#KingEli Devices
stylesrecords · 1 year
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King Eli newest song is available on ur fav music store!!
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 18
Danny raced through the ghost zone in a panic, how had he missed this? Appearently vlad had released Pariah Dark from his coffin again and got smeared into a paste. The mad king had then went into another dimension, hoping to conquer it and gain more power and skeleton soldiers only to be met in battle by a group of powerful warriors calling themselves the Justice League. Vlad had somehow survived the initial butt kicking and tried to use ghost tech to finally take the king down.
Unfortunately for him, pariah saw him coming in the reflection of a lady warriors blade and killed him.
Somehow the fight dragged on halfway across the US until they got to New Jersey where some billionaire guy was hosting one of his kids 18th birthday bash at his mansion. Pariah appearently crashed threw the roof, a hero dropped the weapon they had taken from Vlad and, in an effort to save his family, Brucie Wayne took the weapon and warned Pariah not to come any closer to his kids.
Pariah mocked him and raised his weapon to a young man with a white streak in his hair they was spayed across the floor in a daze.
Next thing anyone knew the King was dead.
Bruce Wayne had killed the previous king in single combat.
Bruce Wayne was the new Ghost King
Bruce Wayne was sitting on the throne in Pariahs keep looking very unsettled.
Crud. Danny needs to keep this guy and his kids safe doesn't he?
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illyrianbitch · 14 days
Of Our Own Devices — Part Two
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For @erisweekofficial Day 2: Legacy
Pairing: Reader x Eris
Summary: Eris Vanserra carries a legacy of cruelty, a reputation forged in whispers and fear. But something doesn't quite fit anymore. You’re beginning to think that the male doesn't truly match the legend he's left behind.
Warnings: brief mentions of abuse, cruelty, injury, battling to death, introspection? like a lot, readers head is soooo big from these big thoughts
Word Count: 3.1k
did someone say eris week mini series???? technically can be read as a stand alone, just squint
Part One | Part Three
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When Eris Vanserra was born, his mother wept in the bathroom for hours after.
Her trembling hands muffled her soft cries as her handmaidens swaddled a newborn Eris in fine cloth. Beron hadn’t been there for most of the birth—hadn’t held her hand the way her father had held her mother’s. He came only at the end, just in time to praise the heir as he left her womb, presenting him like a trophy before promptly leaving for court business.
She was still young, felt like a child herself— at least in her own mind. So, while she loved her son dearly, his birth had cemented her fate to a male she didn’t love, a male whose hands she feared more than death itself.
His mother loved him, this Eris knew. Even at a young age, he felt that love. It burned in him like a comforting flame, the same warmth as the heavy blanket she would tuck around him at night or the sunlight that seeped into his skin on warm afternoons.
And yet, even surrounded by that love, Eris grew up lonely.
His loneliness led him to finding a home in curiosity, in sticking his pointed nose into matters that often didn’t concern him, picking out small details he'd unconsciously store for later. He was a collector from the beginning—of people, of excuses, of emotions he had yet to name.
Perhaps that was why he was so sickeningly fond of you, so starkly different from the others, equally curious, equally lonely.
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It wasn't Eris who people met first.
It was his reputation.
Eldest son of the High Lord, equal parts cunning and cruel, a loyal soldier with the venom of a viper. Anguish seemed to follow him, seemed to follow any with Vanserra blood, but there was something distinct about Eris, something divinely alluring. Terrifyingly sinful.
It was all true. So you weren't sure why it bothered you so much when your patrons talked about him, when his name was thrown into conversations surrounding the High Lord.
Your family's tavern was always filled with stories. Its dimly lit, worn wooden tables had overheard more whispered secrets and slurred confessions than you could ever count. Most nights were like this, with drinks spilling over into the laps of locals, the hum of conversation swirling in the air like smoke from the hearth. Tucked in a corner of the court’s lands, it was a place for those not high enough to feast in grand halls but not low enough to beg in the streets. It wasn’t glamorous, but it was home. A comfortable middle ground.
