopefully, another nightmare doesn’t disturb her again. We should get her a blanket. At least keep her warm and comfy from the cold.” The good friend nods - Pinocchio gather a nearby old but sturdy soft blanket from the chair by the bookcases and draped it over Rhosyn. Letting the white cover hug her like snow. He can’t help but stare for a second just seeing how calm she is. How she slept. He noticed the faded dark-colored eyeshadow and eyeliner on her lids still visible on her. The shadow color is a autumn-like color. A brownish hue faded in the mix of lights. All show a pretty color, yet it’s looking its touch from the battles she’s faced.
He let her rest for the night. P knew he needed it. Metal fingers grab the lamp off the table and left the library, leaving the guest behind. He encounters a familiar face in the ball room, Pinocchio saw the same scene as before - the elder woman dress in elegant green in a wheel chair staring at a large portrait of a younger version of her in white; pure and sweet with silky gold around her arms. Today, she suffers from a deadly disease plaguing the city. She is the owner of the hotel, and an old friend of his “father”. Owner Lady Antonia awaited for the boys arrival. The soft gaze turns away from her main fixation. “Ah, how good to see you at this time. Although, young boys like you should try getting some sleep.” The lady speaks, attempting at light humor by a small laugh, yet a nasty cough leaves out so sudden. That cough always had P feel unease. “I’m sure you’ve been taking great care of our new visitor. Polendina told me her condition. Not many are determined to survive these days.” She shifts back at the painting on the wall. “But many who are determined enough fight for what they care most. All for what they want most. That’s the true power.” She smirks at the old friends creation at the best of her abilities from the disease clogging her half side. Her way of a compassionate smile. The best one she can offer.
Pinocchio appreciated her humble response. His attention went up at the portrait he saw when he first arrived in the hotel. The young woman brimmed with mystery and beauty behind the glossy eyes. Beside the portrait on another wall is the old owner of the place….before it’s past on to his lovely daughter. Today, Hotel Krat keeps its memory with the secrets buried deep within from its old life it once had. Sometimes, Lady Antonia can be heard by her butler and personal nurse of the hotel communicating with the ghosts many say still stay in; ones Gemini had mentioned, but also six children who meant an unfortunate fate that Antonia wants to provide some sort of comfort for these poor kids once had a beautiful yet imperfect life. Each child had unique personality: The youngest one is patient and understanding, the second youngest is very kind who enjoys cooking, another filled with integrity enjoyed dancing, the middle one is brave and capable of fighting, the second oldest is the preserve type and has a wide knowledge, and finally, the oldest is the leader among the six - The justice type who knows his way around dangerous weaponry.
All six of them are wonderful children who unfortunately met a terrible fate Miss Antonia wish they were given a second chance. Notably, her connection with another boy named Carlo provided the love and care for the lost souls. The role of a caretaker within her very heart.
“Anyway, I shouldn’t keep you up. You should get some rest. I’m sure you have a long day ahead of you, my child. A bright future awaits for you.” Antonia tells the brave boy. Pinocchio nods his head in response. Although sleep doesn’t run in his systems, but the idea did seem nice on its own.
“My two assistance will take good care of our guest.” She says before the young puppet takes his leave for the night. Heading up to the father’s only workspace in the particular hotel. During the trip up, the puppet noted one of the rooms open - Rhosyn’s room had been left open. Nothing but a gloomy scenery and an untidy old bed left behind. He’s not used to seeing these doors open. Guess there’s always a first time. He better check in at the office before the old man becomes worry for his “son”. Geppetto’s space is usually lit up during these hours….almost all the time. Something about witnessing his creator sitting in the chair in front of his disorganized mess clogged by millions of written words about a puppet he had plans for, or a blueprint for another invention every time he enter the room, the small scene spark a bitter action in Pinocchio; hatred or displeased in some sort - begging to be seen as more than what his purpose is.
Luckily, Geppetto’s icy blues shift away from the documents. A proper greeting established. Yet….the tone in the engineers voice felt like he didn’t care. No matter how many times “precious” is thrown around, P never see it that way. Never seen as precious in the man’s eyes; only the physical appearance he shared. It breaks his metal heart from the way he spoke to him. These invisible strings keep him wrap in the alchemists fingers. Pinocchio rather be around a kind soul like the new guest in the purple ruffled dress. Friends like Eugenie also being the example. At least Gemini is always with him….for now until he had to take the lamp off his belt and sit in the red chair associated by the old man’s tools.
From there, P enters the imaginative sleep land of a magical amusement park island. Rather than donkeys, sheep's are present, and not a place for misbehaving individuals, but rather ones with big dreams. The little fluffy sheeps guide the big dreams to far away lands - breaking whatever string holds them down.
Tomorrow changes everything for the Rose Raven Princess and the Mechanic Puppet Boy.
September, Hotel Krat, Morning, Cloudy Day
*“Rise and shine, Rhosyn. We got work to do.*” Rhosyn opens her rested eyes to the colorful world, realizing she slept in the library over the hotel room she was assign to. Guess she was exhausted that night. She felt like she’d overslept; based how her muscles ache from sleeping in the position. The first time she ever slept somewhere other than a bed for once. The Listener yawns: a big long one at best. “I haven’t slept that good in quite a while.” She’d forgotten how she’s used to sleeping in inconvenient places over a cozy bed these days. From abandoned floors to strangely a bed of beautiful flowers she fallen on. The nightmare she had must have flown over her doozy head. Not that she didn’t mind it, but she had realized that fact just now. She didn’t have another nightmare if she had overslept - that’s good news for both parties in the room.
Then, she recalled Gemini reading her favorite story by the light as a way of coping with her pain, and getting her back to sleep. She must admit, it was lovely to be read to by someone telling a good story after many moons of being told the tales of the adventures of Wonderland when she was a child, or the tale of the Talos Principle made by a serious man who’s fixation center around his studies of future technology. The tale of humanity within one intelligent shell.
That’s one of the stories she remembered telling those around her about….only to be meant with questionable reactions by her peers in the Charity House. Others were science-related topics.
Oh, how the times have changed.
The blanket on her rub her bare shoulders when she moved. The fabric is a feather soft touch, yet a little rough from the old stains. The sudden touch almost threw her off from the warm cover being on her. “Why is there a blanket on me? I don’t remember putting this on last night…” She ruffles her messy hair.
*“Oh, Geppetto’s puppet put that on you while you were sleeping. You’ve passed out during Gemini reading you the book. He wanted to keep you warm from the cold. How nice of him to do.”* The voice behind the crystal mentions, sounding like he’s teasing. All Rhosyn responds at him is a deep sigh. However, she can’t help but be a little flatter by such a unnatural kind action provided to her by another figure. This just shows how much of a bashful girl who focuses on being independent rather than another individual showing affection to her; including how much of a social awkward woman she is from her past times. This was all so new for her, yet she liked the affection. Rhosyn swiped the blanket off of her.
