#Knight Kakashi
depressedhatakekakashi · 11 months
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A Sacrifice Worth Being Made
Words: 1,888
Royalty AU: Sacrifice
Also for @kakagaievents Kakagai Halloween event with the prompt 'Beast'
The entire room had fallen silent. Even the most vocal of Gai’s advisors couldn’t think of a single thing to say, opting instead to bow their heads and keep their mouths shut. On any other day, Gai would appreciate the quiet.
Today, he wished someone would say something.
“What?” Anger boiled inside of his chest, consuming him in a way he’d never experienced before. He wanted to lash out. To scream and argue and cry until he was too warn out to continue.
“I’ll go,” Kakashi repeated himself as if everything was just fine. “If no one else can deal with the issue, then I will.”
“Your majesty,” A sharp glare would usually silence any words his advisors had, but it did nothing to detour Genma. His advisor simply met his gaze with the same calm that he always tried to exude in their meetings. “Sir Kakashi is one of our best knights and we have lost quite a few trying to destroy this beast already.”
“No.” his voice was sharper than usual, with such fiery anger burning in that one simple word that half of the advisors who surrounded the table took a step back. As if they were protecting themselves from the fall they could see happening directly in front of them.
Not one to be intimidated, though, Kakashi simply straightened his back and turned to face Gai. “Name one person better equipped to face the challenge than I.”
“I-that’s not the point,” he bit back. “You are a royal guard. Your duty is to stay at my side and protect me!”
“To protect you sometimes I must step away,” Kakashi spoke with an eerie calmness. A trait Gai had seen over the years, though it was always directed at someone else. Someone who needed to be reminded of the rules. “I did this when I led the army in the battle of Hacho, and again when I left to take care of the assassine that King Onoki had sent to kill you.”
Gai shook his head. It was true of course and he knew Kakashi’s duties better than anyone. He’d made sure to read all about the duties his lover would be carrying out when he first got word about his father’s intentions to make Kakashi his royal guard.
He’d never thought he would reach the day when that information backfired on him.
Still, he didn’t give up. He couldn’t. 
Allowing Kakashi to go on this mission was a guaranteed loss. Even if he was successful in slaying the beast it was unlikely that he would make it home. The intel they’d received from past attempts and the select few who’d miraculously managed to get away before they were ripped to shreds confirmed that there was no escape.
“Poisoned fangs,” He whispered, images of all those people he’d seen just a few days ago in the village hospital. People who’d lived in a village a few hours away and who’d come to his kingdom seeking asylum after the beast had attacked their homes. “Claws that can impale a grown man, faster than any animal seen before.”
“I know what its qualities are,” Kakashi assured him, never faltering for even a second. “I’ve studied everything we know about it and thought carefully about the risks before coming to this decision.”
The aching fear that had engulfed Gai’s heart when he first heard Kakashi offer himself up for the job began to loosen. It felt silly now that he thought about it, but he’d forgotten just how cautious Kakashi could be.
No matter what the task, Kakashi was known for facing it head-on with plans that would make even the wisest generals bow their heads in respect. There wasn’t a single person in the kingdom who could think as Kakashi did, and no one who could carry out those plans as well as he did.
“So,” Genma spoke up, his voice giving away the excitement that everyone else in the room must have been feeling. “What’s the plan?”
After three weeks of panic, there seemed to be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Kakashi was stepping forward, and he spoke in such a way that it seemed clear that he had a plan. An idea that would allow him to defeat the beast that plagued their lands while still keeping his life.
Yet, while everyone else seemed to already be celebrating their freedom from the beast’s rampage, Gai could still feel that terrible weight in his chest. A fear that weighed down on his heart even when he tried to remind himself that it was Kakashi.
Hatake Kakashi is the youngest person to ever be knighted and one of the absolute best knights in the entire kingdom. 
“The plan?” Kakashi’s eyes flickered over to Genma. “To kill the beast, of course.”
Gai’s heart sank. 
There was no plan.
No grand design that Kakashi had thought up to defeat the beast while ensuring his own survival. 
“You…you’re kidding, right?” for the first time in his life, Gai heard a growl in Genma’s voice. The usually cool-headed advisor had finally met a challenge that he couldn’t face without allowing his anger to seep through into full view for everyone around him. “You just told us you’d thought through everything. That means you have a plan, right?”
