#Kite is the greatest
saisons-en-enfer · 9 months
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give-grian-rights · 8 months
I could not get myself to watch Grian's video yet because I've been busy all day, only to realize that Joe's streaming. and I just gotta say. HOW. on earth has Joe been streaming for the last 16 years. Can we all go binge watch Joe Hills
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pearl-kite · 4 months
Been slowly chipping away at trying to make a moss rug and the biggest challenge I think is going to be keeping the monk's cloth taut.
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It's gotten nearly impossible to set my embroidery hoop now that I actually have a decent chunk done because there's simply too much bulk. I'm considering a bigger hoop, but that would only be helpful for so long until it also encounters the same problem, right?
But I got more greens 💚 and I've kind of figured out a system that makes my starting point really obvious from the back
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www-justiceleague · 2 years
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fuzzyunicorn · 9 days
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Tbh babe I want a spell that makes me invisible @ the beach (the beach can b v uncomfy 4 me bc of that I HATE being filmed/photographed on the beach it makes me want to SCREECH & claw eyeballs out) (the worst is when women try 2 confront me over their bf/husbands being creeps BLAME HIM NOT ME STUPID SLUT! But my spirit team literally makes them turn around & the fact that has happened more than a few times is just so ugh go away n leave me alone but I doubt it’ll b a problem w u🖤 there 🥰🥰🥰)
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somecrazypants · 18 days
i can't stop thinking about unavatuu as a ship name help me
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glowsticcc · 1 year
thinking about how p!aimsey tried to talk to as many people as they could on the first day, joking and laughing so everyone felt a little less stressed, how they gave each person their full attention, leading them away from the crowds so they could hear better. thinking about how they told olive if they ever were in trouble to go find him. thinking about how they told apo they could spar after the trip was over, how even though they were in different factions they could still be friends. thinking about how he always checked if everyone else had food despite only having like seven loaves of bread and a few sandwiches on him. thinking about the immediate kinship and comradery he had with his fellow kites. thinking about how they did their best to keep their relationship a secret at the request of their partner, and told her they wanted to give her a life she deserved. thinking about how they only died by rushing headfirst into danger to save someone they thought was in trouble. thinking about how p!aimsey was kind and that was both their greatest strength and their fatal flaw
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simp-ly-writes · 5 months
Betting on Hearts
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Cross-over: Contemporary! Peaky Blinders x The Gentlemen (2024)
Pairing: Edward "Eddie" Horniman x afab!Shelby!Reader,
Summary: Being the main face to the (legal*) Shelby Business Empire, you too dabble with the less than legal side when prompted to (against your Brother's wishes). So when a certain Duke and Glass Family start stirring things up on your doorstep, you decide to seduce the duke into compliance but maybe, Eddie had the same idea for you too...
Warnings: 5000~ words, depictions of blood, overprotective siblings, emotional manipulation (seduction), reader is a bit... much. Probably some other tags that I am forgetting
A/N: more notes later.
Masterlist | Taglist Request | read-through and edited.
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↳ The Shelby empire was dominant in many industries and with you being among the middle children, just behind your three older brother's, you mainly took to the newer parts of the business but you of course wrangled your way to the darker sides as well no matter how much your family protested (except for Polly, she openly cheered you on before her untimely passing)
↳ You were the Queen of import/export, the face to the Gin company and co-owner to your new digital sports betting app, your younger sister Ada had stepped in to help you manage it all. Using the earnings from the gambling you put it towards the branding and advertisements of your other departments and the greater Shelby corporation
↳ Arthur, the spirited yet your mentally-barley-afloat brother as he drank half the gin you supplied to his section of the business or found himself high as a kite while insisting on keeping your hands as clean as possible, coming with you on every assignment. Arthur maintained his "Garrison" bars across the country, moving on to establish high dining and was currently trying to stick the Shelby name into hotel management.
↳ John, a man that carried a huge heart with his irresistible charm and humor. He (while trying to convince the youngest, Finn to join him) managed the productions and manufacturing of each one of your industries. Supplying the parts, the bottles and ingredients, alongside the construction materials for every one of Arthur's expansions alongside supplying for your... darker dealings. The company, to a degree, was self-sustainable
↳ And of course, you had Thomas, the mastermind of the whole empire and the one you reported every minuscule detail to at the end of the day. You wouldn't call him kind, but he was considerate to a degree. You could always count on him to protect you where other's have failed but that also caused the greatest conflict between the two of you. It was hard, managing family verses business with him, lines always threatening to be crossed as your relationship was strained. Thomas respected you deeply, you had stuck with him when the rest of the family fell apart and offered him new perspectives to cultivating legal business. Yet he was too protective of you, he couldn't stand to lose you and openly admitted that you where his first choice if he needed to choose who would live
↳ In recent times, your family was playing chess against with a rising power called the Glass family who not so suitably started poking their fingers into your sectors, fixing your gambling sites with their newest expansions. You chuckled to yourself within Tommy's house. The men reported on the new business the Glass family had established, a boxing ring as you shoved Arthur in his chair with a teasing smile.
"Remember when you wanted to become a boxer, brother?" Arthur flips you the finger, a frown emerging from his moustache as he pours himself another drink, mumbling about you being a spoiled little brat yet you don't bother to catch the end of it.