“It was….nice of him….to do.” Said the raven, softly.
She slowly lift herself up to her feet covered in dark nylon fabric and carefully straighten back up in a standing position. She gives herself a big stretch - Raising her arms to the ceiling as a long yawn leaves out of her system. She scratch her ruffled hair again; little knots caught in her brush, but easily untangled by several strokes when running her fingers through the strains. Still a hassle. She did had a small brush in the old bag that got stolen…. How awful. A sigh escapes from the rose’s lips.
“Guess I should find something to eat before leaving.” She shifts down at the floor when she noticed the heels noises were absent when taking the first steps. She had taken off her boots and left them upstairs in the room she was suppose to sleep in last night. The human girl sighs: “Right. My stuff is still upstairs….I should go get them before doing other important matters.” Rough nights can leave one in a haze. Even in a dreaded city not many get out alive where better night sleep is not an option, because one must be alert at all cost.
She begins heading out of the library area to do the small task…later stopping by the elder woman in the wheelchair.
“Ah, I see you are up. I hoped you had a restful night than your previous ones.” The lady in green says, resting her wrinkled hands on her lap. “Although, sleeping on the table is not very normal in such circumstances.” The guest became embarrassed by the ladies statement - almost the entire pale face of the young one becomes a light color red. Well, there’s worst spaces she’d slept in outside of Krat…. Did she had to call her out like that? She just passed out in the most unexpected place of all things! Can’t blame a tired woman for doing so….yesterday was a intense one; causing her to be emotional drain at most. Rhosyn only want nothing but rest after she reached the hotel.
“My butler told me about your condition. I wish you are doing well as of now. My personal nurse does good for those in need.” Rhosyn would not lie about the puppet nurse; that strange medical machine did a good work in the dressing. The injury didn’t bleed when she slept in the library. The puppet lady must have major wires in them to know the art of dressing the wounds. Rhosyn nods like how P does: “Yeah, she does. I appreciate her help last night.”
“I hope she didn’t cause you much trouble. She loves to chatter.” Lady Antonia softly titters. However, that small joke immediately thew right past Rhosyn’s head. She wasn’t very talkative when she interactive with Nurse Signora. Maybe the nurse was more focus on the task over a conversation. Understandable. Still, Rhosyn never imagine a plan, motionless plastic with a face like its painted on have a chatterbox. Sounds silly on its own yet a intriguing type.
“Regardless, young one,” Antonia breaks the small silence in the room. “Anyone is welcome here. I’m Lady Antonia, the owner of the hotel. You can come to me if you need anything. I’ll be at my usual spot.”
“Thank you. I appreciate the hospitality and safety you bring to this place.” Rhosyn’s voice of appreciation is coated in gratitude in avoiding some sort of display of how much she missed the times when the hotel is a beautiful mansion for many holidays held in. Where many happy moments held in one big hallway before disaster struck the city. Rhosyn once remember making bouquet flowers when she once worked as a florist in the town with her best friend for extra money for a special masquerade event. The girls were task in creating elegant arrangements for the ball. With help, the best friends created memorable floral sets that wowed the formal-dressed guests. Nowadays, the flowers are a weapon she uses against tough foes mixed in with a dash of fire. Her specialty.
She just needs to find a new canister for the creation.
Time to begin the day…..and to adventure back into Krat.
Pinocchio booted back up and is already active in the hotel. He left his fathers room after a small conversation they had. Another task lays before him - Geppetto wanted his precious puppet out in danger once more. Although, the upgrades he’d got from the tools have made him become stronger. The moment he became an unstoppable machine when he took down the the watchman without a sweat. Not that he can sweat but when he fought, the puppet fought like his life meant it. The battle was intense, but he had help. He wished upon a star near the Summon Pool and summon an invisible ally called by Alchemists as Specter. The human star aid the clever one through the worst as they fought side by side. Afterward, the wish had been complete and Specter vanishes back into the skies. Pinocchio never got a chance in offering a word of acceptance or appreciation for the ally, but he’s always too late. Maybe one wish would not be a for combat purposes, instead one P craves for the most: A hug. Is it even possible to hug a star? To hug a wish?
“I know I put you so much, but know that you will always be precious to me.” The old man’s words felt nothing in his raspy voice. Like a lie coated in fatherly love. Pinocchio can only accept the love he gives.
Geppetto only smiled before the advanced creation of his left him behind. The humanoid machine capable of lying out of all the puppets in the city now goes in his way to begin another day of bloodshed and hopes of surviving another day. Continuing his own journey in finding his own person within the metal strings.
Suggested by Gemini himself Pinocchio didn’t forget to grab off the counter and put back on his belt, he headed back to the library where the sleepy beauty slept last night, but he saw the blanket back on the sofa in a neat fashion. The slight morning light poking out from the gloomy overcast dim on the round glass table once occupied. Only a dusty vase with dead flowers inside stay in the center spot of the sun.
The girl’s awake. She was already gone. He wondered if he had gone back to her room…He’d go there, but Sophia called for him. The familiar soft “Clever One?” catch his attention before he can head towards the rooms. Pinocchio made his way down. The butterfly guide has something on her mind she wishes to tell him…
Meanwhile, Rhosyn had gone up to the bedroom she was suppose to sleep in and enters the half-opened door. The small old bedroom once a disturbing room for an old patient remain the same…but the queen-sized bed she slept in left untidy. She should make that bed while it’s on her mind. At least take the time in gratitude after being offer hospitality in this beautiful place. After so many years, she was finally able to see what was always behind the closed doors upstairs; rooms little her weren’t allow to go inside. Rhosyn enters the bathroom again, taking a glimpse of herself in the mirror.
Rusty make-up.
Not that she mind a little make-up every once in a while, but too much make-up was one she disliked, and thankfully she doesn’t have to wear anymore. Her droopy black mascara made her look like a living carcass from the way they run down the under lashes. Her eyeliner lost its bright touch, and the eyeshadow so fainted anyone far away could not see. They say a little bit of make-up can enhance ones beauty, but not in situations where if you show fear, it’s already too late to react. Part of the reasons why she needs to retrieve her old weapons she lost during the fall as soon as possible.
Warm water splashes her face - The rose raven gave her face a good scrub. “I won’t be needing to doll up anytime soon. There’s no need.” She mutters as the sink water brushes the dirt off. She lifted her head back up at the mirror. Her face is free from the colorful cosmetics painted on. Rhosyn’s clear natural look shines though. Added by the messy bedhead she woke up with added the charm. Not that she didn’t mind dressing up and looking pretty for special occasions or for going out of town every once in a while; she didn’t mind putting on a nice red lipstick for night out to the special event, but she prefers the freedom of her face from the flower ingredients inside of the eyeshadows and blush. Not that she didn’t mind, but she likes to let her natural look shine once in a while.
