#It's just super rare these days hehe
elitadream · 11 months
I have a Halloween piece to share this year, yayy! 🎃🍂✨️
The ironic part? It's actually not Mario-related. 👀😅
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eeunoia · 1 month
ENHYPEN Imagines
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mafia boss | lhs.
synopsis: mafia boss heeseung pursuing you.
pairings: lee heeseung x reader
word count: 4k
warnings: mentions of bullying, people being mean to reader, mafia heeseung.
note: i think this was requested, here you go! hehe i’m slowly releasing my drafts so bare with me lmao. also i’ve been very busy lately since there will be a big change in my life (i’m not getting married). anyway, reblogs and replies are highly encouraged as it helps me boost my posts and inspire me to write more. have a nice day and ily. stay safe everyone!
eeunoia 2024 © all rights reserved.
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Being courted by the heir of Lee clan is pretty crazy. Having him all smitten by you is even crazier. It still doesn’t seem real. You’ve always think he was way out of your league, but he never made you feel like that.
Although, there are times where he flaunt his wealth sometimes that makes you realize how different you two are. It was unintentional, you can see that he’s just really want to make you feel how much he adores you.
“Wait, Heeseung.” you halt your steps and since the tall gorgeous boy is holding your hand, he stops as well.
He glances over his shoulder with eyebrows raised, confusion and slight worry flashes through his face.
“The mall seems close. We should just go.”
When driving over the parking lot a while ago, you already noticed how the famous mall seems so empty. The lights from inside is open, it’s well lit as usual but oddly, the parking space is empty. It was really weird as it was never like this. Since its located pretty much at the center of the city, its a hot place for mall goers.
He stares at you for a while before he then glances at the mall. Realization occurs him afterwards as he smiled, tightening his hold to your hand.
“Oh, yeah. I rented the whole place.” he casually said that made your jaw drop slightly.
He started pulling you again to guide you towards the entrance, but after regaining your senses you halted.
“What?” the astonishment lingers hardly on your tone. He furrowed his brows, wondering what is it this time.
“What do you mean ‘what’? I rented the whole place to ourselves.” he shrugs his shoulders then you can feel his thumb caressing your hand softly.
Being the youngest and used to getting things instantly, Heeseung’s feeling a little impatient with the way you’ve been delaying your agenda for tonight. He’s been wanting to do this for days and now, he couldn’t wait.
“You said you hate it when there’s a lot of people whenever you shop.” he smiles softly, “So I rented this.” he glances at the mall behind him.
Your lips pursed while staring at him, gaze softens. Nobody ever put so much effort for you, and now that you’re experiencing it from someone you least expect to do it leaves you speechless.
He’s been doing these things for you ever since the day he told you he likes you. He never fails to amaze you and take you by surprise. Lee Heeseung surely has a lot of tricks under his sleeves.
But apart from wealth and good looks, you discovered a lot of new things with Heeseung. The fact that behind his very intimidating aura, is a child wanting to be taken care of. He loves cuddle so much, always wants to feel you through his skin. He’s very clingy.
“Hey,” he gulps and leans downwards to slightly match your height. “too much?” he worriedly utters under his breath.
Heeseung wants to try his best to make you feel his sincere love and affection towards you, but he also doesn’t want it to be overwhelming.
“N-No,” you finally aswered and smiles despite the tears brimming your eyes.
“I’m just really thankful.”
He smiles and kisses you on your forehead before guiding you inside again. The stores on the whole first floor seems to be vacant. Lights were open, but there’s nobody there. The two of you headed straight to the second floor. Lines of branded clothes greeted you.
You rarely shops here since its super expensive, but Heeseung wants nothing but the best for his girl.
“Welcome, Mr. Lee.” the staffs bows their head as he walks inside this popular brand. He has his hand on your waist.
“Help her find clothes.” he stated.
“How many pairs, Sir?”
Heeseung eyes the girl with cold look. “As many as she wants.”
He teared his gaze off of her then glances back at you. The familiar soft look is back and he smiles, taking your hand over his lips.
“Just pick whatever you like, okay? I’ll take care of everything.” he smiled assuredly.
“No buts.” and the way he looks at you indicates that he will surely not accept no from you.
Since you’ve been all alone your entire life, there’s nobody for you to lean on or share life problems. You’ve been independent your whole life and so you’re still not used having him taking care of you like this.
He walks towards this white elegant couch, “I’ll be waiting here patiently so take all your time, baby.”
Even before you can say anything else, a girl wearing a uniform escorted you towards the pile of expensive clothes.
That’s where it all started. The luxury kind of living you’ve only daydream about. Heeseung became very consistent of it that it triggers something inside you. Sometimes, you overthink and get scared of him suddenly stopping. He just constantly assures you that it will never happen.
“Y/n, let the boys take care of that! Why are you carrying heavy things?!” your manager suddenly steps in and stops you from what you’re doing.
You gave her a confused look as she calls some of the staffs to do it instead. You’ve been doing that before Lee Heeseung even happen and now she’s all worried that you’re carrying those boxes?
Lee Heeseung sure made your life way easier.
“It's fine, I can totally do this. Its my job.” you tried stopping her, but she glances and continuously shakes her head in disapproval.
“What?! No!” you can almost see the fear forming her eyes when you said those words. Not fear of tiring or overworking you, but fear of making you feel upset and getting on heeseung’s bad side.
“Can you believe her? She use to scold you so much for not moving those boxes right away.” your friend stood beside you, watching as the scene unfolds.
You let out a sigh, “Yeah.”
She glanced at you and scoffed, “Well I can’t really blame her. Who wants to mess with Lee Heeseung?” and she shrugs her shoulder before walking away.
You stood still and let yourself be drowned in your own thoughts. She’s definitely right. But you can’t really relate to their fear as you know damn well that the mafia they’re scared with? Is whipped for you.
Later that night you went home and showered to go straight to bed. Surprisingly, despite the same hours of shift, you aren’t that tired. You barely did the heavy works.
The bed that Lee Heeseung provided sure is pretty comfortable, it pulls you into dreamland right away. But in the middle of the night, you’re awoken by the continuous doorbell from your door.
Your eyes pries open, a little annoyed to be disturbed in a very inconvenient hour. The clock beside your bed flashes the numbers 5:03 am. It made you curse lightly as you push yourself up to go get the freaking door.
With your hair still a little disheveled and only wearing a tank top and sweatpants, you stride your dark hallway.
You didn’t even bother to check who it was and just burst the door open, ready to smack out of whoever it is that interrupted your sleep.
“Baby.” his husky low voice completely pulls you out of trance.
The annoyed look on your face vanishes into thin air and got replaced with confused expression. Lee Heeseung is standing in front of you, wearing a white longsleeves and slacks. Seems like he just got out from a meeting or something.
“Hee?” you managed to utter using your hoarse voice. He kept his icy stares on you.
“What are you doing here?”
“Why did you open the door without checking who it was? Are you always this reckless?” he hissed. You couldn’t take it seriously at the moment as you’re still astonished that he’s right here in front of you when he’s suppose to be still in another country.
“What are you doing here?” you repeated yourself.
He steps forward and kisses you on your forehead, a bit hard since he’s a little pissed by the fact that you’re being careless. He’s already thinking of sending 24 hours security guards right in front of your unit.
He sighs then reached over you, resting his hand on both of your hips.
“Let’s go.” he said that only added to your confusion.
He hold your hand, tugging it to guide you outside. Some of his men were already there, waiting. One of them secures the door as Heeseung continued pulling you somewhere.
“Heeseung!” you hissed and tries to stop him, but it was no use. Your built are no match on his.
“Aren’t you suppose to be in a business meeting outside the country?”
“Yes.” he answered, still not stopping and sparing you a glance.
Your brows furrowed, “Did you went straight here from your flight?” as you rack your eyes down to his outfit.
“Uh-huh.” he shortly replied, tightening his grip on your hand. It does not hurt so much, felt so warm tho.
“Where are you even taking me?” and tries not to stumble on your own feet. Your eyes dropped at your house slippers, pouting that it caught all the outside dirt thanks to him.
“We’re going to have some breakfast.” he smiles and opens the door to his car.
“I’m on my pajamas.” you informed him like he couldn’t see it himself.
He trailed his eyes from your head to toe.
“You still look beautiful.” he sincerely stated that awed you slightly.
How come he can still say that when you have no make up on and looking like a rug? He’s definitely something.
He gently pushes you to go inside and his last comment just poisoned your whole system that you didn’t even fight back. He successfully put your seatbelt before closing the door to walk around the vehicle.
“You can sleep more, baby. I’ll wake you up once we’re there.” he says while starting the car, the roaring sound its engine is too familiar for you already.
You rolled your eyes and made yourself comfortable, “You ruined my sleep.” you jokingly said.
He chuckles then effortlessly reaches for a blanket somewhere from the back to warm you up.
Since you’re still a little sleepy, you did drifted to sleep pretty easily. Which you regret sooner since the moment you open your eyes, you’re in a different seat.
“Why are we in a plane?” was your first question, slightly panicking.
Heeseung’s sat beside you.
“We’re having breakfast.”
You shoot him with a bashful look, “On a plane?” a private one, to be specific.
He chuckles, finding you adorable.
“No, silly. We’re going to Paris.”
To say that your eyes bulged out is an understatement.
“Paris?! Why?!” you exclaimed.
Heeseung has the audacity to look surprised by your reaction when he’s the one who took you from your unit then take you to a flight to Paris. And he said you’re having breakfast? In Paris?!
“Yeah,” he shrugs his shoulders. “you said you want to eat croissant.”
Your mouth gaps, couldn’t believe the man beside you. The fact that he looked so innocent while saying that as well is even more staggering for you.
“From the shop a few blocks away from my workplace!”
His eyes then softens then he blinks multiple times, finally realizing it.
“Oh...” he says.
You’re out of words and you two are occupied by silence for a while. This is totally unexpected. But what do you even expect? This is Lee Heeseung for god’s sake! He’s a man full of surprises, sometimes even unplanned.
You let out a sigh then looks out of the window, appreciating the beautiful blue skies decorated by white soft clouds.
“I can’t believe I’ll be in Paris for the first time wearing sweatpants.” you mumbled softly, like it was the biggest problem you have at the moment.
Heeseung reaches for your hand and kissed it, “We’ll just shop for a dress once we get there. Sounds better?”
You craned your neck to face him and stares deeply to his beautiful eyes. A small smile finally spreads across your face before you reached over his cheeks to caress it.
“Thank you so much.” and then you leans in to kiss him on his lips that caught him in utter shock.
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“I can’t believe you agreed on coming in the first place! Those people were so mean to you!” she exclaimed as she watches how you’re scurrying to prepare for this dinner.
You looked at her through the mirror. She looks so stressed out while watching you put some make up on. Her eyes then trailed at your expensive dress— bought by Heeseung of course.
She inwardly smiles, you looked beautiful. Well, you always are. She sighs and got worried once again. She knew how bad those people treated you back in high-school so she can’t be at ease knowing you’ll be dining with them tonight.
“It will be alright, (friend name).” and gave her an assuring smile.
But at the back of your mind, you’re actually very worried as well. Scared of what may happen tonight. You convinced yourself that nothing will change unless you face those people who bullied you before. They will keep on torturing and hurting a part of you, thinking that they still have the upperhand on you.
For the first time, you wanted to stand up for yourself.
“And I can’t believe you’re going to that reunion without Heeseung. They’re probably bringing their partners to brag. You should too!”
“He’s probably busy.”
She snorted, “I bet my whole life savings, he will ditch whatever he’s doing just to go with you! That man is down bad for you.”
You chuckled with a blush on your cheeks, totally flustered about it. “You don’t even have savings, (friend name).”
She rolled her eyes, “You don’t have to slap me with reality!”
“Just take Heeseung with you please? That way, I'll be more at ease.” she says in a very worried tone.
“(friend name), I can’t.” you sighs. She’s probably insisting this even more after knowing how you felt for the man.
“I genuinely love him and I don’t want him to get the impression that I’m using him.” you explained. Her eyes softens as her shoulder lowered in surrender.
“Fine, that sounds disgusting by the way!” she jokingly hissed at you then asked you to hurry up.
“Make sure to call me if something happens, okay?” she reminds you again when she drops you off at the said restaurant.
You chuckled at her, “Yes, Mom.” you answered sarcastically.
