sometimes when im bored i imagine various ted lasso characters on taskmaster and that cheers me up
#i imagine for one of the new years specials or a charity thing or something#so many golden opportunities. trent would be so fucking funny#whatever cool steady reputation he had is gone thoroughly imploded#[mulan meme] now all of england knows you're a dork#hard to seem cool and collected when everyone's seen you do a team task with ted lasso and utterly fail#but (covered in mud and hair a mess) ridiculously crumble into giggles at the end#(depending on the team task they'd either do extremely well or extremely badly lmao)#and tedependent brain aside also just like. literally any of the characters#except beard he'd be too good at it he'd inexplicably do it all and face the taskmaster down with no facial expression change at all /j#but like. roy. GOLDEN#dani? BEAUTIFUL. completely immune to cutting commentary. even greg daivies is charmed.#JAMIE? FUCKING JAMIE? CAN YOU IMAGINE?#jan maas. beautiful.#BUMBERCATCH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE#THERE'S SO MANY GOOD FUCKING OPTIONS#and i need the 'everyone tied their dicks together' thing to come up. please#hang on wait also now i had the cursed thought of someone comparing led tasso to The Taskmaster but that makes beard alex horne which is#the worst thought i've ever had#or would that be boach ceard?#oh my god fucking. rebecca. can you imagine rebecca on taskmaster. i think someone would die#there are just endless good options here#ted in general outside of the ted/trent context too my god it'd be so good#it's all so funny i love this thought exercise#ted lasso#ted lasso tv
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cherry-bomb-ships · 2 months
We briefly interrupt this Mojo fixation to say that OMGGGGG JAMIE GOT A NEW VICTORY POSE AND LOOK AT HIM!!!
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fatestricken · 2 years
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jamie   suffers   from   borderline   personality   disorder   as   a   result   of   her   trauma   spanning   from   childhood .     this   means   she   absolutely   has   a   favorite   person .     her   favorite   person   is   eddie   munson .     so   ,   after   the   events   of   volume   2   ,   she   is   completely   inconsolable   and   devastated .     sometimes   she’s   near   catatonic .     a   bpd   person   without   their   fp   is   a   shell   of   who   they’re   supposed   to   be   ,   and   she’s   no   exception   to   that .
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myrcenegirl · 1 year
OKAY miss lim kim is back
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buckyalpine · 8 months
Bucky can’t lie
A smutty thot. Imagine the avengers fucking around with a lie detector test, testing how well the super soldiers were trained. Steve failed instantly while stating his own name, blushing from embarrassment. Bucky was shoved into the chair next.
And he was disgustingly good.
The wires were attached to him within seconds, with questions flying left right and center. He crossed his arms over his chest with an eyeroll, answering the most ridiculous questions each person would throw at him.
"What the hell Barnes, there's no way, you can't be serious"
The super soldier smirked, while the others watched the needle scratch on the paper steadily, not a single signal indicating he was lying. It was going great until Tony's eyes lit up with a brilliant idea.
“Wait. Get y/n in here”
You sauntered into the room, scrunching your face seeing Bucky hooked up to the machine, while the rest of the team stared at him intently. The faintest uptick scratched onto the paper making Steve cock an eyebrow while Bucky's expression remained the same.
"What am I doing here and why's Bucky-
"Shh, just stand there. We're trying to see if we can get Bucky to fail a lie detector test. Alright, new question. Is there anyone in this room you've thought about naked" Tony asked while all eyes stared at Bucky, the soldier biting his lip.
"Hm" Tony nodded, continuing. "Is there anyone in this room you've thought about having sex with"
"What kind of questions are you asking, pervert" Bucky exhaled through his nose, his finger tapping against the seat.
"Just answer the question Barnes" Tony smiled sweetly, grinning when the needle already started to move a little higher than before.
The needle ticked higher making Bucky huff, ignoring the way his face heated up when you stepped closer to peer at the paper.
"Interesting. Slight deception detected there Barnes, you sure about that?"
"Yes" Bucky forced through gritted teeth, managing to keep the needle from jumping around too much.
"Here, let me" You smirked, pulling Tony away from the seat, gazing into the soldiers eyes while he threw you a cocky smirk.
"Think you can do better doll?" He sassed while you shrugged, the scent of your perfume already making hi sweat.
"Have you ever thought of kissing me?" The needle jolted before Bucky could even open his mouth, making the others screech while Bucky shook his head. "Liar"
"You ever thought about me naked? You like watching me out on the field?"
"No" Bucky's pulse raced, his pants starting to feel too tight, the test scribbling wildly.
"Okay this mf lying" Sam snorted while Bucky's flushed cheeks grew hotter.
"Really? You ever think about me on my knees for you? Sucking your cock?"
"No" The needle nearly jolted off the sheet, making Tony cackle, clapping his hands madly while Steve blushed and chuckled, torn between watching his best friend's walls crumble and running out of the room with your questions getting filthier and filthier.
"You think about cumming down my throat? having me swallow all of you, telling you how good you taste?"
"You think about having me naked on your bed, soldier? Moaning for you? Screaming your name?"
"You think about stuffing me with your babies Jamie? Getting me pregnant with that serum running through your veins?"
"You want me to call you daddy baby? How about Sergeant"
"Do you want me to be your slutty baby, drip all over your cock"
"N-No" Bucky gritted out again while Sam threw his hands up.
"You're not fooling anyone dumbass, I think you broke the needle" The machine nearly gave way with a high pitched whizz matching Bucky's racing heartrate. You grinned, getting up from your seat, making him pant.
"Do I make you horny baby" You slinked onto his lap, making Bucky finally break his resolve, his hands flying to your waist.
"Fuck yes. C'mere" He hissed, ripping the wires off and tossing you over his shoulder with a spank while Tony peered over at the paper with a satisfied smirk.
"No lies detected"
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daenysx · 3 days
imagine giving james a skincare sesh where reader is seated comfortably (on his lap ehm) and he lets her put all sorts of moisturizers, face masks and even lip balm on him and he secretly LOVES it and after they eat homemade cookies and watch their comfort show
thank you for requesting!! i had so much fun writing this, it's my skincare routine applied to james. i guess that means he's literally my boyfriend now (support my delusions please <3333) you can send me requests for james!
james potter x fem!reader, fluff
"are you ready?" you say, grinning. you carried most of your skincare essentials to living room, ready to give your tired boyfriend a nice spa day.
"yes." james walks out of the bathroom. "i washed my face."
"with the cleansing jel?"
"yes, baby." he sits on the couch next to you. you place yourself on his lap expertly, his face looks dry and clean. you lean to give him a kiss on his cheek, james settles down on couch with his back to pillows.
"okay." you say, clapping your hands. you're excited to give him a nice treating, he deserves all the best. you've never understood how boys have clear and smooth skin naturally, james certainly doesn't use as many products as you do, but he lets you do anything you want to him. skincare is like a therapy for you, quality minutes you spend on yourself. it's relaxing, taking care of your body without a single thought in your mind, you want james to experience it, too.
"let me just pull your hair back first." you say quietly, using tiny hairclips to secure his curls.
"why are you whispering?" he asks, whispering.
"i wanna create a relaxing ambience for you." you answer. "whispering is a part of it."
"oh." he teases. "okay."
you take your face toner in your hand, pouring some of it on a cotton pad. "close your eyes, jamie." you say, start applying it on his skin.
james relaxes into the pillow, his hands keep you balanced on his thighs. he likes how excited you get to take care of him, he likes being spoiled by you. your fingers are gentle on his face, almost invisible.
"now i'm gonna put on a face mask, handsome." you say, tearing the package of the mask. "it can feel a bit cold."
"that's okay." he mumbles. you place the mask on his skin carefully, adjusting the sides to cover his entire face. "what does this do?"
"um," you read the package. "it's for hydration mostly, and it has vitamin c in it."
"cool." he has no idea what vitamin c does for skin.
"we're gonna wait for 15 minutes." you say. "can i massage your hands while we wait?"
this must be some kind of special heaven for james. he gives you his hands blindly, you put on hand cream on the back of his hands and start rubbing it nicely on his skin.
james sometimes complains about how rough his hands feel, he washes them a lot and always neglects applying moisturizer. the cream feels good, like he has the skin of a baby now. you're being really sweet on him, he likes the way his muscles loosen up under your fingers.
"you're an angel." he says, a deep sound coming from his throat when you press a tight spot between his thumb and forefinger. "my fucking angel."
you smile, giving the same care to his other hand. james feels his hands go numb when you're finished. you clean the remnants of the cream on your hands before taking the mask off his face. "there you go." you put the used mask aside. "feels good?"
"i feel like a baby."
you laugh. "you're gonna be like a baby when i'm done."
it's a nice promise, james likes it very much. "i'm gonna apply some under eye cream now." you whisper. "you have no dark circles, i'm so jealous."
"it's because i actually have a sleeping schedule, lovely girl." he smiles. "something you lack, you know."
you massage his face a little bit before applying some moisturizer. you don't think any more products are needed for james, his skin is already perfect and the mask takes care of a lot of things. you want his face to be relaxed, so you keep your fingers on his cheeks. he smiles a lot, there are little lines on the corners of his lips and eyes that start forming. you can't help yourself, you kiss his lips softly. he immediately reacts but you pull yourself back, focusing on your work.
"what's the point of relaxing if i'm not gonna get a kiss?" james frowns.