“No,” Gai answered for his lover, his heart shattering when Kakashi looked his way. “There is no plan that will work.”
“That is…sort of correct,” Kakashi confirmed. “It is possible for me to defeat the beast and end the reign of terror it had placed over the kingdom. It will no longer be a problem and people will be able to return to their homes. Of course, they’re going to need aid to rebuild.”
“Aid that they will receive without question,” Gai assured him. “Now let’s focus on the main issue.”
“There is no issue,” Kakashi continued with that same cool attitude, never for a second giving away what was going on in his mind. “The beast will be taken care of. That is the only thing that matters.”
Gai wanted to scream.
To fight, argue, and cry. 
To lash out and demand an explanation for Kakashi’s attitude. 
He didn’t, though. There was no outburst that would aid in this situation, and it would only serve to embarrass him and Kakashi in the long run. Instead, he turned to his advisors and steeled himself for the impending conversation. “You’re dismissed.”
“You’re majesty!” Four of them gasped, but before they could even begin to argue both Genma and Ebisu set about ushering them all out of the room. There was a bit of argument along the way, but once they were out Genma turned around and pulled the doors shut. 
With everyone gone the room was now deadly silent. The weight of Kakashi’s sacrifice hung over the two of them as they stood there staring at each other.
Summoning upon just an ounce of strength, Gai began to speak. “How long?” 
“Your majesty?” Kakashi answered with a raised eyebrow. “I don’t understand.”
“How long,” he repeated. “How long have we known each other, Kakashi?”
“twenty -seven years,” the answer came without hesitation or doubt.
“Twenty-seven years,” thinking back, he couldn’t help but smile. There were so many memories the two of them had shared. Times, when they had sat under the beautiful maple tree in the garden reading the book Choza-Sensei, was teaching them about. Hours they had spent running around the castle trying to see who could name the most people in the pictures that hung on the castle walls. The nights that the two of them had spent entangled in each other’s arms, whispering their promises and hiding under the blankets like five-year-olds whenever they heard footsteps just outside the door. “And this…” he waved a hand toward Kakashi, indicating the declaration he’d just made in front of him and all of his advisors. “This is how it ends?”
Lowing his eyes, Kakashi sighed. “Someone had to put a stop to it.”
“Someone,” Gai agreed as the tears began gathering in his eyes. “Not you.”
“Name someone else,” Kakashi insisted, repeating the same request he had made earlier. “One other person that can handle the task. Anyone.”
A list of names ran through Gai’s mind, but every single one of them fell short. 
None of them had Kakashi’s skills. His drive, intelligence, speed, abilities with a sword. Some of them could match his skill in one or two areas or even beat him in select areas, but they weren’t as skilled as him all around.
He was the master of all trades.
The knight who had done everything in his power to perfect all of his skills, setting himself apart from others as exceptional. Once upon a time, Gai had felt nothing but pride about that. Now, all he could feel was crushing, painful regret.
“Anyone else,” Kakashi spoke again, his voice pleading this time. Begging Gai to provide him with one simple name so that he wouldn’t have to be the one to make the sacrifice.
So that he could stay here, by Gai’s side where he was supposed to be.
“You can’t,” a bitter laugh ripped up from his throat. “I tried to think of one too. I spent all night trying to come up with one name. One person who could carry out the plan I’d come up with, but they’d all die.”
“So will you.” Tears spilled down his cheeks. 
“Maybe, yes,” lowering his eyes, Kakashi drew in a breath, and for the first time since they’d met, Gai could see his lover's resolve wavering. “But I’ll succeed. That’s the difference.”
“You are so…”
“Arrogent?” Kakashi completed his sentence with a shaky chuckle.
“Selfless,” Gai corrected him, though what would usually be spoken as a compliment came out as a complaint this time. “Don’t go.”
“I have to,” Watching as his lover took a step forward, Gai found himself holding a breath as a hand came up and cupped his cheek. The warmth of Kakashi’s hand was comforting, and for just a second he was able to focus on that.
A second was a short amount of time, though, and the reality of his situation soon came crashing into his silent getaway and yanked him right back into reality. The last place he wanted to be.
“Tomorrow,” he begged, hoping to cling to as much time as he could even if it seemed hopeless. “Leave tomorrow morning.”
Kakashi simply smiled, though there was no joy in his eyes when Gai stared into them. “Tomorrow,” leaning in close, he pressed his forehead against Gai’s and closed his eyes. “And who knows. Maybe I’ll return before dinner.”
