#King dice siblings
purplemang0z · 1 year
Gift for @hey-imma-fangirl
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I drew her oc Loki, and my oc Jamie! I think they would get along! 💕
I hope you like it! 💖
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IM Gods AU info
I have decided to throw yet another AU at tumblr that my dear friend @midnightfire830 and I have worked on together. So if you guys have any questions, feel free to ask the both of us!
This post will have the basic information to understand the AU better before diving into the story, like who's a god, who's a demi-god, who's a mortal, what they all do in this AU regarding powers and jobs, and what the AU world is like. After that, I'll be diving into the plot of the AU in the next post.
so for now, enjoy!!!
World Building Details- While mortals live in typical and common villages and homes, the gods and demigods tend to live in a large floating kingdom filled with castles. Each castle is named after the god who owns it. Occasionally some gods and demigods live among the mortals, hiding in plain sight and offering help to those who either find them unintentionally or seek them out for aid. The mortal villages tend to be named after the gods they worship the most in hopes of pleasing them and gaining their blessings. They also give offerings to show their respect when the gods come to visit. This AU takes place in an ancient Greek themed time period.
God Chraracters:
Mickey- God of Magic, and wishes: With his powerful magic, Mickey can and will grant a single wish to a mortal, but only if that wish is what their heart truly desires, and if it's not something that'll harm someone else. Sadly, his magic has limitations. For example, he can't use magic to grant wishes that toy with life and death, and his magic can't do anything against another god of greater power then him.
Oswald- God of the Forgotten: He isn't a well-known God, but the mortals that do know him, worship him greatly because he watched over those the world has forgotten, and gives them hope. He keeps tabs on those that worship him, which included a very beautiful cat woman who Oswald loved and cherished with all his heart.
Demitasse- Goddess of Solar flare, and warrior spirit: With the almighty power of the sun, able to bless mortals with warm sunny days, or use her intense burning powers in battle, she is an extremely powerful Goddess warrior who fights to protect and will give her blessings to noble warriors so that they will have a better chance at victory and make it home to those they protect.
Dice- God of Luck, and Greed: Not the most honorable god to worship, he is usually the God people who like to gamble will pray to for better luck, but that doesn't always work in their favor, considering his god powers include manipulating the luck of a situation where it can either benefit, or hurt someone. He uses his luck power on himself mostly, earning him the Greed title as well.
Devil- God of the underworld, and sin: The god that drags the sinners of the surface to the underworld, he's also known to have a following of gods/demi-gods with a sin-based title who are incredibly loyal to him. His followers are willing to do anything he orders of them to get in his good graces considering his tremendous power.
Saltbaker- God of Baked Goods, and Gluttony: When people smell the sweet scent of something warm and delicious, they always give thanks to him for the blessing of a warm treat to bless their soul, but sometimes the warmth isn't always enough. He is also the god people blame when someone gets carried away with their gluttony, because he is rarely satisfied and wants more. Especially when it comes to power.
Granny- Goddess of Rest, Home and hearth: A weary traveler will always give thanks to her after a long trip and they finally find a safe place to rest. Hiding among the mortals, she offers shelter to those who need it most when traveling, she blesses them to sleep well, and then sends the traveler on their way feeling ready to continue on their journey. 
Oddswell- God of health: He is the god people and doctors pray to for a person to either heal from an injury or recover from a terrible sickness. He is also the God other gods/demi-gods go to when in need of medical aid thanks to his amazing knowledge of medicine and what to use for any situation to better the outcome.
Yakko- God of chaos; God of Persuasion: While leading his siblings in spreading chaos around the world, he is also known for his power of persuasion. He can convince anyone to do just about anything without having to take away free will, and can sense when a person has no free will. Although he and his siblings are gods of chaos, the three of them are prayed to by those who desire their chaos to be used for justice. (which they are all too happy to help with).
Wakko- God of chaos; God of Prophecy: Though creating chaos for those around him and his siblings, much is misunderstood about his true power. Many that worship him argue that he can see into the future, while others claim he can see how the story of a person's life will go. Either way, if someone seeks him out for him to tell them how things in the future will turn out, most of the time he refuses to answer, claiming "spoilers"
Dot- Goddess of chaos; Goddess of Space: Creating chaos along with her siblings, she is known for her power to bend and warp space around her. Having the ability to jump from one place to another, make pocket space for storage, or to make space around her long or short, she uses her powers to further the chaos and shenanigans she and her brothers create.
Scrooge- God of Wealth: He is the god people pray to in order to benefit their wealth, considering he's rumored to be the richest god in existence. People tend to have rumors that praying to him actually don't work, considering those with wealth tend to get nothing out of their worship towards him, but people from a poor background that work hard claim that worshiping him does help.
Hat- God of Guidance: Though not a popular god to the mortals, he is the god who trains young gods/demi-gods who struggle to control and use their powers without being overwhelmed and/or causing a lot of destruction. Even if he's not exactly a gentle and kind teacher with his guidance, he will make sure those he teaches are prepared to use their powers in any way.Mortals who manage to seek him for his guidance are rarely ever accepted, when they are though, they have to be able to handle his brutal teaching.
Wilson-God of Wisdom: Living among the mortals, he is the god people go to in order to learn about anything from his incredible collection of knowledge from around the world. He is willing to help those who wish to learn with good intentions.
Demi-God characters:
Cuphead- God of Celestial fire, and rage: With the powers of the stars, when angered, he is a powerful force to be reckoned with in battle. Though when not using his power for combat, he is known for shooting stars into the night sky to create constellations that tell stories.
Mugman- God of the Sky: With the power to control the weather, he is a bit more popular with the mortals than his brother. They pray to him for good weather for the day, or to help their crops. He is however a powerful fighter with the ability to shoot lightning and control the weather with his intense emotions. 
Holly- Goddess of memories: She is the demi-goddess people pray to in order to remember something, due to her being known for her ability of remembering everything and for her love of learning.
Cagney- God of Nature and Agriculture: The demi-god that watches over the plant life of the world, he is thanked by the mortals when they have a good harvest with plenty of food, or when flowers perfectly bloom. Tends to butt heads with Mugman over the weather being bad or trying to get Mugman to make nice weather all the time for his plants.
Donald- God of Ducks, and tantrums: Though he watches over the ducks of the world, animal and duck person, when people are throwing a fit for whatever reason, he is usually the one mortals blame due to his reputation for losing his temper, often. He can also make others in the same room as him feel irritated or ready to snap when he feels the same way.
Huey- God of the Smart: Has a godly ability to use his intelligence to think through any situation. Is often worshiped by tacticians.
Dewey- God of the Tough: Has the godly ability to fight through any situation. Is often worshiped by warriors. 
Louie- God of the Sharp: Has the ability to see every angle in any situation. Is often worshiped by tacticians and warriors
Dimitri- Goddess of Justice: Helps keep order and balance in the Gods home kingdom and fights for justice in battle. Teaches mortals willing to learn how to practice justice systems, morals, and obeying laws meant to help them.
Mortal Characters:
Bendy: A stubborn servant who works under Cuphead, he works hard to do his job, but he doesn’t take garbage from other gods or do pointless things just to kiss up to Cuphead.
Boris: Living among the mortals in his and Bendy’s home village, he writes to his brother often and looks forward to getting Bendy’s letters back.
Alice: An apprentice to Oddswell, she enjoys learning how to offer medical help to those in need, and shows great respect to the gods she’s around.