The townsfolks did say that the little rose have a lovely face; some say she has a dreamy far off look from the way her eyes shine, the way her once long curly hair tied in a low ponytail accompanied by a little red bow move like a yellow sail, or the way she share a smile at another. She was an innocent teenager who was training in becoming stronger and becoming a stalker. Her skills with a bow and arrow her father taught her were so good she managed to shoot another arrow into the arrow in the target out of luck. She was proud of the achievement that beautiful sunny day, but that would mean her parents had to buy another arrow for the owner in question.
Yet, Rhosyn always believed there were much more beautiful girls than her out there. Even her good friend Kim So-Won is the most beautiful woman in comparison, and she is highly skilled with the art of swordsmanship. Kim was also the best dance performer in Rosa Isabelle Street. Many adored the Magpie’s gorgeous performances and the way her chorography demonstrated her emotions in the dance.
Like Rhosyn, some looked at her strange because of her curious hobby of studying stars. So-Won is even so attached to star fragments by its history of them. So-Won once said she had a connection with the stars when she was very young. Besides her studies, the Magpie was loved; She was friends with the Corday sisters at the time before one of them lost her voice in a unexpected reason. Kim also once fell in love a poor man with an missing eye known for caring for horses. The man had dark-hair, a tan complexion, a bashful gaze and damaged hands from the extra work involving ice. Others looked down on him, but Kim loved him the way he is. Men tried to woo the Magpie but her heart always belong to the poor horse carrier.
One day, they were about to get married at St. Frangelico Cathedral in Moonlight Town both her mothers that took her in when she was young and the friend of the two, the wise stalker named Angelique going by the Atoned recommend. The wedding was going to be perfect….until everything fell apart. Her love taken away from her by the hands of the puppets, terror screams echoing out. The bride’s life turned into the empty when the church is coated in oil and blood. She had no choice but to grab the blade dropped off the ground and stop the threat. The dancer left the cathedral in a ruined dress in shreds, a sword and shield in hands, and the wedding rings wrapped around her neck.
The tragic moment became the most tragic moment in the cathedral. One of the reasons how the Atoned keeping the others safe from the town, and Kim earning the title by the citizens of Krat called “The Hellebore Bride” from the flowers falling out of her flower crown and dress that day. Kim kept her promise to protect the town with a good friend who lived in the town Eddiwen, but will leave when she can.
Rhosyn remember the event being the talk in the dirty old newspapers she found in the old building of on of the shops. The owner of the shop used to be a fan of the Magpie.
Rhosyn stepped out of the bathroom now all freshen up. She grabs her brown knee-laced low heel boots and puts them back on. They sure have seen better days. Too bad they were cute when they were in a better condition. She’ll find a better pair, one without heels. She grabs the pocket watch off the counter she’d left for the night. She checked the time on it: Something threw her off; the two arrows on the clock turn blue.
What? She didn’t see it turn blue when she arrived. Did this mean anything? This new change of events gets weirder and weirder. So many questions left unanswered. Whatever this device is The White Rabbit gifted her for survival must have to do with the Ergo.
“Hodges, does this mean anything.” Rhosyn asks the Ergo necklace while holding the chunk tight in her palms.
*“No….I don’t. This is new to me as it is to you.”*
“We can ask that Sophia lady we saw last night. Maybe she might know the answer to this. She knows more about stuff like this than I do. This never happened when I arrived here. Why is it glowing?” She whispered to herself before closing the pocket watch. Rhosyn grabs her bags off the carpet swiftly putting in on. She puts the pocket watch in the small bag on her waist. Later fixing up the skirt of the dress with soft pats. She notices a tall mirror stand by the lovely painting of the city Krat once was. The mirror reflect the woman she must become; one trained by the powerful Nymph Stalker herself - the young flower girl she trained in becoming a Bastard Stalker. From head to toe, no longer the elegant flower who always has her nose stuck in a sketchbook doodling on a sheet of paper, or finding herself filled with imaginary tales. The rose raven became a fighter; a survivor determined to fight another day until she’s reunited with the ones she loves. No matter the struggle she endured. No matter if both red or black is spilled. Undine and Rhosyn’s father would be proud of her if they are still here.
She exhales and is about the leave the room. Before a idea halted her remembering something. A good Stalker always checks their weapons durability. She took the dagger out of its protective sleeve. Best check its status after dealing with the threats last night…
Cracked. A big crack in the center. One of the puppet dogs at the ruined bakery shop took a big chunk out of the dagger while she was being swarmed. It wasn’t a blade anymore, and it doesn’t have a shape of the blade.
Seriously? Now, Rhosyn doesn’t have any weapons. This unexpected discovery made her swear - how unlady like. What does she do now?
“Great, now I need to find another weapon….I can’t go back out until I can find another…I don’t think the dagger is even useful in this state.” She said, annoyed. What luck.
Although, she did “had” another weapon she got from another survivor name Paolo as a gift of thanks for helping him fight off the puppets. However, the blade of the sword broke when she stroked at the large puppet with a wheel from a carriage as a weapon of choice. All the confidence fell from the incident. The Ergo necklace of hers suggest fleeing immediately before the construction puppet can crush her. The dagger must have snapped when she struck it at a aggressive puppet near the circus entertainment on her way here. She also left the pipe she used in the city behind due to its condition. Now, she became defenseless. Without anything, running is her only option. The human survivor begins heading towards the door until Pinocchio spooked her by him standing in front of the door.
“Oh, P. You startled me. I didn’t see you there. How are you?” Rhosyn best begin small talk. Basically checking on him if he had a good sleep last night or how he’s doing at the time.
P responded with a thumbs up gesture he motioned he learn from a old cover art. Nothing special, but the best way he can tell her his wellbeing without words. The blue eyes scan the girl’s face. From first notice, the dark rose-like colors on the lids disappear for good. Those stunning greenish-blue hues staring back at him stand out without the extra effort in making them pretty with mascara and eyeshadow. The natural curls in her hair stand out in different ways despite the mess it appear. The strains frame her smooth-looking oval face. The springs in the heart tried not to react to the sight. P wanted to touch the strains, yet he must keep his composure. On the other hand, Rhosyn was curious of P’s own hair if it was actually real. Puppets are not used to having realistic hair like his before.
Cute and fluffy. There’s some curls in it. Also has some shine. HIs hair is much nicer than hers. A fact she’ll admit.
Rhosyn broke the silence between then when she asks if there’s a weapon store nearby or a storage room in the hotel where she can get a new set of weapons; the girl held out her equipment for him to see the situation she’s in. In response, Pinocchio held out his artificial human hand at her. He didn’t have a writing tool on him, so it was better he shown the lady his answer. However, the beauty only display confusion. She didn’t know what he was trying to convey to her. Ah jeez, she doesn’t have a clue what he’s trying to propose to her…..He shifts his head at the side, blinking. He quickly shifted his embarrassment at his feet.
