#Jimmy x Chris
lattedusks-mochadawns · 6 months
Chris n’ Jimmy Content
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These two are cuties and I wanna see them interact more.
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+ Sketch
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panfluidme · 4 months
Little Rambling
Okay, so I love crossovers. They were easily one of my favorite things, so here's a little ramble about a crossover I probably will never write, but might eventually
Wild Kratts meets DC (specifically Young Justice)
Jimmy's parents are rich who deal specifically with technology. They don't have a rivalry with Wayne Enterprises, instead they have a good relationship with each other. After Bruce adopted Dick, he suggested that he and Jimmy hung out together because they were both the same age
Eventually, Jimmy figures out that Bruce is Batman. He convinces Bruce to let him fight crime with him. He became Falcon Claw, but usually was just called Falcon
However, Jimmy gets into a really bad car crash then kidnapped for three weeks. He had to get his right leg amputated and had to go to the hospital. After, Jimmy decided to step away from the superhero life indefinitely
The Tortuga Crew hired Jimmy to be their pilot (a skill he had heard from Hal Jorden). Jimmy stopped exercising as much, so he got out of shape
Batman calls him to see if he would be interested in joining the Team, but he declines because he's enjoying himself with the Crew. Batman is a little disappointed because he does miss Jimmy, but is understanding of his decision
I also love the idea that Jimmy has superstrength. So like, he eats a lot because he burns through the calories a lot, even if he isn't working out all that much. Jimmy got secret abs, y'all
I'm thinking that this AU could be called something like:
Ex-Superhero Jimmy Z
Feel free to like, add onto this and make fanart if you want to. But if you do and it's specifically inspired by this post, please tag or credit me in someway
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shipperqueen6 · 2 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
Tagged by @dangerpronebuddie
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Just posted ch 2 enjoy 💚💚
NP tagging @dr-lizortecho @lonelychicago @spotsandsocks @hippolotamus @monsterrae1 @honestlydarkprincess @exhuastedpigeon @ksbbb @impalachick and anyone else who wants to 🩵💙
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A concept: Jimmy happily in love with Thomas. But also: Jimmy who is still a TOTALLY NORMAL LADIES' MAN YOU GUYS. Thomas is JUST THAT SPECIAL. Jimmy is gay for THOMAS ONLY. NO OTHERS NEED APPLY.
Or so Jimmy chooses to believe until he stumbles into Turton's and dances with Chris one (1) time. Then he has to sit for a long time and rethink some things.
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autistic-brushstrokes · 8 months
Chris : Caffeine no longer keeps me awake while I work, so instead I have street periodically send me texts saying ‘we need to talk.’
Chris : It gives me the right amount of adrenaline and fear I need to keep going
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jokerislandgirl32 · 5 months
Zach & Trivia
So, what would happen if the Wild Kratts team plus Zach and Violet decide to have a trivia night. Well, I imagine it would go something like this…
Martin: “How many bones does a shark have?”
Zach: “365!”
Chris: “Zach, sharks are cartilaginous fish, they don’t have any bones!”
Violet: “And, Zach…honey…that’s how many days are in a year…”
Zach: “😲, there are that many days in a year?”
Koki and Jimmy Z: “What?!?!” Aviva: “Why don’t you know that?
Violet: “Oh my goodness, I’m taking you back to kindergarten!”
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My boy is clueless, but I love him. Btw…I may or may not have blurted out Zach’s 365 answer during trivia yesterday. If I “did” I feel so bad, I KNOW better!
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At the stris wedding*
Chris: What the hell were you thinking?
Luca: I heard releasing birds at a wedding is romantic!
Chris: You released OSTRICHES!
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bigtreefest · 3 months
Chapter 2: Traitor Jim
From: The Banes of the Ball Series
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Pairing: Jimmy Dobyne x Heiress! Reader
Summary: Jimmy’s good at keeping his own secrets, but can he keep yours?
Word count: 2,513
Content/warnings: institutional misogyny, 1920s debutante ball themes, southern speakeasy themes, alcohol consumption, mean!Jimmy (more like defensive, but still), secretive reader, allusions to a a want to disrupt the social structure, cross-dressing?
Author’s Note: So in my research, I found out that this movie universe occurs during the prohibition, so even when they drank in the movie, it was illegal. Therefore, I guess I made an illegal bar scene? Idk, I guess that there were gin distributors in Memphis during this time, so we’re gonna roll with that.
I’d love to hear you’d feedback in all forms! Comments, reblogs, and asks are so appreciated.
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Your invitation to Fisher had brought her back into the social circles, earning a few more opportunities for run-ins through the end of the debutante season. As you opened your ears and walked through the venues, you could tell not many wanted to entertain the young, socially exiled heiress, but from the apparent liking you took to her, they felt her inclusion was an obligation.
