#Kaishin In Canon AU
lotho · 2 years
Kaishin In Canon AU Brainrot
No thoughts just Kaishin Au where they were together before the shrinking 
- Childhood friends to lovers ofc 
- Kaito and Shin being long distance, Shin while being a great detective has no idea that Kaito is Kid cause he legit has no care for thieving crimes (it bugs Kaito somewhat) 
- For the drama, Kaito and Shin are at odds and sorta being petty (cause TEENAGERS) and arguing a lot more lately 
- One of to many arguemts was about time for each other and jealousy shit, this is sorta how it ended 
-  “Oh you wish I was gone? I could be gone!!” “Yeah say hello to my rabbit while at it.” 
- Cue Conan
- It actually takes a while before Kaito notices the other is gone, due to heists and overall stubbornness that Shin will call back first,
(around the same time Ran observes a depressed Conan who she suspects has went through a heartbreak at school) 
it was around the 1 and 1/5 week later that he grows worried that his relationship was ruin and would rather suck it up than lose shin and so decides to take a visit 
- A part of Kaito thinks he magically disappeared his boyfriend lololololol 
- Once he breaks in into Shin’s place and looking at new’s reports of the disspearnece of the great young detective, his stomach drops and suddenly he finds another goal more important the the pandora
- Shin is just ignoring (other than sulking) about his heart break and still have some stubbornness to not call or anything because “oh if he really cared he would call! He doesn’t want to call me than I want nothing with him ether-  etc etc, Shin just continues to live with ran under the name Conan to find a cure and to maybe stick it to Kaito 
- Still sorta depressed about it 
I have more but I’ll continue in another post lololol :)))))
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hayaku14 · 2 months
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bakathief · 2 years
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More guardian angel au! When you realize your guardian angel literally got kicked out.
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spacedust-ghost · 1 year
My mind's been goin on about a this -a KaiShin AU- where Shinichi is the demon and Kaito the angel based on the whole "I didn't mean to fall, just asked many questions!" Demon/"Just enough of a bastard" Angel.
The demon, an ol' crow named Cognac -cause yes I love that AU too-, brings death wherever he goes cause he's kinda cursed, eventually he finds a sorta fun on solving deaths cases and becomes a police detective (his human name being Kudo Shinichi)
And little angel tends to bring joy to anyone anywhere! Over time he's met far too many people ofc but no one could quite make him feel all joyous like one Kuroba Toichi did with all the magic tricks and fraternal caring for him, so when he finds out his death wasn't accidental, he goes the extra mile to find out the truth taking the role of the Phantom Thief, that bright figure in the sky that brings people a sort of relief and happiness (he loves the attention too ngl)
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So I started my series about SaguKaiShin and Akai-Furuya-Shinichi household. So far it’s only an introductory one-shot but I’ll get there!
I’m playing it fast and very very loose with the canon-timeline around the Black Org – which will be more relevant in later instalments. The whole canon BO timeline still happens but I push it around some to suit the ages/ time skips I decided to use.
Basically, Conan gets to be 12,
Kaito, Saguru, Ran, etc. are accordingly 22,
With Furuya being 34 and Akai being 37 (32 as Okiya)
This whole thing hinges, upon other things, mainly on this post. But I also just happen to have opinions on these idiots, so. What I’m saying is, this will hopefully turn into a bit of a character study as I work my way through this stack of vaguely-connected ideas.
I fully intend to make Furuya aromantic in this and I stand by that I think Amuro is 100% gay, Furuya being 80/20.
Kaito is going to be genderfluid because he deserves to be a pretty girl, as a treat.
And just everyone aside from Furuya is autistic. Kaito and Shinichi AuDHD, obviously.
After spending almost 5 years as Conan, Shinichi can’t stand Ran (s)mothering him any longer. Looking for a way to get out without needing to get emancipated as a 12-year-old.
He also finds two boyfriends and happens to know two NOCs who could very well use some additional support and stability in their lives.
Well, as much as Akai, Furuya, and Shinichi offer stability to each other.
Basically: SaguKaiShin-Sandwich as entree to Akai-Furuya-Shinichi-Family
Shinichi gets a loving, caring, ragtag family that is willing to commit crime for each other. Reasonable amounts of crime, that is.
(Series title is because I called those three a sandwich, yes, and Amuro’s knack for sandwiches.)
