#Kal el x male reader
supercap2319 · 8 months
Y/N watched as the man sitting beside him took a sip of his beer. "How long do you think you can keep me hidden before Clark or the others track you don't, Kal?"
Kal set his beer down and gave Y/N a small smile. "Do you think I actually give a fuck? Clark is stronger than everyone in the Justice League and I'm stronger than him. I'm not too worried, Y/N."
"So, why kidnap me? What's to stop me from walking out of here?" And to prove his point, Y/N got off his seat and tried to walk away, but Kal grabbed his arm and pulled him back until he was pinned between the bar and Kal's body.
"You really thought I'd let you just walk away from me?" Kal's voice was low and husky as he grinds their crotches together. To anyone looking at them, they'd seem like two lovers who had too much to drink and now were drunkenly rubbing on each other. Y/N groans as he felt Kal's grip tighten on his arm.
"This is your first warning, Y/N. Next time, I'll punish you." Kal winks and let's go of him.
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pendragon-writes · 2 years
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❤️=Romantic 🧸=Child/Teen Reader 💙=Platonic
💊=Hurt/Comfort 💛=Fluff 🌎=Au 📖=Series
None Yet
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primeofprimes115 · 13 days
Overwhelming Burden - Supergirl x Male Reader
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Note: Fluff 🥰 and Angst 🥺
I've just read the Zero Hour 30th Anniversary comic #1 not long ago and... Honestly, it's such a good comic, biggest highlight for me is seeing Supergirl wearing a black suit with the silver S on the suit and cape, the silver belt, bracelets and black gloves (In the comic, there's instances where she's wearing black gloves or not which is a little weird but in this imagine, she'll be wearing black gloves, another image will be shown in the imagine later of her wearing black gloves) are a nice addition as well... And pants! Best suit I've seen in a while.
This is a world where Superman is dead, dead after his fight with Doomsday and where Batman never came back because he's broken, so pretty much retired and Batgirl is Gotham's Knight now while Supergirl is Metropolis's protector. Diana Prince is no where to be found so Donna Troy is the new Wonder Woman also. They what would be the New Trinity in those words.
Supergirl in this comic however is supposed to be Matrix aka Mae Kent, but DC for some reason wanted Kara Zor-El/ the original Supergirl to be mentioned in this rather than Matrix Supergirl which is a little odd but I'm not complaining. Spoiler for those but Donna named dropped Supergirl as "Kara" in the comic, so... I suppose it's Kara Zor-El, again it's a little odd, ain't complaining, I honestly don't mind.
So in other words... This imagine is inspired from this. Hope you enjoy!
Credit also goes to @bisupergirl for the pics!
Metropolis, once a city that was defended by a man who revolutionized the way Aliens were welcomed on Earth, a man that changed the world with more superheroes making their debut, along with the added threat of supervillains and those that had an agenda against him. He was a man who only found out he was in fact an Alien once he found out where he really came from.
His parents, Ma and Pa Kent, aka Martha and Jonathan, once told him he came from the stars one day, crashing down onto Earth in a small pod not far from where they lived in their farmhouse, and finding a newborn wrapped in a red cloth that would be used as his cape when he grew older to become...
He inspired many, became Earth's Champion, defended Earth and Humanity from many threats, though he couldn't always do it alone, he eventually had allies that formed the Justice League that vowed to protect Earth from any known threat known to Humankind.
Clark Kent of the Daily Planet and from a little town called Smallville, Kal-El of Krypton, Superman, the Man of Steel, Man of Tomorrow, once an icon, a hero, a loving Husband and son to all that loved him.
He was once the fabled "Last Son of Krypton" until one day, that changed... When another pod came crashing down onto Earth, holding a young blonde haired girl, who was petrified, confused, unaware of how long it has been after being in hypersleep for many years, sent from her planet of Krypton alongside her cousin, before her pod was knocked off-course.
Kal didn't know at the time, but the arrival of this girl changed his life forever and for the better, this girl was his cousin, Kara Zor-El, who would later become Supergirl and wear the same colors and family crest, one that Clark learned more about from Kara, all about the House of El, their family, his and her parents... Some he already knew from the Fortress of Solitude that was created by the Kryptonian crystal that he put into the ice in the North Pole.
Things were going very well with Kara's introduction to Earth, adopted by the loving Danvers family, she took the name "Linda Lee Danvers" to blend in and hide her powers, though at times she wasn't great at controlling them, she was taught how to.
From going to Earth school, to meeting the one guy that she befriended, the boy named Y/N, which the two eventually began to fall for one another during high school, becoming somewhat high school sweethearts. Clark supported the fact Kara found someone she liked, someone to keep her on her toes when unexpected, she eventually introduced Clark to Y/N, letting him know of the other secret they hadn't told him yet. Their Kryptonian heritage which was a big surprise to the young boy at the time, she even took him on a flight to convince him further.
Around this time, Kara being 16 years old, she debuted as Supergirl, cousin of Superman. Embracing the whole Girl of Steel part of herself to defend her new home from enemies alike. Sporting a blue top with a red skirt and gold V-shaped belt, a short red cape with a golden S on the back as opposed to wearing the same S on her top with a red background just like her cousin, showcasing the House of El sigil proudly.
At first, the world wasn't sure how to accept Supergirl, but eventually not long after, they did with Superman's help. Kara was more happier than to be both Linda Lee Danvers and Supergirl.
But... Not everything is forever...
With some years going by and now with Kara have been Supergirl for three and a half years...
A Doomsday descended upon Earth... Many heroes answered the threat and couldn't stop it without cutting losses.
It was Superman who saved the day... But at a heavy cost...
His own life, succumbing to his wounds and the world fell silent once the news broke out.
Earth's Champion... Superman... Had been confirmed dead, giving out his life to fight Doomsday, the fight was nothing more than brutal and destructive, Metropolis was wrecked and battered by the events.
His death hit many heavily, Kara especially. There was supposed to be a surprise for Kara, before Doomsday came to be, but Y/N called the surprise off, in exchange to grieve, knowing it wouldn't be the right time to propose to the girl he has always loved.
In honor to grieve her cousin's death, Kara made the decision to change up her suit and colors, now sporting a black top, long cape and pants, with a silver V-shaped belt, bracelets and the S and shield, colored silver, even on the back of her new black cape had the S colored in silver, also supporting black gloves over her hands. The bracelets both have a diamond shaped sigil on the front, even the belt too, unlike her previous suit.
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No longer blue, red and gold. Just a black and silver look, the world took notice of this change, seeing a black and blonde blur zoom past on multiple occasions throughout the world, it didn't take long for people to know it was Supergirl, now having a wardrobe change since the last time she appeared on camera months ago.
Some asked why? The obvious answer was simple... Coming from her.
"To honor my cousin" she said nothing more after. She refused to take anymore questions about anything else, it was nothing but a bother to her.
She became Metropolis's new protector, Earth's New Champion and part of the new Justice League that was put into place, post Doomsday and Superman's Death within a year later.
Kara was well known to he amongst the newer Wonder Woman and the Batgirl that has taken over Batman's duties after he mysteriously "vanished" when more forces played behind the scenes in that regard.
Meanwhile, still being Supergirl, her lover, Y/N, now loving Husband, having gotten married a few months ago, remained behind as the ever-loving House Husband, in their now shared apartment building, every day and night when Kara came back from her duties as Supergirl, he'd be the one greeting her when she came back.
But as of recently... Kara's been barely getting home than usual, skipping lunch dates, dinners, her usual work before she quit and the two had a fairshare of arguments then and there about the issue, as mostly every married couple eventually argues over something.
This morning was no different, it was the same as usual, Y/N always said that her being Supergirl didn't had to always be a thing, he wanted her to be Linda Danvers for a day or two, but she kept refusing the idea, Supergirl was needed day and night, it was her duty, her vow to fill in Kal's shoes.
Y/N made the argument that Superman wasn't always needed and this only infuriated Kara further, where their argument turned a little more heated. Y/N hated arguing with her about this, this was the first ever heated argument with her and he felt bad bringing it up. Kara was still hurting about Kal's death. There was one thing he did say that was true...
He felt neglected by her now, he hadn't been hugged by her in the last few weeks... Or even kissed by that matter and he missed having her lips on his
Kara was nothing but frustrated and moody mostly in the last few months, the last time he ever saw her smile much was during their wedding day and the entire week. It was like something switched off in her that caused her to be like this.
Could it be that something has happened? Something so bad, it's keeping her awake at night and not as the forgiving girl she was before?
She wasn't a Girl-Scout, but there was times she was, and it rarely shows today.
Y/N spent all day to himself once more, still thinking back on the argument he had with Kara this morning before she left, getting groceries, doing the laundry, keeping an eye on their cat, Streaky, before he eventually began to relax for the day. Not having to do any online work since Kara quit her Human job.
He sat on the couch, his Playstation controller in hand, playing a story-driven game before he paused it to go grab a drink.
His mind was still on the argument they had this morning, his eyes caught onto the plate of food, covered by tin-foil, dinner that was made for Kara for when she would come back at the usual time but again... She hadn't come back yet.
Y/N knew not to worry much, but it became increasingly hard for him, he loved her so much, despite the arguments they've had since getting married.
But he was worried, he was worried that she was beating herself up over everything that's happened, and it showed in her face, her body language.
The pair haven't kissed or hugged in the last two weeks and he missed being held, being kissed, being flown by her, he misses the old Kara, the old Supergirl...
The old Linda Danvers he fell in love with...
Just as he poured some fresh OJ, Y/N heard a pair of boots land on the wooden flooring by the window. He briefly looked to see Supergirl, his wife, who had seemed to look like she had been tossed around and thrown into the surface of the sun yet again, nothing more than usual.
His heart swelled to see her, but it hurt knowing she was probably still mad at him. He knew he wasn't wrong, but he just wanted to patch things up, like a normal married couple would.
"You're back" he stated the obvious with a lowered tone, but a tone she could pick up with her super hearing. "I... I was beginning to worry, but... I'm glad you're okay" he gave a little smile at the corner of his lips but it soon vanished after taking a sip of his drink.
Supergirl hadn't said anything back to him, she only looked at the TV to see what he had been doing in her absence, before noticing Streaky as she shakes her long, black cape, wiping off dust particles.
'Ugh, gonna have to get that cleaned up' he mentally noted before taking another sip from his drink. "I made dinner again, it's cold now but I ca-" a whooshing sound interrupted him and he was met by Kara who had zoomed up close to him after looking him in the eyes, completely surprising him. He almost dropped his glass of fresh OJ once she zoomed up at him in a nano-second.
There was nothing but pain and hurt in her eyes before grabbing the sides of her cape and lunged her arms around him, wrapping her cape around him also as her body began to quiver and tremble.
She dug her face into the crook of his neck and her breaths became shaky, Y/N could only stand there with a surprised look on his face as Kara... The Girl of Steel, his wife, Supergirl, had began to break down emotionally from what it sounded like.
Then he could hear her sobbing into him, little sobs of sadness washing over her as she clung onto him hardly but gently, not wanting to let go just like any other time he'd tried to hug her.
"Y/N" she mumbled with a shaky breath into his neck, her messy blonde hair tickling the side of his face. "I-I-I" she couldn't speak her words, sadness overwhelming her as tears flushed down from her closed eyes that began to soak the T-shirt's fabric on his shoulder, crying even harder by the minute.
Y/N wrapped his arms around her figure quickly, who was clinging onto him like she was holding on for dear life, he accepted the hug he longed to get from her, it broke his heart hearing her sob and cry, feeling his shoulder getting wetter by the minute from all the tears she was shedding. Her words coming out trembling and mumbling nonsense
"Oh, Kara" Y/N cooed to her, rocking a little left to right while feeling the warmth of Kara's long cape wrapped around him and her, her arms holding him into place while a hug carried out.
"I-I... I'm so s-s-sorry!" she cried harder into him, her sobbing getting more prominent as Y/N tightened his arms around her, even his breaths began to get shaky at this moment, he felt her words hitting him in the heart. "I-I".
"Sshhh, i-it's okay" he cooed to her softly.
"N-N-No! I-It's not o-okay!" she denied that fact, struggling with her words still, but Y/N understood what she meant.
Yes... It wasn't okay, he could clearly see and hear it, with a crying Supergirl in his arms, also embracing him with her cape wrapped around him to cling onto him as she cries and sobs, overwhelmed by drowning dread and grief.
He always had a feeling eventually Linda/Kara L/N would be overwhelmed with this, mostly overwhelmed with the burden of being Earth's Champion twenty-four-seven, since Superman's death, she's been nothing but mostly Supergirl the entire time, the only acception she wouldn't be her superhero self was at the wedding and the week following that with the honeymoon.
"Let it all out, it's okay, my Sunshine" he cooed further though he stumbled on his wordings, calling her by a nickname he had for her, one she hadn't heard in a while which made her sob harder. "Let it all out" he told her once again, letting the broken Girl of Steel cry on his shoulder, just like he once told her that if she needed a shoulder to cry on, she's got him.
He could remember the days when they were in high school, remember when they were fifteen years old, he'd stop by the Danvers's place to hang out with Linda and her two other friends that she made in class, he remembered getting to know them better since he had different classes from them, and only a few classes where he and Kara would be seated near each other, often not sitting next to one another.
The days where he first began to crush on Linda, he found her the most adorable and smartest girl in the world, to him? She was everything he wanted. He didn't have much friends, most were into edgy stuff, which didn't match his tastes.
But Linda? She was into anything, she was cool to him, smart, had a sense of humor, was fun to be around and was pretty defensive for him against his bullies, once publicly embarrassing one of them by flipping him over her shoulder, on the verge of breaking the bully's arm, potentially ruining his placement for the basketball game coming up that time.
Once everything had calmed down, along with Kara's sobbing, and apologies were made about all the arguments they've been having, the two pulled back from the hug and kissed, lips-to-lips for the first time in two weeks, a kiss both surely had been missing, a long kiss between them with their lips slowly smacking off each other in a slow dancing way.
His hands caressed her cheek with his thumbs swiping away at any stray tears that fell down from her eyes which they did once they began to kiss, Kara's cape still wrapped around him and herself, not even thinking of letting go any time soon.
"Y/N" Kara broke the silence after the long kiss they had, the kiss she could clearly see that Y/N had been dreading for, a kiss of closure in other words. "I... I thought about what you said this morning, and... You're right, I have been... Neglecting you as of recently" she painfully admitted, her voice croaking as she spoke.
"No, no. I was wrong to say that" Y/N backed down from what he said, taking back the hurtful thing he said this morning. "I shouldn't have said that in the first-".
"No" she interrupted. "It's the truth. All I've thought since..." a pain arose in her chest as she felt it flare up from what she was about to say, struggling to speak a little.
"I don't think you need to say" he told her, knowing what she was going to say, as it was clear as day...
She took the burden of being the next Symbol of Hope, the carry on the shoes and burden that Superman alone carried with him through his actions and heroism, Supergirl was a role model to most, if not, all people as expressed through her actions and words alone. She didn't want to be like her cousin, she wanted to be her own person.
She once admitted to him the fact she was scared she'd end up losing herself because of the fact that there could be one day he might die and she'd have to pick up where he left off being Earth's Champion, but Clark gave her sound advice. Like him...
She had family and friends to help her carry the burden if she struggled, to carry on without him if he were to die, which happened.
"I visit that statue every day" she sniffled, looking into Y/N's eyes still. "Wishing he'd be here today still, wondering what it would be like to have him around again" she closed her eyes and sighed with a sadness that could be seen in her face. "I miss him... So, so much" she croaked.
"I know, I miss him too" he laid a finger under her chin and raised her head so he could look into her eyes, tears forming her eyes once more before one fell down onto Y/N's thumb. "But you're not alone, Kara. Being Supergirl twenty-four-seven hasn't done you good, you look stressed and tired, which is concerning considering Kryptonians don't get tired from what you've shown" he made a valid point across to her, but she seemed to have heard it before.
"You sound like Babs".
"Do I know?" he chuckled. "Well... If I was Barbara, I think she'd also be correct".
This prompted to make the Girl of Steel smile just a little, which was enough for him to point out with a little smile back at her.
"There she is, there's the smile".
"Don't ruin it" she groaned.
"I'd never" he smiled, giving out a little laugh that was a little contagious for Kara, a soft laugh escaped her before it died down, with her sighing next.
Y/N pushed a strand of Kara's hair behind her ear, seeing the other half of her face that was hidden by her golden hair. "I think... You should take off the suit and Supergirl" with his eyes he traced out the House of El glyph on Kara's chest. "...could use a good break for a little bit, you can have someone else fill in for you, clear your mind a little with me" Y/N suggested to her, though he knew she wouldn't like it, now that things had been settled between them, he wouldn't lose his chances.
And Kara knew it...
"I can heat up your dinner, or you can probably use your heat vision since it's quicker than the oven" he snorted, getting a faint laugh out from Kara while she smiled, his face brightened up again noticing it. "And we can also... Cuddle on the couch, put on a movie of your choice, not my pick because you know I'm picky" he suggested further.
"Or..." Kara unwrapped her arms off him for a moment before wrapping them back around, only around the crook of his neck this time around with her cape billowing slightly behind her due to the window being open still on a cool windy night. "I can take you on a flight?".
"Ohh" Y/N caught himself between two hard choices. "Hmm... Maybe tomorrow you can take me on a flight, how about that, Sunshine?" he answered.
"Deal" she nodded before smiling a little more, finally answering after a minute. Deep down he was right from earlier when she thought about it, her being Supergirl twenty-four-seven has done her no good, it put some strain on the relationships she's got with her loved ones, her adopted family especially and Y/N, who love her all the same, she had a prior visit to them before coming back, wanting to reconcile which was as emotional as it was already.
"It's your favorite, by the way, from your adopted mother's recipe" he smiled as Kara x-rayed the plate with the tin-foil over it, spotting a Lasagna and coming from him, it was Edna Danvers recipe of her Lasagna.
