#It's the only time I would be brave enough to include this little photo and my romantasy complains xD
atalienart · 11 months
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Well... what can I say :|
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sparkrls · 7 months
simple questions
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Summary: in which Harry is eager to makes his girl happy and she just wants answers to simple questions
Author’s Note: a blurb i wrote based on these Harry pics because I am NOT over it
Word Count: 2.6k words
Her boyfriend was an idiot. That’s what Y/N resolved as she watched him stumble over his words as he was asked a simple question of, “Who’s the girl you’re with?”. It wasn’t even anyone important asking, just a fan who’d noticed Harry and felt brave enough to ask for a photo, albeit with hands that shook as she passed over her phone.
It had started as Y/N’s idea. She knew she was entirely at fault for Harry’s nerves, but it wasn’t even completely her idea. She had just asked him, “Have you ever had a public outing with a partner?”
It was an innocent question, asked due to pure curiosity, not with any ulterior motive as Harry suspected. He had given her a look, trying to get a read on her intent behind those words. He tended to do that a lot. Doubt people’s words, like they had some double meaning, and they were trying to trick him into making a fool of himself. She had a tough time getting him to trust her enough as to not doubt her as much, but the trust issues slipped through every once in a while.
Harry then stumbled over his words, the way a newborn doe might trip and fall as it clambered onto its frail legs. Simple questions were never his forte. He could answer you deep, philosophical questions and ponder them in his mind without hesitation, but it was the simple questions that tripped him up. A whole conundrum, if you asked Y/N.
Eventually, Harry admitted, “No.”
She’d stared at him with a deadpan expression, because it had taken an extraordinary amount of ‘um’s and ‘uh’, along with some weird humming sounds to get a one-word answer from him.
So she followed up with, “Don’t you wanna?”
“Do you want me to do it with you?”
“Well, no, I was just asking because-“
“I’ll do it with you,” Harry rushed to say.
Sometimes he tended to rush himself into doing favors for people he didn’t really want to do. A tendency lots of overly kind people had. And he’d always have this particular warm, soft tone when he did. And she loved that little tone that indicated he was feeling kind. But lots of times he regretted agreeing to those things and would stumble home to her apartment, grumbling and griping about whatever stupidity he’d been forced to do. So it grew into a strange mixture of adoration and disdain for that tone. Because she never liked to see her boy tired to the bone because he was too polite to back away from a promise. (Although she did love running her fingers through his soft hair until he fell asleep with his head on her lap)
This time, however, Harry wasn’t using that warm tone. It was a much different one, a bit of a higher pitch, and with a much sweeter undertone. It was a tone he used when he was trying to win the favor of his girlfriend.
She chuckled, “Baby, I didn’t ask you to-“
Harry had one arm rested on her waist and the other underneath the pillow she rested her head on. “But I wanna,” He said with a small pout, an almost whiny quality to his words. His cherry lips looked so kissable when they stuck out that way. “Wanna show the world you’re mine.” He leaned up until his nose was nuzzling her neck, and his lips brushed against her collarbone. “Mine and only mine.”
His lips clamped down on her skin, sucking at it for a moment before allowing his teeth to nibble lightly. Sharp stings followed wherever his teeth sunk in so deliciously, sending sparks throughout her whole body.
Y/N had learned early on that Harry had a very possessive side to him. He’d spent years feeling that everything he was belonged to the public, including all the dirty details of his personal life and his friends and partners. And now he had regained that privacy (he’d had to pry it by force from the unfailing grip of the media), he wanted to claim everything as his own.
It was why Harry was so fiercely protective of his friends and loyal to a fault. He felt the incessant urge to always stick by their side. He finally knew what it was like to have something belong to him, and it was his greatest fear to lose it.
After a lot of therapy, communication and compromise, Harry had not only found a healthy balance for himself but for his relationship with Y/N as well. A certain possessiveness that she wouldn’t deny him because she could never refuse anything he asked, and it was just part of who he was. But a harsh line as to not become controlling or overprotective as Harry had threatened to do in previous relationships.
The habits snuck into their daily lives, as Harry had a tendency to leave marks where everyone could see them. Therefore, the hickeys on the neck which Y/N always had to cover with concealer because she despised turtlenecks with a passion.
“Love, I’m not doubting your choice,” she began to speak, interrupted by Harry leaving open-mouthed kisses from her jugular up to the base of her jaw. And it was getting hard to think straight when his lips were on her and his tongue was tracing delightful patterns.
Y/N cleared her throat trying to focus. “However, I don’t want this to be an impulse decision. Think it through.”
Harry separated his lips from her skin long enough to murmur, “I’m sure. I wanted to make it public to everyone soon anyways, might as well go out together.” As he spoke, his warm breath grazed against her sensitive skin, causing goosebumps.
“Go out where?”
“The Man U match, obviously.”
And that was why Y/N spent the next week fussing over her choice of hairstyle, whether to leave her natural waves or straighten it or straighten it and then create strategically messy waves. And then freaking out on the phone to her best friend about whether her outfit was a good choice or not. Because of course, she had to look stylish for her first public appearance with Harry- those photos would be circulating the internet until the day she died- but she also had to dress for the unforgiving winter and plan for rain. Even if she was going to be in the VIP suite with Harry, the entrance and exit could possibly have rain, and she couldn’t always count on an umbrella. She’d learned that the five times she’d gotten stuck in the rain while waiting at a too-full bus stop in peak traffic in London.
The point was, Y/N didn’t want to let down Harry nor the fans by wearing the wrong hairstyle, clothes or makeup. Resulting in overthinking every tiny detail down to the jewelry.
The morning of, it was Harry who soothed her nerves saying, “Love, if you don’t want to do it we don’t have to. It was always a choice.”
“I want to, but it’s just…” She looked up at him with a shaky breath. “It’s scary.”
“We can wait,” Harry replied, placing her face in his hands, his thumb caressing her cheek. “We’ll stay home and watch the game on the telly, we’ll wear our sweats and I’ll order in some food from that Thai place you’ve been wanting to try.”
Taking a good look at Harry from top to bottom, from those dress pants that clung to his thighs in the most delightful manner, and the button-up that tragically hid his well-sculpted biceps to the sweater vest he’d bought the first time they’d gone shopping together. He looked so soft and warm, yet so confident and sure of himself. Like a scale that had finally found balance.
Harry had an energy that screamed youthful, but he’d recently settled into the warm feeling of peace that came not with age, but the realization that chaos wasn’t necessary to be happy. He wasn’t afraid of his career always being on the chopping block, or the precarious opinions of outsiders. He had found himself, and with it, found an inner peace he’d never had before.
And it showed. From the way he dressed, to the courage of him showing up to their hotel room with the surprise of a shaved head one day, to the way he carried himself so firmly. He was centered. He was calm. And he was happy.
This was the first time everyone else would get to see Harry after the latest stage of his self-discovery. And Y/N wouldn’t be the one to hold him back. “No, I want to go,” she said firmly. “But I want you to pick my outfit.”
To no one’s surprise, Harry picked an outfit that was primarily made up of clothing from his own closet, completely shoving aside the outfit she had previously picked out for herself because, “Babe, I have better taste than you.”
Y/N didn’t have bad taste, but when it came to fashion, she laid her trust in Harry… most of the time.
The only thing he kept were the jeans she’d picked out, a new pair she’d gotten recently which flattered her figure. They were high waisted and cropped at the ankle, the color a grayish tone of the classic denim. Most importantly, they highlighted her ass. The one thing that no matter how insecure she was, she always loved. And Harry did as well, if the way he swatted her ass playfully a couple of times a day was any indication.
He paired it with a long-sleeve white top that clung to her skin, a green sweater on top that was slightly baggy on her figure as it was one of his and one a black coat that would keep her warm. Harry was careful to make sure all the layers would keep her warm even in the winter air, as he knew she tolerated much less cold than he did.
“Cute,” Harry said with a dimpled smile when she finished putting on the outfit and gave him a twirl to showcase it. “You’re really pretty, darling.” He hooked his fingers through her belt loops and yanked her forward until she almost toppled into his chest as he sat on the edge of his bed. He gave her a soft smile, the kind he gave her right before a heartfelt message- “And ten times prettier because I chose the outfit.”
Y/N swatted his arm playfully at his joke, and he simply laughed, the corners of his eyes crinkling up. “It’s a basic outfit.”
“Aw, don’t be mean because the outfit I picked out is better than the one you did.”
“You’re such a bully.”
Harry grinned at her. “Is that so?”
She nodded in mock earnestness. “Yeah. I hate you.”
“No, you don’t,” Harry replied simply.
“No, I don’t.”
With a couple of more kisses which included wiping the lipstick from Harry’s lips, the couple got into the car and held hands as the engine started and drove them to the stadium.
“So, we’re cheering for Man U, right?”
Harry sighed heavily. “Love, do you even know me?”
“Okay, okay, I get it,” She said with a chuckle, raising her hands defensively. “Man U for football and Green Bay Packers for the other football.” She gave him an apologetic look. “Sorry baby, but I know nothing about football.”
“I’m going to be explaining all the rules, aren’t I?”
Y/N’s silence was enough of a response.
But then it was time for the most dreaded moment of the day, when they entered the stadium hand-in-hand, walking past press and media and paparazzi.
Harry laced his fingers between hers and gave her a small squeeze before opening the car door and stepping out. He was quick, making her almost jog to catch up with his long strides. He’d warned her he would move hastily as to avoid lingering around the cameras longer than necessary.
There was one quick snap and a small flash and then-
They were inside the stadium and no press could chase them in any longer.
“Wait, that was it?” Y/N asked, glancing at the door they’d just walked through as their pace slowed down.
Harry glanced at her quizzically. “Did you expect more?”
“Well, you always describe it all huge and dramatic, flashing lights and a billion cameras and a huge crowd of screaming lunatics-“
“Football matches are different,” Harry said, chuckling as he interrupted her rant.
“I got worried over that?” Y/N signaled over her shoulder, her jaw dropping. “Seriously?!”
Harry laughed. “What do you expect me to say? You’re an overthinking maniac?”
She huffed, “This is your fault.”
Harry kissed her when her lips pouted. “Love you, darling.”
“Love you too,” She grumbled as they made their way to the VIP suite.
And that’s the full story of how they’d ended up at the Man U match- which they won, thank god, because Harry would’ve teased her relentlessly for being bad luck- and with a fan asking for a photo and asking who Y/N was.
“Um, well- she- we met- me and her-“ Harry couldn’t seem to form a train of thought, so she rolled her eyes and took control of the situation.
Holding out a hand for the fan to shake, Y/N said her name and said, “I’m Harry’s girlfriend. Nice to meet you, babe.”
The fan’s jaw dropped. It was a bit hilarious, but out of sheer politeness, Y/N held back her laughter. “You are definitely hot enough. Cool. Bye.” Turning on her heel, the fan walked away.
Harry seemed in shock as Y/N laughed, turning to him, completely bewildered. “You hear that? I’m ‘hot enough’!”
Without a care in the world of the dozen of cameras probably pointed at them, Harry grasped her face in his hands and gave her a deep, loving kiss.
Y/N scanned his face, a giddy smile on her own, “What was that for?”
“For being my girlfriend,” Harry replied before pulling her back in for another kiss. So maybe she’d allow her boyfriend a celebratory kiss or two or maybe five before they had the decency to move out of sight of the cameras. And just maybe, it wasn’t their last football match together.
Two years later, Y/N and Harry would return to the very same stadium for yet another Man U match, a bit older, a lot more mature and their love stronger after growing roots for so long. The tree flourishing with branches extending to the deeper reaches of her heart, she had never felt so fulfilled. Like the world was so much lighter and easier to endure even with the extra weight of a diamond ring on her finger, and a white gold band identical to the one on Harry’s hand.
“Who’s the girl you’re with?” The fan asked, a 15-year-old girl with her hair dyed blue and a Love On Tour shirt on, her curious eyes scanning Y/N, a flicker of familiarity in them.
Harry smiled, looking his wife up and down, admiring the outfit he’d carefully chosen for her earlier that day. He inhaled deeply, and for once, he didn’t trip over his words as he replied firmly, “This is Y/N. I’m her husband.”
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seramilla · 5 months
God I love the idea of velvette & Odette bonding, like Velvette starts to see Odette as a female figure that she could go to whenever she feels lost or confused or she just simply needs comfort that only an older sister can give.
Odette has interests in things that Velvette would have never considered interesting back then but now, they are simply fascinating to her. (Hc:) Odette likes to do photography sometimes in her free time. It’s not professional or commercial but it’s something, that she enjoys—and Velvette finds it so fascinating that something so simple could be so enjoyable, yet she finds it comforting and interesting to watch as Odette takes photo’s of the blinding lights of the other cities in the pride ring or the animals in the wrath ring.
It’s something that’s so simple yet— Velvette doesn’t want to give it up, and she doesn’t want to give this dynamic she’s built up with the carmine family.
Velvette has no shortage of women in the Carmine household to go to when she has trouble. If she's tired, or needs a snuggle, Clara or Kiki will fit that bill nicely. If she needs to talk fashion, or run over some ideas in her head, Verosika is only a few texts away, or down the hall in Odette's room. She's not quite comfortable going to Carmilla and Sera yet. The older couple will often seek her out if they sense she needs an ear, but she's not yet brave enough to set those types of interactions in motion on her own.
Odette, until recently, was simply the...other sister. Not that Velvette had disliked her, mind you; she just never knew how to approach the stoic woman without being awkward about it. Odette is the biggest introvert Velvette thinks she's ever met -- she's trying to get better at not saying the wrong thing, which unfortunately leads to her not saying much at all, and giving the wrong impression that Velvette doesn't care for her.
The one thing Velvette can appreciate about her, she thinks, is Odette's eye for little details. That includes the talent she recently discovered the older Carmine sister has, which is photography; a skill she herself can greatly appreciate, because she's always trying to learn how to get better at posing and lighting her subjects in her studio. Things like that take her a lot of time, effort, and hard work; for Odette, it's almost effortless. Velvette can choose the picture-perfect outfit and put it on the picture-perfect model, but posing and lighting a scene perfectly in a matter of seconds? That's all Odette. It isn't long until Velvette's curiosity gets the better of her, and she nonchalantly tries to start a conversation about it with her girlfriend's sister.
Odette doesn't go looking for the perfect subjects, but finds that candid moments of people and creatures just existing in their lives provide the best results for her. She tells Velvette to see more with her mind, than simply trying to create the best artificial setting for her portfolio. Velvette starts doing more outdoor shoots after this advice, and is less demanding that her models always strike specific poses. She starts letting them do what feels natural, to let art imitate life, instead of trying to force it on them.
Velvette values Odette's advice, even if her work will never have the perfect composition that Odette's has. That's fine with her, though; even the little things can vastly improve the canvas of her work, and for that, her outfits have never looked better on her models, and they've never appeared more natural and life-like in her clothes. She might not be able to admit it to anyone else, but perhaps Velvette has more she can learn from the elder Carmine sister than she once thought. It couldn't hurt to find out more, at any rate.
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kookblurx · 1 year
1920 - jjk [ chpt 4. ]
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→ SUMMARY: a photo of a beautiful smiling boy; an old tree in your grandparents garden ... and a feeling of sadness. all those things are connected to each other ...
→ GENRE: time travel au; changing fate au; rencarnation au; university au; death; sickness; historical setting; trigger topics; smut; dirty talk; switching between present and the past.