You placed a handful foaming drinks before the three males at the bar, taking a moment to analyze their appearance. They were relatively large, muscular builds hinting at some form of laborious profession. The callouses on their hands told you that they handled weapons often. But their clothes weren't nice enough to be one of Beron's men, weren't tailored enough to be one of Eris's either. Perhaps they were border patrollers, the lowest and grimiest of the forces.
They thanked you with lingering, appraising eyes as you moved away to fetch more drinks.
“I heard,” one of the them said, leaning closer to his companions, “that the eldest boy has a new game he plays with those who cross him. A real spectacle.”
The male next to him, the oldest of the three, nodded eagerly. “They say he’s got a private arena where he forces traitors to fight each other to the death. It’s supposed to be brutal—nothing but blood and screams. And Eris just sits there, like it’s a grand show.”
You clenched your teeth, turning around to face the wall behind you, forcing yourself to attend to the pile of glasses waiting to be wiped down. You tried to focus on your task, hoping to drown out their disturbing conversation, but it was no use. You could feel your grip tightening on the material of the rag, knuckles white as they continued to talk, their voices growing louder and louder with every drink they took.
It was a lie. A rumor. Nothing more.
Yes, Eris was cruel. He was manipulative and calculated. But you'd seen slivers of something else, something brighter, kinder, even. While you believed that a male should face the consequences of his actions, there was no honor in perpetuating lies that simply weren’t true.
It made no sense, anyway. Eris had done plenty of questionable things. There were multitudes of actions to choose from, many things worthy of criticism. There was no need to indulge in falsehoods. The image they painted of Eris—a male reduced to a sadistic spectator in a grotesque spectacle—seemed far removed even from him.
“A grand show?” the third scoffed. “He’s not just watching. He’s placing bets on who’ll survive, like it’s some sick sport. It’s all for his amusement. I’ve heard he gets pleasure out of the carnage. Let's his hounds ravage the bodies.”
A knot tightened in your chest and you gripped the glassware harder, cloth bunching in your grasp. Before you could register the motion yourself, you spun around, the movement abrupt enough to make the males flinch.
"You have no idea what you're talking about," you sneered. The males stiffened, large angry eyes boring into yours. You continued. "Bold of you to traverse around spreading rumors of a High Lord's son. Be grateful he isn't around to correct you himself."
You blinked, the anger draining away as quickly as it had surged, leaving a wave of embarrassment in its place. You took in the male’s faces—initially stunned, then quickly morphing into anger. It was an expected reaction from those who felt their pride wounded, especially from males who had just been scolded by a low-court fae like yourself.
You straightened, trying to regain your composure as you cleared your throat.
The largest of the men leaned forward, his eyes narrowing with a sneer. “Well, well, boys,” he drawled, his voice dripping with disdain. “I think our pretty little bartender might be one of the Princeling’s whores.”
You weighed your options as you stood there, hand still gripping the glass. For a fleeting moment, you were tempted to shatter it over his head. The thought of the glass breaking, of the shards embedding themselves in his skin, was almost satisfying.
But you didn't. Your father would be angry, would be disappointed above all. You needed the business.
You took a deep breath and your grip on the glass loosened.
“Allow me to apologize,” you said. “It seems I’m more sensitive about our court’s reputation than I realized. I don’t know what came over me. How about a round on the house?”
Their faces shifted to smug satisfaction as they accepted the offer with eager grins and, soon, their cups were filled once more. As they happily downed their next round of drinks, you slipped out from behind the bar.
The door’s bell chimed softly as you stepped outside, itching to find the heir that was imprinted into your mind.
Strangely enough, you knew exactly where he'd be.
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You found him in a clearing south of The Forest House, an expansive area bathed in the warm light of the afternoon sun. It was a dedicated space for the hounds, adorned in various obstacles that Eris used during their training—wooden jumps, tunnels, and agility courses set up with careful precision. You'd seen the area of land a handful of times before, times when Lucien found Eris to argue or hurl curses.