Felix: An apprentice to Wilson, he aids his mentor in finding and collecting new knowledge for the world to learn.
Cala: Captured by mortals and offered to the gods as a gift, she was put on display in a giant magic glass tank for the gods to stare and admire her without fear of her turning them into stone.
Sasha: A servant to the gods, she sings for their entertainment during parties and events the gods throw.
Ortensia: A previous worshiper of God Oswald, she was one day approached by Oswald, who wished to get to know her on a personal level. Overtime she became his loving wife, and they had many demi-god children, but due to being a mortal, her time with Oswald eventually came to an end.
Cannikin: A warrior of his home village, he met and fell in love with a powerful warrior woman who would come and go from the village as she pleased, and enjoyed sparring with her whenever she was around. They had a beautiful son together, and had another child on the way when he was taken away from his family in a brutal battle. He never learned his wife Demitasse was a goddess.
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xxitslivxx · 10 months
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Yea wait..mugman did give cuphead jolly ranchers for halloween? 😀
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cuphead-simp · 2 years
[Cuphead trying to flirt with king Dice.]
Cuphead: That’s a sharp outfit, Dice! Almost as sharp to shoot a love arrow into my heart
King Dice: Are you trying to flirt with me
Cuphead: Mugman told me this is how people do it
Mugman: Not like that!
King dice: Let me try. When I want to smile, I know exactly what to do. I just close my eyes and think of you.
[While both Mugman and Dice can’t see it, Cuphead’s heart flutters for the first time.]
Mugman: Is that how you flirt?
King Dice: Oh, I’m not flirting. I’m just being extra friendly to someone who is extra attractive.
[Cuphead’s cheeks heat up, and the edges of his lips quirking up slightly.]
Mugman: I think you broke him?
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sleighhethereal · 6 months
abandoned oc's for camp camp. they're supposed to be new campers with my teen!AU- but lost motivation i guess?
the full body references is them supposed to be teenagers, but they look 11 with advanced bodies lol
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➢ the story i made up for them was that they were all adopted as babies from different families by a once-loving couple— that had a falling out, leading to them being left at an orphanage.
➢ they hated it there. they stuck with each other and just bullied the adults that weren't fond of them.
➢ these three are kind little troublemakers, something like the original trio in camp camp (Max, Nikki, and Neil).
➢ however, they don't just go causing it whenever they want, unless they have a reason.
➢ when they were very young, many adults tried to adopt them. but numerous times are all failures since most adults wanted only one of them, and that resulted in the eager parent's pants going missing and their car painted in different colors.
➢ wonder what did that, hm.
➢ though, they're very giving, affectionate, and fun to be around when you set aside the chaos they start from time to time.
➢ if you wanna learn each of their personalities, or just appreciate art, then press more ⤵
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➢ Jolene is the most responsible of the three.
➢ she sleeps at reasonable times, makes schedules, knows her manners, and shows respect to most adults (at least those who respect her too).
➢ she cares deeply for her siblings, and sets them straight if they're doing stupid shit.
➢ she has a good reputation being the goody-two-shoes and she uses that to her advantage sometimes.
➢ thinking her voice would resemble Alessia Cara (Jane from The Willoughbys or her normal voice really, she's so soothing to listen to🙏🏼)
➢ Jazlyn is the perky one, always energetic and giddy. she's the first to introduce herself out of the three.
➢ she's quick to make friends and quick to lose them too, since she can be too much for most people.
➢ she treats everyone equally, unless they're an asshole.
➢ very oblivious and runs into stuff without thinking much of the consequences. she's very apologetic, however, and willing to make up for her mistakes and learn.
➢ thinking her voice would resemble Erika Henningsen or Taylor Louderman (referencing Charlie from Hazbin Hotel and the song Little Miss Perfect)
➢ Jesse is the most protective, and severely loyal to those he trusts.
➢ he's sort of a mix of the two sisters— he's responsible like Jolene, but forgetful. he's chaotic like Jazlyn, but knows when shit gets real.
➢ he's the one starting fights, always taking the first punch. he's known for his anger outbursts.
➢ he's emotionally intelligent, spending his time mostly around women and rarely around men- stating that they're way more complex (which is a joke... or is it?)
➢ thinking his voice would resemble Wayne Brady (reference is King Dice from the Cuphead Show, probably not as dramatic though but the more i listen to it, the less i disagree)
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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"Circumstances have forced me to accept a wager that I want no part of. It’s against the owner of The Fall. If he wins, we have to let him stay at the House of Lamentation for a month." – Lucifer (A Roll of the Dice Devilgram) Or, the AU where Lucifer loses a bet and a new resident comes to stay at the House of Lamentation.
Good Fortune | AZRA x gn!Reader 5.7k words | SFW | Canon Divergence | Developing Relationship Content warnings: Demon OC x Reader. Cursing, references to violence/illegal activities, minor threats, awkward flirting and fluff, gossiping, social anxiety. A/N: The Fall and its owner are referenced in a lot of OM events/Devilgram stories so I got a little creative with the details.
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The owner of The Fall, the Devildom’s most popular club, is a powerful demon that represents the best and worst parts of upper class Devildom society. Under the Demon King’s rule, Azra used threats and violence to secure his position and achieve his ambitions. Falling into line with Diavolo’s new vision for the Devildom simply means his methods of dealing with nuisances are less deadly - and he’s more cautious if he does have to resort to bloodshed.
When he visits Devildom’s other prominent establishments, it’s about business as much as it is about pleasure. He spends money and builds connections with other influential business owners, offering gifts or gestures of goodwill to demons of strategic value so he can call on them later to return the favour. 
He’s at the casino one evening and feels especially bored, but Azra spots the Avatar of Greed playing dice at a table nearby. Usually he’s content to simply watch the money-hungry demon, who gambles like it's his last night in hell; his large bets and fast plays are a spectacle to behold whether he wins or loses. Azra approaches Mammon’s table, and when he sees the pile of chips dwindle to nothing, he decides to have a bit of fun. 
Mammon is known for making ludicrous bets when he’s out of grimm, but offering a month-long overnight stay at the House of Lamentation is too intriguing for Azra to pass up. A chance to live with the Avatars of Sin is a rare opportunity. Some of them are frequent guests at his club for special events. However, most of the Devildom only know the brothers on a superficial basis; Lucifer is protective of his siblings and he tries to shelter their personal lives from public view.
Azra accepts Mammon’s wager and he agrees to postpone their bet until another day. When he recognizes Lucifer as one of the dealers at the casino a few days later, he decides to call in Mammon’s wager. Azra watches the dice in anticipation and then he smirks, unfazed by the poorly-masked anger that ripples across Lucifer’s expression when he loses.
Once the details of the arrangement are finalized, Azra arrives at the House of Lamentation with his luggage in tow. Lucifer shows him the choice of rooms available and Azra complains about each one; they’re all grungy from years of disuse and neglect. He hoped the brothers would have at least tried to take care of some of the dust and cobwebs first. Azra almost wonders if it was an intentional oversight when Lucifer reminds him - more than once - that if the rooms aren’t to his liking, he’s welcome to leave. 
They walk down the hallway, past the kitchen and towards your room. You’re not inside but the door is open, and it catches Azra’s interest. He notices the care that’s gone into the furnishings and upkeep - and the lack of dust is appealing, too. This is the best room he’s seen by far and declares to Lucifer that this room will suit his purposes, ignoring its obvious state of occupancy.