Outside of this environment, you were nowhere to be seen by the young men and women of town. That was by design, but for now, you walked through the ball, seeking your next hiding place. For this one, there was an upper level balcony pseudo cut off from the mingling areas by an appetizer table. It had already been picked through after you had made your first set of appearance rounds, making it perfectly unpopulated. You looked down upon the dance floor, counting the minutes, and the songs that would need to pass before you could acceptably leave, off to your more desired….obligations.
In your shroud of curtains and tiered food displays, your eyes wandered over the crowd below. New loves were being formed as men asked for a dance, secrets and gossip shared between spinsters-in-training along the sides, and jokes or plans to obtain the next jar of moonshine whispered amongst the men. Absolute fools. Everyone thought they were so sly, but you read their lips and body language easier than a book. It was almost as if they wanted their plans known, or better yet, spoiled. It wasn’t going to happen at your hand though. You didn’t have need for that right now, but should you, it would be easy to ruin any soul in this dated, yet fancy ballroom.
You turned around to find the punch bowl on the upstairs table. Perhaps if you were lucky, the boys had already spiked it and you wouldn’t have to pull from your own reserve tucked under your dress.
You knew they had gotten to it by taking a single step forward, the smell easily reaching your nose and burning the sensitive hairs. Perfect. You quickly made a cup before heading back to your balcony and looking down among the crowd. Hopefully it was good quality alcohol in the bowl and didn’t make you go blind. How ever could you properly interact in society then? Tragic.
As you sipped, you looked down at the crowd again, seeing the tops of heads flow and weave between each other. No one ever looked up; it was human nature. If you could find an exit route now, it would be your great escape.
As you moved to set down your cup, though, you saw something in the corner of your eye that didn’t fit the patterns and waves formed by the other party-goers. It was a man, stopped in the middle of the dance floor. His bright blue eyes looked up at you, piercing through the foliage and decor that often left you covered. He must have been searching specifically for you.
After your previous conversation with Jimmy Dobyne, you didn’t feel as though there was much to say. Based of the fact that he was looking to catch your gaze, you had figured that he was looking for a read on whether or not you had shared his secret. Evidently, you had not. You were never a fan of loose lips.
You lifted your skirt and ran down the back staircase to the rear door of the mansion. You had planned to leave through there and walk around the front of the house to your car as to not have to encounter anyone else, especially that certain farm boy.
Before you could reach the bottom of the steps, though, you were stopped in your tracks.
“Wonderful to see you this evening, miss.” The blue eyes had come to cut you off and pierce more harshly than before. His entire demeanor was in juxtaposition to his kind words, jaw clenched, gaze hard and unyielding with an unspoken demand. You maintained your formality, though, praying it would serve you well on your way.
“Good evening, James. I apologize, you have just caught me on my way out.” You hurriedly ducked past his shoulder just to be followed through the nearly hidden French doors at the rear of the house. Jimmy followed you out and down the stone steps and into the garden.
“That’s no problem, I was going to ask Fisher to leave soon, as well. I actually wanted to speak to you.”
You walked as fast as you could without reaching a run, getting into the front seat of your car and starting it. Luckily, your chauffeur had taken your bribe to leave you the vehicle, like most other nights, unbeknownst to your family.
“Perhaps another time, James. I really must be going.”
You could see the way his shoulders tensed forward in anger at your deflection of his statements and attempts to ignore. He began to run alongside the car as you weaved around the others in the driveway of the house.
“No. I demand that you stop and speak to me. I want you to never bring up what happened again. It was all fine. Fisher got her earrings back.”
Not from his command, but more due to shock, you slammed on the breaks of the car, causing you to lurch forward and Jimmy to skid to a stop in the gravel. He caught his footing quickly, though, taking the opportunity to open your car door and get in.
“You have no jurisdiction to demand anything of me, Mr. Dobyne. And you well know this is not about the earrings. Now I have somewhere to be, so either you go back to your fiancé, or you deal with me dropping you off in the middle of nowhere. What’ll it be?”
Jimmy closed the door to your car and settled into the passenger seat, looking straight forward. “Drive, go on.”
You rolled your eyes and huffed, continuing down the long road of the manor. You looked briefly over at him before you spoke up.
“I have no interest in becoming your next sexual encounter if that’s why you insist on being here. I’d never do that to Fisher and I most definitely have no desire to be the next Vinnie, who, speaking of which, just sent out invitations for an engagement party. Did you receive one?”
Jimmy’s jaw clenched again as he turned to face you in his seat. “Stop doing that!”
You feigned confusion. Men always believed you never quite understood what they were talking about, anyway. “Doing what?”