"I thought I smelled something familiar" she noted while looking at the plate.
"Go on" he gestured his head toward the plate.
"You want some? There's plenty left for us to share" she offered, unwrapping her arms off him and began to walk up to the plate.
"Nah, I'm good" he declined politely.
"You sure? In case you end up eying it up anyway" she smirked, taking off the tin-foil gently though unnecessary to do it gently.
"I had like... Maybe two plates earlier, cooked a bit too much, I'm full still" he gestured. I'll wait on the couch for you, gonna turn this game off and that".
"Okay, Love" she nodded and smiled before she looked at the food, her eyes soon lit up red before she quickly heated up the food with her heat vision, heating it up to the right temperature, just for her.
Taking the plate, she saw her Husband save his progress and switch off the game, she had a little fond memory of him kicking her ass at a fighting game when they were younger, back when things were simpler when Clark was still alive.
"Y/N" Kara broke the silence yet again.
"Yes, my Sunshine?" he answered.
"I love you, I really love you, you dork. Always remember that" she smiled once again, stabbing her Lasagna with a fork that was left on the table next to the plate earlier before taking it to her mouth to savor the taste of the food.
"I love you too, Linda L/N" he smiled back at her, her face noticeably brightened as she strolled over with her plate of food in hand... 
Word Count: 4078
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Masterlist 2
Emoji Guide
Dark themes = 🖤
Smut = ❤️
Find Masterlist 1 here
-Steve Rogers
Steve Rogers and his 200 year old partner who he calls daddy (mild ❤️ mentions)
Steve Rogers and his 200 year old partner, ft Logan Howlett, threesome( ❤️)
Steve Rogers x male reader with a choking kink (mild ❤️)
-Moon knight
The moonboys with a male reader whos a stoic tall history teacher
The moonboys (mainly Steven) watching horror movies with alien male reader
The moonboys with a lover who has C-PTSD
The moonboys with omegaverse, with a beta reader.
Moonboys and Khonshu with a touch starved reader
Moonboys with a summer-like reader
“Clipped wings” Part 1 Namor x mutant reader
-Eddie Brock(and venom)
Eddie and Venom with a ftm reader
-Andrew Garfield (tasm) Peter Parker
Peter Parker x deadpool male reader
-Logan Howlett/Wolverine
Logan x cyclops variant male reader, post deadpool 3
Logan x Gambit variant male reader, with daddy kink (mild ❤️)
Logan being desperate for male reader, ft some consensual somno❤️
Sub Logan being desperate for praise and affection
-Remy Lebeau/The Gambit
Remy Lebeau x sea monster mutant male reader
Remy Lebeau and his Cajun childhood sweetheart.
Logan and Wade having a brat off and sub bottoming for a cable variant male reader ❤️
Scott, Kurt, Remy, Bobby and Logan with a reader that likes to crochet
-Miguel O’Hara
Miguel O’Hara scent/sweat smut drabble❤️
-Peter B Parker
Peter B Parker with a narcoleptic boyfriend
-Hobie Brown
Hobie Brown with a boyfriend whos a juggalo and a fellow spiderman
Hobie Brown sfw alphabet
Hobie Brown nsfw alphabet ❤️
Hobie Brown x deadpool male reader
Hobie brown x lead guitarist male reader
Hobie Brown x Male reader whos spiderman and the son of Miguel from another dimension
Hobie Brown x insecure male reader
-Pavitr Prabhakar
Pavitr Prabhakar sfw alphabet
-Peter Benjamin Parker/Spidernoir
Spidernoir with a ftm reader
Spidernoir with a lover who keeps touching his web slit/spinnerette ❤️(a little bit)
-Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly is in spider heat and wants nothing more than for you to dominate him ❤️
Miles and Prowler Miles with a black cat reader whos in love with miles, and is dead in earth-42.
Relationship headcanons for Miles Morales, Miguel O'hara and Hobie Brown.
Platonic/parental headcanons for Peter B and Miguel with a spiderman male reader whos very protective
-Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne x male reader cuddling and edging, drabble ❤️
Bruce Wayne x male reader, meeting the family
-Dick Grayson
Dick Grayson x male reader whos a dancer and hero
Dick Grayson x powered male reader whos the son of oliver queen
Dick Grayson x clarks son reader, who are hopelessly in love.
Dick Grayson x Rogue doctor male reader
-Jason Todd
Jason having a depressive episode and the reader takes care of him, so he goes into subspace ❤️
Jason todd x older vigilante male reader, part two (little bit of  ❤️)
Jason Todd x snobby rich male reader with brat taming ❤️
Jason Todd x ftm reader, going to pride, and Jason beating up a transphobe
Jason Todd x ftm reader, slow mornings with their two cats
-Tim Drake
Tim Drake x ftm reader, ft cuddling and homemade coffee
Tim Drake x flirty son of Trigon male reader, whos a sorcerer vigilante
Tim Drake x autistic male reader, where they mirror eachother, ft the batfams reaction to that
Being Tim Drakes boyfriend and his family is protective of him
Tim Drake x male reader, pulling all nighters and falling asleep
Tim Drake x older male reader
-Damian Wayne
Platonic Damian with a Alien reader who pretty much adopts him
-Wally West
Wally West with an autistic male reader
FTM Wally West x Male reader with Wally being eaten out drabble❤️
-Barry Allen
Barry Allen x cat burglar male reader
Barry Allen x alien male reader whos culture roughhouses
-Eobard Thawne
Eobard Thawne with a male reader whos just a normal guy.
-Roy Harper
Roy Harper with a villain male reader
-Clark Kent/Kal-el
Clark Kent being flirted with by a rich male reader, instead of reader flirting with Lois
Clark Kent with a kryptonian partner, featuring scent kink and kryptonian words ❤️
Clark Kent just needing a good cuddle after a long day
-Conner Kent/Kon-El
Conner Kent with a male reader, featuring kryptonian headcanons ❤️(a little)
Conner Kent with a male reader whos culture is similar to kryptonians and who purrs
Conner Kent with a male reader whos stoic around everyone, but cocky and smug with him
Conner Kent with a male reader whos a clone of plastic man.
-Hal Jordan
Hal Jordan x Red Lantern Czarnian male reader (slight  ❤️)
Hal Jordan x male reader, with a scent/musk kink ❤️
-Guy Gardner
Guy Gardner relationship headcanons
Guy Gardner nsfw alphabet ❤️
Guy Gardner trying to top fellow lantern reader, but being dominated ❤️
Guy Gardner being put in subspace by his star sapphire lover, with sounding ❤️
-John Constantine
Constantine nsfw alphabet ❤️
Constantine with a male reader whos like Dean Winchester from Supernatural
Constantine x tattoo artist male reader (mild ❤️)
Constantine x Angel male reader
- Patrick “Eel” O’Brian
Patrick “Eel” O’Brian sfw alphabet
-Harvey Dent/Two-Face
Harvey Dent with a male reader who distracts him during work
Harvey Dent/Two-Face cuddle fluff
Bane x FTM reader general headcanons
More Bane x FTM reader fluffy headcanons
-Minhkhoa Khan/Ghostmaker
Minhkhoa Khan relationship headcanons
Yandere Jason x speedster male reader x Yandere Dick
Yandere Jason x speedster male reader x Yandere Dick part 2 🖤
Batboys with a villain reader who constantly flirts with them
DC characters and my personal headcanons for them (ethnicity, gender, etc)
Martian Headcanons
Kryptonian Headcanons
Dick grayson x Wally West x male reader
Platonic batfam with a kid reader whos a clone of jason, raised by the Joker
Platonic Batfam with a sick vigilante male reader who wont rest
-Nolan Grayson/Omni-man
Nolan Grayson nsfw alphabet ❤️
-Mark Grayson/Invincible
Mark Grayson Yandere Alphabet 🖤
Mark Grayson nsfw Alphabet ❤️
Mark Grayson x constantine-like male reader
-Rex Sloan/Rex Splode
Rex x gcn ftm reader and defending them when they get misgendered
-The Immortal
The Immortal x immortal reader who isnt a hero
-Flaxan leader
Flaxan leader with an anti-hero male reader
-Damien Darkblood
Damien Darkblood x detective male reader, wholesome fluff
Nolan and Allen x small but strong ftm reader
Star Wars
-Anakin Skywalker
Padawan Anakin Skywalker x dark side leaning male reader
Anakin Skywalker x mandalorian reader with cockwarming ❤️
Anakin Skywalker flirting with the reader and making out
-Paz Vizsla
Paz Vizsla x sith male reader, ft Darth Revan and lots of headcanons
Paz Vizsla x ftm reader headcanons
-Din Djarin
Din Djarin adopting a foundling pantoran reader and being a father figure.
FTM Din Djarin getting eaten out in his pilot seat with his armor on ❤️
-Boba Fett
Boba Fett x male reader with gunplay❤️
The Boys
-Billy Butcher
Billy Butcher x male reader whos Homelanders brother
DomBot Billy Butcher x SubTop supe reader ❤️
-Homelander/John Gillman
Homelander x supe male reader whos much more powerful than him ❤️
Homelander dating a ftm reader
Homelander with a partner with self harm scars
-The Deep/Kevin Moskowitz
The Deep x male reader where he gets off just having his gills played with ❤️
A-Train, MM, Frenchie and Hughie as boyfriends, headcanons
-Jason Voorhees
Jason with a male reader whos childhood friends who meet again years later
Jason Voorhees nsfw alphabet ❤️
-Chad Martin-Meeks
Chad with a male reader who grew up together and fell in love.
-Billy Lenz
Billy Lenz with somnophilia ❤️(🖤 cuz theres no explicit consent)
-Poly Ghostface
Billy and Stu with a male reader who has anger issues whos tired of being angry
Billy and Stu comforting their lover who has body dysmorphia
Norman, Patrick, Michael, Jason, Brahms, Billy and Stu with an S/O whos as crazy as them without realizing
One Piece
-Donquixote Doflamingo
Doflamingo with a lover whos shorter than him
Yandere Doflamingo with a male reader who gets stockholm syndrome ❤️(🖤 a bit, cuz yandere)
Doflamingo x young adult male reader with back pains
-Sir Crocodile
Ftm Sir Crocodile being fucked into submission by the reader ❤️
-Dracule Mihawk
FTM dracule mihawk x service top male reader ❤️
-Red Haired Shanks
Shanks x martial artist male reader whos love language is physical affection and words of affirmation
-Trafalgar D Water Law
Law being Bratty and being punished by a bigger Zoan fruit male reader ❤️
Law with a tall intimidating male reader who everyone thinks is the top (mild  ❤️)
-Vinsmoke/Black Leg Sanji
Sanji being tied up and desperate to touch the reader ❤️
Reader spanking Sanji to let off some steam ❤️
-Roronoa Zoro
Reader punishing/spanking Zoro, but it ends up with them arguing, but making up❤️
-Edward “Whitebeard” Newgate
Whitebeard with a tall male reader whos never been shorter than anyone before ❤️
-Smoker the white hunter
Smoker SFW alphabet
Roronoa Zoro and Portgas D Ace and sounding ❤️
Teen Wolf
-Jackson Whittmore
overall Jackson Whittmore nsfw headcanons ❤️
-Scott McCall
Bottom Scott McCall x kanima-werewolf male reader, ft some tailplay ❤️
Rick and Morty
-Rick Sanchez
Yandere Rick Prime headcanons 🖤
-Josiah Nguyen
Yandere Josiah headcanons 🖤
Call of Duty
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
Ghost being secretly married to Soaps brother
Ftm Ghost x male reader smut drabble ❤️
-Kyle “Gaz” Garrick 
Ftm Gaz x male reader, pussydrunk reader with overstim, drabble ❤️
-Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra
Dom rudy headcanons along with a few cute ones ❤️
-Phillip Graves
Graves with a male reader whos gone through a near death experience
Graves with a vampire boyfriend
141 with a male reader who wears a lot of dog tags
Poly Alerudy with a male reader whos childhood best friends and post lovers with Soap
Cod boys with a male reader who wears a mask and has a huge burn scar
Cod boys with a reader who repeats words or phrases they say
Poly alerudy with a short male reader
Alejandro and Graves with a reader who rubs their face against their stubble
Poly alerudy with a tall male reader who is basically a giant cat
Alejandro, Rudy, Graves and Soap with a reader whos create as copying noises
Ghost, Soap, Alejandro, Rudy, and König with a reader whos a famous volleyball player
Alejandro and Rudy with a mute s/o
141 with an autistic reader who makes noises, like meowing and hissing
Soap, Gaz, Ghost, Roach and Graves as pups with petplay❤️
Alejandro and Rudy taking care of their sick and hurt lover
Lookism characters with a male reader who has a squishable chest and butt
Barbie (2023)
-Kenneth “Ken” Sean Carson
Ken x male reader drabble, where Ken gives the reader head and has a praise kink ❤️
Stereotypical Ken x Male reader x Pompadour Ken where they compete whos best ❤️
Baldurs Gate 3
-Astarion Ancunín
Astarion with a Bard Tiefling male reader, random headcanons
Fight Club
Jack/The Narrator
Jack x medical staff male reader (drabble, from jacks pov)
Tyler Durden and Jack “The narrator” throuple relationship headcanons
Scott Pilgrim Takes off
-Todd Ingram
Helping Todd Ingram get over his crush on Wallace and it leads to make outs.
-Stephen Stills
Stephen Stills x male reader meeting in a club ❤️
My Hero Academia
-Enji Todoroki/Endeavor
Reformed Enji with a hero male reader whos very flirty when they are on patrol
-Katsuki Bakugou
Katsuki being self-conscious about wearing lingerie (mild  ❤️)
Omega Katsuki helping his ace Alpha partner through their rut
-Tomura Shigaraki
Pre-war Shigaraki with his lover whos vaguely based off Yaga from JJK and their relationship.
Jujutsu Kaisen
-Nanami Kento
Nanami giving dom/top reader aftercare (mild  ❤️)
-Ryomen Sukuna
Chubby heian era/true form sukuna x chubby ftm reader, sweet and cuddly hc
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 months
Light of Tomorrow: Destiny x DC Post-Crisis/New Earth Universe - Y/N-Verse
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/fmg1xuN by PrimeofPrimes115 (Supergirl x Male Reader) When a Guardian and his Ghost, find themselves on another world, where the Light and Dark have began to spill into this new discovered dimension... They had no idea of the adventures that awaited in store for them, where they'd meet new allies, new enemies and someone, a blonde haired "Super" girl that would catch his heart. Will they find a way home? How will the Vanguard operate in his absence? The new Hunter and his Ghost roam amongst this New Earth that they would soon call... A second home to defend... "Eyes up Guardian!" Words: 96219, Chapters: 23/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Y/N-Verse Fandoms: Destiny - Fandom, New Earth - Fandom, DC Comics Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M Characters: Kara Zor-El, Male Guardian (Destiny), Kal-el, Bruce Wayne, Zavala (Destiny), Ikora Rey, Cayde-6 (Destiny), Teen Titans (DCU), Justice League (DCU), Outsiders (DCU), Vanguard (Destiny) Relationships: Kara Zor-El & Reader, Female & Reader Additional Tags: Relationship(s), Action/Adventure, Science Fiction, DC universe - Freeform, Post-Crisis (DCU), New Earth, Hunter Guardian (Destiny), supergirl - Freeform, Loose Canon read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/fmg1xuN
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silvercrescentwolf · 2 years
Touch The Sky || Clark Kent x Reader
Characters: Clark Kent X Reader
Fandom: DC, Superman
Warnings: None
Summary: Clark makes your greatest wish come true.
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“Hey Clark, look!”
Clark looked up from where he was washing the dishes and walked over to your position by the window. You had just finished eating dinner together, soaking in each other’s company. You hadn’t been able to spend as much time together as you would have liked, with both of your jobs and superman-ing taking over your schedules. Clark treasured these small, stolen moments with you. You were wearing his oversized t-shirt; it reached down to your thighs, and the sleeves are too long. Clark thought you looked utterly adorable.
“What is it, Y/N?” 
“The stars!” you pointed up at the sky. Clark chuckled and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind.
“They sure are beautiful.” and it was a rare sight. As much as some people saw Metropolis as a ‘clean’ city, it was still that: a city. With the tall buildings, skyscrapers, and the pollution from cars and factories, they didn’t get to see the stars much, or at all. Tonight, though, was an unusually clear sky, with no cloud in sight. There weren’t as many as in the farm where Clark grew up, but still very pretty. 
“Almost as beautiful as you.” He kissed the back of your neck, relishing in your delighted giggles. 
You cocked your head and sighed wistfully, “I want to fly.”
“You do, huh?”
“Yeah! It would be so much fun,” you spread your arms, like you were going to jump from the window and take off. "For as long as I can remember, it is the one thing that I always coveted; spinning around in the air and feeling free.”
“It is an extraordinary experience.” Clark agreed. You stared at him.
“That’s right, you can fly.” your eyes widened, as if you had forgotten that little tidbit, “You’re Superman.”
“That I am.” his lips twitched, trying to hold back a smile at how cute you were. There was a comfortable silence for a bit, and Clark eyed you from the corner of his eyes. You were looking up into the sky with such longing it nearly broke his heart. Maybe Clark could take you for a quick flight over the city? He would be more than happy to grant you that wish.
Before Clack could finish the thought, you said, “We should finish the dishes and get ready for bed.” you moved to the kitchen, “We still need to wake up early tomorrow for work.” 
Clark nodded after a moment, and followed you.
Once you washed all the dishes and cutlery, and cleaned up everything, you started walking to the bedroom. Clark stopped you before you went any further, and you looked at him curiously. He smiled, gesturing for you to follow him. 
It wasn’t long before you were on the roof. You looked a bit confused, then your eyes looked about to pop out of your head as Clark hovered slightly, instantly knowing what this is about. 
