#Italian Merlot
wine-porn · 1 year
9 of 7
Spent a couple hours this morning on a very informative zoom with the vigneron from this place and although I had opened their two least expensive and most-distributed wines the past week, had not really acclimated myself with what was in the rest of the care-package. Sure enough, there’s a 100% Merlot in there and lord knows I love myself some Italian Merlot (and we’re not talking super-Tuscan…
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vorreisparireunpo · 2 years
Io che sto zitto solo per scomparire
-M.E.R.L.O.T. "Solo per scomparire"
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haybug1 · 4 months
Cotarella Sodale Merlot ~ Wine of the Day
From volcanic soils in the Lazio region of Italy, bordering Tuscany and Umbria, where Romans planted grapes hundreds of years ago, Famiglia Cotarella crafts luscious, fruit-forward Merlot wine. Cotarella Sodale Merlot shows notes of ripe red berries, red plum, woody herbs, wildflowers, and crushed stone minerality. It is a food-friendly, expressive wine with great energy, balancing crunchy tannin…
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sommelier-on-a-mission · 10 months
Galatrona 2021 Unveiled in Exclusive Preview at Pipero Roma
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nobrashfestivity · 5 months
24 Hour Red Sauce
Since I am making this right now as I type, I thought I would share one of my sauce recipes. The long cooking time may seem daunting but that's also what makes it difficult to mess up. There are probably typos and I never before have written this down but here it is.
24 hour red sauce
People ask me sometimes “How did you make this sauce?” and I usually say something like, “Well, I cook it a really long time.” But now I will share, roughly, how I do make that sauce.
In spite of my part-Italian family, This is my recipe not a family one. My mother and Italian grandmother showed me how to make sauce but frankly, theirs was not that great. Okay, serviceable, not amazing. Perhaps, like many people I learned to cook at an early age because I didn’t like other people’s food. I went to one of those terrible schools where they would make you eat what they gave you. I’m stubborn and refused their overtures, and as I went forth in life I said no to many things. and thus never developed a taste for them. I’m basically the opposite of Anthony Bourdain.
Because I am a vegetarian, I would bring Lasagna or the like to holiday meals for friends and family and over time I endeavored to make a sauce that would stand up in lasagna, stuffed shells or other sauce killers. I make other sauces but this is the favorite of my friends because, I think, the long cooking time makes for a complex flavor.
I’m not the New York times, so this is a little rough in terms of measurements but the beauty of red sauce is that you taste as you go.
-7 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil (I use Tuscan olive oil such as Vetrice for critical stuff but it can be waste of money in long cooking sauce. Any good olive oil with a little bite will work)
-2 28 oz cans of Bianco DiNapoli crushed tomatoes. (you can also use San merican, Mutti or what have you, but I like these best)
- 14 ounce Bianco DiNapoli whole tomatoes (opinions differ on crushed vs whole, I use a mix)
-25-35 cloves fresh garlic, finely chopped
-½ to 3/4 oz fresh basil leaves, chopped (this depends on how many stems you get and how pungent the basil is)
-Vegetable broth (this will add salt, if you want less salt use low sodium broth. If you’re not a vegetarian, you can use beef or chicken broth too).
-Full bodied red wine, like Cabernet, Merlot or Rojas. Don’t break the bank but don’t use something disgusting, you’re eating this.
-1 dried bay leaf (yes you have to)
-¾ teaspoon crushed red pepper (I use a whole teaspoon actually)
-½ teaspoon coarse ground black pepper
-1 medium to large sweet onion
Get a big sauce pan because red sauce will splatter as cook it and it's easier if that doesn’t end up on your stove.
Chop the whole tomatoes (I do this by hand but you can use a food processor) set aside in a bowl.
Under low heat, put the olive oil in and add the garlic and the red pepper, saute a little until the garlic becomes a little glassy.
Add the crushed and chopped whole tomatoes, increase the heat to medium. Set aside the cans.
Peel your onion (you can use two if they are small) and chop it in half. Now look where the sauce comes up to in your cooking pot. Make a little mark (obviously on the outside) of your pot or just wing it.
Fill one empty can half way (14 oz) with vegetable broth and slosh it around to get the remaining tomatoes out of it. Add the black pepper and bay leaf and pour into the sauce.
Fill the other empty can half way with red wine (also 14 oz), a Cabernet is good here, slosh it around and add to the sauce. Now you have wasted nothing except your life cooking this sauce.
Add the two halves of your onion to the sauce. Stir in about half the chopped basil.
Cover the sauce with a lid with a hole in it or half cover it allowing some steam out and turn the stove way down below a simmer. You should even being seeing regular bubbles I the sauce at first and they shouldn’t be appearing rapidly ever.
Every hour tell Michael to stir the sauce (or do it yourself)
Pour a glass of wine and drink it.
Cook it half covered for 4-6 hours on as low heat as possible. You should see occasional bubbles. If the cooked sauce falls below the line you made on your cooking pot, you’re cooking it too fast, but no matter, if that happens, add a cup of 1/3 wine, 1/3 water and 1/3 broth and stir it in. Taste the sauce, it should be pretty good.
Go to bed and out the sauce in the ice box (My grandmother said Ice Box, refrigerator is what it means).
When you get back up in the afternoon (if you get up early, who even are you) uncover the sauce and put it back on low heat simmering or below. Add another two cups of the wine-broth-water mixture and cook for another 5-8 hours. Remember to stir.
When the sauce tastes amazing and you can’t stop tasting it, remove the onions and bay leaf and throw them away. Turn the stove off. Add the rest of your fresh basil and stir it in. You don’t have to use all the basil but basil is not a bad thing. Let the sauce cool for at least an hour. Serve or store. Drink the remaining wine.
It’s actually difficult to ruin this sauce if you follow these guiding principles-
1- You want roughly the same amount of sauce you started with before you added the liquids (wine, water and broth). So you want to see about 50-65 oz of finished sauce depending on how thick you like it.
2- Cooking the onions provides the sweetness to take the acidity out of the sauce, if it’s not sweet enough to can add another onion but it should all even out with more cooking. More sugar will be released from the onions over time. The sauce should be spicy and somewhat strong and acidic but also smooth and flavorful. Add more of your liquids if the sauce is too thick, cook more if it’s too thin. Don’t use sugar.
3- The red wine is a big flavor in this, the alcohol will cook off but flavor is part of the dynamic. Sicilians will tell you to use paste, but that’s a different sauce.
4- I cook this sauce for as long as 24 hours but you don’t have to to make it good. It depends a lot on how high your heat is, how much liquid you use etc. but I would recommend no less than 7 hours of cooking. Otherwise the magic doesn’t happen.
5- Make this often, tweak to your taste, you will return to it each time affirming its power to sustain you in a harsh and unkind world.
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ladyseaforth · 6 months
Feline Arch
Vincent Renzi x reader
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That feline man slinks to the curb, upon which he sweeps his hand into his grey coat pocket and pulls out a pack of expensive cigarettes. He subsequently pulls out a lighter, the movement liquid smooth and self-assured and velvet.
His silver, boyish head of hair flickers gently in the breeze of the street as his cigarette is lit, the smoke waltzing with the patterns of the air. Yet he is pensive, deep in thought. Upon that pavement, he appears completely absorbed in his own thoughts, completely unaware that he is a very watchable figure. Routine must have gotten the better of him, he comes to that curb, outside the Italian cafe, nearly every other day.
You watch until he inhales one last drag from the cigarette, and look away as he comes back into the cafe.
You have seen him before, but it’s difficult to say if he has ever truly seen you. He may have sighted you, but has he really seen you? His gaze comes in such glimpses. That little notebook he pulls from his pocket takes a significant amount of his sweet attentions.
He has a very serious expression. You want to rub the crease between his brow and light his cigarettes for him. Clasp your hand around his slim, narrow shoulders and slide your chin into the crook of his neck. Imagine the smell of smoke and expensive cologne.
He is a man of good taste, you can tell.
Today, he is wearing a jumper. A sweater. Whatever may suit your vocabulary. It is unusual due to his usual pattern of simple suits and tailored coats. He has a black coffee and a glass of wine on the table before him. He is reading this time.
No haphazard scribbling in that notebook. No serious phone calls before he inevitably rushes off into the busy streets.
You sit behind a glass of red, in a booth on the other side of the quiet room, nursing the scarlet liquid slowly. Your laptop is on the table, the screen light dimming from lack of use. Of stimulation. It is simply there for the random bursts of thought, strands of language that may come to mind as your head wanders.
It is the nature of a writer: waiting for the little things.
“Watching him again? You pervert.” Salomé slides into the other side of the booth, causing you to jump out of your meandering thoughts.
“I don’t blame you for it,” she adds, before you can speak, “If I didn’t have places to be, I would probably be doing the same thing.” Her lipstick smile grows wide and mischievous.
“I do have places to be, I’m just not legally contracted to be at them,” you retort, gently closing the lid of your laptop and picking up the glass of wine.
Salomé rolls her eyes playfully, “Yes, well, we’re all slaves to capitalism, mon ami. Dust we begin and dust we shall return. Now, what red is that?”
You hold the glass up to the light and swill the liquid around a touch.
“Today we return to the merits of Merlot. My writing calls for it. Was simply begging for blood.” You grin back at your friend’s arched eyebrow.
“I see, and is it working?” Salomé gestures to your glass, hand held out in request. You acquiesce and gently set the stem of the glass between her open fingers, watching as she smells the fragrance of the drink and takes a sip.
You shrug lightly, “I can feel it kicking in, it would be doing more if I wasn’t so distracted.” You smirk and turn to give a look to that man, the obstacle to your concentration.
Yet you are met with direct eye contact. And a thin, amused quirk to his lips.
You go visibly rigid and blush as Salomé snorts into the wine at your expense. The man smiles regardless, giving a gentle nod before returning to his book. He runs a hand through his hair as he is reabsorbed into the novel.
“Brilliantly done,” Salomé remarks sarcastically, setting the wine glass back down in front of you. “And a very nice Merlot she is, too.”
“Thanks,” you mutter, replacing your hand around the neck of the glass. You are a grown woman with a career in a foreign city and yet you are defeated by the human trait of blushing.
Salomé cocks her head, surveying your expression. “You overthink,” she says, “And at the end of the day, he is just a man.” She clasps your hand and gives it a small squeeze, patting your fingers before drawing herself up.
“Right, I will see you back at the apartment then. Will you be much longer?” she asks, readjusting her scarf around her neck. You shake your head in response, a small smile playing on your lips.
“Just until this glass is finished.”
Salomé nods, throwing her handbag onto her shoulder. “Parfaite, I will start cutting some vegetables. Will find something to make.”
You wave her off as she departs your booth, her coat tails wavering behind her as she strides across the cafe. As she walks past the man, he glances up at her from his book. You quickly look down before he can catch you watching him again.
You don’t see him turn to look back at you now that you are alone.
You sigh into your wine, reopening the laptop to gaze, eyes glazed over, into the bright screen. This was just taking too long. Nothing was happening. Mental constipation.
