#Julio y Alicia
un-mei-no-akai-ito · 2 months
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Mi mancano❤️‍🩹
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northbndtrain · 11 months
Hi! I saw your old reply regarding Alicia's baby. I'm rewatching season 3 and to me it seems pretty obvious that only Julio can be the father based on the timeline. It's emphasized many times during the season that she was "not doing her marital duty" for months. She even confesses to J when she does sleep with D, and there're indications of the pregnancy during even the middle of the season (running out to vomit). But J&A are shown meeting up in the secret room in the middle of the nights...
Oh, yeah, even if there's no way to 100% confirm it, I really do tend to think Julio is the father, too...I remember when I first saw that episode and the floppy-haired little boy for the first time, I was like, "Aw, baby Julio." It was just after that that I thought that Diego was still technically a possibility, but your points here are good ones.
Thank you for the ask! I love to talk about this show...drop by any time!
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elcorreografico · 2 years
140º Aniversario de La Plata: cronograma de artistas locales del primer día de festejos
#Cultura #Turismo | 140º Aniversario de #LaPlata: cronograma de artistas locales del primer día de festejos
Bailarines, escritores, fotógrafos, músicos y exponentes platenses de distintas disciplinas culturales serán los protagonistas este viernes del primer día de celebración del 140º Aniversario de La Plata. Las actividades se dividirán en ocho puntos emblemáticos y estarán destinadas a toda la familia. “El viernes 18 de noviembre, grandes y chicos podrán disfrutar de todo el talento local en…
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ancientcharm · 5 months
Wikipedia article that is only available in Spanish. I translated into English some abstract to share here. I always wanted to write a post about that "Antonine dynasty" fallacy. Luckily I found someone who explains much better
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Ulpia-Aelia Dynasty
Ulpia-Aelia Dynasty is the new name proposed by Alicia M. Canto and adopted by a sector of current historiography to refer to the seven emperors of the Roman Empire, from Nerva to Comodo. Specifically includes emperors Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius and his co-emperor Lucius Verus.
Doctrinal approaches
Unlike other dynasties such as the Julio-Claudian dynasty, the Flavian dynasty or the Severan dynasty, there is no agreement in Ancient History on how to group and name the emperors of the 2nd century, "the best century in the history of Humanity" according the British historian Edward Gibbon.
The most used definitions from the 18th century until today have been and are "the Antonines", "the Good Emperors" and "the Adoptive Emperors". There were only two Antonine: Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, and both were, above all, two Aelii (from the Aelia family). The adoptions were just a political cosmetic operation, but they did not comply with the ideal principles of adoption described by Galba or Pliny the Younger.
The inappropriateness of these three universal classifications is more evident in the face of the 48 ancient texts that demonstrate that throughout that century there existed an authentic dynasty, of Hispanic origins and roots, whose real link was not the adoptions, but the line of blood and kinship, entrusted to the women of the dynasty, who transmitted the legitimacy to inherit the throne: Pompeia Plotina, Vibia Sabina, Matidia the Younger, and both Annias, the so-called Faustina the Elder and Faustina the Younger, ending in Commodus.
After the elderly Nerva as a necessary introducer, the following six emperors: Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius, Lucius Verus and Commodus - externi (foreigners) according to the Roman historian Aurelius Victor - form an authentic lineage.
All this led Maria M. Canto to propose the term "Ulpio-Aelia", "the Ulpii Aelii", to define the true dynasty of Hispanic origin that goes from Trajan to Commodus (98-192 AD). Some ancient authors, such greek historian Herodian, demonstrate that the Romans themselves did see Commodus as a direct descendant of Trajan, katá thêlugonía ("by the maternal line"), that is, through the aforementioned empresses, and as "A fourth generation emperor".
The reason why names such as "the Antonine dynasty" or "the Antonine emperors" have universally triumphed is not found in ancient texts, but in the European historiography of the 17th and 18th centuries, whose arguments in this sense, although they do not find real foundation in the texts, have been so generally accepted until now.
The new proposal has already been accepted by authors such as José María Blázquez,​ the Italian expert Anna Maria Reggiani, among others,​ and the definition can be seen integrated even in some university subject programs. Although, without a doubt, two and a half centuries of historiographic tradition is still very decisive in favor of the other definitions in use.
​Alicia María Canto y de Gregorio (Havana, April 23, 1949 – Madrid, March 4, 2024), known as Alicia M. Canto, was a Spanish archaeologist and epigrapher. In 2011 she was appointed corresponding academic of the Royal Academy of History.
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Nerva was chosen just as transitional ruler following the assassination of Emperor Domitian. Except him, the successors of "his dynasty" were related.
I'm really sick of hearing things such "Marcus Aurelius broke tradition by choosing moron Commodus just because he was his son; He made a serious mistake".
None of those emperors were chosen after going through a casting. Trajan's adoptive successor was his nephew, the only male relative he had, plus was married to Trajan's great-niece. Hadrian would have been emperor if Trajan had had a son? Marcus Aurelius and his wife Faustina were descendants of Trajan, he on his father's side and she on his mother's side. Marcus Aurelius did nothing more than continue the true tradition of his family.
Just as Augustus' dynasty is known as the Julio-Claudian, ending with Nero, Trajan's is the Ulpia-Aelia dynasty and ending with Commodus. And in my opinion the term Nerva Antonine dynasty, which I find in all English articles, simply doesn't make sense.
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deeptrashwitch · 3 months
I have ready the scene from Julio (Alicia's grandfather) during the Korean War! It took me a while to finish it, but I think it turned out good! I hope you like and enjoy it!