Lucifer rejects the idea immediately and they start arguing. He refuses to displace you from your room, and Azra insists that Lucifer and his brothers should’ve thought of that before he arrived. Neither of them notice that you’re walking towards them and catch the tail-end of their heated discussion about your room being off-limits.
You don’t understand Lucifer’s hostility towards their guest. Your presence in the Devildom is still relatively new, and you don’t have many friends. You don’t want to impose on the demon brothers who have tried to help you adjust to your new life here. The last thing you want to do is make a bad first impression to other important or powerful demons in the Devildom. Besides, it’s only for a month, right?
You startle them both when you offer to switch rooms temporarily, if that would make their guest more comfortable. They stop arguing and look at you in surprise. Lucifer’s mouth twists like he’s bitten into something particularly sour, while Azra tilts his head slightly and stares at you in wonder. He forgot that living with the Avatars of Sin also means living with the Devildom’s prized human exchange student. He’s overheard other demons whisper about your lustrous, tempting soul in the dark corners of his club.
Azra changes his mind suddenly and tells a very relieved Lucifer that he won’t make his gracious co-host abandon your room to him. He smirks and takes his luggage to the closest empty guest room - across the hall from yours - instead. Dealing with the cobwebs is worth the satisfaction of seeing Lucifer’s brow crinkle in frustration before he slams the door shut in his face. Azra sets his luggage aside and takes care of the dust himself while he listens to Lucifer and his brothers arguing down the hall. He rolls his eyes when Mammon’s protests grow louder and Satan’s threats toward him become more violent.
Lucifer tries and fails to reassure them that Azra isn’t completely foolish, and even he won’t risk doing anything to harm you. You’re a guest to the Devildom under Diavolo’s protection, after all. But your soul isn’t all the demon brothers are worried about. Who knows what a scumbag demon like him might do if he had the chance to corner you alone? For all the shady, horrible things the club owner has done in the past, Lucifer doesn’t think Azra is that sort of demon to hurt you. However, he keeps those thoughts to himself - his brothers won’t be convinced otherwise.
The arguing down the hall eventually fades to silence, but Azra’s smirk remains as he continues clearing away the thick layers of dust covering the furniture in his room. The air is stale and musty and he coughs. He rips the dingy bedding away from the mattress and tosses it aside for the trash; he’s grateful he brought a new set of sheets.
When the room is slightly more hospitable, he taps the screen of his D.D.D. and sets it on speaker mode. He only has to wait a few rings before his assistant picks up the call.
“How are Lucifer and his brothers treating you?” Zekhan asks. “I told you not to expect a warm welcome.”
Azra hums. “It was what I expected, but I can deal with them,” he says casually, flicking away cobwebs stuck to the headboard of his bed. “I forgot about the human staying here, but they’re not–” Azra starts to say, but he frowns when Zekhan has the nerve to laugh, “–what the hell is so funny?”
Zekhan doesn’t bother to hide his amusement. “You never mentioned them once while we prepared for you to spend the month there. I wondered when you would remember that little detail.” His laughter trails off with a sigh. “What do you think of them so far?”
Azra thinks back to his brief meeting with you in the hallway. “I’m not sure yet.” You were so eager to compromise for his benefit, but he can’t completely dismiss you as being a total pushover either - you wouldn’t have survived this long in the Devildom if you were.
“I have a docket prepared with the information you requested, but most of it is public knowledge already - articles about the exchange program in the RAD newspaper, that sort of thing. I was able to speak to some of the students and get their first impressions too.” Zekhan pauses briefly and adds quietly, “Their confidential information is going to be more difficult to obtain, and it’ll take some time. Do you still want me to pursue it?”
Azra debated it for a moment and decided it wasn’t worth it. Your human world history and details won’t be relevant to him now, he can simply talk to you instead. “No, don’t bother. Keep track of anything else you hear, and send me what you have already, will you?”
“Very well,” his assistant replied before hanging up the call.
Azra’s D.D.D. pinged moments later with an email containing the information about you Zekhan was able to collect. There wasn’t much there - some general information about you and the other exchange students, impressions from some of the RAD faculty and classmates - nothing valuable or noteworthy. If he wants to learn more about you, the real you, he’ll have to figure that out himself - after he finishes cleaning his room.
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Azra is nearly giddy with amusement when the brothers don’t attempt to hide their contempt for his presence in their home. They’re so protective of you and they do a poor job of hiding it. They find countless excuses to invite you to spend time with them anywhere else that’s not your room. When you don’t feel like going with them, they hover around your room instead. They have a bad habit of overstaying their welcome and Azra stifles his laughter when he hears you yell at them to get out so you can do your homework or go to sleep. 
The demon brothers are especially bothered by how close his room is to your own. What exactly do they think he’s going to do to you? He’s not stupid. He might be a little curious about you, sure, but since when was curiosity such a bad thing? 
In reality, Azra doesn’t have that many opportunities to spend time with you alone or with the other demons hovering like mother hens nearby. His odd work hours means he usually sleeps through breakfast and lunch, and he gets up and prepares to leave for work by the time you return home from RAD.
He’s not used to having a bedroom without an ensuite bath, and it’s one of his main complaints when he has to use the washroom at the end of the hall to shower. He enjoys his privacy and he’s not used to covering up.
One afternoon after having a shower, he's still dripping wet with only a towel hung low around his hips when he heads back to his room. He snarls with annoyance when someone bumps into him, but he realizes that someone is you. You stare at him for a moment, and your eyes widen when you glance down at his bare chest before your eyes snap up to his face. You stammer an apology as your cheeks flush, and by the time you rush back into your room and slam the door, Azra can’t stop the grin that spreads across his face.
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It’s a rare occasion when Azra bothers to join you or the demon brothers for dinner. It got tiresome quickly when Satan insisted on reading books of hexes and curses at the table while glancing at him threateningly whenever he turned the page.
How juvenile.
Lucifer doesn’t trust Azra to cook for them - not that Azra is capable of making edible food anyway - so he’s not included in their cooking rotation either. Azra notices that you volunteer to cook more often than the others do. He assumes it’s something you like doing, and since it’s one of the few skills he lacks, he respects you for it.
If you’re on cooking duty for the family, he leaves later for the club than usual so he can spend time with you in the kitchen. Sometimes you’re completely alone with only Beelzebub occasionally trying to sneak snacks before dinner is ready. Azra makes vague offers to help you, but he’s only interested in the opportunity to talk to you. You must sense his apprehension about actually cooking something and you don’t ask him to help, but you try to have friendly conversations with him anyway.
He’s surprised that you use an odd combination of Devildom and human world ingredients, and you’ve customized recipes slightly to make them more palatable for you. It’s an easy way for him to discreetly ask you questions about yourself, and your family and where you come from. You seem happy talking about food and other things that remind you of home.
He’s not used to eating rustic, home-cooked meals. He eats what the chefs at the club prepare for him, or whatever his private chef makes for him at home on his days off. But when you hold out a spoonful of something to try, it’s difficult for him to refuse. The foods you cook aren't heavily spiced, but more often than not, he likes what you cook.
Sometimes he wonders whether you’d like the chance to cook in his kitchen, with his state of the art appliances and using whatever Devildom or human world ingredients you could ever want. 