You approached carefully, watching as Eris kneeled by one of the hounds, gently tending to what seemed to be a cut on its paw.
After a moment, he finally looked up, his gaze meeting yours. The corners of his mouth quirked upwards and a playful glint manifested in his eyes.
"Even after all these years, a vixen without a fox at her side is still a strange sight."
You gritted your teeth, taking a deep breath as your eyes roamed the face of the male before you.
It was an unnecessary jab.
Lucien hadn’t been by your side for centuries now. Though you had visited him as often as you could, the friendship you once shared had changed. He had changed. You had, too. You'd grown into your life at Autumn—managing the tavern that bore your family’s name and living vicariously through the stories that came your way.
The last time you had seen Lucien was marked by a change. You'd looked into his eyes and somehow understood that things were different beyond what had been anticipated.
"Why do you do that?" You asked. "Be a dick when you don't need to be?"
Eris stood, brushing his hands clean as the hound trotted away to rejoin the rest. He narrowed his eyes at you for a moment, a scrutinizing, analyzing moment. Then he offered you a shrug, something so casual and dismissive. You were sure it would've warded off anyone else, that his disinterestedness would have begun to tired them already, turn them the other way.
"Maybe it's part of my charm," he finally responded, "Or maybe I'm just a dick."
He made no attempt to hide the amusement in his voice as he emphasized your insult. Eris had been called many things— you'd heard them, even delivered a few of the titles. But so far, you were the only one to call him two things: a dick, and a prick. Perhaps it was delusion, but you swore that he seemed to enjoy it when you said such things, seemed to smirk in a way that wasn't just cruel, but impressed.
You rolled your eyes. "Most wouldn't wear that title with such pride."
He narrowed his eyes for a moment, the corners of his lips twitching upwards. "What's the use in denying my nature?"
You sighed, a sound of frustration, of annoyance. "Do you not grow bored of your little games?"
Eris rolled his shoulders and straightened his back. He always had immaculate posture, his stature was often so perfect that it was almost uncomfortable to witness. It emphasized his wealth, somehow— emphasized his power. He towered over you even more now.
"Did you seek me out solely to criticize me?"
You bit the inside of your cheek. "No."
"Then why?"
You still weren't entirely sure why you had come.
"Perhaps I was bored."
Eris raised an eyebrow. "Do you not have any friends?"
You bristled. "I have plenty." You paused, allowing your gaze to settle on the view before you, on the open land and the animals that in the open expanse. You turned back to Eris. "It's you that doesn't seem to have any. Your only companionship recently seems to be those hounds. I'm surprised you're not running on all fours."
Eris's expression shifted. He let out a small chuckle and you fought against the twitch in your lips, cursed the warmth that blossomed in your chest. But the amusement dissipated from his face soon after, replaced be a resolve of cold indifference. His eyes seemed tired in this light.
"As much as I…enjoy our little talks," He began after a moment, "I didn't ask for company. You should find someone who wants it."
A small sense of rejection passed through your skin like a cold, morning chill. You were never foolish enough to think Eris would welcome your presence with open arms and a smile, never naive enough to consider yourself anything more than semi-peaceful acquaintances. But still, there was something deep within you that wished he’d show you something beyond the disregard he showed others.
That wasn't a fool's wish— because you knew it was possible.
You'd seen it.
Strangely enough, you had. In the stolen glances when he thought no one was looking, how he lingered after you stumbled, offered a hand before quickly retracting it. There had been flowers at your door after your mother passed of Autumn fever, an unusual number of wealthy patrons who had frequented your father’s tavern for months afterward, tipping generously despite only having a drink or two. They all adorned attire of a specific, deep green that you’d come to recognize easily—the shade often worn by Eris’s personal guard.
His name was never attached to any of it, but you could trace it back to him. You'd always wondered why he'd never taken credit, never basked in somehow proving your presumptions about him wrong.