I feel like these five have all the brain cells but if you ask for some common sense, any one person who isn’t completely enmeshed in the Current Mess Of The Day(tm) just sighs and offers you some coins. (Get it? Because common cents? I’ll see myself out.)
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indelibleme · 9 months
Detective Conan | Magic Kaito Fic Recs
I've realised I write consistently for only one fandom at any given time (DCMK lol), so here are some of my (completed!) works that I'm quite proud of! (Titles in order of posting, newest to oldest)
Yōkai? Ryōkai! : Chps 1/1. 12k words. KaiShin. Shinichi and Kaito finding a place with each other while solving a yokai murder mystery. (Written for the DCMK Secret Santa Event 2023!)
All Things Bright And Beautiful : Chps 1/1. 15k words. KaiShin. In which Prince Kaito and enemy Knight Kudo Shinichi really have no business falling in love, stuck on the brink of a political firestorm, but they do so anyway. Enemies to friends to lovers. (Written for the DCMK Secret Santa Event 2022, rated E)
Wilting Beauty, Blooming Nightshade: Chps 7/7. 22k words. KaiShin. Hanahaki AU! Kaito has been pining for nearly 5 years now, as the flowers he coughs out reminds him. Caught in a murder mystery on a cruise liner, he has (probably) his last chance to confess his feelings. (Written for the KaiShin Reverse Bang 2022.)
Includes 4 gorgeous pieces of coloured artwork and 5 sketches by my artist partner of the event @rux363
Two Is Company : Chp 1/1. 2k words. KaiShin. Post-canon slice of life, where Kaito and Shinichi meet as professors in a university.
The Ace Up Your Sleeve: Chps 7/7. 16k words. KaiShin. Post-canon. Kaito attempts to play detective when a case involving a BO member surfaces after years of inactivity. And the enemy is not who he expected at all. (Written for the KaiShin Reverse Bang 2021)
Under The Full Moon: Chps 1/1. 4k words. Gen fic. There is a ghost on the loose, with spirit detectives Kudo and Hattori on the case. Kaitou Kid would just like to get out of this mess. (Written for the DCMK Halloween Exhange 2020)
In the Name of Science! : Chp 1/1. 1k words. Crack fic. Humor. Akako and Ai decide to collaborate on a project, and Hakuba suffers for it.
Jar, Not Jewel: Chp 1/1. 1k words. KaiShin. A take on the acquisition of Pandora, and its aftermath. (Written for a Fandom Games event on Tumblr)
Hyacinths and Roses : Chp 1/1. 5k words. KaiShin. A heist stake out and a police stake out cross paths. A thief is asked to "lend a hand" in help. (Rated E)
A Case of Identity: Chps 10/10. 49k words. KaiShin. Identity reveal AU. Post-Conan, Shinichi meets Kaito, as Ran's to-be-boyfriend.
Silver Bullet: Chps 3/3. 7k words. Vermouth, on meeting the two most important people of her life.
Kindly Cruel: Chp 1/1. 2k words. KaiShin. Detectives are like sharks in the ocean, ruthless hunters after blood, and Shinichi especially so.
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cyndraws · 9 months
Kaishin secret santa 2023
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This is a Kaishin roleswap au for @blueamphibians! I hope you enjoy this art + my ramblings on the au underneath. Because of course, I couldn't just leave it as one piece of art haha (ehem please buckle in for preparation)
Many thanks to @dcmkkaishinevents / Mack for hosting this event, it was super fun participating and interacting with the community <3 <3 As a side note, I would absolutely recommend it to others who are considering signing up next year. Everyone is very friendly!
(Hey Blue, I had more art planned but unfortunately many things came up. But I hope you enjoy this anyways! I might draw some more for you later ^-^ Thanks so much for this prompt <3 <3)
Edit: I have decided that now you will receive a completed arts + ramblings + some WIPs behind the scene hahahaha https://www.tumblr.com/cyndraws/737208478471487488/kaishin-secret-santa-2023-extras-basically-wips?source=share
AU ramblings under the cut (ngl it's a lot):
Random details and notes that don't really fit anywhere. Mostly about the fanart:
Kaito is 1 year older than Shin and is taller than him
This scene is set over the Haido City hotel. In the distance you can see Shiriyomi Trust Hotel (can't full recognise it behind Kaito but I assure you I drew it lol), Tokyo tower (easy to spot) and Roppongi Hills Mori Tower (Just behind Shin on the right, the one with the lights in a --u-- shape) Main reference: https://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Haido_City_Hotel
I was also screaming at the Kaishin pic in ED70 throughout this LMAO.
