#Just... any payoff
unicornpopcorn14 · 4 months
Something that lowkey bothered me when I reread Stormbringer was Lippman's introduction.
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Asagiri was clearly setting up something with this, and I don't know if I've overlooked something or missed it, but as far as we can tell, nothing catastrophic regarding Lippman was ever mentioned after his death.
And it might be that, a few days after that, the whole Guivre fiasco happened that made the media outlets focus on bigger things, but idk.
It would've been interesting to see the uproar Lippman's death actively caused, how the media would have tied him to the mafia, and the public's opinion about it. Or Verlaine being held accountable after being defeated bcs of it. Or how the European division, the one that Verlaine used to work at, would handle being exposed or outed amongst the other messes that occurred.
Or, more interestingly, having Verlaine spare killing Lippman in opposition to the others because he's aware of this very threat. :)
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natjennie · 5 months
"and im gonna go buy party cups" awwww I do lowkey kind of feel bad for fabian this season like. obviously the more highly magical of the group have been favored while figuring out these god mysteries but. fabian's social maneuvering has been important too and his growth as a friend and his success on the owlbears. I don't think he's getting enough credit! especially with the election being so pivotal for the ritual!!! give him some praise!!!
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blighted-lights · 4 months
having to restrain myself from making a ridiculously long meta analysis of mtmte ravage and why there was so much potential lost for him + why narritvely his character works but the narrative doesn't work for his character. i have no idea how if word any of it but. i am so so tempted.
ravage does what the narrative needs him to do very well! but in order to do that, it fucks up some important key points of his characterization. plot points are picked up and then dropped, his abilities are forgotten about frequently, and he's passively treated as an animal despite the original emphasis that ravage isn't a pet. he's such a weird character in mtmte. wish i could word what i wanna say about him in a way that i like.
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shannonsketches · 2 months
I just think Toei gives Vegeta a lot of shit for a guy who's maintained his rank within the top ten most powerful beings in the mortal realm since he was like five years old.
#and he did it without dragon balls OR senzu beans OR magic chi unlocks OR otherworldly help he's just been grinding for 30 years#every time I see a fan like 'vegeta's so weak bro lol' i'm like?? Hm?? Where??#I will never forgive toei for writing him the way they do in the movies but even with their ass character choices like#He's still Consistently The Fuck Out Here#When he tells Kiwi that he's actively choosing to be on the front lines instead of kicking back like he could be with his status as a lord#and then the payoff in Super when they're like 'damn vegeta must be a prodigy' Pybara is like 'yeah that's because he works his ass off'#the way I yelled!! And it's true of Goku too!!#I had to explain to a friend the other day too that Bardock's wish re: his boys doesn't remove all the grinding Goku's done over his life#It helped him survive and meet people the same way it did Raditz but Goku's still been training every single day. all his life.#The reason Raditz lost is because he didn't train his tail like Nappa and Vegeta did -- he knew it was a problem with a solution#and never addressed the problem. Goku consistently dug his heels in and worked to overcome any weakness he discovered in his body#no opportunity is going to help you if you don't put the work in. that's why Vegeta's arc is so good. He puts the work in on all fronts.#and why I am constantly mad at Toei for writing his relationships the way they do because it is so deeply inconsistent with his themes#anyway here's another essay in the tags aksldjaskjld
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sciderman · 2 months
got into an argument with my friend about the movie cause they liked it and i. didn't. i feel cursed and im mostly just annoyed that so many of my problems with it are so easily fixable. but alas. there is no space for character arcs or growth. the MCU demands more cameos
i joked with a friend that if they just added a scene at the end of the movie were sam jackson shows up to actually offer wade an avengers membership proper and wade told sam jackson to fuck off then the entire movie would have been a success for me
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infiniteorangethethird · 10 months
everyone: you should use your 20s to get to know as many people as you can! spend your college years making friends and connections! you cannot live a successful life without a widespread people network!!
me, autistic + loveless apl: I should do what now
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
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antianakin · 10 months
I'll never understand how some fans are so incredibly willing to just be okay with "it happened in a timeskip" to excuse bad writing lol. Like "oh yeah these two characters who have been enemies for like four seasons of a TV show had their entire reconciliation OFF SCREEN in the time skip between episodes right at the end so it works" or "oh yeah this character who was left basically broken had their entire growth and development where they came to terms with the thing that broke them in the time skip so it works" kind of stuff. Like that's literally the ENTIRE emotional climax of a story that's been building for a while and you're FINE with not getting to actually SEE IT???