@islandtarochips @snootlestheangel @stuffireadandenjoy @midnight193 @tapioca-milktea1978
@alypink @mutantthedark @imagoddamnonionmason @dirtfullofwork @raresvtm
@justasmolbard @catterdraws
The sky was grey and the silence was only broken by breathing of hundreds of soldiers, the land of nobody was covered with bullets, mud and blood. Voices were heard from the other side, voices that none of them could understand and despite of it…they understood the language of clicks that the rifles produced. All of them were waiting for an answer in the last comms they had, a soldier from the American 7th Division was trying to figure out if they would have any back up. Meanwhile, Julio Armando Martínez Rincón was sitting on the dirt that became dust with every movement they did. He was covered in dirt amd blood as well, tired and bitter as he lighted a single cigarette in silence. By that moment they were in their last moments, no ammunition, no gunnery, many soldiers and officers had died and mostly…it was just a matter of time before the enemies noticed that and attacked. As he smoke in silence, him and the other Sergeant alive were staring at the comms soldier, awaiting for an answer. For a moment all the soldiers remained frozen with a little hope inside their chest, so they waited in silence. When the soldier looked at them, he shook his head…there would be no help, they were on their own. "So we're screwed" one of the last American officers said with defeat Julio shared a look with the other Sergeant and then started to count how many people they had, just to laugh bitterly and let fall the cigarette. "A ver, ¿cuántos pueden manejar un machete y lo traen consigo?" he asked calmly (Let's see, how many know how to use a machete and have one with you?) All the Colombian soldiers raised their hands. "¿Y una pala?" (and a shovel?) Again basically all the Colombian soldiers raised their hands, it under the confused stares of the rest of the soldiers. Then Julio looked at the American soldiers with a tired smile on his face. "We were here left to die and we have no ammunition to defend ourselves" he said with resignation, then smiling darkly "but we were sent here for a reason, and if we'll die…then we'll take them with us and try to get that damn hill too" The other Colombian Sergeant laughed dryly. "Crazy bastard…but you aren't wrong. GO TELL ANY OF OUR SOLDIERS ALIVE! GET THE MACHETES AND A SHOVEL! LET'S CHARGE OUR LIVES AT THE HIGHEST PRICE!" After the man said that, a pair of the Privates saluted and ran away following the path of the trenches on opposite directions. At the same time some Privates took the shovels and under the direction of the few engineers that remained up, they started to make a path…a way to get to the other side. The rest of the soldiers, including Julio himself, prepared themselves for what was coming with the thought that they might not come back alive. The Privates came back soon, telling them that the other were preparing as well. "Enseñémosles a estos desgraciados lo que nuestra tierra nos enseñó" the Sergeant said with a laugh (Let's teach these assholes what our homeland taught us)
"¡Avancen!" Julio exclaimed as he started to walk inside that tunnels (Charge!) "YES SERGEANT!" For some minutes they kept walking, following the Private that was opening the path for them as they got more and more covered in dirt. When they arrived to the other side, just a moment before they emerged to the surface, Julio looked at everyone. "No one's left behind and no one had surrendered, and we won't be the first!" he exclaimed as he took out his machete "ATTACK!" Then all the mayhem started and from various points of the trenches the Colombian soldiers emerged, and started to make their way up. Julio was one of the first that ran foward as the adrenaline roared inside his veins, swinging his machete in front of him to open a path. He was able to see the fear and confusion on the eyes of the enemy soldiers, but that didn't stop him as he and many more continued despite the shots or the tries of fight from the surprised enemies. At the eyes of the enemy soldiers, those men were something even supernatural, way different than themselves. Those were demons that emerged from earth itself, wearing stained uniforms while their eyes were filled with an unholy rage, raising with no other weapons than a single machete and their bare hands. Even one of them, after got a shot in the face, kept moving foward and fighting as if nothing happened. Like that, hundreds of soldiers stood up and fought on a foreign land against thousand enemies. Inside them the same rage boiled without differences, they were the sons from the rage from the people and they would fall fighting. And after what appeared to be hours of fight, many of the soldiers arrived to the hill and planted themselves up there staring down at the battlefield. The American soldiers were crossing the land of nobody while the fight continued, running as the shots kept echoing on the place. Meanwhile Julio lowered his blood dripping machete as he looked at the battlefield with empty eyes, finally starting to feel the pain on his face because of the shot he recieved. And the other Sergeant put a hand on his shoulder with a firm but heavy grip, also staring down. "We made it" the man said with a tired voice "we conquered this hill and remained alive" "…Seem like our lives are way more expensive than we thought" Julio said with a dry chuckle "Death will have to wait decades to get me" "That if the wound don't kill you first" Julio laughed, but nodded…they were in need of a medic immediatly. After some hours they were finally treated, and as they got some treatment some whispers arrived to their ears. The American soldiers were surprised from what happened, and some prisioners were kept calling the remaining Colombian soldiers as 'demons' over and over again. In just a matter of minutes, all of the Colombian soldiers that participated on that battle were referred as 'trench demons'. "…The scandal that nickname will cause when we go back" the Sergeant said with a wide smile, scrunching accidentally the badages over his nose Julio sighed as the bandage on his cheek also scrunched with a smile. "It'll be interesting to see that"
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Cronica #3
Los recuerdos infantiles, frágiles como los recuerdos del nacimiento. Los recuerdos son las primeras muertes.