Sentimental thoughts about you start to creep into his mind, and they grow more frequent as he gets to know you. After nearly two weeks of living together, he decides that you’re a baffling combination of shy deference and impulsive confidence. Your dry, witty sense of humor surprises him at times, and you’re brave enough to speak up when the demon brothers cause trouble or make fools of themselves. You don’t go out of your way to spend time with him, probably out of some misconception that you're a nuisance to him (which you aren't). But when he seeks you out - usually before he goes to The Fall - you don’t reject him, either. 
The whole point of his wager with Mammon was to learn more about the demon princes that might be useful for blackmail later. Hell, the thought of tormenting Lucifer was almost enough of a reward by itself. Azra refuses to admit that spending time with you is slowly becoming his prize in this arrangement.
When he comes home from the club, it’s usually around the same time you’re getting ready for school. Some mornings you offer him a bashful greeting when you step out of your room in your RAD uniform. He catches a whiff of whatever fragrance you wear, and he breathes in your scent as he watches disappear down the hall. There are some mornings when you’re running late - usually one of the brothers knocks on your door, and Azra catches a brief glimpse of your sleepy eyes and messy hair when you answer in a panic.
He loosens his tie and sits on the edge of his bed and listens for the telltale sounds of you and the demon brothers leaving for RAD. When the front door slams shut, he can finally be alone with his thoughts. More often than not these days, he thinks of you more than anything else. It doesn’t matter what you look like each morning when he passes by your room: whether you’re perfectly dressed or sleepy and rushed, he finds you charming - and he wonders how that’s possible.
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There's about ten days left of his month-long visit when Azra prepares to go to the club, but he recalls the demon princes announcing various commitments they have that evening. It’s the first time since he arrived at the House of Lamentation that he is truly alone with you for any significant length of time. He thinks quickly and reaches for his D.D.D. - he might not get this chance again.
Meanwhile, you’re in your room debating whether you should start making dinner for yourself. The brothers are scattered across RAD and you have no idea what time to expect them home. It’s an annoying predicament when you’re not sure whether to cook food for everyone, or just cook for yourself, or maybe you should just order takeout?
Azra knocks on your bedroom door while you deliberate your options, and even though you’re surprised he hasn't left for work yet, you let him inside.
He makes small talk and takes his time browsing the shelves of your room. He notices an interesting mix of Devildom and human world books and movies. He glances at you from the corner of his eye when he feels your eyes on him.
“The demon princes don’t take care of you properly. It’s past dinner time - do they expect you to feed them all when they return?” he asks. He knows it’s not your turn to cook tonight, and he wonders how often they overlook your well-being. Do they make it a habit to inconvenience you with their thoughtlessness? Isn’t that what all of their posturing these past two weeks has been about - doing what they thought was best for their precious human?
He can do better.
He pretends to consider all the options for a moment and then asks, “You haven’t been to The Fall before, have you?”
“No, I’m not really the club-going type. I wasn’t back home, either.” You’ve seen Asmo’s photos of wild dance parties at The Fall; the self-conscious voice in the back of your mind reminds you that you look nothing like any of the demons that attend the famous establishment. You’d stick out like a sore thumb, and you have no interest in making a fool of yourself trying to pretend you belong there.
Azra isn’t easily deterred so he tries to entice you another way. “You might not realize this, but we also have an excellent dining room,” he says. “I would love to treat you to dinner this evening, as a gesture of appreciation for your kindness during my stay here,” he offers. “I can’t leave you alone and unfed in good conscience.”
You're tempted by his generous offer - you imagine their menu is far outside of your usual budget for take-out - and you can’t help but be curious about him and his work. Despite what the others have told her about him, he doesn’t seem that scary. He’s been kind to you, and he doesn’t ask you questions that are rude or too invasive. He seemed genuinely interested in your hobbies and interests, and he tries to inconvenience you as little as possible.
You think it would be rude to reject his offer, but you glance down at your unbuttoned RAD blazer and slightly wrinkled slacks. “I’m not sure I have anything suitable to wear,” you say. It’s a weak excuse and you both know it; you try not to squirm when he chuckles.
He’s not sure where the idea comes from, but he has a brief impulse to escort you to one of his favourite shops and select an outfit for you. He’s curious about what you might pick out for yourself if you didn’t have to worry about the cost. He thinks you would look lovely draped in the dark colours and soft fabrics he prefers, rather than the bland material of your RAD uniform and casual clothes.
He quickly shakes off the impulse and clears his throat. “As my guest, our usual dress code wouldn’t apply to you. Please wear whatever makes you feel most comfortable.” He glances at you over his shoulder before he leaves your room. “My driver is already outside, but take your time. I’ll wait for you in the front hall.”
You’re anxious about going to The Fall, but there was something so warm and genuine about his invitation that you accepted his offer anyway. You put on a simple button-down shirt and change into slightly less-wrinkled pants. You add a spritz of your favourite fragrance and feel refreshed. You examine your reflection in the mirror: you look put-together, but bland and unalluring - you hope he’s not too disappointed by your appearance.
Azra gives you an obvious once-over when you approach him in the foyer, and you smile bashfully when his lips curl into an appreciative smirk. He puts a hand on your back and leads you outside where his car is waiting. You spend most of the drive watching the Devildom pass by in a blur; Azra watches you instead.
When the car pulls up to the club’s entrance, Azra leads you past the bouncer at the door. Instead of turning right where the thrum of heavy bass is loudest, he turns left which leads to the club’s dining area. It feels romantic with its dark wood furniture and candlelight. The large room is filled with semi-private booths and small tables. The linens and dishware look luxurious and expensive; you feel woefully out of place.
He leads you to a private table near the back of the room, but the other patrons notice your arrival with interest. You think you can hear them whispering when you walk past them, and you realize that your boring attire won’t stifle the intrigue of your human heritage or why you’re having dinner with the club’s famous proprietor.
Azra pulls your chair out for you before he takes his seat across from you. He picks up his menu, but he realizes that there’s something wrong. You’re glancing around the room nervously, and he notices that the other guests are doing a poor job hiding their interest in you. He grew so used to your company that he didn’t even consider how other demons would treat you in public. He’s frustrated by his mistake, but he’s determined not to let this ruin your evening together. 
Azra knows Zekhan is probably working in his office upstairs. He sends him quick instructions before he stands from the table and comes to your side. “I’ve prepared a table for us in my private offices, if that would make you more comfortable,” he leans down and murmurs close to your ear. You nearly sigh with relief and take his hand when he helps you out of your chair. 
He leads you to a small lounge connected to his office on the second floor. It’s soundproofed so the loud club music isn't bothersome. The lounge is drastically different from the rest of the club, and you guess that it’s designed to be comfortable, more like his own home than his business. There’s a record player in the corner, and soft classical music fills the silence. There is a small candle-lit table waiting for you, and Azra suppresses the urge to purr with satisfaction when you look more relaxed now than you did downstairs.
When you're both seated, you hear a small pop. A bottle of amber liquid and two crystal goblets materialize on the table. You’re not familiar with different vintages of Demonus, but based on the ornamental bottle and Azra’s expensive taste, you can’t even imagine how rare this bottle of liquor is.
“No, I couldn’t, really–” you protest with a laugh when he offers to pour you a glass. You explain that Demonus of this quality is wasted on you; he didn’t know that humans are mostly unaffected by the demonic beverage, and you can’t tell if it’s the lighting when his cheeks darken slightly.
He clears his throat and accepts your refusal gracefully. “By all means, order whatever you’d like. I only want you to enjoy yourself.”