→ chapt. 3 / chapt. 5
→ RATING: 18+
→ NOTE: thank you for blowing up the first chapter with so many reblogs and welcome to all new followers. also if there are any creative people among us, feel free to design a header for this story. i will try to include every pic in the next chapters + linking your account. ( no must! ). Also please enjoy the second chapter <3 DISCLAIMER; this is a piece of art, not many events will be historically correctly.
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The Present:
You waited until your Grandparents went do bed. As the mansion fell silent you finally had the courage to get out of your room. The red skin underneath your eyes indicated that you cried after coming back. to your dissapointment the fairy wasnt with you, no matter how much you had screamed into your room. even the chat guy didnt came online anymore, while so many questions were burning on your tounge. jungkook was a kind man. a kind man who doesnt deserve to die. on tippy toes you made your way over into the library again, sure that there must be something, hidden inside one of the old books. the light was dimm which made it hard to see a thing. only the nearest books were well lit enough to make out the letters on the back of them. with a sigh you pulled 30 books out of their respective place. as you sat down on the ground with them your fingertips slid over the back of each one of them. all of those book were from the year 1918 to 1920. you were sure that you would find something about jungkook in earlier books. books no one had the idea to look into them before you. just because he died in 1920 doesnt mean there arent records about him from earlier.
but as soon your fingers wanted to open the book a knock was heard behind you. your whole body froze, there it was again, another little knock. gulping heavily you turned around to the big window, there was nothing seen beside the huge moon on the sky. there it was again. annoyed you stood up, brave enough to face whatever made that sound. with both hands you opened the huge windows, looking around but there was no one ... until ...
"hey! down here!"
your gaze went downwards into your grandparents garden. at the sight of that stranger you nearly stumbeled backwards. this cant be right? there is no way, right? underneath the small balcony there was a boy, smiling up at you. you knew that smile, of course, because you already saw it two times.
"W-Who are you?" your voice was a whisper but loud enough for him to hear.
"Pff ... you wrote with me earlier. Im Jimin by the way!" before he could shout more you decided to wave him up.
to your suprise Jimin was really skilled in climbing, it didnt took him long to jump on your balcony.
"do i wanna know how you knew where i live?"
another grin from him "your IP adress baby. You should get a VPN when you write with strangers"
you just rolled your eyes as he just went inside, in the meantime you closed the windows. Jimin looked around the library, whistling at all the books. thats when you noticed that he had a huge bag with him. before you could ask he sat down between the scattered books and opened his bag. there were a lot of different documents which he places right in front of him.
"come, im sure this will be of your interest" jimin waved you to him.
a bit hesitant you sat down beside him. it was still so weird. he looked like park jimin, his name was jimin and he even smiled like him. was park jimin his ancestor? shaking your head you took one of the documents into your hands. on the paper were various dates and locations.
"be careful. i need to bring them back later ... i got in a lot of trouble obtaining these. my uncle nearly killed me there" he took another paper and held it in front of your face. it showed a family tree and many more dates. "here look. thats jeon jungkook's family tree. do you notice something strange?"
"it ... stops after him" your fingers traced the letters of his name. underneath the blurry picture and his name .. was nothing. the family stopped continueing.
"exactly. he was the last one. no siblings, no nephews, no cousins. he was the only and the last one of his family."
"so you mean ..."
Jimin clicked with his tounge "the rumour that his family got rid of all the info involving him .. isnt true. because there is no family left. his family and family name died with him."
you couldnt wrap your head around it. if it wasnt his family, who was it then? slowly something struck you as your gaze moved back into jimins face.
"say Jimin, are you ... maybe related to Park Jimin? A guy who was Jungkook's best friend"
"hm yeah. thats why i was able to get all of these. I dont know why they were hidden on our attic tho"
"what was the relationship between your family and the Jeon's?!" out of the blue you grabbed Jimin's shoulders.
"Yah! I- I dont know! i just stumbled over them after i searched the attic for more clues" maybe jimin was really clueless. but what if it was his family who got rid of every trace Jungkook left?
Your hand reached out for another document on the top of it was a picture of Kook. much better quality than the one on the family tree. as usual he was smiling, brightly. you couldnt understand how someone would be able to kill such a positive person. seeing him smile like this and knowing what fates awaited him, made your heart break a bit. Jimin noticed that as he placed a hand on your shoulder.
"why are you so invested in his case? i mean, im a history nerd but you? you dont seem like it"
for a second you werent able to find the right words as they got stuck inside your throat "I ... I just ...-"
the more you looked at the picture the heavier your heart felt. there was something inside your chest, it tightened and suddenly out of the blue you heard the female voice again:
"oh come dont be like that. Smile for me! You know i love your smile!"
your heart grew heavier ... then there was another voice
"why ... why are you always leaving. dont go. what if you die out there?! ... i dont care if its your duty! Please stay with me!"
slowly a tear rolled down your cheek. the document you just had in your hand slipped out of it and onto the ground. jimin tried to shake your shoulder, saying something but you couldnt hear him. because the next thing you heard wasnt a womans voice, it was the voice of a men:
"dont worry okay? i will come back. i always came back to you. you will see, we will be together soon. just wait for me!"
with that sentence the time suddenly stood still. as the tears rolled down your cheeks you finally noticed that the shaking had stopped. slowly you looked around, finding jimin frozen in place beside you. one of your hands reached out to your cheek, wiping away all the tears which just kept going and going.
"you heard it right?" there she was again, the fairy sat down on one of the books. her eyes looked at all the documents on the ground in front of her "you heard his voice and .. her voice."
"that was ... his voice right? Jungkook's voice. it sounded so real ... it sounded like he was right next to me"
the fairy nodded a bit "your life and his fate are deeply connected to each other. it wasnt a coincidence that you came here Y/N. it was fate."
everything was too much. you were always able to hear voices which werent there, back in university. but you always told yourself that you were tired because of all the exam stress you had. now this fairy is telling you why you hear those voices.
"he needs you Y/N. You found another trigger point within those documents ... are you ready to travel again? to the day that picture was taken?" the fairy pointed at the smiling face of Jungkook "dont worry, the time here will stand still. he wont notice that you are gone"
wiping away your tears you looked over to jimin again. the fairy was right, your fate was to help junkook, to prevent the things that had happened to him. slowly you stood up, nodding a bit.
"yes.. im ready. take me to him"
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@junecat18 @hellbornsworld @stupendouscookiehumanmug
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kerubimcrepin · 7 months
Episode 52 - Goodbye. (part 1, out of 2.)
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Judging from the clothes, this story happens after Ecaflip City. Yes, I am analysing a story that never gets told. This is my last chance to get really tin-foil hat-ty with this blog.
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Not Joris leaning on the table cutely... 😭
Also, considering it is no longer snowing, I am assuming this takes place during spring. Therefore, in this episode, Joris is now eight years old! :D
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Kerubim is probably feeling like he's going through his 20th platonic divorce. Even though Simone is literally leaving a job and he's her boss.
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Everyone in this household is somehow traumatized by divorces, despite no marriage even taking place.
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(coughs up blood) It's lore unfriendly if you don't draw Simone and Julie with matching rings. Preferably on their ring-fingers.
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While there is something to be said about the fact that Kerubim is gentle here, and doesn't even seem bothered, — I think it's him putting on a brave face.
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He probably feels like he's losing Simone. And, just like he is going to lose Simone now, he is going to lose Joris. Because Joris is bound to grow up and leave him, or go through a moody teenage phase.
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And after that, are they going to have a good relationship? Is Simone going to visit him? Is Joris going to visit him? Is Joris going to have someone he loves more than him too...? He can't expect either of them to be a part of his life forever, — it's selfish, he already had his chances at companionship with Lou, Bashi, Indie, and Atcham, and he missed them all.
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He can't expect them to be a part of his life forever — both metaphorically and literally. He couldn't have known that the dragon thing would extend Joris's lifespan.
And who knows, if Joris will even like or tolerate him anymore, once he's old enough to actually think.
The impact of this exchange only gets more emotional, if you consider the fact that Joris is now eight years old.
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Simone is going to miss them too. It's probably why she wants them to start a travelling store, — so that the two of them can meet new people, form new connections, once she's gone, — and so that, perhaps, they could visit her too.
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Chances are, the happy atmosphere is a bit painful. He has a lot of reasons to be sad.
He can't just live in a bubble where everything stays happy forever.
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Joris's book he worked on the entire show...
This says "JORIS SECRET"
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They will miss each other a lot.
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Of course the guy who grew up with Kerubim would think this is remotely okay. dfjgksfdg. One last moment of bashing Kerubim's parental skills for the road...
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I love this show.
I love it with my whole heart.
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If they make a second Dofus movie, and don't include Simone in it again, I am not responsible for my actions.
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Not Joris playing with a rock...
He's so used to having Simone, that it feels lonely, to just be with Kerubim again. He hasn't had someone leave in his life, yet, either... This is a first for him.
Also, for the last time in this show, I will translate: the book still says "ALBUM PHOTO".
Just like the other times we've seen it.
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I know Kerubim says that one has to rub it (and calls him a fucking noob), but listen. Listen. I have some pretty big news for Bob:
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There's this little thing called "survivorship bias", and basically——
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anaalnathrakhs · 5 months
Yay!! Your doing ship bingo!! Love it when you do asks!! Vinikki, Tommyvince and terrorcest and to spice it up how about a rare pair John corabi and Mick (don't think they have a ship name) :D
yeah don't worry i love subjecting people to my rants. will never stop. thank you for asking you brave soul.
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Reverse-colored evil star, they are the opposite of silly. They're constantly in the divorce proceedings. Every night they divorce and every morning they get back together. They CAN fix each other but CERTAINLY not by kissing. Cmon guys you can be reasonable I believe in you. I'm not as much of a fan as sooooome people in this fandom but I think they have a fascinating dynamic and I love writing their interpreations even though I've rarely written one myself.
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...cannot be encapsulated by this bingo. They're so casual it hurts. So bestie bros it hurts. They'll never divorce because they were never married, but that FWB arrangement includes cuddles and will last until the end of times.
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DOUBLE BINGO DING DING DING. They can fix each other, but that doesn't mean better for other people around them. In the same band for over forty years that's more marriage than a lot of people who actually went and tied the knot legally. Perfect dynamic, unhealthy 100% functional and arriving rapidly at your location. The only ship Tommy manages (almost) not to make So Silly :3 because of its radioactive levels of serious doomed love toxicity. His constant no-homo on instagram have moved from silliness to straight up a little sad. I'm obssessed w them.
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I'm not gonna lie I know very little about Corabi as a person. This is just an educated guess based on... not much? A couple photos and some social media posts in the past decade or so. Anyway.
I think Mick would get a kick out of being weird and mysterious towards the new guy for a while to confuse him. So that's a REALLY silly thing to base a relationship upon. But I don't know, I think it could work if it happened, they both seem calm and reasonable enough to make anything work. If anything, the divorce would be amicable. Motley crue is a wonderful dynamic that crushes the chosen four and probably isn't very fun for the others either, so I don't think kissing would fix them in the long run, but I think they could have a nice few years of being a nice calming presence in each other's lives. Secret under wraps of course, but they're much more friendly on the outside due to... not having over a decade of baggage at that point.
I have no idea what I'm saying at this point. Hope this makes a modicum of sense lmao
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onstrangerthighs · 1 year
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I'll Find You (Today, Tomorrow, and Yesterday)
For @billyhargrovebingo
TW: suicidal thoughts
--Chapter One: The Funeral--
He stares anywhere but at the framed picture of a clean-cut Billy Hargrove, dressed in a white button-up shirt, something Steve is sure he wouldn’t have been caught dead wearing. In the photo, Billy’s all teeth, his face pulled taut like a rubber band at its limit. A fake smile if Steve ever saw one.
Did he ever see Billy with a real smile?
Yes. Shirts vs. Skins, that day in gym class. He had worn a tired but cheeky grin, cerulean eyes locked on Steve; a famished lion hungry for a challenge, and then some.
He picks at a loose blue thread— the same shade as his eyes.
Steve’s parents had flown in two days earlier when word reached them about Starcourt. Nothing about what really happened, just the official cover story everyone agreed to tell. The last words Steve spoke before going completely mute were “Billy saved us.”
“That color suits you, son,” his mother said as she straightened his collar, something she hadn’t done since he was ten. They’d actually sat together as a family back then.
He’d looked in the mirror on his way out and couldn’t place why, but he’d gotten a little choked up. Yeah, blue looks good on me.
It looked better on Billy.
“Quite the turn out, huh?” Tommy’s voice is the quietest it’s ever been.
Steve scoffs. School had been canceled so everyone would be able to attend the service, so majority of “grievers” were just happy to get a day off.
“He-uh-liked you.”
The program scrunches up in his tightening grip.
“He asked a bunch of questions, wanted to know all about ‘King Steve’,” Tommy laughs hollowly. “He... really came alive around you.”
A lone tear rebels against Steve’s dry eyes and onto the paper.
“If Billy were here right now, ya know what he’d say?”
You only knew him for a few minutes. Then again, Billy did have this strange effect on people, himself included, where he made such an impression that it was like you’d known him forever. He left you breathless, always wanting more of him.
Tommy goes to hug Steve, but instead settles for a shoulder pat, leaving a space that doesn’t stay empty for long.
Was that what happened when people died? Did they just… get replaced?
As Nancy would say, bullshit. Some holes can never be filled by anyone*.* Billy was a tough act to follow. He wasn’t meant to be replaced. He wasn’t meant to die.
It’s far too sunny for a day like this.
“Max is trying to get her mother out of the bathroom,” El - oh, that’s who’s sitting next to him- says. She holds a tissue box close to her chest and squeezes his fist. “Billy was special to me, too. He was a hero, Steve.”
Look what that got him. He died for a town that didn’t give a shit about him when he was alive. He should be here.
“Sometimes I think he should’ve let the Mind Flayer take me. But that wasn’t who Billy was. He was the hero we all needed, and he never got saved. Mike says I’m one a lot… I don’t think any of us are.”
This girl really is much too wise for her age. If anyone knew the real Billy, it’d be El, who had started calling him her big brother.
“You met him. During basketball. You-” El pauses, looking at him sadly before continuing, “you were one of his happy memories. He didn’t have many.”
If he were alive, maybe I’d be brave enough to tell him he made me happy, too. At least I put a smile on his face, even if it was only for a couple of minutes. It was special to him. Was I-
No. No use in going down that road. If only… I’d known sooner how cruel summer could be to stars in Indiana.
“I’ve got you,” Max assures her wobbly mother as she half-drags her dead weight to their seats. When they pass by Steve, they don’t look at him. Susan smells like she drank an entire liquor store in preparation to face her dead stepson one last time, and when Jonathan leaves his own torn family to offer some help, Max hisses at him, “Help? A little late for that, don’t you think?”
Jonathan opens and closes his mouth, because he really can’t argue otherwise. Neither can Steve. Nancy watches the tense exchange from a distance with haunted eyes.
“We… we didn’t kill him, Steve.” She’d whispered over the phone two nights prior, sounding just as guilty as he felt all the same.
“Yeah? Well, we sure as hell didn’t try to help him, either.”
Before Billy’s coffin is lowered into the ground, everyone gets in line with flowers to lay on it… him. Max goes first, barely holding back tears as she sobs her goodbyes. El abandons Steve’s side to hug Joyce, which is understandable. He’s not exactly the warmest person.
“I can’t do this,” Susan cries loudly, dropping her flower.
“Mom! You promised! You said you would do this for him!” Max pleads, hiccupping.