Mamá nos desnudaba el día que lavaba toda la ropa. Amontonaba bultos de trapos en el fondo de la casa y con 20 Bólivares alquilaba una lavadora que solo lavaba en dos direcciones y daba la impresión de desarmarse cuando drenaba el agua. Los cuerpos desnudos de mi hermano y yo alargados por las sombras de la tarde eran cubiertos por una toalla limpia, y quedábamos allí sentados con un vaso de papelón con limón bien frio, esperando la primera tanda de ropa que no tardaba en secarse bajo el ardiente sol de julio. Eran vacaciones del colegio. Nos levántabamos a las 10:00 am y ya las arepas estaban listas. Caminaba luego con mis pantaloncitos cortos por la polvorada del camino que daba de la casa de mis padres a la de mi abuela. Los perros movían las colas, el helecho gigante con raíces peludas daba la impresión de ser una araña verde, cerraba los ojos cuando pasaba cerca y así me imaginaba invisible.
Aun con ese miedo me gustaba sembrar plantas. El jardín gigante de abuela se extendía por el costado de la casa con sus piedras negras, orquídeas que alborotaban a las moscas con su olor a basura y que parecía que comían hormigas cuando no eran vistas, tulipanes rojos de pistilos largos y enredaderas que trepaban por las paredes y oxidaban hasta el metal de las ventanas con la humedad de las flores. Me entregaba a la fantasía; recordaba a Alicia cuando hablaba con las flores y estas les respondían cantando y cantaba yo allí solito mientras cortaba unos ramitos y me los guardaba en los bolsillos para luego, en el callejón de la casa ponerlos en agua y esperar que salieran las raíces blancas de los tallos verdes.
"Una casa sin flores es como una casa sin hijos" decía abuela y yo me quedaba embelesado viendo crecer esos matorrales que se subían al techo y abrazaban la casa enfriándola cuando el calor se tornaba insoportable.
En ocaciones me regalaba los hijitos enraizados. Yo los sembraba en las latas de sardinas o en los potes de leche en polvo que rellenaba con tierra de los potreros del frente. Hasta que un mal día mi otra abuela me dijo que los hombres de verdad sembraban frutas y no flores. Sentí el golpe de las palabras en el pecho. Me enfrentaba a la realidad de ser un hombre en esa casa. Yo queriendo sembrar flores y luego ponerlas en mis cabellos. Nunca me dejaron, pero mi espíritu no se dejaba opacar y escondido recolectaba las mas bonitas y me hacia collares con las izoras y colocaba flores de cayena en mis cabellos ondulados de niño miedoso a que los ojos inquisidores descubrieran ese horrible secreto que el hijo menor de la familia Garcia guardaba con recelo.
Me invadía la felicidad cuando descubría los botones colorados de las flores, o los cogollos de las hojas que retaban a ese sol bravo que quemaba todo. Miraba a mi abuela y a sus manos arrugadas llenas de anillos que lograban enraizar cualquier cosa, y admiraba el árbol de ramo de novia que se levantaba elegante frente a la casa. gigante con sus ramos de rosas blancas, olorosas y del tamaño de mi cuerpo. ¿Cómo podía abuela con tanto dolor en el pecho, tantas perdidas acumuladas y quehaceres de la casa hacer que semejante monumento de flores creciera de ese modo majestuoso? yo quería mi árbol de rosas blancas, mi árbol de ramo de novia, yo le preguntaba y ella sabiendo de mis mañas de niño amanerado me decía que sembrara en menguante y no en creciente, enseñándome a leer la luna y a saber cuando los tallos estaban listos para enraizar. "Esta vez no se van a morir" decía yo. No se van a morir como se murieron los perros de la casa.
El secreto, no duraría mucho. me había ido de viaje a Maracaibo con mi madre a una cita medica por un problema neuronal que sabia que tenia desde que nací. de regreso no había una planta en pie, las latas de sardina estaban vacías y en los potes de leche ahora guardaban un polvo blanco para matar a los bachacos. Lloré como solo un niño solitario puede llorar. no volví a sembrar flores pero seguían yendo al jardín a acompañar a mi abuela cuando regaba las plantas en la caída del sol para que el agua no se evaporara y quemara las hojas y los pétalos de los crisantemos. Mi otra abuela me miraba rodeada de periquitos verdes y gatos despelucados, colocaba flores en su cabeza y me escondía con sus brazos de arrugas colgantes, de vez en cuando cuando se sentía no vista insertaba temblorosa flores pequeña en mis cabellos mientras me sonreía y me contaba de cuando era joven y era mas guapa y dormía en literas al ras del suelo. Yo la veía y sonreía. corría a mi casa y en hojas sueltas dibujaba flores con creyones de cera y guardaba con recelo en una carpeta folios de papel con mis dibujos prohibidos, paisajes de fantasía con los colores de Monet y me abrazaba a la idea de la libertad del ser.
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docpiplup · 2 years
@asongofstarkandtargaryen Me watching casually an advertaising on the TV of a new soap opera (I will not watch it because it will be very long and an episode airing daily almost every afternoon) then reading the plot and finding that the main pairing and their relationship is basically a Character swap AU of Julio and Alicia from Gran Hotel, but instead of 1905 it's 1913.
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Synopsis: "1913. The whole world is on the brink of the abyss, but there are havens of peace isolated from conflicts. Like the La Promesa Palace, in the Los Pedroches valley, owned by the Marquises of Luján, one of the largest landowners in the country.
The day the Palace is preparing to celebrate the wedding of the heir, Tomás (Jordi Coll), is interrupted by the appearance of an airplane that attracts everyone's attention. It is piloted by Manuel (Arturo Sancho, aka young Bernat in the first episodes of Los Herederos de la tierra), Tomás' younger brother. Suddenly, the device loses altitude until it crashes. Manuel is about to be consumed by the flames; but someone manages to save him: Jana (Ana Garcés).