With resignation, you tip the rest of the wine into your mouth. It is dry, hints of spice undercutting the flavour, causing you to clear your throat at the sensation.
A light chuckle emanates from across the room. You blink and look up.
The man is smiling wryly into his own glass, the book now closed and abandoned upon the tabletop.
“Difficult day?” he prompts, his English spoken with a heavy French accent, the syllables curving and loose. His fingers run up the bulb of the glass, absent-mindedly tracing patterns into the crystal.
You flash a smile, giving a small cough at the same time. You tuck a lock of hair behind your ear in a moment of loss with what to do with your hands.
“Of sorts,” you supply, giving a self-deprecatory exhale. He arches a greying eyebrow, half-lidded eyes resting upon your face.
“Would you like another one?” he asks, nodding to your now-empty glass. “I can get you another one, if you would like.” He speaks gently, his tone almost betraying a sort of uncertainty. A humility perhaps.
You look down at your hands and back up at him again in a flurry.
“Oh, no. You don’t have to do that. It’s ok, I promised I would leave after this drink.” Your words spilled out in a rush, nervous under the attentions of the handsome stranger and his offer.
He laughs at your response, nodding his head. “Understood, do not worry.” His expression is modest and sweet.
You give a small, breathy laugh in response, a ‘thank you’ in a whisper, and shut your laptop screen. Bowing your head, you pack away your things into your bag and begin sorting your coat and scarf. You look up subtly to glance at the man who has returned to his reading, taking a sip of his wine. White, looks like a Sauvignon Blanc.
As you walk to exit the cafe, you see he is watching you out of his peripheral vision. You decide to take a chance.
“What white is that you have? It looks nice,” you softly inquire, surveying his face reproachfully. He looks up at you, eyes taking in the way you stand over him. Becoming such a presence without meaning to.
He smiles to himself, “Just the house Sauvignon, nothing special.”
You nod awkwardly in response, slightly surprised that he settles for the house wine.
“I will try it next time I come,” you reply, smiling as his lips quirk into a slight grin. Both knowing it will be soon. Perhaps even the next day.
“Good,” he answers, “It is good.” His face flushes slightly with his quick response and subsequent clarification.
You take a step towards the door, taking hold of the handle and pulling it open to a rush of cool outdoors air. You hear his voice behind you.
“It was nice to meet you…” his words drift off. You turn and give your name, before waiting expectedly for his response. He blinks as he remembers himself.
“Vincent,” he supplies. You imagine his name in a multitude of different circumstances. Imagine saying it into the crook of his neck. As he smokes.
“Vincent,” you affirm, smiling, nodding then stepping out the door. The cold air is stark upon your blushing face. It will be a long night of placing his name to new fantasies.
Vincent watches you disappear into the buzz of the city, before returning to his book and waiting for the next case to come.
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rebelrayne · 2 months
We should have been able to pick Hamish for the Hideaway so....
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imperfect & flawed on AO3
Zoe liked men that were mature. Sophisticated. The type that knew how to pair just the right glass of Merlot with an Italian dish. She loved a man that dressed in a suit—perfectly tailored and crisp. He dressed well, but he’d change into his gray sweatpants and cuddle her on the couch. Leaning in, he’d kiss her tenderly. So slowly that her heart pounding behind the bars of her ribcage would burst. The perfect kind of man—that was what she liked. But Hamish was not that.
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hoziersmicrophone · 5 months
coffee | ross macdonald
A/N: this is my first fic!! & it was inspired by the song “coffee” by Chappell roan, I highly recommend listening to it:)
WARNINGS: angst, suggestions of smut, not a happy ending‼️
pls enjoy <3
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Can't meet you for dinner at the Italian place
It's where I met your family, some words were exchanged
I'd suggest the jazz bar on MaryAnn Street but
You'd buy me a drink and we know where that leads, so
“I don’t think I’ll be able to make dinner tonight, something’s come up. I’m really sorry. Do you want to do something maybe during the day tomorrow before you leave for Toronto?”
As soon as she sent the text message, she began to get anxious and rubbed her fingers against each other. She was aware that Ross would be fine with switching things up, as he usually is, but she regrets calling off their long-planned dinner. In less than 48 hours, he was heading out for the Canadian portion of the tour.
She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and saw that he was calling. She closed her eyes and exhaled deeply, before swiping to answer the call and bringing the phone to her ear.
“Ross, hi,”
“Is everything okay, love? What’s come up? Is something wrong?” his concerned voice echoed on the other end of the line, she knew he was alone in his hotel room.
She smiled softly at his sincerity, “Nothing’s wrong, and I’m okay, I promise. It’s just been a long day and I don’t really feel up for dinner. I’m tired,”
“Ah,” he sighed, “Okay, well, if you want, I can come over to your place for a bit? We can just relax, maybe watch a movie? I know you’ve been wanting to watch Challengers for a while- we could rent it yeah?”
He sounded calm and collected, but on the other end of the phone call, Ross had begun to wonder if she didn’t want to see him at all, and that this was just her way of attempting to let him down easy.
“That sounds great, actually. I’ll see you in an hour or so?”
He repressed a sigh of relief and smiled, “Sounds good, I’ll see you then.”
With a sigh, she ended the call and collapsed onto her couch. He was heading out with the guys shortly; they would be gone for six months, only doing two shows in Scotland during that time. She didn't want to upset him, but she also didn't want to drop everything she was doing to go on tour with her boyfriend.
They hadn't discussed the tour much, and she didn't want to be the first to bring it up. In fact, Ross hadn't even asked her if she wanted to go. She loved him, and even though she didn't want to end things, she wasn't able to see their future together as clearly as she once could.
I'll meet you for coffee 'cause if we have wine
You'll say that you want me, I know that's a lie
If I didn't love you, it would be fine
I'll meet you for coffee, only for coffee
An hour later Ross was at her apartment. He knocked twice on the door, and she opened it, wearing sweatpants, smiling at the man in front of her.
He offered a small hug, which she reciprocated as he walked through the door, “I brought wine,” he handed her a bottle of Merlot.
“Oh thank you,” she paused and put the bottle on the counter, “That was very thoughtful of you.”
“Shall I get the glasses?” he asked as he headed towards the kitchen, “I can make some popcorn too,”
“Sure Ross,” she smiled softly, “That would be amazing, thank you,” and she sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, finding the movie.
A few minutes later, Ross came back and set the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table while offering her a glass. She gave him a thank-you smile, and as the movie began, he put an arm around her and pulled her in close.
“I’m gonna miss this,” he whispered into the top of her head, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.
She nodded, blinking away the stray tears that had formed in her eyes at his words. He evidently had no plans of asking her to join him on tour, he just expected her to sit around and wait for his return.
She exhaled shakily and took a sip of her wine, “Me too,”
They sat in silence and comfort as they watched the film, with a few quips being made at the sex scenes and the intensity of them. The movie ended and Ross stood up, “Do you want another glass to finish off the bottle?”
With a nod, she got to her feet and asked, "Why don't I get them this time?" and she proceeded to the kitchen with their glasses. As she reached for the bottle, removed the cork, and started to pour, she heard his footsteps behind her but chose not to acknowledge him.
Ross’s arms wrapped around her and he pulled her close, hugging her from behind.
“Ross,” she exhaled as she took a sip of her wine.
“Hm?” he murmured as he kissed the part of her shoulder that was exposed from her sweater.
“We need to talk about something,” she pulled out of his arms and turned around to face him, worry evidently etched on her features.
“What’s wrong?”
“You’re going away for six months,” she sighed, “And you- you didn’t even ask me how I felt about it or if I wanted to come with you.”
“Love,” he frowned, “I know how you feel about it, but it's my job! Besides, I didn’t think you’d want to come with us, I know you have a life here and-”
“I still would have liked to have been asked,” she said, her voice almost a whisper as she avoided his gaze.
“Well, do you want to come on tour with me?”
“Now you’re just asking out of pity, Ross.”
“What else do you want from me?!” he exhaled sharply. The wine on his breath was potent.
She met his gaze, “Don’t snap at me like that. I was just voicing how I was feeling, there is no reason for you to be defensive.”
His jaw locked and he repressed the urge to roll his eyes, “I’m sorry, I just don’t know what else to say here,”
“You don’t have to say or ask me anything, I just wanted to feel heard.”
“Well, do you?”
“I don’t know. It feels a bit like you’re having this conversation out of obligation.” she looked away again as her eyes welled up with tears once more, “I’m not going to sit around and wait for you like some kind of dog, Ross. Not for half a year.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“I don’t feel wanted in this relationship anymore, and don’t really know if I want it for myself,”
“Well I want you!” Ross exclaimed. He ran his hand through his hair and grabbed her hand, “I love you.”
“I love you too, but-” she was cut off by his lips on hers.
“Let’s not talk anymore,” he whispered against her lips, taking her wine glass out of her hand and placing it on the counter, “At least not right now.”
Her eyes began to well up with tears once more, but she forced a smile on her face and gave him another, stronger kiss. She was determined to make the most out of their final night together if it was to be their last. With a drunken gait, they staggered through the house until they arrived at her bedroom. With their lips still attached, the door closed behind them.
Nowhere else is safe, every place leads back to your place
You said let's do the park 'cause I love the park
That may be true but god forbid it gets dark
Here come the excuses that fuel the illusions
But I'd rather feel something than nothing at all, so
Ross and the rest of The 1975 crew were in town for their shows in Scotland, and it had been three months since she'd seen or really spoken to him. Even though she hadn't heard from any of them all day and wasn't really expecting it, the fact that their show was in two hours and she hadn't heard anything still stung.
Just as the thought of not hearing anything entered her mind once more, her phone began to vibrate on the table in front of her. She saw that it was George calling, and answered.
“Hey doll, how’s it going?”
She rolled her eyes at the nickname, “I’ve been better…how’s tour going? You guys are in town tonight, right? Glasgow?”
“Been keeping tabs on us?”
“Oh shut up, Daniel,”
He laughed, “Are you coming out tonight?”
“Couldn’t snag tickets.” That was only partially the truth. She did want to go, but didn’t want to see Ross. That, and the fight for tickets was a fucking bloodbath.
“If you come to the backdoors one of us will let you in sweetheart,”
“Really desperate to get me there tonight aren’t you George?”
“Would it be wrong of me to say that we miss you?”
“We?” She asked, her voice laced with skepticism.
“Yeah! Me, Matty, Hahn, Charli, Polly, hell even Jamie misses you!”
Her heart felt heavy at the lack of Ross’s name coming out of George’s mouth, but she brushed it off with a light laugh, “I’ll see you in a bit, but I want a backstage pass.”
“Sure thing doll,” and he hung up the phone.
An hour later, she found herself at the backdoors of the venue the boys were performing at. She had just texted George that she was here and had put her phone in her pocket when the doors swung open and she was pulled into and off the ground by the blonde balding man himself in a bone crushing hug.