The spy coughs, returning all of your attention back as Thomas glares at you both to hold yourselves, John's face has gone red trying to conceal his laughter at the childish faces you pull at him as Thomas throws his hand up, signalling for the man to continue.
"They have been having some difficulties in expanding their weed enterprise as well, we are still trying to get to the bottom of as to why this is as the documentation we have stolen shows nothing out of the sorts." A series of copied folders and photographs are then spread against the hardwood table as your painted nails sort through each stack, categorizing them in sequential order. Your green nail taps on top of a dead mans face thoughtfully stroking his cheek as you look at the bullet hole placed in between his eyes, "And what is the backstory to this incident exactly?" you comment.
The spy looks towards Thomas who already looks bored, there was nothing of significance to be said just yet but this newest bit of information had him raising as eyebrow. "Well, that kill was confirmed to be done by the new Duke of Halstead as I were one of the men stationed to dispose of it."
The spy throws another bundle on the table labelled, "The Duke." You excitedly snatch the manila folder quicker than anyone else at on the table as your eyes dart across every picture and piece of information you can grasp. Captain, Aristocrat, Medals... More Medals, Service, First Place, Honour Roll, Head Boy, Family Strain, oh... Your thoughts pause, cheeks heating when you flick up a stapled bundle of papers, a defined uniform, blue beret. The next page a Polo champion in college and deep black suit for the funeral. Slamming the folder shut, all eyes snap to the sudden noise.
"We are joining the upper echelon of society, brothers! Do let me meet up with him- I promise not to disappoint," you plead, already knowing that you are perfect for the mission. You and the Duke were both public-facing faces with one foot in reality and another in the pits. It would be a simple mission really, you convince yourself and your brothers as they immediately protest to the idea. Step in, seduce, convince him to sign-out and step out- as simple as that.
You look at Thomas, eyes strong, eyebrows furrowed as you level his stare. "You know I'm the only who can properly do this job, Thomas and if it does not work out, we can just kill them off just like the last, right?" The spy departs, bowing his head before speedily turning out of the room as tension only rises in the room, getting caught in your throat as you hitch your breath watching as Tommy's mouth moves into an echoing, "fine."
↳ So here you sat, in your covered box from the sun at the races. You clapped joyfully with a smile spreading your cheeks. You tip your hat down, seeing your bets adding up on your card as Ada cheered loudly beside you, leaning over the railing as she praises your chosen racer. Interviews for the sportsmen start as the Jockey casts a wink up at your sister. Ada throws down a business card the he clutches, placing it in his breast pocket with a tap to his chest before continuing to answer the post-race questions.
"Have yourself a date?" you tease out, picking up your spiked lemonade to hide your smile curving up into a knowing smirk. "Well you are one to talk sis, I heard down the grapevine that you had a certain duke chasing after you like Cinderella," Ada rebuttals, fixing herself a drink at the cart as you eye the three shots of vodka she stirs in, "isn't that a bit much for..." you look down at your wrist-watch, "...1PM? We do have dinner at Arthur's later tonight you know."
"We all can use a pick-me-up every now and then," she comments as you hum out, eyeing up your singular shot drink before shifting further down the couch to create space for her as she removes a pillow, placing it on her lap as she kicks off her heels and sets her feet up upon the coffee table. "Now, you didn't answer my question, go on then," she sasses, setting her drink down and leaning closer to you with knowing eyes gleaming into your own.
You roll your eyes, face going red while pushing her face away from your own as she laughs, "So you do have the hots for him!"
"No, its just that a second sun is bursting in my face and plus, we could never work," you retort, now refusing to meet her chasing eyes as she grips your hand. "Oh, come on (name)! details, details! don't leave me hanging here, thats brothers work," Ada presses forward just as your resolve crumbles. You place a hand to the bride of your nose, pinching as you eyes squeeze shut. "I won't repeat myself so listen closely," you start recalling the first day you met Captain and Duke, Edward Horniman.
↳ Running around your house, asking various staff members of your estate as to where your old mail had been distributed you felt around the thin papers and pages till you felt weight and lifted out the invitation from the stack. Mr. Johnston's Estate invites you to his quarterly festivities, your fingers trace over the pressed letters and seal before looking towards your closet
↳ You had worn a tailored dress that perfectly accentuated your body for tonights assignment. Within a closer inspection, various hand stitched black branches and birds spread across the top sheer level of fabric set to a black backdrop. Your hair was pinned upwards, showcasing the glowing skin of your neck and upper chest that you spent way too much time blending in with your makeup.
↳ You suitably leaned against the bar-top, feet already sore from the high heels you wore to make your legs appear longer and by the looks around the room, your plan of seduction was already in the works as a woman ordered a drink for the two of you. Her red lipstick simmering brightly under the dim lights, beckoning you in closer yet you held your resolve. Thanking her for the drink while placing a hand on her own before walking towards the neighbouring room. Feeling her stare as you left, you offered her a floating kiss before turning the corner.
↳ The windows were open as you walked down the long hall towards the cheers as multiple guests played various card games within the billiards room, you pulled the sleeves of your dress down further as you dropped the drink on a floating tray- it's sickeningly sweet taste formed a headache as you pinched your temples.