The Marquis offers her a financial reward, but she only wants to work in the Palace and has a clear motive: to do justice to her mother, murdered fifteen years ago, and to investigate the whereabouts of her brother, kidnapped when he was a newborn. And the only clue that she has is related to the Marquises of Luján. The time has come for revenge. There is only one element that she had not counted on: Manuel, son of the Marquises... and the last person she would expect to fall in love with. Can love quench the thirst for revenge? Could you forget those who sank your life? To your mother's murderers? To those who made your brother disappear?".
Cast: Ana Garcés, Eva Martín, Arturo Sancho, Joaquín Climent, María Castro, Jordi Coll, Antonio Velázquez, Andrea del Río, Manuel Regueiro, Carmen Asecas, Alicia Bercán, Paula Losada, Carmen Flores, Teresa Quintero, Antonio Velázquez, Sara Molina and Enrique Fortún.
Jana, just like Julio, starts working as a servant for the rich family to investigate the disappearance of a sibling, and she meets and falls in love with Manuel, like Julio and Alicia fell in love with each other, and probably Manuel will eventually help Jana to solve the murder of her mother and to find her brother, in a similar way to Julio and Alicia figuring out the disappearance of Julio's sister.
In some kind of sense also La Promesa is something like Downton Abbey and Gran Hotel had a child together in a soap opera format😂 (Also Gran Hotel and La Promesa both are from Bambú Producciones)
(The series or films in which Bambú Producciones has been involved are Guante Blanco, Hispania: La leyenda, Gran Reserva, Gran Hotel, Marco, Imperium, Gran Reserva: El origen, El club de los incomprendidos, Velvet, Seis Hermanas, En tierras salvajes, Bajo Sospecha, La embajada, Las chicas del cable, Tiempos de guerra, Velvet Colección, Traición, Fariña, 45 revoluciones, A pesar de todo, Instinto, Alta Mar, Malasaña 32, Refugiados (The Refugees), El verano que vivimos, Jaguar, Un año, una noche, Un asunto privado, Dos Vidas, Now & then, La Promesa, 13 exorcismos, Nacho and Nosotros podemos. And some documentaries like Fraga y Fidel, sin embargo, American greyhounds, Lo que la verdad esconde: el caso Asunta, El crimen de Alcàsser, 800 metros, Bajo escucha: el acusado)
(This channel where I found the trailer has also some interesanting videos talking about some aspects of the historical context of La Promesa)
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jesusespino · 1 year
Un viaje en el tiempo a la España analógica de la peseta
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Médico de familia, mítica serie que emitió Telecinco entre 1995 y 1999, está disponible en streaming desde el 21 de julio. Sus 119 capítulos, distribuidos en 9 temporadas, se han incorporado al catálogo de Netflix. Al aflorar en ese apabullante menú aprovechando el verano, hemos empezado a verla en casa con la pequeña Rebeca, nacida en 2014. Dos temporadas después —teniendo en cuenta que en su momento no fui fiel seguidor de esta comedia dramática—, he alcanzado algunas conclusiones preliminares.
Habrá quienes, invadidos por la pereza y poco inclinados a la nostalgia, se pregunten para qué sirve ver una serie que tiene casi 30 años —el lapso de una generación—. Pues sí que sirve. La utilidad más importante, que observo en mi hija, es mostrar a quienes no conocieron aquella época cómo era la sociedad de entonces: valiosa enseñanza. También es un sensor retrospectivo del papel que tuvo el audiovisual de los 90 como agente de cambios que han ido cuajando y haciéndonos, en general, mejores. O, al menos, trasladándonos aceleradamente a la (pos)modernidad. En definitiva, es un documento muy valioso, repleto de información. El retrato de una época.
En 1995 se cumplían 20 años de la muerte de Franco, inicio de la Transición a la democracia. Y 9 de la entrada de España en la Comunidad Económica Europea (CEE), hoy Unión Europea (UE). El monopolio de la televisión pública se había roto en 1990, solo un lustro antes. Aún nos duraba la resaca de los fastos de 1992 —Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona y Exposición Universal de Sevilla—, que construyeron una nueva marca España pero dieron paso a una crisis económica que elevó el desempleo al 24%. Es precisamente en 1995 cuando se inicia la recuperación: estaba terminando la etapa de Felipe González al frente el Gobierno (1982-1996) y poco después comenzaría la de José María Aznar (1996-2004). Sin entrar en mayores profundidades, ver Médico de familia en 2023 supone hacer un viaje en el tiempo a la España analógica de la peseta —el euro no fue una realidad hasta 1999 y llegó en efectivo a nuestros bolsillos en 2002–.
Aquella España era otro país porque aquel mundo era otro planeta. La televisión, abuela electrónica, funcionaba como pantalla colectiva, no personal, se veía en familia y tenía culo; no había smartphones, empezaban a generalizarse los celulares, pero limitados a voz y SMS; la conversación pública no estaba en Internet, entonces incipiente, sino que la vertebraban los medios de comunicación; las marcas blancas no dominaban la cesta de la compra, como veremos más adelante al hablar de product placement; apenas había inmigración extranjera, las grandes ciudades continuaban drenando población nacional de los entornos rurales en vaciamiento. Era otro mundo en el que se fumaba hasta en los centros de salud —verlo ahora hiere la sensibilidad de cualquiera—, el machismo empezaba a desactivarse —pese a sus omnipresentes trazas—, el Estado del Bienestar —las pensiones, la sanidad y la educación públicas— se extendía tras lograrse conciencia sobre la necesidad de pagar impuestos —el IRPF entró en vigor en 1978 con el eslogan “Hacienda somos todos”—. No es exagerado hablar de otro país, de verdad que no lo es. Parafraseando a Alfonso Guerra, a aquella España hoy no la conoce ni la madre que la parió. La transformación, aunque haya aspectos mejorables, ha sido notabilísima, drástica, ejemplar.