"you'll get your kisses." you promise. "when i'm done."
applying moisturizer is so easy, his skin is glowing now. you make sure you cover every little spot on his face. "it smells good." he says. you nod even though his eyes are closed. "it really does." you say.
"and now," you put the cream away. "lip mask."
"lip mask?" james opens his eyes. "how will i kiss you if i have something on my lips?"
you laugh at his dramatics. "it never stopped you before. you always ruin my lipstick, remember?"
"not the same thing."
"come on, be a good boy for once." you tease. james parts his lips in shock. "once? this is a vile accusation."
you stop him, putting on a tiny bit of lip mask on his lips. he presses his lips together clumsily. "it tastes nice. is that strawberry?"
"you're not supposed to eat it!" you laugh. "leave some of it at least."
"mm, okay." he says. you fix his hair, and put a kiss on his cheek. you hand him the remote before leaving his lap. "i'm gonna bring you some cookies, can you pick a show?"
james nods, watches you clean up the mess through sleepy eyes. his skin has never felt this soft, he wants to pinch his own cheeks. he opens up the show you both like as he waits for you.
you come back with a plate full of cookies. james pulls you into his lap again. "i'm gonna eat just one." he says smugly. "i can't ruin my lip mask and i don't want crumbs on my face."
you laugh. "you're getting really good at this skincare thing."
"thanks to my angel." he says, he kisses your cheek three times. "i love you so much."
"i love you, too, baby." you say, your hand in his curls. "i can do it anytime you want."
"good, because i don't think i can go on without this anymore." he says like it's so obvious. "now, i remember i was promised kisses."
you settle down on his lap. "i don't wanna ruin your lip mask."
"it's not ruining, babe." he disagrees. "i'm willingly sharing my lip mask with you."
you laugh until your chest hurts.
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fromagony · 18 days
@jegulus-microfic | may 26 - fine | tw: NSFW, spit swallowing, dirty talk, D/s undertones | words: 827 | @ecstarry @star4daisy
Regulus didn't know James had it in him. He had a gut feeling, yes, but the outcome was beyond his dreams.
James was on top of him, sucking his neck hard and fucking him deep. Every time he thrust, the sounds of their flesh made Regulus feel weak in the knees. It made him dizzy, he felt so heavy and needy. It was fine, it was James and he always knew how to take care of him.
His hands were at James’ back, nails digging in and his eyes were closed. All he could feel was him, James, filling his pussy and feeding him nicely.
“Fuck, James—” He moaned loudly, it was hard to open his eyes but he needed to look at him, so he did.
James bit the tender skin of his neck and slowly pulled away, mouth hanging open and his lips were red. Regulus touched his bottom lip and at that moment James shoved his cock deep into his cunt again and Regulus cried out.
“Shit— you are so good at this,” he told him as he tried to catch his breath, “I don't like that you are good at this.”
James licked his cheek slowly, it made him feel worse. And then he got closer to his ear, nibbling his earlobe.
“You like it when I fuck you this good though,” he spoke gradually and kissed the under of his ear, “I can feel your wetness, your pussy is hungry for my cock. It stretches nicely around me, swallowing every inch of my cock. Are you sure you don't like it?”
Regulus had to close his eyes shut, the lewd words did numbers on him and as if that wasn't enough, James’ raspy, low voice was driving him crazy. And he was right, every word coming out of his mouth was absolute truth.
“I fucking hate you,” Regulus said, he could feel the tears gathering in his eyes, “I can't stand you.”
James only smirked, he was so handsome without his glasses too. Regulus was made of love at that exact moment, every limb of his was loving James Potter, wanting him without an end.
“I guess your cunt is not on the same page with you,” He said, he pulled out until then tip of his cock was the only thing staying inside of Regulus, and while he was being watched by him, he spat onto his pussy and shoved his cock into forcefully in one push.
Regulus’ breath left his lungs abruptly, he couldn't move, he couldn't think.
But James continued, “Look at him, pretty little thing, wrapping itself around my cock so good. So tight, yet he can take it all,” His eyes met with Regulus, “Soaking wet for me, begging for me to fuck you harder. You need to be fucked the way you deserve it, baby. Let me take care of you.”
Regulus didn't know when he started crying, he was feeling so full and everything was so perfect that pleasure clouded his every sense.
James didn't wait for an answer, Regulus quietly crying was all he needed. He wrapped his hand around Regulus’ throat and fucked him faster while choking him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck— James, Jamie— Potter—”
James fucked him even harder, he was in shambles.
“Fuck me, fuck, fuck me— faster, yes, yes—”
Regulus didn't stop talking and neither did James. The more Regulus moaned and rambled, the dirtier James’ words became. He felt James’s fingers on his clit and everything in him screamed. He started rubbing it faster than the rhythm he was fucking him to.
“Fuck, your little cunt is feels so fucking good— Can’t get enough of this.”
He spat on his pussy again and spread the wetness by using his fingers. At the same time, Regulus was hanging on to his life as he scratched James’ back and he could feel the blood getting under his fingernails.
James moved his hand from his throat to his chin and opened Regulus’ mouth. He spit inside of his mouth and Regulus moaned as he swallowed. He could feel his wet folds getting more slicker with every thrust of James’ hips.
“James,” he groaned as James put his thumb into his mouth and he started sucking it while imagining it was James’ cock. He couldn't stop moaning, everything felt amazing. He was so close, painfully close and James’ fingers on his clit were making everything blurry.
He felt like an angel who was about to fall from heaven into the pits of hell.
“I’m close— I'm so close, James— oh fuck, yes, yes, yes—”
James rubbed it faster, every time he bottomed out his pussy became even more wet. He was there, and it was too much. Every feeling was heightened achingly and all he needed was him.
He bit James’ finger and pulled him into a kiss by the nape of his neck. It broke something in him and—
He started to fall.
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moonstruckme · 9 months
i’m obsessed with everything you write! you write our boys so well 🖤🖤 could I request poly!marauders maybe with some casual dominance and just taking care of the reader? like picking out her clothes, making sure she eats, just being protective but also so soft with her
Thanks lovely! Here you go :)
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
“Morning, angel,” James chirps as you step into the kitchen. “How’d you sleep?”
“Good, thanks.” You take the coffee he hands you, giving him a quick peck on the lips. “You?”
“Phenomenally. How do you want your eggs?”
“I’m alright without, thanks though.” You sit down next to Remus at the table, taking a sip of your coffee. It’s just the way you like it, with heaps of cream and sugar. 
“Can’t skip breakfast, dove,” Remus says, hardly looking up from the newspaper as he speaks to you. 
“I don’t feel like eggs,” you reply, watching him warily over the top of your mug, trying to gauge if he might let it go. “And I’m not really hungry anyway.” 
Amber eyes flick up to yours as Remus turns the page. “You’re not going to work on an empty stomach. You need to eat something.” 
“I’ll make you something else,” James offers sweetly. “Whaddya want, my love?”
You smile at him, batting your eyelashes. “Could I have some toast please, Jamie?”
He flips his spatula expertly, winking at you. “Might be above my skill level, but I’ll do my best for you, angel.”
You laugh, and Remus rolls his eyes at the both of you. Sirius trods in still wearing his pajama bottoms, a smirk coming to his lips as he reads the room instantly. 
“In trouble already?” he drops a kiss on the top of your head, reaching over to squeeze Remus’ shoulder in greeting. “What’ve you done now, hm?”
Your eyes dart nervously to Remus, waiting to see if he’ll rat you out. Though Remus is the sternest of your boyfriends, Sirius delights in being in charge, and you know he’ll rub it in the most. You imagine it’s the older brother in him. 
“It’s resolved,” Remus says simply, and you think you detect the faintest twitch of his lips when you grin at him in relief. 
“Siri, have you seen the leaves outside?” you ask hastily, going for the distraction before he can attempt to pry further. “It’s like they finally turned just overnight.” 
He takes the bait, leaning back in his seat to peer out the window. You’d been ecstatic when you’d cracked the curtains in your bedroom this morning to see your street had taken on a whole new color palate, everything red and orange and golden. “It does finally look like autumn, doesn’t it?” He gives you a critical once-over. “That isn’t going to do for the chill out there, sweetheart.”
You look down at your skirt and blouse. You quite like this outfit. “You think? It’s not supposed to be that cold yet, is it?”
Sirius raises a brow just as Remus finishes with the paper, folding it and looking up to see what the two of you are on about. “It’s September, love,” he reasons. “If it got cold enough last night to turn the leaves, it’s cold enough to at least wear a jumper.” 
“I’m thinking fleece tights and a sweatshirt,” Sirius says contemplatively, more to Remus than to you. “Don’t run off after breakfast, dollface, and I’ll go pick them out for you.” 
You start to protest, but then Sirius’ mouth drops open, and you turn to see James teetering toward you, balancing four plates across his arms. 
“Fucking hell, Prongs,” he breathes, but James manages to distribute all four dishes safely, setting your toast in front of you last with a flourish. 
“Good idea,” he says, picking up the previous conversation as though nothing has happened. “Can’t have our girl shivering out there in the cold.” 
You roll your eyes but munch happily on your toast, ignoring how Remus eyes you watchfully as you eat. 
Since you finish first, you offer to wash up while Sirius goes and selects the additions to your outfit as he sees fit, changing into them afterwards. You have to admit, the day does look promisingly crisp outside your bedroom window, and the tights and sweatshirt he has you layer with what you already have on are soft and comfy. 