Kaito breaks through Shinichi's mysterious KID persona in this drawing and Shinichi shyly reveals his face behind the mask. Kaito then produces a blue flower, claiming it matches Shinichi's beautiful eyes (he's also the one who bred it)
Kaito has extra pockets sewn into his uniform to carry more tricks. This wasn't really necessary in canon, but here, Kaito has to be prepared to investigate at any moment.
Lmao help me render hair *stares at Kaito's* Cool effect but not quite right. I need to go experiment later.
Kaito/Shin getting shrunk (aka Conan situation) never happens in this au. But Haibara and the other victims are still around. Haibara still lives at the professor's.
Yusaku was much more entangled and involved with Toichi and his fight with the Black Org. Side note but in this au, Snake is from a division of the Black Org
As a result, they both end up being killed during the fateful accident. Yes, both Shinichi and Kaito are there for it. They were going to be introduced to each other on that day, but well,,, we can see the way it ended.
It wasn't well known that the Kuroba and Kudo family were close at all. Extra vigilance was taken after the funerals to ensure their safety. Their families parted ways for the better or worse after thsi event.
Yusaku's and Toichi's friendship/rivalry included collaborating for some heists, having a second secret base in the Kudo mansion, and Yusaku donning the Night Baron costume... even if he was just hidden in a car and sending information to Toichi via an earpiece lol.
After their husbands' deaths, Yukiko and Chikage meet up occasionally and travel together in secret.
Shinichi never became a famous detective. The years after Yusaku died in the tragic accident, Yukiko and him tried their best to move on with varying success. Shinichi's dream to become a famous detective never came to fruition.
This was because for various reasons including not having Yusaku's guiding hand to develop Shin's detective skills, was only being taken to crime scenes for a year, and of course the trauma.
After avoiding detective work as much as he could (well considering that he's still a corpse magnet), Shinichi finally starts to dig through his memories. From then, he uncovered a strange inconsistency with the logic of his father's death and starts to obsess over the idea that it was a murder.
Shin painstakingly and slowly investigates in the shadows with his *ehem* admittedly rusty detective skills and chases after the very little crumbs left by the organisation. What he uncovers is that the accident wasn't one at all, but premeditated murder by an encompassing third party.
Shinichi finally finds a lead to,,, Jii Konosuke. This takes quite a few years, and Shinichi is 15 when he confronts Jii.
Jii reveals everything after Shinichi's deduction and also mistaking him for Kaito. And such Shinichi is brought into the fold. Shinichi also makes up his mind to take on the KID mantle, greatly sympathising with the fellow teen whose father was also involved.
The years after Shinichi uncovers the truth, he learns many skills such as disguise, acting and magic from Jii and Chikage. However, his magic skills will never be on par with Kaito's.
Shinichi in this au has more acting and disguise skills from living with his mother. She passed this skills onto him, and they bonded over it to recover from their grief.
When Shinichi is 17, he officially takes on the role of KID. Chikage permanently locked the KID cave in the Kuroba house, and the KID cave settled in its new home in the Kudo mansion. Inside the second base previously used by Toichi and Yusaku.
Shinichi as KID:
Well, he's just as dramatic as Kaito in canon, but it's a different kind of dramatic. Shin is more of a mysterious and cryptic phantom thief and wears a menacing Night Baron mask. He overall speaks less, and when he does, he says a lot of dramatic lines. Like in theatre almost, with plenty of double meanings.
He takes on a lot of aspects from the Phantom Lady and Jii's interpretation of KID.
And also, I was inspired by the Black Knight, Shiragami in canon, and AngelicSentinel's fantastic fic, Heart of Eternity. I guess you could describe it as more theatrely, cool and princely. He's still very athletic (laughing at Shinichi being Tarzan as Shiragami)
Unlike Kaito, Shin's notices often involve cryptic riddles. It satisfies Shinichi's puzzle loving side and adds to his mysterious reputation.
It's funny to me how Akako's 'Demon of Light' moniker is still accurate haha
Shinichi investigates a little in the shadows and is overall a touch more hot-headed than Kaito KID
He uses a lot more gadgets to cover for his lesser magic skills. He's still learning though! A lot of them are references to Conan's and KID's in canon. Between Jii and Agasa, he gets a lot of them haha. This includes:
Mask/monocle -> voice changer, mask to cover for poker face, zoom and night vision, tracker, microphone and radio, gas mask.