There’s a comfortable lull in conversation while you both study the provided menus, and you set yours down on the table with an embarrassed look. When Azra raises an eyebrow questioningly, you explain you're not familiar with the fancy names for Devildom cuisine yet. Normally you ask Beel or one of the others to help you choose which foods would best suit your tastes. You’re embarrassed to ask Azra for help doing that, but he doesn’t mock you. His eyes soften like he’s happy that you can be vulnerable with him.
He offers to order something for both of you to share. He thinks about the meals he watched you cook at the House of Lamentation; he remembers the types of dishes you liked to cook, and how you liked them seasoned. He sends a message to the staff in the kitchen with your order.
Azra sips his Demonus and listens to you talk about your experiences in the Devildom and how it compares to your life in the human world. He’s never been interested in listening to his dates - friends - talk about their mundane lives. Usually he has to feign interest, but he wants to listen to more of your stories and memories; he’s captivated by you.
When you ask him questions about his life, he tells you things he’s never told anyone. He never lets people get close to him, and normally he would never answer such personal questions. He wants to blame his loose tongue on the Demonus, but he’s not sure the reason is that simple. Your delighted laughter encourages him to tell you more and more stories about the demon brothers causing mischief and making fools of themselves.
The door opens unexpectedly and it startles you; he nearly growls at the server that interrupts with the dinner tray. 
What the hell is wrong with him?
The entree Azra ordered for you both was served on a single platter, and there’s only one plate and set of cutlery on the tray. He dodges your questioning look, but he picks up a forkful of food and holds it near your mouth expectantly. Azra looks as surprised by the gesture as you feel.
He’s not sure what inspired him suddenly, but he has the urge to feed you. It reminds him of those nights when you offered him samples of your cooking. It seems like you’re both remembering the same thing, because you bite your lip bashfully and accept the food he offers you.
Azra ignores the warmth churning deep in his belly, but his lips curl into a smile when he sees a blush bloom across your face. He’s tried to show off his wealth and power in subtle ways all evening, but he feels most satisfied - and you respond with the most genuine interest - when he does simple things that shows he cares for you.
You’re embarrassed by his rapt attention, but the way he looks at you when he offers you another forkful of food is difficult to refuse. It feels profoundly intimate, and you try not to think too hard about why he’s doing it. Nevertheless, you eat until you start to feel full, and then you protest and wave away the last bit of food he holds out to you.
He looks suspiciously at the amount of food remaining on the plate like he can’t believe you're completely satisfied yet. He hesitates to eat himself until you promise with a laugh that you've eaten enough. His mind swirls with doubtful thoughts: Are human stomachs so small? Do those damn brothers not feed you enough and this is all you're used to eating? Are you trying to be modest for his sake?
He eats a few bites when you stand up and look at some of the art on display in his lounge. He wonders what you think about him and his lavish lifestyle. He assumes you're provided some sort of allowance for necessities, but he wonders how much of that you get to spend on yourself. He recalls your bedroom and the collection of new and used furniture, the borrowed manga and video games on your shelves, and the outdated TV and computer models you use.
He feels impulsive. He imagines filling your closet with Devildom silks and furs, and replacing your scratchy cotton bedspread with something that's silky-soft against your skin. He can fill your shelves with books he thinks you would enjoy, the same Devildom novels he reads on his days off. He realizes he wants to give you things - desperately - and he doesn’t know why.
Time seems to flow differently when he’s with you. He doesn’t know what time it is, but he realizes it must be getting late. His time with you is dwindling, but he feels reluctant to end this evening so soon. He gestures to a small leather sofa where you can both sit more comfortably. Any traces of your anxiety have completely disappeared, and you seem completely relaxed at his side, humming along softly with the soft music coming from the record player.
You’re nearly pressed against his side, and he doesn’t think he’s ever been this close to you before. His hand is resting on the sofa behind you, and you’re almost tucked under his arm. It feels like a victory when you don’t move away. He glances down at the bare skin of your neck, and when he leans down, the faint traces of your fragrance tickles his senses. Something predatory stirs inside him and he can't bring himself to pull away.
His sudden closeness doesn’t scare you exactly, but the growing tension between you makes your skin prickle with nervous anticipation. You can’t help but question his intentions. You doubt someone like him would be genuinely interested in you, so why did he bother doing all this? You remind yourself that you’re so completely different, and there’s no way you can be compatible. He’s so far out of your league: physically, financially, basically every possible way possible. You shouldn't even be friends let alone more than that. 
But why does admitting that bother you so much?
You glance at him the same time he raises his head from where he’s been discreetly scenting your neck. You look into his eyes and they seem to reflect the same confused longing you feel. 
An unspoken question hangs in the air between you: What are we doing?
Instead you say, “It’s probably getting late - we should go back soon.”
You reach into your pocket for something, but you make a frustrated sound in your throat and stand up. You look around on the floor and scan the tabletop nearby. “Have you seen my D.D.D.?” you ask him.
When your back is turned, he pulls your phone out of his pocket. He slides it onto the sofa beside him. “Oh, here it is. Perhaps it fell out of your pocket earlier?”
You sigh in relief and thank him when he hands it to you. Your eyes widen when the screen flickers to life. What in the world…? You don't recall feeling it vibrate all evening, but according to your notifications, you have dozens of missed personal and group chat messages and several missed phone calls. "It seems like the others have been trying to get in touch with me for a while now. I'm still not sure how I didn't notice earlier."
“That’s unfortunate,” he murmurs with fake sincerity, “but I’m sure they’ll understand once you explain we went out and had dinner together.” 
You’re trying to respond to messages as quickly as possible, and you glance at Azra guiltily. “I know you probably have to stay and work tonight, but would it be possible to arrange a ride home for me?” 
He stands from the sofa and smooths down his suit jacket. “I would never dream of sending you home on your own,” he replies more forcefully than he intends. When you frown, he explains, “I’ll escort you home personally and then come back to the club. I'm responsible for your safety tonight, and I'll ensure you make it back safely.”
If he requests his driver take a route that has several unnecessary detours that allows him more time with you, that’s his business.
Your D.D.D. interrupts with a new message:
Lucifer: I’m waiting outside for you.
Azra smothers his annoyance, but he makes sure you have all your belongings before he escorts you from the lounge to the main floor. The club is packed now and it’s shockingly loud compared to the tranquil peace of his soundproofed office. He avoids leading you near the cramped dance floor so that you don’t feel anxious like you did earlier. He takes you through a series of employee-only hallways towards a private exit around back. He opens the door for you, and you both see the Avatar of Pride waiting nearby with a stone-faced expression.
You rush forward and apologize profusely for the inconvenience. “I’m not sure how I didn't hear my phone earlier. I’m so sorry I worried you.” You turn around and face Azra who’s watching you and Lucifer with a strange expression on his face. “Thank you again for inviting me to dinner, I had a really nice time. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow morning?”
Lucifer clears his throat and steps closer. You don’t notice that he positions himself in front of you, blocking you from Azra’s sight. The club owner notices though, and he glares at Lucifer.
“In light of recent developments, your month-long stay with us at the House of Lamentation has been concluded prematurely,” Lucifer says smugly. “You understand, of course,” he adds in a tone that will allow no argument.
You’re confused by the announcement and look at Lucifer worriedly. “Won’t it reflect poorly on us if we don’t honour the bet?” You don’t want to admit that you’re disappointed; you’re not sure you’ll ever see Azra again after this.