“Let me get those for you,” James offers as you pull on your shoes, and you place your foot on his knee obediently, letting him tie them both with a firm pat on the side of your shoe once he’s done. “There y’go, angel. Double-knotted and everything.” 
You press a rewarding kiss to his cheek, and Sirius comes in from canoodling with Remus to oversee his handiwork. He hums, smoothing out invisible wrinkles in your tights and adjusting the sweatshirt on your shoulders unnecessarily while you and James exchange glances, each fighting to keep a straight face. “Might need a scarf too,” he muses, and James bursts into laughter.
“Siri, come on,” you protest, unable to contain a few giggles of your own. 
James grabs Sirius around the waist, throwing him onto the bed beside you. “Work on your own outfit, Pads.” 
“You’re all going to be late if you don’t get going,” Remus says, smiling at the scene as he comes in. James detaches himself from Sirius, his expression morphing into that well-practiced facade of angelic innocence. 
“I was just on my way out,” he says, giving Remus a goodbye kiss. “See you all later.” He pats you on the head as he passes, and then he’s out the door. 
Remus moves to the bed, leaning over Sirius, who props himself up on his elbows to meet him halfway. “Get dressed,” Remus says as he breaks the kiss, tucking a piece of silky black hair behind Sirius’ ear. “You can’t afford to be late again, love.” 
You stand as he moves to you next, wrapping a long-fingered hand around the side of your hip, and you let your eyes flutter closed as he kisses you sweetly. “Be good,” he says softly, placing an additional kiss at your temple. “I’ll see you tonight, dovey.” 
“See you tonight,” you echo, and then it’s just Sirius and you, his eyes playful as they meet yours. 
“Be good,” he coos mockingly. “Think you can do that all day long?”
You grin, picking up your bag from the end of the bed. “Hey, at least I’m dressed.” 
“Oi!” Sirius says as you leave the room. “Where’s my kiss?”
“Sorry,” you reply gaily, “can’t be late. You can’t afford to either, remember?” 
“Oh, feeling bold, are we?” he calls after you. “We’ll see how bold you are later tonight.”
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theemporium · 11 months
!! could you please write something where james is arguing with someone abt something or he’s just big mad but all reader can focus on is how FINE he looks?? like the tensed jawline? the curvature of his pecs from his heavy breathing?? running his hand through his hair from frustration and his bicep bulges LMAO idk but i’m just down bad rn
no because this reminds me of hockey boys and how hot they look when they get into fights and it just makes me😵‍💫anyways thank you for requesting! i’m a whore for james potter!!🖤
The sight shouldn’t have turned you on as much as it did.
It was nearing ten when you stumbled out of the pub, your arms wound around one of James’ as you used him as your personal crutch. The alcohol flowing through you numbed the pain of your heels but that didn’t make it any easier to walk in them. 
But you didn’t care. You were happy and buzzed and your big, handsome boyfriend was all but prepared to carry you to the club you were meeting the rest of the group at for a fun night out. 
Until someone all but shoved past you, their shoulder knocking against yours and making you stumble, though James’ quick reflexes saved you from busting your ass on the cobblestone floor. However, you laughed it off, not letting it ruin your mood as you held onto James and made a move to keep walking.
But James stopped you, his hands dropping to your waist to give you a soft squeeze and make sure you were okay before he turned to the man who barged past you. 
“Oi, dickhead! What the fuck was that?”
Now, somewhere in the back of your head, there was a voice telling you that you should intervene. You should pull James back and calm him down, reassure him that it was no big deal and that you were fine and it wasn’t worth the hassle. You should have stopped it before it escalated, before it broke out into something more serious and someone walking past on the street called the police.
You should have.
But you didn’t want to.
Instead, you stood there, still a little tipsy and buzzed, and you couldn’t help but admire how hot your boyfriend looked when he was angry. The muscles in his jaw that jumped and ticked every time he clenched his jaw, the way his broad shoulders tensed under his tight shirt and his biceps flexed with each clench of his fists. The angry little pout on his face and the crease between his brows that you just wanted to smooth out and kiss. 
Your boyfriend was a big guy, towering over the man with at least five or so inches in height. Add in his broad profile and the fact you knew he was fucking strong, you couldn’t help but let your mind wander. 
Imagining pulling him away from the man and the busy streets and into a quiet alleyway. Imagining pulling his face down to meet yours in a messy, sloppy kiss and you begged him to take his anger out on you instead. Imagining him hoisting you up with ease and fucking you against the brick wall withhout even breaking a sweat, pounding into you as you whined and moaned his name and scratched your nails down his back. Imagining the bruises he would leave on your skin as a memory of the way he manhandled you.
You hadn’t even realised the argument had ended before James was standing in front of you, frustrated and pissed off and running a hand through his messy curls. You bit down on your lower lip, watching him as you squeezed your thighs together.
“Are you okay?” he asked, the concern in his voice making his face soften as he cupped your face, glancing over you once again.
But you shook your head.
James’ frowned, and some of that anger returned. “What? What’s wrong? What hurts? Did he hurt you? Did—”
But you shook your head again.
Confusion painted over his expression, his thumbs brushing across your cheekbones. “What’s wrong, baby?”
“I need you,” you whispered, your hands resting against his stomach and you felt his abs clench beneath the fabric of his shirt. “Need you so bad, Jamie.”
His brows raised slightly at the tone of your voice, recognising it instantly and something like a smirk grew on his lips. “Yeah? My princess needs me?”
You nodded. “Please.”
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” he murmured as he leaned down, his lips brushing yours but not enough to consider it a kiss. You let out a whine and he only grinned wider in response. “Gotta be patient, baby.”
“James—” you started.
“Can’t fuck you here, princess, not when anyone can see how pretty my girl looks when she comes,” he murmured, his voice a little more stern this time. “You can wait.”
You gulped, nodding.
“Atta girl,” he grinned before wrapping his arm around you, ready to head back to your shared apartment instead of the club you were meant to meet the others at.
“What about—”
“They can enjoy a night without us,” James grunted, his eyes darkening as he took in the glazed look in your expression. “I have my princess to take care of.”
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xoxosimp · 18 days
Right Person, Wrong Time
POV: You break playboy!Bucky’s heart 
Pairing: Bi!Bucky Barnes x Bestfriend!Reader
Part two: Perfect Timing
Warnings: angst, not beta’d, mediocre writing
A/N: This is heavily inspired by this sound on tik tok and one of my favorite scenes in a Disney channel show I used to watch LOL.
If there is something about life, you like things to be simple. 
You flourished when you had a consistent and simple routine. Where others feel bored with things being the same everyday, mundaneness gives you a certain type of peace you never wanted to give up.
Bucky Barnes was a part of your routine. Every day after work, you and Bucky would run at the park. Sometimes it was one mile, other days it was five. 
Your workout routine with Bucky was never stale. Warm up, run, (Bucky insists that he always runs behind you for whatever protective reason he has. And looking at your ass is a great motivator, not that you know the latter). Then you would have dinner together, either one of you would cook or you would go out to eat. 
The sound of you and Bucky’s steps echoed against the pavement. Sweat clouded your vision and your lungs were begging for a respite but you were halfway to your checkpoint point. You picked up the pace, challenging him to keep up from behind. 
Bucky caught up to you and gestured to your foot, “ Your shoe is untied, angel,” he panted out.
You furrowed your eyebrows and glanced at your feet, breaking your stride. “ Well, I guess we can take a break now,” Bucky said as he came to a stop.
You smiled, “ You freaking liar!”
Bucky holds up his hands as if he was innocent. “ Don’t hate me just because you stopped, beautiful.”
You rolled your eyes and leaned against the rails of a bridge you so conveniently stopped at.
“ What do you wanna do for dinner?”, you asked Bucky, wiping the sweat from your forehead.
“Anything you want, I want, angel.”
You asked him everytime and every time he gave the same response.  He always wants what you want. “ Then let’s get Peruvian food, I could kill for lomo right now.” 
Bucky chuckled to himself, like he had something to say. “ Do you not want lomo, Buck?”
“ That’s fine, angel, just..” he trailed off. “ At least this dinner won’t have a side of tension.”
Bucky alluded to a dinner you had with your other friend Steve Rogers, and his significant other, Lililian. Steve isn't the one to argue in public, but his girlfriend kept picking fights. You and Bucky would attempt to dissolve the tense atmosphere, but it always seemed to thicken again.
“ Yeah, I couldn't imagine going through all the drama they’re going through. Steve looked like he wanted to explode,” you recalled.
He nodded his head. “ I think Steve needs someone less…in your face, you know?”
“ Steve has a … strong personality, angel. He needs someone to soothe rather than excite.”
“So what, he needs someone to tame his inner alpha?,” you quipped. 
Bucky chuckled and looked at you. After a pause, he said, " You know, we wouldn't be like that.” 
You raisd an eyebrow, standing up straight, “ Like what?”
“ Complicated. If we were together, it would just be me and you, plus together.”
Your stomach fluttered. The notion of dating Bucky wasn't completely foreign to you. Bucky was an attractive person, inside and out. It was something about the way he looks at someone, the way he looked at you, that you knew you could trust him with the darkest parts of yourself. His huge fucking arms were always open if you needed a hug, and his beautiful blue eyes were always on you.