Gai laughed for the first time since hearing Kakashi’s decision. “I’ll tell the kitchen to make salt-broiled saury to celebrate.”
His heart ached, but these were precious moments. 
If this really was going to be his last night with his lover, he wanted it to be fantastic. A night that he could remember for the rest of his life. No tears, no arguing, no dreading the morning to come.
Tomorrow he could spend his day fretting. Tonight, he would focus on reminding Kakashi how much he was loved, even if it broke his heart to do so. 
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thinkingfandoms · 2 months
Why are masked characters so hot?
only it becomes more and more weird
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teacher-tango · 6 months
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Immediately smitten for his assigned knight
The prince almost lost his cool there
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whotookmysenbon · 2 months
Can we get the mod’s opinion of like a D&D character sheet for Genma?
Hm. For typical Genma or a high fantasy Genma? And that begs the question what class would he be? Because my first thought is ranger or artificer or rogue but the more I think about it, the more I lean towards Druid!Genma. Like: adept in poisons, some healing skill, works primarily with plants and mushrooms, some skill in elemental manipulation with water and fire (at least in my headcanon, although I think fire and earth is also popular), and so on. Maybe a druid with a soldier background? - Em
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Naruto and Haku would be the definition of pretty deadly!!! Just them casually talking about all the things they do, like
Haku: How were your archery classes?
Naru: Good thanks! I finally got 20 bullseyes in a row while riding horseback. And your new flute lessons?
Haku: Congratulations! And my classes are going well, but I’m not sure if I’m doing this one song right…
Naruto: I took flute lessons a while ago, I’m sure I could help you!
Haku: aw really? Only if you let me help you with your French pastry class :)
Naruto: Deal! :D
The moms get more and more concerned as the list of hobbies only grow and get weirder. The point that really freaks them all out though is when Haku takes up knife throwing and apparently has a whole show for it/other talents of theirs at the ren faire. Naruto is their little assistant (since he’s like what three ish years younger I think?) for the show and they both are casually sword fighting in full gowns because of course they are.
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[ID: the aromantic flag edited to have flames on either side and a “versus” symbol in the middle. On the left is Hatake Kakashi from Naruto while on the right is King Knight from Shovel Knight. End ID.]
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vellichor01 · 10 months
So I just started watching Jujutsu Kaisen after seeing some fics and things on here by the lovely @jeannineee and I had an exchange with my fiance that has me dying:
Me, pointing out Gojo at the start of the show: That's Gojo and my tumblr has gone feral for him. Fan art has me feral too.
My fiance, joking: my poor bby has another fictional crush?
I show him this picture
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Him: I understand now.
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oprescuewagon · 2 years
Kakashi as the moonlight Knight!
For @jinxkirin
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No scar as he was gifted his Sharingan, so no chakra exhaustion XD
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polyhexianbirb · 2 years
**Daydreams under appreciated character into loving and caring environment**
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acerathia · 1 year
hi my ru ru!!! i would love to hear some of your thoughts and knowledge about any type of royalty so here she is sending a 👑 <3
!! hello kendy!!
listen, you're absolutely the daughter of a well-known count, who loves and adores you!! you're the socialite of socity, and everyone adores you, but trust is difficult when living in the court. that's why you have your own knight, who shall just be serving you, and no one else.
and poor knight, he cant help but admire you, to respect you, to kiss the ground you walk on. so he indulges you so much, allows you to sneak off, with him of course being your shadow, but he allows you to enjoy yourself in the market, at the village festival, always there, but never truly accompanying you. and how would he even dare to even think about walking by your side... you, oh so lovely, adorned in the most precious silk and jewels, eyes shimmering full of laughter and love....
he's supposed to be only your knight, your loyal shadow, your true protector, and yet he cant help but hope for more, but hope for the touch of your soft skin against his face, your smile directed towards him, and him only...
but he keeps his distance, at your back, hoping that some day you will turn around.
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 years
Can I if there is ship that love more Lestat&Louis?
Hey nonny!
I‘ve been mulling on this for a few hours and… no I don’t think so?
I like a lot of things (and ships), but… I‘ve been in love with them and this world for decades. It’s not always been easy as a fan in the VCs 😅 so that… I guess adds to it?! To the intensity now that it has been unleashed once more? 😈
I still have printed our fanfiction from before the purge, and mangas. Stuff.