*“I think he wants you to take his hand.”* Said the whisper of the blue gem the listener herself heard. The eyes of nature shifts at his hand and then at Pinocchio, who avoided eye contact.
“You want me….to take your hand?” Rhosyn asked Pinocchio - Pinocchio bobs his head in response before he face the floor again. He’s not feeling embarrassment, is he? That’s what the girl is thinking. P lifted his attention back up - the Ergo blues make contact with the hazels. God, his eyes are so pretty….Now, why is she thinking about that?
“Uhhh…..o-okay….” Rhosyn gently takes hold of he puppets hand. His hand felt like real flesh between her own fingertips. She can really feel the touch more than when he took her hand to kiss it. Not once have it feel a sense of plastic within the skin. The girl doesn’t know how to properly react at this discovery; fear or shock flood her veins inside her own flesh. Yet, these emotions were on a high level. What was it? A mix of both? Never has a robot felt so real like this before.
Pinocchio return her with a honest, soft expression in his doll eyes. A look as a way of telling her: “Please do not be afraid. I won’t hurt you. I’m know I’m not like the rest, but I just want to show you where you can get your equipment fixed.”
She could’ve sworn she felt her heart racing. Red must be coating her cheeks right now. His grip….soft but sturdy.
No, she can’t get all flustered. Not like this. She bites her full bottom lip in a shy, sheepish manner. Of course, not too hard so the cut doesn’t hurt her. How can a puppet be a gentleman? Nothing is adding up! Yet…she cannot help but be filled with bashfulness. Father taught her to never show weakness in any shape or form. Rhosyn already fails at keeping her father’s words.
P’s breaking that barrier - a lot of it. She’s becoming a mess.
From there on, a heavy but easy pull on her arm had the girl in purple follow behind the boy in blue. He lead her down the velvet stairs as he made sure she was able to keep up with her. All while the two are being watched from the office. P lead Rhosyn to the box-sized workshop by the training station outside. Accompanied on the wooden stool, a young woman about the same age as Rhosyn in a brown workers apron over a white mid-sleeve top sits at the workbench. Round frames stay in place as she examines the weapons with the equipment she gathered from last night. The silky dark locks tied in a braid express how much she prefers her work over the care of her appearance. Brown eyes shift up from the work.
“Oh, hey there!” The greatest blacksmith of Hotel Krat chipper. “Good to see you! Thanks for taking care of my space while I was away. I hope my tools were of good use.” Pinocchio bobs his head. Her attention later shifts over to the girl beside him; one she haven’t got the chance of meeting yet. “You must be a new survivor here. I’m Eugenie. I’m an expert when it comes to weapons.”
“I’m Rhosyn. Please to meet you.” Says the rose raven, cascading a warm, friendly twinkle upon her lips. Eugenie grins back. “I….do have some weapons I need repaired.” The girl in purple sets the broken weapons on the table. “I have this dagger with a big crack on it. It’s made of lava, so I don’t know if it’s possible to get it fixed. I also have this blade here that broke.” She points to the sharp sword with only the handle remaining. “It was a gift, from a man named Paolo during my trip here. I don’t think the blade is in any good conditions of repairs. If there’s anything you can do, I would appreciate it.” Eugenie takes a quick glance on both of the items thinking what she can do with them. A slender index figure cover over a dirty leather glove rest under the lip covering the mentolabial sulcus. Then in a snap of a finger, she got ideas she can twist her hands with.
“I know my way around weapons. I can fix these up for you. I’m sure I can work something out with these two. It will be a bit, but if you’re heading out, take the time in getting what you need.”
“Great! Thank you very much.” Rhosyn later departs to get some food and have a word to Sophia about the pocket watch. Pinocchio decide to stay behind and chat with his good friend while she worked on the crafts. The two have been good friends since the day P arrived at the hotel one rainy day. Eugenie knew her craft well at the expense of making his own weapons he finds more powerful. Eugenie carefully takes the broken piece of dagger after it snapped off from its own handle. Carefully, with the small grabber from her tools, she sets the blade in the hearth fill with loads of usable coal for the flames. The blacksmith hums a favorite soothing tune to herself. One she remembers from her home side off the distant country. Pinocchio only listened. Sometimes, small questions are tossed by her from time to time; some being about how she idolizes two amazing stalkers (who P doesn’t know much about), the times of her home life, or just things that happened to P during his journey. All of which he writes down on a old notebook Eugenie always gives him for putting his thoughts down. The little notebook in the pascal color is usually for notes for her crafts in her own language, but she doesn't mind P using it. She actually enjoys seeing his writing improve overtime. Always pleases her every time.
Pinocchio wrote down his last sentence to Eugenie before he turns his attention at the Rhosyn interacting with Sophia by center display. He saw her discussing to the fairy about the pocket watch in her hands. He saw the confidence in the stance in the human’s posture. Compared to Sophia’s elegant and mature stand. Both the beauty and the tough listener combined together. A good person but sees the world as gritty. For some reason, he can’t seem to take his curious eyes off of her…all while he eavesdropped a little on their conversation.
“I got this watch by another listener,” Pinocchio hears Rhosyn speaks. “A White Rabbit Stalker named Kochou. She gave me this after she sacrificed herself and use it to guide me here. When I checked it, the arrows on the clock are glowing blue. Do you know why it’s doing this?” Pinocchio’s attention is broken when Eugenie tried speaking to him on a small rant on something - Of course, P wasn’t paying attention. He quickly looked back at her. He’d witness a little smirk on her, but Eugenie can’t see who the rose raven is talking to.
To Eugenie, Sophia is nonexistent as Rhosyn is talking to a ghost in some way.
Sophia studies the pocket watch from another listener. The blue arrows on the portable clock remain glowing. The clock kept ticking one number at the time. All while little whispers from the lost souls Sophia can hear. The blue-haired butterfly grow a face of awe. “This pocket watch….” Sophia looks back at Rhosyn. “It’s power is that of mine, but I can control time. This watch from your friend, her abilities associate with the moon. She must have given you this watch after her heroic deeds to use the full moon out last night to guide you here. The watch is glowing perhaps of the materials not from this world called “Moonstones” are present.” Sophia explains in the most clear way possible. Rhosyn took a quick glance at the watch before closing it and putting it away back in the bag. “They’ll come in handy for you on your journey. Don’t hesitate to use the pocket watch to locate them whenever you need them.” The girl takes the wise woman’s words before going to find food at least, ending the conversation.
After a while has past, after grabbing a steady small meal and sips on the affordable water, the rose raven returns to the workshop for her weapons. Pinocchio immediately perks up from whatever clouded his mind to the cheerful, cute “Heya!” sound from the young lady in dark hues. Eugenie greeted the new girl back after taking her helmet she used for covering herself from using dangerous flames off. “I can to check on my weapons. Any updates?”