“None of us should be here.”
“Mom, what are you-”
Susan pulls away from her and kneels down beside the coffin, trembling. “I failed him. He was so young! It’s all my fault! All this damned town’s fault! We killed Billy!”
We killed Billy.
As soon as they arrive home, Steve runs to the bathroom and vomits his breakfast. His parents don’t bother checking on him. They’re probably already gone. Now it’s just him and his guilt. He counts sheep until eventually falling asleep. Every few hours he wakes up screaming for Billy to run. To get back in his Camaro and keep driving.
At 12: 00 am, his own screams scare him awake, and his nailed bat isn’t by his bedside like it usually is.
2: 00 am… he pretty much gives up on getting in the mandatory 8 hours. He hasn’t slept since this whole mess with the Upside Down, when he learned that monsters were real. He stares holes through his ceiling. Billy died not even knowing what the fuck was going on. Why didn’t we tell him? So what if it was supposed to be a secret? He deserved to know.
And yet…
You punched him. Your last words to him were “get out.” You could’ve opened the fridge! You could’ve shown him the creepy ass demo-whatever. You never say the right thing, do you? You’ve wasted words and started fights. So many mistakes.
Oh, and you lied to him about his sister. He looked at you like you were a freak. Now you’re feeling sorry for yourself while he’s seven feet under? Typical.
If I could fix it, trust me, I would!
Gifts won’t bring me back, Harrington.
I know.
2: 45 am, and Steve finally dozes off, praying for the first time since his first communion… begging God to kill him.
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silvercaptain24 · 10 months
Should I be working on my secret Santa, yes. But I had feelings…
Looking at his budget and realizing that he wouldn’t be able to give his brothers a Christmas was a sort of final straw. He shut down mentally and emotionally. He had work to do, that kept him distracted. Neither Urbosa nor Daruk would give him the hours he’d been working prior to getting sick, but it was enough to survive on for the moment. Working nearly every one of his brothers’ waking hours kept him from having to sit through his brothers hearing advertisements for games, or toys or books and knowing he wouldn’t be able to provide. It also distracted him from how empty their apartment was without decorations.
Two weeks to Christmas, everything was still empty. Paychecks went to rent and groceries. A knock at the door on his rare Sunday off startled him. He hurried to open the door. He wasn’t expecting anyone, that could only mean something bad...
There was no one on the other side, just the start of a snow falling outside. On the doorstep was a simple cardboard box, clearly worn and reused with labels scratched out and sporting several layers of tape. And on top was a simple handwritten note.
The first of many gifts
Wind and Four peeked around him and Wind braved opening the box. A bunch of fake pine needles broke their confines. A Christmas tree?
“Cool!” Wind pulled the tree out. It was a short 5-foot affair, but in the space they had, it was plenty. It already had lights and ornaments too, small wooden toy soldiers and other wooden ornaments featuring Santas and Reindeer and stars. In the bottom of the box was stockings, the tree skirt and a handful of assorted other decorations that once set up, added holiday cheer to their otherwise spartan living room. Warriors just sat and stared as the boys plugged in lights and lit up the tree. He looked back down at the note. It wasn’t handwriting he recognized. He knew generally what his boss's writing looked like, as well as the handful of coworkers he interacted with Day-to-day. It was too neat for either Twilight or Teba, too flourished for Sky… he sent a text on impulse to a number he’d acquired recently.
Thank you.
He included a picture of the newly decorated front window with the tree beside it, and the note.
Awww… that’s nice.
But it wasn’t us, Hon. came Malon’s reply. It came with a return photo of Malon and a candid-camera-style shot of Time with the building logo of one of local stables behind them. They clearly had been working judging by the water and the mud that showed on them both.
It was actually just the first. The second gift arrived while he was at work late the next day. He was on break when a photo came from Four of his two brothers wrapped in hats, scarves and gloves.
There’s a set for you too! Came Wind’s enthusiastic answer along with a picture of a set in royal blue. He had to put the phone down and stare up at the ceiling for a while to regain his composure. Their gift-er had even taken the time to find them in their favorite colors.
And it continued like that over the course of the next week and a half. Little things were dropped on their doorstep. Cookies and candies, oranges, new coats, snow boots (their benefactor replaced Warriors’s work shoes too), hot chocolate mix, and within a week of Christmas, other staples for Christmas dinner started to appear. Things Warriors hadn’t thought of getting with the last paycheck like pie, or a freaking ham. Meanwhile it was driving him spare, not being able to figure out who these were coming from. They always snuck away before he could answer the door and he couldn’t see them in the shadows by the window. Their landlord kept the walks clear enough he couldn’t even pick out footprints in snow for crying out loud. Everyone in Time’s family were all denying involvement. His bosses only said “if you find out, thank them for us. You needed a break, kid.” All he wanted to do was thank this person who he was quickly referring to as their “Christmas Angel.”
The 23rd, two days before Christmas, the gift came as a simple envelope. Inside was a small stack of cash and a simple note
For gifts for you and your brothers
And in the back, it continued
Please get yourself something too.
Merry Christmas
Hope you don’t mind
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polvillodecanela · 1 year
For later - Something something Hob can see the dead something something.
Like all stories, this one started with a garden. But it wasn't the first garden ever or a garden in a nice house in Tadfield. This story begins with a garden in a now demolished house, in Varsovia.
The year is 1939, Dream of the Endless has been imprisoned for all the first great war and the pandemic that went after it. Death of the Endless has had the most busy time since the Roman wars and, let's face it, she's awfully overworked. That's why Destiny of the Endless managed to pull that especific scenario out of his book to reality.
Captain Howard (Hob) Gallen, medical soldier, actual inmortal, flies up the air as one of the bombs destroys what little left of said garden. He knows he won't die, it will hurt of course but he will heal. The ones with him though?
He falls right on his ass, wincing. A leg is broken, maybe some ribs, definitely his shoulder is dislocated. his head is a mess of scrambled brains, but he is concious and that is a blessing. beside him, a poor corporate falls on his back, Hob hears the breaking of bones, spinal bones. This lad is over. maybe the head too but Hob has some ringing in his ears from the explotion.
He crawls the few centimeters and tries to hold the poor lad's hand.
"Hey, John, buddy", he says trying for a smile "Hey, you are alright, yu hear me? I'll help you out"
"Sir", the poor fellow almost whines, there's a whistle in his breathing. Bad signal. "Sir, please, I don't want to die."
"Me neither, son, we got this. Please resist for me, yeah? be a good buddy and resist for me"
Hob knows is futile. But he is obsessed with living and that includes all the people surrounding him. Hknows in his heart of hearts that the lad is going to die. maybe he is already halfway.
"Sir, I know. I am not going to make it. I need a favor of you, sir"
"Whatever you want, son"
The lad takes a photo of his pocket. A beautiful lady, a fragile sweet thing made of lithe bones and wavy hair.
"She is Esme. We were going to marry. I want you to tell her... that I was no coward"
"She will know, son. You fought bravely"
Hob has just enough time to mutter his promise before he felt another impact. He felt his body coming apart and how one of his legs just ... disapeared. he wont die but, God, sometimes he wish he did.
Death of the Endless wasn't far but in someting that could only be described as "being so overworked you can't literally see" she doesn't feel the tug of Poor John's soul, calling for her. She keeps collecting, smiling kindly, offering comfort. She keeps doing whatever she can. She is tired and Destiny is almost smiling.
Captain Howard Gallen wakes up two weeks later on a Military Hospital. He has his leg back and all his cuts, if painful, are almost healed. He survived. He, also, is watching poor John standing by the foot of his bed. He looks angry but also hopeful.
The sound hob makes is so undignified that it doesnt deserve quoting here, understandable as it is since John looks exactly how someone would look if they were reached by two - not one -bombs and survived.
"You are awake finally! quick, I feel a pull that is eating me. Off to Esme we go"
And, honestly, he is way past his 600 years, he must know some thing or two about the supernatural. This still takes him by surprise.
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
I… don’t really have to tell you which fic I like lol.
Scaramance = Puppet reader is a passenger and pillow prince/princess. He will drive them where they want when they want, he’ll carry the bags, don’t worry baby, embrace the spoiling.
I don’t really insert myself into the stories! Kinda of weird? But I see the distinction between the reader inserts because each story has different settings/requirements and it’s vague enough to input the other bits if you get what I mean.
It’s… like a diving board? For me at least, since I read the story and I don’t get attacked by thoughts until after I read it all. Then I start doing regular everyday stuff and my mind wanders to it and then the gears start turning. And then I’m trapped in brain rot hell.
A really good thing about your writing is how you set up the story so it provides a rather solid foundation for brain rots, which are like the furniture!
I haven’t read a story from you that I didn’t like. If anything, I just haven’t been brave enough to throw out ideas until Scara.
Scara is the grumpy neighborhood cat you decide to follow one day only to see him jump on a spiked fence to visit his beloved puppet reader and suddenly you’re invested in their fluffy love story. And I did fall in love with their relationship. It’s more than the typical friendship/romance and captures just how complex love can be? It’s… it’s a quiet and not so loud love but you see him and you know that whatever he has with puppet reader, it is where eternity is found. (Hehe, eternity, get it?)
Just as there is love in the way that everyone checks on Collei to make sure she’s okay and the way Cyrus checks up on reader and they actively communicate about their lives. There’s love in how Tighnari lets them and Cyno lay on him and he holds their hands as he listens to their soft whispers and oh, Cyno makes a joke and-. There’s love when they include Karkata and Kevah at dinner, and they share stories and jokes and laugh and laugh into the late hours of the night.
Because love (from where I live) is so, so closely associated with a sexual romance where the guy wins the girl no matter what he does to her and how he’s always stoic and can’t be vulnerable. And the culture I was raised in is one where the men can have affairs and no one bats an eye but that’s a whole another story.
But there’s love in your story even if the focus is romance. In bits and pieces here and there that speaks about their willingness to be open about it and I think we should start remembering love (platonic, romantic, and familial) in all the little places that we end up overlooking because we’re so used to it.
This got long and off topic so I’ll end it here, but I would love the idea of love. Not blindly. But that it exists and it doesn’t have to be overwhelming all the time. The kind of love that you learn to speak and watch as you grow as a person. And!!!! It’s okay if two people grow into people who are no longer compatible because it doesn’t erase the love that was/is there. Because you can end the relationship amicably and fall in love again and be surrounded by love from friends (in real life and online!!!) and family.
Okay, I’m done for real now.
Bloom anon
(survey) Holy crap, this reads like a poem, a masterpiece, bloom anon. It's so beautiful, and the bits of headcanons stuck between is both hilarious and amazing
Also the part with Scaramouche dragging reader around is so in line with his Wanderer occupation for real, I can imagine them in a modern au that's always traveling to the point that their friends only get updated by their socmed photos together in some other country or region. While Scaramouche carries the luggage, Reader always has those neck pillows around their neck and their drinks in hand (they hold the drink up for Scara to drink when his hands are full) (eternity joke so tru tho, that's what I was trying to convey!!)
I am sorry about the death of romance in your area, honestly that's kind of the same here in my country too and I try to not embody that for the next generation. But thank you for the sweetness in noticing the details! I do adore the many ways romance can be shown (Romance is actually not my go to genre in every media I consume haha) and as such, refrain from writing cliches
But I think the biggest factor is that I'm a demiromantic, romance that is cultivated and grown is my specialty, romance that naturally occurs. And perhaps my preference to not overly romanticize things can sometimes make fics look like platonic and familial too, which I don't mind at all
Absolutely beautiful words, bloom anon, thank you. Let love foster here, small or not, and I wish to continue showing everyone the many beautiful forms of love
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cjp-film · 5 months
Over the course of about two weeks my job was to source and create all the props which where needed for our upcoming shoot. I organised my list into things I needed to buy, things I had to create myself, and things I could borrow:
Frame for photo (A4) shop. 
Nokia phone. Charity shop. 
Stress ball. Toy shops. 
Body butters
Massage instruments 
Bad wigs. Costume shop. Sunglasses. 
Fake moustaches
Towels. £12 for 3 in primark
Ply wood
Portrait painting
Janet’s paintings
Office documents
Busters office poster
Ggjj poster
Name tag
Questionnaire (on iPad)
Mug of coffee. Lucas 
Laundry ?
Bottles ?
Post it notes
Poster tubes
Stationary items (pens etc)
Rucksac. Jacks
Second hand suit
Massage table
Salt lamps 
Mrs Muskaan’s watch 
My own items
Art supplies
Art clutter
My biggest worry was the massage table, as of course we are on a budget and don’t want to spend too much on a table which we are only going to use once. I put out an advert in a facebook film makers group asking to borrow a portable massage table in hope someone would have one they’d be willing to let us use. Luckily enough, I had plenty of responses, and we decided to go with a blue folding table from a man in Glasgow who was willing to let us have it for free. We couldn’t believe our luck, so Luca and I went through to Glasgow as soon as we could to pick it up. Our vision for this table was to have one of the masseuses wheel it along during the chase scenes to add to the humour, but sadly this table didn’t have wheels. We considered attaching some but came to the conclusion it would be too time consuming and might mean that the table wouldn’t properly fold with them. So instead we kept it as a folding table, and it would still work perfectly.
Costumes wise, I wasn’t to worry too much. Luca and I decided it would be best (and cheapest) to work with what the actors already had. As the film is set over the course of one day, the main two wouldn’t have to change. The masseuses however, would need to have two outfits, their scrubs, and their business attire. We managed to get some help from Luca’s mum who is a talented seamstress to create the scrubs, and then just buy a few business jackets from a charity shop. As when they are in the business attire they are in ‘disguise’ I bought some fake moustaches and found a Halloween wig as well as some sunglasses for them all to wear in this scene. The rest of their costumes was their own clothing.
As for everything else, it was easy enough to find online or in shops. We went through a lot of toys for the stress ball, but we knew that we wanted one with the eyes that popped out. This was actually a little bit hard to find, but I found a multipack of animals on amazon which matched this description. I decided to give Janet the Lion, as a symbol of her trying to be brave and strong in the face of danger.
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Above: Costume items, including Janets Cardigan which we borrowed from Cara, and the scary wig.
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Above: The massage table from Facebook.
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Stress ball.
0 notes
You were so excited! You had never been on an expedition before, and this was to a long lost tomb. Nobody knew anything about any of the people buried here, you and your team were the first people to ever even discover the location.
The pyramid towered above you all, trying to intimidate you. But you were brave. This was nothing new, you had done this same thing hundreds of times. Cautiously you entered, trying your best not to disturb anything, spirits included.
“Now remember, we are NOT here to take things. You can take photos for research purposes later, you can quickly sketch the objects. But don’t take anything and try to avoid bumping things. And keep the flash on your phones or cameras OFF. We don’t want to end up cursed. Everyone understand?”
“Yes”, you all responded in unison.
“Ok, let’s make this quick. As you know we have a deadline coming up if we want this in the magazine next month.”
Everyone split into groups of 2 and 3, but since the group was an odd number that left you by yourself.
“It’s fine”, you told yourself. “If I get into trouble I have my transceiver.”
You walked around, taking photos of things (without the flash on), and they were some of the best photos you had ever taken. You unknowingly walked further away from your team, and it was getting dark out.
After you had enough photos and a few descriptions of the objects, you turned around to head back. Problem was, everything looked different now. Impossible, I know, but it did.
“I thought I went this way”, you said aloud-literally only to yourself, making a left at the next column. You were now faced with a large room.
Multiple statues and columns about half your size lined the room. Hieroglyphics all over the wall.