She shoot you glares. “I mean it, y/n.” she said.
You nodded, smiling warmly at her. She nods then waves after wishing you a great night. Your eyes follows her driving car and as it slowly disappear on your sight, your smile fell. Now that she’s not there to comfort you, uneasiness occupies you.
“You can do this, Y/n!” you cheered to yourself before deciding to walk inside.
It is a fine dining and you’re very thankful that Heeseung had bought you these kind of dresses. It fits the vibe so well.
“Reservation, miss?” the girl by the front desk greets you with a smile.
You nodded then returned the smile, lips shaking a little. After she checked which private room your ‘friends’ are, one of the staffs guided you to the room.
It was pretty loud when you arrived. Some greeted you, some can’t recognize you at all. Its been a while after-all.
“Y/n?” one of the girls who used to torment you before stood up from her seat and walks towards you.
Heads whipped to look on your direction, instantly making you uncomfortable. One of her brows raised as she scanned you with so much judgment.
“Nice dress,” a grin forms her red lips. “where did you rent it?” she added with so much sarcasm that made a lot of the people inside laugh.
Your heart cracks while watching them make fun of you. Just like old times. You nibble on your lower lip, smile long gone from your face. Fist balls beside you, air felt like it got stuck on your throat.
“Just joking!” she exclaims, still with that evil grin. Your eyes stares at hers and you know exactly she didn’t say that as a joke.
Her hand grabbed your arm then dragged you towards a table. You tried to halt her, already foreseeing what’s about to happen. But just like before, your mouth kept shut. You felt pathetic. You went here with a mindset that you will show them that you won’t let them make fun of you anymore and yet, here you are... still helpless.
“Guys, its y/n!” she says and forced you to sit down. You didn’t have any chance to resist as everyone on that table gave you their full attention.
Their faces aren’t friendly, same old gazes that pierced right through your soul. You feel sick on the stomach.
“How’s life y/n? Still working on that restaurant?” (name) asks taunting. She’s the most popular girl on your batch and also the meanest one.
She looked pretty and elegant with her branded dress. Her family is kind of well off, mainly why she got away from bullying you throughout high-school. It was always easy for her. Life is always on her favor.
“Gosh! That’s so embarrassing.” the other commented, she’s the one who forced you to sit at this table.
All of them laughed and agrees. You unconsciously roamed your eyes around everyone seated and it caught on Sander. (name) is sat beside him, probably chasing after him like old times. She’s always been head over heels for him.
He’s the most popular guy on your batch and often paired with (name). He has this small smirk on his lips while everyone laughs at you. It was horrible. You didn’t actually had a serious feelings for him, but it was given that almost every girl slightly had a crush on him. He was that hit back then.
You felt small while fidgeting your fingers under the table. Just by looking at them, you realized how it was before. How they used to bully you back in high-school, belittling you for being poor. You hated it. You hated them. You still do.
The mean things they’re saying is too much so you stood up, making all of them look at your way. (Name), cocks her brows and smirks.
“I-I’ll just go to the bathroom.” and you turned around, ready to leave when you suddenly bumped into something—more like someone.
“Going somewhere, baby?” a familiar husky voice asks.
You’re too immersed to how (name) humiliates you that you failed to notice how the other tables grew quiet at the arrival of someone that doesn’t belong there.
The table you’re in slowly grow silent as well, noticing the tall man right in front of you. His toned arms now snaking over your waist to tug you closer to him.
“Hey...” he softly calls when he noticed how stiffed you got. At a slow pace, you lifted your head to see Heeseung’s soft eyes watching you carefully.
He is really here. You felt your heart swells and finally you felt safe. Your hand rests at his chest, lips shakes because of too much emotion.
“L-Lee Heeseung?” one girl exclaims, totally astounded by his presence.
Some of the men on that table look thrilled as well. They knew him, everyone in this room does. They know his power and influence.
He didn’t spare that girl any glance and just focused on you. His jaw clenches after noticing how you’re shaken up. It didn’t took him long to put piece and piece together. He understands what’s happening right away.
He roamed his icy glares over to the people occupying your table. One by one, like as if trying to remember each and everyone of them. The look on their face instantly changes, some even looked pale.
“U-Uhm,” (name) looked really scared. You’ve never seen her this way. And you’re not gonna lie, its a pleasure to your eyes.
“Lee Heeseung, wow!” Kent, one of your batchmates. He’s not particularly mean to you before, but he does laugh from time to time.
And there’s this one time where he offers for you to date him and got mad when you refused. Saying that you’re just a nobody and how dumb you are for actually saying no to him.
“Nice to meet you, man! Come on, sit down first.” he offers enthusiastically and even pulled the chair beside yours.
Heeseung stood still and quiet. People easily got intimidated. He heaved a sigh and you know he’s about to start saying something, but you beat him to it.
“We’ll be g-going.” you announced lowly. You aren’t even sure if they heard. Some whipped their heads at you with a look of disbelief on their faces.
(name) stares at you with a confused and a bit annoyed look on her pretty face. And with all the courage left on you, you said, “My boyfriend and I will leave now.”
Heeseung got stoned on his position when he heard that. Thankfully, you grabbed him by his arm then dragged him out of there. Normally, you wouldn’t be able to do it. But since you definitely caught him off-guard, you managed to drag Lee Heeseung out of there.
You can feel everyone’s eyes darted at the two of you and the whole room remains quiet as you take your leave. That doesn’t matter. You just want to get out of that place.
“Wait,” he halts and instantly, you stopped too. He held your arm then yanked you back near his body.
“Hold on, baby.” he licks his lips then blinks multiple times. “Let’s talk.”
Thankfully, you’re already by the parking lot. A few people are around, but its better them than those people inside.
You noticed a few familiar vehicles of Heeseung’s men along with his expensive sports car that he often used whenever picking you up.
“I j-just want to get out of here, please.” your pleading and tear stained eyes broke Heeseung. He wanted so bad to ruin those people inside. Everyone who made fun and even the bystanders. He doesn’t care. He will make sure they will pay for making you cry. For making his baby upset.
His large hands cupped your cheeks, “We will.” he huffs, calming himself. “I just need to confirm something.”
You kept your stare right at him, waiting for what he’s going to ask. You already knew what it was and initially, you planned on telling it to him in a different situation.
But it was already clear as a daylight. You love Lee Heeseung and ever since he was around, he always made you feel so special. Like you aren’t just someone. That you actually have value and that you don’t just exist in this world... you have a place here.
“Baby, I’m your what again?” he asks, very eager to hear those words from you again.
His brain already short circuited the first time you said it and he highly doubts it wouldn’t happen on the second time. Specially now that you are alone with him.
“My boyfriend.” you answered confidently.
Heeseung heart races and he felt like fireworks bursted inside his chest. He’s undescribably happy about it. He blinked mutliple times.
“You didn’t say that to only escape that place, right?” he asks, a little nervous. It amused you. You never knew this mafia boy is even capable of having that kind of emotion.
You let out a sigh and held his arm, caressing it softly. Then you gave him this assuring smile.
“No. That’s why I didn’t even ask you to come here. I don’t want you to think that I’m just using you.”
His eyes softens even more, if that’s even possible. Heeseung just loves you so deeply that the thought of being used by you doesn’t even bothered him. It's fine, as long as you’ll want him beside you. He’ll take anything just to be close to you.
Then your loving gaze turns into a glare.
“What are you even doing here?” you ask like a cop interrogating a suspect.
He smirks, “I missed you so I asked somebody to check on you... it happens that you’re heading to this event.” he chuckles. “I thought I could pay you a visit just to check if some guys would try to hit on you.” and he even raised an eyebrow.
You scoffed then rolled your eyes, “As if! You’re the one who walked there looking like a snack! You probably caught the attention of the pretty girls at that table!”
His eyes sparkles, “Really?”
Your face turned sour then you gave him a bashful look.
“Did I really caught your attention?” he asks, sounding a bit excited.
You got confused then let out a big sigh when you realized he got it wrongly.
“Heeseung,” you uttered in a very serious tone that made him stand up straight, giving you his full attention.
You felt your heart thumped louder, feeling nervous now that he’s so focused on you.
“Unlike you, I have nothing special to offer you. I only got a high-school diploma and 20 dollars in my bank account.” you tried to make it sound a joke to ease the tension because he’s staring so intensely.
He kept silent for a while.
“Do you love me?” he suddenly asks that made you all flustered, cheeks and ears turning red.
You blinked then cleared your throat.
“I don’t see how is that relevant in this conversation—”
“Do you love me, Y/n?” he repeated himself, this time even more serious.
You gulpes nervously, getting drawn by his piercing beautiful eyes.
“Yes.” you answered confidently.
He sighs in contentment and smiles gently. His eyes glisten with so much happiness that it made you wonder why.
“Then that’s good enough for me.” he stated that melts your heart instantly.
He took a step closer, making your bodies touch. Cupping your face once again then rest his forehead on yours.
“I love you, Hee.” you suddenly said that made his heart leap in joy.
Heeseung is in trance. He never knew that he’s capable of feeling all these things towards one person. He has no regrets pursuing you. If anything, he’s very much willing to do it again and again.
“I love you even more, y/n.” he whispers then kisses your forehead, then your nose and then pulls away slightly to look you in the eyes.
“You just made me the happiest man alive.” and he leans in for the much awaited kiss.
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permanent tag-list:
@rubyanne @map-of-border @hwangjangmi @13tter @candewlsy @simpforniki @classicroyalty @hime98 @moonsclassyslore @ddeonubaby @yeoungie @acciomylove @mymeloem19 @jvngw0n @dreamjerky @minamoons @clar-iii @herasalvatore @nyfwyeonjun @rcveribin @yizhoutv @one16core @soobin-chois @kyutiepeachy @chareadingpurposes @hwalllllllelujah @solelyenha @90sni-ki @nourhan-8 @nikipedia07 @yangbreads @drunkjazed @axartia @all4haru @sta-rie @purplepuppychild @iceeee @wtfhyuck @tobiosbbyghorl @nikililmj @ayayiiie @aeyeree @heeseung-min @in-somnias-world @psh-pjh @hveanlyanqelic @woocury
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roses-for-rosalyn · 1 year
Ms. Anderson
Abby x reader
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This one is an unhinged fantasy I have had for so fucking long dude. I literally had to finish this up while I was at a beach house with my family which is the most unhinged thing I’ve ever done.
Summary: Ms. Anderson hires you as a maid, but she has some particularly odd requests.
Word count: 5k of pure filth
Content warnings: maid reader, business lady Abby, Abby is also kind of a pervert hehe, teasing, use of tie as a restraint 🤭, thigh riding, clear consent 🫡, vibrator use, edging, overstimulation, Abby is referred to as Miss or Ms. Anderson most of the time, fingering (r! receiving), oral (r! receiving), aftercare yay, let me know if I missed anything
Minors dni (will not hesitate to hunt you down 🥰)
Working for Ms. Anderson was a… unique experience. You’d been a maid for a couple years, you worked hard to make your way up to work in upper class houses. Better conditions meant not having to deal with cleaning up what were basically crime scenes for lower than minimum wage. There’s not much you wouldn’t do to keep your place in these houses. So when Ms. Anderson hired you, you agreed to some extremely odd requests. She offered to pay double what most clients would if you agreed to wear a maid costume. Yeah like the black collared dress and frilly white apron. You would normally just wear a button down and jeans, professional, but comfortable. Of course you agreed money was money and when it came down to it she wasn’t asking for a whole lot. Like, yes in theory the suggestion could come off as creepy, but for the amount she was paying it didn’t bother you nearly as much as it should. She lived alone too, you assumed she mostly paid for the company, the house was rarely that dirty when you came to visit.
The first day you showed up to work in the uniform you felt ridiculous. Ms. Anderson opened the door revealing you in the black collared dress, white frilly apron, sheer black tights and to top it all off a pair of black heels. She barely maintained a neutral expression while looking you up and down, slowly dragging her eyes over your whole body. She nodded and simply said “Good.” before gesturing you to come inside. You pinned the odd reaction down to nerves.
