#Kori Reese
aricazorel · 1 year
WIP Mass Effect
Haven't done one of these in a while so I'm starting off the new year with an excerpt from my Mass Effect project. Have a bit from one of Joker's movie's nights on the SR-1 set during ME1.
~ ~ ~
“Have you seen this one?” Reese whispered as she leaned over, her shoulder bumping Alenko’s.
Kaidan shook his head. “Nope. Not this one. I’ve heard of it but never seen it. I think I might have seen the remake with my mom but I’m not sure.”
He glanced down. Even sitting, he was a couple of inches taller than her. Leaning down he said, “You could always look it up like you normally do when you have no idea what’s going on.”
Grey eyes glanced up at him. “I’m trying something new this time.”
“By not looking it up on the extranet?” he asked with a grin.
“You seem to get annoyed when I do that, so I thought I’d just go in blind,” she said reluctantly.
“How’s that working out for you?” he asked with amusement in his voice and making no effort to hide his grin.
Reese glared at him as she crossed her arms and sat up straight. Taking her refusal to speak as her answer, the Sentinel went back to watching the latest movie Joker had picked out. It was ‘The Blob’ starring Steven McQueen and Aneta Corsaut. He guessed it was supposed to be a horror flick aimed at teenagers, but he had been truthful when he told Reese he’d never seen this one. One from the 1980s seemed more familiar but even then, he wasn’t totally for sure. He’d have to ask his mom the next time he called home.
“What is the creature’s purpose?” Liara asked from the front row. Joker had insisted she sit next to him for a lesson in human entertainment. Kaidan wasn’t sure if it was so she would stop asking questions in the middle of the movies or because he really did think she needed a tutor in the area. Honestly he wouldn’t have put past the pilot to be both reasons.
“It’s the blob, Liara,” the Flight Lt. said as he motioned to the gelatinous mass moving across the screen looking for its next victim. “It’s only purpose is to eat people and get bigger.”
“But why?” she asked.
“Because it’s a horror movie,” Joker explained in a very patient tone considering it was interrupting his viewing of the movie he’d picked out. “It’s meant to scare the audience. It isn’t supposed to make perfect sense. It’s supposed to scare you.”
“It’s like those stories your parents tell you as a child to get you to not do something,” Garrus tried as he sat next to the archaeologist. “You know. The ones that involve something bad happening, like a monster eating you or something if you do whatever the naughty thing is you’re not supposed to do.”
“I suppose…” she said thoughtfully. “My studies have shown that many cultures pass down myths and legends that are similar to what you speak of.”
“Right,” Joker added as he pointed at the large screen again. “It’s like that with humans too. We use movies for that. Or they did a lot back in the day.”
“Quarians tell stories of the Geth in such a manner,” Tali chimed in. “I find it hard to believe the Asari don’t have something similar in your culture.”
“We do. But we are brought up to know they are not real. That it is simply a story,” Liara said. “We do not enjoy being scared with myths. History has provided enough real things to be scared of.”
“Like the Reapers,” Shepard noted from the row behind them.
Liara nodded. “Though, most people do not believe in them. They find it much more…comfortable to believe the Protheans are the oldest beings to exist.”
Ashley sat beside the Commander as she leaned back in her chair. “Are we gonna watch this or debate it’s historical value?”
“I am sorry,” Liara sputtered. “Joker offered to help be understand. I did not mean to interrupt—”
“It’s fine, Liara,” the N7 said as he jabbed the Gunnery Chief in the arm. “The movie is a little weird even for Joker.”
Kaidan had watched the exchange in silence as Reese tilted her head. He could almost hear the wheels spinning in her head as she tried to figure out something that really wasn’t meant to make scientific sense in a 1950s horror movie. Wondering how long it would take her to flip open her omni-tool and look up whatever it was, he was surprised when she perked up and whispered almost to herself, “Phagocytosis.”
“What?” he asked in confusion.