“Oh wow! I’ve gotta get these!”
You quickened your pace towards the wall to take photos to translate later, writing descriptions of them and what you believed them to mean as you went. This was the best discovery ever.
You turned around after to leave again but saw that strangely, your surroundings had changed once again.
“What the-?”
You decided to try going right this time instead of left, thinking maybe that would undo whatever you had had to get yourself into this predicament. But once again the scenery was different.
"Ok, who's messing with me? I need to get back to my team. I have a deadline." Again to nobody, but out of frustration for getting lost in an ancient tomb, you yelled out. You whipped out your transceiver, thinking you could use it to contact your team leader Siwon.
Turning it on you heard Siwon talking with the others and yelled into it, but he was acting like he couldn't hear you.
Still nothing. What was happening? You didn't touch anything you weren't supposed to, didn't bump into or break anything. You had the flash off. You only looked at the heiroglyphics, didn't touch them. So why?
"Who's doing this? Let me out of here, please!"
You were a bit scared now. What if some random monster just decided to curse you for no reason and now you were doomed to stay here forever? With no food, water, nothing.
You whipped your head around in fear, never thinking something would respond to you. You couldn't quite decipher what language it could have been. Was there another explorer here? Maybe they could help you find the way out.
"Hey! If there's anyone else human in here, I need help to get back outside! I think I turned a wrong corner or something."
No response. But you did hear footsteps. At least, you thought they were footsteps, they seemed a little too soft. Do people walk around barefoot in these things?
Suddenly you saw a shadow approach you and your first instinct was to run. Even though you had no idea where you were going you just ran. Maybe you'd find a trap door or secret compartment that would lead you back outside. You kept running into dead ends though.
"Alright, FINE!! I give up. I won't run anymore, please just let me out!"
You sank to the floor, your head in your hands. You were never getting out of here, you knew that now. The shadow thing would probably beat you to a pulp and then sacrifice you to its gods as punishment for disturbing its slumber.
"You up."
You heard it speak again, still muffled. But you still didn't understand.
Human pretty, why she run? The shadow thought to itself. It came closer to you and all you felt was a cold breeze you were sure would be your last.
"Please spare me, O Great One." You were trying to buy some time until you could figure our how to lift this curse.
"Please forgive this lowly human who has wrongfully disturbed your slumber. I will accept punishment if you see it fitting, however I would ask that you please let me leave. I swear on whatever is left of my life I will not speak a word of this to anyone."
The shadow just stood there. Then it reached for it's head, and started unravelling the bandages. What was it doing? Was it like a Death Eater and it would give you the Kiss of Death? That must be it, why else would a mummified thing that had been dead for thousands of years start unwrapping itself if it wasn't going to punish you with the Kiss of Death?
The mummy stopped unwrapping itself after it's head down to it's waist had been uncovered. You cautiously looked up, just in case you somehow survived and could tell this story later.
The mummy wasn't an It, it was a He. And surprisingly he didn't look like a mummy. He looked like a celebrity.
"Damn, what do you use to keep yourself looking so youthful? I need some of that."
He leaned closer, he was...sniffing you? Ok, weird.
"W-what do you want? I'll do anything. Just let me go."
"Smell good. What name?"
Why was the monster trying to make small talk with it's prey? Was this it's M.O.?
“I’m Y/N, what’s your name?”
Huh? What kind of name is that?
“What did you say?” You couldn’t understand him, you think he still has some bandage pieces in his mouth.
“My name Mmihuk. M-Miinhyyuouk.”
“Your name is Minhyuk?”
The mummy rapidly nods his head.
“You pretty female. I have you for queen. Here.”
Minhyuk extended his hand toward you and grabbed your arm, pulling you back towards where you came from.
“No, I need to leave! I have a story I have to write before tomorrow. I need to get out. You live here, help me back outside. Please, it’s important.”
“No, you stay here. I have no friends. All gone.”
“Well I can give you a hug but I need to leave. You are very handsome for a mummy and you look really healthy but I have a home, a life I need to get back to.”
The mummy-er Minhyuk, suddenly gets a small twinkle in his eye like that mischievous friend of yours.
“You leave, I leave too!”
He starts jumping up and down excitedly.
You’re going to be cursed if he leaves but he looks so happy.
“How about I stay here for a couple hours more and then you show me the way out?”
“Ok! I have friend now. Now we play game!”
Alright, sure. Whatever as long as you get to leave later.
Minhyuk comes closer and hugs you, and he starts crying. You let him, thinking he’s probably kept whatever emotions in for a long time. And then he looks up at you with tears eyes and says
“Please don’t leave me, Y/N. I need you”
Okay… the thousand year old mummy is now fluent in English and has used the words properly. You pinch yourself a few times to see if it hurts- it does. Ok so you aren’t dreaming. Maybe you hit your head on the wall when you turned around after taking photos of the hieroglyphics back there. You turn to Minhyuk.
“Hey, you know those hieroglyphics back there with all the tiny columns and tombs. I need you to take me there. I ..I dropped my notebook on the floor when I ran away. I need to go get it and I’ll get lost if I go by myself.”
“Stay please. Or I’ll disappear. I can show you, but I don’t want to.”
He takes your nervous, clammy hand in his bigger colder one and leads the way. But these are different ones than those that were here before. You ran to grab your notebook but he grabs you first.
“I’ll get it.”
You can’t move further, like you’ve hit a wall. Then when Minhyuk comes back he grabs your hand again to keep going.
“I’m a big girl, I can walk on my own.”
“Just let me hold your hand. It’s how this whole thing works. If you want to be able to move we have to hold hands. I don’t know why, just please listen to me.”
If it will get you back outside you’ll do anything. But you know it’s getting late and you’re getting tired.
“Alright, fine. This whole thing is really messed up though. I just want to get back outside to my life. Did I touch something I wasn’t supposed to?”
“No, you didn’t touch anything. Just come with me and we’ll figure this out.”
He led you back to what you assumed was his tomb, and he turned to you with sadness in his eyes.
“I need you to trust me. I know we just met here, but we know each other from before.”
He put his hand out towards you, placing it on your forehead. It was warm now, and you get something. Something pulling you to him. Like an aching feeling you couldn’t explain.
“We were together once, I’ll show you. And this is why the pyramid won’t let you leave.”
Your eyes were forced shut and you saw flashes of light, images dancing behind your lids. You saw him in what looked like the old Egyptian clothing and he was fawning over a girl. Why was he showing you this girl? Was she important in some way? Then the girl turned around. You were more confused now. The girl he was showing you looked a lot like
“Me? Why am I in your memories?”
“Because you were reincarnated while I was cursed. I loved you so much then, and I was devastated when you left me. I spent years trying to find a way to bring you back, yet nothing worked. You now and you then are the same. You were my queen once, and I would be honored if you would be my queen again. That should break my curse, then we can be together again.”
“I-you- I what?”
He leaned closer to you, so close you could see every feature of his face. He was gorgeous.
“If we were together before, why don’t I remember now?”
“Because when you were reincarnated, your memories were all wiped. I asked for that so you wouldn’t long for me and have the same aching in your heart that I have had.”
You felt oddly closer to him now. A longing, an aching feeling in your chest. You leaned in and you kissed him. Never in your life had you shared a kiss with anyone but here you were with supposedly your past lover. He matched your pace perfectly, your lips together in a way that told you that you actually HAD been lovers. You’d like that again.
You kissed for a few minutes, but to you it felt like days. You felt tears prick the corners of your eyes, the sudden feeling you were going to lose him creeping up on you. While you were kissing all your past memories returned, every single one of them. They were happy, sad, and angry. Many emotions for the many years you were together. You didn’t want to leave him.
Yes, you had a team to get back to, a magazine article to write, you knew that but this? This could be love. This could be something if you were brought together again after years of being apart.
Minhyuk looked at you. He was crying too! Did you feel the same?
“I don’t want you to leave. I don’t want to leave you. While we were kissing just now all of my memories from before came back. I felt a tug in my heart towards you. It was electric, magnetic, like super glue. I know we don’t know each other but if you could break the curse and stay here with me I would be happy. Please, can you do that? I don’t have much for a house but it’s home to me and it can be home to you too.”
“I’m not sure. I don’t know how this works. I can walk you towards the entrance like you wanted but after that I can’t tell you what might happen.”
You agreed, and Minhyuk handed you the notebook. You wanted to make sure all the hieroglyphics would still be there after you left, so you just closed your eyes while you were being guided and prayed. You prayed for the hieroglyphics to still be there and for Minhyuk to be able to stay. Suddenly he stopped.
“I think this is where we part. I should stay here.”
“No! Please, please come with me! I know what love feels like now, I need that. I need you!”
Minhyuk just stood there, looking at you. Tears formed in his eyes. Sadly he shook his head. You ran back to hug and kiss him. You poured all your new feelings for him into that kiss, hoping somehow you would be allowed this one joy. Then Minhyuk set you back down, his hands running down your arms, stopping to hold your hands.
“I love you y/n. That won’t change.”
You looked at him, and all you could do was blow a kiss to him and wave. You didn’t want to see him cry, you didn’t want him to see you cry. You started walking away, pulling out your transceiver to try and contact your team.
Still nothing. Maybe you could find a lodge and stay there for a while.
You felt something poke your arm, but ignored it because you thought it was a twig. But it poked you again. You continued walking because you thought it was a stick, rock, the wind. Literally anything but a person.
“Hey! You gonna ignore me now?”
You were imagining it. There’s no way a mummy would be able to break his own curse. You were stopped though by something soft and warm. Like arms. You looked down and saw a pair of familiar hands, holding yours.
You whipped around to see if it was really Minhyuk, though the rational part of your brain told you it couldn’t be. But it was.
“MINHYUK!!” You screamed right by his ear. You were both crying.
“Yeah, it’s me. I was somehow able to walk out of that pyramid, maybe because we met again. So how do we get home?”
You laughed at him, you were so happy now. You explained to him what you did for work, what things were like now, and the fact that you now had to find your whole team.
You went into this project single, but you came back with a lover you never knew you had. And you were gonna keep him.
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obeythedemons · 3 years
When They Need To Confess [Obey Me! Headcanons]
Obey Me! Masterlist
Related Headcanons:
When His Heart First Skipped A Beat
The Moment He Knew He Loved Them
What He Tries To Hide
When The Others Knew He Loved Them
Somehow, MC had figured out how to get their DDD to connect with the human world's equivalent. Lucifer had assumed Levi had something to do with it, but he wouldn't complain so long as MC wouldn't spill the secrets of Devildom online. He trusted them, so he let them be.
"Lucifer!" their voice sounded, causing him to look up from his work. They grinned at him, making him return a small one of his own. "I got some of my pictures from before I came here. Do you want to see them?"
Lucifer placed down his pen and guided them to the couch. He sat next to them, peering over their shoulder as they scrolled through some of their most important memories.
It was bittersweet, really. Sweet that he was able to see something intimate from MC, something that they treasured. But bitter. He could see them age through the photos. Funny, how humans age in such a short timespan.
No, he wanted to be with them for an eternity. Longer than any human life could last. His heart squeezed at the thought, but he knew it wasn't impossible to be with them forever.
"MC, I have something important I need to tell you."
They weren't doing much of anything, really. He glanced up at them from his DDD. His head was on their lap as their hands ran through his hair. It was almost enough to lull him to sleep - if his heart wasn't beating so wildly in his chest, he would have.
His eyes wandered across their face as they read through a homework assignment they had just finished. Every twitch of their eyebrows, every puff of air that pushed past their nose, everything, he soaked it up greedily.
It became overwhelming. He turned in their lap and buried his face into their stomach. His arms wrapped around them. He heard the familiar sound of paper being flung.
"Mammon? Is everything okay?" Their voice kissed his ears. There they were being concerned for a scum bag like him - being kind to someone like him.
"I need to tell ya somethin'," he mumbled, his voice muffled by their shirt.
"Weren't you scared?" Levi asked after their class. MC had just given a presentation in front of everyone, including some demons that had recently made death threats to their face.
"A little," MC admitted but gave him a smile. "Did I do okay?"
Levi nodded, he could feel his ears burning. "You're so brave. I wish I could be like you, but there are too many things that freak me out."
MC frowned. "Being brave isn't about not being scared of anything, Levi. It's about facing those things that make you scared. I see you do that all the time." Levi rolled his eyes. "No! You're here at school. Right now, right?"
"I guess," he mumbled.
MC grabbed his hand. He looked at them about to protest but stopped when they saw them smiling happily up at him. A smile that was for him only, not anyone else. That sincere smile that was always behind the compliments that they gave him. The compliments that made him feel just a little bit better about himself.
"C-Can I be brave right now?"
He slammed his book shut and threw it against the door to his room. His shoulders shook angrily at what he had just read. The book had originally enticed him because the protagonist had reminded himself of MC. Then, the protagonist had gotten injured. He had no idea if they would live, but he was assuming they wouldn't.
He couldn't get the image his mind created out of his head. Of the injury that afflicted MC. With a huff, he slammed his door open and stalked the halls - ignoring the brothers that leaped out of his way.
Without thinking, he flung the door to MC's room open. He peered inside. It was empty. His heart leaped. Had the book foreshadowed reality? He just about turned around to start a frantic search but paused.
"Satan?" their voice sounded. He looked over his shoulder, seeing a plate of snacks in their hand. "What's wrong?"
Satan walked over to them and wrapped his arms around them, careful to not make them drop their plate. "I need to tell you something before it's too late."
Nothing looked right. It didn't matter how he did his hair or what clothes he wore, nothing was looking right to him. He even stripped himself of everything to see if that would work, but it didn't. With a tired sigh, he wrapped himself in a silk robe and moped out of his room - hoping a glass of water would clear his head.
His eyes fluttered about, hoping no one would see him in such a state. The wound of MC's voice saying his name shattered his hopes. He looked away from them, embarrassed that they had to see him when he looked anything but perfect.
Asmo's gaze flickered to the nearby window. They widened in shock when he saw how he looked in the reflection with MC next to him. It was perfect. A wide smile spread on his face and clasped MC's hands in his own. He took in the sight before him, marveling at how much he adored looking at them.
"MC, hon, can I tell you a secret?"
He looked down at his hamburger. He was starving. It was his favorite food. And yet, he hesitated to eat it. The saying that food tastes better with the one you love kept on bouncing around his head. It was true, food did taste better around MC.
His brothers had been staring at him. The growling of his stomach was rivaling the snarling of Cerberus, and yet the Avatar of Gluttony had yet to take a single bite of his food.
"Sorry I'm late!" MC rushed into the dining room and took a seat next to Beelzebub. Beel grinned at them before beginning to devour his meal - it tasted much better, divine even. He almost wondered if MC's presence would make Solomon's food taste okay.
His eyes wandered from his plates of food to MC. They watched eagerly as they took a bite of their own meal. The small smile on their face indicating that they enjoyed it made a warmth bubble up in Beel.
"Once I'm done..." Beel forced another burger into his mouth. "Eating, I need to talk to you about something, MC."
Everywhere he looked, he was reminded of them. He wondered if they would think the flower he found was beautiful. If they would be amazed by the sight of the stars. If they would think that the stupid dad joke Lucifer told to annoy Satan was funny or if it was indeed stupid. He couldn't get them out of his head. He wasn't sure if he wanted to.
Belphie tried spending all of his waking moments, and his sleeping ones, with them. He wanted to see their look of wonder at all of the new things the Devildom had to offer them. He even started staying up just a little bit longer, wanting to show them something new.