“Jesus Christ, Daniel!” she exclaimed as she laughed, being put back down on the ground.
“I told you I missed you, sweetheart,”
“If you don’t lose that nickname soon, the next thing you lose will be your dick,” she warned but grinned, “I missed you too.”
“Let’s go say hi to everyone,” George grabbed her hand and dragged her into the dimly lit backstage, letting the doors slam shut behind them.
She had a blast reuniniting with almost the entire band, and was almost brought to the ground by Matty who would not release her from his hug.
“Shit, are you okay Healy?” She asked between laughing fits.
“He misses you and feels like shit,” Matty spoke in a hushed tone in her ear.
“I’m sure he does, and to be fair, he should feel shitty,” she responded, “I’m not here for him,” she spoke a bit louder as she pulled away from Matty’s hug.
“Who’s not here for who?” asked a voice, cutting around George and stepping into the light where she could see him and he could see her.
She straightened her back and turned around, “Hi,” she said, smiling at the tall man who looked shocked to see her.
“You aren’t here for me?” Ross’s eyes softened as he took in her features.
“Jesus, Ross. Whether or not you choose to believe it, my life does not revolve around you,” she brushed the hostile comment off with a small laugh and turned back to Matty, “You guys go on soon, can I just watch from the wings?”
“Yeah, of course,” he responded with a small glance at Ross, who’s expression remained indifferent.
“Alright lads, let’s get a move on with this show then,” George said, clapping Ross on the back, bringing him back to reality, “And let’s get our dear guest a bottle of wine to drink while she enjoys our performance,” he said to a stagehand, shooting her a wink.
She stood on stage left, which was the audiences’ stage right and watched the show from the wings. It also happened to be the side of the stage Ross played on for the majority of the show. The two kept making eye contact throughout the numbers, but he kept looking away the second her eyes met his. She had consumed over half of the bottle of wine, and was enjoying the buzz as her ears burned with the songs they were performing.
It wasn’t until the second verse of ‘Sex’ when she got distracted watching him play. The way his hair framed his face and he focused so intently on the bass line of the song. The way he almost vibrated with the way the stage shook and how he ignored the screams of the crowd, evidently in love with him. The way his fingers moved; god, she loved his fingers. She was slightly drunk at this moment, but didn’t care. She was happy for the first time in months and never wanted the feeling to go away.
As she was evidently distracted by his performance, she didn’t notice him catching her staring and the slight smirk that creeped its way onto his face.
The song came to an end and he placed his bass on the stand as the rest of the band exited the stage, leaving Polly alone to sing ‘Jesus Christ 2005 God Bless America.’
Ross walked directly towards her and watched as her mouth formed a soft smile with a hint of a twinkle in her eye. “What?” he asked, a puzzled but playful expression on his face.
She grabbed him by the front of the red crewneck he was wearing and pulled him down to face her, and kissed him with just as much intensity as she had done the last time they had seen each other, three months ago. He responded into the kiss for a few seconds then pulled back, grabbing her hand,
“Where is this coming from?”
“Just shut up and kiss me, MacDonald”
He looked like he wanted to ask another question, but decided to ask it later as he kissed her again, pulling her backwards into the dark of the poorly lit backstage. She laughed against his lips as he walked into a mic stand, covering her mouth with her hand to hide a grin.
“Are you okay?” she asked, trying to stifle another laugh.
“Now who needs to shut up?” He retorted before kissing her again.
I'll meet you for coffee 'cause if we have wine
You'll say that you're sorry, I know that's a lie
If I didn't trust you, it would be fine
I'll meet you for coffee, only for coffee
Another three months had passed since the band’s Glasgow shows, and it had been another three months since she had seen Ross. Yes, they saw each other at the show and for the 48 hours the band was in Glasgow, but after that, they took off again, and she was left to her studio apartment and her thoughts.
She was sitting in her pajamas on her couch and was watching a live stream of the band’s last show. They all had high spirits, but she could tell that they were all a little defeated about it being the last one; both fatigue and sadness.
Her iPad screen went black as the stream ended and her heart swelled with pride for the band. They had all worked so hard the past six months and it most definitely paid off. A break was well deserved.
She was woken up by her phone vibrating beside her. According to her clock it was 3AM. Grabbing it, she rubbed her eyes as the screen illuminated the room.
RM: Hey, I get back to Glasgow tomorrow around 1. Do you wanna grab a coffee and chat?
She stared at the text as another came through.
RM: FUCK. I forgot about the time difference. I’m so sorry. Get back to me when you wake up x.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m awake. And I can do coffee, same spot as always?”
RM: Did I wake you?????
“No, you didn’t lol”
RM: Don’t lie to me, it’s 3AM. You’re never up that late.”
“Fine, you did wake me up, but again, don’t worry about it. I’ll see you tomorrow ”
RM: See you then x
She smiled and put her phone back down, before rolling back over and falling asleep, only waking up when her 11AM weekend alarm went off.
If I didn't trust you, it would be fine
I'll meet you for coffee, only for coffee
She walked into the coffee shop, the one they always used to go to, and saw that he was already sitting at a table with two cups in front of him.
Ross stood up when he saw her, and gave her a small hug before she sat down adjacent to him, “I got you a mocha,”
“You remember my order?”
“Of course I do, it’s disgustingly sweet,”
“I’m going to ignore that. How was the rest of the tour?”
They talked about the band, the shows that were better than others, and what they all got up to for the months on the road. Ross mentioned that Polly had started talking to one of the security guards at their show in Toronto and that the two now text almost everyday, and that Polly was planning to spend part of their hiatus in Canada.
“And how were your adventures on the road? Did you get up to anything interesting?” She teased, with a mild smile on her face.
“Not much, really,” he responded.
“Come on MacDonald, you have to give me more than that.”
“Fine,” he sighed, “I was pretty lonely if I’m being honest.”
She inhaled sharply, preparing for the conversation that was about to occur, “It was you who chose to be lonely, you did that to yourself, Ross,”
“I suppose I did,” he responded, absent-mindedly picking at his fingers, “I did miss you, you know,”
“Is that why I didn’t hear from you at all for the first three months and then hardly after the two days you were in town?” Her eyes reflected the sadness that was mirrored in his.
“I didn’t think you’d want me to reach out,”
“But I tried reaching out to you, and was met with radio silence! You can say you missed me all you want, Ross, but those are those words. You did not put in the effort to keep in touch with me and just that alone shows me more than you will ever be able to say,”
She stared at him with a fixed gaze. He stared back, each word she said had felt like a stab in his chest. He knew she was right, in a sense, but could not find the words to fix the animosity that had fallen in between them.
Their coffees had begun to get cold, and she was the first to avert her gaze from his as her phone vibrated on the table. Turning it over so the screen didn’t light up, she looked back up at him. Her eyes slightly softened,
Nowhere else is safe, every place leads back to your-
“Did you expect me to just be okay with you coming back into my life?”
“No, I-” he started,
“That I would just put my life on pause for you at any given moment? What happened three months ago in Glasgow was a lapse in judgement on my part, and yes, it was fun, but it was not what I had intended when George invited me to the show.”
“It’s not what I intended either, I don’t know what-”
She cut him off again, “Oh fuck off with that bullshit. You’re telling me you didn’t intend for my legs to open for you when you showed up at my door with two bottles of wine and flowers?” Her voice had lowered to a whisper, not wanting to alert any of the other customers to their conversation.
She paused, her eyes glistening with tears, “You are the only person who knows me inside and out, Ross, and I know you too. So you cannot tell me you showed up that night after the second show with my favourite wine to only watch whatever program was on that night. I’m not that stupid.”
“I have never ever thought that you were stupid” Ross’s eyes stared into hers, and he clenched his fists together, “And it pains me that you would think that I only see you as a way to get a quick fuck and then leave.”
“How else am I supposed to see myself in your eyes when you only reach out to me when it is convenient for you. I am not at your beck and call Ross, and I am certainly not something you can dispose of once you’ve used,”
“I need you to stop talking so negatively about yourself, please. You have to believe me when I say that none of this was ever my intention, and I never want to hurt you. I love you.” Ross’s eyes were now starting to well up with tears, but he blinked them away when he saw that hers were beginning to stain her cheeks.
“I love you too, Ross. But I think that’s why it's so hard for me. You are all consuming, and it’s ruining my life,” she grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently, “I think I need to let you go,”
“What do you mean? I’m back home for at least a few months now, we can make this work!” He was pleading, and his eyes showed nothing but desperation.
“I don’t know if I want to make it work, I don’t know if my heart can take it.”
“So what? We’re just going to go our separate ways now? Forever?” Ross felt his voice crack at the word as his eyes welled up once more.
“For now, yeah. I think we both just need a lot of space to think about this Ross, think about what we really want.”
She wiped away the tears that had fallen and took her hand out of his, standing up and grabbing her coat off the back of the chair. He followed suit, and the two walked out of the coffee shop so they were standing beside her car. She opened her mouth to say something else when she felt him wrap his arms around her, enveloping her in the tightest hug she had ever received.
She buried her head into his chest as the tears fell down her face once more, and felt him kiss the top of her head. The two embraced for what felt like eternity, when it was only a matter of minutes before he pulled away.
“I do love you, you know,” he said with a sad smile, “I’m sorry I couldn’t be what you needed.”
“I don’t want you to blame yourself, it’s the lifestyle you signed up for, it’s just not what I can cope with anymore. You really are one of the best men I have ever met,” she responded, “And I love you too, Ross.”
She turned away from him as more tears started to fall, and she got into her car. The engine turned on and she drove out of the parking lot without giving him a last glance. This would always be a losing battle they would face, so they both needed to be strong and let the other go, because in doing so, they could find themselves.
The carousel never stops turning, so sometimes one of the best things you can do is get off.
We've done this before
And I don't need it anymore
So let's not do coffee, let's not even try
It's better we leave it and give it some time
If I didn't love you, it would be fine
'Cause If we do coffee, it's never just coffee
It's never just coffee
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A/N: that marks the end of my first fanfic!! please reblog and let me know what you think! <3<3 also shoutout to @mads198-9 for being my beta reader, ily loser💕💕💕💕
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threadtalk · 2 years
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It is not often that auction houses provide high resolution photos, but Kerry Taylor is a wonderful exception. This 1770 robe à la Française gown is EVERYTHING.
And I couldn't be happier given this particular gown. It's got two features I particularly squee about: gold brocade and a quilted petticoat. It's got silk for miles, and that delicate floral pattern of stripes and texture really works to the advantage of brocade. The quilted petticoat, which has been in and out in terms of fashion for some time at this point, is a gorgeous merlot hue in contrast. The note from the auction house says it's an early 19th century addition, but it still keeps with the dress's look and feel.
You'll notice we've got some wide hips here, but with a slant downward as starts happening at this time--moving toward more of a bell shape rather than the straight out panniers. Due to the shaping on the dress, I immediately thought it must be continental, and I was right. The note says it's either Spanish or Italian. You often see that lower drop at the bodice outside of England and France at this time.