(The only other couples that came (somewhat) close are probably
- JackDaniels from Stargate-SG1 😬😬😬 For a while. Area52 back then was quite the experience^^
- Hannigram (but since based to an extent on them I guess it doesn’t quite count as separate?! 😋)
- (adult) KakaNaru - unexpected, that one, the dynamic just hit it for me in the last seasons and the world is literally anything goes which is cool
- and from back back then the ship between Nicolas Knight and Lucien Lacroix in Forever Knight… I don’t even know their shipname, shame on me 😅🙈)
But no.
No other ship really comes close. *shrugs*
What about you?
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Choosing a Lover
Prompt: Royal Ball
Words: 2864
Music echoes through the hallway, calling for Kakashi to return to the hall where everyone is gathered. He could still hear all the guests laughing and chatting amongst each other. Guessing which lucky Prince or Princess would be chosen by Gai to marry him.
If only they knew the truth.
“Sir, we really should return,” he tried to argue, but Gai continued down the hallway unhindered, dragging him along behind him. “I know the party was boring, but-”
“Boring,” Gai grumbled, fingers digging into Kakashi’s wrist. “It wasn’t just boring. It’s a waste of time. I’m meant to sit there talking to people that I don’t want to talk to.”
“You love talking to people,” Kakashi interrupted. “In fact, I don’t think there’s a day that goes by where you don’t talk to someone new.”
Gai glared back at him but continued on his way. Even when faced with the reality of his own personality, and the strangeness of this whole situation, he refused to stop.“This is different. You know it is.”
“Because you’re expected to choose a spouse?”
“It’s not just that,” his grip loosened, freeing Kakashi from the pain of having Gai’s nails digging into his skin. “Father won’t listen. No one will. They don’t care that I don’t want to choose a spouse out of a room full of Princesses and Princes’ from other kingdoms. They won’t listen to me.”
“Well, how can they listen when what you say seems ridiculous?” Stopping in his tracks, Gai turned to face Kakashi. A hard, angry look in his eyes. “Am I wrong?”
“You know you are,” he released his hold on Kakashi’s arm and took a step forward. Closing the already small gap between them so that he was now standing nose to nose with Kakashi. “There is nothing ridiculous about my choice.”
“A prince, marrying a guard.” Kakashi couldn’t help but laugh at the thought even though he wished just as much as Gai that it could be different. It wasn’t possible, though. A Prince was destined to marry royalty. No matter how much he wanted things to be different, they couldn’t be. 
He could love Gai for the rest of his life, and he probably would. Those feelings would do nothing to change the reality that they were living in. A reality which demanded Gai choose a spouse who would help improve his kingdom’s defences and whom he could rule beside as equals. 
Raising a hand, Gai curled his middle finger towards his palm and placed his thumb over the tip. Only a seconds worth of warning, but it was enough for Kakashi to close his eyes and brace for the impact of Gai’s finger flicking against his forehead. “Ow.” 
“It wasn’t hard enough to hurt,” Gai scolded him with a light, friendly laugh. A sound that Kakashi had become rather addicted to over the years. It was always so pleasant to listen to and never failed to make his heart stop for just a moment, as if it was overwhelmed by the sweetness of that sound. “And I told you to stop saying crap like that. So what if the Prince wants to marry his handsome, dashing, courageous royal guard? What’s wrong with that?”
“Would you like the list alphabetically or numerically according to the law?” Another flick to the forehead, this time with a little bit more force. “Really, you’re being too stubborn,” he grumbled while rubbing a hand over the area Gai had struck. “Most people would trip over themselves to marry any of those people.”
“I am not most people.” no truer words had ever been said. There were a hundred things that Kakashi could think of that set Gai apart from ‘other people’. From the way he smiled so bright that he shone brighter than the sun itself, to his kind attitude towards every single person he met. Gai was certainly one of a kind, and someone out there had to be lucky enough to marry him. 
“In that case, do you have a reason as to why you won’t marry any of them?” Kakashi asked, raising a hand to silence Gai before he even opened his mouth. “Without mentioning me.”
Gai narrowed his eyes, but even with such restrictions he was not one to turn down a challenge, and that was exactly what Kakashi had just presented him with. A challenge to come up with a reason not to marry any of the people he had met today. 