Twenty-nine year old you, freshly bonded to Lucien after he'd stumbled across your father's tavern, would be shocked that centuries later, she'd be spending more time alongside his cruel brother than Lucien himself.
You’d had an image of Eris back then—an image painted by Lucien’s words. It was accurate, to an extent. You never doubted your best friend’s judgment, never questioned the stories of cruelty and ambition that followed Eris like a shadow. He had, indeed, made Lucien suffer. There were reasons he disliked his brothers so deeply, reasons you knew were valid.
But you were curious by nature, always craving to understand things deeply, intricately. And Eris Vanserra called to you like a riddle from an ancient tale—dangerous, alluring, and impossible to ignore.
Above all else, you wanted answers. Throughout the years, Eris had never called upon your bargain, never asked for a favor, never even mentioned the price you’d paid for that first visit with Lucien. Not once.
It unnerved you.
"I don't understand you," you said, without realizing the words had fallen from your lips.
You hadn't intended on voicing it so blatantly. You weren't quite sure how Eris would respond, how he would interpret your words. It was a tossup, really, between a snarky response or something condescending, something to make you feel silly, naive.
Eris shifted, turning his body to look out into the horizon before him.
"Not everything in life is meant to be understood."
You paused.
Eris was complicated. Unfortunately for you, you loved complicated. It wasn't boring. It made you think, made you wonder. You gravitated towards the eldest Vanserra more often than you'd like to admit. It was easier now, you decided, since Lucien's watchful eye wasn't around. He didn't have to witness your betrayal first hand, didn't have to see as you attempted to find something in his brother. You weren't sure what that something was, but you were certain you were searching for it. You had been for years.
"That's not true. I can understand things if I try hard enough."
Eris played idly with the rings on his hands. "You set yourself up for disappointment, Vixen," he said to the empty air before him, not turning to look at you. "Why does everything need to have a deeper meaning?"
You studied his face further. Noting the lines etched around his eyes and the set of his jaw. He was beautiful. You weren’t one to deny it—all of the Vanserras were. But where Lucien had been handsome, radiating a gentle charm that made you blush with every lingering gaze, Eris was more akin to the sharp edge of the season’s chill—striking, with an air of regal severity. His amber eyes alone seemed to hold the crisp, unyielding essence of autumn itself—beautiful, but not without its bite.
"It doesn't need to," you replied. "But it often does. I think details are important."
He didn't respond as he turned to face you. You glanced up at him, his eyes fixed on yours with an intensity that seemed almost tangible.
"You've never lied to me," you stated. It was a statement more than it was a question.
"No," Eris replied.
His gaze didn't waver. You were almost impressed that you'd managed to hold his stare for so long. No one had ever looked at you like this before—so deeply, so penetrating. You understood now how his mere gaze could make people crumble, understood the rumors of how he only took his partners from behind, how he never made eye contact.
You pushed away the burning thoughts that arose.
"Is it true?" Your gaze bounced around his face. "Do you force your traitors to fight for your amusement? Place bets on them like animals?"
Eris's eyes flickered with something dark, but he didn't move.
"Do you think it is?" he countered.
You shook your head. You were certain of your answer, but you needed to hear his. "No. I don't."
The corner of his mouth twitched upward, and he gave a small, almost imperceptible nod. "Then it’s not," he said simply.
His expression revealed nothing more as you scanned his face. He didn't seem startled by your question, didn't seem confused at the context. He was aware of the rumors, of the stories circulating like the last morsels of food at a feast—passed around, savored, and eagerly consumed.
"It doesn't bother you? That these lies exist?"
A hint of confusion crossed his features, as if the question itself was somewhat absurd.
"Why would it?"
You blinked, momentarily retracting into yourself.
As a hound trotted up to Eris, his attention shifted. He crouched down, meeting the beast at its level. The gentle manner with which the hound regarded him, the affection in its eyes, stirred something inside you, deep within your gut. Your father had always said that a male’s nature could be understood through how animals responded to him.