“Changing the subject and trying to make me feel bad.”
You simply shrugged, continuing to stare ahead. “I have no desire to make you feel bad. If that’s the way you feel, then I assure you it’s all self-inflicted. So tell me, James. Do you yourself feel bad for your actions? Maybe you ought to repent, or at least tell someone of your dirty little secret. I find it quite distasteful to take a woman’s hand and to not be honest with her. To keep things from her.”
Jimmy scoffed and rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms. “You have no place to speak about keeping secrets. I see the way you leave half of these events early. Never sticking around and never to be seen by anyone around town. I’m sure that’s a secret worse than my own.”
Your nostrils flared and your lips tightened. Sure, you taunted him on his private matters, but yours were to remain untouched. He didn’t know what was going on, or technically even if something was going on at all. “Careful where you step, James. I do not have another to care for. And what I do with my free time does not concern you, so I suggest you rethink your attempts at refutal when it comes to me.”
He huffed as you pulled to the side of the road to let him out. You were at the edge of town. Walking or finding a ride to wherever he needed to go shouldn’t be too difficult from here.
“We shouldn’t be too far that you can’t walk back to dear Fishy. Give her my best and do not come looking for trouble again. I am more than happy to greet you politely at gatherings, but your accusations leave a sour taste in my mouth. Good evening, James.”
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You drove off and left Jimmy in a cloud of dust before heading to the other side of town. Right about now, the restaurants would be closing, making room for the nightly patrons and gangsters to move through. It was no place for a lady to remain after dark, but to them, you were no lady.
You pulled off near a corn field on the side of a rarely traversed road and opened the trunk of the car. Under a panel, you found your bag and pulled it out, grabbing the trousers and button-down shirt and laying them out over the door. You worked quickly to shuck off your dress before carefully folding it and placing it in the trunk, over the panel. You slipped into the trousers, followed by the leather boots. After shrugging on the shirt, you dug into the pants pocket to pull out a ribbon and pins. You pulled your hair up tightly and tucked it under a cap. Others would have a fit they they saw a woman in this wear, especially you. You were meant to be at a ball, sitting like an ornament of your father’s legacy, not in the slums of the city.
Now, although your family would have called it the slums, it was far from it. It was where the workers hung out. It was where savvy businessmen were making the most of the country’s prohibitory situation. It’s where you were learning everything it might take for your future plans to come to fruition.
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You walked up the creaky wooden porch, your head on a swivel as you entered a pawn shop. At least, that’s what it was during the day. You made your way through the shelves and display cases to the curtain in the back, opening it to a bustling bar full of men both young and old.
With your makeup removed and a few light smudges of dirt here and there, your look matched theirs quite well. That was another benefit of staying out of the private eye as much as possible: none of them saw you enough to be able to identify you in this state. You just seemed like another farm worker.
You took your usual seat at the end of the bar, ducking your head to put your focus on the conversations going on around you. This environment gave you a completely different level of information than what your house maids would give you.
Usually, from here, you could catch anything from farmhands, to gin runners, to business men discussing what was going on. The true way the town was running. And that’s exactly what you wanted: an understanding of who was in control of business proceedings.
From your calm demeanor and regular appearance in this environment, you were known, but not much past a pseudonym you had fed them and the fact that you did odd jobs on your family’s estate. That was enough, though. Enough for you to seem unassuming and trust-worthy. Enough for their lips and morals to be loose around you. Enough for you to use very soon for your plans.
Men were stupid and again, you were in awe of it. None of them could recognize you. And for the ones that could? Well, they were already drunk off their asses. Problem solved. That’s how you were able to preserve your pub-dwelling Saturday nights for the foreseeable future.
As your drink was served, you felt a presence come up and sit in the stool next to you. You were used to that, men did anything to strike up a conversation and save themselves from the monotony of their lives. If only they knew how truly monotonous a life was when you weren’t allowed to perform half the duties that they’d spit upon when given the chance. They had so many options, but your empathy is what they wanted, not proof of their lack of hardships. Not yet, at least.
You put all those thoughts aside, though, taking a swallow of your drink before putting on your best smirk to strike up conversation. It was time to get to work.
Except when you turned your head to your left, you weren’t facing any old nobody. Well, to these guys, he would’ve been, but to you, it was someone starting to get on your nerves for invasion of privacy, someone with tumultuous, pained currents, not unlike the rivers run, for eyes: Jimmy Dobyne.
He opened his mouth to speak, but not before you slammed your hand over it while giving him a warning glare. “Careful with your mouth James. I know I wasn’t exceptionally stealthy tonight, but I thought you’d be smart enough to avoid a place like this.”