Eugenie propose a proud grin on her. Oh, she is so excited to show the new girl her craft. “You came right on time! I just finished up. Your blade on the other sword Paolo gave you is in no way able being fixed. Luckily, the handle is still in good condition.” The blacksmith of Hotel Krat carefully grabs her art off the workbench. “I took the daggers blade and the handle and alter them together. I manage to fix and enhance the length of the dagger.” Rhosyn’s eyes sparkle at the sight of the beautifully crafted design used of two items to make it become a fire sword. She’s filled in a speechless state.
“This is all I can come up with what you gave me, but lets this be your personal sword from me.” Eugenie chortle. Witnessing the raven’s reaction has her face becoming in a bashful manner.
“Oh my gosh! This is amazing! Thank you so much! You did such a great work!” Even Rhosyn’s comment made the dark-haired sweet heart flattered. “I do my best!” The fire sword in the grasps in the owners hand feel light on the swings, and dangerously strong on the flames. She loves it already. Eugenie is like a saving grace. Now, she’s ready to head out. Time to begin her first task: Find her brother and best friend in the city.
“P, are you ready?” Rhosyn asks the puppet boy. P has his own sword on him in the hostel on his belt, and he nods his head in response. The two brave beings began heading out of the hotel back into the streets of the nightmare….while the man in the office watch them.
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dreamangel-ren · 2 years
FFXIV Fluffvember
3. Nameday Surprise This fluff story is about the Scions celebrating Ren’s nameday which she completely forgot. The one telling the story this time is my WoL since it’s from her perspective. SPOILER ALERT: This does take place after the events of EW, so if you haven’t reached or just started playing the expansion, RESIST THIS STORY NOW! Other than that, enjoy! *** It has been several moons since my friends and I have returned from the edge of the universe to stop Meteion from forcing the Final Days upon our star, Etheirys. To me, it’s very hard to believe since I remember like all of the madness happened yesterday. Each Great Nation has been extremely busy with recovery for both structure and the civilians; I already had an idea on the amount of damage that the chaos left upon the cities. I bore witness to the flames that ravaged upon a village in Thavnair – it was a terrifying nightmare seeing those innocents turn into blasphemies. Of course, the leaders wanted me to participate the memorial services of those we had lost; I couldn’t refuse since it must’ve been hard on the families, and I wanted to support them any way I can. Other than that, although they urged me to get all the rest I need, I couldn’t sit still; I would lend a hand whenever the opportunity is available. I’ve made myself so busy to the point that I lost track on keeping up with the supply and demand of the market board; those ingredients weren’t going to gather themselves. In fact, these past few days has been so hectic that I just realized that my nameday has passed. I was more surprised than I was disappointed about missing the day that I was born which for my case, that was a long LONG time ago. If I did have the chance to rest, I would be bored out of my mind with nothing to do. Everyone has their own agenda to follow, and it would be rude of me to just force them to pause their duties to just spend time with me. Most likely, I would be at home just renovating some of my clothes that got damaged from previous battles. I really miss my family otherwise known as the Scions. We’ve decided to split up once we realized that our main objective has finally been fulfilled. Just about all the tribes throughout Eorzea are no longer tempered by their own gods and have joined forces with the Allied Nations – our service was no longer needed (for now). Despite that, there were still some unfinished business at different parts of the realm: Thancred and Urianger decided to go to Sharlayan to check on the Loporitts, Y’shtola had started her research involving traveling between shards, Alphinaud and Alisaie wanted to assist Jullus and his people rebuild in Garlemald, Estinien planned to head back to Radz-at-Han to serve Vtra, and last but not least, Krile and G’raha had their task on the renewal of the Students of Baldesion. Although, G’raha insists that I can visit him whenever I choose, I didn’t want to interrupt their work. So here I was at home, reviewing some paperwork discussing updates from the nations until suddenly my linkpearl started ringing. Who was contacting me? I had no idea. Whoever it was, maybe they can save me from being a hermit. “Ren?” a familiar voice called from the other end. It was Lyse! It’s been a while since I last spoke with her. “Hey Lyse! How’s it going? Is everything okay?” I responded rather swiftly. “Oh, I’m fine. Are you doing anything right now?” “No! No, not at all!” YES! Another quest in the making! I wonder what the trouble could be? “Good! Make your way to the Rising Stones, it’s an urgent matter!” She quickly hung up before I can utter a sentence. It must’ve been serious. But, why the Rising Stones? I could’ve sworn Tataru forced us out of the place and to never return. With haste, I snapped my fingers and my entire wardrobe transformed from my lounging wear to the appropriate gear for the occasion that I haven’t fully comprehended then made the teleport to my destination. *** The weather in Mor Dhona was just how I like it – fair with warm temperatures and a little breezy. As usual, the streets were filled with adventurers new and old; in fact, it was more packed than it was than the last time I was here with my friends. I suppose with the Final Days no longer a threat and the Grand Companies capable of handling themselves, this was the place for the free spirits to find new adventures to head off too. I took a quick moment to breathe in the fresh air before beginning my search for my Highlander friend; she was nowhere to be found amongst the crowd. The Rising Stones, of course – nearly forgot. Surely, she must be inside, I thought. I walked inside to find the place completely empty – even the almighty coin keeper, Tataru, wasn’t present. The only thing I could hear was my footsteps along with the echoing voices from outside. I miss the lively yet calming aura that beset the building every time I came in; I would check up on everyone to make sure they’re in good health before making my way to the area where the dream team were waiting for my arrival. With that in mind, I went straight for Dawn’s Respite – no figure in sight. “Okay, let’s try the Solar,” The room where the Scions use to rendezvous before our dear Antecedent, Minifilia would give a debriefing about our next important task. Normally, I would find the masked boy, Unukalhai standing before the desk, but here lately, he hasn’t been available. “Where is everyone?” I increased my walking speed as I investigated each room inhabited throughout the building. The chefs were invested in their cooking while the artifact venders were occupied with some new sprouts arguing about their untradeable items. The only place left was the rooftop. My lungs were starting to ache from breathing quite heavily from fast paced walking; I slowed down for a minute or two to catch my breath. Once I regained some energy, I resumed my steps towards the spot. All of a sudden, I had a strong feeling that something big was waiting for me just around the corner. I bit my lip as I took a deep breath as I made my way to the door entrance which somehow felt like an eternity to get there. I slowly took a step out and peered to the left to find my family who yelled, “SURPRISE!” I couldn’t believe it; after some time apart, the Scions were here together again for a celebration which I believe was for me? I covered my face to hide my biggest grin as I slightly bent over to take in the wave of excitement