A stunning gown that is both elegant and slightly understated (compared to some of its contemporaries) yet maintains a sense of decadence and sumptuousness all the same.
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oreolemur · 5 months
Second Base- Gojo Fanfic
Sitting down at an Italian restaurant, you waited patiently for your blind date to show up. “I hope she picked a decent guy this time”, you sigh. Scrolling through your phone for a few minutes, the waiter comes over. “Would you like something to drink, mam?”, the guy asked. Ordering a glass of water, you scarfed down a breadstick or two as you took in the building’s surroundings. “At least she picked a good spot”.
15 minutes go by, and you begin to grow impatient. “Is this supposed to be a set up? Am I getting played right now?”. In the middle of texting your friend, you suddenly see a man standing beside you from your peripheral vision. Clearing his throat, “Sorry I’m late”, he smiled. Averting your eyes towards the man, you were jaw-dropped by how beautiful he was. “Woah…”, you whisper. Wearing a light blue button up, and black tuxedo pants, you couldn’t help but stare at his shiny blue eyes, and gorgeous white locks. 
Taking a seat in front of you, “By the end of this date, I'll have you screaming my name", the man grinned. "Just you wait". Surprised by his comment, you scoffed. “Nope”. “Oh my, someone's feisty! What's your name?”, he asked. “Y/N, and you?”. “Gojo Satoru”. Giving you a cocky grin, you furrowed your eyebrows. “What exactly did you mean by, “I’ll have you screaming my name”,?”, you questioned. “You'll see soon enough, won't you?”, Gojo replied.  “I don’t know. Will I? Maybe I’ll just ditch you right now and call it a night”. “You wouldn't dare", Satoru scoffed. A smirk spread across his face. "Besides, I've got so many surprises planned for tonight”.  Looking at him speechless, you grabbed one of the menus off the table, ready to order. 
"You do realize that there's another meaning to 'screaming someone's name'?" Satoru chuckled, leaning in and whispering in a suggestive manner. "A much more fun sense”. Rolling your eyes, you shove a bread stick into his mouth, "In your dreams". "Oh, I think you'll be changing your tune by the end of tonight" Satoru teased, his eyes roaming across the table to study you. "You're so cute when you're mad", he muttered just loud enough to make you question if it was intentional.
Ignoring him, you signal the waiter over. "I'll have the chicken Florentine". "Excellent choice", Satoru beamed with pride. "I'll have the spaghetti", he chimed in, not looking at the menu even once. Asking what the two of you would like to drink, Gojo smiled. "I'll have a glass of Merlot", he requested the waiter. Turning back to you, he smirked. The corners of his lips curled up as he watched you. "How about you?". “Red wine”, you replied. The waiter nodded and took the order. 
Gojo waited until he was out of sight before leaning over the table to whisper to you. "You know, you've got really nice skin. I wonder how soft it is...". Sticking out your hand, you let Satoru feel how soft you were. The man took your hand and ran his fingers over your skin in a teasing manner."This is incredibly soft", He whispered. "I'm sure some other parts of your body are soft too...".  “I’m sure there is”, you teased back. "Well, I intend to find out", he smirked. 
The waiter eventually returned with the drinks, setting them down on the table and leaving. As he was walking away, Gojo stood up, stretching. "Would you like to come to my place after this?", He asked, a sly look on his face. "The night isn't over yet". "After we eat...maybe", you reply back. "I can live with that", Satoru teased. As he sat back down, the waiter arrived with the meals. He waited until the guy left to speak again. "This is going to be an unforgettable night." His voice was low and husky, his eyes wandering all over your body. "Especially when we get back to my place”. Making a toast to each other, the two of you sat at the restaurant for another hour, exchanging jokes.
"Well, that was good", you exclaim, standing up. "Where to now? Your place seems nice ",  you wink at him. Satoru chuckled at your comment, standing up and offering his hand. "Let's get going then. I hope you didn't forget what you promised me”. He started to walk out of the restaurant. "I can tell that you're eager to see my private domain”. "Eager? No. I'm just ready to lay back and be treated with care"."Oh, I could do much more than just treat you with care. I can be everything you want me to be at this moment. You can forget about the real world; I want to be the center of your universe”. He turned to face you, a grin plastered on his face."So come with me. Let's go see what it's like in my world”.
Hopping into the man's car, you noticed him staring at you from the corner of your eye. "Yes?". "Just admiring the view," Satoru chuckled. He continued the drive, glancing over at you every once in a while to study your expression. The atmosphere was filled with an intense tension and Gojo seemed to be enjoying making you squirm with anticipation. After a couple minutes of this, he eventually parked the car, getting up and heading around to your side to open your door. "After you", he smiled. “Thanks”
The two of you made your way into his house, leading you upstairs. The moment you were there, it was abundantly clear what his intentions were. He gently pushed you down onto the bed, looming over you like a predator. Staring into your soul, you felt yourself become hypnotized by his shiny blue eyes. “Hurry up and kiss me”, you blush. “Impatient much?”, Satoru chuckled. Gently grabbing your face, he smashed his lips onto yours. “His lips taste so sweet”, you thought. 
While making out, the man began to unbutton his shirt. “Need help getting undressed?”, you ask, pulling away from the kiss. “Sure, why not?”. Getting off , he stood in front of you as you were sitting on the edge of his bed. “You look even more beautiful down there”, Gojo commented. Undoing his pants, you pulled them down along with his boxers. “Damn”. Staring at his pretty veiny cock, your mouth watered. “Is there a problem?”, he wondered. Shaking your head, “N-no”. Hearing you stutter a little, Satoru admired it. 
Holding his shaft, you stroked it a little. “It feels so big in my hands”. Looking up at him, you saw him blushing as he kept eye contact with you. “Why is he so pretty?”. Averting your attention on his dick, you opened your mouth, sucking his tip. “Mmph”, the man moaned. Listening to his enjoyment, you tightened your mouth around him as you slowly went down his dick. “Fuck”, he seethed. Bobbing your head, you felt him run his fingers through your scalp. Gripping your hair, he began to gently thrust into your mouth.  
Feeling his tip hit the back of your throat, you found it hard to breathe. You tapped his thighs, signaling him to stop. “What’s wrong?”, he asked. Having a line of spit come out of your mouth, you licked your lips. “You’re too big to go all in”, you complained. Rubbing your head, the man smiled. “Well that’s too bad”, he said. “But, I’m not finished yet”. Shoving you back down his cock, you held onto his waist for support. He fucked your throat, using it as his little toy, while he worked to get his orgasm. “I can’t believe he just did that”, you said to yourself. “It’s like he doesn’t even care that I can’t breathe…that’s….so…hot”. 
A few minutes later, Gojo’s thrusts became sloppy and slow as his moaning became more high pitched. Without warning he came into your mouth, filling it with his sweet warm liquid. “Oh..”, he paused. “You’re a swallower”. Making sure to get every last drop, you wiped your index finger around your mouth, collecting any cum that leaked out. “I am full of surprises after all”, you smirked, giving his cock a small peck.
Gojo stared at you with lust, he felt as if he’d found a suitable partner to fulfill his needs. “Take off your clothes and lay down”, he ordered. Doing what he wants, the man watched you get naked. “You have a beautiful body”. Spreading your legs open, he got down on his knees. “Everything is so natural, it’s exciting”. He squeezed your inner thighs, teasing his way up to your cunt. Being sensitive in that spot, you squirmed around a little. “I haven’t even gotten to the best part yet, and you’re already starting to act up”. 
Placing his hand on your pussy, he spread your lips apart, seeing your fluids drip down onto his comforter. He slowly licked your wet folds, making his way to your clit. Once there, he drew circles with his tongue, sucking your sensitive bud in and out as he repeated the pattern. “Satoru..”, you moaned, pulling his hair. Giving in to your adorable whimpers, he started to  finger you. “You’re tight, darling”, he smiled. Having him pleasure you two different ways at the same time, drove you crazy. 
You pulled his hair tighter, trying to move his head away from your clit. “I’m cumming. I’m-”. Letting out the biggest moan, tears formed in your eyes, realizing he wasn’t stopping. “I should’ve warned you that I’m into overstimulation”. Trying to move away from him, he dug his nails into your plumped thighs. “I-I can’t take it”. Reaching for a pillow, you screamed into it as you felt another orgasm come. “Mmmmm!!”. Feeling satisfied, Gojo moved away from your cunt. 
Grabbing a napkin, he wiped his face from the fluid you squirted onto him. “Now”, he smiled, walking over to you. “Let’s finish this”. Taking hold of your waist, he flipped you over on your stomach, forcing you to arch your back. He slapped your ass. “Ouch”, you whined. Laughing at you, he rubbed his cock on your pussy. “Don’t tease me like that”, you whined. 
Shushing you, he slowly thrusted his tip into you, stretching your walls little by little. “Sex shouldn’t be rushed”. Burying your face into the mattress, you tried your best to take him. He was gentle with you, knowing how tight you were. “Are you used to it yet?”, he asked. “N-no”, you whimpered. Feeling devious, he grinned. “Let’s try this”. Shoving his cock in all the way, you gasped. “Gojo!”. “There it is”, he laughed. 
Fucking you mercilessly, he slammed his hips into you hard, hitting your cervix. “Nngh”. You held onto his comforter, handling him with what little tolerance you had left. “Sa…to…ru”, you called out. “Yes?”, he grinned. Not being able to speak anymore, you tried to reach behind in an attempt to stop him. “Aht aht”, he smacked your hand away. “I’m not done”.  Changing positions, he pushed your body down, turning you on your back.
Laying there weak and vulnerable, Gojo scooted you up the bed. “Are you done now? I’m too sensitive to continue”. Crawling on top of you, he leaned into your face. “Oh really?”. Going for your neck, he kissed it gently, before marking you up with his teeth. “Ah”, you winced, placing your hand around his throat. “Squeeze it”, he blushed. “You’re into choking?”. Nodding his head, “Yes”. Putting you on top of him, he lifted you up a little to slide his cock inside you. “How did you do that so fast?!”. Grabbing your hand, he placed it on his neck. “Less talk, more fuck”. 
Proceeding to choke him, he let out a small whimper. “My god…is there anything he’s not good at!”. Grinding your hips, you went slow. “Ow, he's deeper than ever”. Trying to go a little faster, you started to feel more pleasure than pain. “Is this okay?”, you asked. “Nope”. He gripped your waist, thrusting upwards, making you scream again. “Fuck!”, you squealed.
With him taking control over you, you didn’t notice how hard you were choking him. “Almost…there”, Gojo groaned. He flipped you over again, this time being on top. “That was good, but not good enough to make me cum”, he said, gasping for air. Satoru put both of your legs over his shoulder, fucking you even harder than before. “Shit!”. His headboard banged against the wall, causing the bed to squeak.  Finishing up, you both climaxed together, moaning each other's ears. “My, my, my”, Gojo huffed. “I should buy a ring”. 
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acocktailmoment · 10 months
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Warm & Cozy Mulled Wine !