Azra answers before Lucifer has a chance to answer you. “I’m satisfied the terms of the bet have been fulfilled. It’s difficult to focus on the intricacies of my business when I spend too much time away from home.” You step out from behind Lucifer and meet Azra’s imploring gaze. “I’ll regret not spending more time at the House of Lamentation, but I promise that I found my visit very rewarding.”
Lucifer’s fist clenches behind you, and normally Azra would feel smug about this little power play with the demon he despises. Instead, all he cares about is the way your eyes brighten when you offer him another one of your kind smiles.
Lucifer ushers you away after you bid Azra goodnight one last time. You walk home together, and you tell him about your evening: it was a simple private dinner, and nothing more. Lucifer is suspicious and looks you over for any traces of harm or injury. He’s relieved that you seem perfectly fine, but he wonders what sort of game Azra was playing with you. However, he keeps these thoughts to himself - you seem tired but in good spirits, and he doesn’t want to ruin whatever enjoyment you had this evening.
You manage to avoid interrogation by the other demon brothers when you arrive home, and you head to your room and get ready for bed. After you're tucked in, you sort through your messages, yawning while you delete the endless notifications you missed earlier.
Your D.D.D. pings unexpectedly.
UNKNOWN NUMBER: I hope we can meet again soon.
You hesitate only for a moment before you save Azra’s contact information in your phone. You wish him goodnight and roll onto your side, and you hide your shy smile in your pillow.
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godsofhumanity · 4 months
Do you want to make Hades headcanons
okie i was thinking a bit about Hades in his youth and then Hades much later in life, and i actually thought up some new hc's for him. also i just realised i don't have a hc post for just Hades alone so hee hee this is a good opportunity to talk about him :)
this ended up being a really long post i'm sorry hahahahahaha
Hades is technically the first-born son of Kronos and Rhea, but because Zeus acts like he's the oldest, everyone sort of just accepts it, Hades included.
but i think, sometimes, Hades does have a bit of friction with Zeus. while Poseidon, for example, is more willing to just sit down and do whatever Zeus says, i think Hades might have more critical-thinking skills and he's not so willing to blindly follow Zeus.
and i actually think Zeus loves this aspect of Hades. it's important for Zeus that he can trust his siblings, that the rulers of the other domains are smart and pro-active.
personality wise, i think the idea of Hades as a bit dark and brooding just fits so well with him. i know everybody describes him like that, but it just works!
a lot like my earlier hc's for Hestia and how she's a bit quiet and always mindful of history repeating itself with how Kronos became insane and terrible, i think Hades is also always on the look for these signs in all of his siblings and himself. there's a fear that that madness is hereditary.
i don't think Hades is much of a comedian. he doesn't usually laugh or even chuckle,,, he just smiles a bit. people who have been known to appeal to his sense of humour include Zeus, Thanatos, and, of course, Persephone later on.
anyhow. after being freed from Kronos' stomach, i think that Hades was very guarded and alert. he had natural aptitude as a leader and Zeus knew that.
one myth is that the brothers rolled dice to designate the domains, but i like the idea that the domain chooses the god, not the other way, and so, they never actually cast lots-- it just happened that Hades was meant for the Underworld.
secondly, i think that Zeus wanted someone to keep an eye on the prisons in Tartarus. he needed someone strong, someone smart to watch out for Ouranos (in case he made a comeback), the Titans, and most of all, Kronos.
i like the Orphic version where Nyx keeps Kronos as her oracle, because i think that that is a true punishment for Kronos and it would've been hell for him. but i have a hc that Nyx only agrees to do this so long as Zeus assigns someone to rule in the Underworld and watch over these prisoners. because Nyx isn't a babysitter, and she has no interest in watching Kronos everyday.
Zeus knows that Hestia has a role in guarding the hearth, Demeter needs to be above the earth tending to the harvest, Poseidon doesn't have the brains to watch the Underworld and is also a sea god, and Hera, at this time, doesn't show any indication that she would be willing to perform such an important duty. but when Zeus presents the idea of someone ruling the Underworld to Hades, i think Hades is like, "yeah ok. it needs to be done."
i have a hc that Nyx tests Hades to make sure he's a good fit. to make sure that the Underworld will respond to him and respect him as its King. so she just sorta drops him in the centre and tells him to make it out of there on his own.
now, at this point, the Underworld is untamed. Nyx's kids have stayed only in a small part of the Underworld. but there are terrifying creatures roaming free all throughout.... so it's dangerous. it's not a nice place.
but, like i said, the domain chooses the god. so i think, while Hades is stuck there, he learns to move the Earth to his will, to communicate with the spirits. to control the creatures. and he makes it to the surface, passing Nyx's test, and earns the right to become King. i don't think any other god goes through a test like that because most of the other domains have already been ruled... e.g., the sea by Oceanus and Nereus, the sky by Ouranos, the earth by Gaia... but the Underworld? Tartarus has never been active. it's completely wild and untamed. there's never been a King down there. so for Hades, it's really a fresh start.
i think at first, Hades really only becomes King because he hates Kronos and wants to ensure he'll never escape. but over time, especially as Zeus creates newer versions of mortals with shorter lifespans, and the Underworld's population increases with incoming souls, Hades begins to actually enjoy it. he's always liked the quiet. he loves the little bioluminescent flowers. the sounds of the rivers rushing. and he hears all sorts of stories from the spirits who come his way....... stories from children, from young lovers, the elderly. kings, thieves, heroes, murderers, physicians, pottery makers. it really is quite a pleasant place when you get used to it.
now. we can't talk about Hades w/o talking about Persephone. so i'll leave my hades x persephone hc's here. and, assuming that you've read those, i'll continue by saying that i don't really think that the guilt of kidnapping Persephone ever truly leaves Hades. especially because Demeter is forever resentful of him, and their relationship is sort of damaged in a way that can't truly be fixed. Hades knows this, and i think he never resents Demeter the way she resents him, because she's his sister, and he does love her, and he sympathises with her pain. that's why i think Hades, who usually doesn't care too much about the affairs of Olympus, does keep an eye out for Demeter.
my hc list is too long and i'm approaching the word limit for text boxes. so quick section break hee hee. and now we continue with hc's about Hades later in life:
i want to talk about Demeter x Iasion for a second because they're important to my Hades hc.
i like the versions where Iasion isn't a son of Zeus, and i sort of imagine him to be just this unimportant, simple farm boy. not a prince, not a hero, just a guy who milks cows and tends to the crops.
Demeter is a goddess who, canonically, has relationships with Zeus and Poseidon, and neither of these relationships really end all that well. i've never really thought too much about them because they're just too sad and depressing, but i think that Demeter's history of being taken advantage of by the gods of Olympus is the reason for her keeping Persephone away from Olympus, and the reason for her extreme rage when Hades defies her.
i also think this is why Iasion has to be just a simple mortal. someone unconnected to Zeus, a god who has brought Demeter a lot of pain and betrayal, and Olympus in general. curiously, this is the exact reason that Zeus hates Iasion and is jealous of him. because Zeus thinks Demeter is worthy of more; a proper god, maybe a god of his own blood. if Demeter wants a husband, he should be a noble hero, not just Some Guy. anyways. so, as the story goes, Zeus kills Iasion out of jealousy.
now, Hades comes in because he's the god of the Underworld, and Iasion's mortal soul should enter Hades' domain. but i LOVE the idea that, through events i shall not describe here because we're talking about Hades, not Demeter!, somehow or the other, Iasion becomes an Immortal, and Hades realises that Iasion's shade doesn't pass through the Underworld. it comes through temporarily, and then fades, because Iasion been turned into a god by Demeter.