The bartender came over and you ordered a drink for Jimmy so he’d leave you alone to speak in privacy. “Now think before you speak. You’ve invaded my personal space and business already.”
Jimmy leaned in, speaking to you with anger that you knew came from your constant reminders of his wrongdoings. “You need to stop it with that and just tell me exactly what you know.”
You looked at him, keeping your face even bedsides the slight disbelief in his audacity. “I hold a keen eye, James. Keep your voice down and do be careful of who sees you and to whom you lend your trust.”
You turned back to the bartender to thank him for dropping off Jimmy’s drink.
His fists unclenched just for enough time for him to grab the glass and shove it away from himself.
“I ought to tell your father his daughter is out here disobeying him. A woman like you should not be in a place like this. Drinking much less!” The lowered volume didn’t make his voice any less cutting. You wouldn’t stand for that. You were trying to be nice. It seemed like neither your kind words, nor stern requests seemed to work on him. Perhaps threats were better.
“I ought to tell everyone you’re poor and loose with your belt buckle! But I won’t. Now accept a drink on my tab and sit to casually speak with me before you cause a scene. My my, James. One skill you do not have is subtlety.”
He scoffed before grabbing the glass and drinking it all down in one go, calling the bartender over for another.
“Good. Now listen closely because I’m not speaking above a whisper and you’ll only hear this once. I’ll let you in on some things, and by chance you could even help me, but first, you have to tell Fisher the truth.”
Next >
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Bonus A/N: So sugars and carbohydrates are what yeast ferments to create alcohol. The alcohol we consume is ethanol (aka EtOH aka Ethyl Alcohol). Sometimes, though, when done improperly, a byproduct is methanol (aka methyl alcohol, which means it has one less carbon and four less hydrogen atoms, making a smaller and totally different molecule functionally). Methanol has actually been found to make you go permanently blind! That’s why it can be so risky to drink home-brewed alcohols and moonshines. I assume this risk was even higher back in the early 1920s when a lot was bootlegged and they didn’t have many ways to test for the methanol. And therefore, I assume they knew sometimes alcohol made you go blind, but not quite how, which is why I added it here.
Taglist: @hawkeyes-queen @ronearoundblindly
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cat-angel-936 · 2 months
*after the events of the smudged makeup that didn't come off*
Chris coming to help Turtle: don't get away with this Zach!
Zach: *turns to look at him* how you finally arrive- I see you had a good night haha
Martin: and that makeup? Aren't you just going to watch the game!? *annoying*
Chris: I can explain it!
Zach: you don't have to explain anything green boy, I understand you wink wink hahaha *nudges the shoulder*
Noticeably upset Chris:....
Zach: don't make that face man, just admit that they had fun otherwise *raises his eyebrows in amusement*
Chris: stop bothering Zachary! * takes him by the shoulders and kicks him out with turtle kicks and his zachbots follow him
Zach: ouch ouch that hurt! Zachbots take me home now! *a Zachbot charges him and they float away*
Chris: *sigh* don't worry I'll do it now *unties them*
Jimmy: So... how was the game?
Chris: we lost and it turns out I'll have to learn Spanish haha 😅
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lattedusks-mochadawns · 5 months
“1, 2, 3, F*ck You” - Ego Rock
Wild Kratts x Ego Rock
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AHHH I’m so happy to finally get this one done and I’m proud of how it turned out! Some other versions below and the original reference from the WxS 3DMV.
+ Other Versions and Sketch:
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Original Photo
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panfluidme · 4 months
Request to tag your ships, pretty please?
Sorry, I sometimes mean to do things, but then forget to or think I had when I didn't
I'mma assume that you're talking about Humiliated and Hurt since it's the only one that I've really put any ships in. I apologize that I hadn't put the tags in there, my brain had convinced me that I had
I really only have two ships, a third one kinda forming, that I enjoy in WK. Which is Aviva x Koki and Jimmy x Chris. The third one is Gourmand x Zach. I haven't fully gotten into the ship, but I can see the chemistry. Other than those ships, I haven't found any ships that I enjoy
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shipperqueen6 · 3 months
Inspiration Saturday
Tagged by @dangerpronebuddie
Just posted ch 1 of my NCIS New Orleans fic so counting it for this 🩵🩵
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NP tagging: @dr-lizortecho @ksbbb @hippolotamus @spotsandsocks @honestlydarkprincess @tabbytabbytabby @exhuastedpigeon @impalachick @monsterrae1 @loserdiaz and anyone else else who wants to 🩵🩵
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ronearoundblindly · 5 months
A, D, E for jimothy please? 🥺💕
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Prompts from this dirty ask game, and since I am not able to make a story canonically accurate to time period or the location of The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond (plus I grew up in the South *gag* and don't want to relive it), this is for the Common Education, a modern AU, where Jimmy is finally taking advantage of his scholarship to NYU (not Ole Miss b/c *more gagging* sorry).