Transmitter/microphone -> button stickers, bugs in general, cufflinks. In some cases, a camera but it must be asked for first. Shin uses these to cover for Kaito's doves in canon.
Wristwatch -> Clock of course for his heist times, tranquilliser, emergency flashbomb (KID has one in canon too)
Shoes -> jet powered rollerskates (equivalent to skateboard). Of course, Shin still kicks things but it looks more to take down the occasional criminal, trigger emergency traps, and more. He doesn't kick often because it doesn't really suit the image of KID + it's a unique skill to have.
+ other usual KID gadgets -> smoke, flash, sleeping bombs, grapple gun, hang glider, etc.
He's still an aspiring magician
Since there's a rising amount of cases in Beika, Kaito gets recommended by Nakamori because of his magic skills. The idea is that his knowledge of magic tricks will help uncover the criminals' tricks... Well this includes basically all cases lol. It works though! And the news of Meitantei Kaito starts to spread.
Kaito falls in love with the dramatics and triumphs of figuring out a criminal's trick. He starts to get called into Beika every time a case is discovered. One different to Shin is that Kai gets called to the cases instead of the cases coming to him.
His detective persona is like KID's in canon - flirty, dramatic, confident, charming, a bit of a pervert, and a classic showman's personality. Aoko is sick of it hahaha.
Kai's deduction show is very dramatic. He uses flashy magic tricks to reveal evidence and tricks, and uses his magic to take down criminals.
This includes his acrobatics, trusty card gun and traps he set beforehand. I like to headcanon that Kaito invented his cardgun first before integrating into KID. Kaito's cardgun includes the normal sharp cards (Kaito uses it to pin down criminals with their clothes, cut ropes, etc), tranquilliser laced cards, smoke and flash bombs. And also sleeping bombs but he uses it vary sparingly because even that toes the law a little too much... Megure is exasperated but the criminals are taken down quickly without much harm so he lets it slide
Kaito also follows in the spirit of dubious investigation. He changes his voice, uses his doves to spy on others, uses disguises (very very rarely), and is noisy overall.
Kaito and Hakuba:
Has a detective rivalry with Hakuba.
Hakuba still thinks, even in this au, that Kaito is KID. After all, Shin's profile is very similar to Kaito's. Kaito vehemently denies it but acts like a KID fan around Hakuba to annoy him. He isn't really though, citing KID's magic to be third rate, but he is still intrigued.
Hakuba offhandedly slips in wording and insinuations to Kaito's huge annoyance. You can imagine them bickering at a crime scene while Megure is just Too Used to this.
Much later on, when Kaito learns Shinichi's identity, Kaito tells Shinichi's about Hakuba's warnings. So Kaito is kinda a messenger between the two. Despite Hakuba being annoying, Kaito knows he can trust him.
~ Other character interactions:
Shinichi and Kaito:
Shinichi is still a corpse magnet. So he encounters a case, calls the police, and escapes as fast as he can after giving a witness statement. This is partly to avoid the awkwardness of meeting Megure and the police officers (he hasn't met them since his father died), as well as his new night job.
This results in the most frustrating yet amusing situation where Shin and Kaito miss meeting each other for quite a few years. Shinichi is busy hurrying off while Kaito is called to the scene and busy listening to the details.
Quick sketch I may/may not fully finish in the future:
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Description: Set in suburban Beika. Shinichi is at the foreground, looking at his watch and worrying about meeting Jii on time. Meanwhile, next to a police car, Megure merrily discusses case details to Kaito. Kaito is glancing over to Shinichi in curiosity while keeping an ear open. He has his hands in his pockets. Behind Megure, the scene has police tape barring entrance.
Kaito thinks KID is a third rate magician but can appreciate the dramatics and mysteriousness. He is Intrigued. This leads to a meeting later on. Kaito uses his connection to Nakamori.
Shinichi is of course startled by Kaito's namedrop.
... Sorry no more details/plan about their meeting. It's definitely a dramatic face off though.
Regarding Shinichi's identity reveal, I was playing around with the idea that Snake is there, threatening the two at gunpoint and sneering over the '"lovely family reunion between father and son". It would definitely spur Kaito to grill Shin for more details
Shinichi and Hattori:
Hattori hears about the "Meitantei of the East" and goes off to meet him and challenge him to a deduction battle. He doesn't know how to contact him, so he goes with the strat of wandering around Beika until he runs into a case. He figured that with the high rate of cases being reported, he's eventually run into Kuroba ,,, yeah hahahaha Thats his entire plan
Luckily for Hattori, his detective luck exponentially multiplies with Shin's and a scream runs out. As Shinichi is reporting the crime and tried to head off, Hattori slings an arm around his shoulders to stop him from sneaking off.