Médico de familia, producida por Globomedia, creada por Daniel Écija y Emilio Aragón, sumó una audiencia media de 7,7 millones de espectadores, rozando el 44% de cuota de pantalla, datos que hoy, en el nuevo paradigma televisivo, son inalcanzables para una ficción. El último capítulo de la quinta temporada, por razones que omito para no destripar la trama, se quedó cerca de los 11 millones y el 60%: la tensión sexual entre Nacho y Alicia dio para mucho, y hasta aquí puedo leer (cuidado con los enlaces si no sabes de qué va y quieres evitar spoilers).
Llaman la atención, para mal, el tabaco por doquier, la abundante bollería industrial a todas horas, la fruta y la verdura como atrezo, los eternos tópicos territoriales clasistas sobre Andalucía encarnados en Juani —atribulada empleada doméstica de acento forzado y jornada infinita—, escenas en el coche sin cinturón de seguridad —obligatorio desde 1975 en las plazas delanteras y desde 1992, también en las traseras—, comentarios sexistas que hoy consideramos censurables —y entonces ya eran inapropiados, seamos claros—, la promoción de la homeopatía —chirriante placebo— mediante carteles colgados en el centro de salud y cierto menosprecio condescendiente hacia la homosexualidad, por citar lo más granado. Pero hay cuestiones, lo apuntábamos al principio, en las que esta serie actuó como agente del cambio. Llama la atención, para bien, el tratamiento del sida, la drogadicción en general y el alcoholismo en particular, la depresión, la violencia de género, el sexo no consentido, los embarazos adolescentes o la erradicación del edadismo, personificada en el abuelo Manolo, que se propone vivir a gusto hasta el final de sus días una vez jubilado tras décadas de cotización en la Renfe.
¿Que la serie encierra una moral subyacente tipo Disney prewoke?, pregunto retóricamente adelantándome a los prejuicios de quienes censuran el debatible heteropatriarcado occidental pero toleran el machismo en otras latitudes amparados en la doctrina de la diversidad cuqui, qué inmensa contradicción. Podemos —escojo el verbo— buscarle tres pies al gato, pero no parece que las fisuras merezcan una reprobación. Si hay un sustrato en Médico de familia es la sublimación, el propio título lo asume, de la familia tradicional. Con los años, la misma factoría le dio una vuelta de tuerca al asunto y produjo Los Serrano, que normalizaba la fusión de las familias —en plural—, superada la familia monolítica, en una España aún más (pos)moderna, asomada al siglo XXI sin complejos desde la atalaya de Europa.
Médico de familia, antes de que Mercadona impusiera las marcas blancas, nos colaba productos emblemáticos: el jersey Lacoste —preferentemente a lo Nachete, anudado a los hombros, un canon caducado que dio pie a muchos chistes—, la leche Puleva, el tomate Orlando, las cervezas Buckler y Águila Amstel bebidas en lata por Julio e Hipólito, los bollos Donuts y Bollycao entre la cocina y el patio del colegio, el pan de molde Panrico, la margarina Artua o el aceite de oliva Koipe. La Coca Cola y otros refrescos, por supuesto todos azucaradísimos, aparecían desnudos, pues no había patrocinador que justificara etiquetas en prime time. La ranchera 21 Nevada, pagara o no Renault, permanecía expuesta en la puerta del chalé adosado al servicio de los planos de recurso.
Vista con ojos de 2023, Médico de familia nos recuerda que el streaming ha diluido la cultura mainstream. Que nos falta pegamento social, aquí y en otros espacios desarrollados —en eso, me temo, iremos degenerando—. Que las audiencias se han atomizado y no quedan productos que reúnan a la familia. Que el mundo ha cambiado y España es otra, aunque bastante mejor al cabo. Tener esta serie en el catálogo de Netflix es pedagógico porque nos enseña cómo hemos cambiado, qué lejos ha quedado aquel país que avanzaba sacudiéndose la caspa y aspirando a estándares internacionales que hoy cumple sobradamente. Verla por vez primera o revisarla es un ejercicio tremendamente interesante. Aunque no garantizo continuar ni terminarla una vez acabado el verano. Pero ahí quedan las conclusiones preliminares, ea.
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gonzalo-obes · 1 year
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Día Mundial de los Delfines en Cautiverio, Día Mundial del Ebook o Libro Electrónico, Año Internacional del Mijo y Año Internacional del Diálogo como Garantía de Paz.
San Laureano, Santa Berta, Nuestra Señora del Refugio y Santa Isabel de Portugal.
Tal día como hoy en el año 1054: Diferentes culturas como, árabes, chinos o aborígenes americanos dejan constancia de la observación de una supernova, de la que su remanente es ahora conocida como la nebulosa del Cangrejo. Tras su estallido fue tan brillante como para ser observada de día durante 22 meses.
En 1187: Sucede la batalla de los Cuernos de Hattin en la que las tropas de Saladino, Sultán de Egipto, toman Jerusalén que estaba en manos del francés Guy de Lusignán (rey de Jerusalén). Dando por terminada la ocupación europea de esta ciudad.
En 1776: Los delegados de las 13 colonias británicas reunidos en el Congreso Continental, en Filadelfia (Pensilvania), aprueban la Declaración de la Independencia. Estas colonias darán origen a Estados Unidos.