These asks do contain explicit description, so MINORS DNI.
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A - Alone Time
I don't even care if this is a spoiler, but you catch him masturbating once, before you two ever even admit feelings for each other.
Jimmy's roommate, Steve, is an art history major taking several of your classes. Since Steve is sickly, you were kind enough to set up a video feed of your lectures, and Steve often plays them whenever he's feeling up to studying/reviewing. Jimmy is very used to hearing your voice come from the adjoining room of his dorm suite.
What he doesn't realize, as he's daydreaming about you laid out on one of those flimsy tables on the lecture hall platform, is you are actually visiting your student to see how Steve is doing. Jimmy isn't listening to the exact conversation; he's just thinking about you muttering quietly as he runs his hands over you.
And then Jimmy 'imagines' you saying his name, chanting it really, loudly because his touch feels so good, and he reaches his end with an "'m coming' out loud.
Which made you--who was actually knocking to say a quick hello to your former student--think it's okay to open the door, and he scrambles to cover himself in bed, mid-orgasm.
🥴 so get excited for that tale...
At the general store he took over from his drunk father back home, he only needed a computer that could calculate finances and contact suppliers, do some inventory tracking, etc. He didn't need a fancy laptop and he didn't need it at home, so Jimmy has never bothered much with porn. He had some casual girlfriends over the years, and Jimmy is...pretty good-looking. He never hurt for company.
Working 16 hour days regularly also left very little time to care about anything other than sleep.
D - Dominance
Jimmy might not be forward, but, yes, he is dominant. The largest population in his hometown was farm animals, and his own parents were a terrible example of a relationship. We are lucky he knows not to just mount someone he likes and stuff his dick in.
Jimmy was one of those men who didn't understand female pleasure until a knock-down, drag-out, drunk screaming fight with his ex at a bar. To be fair, how would he know he hadn't made her come if she faked it every time?
Anyway, he's dominant in the way that he's pretty raunchy in bed. He praises and coaches you as much as he orchestrates your position. He also does all this with respectful vocabulary but in an extremely dirty voice.
It's, uh... It's good. It's real good.
E - Extra Info
He has smoked for so long he has an oral fixation. Enjoys using his mouth on you very much. If he weren't quite vanilla in his sexual tastes, he'd probably realize there's a reason he loves you in a choker necklace. Just saying. Oh! And Jimmy go nuts over dainty, feminine things you wear. Lace panties are kinda his pinnacle of 'needs to fuck now' if he sees you wearing them.
He's never admitted to another living soul that he's had a fantasy about being cockwarmed while he stands behind the store cash register. Also, last but not least, Jimmy gets way more aggressively naughty during sex the fancier/nicer yours/his clothes are. I don't have an explanation for that, but I know it's a fact. So there. 😁
Thank you for asking!
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[Main Masterlist; Dirty Asks Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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autistic-brushstrokes · 8 months
*In the chip aisle at Walmart, doing a late-night grocery run.*
Tan: *Minding their own business, looking for tortilla chips.*
Tan: *Finds tortilla chips.*
Chris , to Jessica: See, they know what they're here for. They know what they're doing. Be more like them. Make a decision, Jessica!
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jokerislandgirl32 · 2 months
Welcome to the Hotel Mouseafornia!
The Wild Kratts team run into Zach and Violet while out on the creature trail one day. The team was simply observing some animals for the newest creature power disks when they hear Zach screaming. They look up to see Zach running toward them, Violet following closely behind him. She’s calling out after him, begging him to stop running.
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Martin: “Zach, Violet? What’s going on?”
Zach *hiding behind Martin and Chris*: “Don’t let them eat me! I know my head is shaped like a triangle, and it might look like a block of cheese, but pleeeeeaseeee don’t let them eat me!”
Chris: “Eat you? What’s going to eat you?”
Aviva: “And why are you talking about cheese? Violet? Can you tell us what’s going on?”
Violet: “Well… we’ve been having a problem with mice getting into the jet…”
Zach *whining and crying*: “They are everywhere! I can’t even walk around without one of them trying to run up my pant leg! I’ve had to start stuffing my pants into my socks 😭.”
Violet: “They have not tried to run up your pant leg, your pants are too tight for them to get anywhere. Besides…you only think that because I told you about my great grandfather and the mouse in his boots.”
Jimmy Z: “What happened with your great grandfather?”
Violet: “Sooooo, a mouse was in his boot, and when he put on the boots, it ran up his pant leg….my 6-year-old father watched his grandpa cru…”
Koki *visibly disgusted*: “We get the picture…”
Zach: “See, she’s traumatized me!”