↳ You strolled around the room, smiling at every face that met yours, shaking hands with others as you enjoyed watching every. single. face. fall in recognition to who they were just flirting with. Stuttering apologies, you grew disappointed when their eyes drifted cautiously around the room for a threat of a man, one of your brothers. You scoff at this, turning towards the next.
↳ With the most recent man that was trying to capitalize on the half-attention you were giving him, absent-mindlessly nodding along to his business proposition as you both strolled around the estate, you found yourselves back at the entrance as your eyes snapped over to the late party-goers just making their arrivals, one of them being just the man you were waiting for as he stumbles through the open doors.
His beauty stumps you in person, the blurry pictures you obtained from at the table do not do the man justice as he practically glows under the warm lighting above. His hair tussled in a wind-swept way as your hands itch to fix every strand. Chocolate eyes are all you want to drink in before your attention is being called back as you start to glare at the intrusion.
"So what do you think, Mademoiselle Shelby?" the man asks to you, hand starting to drift up your arm, another on your leg before your eyes snap back down to his face from over the crowd. You rip your arm away from his touch, sending him a cold smile as you fix the lapels of his jacket for him, gripping the suit closest to his neck as you pull him closer to you. Any outside looker would think your reaction to be a romantic display yet by the sweat starting to form at his hairline, you were receiving just the reaction you wanted.
"I have no interest in working with a boy who already starts to sweat at the mere touch of a woman," and with that you drop him, watching as he falls into a group of people who all glare down at him, stepping around as he scrambles out the backdoor. You fix your appearance in your phones camera before making your way towards your mission.
Edward Horniman's Perspective
Re-buttoning his suit jacket, he places his keys in the hands of a staff-member while making his way up the stairs. Susie had been waiting for him in the lobby rather impatiently, her foot tapping against the tiled floors as she dully looked at the floral decorations that hug around the vaulted space before her eyes snapped to Eddie form spinning around to face her.
"You look a bit shit," she says while eyeing him up and down, taking notice to the small amount of blood beginning to form at his side with distaste.
"Remind me why we're here?" Eddie states, taking the conversation reigns as he begins to glance around the room. Susie begins walking closer to him, making their way out of the foyer.
"We are here to learn why Uncle Sam wants in to your estate and subsequently our Business," Susan replies, a subtle shake of her head as if ringing out the terrible idea of it all. Her feet start to falter as she instantly notices you stepping into the room behind them both with a champagne flute delicately place in your hand.
"Then whats his business?" Eddie pushes forwards, moving them both through the sea of people as Susie snaps her head back forwards, doing her best to maintain composure and not cause a scene as she allows Eddie to guide her further into the estate.
"Meth. He's made billions from it."
"Then what are you, Susan, a drug dealer with a heart?" Eddie question's, raising a brow as he stops to pick them both up a drink. A small smile spreading across his lips as they chime together before Susie proceeds to down the rest of it.
"Everything alright?" concern now rising in his features as he looks around the room, his gaze stopping, breath intaking sharply at the sight of you. He is unable to tear his gaze away as you turn your head to face him, you offer a small smile. Eyeing the man from his shoes, the seam of his pants, his neck that swallow deeply as your hand rises from your side, up to your collarbones as you delicately play with the necklace you wear. You finally stop at his eyes as you mouth a cheeky hello before turning around back towards the bar.
Susie still remains looking at her now empty drink, unknowing to Eddie's distraction by the sound of the crowd as she continues conversation normally. "We like money just as the next man, but his gear comes with a rather violent price tag. We stay in our lane because comparatively, its a peaceful one. We let him in, carnage will follow."
Susie now looks up, noticing that Eddie had not replied to her speech as she follows his gaze to your back as your fingers play with the lip of your cup. You laugh at whatever the bartender had just said to you before your glass has been topped off once more, you turn around, flashing them both a smile before slowly making your way closer to them.
Eddie takes a step forwards, wishing to meet you halfway before Susie reigns him in, nails digging into the arm of his suit jacket as she pulls him back to her side.
"I don't think you are quite ready for the big leagues, Captain-" Susan warns, looking at the side of Eddies face before he turns back to her, a charming smile accentuating his features before he speaks.
"I just killed a man, Susie. I think I can handle speaking to a woman-"
"Hm, well thats just not any ordinary woman, Edward. That is Miss. Shelby- the possible saviour to every one of our problems if we did not already... push some buttons," Susie states, smile waning as you get progressively closer, many people still try and gain your attention as you hold up your hand, wishing not to be disturbed.
"And there's room to fix that I'm sure, but what exactly did WE do?" Before Susie could answer, your heels are in front of Eddies dress shoes as you extend a hand forwards in greeting. "Miss. Shelby," Susie greets you with a composed look, her smile dropped as she tries to stare through you.
Edward picks up your hand, pressing a kiss on to the back of it as you hold hands for longer than necessary before pulling away. "Your Grace, Miss. Glass," you greet, "a pleasure it is to see you both here tonight." Your voice is like honey, hanging in the air as you smile at them both.