“Phagocytosis,” she repeated as she looked up at him. “It’s the answer to Dr. T’Soni’s question.”
“Ummm, okay,” he replied uncertainly. “I thought Joker and the others answered it.”
“No—Well, yes in a way but there is a scientific explanation,” she replied.
“Everything good back there, Reese?” the Specter asked as he turned to glance at the two Lt.’s.
“Ah, yes, sir. I just remembered something that would actually explain the blob’s behavior in an actual scientific way,” she said.
“Wanna share with the class?” her CO asked as Joker paused the movie.
“Really? You wanna nerd out on a B movie?” the pilot asked in annoyance.
“You better let her, Joker, or she’ll start reading everything the extranet has to offer during the rest of the movie,” Alenko suggested as the L3 bumped him with her shoulder.
“Fiiiinnneeee,” the bearded pilot said as Liara turned around patiently waiting for the answer.
Reese glanced up at Kaidan who only grinned and motioned for her to begin. She made a face at him and then started, “Phagocytosis is basically a process a cell uses its plasma membrane to engulf a particle of something. It’s like when it engulfs a pathogen. It’s a type of endocytosis. It’s a biological process in multicellular organisms that helps remove pathogens and cell debris—bacteria, dead tissue cells, and the like. Some protozoa even use it to obtain their nutrients.”
“Oh, well, that actually makes sense,” the Asari doctor mused as she turned back around. “Thank you, Lt. Reese.”
“No problem,” the ops officer said as she leaned back in her chair again.
“Can I start the movie again?” Joker asked impatiently.
“Go ahead,” Shepard said as the rest of the crew returned their attention to the movie.
After a few minutes, Kaidan leaned down and asked, “How’d you know all that?”
She shrugged. “I’m good with science facts.”
“Kori,” he said hoping to let her know he really wanted to know.
She sighed. “My grandfather was a biologist. I was around a lot of his work after he retired and started consulting and volunteering. He helped develop a lot of treatments for very specific conditions before he passed away.”
“Oh, I—I didn’t know,” Kaidan said, feeling bad for pushing. “I’m sorry. I—”
She shook her head. “Don’t be sorry. He was a good man that did a lot for a lot of people. It’s been a while anyway, but I know he’s always with me. Watching out for me. So, it’s all good.”
Alenko was quiet for a moment and then said attempting to lighten the mood, “I bet he never thought you’d use what you learned from him to explain the motivation of a monster from a B movie to an Asari.”
“Nope,” Reese said with a grin. “I don’t think he ever would have.”
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violetclowns · 1 year
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Matching dickory icons for you and your love 💙💜
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Black Femme Character Dependency Dark Skin Directory: K
K: The Characters
Kai Jones | Kali | Kanak | Karal | Karen Jenson | Karla Wilson | Kate SFAM | Kate Alen | Kate Sacker | Kayla Watts | Kazi | Keesha Franklin | Keisha Taylor 4400 | Keke Raymond | Kelly TWD | Kelly Curtis | Kelsey Phillips | Ketsu Onyo | Khadijah | Khessa | Kiki Pizza | Kim Martinez | Kim Reese | Kira TI | Kitty | Koala Princess | Koki | Kory Anders | Kristin Shafe | Krystal Bailey | Kuasa | Kym Hawkins 
K: The Entertainers
Kabrina Adams |  Karen Glave |  Karen Obilom | Karidja Touré |  Karimah Westbrook |  Keeya King |  Kellie Shanygne Williams |  Kellita Smith |  Kelly Rowland | Kenya Moore |  Keshia Knight Pulliam |  Kiara Pike |  Kiki Layne |  Kimberly Marable |  Kirby Howell Baptiste |  Kyla Ramsey 
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starlite-sin · 2 years
JSE Community Greet
Original Post 
Preferred name: Kory or Rhys (Reese)
Preferred pronouns: He/Him
When did you start watching JSE? 2015/2016
Why did you start watching JSE? My brother introduced me to Say Goodbye and it was a downward spiral from there /j
What's your favourite things about the channel? How there’s always something for every mood
Do you have a fave ego? My boy Chase
What type of community member are you? (lurker/artist/theorist/editor/shitposter/author etc): Author and Lurker
What else do you enjoy? Reading, writing, infodumping, theorizing, splitting /hj
Are you open to nice messages and new friends? Absolutely
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ecmlol · 2 years
Dick in daddy mode part 3
It's Wednesday
Dick is a little bit nervous about Bruce's visit. Conner is still on the fence about everything. Dick has tried gentle  persuasion on him. kory "nicely "told him to back off".