Violet: “That’s not nearly as traumatizing as watching the mice skip over the natural repellent packets we bought, then watching them drag the packets over to use as the mattress of their nests!”
*Everyone looking at them in shock and amusement.*
Aviva *laughing*: “Bros! It looks like we’re gonna be making some mice creature power disks…”
Martin and Chris *excited*: “Alright!”
Zach *coming out from behind the bros to stand beside Violet*: “You’re really gonna help us?”
The Wild Kratts Team: “uhhhh, Yes?”
Zach *slumping against Violet and holding on to her for support*: “Oh thank you!”
Violet *rubbing his back soothingly*: “Yes, thank you.”
Based heavily on the battle with mice my father and I have been having in my car…
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tortugatalks · 2 years
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𝗪𝗞 𝗖𝗿𝗲𝘄 𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗦/𝗢 𝗶𝘀 𝗖𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗪𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗻 𝗮 𝗖𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗔𝗱𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲|ᴴᶜˢ
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𓆉 gender neutral reader
𓆉 established romantic relationship
𓆉 warnings: hcs with the tiniest hint of angst! no explicit descriptions of blood or gore, but it's sort of implied for some. no mentions of precise injuries. can be left up to the reader's interpretation!
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Martin Kratt
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━ siren sounds are blaring in his head and he automatically feels a heavy downpour of guilt. how could he let this happen? he's supposed to be looking out for you and his brother! there's no time to dwell on these thoughts though, so he pushes it all to the back of his mind and makes a sharp bee-line towards you.
━ very touchy and invasive of your personal bubble, but at a time like this? who cares?? he uses his hands to search your body for any open wounds or abnormalities. quickly, but with intense care. he has chris contact hq while he keeps his eye on you, practically cradling you in his arms.
━ extremely mindful and capable of maintaining his composure. seeing him panic might not be the best for you, so he sticks to his guns and tries to be level-headed about all this. he softly holds your face, gently brushes your tears away with his thumbs and tells you that you're going to be okay—that you're strong, and that you'll be in good hands. repeat after him: i'm going to be okay. chris is also very quick to jump in and help. whatever martin may need, he's quick to get any supplies out the tiny medkit they brought along.
━ no matter the degree of the injury, he carries you back to hq in his arms. he'll talk to you about anything and everything along the way to get your mind off the pain. of course, you still feel how excruciating the pain is, so the best thing he can do for now is hold you close.
━ once you've reached the tortuga, he'll gently place you on the round-table, caress your face and kiss the side of your head before he lets aviva and koki take it from there. he knows you'll be okay, and while the girls are doing everything they can for you, he takes to stepping outside to get some air. chris and jimmy join him and they'll talk to each other about everything that's happened (they're here for each other after all <3)
━ the moment koki steps out to let them know that you're all good and awake, he zooms his way towards you. the second he sees you, relief washes over him and he shows you the largest smile ever. he jokes here and there about how tough you are, to which you both laugh in response, but after that? the mood noticibly dies down, a frown now visible on his face. you know what he's going to say, and so you try to speak before he does, but he cuts you off. he apologizes to you—says that he's sorry, that he was supposed to be looking out for you, but didn't. things could've been so much worse. you can't even interject before he's talking over you, so you'll literally have to raise your voice or something 'cause none of this is his fault, nor should he be the one bearing all responsibility. he did what he could, and you're more than thankful for that.
━ doesn't take long before he's back to his chirpy self. whatever you need, he's at your service! he's such a chatterbox too! he could spend hours just talking with you. of course, you'll probably be all groany about how you'd like to go on a creature adventure with the guys again. he knows that you know that you can't do that, but when you give him those eyes? well, maybe he can take you out the tortuga without anyone noticing and have you walk around base. but that's it! just around base! he also does this thing where he sends you goofy pictures of himself and the creatures he meets as he's out creature adventuring with his brother. yknow? to show you that you're on his mind! <3
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Chris Kratt
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━ his blood runs cold. a total whiplash. he's stuck staring at you for what seems like a hot minute trying to process what happened, and once it finally registers in his brain, he's off running to your aide, his voice light—almost frail—as he calls out to you.
━ tries so so hard to stay calm for you, but he just can't. he doesn't panic outwardly, no, but he's got a heavy frown on his face, eyebrows burrowed deep into his skin and you can practically feel his hands tremble uncontrollably from the shock as he tries to assess how bad your injury is.
━ you can hear martin inform the rest of the gang about your state on his creature pod while chris is constantly asking you questions. his voice is barely above that of a whisper as if any sudden loud sound would be enough to shatter you entirely. what hurts? how bad does it hurt? does it hurt anywhere else? he wants you to be very specific with him—breathe in and out for him, please—he knows it's not easy but he needs to handle this appropriately. for you.