“Clark, I—you don’t have to do this for me.” You stammered out, but he could hear your voice wavering a bit, and your fingers twitching at your side.
“I don’t have to,” Clark looked reassuringly at you, taking a firm hold of your hands, “but I would very much love to.”
You bit your lips before acquiescing, eyes still wide and body trembling with anticipation.
Clark didn’t waste any time and took off into the air. You squealed in shock, excitement and awe. Clutching to his shoulders firmly to prevent falling, not that he would let you. You stared as the ground and buildings got smaller and smaller.
“I’m flying!” You beamed. This was incredible! You’d lost track of the amount of times you flew in your dreams. You laughed and closed your eyes, letting the wind blow by your face. You felt Clark move his arms to wrap around his waist.  Clark looked down at you, grinning widely at how happy you looked. He should have done this a long time ago; it was worth seeing your face full of wonder.
“Become a star, Y/N.”
You spread out your arms. “Faster Clark!”
Clark wasn’t about to complain and upped the speed, sending them into a dive as they skimmed over the seawater near the city. You trailed your fingers in it, and looked up as Clark took them up in a climb again. You stretched your hands out, trying to catch the clouds as they moved through them.
“That was amazing! I can’t believe this just happened.” your eyes were shining brightly, and you looked at him with so much love, Clark swallowed. “Thank you.”
He stroked your face tenderly, and pressed a soft kiss upon your lips, almost tasting your joy. You flung your arms around Clark’s neck, hugging him tightly, unable to find the right words to express how much this meant to you. Clark laid back in the clouds with your head on his chest. He kissed your forehead, savoring the closeness.
“You’re welcome, my star.”
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zaceouiswriting · 2 years
Maturing of Superman
Character: Clark Kent (Kal-El) x male reader
Universe: Somewhere in DC
Warnings: Angst
It wasn’t the first time. But the most significant one for you. Still you kept a strong face in public and just ate. Sitting alone at a table for two, on you anniversary. Not one year or something like this, but your five years wedding anniversary and fifteen years of being together.
You and your husband became a couple at the age of fifteen. He was sweet, caring, a total giver in any understanding of this word. Helping on his parents farm and later as you learned, saving peoples lives in extremely tight pants.
More than one time, you two got intimate with him still wearing his costume. You found it somewhat hot.
What you didn’t liked, was him leaving you alone all the time. Bailing on important days for you or you two as a couple. But you could never be really mad, because he did impossible good things.
Still you were hurt and even when Clark saw it, he was unable to make anything better. He tried, god how he tried to be a better husband. Every time when it seemed, as if everything could be as you both hoped it could, he got an alert. Now besides his normal hero duty, also from the justice league.
It made you bitter, that everyone seemed to get more of your husband than you. And still you waited at that table for two hours. Ate your own meal and even drank one glass of wine. But after those two hours, you left. With the restaurant still in full swing. After paying, you got an taxi and got back home. 
As always it was silent and empty, not a single light was on. You missed the easier days, where no one knew about Clarks powers and superman wasn’t born yet. The ones you had with Clark on his family farm, playing and fooling around in the fields. His parents are the absolute best, accepting him and you as a couple  like there is no tomorrow.
Which was entirely different, at how your parents saw it. They were angry, that you are gay and would never give them any grandchildren. Easy to say, that you haven’t talked to them in years.
You really wanted to talk to someone about all of this, about your feelings. But everyone was always in Clarks side, because he was this perfect man.
It saddened you even more than before. As the big piano in your living room came in your sight, you knew you had to play again. After your older brothers death, you hadn’t touched any instrument. He was a concert pianist, a amazing one at that. And he actually had children with his girlfriend, which your parents, don’t get to see, after how horrible they treated her. He gave you his piano and his girlfriend and you became fast friends, after it. As most others, the two hadn’t spoken to you much, to not get into your parents wrath.
Out of the grave, he finally showed you, how much you mattered to him. Sometimes you spoke to him at his grave, as your last confidant, but he couldn’t help you. So his instrument does this for you. It was as your hands knew which button to press. The melody showed your melancholy and hopelessness of the situation you were in. The music sounded a while in your living room. Especially the last note, echoed trough it.
„What happened?“, the sudden voice didn't even affect you anymore. At this point you expected it almost.
„Fifteen and five years, Clark. What does these two numbers tell you?“, you asked him without turning around. Hearing him shuffle around and trying to get near you, finally got you out of your seat.
Your eyes bloodshot, you haven’t even noticed that you had cried. It wasn’t until Clark tried to dry your cheeks, that you saw it yourself. Uncharacteristic you swatted his hand away, looking angrily up at him.
„Fifteen years ago, on this exact date, you asked me to be your boyfriend. In a town full of intolerant people. You made me feel special and wanted. Five years ago, we married in a beautiful ceremony. Surrounded by all our loved once. Even my brother and his girlfriend. Also on this exact date. And where were you?“
The horrified look, he always had when you confronted him about something important he missed, was the same every fucking time. You hated this look with a passion. Because it was as everything besides his hero work, is just stupid and unimportant. Easy to just change.
But if you had the choice, between your planet getting destroyed or one date with your husband, you would always choose him. The world is meaningless to you without him. Sadly it was only this way around.
„I can fix it, how about we celebrate tomorrow? I take leave at work and say the justice league that I-“ You stopped him right then and there. Holding your hand out, in hopes he just would stop speaking.
„You can’t fix this Clark. How many times do I need to tell you, that I feel neglected? That I feel worthless in comparison to everything else in your life? Yes, I married you knowing, what it could mean. But to be this disrespected? Almost everyday? The last full date we were on, is almost seven years ago. You even left our honeymoon early and didn't showed up again.“
All this bottle upped feelings, slowly came out. You feared, that you would actually explode and scream in his face. But you did not have the energy for this.
„I will sleep in the guest room. Good night.“ And you just left him. Sleep did not come to you easily that night. Nightmares haunted you, one of them was the man sleeping in your bedroom. At some point in the night, you just gave up, left your home and drove to your office. After school you did not go to college like Clark, but opened your own business. Today it’s just short behind Wayne Enterprise in revenue. 
But you are not as invested anymore than you used to. Just in hope to get more time with Clark, what obviously never happened. The night workers, were surprised, but happy to see you working in their shift again too. You even brought food with you.
Late in the morning, around ten, you came back home, with Clark pacing through it like a maniac. As he heard the front door open, he immediately came to you, anger visible on his face, „Where were you? I was concerned, as I hadn’t seen you in the guest room, after I wanted to bring you breakfast.“
You could only roll with your eyes, „If nothing will change Clark, I will divorce you.“ It was the first time, you actually threatened with this. He always thought, that you were meant to be and something like this would never happen. He saw your hurt, but never would’ve thought it ran so deep. In this exact moment, he stepped way down on his duties. Only did the most important things. Newer, younger heroes overtook the day to day problems. While he almost exclusively worked with the league and you worked full time back at your own company.
Life became better. At least for a short while. A year later, you were miserable again. Clark despite only being with the league, was now out more often than before. His missions got longer and „more important“. While in his abstinence your company took the lead in your race with Bruces company.
With no satisfaction in the end. Your life became more miserable everyday. Not even the young heroes, which had included you in some degree, could help fill this void.
It wasn’t until Clark became one day a massage. You did not let him go alone though. You met the rest of the league. Expect for Diana, did not speak to any of them. And also only, because she could understand you.
As you learned, why you were there, you instantly bolted. You ran trough the compound, searching for this person. At some point, you came into a room, with a one way window. 
„He looks exactly like Clark,“ you mumbled under your breath, as you watched the young man fiddling with his fingers. He even does the same, when he was nervous.
Before anyone could really noticed that you were gone, you already had entered the room with him. „Hey, my name is (Y/N), and yours?“, you asked him nicely. 
He looked taken aback but still answered, „I-I don’t-have a name.“ Stumbled over his words. Obviously not trained in speaking at all. He reminded you on all the innocent traits your husband had, when he was younger.
„How about Connor? Everyone needs one Connor in their lives,“ you told him jokingly. It was your brothers name. And you were right. Everyone needs one in their lives.
A bright smile, formed on his face, that was so much like Clarks. You did not know where he came from or what happened, but he seemed to be a brother of his.
„(Y/N), would you please come out here?“, you heard the only female voice calling out for you, from the door.
„Please excuse me Connor, I think they need something from me. We talk later, okay?“ You softly laid your hand over his, to ease his nerves. His eyes widened, and shortly after softened up, nodding at your words.
Not long after, you left the room, smiling at Diana. But as you left, the entire group, was furious with you. Especially Clark, who seemed to took it as a form of betrayal.
They told you what Connor was. You felt bad for him. But as Clark told you, that he doesn’t want to do anything to do with him, you got furious instead.
„What the fuck is wrong with you?“, you screamed in his face, „I can’t even see the man I married anymore! As if isn’t enough to completely ignore the vows you took to me, on a daily basis. Ignoring my feelings, to the point that I’m actually suicidal and now you won’t even help someone who is like you? Who has part of your DNA, because he didn’t want him? My brother didn’t wanted me as a child either. Still he was there for me. We will take him with us, if you want or not. At least, I will have a part of you near me!“
You stormed back into the room, talking further with Connor. He seemed distraught, but was happy to see you again nevertheless. The league on the other hand, was utterly stunned. You never had raised your voice in your life or threw accusations like this. And the men could not see why all of this was a problem.
Diana nearly ripped them a new one. Explaining everything in detail. Clark was on eggshells after this. Trying to make everything up to you. But you were preoccupied with Connor. Helping him with his speech, schooling him, bringing the right morals into his life, but especially trying to get as much of you and Clark in him, before anything from Luther could shine trough.
He became almost a brother to you. But you saw him as your brother in law, which was enough for you. But he saw you as his father, which brought a lot of problems in your relationship with Clark. Even when he was training him, to not get a divorce with you, he couldn’t stand him.
Not because he was so close to you, but because he was born. He tried to tell you that clones weren’t looked upon fondly on Krypton. You needed to remind him, that he wasn’t there anymore and your world does not has a stance on this just yet.
For a while everything seemed fine for you. Clark got finally the same treatment he gave you all the time and it broke him. Something in him.
You saw it but decided to ignore it. Just as he did to you. Until he came home one evening. With dissolved hair and crumbled clothes. His eyes were empty, sadness and guilt all over his face. One look was enough for you.
„What happened?“, you asked coldly. Even ice would be envy on you for the way your voice sounded.
„I-I slept with Lois.“
Your world crumbled just as your husband clothes did. You asked Bruce for the kryptonite. But he wouldn’t just give it to you. So you brought some of the black market a day later and again a week later, you had build it in a glove.
Clark had not left the house since his encounter with Lois, so it was easy to get him. You punched him so many times, so hard, that his face was completely rearranged, the moment Connor pulled you off of him. Because he was only half Kryptonian, the mineral did not effect him as much. 
After you realized what had happened and that Connor also had problems with the thing on your hand, you got it destroyed. Completely destroyed, not thrown away.
Finally, after this, Clark understood how you felt all the time. That he was weak and you being the real saint in your relationship, even with your aggressive outburst. You took this bullshit for almost two decades and yes, complained but never cheated. Even if you could’ve.
You had two terms, for you keep being married. Him quitting his job and putting his costume away. From this day onwards, you would have the last say, if and when he could put it on again.
And it worked. This was until Lois came to our home, telling you two she was pregnant. You screamed at both of them. At what horrible disgusting people they were. You gave her two options. Terminate her parental rights, directly after birth and move away or you would destroy her life completely.
She was shocked, but Clark at this point said nothing. He was happy, that you hadn’t left him yet. So he he did not wanted to rock the boat more. But Lois tried to involve him. „You fucked a married man, what did you expect? To get everything you want? You are delusional. So make your choice!“
As the baby was born it was another boy. You and Clark named him after Clarks father. And Lois vanished after this. Couple of years later, you gave Clark his costume back, with the warning, that anything happens again, like years ago, you would take both of your boys and cut him off completely. Now he knew, that nothing you ever says is just an empty threat, so he became the best husband, bigger brother and father, anyone could asked for.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
Time in Sin City can never be restored
Kara Danvers x Male Reader
Request- Could you make a platonic Kara Danvers x male reader before their planet exploded reader was Kara's babysitter and escaped but he ended up lost somewhere else and sees that Kara and kal aka Clark are alive goes searching for Kara he arrives years later now that Kara is supergirl and he knows of the effects of each suns he arrives on earth and supergirl n superman are in big trouble but be saves the and stops the villian also he is super skilled so he doesn't depend on his powers much
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Kara-age 5:
You met up with Alura because she hired you to be the nanny. You met Kara and she hides behind her mother.
”She takes a while to warm to new people,” Alura said.
”I understand. Hi, Kara, my name is Y/N” You said.
She whispered very low ”Hi”
”Y/N, I have to go. Kara has a bedtime and it is at eight” Alura said.
”Okay,” You said.
She left and Kara just stares at you. You get down on one knee.
”How about we play a game before bedtime?” You asked.
She smiled and nods. You and Kara start to play and she can't stop smiling. Later, you tucked her in bed and start to read a bedtime story.
Kara is thirteen years old and you have been her babysitter since she was five. She is attached to you and she loves spending time with you. When you walked into her house, she ran to you and hugged you. And you hug her back, she always hugs you.
”Did you bring it?” Kara asked.
”I don't know what you are talking about?” You lied.
You and Kara smiled.
”Y/N,” Kara said.
”I have it. But did you finish your homework?” You said.
Kal-El starts to cry and you went to pick him up from the crib. Kara watches you gently calm him down.
”He is so small, why he stinks so bad,” Kara said and moved.
”We will never know” You laughed.
Later, you start to play with Kal-El and Kara. Their parents always work late. You are like a big brother to her and she always has fun with you. You and Kara start to play with Kal-El, by making funny faces and he starts to laugh.
It's a normal day, you take Kara and Kal-El outside to play. Suddenly the planet starts to shake, people start to run and panic. Kal-El starts to cry and Kara starts to feel scared, you hold them closer to you.
”Y/N, I'm scared,” Kara said.
”Let’s go. Don't let go of my hand Kara” You said.
”Okay,” Kara said.
It didn't take long for you to find their parents.
”What is going on!?” You yelled.
”The planet is going to explode. We have to put Kara and Kal-El in the pod” Alura said.
”Why we all can't get in it?” Kara cried.
”We can't fit all in the pod. It's designed for one person only. You and Kal-El will go in the pod” Alura said.
Kal-El doesn't stop crying. The planet starts to shake and you are feeling terrified.
”I won't go without Y/N or anyone!” Kara cried again.
”Kara you have to go. I want you and Kal-El to be safe. I promise we will see each other again” You said.
Kara hugged you and you kissed her head then she hugged her parents. Kara and Kal-El are in the pods and you watched them leave, you cried.
You and the others run to find safety. You found a pod and got in but the engine semi-damanged. But you made it work but the pod got hit and you hit your head. Kal-El’s pod went to earth and Kara’s got knocked off-course by Krypton's explosion, sending her ship into the phantom zone where she slept for 24 years while being suspended in time and not aging.
✫ ✬ ✯ ✫
For years you have been searching for Kara and Kal-El. You never got close to finding them and everything has changed for you. You lost count how many times you tried to find them or asked favors for others.
”We will miss you, Y/N,” Adam Strange said.
”I will miss you and the others too,” You said.
”Here, take the picture Vath Sarn will kill me if I didn't give it to you. Y/N, remember you can contact us anytime” Adam Steange said.
You stare at the pictures and you hugged Adam.
”There is no way you are leaving us without having a drink with us,” Vath Sarn said.
”Of course not. I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye” You said.
Everyone came to say goodbye and hug you.
Adam Strange, Alanna Strange, and Vath Sarn created a device that allows you to travel from multiverse to multiverse. Once you arrived on New Rann, they took you in and they became your best friends.
Years have passed by fast. Kara and Kal-El are adults now. They haven't seen you for many years and Kara misses you so much. Kara does tell Kal-El stories about you and he does want to meet you.
”Superman and Supergirl we need your help now!” Alex yelled.
Kara and Clark heard Alex in the earpiece, they rushed to the scene. Alex and her team are having trouble fighting the enemy.
”We are here now,” Clark said.
”We meet again Supergirl. My offer still stands, enjoy me and I will train you and we will serve our lord Darkseid” Granny Goodness said.
”I will never join you! I am a hero and I protect people” Kara said.
”Foolish girl,” Granny Goodness said.
”Don’t let her size and age fool you. She is strong” Kara said to Clark.
”Got it,” Clark said.
Clark and Kara start to fight with Granny Goodness, but she is stronger. She is easily beating them, she bodyslammed Clark into the ground. Then Granny Goodness grabbed Kara by the neck and threw her towards a building. Granny Goodness starts to fight Alex and her team.
Granny Goodness laughed in a sinister way. She was about to kill Alex, Kara is unconscious and Clark is struggling to fight Granny Goodness. You arrived and you see what is going on.
”Let her go!” You yelled.
”Who are you?” Granny Goodness asked.
She let's go of Alex now you start to fight Granny Goodness. You start to dodge her attacks and you don't use all your strength, but your punch can do damage even at minimum strength. You used your lantern corps rings to stop Granny Goodness for good.
J’onn arrived late to the scene and he thought you are the enemy. Clark grabbed Kara and flew to the DEO.
✫ ✬ ✯ ✫
You are sitting in a cell and you watch them. You made the lantern rings use duplication, they took thought the rings. But you still have your rings and they can't see it.
”I can't read your mind,” J’onn said.
”You won’t,” You said.
The others went to check on Kara and she is doing fine.
”How are you feeling?” Clark asked.
”I’m feeling okay. What happened?” Kara asked.
”Granny Goodness is behind bars. We have the rings of the guy” Alex said.
”What rings?” Kara asked.