He laid his head on their chest as they gazed up at the stars. His gaze was glued to their face. Absentmindedly, he played with the fabric of their shirt.
"I've never seen something like this," MC started and looked down at him with a smile. "Thank you for showing me something new, Belphie."
Belphie took a deep breath. "Could I try something new with you?"
"Here are my proposals for strengthening the relations between the three realms," MC spoke and placed a binder on Diavolo's desk. He raised an eyebrow at how full it was.
"I asked you to draft some ideas yesterday," he spoke with some confusion, wondering how they had this much in less than twenty-four hours.
"Yes, well," MC cleared their throat and shuffled from foot to foot. "I had actually been working on this already and was planning on proposing these to you soon."
Diavolo skimmed through it. It was organized and an extensive amount of research had gone into it. He chuckled when he read that soil quality was a prevailing issue in Devildom - he knew who said that.
"You must have worked very hard on this," Diavolo mused out loud.
"Of course. I don't want to disappoint you."
Diavolo looked at them in shock. "You could never disappoint me. In fact..." His hand trailed through the thick stack of papers in the binder. "Perhaps I should tell you why I'm even more devoted to strengthening the bonds between demons and humans."
"MC? What are you doing here?" he questioned - though it was a question he found himself saying more and more. It was also a question he was looking forward to asking, hoping that he'd be able to say it every day.
"I wanted to thank you for hosting us the other night. So I brought your favorite!" MC held up a box of Madame Scream Macrons. Though, the macrons weren't the favorite thing in front of him.
"That's very sweet of you. Please, come in." Barbatos ushered them inside. He found himself standing closer to them than he would typically stand to anyone. He felt his heart pound when they moved even closer to him. Every part of him was screaming at him to hold them.
"MC, may I make a confession?"
Every day, he would typically practice writing. Just something small to make sure he wouldn't get rusty. Though, nowadays, he found himself writing love letter after love letter. He would do it absentmindedly, almost as if he were possessed.
He hid all of them in a folder, where he would periodically read through them. They each described different things that he loved about them.
He quickly placed all of the letters in a folder and put it back to where he hid them. He stood from his desk and walked out to the common area. He paused, seeing MC with Luke. They looked up at him and grinned widely. Just writing his feelings for them wasn't going to be enough for the angel.
"Luke, may I have a moment with MC?"
Just like flowers, he knew MC would wither away if he didn't do anything. He did everything he could to rid himself of immortality, but his research proved fruitless. The thought of living without them was too painful for the sorcerer.
He watched as they marveled at the different flora indigenous to Devildom. They pointed at some, wanting to enjoy the moment with him. He smiled at their excitement, wanting to prolong this moment to last forever.
"What's wrong, Solomon?" they questioned. They stood in front of him and gazed up at him with concern. "You can tell me anything, you know?"
Solomon laughed lightly. "There's no hiding anything from you, is there?" MC shook their head. "Would you allow me to be selfish?"
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e-dubbc11 · 2 years
Don’t Let Go
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Photos are not mine, they are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F! Reader
Warnings: Pure fluff and a tiny tiny bit of angst so many fluffy bunnies and unicorns
Word Count: 3718-ish
Summary: Matt and reader were best friends throughout high school, stayed in contact in college but lost touch while Matt was in law school. They reconnect and wonder if friendship is the only relationship they want to have.
A/N: This is a request from my lovely Mindi @mindidjarin who I will write any and all of the fluff for if she asked me to. She had a song suggestion for my Lap Dances for Matt playlist, Don’t Let Go (Love) by En Vogue and this fic idea to go along with it. I did alter the idea just a little bit. I hope you like it! 💕
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments are welcome and encouraged. 💕💕💕
This would be the third time this week you stopped in front of Nelson and Murdock law firm, arguing with yourself whether or not to stop in to see if it was really him. How could it not be though? Every single particle in your body told you that he was there—he was upstairs and all you had to do was walk in and say hello but you were terrified. What if he didn’t want to talk to you? Nope, you weren’t brave enough yet. Maybe tomorrow would be the day you would finally go in but today is just another day where you walked on by.
First Day of Ninth Grade—Introduction to Law
The entire ninth grade class, including yourself, was just a cluster of anxiety. It was your first day of high school, everything was so much bigger than the middle school and it was a bit overwhelming. Mr. Allen had just finished calming the class when there was a knock on his door, he stepped outside for a moment and returned with a new student wearing dark glasses and carrying a cane.
“Class, this is Matthew Murdock. He’s spent the last few years at St. Agnes and now he’s joining us here, please make him feel welcome. There’s an empty seat next to Miss y/l/n—Y/n? Would you show Mr. Murdock to his seat, please? Thank you.”
You got up from your desk, walked to the front of the class and Matt took your arm.
“Hi, I’m y/n.”
He smiled and you noticed he had the sweetest smile and the most adorable dimple you had ever seen.
“Hi y/n, I’m Matt. It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too…Matt.”
After that first day, the two of you were basically inseparable and did everything together. Everyone at school thought you were a couple because you spent so much time together but he was just your best friend, Matt.
Graduation Day
The two of you sat on the football bleachers after it was all over, after all the confetti had been thrown, after you turned in your cap and gown and all you were left with was a piece of paper, a tassel, and each other. Your head was resting on his shoulder and a single tear fell from your eyes and landed on his pant leg.
“It’s going to be so different next year though, Matty. I’m not going to see you every day anymore.”
Matt always tried to make you feel better “We’ll still see each other, y/n. And we’ll talk all the time, I promise.”
You laced your fingers with his “You’re my best friend, Matt.”
He squeezed your hand “You’re my best friend too.”
Present Day
After a week of wafting back and forth, you finally worked up the courage to go inside of Nelson and Murdock. Your heart was beating out of your chest as you walked up the stairs, why were you so nervous? Even the clacking sound of your boots wasn’t enough to drown out the sound of your heart beating.
Finally reaching the top of the stairs, you managed to calm down a little before turning the door handle and stepping inside. A man with shoulder length blonde hair and a sweet smile greeted you.
“Whoa—hot, I mean, hi! Can I help you?”
You flashed a quick smile at his Freudian slip and asked “Yeah hi, does Matt Murdock work here?”
His shoulders dropped and he took a sip of his coffee “You’re a beautiful woman so of course you’re looking for Matt. He just stepped out to pick up breakfast, he’ll be back soon. I’m the other half of the sign downstairs, Foggy Nelson. It’s nice to meet youuuuuuuu?”
You recognized the name Foggy, Matt talked about him all the time too but never mentioned his last name, he was just “Foggy.”
“Oh it’s nice to finally put a face to that name, you were Matt’s roommate at Columbia! I’m y/n, Matt and I went to high school together. It’s nice to meet you too.”
Foggy looked like he had just figured out a math problem that had been plaguing him for years.
“OMGoodness, YOU’RE the BFF!! He talked about you all the time! You were supposed to come visit him, plans just kept getting cancelled and then you guys kinda lost touch, huh?”
He knew everything! Well, not everything. There were some things Matt didn’t even know.
Matt’s First Year at Columbia
Four years of college went by quickly, you had your first real job now as a parole officer and Matt was on his way to becoming a lawyer at Columbia law school. Over the course of his first semester of school, you talked with Matt almost every single day about anything and everything.
“How’s your new job?” He asked.
You answered him as best you could as it was still new and you were still learning.
“It’s good! I’m still learning my way around and how things work but all things considered, it’s going really well. How’s law school so far? You getting around campus ok?”
He told you all about how school was going so far, he mentioned Foggy and how he’s becoming a good friend and roommate. The more he talked, the more you missed him, part of you felt empty without him.
He told you everything, you told him everything but lately there was something you felt like you couldn’t tell him. Being away from him again started to give you feelings for him that had never entered your mind before now. Yes, you loved him because he was your best friend but now you were starting to feel like you were in love with Matt.
It was so hard to keep those feelings inside, every time he’d call you’d have butterflies in your stomach the entire time and just an overall sense that you wanted to be with him but you couldn’t tell him. You were afraid it would ruin your friendship. A couple of times you thought Matt could sense something was different.
“You ok, y/n? You sound a little…off.”
You played it off like you were just tired or nervous about your job but maintaining your friendship with Matt got progressively harder as he put more and more time into law school. He said he would call, he didn’t. It was hard to be mad at him though, you knew he was busy and this was very important to him. Visits were planned and then kept getting cancelled and before you knew it all attempts at contact had stopped.
Present Day
You had an overwhelming sense that maybe this was a bad idea and you still had time to go before Matt came back from getting breakfast. You tried to find an excuse to leave.
“Actually, you two are probably busy, maybe I should just go.”
Foggy insisted that you stay. “No, no please stay! I’m sure he’d love to catch up. He really did talk about you all the time. And here he is now.”
Matt walked through the door wearing dark red glasses, carrying his cane and a brown paper bag. He leaned his cane up against the wall, set the paper bag down on the table and took off his jacket.
“They were all out of everything bagels, buddy. Sorry.”
Foggy seemed to forget all about the bagels. “Yeah, yeah never mind about the bagels. An old friend is here to see you.”
You didn’t know how it was possible but Matt was even more handsome than you remembered him being. “Hi Matt.” You said, shyly.
Matt heard your voice and instantly his ears turned pink. “Oh my god, y/n. Hi.”
“It’s been a long time.” You bit your bottom lip and looked down towards the ground.
“Yeah…yeah I guess it has. Wow.” He began to adjust his tie, you knew Matt always started to fidget when he was nervous.
Foggy cut the tension briefly. “Well I’ll be in my office, I’ll let you two catch up. It’s nice to finally meet you y/n.”
After making small talk for a few minutes and exchanging hugs, Matt asked you to go to lunch with him the next day and it was like no time had passed between the two of you. He was still the same Matt that you befriended so many years ago when you were teenagers.
You still made him laugh which was not easy to do and all those feelings that you had pushed down deep inside you were starting to make their way to the surface again.
“Y/n, I am so sorry we lost touch while I was at school. Everything was so fast paced, I had deadlines, and it was just crazy. I really missed you.” You could tell he had been dying to get that out for a while.
“Matty, I understand how important school was for you and the amount of time you put into it. I’m not mad. I really missed you too.”
Of course you weren’t mad at him, you were in love with him after all this time and it meant the world to you that the two of you were spending time together again.
You carried on like best friends did—going to lunch together, you took him grocery shopping, helped him with anything he needed help with and were just there for each other.
It was nice to have your friend back, you really wanted more but were really scared to tell him. And it was getting harder and harder to keep your true feelings for Matt a secret.
You couldn’t be one hundred percent sure but you thought that maybe you weren’t keeping your feelings a secret as well as you thought you were, that Matt was starting to pick up on how you felt about him but you weren’t sure how because you felt you were doing a good job of suppressing those feelings.
One beautiful sunny afternoon, he asked if you’d meet him at the park for lunch. You used to do this all the time back in high school, you’d find a tree to sit under or a bench to sit on and just talk or he loved when you read out loud to him.
Matt preferred to sit under a tree so after putting down the blanket, he claimed his spot which was his head resting in your lap. It took you by surprise, he’s never done anything like this before.
“You ok, sweetheart? Your skin feels a little warm.”
Sweetheart? What was he trying to do to you?
“Uh, yeah Matty—I’m—well, I’ve never read to you with your head in my lap before, that’s all.”
Matt sat up quickly. “Oh, I’m sorry—I can—just…”
But you didn’t want that. “No, no it’s ok Matt, it just caught me off guard—please?”
He gently placed his head back into your lap and he listened attentively as you read aloud from your book, sometimes you’d rake your fingers through his soft brown hair and he’d quietly hum while you did it.
The following day, he walked you back to your apartment after your standing lunch date and he kissed you on the cheek. You’ve always hugged each other whether you were greeting each other or saying goodbye, it was always with a hug but then he throws a curveball and kisses your cheek.
Your skin was peppered with goosebumps, you felt all the blood rush to your cheeks when Matt went in to kiss the other cheek and suddenly his lips were on yours. They were as soft as you hoped they would be, his hand was on the back of your neck, and he pulled you in closer to deepen the kiss. His tongue practically begged to touch yours so you parted your lips a little more to give him permission. But then you panicked because this could change everything.
You pulled away from him but you didn’t want to. “Matty, I—I gotta go.”
“Y/N, wait—please don’t go.” He pleaded.
Before he could get anything else out, you turned to yell back at him “I’ll call you tomorrow!”
And you did call like you said you would but it was to tell him you couldn’t make lunch that day, plus you thought it might thunderstorm so you didn’t want to get caught in that. Matt sounded so disappointed.
You couldn’t bring yourself to go to work the next day with all the emotions running through your head and you didn’t sleep last night anyway because all the thoughts running through your head were about Matt.
The way you felt when he lightly brushed his lips against your cheek, then the other one and how he cupped your cheek with his hand when he went in to kiss your lips, it was like your whole body came alive.
He felt so warm, the muscles in his arms tensed when you touched him and the look on his face when you pulled away was like you took away the most precious thing in the world to him. You wished you could take it all back, but you couldn’t.
Trying to keep busy and your mind off Matt, you did various chores around your apartment. You put on one of your playlists because it was the only way you would stay motivated to keep cleaning. Of course, as if right on cue, a song came on that reminded you of Matt.
What's it gonna be 'cause I can't pretend?
Don't you wanna be more than friends?
Hold me tight and don't let go (don't let go)
You have the right to lose control (don't let go)
Did he want to be more than friends? The kiss you shared yesterday told you that he did but would it ruin your friendship? That relationship was the most important to you but you were willing to find out if you could be friends and lovers.
I often tell myself that we could be more than just friends
I know you think that if we move to soon it would all end
I live in misery when you're not around
And I won't be satisfied till we're taking those vows
The sound of the rain hitting the windows almost drowned out the knock on your door which surprised you. You weren’t expecting anyone and thought maybe it was your neighbor so you were shocked to see Matt standing there when you opened the door, soaked from the rain.
“Oh! Matt—what are uh—what are you doing here?”
There'll be some love making, heartbreaking, soul shaking
Oh, lovemaking, heartbreaking, soul shaking
What's it gonna be 'cause I can't pretend?
Don't you wanna be more than friends? (don't you wanna be)
Hold me tight and don't let go (don't let go)
You have the right to lose control (don't let go)
His dark red glasses were sprinkled with rain drops, he licked his lips and said with a stern, gravelly voice said “I need to talk to you.”
After you closed the door behind him, Matt took off his jacket and his glasses and rested his hands on his hips.
“Jeez, Matty. Your shirt is soaked, let me throw that in the dryer. I must have something you can wear while it’s drying. What was so important that you trekked all the way over here in the rain to talk to me about?”
He was facing you, his eyes looked darker today like the colors of late autumn, brown and honey gold.
“Why did you walk away when I kissed you yesterday? I can tell you have feelings for me, y/n.”
How did he know? You had walked to your bedroom to get that sweatshirt for him, you grabbed the first one in the pile, it was the Columbia sweatshirt Matt had sent you during his first semester.
I often fantasize the stars above are watching you
They know my heart and speak to yours like only lovers do
If I could wear your clothes
I'd pretend I was you
And lose control
You handed him the sweatshirt. “Put this on so you don’t catch a chill…how? How do you know I have feelings for you, Matty?”
He held it in his hands and started to trace the letter patches with his fingers and you watched him closely as he did so—C-O-L-U-M-B-I-A. His expression softened.