Hattori loudly greets him as Kuroba despite Shinichi's insistence that "No, I am NOT Kuroba, please get your arm off me". Insert much scepticism from Hattori.
Even after they part ways, this isn't the last they see of each other. Hattori keeps wandering around Beika while running into Shinichi. They eventually become friends huhu.
Shinichi and the Detective Boys:
The Detective Boys admire Kaito a lot. Obviously they've watched the news reports on TV. So when they see him at the park playing soccer, they glomp him HAHAH Poor Shinichi
At this point I think people mistaking Shinichi as Kaito can be a running gag. The Detective Boys keep annoying Shinichi and even attempt breaking into the 'Edo house' to see the ghosts... Shinichi is still not happy. And also, when they visit Haibara, they're basically next doors so Shinichi's never going to get them out of his life.
Despite the annoyance, he eventually becomes fond of them and takes on the big brother sort of role.
When Kaito and Shinichi get acquainted, they take the DB on outings a lot. The DB is very fond of Kaito-nii-san and Shinichi-nii-san.
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blakquill · 3 months
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kaishin-fic-rec · 1 month
All In (kaishin)
by: Procastination_Sensation
chapters: 5/5 words: 49,177
It is not often that Kudou Shinichi discovers there is something considered common knowledge that he, in fact, does not know. Normally he'd probably sulk a bit after learning this, before being glad he knows now. This factoid, though. This one isn't so easily maneuvered around. He'd better work on his poker face for this one, because the stakes are high in this particular game of cards.
Lil note:
Canon compliant, soulmate au
Soulmate au where when you found your romantic soulmate with your soulmark, you will feel pain until you kiss them. But Shinichi was Conan, a young boy without a soulmark, when he found his soulmate. So does he tell his soulmate about himself and his story just to break this news and get rid off his pain? (Of course not)
(read more for tags)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences No Archive Warnings Apply
Pairings: Kudou Shinichi/Kuroba Kaito
Others: Alternate Universe - Soulmates teen for swearing and mild descriptions of violence? not enough to warrant an archive warning i think though chap four does get kinda heavy...
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beanieman · 10 months
Thoughts on Kaishin?
I don't think it would work in canon, considering…the entire first main game, but I think it's a cute ship in an AU universe where the death game didn't happen, or it did, but everyone escaped.
On a serious parallel note, Shin and Kai both know what it's like to be manipulated by others. They also know what it's like to feel enough attachment to their manipulators to carry remnants from them in their clothes. (Shin's scarf and Kai's apron.) They have that in common, and would likely find a lot of understanding with each other.
On a much more unserious note, I love the idea of a homemaker who loves cooking dating someone who can only eat three things. I imagine Kai would take it as a challenge to make delectable food that Shin would be able to eat, and I'm sure Shin would love being with someone who could make a good bowl of soup.
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meitantei-shitpost · 6 months
Detco m27 spoilers under the cut!!! ⚠️
So. I figured I would rant a little about the big reveal that’s been going around as I’ve already been spoiled. I’m not a huge kaishin shipper although I did do a big bang event a while back. But to anyone who does ship kaishin, I’m begging you, please don’t delete your works.
Please don’t delete your fics, art, or blogs!!! They are precious works of art that you’ve worked so hard on. I don’t want to see any of it lost.
Detective Conan canon is ridiculous! If we cared about canon we wouldn’t be making all of this stuff in the first place. It’s been over 20 years and we’re suddenly supposed to accept this reveal? Hell nah. Make an AU where that shit did not happen and keep shipping it. It doesn’t matter and I imagine the fandom will already have some sort of AU tag ready that excludes movie 27 from canon (if movie 27 even ends up becoming canon).
Also, don’t bully anyone for still shipping kaishin! It doesn’t make you morally superior and it’s okay if people ship something you don’t like. Akemi and Akai dated and were cousins in canon so tbh it’s kinda par for the course in the franchise. Also in hannin no hanzawa hanzawa has a huge crush on his cousin. Idk what’s going on in this series anymore 💀
I’ve been on dcmk tumblr for about 7 years now and the fandom is honestly such a small, wholesome group. This is the first time we’ve had any real “drama” and I don’t want it to tear us apart. I hope that kaishin shippers keep doing what they’re doing regardless of whatever Gosho is cooking up.