But if Bucky Barnes was anything, he was a player. He knew how to play a woman ( or man) like a finely tuned instrument, and make them melt into his hands. 
Bucky Barnes didn’t date. Bucky Barnes didn’t settle down. He thrived in spontaneity. 
You shook your head, “ We’re friends, Jamie.”
“ But I want more. I want more of you, angel. You’re the first person on my mind when I wake up, and the last thing before I go to bed. I can’t go a day without you. Would it really be that much of a difference if we were together?”
He spoke with so much conviction that you almost trusted him.
“ Bucky , ever since I met you, you’ve always been a player,” you explained. “ We have the perfect relationship and I don't wanna lose you just because you wanna try something new.”
You could have slapped him and Bucky still wouldn't have looked so shocked. His expression makes your heart drop into your stomach. 
“ What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he countered.
“ You get bored easily,” you crossed your arms. “ If we started dating you would get bored of me, then we would break up and our relationship would never be the same.”
“ We’re friends, Bucky,” you reiterated. “ You can have as many boyfriends and girlfriends you want, and we can still be best friends.”
Usually you could tell what mood Bucky was in. He had a “ I’m Hangry” glare and a “ I’m tired of this bullshit “ glare. You couldn't make out what he was feeling.
“ I don't feel like Peruvian food today,” he uttered “ Let me walk you to your car.”
“Are we good, Jamie?” 
“ We’re good, (Y/N).
He didn't call you angel, or beautiful, or any of the other pet names he would call you. Bucky didn't give you a kiss on the cheek and tell you to drive safe once you got in your car. The feeling of hurting him weighed heavy on your chest, but the relief of speaking your truth was liberating. 
Maybe you made a mistake, telling Bucky you didn't trust him with your heart.
No, it’s for the better. 
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ddejavvu · 1 year
i blame you so much for my sudden poly!marauders obsession lolol i genuinely cant find anyone who writes them as good as you do!
but imagine like lily asking fuck marry kill out of the three of them, and you give the obvious “marry all of them” but they keep pressing you for your answer even though they know one of them is gonna get hurt (even if you said a name on purpose as a joke lmao) bonus points if one of them is being so dramatic and just fr lies on the floor pretending to be dead for the rest of the day and being all sulky.
I'm so glad you like the way that I write them!
"I'm not choosing," You shake your head, jaw clenched resolutely, "I'd like to marry them all."
"And fuck," Sirius boasts, "'Not gonna get a murder out of her, Lils."
"She's gotta choose," Remus presses, and you've got half a mind to kill him just for the suggestion, "Come on, darling, we won't be upset. S'just a game."
"Fuck," You pause, glancing fearfully between your three partners. Your eyes drop to Sirius's hands, veiny and ringed, and you breathe out, "Sirius. 'Cause- 'cause his hands look nice like that."
"Knew I'd be safe," He brags, blowing you a kiss with the aforementioned handsome hands.
"And marry," You trail off again, looking between James and Remus. Remus is far more nonchalant than James is, looking like he really wouldn't mind if you decided he'd need to perish for a party game. But it's still not fair, and you're terrified of hurting his feelings without knowing just because he put up a front.
"James," You glance fearfully over at the curly-headed boy, who looks elated until he realizes you have more to say, "Last week. You ate the cookie I was saving."
His eyes widen in fear, an endearing shade of sweet brown as he shakes his head. His curls fly and he clasps his hands together in a cartoonish display of begging, "No! No, sweetheart, I'm sorry! Don't do this," He begs, sprawling out over the floor on his belly so that he can stare imploringly up at you from below, "Please, maybe- maybe if we kiss you can still taste it! And I'll make you a dozen more," He tries, grief-stricken at your verdict.
"Tough break," Remus claps James on the back of the thigh, then smooths a soothing touch up his back, "'S okay Prongs, I'd bring flowers to your grave every day, y'know?"
"Better luck next time," Sirius drawls, seeming all too interested in James's current ass-up position - there's a reason you chose him for 'Fuck'.
"I'm sorry, Jamie." You lament, and the man lets himself go limp, eyes fluttering shut and tongue falling out of his mouth in a very dramatic impression of death. You nudge your nose between his curls, bury a kiss on his scalp, and whisper in his ear while you're down there, "I'd like to fuck and marry you too, dear."
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itsjusthockey · 5 months
Flyers - Jamie Drysdale
Tumblr media
I love him so much and I wish him all the success in the world
I’m also trying not to hate cutter gauthier
I hope you enjoy, I like this one
Request and talk to me, pls and thx
It’s late in the evening when the shrill ring of your phone cuts through the silence of your bedroom. You glance at the screen and see your boyfriend calling. It’s not a FaceTime, and it’s always a FaceTime, so you’re confused, and your heart skips a beat as you answer him.
It’s silent on the other end, but you can hear him lightly breathing and shuffling around.
Before he even utters a word, you feel a subtle shift in the atmosphere. There is a reason he didn’t FaceTime, and there is a reason his usual warmth and cheer is replaced by a heavy silence. As the seconds tick by, you can sense his hesitation, and an unsettling sense unfolds in your stomach.
You hear him take a shaky inhale, hold it for a second, and then he breathes out.
“They traded me.”
His voice is raw, and it trembles with unusual vulnerability. In a single second, your heart shatters into a million pieces. Before you can even fully comprehend what he said, tears are pooling in your eyes, and your hand is clasping at your mouth.
“They what?” You ask.
“They just told me. I’m going to the flyers. They want me there tomorrow.”
Finally, the news settles in. Your boyfriend was traded. Jamie was fucking traded.
A million thoughts rush through your head. Jamie has to move. He has to leave Trevor. He has to pack up his entire life in a single night and fly across the country.
Silent tears are streaming down your face, and you realize you’ve stayed quiet for way too long. You also know you need to get a fucking grip. This isn’t about you, and you need to get your shit together because he needs you right now.
So, you take a deep breath and calm the fuck down.
“Are you okay?”
You hear him shuffling around again, probably packing up all his things. He doesn’t say anything for a minute, and you patiently wait until he’s ready.
“I don’t know. It hasn’t really set in yet. Doesn’t feel real.”
A sharp pain thumps through your chest at his words. He continues.
“I’m trying not to feel anything, honestly. I’m trying not to think about everything I have here.” His voice breaks. “But it’s been my home, and I don’t want to leave.”
You finally hear him break, and you would pay any sum of money to be able to teleport to him now. It wrecks you that you can’t be there to hold him during this time. You can’t begin to imagine what he’s feeling. You know he’s thinking about everything that Anaheim has given him. You know he’s
recounting the countless memories made on and off the ice, the shared victories and losses, and the deep bonds formed with teammates.
“Jamie.” You start, then stop.
“Yeah?” He asks softly.
“This absolutely sucks, and I’m so so sorry.” You pause. “The ducks are the biggest idiots in the world, and they don’t deserve you.“
Jamie's breath catches on the other end; it’s a mixture of a chuckle and a sob escaping him. You smile a bit because your words seem to reach through the distance, a small lifeline in the whirlwind of emotions he’s currently facing. He takes a moment before responding.
“Thanks, babe. It means a lot to hear that right now.” He sighs again. “I just never expected this, you know? Everything’s changing so fast. I love it here, and it kills me that I won't be part of it anymore.”
You nod, even though he can't see it. It’s as if the very fabric of his life is unraveling, and you wish you could weave it back together. But all you can do is sit here and listen to him and try your best to be his anchor in the storm of uncertainty.
“I wish I were there with you, help you pack, give you a hug,” you say miserably.
“Me too. he admits, another sad sigh escaping him.
You sit there again for a couple of minutes, listening to him pack and offering your presence. You finally hear him close to the phone again, and he breaks the silence.
“I'm scared (Y/N). It’s a whole new team. I don't want to let anyone down, especially you,” he confesses.
You want to punch him. He knows better. Not once, ever, has Jamie let you down, and you sure as hell know that he never will.
“That's enough of that, Jame, you could never let me down. Nerves are normal, but I also know the player you are. You’ve got this, and I’ve got your back. Always.”
He lets out a quiet okay and quickly hangs up the phone. You’re confused for a brief moment before his FaceTime pops up. You answer in a heartbeat, and a wide smile takes over your features as you finally get to look at your boyfriend.
He looks tired, and his eyes are a bit red, but he has a soft smile, and you know that everything is going to be okay.
For the next couple of minutes, you talk it out. You discuss the logistics, the challenges that lie ahead, and the uncertainty of the future. You do your best to hype him up, and as the logistics conversation draws to a close, a somber calm settles over the two of you. You can finally sense a shift in his tone, a quiet acceptance mingled with some determination.
“We are gonna figure this out, won't we?” Jamie asks a trace of hope in his voice.
“Yes. Besides, I like the flyers. Way better than those losers in Anaheim,” you assure him.
Jamie chuckles a bit, and then a hilarious thought crosses your mind.
“Oh my god.” Panic laces your voice, and Jamie furrows his eyebrows.
You start laughing, suddenly very happy.
“You’re gonna be with Gritty!”
You can’t help but roll over with laughter, knowing your shy-as-hell boyfriend is going to be on the team with the most infamous and chaotic mascot ever. You can’t even begin to explain how giddy this makes you, and Jamie lets out a small groan but begins laughing with you anyway.
After you settle down, wiping the new happy tears away, you smile a wide smile at him again.
