bumblebeebats · 7 months
Every time i purchase a moderately expensive item the Karl Marx on my shoulder is like "For shame... you purchase yet another pair of jeans when you have 5 already at home, you despicable commodity fetishist? In my time, a man with five outfits would consider himself blessed beyond measure, and yet you want for more, while there are children starving in the world??" to which the second Karl Marx on my other shoulder says "Objection! Those 5 pairs of jeans all wildly uncomfortable or have holes in the ass, due to the decline of clothing quality driven by the fast fashion industry, unfortunately making this purchase a necessity... Plus, by purchasing a slightly more expensive pair of jeans from an independent brand, seeking quality over 'brand recognition', they are deliberately trying to avoid engaging in conspicuous consumption!" to which the third Karl Marx clinging to my back like that beetle from Doctor Who says "Remember, my friend; the less you eat, drink, buy books, go to the theatre or to balls, or to the pub, and the less you think, love, theorize, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you will be able to save and the greater will become your treasure which neither moth nor rust will corrupt — your capital. Buy the jeans," to which I say "I don't know if any of you have actually read Karl Marx"
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flesh-is-the-fever · 1 year
I'm up to the "I dunno maybe children working 13 hour shifts is bad, guys" part of Capital and it feels important to inform people that haven't read it yet that capitalists in the 19th century were not by any means wringing their hands and twirling their mustaches about employing children to squeeze out profits, they were hiring "experts" to write newspaper articles for them, explaining how "well, the socialists have these big demands about an 8-hour work day, and taking Saturdays off, but it's actually just so complicated, it's too complicated for most people to understand, we just NEED to hire children for night shifts because the stamina of their strong, youthful bodies is the only way we can survive as a business! It's science, you see. Economics doesn't work like that, just ask our economics professors at Oxford. You CAN'T turn a profit only working people 8 hours! Trust the experts, they know. It's just so complicated..."
That exact infuriating cadence that you read in New York Times articles, in the Atlantic Monthly, in the WaPo and all the other bourgeois rags where "everything is so complicated, and it's actually a lot more complicated than you think.." that has been around since the beginning. It is nothing new. So the next time you see some op-ed from Matt Yglesias or any of those other guys huffing their own farts about how "complicated" everything is, and how "unrealistic" a 30-hour work week is, remember that Marx was dealing with that exact class of "intellectuals" "explaining" how working 13 hours at age 10 was "vital" to the "moral fibre" of those poor kids.
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hamlettheedane · 5 months
my favorite thing about will graham is that we know he does not give a fuck about the cannibalism nor do I think he’s homophobic/ opposed in general to the idea of being gay so ultimately i have to conclude that will’s biggest problem with hannibal is that he’s an aristocrat
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katchwreck · 2 years
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pinsforfingerz · 1 year
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whereserpentswalk · 1 year
"We need to go back in time to show Gorge Orwell the state of the internet." "We need to go back in time to show Marx modern capitalism." Man up and go back in time to show Sigmund Freud Omegaverse.
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pro-philosopher · 2 months
Pro Philosopher 2 has an official release date: October 8th! To celebrate, we've created a new trailer introducing two of our most opinionated characters. Face Karl Marx, and YOUR OWN MOM, when we release this Fall! We've got a lot more information on our page, and a DEMO available, so check it out and be sure to Wishlist if you want further updates! (and so the almighty capitalist algorithm knows you care!)
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liberalsarecool · 8 months
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What Is Conflict Theory? Conflict theory, first developed by Karl Marx, is a theory that society is in a state of perpetual conflict because of competition for limited resources. Conflict theory holds that social order is maintained by domination and power rather than by consensus and conformity.
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diioonysus · 1 year
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history + last words
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destalva25 · 1 year
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Mama i'm in love with those criminals🔥🔥
(Parody from Barbie Movie)
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lilithism1848 · 10 months
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septembriseur · 1 year
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1. Marxism is not a religion or celebrity cult where people "stan" Marx and the validity of his theories is proven by his exemplary personal life, it's a science of political economy that's been used, adapted, critiqued, and modified by billions of people for almost two centuries. It's called "Marxism" for the same reason it's called "Darwinism" - he's the guy that laid the theoretical foundations of a scientific theory.
2. Presuming this is about "On the Jewish Question" (one of Marx's earliest writings which predates The Communist Manifesto and indeed his own formulation of Marxism), the myth that it's a virulently antisemitic text has been repeatedly debunked (short version from Jacobin, long version from Jewish socialist Hal Draper). He was in fact arguing for the emancipation and granting of citizenship rights to Jews within the overwhelmingly antisemitic climate of early 19th century European politics.
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jackass-democrats · 6 days
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Debate, if a democrat can't cheat, a democrat can't win.
As always, never buy anything made in china. Don't ever trust a democrat and NEVER leave your child alone with one.
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