En 1862: Lewis Carroll le cuenta a Alice Liddell un cuento que posteriormente será el famoso y conocido Las aventuras de Alicia en el País de las Maravillas.
En 1886: Francia ofrece la Estatua de la Libertad como regalo a Estados Unidos, en nombre de la amistad franco-estadounidense, y con motivo del centenario de la independencia de los Estados Unidos.
En 1911: Sucede una fuerte ola de calor en el noreste de Estados Unidos, llegando hasta los 41 ºC, siendo récord hasta la fecha, y que causa la muerte a más de 380 personas. En la ciudad de Nueva York murieron 146 personas y 600 caballos.
En 1996: Se lanza en Internet Hotmail.com, el primer servicio de correo gratuito, por el informático indio Sabir Bhatia en Los Ángeles (Estados Unidos). Un año y medio después lo venderá a la empresa Microsoft por 400 millones de dólares estadounidenses.
En 1997: La sonda espacial Mars Pathfinder de la NASA aterriza con éxito en la superficie del planeta Marte. Compuesto por un módulo de aterrizaje y un vehículo de exploración, siendo el primer rover en operar más allá del sistema Tierra - Luna.
En 2012: El CERN (Organización Europea para la Investigación Nuclear) hace pública la noticia de la observación en el Colisionador de Hadrones de una partícula compatible con el bosón de Higgs, confirmando la teoría del mecanismo de Higgs por el que la materia está dotada de masa.
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daydream-studyblr · 2 years
Southern summer challenge, día 4
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4º de Diciembre • ¡Muestranos una lectura de verano!
Una de las lecturas de verano que más me emociona es «People we meet on vacation» porque compré el libro en julio. Lo compré en inglés para poder practicar. Nunca he leído un libro entero en inglés y me emociona mejorar mi manejo del idioma. Otras lecturas que planeo hacer en verano son «Los siete maridos de Evelyn Hugo», «El extranjero», «Todos quieren a Daisy Jones», «El verano en el que me enamoré», «Cartas a un joven poeta», «Alicia en el país de las maravillas», «Eso», «De la Tierra a la Luna», y muchos más. Varios de estos libros se me ocurrieron gracias a romanticapricorn. ¡Realmente quiero leer mucho durante el verano!
December 4rd. • Show us a summer reading!
One of the summer reads that excite me the most is "People we meet on vacation" because I bought the book in July. I bought the English edition to practice. I have never read an entire book in English and I am excited to improve my language skills. Other readings I plan to do in the summer are "The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo", "The stranger", "Daisy Jones and the six", "The summer I turned pretty", "Letters to a young poet", "Alice in Wonderland", "It", "From Earth to the Moon" and many more. Several of these books came to mind thanks to romanticapricorn. I really want to read a lot during summer!
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lapoema · 2 years
@revientacaballos despixelating hengi! 🐝🫀❤️‍🔥
Yo que espiga
Escribo mi vida en el palimpsesto de
tu vida
cualquiera de ellas:
hablo para que dejés de callar
A veces, la dulzura
el manto de belleza :
no saber nada es bello
desconocer tan suavemente como
sea posible
la ignorancia que el otro siempre
mantendrá sobre mí
De ese velo están hechas sucedidas palabras
julio de 2016.
cada puerta
una política:
la madera comida,
la pátina,
el alféizar
levantan vuelo
en la ciudad sitiada.
Política es
una casa
va diciendo
por décadas
que expira.
No porque escribas una y otra y otra
vez la palabra
cuerpo en el cuerpo
del poema lo
habrás inscripto
una sensualidad en él
"lo" *
de un cuerpo sin
* en bastardilla
Alicia Silva Rey, salve!
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un-mei-no-akai-ito · 2 months
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Due cuccioli 🥰
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tvnveracruz · 2 months
OPLE Veracruz firma convenio de colaboración con “Enseñas para la Inclusión”, asociación civil
Xalapa, Veracruz, 26 de julio de 2024. El Organismo Público Local Electoral del Estado de Veracruz (OPLE Veracruz), con el respaldo de la Comisión Permanente de Igualdad de Género y No Discriminación, suscribió el convenio de colaboración con “Enseñas para la Inclusión”, asociación civil. Al respecto, la Consejera Presidenta del OPLE Veracruz, Marisol Alicia Delgadillo Morales mencionó que el…
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agendaculturaldelima · 2 months
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💥 Exposición inspirada en rituales de diversas culturas y el mundo astral, que trata sobre la perplejidad del ser frente a las fuerzas de la naturaleza y las formas de comunicarse desde lo simbólico, el movimiento e incluso la repetición.🌎🌾
👤 Artista: Héctor Urrunaga.
📆 Miércoles 17 de Julio
🕖 7:00pm.
🏪 Sala Siete Setenta y Alicia Cox de Larco del Centro Cultural Ricardo Palma (av. José Larco 770 - Miraflores)
👪 Visitas: Hasta el 18 de agosto
📆 Lunes a domingo 🕙 10:00am a 9:00pm.  
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre
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hairam1108 · 2 months
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ᖗ◞ 🥟 ˖࣪  𝓛 𝗂𝖻𝗋𝗈𝗌 𝗊𝗎𝖾 𝗍𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗈 𝗅𝖾𝖾𝗋 𔘓 ⪨  ׂ 
— Cien años de soledad, de Gabriel García Márquez.
— Don Quijote de la Mancha, de Miguel de Cervantes.
— La Divina comedia, de Dante.
— El Principito, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
— El Conde de Montecristo, de Alexandre Dumas.
— El retrato de Dorian Gray, de Oscar Wilde.
— El Alquimista, de Paulo Coelho.