“You still have this—I remember when I sent it to you, Foggy helped me pick it out. He said you’d probably like it oversized because it would be extra comfortable for you.” He smiled with his dimple on display and his eyes looked slightly wet with tears.
“Of course I still have it—I love this sweatshirt because—because you gave it to me, Matt. But I’ve been so careful about the way I act when I’m around you so how do you know I have feelings for you?”
Matt was frustrated, he loosened his tie and started to unbutton his dress shirt when he stopped to speak again.
“I know because every time we were together, I could hear your heart racing, I heard the goosebumps start to rise and move across your skin when I kissed your cheek, the scent of your arousal while you were reading to me in the park. I felt it all sweetheart and I thought finally, FINALLY she feels the same way I do!”
There'll be some love making, heartbreaking, soul shaking
Oh, love making, heartbreaking, soul shaking (oh yeah)
What's it gonna be 'cause I can't pretend?
Don't you wanna be more than friends?
Hold me tight and don't let go (don't let go)
You have the right to lose control (don't let go)
His confession took all of the air out of your lungs.
“Wait, what do you mean you can hear my heart racing? And my ‘arousal?’ Seriously, Matt?!! You told me you had heightened senses but this is—this is absolutely mortifying!!”
He mentioned every time the two of you spoke on the phone, he could never be exactly sure how you felt but the day you showed up at Nelson and Murdock, he knew then. But he had another confession to make.
Running in and out my life has got me so confused
You gotta make the sacrifice, somebody's got to choose
We can make it if we try, for the sake of you and I
Together we can make it right
“Sweetheart, I’ve been in love with you for a long time, all throughout college but I knew you didn’t feel the same, I knew it every time we interacted, we were just best friends and I was fine with that until law school and I just needed to say something.”
You had to take a seat on the couch before your knees gave out, he sat down next to you and grabbed your hand, and his calloused fingers drew circles on the top of your hand.
“I wanted to tell you when you came to visit me at school but plans kept getting cancelled and I thought maybe it wasn’t meant to be. Then I met Elektra and that’s when we really lost touch—it’s all my fault. You kept trying to call and I’d say I’d call back and I never did—I’m so so sorry.”
What's it gonna be 'cause I can't pretend?
Don't you wanna be more than friends? (Oh)
Hold me tight and don't let go (don't let go) (yeah)
You have the right to lose control
You got the right, you got the right (don't let go)
Suddenly, the walls felt like they were closing in around you and you had a hard time focusing. Matt’s been in love with you since the two of you were teenagers and you never knew, your whole four years of college and you had no idea. It was your time to confess.
“Matty, when you went back to school to study law, I was so happy for you but I was sad because I missed my best friend. I couldn’t stand in your way or distract you just because I missed you, what kind of friend would I be? I realized during your first semester at Columbia that my feelings for you were different, I fell in love with you. But I felt like I couldn’t tell you, I didn’t want to ruin our friendship if you didn’t feel the same way.”
He sat in front of you at a loss for words with a slight head tilt but he looked happy and you were happy too. The heavy weight on your heart was finally lifted—you were in love with your best friend and he finally knew it.
I said you got the right to lose control, yeah, ooh
Don't let go, ooh, hey, oh, oh
Don't let go cause I can't pretend
What's it gonna be cause I can't pretend?
Don't you wanna be more than friends?
And hold me tight and don't let go (don't let go)
Have the right to lose control, don't let go
You finally broke the silence by touching his cheek and asking him “Well, what do we do now?”
Matt inched closer to you, lingered just long enough that he could inhale the scent of your perfume, feel the warmth of your skin, took your chin in between his thumb and forefinger and delicately pressed his lips to yours. You didn’t pull away this time. You returned his kiss only for him to pull away to whisper in your ear “I love you sweetheart—and I’m never letting you go again.”
You’ve been waiting to hear those three words for such a long time, your eyes immediately welled up with tears and you let out a nervous chuckle because you didn’t know what else to do.
“I love you too—and you’re still my best friend, Matt.”
He gave you that devilish smirk, pulled you into his lap and asked you “And you’re still MY best friend—do you think I could be your boyfriend too?”
You leaned in to kiss him again. “I’m all in if you are, Murdock.”
Tag List: @freshabogados @skvatnavle @phoebe-danvers @moonlarking @shedaresthedevil @mindidjarin @matt-erialgirl @nelson-et-murdock @elgrandeavocados @carters-things @myguiltypleasures21 @saintmurd0ck @munsonownsmyass
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lavienjin · 3 years
knotty or nice | ksj
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synopsis: you only see seokjin once a year, so you have to make sure your visit counts.
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p: seokjin x reader
wc: 6.8k
genre/rating/au: 18+ | sugar daddy, est. rel. au | smut, fluff
warnings: dom seokjin, sub & bratty reader, pwp, dildos, masturbation, voyeur, size kink, there's a camera involved, lots of dirty talk, deep throat, hand kink, unprotected sex, overstimulation, breast play?, blindfold, light bondage, breathing control (asphyxiation), jin has a potty mouth and he's mean :(, lots of name calling :), multiple orgasms, multiple sex scenes, rough sex, delayed orgasm, facial, cum eating, creampies (yum), aftercare, the ending is mushy and cute :)
a/n: happy birthday to the love of my life ♥ thank you so much to @chelsea-chee for helping me out ;;
posted: 9 dec 2021
m.list | ao3
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Every year around the holidays, without fail, you and Seokjin would meet up for a Christmas Rendezvous. It's the only time the two of you can see each other since he's so busy running his million-dollar business while you're busy doing… stuff. Not only was this a moment you've been waiting all year for, but you're determined to convince him to purchase a property in your city so he can drop in any time he wants without needing to rent a hotel.
This year, for your meeting, he’s chosen a fancy hotel by the mountains for you to enjoy the sights, though you doubt you’ll have time to check out any of the fancy amenities listed on the website. You and Seokjin tend to overplan, only for the both of you to never leave the comfort of your rooms because you're too busy tangled up in each other's arms.
When you arrived at the hotel, the concierge mentioned that there’s something waiting for you in the room, and sure enough, upon you walking in, you’re greeted by a giant stuffed teddy bear resting against the headboard on the bed with a note tucked between its paws. It’s black, plastic eyes shine in the dim winter sun, and it stares at you like it knows what horrors it's about to witness.
“Ready to play?” the note read in Seokjin’s bubble-like handwriting.
You bite back the smile of excitement. He mentioned in your texts leading up to the event to expect something special, because there’s an additional cause for celebration that’s not just his birthday plus the holidays.
You wanted to let him know that you’ve arrived, so you decide to send him a text that includes a photo of you and your gift. The problem is… the teddy bear is so big that you have a hard time fitting it in the frame for your picture. After a few tries, the only decent picture that comes out is one of you lying on the bear’s soft brown stomach with its nose peeking from the corner. Well, you’re sure Seokjin will get the ‘picture.’
You: I’m here ♥ Thanks for the bear.
It hasn’t even been a few seconds until you see that your message has been read, and the emergence of the three little dots that’s indicative of his reply.
SJ: Good. In the top drawer of your nightstand, you’ll find a blindfold. SJ: I expect that when I come into the room, you’ll be nice and ready for me.
Turning towards the nightstand, you open the first drawer per Seokjin’s instruction and you find the familiar black satin fabric. You begin to discard your clothing and loop the blindfold around your head, but just before you place it over your eyes, you pause. Seokjin didn’t mention when it was he’s coming over. He just expected you to wait.
Well, that's not fun! Based on the website of the hotel, apparently there’s a hot spring somewhere in the lower levels that you wanted to dip your toes in. Since you can’t leave the room unless you’re looking for punishment, you decide to explore the room you’ll be occupying instead.
Judging from the large window in the bedroom that overlooks a crystal blue lake, this seems to be the “scenic room”, and you can’t help but stare in awe at the rippling water that looks like diamonds in the setting winter sun. To the right of the lake lies a mountain range, and you can see the few brave skiers going down the slopes, looking like miniature figurines in a diorama.
There's also a breakfast nook on the other end of the room. You don't recognize the lush flowers they've provided in the gorgeous dark green vase, but you can smell the sweet floral notes from where you're standing.
You hum as you walk towards the large door you saw on your way in. Behind the door is a bathroom, and it is already bigger than the living room in your apartment back home. A black marble bathtub lies in the centre of the tile floor, and not only does it look like it costs more than your one year of rent combined; it's big enough to fit the two of you with plenty of space to spare.
You have no doubt that he spent a pretty coin to reserve this room. But what surprises you most is how Seokjin found this area in the first place. From what you can tell, when he told you where you’ll be staying together, the town doesn’t seem to be listed in any map, which was why he had you picked up in a limousine that was filled with your favourite snacks and drinks for the lengthy trip.
As you make your way back to the bed, the realization hits you.
You forget who it is you’re dealing with! There's a good chance that Seokjin’s family owns this place, and not just the hotel either, but the entire area surrounding it. You definitely wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the case. That slim black card in his wallet was his father's gift to him when Seokjin was only 10, and it has paid for a number of things in your life: from something as “trivial” as your college tuition, the expensive outfits and lingerie you brought with you, and down to this gigantic bear in your hotel room that takes up half of the king size bed.
Currently, you’re debating whether you should move all your outfits from your suitcase atop the chaise lounge to the antique wooden wardrobe on the other side of the room. Seokjin did mention that you’re going to be here for at least a week, although judging from your previous escapades, you’ll probably spend New Year’s wrapped up in his arms again.
You just started to unzip your suitcase when your phone chimes. It’s another message from Seokjin!
SJ: Shame. You’re not ready to play.
“Wait… what?” You stare at your phone at the weird message. You're decoding the meaning behind the text when you receive another one.
SJ: I won’t repeat myself for a second time. Get ready. Now.
Well, there’s no sense in arguing, though you are interested as to where Seokjin might be watching from. It’s not until you undo the last few buttons of your blouse that your eyes land on the bear. What are the odds that those beady eyes are actually camera lenses?
You quickly stripped yourself of your clothes until only the red lingerie is all you’re left in. Then, placing the loop of the blindfold between your lips, you crawl on the bed on all fours until you’re staring eye-to-eye with the bear. You squint at what you thought were soulless plastic beads. After closer inspection, you find it; the faintest blink of red that disappears as quickly as it comes. You were right. There is a camera hidden behind the left eye of your gift.
Two can play at this game. And if Seokjin wants a show, who are you to deny him one? Smirking, you tower over the plush before planting a kiss on the lens.
“Can you hear me, baby?” you test.
The ding of a message from your phone is proof that he could.
The smirk you wear stretches wider across your cherry-tinted lips. Time to enact your plan. You pull the bear by its legs so it lies horizontally on the bed. Shifting up, you straddle its face before lowering your hips until your clothed core meets the cold tip of its nose.
Oh. That feels good.
“Baby…” Throwing the lens a smirk, you secure the blindfold around your eyes. “I don’t want to wait," you pout, "So, I'm going to play right now."
As soon as you finish your sentence, your phone on your nightstand beeps again. Something tells you that hidden inside that text notification is a command for you to stop whatever you’re doing, but since he’s not here…
You rock your hips forward experimentally, shuddering when the bear’s nose bumps your clit. “Oh fuck…”
With quiet pants, you repeat the action, back and forth. Back and forth. The candy-cane patterned panties you’re wearing gradually grows wetter, your arousal seeping into the cream muzzle of the bear.
In response to your rebellion, the buzzing from your phone increases to a point where it vibrates itself off the nightstand. Still, you don’t stop, and instead, it fuels you to grind faster, harder, until you feel the telltale tingling in your spine.
Your hands grip the sides of the bear, using its ears as leverage to steady the head. You hope he's enjoying the view. “Seokjin, baby, are you watching?” you smirk.
The thrill of potentially disobeying him is exhilarating. Within the realms of technicality, you’re not breaking any rules. Seokjin just said to put the blindfold on and wait, which is exactly what you’re doing right now… just with the added bonus of possibly making yourself orgasm.
The embers quickly spread across your body, and the grip you have around the bear grows tighter. You can’t stop your moans, and they tumble out with careless abandon, growing louder and louder as your orgasm approaches.
“C-Can you hear me? I’m… ah, so fucking close! Baby, baby…” Your body is a forest fire. All your senses are heightened to that one specific point in your body. The world no longer exists, just you and a taut string, ready to snap at a moment’s notice. You’re close… so close. “I’m gonna—”
The rocking of your hips freeze instantly at the familiar command that often haunts your dreams. In your blinded state, you swivel your head this way and that, trying to pinpoint where his voice is coming from. There’s no way he’s in the room… is there?
“S-Seokjin?” you call out meekly.
His voice sounded so cold, so furious.
At the silence that greets you, you try again. “Jin? Baby? Are you here with me?”
You don’t dare move, or even breathe, as you wait. Then it comes, the unmistakable click of his tongue, followed by the dull thump of his expensive leather shoes against the carpeted floor of the room. Shit.
"O-Oh, when did you get here?" You smile at the direction you think he's coming for.
He ignores your question. “What do we have here?” Seokjin asks instead. Though his words sound amused, you have a feeling he’s anything but.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you attempt a cheery attitude. “B-Baby… I’ve missed you so much! Are you finally here to play?”
Seokjin chuckles, but it’s not the high-pitched laughter you’re used to. No, it’s the one he reserves for when he’s disappointed in your antics; like he can’t believe your audacity.
You gasp when the familiar curl of his fingers wrap around your throat, his forefinger and thumb tilting your chin to the side. His other hand lands on your thigh, drumming his fingers on your skin.
“Bad girl,” he tuts, trailing his lips from the nape of your neck to your shoulder. “I told you explicitly what to do, and here you are disobeying me. What's worse is that you ignored my calls and texts with the phone I gave you.”
The hand on your thigh trails up and up, skirting around the lace edges of your underwear. “What should I do with a baby that can’t even listen to simple instructions, huh?”
You stay completely silent, a small hint of fear diluting your excitement.
Seokjin grazes his teeth along the shell of your ear. “What’s going on now, pet? Too scared to say anything? You were so loud before. Answer me. What shall I do with you tonight?”
“Wanna see you…” you whimper instead of answering his question.
Seokjin laughs in disbelief. “What makes you think you deserve to see me? No no. Not after that stunt you pulled that forced me out of my meeting. Decide on your punishment, baby; I’m giving you this chance because it’s Christmas, but also because I don’t think you’ll appreciate what I have planned for you.”
You attempt to quiet down the loud pounding of your heart with an inhale. It’s mercy, especially from him. “Spank m-me,” you manage to utter.
He hums against your skin. “Spanking? Isn’t that too boring? We’ve done that plenty of times before and it’s clear you don’t learn your lesson from it.” Seokjin pauses, and when you don’t object, he continues. “Well, since you don’t seem to have any other ideas, let’s go with my plan then.”
The cold air whooshes around you when Seokjin departs from your back, and upon release, you slump forward onto the bear. Whatever it was he has planned, you’re not sure you’ll survive.
When he returns, not long after you hear him sticking something to the floor, Seokjin removes the blindfold carefully, making sure it doesn’t tangle with your hair. You can’t help but smile, even when he’s upset with you, he’s still trying to make sure you’re unharmed.
“Okay, angel, seeing as you’re so eager to cum, get on the floor and show me.”
It takes you a few moments to adjust to the bright light. When the room no longer blinds you with white, you find yourself face-to-face with Seokjin. There's a flush of red across his cheeks and ears, a beautiful contrast to the navy vest he wears over his white shirt. God. You must look completely disheveled compared to him.