"The pleasure is all mine, Miss. Shelby," Edward replies, noticing Susie's mock indifference as she shifts her weight slightly under your faux-gentle eyes; sharped to a cutting-stare as you strike her down. "You two make a rather charming couple, if I may ask, how recent is this development?" you question, hiding your growing smirk in your drink as Eddie's gaze falls to your lips and the print you leave against the glass, snapping back up to your eyes- yours crinkle in a second greeting.
"You have yourself mistaken, Myself and Miss. Glass are merely business associates," Eddie clarify as you set your glass gently on the bar-top, hand brushing against Eddies bicep in the movement. Your eyes continue to lock on to one another, a silent conversation being played as you lean a bit closer, taking a deeper look at his features as you notice Eddies gaze roam your's own. In that moment, Susie decides to step back into the conversation.
"What does your family want?" she deadpans, eyeing the closing distance between you and Eddie with hardened eyes as her hand threatens to crush the glass in her hand. "Well, by the looks of it, your business had became my business, thanks to your mingling," you charismatically charm, hand hovering on Eddies arm as you adore the jealous look brewing inside her.
"And if you two are merely just associates, I think this calls for a more... personal discussion with the Duke since our businesses are now becoming tied together, is that not tight Susie?" you finish with as Eddie looks between the two of you, undeceiving of who to follow alongside. But by the look of your eyes snapping to his lips once more as you tongue swipes across your own, parting them slightly- his decision is made.
"I will be back in a moment, Susie," Edward says, following in-step as you lead him out of the crowded space. Just as Eddie reaches the hall, he casts his head back, sending Susie a knowing look as if to say, I'm fixing it before disappearing. Susie glares at your lipstick stained glass sat on the counter with distaste before being led towards Mr. Johnston by his assistant.
Your Perspective
Success, you cheer to yourself, as you loop your arm around Eddies arm, leading him towards a nearby study you know to be empty. The door softly closes behind you both. In the next moment, you pull Eddies arm to his side, shoving him against the door as it rattles from the impact.
Eddie's eyes are blown wide as he hisses out slightly in pain, forgetting about the gun-shot wound before becoming distracted by the feeling of your soft lips against his own. Your heels make you tall enough to capture his lips into a delicate battle of heated touches, your skirt being bunched up by Eddies hands, your gentle caresses of the stubble of his cheeks as playful bite his lower lip, wishing to explore more.
Gasping for air as you pull away, you further taint his skin a deep red to match his lips you coated in your lipstick. Pressing a kiss at the side of his mouth as he whispers out a tease before you trail over to his cheek, paving a way to his chin and down his neck as his head raises, exposing more skin for your greedy lips. He grips your hips, keeping you in place as you suck a mark onto the base of his neck. A soft moan escaping between his lips before an equally greater hiss as blood continues to pour out of his side.
You take a step back, gently opening his jacket, your eyes cast upwards, through your lashes as you playfully pout. You place a palm at his inner thigh, watching as his eyes grow in size as your hand drifts just past the growing bulge in his pants- stopping slightly before the wound as you hum out thoughtfully while looking at it.
"My, my, your grace. Whatever do you have here?" You rhetorically ask before pressing your hand into the opening, listening as he hisses out, hands swiftly moving off your hips and onto your hand as they pull your touch off of him side.
"You little fucking temptress," Eddie curses out, eyes darkened as his tongue sweeps over his lips, you take a few steps back. The Duke presses himself off the wall, taking wide strides as your hands begin to sweat yet you do not break eye contact. Continuing to swiftly walk backwards as best you can in heels before tripping over a rug and falling against the back of a chair.
Eddie's arms cage you in against the chair, your breath hitching as he places his face within the crook of your neck. His facial hair tickling your skin, a soft burn forming with every word he speaks, "Now tell me, Miss. Shelby, what is it you want from me?"
You swallow. Hard. Knuckles turning white at the force you grip the chair with before trying to compose yourself, a shaky breath you exhale conceal in a moan. Pressing a kiss to the shell of his ear, "I want you to kiss me, Eddie," you murmur, hand fixing those curls you wanted to from the start. Your fingers curl around a few strands within an instant as Eddie sucks a bruise to your neck, licking the area afterwards. "What are you here for?" he questions once more as you shake your head, wondering how far you can truly push this.
"No. That was not a proper kiss, sir. Kiss me." You state again, taking a deep breath in as victory when Eddie pulls away, eyes boring into your own, blood now tainting the band of his pants as your eyes flicker down to it. Your chin is gripped as Eddie pulls you into that proper kiss you were begging for but he pulls away too quickly as you press your lips together to hide your frown. Your cheeks were warm, hair a mess, your chest raises up and down like you had just ran a mile.
Edward appears in the same state as he stumbles back, hand gripping his side, eyes tipping down to your chest before snapping back up with a cold look- you needed to answer, couldn't have your signature bleeding out before he could sign.
"I need you out of my bettings, your grace," you breathily state, hand placed on your chest as you feel your heart-rate still bumping fast. You take deeper intakes of air, feeling for your heart starting to slow as you watch Eddie crunch over, blood-loss starting to make him go dizzy.
You swiftly stand and hobble towards the desk, finding a first aid kit in one of the lower drawers as you unknowingly bend down in front of Eddie as he curses you out once more, you look back, murmuring an apology before standing up straight and beginning to make work of his clothes, jacket off, tie discarded and shirt unbuttoned, you pluck the remnants of the bullet out from his side.