Alex was going to show it to Kara but it disappeared. All of them went to see you
”Who are you and why are on earth,” Clark asked
”My name is Y/N. I am looking-”
”Y/N! It's really you!” Kara said out loud.
”Do I know you?” You asked.
”It’s me Kara Zor El!” Kara cheerfully said.
”You know him?” Alex asked.
”He is an old freind” Kara said.
” It's really you!” You said.
”This is Kal-El,” Kara said.
”Oh Rao, you and Kal have grown so much,” You said and smiled.
Kara told Alex to open the cell. Kara and Kal-El hugged you tight and Kara starts to cry tears of joy.
Kara introduced you to everyone and she hasn't stopped smiling. Kara has told you everything that happened when they arrived on earth.
”So you go by the name Clark?” You asked.
”Yes. We save people together and we really missed you. Kara would tell me stories about you” Clark said.
”Tell us where have you been all these years,” Kara said.
”I have been living on the planet Called New Rann. Adam Strange took me in and taught me everything. I met new people and we became friends and we worked together to save people. I also became a lantern member, I am part of hope which is blue, Green means willpower and Indigo Lantern which means Compassion” You said.
You show them the rings.
”That is amazing! Y/N Later we are having game night and you will come” Kara said.
”What is game night?” You asked.
”Can’t wait!” Kara said.
✫ ✬ ✯ ✫
Kara and Clark went all out for game night. They bought so much food, new board games and much more. Alex picked you up and before going inside Kara’s loft she had to say something to you.
”Kara is my sister and I have to protect her. Please don't hurt her, I don't want to see you leave and she will be heartbroken” Alex said.
”I won't leave again. I can how much you love her and care or her. Alex, I won't leave and it took me years to find them” You said.
”I believe you,” Alex said.
Once inside, Kara introduced you to Brainy, James, Nia, Winn, and Kelly. Everyone is happy to meet you and Kara starts to show you the food of what people eat on earth.
”How was Kara as a small child and Clark,” Nia said.
”She was always loud and wanted affection and if you didn't pay attention to her she'd glare at you. She hated eating her vegetables and I had to bribe her. She always had a lot of energy. Cal, for a baby he had the most stinkest diapers” You said.
Everyone laughed.
”I’m not loud, Y/N,” Kara said.
Alex nods.
”He is right. Kara, you are loud” Alex teased.
”I wish you didn't say that” Clark laughed.
”How was it living in New Rann?” Kara asked.
”Much different then Krypton. Because of Adam, he taught me everything. It took me a while to get used to and it wasn't easy for me to travel, because I never knew what was a multiverse. I became a Lantern and I met so many people from different parts of the universe. Even villains a part of the Lantern Corps. There are different colors and different meanings. I even worked along with Lobo a bounty hunter, he is crazy and very reckless and hard to get along with” You said.
”We are happy that you are here and that you are a member of the Lantern Corps,” Clark said.
Kara and the others had to teach you how to play board games. It took you a while to understand the games but you the hang of it. Next, everyone explained the different types of food they always eat. At first, you didn't want to eat it but Kara gave you the puppy eyes.
”Not the puppy eyes,” You said.
”Please, Y/N you should try it. I know you like it” Kara said.
”Y/N, she always does it with me,” Alex said.
Everyone agreed. You start to eat different type of food and you are loving it, Kara is happy that you like it.
✫ ✬ ✯ ✫
You have been staying on the earth for a while now. It took you a while to understand how people live on earth, on New Rann it was more advanced in every way. You do help Kara and Clark save people but you just wear a mask.
”So, why you and Cal wear glasses?” You asked.
”We have to keep our real identity a secret. You will have to do the same” Clark said.
”We can talk to Winn and Brainy maybe they can create a suit for you. And we will become a team!” Kara cheerfully said.
”Let’s go see them now,” You said.
Winn and Brainy start to work on the suit, they have so many ideas.
✫ ✬ ✯ ✫
Kara is hosting a movie night with you, Alex, Kelly, and Clark. They made a list of movies for you to watch with them. Alex and Kara made popcorn and Clark started the movie.
Kara and Clark are feeling happy because they are creating new memories with you. They are happy that you will stay on earth for a long time.
✫ ✬ ✯ ✫
At the DEO, you start to train Clark and Kara without their powers. Without your powers, you are still strong. They tried to outsmart you but you didn't let them fool you.
”Nice trick, thinking you were going to attack me but it was him,” You said.
”How did you get so strong?” Clark asked.
”I had friends who taught me how to fight without my powers,” You said.
”Let’s go again,” Kara said.
”Let’s begin,” You said.
You trained Clark and Kara and for hours.
Winn and Brainy finished the suit. And everyone can't wait to see it especially you.
”Y/N, go try it on. Everything should be perfect” Winn said.
”The suit looks amazing. I will go try it on right now” You said.
”Hurry up,” Clark said.
Much later, you come out wearing the suit. Everyone loves it and you check yourself out in the mirror. You rushed and hugged Winn and Brainy.
”Thank you so much!” You said really loud.
”One more thing. Here is your helmet and we are happy that you like it” Brainy said.
”Would my rings be able to work with the suit?” You asked.
There is trouble in uptown, Alex, Clark, and Kara get ready.
”You will find out now,” Winn said.
You put on the helmet and you left with Kara and Clark.
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x5red · 5 years
Sixty fun & fascinating facts about the classic Supergirl (1 / 4)
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Great guns! How time flies!
May 2019 will mark sixty years since the pages of Action Comics #252 carried its landmark tale: a crashed rocket ship in a Midvale field, and emerging from within, an enthusiastic young teenager who was destined to become one of Earth’s fiercest champions. That teenager was, of course, Kara Zor-El -- otherwise known as Supergirl..!
To celebrate the classic Kara Zor-El’s sixtieth anniversary, compiled below is part one of a series outlining sixty surprising or unusual facts about the original intrepid Argo City teen who leapt from that crumpled Midvale rocket ship. Covering her original Silver and Bronze Age incarnation, in comics and on screen, each factoid is calculated to intrigue and delight -- hopefully even seasoned Kara fans will find a few morsels of trivia that had previously escaped their attention.
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1. She wasn’t originally known as Kara Zor-El when she debuted in comics.
What’s in a name? Well not a lot, it seems, if you happen to be Kryptionian..!
Although everyone knows Supergirl’s real name is Kara Zor-El, the Maid of Might herself didn’t deem it worthy of a mention until Action Comics #288 (May 1962), three years after her introduction, when she innocently referenced her full moniker during a dream sequence. After that readers would need to wait another fifteen years(!) before she’d mention it again in Superman Family #177 (June 1976). Outside of these rare instances Kara was usually known as Kara of Argo City, or in very early comics simply just as Kara, her birthplace itself not having acquired a name until Action Comics #280 (Sep 1961).
2. 1984′s Supergirl wasn’t actually the first movie headlined by a superhero female.
Many movie buffs will list 1984′s Supergirl as the breakthrough release that finally saw women headline a movie in the superhero genre, but this is far from the truth.
Supergirl’s record is true, but only in the English-speaking world: there had already been numerous superhero movies in non-English markets centred around super-powered female crime fighters, most notably in the Philippines. The most popular Filipino superheroine, Darna, had already racked up no less than eleven movies by 1980, plus one guest appearance in another hero’s movie.
3. She once fell madly in love with a woman.
As incredible as it seems today, the straight-laced DC Comics of the 1960s once okayed a story in which the Maid of Might fell head-over-heels in love with a woman. It happened in Adventure Comics #384 (Sept 1969), and, as you might expect, the story had a few twists and turns before the true nature of Kara’s romance was revealed.
The short version is this: Kara uses computer dating to select a match suitable for a superwoman. The computer picks Volar, a male superhero from the deeply misogynistic planet of Torma (second planet of Star-Sun 447B, in case you want to pay a visit.) Kara travels to Torma and is smitten by Volar, but he seems reluctant to reciprocate her affections. Eventually the plot reveals its twist: due to Torma’s notorious chauvinism, Volar is actually a superheroine forced to masquerade as a superhero. ”I’m heading back to Earth – where I belong!”, exclaims a disappointed Girl of Steel, “I found out Volar was no hit – but a real miss!” (Ho ho!)
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4. She’s a self-professed fan of Jazz.
Growing up in both Argo City and Midvale, Kara was probably exposed to a wide range of different musical styles -- but at the end of a long day saving the world, what kind of sounds did she like to relax to? The pages of Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #7 (May 1983) dropped readers a hint when Kara expressed a strong affinity towards Jazz music. Indeed in a later issue of that same series, it is while attending a free Jazz concert with friends in Chicago’s Grant Park that Kara first tangled with the super-villain Reactron (making his comicbook debut.)
5. She once packed in her superhero career to become a socialite and style-icon in Paris.
The mid-60s was an interesting time for DC Comics; a tipping point between the juvenile gimmick-driven hangover of the Golden Age, and the more mature storytelling style of the upcoming Bronze Age, as one generation of artists and writers slowly gave way to the next. Brave and the Bold #63 (Dec 1965) fell squarely into the former category with its outlandish story, Revolt of the Super-Chicks.
The tale begins with a restless Kara feeling unappreciated: the public see her as just a hero in a gaudy costume, ignoring the sophisticated woman inside. Much to the chagrin of Kal-El, Kara abandons her superhero-ing career and heads to the bright lights of Paris to live it up. Kal sends Wonder Woman to Paris to talk some sense into Kara (the first time the pair had shared an adventure, by the way), but Diana is likewise wooed by the socialite lifestyle and joins Kara in her nocturnal revelry. If it hadn’t been for the intervention of the villain Multi-Face, the pair might have still been in Paris now.
6. Producer Ilya Salkind regretted Helen Slater’s casting as Supergirl.
When Ilya Salkind took on the task of co-producing Superman-related movies in the mid 1970s, he’d argued against the wishes of both Warner Bros. and his producer father, Alexander, by suggesting that the title role not go to a Hollywood A-lister. Ilya followed exactly the same logic when it came time to cast 1984′s Supergirl, championing an unknown actor called Helen Slater over more bankable names such as Brooke Shields (favoured by his father.)
In an interview in 2000, however, Ilya seemed to have some regrets, telling Scott Michael Bosco on behalf of Digital Cinema, “[...] frankly, with hindsight I regret it. Brooke Shields would have – not made it a better movie, but perhaps a more commercial one. This I’m convinced. I think there would have been more men seeing the movie.” Commenting on how Slater’s screen presence was more Katherine Hepburn than Sophia Loren, Salkind noted, “What happened, I think, is that we lost a lot of the audience, the male audience. I think it was also because the girl was a little unattainable.”
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7. One of her most iconic costumes was originally designed by a fan.
Supergirl has had a number of crime-fighting outfits over the decades, but two particularly stand out as being iconic: Helen Slater’s 1984 movie costume (plus its imitators, such as the post-Crisis Matrix costume and Melissa Benoist’s tv costume), and the 1970s hotpants outfit.
The Girl of Steel’s hotpants attire was a racy number that screamed 70s sexploitation at a volume only Kryptonian lungs could achieve: short shorts, a plunging V neckline, billowing sleeves, and a neck choker, all in the customary red, sky blue, and yellow. The design wasn’t something dreamt up by one of DC’s staff of artists, however. but taken from a sketch submitted by reader John Sposato of Edison, New Jersey. DC had used several fan submitted costume ideas during the early 1970s -- each outfit typically receiving one or two story outings -- but John’s submission was obviously so liked by DC artists that it eventually became her permanent costume for most of the 1970s.
8. She turned Streaky into a Super Cat by accident.
DC in the Silver Age prided itself on being a family-friendly brand, free from the squalor and depravity that had once graced the pages of some of its competitors, causing moral crusaders (armed with books written by Dr. Fredric Wertham) to brand the medium as a threat to the youth of America. Without the use of excessive violence to bring thrills and drama to its superhero comics, DC relied on gimmicks such as Kryptonite. Consequently, by the Silver Age, the stuff was everywhere(!)
With her keen practical mind, Kara decided (much to the condescending amusement of her cousin) to develop an alchemy that would neutralise the harmful effects of this ever burgeoning supply of Kryptonite (Action Comics #261, Feb 1960.) She failed, naturally, but the discarded end-product, labelled X-Kryptonite, ended up accidentally giving a local stray alley-cat super powers. And so Streaky the Super Cat was born -- entirely by accident..!
9. Lena Luthor wasn’t the only female Luthor family member giving her trouble.
The Luthor family has a long history of causing trouble for the Girl of Steel. Not only did Supergirl struggle to keep her secret identity from the telepathic Lena (Thorul) Luthor -- Lex’s little sister -- but Adventure Comics #397 (Sept 1970) saw the introduction of Lex’s scheming niece, Nasthalthia. Nasty, as she was known, joined Stanhope College with a determination to help Uncle Lex flush out which of Stanhope’s students was secretly Supergirl. Suspecting Linda Danvers from the start, Nasty even followed Linda when she graduated and moved to San Francisco to become a TV camerawoman. The pair would play a dangerous cat-and-mouse game throughout many early 1970s Supergirl tales, but Nasty never quite got the proof she needed to unmask the Maid of Might.
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10. She was married when she died in Crisis on Infinite Earths.
A story published in Superman Vol. 1 #415 (Jan 1986) saw the Fortress of Solitude infiltrated by a mysterious visitor from a distant planet. Intent on stealing a memento of the recently deceased Kara, the handsome green-skinned thief named Salkor is quickly apprehended by Superman.
Salkor explains how he had found Supergirl drifting unconscious in space some two years previous. He had cured her of Kryptonite sickness, but she had been left with severe amnesia. In the days that followed Salkor and Kara drew close and entered into a quickie marriage, but not long after the marriage he awoke to find Kara missing -- her memory had presumably returned. Over the next two years Salkor slowly traced his bride back to Earth, but tragically he arrived just as news of her death was broadcast around the world.
11. Her creation was part of a strategy to boost DC’s flagging superhero comic sales.
Supergirl wasn’t created on a mere creative whim; the impetus behind her introduction was likely a long-term sales strategy DC Comics had been following since the mid-1950s. According to Gerard Jones in his book Men of Tomorrow, DC knew that the demographics for the Superman radio and television shows revealed a sizeable share of young girl audience members, and that market research showed that girls read their brother’s Superman and Batman comics (second hand!) DC therefore set out to entice young girls into buying their own superhero comics by introducing titles like Superman’s Girlfriend, Lois Lane, and characters like Batwoman and Supergirl. Although some superheroines have been accused of being nothing more than eye-candy for the young male audience, Supergirl was introduced squarely to inspire young girls.
12. She could read your mind.
In Adventure Comics #397 (Sept 1970) Supergirl investigates a mystery girl found in a coma on the Stanhope College campus. As the anonymous patient lies motionless in a hospital bed, the Girl of Steel conveniently remembers that she has the ability to perform Vulcan mind-melds: ”I'll try to delve into her subconscious -- maybe I can learn something”. The trick reveals that the mystery girl was the victim of a black magic cult, causing Supergirl to infiltrate the group undercover (literally!) Strangely, although the Girl of Steel can read other people’s minds, she seemed very poor at reading her own, as she promptly forgets all about her mind-reading abilities after that single issue.
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13. She always knew how to be popular.
When Kara from Argo City first landed on Earth, she took it upon herself to pick her own secret identity name. “While you were gone”, she tells her cousin, “I used my super-hearing and heard many Earth girls’ names! I thought of a good one for myself.” The name she chose, of course, was Linda.
It isn’t perhaps a surprise that her super-hearing fixated on that particular name, given that according to names registered with US Social Security, Linda was one of the most popular girls’ names in the 1950s, beginning the decade in the top slot, but dropping two places to third by the time Kara arrived on Earth in 1959. (Kara, by the way, was 935th on the girls list at the time that Ms. Zor-El crashed her rocket ship in Midvale.)
14. Her first appearance on television was in a 1962 comedy sketch, played by Carol Burnett.
In 1962 the Garry Moore Show featured a seven minute sketch lampooning the popular George Reeves Superman TV show -- the comedy gimmick being that instead of the Man of Steel, the sketch’s evildoers were pitted against the Maid of Might, played by comedian Carol Burnett. (A similar spoof by Lucille Ball a few years earlier doesn’t count, btw, as Lucy was playing Superman, not Supergirl.)
The madcap plot sees Carol dashing to and fro, frantically switching back and forth between her everyday clothes and her hero costume, while performing an array of ridiculous feats of strength. It is debatable whether this truly qualifies as a genuine Supergirl appearance, given the obvious Reeves inspiration, but Burnett’s 1962 version does use the Supergirl name and a reasonable facsimile of her 60s costume.
15. Her first proper appearance on television was in an advert, selling underwear!
Even if the 1962 Carol Burnett sketch is ruled out as not being canonical Kara, Supergirl’s late-70s underwear commercial qualifies without a shadow of a doubt. The short advert, for the kids brand Underroos, sees Supergirl, Spider-Woman, Wonder Woman, and even Batgirl, all extolling the virtues of wearing superheroine themed undergarments. Dating from sometime around 1978, the ad seems to be the first authorised on-screen appearance of Supergirl, meaning that the ad’s opening line, “Now Supergirl is on Underoos”, is the first spoken line uttered by any actress playing the Girl of Steel. (It is unknown who the lucky voice artist was.)
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That’s all for part one -- hope you enjoyed it..! Check out part two (soon) for another fifteen fascinating factoids.
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supercap2319 · 2 years
Superman (Henry Cavill) fucking Batman’s son male y/n in his room when his family comes in to ask what the noise is
Can you please add a gif to?
Y/N tried to be quiet, but it was kind of hard when the most powerful being on the planet was drilling into your ass. Pushing his big cock in and out of Y/N, destroying his tight walls as they easily opened up from him as he let out a deep chuckle. “Trying to keep quiet, eh, Baby? Don’t want your family to hear you getting your ass pounded by an alien cock.”