(I also just think the whole situation is super funny. This truly is the fandom’s 9/11 I have been cackling at the absurdity. He really dropped that bomb after decades 😭😭)
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lotho · 2 years
Kaishin in Canon AU pt2
Continuation! (sorry if i fuck up names, i am a eng dub bitch lol)
(Edits, changed the last part of the pervious post lololol)
- Kaito does some detective work and saw the buffoon detective Mouri that his bf mentioned here and there has suddenly gained popularity, which makes Kaito kinda suspicious
- He breaks into the Mouri office and looks around for any clues but finds nothing, he does get interrupted by a particular small detective
-Almost gets his head blown off cause Conan doesn’t recognize him
- Shortly after that, Kaito comes very cheerfully with a horrified Conan saying “Where the fuck is my boyfriend, ran.”
- little Conan is breaking out in cold sweat when Ran mentions Shin’s phone calls to her that he is safe, he is somewhere solving a very secretive case
-Kaito call bull to that as even if shin is shin, he always tells Kaito everything especially if it is a very dangerous cases bc of how much he trusts Kaito and thinks it is just an excuse
- Kaito being Kaito decides that if his bf is refusing communication he is going to be a camp out of the Mouri detective agency until shin is mature enough to communicate with him! (immature vs immature)
- Mouri tries to get rid of him but how do you get rid of someone that just fucking appears out of thin air!??!?!??!
- Unsure if Shin as Conan would be ether really awkward around Kaito or be like a total brat to piss him off, like fuck up his magic tricks and constantly telling him ‘i hate magic’ and that its shit, that he has seen clowns from a circus do better lol
-  Just constantly trying to get rid of him but fails
- Adventures with world’s dumbest detective, a teenage girl who could kill grown men if she wanted to, a dying inside magical secret thief teen and the boyfriend of the magical teen that got shrink and has to hide that^TM
- Heiji would be HILARIOUS cause of how dense that motherfucker would be
- Conan would be trying to shut him up as he talks about meeting shin and how good buddies they are, Kaito is holding in his jealously as Heji just thinks he is the jealous best friend of Kudo and so keeps at it
- Heiji accidentally made himself the other women lmao
-Unsure when Shin would realize he is being a coward but he does eventually turn around (perhaps Kaito being more distressed and actually really fucking worried that their relationship and discussing that with little Conan)
-He would start of with being sorta sweet and apologetic but would quickly become snarky and be like “Ohh so you finally agree it wasn’t my fault” and “please stop being freeloading with ran, she is already dealing with her father’s relationship.”
- Shin still doesn’t discuss his situation and in trade for not telling Kaito they would be in constant contact with daily calls and texts/emails (?)
Happy ending? No, not really.
- “Ah small detective, you have always had a grudge against me, would have not thought it would be you to unmask me.”
- Being Conan he finds out that Kaito is Kid, it is like canon were Conan was chasing Kaito just when bored and simple rivalry
-Kaito got away only because of Conan’s shock
-Shin is distraught, not really because of stealing cause he could look past that but just how much he realized would he ever be able to take down his boyfriend if it came to it? Is he as a detective bringing danger to his boyfriend? Is his boyfriend using him as protection? Because of him being creditable personal if he were to ever get caught?(no of course not, Kaito has given him a red rose since childhood, he loves him because of their history right?) -It is sorta nail in the coffin for Shin, as along with being almost a year since his transformation
-He has not been able to hold his boyfriend, go on dates, kiss, or even just be in a comfort presence with him, there phone calls are fine and full of love but that is not the love his boyfriend deserves
- At this point he isn’t sure if he can even come back to his original form, he is always a step back and step forward even when gaining new alliances (ie- Haibara), would Kaito even wait for him? Shin would not be sure if he would be more broken on the fact that Kaito wouldn’t or he would wait for a person who would never come back?
-What if the organization ever go for Kaito? Figure is Kid and expose him? What if they ever hurt Kaito? How would he live with himself?
- ‘Maybe Aoko is the one to make Kaito happy and not him’ ‘She would make him so much more happier than me.’ Shin thinks  
- So Shin breaks it off
-  the conversation goes something like this?