Eddie grits his teeth together, hands curled into fists as he watches you work, your tweezers poking into his muscle. "If you would stop watching me so closely, maybe I could focus more and poke you less," you sass, looking up at his while blowing the hair out of your eye. Eddie fixes the stand behind your ear before raising his hand once more. "Well just a minute ago you were practically on your knees begging for me to look at you," Eddie responds with a smirk, you huff and maintain your work, gathering the last bits of metal before treating the area and wrapping his torso snuggly.
The Duke's blood stains your hands as you look down at them thoughtfully. The thick liquid cascades off your fingertips, falling onto your dress, marking a pair of birds. "You owe me a new dress," you say, wiping your hands with the small cloth the kit provided before taking a stand. You start to walk away before Eddie grasps your arm, you pause mid-step, feet now plated in wait.
"Thank you, Miss. Shelby. I will sign to never fix a game with your business if you promise to have a meeting with Miss. Glass and I," Edward compromises, letting go of your arm and watches as you walk towards the exit, "I don't think you are in any position to make compromises, nevertheless demands, Edward. But... I'll keep you updated on my decision," and with that you close the door softly behind yourself for him to get dressed. Pressing your forehead to the wooden surface, you grip your hands into fists before settling your head up high as you descend the stairs and move towards the coat room. You sneak your keys and coat before slipping out the side door and walk towards your car.
A series of hastened footsteps against the gravel have you rolling down the window to your Range Rover, foot on the brake, hands on the wheel- ready to make haste. You do your best not to be surprised when the Duke's face greets you on the other side, a I know something you don't smile resting on his features as you raise a brow to it.
"We never exchanged contacts," he states to you casually, as if it were the weather. You hum out, analyzing his statement while look out the windshield before looking back at him. Light rain begins to fall as you press a lingering kiss to his cheek, "I will find you in due time, you and Miss. Glass. Have a good night, your grace." And with that, you roll up your window, and drive off underneath the moonlight.
You take a deep sip of your drink as Ada sits still, mouth open as you swear to be losing circulation to you hand. Pins and needles start to form at your fingertips form how tightly she holds onto your hand. "Fuck, sis. Sounds like you got him good," Ada says, barley able to conceal her smile.
Shaking your head you take a deep sip of your near melted lemonade before clearing your throat and checking for the time, it would be an hour's drive from here, you both had to leave soon. "Well even if I have managed to, 'get him good...'" you raise your hands in quotations, starting to mock even the idea of you two together yet your heart speaks otherwise, beating rapidly in your chest as you recount the feeling of his lips on yours. The small hickey on your neck still bruised as you wonder if his has healed since then.
Ada raises a brow, watching as you absent-mindedly reach up towards your mark, fingers circling around the mark as you continue to speak, "...Tommy would never allow it-"
"Fuck what Tommy thinks, he's not you. Do YOU want to see him again?" Ada cuts you off, a serious look taking over every feature, tightening into sharp lines- as if daring you to say else-wise.
You refuse to meet her eyes, looking outside to the near empty tracks, "I mean..."
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↳ Taglist: @daffodilstark @leavemeslowly @iamasimpingh0e @kneelarmhstrung @surazim
↳ A/N: What did you all think? I am quite happy with this being a standalone but I am willing to write a pt.2. If you have any ideas as to where it could go- send an ask, DM, or comment and I'll see what can be done further :) (i'm also taking a break soon... maybe... probably).
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nonaserpent · 1 year
Disney Villains as Birds
This idea just came in mind combining two fields I’m interested. Not just looking for the color but appearance, feeling and behavior also matters.
Very personal opinion you may disagree but friendly discussion welcomed :)
Hans: Blue-breasted Fairywren (Malleus pulcherrimus)
Very cute and pretty-looking bird! Known for their unique courtship of delivering petals.
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©Laurie Boyle
Judge Claude Frollo: Demoiselle Crane (Grus virgo)
#That Hair
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Hades: Steller’s Jay (Cyanocitta stelleri)
HE HAS TO BE A CORVIDAE. And just look at that hairstyle and that…eyebrows?
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©Daniel Plumer
Queen of Hearts: Papyrus Gonolek (Laniarius mufumbiri)
Fun fact: Like shrikes, they impale their prey on thorns.
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©Nik Borrow
Queen Grimhilde: Black-shouldered Kite (Elanus axillaris)
Fairest bird of all
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©I Am birdsaspoetry.com 
Jafar: Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus)
One of my fav. Now Iago has someone his same class.
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Yzma: Lesser Florican (Sypheotides indicus)
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There’s no copyright restriction on the other pic from website so I guess I’m good.
Cruella De Vil: Houbara Bustard (Chlamydotis undulata)
She would see the bird as her greatest accessory.
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©Frank Vassen
Dr. Facilier: Long-tailed Glossy Starling (Lamprotornis caudatus)
The metallic effect of their plumage just matches Facilier’s shadow power and colorful effects made by his friends on the other side.
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©Nik Borrow
Mother Gothel: Long-tailed Paradise Whydah (Vidua paradisaea)
Known to be brood parasites like cuckoos.
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©Brian Henderson
Gaston: Western Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus)
No one makes that mating call like Gaston!