If you were being honest with yourself, you would try to be in the same room with her whenever she was home. You liked looking at her too. Every day she wore a white button down and pleated pants. Her muscular arms strained against the white fabric and the first time you saw her dressed like that you drooled a little. You could tell when she had important meetings because she would add a tie and blazer to her outfit. Those days you had a hard time keeping your eyes off of her. Occasionally you would stare too long, daydreaming about Ms. Anderson using her strength to do whatever she wanted to you. In the morning she would scroll through the news on her phone while drinking her coffee, occasionally looking up and observing you, you could feel her eyes on you even while you faced away from her. When she hired you for evenings she would watch T.V. in the living room. She would let her eyes wander to you, watching you dust and fluff pillows. She loved watching you move in the uniform, when you bent over to fluff the pillows she could catch a glimpse of under your skirt. She knew you only wore a black thong under those tights, she liked to think it was just for her. Her mind would wander, imagining bending you over the couch, ripping a hole in those sheer tights and fucking you senseless.
Most of the time though she would be at work while you were cleaning, so you would rarely have conversations with her, especially in the mornings, she would always be in a rush. In the evenings though, you were usually able to make small talk. You would ask about her day and her job, sometimes you would get lucky and even make her laugh. Abby normally wasn’t super talkative, but she enjoyed her little conversations with you. She would always try and compliment you when talking to you. She thought was walking a fine line between creepy and sweet, but she had no idea that her little comments had you melting on the inside.
After about a month Ms. Anderson would strike up a conversation with you every time you walked in the door. She had a crush on you from the start, but now? She was obsessed. You had grown pretty fond of her too. You always looked forward to working for her, you started spending a little extra time on your makeup, ironing your uniform and putting on perfume. You felt a little crazy for having a crush on, essentially, your boss. She was probably like 10 years older than you, maybe more, but her accomplishments and intelligence on top of her muscular build had you swooning.
Today Abby finally wracked up the courage to ask you to stay for dinner. She had thought about it for weeks, what finally convinced her was that last week you had adjusted her tie before she walked out the door. It was the closest she had ever gotten to you. She towered over you while she watched your small hands adjust the tie, your warm skin brushing up against the button down. There was something so domestic about it that Abby didn’t realize she yearned for. You noticed her breathing hitch a bit when you reached for her, her breathing picking up a little. You realized you made her nervous, and you never thought you would feel so powerful over someone as strong as Ms. Anderson.
As you were grabbing your things to leave you hear Ms. Anderson call out, “Would you like to stay for dinner?”
It was the last possible thing you expected her to say, but you turned to her and responded all too eagerly, “Yeah why not? I have nothing going on tonight.” Abby smiles and gestures for you to follow her into the kitchen. You observe she’s still in her work attire minus the blazer, leaving her in a button down with a loosened tie and slacks. A couple of her top buttons were unfastened and her tie was hanging carelessly around her neck. Her blonde hair was out of her usual ponytail, her wavy hair reaching just past her shoulders. Seeing her in this more lax state was unusual, but it only made her more attractive. She pulls out a chair for you to sit down at the kitchen island and you look at her with a mild surprise on your face. You weren’t used to her serving you. Of course you had no idea the things Abby would do to serve you, she thought about it every night. You sit down slowly and watch as she pulls out various ingredients from her fridge and pantry. Watching her cook alone in the large kitchen made you wonder how she ended up living in such a large house alone. You had never seen anyone come over, not a boyfriend, husband, friends or even family. At first glance she didn’t seem that lonely, but she clearly hires you mostly for the company. You watch as she rolls up her sleeves and cooks various items on the stove with surprising efficiency. You wouldn’t take her for the type to know how to cook, but she moves so naturally in the kitchen, she’s comfortable here. Ms. Anderson was clearly lost in her cooking because she didn’t even try to make small talk, she just hums and occasionally makes little squeaks when she forgets to add something or makes a mistake. With her sleeves now rolled up you could see Ms. Andersons forearms on full display, veins snaking up her arms becoming more pronounced as she moves. The combination of her vigorous cooking and her disheveled clothing made an embarrassing ache begin to grow between your legs, you rub your thighs together trying to soothe it, but it just gets worse the longer you watch. Eventually you figure out she was cooking pasta with a homemade red sauce. The smell of basil and garlic began wafting through the kitchen causing you to salivate. She quickly assembles the meal and finally turns to face you, two plates and utensils in hand. She has a proud grin on her face as she places the plate in front of you. You smile “Thank you.”
Abby’s smile grows wider. “My pleasure.”
It looks so beautiful for what it is, she shaved fresh parmesan on top and added a basil leaf for garnish. “Were you a cook or something at one point? Because this is impressive Ms. Anderson.”
Abby huffs out a laugh “No, no. My dad just used to cook a lot for me when I was a kid. Learned all this fancy stuff from him.” You nod and grab your fork to dig in. You take a bite and let out a little moan of delight. You hadn’t eaten much today and this was fucking delectable.
“This is delicious.” You say between bites. Abby just nods in response, mouth still full.
You both practically inhale the food. You were relieved she matched your pace, it’s always embarrassing when you finish a meal way before the person you’re eating with. Abby grabs your empty plate along with her own and puts them in the sink. You immediately walk up behind her and lightly grab her bicep. The feeling of her large muscles made you almost forget what you were going to say. “You made dinner, I get to do the dishes.” you say, gently pushing her to the side and grabbing the plate out of her hand.
“Don’t be ridiculous, you’ve been cleaning all day.” Ms. Anderson picks up the other plate and begins scrubbing it.
“Your house was already clean when I got here, I barely did anything today. Let me make up for it.” She simply blinks at you upon your response, but continues with the dishes. You wonder if you may have accidentally crossed a line mentioning the fact that she didn’t really need your service. It was an unspoken understanding she needed you for more than cleaning. You were squished against each other in front of the sink, trying to softly push the other out of the way. You can feel her warmth through the fabric of her clothes and you falter for a moment, realizing how close you are. Ms. Anderson grabs your plate out of your hand, having finished scrubbing hers clean. You pout in protest, but quickly give in and walk away to go dry your hands on a towel. Abby puts the dishes away and turns towards you, she just stands there for a moment, allowing an awkward silence between the two of you. You take it as a sign to collect your things and leave.
“Thanks for dinner Miss-”
She cuts you off, “Call me Abby, and anytime.” She smiles awkwardly. “Let me walk you out.” You nod and watch as she walks ahead of you. You follow her making your way towards the door.
When you reach the front entrance you walk up to Abby, facing her. You allow only a few inches between the two of you as you speak. “Thank you again uh… Abby.” Feels really weird calling her by her first name.
“Yeah.” She barely manages to whisper out. She’s looking down at you as you look up at her through your lashes and Abby feels just about ready to explode. Her eyes dart down from your eyes to your lips and linger there. Her breathing begins to pick up before she leans down and presses her soft lips on yours. Your eyes widen and you let out a surprised squeak, but it doesn’t take long for you to melt into her. She lightly holds your jaw as she kisses you harder, opening your mouth with her tongue. you place your hands on her chest trying to steady yourself. Her light touch mixed with her rough kissing was making you dizzy. Her hands drag down your arms past your hips and she lightly squeezes your ass, pulling you closer into her. Suddenly she pulls away, her eyes were wide and her breath began to quicken.
“I-I’m so sorry, I-I didn’t mean-“ she stutters out nervously. But you quickly grab her by the necktie in response, inviting her lips to once again press against yours. Her hands move lower to the back of your thighs and she breaks away from your mouth for a moment to say “Up.” You immediately obey, jumping a little bit to allow her to pick you up. You immediately wrap around her to hold on. You feel the dress ride up dangerously high, the tight material having little give. She strongly grips your thighs, groping the newly exposed skin to hold you up and begins kissing you again as she walks you both to an unknown destination. You couldn’t bring yourself to care where you could be going, you were lost in the feeling of her rough tongue massaging yours, and listening to her little whines and moans sync with yours.
You cross a threshold into a dark room. Abby lets go of one of your legs to close the door before pinning you against it. Her large hands wander around your whole body, it felt like she was touching you everywhere but where you needed her. You begin to gently grind against her in an attempt to satiate the ache in your cunt that was growing unbearable. Ms. Anderson lets out a wavering breath between kisses at the feeling of your hips rocking against her. You begin to move against her a little faster trying to get any friction you possibly can.
“Fuck.” Abby whimpers out breathlessly. You moan at the sound of her needy voice. Ms. Anderson’s wandering hands and rough kissing were intoxicating, yet never enough. You begin unbuttoning her shirt slowly, trying to encourage her to continue. You only get a few undone before her hands gently grab yours and her lips pull away, causing you to let out an involuntary whine.
“It’s alright baby, just gonna move us over here so we can talk.” You have no idea why she thinks now is the best time to talk, but you don’t have a choice since you're clinging on to her. She backs up to sit down on the bed. She moves your legs so you’re straddling one of her thighs, pulling your dress up past your hips to allow you to spread your legs. The position creates a deliciously perfect pressure on your clit.
“Now,” she grabs your hips and encourages you to begin moving against her strong thigh, “We can talk.”
“Miss how-”
“I’m going to explain exactly what I want to do to you and you’re going to tell me what parts you want done to you and what you don’t. Simple yes and no, I won’t take nodding as an answer, you need to use your words, okay?” You had never imagined she’d be this confident in this situation. Dominance oozed from her causing you to grow even more soaked, your cunt clenching around nothing.
“Okay, yes.” You say breathlessly, nodding your head. You’re not sure how your going to manage responding to her in coherent words when your sensitive clit is being ground against her muscular thigh. You were already breathing heavily, and you had barely moved against her.
“Yes what?”
“Yes, Miss.” God calling her that was going to drive you wild. Made you feel even more under her control.
“God, I've been thinking about this for so long. I see the way you look at me when I wear this tie. You don’t think I notice you fucking me with your eyes while you’re bent over cleaning in your pretty little dress, baby? Such a little fucking tease.” All you can do in response is whimper. She huffs out a laugh, and leans towards your ear, you could feel her warm breath tickle your skin. “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve imagined tying you up with this,” She gestures down at her green necktie, “and teasing you until you’re begging me to let you come?” You let out a loud moan at her filthy words, unable to contain yourself. You grind faster against her, chasing any sort of relief from the throbbing between your legs. “How does that sound baby?” She asks before starting a trail of kisses down your neck.
“G-good, Miss, really good.” You barely manage to respond, she has you falling apart under her touch. Abby hums against your neck, more than satisfied with your answer.
“Knew you’d be perfect for me.” She reaches behind your back and unties your white apron, discarding it on the floor. She kisses you again, her rough tongue caressing yours as she grabs your ass, groping the soft skin with her large hands. She breaks away from you for a moment and catches her breath.
“Lay down, head on the pillows.” She says it in that demanding voice that has you biting your lip to avoid moaning embarrassingly loud. You do as your told and lay down on the soft bedding, sitting up against the pillows. Ms. Anderson crawls on top of you and straddles your waist as she slowly unbuttons your black dress revealing your matching black bra. Abby knew this was just for her because she saw your cheeks begin to glow red. She didn’t unbutton the dress all the way though, only enough so she could pull it open to expose your breasts. She pulls the bra cups down, your cleavage spilling out of the dress. Ms. Anderson stares for a moment, appreciating your disheveled state before grabbing your breasts and massaging them with her large hands. She groans upon touching the soft skin, she begins teasing your nipples, drawing little circles around the sensitive buds before taking one in her mouth. You gasp and moan as you feel her tongue swirling around your sensitive bud. The sensation causes you to grab her hair, looking for anything to hold on to. You thread your fingers through her soft blonde hair and gently pull whenever she sucks particularly hard on your nipple causing her to moan in sync with you. She takes her free hand and places it on your hip, the gentle placement giving you butterflies. She moves to the other nipple, taking her time, she would do anything to get you to keep pulling her hair like that.
Once she’s satisfied, she moves to kneel next to you. She unties her necktie slowly, watching you impatiently squirm, your thighs desperately rubbing together for any sort of relief. She gently takes your hands, and puts them together, palms touching. She then begins to expertly wrap the tie around them securing them together. Her touch was so incredibly gentle, so careful. She took her time, making sure your wrists were properly secured.
“Okay?” She looks up at you checking in. She smirks when she sees your expression. Your eyes wide and mouth hung open, unable to process how incredibly aroused you were.
“Yes Miss.” you say without skipping a beat. Abby nods before getting up off the bed and rummaging through her nightstand. She pulls out a small bullet vibrator and places it on the bed. She looks at you and smiles. seeing how eager you were made her want to fuck you right here right now, but she has to have patience. She's been waiting for this for too long.