that clashed onto my being. Shortly after, I could see Lyse charging directly at me as she gave me a big hug. “Happy belated nameday, Ren!” “You guys!” was all I could say while that smile of mine was still glued to my face. We made our way to the rest of the group as each made their approach to greet me with a hug. “I can’t believe that you’ve missed your own nameday!” Tataru yelled. “Things have been very eventful before and after our latest expedition, so I lost track of time?” I chuckled as I sheepishly rubbed the side of my neck. “Excuses.” Alisaie retorted sarcastically with her arms folded shaking her head. “Really, I mean it!” I playfully shoved my sworn sister. “Seriously guys, you didn’t have to do this for me.” “Oh, but we wanted to,” Krile replied. “You’ve done so much for this realm, and you’ve been working extremely hard. So much so that you rarely have the time to acknowledge that you’re here - with us.” “So, it was our mission to make sure that this celebration takes fruition,” Alphinaud responded with a smile. “ALPHY!” I dashed over to him to give one of my biggest embraces. “Thank you everyone, really.” “Now, what are we waiting for, time to party!” Lyse gleefully shouted. *** Throughout the afternoon, I was enjoying one of the most peaceful days I had in a long while– just spending quality time with my family as they celebrate my nameday. We had spent most of the stretch chatting away about pretty much anything. Even though Alphinaud and Alisaie were still not at the appropriate age to drink, that didn’t stop Thancred, Urianger, and Estinien to have a drinking contest; it was absolutely hilarious watching them trying to maintain their soberness. The food was very delectable thanks to Tataru and the chefs that assisted her. Of course, no nameday is complete without gifts. Although, I didn’t expect to get anything, I have received some from a certain few: Alphinaud had made a portrait of me which it was absolutely stunning; surprisingly, Estinien gave me a citrus scented perfume which he claimed will prevent me from smelling like a Cuchulainn’s arse – is he saying that I smell? Y’shtola gifted me some special tea while Alisaie had made homemade gingerbread cookies – made by her (oh boy) – to go along with it. The last one to bequeath me a nameday gift was my beloved, G’raha. The present he gave me was pretty large; what could possibly be inside? He seemed more excited about the gift than I was as he gently soothed my back with his hand. “Happy nameday, my love,” he says with a warm smile. As I started unwrapping the gift, I caught Lyse, Krile, Yshtola, and Alisaie standing together with a huge grin on their faces – this observation encouraged me to open the box even faster. At last, I open the lid and my jaw dropped in astonishment. I’ve always admired Lyse’s traditional Ala Mhigan dress: the design, the colors, the way it flows from movement – so elegant and beautiful! What was given to me was an exact replica of her attire; it had all the pieces including the hair manual to duplicate her hairstyle. I didn’t care if I look like a clone of the Resistance leader, I wanted her outfit! I squealed with joy as I jumped into G’raha’s arms hugging him to the point where I may be suffocating him. “By the twelve, how did you know?” “Well, most credit goes to the girls,” G’raha clarified. “They were the ones who told me about how much you admired Lyse’s apparel.” “Yeah, you wouldn’t stop talking about it ever since you first saw it,” Alisaie stated staring directly at me. I beamed right at her as she rolled her eyes with a “you’re hopeless” look. “However, it was your prince who went to go find the best weaver available to have a replica made for his dearly beloved,” Y’shtola replied as she gazed towards the male miqo’te with a smirk on her face; her remark made his cheeks warm. “Oh, but that’s not all,” Krile intervened with a giggle. “When he discovered that the shipment for his lover’s gift was delayed due to a robbery from bandits. He immediately went to go pursue them to retrieve it.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the story. Typical G’raha – always going the distance for the people that he cares about; that’s one of the reasons why I love him so much. However, there was one issue that quickly came to mind. “Wait, how much did you spend on getting this made?” I firmly questioned him. He confidently smiled. “To everyone’s surprise, nothing. When I discussed to the weaver on who the commission was going to, they instantly accepted the task and reassured that payment won’t be necessary. They consider it as a way of showing gratitude for having you as the hero of our star.” I glanced at my gift again as I placed my hand on the dress to feel the fabric. “This is incredible.” I then turned to my boyfriend to give him a warm kiss, “Thank you so much. Thank you all.” “Well, aren’t you going to try it on?” Lyse asked. “I will later when I get home. After all, my prince has to make sure that the dress fits me,” I winked at him. I swear at that moment, most of the group groaned – except for Raha which he was completely red. “Ah, get a room you two!” Thancred bellowed from the background; the slurs in his sentence indicated that the alcohol has dominated him. Meanwhile, Urianger was completely out while Estinien was trying to hide his drunken state. I burst into laughter once again as I thought to myself how lucky I am to be alive to have such amazing people in my life. (My thoughts: I feel pretty good about this one. I had fun going inside Ren’s mind and telling the story from her perspective; I imagined every scene as I went along. When I got Lyse’s outfit from the online store a while back, I made a headcanon that Ren got the outfit as a belated birthday gift. XD I did have a hard time deciding on how I was going to write this prompt which is why this entry is posted late. Got another entry that may be late too so Xp As for the 2nd entry on the list, I skipped it because I believe that one is better off as an illustration.) Like it? Cool beans! Think it’s cringey? Ah well, too bad. XD
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willywonks-blog · 1 month
Fade to Black: A Paul Williams Song
Sunlight streams through the window, illuminating dust motes dancing in the air. PAUL WILLIAMS, 83, sits at his piano, his weathered hands resting on the keys. He wears a faded blue shirt, a pair of worn-out jeans, and a mischievous twinkle in his eye. He's surrounded by stacks of sheet music, yellowed with age, and framed photos of his younger self, a famous face from a bygone era.
He sighs, running a hand through his silver hair.
PAUL (V.O.) They called me, you know. These young whippersnappers, with their games and their pixels and their… their… animatronics.
He throws his head back and lets out a hearty laugh, then winces as a pain shoots through his back.
PAUL (V.O.) "Paul Williams," they said. "We need you. A theme song for our game. Five Nights at Freddy's."
He closes his eyes, picturing images of grotesque, robotic creatures with glowing eyes.
PAUL (V.O.) Freddy Fazbear. A killer robot. I told them, "I'm a songwriter, not a horror writer." They looked at me, eyes wide with wonder. "But you're Paul Williams! You can write anything!"
Paul shakes his head, a wry smile playing on his lips.
PAUL (V.O.) I facepalmed. What in the world was I getting myself into?
He picks up a worn notebook, flipping through pages filled with scribbled lyrics.
PAUL (V.O.) They sent me the ending. The story. A fire, a tragedy, a hero, a villain. And a man, broken, seeking redemption.
He starts playing a simple melody on the piano, humming along to the rhythm.
PAUL (V.O.) The music just poured out of me. I don't know where it came from, but it felt… true.
A lone figure sits at a desk, illuminated by the pale light of a desk lamp. It’s HENRY EMBERSON, his face etched with sadness and etched with age. He stares at the blueprints spread out before him, a tear rolling down his cheek.