I think Hades knows that Zeus will be even more furious with Iasion because of this, and could try to destroy Iasion in his immortal form, but i have this image in my head of Demeter cradling Iasion's bleeding body, while Hades stands between her and a fuming Zeus, and Hades STANDS UP for Demeter. he defends her, and he tells Zeus to let it go. to allow Iasion to ascend to godhood and be with Demeter. and Zeus complies, begrudgingly.
this is important to me because, as the King of the Underworld, Hades is entitled to his share of subjects. Iasion should remain with Hades. but Hades lets him go anyhow because i think he wants to show Demeter that he does care for her. she's still his sister. and even though Demeter will never forgive Hades, she does appreciate it. she knows what it means.
secondly, i think, while Iasion is recovering from being struck by Zeus' lightning, i think Hades coerces Asclepius into tending to Iasion... ((this is after Hades gets Asclepius killed because he was resurrecting people with his special medical powers))
obviously Asclepius indulges Hades because he's terrified of him, given their history, and i think this too is appreciated by Demeter. Hades uses all of his power to ensure that both Demeter and Iasion are protected from Zeus' wrath... and so Iasion joins Demeter in her fields forevermore, and Zeus just has to deal with it <33
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
¿Y si Paramita dice la verdad, Venia del futuro? y dijo que ''Hijo de SWK'' ya sabes por las clásicas reglas de reglas líneas del tiempo, Por lo menos el Rey mono tomo esa anécdota como una Borrachera... XDD
translated via google;
"What if Paramita tells the truth, did she come from the future? and he said that ''Son of SWK'' you already know from the classic rules of timeline rules, At least the Monkey King took that anecdote as a Drunkenness... XDD"
I've joked before that King Paramita only calls SWK his "father" because SWK was the cause of his conception, not the DNA provider. They don't actually appear in the story proper. XD
I can imagine PIF and DBK are thinking about trying for kids again, when SWK just busts on in with an armful of artifacts he's been hoarding.
SWK: "Ok... uh. I remembered that since Guanyin is kinda my sworn older sister, I got a few of her vases." PIF, gears turning in her head: "Go on." SWK: "And one she super-duper told me to keep for emergencies after that Scroll of Memory business; is this celestial curse remover. I figure if you or the big guy have any weird curses on you, it could prove useful." PIF & DBK: *both a share a look and nod* PIF: "We'll have the contents examined first before trying anything. We'll report back to you if there's any major developments." SWK: "I completely understand."
A couple of weeks later...
*SWK's phone rings in the middle of the night* SWK, very sleepy: "Hey DBK. Whats u-?" DBK, overjoyed and yelling: "BROTHER IT WAS A MASSIVE SUCCESS!!!" *PIF can be heard sobbing joyfully in the background* SWK: "...wa?" DBK: *hangs up phone without a second word* SWK: "???" Macaque, stirred awake: "Was that in-laws?" SWK: "Uhh... yeah." Macaque: "Did that vase of yours help?" SWK, blinking in realization: "Oh dang. We're gonna be sworn uncles." Macaque, secretly super happy just tired too: "Again, you mean." *falls back to sleep*
Red Son was *very surprised* to learn that they'd be an older sibling, but was nonetheless excited.
This version of Paramita - likely named something else unless Ironbull want to be funny - is born within the next eight months. He's the Demon Bull family's treasure held to the same level as his slightly-older nieces.
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sarsaparillaart · 8 days
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"There is no Hunger I fear more than the thirst for connection, no person I’d deem more dangerous than a lonely man.”
Swordtember 13 - Ice
long lore blurb below, probably to the point where the length is affecting the quality, but I'm not proofreading anyway so whatever.
In the time before the foundation of the Pentapolis, when all cities on Diyar were ruled by their separate kings and monarchs, there lived two siblings*, a boy and a girl.
The girl was henosis-fated and the boy was not, but both were stricken with deep and intense starvations. The boy rebelled against the slightest thing, painting with a brush too dark for a child his age. He Changed all that he saw, sometimes building and sometimes destroying, but never being satisfied with his work. The girl was afflicted with similar starvations. She thrived in court and study, building a deep knowledge and attachment to every person she knew. But with every friend she made, the lonelier she felt. With every secret she learned, the more she found herself in the dark. These were the signs of true and potent Hunger, and the siblings’ guardianship knew they must feed them.
The girl was sent to a shrine on a lonely island to the North to live with a widow much older and deafer than she. She was barred from speaking with others her age, and while the shrine was filled with books, they were written in languages she could never learn and coded so thickly it would take a lifetime to understand. 
By the time the girl left that place, now a woman of twenty-four her thirst for silk and need for pearl were so profound that she could taste the connections between all things and smell the outcome of rolled dice. 
No one knows where the boy was sent nor how long he spent there** but by the time he returned to society his skin radiated a disgusting heat and shined like burnished brass. The ground he walked upon turned to glass beneath his left foot and wood beneath his right. His face was a burnt and shifting mess of flesh that looked at once like your father, your brother, and you.
The two didn’t meet again for a long time, so caught up were they in their new lots in life. The girl returned to her childhood home and ruled as a benevolent and wise matriarch for many years. The boy only returned home once, in the middle of the dry season thirty-five years from his birth. He did not come for reunion, nor did he seek favors. He returned sword-in-hand to deepen the hunger he already felt. He returned to Change.
The ensuing conflict was vague and incomprehensible. The boy became she and the girl became he then both changed back but were someone new. Their hands were tied to blades that should not exist and exchanged 1000 blows in three strikes. 
By the end of things the Silkmoon eclipsed the Nacremoon in the noontime sky, casting the well-trod waste in sickly pearlescent light. The girl was covered in wounds shallowed by probability and riddled with holes in organs that were rewired so that they weren’t needed to keep her alive.
Her foe was covered in scars of cauterized gold and dried blood. His rage smoked off of him in thick clouds that cracked with thunder at their ends. The air around him pounded with the drums of revolution, but his heart beat a different tune. An unpredictable improvised thing that could hardly be called a rhythm.
It was clear to both of them that a fight continued would lead only to mutual oblivion: a Change that suited only one of the opponents. The desperate girl reached inside herself to her unquenched loneliness and impossible naivety and found a solution that could not but must happen. With arms-unreal the girl grabbed the tether that tied the boy to the Sun. It was thick and rough like sailor’s rope, far thicker than her own ties to the moons behind her. With immense effort in an infinite moment she stretched the thing out, thinning the line as far as she could, until the thing was little more than a hair. Then she cut it. 
It is not possible to destroy Connection, but possibility was behind her. So hungry was the girl that she could burn all the coral in the world, altering the chances of a clean cut to the point that impossible became improbable then improbable became inevitable. The resulting cut was a messy thing, as breaks in reality tend to be. The boy at once stopped, keeping a position longer than he had since before his creation. His tether was gone and with it went all possibility of change. He was and is sterility-not-Saline. His unbearable heat changed to an impossible stone-cold. The world froze within him and around him and snow fell for the first and only time on the isle of Diyar.
*In some versions of the tale the two are betrothed, father and daughter, or cousins
**There are some claims that he was placed under the care of a continental noble actively participating in a civil war. This is unverified and likely apocryphal.