Y/N moans because of Clark’s dirty talk. Who knew farmer boys from Kansas had such filthy mouths? “Yeah, I would love to see the look on my dad's face when he finds out his best friend is fucking his son.”
“Oh is that right?” Clark smirked. “Well, let's make sure they hear you.” He starts to pound him harder and faster at inhuman speed and strength. The bed moved forward with them as it broke off its legs and hit the wall, banging hard and causing loud vibrations.
A few minutes later, There was a knock at the door as Y/N managed a weak, ‘come in’ in between moans.
Y/N’s dad, Bruce Wayne, his brother, and Dick and Jason came into the room with shocked looks as Clark smirked at his best friend. “Oh, hey, Bruce. Just working up a sweat here with your boy.”
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supercap2319 · 2 years
Kara: “So, Y/N, how did you and my cousin meet?”
Y/N: “Well, Lois spilled coffee on my white shirt on purpose and your cousin gave me the shirt off his back. Literally.”
Kara: *Looks at Clark* “You did?”
Clark: *Blushes and smiles shyly* “Well, I had an extra shirt in the back, so...”
Y/N: “Nah, he just wanted to be shirtless. He knew what he was doing.”
Kara: “You and Kal are such lovesick idiots.”
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supercap2319 · 2 months
"You're seriously studying?"
Y/N turned to the sound of the voice and found Clark Kent standing in the doorway of the now empty classroom. He looked like Clark Kent. And he even sounded like Clark Kent, but he wasn't dressed like Clark Kent. The farm boy traded in his jeans and flannel for leather and Armani suits.
"Clark, hey. I'm just studying for the history test tomorrow. I think I've got most of the dates memorized, but I'm still having trouble between the Cold War and the Battle of Trenton." Y/N said as Clark took a seat next to him, glanced at his books, and wrinkled his nose. "That's boring. Let's go do something fun."
"Like what? Have another basketball game with Pete on the courts? Help Chloe rearrange her bedroom again?"
"I was thinking we'd go to a bar. Maybe to a club and find some nice chicks to hang out with."
"Okay, who are you, and what planet are you from? In what universe does Clark Kent want to go clubbing and drinking?" Y/N asked.
"The kind who's tired of living the quiet life of a bumbling farm boy and is ready to explore the real world. All the best things in it. Come on. I bet we could get some action from some really hot girls." Clark nudged Y/N, who blushed hard.
"As fun as girls sound, I have to study."
"Oh, come, Y/N. Don't be so uptight." Clark said. "If you need to, I can help loosen you out. In more ways than one." He smirks. "Okay, did you just try to make an innuendo at me? Since when are you into guys? I thought you only had eyes for Lana."
Clark frowns at the mention of Lana's name. It's true that Clark couldn't get within five feet of Lana Lang without becoming a freakshow of clumsiness, but as of recently, Clark's been really cocky and confident. "Well, there's plenty of others to fool around with than Smallville's resident fairy princess. Probably give up easier and much better in the sack, to I'll bet." Clark grins.
"I don't know." Y/N said.
"Come on, Y/N, imagine it. Dancing. Drinking. Getting your dick sucked. It's pure unadulterated ecstacy." Clark said.
"If I say yes, will you let me finish my studying?"
"Sure thing, handsome." Clark winks
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
can u do a spin-off with dom male x connor kent from the wally fanfic !! also i love ur writing sm u feed the male community so well 🫶🏼
Conner Kent/Kon-El x kryptonian male reader
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I am literally so sorry its taken me so fucking long to write this request, tumblr has been a whole mess with my inbox and regularly doesn’t show requests and sometimes does show them, tumblr also likes eating my requests for some reason.
Reader has a human name and a kryptonian name, so I just picked one for him since it isn’t super important.
Conner Kent and (Y/N), Kon-El and Tor-Kez. A clone and a full blooded kryptonian. You had come to earth from another universe that had ended, and your parents had hoped you would live a happy life somewhere else, so you were dumped in this one. In the beginning many had been cautious of you, because you were young and too powerful, when you joined Young Justice, you had rivalled Superman himself in strength, and they had only grown as you aged.
Jor-Els AI had explained you were of a higher caste of kryptonian, the Kez clan known for their power and beauty. Conner had always felt lacking standing by your side, as he was nothing but a clone that Kal-El seemed to want nothing to do with. The Kez clan hadn’t shared the same opinion on clones as the rest of krypton, so in the beginning you had tried to befriend Conner and teach him about your shared heritage.
You had been young when you were sent away, so you had never learned much about compatibility, or the draw one felt when they found their perfect half. The two of you both felt drawn to one another, a deep need to be around each other ringing deeply in your chests and very souls. But Conner dealt with a lot of anger, and your relationship became short and snippy as you both butted heads quite a lot. It was like watching two young male lions snapping at each other and trying to lay claim on an area as their own.
As years passed you and Conner didn’t grow closer, though the want in your chest growing from just a need to be near each other to a deep gut warming lust. Your first wet dream was about Conner, and Conners mind always went to you when he was pleasuring himself. You were both addicted to the others scent, regularly stealing clothes and dirty laundry. You regularly showed off to each other during missions or training, like a pair of peacocks showing off their feathers in hopes of attracting a mate. It was Megan who made this observation to your teammates, which then ended up becoming a regular thing they said, that you two were peacocking again.
It was late when you returned from a solo mission, having been sent on it alone as you were strong enough to complete it without issue. You could hear that all your teammates were asleep, or most were, it seemed like Conner was still awake and his heartbeat was raised, but you just scoffed and tried not to think about why his heartrate was higher in the middle of the night. It was harder than you liked to admit to force away the images of Conner pleasuring himself and calling out your name.
As you neared the locker room to clean up and change, a scent caught your nose and the want in your chest grew stronger, lust immediately pooling in your gut. It was the most delicious thing you had ever smelt, lust and musk filling your senses and leading you like a dog on a leash. As you entered the locker room you saw what had drawn you like a man under a spell.
There was Conner, naked as the day he was taken out of his pod, seated on one of the benches you regularly found in locker rooms like this one. He seemed completely lost in his own world as he almost desperately jerked his hard cock, the action created loud slick noises as his hips jolted off the wood of the bench and up into his fist. In his other hand he was holding something to his face, huffing it like it was a drug he needed to live.
You were able to clear your want filled brain enough to look closer at what he was holding, and it finally clicked when you recognized the colours. It was a pair of your boxers, the very pair you had thrown into the wash the other day. The want in your chest seemed to unfurl like a flower, heat pooling in your gut as the crotch of your hero suit grew extremely uncomfortable.
A deep rumble echoed from your chest, your hands digging into the doorway enough to leave finger sized indents as you started panting through your mouth, trying your hardest to taste the way Conners scent had filled the room. Conners head snapped in your direction, his pupils blown wide and hair a mess. The hand around his cock hadn’t stopped moving, he actually seemed to tighten his grip and quicken it as he noticed you looking.
Conner made a rumble in return to your own, his own kryptonian wants seeming to overpower him the same way it had you. He keened loudly as you were upon him like a wild beast, picking him up like he weighed nothing and slamming him up against the lockers, which creaked loudly and dented under your shared weight. Your lips met in a wild wet display, tongues clashing and teeth biting. He gave some fight for dominance, but as you grabbed his ass and spread him open so you could grind your still clothed cock against his hole the fight seemed to melt right out of you.
It was hard to tell how long you stood there humping each other, spit dribbling down your chins and covering Conners pecs and making them shiny and oh so enticing. Unable to resist you disconnected the kiss and attached your lips to his nipples, sucking at them like a starving baby finally given milk. His back arched and his thighs spread open wide, his weight only held by the grip you had on his ass. You couldn’t tell what language either of you were speaking, if it was English, kryptonian or something third, but he begged and keened for you. The want and need for each other was maddening, for it wasn’t just lust but something much deeper, so deep it felt like your souls were grasping at the other and intertwining.
Conner was soon thrown over the bench, his chest meets the wood, though he didn’t have much time to complain about your connection disappearing as you quickly found your mouth upon his hole. The noises Conner made couldn’t be classified as human, loud keens and purrs coming from deep in his chest, from an organ human didn’t possess, his hands gripping the bench hand enough to snap off part of the wood.
The crotch of your suit is soaked as you drip large amounts of precum in your briefs, your tongue running wet circles around Conners hole and burying itself in the tight pucker, spit running down the clone’s taint and down his balls. Conner can’t help but reach back and grab your hair, looking over his shoulder and arching his back at the sight you make, so deeply taken with eating him out and spreading him open.
A puddle of precum gathers under you as Conners length drips like a faucet, even without either of you touching it he feels like he’s about to burst. And he does when you sink two fingers inside him, Conner letting out a loud wail as he spills all over the floor, the puddle between his legs growing even larger and messier.
A loud pleased growl rings from your chest, the scent of your partner being satisfied only making you feel hotter, the want in your chest brightening even further. Quickly finishing in stretching Conner you scamper to your feet, not even feeling patient enough to take your suit off in the way it meant too. The sound of ripping fabric is heard as you tear your suit from the neck and down, the material catching around your knees as you push it down.
Conner moans as the smell of your musk and lust hits him, his hard length giving a spurt of arousal as his need for you grows even stronger, he wants you in every way, be it love and lust. Grabbing your length around the base you lead it to his hole, shivering in anticipation as you push it inside, groaning from deeply in your chest as the feeling of rightness fills you at being with Conner like this. The man under you moans, his eyes rolling back as he pushes his hips back to get you in further.
It takes a while for you to bottom out seeing as you are kryptonian, it means you are very big in a way that would make it hard for anyone to take you, but not Conner, its like he’s made for you. Your balls rest against his taint and Conner looks over his shoulder at you, his face flushed and sweaty in a way you wouldn’t normally see on a kryptonian.
Leaning down you place your hands on either side of him, digging your fingers into the bench to grip, and start thrusting. Had it been any other time you two might have thought of staying quiet, but the feeling of perfect and right that connects you being like this muffles the world around you. Your lips meet in a wet kiss as your hips speed up, the bench creaking in complaint at your powerful movements.
You both cum like this, Conner spilling even more on the floor as you fill him up until its dripping out of him, and mutually you moan loud enough it wouldn’t be a surprise if it woke all your teammates. But neither of you could care, as a bond between you snaps in place, new heat washing through the two of you as you flip Conner over, his legs wrapping around your waist and his arms wrapping around your neck as you start thrusting anew, loud slick noises filling the locker room once more as you use your own spend to ease the process.
Neither of you could tell exactly how long you were at it, as kryptonian libido is no joke. All you knew was that at some point the bench broke under your combined super strength, the lockers were dented beyond saving from doing it up against them, and the wall had finger shaped holes from where Conner had grasped at it as you filled him again and again.
You were both a shaking mess as the heat finally seemed to dim, leaving only a deep love thrumming between you. The two of you found yourselves on the floor, Conner cuddled up in your arms as you kissed and purred at each other, the want in your chests seeming more settled than ever before, it felt like everything was as it should be. Conner had asked if this meant you were boyfriends now, and you just chuckled and told him you sure hoped so. He only had time to jump on you and kiss you in joy at the knowledge you were together, when you both heard a loud shriek and sound of disgust.
Glancing at the door to the locker room you only just caught glimpse of Wally speeding away, and you soon heard him crying out in disgust to the rest of the team that you two had turned it into some kind of kryptonian mating dungeon. You both flushed with embarrassment, sharing one last love filled kiss before you quickly got to cleaning up as best as you could, though there wasn’t much you could do about the damage. It would take some explaining to do, but you hoped to avoid talk about just what you two had been up too, from Conners snickering you knew he thought the same, the knowledge would probably scar your teammates.
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primeofprimes115 · 1 year
The Yin to Her Yang, His Ray of Sunshine - Supergirl x Male Reader
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Warnings: Smut (18+), Angst, lots of Fluff and Wholesome moments (if you're one of those ugly criers, best to get some tissues just in case
(A/N: This takes place within an Alternative New Earth timeline where Flashpoint and Convergence never happens in this timeline)
For the last few years of their relationship, dating back to where it all began, where she first arrived to Earth, scared, confused, traumatised to where she is now with the one true love she never thought she'd have in her life who fought side by side with her through all of her struggles along with his own, through their ups and downs, her one true love being you of course!
Some would say your relationship with Supergirl was a coincidence.
But deep down, it wasn't just a coincidence... It was destined to blossom into an art of true love, two people, who cared so much for each other, who loved each other conditionally and emotionally. 
Your relationship with her was very sweet, tender, caring, loving and protective along with it being softcore and downright fluffy.
But... Let's go through your history with her first... All the way to present day...
Kara Zor-El has come a long way, she's been through so much within the last few years, fought through so many struggles in her life as both Supergirl and her secret identity Linda Lang.
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(A/N: Before you say anything about the image directly above... I get that she's... Y'know? But do I blame you??? I don't think I should) 
But she didn't spend it alone, by her side, was a young man from the planet Xola which had a bad history with Kryptonians as they once tried to conquer Xola but the Xolanians fought back with dignity and strength, once a powerful empire before many years later, the Xolanians would erupt in a civil war, two factions, fighting for control over the planet as the planet, slowly became uninhabitable for them all due to the war effort.
The man named Y/N, a young but grizzled and traumatised veteran of the Xolanian civil war, came to Earth near the end of the war, to live peacefully and in isolation before he found himself in more conflict regarding the humans and the many aliens that thrived on Earth.
He assumed the war was lost... The last thing he ever knew was that... Xola was becoming uninhabitable to support life... He grieved over the loss of his planet, of losing the war...
Until... He would meet someone who would change his life forever, along with changing hers.
Batman/Superman: The Supergirl From Krypton
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If it wasn't for the man called Superman, Y/N probably wouldn't be where he is now, at first he didn't trust the Big Blue since he was a Kryptonian but after seeing what he stood up for, he slowly began trusting him a bit more, as he began to trust a few Humans, one of them being Lois Lane, though he would still keep himself isolated and hidden, keeping to himself since he doesn't trust anyone else but the Man of Steel and a few of his close ones, he was introduced to his cousin Kara Zor-El, to help her adapt to Earth a bit better and the rest is history. after he vowed to help her understand a bit better.
She did go through some struggles, being practically kidnapped by Wonder Woman to be trained by the Amazons instead of Kal and Y/N teaching her, she already didn't like Batman since she thinks he didn't have a heart at all, thinking he was being an ass to her but overall... The only stranger who didn't try do anything to her was Y/N, who she actually enjoyed talking with and was a great conversationalist.
He didn't like the fact that Kara was forced to train on Themaskira, he always thought that 'freedom was everyone's right', he always thought that through his past leader, this? This wasn't freedom, she was forced but still... He couldn't do anything about it
But... This wouldn't really last as long, she gained the attention of Apokolips, specially Darkseid and with the attack on Themaskira from a cloned army of doomsday which was a diversion to distract everyone, Darkseid would order Kara's capture for she was to be manipulated into becoming a servant for him which unfortunately, they would succeed in doing so.
Y/N wanted to rescue her, no matter the cost, no matter how far he would have to go to get her back, thanks to Big Barda, they would find a way to travel to Apokolips.
After the two cousins would fight, in the nick of time of Y/N's arrival with Batman distracting Darkseid with his smarts, somehow... Y/N managed to break the somewhat brainwash on Kara's mind, carefully using his words, before she would collapse on the ground, Kal would bring her back with the others upon Darkseid agreeing to let Kara free... That day... Y/N grew to respect Batman with his smarts, outsmarting even a New God? That was something he never thought a Human could ever do.
Upon the end, with Kara back and it looked like she was going to head back with her cousin, she had one talk with Y/N as she recognised a symbol on his armour.
"How're you feeling?" he asked
"Still fuzzy but... I'm okay, I'm here because I just wanted to say before I go... Thank you for... What you've done for me Y/N ~" she smiled as she ran her hand on his shoulder plate where a somewhat recognisable symbol was seen - "I know this symbol, it belonged to the Xolanians, you're Xolanian? I know what the Kryptonians did to your people through my mother, Alura. I was so surprised you put so much of your trust in me despite... What happened between our people, I'm so sorry for what happened back then" she kept her eyes on the symbol, the two swords that stood for Unity, Hope, Prosperity.
She looked up at him, noticing his sorrowed face, thinking he was hurt by this, she immediately apologised... Thinking she shouldn't have mentioned it.
"No Kara, it's not that... I... I don't think I should talk about it here" he said with sorrow, with a pain aching in his heart.
She unexpectedly hugs him, taking him by surprise... He's never had a hug in a long time, not since... The Fall of Xola.
"I understand you don't want to talk about it, you're not ready to talk about it and that's fine! Really, it is" she seemed to console him, which shocked him but... He smiled, accepting the hug by placing his hands on her back.
The time came for her to go back with her cousin, he thanked Wonder Woman and Batman for helping him... Including Y/N, for helping her extensively... He already saw that Y/N trusts her and he couldn't be more proud.
Though returning from the Fortress of Solitude where Kara would try on a costume she could wear to use her powers and abilities for good, her 'Supergirl' outfit, she admitted she wasn't sure about being worthy to wear it, to bear the House of El glyph, feeling ashamed of her action when she was brainwashed, her cousin would dismiss it, telling her that whatever evil she displayed, was put into her by Darkseid.
 They would soon return to the Kent Family Farm where Darkseid was waiting for them, waiting to strike the two super cousins off guard.
However... He was bested in the end, especially with Wonder Woman's arrival and Kara reversed the Motherbox tech, activating the boom tube before Darkseid was sent through it, far out within the cosmos...
 Upon that day... Kara made a decision... Remembering what Y/N once told her
"We only become Heroes to not only protect others, to protect freedom, it is a huge responsibility that requires strength, dignity and discipline so we can fight for a better tomorrow... I was told that once, and I haven't forgotten it since that day, but overall... I see that in you Kara, just a little bit, but it's your decision to become a Hero or not, to take that responsibility, to turn it... Into opportunity, turning it... Into something... Beautiful"
On Paradise Island, Superman would introduce 'Supergirl' to the superhero community.