“Let’s start off easy,” a smile stretched across Kakashi’s face, hidden by the mask he wore over the lower part of his face but still visible in the way his eyes crinkled in the corners. “Prince Obito comes from a wealthy, successful kingdom.”
Not even two seconds into the conversation and Gai was already rolling his eyes. “Prince Obito also has a preference for Princess Rin that everyone with working eyes can see, and even if he didn’t why would I marry someone who seems determined to pick a fight with my royal guard every chance he gets.”
“It was two arguments-” Kakashi began to argue, only to be cut off by yet another flick to the forehead. 
“Two arguments too many,” Gai insisted. “I do not wish to spend my life watching my spouse and my best friend arguing every time they are in the same room.”
Crossing that name off of the list, Kakashi moved onto the next one. “Princess Anko? She’s smart, has a high level of energy like you, and enjoys reptiles.”
“She enjoys snakes,” Gai clarified for him. “I enjoy Turtles and Tortoises. Her pets would eat mine.”
“I am certain that if the two of you were to marry we could find a safe place for her to keep all of her snakes, far away from Ninegame and all of the little turtles you keep in the garden.”
“I- she also has a fondness of poison that causes me to worry for my own safety when I’m around her.” 
That one Kakashi would give him. Although Princess Anko’s interest in poisons was different from others, leading her to seek out a way to become immune to all known poisons, it was still a dangerous interest. One that could easily result in Gai being the unwilling test subject to some interesting new antidotes she may decide to create. 
Another option crossed off of the shrinking list.
“Prince Asuma,” he continued, determined to find one that Gai could agree to. “He comes from a well off kingdom.”
“His Kingdom is at war almost all the time,” Gai argued. “If I marry him I am making an alliance with his father that would force me to send troops into any war between his kingdom and another. My people deserve better than that.”
A touching, well thought out reason to turn down a potential marriage candidate, though Kakashi had a feeling that Prince Asuma’s use of Tobacco which his kingdom received from overseas allies was something else that Gai would be unable to tolerate in a marriage. 
There was only one option left from the Princess and Princes that had already been introduced to Gai. Someone that Kakashi was certain Gai couldn’t find a single fault in no matter how hard he tried. 
Stepping around Gai, he leaned in close and whispered into his ear. “That leaves, Princess Rin!” He shouted her name and laughed when Gai jumped into the air. 
“Kakashi, don’t do that,” the prince glared at him while clutching a hand over his heart. “Are you trying to kill me?”
“I think it would take a bit more to kill you than a little scare, sir,” he bowed his head in apology. “Princess Rin comes from a smaller kingdom. The alliance would do little to benefit our army, though you’ve made it clear you would rather avoid war at all costs.”
One of many beliefs that Kakashi shared with his prince, and which had helped him to fall in love with a man that he was never destined to have. 
“She’s smart,” he continued. “When the two of you spoke you seemed to be enjoying yourself.”
“I was…” Gai grumbled. “But she’s not-”
“Not what?” Kakashi interrupted. “Not strong willed? I think you’d find yourself mistaken in that assumption if only you would watch her interact with anyone who attempts to speak down on her. Not interesting enough? Have you asked her about anything that interests you? I’m sure she would have something to say that would make you smile. Not-”
With every word he said Gai seemed to get more and more annoyed. At first it was just his eyebrows pinching together slightly, and then bit his bottom lip, as though he was attempting to hold his words back. Gai’s patience could only last so long, though, and before Kakashi could even think of another reason why Rin was a good match for the Prince, he found himself being drawn into a hug.
A bone crushing, breath destroying hug. 
“Gai,” he wheezed, gasping when the tight grip of Gai’s hug was loosened. He didn’t drop the hug, but he did allow Kakashi the opportunity to breathe properly which was still appreciated.
“She’s not- you,” he heard the words that Gai whispered, but he couldn’t believe them. Even when faced with what was essentially a perfect match for him, Gai was still clinging to something that they couldn’t have.
Something that Kakashi wanted just as much as him. Which his heart ached for, but which he could never have no matter how much he wanted it.
Yet, where Kakashi had admitted defeat and settled for a quiet, happy life standing at his lover’s side, Gai refused to give up. No matter how many times Kakashi, or anyone else, told him that it wasn’t possible he continued to hold on.
As if the sheer power of his will would change anything.
“She’s not me,” Kakashi found himself agreeing. “But that’s good.” Gai’s  head whipped back, wide terrified eyes staring at Kakashi as if he had just suggested starting a war with another kingdom.