1 bottle Full-bodied red wine, like Italian Red, Southern French, New World Merlot, Red Zinfandel, Shiraz
¼ cup Member's Mark™ Organic 100% Pure Maple Syrup
¼-½ cup Bourbon or brandy
1 Orange, sliced (plus more for garnish)
2 Spice Islands® Saigon Cinnamon Sticks
3 whole Star anise pods, plus more for garnish
4 whole Cloves
Add all ingredients to a medium sized pot and stir together.
Heat until the wine almost reaches a simmer over medium-high heat. (Avoid letting it bubble! This will cause the alcohol in the wine to evaporate.) 
Reduce heat to low, cover completely, and let the wine simmer for at least 15 minutes or up to 3 hours.
Remove and discard the orange slices, cloves, cinnamon sticks, and star anise.
Serve in a mug garnished with additional orange slices, cinnamon sticks, and star anise pods, as desired.
Courtesy: The Real Kitchen
This article was not sponsored or supported by a third-party. A Cocktail Moment is not affiliated with any individuals or companies depicted here. 
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wine-porn · 6 months
Get the Rizz
Cramming your nose into this you can’t HELP but miss Veneto terribly. Skunky funk churns out of the glass, a tangy vegetal earthiness reeking of Italy and classic winemaking techniques. Soiled boot and green weediness lay strongly on concentrated fruit and bright aging. Amber-garnet in the glass with plentiful brick, its mindboggling they make 7000 cases of this incredible ripasso. The…
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dingochef · 1 year
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x You (OFC)
Warnings: Swearing, Smut (MDNI 18+ Only), Angst with a Happy Ending, Stalking, P in V, oral (female and male receiving), Semi-public sex, light spanking,
Word Count: 2.5k
Summary: You have a cozy night in with Jake and his amazing cooking skills. When you start to feel vulnerable you change the mood in an enjoyable way.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9: Nonna's Special Sauce
Thankfully your morning meeting ends on schedule and you're leaving Bakersfield by 1 pm. Which puts you squarely in rush hour traffic when you get back to San Diego. You finally pull up to your house at 6 pm. There is not another car parked in front of your house and think that maybe Jake parked in the alley in the back to have easier access to the backyard. When you unlock your door you step into the cozy aroma of home cooking. Jake is happily in the kitchen, one of your aprons covering his khaki uniform, and is singing along to the Eagles on your sound system. He presents such a cozy picture of a domestic life. You can feel a pang in your heart with that familiar sense of dread and fear of an impossible relationship and its end like the death of a star. A brief flash and then nothing. You take a deep breath and push the feeling away and let yourself just enjoy this moment for what it is.
He heard you the moment you unlocked the door, his freakish senses and reflexes on display. He turns just as you say,
"Honey, I'm home," in sing-song voice.
That panty dropper smile spreads across his face and he instantly closes the distance across the kitchen and living room and scoops you up in his arms and draws you into a deep kiss.
"It's good to see you,"
you say when you can get your lips far enough away enough to talk.
he smirks. He's still holding you in the air. His face is conflicted as he does the mental math on whether to drag you to the bedroom or sit down to eat the meal simmering on the stove. Your growling stomach makes the decision for him.
"We need to get you fed, you're going to need some energy for later,"
he says, staring into your eyes as he leans in for another kiss. He gently sets you down and moves back to the kitchen to plate the pasta Bolognese.
"Let me change out of these work clothes, I'll be back in a second," you head to your room and pull off your sensible black work shoes, dress pants, and blouse along with your bra, dropping it all in the dirty clothes hamper. You grab a simple purple t-shirt dress and throw it on. It feels so cool and breezy after having been in work clothes and the car for hours. You walk back over to the kitchen table and see that Jake has set the table with the pasta Bolognese, a fresh salad, and a small loaf of garlic bread. A bottle of Merlot is opened on the table and two glasses are poured. The music has changed over to Fleetwood Mac Jake has waited for you and sits down when you do. He hands you a wine glass and takes the other in his hand, you clink glasses with him and say cheers.
"This looks great," you take a bite and immediately add, "And it tastes great."
Jake blushes,
"It's my nonna's recipe."
"Your mom's side? Seresin doesn't sound overly Italian."
He nods yes as his mouth is full with the wonderful food.
We eat in companionable silence savoring the food, the wine, and the music. You slowly rub his shin with your while you eat.
"Good God, you can cook. Didn't expect that from you. Figured you'd have the cooking skills of your average bachelor, which is usually none," you gush, pushing away the plate.
Jake laughs, those laugh lines appearing for the briefest second. "I've got a lot of skills, you haven't discovered yet."
He lets the last sentence drop with a sly wink as he moves to clear away the plates. You help him clear away the rest of the table and as you walk into the kitchen you're surprised at how spotless it is for having had a full meal made in it. The man is precision personified, of course he'd be detail oriented and organized at everything he does. There's really nothing left to do except put the leftovers away and the remaining dishes in the dishwasher. Those tasks completed, you grab the bottle of wine and glasses and lead him to the living room by his hand. Sated and a little lethargic from the meal you sit on the couch and motion for him to join you on the sofa. You put your wine glass on the coffee table and his glass joins yours. He sits down on the couch and slings his arm over your shoulders and you curl into his side, your legs tucked up on the couch. His free hand ends up on your ankle.
"So, who taught you to cook like that? you ask.
"My mom and my nonna. My mom was insistent that we learn to cook, considered a necessary life skill, plus I think she did it to increase the likelihood of her two boys catching a woman and giving her some grandbabies," he answers, his eyes widen a little as he realizes what he has implied with that last part of his thought. You let it pass without remark.
"Smart woman, I had so many college roommates who couldn't cook worth a damn and I was always surprised that their parents would let them out into the world like that."
"You make it sound like they were releasing them onto the African Savannah to be eaten by lions, not live on ramen in crappy off campus apartments."
You laugh,
"Fair, what other talents do you have that I don't know about?"
"A lot, some of them are classified. I can sew, basic stuff, more than a button, but I can take care of most of my uniform needs. Some you're just going to have to find out on your own."
The thought of his other talents in the bedroom makes you blush. He sees the crimson creep down your neck and he looks pleased with himself. The hand that has been on your ankle stills and starts to trace the outline of a scar.
"Where did this bad boy come from?"
"Fractured my ankle when I was 15 in a gymnastics meet. Broke in two places landing a vault."
"Ouch, seems to have healed up well, doesn't seem to keep you from doing anything you want."
"Hah, tell that to my parents. I was ranked high enough in the country that I was considered a shoe-in for the Olympic team, the trials were three weeks after that so I couldn't compete and didn't make the team. My parents were devastated, I almost think more than I was. Suddenly, this vast weight and predetermined path was gone for me."
"I've always wanted to be a fighter pilot from the first time I saw a plane in the air. I can't imagine that dream being ripped away from me right when things were coming together."
"I think the Olympics were my parents' dream more than mine. I did gymnastics because I loved it, pulling off the impossible, having all this strength hidden in a tiny package, and it was the closest thing to flying you can get on the ground. Not for the glory or recognition. It allowed me to choose my own path, go to Notre Dame, so it worked out in the end.”
You're feeling oddly vulnerable and exposed, so you move to change the mood. You pull Jake’s head down to yours for a kiss. Keeping contact with his lips you briefly shift and sit in his lap, your legs straddling his firm thighs. His hands come around and grab your ass, kneading at them through the dress. You start working on his uniform buttons, a little disappointed he's wearing an undershirt. Finally you get each button undone and push the khaki shirt off his broad shoulders. You pull the white undershirt out from his swoon worthy chest. In the daylight of your living room you can see the light dusting of chest hair. You dip your head down and place gentle kisses on his chest, his chest hair tickling your face. Working your way over to his right nipple you gently lick it to gauge his reaction. A light moan escapes his mouth, you increase the pressure by catching it between your lips stretched over your teeth. The moan is only a little bit louder, you retreat your lips and nibble harder with your teeth. The sound he makes is bliss, you want him to make the sound again and again. You kiss your way over to his other nipple and give it the same treatment and his hips buck under you pressing his growing bulge against your quickly heating core. Jake's hands have bunched up your dress around your hips and he is stroking the long planes of your thighs. His hands start a journey up your body, skimming your sides and ending up tangled in your hair. He pulls you down towards him for a long and bruising kiss. Jake's hands slide down your back and back down to cup your ass, where he is kneading the soft flesh. You make a mental note that Jake might be an ass man and file it away for future reference.
Your body is feeling overheated and you take your dress off in one motion over your head and let it drop behind you. Immediately Jake is on your breasts with his mouth and tongue. He mimics your previous gestures with his teeth and a gentle nibble to each nipple. You've started rocking against him involuntarily.
Jake leans up and catches your lips again in a kiss, tongues sliding against each other's as the kiss deepens and hears up. Reluctantly you break the kiss and give his shoulder a gentle push so he is laying back against the couch pillows.
The scene of him bare chested, marks on his chest from your ministrations, and his cock hard and tenting his pants does things to you. It is undeniably one of the sexiest things you've ever seen. Somewhere in your ogling him he catches you by surprise and stands up, bringing you with him. He supports you by cupping your ass and splaying one large hand across your back. You are quickly deposited on the couch on your knees ready for him to fuck you from behind.
Jake is skimming the soft skin of your ass, eventually he hooks two fingers into the side of your thong and pulls it slowly down your legs. He's kneeling on the floor when he's done and takes the opportunity to kiss your ass right before he playfully nips at the cheek.
"Condom?" you ask, impressed you have enough unoccupied brain cells to put together a cohesive thought.
Jake has stood up and is still massaging your ass when he replies,
"Yeah, I've got one in my wallet."
There is the noise of quick fumbling with his belt and a zipper and then a definite thud as his pants hit the floor weighted by his wallet and phone in the pockets. A crinkling sound follows as Jake opens up the condom and rolls it down his cock. You have already leaned down and arched your back to present your ass and are shifting your thighs together trying to soothe the ache of arousal in your core. You've placed your hands on the back of the sofa for support. You know he has the condom on and your impatience starts to build. He is taking longer than you want and you whine with need,
"Jake, please now." He chuckles and runs his finger down your spine from your neck around the cheek of ass and straight into your waiting pussy. You've turned around to see what is taking so long and moan embarrassingly loud when his finger dips into your wetness.
He chuckles lightly,
"Someone's ready."
You turn around to deliver a snarky response and all speech stops working on your brain as Jake is making direct eye contact with you as he licks his finger clean.
Finally he takes pity on you and he slowly drags his cock across your pussy lips, on your clit, everywhere but inside me.
"Jake, I beg of you, please fuck me." There is something about the word beg that unleashes him. He plunges into your pussy and bottoms out in one swift motion. The movement punches out an anguished sob of a moan. The initial stretch is exquisite and he briefly stops to let you revel in it before he starts to quicken his pace. One of his hands is anchored to your hip and the other has snaked around to rub your clit.