Seokjin's lips curl into a feline smile. He tucks your hair behind your ear as he whispers, "Are you done staring? Don't forget what you're supposed to do, pet."
Embarrassed, you pretend to not hear him, and instead your eyes find a dildo placed on the floor.
You purse your lips as you survey the toy. It looks pretty standard, although it’s a bit bigger than the normal dildos you’ve seen in sex shops. You’re not too keen on the silicone’s bright neon pink shaft, and the veins protruding along the sides look more comical than anything. But this is the task that Seokjin has assigned you to and even with your hesitance, you’re not about to say ‘no’.
After removing your panties, you take another glance at Seokjin, who smirks at you, before positioning your hips so that the tip of the dildo kisses your hole.
“Come on, get on with it.” Seokjin taps his foot impatiently on the carpet. “Put on a good show for me.”
After taking a deep breath, you slowly lower yourself onto the silicone toy. As the toy disappears inside you, a gasp leaves your lips at the slight burn from the stretch. Yeah, this was way bigger than any of the dildos you’ve tried previously; and maybe it’s because of your position, but the tip reaches further than what you’re used to as well.
“Oh… god…”
You’re filled to the brim, and you’ve barely taken up half of the toy. Thankfully, the cold silicone begins to warm up to your body’s temperature, and you moan as the first bursts of pleasure erupt in your head. You’re moving slow, allowing yourself to get used to the girth, but Seokjin seems displeased, his mouth turned downwards at your efforts.
With a click of his tongue, he rises from the bed to sit behind you on the floor, bunching the black satin fabric in his hands. Your vision disappears when he secures the blindfold over your head again.
After he makes sure that the blindfold won't come loose, he moves your hair to the side and plants a kiss on the nape of your neck, murmuring, "Do you love me?"
You sigh happily, leaning towards his touch. "You know I do. What's up with the question?"
Seokjin chuckles. "Oh, nothing at all." His large hands take hold of your hips, massaging you gently. You squeak when his grip turns forceful, his dull nails digging into your skin, but it doesn't compare to the scream you let out when Seokjin slams you down to the hilt.
“Fuck! Seokjin!” Your walls clench at the sudden intrusion, pinpricks of tears collecting in your eyes when he yanks you up. Your legs shake so badly that if it weren't for the tight hold he has over your hips, you'll surely buckle forward.
Seokjin seizes your jaw, his fingers digging into the flesh of your neck as he rasps harshly, “Didn’t I tell you to put on a show? Huh? Fucking hell. Are you too stupid to understand simple instructions now?”
"N-No…" you sob. "S-Seokjin… I can do it myself."
Using your hips, he pushes you back down onto the dildo, ignoring your whimpers and pleas. "I don't think so," he coos mockingly when your hands scratch over his palms as you beg him to stop. "I think after a year apart, my baby is too stupid to do anything without my help."
Seokjin doesn't need both hands to force you to ride the dildo, and he spits out taunt after taunt, each one meaner than the last. The other hand on your neck holds your head in place, and your neck is surely riddled with half-moon indents by the power of his grip. You’re left speechless as you're made to ride the dildo, there are only half-syllables of his name escaping every so often with how mushy your brain’s turning. With the brutal pace he sets, the burn from your walls stretching open takes a bit to fade into pleasure, but when it does, you're moaning loudly, slamming your hips down repeatedly on your own.
“That’s better,” Seokjin praises, removing his hand from your body to smooth out your hair. You whine when his large hand presses on your upper back, pushing you forward until your chest is parallel to the floor. “Okay, angel, keep riding that dildo and give me your hands. Don’t stop. Good girl.”
Seokjin secures your wrists behind you with a long piece of cloth. You continue to move per his instructions, but at this point your thighs are burning, especially without the support from your arms.
That dreaded click of his tongue reaches your ear again, and so you try to keep up with the momentum, but it’s only for a few more seconds until you falter again.
The grip around your hip tightens again, his nails digging into your skin. “Aww… what’s wrong, baby? Didn’t you want to cum?” Pleased with the results after testing the knot a few times, Seokjin picks you back up from the floor like a rag doll, and begins to move your body for you again.
Your limbs are screaming, the soreness spreading from your thighs, down your legs, turning them numb. Yet you follow his heed, bucking your hips with Seokjin as your conductor. “G-God… Too big…” you whine.
Seokjin sushes your complaints by slipping two of his fingers past your lips. “You can take it. That’s it. Good girl. Keep going.” he praises, kissing your shoulder. Saliva drips from your lips and down your chest as you swirl your tongue around his digits.
Without warning, Seokjin’s hand leaves your hip to draw circles on your clit, his praises unending as you move faster. You garble his name as your eyes flutter shut under the blindfold. The soreness in your thighs is forgotten as you chase your high, climbing higher and higher with each second that passes you by.
Seokjin rips his fingers away from your mouth to unclasp the bra you’re wearing. His wet digits swirl around your nipple, rolling the sensitive bud between his forefinger and thumb, and your spine curves from the dull pain.
“Look at these gorgeous tits,” he groans, pinching your nipple not unkindly. “Your nipples are so fucking hard. Do you feel good, baby?”
“Very… good,” you gasp. “I’m close—”
Everything inside of you is hot – an unchecked flame spreading like wildfire as you keep edging to the brink of madness. The tingling in your spine returns; a delicious warning to your downfall.
“Cum for me, baby. Soak this carpet, yeah?”
“Fuckfuckfuck, Seokjin!” you screech.
Your body shakes with the force of the orgasm, the spine tingling sensation causing your head to swim like you’re thrown into another dimension. Yet the blinding light doesn’t cease because Seokjin’s still going; his hand returning to your hips as he forces you to pick up the pace again.
“Shit… Seokjin… I can’t…”
He laughs aloud at your words. “You can’t? My little fucking brat… Didn’t you say you wanted to cum? I’m giving it to you right now and you’re telling me you can’t?”
No, no, no. Not like this. You’re going to break if he keeps going. Yet your body continues to absorb every brutal impact; every drag of the toy against your walls, and soon the familiar knot returns to your stomach.
“Fuuuck!” you scream. Your bound hands shake behind you in an attempt to break free, but Seokjin’s rope tricks keep the knot from getting undone.
It’s a little bit faster now, the way in which the light blinds your vision. Within a few more moments, you’re soaking the carpet below you again, your high cresting over you and reaching its peak. You think you screamed his name as you came, but you can’t be too sure – not when the world is spinning, and your blood roars loudly in your ears.
You’re whimpering as you come down from the intensity. You’ve tried everything under the sun with Seokjin, but you’ve never had two orgasms in a row – not at the same degree. Seokjin’s large hands cup your face as he removes the blindfold from you, kissing your hair and murmuring sweet praises in the process. With heavy lids, you look up at his handsome face, and you smile at the pride that shines in his eyes. Looks like you did good.
How long have you been leaning on him? You quickly scramble away from his chest, but your body feels like it weighs a thousand pounds, so you simply flail before landing back on his sculpted chest with a thump.
With a quiet chuckle, Seokjin massages your back as he gently removes the dildo from underneath you.
“Ah… fuck…” you hiss at the soreness that’s beginning to settle.
“Was it good?”
“Very,” you hum, kissing him along his jaw. “Is that all you have planned for me tonight?”
Seokjin scoffs as he gathers you from the floor and lifts you up. “Of course not. That's just the beginning. Are you ready for more though?”
“Always. What do you take me for?”
“That’s my girl.”
He lays you gently on your tummy after discarding the stuffed bear to the floor. His hands massage your palms, making sure he hasn’t cut off any blood flow. “How are your hands?”
“Sore, but okay.”
“Would you like me to take them off?”
“Not at all. It’s the only way for you to keep me still, right?”
“I guess so,” he chuckles. “I’m going to move you to the headboard, unless of course… you can do it yourself?”
You take the challenge with a firm nod, and though your legs are jelly from your adventures on the floor, you manage to lift yourself up and crawl to the headboard before dropping your weight onto the mountain of pillows. It wasn’t graceful by any means, but it got the job done.
Seokjin whistles at your feat as tosses his vest away and undoes the first few buttons of his shirt, and you have a sinking suspicion that the missing tie in his ensemble is the exact same one that has bound your wrists together. And judging from how his hands return to his sides, it seems like you’re the only one that’s going to be naked tonight. Darn.
“Eyes up here, baby.”
To be honest, you hadn’t realized you had thrown all your focus on the sliver of honeyed-skin, but at his words, your eyes jerk up to meet his, and you find yourself staring at that irritating half-smirk you’ve come to love.
“Wasn’t staring,” you mumble.
There’s a hardness in Seokjin’s gaze, causing the air to still. “I don’t remember teaching my baby to lie.” Even though he spoke in a whisper, there’s a hidden threat underneath the words.
“I mean… I didn’t…” you fumble.
“No, no, you clearly did.” Seokjin shifts to loom above you before pressing his thumb on your bottom lip. “This filthy fucking mouth,” he growls.
You start to mumble, but Seokjin pushes his digit past your lips and hooks his thumb on the inside of your cheek, causing it to bulge and force you into silence. His other hand reaches over to unzip his pants, freeing his girth of its confines. You’re transfixed, unable to take your eyes off the leaking head. He pumps his length a few times, and your mouth begins to salivate at the thought of his taste again. Oh, how you’ve missed him.
Without removing his thumb, he stands over you and jerks himself in front of your face, the tip of his dick bumping your cheek every so often. You struggle against your binds, your mouth wrapping itself around his thumb as you whine around it.
“You're making a mess of my finger,” he groans. “Are you that hungry for my cock, baby?”
You nod fervently without looking up from the sight of his purple-ish head.
“Okay then, open up.”
Just after your lips part as you release his thumb, Seokjin rams his dick all the way inside, knocking your head backwards against the headboard. But the dull pain on your head is nothing like the burn in your throat. Seokjin’s big, and your small throat has a hard time accomodating to his girth.
“Shit… so fucking tight. Just for me.”
His cock sits heavy on your tongue, your jaw aching from having to keep your mouth open. You try to breathe but the air seems intent on not entering you. Oh god, did he get bigger?
“Ah, isn’t this much nicer?" His voice distracts you from your predicament. "You’re so much quieter with a cock in your mouth.”
Seokjin tangles his fingers in your hair, angling your head slightly upwards so he can easily thrust into your throat. Even though he’s going slow, tears begin to collect in your eyes as you struggle to breathe.
He then wraps his fingers around your throat, squeezing hard enough that it cuts off your air flow. As you choke and gag around him, Seokjin groans loudly above you. “Fuuuck, I love how tight you got. I can feel the outline of my dick around your throat. Is it hard to breathe, baby? Huh?”
“Mmph!” you whine around him. Your fingernails dig into your palms as lights begin to dance in front of your eyes. Just as you think you’re about to tap out from the lack of oxygen, Seokjin removes himself from your throat, relieving you of much needed air as you sputter and choke.
You’re inhaling lungfuls of air, until your heart is no longer running like you just finished a marathon.
“Fuck,” you cry weakly.
Seokjin tips your chin up with his finger. “Still want more?”
“Please,” is all you can muster.
With a whispered ‘okay’, Seokjin returns to straddle you and places the tip of his cock on your lips. You open your mouth dutifully, maintaining eye contact as you go down on his length. He waits patiently until your nose brushes against the dark hairs on the base before he begins moving.
Seokjin tangles his fingers in your hair to keep you steady, and so you don’t knock your head against the headboard. When you give him the slightest nod, he’s merciless; driving his hips forward, and groaning loudly every time you swallow around his length. Though there’s a curtain of tears that block your vision, you can still make out the twist in Seokjin’s face as he loses himself in bliss.
His balls slap against your jaw and you want nothing more than to play with them, but you’re only left wanting, with your hands unable to hold on to anything aside from the sheets below you. You focus on hollowing your cheeks, and with it you’ve earned yourself a deep thrust and Seokjin’s loud grunt of your name.
“Baby, baby,” he hisses. Seokjin’s close; you can tell by the way he falters in his thrusts. “Shit…”
Just before he explodes, he yanks your head back to unsheathe himself. His other hand wraps around his length, his body jerking as his orgasm overtakes him. You barely manage to close your eyes before the first spurts hit you; the warm fluid decorating your forehead and cheeks in white. As Seokjin’s ragged breathing slows down, you peek when you don't feel anymore spurts on your face, but you shut your eyes immediately when it turns out he hasn't spared them.
“You – ah – look so pretty with my cum all over you like this,” he smiles through quick inhales of air.
You attempt to lick at the drops that land on your cheeks, but they’re unfortunately too far from your tongue. “Wanna taste…” you pout.
“Dirty girl.”
You can’t help but grin at the pride in his voice. Seokjin scoops up his cum with his fingers as he mutters, “Open wide.” You stick your tongue out and he presses his cum-stained fingers to your mouth, and your lips close around his digits automatically as you begin to suck. When his digits are clean, Seokjin wipes the cum from your eyes with what you assume is a handkerchief he retrieved from his pockets.
“Such a beautiful cumslut,” he hums as he cleans your face. “Would you let just anyone make a mess of you?”
“No,” you mumble, opening your eyes when he's done. “Just you,” you whisper absentmindedly, staring in awe at his dick that hasn’t lost its rigidity.
Seokjin follows your gaze and beams when he realizes what it is you’re staring at. Gripping the base of his dick, he taps the tip of his dick on your lips. “Do you still want more? Are two orgasms not enough for you?”
You nod enthusiastically, spreading your legs outward to prove your point. “I don’t think one is enough for you either,” you tease.
“You're absolutely right,” he beams. Seokjin traces your cheek absentmindedly, and there's a strange tone in his voice when he murmurs, “My cock-hungry whore. Is that what you are?”
That’s a new one, and you’re surprised to find how much you love it.
“I am. I’m your cock-hungry whore,” you pant, your eyes falling to his length again. Perhaps it’s the trick of the light, but you swear– no, you know for sure that he’s bigger than before.
Seokjin grabs your legs and kneels down between them, situating the tip over your entrance. But instead of entering, he purposefully slides up, bumping into your clit and causing you to shiver.
“How much do you want me? It seems like you’ll do just fine with the dildo. Should I just bring that back?”
As you chase after his length with your hips, you let out a high-pitch whine, your cunt leaking more juices with every drag of his fat cock against your swollen folds.
“A- A lot… I want it,” you beg.
“Oh?” Seokjin whispers. “I don’t know… it doesn’t seem like you want me that much,” he teases.
Every time the tip of his cock bumps your clit, you’re permitted a small sliver of heaven, one so out of reach with the way he’s teasing you.
“Beg for it, baby. Or else I’ll really get the dildo and fuck you that way instead.”
You’re squirming; kicking the sheets underneath you. If he doesn't stop teasing you, you swear you're going to explode.
“Fuck! Fine! Seokjin, please. Pleasepleaseplease. I need your cock so bad,” you rasp. “Hurry up and fuck me!”
“As you wish.”
Seokjin sinks into your heat after your cry, and the both of you moan in unison when he fills you to the brim. If you thought the dildo was big, it was nothing compared to Seokjin. Every time he buries himself inside of you, it’s like you’re about to tear into two. Yet the usual burn from the stretch doesn’t last as long, and you’re soon thrown into the depths of pleasure.
“Fuck!” you hiss repeatedly.
“Oh, fuck,” he repeats, and he splays his hand on your stomach, pressing lightly at the slight outline of his cock. “I’m always amazed that this tiny pussy can take me so well. Can you feel how deep I am inside of you, angel?”