“Good?” His voice cracked and all Kakashi could do was look away. Pretend that his heart wasn’t aching at the thought of watching the man he loved marry someone else. “Kakashi, there’s nothing good about marrying someone I don’t love.”
“It’s good,” Kakashi repeated, trying to convince himself just as much as Gai. “It’s…” Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and straightened himself up before turning his gaze back onto Gai. “you’re a Prince. Prince’s marry royalty. I am not royalty.”
“No, you’re Kakashi,” Gai insisted, as if those words washed away any of the obstacles standing between them and a happy, married life. “You’re my Kakashi. Kind, strong, dedicated.”
“Your knight.”
“My Kakashi,” Gai spoke a little firmer, his hand coming up to rest against Kakashi’s neck. “The friend I grew up with. Who I raced around the garden’s with as a kid. Whose dog’s love to sleep on my lap.”
Such sweet compliments made Kakashi’s knees weak. Where anyone else would be glared at for daring to try and soften him with kind words, Gai always seemed to succeed. Even when Kakashi didn’t want him to. 
“Gai, I-” there were so many things he wanted to say. Law’s rolling around in his mind one after the other, begging to be listed out to Gai so that he could remember just why they couldn’t do what they wanted.
Why, no matter how much Kakashi wished he could join in on Gai’s optimism and stubbornness, he simply couldn’t. 
“”None of them are you, Kakashi,” Gai continued to insist, ignoring all logic in favour of emotions. “I just want you. Not some Prince with an army to back him up, or a Princess who can keep me entertained in conversation. I want Hatake Kakashi, the youngest knight to grace our kingdom. The boy who refused to see a Prince when we were younger, and instead chose to see a friend.”
Kakashi laughed at his own foolishness. As a child he had believed there was no difference between himself and Gai. He’d understood that Gai was a prince and that their destiny’s were already written out for them, but he’d allowed himself to entertain the thought of them being equals. 
A thought that had crumbled away from his mind the first time the king’s advisor’s pulled him aside and reminded him of his place, and of Gai’s need to marry royalty.
“I am Kakashi,” he spoke, unsure of his own words but determined to say them regardless. “I am your Kakashi. Your knight, who will protect you from anything and everyone. Just as I have sworn to do, but…”
His resolve crumbled in an instant. Not because of those sad, broken eyes staring deep into his soul, and not because of the desire deep inside of his heart to change everything and be the one to marry Gai.
It crumbled simply because he didn’t have the strength to continue fighting about something that he had no control over.
“I love you,” he whispered, speaking the same words he had dared to utter to Gai far too many times over the last five years. Always spoken in secret, shared just between the two of them. “You know I do, Gai.”
“I know,” a smile tugged at Gai’s lips and Kakashi wished at that moment that he could take a snapshot of this moment. Savour that sweet, gentle smile for the rest of his life. “And I love you.”
“And you know,” He continued, sighing when that beautiful smile disappeared. “No matter how much I wish I could, I cannot be your husband. Not if you want to keep this kingdom and protect the people here from war’s the others would gladly start.”
Closing the small amount of distance between them, Kakashi pressed his forehead against Gai’s and grabbed hold of the hand that was still pressed against his neck. “There’s nothing else to say,” he whispered. “But remember, marriage doesn’t mean I’m gone. I will still be at your side until the day that I die.”
“What if they don’t like you?”
He couldn’t help but laugh at the thought. “Your Highness, I swear that there is no Prince or Princess that you could marry in this world that would be able to remove me from your side.”
“Not even Prince Obito?”
Another laugh, this time a little bit softer. “Not even Prince Obito,” he promised. “Though, if you’d like a suggestion, I think Princess Rin might be your best choice.”
“Because I couldn’t think of a reason not to marry her?”
“No,” squeezing Gai’s hand, he moved back and straightened himself up once more. “I think she would be a good Queen for your Kingdom and she does like Pakkun.”
The overwhelming dread that had settled over them suddenly shattered as Gai quickly covered his mouth in a rather poor attempt to mask his laughter. “Pakkun?” He wheezed out the name. “She likes Pakkun?”
“Are you surprised?””
Shaking his head, Gai huffed. “Not at all. I quite like Pakkun myself, it’s just so…you, to care about the fact that she likes your dog.”