The pace is fast and hard and with the way I've been wound up you know you're not going to last long. "Oh God, Jake, so close, so close." you rasp out between thrusts. "Come for me sweetheart, come as hard as you can on my cock. You know you want to,"
he groans out more than talking. He gives your clit a slight pinch between two fingers and you are gone. It feels like being in the center of a nuclear blast, there is a white flash and a lack of sound when your orgasm hits you. The sound fades back and you can hear Jake coming with you as you contract around him. You both are breathing heavily as he gently pulls you up so your back is against his chest. His heart feels like it's beating a million miles per hour and you feel the rhythm being tattooed against your back. He turns your head so he can give you such a soft and gentle kiss that it almost makes you cry.
"Fuck, El. You are so good, and the view from back here watching you come around my cock is one I'm going to remember for the rest of my life."
He gently slides out of you and rests you on the sofa. He takes a few of the tissues from the coffee table and cleans himself up and pulls his pants back up and rights his uniform. You find your dress and throw it back on. A soft beeping of an alarm emits from his pocket. He turns it off and leans down to you and says,
"Sorry to fuck and leave, but I've got to report at 0500 hours tomorrow and it's already 10."
You kiss him deeply and let him know it's okay,
"Not a problem, but just know I'll miss you in my bed tonight."
He groans,
"You're not making this easier to leave now."
"Sorry, not sorry," you grin.
Soon he has assembled what kitchen items he brought with him, collected some of the leftovers, and is standing at your door ready to go. You stand on your tiptoes to kiss him and he still has to lean down to catch your lips.
"See you Saturday," he says.
"Yes, till Saturday," you say and give him one last kiss before you playfully shove him out the door.
Chapter 10
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whistleswings · 1 year
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i'm really sorry whoever mentioned this first because i tried to find it again to just reblog and failed :/ i like to burn scented candles when i DM (and...all the time) because i'm a menace to society - lots are just pre made themed candles that have the right scents for what i want but my candle lady ALSO DOES CUSTOMS. i've done a few, including this one for Jarlaxle in WDH. this candle is a few years old and i am scared to keep burning it (because the scents rotate so aren't available anymore).
the full scents are Black Cherry Merlot (wine), Italian Leather (leather armour), Seagrass & Wild Lavender (ocean adjacent & scent of choice in WDH for his rooms). it unexpectedly turned out perfect - somehow ocean freshness (the seagrass) and also very deep and smoky with a nice hint of floral.
anyway here's my utterly unhinged contribution to "what would fictional characters smell like" before i crawl back into my goblin cave again. might do a candle for Renaer Neverember next.
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i-fondued · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 | Ghost - Sinners in Secret | Chapter 3 - The Confessional Booth Incident
Chapter Three - The Confessional Booth Incident
Pairing: Cardinal Copia x Reader/Sister of Sin x Papa “Terzo” Emeritus III
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: masturbation, fluffy smut, fingering, and google translate italian again
A/N: I almost just went for it at chapter 3 but I feel our players need more time to get to the point where they have a 3some so y’all gonna have to wait another chapter or two, please leave comments to encourage me not that I need it most time ehehehe
Chapter One - HERE
Chapter Two - HERE
AO3 Link - HERE
I spent the rest of my afternoon in my secluded space in the library, hiding from not only Terzo and Copia but the rest of the siblings of sin as well. Part of me was horrified about what had happened in front of the whole clergy, my face flushing with shame even thinking about it. 
Another part however wanted Terzo to do it again, thinking about the feeling of the warm wine as it hit my tongue. The sacrament tasting of a deep red merlot and something distinctly like Terzo. My belly buzzed with heat as I thought back on the lusty dark look he gave me before spitting the blood of Lucifer into my open mouth. 
I squirmed as I tried to focus on my translations and shook my head to try and clear it of all the dirty images and thoughts. I laid my head on the table, giving up on my work for a moment before I yawned softly. I closed my eyes for what felt like just a second before I was woken up by the chiming of bells and a soft hand on my back. 
“Sister?” Someone spoke soothingly, hand rubbing between my shoulders
I startled slightly, rubbing at the little patch of drool that had formed and looked up at one of the older Senior Sisters of Sin. She smiled warmly at me as my cheeks flushed.
“I’m sorry, dear. I just knew I’d find you here, dinner is starting soon. I didn’t see you come out all day so I just wanted to make sure you didn’t miss dinner too.” She spoke softly as I fixed the habit on my head and stood, nodding as she spoke. 
“Y-yes, thank you Sister.” I mumbled as I kept my gaze away from her face as I followed her from the library to the dining room. 
The minute I stepped into the space, the entire room burst into whispers. My face felt like it was on fire as I slipped to my normal table, I sat down in my normal seat and the two sisters of sin on either side of me turned up their noses before slipping from their seats and finding other tables to sit at. 
Ah, so the Terzo fan-club had found out what happened. 
I sighed as I began my dinner by filing my wine glass, knowing I was going to need to be borderline drunk to get through any of this. I drained half the glass before I began putting some of the dishes on my own plate, chicken and roasted vegetables from Primo’s gardens, when someone in red slid into the availability chair to my left. My heartbeat was thundering in my chest but I didn’t look at him. It was a huge break in protocol for him to sit with me like this, just adding fuel to the gossip fire at this point. 
“Sorella…” Copia��s voice was smooth, giving nothing away, however the stiffness in his posture broadcasted to me how he was feeling. He was anxious, something was bothering him. “I had been looking for you.”
“I spent the day in the library, Cardinal. Same as I always do.” I sighed, sipping my glass and still not looking at him as I began to slice my dinner. My mouth was watering, I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast. “Was there something you needed my help with?”
I finally looked at him then, my eyebrows quirked as I fought to keep my face neutral. Copia looked concerned for me, his mismatched eyes filled with worry, as he began to reach for me before pausing and thinking better of it. He turned back to his plate, helping himself to dinner and his own glass of wine, before he spoke quietly so only I’d be able to hear him. 
“I wanted to check on you myself but I had been occupied with Seestor and Papa Nihil,” His tone sharp as he sliced at the chicken. “There was much to discuss after the little display in the chapel this afternoon.”
Oh. Oh. 
So that’s what this was about. I squirmed slightly in my seat, cheeks already flushed from the wine but they grew darker as I watched Copia out of the corner of my eye. I tried to think of something to say to him, but what was there to say? 
Oh I’m sorry Cardinal Copia, I love you madly but there is something intoxicating in the way Papa treats me. 
Please forgive me as I let him continue to spit communion wine down my throat like a common whore. 
Why don’t we just fuck all three of us so I can get it out of my mind? Or maybe we can just be together the three of us?
Something told me that it wouldn't go over as well as I imagined in my mind. I turned to say something to Copia just as he did the same. However I felt another person slip into the seat next to me and I groaned without thinking when I felt his arm rest against the back of my chair as he spoke.
“Che sopresa, Sorella! The Cardinale has decided to join us for dinner.” Terzo’s teasing tone set Copia on edge, I could see the narrowing of his eyes as I turned to look at Terzo. 
“Pap-” I started to speak before Copia cut me off. 
“Sorella and I were speaking, Papa.” Copia used a tone I’d only ever heard when I was being punished and adding in the wine I was nursing as things spun out of control, I was squirming in my seat. “Surely you must have other Siblings to spend your mealtime with?”
“Sciocchezza, Cardinale. Bella Sorella has been all I’ve been able to think about all day.” Terzo smirked, his face smug as I leaned forward to bury my face in my hands. “She is all I have been able to think about since last night.”
Oh. Oh no. No, he wouldn’t dare…
“Mi scusi…” Copia’s face was filled with a calm look of fury. I drowned the entire cup of wine as my heart threatened to fall out of my chest. 
“I had the strangest desire to read a book last night, you would know all about late night reading si Cardinale?”
“Terzo…” my tone was firm but my voice wavered slightly. Copia’s eyes drifted between Terzo’s smug face and my red cheeks before working out exactly what Terzo was implying. 
“Ci hai visto ieri sera, si?” You saw us last night, yes? 
Copia spoke, now only speaking Italian in his fury. Luckily for me most of the other siblings didn’t know italian. “Ci hai guardato, vero?” You watched us didn’t you?
“Non dirmi che ti senti timido adesso, Cardinale.” Don’t tell me you are feeling shy now, Cardinal. Terzo laughed, leaning back in his chair with his wine glass dangling in his fingertips dangerously. “Nessuno di voi sembrava cosi timido cazzo tra i libri…” Neither of you seemed all that shy fucking among the books…
My face was on fire, I could feel the rage radiating off of Copia and I felt frozen in place by Papa’s arm on the back of my chair. I couldn’t see anything good coming from any of this conversation, both men were territorial in their own ways and I felt like I was trapped in the middle. 
“Come osi…” Copia started before Papa cut him off.
“Vieni ora, questa e la Chiesa Satanica Cardinale, qui lussuria e sesso vanno di pari passo.” Come now, this is the Satanic Church Cardinal, lust and sex go hand in hand here. 
Papa’s smile turned predatory as he switched his wine glass to his other hand, the arm resting on the back of my chair reaching out to brush his fingers against my shoulder softly. I shuttered at his touch. “Tutto quello che chiedo e che tu e la sorella mi chiedete di unirmi a voi la prossima volta…” All I am asking is that you and Sister ask me to join you next time…
I choked on my wine, Copia sputtered while his cheeks flushed scarlet. I patted my hand firmly against my chest, coughing up the wine lodged in my lungs. This was it. Papa had gone mad and Copia was going to kill him in the middle of dinner. I heard the legs of his chair scrape against the floor as he stood, dinner growing quiet as the two men locked eyes and mental horns. Copia leaned over, his tone deadly and I couldn’t help the shiver that ran down my spine as he spoke.
“Vediamo, Terzo, chi alla fine riuscirà a conquistare gli affetti di Stellina, eh?” Let us see, Terzo, who can win Stellina’s affections in the end, hm?
“Proprio come ai vecchi tempi, Cardinale.” Just like old times, Cardinal. Terzo chuckled, tilting his head to Copia in a mock salute. 
The cardinal glared at him before turning his eyes on me, they softened instantly when he saw the look on my face. He took the time to cup my cheek with his hand, instinctually I leaned into his touch and he smirked before walking away, his dinner barely touched and forgotten. Terzo chucked, watching Copia walk away, before turning his attention back to me. 
“Please, scusami Sorella. Plans need to be made…” Terzo purred before taking my hand and kissing the knuckles, and he too left me in the dining room filled with whispers and the occasional unkind glare.
The minute I was done eating I dashed back to my rooms, unable to take the glares from the other Siblings. Apparently they thought I was getting too cozy with Papa, this hadn’t ever been an issue when I was spending all my time with Copia. No, of course it was now because Terzo was involved. 
I flopped into bed, glaring at the ceiling before slipping my hand under my pillow. I felt something hard and sat up, brows furrowed as I pulled out a black envelope, Tesoro was written on it in a handwriting I knew wasn’t Copia’s.