Dick and kory in the training room practicing when Bruce is walks with a trail of kids behind him talking his ear off.
Dick and kory stop the little game of dodge the flame ball.
Wow live round practicing I'm impressed.
Kory takes off her blindfolded and turns around.
Bruce is surprised how big kory is because from the back you never know but dick did say 2 more months
Kory you are as beautiful as ever
Aww that sweet of you bruce
Right shes so glowy rachel say
Thank rach I feel like
A beached whale all the kids in to room says before kory can say it.
Dick laughed with everyone else in the room
Kory burst into tears. The boy all quickly leave
I am a beach whales?
Kory hey no your not you just say it a lot .dick say as he hold her face in her hands.
I'm not huge ?
No not yet dick say
Dick ! Rachel say
Excuse my son he has a problem with putting his foot in his mouth
Kory start to cry even harder
I'm sorry I didn't mean, I meant she going to keep getting bigger
Dick come on rachel say as she pulls kory away from dick hold.
I'm sorry kory dick say again as he tries to follow her out.
Bruce puts a hand on Dicks chest.
I see you still can't read the room very well
Dick frown
She's been doing this a lot lately dick says
It's hormones . Her body is going through a lot dick.
I know and I'm making it worse dick say as his eye get misty
And I'm a mess too I haven't cried this much sense my parents died.
It happen sometimes bruce says
And I have been eating so much I have gain so much weight my suit is so much tighter then normal bruce. It's all going to my ass .god I cant wait for her to be here and our life's can go back to normal
Hate to tell you this but your life will never be normal. Bruce says
Dick sigh
How was your flight ? Are you hungry?
It was good. I could eat a little something.
They head out of the training room and head to the kitchen.
Kory is walking out with a bowl of popcorn and a few Reese pieces.
Dick stops
Kory ?
She looks up
He hugs her from behind and rubs her belly
I'm sorry my queen I was having a dumb dick moment how can I make it up to you .
Do that thing for a 1 minute
Not a problem I have you dick says before slowly lifting the weight of her belly from the bottom
She makes a noise that dick is use to hearing behind closed door.her head falls back to his shoulder and she stops eating . The kids are moving all around them like it's normal a few steal her popcorn while her eyes are close.
Very funny Gar next time your eating anything I want some.
Tim sticks his tongue out at him because he didn't get caught.
How did you know it's me?
Dick shots him a look.
Come on I know how you smell.
Oh Gar says as he smells himself
Connor laughs at him
Thank you so much.
Anything for me queen. Dick say after he kisses her neck and gentlest let's go of her belly.
Kory laughs
What's so funny dick ask
She always like to wiggle after you do that kory say.
She so still when I do it. I wish she move so I can feel her. Dicks says
I guess she enjoys it as much as I do.
Dick is standing in front of kory now talking to her belly
Hey in there it your daddy how are you huh are you having a good day. Dick says as he tries to find her head.
Are you trying to find her head again?
Yeah always
Want some help Conner says from the couch as he reads his book.
Do you mind kory? Dick asked
No go ahead it's been a few weeks I'd say it's about time to take a look go for it.
Connor give them he proximity growth difference from last time.
Kory what did you say the length of pregnancy on your home planet is?
6- 7 months is fully term but you said she look like a normal human pregnancy last month
Well apparently I was wrong kory
What do you mean we have a few months to go.