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purplemang0z · 1 year
Ember's backstory is based off of this song:
So basically Ember was in a relationship with this guy and he was cheating on her while they were engaged. And on the day of the wedding this bitch ass of a guy didn't show up. And since Ember was a part of the mafia..... It ended badly for him. So Ember realized that men suck. Afterwards she met Cleona and they eventually got married.
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pianokantzart · 18 days
Would Cuphead and Mugman scratch your neurodivergent siblings itch?
It comes close. If the show had the same sense of high-stakes and danger that the game did it might scratch the itch.
However, The Devil and King Dice never really feel like much of a threat due to the show's heavy emphasis on comedy over action/adventure.
It's not a bad thing, the jokes are funny and the show is entertaining, it just doesn't have that perfect combination of elements to trigger my obsession.
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characters who are black bc I said so
just so yall know I'm using black as an umbrella term, if any yall want to chime in with different ethnicities you are welcome too 💜🤎.
☆The Warner Siblings - Animaniacs
☆Saiki Kusuo & Aiura Mikoto - TDLOSK
☆Tanjiro & Nezuko Kamado & all of the Hashira no exceptions - Demon Slayer
☆Cuphead, Mugman, King Dice- Cuphead game/show
☆Izuku Midoriya, Mina Ashido, Snipe, Miriko, Oboro Shirakumo, Rody, Hatsume Mei, Aizawa Shouta- My Hero Academia
☆Noe Archiviste, Dante - Case Study of Vanitas
☆Douglas Eiffel, Isabel Lovelace, Renee Minkowski, Jacobi, and Maxwell - Wolf 359
☆Sans & Papyrus Skeleton - Undertale
☆Izumi Curtis - Fullmetal Alchemist
☆Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, Sweetie Bell, Sunset Shimmer, Luna, Celestia - My Little Pony
☆Gideon Nav, Harrowhawk Nonegemius - The Locked Tomb
☆Sonic, Shadow, Tails, Knuckles, Blaze, Amy, Silver, Rouge - Sonic Franchise
☆Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood, Grace siblings, Di Angelo siblings, Magus Chase, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Anubis, Paul Blofis - Riordanverse
☆Afton Family - Five Nights at Freddy
☆Jason Todd, Clark Kent, Koriandr, Rachel Roth, Stephanie Brown - DC Universe
☆Pines Siblings - Gravity Falls
☆Hamato Siblings - Rise of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
☆Ralsei, Kris, Noelle, Susie, Lancer, Joxter - Deltarune
☆Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup - The Powerpuff Girls
☆Brozone, Poppy, Funk Trolls, Brab, just most of the trolls in general- Trolls DreamWorks
☆Onyx - Trollz 2005
☆E. Aster Bunnymund - rotg
btw if if I get any type of racist comments on this or complaints abt "blackwashing" you can smd 😊, I'm not fighting with yall over headcanons alright
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thecluelessdoctor · 9 months
i got.
Bored and made a Cuphead AU.
Idk if it's been done yet (at least on Tumblr)
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Have these two gremlins. Make Cuphead hell incarceration, and make mug man have no empathy or care <3 he just cares about knowledge.
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King Dice is a wuss, and the devil is not the devil yw.
Anyway random drawings
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Best siblings. Totally
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jackbaphomet · 5 months
Headcanons of the Risky Heist?
There we go!
• Porccini and Hamo's mother are divorced.
• Cassino's ninjas aren't real people, at least not anymore. They were souls owned by Black Hat that were turned into the card ninjas we know when King Cassino made a deal with him.
• For the matter, King Cassino got his powers by making a deal with Black Hat.
• The guard we see talking to Cassino i've called him Black Jack and consider him as Cassino's right hand.
• It must be a design mistake but most of the guards on their reference sheet have a scar that's barely visible on the chest. That makes me think that they were given to King Cassino by Black Hat but differently from the ninjas they weren't souls. Or they were but they had their appereance changed to fit that of the spanish cards (i imagine it wasn't nice considering that it left that specific scar on them).
• While Valdoom seems to be somewhat an ally to La Baraja i feel that there's no trust between each other at all.
• Cassino is Poker Face's father.
• Cassino is in his lates 40's, being older than Porccini.
• The Hearts are like the second leaders of La Baraja after Cassino himself. Nine of Hearts and Six of Hearts being the ones on the lead with Eight of Hearts being mostly silent, a man of no words.
• Six of Hearts is like the mother of the group or an older sister to all of them.
•The dices necklace that Cassino is using in one of Alan Ituriel's drawings are the dices that were used by the two cheater we saw when Cassino was first presented.
• Mawrie and Illumi are dating.
• There must've been some unintentional romantic moments between Valdoom and Bloodhound.
• Valdoom's thralls are brothers (or siblings)
And i think that's all. It's obvious i'm way too in love with all the concept of La Baraja ♠️
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breadmate500 · 1 year
Spooky season Cuphead Head cannons!
- cuphead downs his Halloween candy the night of, Mugman saves his (this is actually canon)
- Elder kettle makes the boys check their candy (if the wrappers opened they can’t eat it- if ykyk)
- cuphead tells Mugman scary stories after trick or treating, in the middle of the night Mugman sneaks into Cuphead’s room and they have a sibling sleep over (older sibling and younger sibling vibes Fr- cuphead is older canon)
-Chalice loves scary movies, Mugman doesn’t. Cuphead claims to like scary movies but only because he wants to impress chalice, in the end he’s the biggest cry baby.
- cuphead and Mugman watch old Disney Halloween cartoons all October
- cuphead has def dressed up as Dirk Dangerous for Halloween
- chalice, Cuphead and Mugman play ding dong ditch
- the devil, king dice and henchmen actually love Halloween. And not just because they get to terrify mortals but they love dressing up and getting candy. (Devil has def convinced King dice to do a couple costume with him)
- Baroness gets really lonely on Halloween because before she was trapped in sugar land, millions of people would come to her house to trick or treat because she had the best candy
- briney beard and Cala Maria win all the couple costume contests (close call with devil and dice)
- cuphead and Mugman use chalice (in her ghost form) to cheat at corn mazes
- Cuphead screams back at scare actors at haunted hayrides (it’s his reflex)
- when cuphead, Mugman and chalice go apple picking they throw apples at each other over the trees. (Mugman ends up getting hit by an apple and cries)
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rottingbrains101 · 5 months
okay. redo intro.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ; [ gay , transneu and deathmale ]
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ; " dialtown , dsaf , regretevator , lotf , cuphead (specifically casino cups) + more ! "
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ; im a copinglink ! ; King Dice from cuphead and Billy from Dialtown !
╰┈➤ please use tone tags !
╰┈➤ dont ship me with people,i am a real person.
╰┈➤ no,i am not lambnari irl,go away
╰┈➤ dont call me she/her under any circumstances.
╰┈➤ do NOT talk about organs to me. i dont want to know.
╰┈➤ no sex jokes about my dad. its happened. i hate it. stop.
╰┈➤ dont sexualise my sona its weird. or just me in general
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ my birthday is the fourth of october !
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ im the host of a system , and a narinder (cotl) fictive :]
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ me and @drearyymoth are siblings (totally real)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ i often use purple text to highlight 'me' 'i' etc. i also use pink text for my sisters mentions - my pets also have colours 😭 mingus is in purple (for obvious reasons) , buttons is in blue , and michael is in red !
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ im that fella who started cowboys and cinemas (norm x mr dickens) up
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ this feller here is my dialsona !
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ their name is rot , and they use the same pronouns as me !! their married , btw
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ fanart VERY welcome ofc :3
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ this is my main sona!
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