Can't relate.
#fandom wank#i'm so so tired of people telling me 'well it happened in the timeskip' when i get annoyed about something#like a character doing a personality 180#or a character suddenly changing their mind about something that was really important to them#or literal wholeass character development that's integral to this character's story#there are some things that can happen in a timeskip and some shit that CANNOT#like imagine if luke had NEVER confronted yoda or obi-wan about keeping the truth of his parentage from him#like we come into rotj and they're just fine and it's never addressed#like luke's just never mad and they never even have a convo about it#imagine how unsatisfying it would feel to have had that massive bombshell dropped without any real payoff to it#imagine never actually getting to see luke work through that particular revelation or how it impacts these relationships#and they were just like 'well it happened in-between movies'#it would SUCK#you NEED those convos in order to actually understand how luke fully comes to accept the truth about anakin#because even if he's calmer by rotj he's still upset by it a bit#only by TALKING to yoda and obi-wan does he actually get to the point where he has total faith in anakin's goodness#we HAVE to see that he's still frustrated about this and still working thru it#we cannot fucking skip it#i'm willing to accept that he's calmer about it due to the timeskip but not that he's already worked thru it all#there's a fucking difference
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tibialtybalt · 2 months
Thinking about the time I was on a road trip with regent and when it was my turn to drive I put on tsv from where I was (season 1) like "it'll either show off a cool god or the cool and complicated carpenter and faulkner relationship:)" and then it was chapter 9 (intro to daggler) and that was a horrible starting point so I thought "well the next one surely will be a more standard twin mouths pov :)" and so we listened to the first 20 minutes of the babble chapter before getting out of the car
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
oh dear god has my totk theory breached containment
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cloudster-clown · 11 months
I really hope all the eggs come back on the 4th, there has just been constant suffering on the server. I also don't like the idea of Phil having to choose between Chayanne and Tallulah, it just seems unfair, idk maybe I'm just tired but it's what I'm feeling rn TwT
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superfluouskeys · 6 months
scorched earth (7/?)
Note: This story is set in the world of my very long Maleficent/Aurora fanfiction The Prisoner (which you can read  here if you want), but focuses almost entirely on original characters.   There is no need to read The Prisoner to understand what is going on--this story stands on its own and will give you all the background info you need.  Please also note the general content warning; I will not give specific warnings by chapter.
Once upon a time, in a land not so very far from my own humble abode, a king and queen longed desperately for a child.  The messy details are not terribly important to our current tale, but suffice to say, the young queen begged a dark fairy for a favor, and the dark fairy obliged her.  This fairy was, as far as fairies go, rather young at the time, and of relatively little renown.  She gave the queen her price—an invitation to the wanted child’s christening—and when the time came, the queen did not pay.  The dark fairy appeared nevertheless, and bestowed a gift of her own choosing upon the baby princess: the child would live a happy and healthy sixteen years, and then she would die.
Various interested parties were understandably not best pleased with this arrangement, and did their utmost to circumvent the fairy’s will.  As a result, the princess was saved from an early death, and the fairy, whose name was Maleficent, was badly wounded and imprisoned in the infamous Chains of Avasina.
As many of my readers will already know, the magic of the Chains has many peculiarities, borne of an age-old presumption which has proven surprisingly accurate over the centuries.  The Chains have no lock or key, but can only be removed by one who is not of the dark fae.
The princess, now a kind-hearted and curious young woman, stole down to the dungeon to speak with Maleficent, and agreed to set her free, on one condition: that Maleficent would take the princess with her when she left.
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pokemonfrommemory · 18 days
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Forgettable middle evo disease (again)
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limirint · 1 month
I think that pacing is truly the most frustrating part of my writing process. I crave a slow burn!!!! But how slow should I make it? Should it even be burning yet? Maybe I should write an exposition about the matches first, that way I can lead into the flame— no don’t leave stick with me
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nerice · 5 months
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fauvester · 9 months
honestly i never finished mdzs because it's a little too Much for me. but i see all these posts about the ending and how each character finishes and like man this just sounds like... a huge bummer. an epic of a bummer, a Succession level twists and turns bummer, and man, like every single character seems to come out worse for it. like I dont even know if Mr. Iceberg and the chaotic necromancer even end up together because everyone is too focused on how everyone else suffers grievously
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