“I-I don’t want you to be involved.” “Involved with what?! What have you gotten yourself into?!? I would stand with you for everything-” “No, you don’t understand, this is something that even I don’t I would be able to get myself out.” “What?” “I’m sorry” *Hangs up*
- Shin has never been great with dates that were not related to a case, it was a very happy anniversary for Kaito as he looks at the little fake ring he proposed with when they were kids and look at a very new and brought with cash he worked hard for without stealing anything with for his ex-beloved
idk ya could make this happy or worst but this in the end for me (well for now lololol) :D
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hayaku14 · 2 months
gymnast kaito x sharpshooter shinichi meet-cute in the olympics au
#kaishin#i can already hear my brain going BUT SOCCER PLAYER SHINICHI RAAAAAAHHHHH#but shapshooter shinichi tho cmoooon CMOOONN#yall have seen the olympic athletes yall have seen the flavor#i saw yeji and yusuf and im like OKAY SHINICHI SHARPSHOOTER#also gymnast kaito this is canon in my brain idc#i would love to see kaito's floor routine like pleaaaaaseeee#also that one epke zonderland london 2012 high bar routine but make it kuroba fucking kaito RAAAAHHH#also also in my mind shinichi would only wear glasses and he'd affectionately call it 'conan'#idk a whole lot about the olympics and either sports so im not confident enough to make hcs#thats why im just yapping here LOL#might binge watch some olympics related videos and articles later idk#yell some hcs for this au at me I'd love to know!!!!!!#dc prattles#ALSO FUN IF KAITO GREW UP IN PARIS AND HE'S REPRESENTING FRANCE WHEWWWW#but it's also fun if kaishin are both team jp and theyret meeting for the first time yippeeee#akai would be shinichi's coach maybe 🤔#also i looked it ip and apparently karate was removed from the official olympic games FUCK but WE DONT CARE BECAUSE#OLYMPIC ATHLETE BESTIES SONOSHINRAN MY BELOVED I WILL FIGHT FOR YOU#anyway sonoko in gymnastics ran in karate and sharpshooter shinichi WOW WOW WAIT MY BRAIN HAVING A MASSIVE ROT RIGHT NOW#oh you just know sonoko does all those tiktoks with a shy but excited ran and completely forced to participate shinichi LMAO#kaishin meet through sonoko ofc 👀👀👀#sonoko and kaito are besties too and are familiar with each other for both being in the gymnastics scene#anyway kaito and shinichi meet and kiss and fall in love#ALSO SHINICHI THIRSTING OVER KAITO'S MUSCLES LMAOOOO#AND KAITO THIRSTING OVER A FULLY CLOTHED SHINICHI POISED FOR A SHOT LIKEEEE#oh they wanna makeout real bad i fear#ALSO KAITO IS THAT ONE ATHLETE WHO KEEPS STEALING THE CHOCOLATE MUFFINS IN THE OLYMPIC VILLAGE LMFAOOOO#the tiktoks of that guy was so funny lol i just know kaito would do the same#you know what maybe I should've just typed this on the post and not on the tags but it's too late now LMAO i want more of them tho omg 😳
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kakapim · 6 months
Uh fandom etiquette stuff and my thoughts about the movie 27 situation. Spoilers below
People in the tags please tag your stuff as #movie 27 spoilers
Ok so I already wasn't a Kaishin shipper but now I really won't go out of my way to see content of it because I don't feel comfortable w that anymore BUT
Do not harass or attack people who still like Kaishin. This ship has over 30 years and for 99,99% of its lifespan it wasn't incest.
Like proship stuff is gross but this literally wasn't for 3 decades!! Please be normal and let's keep peace and civility here.
I will also not judge anyone who wants to keep their Kaishin content as well as producing it still, because it is very unfair to the fandom story of the ship.
However, like someone already said here, don't go losing your marbles. We all know Shinran is the only ship canon ship with Shinichi, and there have been a few indications that this kinda thing would happen. In the end, it doesn't matter much. Make AUs, ignore canon or whatever. It's fine.
Also PLEASE try to keep these things tagged as spoiler!
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spacedust-ghost · 1 year
uhm--- more sketches of an ol' demonic crow and his angelic phantom thief :^)
Tumblr media
"Aren't u a jealous little birdie?? Cooing my poor doves away? (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)✨"
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equal-shipping · 6 months
Kaishin Reveal and What It Means For You
Okay I need everyone to keep their shit together because I think this is being blown out of proportion. What follows is a quick rant about what the hell is going in the DCMK fandom and what is going on in fandom in general cause I don’t know why I’m seeing so many people lose their shit over something that was most likely going to happen followed by a quick lesson by a ‘fandom elder’ on how to ignore canon and make a ship your own. 