No I wouldn't say that she looks like she's good to go dick.
Good to go? Dick say
Yeah don't be surprised when she drops kory
We arent ready. Kory says. Kory looks completely panicked
Bruce is standing in the Door way with a bowl of popcorn .
Ok don't panic what's left to do?
Finish painting her room putting her furniture together . Putting all of her clothes away stocking up on diapers and wipes and other supplies .Kory say
Getting a birthing tub,figuring out where to put it . Dick says.
Ok dick I know your both stress out right now but let's get your head in to the game. Connor your over building the furniture is that ok dick ?
Yes sure
On it Connor speeds out the room
Gar and Tim can you paint ?
Sure they both said and leave the room
Ok Rachel take kory to sam or Costco for wipes and diapers . She doesn't need to be here when they are painting
On it rachel say
Dick you and I will deal with the birthing pool and anything else.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
Batty Bats and Reeses Cups
by anastasia_rose19
Kori Stormshadow was "enjoying" a quiet night at home when she was attacked by two killers for hire. Batman, aka Bruce Wayne, had the bright idea to take her to Wayne Manor for a few days until the people responsible are caught. There, Kori meets the lovely Alfred Pennyworth, the intolerable Dick Grayson, and the shut off Bruce Wayne. If only her experience there could be as boring as it sounded. But, of course, John comes into the picture. And John Reese and the word boring don't go in the same sentence together. Though, it wasn't all his fault, really. She was, after all, the one with contract killers gunning for her head. But, why?
Words: 22076, Chapters: 11/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Person of Interest (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: John Reese, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne, Original Characters
Relationships: John Reese/Original Female Character(s), Dick Grayson/Original Female Character(s), Bruce Wayne/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Dick Grayson is Bad at Feelings, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Original Character(s), Protective John Reese, Hurt John Reese, Protective Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson Needs Help, Protective Alfred Pennyworth, Alfred Pennyworth Knows, Good Parent Alfred Pennyworth, Alfred Pennyworth is a Saint
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/43924191
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thesexydolorosa · 2 years
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I posted 30,613 times in 2022
That's 13,803 more posts than 2021!
6 posts created (0%)
30,607 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 471 of my posts in 2022
#yeah - 9 posts
#yeah that checks out - 4 posts
#star wars - 4 posts
#thesexydolorosa speaks - 4 posts
#haha nice - 3 posts
#pink - 3 posts
#teal - 3 posts
#blue - 3 posts
#no i will not be taking questions - 3 posts
#haha yeah - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 98 characters
#timeskip to john frowning at billy sleeping on the couch of wherever john's crashing at the moment
My Top Posts in 2022:
Staring at the wall for the last solid half hour thinking about The Outlaws but as that misery x reese's puffs x cpr meme
Jason singing misery, Roy doing the cpr one, and Kori excitedly behind them chanting about reese's puffs and just having the time of her life
0 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
Don't normally do posts of my own here, and think one of the last ones was about our old dog, Max, being put down. Thinking about it made me want to show off our newest family member!
Introducing our new baby, Gizmo! The first few photos are from when we got her, at the beginning of January! She's turning 6 months on the 6th, and I adore her so much. Her favourite thing is to curl up on my belly and I can't fucking wait for the day she tries it and kills me instantly.
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See the full post
0 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
Is your apple....juiced? Or is it piss again.
You sent me a bottle of piss didn't you
It's fiiiiiiine just take a sip it'll be FINE
2 notes - Posted December 11, 2022
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Once a year I can allow a single image of me to exist on the internet. These bitches aint coming off all day happy Homestuck
2 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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It's 4/13 and I just remembered I finished my kids! This is the bulk of ocs I made at the ripe age of 12, and now 11 years later they finally all have art! I started doing them as my 2020 new years resolution as a "fuck cringe culture, I'm going to openly like what past me loved" and I finished rhe last of them just before my birthday this year! I love them all so much please look at my kids I'm so proud of them
Still working on actually putting down all their information, since I put it largely on pause while I finished up actually giving them refs and have been giving myself a big break that I Deserve, but I'm so happy they're finally out in the world
2 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ljandersen · 3 years
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Fanfic Recs: Part 3
Part 1 FShenko Recs
Part 2 FShenko Recs
More multi-chapter fShenko (and a few others) fanfics!  Again, this isn’t in any particular order and certainly isn’t an exhaustive list of all the fantastic long fics I’ve read. 