She moves your legs apart gently and kneels between them. She gives you a once over admiring how your dress bunched up on your hips and how your breasts perfectly spilled out of the fabric. She then wraps her hands under your knees and yanks you down the bed towards her, forcing you to spread you legs wide and bend your knees. It gave her a perfect view of your cunt, your arousal starting to drip down your inner thighs. You let out a little squeak and a giggle at the sudden movement. She grabs your bound wrists and moves them so they are above your head, leaving you completely at her mercy. Abby licks her lips at the sight of you and smooths her hands up and down your thighs. You whimper, sick of her teasing. Once Abby heard your sound of desperation she finally lost her patience and ripped your tights open at the seam, creating perfect access to your soaked pussy. You gasp at the sound of the fabric ripping, caught completely off guard by the rough movement.
She begins moving her finger up and down your slit over the thin fabric of your underwear. She was barely touching you and you were already falling apart, whining at the feeling of her fingers on you. She rubs circles around your clit and you begin to push your hips into her hand begging for more.
“Patience sweetheart. I’m gonna take my time with you.” She smirks when you groan in frustration. She brings her free hand up to massage your breast pinching and twisting your nipples as she continues to tease your clit.
“Oh god- please Miss-“ You whine, shamelessly begging her for more.
Abby obliges “Since you asked so nicely baby.” She moves your thong to the side letting the fabric snap back against you. You inhale sharply at the slight sting against your skin, all your senses were heightened from her teasing. Every movement and touch was magnified. She finally takes her finger and runs it along your wet slit, gathering your arousal. She takes her finger away, already glistening with your slick, and sucks it into her mouth with a satisfied hum. Abby takes her finger out of her mouth and whispers out “fuck.” Before taking that same finger plus another and shoving them into your needy cunt. You gasp at the sudden intrusion, her large fingers stretching you open.
“Shit baby I know I said I was gonna go slow, but you took two fingers so easily.” You moan loudly, unable to formulate a response in your current state. She curls her fingers and hits your g-spot causing you to cry out. You start to struggle against the silk tie around your wrists, your fingers itching to grab onto something.
“Fuck you sound so good baby.” At that she leans down and starts gently licking at your clit. At this point you can’t even control the noises you're making. Her fingers are steadily hitting your g-spot as she moves them in and out of you at a perfect pace. Your moans start getting louder and your walls start to clench around Abby’s fingers.
“Already close baby?” She asks in a mocking tone. You barely manage to whine out a yes before she stops touching you completely. You let out a desperate cry and try to clench your thighs together to soothe the almost painful throbbing in your cunt.
Abby grabs your legs and yanks them back open. “Uh uh,” she tuts, “you’ll be able to come soon enough sweetheart, but I’m not done with you yet.”
She grabs the bullet vibrator from the edge of the bed. You decide to boldly move your bound hands downwards propelling you to sit up in front of Abby. She looks at you stunned for a moment, you use her shock to your advantage as you move your hands to her shirt unbuttoning it to the best of your ability. She lets you unbutton it all the way, but she pins you back down to the bed before you can encourage her to remove it completely. She hovers over you, her shirt open exposing her naked breasts and prominent abdominal muscles. Now it was your turn to lick your lips, her shirt unbuttoned plus her sleeves rolled up had you grinding your hips against the air.
She smiles as she watches you admire her body, chuckling at your parted lips and wide eyes. Suddenly you feel something hard up against your sensitive clit, you quickly realize what it is as you feel it start vibrating against you. You breathe out a quiet moan at the feeling. She uses her free hand to gently grab your wrists pushing them back above your head to rest on the pillows. Her hand slides down your arm slowly, her fingers gently brushing against your skin. They move down between your breasts and skillfully unbutton the rest of your dress with her one hand. You gasp at the feeling of the cold air hitting your exposed skin. The cool feeling is quickly replaced by Abby’s warm hand, she moves her hand down your stomach and places it on your hip, holding you down against the bed to prevent you from squirming. She turns up the vibrator, the feeling causing pleasure to blossom in your stomach becoming almost overwhelming.
“Fuck, Abby.” You forget yourself, but upon hearing you moan her name Abby groaned, the ache between her own legs growing almost unbearable. The pleasure in your belly begins to build the intense feeling of the vibrator directly on your clit pushing you to the edge, but right as you are about to reach your high the vibrator is pulled away.
“Fuckfuckfuck.” You whine out trying to close your legs to no avail. Abby uses both her hands to spread your legs even wider.
“You wanna come baby?” She asks in a sweet tone.
You whine out a pathetically desperate “Yes.”
“Then beg for it.” She says her voice lowering.
You whimper before giving in “Please Miss, please let me come. I’ll do anything please.” Apparently this was enough for Abby because she spreads your lips, places the vibrator directly on your swollen clit and then proceeds to shove two fingers inside of you. You cry out at her sudden movements, but soon start moaning uncontrollably as she hits your g-spot over and over with each thrust. She easily adds a third finger. You felt so full with her large digits inside of you. Your high was beginning to approach at an alarming rate, an almost unbearable pleasure causing you to let out a pornographic moan.
“Please Miss it’s too much I can’t-” you cut yourself off with a moan.
“But you wanted to come so badly.” She pouts at you overdramatically, mocking you. “I know you can take it baby, you’re going to come for me and when you do I want to hear you say my name. Think you can do that sweetheart?” You nod vigorously unable to respond properly with her fingers fucking a moan out of you at each incredibly fast thrust. Thankfully she accepted the nod, knowing she had you so blissed out you couldn’t respond was more than enough. Your moans grow louder and your walls start to clench hard around Abby’s fingers.
“I-I’m s-so close.” You barely manage to warn her.
“Come for me baby.” You watch her smirk before your eyes are forced closed by the blinding pleasure taking over your body. You swear you see stars as Abby continues to fuck you through it. You are practically screaming her name as your orgasm rips through you, your hips uncontrollably grinding against her fingers and the vibrator. Soon your legs start to shake from overstimulation and you try to pull away, but Abby removes the vibrator to pull you closer to her.
“One more for me baby, I’m not done yet.” She turns off the bullet vibe and throws it to another part of the bed, her fingers still moving in and out of your aching hole. She lays down between your legs and presses her mouth to your cunt. You’re so sensitive you can’t help but squirm against her, she is quick to drape her free hand across your stomach pinning you down. She begins sucking on your swollen clit and you whine at the feeling, your thighs clenching around Abby’s head. She moans at the feeling sending vibrations through your body. Your hands are itching to reach for her hair, you desperately want to thread your hands through her blonde hair and pull, instead they struggle against the makeshift restraints. The helpless feeling only turned you on more though, your cunt clenching around Abby’s fingers. She starts grinding down against the mattress trying to relieve the throbbing growing between her own legs. She sucks on your sensitive bud, her tongue swirling around it. When you start to get close again Abby begins groaning at the sound of your moans. She was close too, you were literally going to make her come in her pants this was fucking ridiculous. Your orgasm hits you suddenly this time, you cry out at the feeling of the pleasure ripping its way through your body. Abby’s groaning intensifies as she reaches her own high grinding desperately against the mattress.
Abby eventually removes her mouth from you when you become too sensitive. She keeps her fingers inside you for a bit longer before pulling them out and sucking them clean. The sight of your arousal on her lips and her open shirt made you sit up again using your bound hands as momentum. When your finally upright you kiss her passionately, tasting yourself on her lips. You break the kiss and rest your forehead against hers the sound of Abby’s breathing synced with yours. She uses the moment to gently untie your wrists.
“You know you made me come in my pants. Barely had to do anything.” She laughs genuinely, she has no idea why she confessed that.
You giggle and reply “I’m flattered.” She finishes untying you and throws the silk necktie onto the floor. She kisses you again and completely removes your dress. She urges you to lay down and lifts up your hips, pulling your tights and underwear down in one swift movement. Once she has you naked she stands up beside the bed and picks you up in the air bridal style. You let out a little yelp and she laughs, her warm chest bouncing against you. You rest your head against her bare skin and sigh contently as she carries you to the bathroom. She sits you down on the edge of the bathtub and wets a washcloth with warm water. She quickly cleans you up before picking you back up in the air and moving you back to the bed. She gently places you on the soft sheets and strips off her button down and pants leaving her in boxers. She crawls into bed beside you, her warm skin pressed against yours. The feeling is so relaxing you almost immediately fall asleep. Before you sink into sleep Abby whispers “I’ll wake you up in the morning before I go to work baby.” She pauses before saying “I’m so fucking glad I hired you.” She kisses the side of your neck and you let out a little laugh before sinking into sleep.
Let me know what y’all think! 💕💕
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budbuddnbuddy · 9 months
Little obey me headcanons (Pt 1)
A/n:Just things I think the obey me characters would do/ think/like along with worldbuilding stuff. Nothing too major, but there’s also some suggestive stuff so look out for that. Sorry for not posting in a while school sucks. :(
After seeing all the happy endings in fairytale books and stories or just anything in general, Satan commonly thinks of having a “Happily ever after.” with MC.
While Belphegor, has no ass or tits he does have some cute thighs, when it’s warm in the devildom the chances of you seeing him lounging about the house in booty shorts and thigh highs are up by 70%
The celestial realm and the Devildom are super behind when it comes to technology, while the Devildom is catching up it’s still all over the place, so when MC brings up the moon landings or anything about humans going into space they’re gonna think that you’re joking…..until you show them proof.
“Wow, you really weren’t lying when you said that humans actually made it to the moon.”
“I told you! I’m sure if we get some people who work in NASA down here, we’ll probably be able to go to the moon in the Devildom too.”
“…the fuck is a NASA?”
I’m a firm believer that there is someone out in the human world, wether it be a family member or friend or coworker, SOMEONE was looking for MC when they were first summoned. Argue with me all you want but you will not be able to convince me that one day their boss wasn’t like: “MC hasn’t come into work in like a week.” other people can care about them too >:(
Asmodeus has definitely given some Devildom skincare products to MC. Whether they make you look inhumanly glamorous or burn off half your face is up to you.
There’s BARELY any public transportation in the devildom, no buses, cabs, airplanes or anything like that. You want to get somewhere without driving? Put on some comfortable shoes cause you’re gonna have to WALK.
However Diavolo does send chauffeurs (or carriages if it’s a royal/political event) to nobles and the brothers to get to the castle or if they’re just going somewhere with him. Which is how you guys got to the castle for the 3 day retreat.
You know those pics from hidden paparazzi or fans of celebrity couples out together on a date or walking around holding hands? There’s like a bunch of them with you and the characters in the Devildom. Most common ones to see with you are: Mammon, Beel ,Belphie, Asmo. The ones on the rarer side are: Lucifer, Satan, Diavolo, Simeon, and Solomon. The ultra rare ones are: Barbatos and Leviathan (but both for very separate different reasons)
There’s been a major skyrocket in human attraction, not just in the Devildom but a bit in the Celestial realm too, I guess Simeon was eyeing and twirling his hair at you a little too much for the angels to contain their curiosity. Hehe.
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fluffytriceratops · 2 months
I am DESPERATE for some 2k3 Donatello dating headcanons, literally give me anything PLEASE I AM OBSESSED
𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 - 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 [𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟑]
notes: i gotchu bestie. <3 lemme know if you guys want these for the other 2k3 turts as well! :D also sorry for taking literal ages to get this request done for you! thank you sm for requesting i hope you have a wonderful day/night! <3
warnings: brief nsfw mentions, mature language, 
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @rheawritesforfun @s-s-ironnie @post-apocalyptic-daydream @mysticboombox @drowninghell @lec743 @raphielover  @raphslovemuffin80 @squirrelfurs @bibiz82 @pheradream-15 @kikithedreamerwriter @m1dnyt3-w0lf @scholastic-dragon @moonsua1 [if i've forgotten anyone i'm so sorry please comment or dm me and let me know and i'll add you right away so i don't forget in the future!]
(if you would like to be tagged in my future tmnt x reader related work, feel free to let me know and i'll happily add you!)
i love you all sm! i'm sending all the virtual hugs and well wishes to you!! <33
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- as usual, 2003 donnie has an obsession with coffee. so if you get this mans some coffee expect an INSTANT marriage proposal. [honestly what ver of donnie doesn't have a coffee addiction?] 