Spoilers ahead and whatnot. 
April 11th the DCMK 27 movie came out and information was revealed about how Kaito Kuroba and Shinichi Kudou are now cousins. Twitter lost its mind, Tumblr lost its mind, Discord servers are being created and now everyone is wondering what the hell should they do. 
I’m going to be honest, if you are a creator for KaiShin, please don’t delete your work. 
Either archive it or orphan it but please don’t delete it.
You put time and effort into this, into something you love, and just because the mangaka is so SO set in his ways of every single ship being friends to lovers does not mean you have to follow the same format. This doesn’t make you an incest shipper or whatever, it doesn’t make you a person who you don’t want to be, it’s just something that you had no idea of knowing was going to happen and I hope that you can look back at it fondly. 
Anyways, for those enjoying Kaishin on the sidelines all I’m going to say is Pick a Lane. 
Ignore Canon 
If you are an old time shipper then this may not be new for you. I mean Gosho literally had another ship that turned out to be cousins like at this point it’s ‘who is my cousin’ being played in the entire Detective Conan manga. You either already guessed it, are an active incest shipper (hi, hello, tis a me) or you are used to your favourites dying. This situation is no fucking different. 
Wolfwood is dead, in my head he is alive and well and treating his Plant husband right. 
Sora is missing, not in my head where he is kissing Roxas and Riku and Kairi and whoever else wants to get at the sunshine of the KH universe. 
If you are a person who actively kept up with the manga or actively kept up with the show it is possible to ignore canon because they do not suddenly go super deep into being cousins and knowing about each other. They both don’t know if they are cousins or else the jig would be up immediately and the manga would be finished. You CAN ignore canon and if Kaishin is a ship that brings you joy and just serotonin production I implore you guys to choose this lane if you still want to enjoy Kaishin. 
It’s by far the healthiest option and teaches you how to curate your own fandom experience. 
Alternate Universes and You 
I was in the Hannibal fandom for a while and I clearly remember the ‘Hannibal is not a Cannibal’ tag on AO3. I thought it was hilarious but I would never dare to make fun of it because that is a prime example of CURATING YOUR FANDOM EXPERIENCE. 
Here are some examples on how you can start tagging: 
Not Cousins AU
Kaito and Shinichi aren’t family 
No Family Relation AU 
Pre Kaishin reveal 
Or just make a quick blurb of how you mean this drawing/fic to be perceived. Again, this is your experience and you get to make the space you want to make. It’s up to you to make/interact with the content that makes you most comfortable. Again, if you want to delve into AU’s then that is up to you and I think it’s a pretty good lane for those who just feel weird about the whole reveal. 
Stepping Away
Your moral values are your own, people, and I am in no position or even want to judge them. If you feel uncomfortable about this now, see your love for Kaishin diminishing because of the reveal or just don’t see yourself shipping Kaishin in the future then you are more than capable of measuring your response and stepping away from the ship entirely for your own health. 
Is it going to be sad? Yes, but they are fictional and I recommend having an idea of what you have in your life outside of fandom that makes you happy that you can focus on as you go through this. College, work, whatever hobbies you may have taken up–hell put all your eggs into another ship that you know also brings you joy! 
Do not let this dictate your day or your month or your year. This is just fandom, you don’t have to make a big statement unless asked about it, you do not have to justify your decision to anybody, curate.your.fandom.experience. 
I’m going to end this with a repeat of what I just said. 
This is all fictional. We are playing in a fictional sandbox where we can all make whatever we want in any capacity and as long as it is tagged correctly then nobody’s lines have to be crossed. If you just started enjoying Kaishin, find out how you still want to enjoy it or step away. If you have shipped Kaishin for a while, do the same fucking thing! The east side of the fandom is having a field day with the movie, why can’t the west have some fun too?! 
I’m going to ship Kaishin (however all my reblogs will be moved to my other blog for incest-y stuff and just other content people may not vibe with in general) and hell I might just join the Kaishin Big Bang for the hell of it because I have been shipping this ship since I was 15 years old and I’m about to be 30 so….I’m staying fucking seated cause you aren’t getting me out of this chair, Aoyama, you aren’t getting me to ship Aoko with anyone other an Akako so suck on that. 
Be safe, be smart and curate y’all.
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