━ he pulls out the medkit from his pocket and patches you up as much as he possibly can. his lips are pressed into a thin line and there's an uncomfortable look in his eyes that urges you to tell him that you'll be okay—that he shouldn't worry. he's be beyond perplexed, honestly. isn't he supposed to be the one saying all those things to you right now? regardless, you are his main priority right now and immediately thinks to bring you back to the tortuga with the help of his brother.
━ having arrived at the tortuga, he and his brother waste no time in setting you down on the main table. he firmly squeezes your hand and tells you that you'll be alright before he gives aviva and koki their space. he sticks to waiting for you rather than occupying himself with something else. he's still experiencing slight hand tremors, but he's in too deep thinking about how you must be feeling that he kind of disregards his own emotions for a bit. however, as may be expected, martin's there to check in and comfort him along with jz.
━ post medical procedure, he plans on sticking to your side like glue. he smiles when he meets your gaze, but it doesn't quite match his restless eyes. you're very well aware that although you may be well, he, internally, is not. reach your arms out to him and he will break. he'll press his face onto your shoulder, clinging onto you desperately like you're the one who could keep him from falling apart completely. he doesnt say a word; only sobs into the crook of your neck. fear, relief—his beating heart mouthing it against yours. hold him, tight, and let go just enough to look him in the eye. you're okay.
━ he knows that you'll have to stay in the tortuga for a while. its a bummer, really, but he's wholeheartedly okay with it. complain about how you can't go out creature adventuring with his brother and him and he'll playfully roll his eyes, a soft chuckle following right after. this, however, does prompt him to use a very handy contraption. enter: the fly-cam! that way, even though you'll be inside, you'll get to follow the bros on their creature missions in real time! he'll talk to you through it as if you were really there. it's honestly very sweet when he tells you to fly over to get a close look at something with him. lots of 'did you see that?!' and ahhhh its always the little things with him! <3
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Aviva Corcovado
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━ it's as if time around her has stopped. she stays frozen for a bit, almost unresponsive before she snaps out of it and realizes that she's gotta do something! she tells you through the big screen that you have to hang in there and that you'll be okay. nothing bad is going to happen, not anymore, not if she has anything to say about it. she firmly requests that the bros take you to the tortuga and do everything they can to care for you in the meantime (which i mean, they already were so <3)
━ she's aware that if anything, the three of you have to return to hq, so in preparation, she runs around the tortuga and gets a hold of any supplies you may need. extra bandages, ice packs, you name it! then? she has jimmy send them to you via the teleporter. with koki's help, they both get started on setting up all medical equipment necessary stat.
━ her brain is racking up several million thoughts a minute trying to think of what she can do for you. you'll be fine, she knows this... right? she shakes her head to snap out of it. pessimism will get her nowhere. of course you'll be okay! but what after that? she plans on being steps ahead with brainstorming ideas for inventions that might make your life a little easier post-treatment.
━ once she sees you enter the tortuga with the brothers' help, her heart physically hurts witnessing your pain. very empathetic, but there's no time to get all teary eyed! not now. you need her, so she hastily urges the bros to bring you onto the round-table and with the gentlest of touches, she's already hard at work analyzing and treating your injury alongside koki.
━ once you're all treated and conscious, she can't help but exclaim how relieved she is in her mother tongue. she doesn't outwardly chastise you, not after what you've been through, but she does voice her concerns and makes it clear that she's a little vexed with you. her face contorts into that of a frustrated expression before it falters. she'll cup your cheek and will softly make you look at her, her lips downturned with a slight quiver to them. you have to be more careful next time! promise her. do so, and her face will soften. she'll press feather-like kisses to your forehead, and if you are to shyly chuckle, she'll giggle along with you.
━ a-pa-pap! that's no indication of you being off the hook though! sorry, but any word of creature adventuring from you is a no-go. top priority here is a quick and healthy recovery! you can't really do that if you're constantly using the miniaturizer, activating your creature power suit, or running out and about. she is not taking any chances! try to get yourself out the tortuga and she'll only snicker. your attempts will always be rendered futile <3
━ as mentioned earlier, she does everything in her power to properly accommodate your needs. tell her what you may require and she's on it in the blink of an eye! she'll admit, she does feel bad seeing you sulk, but not to worry! she does her best to find things for you to do! she'll happily accept you helping her out with her inventions, she's totally down to just sit atop the tortuga with you and nature-watch, so for you? anything. want her in on your interests? she's more than happy to indulge you! if you're up for it, she'll gladly watch telenovelas with you.