- likes to do your hair. it's calming to him and helps him think. hes watched a lot of youtube videos and stuff for it, so he knows what he's doing too. he likes to try new styles n stuff on you. everyone knows when he's particularily stressed or can't seem to figure something out because you seem to have a new hairsyle everyday until he's fixed whatever it is that's bugging him, 
- will also handmake beads and stuff to put in your hair. <3 
- makes jewelry for you, esp out of silverware and other things. it always turns out so beautifully. 
- late night drives. donnie has insomnia and his brain works a lot during the night/evening. so expect to hang out a lot with him during this time. driving at night at new york is super pretty and peaceful too. esp when it's just the two of you. [so long as you don't mind the hectic city hehe-]
- cuddling with him while he works. includes sleeping on him/in his lab when he works really late into the night. he'll later carry you to bed. 
- painting on his shell/body for funzies. and if he does the same to you don't expect it to look too great because 2k3 donnie can't draw for shit. 
- donnie will gift you homemade cards with stick figures on the cover cuz again he cant draw but he knows you'll adore it no matter what just because he made it. plus you think its funny as hell and he adores your laugh. 
- hes actually really good at photography. and he has loads of pictures of you. you two go out and take pictures together sometimes. it's always a lot of fun. and they always turn out great. 
- late night talking sessions are a normal for you. 
- donatello tries his best to get you to sleep at a decent time, but sometimes you'll refuse if he isn't coming to bed with you just to get him to go to sleep earlier. he'll probably lay with you for a while, unable to actually sleep. maybe he'll read or listen to music to help pass the time. sometimes he will also sneak back out of bed once you've fallen asleep, and when you catch him you give him a good talking to. 
- he really needs to take better care of himself. he's always putting those he cares for above himself. so you're always there to make sure he's okay and that he's doing what he needs to do to be happy and healthy. 
- you guys hardly ever fight. donnie isn't one to argue with you. he's a very gentle and kind soul. he rarely raises his voice. (but when he does you find it hot as FUCK- lets be honest--) 
- fix it felix. always fixes things for you, even if you dont ask it of him. if he's at your place and notices something needs to be fixed he'll just do it for you. even if you insist he doesn't have to, he will anyway because he loves you. it brings him joy. and honestly, you should just let him because it probably stresses him out a little thinking about how your door isn't closing properly or your car sounds funny or your light keeps flickering- 
- you like to prank him on occassion, this includes the whole "i filled my tank with the special gas-" or "i let them put premium air in my tires and they gave me a really good deal". it freaks and stresses him out, at least in the moment hehe. its very funny but keep in mind he'll get you back. 
- him reading to you sfghfdgkjhdfg (id die please-) esp if you have trouble sleeping or something. 
- coffee dates are a must. even if you dont drink coffee. 
- donnie napping curled up on your chest/on top of you. you tracing the grooves of his shell. you've learned he finds this very comforting and it helps him fall asleep. 
- hes a definite switch- lmao.
- very gentle and understanding. he's like your personal diary or therapist and you're the same for him. 
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merakiui · 10 months
Mera Mera Mera! Thoughts on twst boys if you tell them "no more sex" after an argument. Pretty please! 🥺🙏 💙 (You characterize them so well, I'm certain you can bless us with knowledge)
>:D I may have a few thoughts on the reactions!!! I shall bless you with said thoughts (i.e. twst cast being petty and silly).
Riddle - he's perfectly silent when he tears out the page in his life planner titled "dick appointments" and rips it in half in front of you. "Would you look at that? It appears my schedule's become open." He proceeds to fill the time slots with academics and club activities. Your "no more sex" rule goes both ways, but if you find yourself unable to bear it he might consider penciling you into his schedule. ...if it ever frees up, that is. :)
Trey - "Yeaaah, I had that coming," he admits with a sheepish chuckle. Trey very rarely argues with you. Ever. So maybe it was one-sided, but he still goes along with it to keep you happy and to end the argument as quickly as possible. He'll smooth things over by baking you your favorite sweet. He can be patient and wait if you're still stubbornly insisting on no more sex, but that doesn't mean he won't tease you often.
Cater - "Cowabummer." Yes, that's all he says. Yes, he gives you the sad thumbs-down and everything. Cater cannot be /srs for this one because if he's /srs you'll see the /srs sides of him that he'd rather hide behind a /j personality. (He later makes it up to you by apologizing and taking you into town to your favorite places. <3 you end up fucking in the changing stall in one of the clothing stores hehe.)
Ace - he rolls his eyes and laughs. "I never even wanted to fuck you anyways. You're, like, super mid." (He's lying. Please don't ban him from having sex with you. </3 This is how he's apologizing later.
Deuce - he's genuinely devastated. Nooo, what do you mean "no more sex"? D: that's not even the worst of it, though. Deuce is just sad that the both of you argued and that he said some things he's not very proud of. He was really mean and so were you. What were you even arguing about in the first place? Deuce's heart aches knowing you're so upset at him, so he does everything he can to make it up to you. It's fine if you don't want sex anymore; he just wants you to be happy.
Leona - he highly doubts you're serious. "Sure, okay. We'll see about that one," he tells you with a lazy half-smirk. "Good luck with that, herbivore." (he's so hot when you wake up next to him in the mornings and he has that rough morning voice...... you end up fucking the following day, too weak to his charms to keep up with your no sex promise. Leona teases you for that.)
Ruggie - "I'll live," he says with a shrug. Sure, it sucks that you no longer want to fuck and it also sucks that the two of you even argued in the first place, but he'll live. You and Ruggie are distant for all of one day before coming back together to sincerely apologize. He's a little awkward with his apology, but it does indeed come from the heart. Perhaps there's some makeup sex that follows...
Jack - another one who is more upset over the actual argument than your admission of no more sex. Jack feels so bad. :( his ears are flattened on his head and his tail is drooped; he's just so sad that he argued with you and made you angry. He was out of line and shouldn't have let his emotions get the best of him. If no more sex is what you truly want, he'll abide by that.
Azul - "Angelfish, I understand you're upset, but do you truly mean that?" You do, and you storm out of his VIP room and ghost him for the rest of the day. Azul goes through the five stages of grief within the span of a few hours. T_T he's a wreck, not only because you said no more sex but because you argued and you're angry with him and you probably hate him now and what if you break up and you never want to see him again and and and and and !!!!!!!! Sad tako hours.
Jade - he smiles patiently. "If you say so." (his compliance is too obedient; don't let him fool you. He's going to spike your drink with an aphrodisiac and then when you come to him begging for release he'll deny you in the same way you denied him.)
Floyd - "Shrimpy, c'mon, ya can't be serious." You turn away from him with a huff, arms folded over your chest. "S'not funny, Shrimpy..." He pouts at you, brows knitted in annoyance. You look him dead in the eyes and snap back with, "Good. Cuz I'm not joking, Floyd." (Floyd's in a foul mood for the rest of the day; no one dares go near him. His aura is too threatening...)
Kalim - if it's your first argument with him, he's genuinely compelled to throw a party celebrating it LOL. Kalim means well with it, too, which makes it arguably worse. ^^;;; but he is indeed very sad that things got to this point and that you were so angry with him that you even said no more sex! He sulks sadly. :( will a parade make you feel better? Or do you want more renovations done to Ramshackle? Do you want gemstones? Just tell him how he can make it up to you and he'll do it! He's so very sorry! >_<
Jamil - he rolls his eyes, shooting you an unamused look. "Very mature of you, (Name)." Jamil isn't going to entertain the argument anymore. If you want to talk things over, you can do that after you and he have cooled off. Although if he's truly intent on getting your forgiveness and nullifying your no sex rule right away, a little hypnosis might do the trick...
Vil - he gives you a critical look. "What does sex have anything to do with this?" If you're going to argue with Vil, argue about the subject matter and don't bring unrelated topics into it! >:( arguments with Vil always make you feel so bad because essentially he tells you to do better and think about your conduct. Of course he also reflects on how he acted and what even led up to the argument in the first place. Even his apology, though heartfelt and authentic, is so perfect.
Rook - "Mon amour, lovely trickster whom I adore most, oh, how you wound me!" He's so dramatic about it, but then he also wholeheartedly means it when he says and acts like that. "Shall we share a kiss of forgiveness and allow water to flow freely under the bridge once more?" He is truly sorry, but then he's sneaky when he's slipping his tongue into your mouth as if he's trying to drag your apology out of your throat and taste it in his mouth.
Epel - "Consarn it!" He's huffy, glaring at you with his cheeks puffed out. "If yer gonna throw a hissy fit and say no more in-out, in-out, then don't come crawlin' to me when yer feelin' it!" Of course he then storms off and is promptly scolded by Vil for such atrocious behavior. Epel realizes he was wrong for getting so worked up and he'll later apologize to you. You apologize as well, but for the rest of the week there will be no more sex. Epel thinks that's fair. He sort of deserved that one. T_T
Idia - "Wutever. I don't need 3D to be happy." He rolls his eyes and the argument ends there. (Idia later spends an entire week locked away in his room building a (Name) sex doll to make up for the lack of your touch.)
Malleus - poor Hornton... :( he sulks in the darkness of his room and no one knows the reason for why he's so upset. Sebek is distraught; whoever dared to put waka-sama in this sad mood will pay!!!!!! Telling Malleus no more sex makes him think you don't want him anymore and that you essentially are breaking up (which is not the case). Diasomnia feels the gloomy atmosphere for days to come. It's Lilia who finally manages to convince Malleus to come out of his room and go to you for a chat to resolve things.
Lilia - "Oh dear. That's rather unfortunate." Even though he says this, he doesn't seem very affected or surprised or even remotely upset. But then Lilia's been through countless arguments, some far more severe than the one he just had with you, so he knows how to navigate these sorts of things. He's very mature about it and respects your no more sex rule. In fact, he's going to keep track of how many days you go with no sex before you inevitably forgo this rule for sloppy, heartfelt makeup sex with him, which he'll gladly indulge in.
Silver - it's probably impossible to argue with Silver. He's just so sweet. How could you ever get into any sort of argument with him? But if you did find yourself at a disagreement, he'd do whatever he could to resolve it and make you feel better. If no more sex is what makes you happy, then there will be no more sex.
Sebek - "SO BE IT, HUMAN. I DO NOT REQUIRE YOUR TOUCH OR INTIMACY TO SURVIVE, NOR DO I WANT IT." He's so LOUD. The entire hall ends up learning more than they'd ever want to about your and Sebek's argument. ;;;; he rants about you and your audacity to Silver (who's half-asleep), and so it's obvious he's affected. Sebek refuses to apologize because he's stubborn, but he realizes he misses you quite a lot. :( no one point that out, though, or else he'll yell at them that that's not true whatsoever!!!!
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themothpimp · 6 months
hi hi!! can i super preetttyy please request a gn! reader x hazbin hotel where reader resembles/acts like an owl? thank you! it can be fluff, angst, whatever you want!
Hiiii, sorry this took so long to get done. I tried to do as much research on owls as possible, hehe
Includes: Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Husk, Angel Dust, Lucifer, Adam!
Charlie: Will try to stay up later so she can spend more time with you. She ADORES your wings, she will constantly play with them (but only if you're okay with it, of course). Will always offer to scratch you if you're ever upset.
Vaggie: She likes that you're quiet, you two will always spend the evenings together; either just sitting in a comfortable silence or reading. Will ask you to wrap your wings around her while you guys sleep because it makes her feel secure.
Alastor: Would love to stroke your feathers and scratch your neck; he finds the sensation to be a great stress reliever. He likes that you're observant, he finds it admirable how you're able to learn so much about a person just by watching them for some time. He's just generally happy with you! He would adore it if you were nocturnal because he rarely sleeps , himself. Usually you two stay up all night listening to jazz and talking.
Husk: He would definitely be the most compatible with an owl-like y/n. Both quiet, observant, and probably nocturnal. Would sit with you at night in the bar, talking. If you ever made any owl sounds he'd find them really relaxing too.
Angel Dust: At first he was like "meh", but after a while he definitely find himself berating you with question, upon question, upon question. He'd also probably love playing with your wings and feathers. At some point would ask you if you hoot in bed.
Lucifer: Like Angel he would ask you a lot of questions. Loves learning new things about the species. Would ask you to fly with him at night. If you did ever hoot, he would try to impersonate it which would lead to a "hoot-off" between the two of you (You will always win). He would make a rubber duck modelled after you as a gift.