“He goes almost everywhere with me. It’s important that the people that I will be tasked with protecting enjoy his company,” Kakashi defended himself. “And besides, I thought you said you liked me. Does that not mean you also like that I worry about others liking my dog?”
Raising a hand, Gai waved a disapproving finger at him. “I never said I liked you,” he admonished him. “I said I love you. That’s completely different.”
“Right, I apologise,” bowing his head, Kakashi snorted when he was rewarded with a light slap to the shoulder. “I won’t mix up the two again, Your Highness.”
“You’re better not,” reaching out, Gai took hold of Kakashi’s arm once more and turned back down the hallway. “Now, onwards.”
“No buts!” he insisted while dragging Kakashi through the hallway. “You said I had to get married to someone else. You didn’t say anything about not dragging you to the bedroom so I could suck you off.”
Heat poured into Kakashi’s cheeks. “I- you can’t just-” stumbling behind Gai, he sighed. There was no hope in arguing against such a determined man, and he’d only be lying to himself if he said he wasn’t interested in seeing his Prince on his knees in front of him sucking him off.
So, with a new found determination of his own, he sped up and fell into step with Gai. “In that case,” he focused on the path ahead of him and was determined to get them to Gai’s room swiftly. Before anyone could spot them. “Let’s not waste any time, your Highness.”
A ball room full of guests waiting for their return, and an uncertain future ahead of them. All of it could be pushed off for just a few precious moments. Long enough for Kakashi to tangle himself up in Gai’s arms and make love to him one more time. 
And perhaps a second time before they returned, for good measure.
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cieric-of-chaos · 5 months
Art dump?
Unfinished "art" that has been stuck in my ibispaint gallery because "I made a mistake and too lazy too fix it" or "i got stuck in some parts and realized idk what to do" or "got tired and don't have the energy to do this"
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Honestly...idk what am doing... there's more..
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teacher-tango · 5 months
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Uhm, excuse me-? Making comics is bullshit. You mean to tell me it takes hours to make one little scene? But what about all the ideas in stories I have?
Siigh, whatever. Here's more of Iruka crushing on his knight, Kakashi 😘
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visionsofmagic · 1 year
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- ', kinktober 2023 masterlist ↷
• includes: anime & manga ― marvel & dc ― video games •
◜ my first kinktober, so, I hope I will do fine. also, praying that this time I will be able to publish them on time and in order. ^^ have fun while commiting pretty sins with me in this kinktober of 2023! *kisses* [links will be added the moment they are published.] • m. masterlist ◞
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◇ day 1-7: anime
I. gojo satoru › filming ⭑ before going on a mission, gojo decides to record you while being fucked by him to watch it later.
II. ryomen sukuna › breeding kink ⭑ sukuna just wants a womb to put his babies in but it changes when he fucks you.
III. fushiguro toji › size difference ⭑ you bet you can have toji raw & dry with only one go.
IV. uchiha obito › mutual masturbation ⭑ you can’t deny the desire you have for obito and you want to show it.
V. hatake kakashi › semi public ⭑ he seems to enjoy how you clench around him with the fear of being caught in the act.
VI. roronoa zoro › cock warming ⭑ you ask to zoro whether he needs any help or not, and in return, he makes you sit on his cock so that it can get warm while he’s sleeping.
VII. monkey d. luffy › eating out ⭑ why not using his devil fruit ability while eating you out?
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◆ day 10-17: marvel & dc
X. bruce wayne › car sex ⭑ bats fucks you in his batmobile to teach you a lesson after you disobey his order.
XI. jason todd › hate sex ⭑ being the arkham knight’s sworn enemy has its perks; being fucked by him every night.
XIII. clark kent › aftercare ⭑ after having a rough session with clark, you let him take care of your exhausted body.
XIV. bucky barnes › dilf ⭑ you’re his sugar baby, so, he want you to show your gratitude to him in the way he pleases the most.
XV. steve rogers › face sitting ⭑ after caps shaves his beard a question pops into your mind – how it would feel to sit on his now clean face?
XVI. bruce wayne › power play ⭑ the game you play takes a different route in which you try to dominate him, but, he doesn’t allow you.
XVII. jason todd › thigh riding ⭑ while begging jason to start fuck you, you discover how you can get the pleasure you seek from riding his thigh.