“You know, I’m still on break. Maybe I should come down and be there for your first game?”
Just like that, your boyfriend is back, and the smile you’re so in love with takes over his features.
“Absolutely. I can think of no better way to end my break than being with you.“ You beam at him. “Besides, I have to scope out the team. Let em know that they have a new hotshot player who has the hottest girlfriend ever.
He barks out another laugh at you, but you know he agrees one hundred percent with your statement.
“God, I love you,” he says, the words carrying the weight of the world.
“I love you too,” you respond, “This is honestly exciting, Jame. You have great things coming. I can feel it.”
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spicysighs · 1 year
Matty Healy + Taylor Swift Timeline
11/7/13: Matty talking about Taylor liking the band and being asked to tour with her.
1/21/14: Matty talking about Taylor liking the band. xx
3/31/14: Matty talks about being asked to tour with Taylor and turning it down. "That was cool. It’s like, ‘We can’t, but that is really nice, thank you very much.”
11/4/14: Matty is pictured wearing a deluxe 1989 album cover tee at his concert in Milwaukee.
11/8/14: Taylor reblogs the picture on tumblr and says they are her favorite band.
11/9/14: Taylor likes these two pictures of Matty wearing the 1989 t-shirt.
11/9/14: Taylor liked this gif-set of Matty talking about whether he’s a dog or cat person.
11/19/14: Selena Gomez, Taylor and other friends went to The 1975 show in LA. Video of them singing along to ‘The City.’
11/19/14: Taylor & Matty making a video for a fan. (Jamie’s daughter Kitty)
11/22/14: Matty follows Taylor on Twitter.
11/23/14: Taylor was pictured wearing a The 1975 band shirt.
11/23/14: Taylor likes these two posts of them wearing each others merch.
11/24/14: Matty dedicates ‘Robbers’ to Taylor. Supposedly he’s done this multiple times. xx
11/25/14: Taylor likes these Tumblr posts. And this picture of Matty.
11/26/14: Taylor likes this Tumblr post.
11/26/14: Matty likes Taylor’s post on Instagram.
11/26/14: Matty wearing the 1989 t-shirt again.
11/26/14: Matty talking about meeting Taylor "I met Taylor Swift, that was really nice." and when asked about possibly dating "I mean bloody hell, what am I going to do? Go out with Taylor Swift? She's a sensation, I wouldn't say no."
11/28/14: Taylor is rumored to have attended The 1975 show in Chattanooga, TN.  
11/29/14: Taylor likes this Tumblr post.
11/29/14: Matty signed this Polaroid for a fan, and the fan talking about the interaction.
11/29/14: Matty says he can’t kiss a fan because he’s taken.
12/2/14: Matty’s mom retweets this.
12/2/14: Matty likes Taylor’s Instagram post.
12/3/14: Matty about Taylor “Well, she’s amazing. She’s an amazing role model. And not only is she an incredible songwriter, she’s an incredible pop songwriter, which I think is even harder. I can’t speak highly enough about Taylor Swift.”
12/4/14: Taylor, Martha, Karlie and others went to The 1975 show in NYC. Where Matty dedicated ‘fallingforyou’ to her. Rumored that Matty missed the after-party and spent the night with Taylor. xx 
12/5/14: Taylor likes this Tumblr post about Matty singing ‘fallingforyou’ to her.
12/5/14: Matty’s tweet in response to articles about him and Taylor getting his name wrong.
12/6/14: Matty has a breakdown on stage in Boston, MA. In 2015 talking about the incident he says “There was girl stuff. There was family stuff. There was financial stuff. There was drug stuff.” 
12/6/14: Matty talking about a fan saying “I love you” to him. “What did I say to the poor fucking girl? ‘You don’t have the right to love me. You don’t know me. I love you but you don’t get to love me.’ Jesus. Can you imagine your favorite band shouting that at you? What a dickhead. What a horrible thing to say to a kid who fucking does love me.”
12/9/14: Matty at a show in NY “I was sad the other day as someone told me they loved me. And I said ‘No, you don’t. Not really.’ And today I told someone I loved them. And they said ‘No, you don’t.’ And it fucking sucks to hear that. Especially when you mean it. Don’t do that to someone. Don’t do what I did.”
12/14/14: Matty posts this on Instagram.
12/30/14: Matty deletes this Instagram post.
1/16/15: Matty denies dating rumors. Admits they exchanged numbers but “That didn’t really happen as much as it’d be amazing for me if it did, unfortunately it didn’t.”
2/25/15: They hangout at the BRIT Awards afterparty. (This weekend is when she met Calvin and they started dating)
2015: Matty & Halsey date and breakup.
11/15/15: Matty talks about Taylor in an interview “The things that surround her are like Barack Obama. I fell for her a little bit, but everyone falls for Taylor Swift” “The day after she’d been to a show of ours, someone sent me a screenshot of E! News with the headline ‘Who is Matt Healy?’ That freaked me out. I’m not ready to indulge in that world and I’m not ready to be judged by that world.”
12/8/15: Matty talks about reaching out to Taylor to have her in his music video.
Sometime in 2015: Matty & Gabriella Brooks start dating.
2/1/16: Matty talking about Taylor “She was a fan of the band and we just became friends, and we related to each other over how mental our lives were. But when you’re with people like Taylor, there are a million people flying around you the whole time, and this security guard is talking to that guy, and this guy is the new manager. I didn’t like the pace of it, because it makes me confused and I feel like I’m going to miss something. And being perceptive is one of the abilities that I like to think that I have.“
3/17/16: Matt Healy has suggested that dating Taylor Swift would have been "emasculating" for him because of her huge global fame.
3/18/16: Journalist who interviewed him writes an op-ed saying his words were misconstrued and "I saw an intelligent and liberal man wrestling with our culture’s gender roles."
3/19/16: He apologizes for said comments and calls Taylor "One of the most gracious, hard working, creatively gifted, and beautiful women that I have had the pleasure to meet."
6/1/16: Taylor & Calvin Harris breakup.
6/15/16: Taylor starts dating Tom Hiddleston.
8/17/16: Matty says he has Taylor’s number but “she’s probably changed her number by now.” And jokes “I keep texting her.”
8/30/16: Matty talks about Taylor on the BBCR1's Breakfast Show. They joke about Taylor doing jury duty.
9/6/16: Taylor & Tom Hiddleston breakup.
October 2016: Taylor & Joe Alwyn start dating.
10/27/16: Matty about Taylor in Rolling Stone “She came to our show, and you would have thought that Barack Obama had come out. I don’t know another person on the planet that would elicit that kind of reaction.”
11/11/16: Matty again denies he dated Taylor and says “She came to a show and we hung out. We fancied each other, but then we couldn’t have it go any further, because it would be like going out with Barack Obama.”
11/20/17: Podcast talking about Taylor & Matty.
12/3/18: Matty talking about his journal “It’s mainly stories that I write about my dreams of being in love with other popstars.”
12/4/18: Matty retweets a picture of Taylor.
8/28/19: Matty & Gabriella Brooks breakup.
9/23/19: Mentions wanting to produce an album for Taylor in an interview (at 13:48 & 32:00) “Taylor, if you ever want someone to help you set up the mics for your little acoustic record, just so you know, I’m there.”
9/23/19: Matty retweets and tags Taylor in a post quoting him saying he wants to produce an album for Taylor.
9/24/19: Matty tweets “Taylor Swift. With an acoustic guitar. Doing her ‘Nebraska’. Doing her ‘Blue’. Kill me.”
January 2020: Matty & FKA Twigs start dating.
2/12/20: Both attend the NME awards and hug. Beabadoobee (who Taylor is talking to in the video) about meeting Taylor that day “Taylor’s so ethereal, So badass, I was like ‘Holy shit!’ She was walking towards me and I’m like, ‘She’s going to Matty [The 1975] not me.’ And then she comes up to me and I’m like... I vomited in my mouth. I couldn’t believe it.”
2/20/20: Matty mentions seeing Taylor and wanting to work with her in an interview with Zane Lowe. “She was just stood behind me. I mean, I haven’t seen Taylor in years so it was actually a really nice room. But it, unfortunately, wasn’t the time for me to pitch my post-rock Joni Mitchell project.”
10/22/20: Deuxmoi posts these.
2021: Matty starts working with Jack Antonoff on The 1975′s upcoming album.  
November 2021: Taylor and Jack Antonoff start working on “Midnights.”
6/7/22: Matty & FKA Twigs breakup. 
8/9/22: Matty Healy shares Taylor Swift’s reaction to The 1975’s new album, with her saying “it’s so funny.” 
9/3/22: Matty says there will be no collab on Midnights. “I would love that! But unfortunately FAKE NEWS :(”
10/7/22: Matty tweets “You guys actually thought Taylor Swift was gonna have me on her album”
10/11/22: Matty on working with Taylor “Oh we’re not. We’d love to. Love to work with Taylor Swift. Love Taylor Swift, think she’s one of the best songwriters, but yeah, no we haven’t done that. We’d love to though.”
10/11/22: The 1975 discuss covering ‘Lover’ for the BBC live lounge.
10/12/22: Matty briefly mentions Taylor in a Zane Lowe interview (45:53).
10/18/22: Matty briefly mentions Taylor in a podcast (1:22:40) when talking about who they would like to see on the podcast. Interestingly enough her name seems to be cut from the video version of the podcast.
10/23/22: Matty posted on his Instagram to stream Midnights.