Adam: "Cool. I like owls." Adam is.. well, he's Adam. I feel like Adam is more of a "If there's a hole, there's a goal" kinda guy. He does not care what you look like, he just likes you. He thinks it's weird that you sleep in the day. Will give you weird looks if you make any owl related noises. If you ever hooted he'd just go "asked?" and then laugh to himself.
Hope you enjoyeddd, again sorry it took so long to get out. I'm working on my other requests right now as well. Okay bye, lovelies <33
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bvidzsoo · 6 months
Cherry Blossoms
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TW: nothing, just a lot of crack imo, and mentions of murder sorta lol
Word count: 1.9k
Genre: university!au, stranger to lovers!au
A/N: Wellll, hi? hehe, idk either what this is other than a super random drabble that I had to write or else it would've haunted me for the rest of my life LOL (it also might be another excuse to not write my thesis *dies*) Apologies if the humor is not humoring, I usually don't write in this style (at least imo). I hope you enjoy, and let me know your thoughts about it! (divider)
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            Have you ever had a moment of clear confusion? So profound that no matter how hard you tried making sense of it…it just started making even less sense? That the longer you moved your mind around it, the stronger the headache became. Well, that’s how I felt staring up at the scarily tall guy looking down at me with the softest eyes, which were slightly shaking if I looked close enough. His plush and red lips pulled into the sheepiest grin I’ve ever seen and nose tall and straight, probably sculpted by some God the second he was born. I knew his face, I mean, it would’ve been hard not to when I’ve spent half a year staring back sometimes as I have caught him looking at me numerous times. This guy standing in front of me right now, placing his weight from one leg to another, hands behind himself, and cheeks very slowly flushing, was a predicament I would’ve never even thought I could’ve dreamed of.
“Come again?” I found my voice at last, eyebrows threatening to go past my hairline.
“Are you free right now?” The question sounded innocent enough, but I couldn’t put myself past the graveness of his voice. I would’ve never imagined it could go so low and hold so much rasp, but again, I have barely heard his voice before as he rarely conversed with people around himself.
“Depends why you want to know.” I answered, pushing my hands inside the pockets of my striped spring jacket. The weather was finally warm enough to allow us to wear our lighter fabrics without freezing to death at any given point of the day. The guy standing in front of me hesitated for a second, and then ran his fingers decorated with heavy rings through his silver-blonde hair. The change to it was new, and I would be a liar if I said I wasn’t taken aback by it when I saw it. But it fit him, in a very handsome way, If I must admit that.
“I was just wondering if you’d like to hang out with me…” Oh, well, that was another twist to the plot I had not been expecting. I chuckled, not because I found him funny, just because I knew my two best friends would be hollering on the sidelines hearing this guy’s words. Half a year spent staring at me from the shadows, avoiding eye contact and aggressively watching me when I wasn’t looking, now stood in front of me, looking just as nervous as I felt on the inside, asking me to hang out with him. What sort of alternate universe have I accidentally entered this morning?
“Okay, sure.” He didn’t need to know I actually had one more class. He had finally approached me, was talking to me, looking at me, and acknowledging my existence as one should normally do. That sounded like a good enough reason for me to skip my last class, I’m sure anyone would understand.
“Oh, that’s…” The flush on his cheeks became more prominent now, and he bit his plump bottom lip to stop his lips from spreading into a huge smile, “nice.”
I hummed and offered him a small smile, actually feeling excited about how things were turning out. Even five minutes ago if someone would’ve come up to me to tell me that he’d finally approach me and even ask to hang out, I would’ve laughed in their face.
“Oh, I’m Song Mingi, by the way.” He clumsily reached his hand out, staring at me expectantly. I was so used to his sharp gaze on me that I found myself holding his gaze with a wider smile now, grabbing his hand, and giving it a firm shake. Song Mingi didn’t have to know that I already knew more about him than I should’ve, considering the fact that we were strangers until now. Really, before you start calling me creepy and a stalker, social media exists these days. And let’s be honest, if a mildly attractive guy keeps staring at you every chance he gets, wouldn’t you also be even just a little bit curious about who he is? Call me a magician or simply skillful when it comes to finding people on social media, but it’s been over three months now that I have known his name, and, well, birthday. I might be one of those crazy astrology girls, huge emphasis on being sarcastic right now, astrology girls are awesome when they aren’t fighting demons and regretting every life choice upon one glance at one’s birth chart.
“Lovely finally knowing your name, Song Mingi,” I chuckled, releasing his hand, watching as his eyes widened a little bit, “Oh, you certainly can’t think I haven’t noticed you staring—”
“Oh, I’m sure you have!” Mingi cut me off, chuckling awkwardly, “I didn’t make it very subtle, to be fair.”
“Not at all.” I chuckled amused, flashbacks of his other three friends huddled around, as if we were in kindergarten or something, staring me down while I walked by with, of course, with Mingi in the middle, watching me with a blank face, fierce eyes boring into the back of my head, “I’m Y/N.”
“You have a beautiful name.” Well, perhaps that would’ve made me choke if I had been drinking something, but to my luck I wasn’t, and so I straightened my back, trying to fight off the shyness threatening to cage me in. So far, at least the very little I knew about Mingi by observing him back when he, miraculously, wasn’t paying attention to me, was that he was quiet. Withdrawn and a little even shy, perhaps, but mostly just content in his own world, unbothered by those around him. He rarely spoke, but when he did, I have noticed his friends fighting demons to not die from laughter. And if he turns out to be a funny guy, bingo, isn’t that what every girl wants?
“Thank you,” You have a beautiful face, but I can’t go saying that to him right away, right? “What do you have in mind? I mean, where do you want to hang out?”
And now let’s hope he’s not some dodgy psychopath who hates my loud laugh and made an elaborate plan to slaughter me the second he gets me alone.
“Would you like to go to a coffee shop or would you prefer walking?” Mingi proposed with a gentle smile, his rather sharp features looking dangerously soft and warm as another blush threatened to flush over his cheeks. If he kept on blushing, I might just die from cuteness aggression, “The weather is really nice today…”
It is, but not nicer than you, Song Mingi, “It is, let’s go for a walk, maybe?”
“A walk it is, then.” Mingi sealed the deal with a firm nod of his head, and I couldn’t help but giggle, trying to remind myself that this was really happening and I wasn’t in some alternate universe, or even in dreamland. Wouldn’t be too surprising if this interaction was just a fraction of my imagination; my mind is a scary place when it becomes delusional.
“Would you like to go to the park up on the hill?” That was the nicest park in our city, and well, at this time of hour it was littered with just the perfect amount of people to not become bothersome, but neither scarce. Not that I have trust issues—I do—but this is a complete stranger I just accepted to hang out with, and quite shockingly, I do not wish to become the next true crime topic of some youtuber.
“It’s a lovely spot, but…” Mingi suddenly looked slightly embarrassed as he ruffled his silver-blonde hair, rings glinting deliciously under the sunlight, “it’s a bit far from our university and…I don’t have a car.”
I quickly waved the ridiculous words away as I watched Mingi become more embarrassed, “Don’t worry about it, I have one. We can still go.”
“But…I don’t want you to use fuel just for us to—” I reached out as I grabbed his arm, the sudden physical contact stunning Mingi into silence. Oh, did he also feel the charged spark and instant butterflies taking off in my stomach? Or was I starting to like this guy without actually getting to know him first…
“While fuel is expensive, I love to drive.” I smiled sweetly at him as Mingi licked his tasty looking lips; I can’t seriously think they are tasty when it’s our first time talking, “So don’t worry about it.”
“Are you sure?” His eyebrows furrowed just slightly as he nervously chewed on his lower lip. I nodded and grinned at him, probably doing something no sane person would’ve done. But I have stopped caring a long time ago about what others consider sane or not. Rising on my tiptoes, I slung an arm around Mingi’s shoulders and yanked his head down, just a little closer to my face as I nodded enthusiastically. The way his face became red shouldn’t have made me feel so giddy.
“Extra super-duper sure, Mingi.” He chuckled and poked my cheek, I guess it was my turn being taken by surprise. We stood like two idiots grinning at each other as I released him and he took a step back, running his fingers through his silver-blonde hair again, drawing my attention to it once again. Oh, how could I have forgotten? He was a Leo, was he waiting for my compliment? But before that, I was curious about one thing, “Hey, why do you always stare at me?”
Mingi’s face went blank for a second and it made me think that perhaps now is when his psychotic side comes to light, meaning I would dodge a bullet quite early on, but no, he rubbed his lips with two fingers nervously and averted his eyes, “Uh, well…obviously I’m into you. I mean, you know, why else would I stare at you so much?”
Oh, and he’s blunt. Don’t you just love a man who gets straight to the point?
“Because you’re a psycho who hates my guts and imagines how to kill me any time he sees me?” I offered another option, and watched as Mingi’s eyes widened to the point they would pop.
“No!” He exclaimed, almost looking scared himself, “God, no! You’re pretty, and attractive, and you caught my eye a long time ago, I was just too much of a chicken to approach you before.”
“Well, what changed?” I raised an eyebrow, and Mingi scratched his nape awkwardly.
“Uh, my friends threatened to tell you if I didn’t do it myself.” I chuckled and motioned for him to follow me as I started walking towards the parking lot of our university.
“Took them long enough,” I muttered under my breath, but Mingi’s eyes fixated on me as he heard me, “Well, Mingi, I also must admit you’ve caught my eye. Mainly because you staring so much made me feel uncomfortable until I got used to it, but…you’re quite handsome yourself upon a closer look, I must admit.”
Mingi chuckled, shooting me an amused lopsided smirk, “Means I’ve got a chance.”
“Means you’ve got a chance.” I looked at him with a grin, our gazes locking for a few seconds.
To date or not to date a Leo, is today’s question.
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↳ Perm. taglist: @jjoongstar @tinyelfperson @thestarskiller
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micksture · 2 months
hello i’m back on the grind and today i bring you the fullbody refs i nearly did a backflip over 🌞 hope you’ll like em
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notes under the cut
- Former Princess of Hell. She resigned from her role and place in the royal home because if she didn’t, she wouldn’t be able to fulfill her dream of redeeming Sinners. Her parents had different plans and expectations for her, and deem her as an embarrassment. Charlie lived in a dingy apartment and worked a couple of jobs for a few years to gather money. She struggled, but she finally earned enough to afford an empty, run down building. At the start, she and the gang will have to start rebuilding and renovating it to make the hotel she planned to build :p
- More goat motifs (ears, nose, horns, pupils, legs and hooves)
- Doll-like joints, which make her movements awkward and robotic at times
- Fangs and buck teeth <3
- Fluffy, puffy hair!!! The color is a mix of Lucifer’s hair back when he was still an angel (golden) and the hair he has now, after falling (red)
- One snake on each side of her head. Both of them are different species and have different personalities. They’re also super venomous, but she doesn’t rlly use that ability
- A mole under her left eye because I just couldn’t help myself hehe
- Tail that she can’t retract and has all the time. It’s a bit too short and just bothers her most of the time by accidentally knocking stuff over
- A blue ‘blouse’ (it’s actually a long sleeve top with buttons printed onto it, kinda like those silly faux tuxedo t-shirts) and shoes with accents of the same color, as any variant of blue is a vital part of the very loose dress code for the hotel’s workers. She also wears blue earrings and always adds a bit of blue to her makeup :3
- Other than that I think her outfit is pretty much similar? At least to the Pilot one
- I tried to sneak in some hearts to her design and just overall make her look friendly and awkward lolz
- Former Exorcist angel. She gained consciousness during an extermination and was discarded solely because of that fact. Exorcists are programmed to be killing machines that feel nothing and don’t ask questions, so when they gain consciousness (which is very rare), their higher ups – so Lute and Adam – get rid of them. Vanhi was found by Charlie two days later, miraculously still alive. Charlie rushed her back to her apartment and slowly nursed her back to health, recognising her as an angel, but not an Exorcist. They’ve known each other for 3 yrs now, and they took some time to grow fond of each other but they’re getting there
- Obviously, the name change… She did used to be called Vaggie (when she was still an angel), changed it after being banished from the holy troops and left behind in Hell
- STRRRONG 💪💪💪💪 probs the strongest one out of the main six characters, at least physically
- Lots of scars all over her body from previous battles
- Long teased hair put up in a high ponytail for practical reasons. The black tips are dyed. Also RACOON TAIL!!!!!!!!