You claw at the sheets underneath you as he begins his punishing pace. “Yes, fuck! So deep…” You blink the tears away at the sight of Seokjin above you.
Even in the throes of pleasure, with sweat slicking his forehead, he looks like a god. It’s not fair that he’s still clothed; you want nothing more than anything to rip his shirt away. Once again, you attempt to free yourself from your bindings, and once again… you fail.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Seokjin asks with a teasing lilt.
“Want to touch you,” you whisper breathlessly.
With a chuckle, he shakes his head. “You don’t deserve to touch me. Just lie there and be a good hole for me.”
“Seokjin…” you wail. “Need to touch you.”
“Nope.” He proceeds to exit out of you and flip you over, so that you’re lying on your stomach again. “You’ve not been good today, pet. So you don’t get what you want.”
Seokjin grabs your bound wrists and yanks them upwards, bringing your body up into the air. With his knees, he pushes your legs out further. Without your hands supporting your weight, you’re relying heavily on your thighs and the hold that Seokjin has.
It hasn’t even been a few seconds and your thighs are already burning, but thankfully, that feeling quickly goes away, replaced by the pleasure that his cock brings upon entering you.
This time, his thrusts are slower, and he prioritises going deeper into your heat. It’s more intimate, a complete one-eighty to the rough pounding you just received, but you’re not certain that you can cum from this alone.
As if he’s reading your thoughts, Seokjin’s hand snakes around your waist to return to your clit, massaging the bundle of nerves gently with figure eights. You sigh, feeling so full and whole with him so deep inside you.
“I wanted to be mean, but you just looked so lovely,” he admits, his voice wistful and soft. “I don’t think I have it in me to go hard on you anymore.”
He doesn’t go any faster than he needs to, paying close attention to every sound you make and adjusting his speed then. It doesn’t take you long to reach the apex again, the climb much easier after you’ve experienced it once before, but still, it’s not enough to pull you over the edge.
“Jin… Jin… Need you faster," you wail.
“Yeah, baby, I got you,” he grunts.
He releases you from his hold and pushes your face to the bed, his thrusts punishing as he slams repeatedly into your cunt. You’re screaming his name, chanting it like a prayer, even though your throat is sore from overuse. This is what you need; the feel of Seokjin driving his dick deeper within you, pushing you over and over to the brink.
“Seokjin—” you cry, soaking the sheets below with your tears.
You’re so close, so so close.
“Cum for me, angel. One last time. Cream my cock, yeah?”
The orgasms you’ve had previously doesn’t compare to the one you’re experiencing now. This isn’t an ember, but a white blinding light, consuming you from the inside out as you come undone with a silent scream, your mind filled with a pleasant buzzing that renders you completely speechless. Yet Seokjin isn’t done, and he continues to pound into you, growing faster and deeper as he chases his own high.
“Fuck, baby. I’m gonna cum, gonna fuck you full of my seed.”
You whine at his brutal pace, raising your hips higher. "S-Seokjin!"
“That’s it, take all of me. Oh God… Shit—I’m cumming—"
Seokjin lets out a long moan as his orgasm takes over. His dark hair falls over his eyes, and he grabs your ass tightly as he fills you up with his warm seed.
Wholly overwhelmed, you only mumble something unintelligible when he slips away. The bed dips when Seokjin returns, and all you feel is a warm damp cloth between your legs. When he's done, he tosses the rag away before he gathers you in his arms. When Seokjin undoes the knots, you sigh, feeling pins and needles settling in, as Seokjin massages your wrists.
“I love you,” he mumbles as he lays you back down on the bed, bowing his head to claim your lips.
You return his kisses slowly, opening your lips to let his tongue glide inside. “I love you too,” you mumble back when you part. “I can’t believe it took you this long to kiss me.”
Seokjin laughs, the sound muted and quiet, but still warm. “What can I say? You were a total brat today. I told you one thing and you did the complete opposite.”
You scoff, bringing your hand to your chest. “Technically, I didn’t break any rules. You never said I couldn’t touch myself. I just had to sit pretty and wear a blindfold.”
“Yeah? Well, look at where that ‘technicality’ got you, brat.
Seokjin scoots you over to lie next to you, and you’re both silent except for the sound of your breathing. Turning over to your side, you slide over into his awaiting arms. “I have a question for you…”
“Was this anything like what you had planned today?”
You can feel his chest rumble as he laughs. “Nothing ever goes as planned when it comes to you.”
You chuckle along with him. “Not even the dildo?”
“Oh, that one was planned, although my original idea was to be a bit nicer to you. God, you bring out the 'mean' me,” Seokjin pouts.
“Speaking of, where did you get it anyway? I’ve never seen a hot pink dildo that big before. Holy shit, it’s almost as big as you.”
Seokjin doesn’t say anything, and after looking up from where you lie on the crook of his neck, you spy that he’s smirking. And the realization slowly dawns on you. “No fucking way…”
“You said you wanted my dick as a Christmas present, so here it is,” he shrugs.
“So, you’re telling me… you molded your dick and… wait what? How does that work?”
He laughs, filling the room with the sound of Christmas bells. “I think the words you’re looking for are ‘thank you’.”
You roll your eyes, knowing that he can’t see. “Thank you,” you repeat coyly after him.
“You’re welcome.” Seokjin squeezes you in his embrace. “One more thing? You’re moving in with me after this weekend. I’ve prepared an apartment for the two of us close to where you work so we don’t have to only meet once a year.”
You pry yourself away from his arms. “Wait what?” Leave it to Seokjin to leave the details to something this extravagant at the last minute. You can’t believe what you’re hearing. Does that mean you don’t have to part with him at the end of your holiday? “For real?”
“Yeah,” he beams. “Surprise."
You look into his eyes, staring at the familiar warm irises for a few seconds before you bring his face in and smash your lips to his. Stupid, impulsive Seokjin. You still can't believe he bought an apartment for you so the two of you won't have to part.
"Is that the cause for celebration?" you mumble into his lips.
"Yep, that's the big surprise. There's no more after that."
"Got it," you whisper, pulling your weary body up to straddle his waist. "I promised you a show, didn't I?"
Seokjin raises his brow as your hands begin to undo the rest of the buttons. "Oh? Is there more?" he asks as you part the white fabric to his sides.
"Of course. That's just the beginning," you parrot with a wiggle of your eyebrows, leaning down to kiss his collarbone. He's finally exposed, thank god. "The question is…" your nail drags from the centre of his chest down his torso, "are you ready for more?"
Seokjin laughs from underneath you before flipping you over, his arms landing by the side of your head as he smirks down at you. He looks deep into your eyes, fitting your chin between his forefinger and thumb, and you see the mischievous fire blazing in his eyes.
With his lips curling into a smile, he whispers, voice so angelic to hide the sins he's about to commit–
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moon's notes: woooooo! i wrote this thinking about my biggest fantasy :) i hope you enjoyed it because i had a great time writing this :DD let me know what you think!
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wonlouvre · 3 years
Yayyy i absolutely love your writing!!
I would like to request a Hoshi × gn!idol! Reader angst+fluff imagine where Soonyoung cheers/takes care of his reserved s/o who has been having a hard time and has opened up to him about it for the first time. S/o is someone who can't say no easily and because of that their workload had increased a lot. But in the end they can't hold themselves any longer and breaks down.
strength | k. sy.
pairing: hoshi x gn!idol reader genre: fluff, angst, then fluff again warnings: mentions of anxiety, physical and mental tiredness (please tell me if i missed anything!) word count: 1.8k+ (i honestly don’t even know anymore)
💌: thank you very much for requesting! i made some tweaks here and there and i hope you still like it! thank you for loving my writing as well :’( it really means a lot that <3 i hope you like this!
Soonyoung was aware that you’d be coming from Japan for your collaborative magazine photoshoot. He just didn’t know that you’d be going straight from the airport at four o’clock in the morning. 
He thought he read your message wrong saying that you’re on your way to the assigned shooting location. As far as he’s concerned, the call time was at seven a.m. He had to do a double take while squinting his eyes over the brightness of his phone but when he saw another bubble pop out saying you’re already there, he immediately jumped off his bed to shower. 
He misses you. You’ve been going in and out of the country because of promotions and the chances of getting to see you has been slim to none. If he ever meets with you, it will be short because either one of you has to go back to work or has to go back to bed because there is a flight to catch the next day. It’s obviously tough. But your relationship perseveres. 
Soonyoung will do everything to make it work and you are together with him on that. So if it means he has to shower half-asleep and wear his boxers backwards just to see you, he’d never mind.
Your Japanese album tour started and ended successfully but work didn’t stop from there. You were just getting started. Before leaving the said country, you were fully booked for live television performances, interviews, variety shows and the like. It was exhausting but, it was an opportunity that you couldn’t miss out on for the world even if you wanted to. 
Soonyoung is proud of you and he will always be. Heart eyes were formed whenever he got the chance to watch your performances whether it be from a paid livestream event or from kind fans sharing and uploading their videos or photos on Twitter or Instagram. He’s even more in love when it’s in person and he gets to watch your performance plus enjoy it with your never failing supportive fans. 
However, Soonyoung is also worried because he knows you’re also tired. He knows how fulfilling it is to do what you love the most, but he’s no stranger to the physically and mentally tiring part of it. He wasn’t even surprised to catch you asleep on the couch when he arrived at your dressing room. 
Your manager’s eyes brightened when they saw him, quickly standing up from the chair to give him a hug. 
“They told me they just need a fifteen minute nap,” they whisper against Soonyoung’s shoulder as he hugs them back. “But we both know they need more than that.”
Soonyoung sadly smiles while his eyes never leave your curled form. He mutters a simple “I’ll take it from here” while your manager excuses themself to buy everyone breakfast. 
It’s a challenge to take you into his arms without disturbing your sleep because he doesn’t want that from happening. He just wants to hold you for the remaining time without interruption from other people. He just wants to hold you and share this moment of calm before the lights and camera get into action later. 
Soonyoung’s thankful you didn't, although he still felt your lips lightly ghost against his jaw, telling him that you know that he’s here. He brings your legs over his lap while he cradles your head close to his neck. He wishes to lay down, but the couch is too cramped for two bodies so he’d have to settle with this position. He guesses it’s fine with how you deeply inhale his scent and snuggle closer and closer, locking your arms around his waist with no intentions of letting go. 
Just like you, he falls asleep, completely comfortable and content in finally having you in his arms again. 
Your tangled bodies were shaken to wake up at least an hour later. Both of your managers have food in their hand, ready to energize the two of you up before moving forward with the hair and makeup. The agenda for today includes a photoshoot with several changes of outfit, a short shoot for an audio video presentation and lastly an interview or question and answer of some sort. 
Your relationship has been publicly known for two years already. Some fans have been supportive while some have been angry. It’s nothing new and it’s nothing the two of you could care about at this point. 
Countless projects have been offered to the two of you during the course of those two years whether it be a song or dance performance, a guesting on a famous variety show and even a three second cameo appearance on a drama. They’re all lovely offers and you would love to participate, but the two of you made a decision to keep the relationship private. Sure, you’ll accept it from time to time. But, it’s still very limited to one to two songs to sing or dance to together and some magazine photoshoots. Just like now. 
By far, this is the third time the two of you would be featured on a magazine cover. Your respective publicists already know how to communicate to the publishing company your terms and conditions. Questions about your relationship are allowed, but to a certain number only. The rest will be about what’s mostly seen by fans and the rest of the public which is automatically your music. 
The concept is not necessarily daringly romantic. After all, what you’re trying to promote here is the clothes. But your chemistry is maintained with a few fleeting touches here and there. In one shot, you two were holding hands and the other has his arm is loosely wrapped around your neck. 
You and Soonyoung are careful to not get lost in each other’s eyes during the short breaks in between because the cameras were still rolling. Although, his soft touches on your hand and arm still lingered. On the other hand, you help him fix his hair whenever he gets excited and jumps from time to time. You could kiss him right now, but again, you want to be careful. 
The shoot concluded faster than you thought and the next thing you know, the two of you are sitting side by side with a camera blinking red in front, ready to record the interview included in the contract. 
The interview consisted of questions that’s nothing out of the ordinary. The magazine asked about your favorite go-to styles lately, your look inspirations, a little bit of this or that, your recent music releases or favorite music releases at the moment and of course something about your relationship that you're comfortable and willing enough to share. 
But one particular question caught you off guard that you had to hold your tears and brave through the rest of the interview without showing any signs that you’re about to cry.
“How have you guys been lately, individually?”
“I’ve been great,” you quickly answer with a smile that didn’t even reach your eyes. The camera may not have noticed, but Soonyoung did. It took a lot of patience and restraint for your boyfriend to stop himself from cutting the interviewer off to ask you again how you really have been. 
Everything that was in store for the two of you today ends and when the cameras are gone, you and Soonyoung hand in hand walk back to your dressing room. It’s a relief that this is the last project for the day and you’re glad you could get some rest for the coming week.
Your body slumps on the couch while the staff pack up. You puff out a breath before closing your eyes. You wish you could yell out how tired you are lately. Work piled up over the course of six months and you couldn’t have at least two days away from the makeup and flashing lights. 
Soonyoung bites his lower lip as he settles beside you. He’s contemplating whether he should ask you now or later because he doesn’t want you to grow conscious and shut yourself away. He knows how brave and strong you are. But he also wants you to know that you can trust him and that if you ever need a shoulder to cry or at least lean on, his are more than welcoming. 
“You okay, babe?” He asks in the quiet as the staff leaves one by one. “Anything bothering you?”
You surprise him by sitting up straight and opening your eyes, welling with tears. That makes him shoot up and instantly hug you close. “Oh baby.”
You finally cry and set free the tears that you’ve been locking deep within you. You thought you could brave through this pain and anxiety without having the need to shed any vulnerability. You thought this shall pass soon. You thought you could do this. 
But here you are now letting go with sniffles and shaking shoulders as Soonyoung gently caresses the top of your head. 
He hates to see you cry. But it’s only right to let you. 
“I just feel like I’m going to miss out on everything if I turn down any project offered to me.”
Soonyoung pouts when he hears what’s been bothering you. It took a while for you to calm down and finally talk, but it’s okay. He doesn’t mind. He will never mind. 
“I understand, honey,” he assures you and wipes your tear stained cheek. “And there’s nothing wrong with feeling that way.”
Your lips shake again and crying makes you want to hide. Without hesitation, you crawl to your boyfriend’s lap and wrap your arms around his shoulder. Soonyoung doesn’t complain and just keeps you close, protective arms around your waist.
The dressing room is empty except for the two of you. The staff got the message once Soonyoung pleaded with them through his eyes to give you some time with him since you’re already done for the day.
“It’s also okay to work and work,” he continues, soothing hands rubbing against your back. “But at some point, it’s also okay to take a break for them.”
You pull away and rest your hands on his neck. “Even though I’m going to miss out?”
Soonyoung nods and leans his forehead against yours. “Yes and there’s also nothing wrong with that.”
“I seriously want to go on a trip with my family,” you say and sigh. “And of course, with you too.”
Soonyoung can’t help but giggle. “I’d love to. How about next month? Let’s go somewhere with your family or friends. Where do you want to go? What do you want to do?”
Your boyfriend’s enthusiasm puts a smile on your face and this time, the smile reaches your eyes. “Let’s go somewhere quiet first. I want to take a long nap before we proceed to do anything that needs an awake body.”
“You got it, babe,” Soonyoung promises and kisses your lips.
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