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Ursula: Peruvian Pelican (Pelecanus thagus)
Those who couldn’t pay their price were devoured, FOR SURE
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©Rogerio Camboim S A
Maleficent: Common Raven (Corvus corax)
Need I say more?
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Captain Hook: Magnificent Frigatebird (Fregata magnificens)
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©Andy Morffew
Lady Tremaine: Ruff (Calidris pugnax)
Her daughters would LOVE this outfit
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BONUS: Kuzco
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©Richard Gibbons
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violentlyscreaming · 2 months
If the kite man show has Steph and if the Harley Quinn show eventually gets Cass (one can hope) we may possibly have the greatest chance we’ve had yet of canon StephCass
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mouwrites · 8 months
love your writings :)
can i get a uhh...
morro x reader who was around when he was wu's student, and after he left waited for him everyday and night to see if he would come back?
and was obviously there to see him during ghosty arc
just some hurt/comfort please
Of course dear! I actually had a lot of fun with this one, I hope you enjoy!! ^^
Word count: 1.2k
Ninjago - Waiting For Your Morro
Nights like these bothered you. The air—just cold enough to nip your cheeks as it gently breezed by—held a silence that left you to your thoughts. Your brows were furrowed deeply as you stared out into the darkness. Why did you keep doing this? Would you ever get what you were looking for?
You shook your head at the thought. You had to keep hope; that’s what you told yourself. That’s what you always told yourself.
You looked down at your hand, opening and closing it slowly to get some blood flowing. You wished there was a hand to hold, a hand you’d been longing for for years. The hand of your first and only love, Morro.
You closed your eyes, filling your lungs with the chilled air.
“Y/n, watch me!”
“I’m watching!”
Morro was grinning hugely, glancing between you and the kite in the air. He made the thing dance like it was alive, and you marveled at the sight.
“Wow, Morro! Are you doing that?”
“Yeah! It’s my power: wind. That’s what Wu told me.”
“You’re so cool! You’re gonna grow up to be a really powerful ninja one day. Just don’t forget me when that happens, ‘kay?”
“I’ll never forget you, Y/n.”
You remembered the sincerity in his eyes when he said those words. It had been mixed with the innocent eagerness that characterized his youth; you recalled how his round, childish face used to shine when he talked about his powers. Morro had wanted nothing more than to be powerful; he knew nothing would make his beloved Master Wu more proud. 
You smiled bitterly as you recalled that aspect of him, the part that was always seeking the wise old man’s approval. The smile turned into a frown as you traced your memories onward, conjuring up a painful scene:
“Morro, are you okay?”
Morro was quiet. He was hunched over on the bottom step of the monastery, his knees curled up against his chest and his chin planted on his knees. His eyes were puffy and red, and when you spoke fresh tears brimmed those soulful eyes.
“Wu says I’m not the Green Ninja.”
“Oh, Morro…” You crouched down beside him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. “I’m sorry. But you don’t have to be the Green Ninja to be powerful. I still think you’re the most power—”
“He’s wrong!” Morro snapped, jumping up so abruptly that you were sent sprawling on your side. You looked up at him with owlish eyes, horrified at this rage that you’d scarcely seen in him before. That was the first time you thought that something might seriously be wrong. 
There was venom, not ambition, in his eyes when he said: “I’m going to prove him wrong.”
That was the last image you could conjure of Morro. He devoted himself to his training, leaving you in the dust. You never blamed him, though. You knew he was only chasing the one thing he cared about; that being Wu’s high opinion of him. He was just… misguided. He’d chosen a bad route that he believed would reach that end, but in reality it only drove him to his downfall. Your heart had broken at his plight when he discovered he wasn’t the Green Ninja, but the pieces withered to nothing when you found out he died chasing his twisted goals.
You hadn’t known what to do with yourself then. Morro, the boy you’d known for so long, the one you’d always hoped would get back on the right path, was dead. You’d never see him again. You’d never see that sweet face, so ambitious and eager—but you’d have killed even to see the corrupted version of him that you didn’t quite recognize. You just wanted him back.
Then, years later, one of the greatest—and yet worst—days of your life:
“Wu, you seem troubled.”
The man stroked his beard, glancing around as if making sure you two were alone. “Morro is back.”
You dropped the tray of tea you’d been carrying, sending the pieces to shatter on the ground. Your hands covered your mouth, muffling the sob that came a moment later. Wu had put a supportive hand on your shoulder, explaining the situation gently.
When all was said, you stared at the ground with conflicted feelings swirling in your gut like Morro’s beautiful gusts of wind. You weren’t sure what to feel.
Was it really your Morro that came back?
Your frown deepened. You had the answer already; you’d known it then, and you knew it now. That Morro was not the bright boy you once treasured. He was cruel. He was ruthless. But, most of all, he hated Wu. That could never be your Morro. And yet, that last time you saw him…
You had boarded Wu’s dragon, desperate for what you knew would be your last shot at getting Morro back. He was being dangled above the water, wrapped in the grotesque tentacle of the Preeminent. If he were submerged… it would all be over. As much as you probably should’ve hoped for that, with all the destruction he’d caused, you couldn’t bring yourself to pray upon the downfall of Morro.