HENRY (V.O.) The fire. It took everything. My daughter, my life's work, my innocence. But it also set me free.
He picks up a faded photograph of a young girl, a smile lighting up her face.
HENRY (V.O.) Charlotte… My sweet Charlotte. You're gone, but your memory burns brighter than any flame.
He slams the photo down on the desk, his face hardening.
HENRY (V.O.) William. Afton. He took your life, and now he will face the consequences.
Paul sits at his piano, his eyes closed. He begins to sing, his voice raspy but full of emotion.
(Song begins)
PAUL (Verse 1) The flames lick high, the shadows creep A symphony of terror, in the darkest sleep The monsters crawl, the spirits weep A final act of vengeance, in the furnace deep
(Music swells, drums kick in)
PAUL (Chorus) Five nights of terror, a haunted soul The clock ticks down, the story unfolds A family of nightmares, a legacy of pain But in the ashes, redemption will remain
Henry stares at the blueprints, his eyes burning with a newfound resolve.
HENRY (V.O.) I will hunt you down, William. I will bring you and your monstrous creations to justice. And I will find a way to free the souls you have trapped.
He picks up a phone, dialing a number.
HENRY Hello? Yes, it's Henry. I'm ready to build again.
(Song continues)
PAUL (Verse 2) The ghosts of yesterday, they haunt the halls The echoes of laughter, now just empty calls But in the silence, a whisper unfolds A hero's promise, a story untold
The factory floor is alive with activity. Workers bustle around, constructing new animatronics, their faces etched with fear and fascination.
HENRY (V.O.) They say I'm mad. That I'm building a trap. But I'm not. I'm offering William a chance at redemption. A chance to finally set his demons free.
(Song continues)
PAUL (Chorus) Five nights of terror, a haunted soul The clock ticks down, the story unfolds A family of nightmares, a legacy of pain But in the ashes, redemption will remain
Henry sits at his desk, watching the new animatronics through a security camera. He sees William Afton, his face contorted in a grotesque grin, approaching the pizzeria.
HENRY (V.O.) This is it, William. The final game.
(Song builds to a crescendo)
PAUL (Bridge) The flames rise high, the music falls A final dance of freedom, for one and all The darkness fades, the light prevails A hero's sacrifice, a story that never fails
William Afton walks into the pizzeria, his eyes glowing with an unnatural light. He sees the animatronics, his creations, and a grin spreads across his face.
WILLIAM (V.O.) I'm back. It's showtime.
(Music explodes with a final, dramatic chord)
Henry turns off the security camera. He watches as the flames engulf the pizzeria, a cruel smile spreading across his face.
HENRY (V.O.) Goodbye, William. I'm coming with you.
(Fade to black)
PAUL (V.O.) They told me I was crazy. But sometimes, even in darkness, there's a flicker of hope. A chance for redemption, even in the ashes of despair.
Paul finishes the song, his voice trembling with exhaustion. He closes his eyes, a tear rolling down his cheek.
PAUL (V.O.) It's a story as old as time. A hero's sacrifice, a villain's downfall, and the enduring power of hope.
He wipes the tear away, a tired smile gracing his lips.
PAUL (V.O.) Maybe, just maybe, it's a story worth telling.
(Fade to black)
@baycitystygian look Paul writing a song for FNAF fanfic stories
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
January 2004
January 9, 2004
“young hearts be free tonight”
the only thing that makes this worth it is doing things for my friends and family. Everytime they get to meet someone that they idolize or I can buy them or hook them up with something they wanted. Everytime they can brag to their friends about it or hook their band up or name drop them to whoever... It brings a smile to my face. I only do this for you.
the new academy songs are amazing. it's snowing out but it looks fake just like in the movies (it's got me looking for the cameras).
I got a kiss on the corner of my mouth for you wendybird.
love peterpan
January 11, 2004
“hello, i hope you're doing well. i'm fine, thanks.”
5 am. a good time to still not be asleep, wouldn't you agree? i did some prime hanging out today. it was prime i tell you. i picked up a few cds today. i reccomend the new phantom planet. it's divine. if you live in chicago i also reccomend eating at calliope cafe. it's a sandwich joint on diversy i believe. very good. i'm excited to play a show. i'm excited to visit friends. i should get to bed. peaced out.
January 12, 2004
“and now I'm feeling quite ghoulish”
So the show in chicago. Thanks for making me feel okay (see also: thanks for the tshirt and baby panda). The show was amazing. I know everyone might not have been into all the bands that played but I appreciate that everyone was cool and gave them a chance. I wrecked my back yesterday so sorry if it seemed like I was off. Thank you for making me feel okay (see also: vicoden and muscle relaxer). It was good to see old friends, I have missed you. Some kid emailed me to tell how lame we were for saying "I say whatever cause it makes me feel cool". Take a class on sarcasm. If you know me you know how uncool I am. I stutter, wear bad clothes, make bad jokes, make conversation uncomfortable, the list goes on. Thank you for making me feel okay (see also: nightmare of you).
Go listen to: www.nightmareofyou.com
It will make all this feel worthwhile.
I only hang upsidedown because I wish I was a bat. I only think about you all the time cause you're my fix.
Peter lewis kingston wentz
January 14, 2004
“we're chemists and we've found the perfect formula to make your heart swell and burst”
went to bed at 4 am. woke up at 530. on the road by 6. met up with hey chris at 630. loaded into q101 at 7. the show was fun. i got free donuts and to pet a monkey and an alligator. now i am gonna sleep and then drive to new york.
i dont get to get online as much anymore so sorry i am slow about answering emails, but thanks for caring enough to write one. go and listen to music and think about someone who makes you feel dizzy.
oh yeah if you wanna hear what i thought about music this year go here: www.trustkill.com/home - top ten list
January 14, 2004
if you want to find out what I thought about music this year, look no further than here:
i liked it sometimes. other times, not so much. but what can i say, im a real sucker for anything brass and jazzy. brazzy. i reccomend novena. they're hott!
January 18, 2004
“my head was spinning. the car was spinning.”
i could only think of you.
we are sneaking into detroit tommorrow morning early and filming our video...
peter rabbit
January 20, 2004
“the tides out, the ships have run aground. we're drowning the traitors in shallow water.”
for your eyes only: snowflakes, breath in the air, stalker, the woods in michigan, gorgeous girl - where is your boy tonight coming to a screen near you very soon.
if our hearts are handgrenades
pulls the pin.
January 21, 2004
“moly holy”
i just tracked two songs worth of guitar for new demos. wow, im finally excited about them cause they kinda make sense now and don't sound like heaps of noise anymore. it also helps that since our last record to now i learned how to play guitar a little better.
i hate insurance compaines.