Meet at midnight in the confessional booth
I felt my belly flutter as I held the letter against my chest before crumpling it up and tossing in my trash bin. This was Terzo putting forth his plan, my face felt flushed as I thought what he could possibly get up to in one of the empty booths. I looked at the clock on my bedside table and made sure to set an alarm, I didn’t have to meet Terzo till midnight so I had a few hours to sleep.
It had taken me a little bit to calm the storm in my mind before I fell asleep, when my alarm went off it jolted me awake. I took a minute to wash my face and rebraid my hair, choosing to wear my normal robes without my habit to meet him. Wearing only my nightgown and my robe seemed too forward even though Terzo had already seen me in them the other night. 
I scurried down the hallway, hiding out of eyesight of a pair of ghouls that passed me briefly. I made it all the way to the entrance of the chapel, my mind reminding me what had occurred there only hours earlier tradorusly as I slipped behind the heavy wood doors. The incense thick and heady, the candlelight flickering slightly, the stained glass windows casting shapes on the stone floors as the moonlight filtered through it. 
I saw the confessional booth to my left, one of the doors already closed and a thrill ran down my spine. I slipped into the other one, the door already left open for me. The space was small and slightly humid, though that could be because of my anxiety and growing heat in my belly. There was a wooden lattice between the two rooms, my eyes adjusted to the dim light filtering into the booths. Vaguely I could see Terzo sitting on the other side, his white eyes standing out in the dark. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I bit my bottom lip to hold back as gasp, Terzo was wearing his full papal robes. 
It was such a rare sight part of me was giddy just to be able to see him like this. I hadn’t seen him dressed up in his formal robes since our last Yule holiday celebrations. He wore his Papal mitre, grucifix standing out proudly. Over his normal daily suit he wore his chasuble was black but the silk shone even in the low light, gold embroidery standing out proudly andrich purple lining showing from his cuffs. Instead of his normal white gloves Terzo was wearing his black leather gloves with gold pointed nails. He had his head propped up on one hand as he crossed his legs, ankle resting on top of his other thigh. He looked almost intrigued by me, a curious fallen angel taking in a human for the first time.
I kneeled in front of the lattice so close I felt like my nose was about to press against the wood. My breath was already coming up short, as my cheeks flushed as I locked eyes with him through the lattice between us. He smirked before giving me a small fake bow.
“Buona serata, Sorella.” Terzo’s voice was low and rumbling, shooting right between my legs as I squirmed. “Before Papa hears your confessione we set some ground rules, si?”
“Yes, Papa.”
“If you are ever uncomfortable with anything between us, you tell me right away. If things become too tense between you and the Cardinale, you tell me right away. If you are ever uncomfortable with anything between you and Cardinale, you tell me right away. This only continues as long as everyone is soddisfatta, including you Tesoro, si?”
“Yes, of course Papa.” I spoke, my voice wavered slightly but it was clear. It seemed to satisfy Terzo who seemed to relax slightly before smiling wryly at me. 
“The Cardinale and I…we have known each other a long time. Back when I was just a sacerdote, we were known to get in quite a bit of trouble with bellissimi fratelli del peccato.” He chucked, rubbing at his chin in thought before looking back at me. “Enough of the past, Papa will hear your confessione now, Sorella.”
Part of me wanted him to keep talking about the past, Copia was never all that open about what his life before coming to the church was like and I was desperate to know more about it. However another part of me was transfixed by the look in Papa’s eyes, broody and dark as he beckoned me closer with two fingers. 
“Forgive me, Papa, for I have sinned.” I spoke softly, my voice shaky as my pulse skyrocketed. 
“Papa will hear these sins, Sorella.” He purred, my breath hitching as my hands came together in prayer. 
“I-I have had lustful thoughts about a few of the members of the clergy...” I felt my face flush as Terzo chuckled darling, behind the lattice I watched his chasuble slowly slip up to settle in his lap.
“Avanti, Sorella…”
“I let a senior member of the clergy touch me intimately in the library the other night.” I watched, my mouth going dry, as Terzo’s hands began to brush against the growing outline of his cock in his tight trousers. My face flushed as I squirmed. “I let Papa watch us…”
“Are you looking to repent, Tesoro?” Terzo’s voice was rough as he seemed to hold back a groan, my thighs rubbing together as I tried to get any friction or relief. 
“P-please, Papa…” I whispered, my fingers curling through the lattice as I watched him. “L-let me…”
“Ah, ah. You have not yet earned that quite yet.” He chuckled and I heard the sound of the zipper of his trousers, obscenely loud in the tiny space. “Touch yourself, Sorella. Show me how you repent.”
My face flushed bright red, hand shaky as I lifted up the hem of my robes and lightly teased my slit over my underwear. I bit my bottom lip, whimpering quietly as my fingers tightened in the lattice. My fingers circled my clit lazily, my legs quivering as I spread my legs while kneeling. I could see Terzo lazily running his hand up and down his cock and I moaned quietly. 
“Papa…” I whimpered, licking my lips as I watched the leather of his gloves squeeze his length firmly.
“Brava ragazza, Sorella.” He grunted, my fingers picking up the pace and dipping slightly into my clenching cunt. “Use your other hand to fuck yourself.”
I panted as I spread my knees as far as I could without falling over, my front pressed against the lattice as I slipped two fingers inside of me. The wet, slick sounds in my booth felt louder than alarm bells as I rocked my hips against my own fingers. “T-terzo…” I moaned, pressing my face to the lattice. 
“Fanculo…” He hissed, I heard the swish of his robes and scrape of the chair against the floor as he came to kneel against the lattice. His fingers tangled with my own as I watched him pump at his cock. “Tell me, Tesoro, who are you thinking of with your fingers deep inside you.”
“I-I think about you, Papa.” I whimpered, I could feel his heaved breaths against my face and the lust in my belly clenched painfully as I moaned, cheeks flushed. “I picture your fingers inside me.”
“Curl your fingers towards you, thrust them harder.” He commanded, a groan following as he rocked forward into his own hand. 
“Papa, please.” I begged, the coil of my orgasm twisting tighter every time I heard Terzo moan my name. “Let me touch you…”
My fingers brushed against his, longing for him, all I wanted was to brush my fingers against his skin.
“Cara mia…” Terzo groaned, his hand pulling away from mine. I whined at the tiny loss of contact till the door of the confessional opened up. 
“P-papa?!” I stuttered, bewildered as my hands pulled away from my core. My face turned bright red as I looked up at him with wide eyes.
“Come to me.” He growled, taking my arm and making me stand so he could slip into the tiny room with me. Roughly, he cupped my backside as he walked me backwards against the wall, kicking the door closed, and slamming his lips into mine as my back hit the wall. 
I gasped into the kiss, my arms wrapping around his neck instantly as he ground his hips into mine. I arched my back and pressed myself as close as I could to him, my tongue teasing his bottom lip as he groaned into our kiss. It felt like the tension that had been building between us was finally being put to good use. I knocked Terzo’s mitre from his head, landing with a soft thump to the floor behind us, as my fingers tangled in his hair. His hands wandered from my ass to my waist, coming to caress my sides and breasts. 
“Terzo…please.” I groaned, pulling my lips from his as I felt his fingers tease my hardened nipples through layers of fabric. He pushed his knee between my legs, his thigh pressed up against my core. 
“Show your Papa how you would ride him, Si?” He purred, lips brushing against mine before he pressed a gentle kiss to my neck. I blushed furiously but I rocked my hips against his thigh, moaning when he rutted against me as I writhed. 
“Let me…” I sighed into Terzo’s ear, biting his earlobe sharply before letting my hand reach under his papal robes and grip his cock. He hissed, low broken italian as I gripped him firmly. “Show Sorella how you would fuck her, si?”
Terzo made a low desperate sound, his forehead coming to rest on my shoulder and his hot breath on my neck caused me to shudder. His hips thrusted to meet the movements of my hands, his movements causing more friction against my core and I moaned into his neck, my free hand coming up to curl around his neck and cup his face to mine. My orgasm was wound tight in my belly, I was panting as I rode Terzo’s thigh. I whined, back arching and pressing into Terzo as I fisted his cock. I felt him shudder as I picked up the pace, desperate to feel him come apart by my hands. 
“Terzo…Papa, I’m going to come.” I hissed, hips quickening as I writhed against him. 
“Vieni per me, Sorella.” Terzo purred, leaning back to cup my face tenderly as his eyes locked with mine. “Fammi vedere come appare la tua faccia quando cadi a pezzi.”
I rocked against him a few more times and I felt the coil of burning lust snap, my eyes never leaving Terzo as I came. I shuddered, hips rolling against him bonelessly as his thigh felt like it was the only thing keeping me from slipping to the floor. 
I didn’t stop my hand on his cock and after a few snaps of his hips in time with my own movements I felt Terzo hiss out some colorful italian words before he too fell over the edge with me, his hot seed spilling over my fist and all over his papal robes as both of us panting in each other's arms. He leaned heavily into me, our foreheads pressed together as he mumbled loving Italian words, feather light kisses dusting my cheeks as I smiled softly while catching my breath. After a few moments we parted, Terzo hesitantly rucking his cock away with an out of character blush staining his cheeks. 
“Forgive me, Tesoro, I did not mean to dirty your clothes.” He mumbled, peeling the soiled robes from himself and balling them up. I couldn’t help but giggle at his face as he tossed his robes to the side. 
“Unfortunately for you, Papa. I managed to come away clean this time.” I leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “I’ve got to head back to my room before someone catches me out of bed. The other Siblings seem to be more observant of me lately, I’d rather not get caught out of bed by Imperator.”
“Mi dispiace, Sorella. I had other plans for you tonight, but I agree. Seestor had some…comments about you and I today. I have a feeling she will be keeping an eye out for you.” He sighed, rubbing at his neck before kissing my temple. “I would walk you back to your room, come un vero gentiluomo, but I have a feeling that may make things worse.”
“Thank you, Terzo.”
“E stato un piacere, Tesoro.” Terzo smiled warmly as I opened the door, taking my free hand and pressing a soft kiss to the inside of my wrists. “Till we meet again, si?”
“I’ll be waiting…”
I practically floated back to my rooms, a goofy smile on my face most of the way back. Quiet as I could be I slipped into my room, closing my door as slowly as possible before I turned and almost shat out my soul. I barely covered my mouth fast enough to hold in the scream that had bubbled up.
Copia was sitting at my office desk, his face full of a combination of worry and frustration. He wasn’t wearing either his black or red chassock. Instead he was wearing only his black trousers, the ones that left very little to the imagination, and black undershirt. The shirt had the first few buttons undone, a patch of his dark chest hair clearly visible. Over the shirt was a pair of suspenders, he wasn’t wearing gloves either and the sight of his bare hands caused a blush on my cheeks. It was rare for me to see him dressed so casually, it was even more rare to see him in my room. 
“Copia I…” I started before he raised his hand, pausing my impeding speech. 