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◇ day 20-29: games
XXI. leon s. kennedy › praising ⭑ leon likes to being praised by you so much that it’s overwhelming.
XXII. simon ghost riley › sex pollen ⭑ after the mission is done, waiting for trucks, you realize something is wrong with your body but ghost there to help.
XXIII. heimdall › dom/sub ⭑ heimdall likes to be on his knees for you.
XXIV. chris redfield › riding ⭑ you try to take him raw.
XXVII. sub zero › humiliation ⭑ your grandmaster gives you a lesson for the disrespect you have showed in front of others.
XXVIII. cal kestis › first time ⭑
XXIX. simon ghost riley › toy/vibrator ⭑
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◆ 30: bonus [soon!]
enjoy! ♡
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utah1me · 10 months
Satoru Gojo - Classmate Suguru Geto - Roommate Toji Fushiguro - Husband Suguru Geto - Playboy Satoru Gojo - Arranged Marriage Utahime Iori - Classmate Yuta Okkotsu - Clingy Boyfriend Megumi Fushiguro - Jealous BF Yuji Itadori / Sukuna Satoru Gojo - Adult Film Costar Toji Fushiguro - Adult Film Costar Sanemi Shinazugawa - Mission Suguru Geto - Adult Film Costar Satoru Gojo - Comfort Akaza - Protector Satoru Gojo - Parents Together Tengen Uzui - Oiran Nanami Kento - HS Sweetheart Choso Kamo - Tattoo Artist Satoru Gojo - Actor AU Eren Jaeger - Prisoner Yuta Okkotsu - OnlyFans Megumi Fushiguro - Caring for You Kento Nanami - Malaysia Suguru Geto - Dad Toji Fushiguro - Dad Satoru Gojo - Dad Yuki Tsukumo - Mission Partner Suguru + Satoru - Frat Party Toji Zen'in - Shibuya Satoru Gojo - Frat Boy Ex Kirara Hoshi - Fight Club Invite Choso Kamo - Shibuya Suguru Geto - Frat Boy Ex Suguru Geto - Trainer Toji Fushiguro - Sugar Baby Hiromi Higuruma - Law Partner Satoru Gojo - Prison Realm Kinji Hakari - Ex Boyfriend Kakashi Hatake - Icha Icha Editor Takuma Ino - Boyfriend Osamu Dazai - Ex Boyfriend Choso Kamo - Babysit Yuji Choso Kamo - Aphrodisiac Suguru Geto - Needs You Shoko Ieiri - Fixing You Noritoshi Kamo - Betrothed Toji Zen'in - Betrothed to Brother Satoru Gojo - Alpha Satoru Gojo - Celebrating Birthday Kento Nanami - Professor Kento Nanami - Shibuya Link - Your Sworn Knight Choso Kamo - Vampire Satoru Gojo - Yandere Kento Nanami - Pregnant w/ His Baby Hajime Kashimo - Culling Games Eren Jaeger - Band Satoru + Suguru - Truth or Dare Angel Devil - Roommate Satoru Gojo - Cheating Boyfriend Suguru Geto - Nurse Satoru Gojo - Doctor
Choso Kamo - Phone Sex Yuta Okkotsu - Reunion Denji - New Recruit Nagito Komaeda - Funhouse Satoru Gojo - Bar Hookup Suguru Geto - Talking Him Down Nobara Kugisaki - Shopping Loid Forger - Daddy-cember Shinjuro Rengoku - Daddy-cember Toji Zen'in - Daddy-cember Erwin Smith - Daddy-cember Takuma Ino - Daddy-cember Minato Namikaze - Daddy-cember Levi Ackerman - Daddy-cember Ichigo Kurosaki - Daddy-cember Aoi Todo - Daddy-cember Jean Kirstein - Daddy-cember Eren Jaeger - Daddy-cember Chrollo Lucilfer - Daddy-cember Kokushibo - Daddy-cember Satoru Gojo - Daddy-cember Suguru Geto - Daddy-cember Shilah Hatahle - Daddy-cember
Mikasa Ackerman - Daddy-cember Choso Kamo - Daddy-cember Aspen Rhodes - Daddy-cember Satoru and Suguru - Daddy-cember Yuki Tsukumo - Daddy-cember Toji Fushiguro - Daddy-cember Neji Hyuga - Daddy-cember Jasper Riven - Daddy-cember Zeppelin Everly - Daddy-cember Utahime Iori - Actress AU Reza Azimi - Persian Commander
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