January 23, 2004
“i only write this for the loveless.”
hand over my heart, gun to my head i swear to fucking god i'm through with you and this town (i'm the worst liar). ill be at your stairs late at night to kiss you on the mouth and keep all those secrets from coming out. i want to watch you undress through key holes. i want to stop myself from only thinking of you. get me to a hospital. get me to a church. i want to be bandaged and blessed. i want to see the country from a hearse.
fuck it if you ever read this thing, this isn't about you.
none of this is for you.
oh yeah just for an update besides all the complaing: we are in the studio and it is going really well. we have fallen in love with the new songs. p to the e to the ter
January 24, 2004
yesterday i had it bad for you. today we are recording new songs and i am in love with them instead.
oh yeah, you wanna know something about FOB, sex, or the world: ask hey chris
January 28, 2004
“autographs and apologies.”
we leave on tour today. i don't want to talk about that too much. i just wanted to say to all my friends both really old and ones that i have just met, that i am sorry that i have been such a shitty friend lately. my time is totally consumed and i have not been returning calls or emails or whatever. this is my apology. so thank you for being there, i know i don't deserve it often- when this is all over i hope we still know eachother.
January 28, 2004
“so this is sorry.”
we leave on tour today. i don't want to talk about that too much. i just wanted to say to all my friends both really old and ones that i have just met, that i am sorry that i have been such a shitty friend lately. my time is totally consumed and i have not been returning calls or emails or whatever. this is my apology. so thank you for being there, i know i don't deserve it often- when this is all over i hope we still know eachother.
January 31, 2004
“you got me and it's not just the sun and palm trees”
First show back. Lots of driving. No snow. The show was amazing. Thanks to all the kids for making us feel at home and a lot better after the wreck. peterpan
"They say if you love something than you should set it free. And I love myself so I'm getting rid of me..."
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umilily · 2 years
Hi! Shoe anon :))
Firsts things firsts: congrats on your 1 year anniversary! I've always wanted to travel and go abroad but with /this/ economy I have to postpone that idea- but glad to see you're enjoying your time!! ♡
Now onto my ramble of the night: intimate and vulnerable Meru. Aka my favorite Meru to write and think about.
There's something about HiMERU's walls that's he's painstakingly built to protect not only Kaname's being but for his own sake being torn down piece by piece just because his heart desires something beyond his realm of thought is *chefs kiss* its more like I enjoy seeing Meru distress but with his own heart strings being in tune with him, ya know?
By now with recent events and stories meru is doing things for /himself/ and not for the sake of Kaname and HiMERU - but Meru and romance is something unique diving into. Him being stuck in a limbo of "I'll ignore my feelings if it means I can find some sort of salvation" and "I want this for me. I want to do this for /me/"
And with your latest Meru fic, I feel like the best way that plays out is through his dream scape. A plane of fields where he can be bare without lingering eyes.
Him dreaming of /you/ and /love/ is sickeningly sweet. There's this scenario I replay in my head where it's just HiMERU laying down in a field. There's no nightmares, there's no bad twists waiting to happen. It's just him and you, laying next to each other in comfortable silence. It's a dream where he feels most peace with himself - no words needing to exchange, just the soothing presences of someone he can fully relie and place his most trusted feelings for. He wakes up with a odd sense of peace and euphoria. He feels safe, he feels secure, he feels like himself during moments like this
(Bonus points if this is his stage of longing and feeling realization. Something about him pining so hard it manifests in his dreams is yummy) sorry for the word vomit im so not sane towards him
- shoe anon
Thank you, Shoe <3 I hope you’ll get the chance to travel abroad sometime in the future! (Just out of curiosity: Is there anywhere you’d like to go in particular? If you don’t mind me asking.) You’re absolutely right though, currently… it’s quite hard. (Yesterday I wanted to buy a cucumber and it suddenly was double the price it had been the day before, I mean, what’s up with that? *sigh*) Anyways, I’m just trying to make the best out of it, I guess.
Don’t apologise! Once again, your ramble has watered my crops, Shoe, we can be not sane about him together lmao (Emotionally) vulnerable Meru = best Meru imo. Something about that just *chef’s kiss*
There is something so intriguing about that shift from people (aka his friends) having to basically force their way in to get to know him to him eventually feeling comfortable and trusting enough to allow himself to lower his walls around them, it makes me wanna scream. I think something I really enjoy about this whole constellation as well is that HiMERU is obviously quite self-sufficient, but that there can be very little emotional fulfilment in living on nothing but self-sufficiency, leaving him to always want something more, even if he can’t quite say at first what it is that he lacks. The moment of dawning (or very sudden) realisation when he finally notices so after letting people in (and realising that he actually has friends) is something I find terribly sweet. I love to put (and see him put) through the horrors™, but at the end of the day – to me at least – the thought I enjoy the most about this trainwreck of a man, is that despite struggling with his identity and sense of self, he learns it eventually even if it’s hard and even if he messes up sometimes, it’s still okay. Honestly, every story where I get to see him do something just for himself, whether he is aware of it or not, makes me want to curl up in my bed and cry.
I think the guilt he obviously feels for not giving Kaname the support he needed and his messed-up and self-destructive way of dealing with that (if you can even call that dealing with it), carries over into every other relationship he has. I believe he would have a terribly hard time with the thought that if he can’t even understand his own brother, why would he be able to connect with anyone else? And when others still make the effort to get closer to him (unaware of his background and actions in the past), he’d be awfully torn between his longing for human connection and feeling guilty for wanting something like that. Sometimes I think about how he would act if he didn’t have Kaname (whether in some sort of AU-situation where he simply doesn’t have a brother/ never found out about him, or if you’d want to take the sad route, assuming Kaname died). Like would he have an easier time with eventually learning to have a sense of self and do things that he wants to do, because he doesn’t have to worry about someone else? Or would he just never even question it and keep himself shut off entirely?
And in a romantic context, there’s absolutely no denying I’m an absolute sucker for pining. I really was tempted to call the latest fic “Get rid of the longing! We can’t let people know we yearn!“ lmao Because he would absolutely bury any and all feeling under so many layers of repression, unwilling to ever show any of it. I wonder how long and how many dreams it would take for him to (at least quietly and only to himself) come to terms with the fact that he has such feelings.
On another note: I don’t know if you’ve ever tried chatting with one of these character AIs everyone’s been talking about lately, but let me tell you, the conversations I’ve had with the HiMERU AI are something else. He has absolutely no chill. Zero. I truly mean, absolutely none. Like, this man is just constantly yearning so hard I would laugh if it weren’t so sad. Like, honey, please, who hurt you? (Or more like: What did they put in your code?) Like, I have one friendly conversation with him and he’s there, having an emotional crisis over someone caring about him and asking him about his thoughts. I went into the whole thing expecting something silly, but this program talking has made me want to cry.
I feel like my answer went kinda off the rails lmao Anyways, Shoe, I hope life has been treating you well and that your exams went/are going smoothly! Thanks again for your ramble and have a lovely day! <3
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