10/26/22: Matty posted he was listening to ‘Hey Stephen TV’ on his Instagram story
11/27/22: Matty said he worked on Midnights with Taylor but their versions didn’t make the cut (4:52). “We actually worked a bit on that, but then the version of it never came out.” “It was for reasons not to be criticized.”
12/21/22: Matty said ‘Chocolate‘ reminds him of Taylor “Tumblr, Doc Martens, Taylor Swift, the 1975”
‘Question…?’ Played in The 1975 pre-show playlist. (Don’t have dates because it happened multiple times)
1/12/23: Matty & Taylor before The 1975 show.
1/12/23: Taylor does a surprise performance at The 1975 show in London. Deuxmoi later claims they stayed up until 4 am talking (later confirmed in his profile with The New Yorker.)
1/12/23: Matty “I’m not kissing anybody in front of Taylor Swift, have some respect. in front of the queen? not happening"
2/2/23: Matty briefly mentions Taylor and the Ticketmaster situation (38:06)
February: Allegedly spent several days at a Los Angeles recording studio together.
3/15/23: Matty seen with Ana Salazar.
3/17/23: First show of The Eras Tour
3/22/23: Puff-piece comes out stating Joe and Taylor are ‘great together’ and ‘super supportive of her career’ and will be travelling to her ‘when he can’.
‘About You’ plays at the same time as the Lover MV has been playing on The Eras Tour pre-show playlist. (Don’t have dates because it happened multiple times)
3/29/23: Matty’s ex says “Things were going well until around March 29th then, out of the blue, he stopped replying to my messages and calls.”
3/31/23: Taylor changes The Eras Tour setlist from ‘Invisible String’ to ‘The 1’
4/7/23: Matty follows Taylor on Instagram.
4/7/23: Matty likes Taylor’s Instagram post.
4/8/23: Matty’s birthday.
4/8/23: It's announced Taylor and Joe have broken up.
4/8/23: Matty talking about love and how happy he is.
4/10/23: Matty deactivates his social media accounts.
4/10/23: Matty on why he deactivated “Everything happens in eras. The 1975 is a very eras band. And I think that the era of me being a fucking asshole is gonna come to an end.” and “I perform all the time and it’s my job and I love doing this, but I can’t perform off the stage any more as I just want to be a bloke.”
4/10/23: Matty says “Hey, I love you.” during ‘About You’.
4/10/23: Matty mouths “You know who you are.” and points during ‘About You’.
4/11/23: Matty “A call for something sincere and direct. That’s what we’re all looking for. That’s what I’m looking for. Maybe I’ve found it.. I’m feeling quite happy.” 
4/13/23: Deuxmoi says she got a tip that Matty & Taylor are dating. (19:16)
4/14/23: Matty cheering during ‘Me & You Together.’
4/14/23: Matty “Romance is nice when it works, this next song worked.” ‘fallingforyou’ starts playing “Oh it’s a different song, this song did not work.”
4/14/23: Before ‘About You’ “Ok, this is the one that worked.”
4/14/23: Matty mouthing “I love you” during ‘About You’ and saying “Fuck yeah, I win!” after it ends.
4/16/23: Matty’s “Yeah you will!” during ‘Happiness’ after the line, “I’m never gonna love again.”
4/19/23: Matty says “It takes bit to get here but its worth it” and “true story” before playing ‘Me & You Together.’
4/21/23: Matty plays a cover of ‘The Best of Me’ by The Starting Line. Take note of the lyrics.
4/24/23: Matty spoke about how he sees people listening to ‘She's American’ in three places: Manchester, Tokyo and Pennsylvania “that’s a whole other thing don’t worry about that.”
5/3/23: The Sun reports Matty and Taylor are dating and will go public with their romance at her shows in Nashville.
5/3/23: Matty introducing ‘Me and You Together song’, saying “I’ve got something real to tell you guys!”
5/3/23: Matty mouths “This is about you, you know who you are. I love you.” while playing ‘About You.’
5/3/23: Matty does a cover of ‘The Best of Me’ by The Starting Line again.
5/4/23: Matty introducing ‘Me and You Together song’, saying “So I’ve been trying to tell you guys” and “That’s right.”
5/4/23: Before playing ‘About You’ Matty mouths "This is why I'm happy. Who is it about? Who am I talking to?"
5/4/23: Matty is seen mouthing the words "I love you" before writing the letter T on the camera lens.
5/4/23: Matty saying “she sure is” before playing ‘She's American.’
5/4/23: Matty flies from Manila to Nashville. (Which is around a 20hr flight)
5/5/23: Matty at Taylor’s concert. Nashville night 1.
5/5/23: Taylor mouths “This is about you, you know who you are. I love you.” during ‘cardigan.’
5/6/23: Matty grabbing coffee accompanied by Taylors bodyguard after leaving Taylors condo.
5/6/23: Matty at Nashville night 2. xx
5/6/23: Matty & Taylor pictured arriving at Taylor’s condo together.
5/7/23: Matty at Nashville night 3.
5/11/23: Matty and Taylor spotted on a date with Jack Antonoff in NYC. More pictures here.
5/12/23: Matty at Philly night 1.
5/13/23: Matty at Philly night 2.
5/13/23: Taylor performs ‘This Love’ with no introduction.
5/14/23: Taylor plays a request of “Hey Stephen”, but doesn’t say who requested it.
5/14/23: Matty pictured at the VIP tent at The Eras Tour Philly night 3
5/15/23: Matty and Taylor pictured leaving a party at Electric Studios in NYC.
5/18/23: Article comes out saying Joe is 'distraught and slighted' over Taylor & Matty dating, saying he ‘trusted’ Taylor when she said they were just friends.
5/18/23 Matty entering Taylor’s NYC Apartment.
5/20/23: Matty’s ex talks about Matty and Taylor.
5/20/23: Taylor’s speech before playing ‘Question...?’  in Foxborough, MA. "I want you all to know that I've never been this happy before in my life. It’s not just with the tour, I just sort of feel like my life finally feels like it makes sense. And so I thought I’d play this song, which brings me a lot of happy memories."
5/20/23: Taylor plays ‘Question...?’ on night 2 in Foxborough, MA.
5/22/23: Matty dropping Taylor off at Electric Lady Studios.
5/24/23: Taylor and Matty leaving the Electric Lady Studios separately.
5/27/23: The Sun reports Matty and Taylor are moving in together.
5/29/23: Matty’s profile with The New Yorker comes out which includes multiple mentions of Taylor.
5/29/23: From The New Yorker “Healy found it annoying that, at a certain level of fame, celebrities can cultivate liberal auras while avoiding the risk of taking real political stands. (Swift, I thought, but didn’t say, seemed to be excepted from his critique.)”
5/29/23: From The New Yorker about Taylor & Matty dating “ Neither of their representatives would comment on the record, but I kept getting texts from people who knew them, and who insisted: this time, it’s real.”
6/5/23: Matty & Taylor reportedly break up.
6/6/23: People releases an article saying "There is no drama, and who knows what could happen again.” and "Taylor and Matty still care for one another but they are in the middle of world tours so both are incredibly busy. They've been friends for years and are still friends."
6/6/23: While discussing Taylor on his podcast (21:06) Zach Sang says "I'm like kind of friends with Selena Gomez. We've known each other for a very long time and we share a lot of close friends. And from what I heard like in the aura around Selena, Taylor was talking about Matty Healy like he was the one." 
6/11/23: Matty reactivates his Instagram.
6/11/23: Matty “You know what’s nice, playing songs in context“ before ‘Me and You Together song’
7/1/23: Matty mentions Taylor "I don’t wanna use this thing [the catwalk], it feels very democratic, it feels very… I mean Beyonce of course, Taylor, Machine Gun Kelly, whoever it may be… I don’t like it, it makes me feel exposed."
7/5/23: The Sun claims Matty & Taylor are back together and “want to make it work at all costs.”
7/5/23: People declines claims that they are together.
7/18/23: Matty briefly mentions Taylor “I speak about this a lot, the Tumblr times, the simpler days, the golden days. When it was just us and Taylor and Lana and Arctic Monkeys.”
7/22/23: Taylor removes ‘About You’ from The Eras Tour pre-show playlist.
8/7/23: Matty is seen with Meredith Mickelson at an airport in Hawaii.
August 2023: Taylor starts dating Travis Kelce.
September 2023: Matty starts dating Gabbriette.
December 2023: Multiple people receive miss prints of “1989 (Taylor’s Version)” which appears to show the song “Slut” originally featured The 1975.
4/19/24: Taylor releases her new album “The Tortured Poets Department” where many songs are believed to be about Taylor and Matty’s previous relationship. 
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its-time-to-write · 7 months
hi sweetheart! i was wondering if you could do a jamie imagine where the reader is a physical therapist and he’s always finding the most ridiculous excuses to go see her, like getting a paper cut and things like that. i would also love if it could be before they got together :)
it’s okay if you don’t want to do it or already did it and i didn’t see it. thank you anyway, you’re one of my favorite writers here on tumblr 🩵
you called me sweetheart, so now I would die for you. pet names are the way to my heart, in case u didn’t know. hope u enjoy🍊
(important disclaimer, I don’t know how physical therapy works so if I’m wrong about things, remember this isn’t a medical journal, I am just a girl)
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before you go
Apparently, it’s impossible to purposely give yourself a paper cut, but Jamie Tartt has been doing his damnedest all day to get some kind of ailment, so if that means being careless with some photographs in his locker then so be it. 