Again, if anyone knows the Tumblr usernames of these AO3 writers, let me know so I can tag them.
The Twin Paradox by unlmtdsky
Details:  ME-1, 82k words, left open
Summary:  This series features twins John and Sera. John Shepard follows the more standard in-game main story path, while Sera Shepard weaves in and out of John’s arc as she progresses through particular side missions/plot points.
What I love about it:  I appreciate the novel approach of telling ME-1 through the eyes of sibling Shepards.  I love their sibling relationship.  There’s so much to explore about their history with their mom and individual backgrounds.  I love the sweetness between Kaidan and Sera.  Their mutual interest in tech, helping her brother and the mission, and the natural magnetism is spot on.  
Sera’s story outside of captaining the Normandy but serving as a Spectre has me particularly invested.  Already, her history with Akuze is adding so much meaning.  I can’t wait to see where this goes.  Even if the story doesn’t add another chapter, it’s well worth reading this wonderful story.  If you want a interesting and unique spin to the classic ME-1 tale and some fabulous Shenko feels, I recommend pulling up this story.
Golem by @rpgwrites
Details: ME-2, 7k words, left open
Summary:  Miranda did everything in her power to make sure the Lazarus project ran as smoothly as possible. But one thing bothered her. How can they assure Shepard stays in line? That she does what needs to be done. Her one and only answer was a control chip.
What I love about it:  A fascinating premise carried out in a way that raises more questions.  This fic was a gift to me, and I love it.  I always wondered what would have happened if Miranda had put that control chip in Shepard.  Wonder no more! 
I appreciate how the characters are pulled into this story.  Jacob has more depth than the original game gives his character.  This story makes me like him more than I did before.  I actually wish ME-2 had gone down this pathway rather than the way the game actually did.  It’s so much more interesting, and to me, more realistic.  If you’re a fan of a unique spin and exploring the possible pathways of ME-2, read this story!
Messages by @aricazorel   (Kaidan Alenko/OC)
Details: Pre-ME-3, 30k words, complete
Summary:   Kora Reese had been just a LTJG when the Normandy was destroyed by the Collectors. That short tour of duty aboard the SR1 had changed her life in so many ways. Meeting Kaidan Alenko had changed her life in so many ways. Now nearly three years and a heartbreak later, they cross paths again.
What I love about it:  I usually don’t read OC stories, but this one captured me immediately.  Kori is a unique character with tenacity and feeling.  Her skills as an infiltrator and in tech are fun details.  I love how she and Kaidan have a painful history that slowly unfolds as they reunite in the present time.  In the background, the readers know ME-3 and the reaper invasion is fast approaching.  It give their slow, soft reconciliation more poignancy.  
Their exchanged text messages provides not only a nice bit of history and inside joking, but it gives the story a unique flavor.  Moments like their time in Kaidan’s cabin are scenes I still remember.  This is an amazing story, made even better by knowing there’s a sequel that covers their time in ME-3.  If you’re looking to shake up the Shenko feels and discover a new character to love, then read this story right away.
Persephone Rising by @evilsapphyre , jillyfae, Sia (Shenko, Shoker, and Shakarian)
Details:  ME-1, 190k words, left open, 3 different femSheps with their own ship
Summary:  No one gathers three such infamous, dangerous marines together for just a shakedown cruise. So what else could really be going on? And how wrong could things really go in one quick jaunt across the galaxy? Let us count the ways …
What I love about it:  What’s better than one femShep?  Three!  The different background combinations for Shepard creates three unique Shepards aboard the same ship.  One is captain, one is XO, and the other is HUD.  Each has a unique personality, LI, and backstory even beyond the ME-assigned ones.