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━ she knows something is wrong the moment she sees the look of worry plastered all over chris' face. she's always had a sixth sense for things that aren't quite right and she's been feeling it even before chris called in. harrowingly, having her gut feeling been proved right, her heart begins to speed up almost instantly when he tells the gang that something terrible has happened to you.
━ not a moment is wasted as she asks him ton loads of questions. what injuries do you have? what were you all doing in the first place? where are you right now? how are you? oh you four are sooo gonna have a talk about all this! there's no getting out of this one, she swears it. she's a bit scary with her interrogations, but everyone knows that she's just beyond frightened.
━ once she gets all the info she needs, she disconnects from the line and promptly urges aviva to help her set up some kind of med-bay and orders jimmy to fly the tortuga to your location. they're ahead of it though! you don't gotta tell them twice!!
━ she attempts to calm herself down by breathing in and out, but when she finally gets to see your state in person? she's speechless and starts feeling tremendously uneasy. she can hardly ever stomach seeing blood, cuts, bruises and all sorts of stuff like that, but she sets all those thoughts aside the moment you're placed on the table. you're more important! she makes a mental note to have jimmy stop someplace with a pharmacy to stock up on medication for you.
━ as much as she tries to maintain her cool, she's clearly and very visibly frustrated as she tends to your wounds. not angry. she could never be angry at you.
━ once you're properly tended to and awake, she immediately springs out and asks you what you were thinking. she's going off and all you can do is listen. you can try telling her that you're okay now, that it's not a big deal and she cracks. she doesn't mean to sound so harsh, but she was scared. her eyes are glossy, which is more than enough to take you aback. when everything's been said and done, she doesn't wait for you to reply and pulls you in for a hug. return the hug and tell her that you're alive and well—that you're here to stay no matter what. please hold her. kiss her on the shoulder and rub her back in soothing circles! you were out like a light for a few hours but to her it felt like an eternity.
━ she scolds you and the bros, and honestly? the best you can do is let her talk as you all give each other a shared nervous look. from there on out, you are strictly forbidden from going out on creature adventures. not until you're fully recovered. got that? and don't give her that look! no pouts, no protests, no nothing. despite the tough love, she enjoys giving you flowers throughout your road to recovery and knows exactly what you may need without you having to tell her anything. she's more than willing to help you with anything, even if it's a little embarrassing! <3
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Jimmy Z
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━ the second he hears from the bros that you're badly wounded its an instant. panic! everything the bros say through the main computer falls onto deaf ears. he can't hear anything, its all suddenly in the fritz for him and his senses are null. he doesn't even wait to understand the state of your condition as he immediately jumps to the worst possible conclusion and rushes into the tortuga's cockpit. his first instinct? get to you, and fast.
━ the impulse is so strong that he has zero idea of where he's even supposed to be flying to! that is, until koki reveals your exact coordinates through his communicator. from there it's full blast to wherever you may be!
━ the whole way he's gonna be talking to himself, hoping that you are or will be okay. once he's stationed, fear starts to settle in further. it's immense! so much so that aviva and koki have to rush to his side and make him sit down before he can pass out. they assure him that no matter what happens, they'll do everything they can to help you and will succeed in doing so. he's shaking like a leaf, but he knows they mean it—his faith in aviva and koki's capabilities is strong and he weakly but surely thanks them.
━ once the boys walk in with you, jimmy is instantly hustling towards you, all up in your space and bombarding you three with questions! what happened? are you gonna be okay? tears well up in his eyes as he's experiencing a turmoil of emotions. the bros try to calm him down, and it works... sort of... okay not really.
━ he's such a worried mess, but he intends to be by your side whether you're conscious or not (except for when the girls need their space to properly tend to your injury, but you're in his mind! trust!!) through it all, martin and chris get him to sit down with them outside the tortuga. the bros let him be vulnerable as he vents and voices his worries and in response, they offer him any support he may need; hugs, positivity, and a good pair of ears. they make sure he's heard because honestly, that's something he really needs. if he needs a good cry, then so be it <3
━ once you've been treated, he's instantly hugging you like theres no tomorrow and cue the waterworks. he's so glad you're okay, but you gave him quite the scare! never do that again, please? he doesn't know what he'd do if something like this were to happen again in the future! hug him just as tightly and assure him that youll be more careful next time. he sweetly comments that he'll bake you little get well cookies, just the way you like 'em :')
━ and that settles it! no more creature adventuring for you—not until you get better! he'll make sure that you get your rest. you may not be able to go out for the time being, but quality time spent with jimmy inside the tortuga is time well spent! he's got his eye on you, and you being in the tortuga with him eases his mind a bit. he'll do anything to keep your mind off that impending boredom of yours. video games galore, cook-offs, you name it!
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