"To be honest. I'm not sure I've earned the right to use that name... Or to even wear this uniform. But I'm hoping, with all your help. I'll grow into it" she gave a little speech to the community as she was cheered on, making her smile but as she looked closer... She couldn't see Y/N, or see him anywhere for that matter.
It was at this time... He was at his spot where it was all peaceful... Quiet... No one around him or anything... Just... The calm ocean, the sun set... All of it... Reflecting on the past... His past... Unescapable memories.
It wasn't long till he heard someone land close to him, shaking him out of those memories, he turned to his right and saw... Kara, in her Supergirl outfit, stunned by her look as she smiled at him.
(A/N: Always loved his art, RIP Michael Turner)
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"Hi Y/N, what'd you think?" she flaunted her cape, doing a little spin afterwards as he stood up from where he sat, smiling at her as she allowed him to show off her costume, from front to back, seeing the House of El glyph on her cape all coloured a yellowish gold much like her cousin's.
"It looks... Good, amazing... Super" he cracks an accidental pun in there, making her giggle.
"Earth humour huh?" she giggled before sitting down with him.
"Didn't mean to crack one a pun there but..." he chuckled as he sat down beside her, the two continuing their conversation as her cousin watched from a distance, happy she's getting along with someone who was her first friend here on Earth.
(Supergirl: Girl Power)
Kara's friendship with Y/N bloomed into something special, it grew closer as the weeks went by, he patrolled with her and as she was already dealing with a situation, involving getting spied on, he vowed to help her deal with this situation.
 At their usual hang out spot where the two were alone together, watching the calm oceans which also appeared to calm Kara's thoughts when she would be feeling down.
She wanted to ask him about Xola, but knowing others have asked him about it, he would avoid talking about it if it was mentioned, almost like he was hiding a hidden pain behind the armour, behind the battle mask, he would briefly mention certain things but... If it was anything about why he was on Earth and not Xola... He played it off like it was nothing.
Though he briefly told her that the Kryptonian invasion was the last time he saw his father, a solider for the Xolanian Empire, he was killed during the Kryptonian, Xolanian War. Where he would have to grow up... An orphan no long after his mother's sudden passing before he was took in by his warrior Uncle, promising he'd teach him like his brother would've, at the required age, it wasn't enough to clear the unanswered question.
She wanted to ask him so badly especially since he'd briefly mentioned it back on Themaskira, but she talked about Krypton to him, why would he not do the same with his own planet?
Kara knew he was hiding pain, she knew he was still grieving, much like she was about Krypton's destruction.
"So... I hate to ask but... How did you end up here on Earth? I know you've been asked so many times but..." she looked at him as they both stared down at the ocean in front of them, the view being perfect.
He looked at her, with eyes that turned sorrow, he had a feeling Kara would ask him next, he felt she wanted to ask him for weeks, she sensed his pain by looking at him as he sighed, looking back at the ocean.
"It was a war... A civil war between our people that ravaged for centuries, two factions, fighting for control ~" he broke his silence, as Kara looked a little shocked at this - "I fought in this war, I was a warrior scout for the Xolar Resistance but... This war... It tore Xola apart, it tore many of us apart... I still... Have the scars to prove it, as with war ~" he took a moment to catch his words as he then looked at her with sorrow - "it can make a planet burn, make it... Unsuitable for life to progress... Xola became Uninhabitable for life to thrive ~" the look on Kara's face after hearing the truth behind his arrival here to Earth said it all, she wasn't expecting to hear this from him, to know she wasn't the only one who lost a planet from destruction, Y/N also went through the same pain... But worse... It was due to a war, a war HE fought, a war... He lost - "We were forced to fan out to the cosmos, abandon Xola, where my shuttle would get knocked off course, I was in cryogenic sleep during this time, and would find myself here... On Earth, knowing that I was alone... To bear with the loss of both the war and Xola and with that? I think... I'm the last of my species, the last... Of the Xolanians" he finished, his voice beginning to get shaky a little from his last words, he looked away, closing his eyes before he felt something touch him...
A hand... On his, Kara's hand grasped his, knowing they both share similar pain, similar scars, similar... Grief.
She may have Kal-El... But Y/N doesn't have that, he doesn't have family left, nor anyone for the matter, it was where the two embraced in a deep hug, helping him grieve through the pain just like he did with her.
 Deep down, he knew he needed this, someone to recognise he was keeping the pain hidden, someone who knows that type of pain... And Kara was the perfect individual to share his past with.
Both went through the same thing almost, he trusts her so much after all.
They've been by each others side since then, Y/N helped her fight her demons, her Dark self aka Dark Supergirl at one point due to Lex Luthor using a form of Black Kryptonite, let's just say, things were a little divided between Y/N and the two Kara's.
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One played with his feelings while the other, the one Y/N knew, was still there by his side, even he knew who the real Kara was after her dark twin tried switching up costumes to confuse him and the others.
Though she would later infuse herself back up with her evil 'twin', she was struggling to find herself but she got help, from both her cousin and Y/N... He didn't want to leave her side if it meant anything at least.
When she joined the Teen Titans for a brief time, he supported her, though her membership with them didn't really last as long as it should have, he would still support her either way, after all? What are friends for right?
However... Kara had feelings for him after the whole Power Boy situation (despite Y/N warning her that Power Boy shouldn't be trusted, he knew something was wrong about him and he was right in the end, Power Boy tried manipulating Kara, which almost worked but ultimately failed, resulting... Him getting a boot up his man-parts by Kara in deep space), where Y/N would also develop deep feelings for her too, their first kiss eventually happening within the clouds above, where they both loved the quietness up there.
Through the Infinite Crisis charisma, thinking she was killed by the Zeta Beam, only for her to come back a year later to bad news of Superboy's death (who comes back later on) and her cousin powerless (he regains his powers later on), but she came back to a relieved Y/N, hugging her pretty tight as he missed her so much, though she briefly lost her memories about being sent to the future where she was with the Legion of Superheroes within the 31st century (which she would found out it was actually Earth-Prime's 30th century, not her Earth's future) he revealed to her that she was gone for over a year, prompting in her showering him in kisses.
Through looking for a secret identity to roam as a normal Human with Y/N's help (as he's done it for a while) to trying out to join the Outsiders with Captain Boomerang II's request, Y/N supported her but ultimately found out that she was being tested rather than trusting her which almost got Y/N and another member into a fight with Nightwing getting in between them, Kara would instead not join the team upon knowing she was being tested.
But after Breaking the Chain, Cry for Justice (where she joined a Justice League group for a brief time) and the Dark Crisis? Their relationship was taken to the next level after the many tiring months they spent together fighting side by side...
Where she would rock his world for the first time, and her own world too, knowing she was all his and only his for as long as it could last.
(First Smut warning here)
Within Kara's apartment, her outfit was seen on the floor, first her high-knee boots as it went from that to her yellow loose belt and blue skirt, to the trousers Y/N wore with his integrated suit of armour, to his shirt as the device that activates his armour on command, is seen on the living room table.
Eventually... It leads up to panties and boxers on the floor to Kara's crop top and attached cape were on the floor beside the bed where Kara's pleasured moans were heard as she rode on top of her boyfriend, his cock penetrating her clitoris.
Her moans softly reached his ears as he kept thrusting up in her, desperate for him to go faster and also harder, her bounces connecting with his upper thrusts.
They've been at it for 30 minutes, she really wasn't kidding when she could rock his world, this was her first time along with his.
And eventually... They finished inside each other... Two of them panting uncontrollably as Kara crashed her body into him, letting the juices escape her womanhood, combined with hers and her boyfriend's.
"So? Ready for round two handsome??" she would ask him after 5 minutes went by...
They both went through a lot after the entire Dark Crisis, Kara especially. He's been there for her so many times where she needed it most and she couldn't be more happier with that, especially with finding the joined city of Kandor and Argo within a bottle aboard Brainiac's ship.
This discovery was named New Krypton by Kara and was released and re-sized to normal size where it would reside on Earth for a while, she was so happy to see her people alive, to re-connect with so many she missed, to once again, to roam the now joined cities Kandor and Argo, as she didn't want to spend it alone she wanted Y/N to experience it with her, to step foot in a Kryptonian which made history as he was the first ever Xolanian to step foot within it.
She got to meet her birth parents once more, Alura and Zor-El, where she revealed her relationship with Y/N, the Xolanian Warrior, at first they were a little sceptical but upon meeting him, their scepticism went down the drain.
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"Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend, Y/N L/N, the Xolanian Warrior" she kindly introduces them to him, she wrapped her arm around his after he approached.
"Though our kind and Xolanians don't have a very fond history with each other, we're so sorry for what you've been through, Kara has told us all about you, and we're so happy for her, which we want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts, for protecting her, for being there for her when we could not" Alura greeted him as he smiled at her greeting.
"You don't need to thank me, you should thank Kal-El and your beautiful Daughter here, if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have never seen Kryptonians differently as I did before" he switched it round as Kara kissed him on the cheek.
But as all things do go well, it doesn't stay forever...
Under General Lane's orders (Lois Lane's father), with the amount of Kryptonians living on Earth and the fear of a possible alien invasion from the Kryptonians, he ordered both Reactron and Metallo to invade Kandor with Gold Kryptonite, and slaughter as many Kryptonians they could find, that included Zor-El, this was Kara's biggest tragedy, which the following events afterwards, changed everything in her life.
(Zor-El's death)
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Due to this tragedy... Alura used Sunstone technology and uprooted Kandor out of Earth into outer space and placed into geosynchronous orbit, directly opposite of the Earth itself.
The US Government took action by barring all Kryptonians (except Superman) from staying on Earth, that included Supergirl, which enraged Y/N but he chose to stay on Kandor, to protect the remaining Kryptonians living on Kandor where Kara would have to stay... But not for long.
Zor-El's death also struck Y/N hard, before his death, Y/N wanted to ask her a very important question which involved a Kryptonian made ring, he went to Zor-El and Alura about it first, he was given the green light after telling them how much Kara meant to him, wanting to ask her the biggest question of his life, to marry on New Krypton under Kryptonian Standards, but unfortunately, those plans were cut due to the following events afterwards.
(Superman: War of the Supermen)
Things got worse after Zor-El's death, there was the Hunt for Reactron, Superwoman's appearance who was in fact General Lane's daughter Lucy, to everything leading up from New Krypton's Last Stand to the complete War of the Supermen where New Krypton was destroyed, the Military Guild of Krypton led by Zod was ready to invade Earth, an enraged Supergirl who was furious after Alura's death at the hands of Reactron, of Luthor, blamed Earth for New Krypton's destruction and with carrying the flag of Krypton, she raced toward Earth to join the war effort...
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Only to be stopped by Y/N and Superman, who she attacked in a blind rage, angry at the both of them from preventing her to join the war effort.
"Do you have any, ANY idea what war can do to people? The amount of death and destruction it can cause!?" he arms his weapon, charging it up as it trilled extensively as he gets ready to defend himself once more.
They had been fighting for a while throughout New Krypton's moon Callisto, his armour was torn a little but with no effort, Kara on the other hand, enraged and full with anger, had just finished fighting her cousin, only to be confronted by Y/N again, she was enraged by such action against her, against avenging her own people.
"OUT OF MY WAY Y/N! I WON'T LET YOU GET IN MY WAY LIKE MY COUSIN DID!! THEY NEED TO PAY!!! ~" she shouted at him, her eyes lighting up red, floating in the air as she was about to attack her boyfriend - "YOU SHOULD BE BY MY SIDE! NOT THEIR'S!!!" she was upset and angry with him, how could he betray her? Side with Earth by defending them from the crimes they committed to New Krypton's destruction?? From the many Kryptonians that were on New Krypton that got wiped in an instant due to the Gold Kryptonite Nuke placed inside Reactron.
"Is this what Alura and Zor-El would want? Earth destroyed? Purged? Earth is my home Kara! Our home!! Don't you remember that War destroyed my world... I won't let another world fall the same, I don't want to fight you, but if you must... Then so be it, if you're going to join the war effort to attack Earth? Then you'll have to get through me first" he hesitantly aimed his cannon at her - "One way... Or the other, one of us... Will fall, but do not let your anger blind you from who you are Kara Zor-El, this isn't what you are, Zor-El and Alura would never want you to become like Zod, or Ursa" he slightly growled as his mask forms back up, showing his war side to her as she began to realise what she was doing was wrong.
She looks at him, realising he's physically trying to defend himself from her, his words get through to her head, she looks at the damage she inflicted upon him and her cousin, she looked at him and knew he was serious, she never saw this side of him before, battle mask formed up, him scolding her and he's NEVER scolded her before which gave her a reality check.
In that moment... She breaks down, tears fall down her face immediately as she dropped the flag of Krypton, blaming herself for New Krypton's destruction.
"It's all my fault, I brought Reactron to New Krypton, I caused it all!!" she shouted through tears, weeping at herself as Y/N's cannon powered down, his battle mask deactivating as he kneels down to her level and pulls her in, she digs her face into his chest as she lets it all out, blaming herself over and over.
"Don't blame yourself my Little Sunshine, none of this is your fault. They played us for fools, General Lane is attempting to wage war to hail himself a War Hero in the Human's eyes, he doesn't care what happens to them ~" he pulled back, looking at the teary eyed Kara as more tears fell down, but he wiped them away with one motion of his thumb - "Someone tried doing the same on Xola, look what happened afterwards... Earth is in danger, Zod and the Military Guild will wreak havoc if we don't stop them... But revenge will not bring back what is lost, you know I've been through that, you're not alone" he assured her as she sniffled and gloomed, looking at him with regret and pain.
She knew he was right, he'd been through war, he's seen death and the destruction it would bring, she knew if they didn't stop Zod and the Military Guild, Earth will be in total chaos and uninhabitable for Human kind, and that revenge won't bring New Krypton back, nor her mother, nor her father.
"I love you Kara, you know I'll never leave your side, no matter happens, we'll get through this loss together, let it fuel our strength" he smiled, wiping away a few more of Kara's tears.
"I love you too Y/N" she responded through a sob, hugging him tightly, not wanting to let go of him... She needed this consolation from him, especially after the death of her birth mother and the destruction of New Krypton
She sniffles a little more before rubbing her arm across her eyes to wipe away the remaining tears after breaking the long, comforting hug, as his words replayed in her head from earlier, of what war did to his world, refusing to let Earth fall the same.
Deep down... She viewed Earth as her home too, though not many wanted her around, she still viewed it as home, thanks to Y/N and her cousin, along with her friends and Earth family.
"Okay. Okay, You're right Y/N ~" she began to get up - "What do we do now?" she asked him, fists clenched.
"We go to Earth and do everything we can to defuse this insanity until we find an answer to all of this, and save lives in the meantime ~" he stood up with her - "As I said before, I won't let another planet go to ruin over a war, a war that can bring chaos and devastation to the Human race, that I swear deep within my soul, will not happen this day, or any other day... They all must be stopped... No matter the cost ~" he clenched his fist as his battle mask activates - "I have a shuttle I can use for transport to Earth, Zod and his forces would have arrived by now, we must make haste!"
They would join the war effort, which during on the way to Earth, the sun would be turned into a red sun with Superman, Supergirl and the remaining Kryptonians, struggle to breathe in space, Y/N managed to save Kal and Kara by bringing them into his shuttle, but the rest? He was too late, he only managed to save a few and that was it.
This managed to enrage Y/N, countless dead for nothing, Kryptonian or not, he knew their deaths were pointless, all to stop Zod and the others though the sun would revert back to normal not long after thanks to Thara-Ak-Var's (aka Flamebird) sacrifice to turn the sun yellow once more.
Once arriving to Earth to stop the war from tearing Earth apart, Kal went to wait for Zod and his followers at Metropolis while Kara and Y/N went to the white house to stop Ursa from killing the US President...
Though Y/N was questioned about almost killing Ursa upon seeing Kara being strangled to death and finding out that it was Ursa who killed Y/N's father during the Kryptonian Invasion of Xola, in a controlled rage, he fought violently against her, like he did during the Xolanian Civil War, she taunted him about his father, which would only prove to be her last, deadly mistake as he was not like the Xolanians she fought before, underestimating him even, before he could pull the trigger as she wanted him to, he stopped himself with the help of the rest of the Super Family that arrived in the nick of time, as this fight quite literally pushed him over the breaking limit, as he was reminded of his time in the civil war. This day changed him forever.
Near the end, Kara would've killed General Lane if both Y/N and Lois hadn't intervened, though he killed himself in the end rather than face justice for his crimes.
A funeral would be held for those who died on New Krypton, a Kryptonian flower was placed on its remains as a teary eyed Supergirl would fly off and arrive back on Y/N's shuttle, embracing him once more...
"Let it all out, let it all out" he cooed, hugging her tightly as she wouldn't let go of him again... If she was going to grieve, he wouldn't let her grieve alone.
After all of that? Kara and Y/N's lives had changed forever, she would stop being Supergirl at one point, going Linda Lang full time, ditching her birth name: Kara Zor-El, though both Lana and Y/N convinced her to pick up the mantle of Supergirl and Kara Zor-El again upon the threat of Bizarrogirl.
She admitted to miss flying and carrying Y/N when she flew around Earth, it was something rather special for the both of them.
Posing like her cousin once did - "Okay, I gotta admit...
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...I missed this"
(A/N: Does anyone else find this part of the comic pretty cute when she poses like that? She's such a bean in the New Earth comics at times, literally my favourite incarnation of the Maiden of Might, the Girl of Steel and I... L O V E it, plus... I honestly just wanna hug her so bad, she's been through so much pain as it is and I feel so bad, if only I could give her a hug to tell her it's alright. Believe it or not fellow readers... I refer to her at times, especially with pain and loss, feeling like an outsider to the world because you're different than everyone, and they pick on you because you're different, especially since I'm Autistic. Without her? Without Kara Zor-El/Supergirl? I don't even know where I'd be right now)
She missed being Supergirl, she missed saving lives, kicking ass and taking names and she was happy to pick up the outfit again.