Eris clearly cared for his hounds, and they, in turn, cared for him.
You found yourself wondering if, deep down, Eris was ever troubled by his reputation.
Lucien always had been.
He cursed the blood than ran through his veins, spent every moment trying to prove himself to be better than the legacy of his family— he did everything he could to avoid the curse of a wicked kin.
But then there was the male before you.
Eris, the rightful heir and firstborn son, was different.
You had always assumed he was bestowed with the legacy of the kingdom, that he was born for the role of High Lord, eagerly embracing the title and its accompanying glory. He seemed built for it, seemed to thrive under its weight.
You watched as more hounds approached him, watched as they surrounded him like a loyal fleet.
Could it be possible, you thought, that perhaps it wasn't all gifted. That it was possible Eris was burdened with the legacy of a Court?
You realized, then, that you'd never truly acknowledged that what he had become allowed for a kinder brother to grow in his wake.
The thoughts came faster, hazy, so many that your vision began to blur. It all made you itch, made you uncomfortable, made you overwhelmed and desperate for more.
None of this felt right.
You stared at Eris for a few more moments. When he stood up straight once more, about to turn toward you, you turned and ran to your horse.
You could feel his stare burning into you as you left.
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reader panicking when she has deep intellectual thoughts about sexy man as he tends for his dogs. shes so me fr
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clockworkbee · 2 months
not character A making a grand gesture and character B either asking ‘why’ or realizing ‘oh. oh,’ like, please, you don’t know them. My beloved characters feel so love-deprived that they can’t even seem to process or believe when anyone actually tries to show them love.
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
realizing i have. a lot of untapped trauma potential for clone^2 danny because i just Fully Processed Four Months Late the fact that his parents were capturing and torturing ghosts in the basement before he became Phantom. and the fact that he was on house rest for 2 weeks. during that time period. and he wasn't really leaving the house. he could hear their screaming through the floorboards
*points at clone danny* i can give you suuuuuuch a bad time babe ahaha. i've got two untouched years before you meet damian what fucks you up before then
#dpxdc#dp x dc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc crossover#dpdc#clone^2#danny fenton is a clone#like i dont even need to traumatize you worse the pure explorative options from this aLONE is enough to feed me for a week.#like. tucks hair behind ear let me shatter you into glass pieces then glue you back together babe. i can put you back together so good.#i'm missing a few shards because some parts of you broke into such small pieces i couldn't pick them back up again so you'll be missing a#few chunks of yourself that you'll never get back but that's okay. you'll still be a resemblance of your old self :]#don't let anakin (me) listen to late night sad songs he makes angst.#hhh imagine being stuck in a house for two weeks where you can hear your parents torturing ghosts in the basement and not only that but#you're the only person who can undERSTAND the ghosts. how many times did he see his parents drag in a ghost with whatever capturing device#they made recently? iirc the thermos was like. brand new in episode one right? but gOD the trauma this alone would cause#nobody touch me im cooking rn i need to think about how this would impact danny. like obvs it would fuel into a developing obsession to#keep his parents away from ghosts and to help the dead but what *else.* i need to refine my becoming phantom ficlet i wrote back in winter#raaa#and like even after two weeks they were *still capturing ghosts* danny just wasn't in the house 24/7 at the time.#*but those two fucking weeks man*#i need to sleep on this first before i make any major moves bc i know im tired but i am having thOUGHTs
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wikitpowers · 2 months
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heronvthorns · 4 months
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k but this is definitely ty at the beginning of twp 🙂‍↕️
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amrubrum · 1 month
hey so i actually need more sizzy content !
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jaxlightstairs · 2 months
I will cry so much when things like these happen in twp
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crowtwink · 4 months
I don't want to call it a plot hole, since I suspect it might actually be a plot hook for something the writing team has planned down the line, but I do find it incredibly interesting that neither Charles nor Edwin seem to so much as consider just... reaching out to Emma... about Crystal's identity. Based on things Crystal says, they don't seem to have even told her about Emma, or being originally hired by her. Nor does she appear in any of the memories we see Crystal regain. Not to mention the fact that the picture she paints of Crystal is not particularly in line with Crystal's memories of her own personality.