“I figured Papa had swooped in while I was occupata. Fair is fair after all.” His eyes were stormy, the white iris practically glowing in the low light, but when he looked back at me they softened. “I wanted to make sure you were okay, Stellina.”
My heart warmed at the thought of both of these powerful men concerned for me and how I was feeling, I smiled softly at Copia who suddenly seemed so unsure of himself. I walked over and cupped his cheek with my hand, he leaned into the touch as his own hand came up to press against the back of my hand. He turned his head to kiss my palm and I felt heat flair to life in my belly at the heated look in his eyes. 
“I’m okay, Copia…” I mumbled. “Ter-Papa wanted to make sure I was comfortable with the idea of him pursuing me too.”
“And..are you?” Copia’s tone gave away nothing, I wish he had made it more clear where he stood on adding in Papa to our mix. I wanted to know how he truly felt, not how he thought he needed to feel. 
“How do you feel about it, Copia?” I countered him, crossing my arms and sitting on my bed, our knees barely brushed with how little space there was in my room. “I want to know how you feel about all this.”
“I…I do not know how I feel about this arrangement, Stellina.” He answered honestly. “I want what makes you happiest, what makes you smile. But I am not normally someone who shares what they view as theirs.”
“If you aren’t comfortable with it, then we should tell Papa and be done with it. I’m not willing to lose you over this, Copia.” I sighed, placing his hands in mine. His face turned away from mine, cheeks flushed. 
“You misunderstand me, Bella. I normally do not share, but this is Terzo. Papa. He is like a brother to me, for this reason…it does not feel like sharing. He feels like he is just a part of me as much as you are.”
“Copia…” My cheeks flushed, taken aback by his little confession. “I understand. For what it's worth, I’m perfectly happy in this arrangement, in fact I think I get the better end of the deal.”
“If you ever are made to feel uncomfortable in this, by Papa or myself, you must tell me right away, Si?” He stood, coming to cup my cheek as he spoke and I nuzzled into his touch, mirroring what Terzo had done to me before I left him. 
“Of course, Copia.”
“Molto bene…” He purred, leaning down to kiss me softly. “Did Papa please you, amate?”
“He did, Sir.” I whispered, lips brushing against his as he laid me back against the narrow twin bed. 
He settled between my thighs, my robes hiking up my hips. I hissed between my teeth as I felt Copia drag his fingers slowly up my inner thigh before cupping my core, hips jumping up to roll against his hand. 
“Clearly not in the way you needed, Stellina.” He purred, a chuckle on his lips as I looked up at him with hooded eyes. His fingers pressed against my core, my underwear pulled down my legs and tossed to the side without a second thought. 
I felt his fingers grow slick as he slipped his fingers to caress my clit, his fingertips teasing my entrance before pressing firmly against me. Copia paused long enough to help me pull my robes over my head, bra following shortly after. I laid on my bed, fully naked and exposed to him. My face flushed as Copia kissed my neck, leaving a soft kiss on the welt he had left the other day before pressing featherlight kisses across my collarbones and down between my breasts. I squirmed under him as his tongue darted out to brush against my belly button as he settled between my legs. 
“Please, Copia…” I moaned as he threw one of my legs over his shoulder. His breath was hot against my inner thighs as his fingers continued to tease me, little soft moans slipping from my lips. 
“Sorella…” He purred, pressing a soft kiss to my inner thigh before I felt his tongue dart out to taste me. 
I slapped my hand over my mouth, muffling the moan that threatened to wake up the whole hallway of senior sisters. His mustache tickled my inner thighs as he devoured me, his nose brushing against my clit as I rode his face. My free hand slipped down to tangle in his hair, tugging sharply as he delved his tongue inside of me for a moment before replacing the wet muscle with his fingers. I moaned his name, my orgasm building pressure in my belly, and rocked my hips as I panted. Still sensitive from my earlier activities with Papa it wasn’t long before I was writhing in Copia’s hands. He was holding me by my thighs, pinning me to him so I couldn’t escape, as his fingers thrusted in and out of me roughly. 
“I’m so close, Copia…” I whimpered, fingers tightening in his hair as I felt the sharp pull of my orgasm behind my belly button. “Don’t stop…”
I was panting, writhing, and on the verge of tears of overstimulation when the dam finally overflowed. I felt my orgasm rock into me as Copia’s tongue flicked against my clit sharply. He reached up when he felt my cunt clench his fingers and covered my mouth with his hand as I keened, eyes rolling back in my head as I arched off the bed. I felt like I was floating while he lapped at me, letting me ride his face as I came back down to earth with a silly grin on my face. 
“So beautiful, Stellina…” Copia mumbled as he licked his fingers clean, my face flushing at the warm look in his eyes. He sat up on his knees as he leaned down to kiss me, my hands tangling in his hair as I pulled him down to me. I felt a heavy weight on my thigh and I smirked into the kiss. 
“You have too many layers on…” I teased, pulling away from his kiss to push the suspenders from his shoulder and pull his shirt from his trousers. “I want to feel your skin on mine.”
Copia had always been shy about his figure around me, why he thought I cared I didn’t know. I saw his face flush slightly when I pulled his shirt over his head and I placed my hands on his waist. 
“Copia…” I sighed, kissing him softly before speaking again. “I love every part of you.”
“Si…” He squirmed under my touch, my fingers wandering to run through his chest hair, down his barely noticeable tummy and to the edge of the waist of his trousers. I traced the outline of his painfully hard cock and he groaned into my shoulder. “I know…”
“I will always want you, regardless of what happens between Papa and I. It will always be you and I.”
“Ti amo anch’io, topolino…” Copia mumbled, pressing his forehead to mine as he helped me undo his trousers, pushing them down his hips and thick thighs before tossing them on the floor with his other clothes. 
I felt him slide into me, my hips lifting to give him deep access as he buried himself to the hilt inside me. I moaned as quietly as I could, wrapping my arms around him to pull him against me. My legs wrapped around his hips as he moved slowly at first, just barely rocking into me as he murmured all sorts of dirty and lovely Italian words. Copia slipped his arms under my shoulders and wrapped his arms around me tightly, crushing me against him as rolled his hips into me. I burried my face in his neck, gasping and kissing his pulse as he fucked me tenderly. 
I felt the flames of my desire gain heat, a slow building burning in my belly as we held each other and murmured soft words to each other. Copia leaned down to nip and suck at my breasts, my nails scratching at his back and urging him to bring up the pace. Slowly our rocking became more frantic, Copia’s hips snapping into me sharply. I cried out louder than I meant to before I covered my mouth, giggling slightly at the look on Copia’s face. We giggled together like a couple of teenagers worried about getting caught, he kissed me softly before leaning up to rut against me harder like he knew I liked. The hand that wasn’t holding him up slipped between us and teased my clit. I ached my back, my fingernails digging into his hips as my toes curled. 
“Vieni per me, Sorella.” 
For the second time tonight I felt the coil in my belly snap while a pair of mismatched eyes locked on mine, I arched up against him, my hands leaving his hips to cover my mouth so I didn’t wake the whole abbey. Another few staccato thrusts and I felt Copia’s cock twitch inside me as he came, filling me with his own seed. We rocked against each other through our aftershocks, breathless as he laid on top of me and pressed soft kisses to my skin. 
I brushed his hair away from his face as I caught my breath. After a few minutes Copia pulled out of me, moving to lay next to me on his side. I turned to look at him, cuddled close in the tiny bed. His eyes were locked on mine and I squirmed under the weight of his gaze. He sat up without saying, reaching for his clothes, before I grabbed his wrist. 
“S-stay?” I mumbled, cheeks flushed and looking to the floor. I felt his fingers slip under my chin to make me look at him, his face soft. 
“Anything for you, Stellina.” He mumbled, pressing his lips to mine before slipping under the covers I held out for him. 
It took a few minutes but we managed to find a comfortable position to settle into. I was curled up on my side facing Copia, my face buried in his chest as he cuddled me to him, our legs tangled together. His arms were wrapped tightly around me, his chin resting on top of my head. 
“Good night, Copia.” I mumbled sleepily, yawning his name. I felt him chuckle slightly, pressing a kiss into the crown of my head. 
“Buonanotte, amore.”
I woke late in the morning to the sound of urgent knocking on my door. I jumped awake, startled from my dreams, and looked around wildly. 
Copia had already left, he hadn’t woken me when he did but he had tucked me into bed tightly. All evidence he had been there was gone, the only hint he had spent the night was the smudge of black greasepaint on my pillow. I smiled softly at it, my finger running over it before the knocking picked up again. 
“One minute!” I called, grouchy from being woken up as I pulled on my robe to cover up my naked form. I pulled the door open, fully intending to chew out whatever junior sister had been sent to fetch me, and found Sister Imperator’s less than impressed glare. 
“S-Sister Imperator!” I squeaked, standing up straight and attempted to block her view of my room as much as possible. “I-I’m so sorry I overslept, I will head down to the library right now.”
“That won’t be necessary Sister, I’d like you to meet me in my office in fifteen minutes. Please make yourself decent.” Her voice, as always, was icy as she looked me up and down. I blushed bright red and nodded furiously. 
“Y-yes of course, Sister.” I stuttered, she waved me off as she walked away. I shut the door as calmly as possible and ran to the shower. 
I hadn’t gotten ready this fast since my trainee days, my hair pulled back into a low bun before pulling on my habit. I darted down the halls, practically sprinting to her office, not wanting to get in more trouble by being late. 
Precisely fifteen minutes later, I was sitting squirming in the chair across from Sister Imperator. Papa Nihil was sitting in the other chair next to me, my curiosity taking the back seat to my anxiety. 
“I’m sure you’ve been wondering why I called you down here-” Sister Imperator started, her arms crossed as she leaned back in her office chair. 
“If it's about oversleeping I can explain-!” I blurted out, Imperator cocked an eyebrow and I flushed bright red. “S-sorry for interrupting, Sister.”
“As I was saying, I wanted to see you to talk about something very important to the Clergy and the Satanic Church as a whole. Succession.” Sister Imperator paused and looked over at Nihil who, for his part, looked just as confused as me.
“I’m not sure I follow…”
“Sister…have you ever heard of a phenomenon known as Prime Mover?”
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Do you drink wine? What kinds do you like if you do?
Oh I love wine! Wine is the best!
Im quite partial to a very dry Prosecco, a good valpolicella ripasso or amarone, or a big bold super Tuscan and/or Cab Sauv (…I might have a preference for Italian wines/grapes)
That said, I’ve recently been getting into Primativos and Chiantis
Pinot noirs are fiiiine if I must, but not a fave
Pinot Grigio is very drinkable if I must do a cheap white at the airport, ditto for Malbec or Merlot for the reds
Im incredibly picky about Chardonnays but when I find a good one, they are to die for
I like vihno verde in the summer, also very dry rosés
But yeah—I love talking about wine, drinking wine, tasting/smelling/describing etc
It’s a rich, wonderful world and I love it so much
[ask meme]
Thank you!! 💕💕
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