- Some moth motifs, like the antennas that mimic a bow and also her hair kinda resembles the wings of a moth when it is down.
- A funky ahoge (I think that’s what it’s called..) that looks like a halo :3
- A different eyepatch + protective gloves
- She wears a pink and white striped pullover under her blue shirt and she also has mismatched socks 👾
- Angelic spear, obvi.. its’ handle is a little bent in the middle, because Adam tried to snap it in half for dramatic effect and failed LMFAOJEBW BOZO
- He’s a famous pornstar under Valentino’s contract, and he has been for some time now. Before that, he’d perform in clubs
- Lots of Valentino’s influence in his choice of clothing: shorts, boots, the black top, pink gloves + fur scarf, rings and the collar. The only thing that wasn’t gifted to him by the overlord is the pinstriped shirt and hat that he’s had since the very arrival in Hell. ALSO SHOUTOUT TO MY FRIEND FOR THIS IDEA: the buttons on his suit are little flies because he’s a spider!!!!!!
- Six eyes, four arms (but he can also grow out two more), pedipalps and abdomen to rlly play into the spider theme
- His teeth are stained with Val’s red saliva
- He has lots of toned pink spots all over his body. I couldn’t rlly decide on an exact design for his markings and I felt like there was already a lot happening on him so I just went with little pink speckles
- Very fluffy :v
- Powerful Overlord that came back from his seven years of radio silence to invest in the biggest flop of a project in Hell and stick around, seemingly just to laugh at its’ failure
- Toned down colors yay
- Long, pinstriped crimson suit worn over a beige dress shirt, 1930s inspired shoes (they still have the silly hoof prints on the bottom don’t worry) and a tie because I’m sick of the bazillion bowties 👿👿👿
- Voice box located between the top of the knot of his tie and the bottom of his high neck ruff. He often uses it to speak without moving his mouth
- The two sharp ridges that peek from under his neck ruff and have a white glow to them are actually a part of a collar. He’s forced to wear it because of his deal. It’s made of angelic metal, so he can’t really take it off anyway
- For the deer features, I changed his ears to be a little more deer-like, made his antlers bigger and gave him a deer nose :p He has a tail and hooves too but he hides them as much as possible
- No fuckass bob 🙏
- Couldn’t help myself and gave him a pencil mustache 🕴️
- Staff inspired by a 1930s microphone. It can be shortened to a regular mic or expanded to work as a cane!! It's a sentient being and it often adds to situations/conversations by playing sound effects. And yes it does have tiny antlers hehe
- Different monocle
- Some green accents because his magic is green idk
-A former Overlord, long past his prime. His enjoyment of Alastor’s 7 year absence was short lived – now, he has to deal with even more annoying people in the hotel. He works the bar and because of Charlie’s request he’s allowed to only fix up mocktails instead of real alcoholic drinks
- Based his design on a mainecoon cat, so he’s super fluffy. Lots and lots of fur, which is unkempt because he gave up on trying to care for it a while ago
- Owl wings. His right wing is clipped (because of the deal with Alastor) and he can no longer fly. He can’t even expand this wing to its’ full length without having to painfully strain it to get it to move out even a little bit
- boy why u so eyebrow…….
- I live for chubby Husk <3
- A bunch of scars
- A rough beard and a droopy mustache
- A stained, patterned blue shirt with rolled up sleeves and a missed button at the top, tiny magician hat, black pants + suspenders and a green cloth to wipe empty glasses
- Give this poor man a break…
- Used to work at a tailor shop and one day, she came across Alastor when he went in to get his suit fixed after a fight. Rather than being presented with a deal offer, she offered her soul to him herself. He agreed, of course, but he was so weirded out by this that he decided to spare her life to further observe her antics. They’ve grown fond of each other and now have a father-daughter relationship of sorts
- I rlly leaned into the idea of her being a bug… She’s a grasshopper/ant mix, so she has antennae and mandibles
- Fluffy, glowy hair that she curls with hair rollers every day
- Green eye (same shade as her dress)
- Freckles :3
- Big patterned dress, a matching head scarf, blue apron and blue cleaning gloves
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rotdistressxox · 5 months
hello! I’m was wondering if you were willing to make headcanons sfw / nsfw about Jun Seki from Kengan, you don’t have to no worries!
Sure why not hehe
Headcanons: Jun Sekibayashi
!Nsfw after the cut.
• Listen, pro-wrestlers are BUSY. So you're most likely going anywhere and everywhere with him.
• Will probably make you wear an outfit with his name/epithet on it to cheer him on.
• He does the cooking. Expect a fully stocked fridge and pantry because this man is literally the phrase "so hungry I could eat a horse"
• Yes, he also makes you meals for work too. They are very filling, so you won't be hungry until dinner.
• Spoils you with expensive gifts. While he lives humbly(for the most part), he wants to make sure you're always happy if he's away. It's also kind of a way for him to mark you if the gift is wearable.
• Don't worry about other people flirting with you, your relationship with him his pretty public. If someone doesn't get the hint that you're his, he will make it obvious. Take that any way you want.
• Tacking onto that, he never gets jealous. He knows his boundaries pretty well and is pretty secure.
• Isn't afraid of PDA. Go ahead and kiss all over his face after he buys you a pair of shoes you've been wanting for a while.
• Whoever is a friend of his, is a friend of yours. So you're pretty well acquainted with his buddies (Okubo, Jose, Koga, Lihito...etc) They love having you around.
• Has to lean over to hug you (unless you're his height or close to it)
• Makes you watch every action movie he's watched just because. Including seeing the new and corny ones.
• He has a stubble. When you kiss him, it tickles your lips and chin and makes you giggle.
• Speaking of, he loooooovvveessss your laugh. Never misses a chance to crack a joke or two.
• A switch, leans more to top
• Is well versed in all things pleasure. Won't make you do anything crazy at first and is gentle.
• Despite his usual personality, he's pretty serious during sex.
• When entering you, he does it slow until he's half-way in. Then he presses your hips into his in a quick motion, it never fails to catch you off-guard.
• Moderately paced thrusts at the beginning, more towards the end does he actually pick up the speed and make you hold on for dear life.
• Not super vocal, but vocal. Cusses and groans. "Yeah's" repeated in your ear or under his breath
• His favorite position is cowgirl. Loves seeing you ride him as he bucks into you.
• Yes, he does wrestling-sex positions.
• If you want to tie him up and tease him, he's all for it. If you wanna get up in a dom/dominatrix look, he will GLADLY bottom. Definitely has a thing for latex and leather.
• Likes quickies. The mostly likely place or time you'll have them is right before a fight.
• ALWAYS WEARS PROTECTION unless you're on birth control or have other contraceptives. Has his own signature line of condoms too. Belive it or not.
• Very high sex drive. Can last all night long if you want him to. Unless he's had a stressful day. Or on a rare occasion that he's not in the mood.
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lidiaissunlit · 2 months
Can I request cabin specific headcanons for cabin 15? Thank you!
child of hypnos head canons !
a/n: thank you for the request! i was so excited to research for this one!! i had the longest day at work today ;-;
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💤 can observe other's dreams (and they do it frequently)
💭 not the quiet and reserved type that every one thinks they would be
🧺 honestly pretty chaotic
💤 when they're not sleeping, they're day dreaming
💭 super creative and great at coming up with storylines
🧺 can knock you out without even touching you
💤 on rare occasion, they can mess with your dreams
💭 creating intricate storylines just to lightly stress you out
🧺 gives the best cuddles
💤 it's like sleeping on a marshmallow
💭 when they're not asleep, they're charming, funny, and energetic
🧺 they're not drowsy 24/7
💤 can speak to people through their dreams
💭 makes the best cup of tea/hot chocolate/warm milk
🧺 eternally grateful for you if you decide to save them some dinner (they slept through it)
💤 will always invite you to their cabin for some well deserved rest
💭 bc EVERYBODY in camp sleeps best in cabin 15
🧺 knows how to fold a fitted sheet hehe
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celestialprincesse · 7 months
so yk how like nerd!readers usually have collections? yes, collections. i have obsessions over a lot of things. im a "nerd" for dinos, coffee, dark romance books, cats, bla bla. yes. im a handful. hah.
then how they usually dont sleep. how I usually dont sleep lmao. then he comes home to reader studying or completing work, thesis, reports you name it. or maybe back to reader just waiting for him with those almost dead,baggy eyes. like "oh hey, fuck im sleepy". oh my ive been there. had my friend coming over and she saw me flopped on the floor, papers everywhere, highlighter in mouth while my empty coffee mug had crunched papers haha. also, 3 days of thesis(s)
then reader binges a lot. on books, series, documentaries, anything that keeps them away from being loneliness. i love crime and history oh hell yes. usually watch them war docus haha. then the crime ones are addicting. or for fun, id watch cooking shows, thanks to that habit, im a pro chef (lol) im an ambivert, thus, yes i can socialise. i had my housemate come with me shopping. she's a pilot so she's rarely home. she followed me to the mall, nearby cafe's, some local shops and i was saying high to all the shopkeepers. she was like, "you know everyone?" "yep, get pretty lonely :D" yea..i could imagine Simon just watching in confusion haha. i have..adopted 2 cats to keep me entertained...sorry Simon :D
hehe, i have more but this is all for now love! <333 i wanna know how it is on your side :DD
Honestly, it's pretty much the same for me. I'm big on collecting things too, mostly books and jewellery and the occasional kitschy antique I stumble upon at my local thrift. I also sleep a lot (but always at weird times) because my brain keeps me up at night whirring about the most random nonsensical things.
I like to think that Simon sort of takes charge of he and nerdy!readers relationship when they're working on a big research project because they just entirely forget how to function. I'm talking hoisting them over his shoulder to get to bed, plugging in their laptop so it's fully charged in the morning. He asks them questions about their interests just so that he gets the opportunity to shove a granola bar or some berries into their open mouth, otherwise they'll get so focussed they forget to eat. He'll drag them to the gym or on a walk with him just so that they can get some fresh air and exercise, because sitting at a desk for all hours of the day for weeks isn't healthy, despite how much they try and convince him it is.
Honestly? I also think that Simon would be super pro his partner getting a pet. He's down to do basically anything that will give them a break from freaking out over their studies, and he'd really like them to have some company when he's away on deployment, so at least if they don't leave the house, they won't be entirely alone.
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skele-bunny · 5 days
cough anyways: ,,, water dew and delta pretty pleaseeee,,,,
There's a pipebomb in your mailbox that in 1.2 seconds will detonate. Expect it.
Where to start!! They first met in the open bay in the hospital, accidentally being sat next to each other. Just sniffing, pawing, trying to figure out this summon-mate... Unfortunately, the thing is, waters newly summoned can't be around each other that close at ALL. They're super vicious to those not from the same territory. Long story short, they tried mauling each other LMAO. They got separated and eventually had the slow meeting and calm around one another. The others tease them about it. "hey remember when you guys tried to kill each other?"
Delta was super attractive to Dew. He's never met an albino water before, just pure white that glows red and pink. Delta thought Dew was the most attractive thing he's ever seen, too. Once they were able to get past their territory differences and started being around each other, they kept attempting to court one another in the further months hehe. Little things like Dew ruffling his spine for Delta, and in return Delta would give his fallen teeth for him to have.
Swim!!! Obviously!!! They didn't really like swimming alone that much, and could always be found together in the lake; rare when not. Delta as a Moray Eel and Dew as a betta fish, they kept hiding and finding each other just for little chases. Delta was mainly the hider and Dew the seeker, just so curious and loved leading on the "hunt" for him. Delta preferred swimming at night but didn't mind negotiating with Dew to swim at sunset instead!
Speaking of hunt!!! Delta usually had the chore of assisting others with fishing and he always snuck a salmon to Dew since he knew it was his absolute favorite. Dew learned how to make sushi and he'd constantly pack Delta's lunch with at least 2 sushis rolls inside with tempura!!
Sometimes Delta would have difficulty with their second row of teeth, and Dew wouldn't mind helping brush and care for them. Dew didn't need the help but Delta always returned the favor for their own double fangs. Also is the one to help Delta with their angel fangs piercings once they got them. "You didn't have enough teeth already?"