— Los miserables, de Victor Hugo.
— 1984, de George Orwell.
— Las mil y una noches.
— Alicia en el País de las Maravillas, de Lewis Carroll.
— Rayuela, de Julio Cortázar.
— El Señor de los Anillos, de J.R.R. Tolkien.
— Mujercitas, de Louisa May Alcott.
— El sabueso de los Baskerville, de Arthur Conan Doyle.ㅤ🕯꒰ྀི ´ ꒳ ` ྀི꒱১
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deeptrashwitch · 1 month
Kanoa Toa belong to my lovely friend @islandtarochips! Enjoy this little one-shot I made!
Taglist: @alypink @stuffireadandenjoy @snootlestheangel @islandtarochips @raresvtm
@midnight193 @mutantthedark @justasmolbard @welldonekhushi @tapioca-milktea1978
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Alicia was doing some paperwork in her office along with Luke, that was just sitting on the sofa as always. Soon her personal phone rung and she put it on speaker as she kept working, starting a conversation in spanish that lasted a while. She simply wrote something on a piece of paper before go back to her work, and soon after, she hung up.
"Good news?" Luke asked curiously.
"Yeah, my grandparents are coming to Texas and will come here to say hi, so Camila was giving me a heads up." Alicia said with a smile.
"Nice. When are they coming?"
"In a week, more or less."
"Don't we have a meeting that day?"
Alicia sighed. "Yeah, with Alejandro, Kanoa and one of the Generals."
Like chuckled tiredly. "Let's hope we finish early that day."
"Amen, my friend, amen."
A week later.
Alicia and Luke were finishing the reunion they had, it went a bit longer than they expected, but gladly not so much. They walked with Kanoa and Alejandro to the yard, then Alicia heard someone called for her in spanish. And when she looked, she couldn't stop a smile on her face as she saw two people walking towards her. Those were her grandparents.
"Alicia, nice to see you." Rosa Martínez said as she made her granddaughter to lean down to hug her.
"Hi granny, good to see you too." She said while she hugged her back with a smile. "Was your flight good? Cami told me you were coming, sorry I couldn't pick you up."
"No, no, work goes first, don't worry." Julio intervened with a smile. "As a Captain you need to focus."
Alicia smiled and hugged her grandpa as well, then Alejandro chuckled and went to shook Julio's hand.
"Don Julio, que gusto verlo." Alejandro said with a smirk. (Mr. Julio, it's good to see you.)
Julio just nodded and patted Alejandro's back. "Igualmente muchacho, espero que Andina no esté dando problemas." (Likewise, young man, I hope Andina isn't giving you trouble.)
"¡Oye! ¡Soy decente, y Alejo está igual que yo!" Alicia chimmed in with a frown. (Hey! I'm decent, and Alejo it's just like me!)
"A mí no me veas la cara de estúpido, Andina, sé perfectamente que eres un torbellino de caos." Julio said with a raised eyebrow. (Don't take me as a fool, Andina, I know perfectly how much of a chaos omen you are.)
"¡Yo no-!" (I'm not-!) Alicia sighed. "Whatever, now that you're here, I can introduce you to some people I'd like you to meet."
Then Alicia made a sign for Kanoa and Luke to get near, to which the red-haired man was quite curious. Meanwhile Kanoa was simply surprised to see two old people there, but then started to look back and forth between Alicia and Julio. Well, that until Alicia elbowed him with a huff.
"Why are you staring at us, Noa?"
"You two look so alike that I thought he was your father." He said with a raised eyebrow. "That wasn't something I expected."
"...I think that can counts as a compliment for my grandpa?" She murmured before shaking her head. "Anyway, guys, this is my grandpa, Julio Armando Martínez. And she's my grandma, Rosa Elvira Guzmán!"
Then she looked at her grandparents. "Grandma, grandpa, he's Kanoa Toa, a Captain of the US Marines, and probably my best friend." She said as she pointed at Kanoa, then pointed at Luke. "And he's Luke Michaelis, my Lieutenant, US Army Ranger and my friend."
"Pleasure to meet you, sir, ma'am." Luke said, shaking hands with both of them.
"Likewise, young man." Rosa said with a smile. "Thanks for taking care of my Andina."
"Andina?" Kanoa whispered with a mocking smile, just to be smacked in the head by Alicia. "Ow..."
"Shut it." She hissed.
"Yeah, yeah." He murmured, then looked at the both of Alicia's grandparents. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Captain Kanoa Toa, at your service."
"...He reminds me of Elías." Julio said, narrowing his eyes. "I assume he's a chaos bringer as you."
Alicia laughed and hugged Kanoa by the shoulder. "Certanly he is! But, he's a bit less chaotic than Elías...just a bit."
Julio sighed and pinched his nose bridge. "Why did I expect different...?"
Alicia shot Luke a glare to stop him to say anything, and then shutted Kanoa with her hand. For a second nothing happened, well, until Kanoa narrowed his eyes and bit her
"Hey! You jackass!" Alicia exclaimed, smacking him in the head again.
"Ow! Hey!"
"While they fight..." Alejandro murmured before smiling at Alicia's grandma. "I just noticed, but I have a friend whose nickname is Rosa, ma'am. That's quite the coincidence."
"Oh? You do? How's the girl's name?" Rosa asked curiously.
She chuckled happily. "Just like my granddaughter, that's another coincidence, I guess."
Meanwhile, Luke was staring at Alicia and Kanoa arguing, sighing with a tired expression. Then he heard steps from afar, and separated the two of them. There was only one person that knew the four of them were there, and cenrtanly those two shouldn't be found arguing. Not here, not now.