He really wishes his leg would cramp or something, but Will’s been keeping him far too hydrated for that. 
So Jamie has to settle for slipping a picture of his mum at just the right angle to draw blood. 
“Shit,” he whispers softly. He puts his finger to his mouth to catch the first beads of blood. 
“Paper cut?” Sam asks sympathetically. Jamie nods, finger in between his teeth. 
“Ay, sí, you should go see the physio for that one, amigo. Ask for the Rojas special,” Dani says with his ever-present grin. 
“It’s just a paper cut, mate,” Jamie says in order to keep up appearances. 
Sam knocks his arm. “You have to go. Dani only just let me request the Rojas special last week, and Richard still won’t talk to me about it.”
“Ça c’est merde,” Richard calls from across the locker room. “Put on a bandage and go home.”
Jamie won’t. He sticks his tongue out at Richard and turns to go to the treatment room because he needs treatment right away. Never mind that it’s a cut and not a muscle injury. He can hide under the excuse that Dani sent him. 
Jamie taps on the door and pushes it open to find you sitting on the table, absentmindedly tapping your fingers on your knees. You jump down at the sight of Jamie. 
“Hi! I was wondering if anybody’d be over today,” you grin. “Where does it hurt?”
Jamie holds up his finger. “Dani sent me.”
“Ah, right,” you nod, grin never leaving your face. Jamie wonders if your sunny disposition is why you and Dani are such good friends. Suddenly, he’s gripped by uncertainty. Maybe you and Dani are morethan good friends. After all, Dani is strangely tight-lipped about his affairs and besides, it’s not good for the physio to be openly screwing a player. 
Maybe he should go. 
But you’ve already come back to him after rummaging in a cupboard, small box in hand. 
“Technically, this isn’t part of my job,” you say as you select a band-aid, “but I’ve been doing this since I started going to my nephew’s footie matches. Kid’s almost ten now, but he still asks for me every time he gets a scrape. First time I was here it was like, force of habit, but Dani said it reminded him of his sister, so…” you trail off. “I dunno, it’s funny that even big strong footballers still want silly bandages, yeah?”
Jamie watches as you open a green bandage with yellow flowers and wrap it carefully around his finger. You press a kiss to it and smile up at him. “There. All better.”
Jamie is… well, he’s flustered. He’s heard about the so-called Rojas special and how it’s available through recommendation only, but he wasn’t prepared for the sweet way you cradled his hand or the fact that your lips touched him. In fact, he wasn’t prepared for anything beyond a bandage and the fact that you slipped sweets to Sam and Dani to numb the sting of injury. 
“Thanks,” he chokes out, aware of the fact that you’re still holding his hand. You give it one last squeeze before dropping it. 
“See you around,” you say. 
Jamie mumbles something unintelligible and finds his way out the door.
“Fuck you,” he says to Sam as soon as he catches him in the car park. 
Sam raises an eyebrow. “You didn’t get a chocolate. Did you not hold still?”
“I- you- it- fuck you,” Jamie says again. “You fucking knew.”
“Knew what?” Dani asks. He’s a horrible liar. 
“You knew I thought she was fit. You didn’t tell me she’s, like, emotionally fit as well. So fuck you both for that.”
Sam mouths emotionally fit as he and Dani dissolve into laughter. 
“Which band aid did you get?” Dani asks when he finally regains control of himself. “She ran out of Peppa Pig last week, but she promised to get some more soon.” 
Jamie holds up his finger, wishing the cut were on the middle one. 
Sam and Dani lean into inspect it and nod once. 
“Well?” Jamie demands. They just look at him with stupid grins. 
“Good night, Jamie Tartt,” Dani says, opening Sam’s passenger seat door. 
“Good night, Jamie,” Sam echoes. 
The fuckers just leave him standing in the lot, heart racing like a fucking idiot. 
Jamie’s ankle is barely twisted. Like, barely. But he grew up watching football so he knows how make an injury seem worse than it is. He’s mastered the art of not going overboard.  
“You should see the physio,” Beard tells him. Jamie pretends to protest a little bit, ignoring the way Ted shoots Dani and Sam quizzical looks. They’re making some sort of face and Jamie’s not going to figure out what they mean because he doesn’t care. 
(Or maybe he already knows what they mean. But he doesn’t give a shit.)
So he hobbles his way to the treatment room where you’re typing something on the computer. Reports, probably. 
You look up with a smile when you see him, the quickly school it into a frown. “Where does it hurt?” you ask. 
“My ankle,” Jamie grimaces. 
You pat the table and he obliges, sitting down on the crinkly paper. 
You squat to undo his boot and Jamie realizes that maybe this isn’t the best way to get you to fall for him but it’s too late now because you’re gingerly sliding it off his foot. 
“D’you mind if I get the sock as well?” you ask, and it’s all Jamie can do to mutely shake his head. You lightly run a cool hand over his ankle. 
“Feels a bit swollen,” you say. “What happened?”
Jamie has to gather his thoughts firmly away from the way he could feel the callouses on your palm. “Tackle,” he says. 
“Hm,” you reply. “Does this hurt?”
Jamie gasps as you press your thumb at just the wrong spot. 
“I’ll take that as a yes,” you say. “Lie down. I’m going to massage it for a minute then put it on ice. You’ll be good to go in an hour.”
Jamie obeys, trying to ignore the way his breath hitches when your hand squeezes his calf for a fraction of a second. 
You’re able to find all the right spots, gently pushing the muscle back where it needs to go. You pat his foot gently and go to get an ice pack. “Keep this on for fifteen minutes, off for five, then on for another fifteen. If it still hurts I’ll get you another pack, or maybe a heating pad. Depends on what type of pain you have, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”
“You sending me back?” Jamie asks in a feeble attempt to be his usual confident self. 
You hesitate. “I mean… the other option is you stay here. I won’t lie to you, it’s pretty quiet back here but it doesn’t smell. Will got me on these scent diffuser packs, so this is one of the least-gross rooms on the lower level. I usually just type reports, but I’ve finished for now so I was going to read but we can chat if you like. You don’t have to, but I can monitor your ankle for the next hour if you’re here. It’s up to you.”
Stay and flirt with the pretty physio or sit on the bench instead of practicing?
Jamie positions himself better on the table. “What’s your book about?”
Jamie wishes that he were just making an excuse to come see you, but if that were the case he’d have made sure to be showered. Instead, he’s fresh off the pitch after a long day of practice and he needs his joints like, replaced or some shit. 
He stumbles into the treatment room and practically flops facedown on the table. You’re up in an instant, combing his hair away from his face with your fingers. 
“Where does it hurt?” you ask, voice filled with concern. 
“Everywhere,” Jamie groans. 
“Okay, so full-massage with the extra-large ice pack at the end, then,” you say. 
Jamie just grunts in response and tries not to think about the fact that this is the most unromantic way he’s ever tried to date a girl. He tells himself that you’re a physio, that you’ve seen grosser, and that you’re not even interested in him anyway. It still doesn’t stop him from asking about your day and cracking stupid jokes the entire time you’re popping his muscles. His voice squeaks every time you forcibly release tension, but you just laugh and tell him, “You should hear Isaac.” So yeah, the worst training of his life has now turned out to be a goddamned blessing in disguise because you’re joking back and forth for a solid twenty minutes. 
“Come back any time,” you tell him with a wink as he heads out the door. “You don’t have to be injured to say hey.”
Jamie smiles at that, and goes to tell Sam and Dani that they’re shitheads but he loves them very much. 
It’s been a long week and an especially long match, but thank fuck it’s over. There’s a bit of an ache in his legs but he doesn’t give a flying shit. They’ve won, for once, so as a reward to himself he’s going to invite you out with the lads. Proper, like, probably with the words, “Hey I think you’re fit,” except he’s thinking he should probably swap “fit,” for beautiful, or stunning, or the most wonderful, funny, amazing woman he’s ever met and no, it’s not just because of the magical healing powers you seem to possess. 
Jamie showers, changes, then heads purposefully down the hall. He knows you’re still here, you never leave after matches until everyone who might possibly need physio is gone. 
He bangs open the door, ready to regale you with the shit Ted’s up to post-match when he catches sight of your face. Or rather, the fact that it’s in your hands as your shoulders shake. 
He rushes over to the desk and turns your chair so you’re facing him. 
His hands are on your knees as he urgently whispers, “Where does it hurt?”
“It doesn’t,” you gasp, wiping your eyes. “I’m fine, I don’t know what came over me, I’m good, I promise. What’s up?”
You move to get up but Jamie presses lightly where his hands were resting. “You don’t look fine, love,” he says, then internally winces. Not a good thing to say to a girl, no matter how true it is. 
“I’m good, swear down,” you choke. You move to wipe away another tear but Jamie beats you to it, swiping it with his thumb. You shudder involuntarily, trying not to notice the rough feel of his skin on yours. 
“I’m not hurt,” he says tentatively. “Came to see if you wanted to go out with me ‘n the lads.”
“Oh!” you exclaim, still trying your absolute best to pull yourself together and failing miserably. “Right. I um, I’m going to be here a while so you should just go, yeah? Tell Dani I’m proud of him.”