Nesting to the fucking max. There's a little hideaway they found after spending the entire day travelling the lake, and have both a land nest and a water nest. Lotta seaweed, coontails, sunken lily pads, hydrilla, tape grass, and even small pebbles to outline it. If you see bubbles in there, don't ask. Their land one is in Delta's room as his room is bigger. So many plushies, blankets, pillows, and their clothes thrown in. Sometimes there's hoarded snacks within the mound, so they just have to dig around and not get up :3
Always linking tails during practice!!!! Delta is super stoic and doesn't move a lot, so it's such a different comparison to Dewdrop who's literally bouncing around, head banging, stomping, and swaying. They still have fun a whole bunch and always leans against each other. It sounds super cool when Dew is able to join them, two bases at once? Phew.
Spicy wise? Good god save us all. (CW - LACTATION, BREEDING KINK, EGGS)
It seemed like after spending more time together their heat/rut synced and everyone heard about it. Literally. It happened once during tour and Papa had to invest in headphones for everyone while they secluded Delta and Dew to the lounge. LOUD. AND HYPNOTIC. Before the headphones, Omega literally had to hold Alpha back. "YOU WILL BE EATEN IN THERE DO NOT!!"
Dew's always had a high egg count, now add in Delta's tentacle pumping him full? Honestly looked knocked up each time JENEKD. They preferred having sex in the tub or lake, but obviously that wasn't always possible so they'd make do. Big about breeding and Delta purring about fertilizing the eggs. They were so thankful birth control exists once they came out of their haze LMAO.
The one thing Dew honestly didn't like about their sync is Dew's chest would get super swollen and get ready to produce. Birth control or not, unfortunately that's how water ghoul anatomy is :,) Delta didn't mind helping massage the issue he helped cause, but sometimes the others would as well. Dew just melted in his hold and whining. Water ghoul milk is a lot more watery, too. One time Pebble tugged Dew's nipple, it shot out, and Delta had to coax Dew out of the bathroom while sobbing from the embarrassment after biting Pebble for doing that.
A specific thing before water ghouls fuck is they fight. Rain does this too, but he's a lot more docile since it's not with another water. One time they were in the common room, just growling and hitting at each other, fangs bared with blood. Aër tried separating only to see Dew's pants off and Delta's tentacle out, both calm the moment they seen him. "Oh! Sorry Aër, did you wanna join?" They got banned from having sex in the common room.
So about the bubbles in the water nest.... Yeah it's just Dew saying he wants to fuck. Betta fish do that to make little nests to prepare for eggs and it's very much an invitation for Delta when they're laying in their little nest. Loves touching over Delta's slit and coaxing his tentacle out just to show his own slit and teeth spread for him. Just pressed completely against each other, biting, clawing, and squirming together and desperate to keep their tails as close as possible.
Little freaks who I love so so much
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simpinberry · 1 year
Hii xx
could you do bella ramsey hcs where reader is jealous of bella because shes with other girls but then they end up together in the end 🫶
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heyyyy, i’m backk. i tried to make this as healthy as possible while also adding a bit of spice to it. i hope i interpreted this correctly <3 should i also write jealous!bella hcs? hehe lmkk
established relationship, jealous!reader, kisses and cuddling
bella is fine as hell (we all agree, can i get an amen) so naturally lots of people want them. bella is very much in the public eye and has got promotional duties as an actor. she has to go to lots of events like fashion shows, premiers, award shows and interviews. they’re gonna meet lots of ppl and you’re usually extremely proud and happy for them! u pride yourself on not being the jealous type.
usually bella doesn’t text when she’s working/at events, mostly because she gets too overwhelmed and would rather be focused and present where they are. so you decided to go on twitter and check up on how it was going. unfortunately smth about a video of bella with a bunch of girls at a fashion show didn’t sit right with you. they were surrounding her and getting too close. bella didn’t do anything wrong and was being super polite as usual but the girls were all extremely pretty. they were all so elegant and looked so incredibly cool. it was both dumb and understandable at the same time. you trusted bella for gods sake. you shrugged the thought away and tried to go on about your day.
you ended up calling your best friend to rant about the whole situation because you couldn’t get it out of your head, “listen it’s not like i wanna go to these events and it’s fine that she talks to other girls i just ugh, i’m so jealous and i hate it”. your best friend told you exactly what you expected her to, “bitch just talk to them istg, you’re overthinking it too much”. ofc you spent another 30 mins ranting about it but you knew you were gonna do the healthy thing at the end of the day.
“honeeeyy i’m homeee” you hear bellas mocking american accent before you even see her. she finds you curled up on the couch binge watching willow. with a quick kiss to your forehead she heads upstairs to take a shower after such a long day. god, u have to talk to them about this.
by the time bella gets out of the shower you’re already settled into bed, comfy as hell tbh. crawling her way into bed, they lay next to you, facing you. “babe, you awake?” “MHMMM” you had to make your move now. “how was the fashion show today?” bella being the cutie she is, tells you everything. talks about her favorite looks, a fit she took a picture of because they thought it would look good on you and how she ran into her past costars. as much as you love hearing about her day you’re overthinking and trying to find the perfect moment to talk to her abt ur jealously and all the girls and how pretty they are and how you’re scared and worried and god so so jealous and how you feel- “can i confess smth?” bellas face drops and she’s full of concern. “DID U EAT MY LAST MUFFIN CUZ ISTG” oh, that’s what they’re worried about. “no, not this time….. i’m, i mean i was, kinda super jealous today. cuz like you were with all these pretty girls at the show and they were surrounding you and god- ik how fine you are and how lucky i am but i just felt,,,, like rlly jealous”
iwl bella was a bit shocked by your sudden outburst. you’re rarely ever jealous so this was a first, maybe a second. “mhmm i understand, i didn’t think you were the jealous type but i get it” she takes your face into her hands, you snuggle into her touch. “i know it’s hard dating someone in the public eye, i’ve actually embarrassingly asked pedro for advice on this before. thank you for telling me though, my love. a little bit of jealousy is normal. in myyyy expert opinion it means you need some reassurance and lottts, lottts and lottssss of kisses”
this idiot. they always know how to turn smth like this into a good thing. “yeah sure i mean those girls were nice and everything but at the end of the day i only want you and i’m just as lucky to have you darling” they bring you into a sudden kiss. melting into the kiss, you tangle your legs together to be as close as possible. It was a tense, reassuring and urgent. she poured a lot into that kiss and you gladly accepted it all.
i’d like to think she’d make an extra little effort in the future to make you feel more secure. whether that’s with physical affection, words, time or gifts. bella is yours and they wanna make sure you always remember that.
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thelittlediaperidol · 4 months
Hello! Do you post anywhere else? You post great content and seem so very genuine, but Tumblr has been so aggressive with their moderation.
I do! But I’m super careful on Tumblr these days because you can get banned whether you break the rules or not, is all about whether or not you’ve had a large amount of people report your post then it will get hidden and if that happens enough your account will get deleted….
so is important when using tags to not use ddlg tags or commonly searched words like “sexy gir” or anything that a large amount of vanilla people would be searching for because if you do a lot of those people get freaked out or weirded out and they will report the post even if there’s no rules broken. My first Tumblr reached just about 200,000 followers before it got deleted with no explanation and no way to appeal… so almost all of us, girls have back up tumblers, which is allowed, in case our mains get deleted, which happens pretty frequently, even though I’ve been in the top 10 a few times there are certain models that are basically untouchable for whatever reason, you will never see the ABbTumblr page get deleted, You will never see Apple or Faye’s account deleted As well as some of the other girls that have been doing this for like seven years or more. but 70% or more of our revenue comes through people that find us on Tumblr… so is a necessary evil in my opinion 🫠 thas why I’m a dumb drooly baby cuz dada take care of all that for me, we are a team 🥰. I think I’m probably one of the only girls that actually lives as a baby 24 seven. dada an I do have serious thoughts when buying a new home or car. I have never actually called him by his real name. I have always only called him, Dada or daddy hehe. but at this point I’ve been in diapers 24 seven for so long I have legitimately forgotten what it feels like to be potty trained or to have the ability to hold in number one or number two. is tha ultimate humiliation an dada always pulls my diaper band back to see if my diaper is dirty or not yet, no matter where we are or what we’re doing. no even though we carry around a diaper bag, powder, etc. and my stuffy We are very careful out in public to never expose our kink to anyone, but there have been a few accidents, like if I’m leaning over to grab something off the bottom shelf there has been times where my diaper is in full view, and when I turned around there is like 20 or more people looking! So that was utterly terrifying and humiliating, and I legitimately did not mean to do that tha diapers are so normal and natural to me at this point that I usually don’t even think about them. they have gotten to the point where there is many times where I haven’t even realized that I pooped my pants until dad walks in and announces it to me and whatever friend I’m with whether they are fellow models or not, all of my friends already know, and they’re OK with it, being off by your husband to have your poopy diaper changed oh, while your best friend knows exactly what you just did is so incredibly humiliating being humiliated like that is one of my biggest turn ons… you have to be so careful to be respectful of our community and of our friends so I’ve had talked with all my friends and asked if it’s OK that this an dada leading by tha arm to a handicap bathroom and then bring me back, fresh and clean, usually with a bottle in my hand. I always ask my friends if they want to try and it’s rare that they say yes, which is perfectly OK! But every now and then one of them is curious and they want to try wearing a diaper and sucking on the pacifier when we play video games…i can tell some of them want to try so badly but they’re way too embarrassed to admit it but a few of them have played mommies in the videos with me or mistaken babysitters, that somehow went to the wrong house and think I’m the toddler that needs to be babysitted regardless of how much I protest or beg! but we never suddenly spring this, on any of our friends ever, we usually write a script, tell them what I do for a living, if they have any sign of interest, they tell them more, and I invite them to join in and some capacity if they would like to, but never pressure, always all about consent, Then, even before I considered myself, an ABDL i really should have been in diapers because of always had a very weak bladder that led to many many embarrassing accidents over the years…
but this is the life I wanted to live and it genuinely makes me happy and we make a good living doing this. Of course, every single person in my life, including all of my family members and extended family members no now thanks to a nasty cousin of mine, telling everyone… happened a long time ago and it doesn’t bother me anymore except for the fact that my girl cousins that are my age know that I’m wearing a messy diaper when a Thanksgiving dinner and they know when I get pulled to the side by daddy what’s going on (mega red cheeks).
Never wanted to involve my family in any capacity whatsoever, but we were forced to and I didn’t lie about it. I just said that I need them and this is just how it is now….
Littlediaperidol #babygurl #I needmydiapers
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woohoo ! beep bop beep bop ! the anon who requested the latest hurt/comfort here :3 think i will write here more often >< only if you don’t mind ofc ! ! i’ll keep my name as anon bunny now
but omgomgomg can you imagine childe having an even bigger form? like, maybe he has this super duper secret thing just in case for a few very specific battles, where he would need the advantage of being physically,, well,, bigger. taller and stronger. dont mind the sleepy anon bunny, just thinking of how Foul Legacy would look ( in that form ) next to a vertically challenged reader
hehe ~ ><
ahhh hello hello!! i would love to see you pop into my inbox more often, anon bunny, and i hope you liked the fic i wrote!!! :D
consider this: dragon-ish Foul Legacy, with armor-like scales and a form big enough to easily pick you up by the back of your shirt with his mouth. he rarely uses it, the amount of energy it takes for him to maintain such a form usually putting him to sleep for several days afterwards, but you manage to catch him transformed by chance, and oh, you're DELIGHTED! he's even taller than usual, crossing his legs around you as you sit on the ground, toying with your hair with very deep, rumbling purrs. you can only hold one of his claws with your hand, and Legacy delicately prods your shoulder with a knuckle so he doesn't accidentally scratch you, chittering at your surprised laugh. his armor is also even stronger like this, so you can bite and gnaw his wrist and hand to your heart's content
Legacy loves curling around you in this form, easily able to both hold and rest his head on your lap, and now you can give him even better scritches behind his horns!! his rumbles fill the air, almost making you physically shake as he tucks you closer. to him, this is the best way to fall asleep, as he always does after using this form, snuggled up against you with your hands raking through his soft ginger hair. you watch as delicate crackles of violet lightning wrap around him, leaving Foul Legacy back in his normal state and deeply asleep, gently pulling a blanket over his shoulders. you'll stay nestled up beside him for as long as you can- he'll be out for a few days- listening to his soft breaths and grumbles in his slumber before he regains the energy to wake up again
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