Wu extended his hand, assuring Morro that he was still his star pupil, that all his pupils were his stars. Morro had reached to grasp it, and you started to see the Morro you knew once more. Hope exploded in your chest as they grasped hands firmly, and Wu began to pull. You held his upper arm, trying to help the man pull, but Morro was locked in place.
Suddenly, he smiled. Suddenly, your Morro was back. Suddenly, your eyes were teary and your limbs were weak.
“You can only save those who want to be saved,” he said. He looked directly at you then, his smile growing sad. “Y/n, you’re as wonderful as I remember you being. I’m glad that the last thing I’ll see is your beautiful face.”
You shrieked, throwing yourself forward in a futile attempt to stop him from what you knew he was about to do. 
“Goodbye.”And then he was gone again.
Your eyes were wet with tears, and you dabbed them angrily with your sleeve. Why did he give up so easily? Why did he give up on you? You waited every day for him to return, and he didn’t hesitate for one second when you finally had a chance at being together again.
But, as much as you wanted to, you couldn’t hate him for it. You waited years. You’d wait more. He came back once. Why not again?
So you stared into the night, looking up to prevent any more tears from falling. You calmed your quivering breaths by admiring the stars above.
“Perhaps one day you will be reunited,” a quiet voice came from behind you. You felt a hand on your shoulder, warm and papery with age. You turned your head slightly to look at Wu over your shoulder, nodding with a smile that was at once sad and hopeful.
“Some pairs are ordained in the stars—the universe,” he continued, looking at the stars as if he could read them like Ninjargon. Then he looked at you, a mystic twinkle in his almond eyes. “I don’t doubt that you and Morro are one such pair.”
Your smile stayed on your face, but now you were fighting back tears. You cursed the old man through sorrowful laughter, looking down to hide your face. He moved forward to stand beside you, wrapping an arm around you and rubbing your upper arm comfortingly. You accepted the gesture by leaning your head on his shoulder.
You didn’t speak for the rest of the night, just watching, waiting for your Morro to come home.
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Thank you so much for this request! And thanks for reading, take care doves <33
(divider by saradika)
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corporatefrog · 1 year
꒦‧₊ ꒷ HEADCANNONS: Kenny, Kyle, Stan, and Butters saving you as superheroes/villains when you're in danger! ✧.*
✧.* tags: college au, superhero au ✧.* Characters: kenny mccormick, kyle broflovski, stan marsh, butters scotch a/n: another amazing anon request! i always love the suggestions and they lead to such fun scenarios (and ways to zone out during class lol)
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Literally the scene from the beginning of Megamind where they’re in the observatory
Except he bursts in and saves you 
You were just trying to get footage of mysterion’s press conference then suddenly you’re tied up in the storage unit- sorry, the LAIR OF CHAOS
(he gets sad when you don’t call it that)
“Ah mysterion! It is I, your greatest foe-”
“I wouldn’t say greatest”
“Professor chaos- wait what?”
“I’m just saying I've literally fought cthulhu. He’s probably the greatest”
“Well, Cthulhu was an eldritch horror ! He doesn't count!”
“Yes he does”
“No he doesn't!”
“Yes he does!”
“No he doesn't-”
“Guys I really got to piss, can we speed this up?”
Mysterion shows up a few minutes later but you don’t get ‘rescued’ for another 30 minutes because him and chaos kept arguing
He walks you home and says he’ll always be there to save you
But you know the same thing is going to happen next week
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Kyle/Human Kite
You were at the park with kyle to visit the pet adoption fair being held by the south park animal shelter
But Professor Chaos had other plans. 
Suddenly all of the animals were let out of their pens and were running through the park 
It was the most adorable stampede to ever exist
You turned to tell ky that you guys had to help but he was gone?
The text he sent: “allergic to cats. Sorry.”
You get absolutely DOG PILED
By actual dogs. 
Chaos is evilly laughing while blowing a dog whistle while General Disarray points laser pointers at people’s feet 
You were ready to give into your death by puppy
But you’re pulled out from the dog heap by human kite! 
He flies??? Over to chaos and slaps the dog whistle out of his hands and starts lecturing him
You almost feel bad for the guy
But then again, there are cats running up trees and dogs running into the street so animal safety comes first
You help them take care of the animals 
(and definitely end up adopting a furry friend :) )
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Professor chaos has stuck you in a small cell surrounded by glass with a 2 hour timer ticking down towards an unknown demise
Usually it wouldn’t have been an issue for tool to grab a sledge hammer and take care of it 
But the cell was made of impact proof glass 
That didn’t stop Toolshed from trying to break through the glass for 30 minutes while professor chaos monologues from a tv screen in the corner
“HAHHAA! I bet you’re wondering how I managed to trap-”
“You won’t be breaking through that glass anytime-”
“H-Hey! Let me at least get through my-”
And the only way to unlock it was to complete an escape room and find a key
But professor chaos seems to have forgotten that stan loves complex board games
And what is an escape room if not a complex solo board game? 
“You need to use the cipher from the map to decode the encyclopedia for the safe code!” 
“Oh yeah, I’ll definitely do that. If I were an idiot.”
“Okay now you’re just being mean” 
“It’s obvious that the map cipher is used for the chess board to give you the steps for the dance dance revolution machine!”