"Just shut up." He said. "The General's near."
And soon the General came towards them, to which the four of them saluted in silence. The man saluted them back as usual, until he accidentally ended looking at Julio. In that moment, Kanoa, Luke and Alicia jaws dropped when they saw how the General, an well-known bitter bastard on the Army and the Marine Corps, smile genuenely. They shared a confused look for a second, then looked back at where the General was going to speak with the old man.
"Is...General Davis smiling?" Kanoa asked surprised.
"I didn't know he was actually able to, but yeah, he is." Alicia answered with a weirded out expression. "I just wonder from where he knows my grandpa."
Then Julio looked at Alicia with a smile. "Hey, Andina."
"Yes, grandpa?"
"Do you remember that story you always ask me to tell you?"
"Uhhh, the one about Old Baldy?"
"Yeah, that one. Do you remember the Private I told you about?"
"I do...?"
"Well, this is him! I didn't know you knew him as well." He said as he patted the back of General Davis. "He's now a General, but I met him as Private Donald Davis!"
For a second Alicia was processing, then her eyes widened as she looked at the two old men. "He is who?!"
At the same time, Kanoa looked at Alicia as equally surprised before looking back at the two old men. He was puzzled, but stayed in silence to get the whole story.
"I didn't know you were there, sir." She said towards the General with genuine confusion.
"Yeah, I was part of the unit that was on Old Baldy that decisive day." The General said with calm and a nod. "But I never expected I'd see Sergeant Martinez again, less here in your base, Captain Marchant."
Then Luke looked at Alicia with widened eyes, like asking what was happening. She stayed in silence and just raised an eyebrow towards her grandpa. Julio simply patted the General's back with a potent laugh and then looked at Alicia, winking.
"Donald was one of the Privates that charged first right after we went out of the tunnels. Quite the brave bastard."
Then Rosa smacked his head. "Julio! Language!"
"Sorry, sorry." He murmured with a sigh, then looking at the General. "Let's go for drinks after you finish, Donald, for the old days. My treat."
"No, no. I'll invite you, sir, and you can bring your wife as well. Anyway I finished my business here." The General said.
Soon, after a bit of paperwork, the three of them were out of Black Tomb. Meanwhile Alicia was holding some tupperwares in her hands as she was processing. Luke and Kanoa also seemed to be processing what just happened, while Alejandro simply waited for them to finish. Just minutes later, the three of them let out a "what the fuck?" in unison.
"Did General Davis, that General Davis, smile and offer to pay for your grandfather drinks?" Luke murmured incredulous.
"The world it's gonna end now that we saw that bitter man smile." Kanoa murmured, then looking at Alicia. "And how come that they met each other in Old Baldy, Licia?"
"Oh, right. Uh, well, I've told you that my family it's almost all military, right?"
"Well, my grandpa was part of the Colombia Batallion, the one sent to the Korean War as help, at least as official help." She explained with a chuckle. "And he was an Army Sergeant during that time, um, and then the incident of the 'trench demons' happened..."
"Trench demons?" Luke asked.
"Long story short, the Colombian soldiers in Old Baldy charged throught tunnels and kinda made their way into the enemy trenches with only machetes." Alicia said with a chuckle and an ashamed smile.
"So that's why that machete is on that holder?" Alejandro asked as he hugged Alicia from behind. "Huh, that explains a bit. And it's the same about the badge?"
"Uh, no." Alicia said with a laugh. "The badge is a Lancero badge, the original one. He was also part of the first Lanceros course."
"He what?!" Luke shouted, surprised. "Wait, so he and you are Lanceros?"
Alicia looked away with a chuckle. "Well, no. My grandpa, my uncle, my cousin and I are Lanceros...and one of my younger cousins is aiming for the badge too."
"You're fucking kidding me."
Kanoa laughed wholeheartedly. "What if we speak about this over dinner? Seems like there's a lot of stories about your family, Licia. Oh, and it's your treat, by the way."
"Great." She said with sarcasm. "I'll end poor with our appetite. No, wait, my granny just gave me some fruits and vegetables...maybe I can make something."
Alejandro took the tupperwares with a smile. "I'll do it, anyway I wanted to cook something lately."
"Ohhh, so you'll make us dinner, hermano?" Kanoa asked with a smirk.
"I'll throw you out of the kitchen if you start bothering." Alejandro said with a huff.
"Hey! I haven't done anything!"
Luke looked at Alicia with a raised eyebrow. "So, home-made food, stories and those two arguing. A good day, huh? What a shame the rest are out for the day."
"Agreed." She said with a chuckle. "Let's get going, Alejo cooks marvellously and I have quite a lot of stories my grandpa and uncle told me."
"Are you a bit overinterested in my life or it's only my impression?" She joked with a side smile.
Luke elbowed her playfully. "How funny, you know I'm just curious."
Alicia laughed softly. "One day I'll take you see the goddamn gallery my grandpa has made in his house. It's quite the sight, I assure you."
Kanoa looked at them both, just to chuckle and carry Alicia like a potato sack. "Move it, slow turtle. I want gossip."
"Seriously?" Alicia asked with a sigh, while Luke laughed louldy. "Oh, shut up, Michaelis."
Then, while Alejandro made his way on the base kitchen, grumbling and huffing, Alicia told some stories she was once told. Some about her grandpa and some of her uncle, even some of hers during their first years as a Marine, which Kanoa found especially amusing. So they started to banter each other as they compared their stories.
"Are you sure they didn't met before the WTF and Specters were created?" Luke asked Alejandro.
"Honestly? I wouldn't be surprised." He joked with a smirk as he served the food. "But I doubt it."
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