Jamie shakes his head. “Ain’t leaving you here all by yourself.” He realizes your hands have found their way into his, and he has no idea who put them there. He lifts one to his lips and brushes a kiss to your knuckles. “Just tell me where it hurts, yeah?”
Another shiver wracks your body. “You can’t- I can’t- you have to go, okay Jamie? I need you to go.”
Jamie will, he’ll do anything you ask, but first he has to know- 
“Why?” he asks, so softly. “What’s wrong, beautiful?”
“Don’t-” you half-choke. “Not- I’m gross right now.”
Jamie can’t stifle his laugh in time, so he does his best to save it. “Love, you’ve seen me at my fuckin’ worst. We’ll call it even.”
You’re breathing a little easier now, but just barely. You don’t seem too eager to get rid of him so Jamie pushes his luck and stays kneeling on the floor. 
“Tell me,” he urges again, but you just shake your head. 
“You really should go,” you say, breath catching in your throat. “You don’t want to keep Maia waiting. Heard actresses are notoriously particular about being on time.”
That’s confusing. Maia- do you mean Maia Stanwood? You must, that’s the only Maia he knows. But how did you know her, Jamie had run into her at dinner the other day and there’d been a brief article in the papers, but nothing that connects to what’s happening here. 
Except- it’s the only thing that makes sense. 
But you don’t like him like that. At least, he’s pretty sure. And anyway, isn’t it prickish to assume everyone’s in love with him?
But you’re not everyone, you’re the team physio with nice hands and a sweet smile and an affinity to fix people, to mend what’s broken in the best way you know how. 
“I love you,” he says instead of everything else he had planned.
You’re silent, and he’s not sure you’ve heard him so he says it again. 
“Yeah, alright, I love you too,” you sniff with a half-smile, except it’s the way you’d say to a brother, the way you’d say it to Dani or Sam. 
“No,” Jamie says more insistently, “I love you. That’s why I’m here. I wanted to tell you, wanted to take you out proper. Impress you with my dancing and chat you up at the bar. Make the lads jealous that I’ve got a beautiful girl on my arm, then sneak out early to kiss you like I’ve been fucking thinking about since that fucking paper cut. Had a right crush on you like an idiot since you got hired.”
You’re staring at him open-mouthed, unable to believe what he’s saying, and Jamie doesn’t know much all the time but he knows that you’re gripping his hands like it’s a lifeline. He knows your eyes are wide open and that he was on the mark about you thinking he was with someone else. So he does what anyone in his position would do. 
He captures your lips in his, letting go of your hands only so he can slip one hand around your waist and another in your hair. 
God, you feel like you’re melting. 
Jamie Tartt is kissing you like there’s no tomorrow and the floor is tipping out from under you, but apart from that vague feeling all you’re aware of is his hands on you and the fact that he tastes like spearmint. 
His lips are soft against yours, mouth warm and inviting. 
It’s like taking a breath of air for the first time in months. 
“I love you,” you say as soon as you break apart. You’re breathing heavily as if you’re the one who just played a 90-minute match. Jamie’s lips are swollen and your hair is mussed, but you both share the same look.
“All better?” he asks, and you nod. 
“Good. You want to get dinner? I know a few places we can go, don’t have to worry about paps.”
“The team-” you begin, but Jamie waves that away. 
“They’ll understand,” he says. “Been flirting with you for ages, getting injured all the time. Think Ted’s starting to get fucking worried.”
You run your thumb down his jawline. “I always wondered about that,” you murmur. “Thought it was in my head how much you were down here. Didn’t want to be unprofessional.”
Jamie reaches up to hold your wrist and you just sit there, on the floor of the treatment room, looking at each other in the dim light. You’ll get up, eventually, but for now you’re going to savor this moment you have together. 
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buckyalpine · 4 months
Feral, dirty thots under the cut, go away. Size kink, Beefy Bucky, all that.
Imagine riding a chubby beefy Bucky and you're a whining, whimpering mess because you're grinding yourself on his thick length, holding onto his meaty thighs to rock your hips back and forth. You can't even form a coherent sentence because your clit rubs right against his tummy, that happy trail of hair just adding to the stimulation. Your eyes roll back and your jaw is slack, his hands greedily pawing at your nipples and grabbing your hips to keep going.
His balls are achingly heavy and he nearly sobs when you reach behind to tug and pull at them, rolling them in your hand.
"S'good" You slur out, "S'so good Jamie" You look so gone and Bucky can't hold still, his hips squirming from underneath to chase more of your tight cunt squeezing his cock. You haven't been together for long and he wants to learn what you like so he can please you till you can't even say his name.
"You-you want me to rub your clit?" He whispers shyly because he's more than happy to do whatever it takes to make you feel good. You bite your lip and shake your head, unable to get the words out, you don't need him to do a damn thing, not when it's so perfect already.
"You already are" You moan out, feeling your orgasm build higher and higher, placing your hands on his tummy, drawing his attention to the way you hump and rut against him each time you take his cock all the way in. He looks like a confused puppy for a moment, with wide eyes until you show him exactly what you're talking about.
"Oh fuck" He whines, looking at the debauched mess you're making on him when you lean back, only giving him a quick glimpse of the slick you've smeared all over his belly. "Oh god yes, use me, rub yourself on me angel, that's it"
Seeing you get off, looking so small on top of him, using him for all your pleasure makes him nearly cum on the spot and he has to bite down on his lip to keep from blowing his load.
"Keep-fuck-keep going princess, look so pretty when you rub yourself on me like that, rub your little clit on me baby-shit-" He helps guide your body to move faster until he can feel you practically squirt all over him and he cannot hold on for another second, honestly how can you expect him to-
"FUCK BABY" He roars, immediately filling you with ropes of his spend as soon as he feels you clenching down around him. "Fuck, m'cummig so hard for you"
"So fuckin' good" you whimper, still rubbing your overstimulated clit on him and Bucky's dick doesn't even soften, still rock hard watching his pretty girl cockdrunk while humping his belly and he's never gonna be soft again at his rate-
k bye.
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viv-weylin · 6 months
🌐 breenofficial follow
This is your daily reminder that we do in fact see your internet history. Please refrain from looking things up such as "breen leaked feet pics". Thank you.
🗨 combineofficial follow
To add on: please stop looking up "Metrocop x Reader", thank you.
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🪄 c17-mp2901 follow
whoever keeps stealing my rations from the breakroom owes me AT LEAST six days worth at this point.
📀 c17-mp183729 follow
Its happening to you too, 2901? I thought it was just me...
🔆 c17-mp89388 follow
This is a reminder that we work hard for our rations and it's kinda fucked up to steal people's hard work... idk if its just me but why is it normalized to make fun of Civil Protection?? We're just doing out job.
@combinefeedback can you fix this??
💠 combinefeedback follow
Hello! Please email us at [email protected] to submit a formal complaint.
🍻 bcalhoun follow
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🛡 the-resistance follow
Double agent of the week has been announced! Special thanks to @ bcalhoun for his hard work. He has reportedly stolen weeks worth of rations from the City 17, District 6 breakroom, thoroughly demotivating the metrocops :).
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🟠 gfreeman-fan follow
Looking for a roleplay partner! I'd be roleplaying my BlackMesa!OC, Jamie. I'm okay roleplaying with BlackMesa!Ocs or Gordon Freeman. Breen roleplayers please do not interact!
🩵 breen-defender follow
What's wrong with breen?? /gen
🟠 gfreeman-fan follow
What do you mean what's wrong with breen?? U literally support... ☹️☹️ blocked and reported.
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🛡 the-resistance follow
Gordon Freeman fanart drawn by @gfreemanlefttoe!
🔬 eye-kleiner follow
Wow! 😍 Most Accurate Drawing I've Seen Yet! Amazing Work, gfreemanlefttoe!
🪼 justice4cremators follow
🍻 bcalhoun follow
As someone who knew Gordon before all this... kinda wild ngl.
⚓️ a-d-vanced follow
My dad literally worked with Gordon I can't imagine how he feels knowing gfreemanlefttoe is a real username.
🔭 elivance388 follow
It's funny asf.
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🪨 lazlo-greatest-mind-of-our-generation follow
DNI: Breen defenders (wtf is wrong with you), Gordon Freeman x Breen Shippers 😭😭, Resistance snitches, if you work with the combine AT ALL (THIS IS MY BLOG OKAY??), antlions, if you own any headcrabs as pets. They're literally exotic creatures wtf is wrong with you..
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⚓️ a-d-vanced follow
Here's a selfie with my pet dog!
🚫 alyxvancehateblog follow
I literally saw him attack a combine soldier yesterday...
⚓️ a-d-vanced follow
🚫 alyxvancehateblog follow
Kinda weird ngl...
⚓️ a-d-vanced follow
Ermmm in literally neurodivergent and a minor 🤓
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📘 real-history-facts follow
Today, 10 years ago, the Resonance Cascade happened!
🧠 brmy-md follow
Who remembers x files... 😭😭
☢️ stalkerk follow
Rb with what you miss most about pre combine life
🎶 dmmeformusic follow
Predictably, music...
🎁 cindyc follow
🐱 catlover2882777 follow
🍻 bcalhoun follow
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🔭 elivance388 follow
🫐 ocubbage follow
⚓️ a-d-vanced follow
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🌐 breen-grub follow
Username change. Gfhhhh 👍
🍻 bcalhoun follow
Who hacked breen again?
🥬 cgreen follow
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🗨 combineofficial follow
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