“...yeah totally. I definitely knew that’s how it works.”
He has you out in like 5 minutes 
And you make a mental note to never play Settlers of Katan with him. 
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Butters/Professor Chaos
The freedom pals kidnapped you to try and get information out of you since you act as tech help for chaos
Well it was really just the coon
“I thought that kidnapping was a villain thing”
“Yeah because when a superhero does it, it’s taking a villain into custody”
“I really don’t see the logic there”
“I thought you wanted me to talk?”
Really you were just giving cartman shit for a few hours
Until the basement suddenly fills with smoke!
Professor Chaos threw smoke bombs into a small enclosed basement (not a good idea-)
You both barely manage to get out while coughing through the smoke
But you do it!!
Chaos insists on getting you ice cream as an apology for getting wrapped up in everything
“I mean, if I had to deal with that dickwad everyday, I’d want to cause chaos to piss him off too. I only was there for an hour and i never want to see him smile again” 
You just became the coolest person ever to him
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clavidy · 7 months
saw this photo of the beautiful Bisan and just had to draw her. Versions with and without text below, feel free to use and reblog.
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The Palestinian smile will always be the greatest weapon of all. May the children fly their kites in a free world ❤️
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Disney underrated songs tournament matchups
SO sorry for the months wait you guys, I lost motivation, life has gotten really stressful, but I am back and should be starting the tournament soon! Here are the matchups for the Underrated bracket. The obscure match ups are coming next!
Aquarela do Brazil vs Aristocats theme
All in the golden afternoon vs That's What Makes the World Go Round
Thomas O'Malley vs Once upon a wintertime
Sing sweet nightingale vs Yodel-Adle-Eedle-Idle-Oo
Heaven's Light vs Honor to Us All
Little April Showers vs Fidelity Fiduciary Bank
What is a Baby / La La Lu vs OneJump Ahead
Why Should I Worry? vs Dalmatian Plantation
Higitus Figitus vs True To Your Heart
Melody time vs Little Dressmaker / the Work Song
Once Upon a Time in New York City vs Look out for mr stork
Worlds greatest criminal mind vs Always Know Where You Are
Peace on earth vs Song of the Roustabouts
Not in Nottingham vs When Somebody Loved Me
Almost There vs Let’s sing a gay little spring song
Pink elephants on parade vs Perfect Isn't Easy
Colonel haiti march vs Another believer
I'm Still Here (Jim's Theme) vs God Help the Outcasts
The Headless Horseman vs Love
The Phony King of England vs We Know The Way
Step in Time vs Little Wonders
One Jump Ahead Reprise vs Kanine Krunchies
You Belong To My Heart vs Hellfire
The Three Caballeros vs Listen with your heart
Colombia vs Steady as the beating drum
Ichabod, ichabod crane vs Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride
On My Way vs Let Me Be Good to You
Show Yourself vs Let’s go fly a kite
After today vs The motion waltz (Emotional commotion)
Katrina vs Mine Mine Mine
The Bells of Notre Dame vs Main Title / Cinderella
Goodbye So Soon vs What a dog / he’s a tramp
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2am thought
Batman’s greatest villain would be a blind person. Man who is blind. Man who can’t see who helped by guide dog. What are guide dog abilities something a rather, somethings a rather, smell, somethings a rathers.
What jobs do doggos? Guide dog, job job, police dog
What police dogs do? Nom nom, this go boom human get away, there the good stuff that make you high as kite here, and person locator.
Doggo smell Batman, doggo then meet Bruce man it same smell. Doggo react to Batman and Bruceman the same. Identity no secret.
Guide Doggo know and people sus. Doggo fearful of spooky punchy Batman. Same, doggo scared of goofy dumb brucie Wayne? Odd. Or opposit
See dog ask for pets and get treat from bruci Wayne, wow sweet, doggo ask for petss and treat from Mr broody Bat break you bones Man? Wat a sec
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kopitanis · 3 months
Stanford is truly a unique person; I was convinced of this even in our first meeting.
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That day, Basilisk and I were returning to the Abode from a Council meeting. Fatigue took over, and we decided to take a shortcut through the forest. Not the safest decision, but at that moment we didn't care. And it’s not about us or anyone else, but about the forest itself. It is lively and incredibly carnivorous. Most inexperienced travelers died here, not knowing that inside these thousand-year-old giants lived monsters worse than the Supreme Ones themselves. Step by step we made our way through the thicket, listening to the ominous sounds of the predatory forest. Thousands of eyes looked at us from huge holes in tree trunks, waiting for the right moment. The road stretched on in gloomy, oppressive silence. The basilisk illuminated our path with its pleasant warm light emanating from its entire body. His lamp occasionally crackled with heat, revealing the tension of the kite. The fear was felt physically. And then something caught his attention:
-Do you see this? - He turned towards the darkness. -What? - I came closer, following the fiery serpent. At that moment, for the first time, I could not believe what I was seeing in front of me. In the distance a homemade tent made of a piece of fabric, tied to tree branches, appeared. Below him could be seen a silhouette, huddled in a tense position, as if expecting an imminent attack. Frightened, wounded and wild, this is how we first saw, as it turned out later, one of the greatest scientists of the multiverse - Stanford Pines.
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