I really hope we see more of her in season 2, because nothing about her adds up and I'm very curious to learn more.
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chthonic-sorcery · 2 months
The Ars Goetia didn't originate from "King Solomon" as it claims.
If it did, it wouldn't be heavily influenced by fucking Greek magic, since Solomon supposedly lived thousands of years before that period.
Medieval monks, who really wrote the Ars Goetia, had a very well documented habit of assigning parentage of magical texts to apocryphal figures like Solomon to make them seem cooler or more powerful. Particularly to christian adjacent figures, since otherwise these books would be considered hersey.
Even the word Goetia itself derives from the Greek Goêteia, meaning sorcery, specifically sorcery utilizing chthonic powers, or the Underworld: Gods, Daemons, and the Dead.
Goêteia comes from the proto Indo-European word goos, meaning to mourn, cry, or to wail; it comes from ancient funeral laments and mourning practices.
Also, Solomon likely never existed, hate to burst your bubble, but there has been zero archeological evidence found to support his, or his "father" king David's existence. Unlike other real kings of roughly the same periods, like King Nebuchadnezzar II.
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Even the fact that the magic circles within the Ars Goetia utilize the same coiled serpents and five-pointed stars that Greek goêteia uses, stemming from EGYPT and Egyptian practice, not some psudeo-biblical figure like Solomon.
But wait, there's more
Even the use of demons isn't Solomonic, nor is it Jewish or christian.
It's also fucking Greek.
The word demon itself derives from the Greek daemon, meaning earthly divinity (rather than heavenly/ouranic) or a messenger of the Gods.
It was taken and absorbed into early christian theology like many other concepts such as Tartarus due to early christianity rising in the same region.
Particularly the use of daemons in magic through evocation, or even invocation (calling them within yourself to become possessed, a hallmark of Daemonism and the Engastraitai) through ritual incantations of voces magicae and nomina barbara.
All of it is fucking Greek, no Solomon to be found.
I'll add a step further: even the use of Jewish aspects of magic within the Ars Goetia stems from Greek goêteia, as Greek goêteia was a syncretism of Greek, Jewish, Egyptian, and Mesopotamian magical and spiritual practices.
Fuck, just take a look at the Greek Magical Papyri sonetime if you don't believe it.
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Hell, even take a look at the Coptic Magical Papyri, which was a syncretism of early christianity and what we would call "ancient Egyptian" religion and Magical practices:
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See the similarities?
Solomon my ass.
☆ ☆ ☆
Learn more here
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stylesrecords · 1 year
King Eli
Devices Out Now on all music platforms
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questionmarklive · 9 months
I hate becoming obsessed with media that has a specific vibe that nothing else seems to replicate cause now I can't live in the world for longer than necessary
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balladofbells · 5 months
Where would the wicked powers end?
We all know every shadowhunter series has an epilogue near a body of water
TMI: lake lyn
TDA: the beach
TID: Thames under Blackfriars
TLH: The serpentine
TWP: ???
there’s lake Dimmet Tarn near Scholomance, so maybe there? But what river/lake do we also know about?
The afterlife river where Will waits for Tessa and Jem
Watch the epilogue for the wicked powers be Jem or Tessa reuniting with Will.
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clockworkbee · 1 month
Ty, Ty, Ty 🤝🏼 Tess, Tess, Tessa
No thoughts, head occupied by the Herondales starting a letter to the grey eyed people they love so much
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deadbirdstudios · 6 months
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I dont usually don't like to post much but I felt like my beautiful and true images of these guys deserved to be on the internet. They both suck and are my favorite Deltarune characters ♡
If anyone has any like . Questions or something you can send an ask just don't be cringe in my inbox
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