After so... She agreed to take Y/N flying once more.
"I missed taking us up here" Kara said while looking up toward the sky, taking herself and Y/N up into the clouds.
"I did too, this is where we had our first kiss believe it or not" he chuckled, Kara looked at him and could only smile at the sudden call back of a memory.
"I've never stopped thinking about that, which reminds me" she giggled as she drew her face closer to his, connecting her lips on his no long after, sharing a deep kiss as Kara remained stationary above the clouds, holding her one true love.
"I love you so freaking much y'know that?" Y/N murmured, making the Girl of Steel giggle as she stole another kiss from him.
"I know... I love you more than anything in this world Y/N ~" Kara spoke through the kiss, breaking it to speak more clearly so she could speak with to her heart's intent about him - "thank you so much for being there for me when I needed it most, I don't know where I'd be without feeling your touch, to hear your voice, your heartbeat, to see your presence and when you're not around, I try to listen for your heartbeat, and I worry so much when I can't hear it because I'm not whole without you, I'm not myself... I'm so lucky to have someone like you who loves me the same, who I can always wake up beside and see your eyes the first thing in the morning... You're like... The Sun to my Flowers, the Yin to my Yang, my Badass Warrior, because I adore you" Kara smiled as brightly as she could with her boyfriend grinning at her statement, which resulted in them kissing deeply once more, as the stars and moon shined bright like a diamond, setting up the perfect scenery for the two love birds.
She still blamed herself for New Krypton's destruction and even dreamt of being back on it, Y/N would deny that it was her fault, though she didn't want to admit it... She knew he was right, it wasn't her fault still, but to use that memory to keep moving forward, knowing that's what Alura and Zor-El would want her to do.
she felt so lucky to have someone like Y/N by her side, she felt special to him and that's all that mattered...
(Legion of Superheroes... Again?)
At this point in time after the whole Bizarrogirl situation was dealt and heading out of Bizarro-World with a rocket ship and ultimately for Kara, she... AGAIN, went to the future. 
But this time, it wasn't the 30th century she was familiar with and she wasn't alone, Y/N was with her still after the Bizarro-World situation, The Legion welcomed the two in, Kara decides with Y/N agreeing to stay in the future and work for the Legion for a while, both given a Legion Flight ring but he didn't use it, he had other alternatives.
Kara would visit the Superman Museum with her boyfriend, where she finds out how she dies, facing off against the most powerful threat in the entire universe, the Multiverse to be exact, the threat isn't revealed but she has a sense of what it could be, she doesn't tell him this but finds out either way, promising she won't die alone, he'll be there with her.
They both would be interrupted by Satan Girl, an Alien Death Goddess that was drawn to Earth when Brainiac-5 experimented on a statue offered up to her. Together with Brainy, they put a stop to Satan Girl, even going as far as going back within the timestream to stop her.
Not long after, Saturn Girl, Lightning Lad (who made a friend in Y/N and give Lightning Lad the nickname: 'Sparky'), Cosmic Boy and Brainiac-5 would bring Supergirl and Y/N back to the present, where Kara revealed to her boyfriend that - "This is the happiest I've been in years, I love going on these types of adventures with you, it's something... Different for us, and I love it" she would kiss him, before flying up into the portal with carrying her one true love. Saturn Girl would wipe Kara's knowledge of knowing how she died, along with Y/N's knowledge of knowing it too.
Both Supergirl and Y/N would go back to the future sometimes, to help the Legion with any issues but one of them... Wasn't a pleasant day to visit... For both the love birds.
Unfortunately... Lightning Lad would die due to his heroic sacrifice, both Kara and Y/N showed up for the funeral.
"Sparky, you are amongst the bravest of us all, I wished I would've been there to fight side by side with you as you reminded me of another back on Xola, If I could give my life to bring you back, I would... But... You deserve to rest, you need it... As a wise spokesman said... Till All Are One" he gave a speech to his friend, which moved the hearts of many that were there for the funeral, Kara would give a similar speech too.
(Their War, Our World)
(A/N: This is a huge Transformers reference I just dropped, holy moly this phrase 'Their War, Our World' hasn't been used in years and I mean all the way back in 2007, I wish we could go back to witness it all over again)
(PS: I might make a full out story out of 'Their War, Our World', but what do you think? Should I do it at some point in the near future?)
Months would pass by along the way, Kara would join the new Justice League of America with Wonder Woman's vote to allow her to join, also allowing Y/N to join not long after though he wasn't very sure at the time but... He couldn't resist when Kara urged him to join up, even going as far as putting on her puppy dog eyes to convince him which worked...
All the way to the formation of the Supermen of America where Kara was the founding member of.
It was also occurrent that a Multiversal event happened where heroes and villains alike from different timelines, continuities, universes all grouped up since the entire Multiverse was threatened by one entity and its own army, this entity had a thousand names, it spoke with many voices but it only spoke one name...
And its goal was to Shape the entire universe... Which would've ended everything at once.
It was not recorded of what exactly happened, but the only thing that came out of it... Was that Supergirl survived... Xolanian Y/N's Supergirl lived, though it was said that she would die within her timeline but... sometimes... Fates can be broken.
At least two months after the huge event that transpired, Y/N would receive an unexpected recorded message, from an old friend and leader of the Xolar Resistance - Hyrix Maximus.
"Y/N, I pray this message reaches you, though the war rages on, not all hope is lost, we now have the means to revive Xola and turn the tides of the war, if you hear this message, I have a new task for you, establish a base on Earth in secret, so we can rebuild and return home to retake what was lost, stay safe solider... I am coming"
This message raised hope of seeing Xola thrive once more and hearing that Hyrix Maximus was alive and still leading, had reversed his thoughts that the war was lost but not over yet or that he was the last of his kind.
Kara intrigued to help him complete his new task of establishing a hidden base, though she feared that another New Krypton situation would happen, he assured her it won't, though he also had fears the warwould be brought here to Earth as they didn't need another alien war happening on Earth again.
She was happy to know that his planet would have life thrive again, but she felt... Saddened about it, knowing he would be leaving Earth to go back to Xola when the civil war ends.
As stated, he wanted Kara to go there with him, to see it's full restoration though she wasn't entirely sure as she wanted to stay on Earth, she felt gloomy about him possibly leaving Earth for good, which resulted in her having a nervous breakdown over, she got over it quick with her two of her best friend's help being Cassie Sandsmark and Stephanie Brown, but they never told Y/N about it.
Soon after with the arrival with Hyrix Maximus and the Resistance, it brought unwanted attention to Earth as Y/N feared.
The US government along with the President were warned of this immediately, more aliens arriving to Earth, bringing even more chaos but if it wasn't for Y/N's words, the Xolar Resistance would have Humans targeting them too, Hyrix Maximus and the Resistance had to reveal themselves to the public and speak with the President in person, showing they aren't the ones to fear but the Releimors are, their sworn enemy.
"Our greatest warrior, scout and good friend Y/N, filled me in with the details of what has happened on planet Earth recently, we know you have all just gotten out of an invasion from the Kryptonian Race and though we have a history with them, I am more than proud to call the Kryptonians that defend Earth, 'ally' in this current situation, our civil war has lasted for centuries. Our planet, Xola, had become uninhabitable for all of our kind, forcing us to journey throughout the stars where our war would rage on throughout the cosmos, we lost contact with Y/N during the final days of Xola, where his pod would land on Earth, where he presumably lived amongst you all for some time, I know he has been defending your planet for quite some time now but with the threat of our war coming here to Earth? I cannot imagine pulling you all into our war, the Releimors had detected our ship upon arriving to your galaxy and gave chase until it was too late for us to detect them... We will do our best to protect your planet, amongst the new allies we have met"
The war continued for some time on Earth, the government set up a conjoined team of the Xolar Resistance and Team ETN (Extra-Terrestrial Neutralisers) to fend off this new threat with the help of the Supermen of America and the New Justice League.
Y/N got himself back into a bitter rivalry with someone who was his equal named Araxis, a foe who tried many times to get in his head by taunting him about his new friends... Including his girlfriend.
There would be a point where Y/N was injured severely during a 1 vs 3 as backup was on the way, he fended off as hard as he could but it was all he could handle, being tossed around, getting his mask shattered, impaled by blades. Before his fate could be sealed, it was Supergirl who saved him with the Supermen of America and his old squad called Squadron Elite, a group he once commanded.
Despite being injured, he wasn't allowed to fight on the front again till he was 100%, at this time, during this time, Kara would mostly stay on the Xolanian Ship codenamed 'Ark' where the injured Y/N was. There... She met a Xolanian friend through Y/N named Caria.
When it came to the time of his condition being cleared, Kara wanted to have a chat with him about Xola, wanting to know if he was really thinking of going back.
"Hey..." Kara called out from leaning against the medical bay door as one of the Xolanian doctors cleared him for duty.
"Hey Sunshine" he smiled as the doctor would leave the room on par with Y/N's request to leave them for 5 minutes or so.
"I wanted to know if... It's true" Kara asked as she fidgeted with her cape nervously.
"What's true?" he asked her with an eyebrow raised.
"If.... If you're really going back to... To Xola after this" she asked with her head down, her voice turning gloomy and sorrow.
"Kara, who said..." he stopped himself as Kara looked back at him with a somber facial expression with her eyes beginning to water.
All he could do was chuckle a little at Kara's silliness, tears began running down her face, she was in a gloomy state about it.
"Oh Kara, come here" he extends his arms out to her as she immediately hugs him tightly, her arms wrapped around his as she sobbed quietly.
"I d-don't want you t-to go" she wept, digging her face into his chest as he chuckled silently at her.
"Don't be silly Sunshine, who says I'm going back?" he asked her, he couldn't stop smiling at how silly Kara was being but he knew she must've had a nervous breakdown over this and never told him.
"You're going b-back aren't y-you?" she once again sobbed into his chest.
Y/N began running his hand through Kara's hair, keeping his smile as he comforted her, her continued sobbing was enough to make him realise she was upset about it, yes he was thinking of going back but after much clear thought of leaving Earth, of leaving everyone he knew behind, of leaving Kara Zor-El behind? He knew he couldn't live to bear with that.
Before he could make his decision final, he spoke with Hyrix Maximus and a few others, knowing if he could go back at any point but not to stay but to simply visit, and it was given the green light, knowing he could bring anyone with him as the atmosphere could fit Humans.
It brought him to this moment, consoling his crying Kryptonian girlfriend, his Ball of Sunshine.
"Kara, don't be silly okay? I'm not going back to stay" he replied after a minute with a chuckle, her ears perked up at this as she looked up at him.
"Wh-What? You're... You're not going?" she sniffled, in a look of sorrow.
"Yes, I'm not going back to stay, I'm staying here ~" he wiped away a dried tear on her cheek - "with you and the others, and I now know what you mean about you not being whole without me, I don't even know what I'd do without you ~" he smiled at her, wiping away another tear off her face with his thumb, caressing her cheek - "Kara Zor-El you Adorable Bean, Ball of Fluff, my Ray of Sunshine... I. Adore you" he finished, pulling her into a deep kiss as she wrapped her arms around the crook of his neck.
"I adore you too, Badass Warrior" she spoke through the kiss, not letting him go, her mind being brought to ease as she missed his touch...
For the next few months... They have been fighting back the rising threat, eventually ending it with the death of the Releimors' leader, once a brother to Hyrix: Doma-Thrash a power-hungry tyrant. 
With the war ended, Hyrix and the remaining Xolanians left for Xola, despite Y/N thinking of going back with them... He promised he'd stay on Earth, with his true love Kara Zor-El/Supergirl, but was always welcomed back to Xola whenever he would visit, especially with guests he would bring with him.
And indeed did he pay a visit to Xola after its restoration, he brought along his girlfriend and a few others (Cassie Sandsmark, Tim Drake and M'gann M'orzz)
Quite say that they enjoyed themselves, learning the many things about Xola and its history.
Kara especially enjoyed herself the most, being empowered by the likes of a blue sun which enhances the Photonucleic Effect on her, making her extremely more powerful than the likes of a yellow sun though she had to be tad extra careful in case she broke something due to her enhanced power.
This definitely helped when Hyrix Maximus called for Y/N's help to find escaped Reileimor war criminals, it was the most fun she's had in a while hunting down escaped convicts of Xola, helping the Xolanian people that day, which would make history as the first Kryptonian to step foot on Xola and help the Xolanians.
Quite say that she felt honoured, knowing she was well liked amongst the Xolanian people which buried the hatchet between the Xolanians and Kryptonians though only a few Kryptonians remain.
(Present Day)
With everything they have all been through, Kara Zor-El and Y/N have never been more than happy with what they have now.
With all their struggles dealt with, the happy moments, the sad moments, the fighting, the tragedies, the death, the deceit, the ups and downs, the blood, sweat and tears... They stuck together.
He was 'The Yin to Her Yang, the Sunshine to her Flowers, Badass Warrior'
And she was his 'Ray of Sunshine, Adorable Bean, Ball of Fluff' 
And she couldn't be more happier with him as he was with her.
Their relationship still blooms, their undying love for each other, the way they make each other feel.
It almost felt magical to them, they've both been through so much and it's brought them up to this point in time.
"Quite beautiful isn't it?" Kara asked him, she stared out at the ocean as the sun shined on it, beginning to settle down for the night.
They were currently celebrating Kara's 19th Earth birthday, she held his hand as they both sat watching the calm oceans, the peaceful winds blowing through them as Kara's cape gracefully flapped around softly.
 "Yeah it still is... But I got a better sight in front of me" he replied as he looked at her, referring to Kara as she giggled, giving him a peck on the lips afterwards for the compliment.
"I guess you're also a better sight too" she smiled ear to ear before giving him another peck on the lips, resting her head on his shoulder afterwards.
He felt a little nervous, he wanted to ask her something very, VERY important for the longest time, a question he wanted to ask her before Zor-El's death.
He wanted Kara to bring them here to watch the sun set and the calm ocean because this is where their relationship would flutter into something beautiful, where she was learning Earth culture through him, they sat. In this exact. Same. Spot, where he revealed his past, who he was and why he was on Earth.
This spot meant a lot to him, it's where his trust in Kryptonians opened up brightly due to Kara, she was special to him as he was to her.
"Kara... I need to tell you something" he breaks the silence as she looks at him lovingly.
"mmhm, what's up?" she hummed happily, staring at him as she waited for him to answer.
"I uh... Uhm... For the longest time, I never thought I'd be here, right now, with you, watching the sun set and the calm oceans... We've been through so much you and I ~" he started off as Kara listened in what he had to say - "Through all of our struggles, through the blood, sweat and tears, I've never been so happy to have met you, who has changed my life for the better and I believe I've done the same for you ~" he says with some stutters and with a huge smile on his face as she kept looking on with her own smile - "Before, New Krypton's destruction, before Zor-El's death, I asked him and Alura a question, a very important question and I was given the green light" Kara began to get confused at this, what question did he ask them? Why was he given the green light?
"Y/N, what are you trying to tell me?" she chuckled with confusion, she was completely anonymous what he had to say.
"Can you, stand up for me? Please?" he asked her kindly with a warm smile, though nervous, he felt butterflies in his stomach as the question was drawing near.
"Y/N? What's going on? Why are you acting like this??" she asked him curiously and confused as anything, her eyebrow raised up as she giggled.
"I just..." he stopped himself as he laughed nervously, she looked completely worried for him as he was acting quite odd, but laughed with him.
"I don't know why you're acting like this but..." she stopped herself as her cousin appeared along with Lois and a few others of the Supermen of America (Which included John Henry/Steel, Conner Kent aka Superboy, the reformed Leslie Willis aka Livewire and the Super-Chief himself) along with them were her best friends: Cassie Sandsmark aka Wonder-Girl, Stephanie Brown aka Batgirl, and Jesse Quick, Lana Lang, her adoptive Earth mom and Dick Grayson himself aka Nightwing who Kara saw as a brother to herself along with him viewing her as a sister.
"Wait? Uh, what're you all doing here?" she chuckled nervously, she kept her smile knowing all of the people close to her were here.
"Just wanted to see this moment for ourselves too, after all you might want to look back at Y/N, he's got something for you" Lois winked.
Upon hearing this and seeing the general surprise and happiness on everyone's faces, Kara looked back at her boyfriend, only to see him on one knee, holding her hand as he held a special, little box in his hand that was open...
And it revealed a special ring in it, the glistening jewels, Kryptonian made, struck Kara's eyes immediately as she realised what was happening, she looked back up at his eyes, her eyes widening at the realisation, of what type of question he meant.
The one where their relationship gets taken to a new level, beyond boyfriend and girlfriend.
His smile was brighter than before as Kara gasped, her free hand covering her mouth as her eyes began to fill with tears... Happy tears as her heart fluttered and began to race faster.
"I've been waiting... For a l-long time, to ask you this question ~" he said with glee stuttering a little as he couldn't contain his inner joy, looking into Kara's beautiful blue rays as they lit up with tears, falling down on her face - "Kara, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met, I wouldn't imagine what my life would've been without you by my side, and I wake up everyday thinking about that... I want to spend the rest of my life with you as I have been wanting to ask this very, VERY important question, one year in the making, though Alura and Zor-El are not here to witness this, I know they're watching in Rao's light above, knowing how proud they are of the woman I've known to love has become, who has come a long way ~" he continued as he began to chuckle, Kara began to happily sob at his words, now understanding what he meant by her birth parents giving him the green light ages ago, he wanted to ask her this question on New Krypton - "Kara Zor-El, Linda Lang, Supergirl... I have one question for you... Will you marry me?" he finished off the question, waiting for her to answer as a few sniffles could be heard from Lana in the background, along with Cassie's little sobs.
"Y-Yes... Yes, yes!!" Kara yelped happily through her sobs, she pulled him up for a deep kiss as the two were applauded by the group, happy for the two newly weds.
After the deep kiss, Y/N slid the ring on her finger, knowing it fitted, Kara pulls him in for another deep kiss as they were praised and congratulated by their friends and family afterwards, not only that... Y/N was given a signal watch by Clark, officially welcoming him into the Supermen of America, with Supergirl's request.
Everyone agreed to go back to Kara's apartment, as some other guests would soon arrive for Kara's birthday after the whole busy day of patrolling as their heroic selves.
Even one of the Xolanians who Kara made a friend with named Caria, came to visit, not wanting to miss out on her Kryptonian friend's Earth birthday which was pretty unexpected.
"Caria?! Wasn't expecting you to visit?" Y/N was shocked to see his old teammate from Squadron Elite, the two embracing in a hug afterwards.
"Yeah of course I'd be here dummy! Wouldn't want to miss my friend's birthday" she replied, punching his arm playfully as the door closed behind her after walking in.
Kara heard Caria's voice from across the room and couldn't keep her excitement contained, it was a while since she last saw her.
"Caria!!!" Kara immediately hugged her friend, giggling as she lifted her up with her hug.
"Eh, you can put me down because you're sl-slightly crushing me! ~" she managed to word out, Kara placed her back down on the ground - "I uh... Didn't get you anything though, sorry about that though" she rubbed the back of her neck which Kara giggled.
"It's alright, the best gift is definitely the friends and family you make" she replied, looking back at the packed apartment" 
"Well, that makes me feel a bit better and ~" Caria stopped her words for a moment as she noticed something on Kara's finger, a ring - "is that?" she asked, grasping her friend's hand as she looked at it closer.
"Oh, yeah, earlier on, this handsome guy right here asked me a very important question... And I said yes" Kara answered her question, looking right at him as he smiled.
"You're. Getting. Married? You're getting married!?? By the Knights of Xola, you're getting married!???" Caria repeated, hugging her long time friend, congratulating both Kara and Y/N for the announcement.
"Surprise haha, yeah me and my Super-Fiancé here are getting married, we haven't began working on plan for the wedding but... I'm sure we'll figure it all out tonight when everyone's left" Y/N confirmed, holding Kara's hand after Caria breaks the hug with him.
"Wait till I tell your Uncle about this, he needs to hear the news about this!" Caria was already excited upon this. 
They all chatted for a while, each and everyone got to talk and congratulate Kara and Y/N on the big moment, a moment one year in the making with Kara boasting with her friends - "Best Birthday Ever!"
When it came to the time for everyone to leave, they said their goodbyes and left, which Kara's apartment slowly began to get less packed than before, eventually only leaving both herself and her new Fiancé alone together as the night sky was filled with the stars and moon.
You both watched a movie together, cuddled up on the couch with a blanket made of Kryptonian fibres to keep warmth, both of you eating a take-a-way of her choice since it was her birthday before eating a bit of her birthday cake as a little treat while watching a movie of her choice.
Streaky, Kara's loveable, adorable orange cat would come up to cuddle in between you two, purring loudly as he was stroked by both of you... Where he would later get off and rest in his bed... Typical cat stuff.
Upon the end of the movie, you looked at your Fiancé, wondering if she liked the ring, after all... It was Kryptonian made...
"So? You like the ring?" Y/N asked her, she looked down at it and couldn't help but smile brightly.
"Yes! I love it so much!" Kara sounded like a little girl before hugging her now Fiancé, the two sharing a kiss afterwards.
"It's Kryptonian made, had it made within the Fortress of Solitude believe it or not, with your cousin's permission of course" Y/N spoke after pulling back as Kara glanced at the ring with a huge grin on her face.
"Out of everything? This is probably the best gift I've gotten ~" she couldn't stop smiling at the ring, the jewels perfectly crafted, Kryptonian jewels shining bright in her eyes... It was perfect - "But... I think the best gift overall... Is you" Kara looked at her Fiancé with a big smirk, giggling at the thought.
"Aww Baby, I'm touched" he clutched at his heart, flattered by the compliment as the two giggled afterwards before kissing deeply.
Kara's hands move up his shirt, feeling his soft skin in her hands as they move up to his chest inside his shirt meanwhile his hand slowly move down to her thigh as his other caresses her cheek, both smiling as they touch each other and their lips connecting in fruition.
"I have an idea where we could have our wedding day" Y/N spoke through the kiss, slowly pulling back.
"Where? Xola maybe?" Kara guessed as Y/N's eyes slightly widened.
"How'd you know?" he asked her with a chuckle, surprised she guessed what he was thinking.
"two minds think alike, I know how you think babe, it's not hard" she winked, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
"I guess you can, could be one of your secret superpowers" he winked back, a giggle escaping Kara's mouth before engaging in another kiss, expected to just be a quick one.
But... Kara wouldn't stop, she inherently kept going, pushing herself into his lips, engaging in a tongue dance with his, moaning ever slightly as she began to get on top of him upon removing the blanket they had, she began kissing down on him.
Y/N's hands were placed on her swaying hips, grinding on his growing bulge which made him groan a little at her effort, her tongue dominated his, winning the tongue battle as she kept grinding on him.
"Oh fuuuck" Kara breathed out as she pulled back, the two breathing heavily with a string of saliva keeping them connected.
Y/N looked deep into Kara's eyes, she was filled with a hot sensation, something he hasn't seen from her since she rocked his world ages ago, it has been so long since they did this.
"Wow Sunshine, that was... Unexpected" the man smirked with a chuckle escaping from him, Kara let's a cute giggle escape from her throat with a grin, going back in to continue where she left off, this time with her hands slowly going back up his shirt, feeling his smooth body, turning her on as she continued kissing him and grinding on his manhood through his pants.
"Can I rock your world again?" Kara whispers, he never heard that in a while, she was filled with lust he hadn't seen in ages.
"Well Kara? You can rock my world any day, my Super-Fiancé" he smirked before pulling her into a deep kiss, his hands ran down her body, making her moan quietly with ecstasy, getting turned on even further as she ran her hand down into his pants, getting a good grip of his growing bulge which resorted to him groaning her name into her ear and she missed it when he would do it.
But then she stops and pulls back with a smirk, getting off of him and the couch, walking over to a safe area.
(Smut incoming!)
She then winked and disappeared in a blur before returning as Supergirl, resulting in making him smile as her hands were on her hips, a smirk growing on her face - "Figured I'd get in uniform for this ~" Y/N noticed she wasn't wearing her skirt, showing her underwear as she suddenly appeared in front of him, climbing on top of him and getting to his level to make their faces level up with each other - "What was it you said earlier on? My Super-Fiancé? You're damn right I am" she giggled before kissing him deeply as she grinded on his bulge, making him groan again.
Their tongues battled for dominance once more as his hands reached for the glyph on her crop top, where he squeezed her breasts as she moaned his name as she kept grinding until his hands then went to her ass, massaging them next as she moaned a second time, loving the feeling of his hands on her little ass, she stops grinding on him as this gave him the opportunity to slide his hand down her underwear to then rub her clit softly and slowly, making her moan in ecstasy.
She rocked her head back, biting her bottom lip as two fingers went up in her clit.
"Oh Y/N yes!" she moaned softly, as his fingers explored the cavern, slowly wagging his two fingers inside as they both stared into each other's eyes next.
Kara's mouth was wide open, letting out a few moans before they were silenced by a deep kiss from her partner, then went for her neck, kissing and surprisingly leaving hickeys afterwards, despite her skin being impenetrable 
He kept it going with the motion within her clitoris, as the vaginal walls began to get a little tighter and wetter by every minute that passed, he wouldn't stop till he felt bumpy in her clit and then proceeded to play with that, knowing exactly what it was.
"If you don't stop, I'm gonna cum! ~" Kara moaned out, prompting him to continue a little longer, her moans getting louder and louder till she was brought to orgasm - "Ohhh yessss!! Fuck yesss!!" she shouted in ecstasy as she orgasmed, which the force of her shout knocked over a few things within the apartment, even scaring poor Streaky from his sleep.
His fingers exit her entrance and are brought out to Kara where she sucked on them to taste her own fluids.
 After things calmed down and another deep kiss, she got off of him and immediately began pulling his jeans and underwear off with incredible strength where her face would be hit by his cock.
She smirked while looking at it, hungry to suck on it, lick it, anything she could possibly do with it, making her lust grow bigger.
"Can I?" she asked him kindly, he nodded at her question as she would giggle afterwards.
Her eyes couldn't stop staring at it before she took a long lick up the shaft, before doing it again, again and again, then using her hand to stroke it gently with swift movement, up and down, up and down, slowly and smoothly.
She lived to hear your groans and moans, it filled her with determination, confidence, making her even more hornier as your moans and groans.
The Kryptonian stopped stroking and used her own spit to lubricate it before beginning to suck on it, slowly bobbing her head to get used to the taste again, since she hadn't sucked it for a while, moving her golden hair to one part as she continued her work.
"Oh Kara, by the Golden Light" Y/N groaned in ecstasy, rocking his head back on the couch as she did her job to please her new Fiancé, using her tongue to swirl it around his tip, she kept going and going.
A little pop sound was heard which was the sound of his cock leaving her mouth, using this opportunity to lick his shaft again from the bottom to the top, pleasuring him more.
She then giggled before going back to sucking again, starting off slow again but as time went on... It got faster, and faster, and faster... She began to gag on his cock, hitting the back of her throat as she bobbed her head with quickness which was making him squirm a little.
"Kara..." he couldn't get his other words out, the pleasure was too much for him to speak but luckily, she stopped before he could get close to blowing his load inside her mouth.
"That tasted so good ~" she licked her lips, tasting the pre-cum along with giving his shaft one last lick - "I think it's time we went to the next step" she smirked before getting up to his face and kissed him deeply again, making out as she slipped off her panties, beginning to massage her wet pussy.
Y/N stood up and allowed her to position herself on the couch, where her cape covered her ass - "oops sorry hehe" she giggled, moving her cape out the way to show off her ass, swaying it in the air for him to look at.
"You are gorgeous, you know that?" Y/N flirted, fuelling Kara's needs for his compliments, making her all flustered and the evermore hornier.
She giggled cutely, still swaying her ass till it hit her partner's thighs, his cock resting on her ass.
"C'mon put it in ~" she begged, looking right back at him as she laughed in a pleasant manner, she jiggled a little before he gave in, aiming his cock for her pussy just to tease her a little bit more - "Oh stop it! Stop teasing me!" she moaned, cutely giggling afterwards before feeling his tip at her entrance, her eyes widening as it slowly entered inside her pussy.
"Oh I missed that feeling" Y/N moaned, rocking his head back as her vaginal walls wrapped around his cock, slowly thrusting in and out.
Kara's moans were as soft as a blanket, as she felt his shaft slip in and out, in and out, over and over again, she balanced herself with her hands on the couch, her cape beginning to sway a little as he kept thrusting slowly.
"Go a little faster" she begged, biting her bottom lip again as her words fell on his ears, his cock began to slip in and out a little faster than before, picking up to a normal set of pace as more moans escaped the Kryptonian's mouth.
She closed her eyes, biting her lip a little harder, enjoying the feeling of his cock inside her.
The couch's legs began to make a noise as you picked up speed - "go faster Y/N, faster and harder" she begged once more, his thrusts picking up more speed before his thighs would start clapping off of her ass.
"Oh Rao yes! Oh. Fuck. Fuck! Yes!!" Kara moaned with hedonism, combined with your groans and in-between breaths, her tongue stuck out as you picked up even more speed, going in and out faster, and faster, and faster.
Grabbing a part of her cape, pulling her back and up a little as she began to giggle in pleasure - "Oh grabbing my cape now huh? You kinky fuck" she talks dirty, smiling hardly and laughing with indulgence
The couch began to move a little, scraping off the floor as the legs began to wobble, Kara began moaning pretty loud as the thrusting continued.
Her vaginal walls began enclosing on his cock, his tip hitting the G-spot.
"Oh fuck!! I'm gonna-I'M GONNA CUM!!!" she shouted as more speed began building up.
Kara let go as she powerfully orgasmed which everything within the apartment began to shake, even the table began moving a little, pictures were knocked off tables and the walls, the TV on the unit moved with Kara's powerful, uncontrolled orgasm and the couch was beginning to break before... *SNAP! CRASH!*
The couch's legs snapped in half, resulting in Y/N crashing into Kara as she finished her orgasm.
Despite the mess they just made of the apartment, they didn't care if things were broken or knocked over, all it mattered now was that he needed to get to orgasm.
"Let's take this to the bedroom" Kara suggested through her in-between breaths.
Immediately, she brought you to the bedroom, where the fun would continue, dumping you on the bed as she climbed on you, guiding your cock into her entrance.
"Oh fuck!!" Kara groaned as it entered her wet entrance, using her hips to slam down on his cock, bouncing up and down, up and down, not stopping till he had to orgasm, that was her mission now.
"How close are you?" she asked through a moan.
"Close" he groaned out, she kept bouncing up and down, over, and over again.
Rocking her head back, she began massaging her breasts through her crop top before lifting it up, revealing them as they bounced with her.
The Kryptonian moaned a few more times before laying down on his body, her face levelled with his as they began to make out, bouncing her ass on his cock as they both moaned and groaned through the kiss.
"Oh Kara, I'm..." he gave her the hint as he was ready to blow his load finally, she kept bouncing and using her hips to give herself an advantage before...
She felt his cock twitch, his hot load spewing up inside her as she moaned with satisfaction, crashing down into his body as the orgasm continued, both breathing hard, panting like they ran a huge marathon across the entire galaxy.
Her hair was messy, their bodies stuck together like glue, Kara looked at her Fiancé, getting his attention to kiss him deeply before getting off of his cock.
"That. That's the most fun I've had in a while" she giggled, staring down at him lovingly.
"Yeah... That was... An experience... I haven't had in a... Long time" he replied, out of breath.
The Kryptonian could only smile as she got out of her outfit, hanging it up in her closet, changing into her pj's as her Fiancé got up, slapping on a new pair of boxers to jump into bed with his smiling true love, thinking back to her powerful orgasm.
"What powerful orgasm that was huh?" he thought back at it, smiling at her.
"I had a fear that would happen but... It felt so good!" she said with satisfaction, cuddling into him after taking off her engagement ring, placing it at her bedside table for safe keeping.
"I could tell" he kissed her on the head as the latter giggle with each other, kissing straight after.
"Y'know? Where'd you think we'll have our honeymoon?" she asked him curiously, changing the subject.
"Hmm... We'll have it on Earth, recently looked into a place" he responded to her.
"Ohhh, what place?" she got excited, looking right up at him.
"It's a surprise ~" he told her, as she pouted and gave him puppy dog eyes next to try persuade him into telling her - "Okay, okay, you can stop that, It's Peru" he chuckled.
"Peru? Sounds lovely, been there a few times during my flights around the world" she smiled, feeling happy with her victory of persuasion.
"I bet you have" he chuckled in fruition with her giggle. 
You both looked into each other's eyes and only saw love in them, her love for you is like a flame that can't be snuffed out, your love for her is like an undying flower, always getting taken cared of with water and sunlight, showing your undying love for Kara Zor-El, Linda Lang, Supergirl, the girl you've known to love and spend the rest of your days with, devoted to each other and loyal to one another.
"I love you" Y/N said with glee, smiling into her blue rays.
"I love you too" she giggled, deeply kissing him on the lips before resting her head on him as the both shut their eyes, knowing what's to come next.
And they couldn't be more happier to spend their future... Together.
As The Yin to Her Yang, and her as His Ray of Sunshine...
* *
Wow.... That was a very long one don't ya think?
Yeah this took me ages to write out, put a lot of work into it and such, along with reading through the all the New Earth comics again, kinda wish DC would go back to the New Earth universe, though Flashpoint happened, maybe there is an alternative timeline where Flashpoint never happened... Maybe...
But yes, I hope you enjoyed this because I had a blast writing this all out.
This Imagine was released on Wattpad first (If you read my last post about it, more details are shared there) and I brought it here, with some minor differences with my Author's Notes/A/N)
Take Care and 'Til All Are One
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 months
Light of Tomorrow: Destiny x DC Post-Crisis/New Earth Universe - Y/N-Verse
by PrimeofPrimes115 (Supergirl x Male Reader) When a Guardian and his Ghost, find themselves on another world, where the Light and Dark have began to spill into this new discovered dimension... They had no idea of the adventures that awaited in store for them, where they'd meet new allies, new enemies and someone, a blonde haired "Super" girl that would catch his heart. Will they find a way home? How will the Vanguard operate in his absence? The new Hunter and his Ghost roam amongst this New Earth that they would soon call... A second home to defend... "Eyes up Guardian!" Words: 96219, Chapters: 23/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Y/N-Verse Fandoms: Destiny - Fandom, New Earth - Fandom, DC Comics Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M Characters: Kara Zor-El, Male Guardian (Destiny), Kal-el, Bruce Wayne, Zavala (Destiny), Ikora Rey, Cayde-6 (Destiny), Teen Titans (DCU), Justice League (DCU), Outsiders (DCU), Vanguard (Destiny) Relationships: Kara Zor-El & Reader, Female & Reader Additional Tags: Relationship(s), Action/Adventure, Science Fiction, DC universe - Freeform, Post-Crisis (DCU), New Earth, Hunter Guardian (Destiny), supergirl - Freeform, Loose Canon via https://ift.tt/fmg1xuN
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supercap2319 · 2 years
Clark: *Headbutts Y/N*
Y/N: *Headbutts Clark back*
Clark: *Smirks* “I like it rough.”
Y/N: “Oh, shit!”
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