This story is unique in how it weaves the three POV’s together to tell ME-1.  I love seeing the relationships starting to develop and the hinting at the Shepard's deeper backstory.  Though the story ends mid-ME-1, it’s unique and enjoyable to be fulfilling without the tight bow.  If you want a fascinating spectrum of possibilities in ME-1 told in one amazing tale, this is a story worth picking up.
For now, this is where I’m ending my list.  I can think of more wonderful fics, but I’ll hold out until I have a full page.  Part 4 may come out eventually.  Happy reading!
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tavvern · 3 years
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Kody and Reese... Partners in Crime and Twins <3
Reese: This is much needed, Kory. I love Sulani
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aricazorel · 1 year
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From my Mass Effect project featuring Kaidan Alenko and Kori Reese (my OC). I intend to write about their relationship all the way through the trilogy but this takes place during ME1 before the Noveria mission.
~ ~ ~
It made no sense. She was impulsive. She was a smart ass. She bypassed the chain of command when she thought she was right. Which was quite often on both counts. She’d rather work alone than with a team. She was unapologetic about being forceful with her opinion. Everything that would normally drive him crazy. Everything that he would avoid.
But with her, he didn’t. Instead Kaidan Alenko was drawn to it, to her.
Lt. Kora Reese was a chaotic ball of energy that he didn’t necessarily want to tame so much as understand. Why did she insist on pushing most people away and doing things her way? Why did she not fear the consequences of her actions? Why had he been the one to get through the initial barriers she’d set up? Why had he tried?
Kaidan shook his head. Trying to figure out anything associated with Reese often resulted in a headache. He had enough of those with his implant. He didn’t need anymore because of a woman. But not just any woman. Reese was special and had been for quite awhile. He had only recently admitted that to himself after he began coaching her with her biotics. A working relationship had turned to friendship which had turned to flirting and possibly to something else. What that was he wasn’t quite sure but he knew he didn’t want it to stop.
“Are you okay there, Alenko?” The object of his thoughts called.
He glanced over at the panel that they had taken apart in one of the maintenance service crawled ways. Reese was laying on her back staring at him from where she had shimmied her way out. Her grey eyes looked at him with a cross between concern and amusement. Apparently she had said something to him and he’d missed it.
“Ah, yeah, Reese. Just thinking,” he admitted slowly. “What did you need?”
“I wanted your opinion on rerouting this. I know Shepard doesn’t like me changing things without approval,” she replied.
“What is it?”
“Just the air recycling system. It would make it more efficient,” she explained. “We ran simulations during development that suggested this configuration would work better but time didn’t allow for any tests. But the stress the Normandy has endured so far indicates it will work.”
“You’ve run sims?”
“Well, yeah. Tali helped too and seems to think it will work,” Reese noted with a little bit of trepidation.
“What’s wrong?”
“You don’t get nervous around me for nothing, Reese. So what is it?”
“I just really want your opinion that’s all.”
Kaidan knew he was looking at her like she had grown a second head. He couldn’t help it. She was asking for his unsolicited opinion on a project she clearly had done her homework on. She’d even gotten a second opinion already from their resident quatrain. Why did she need his? Maybe she didn’t. She’d said want not need.
She watched as she began to retreat back into the paneling, mumbling as she went, “Never mind. I’ll ask Shepard if it’s okay in the morning. It’s getting late—“
Before she could disappear fully he gently laid a hand on her knee. “Hey! Where are you going?”
“To put this panel back together,” she stated as if it were obvious, avoiding the disappointment he knew she was feeling.
“Why don’t you scoot over instead?” He replied squeezing her knee lightly. “I can’t help make the switch if you are sprawled out across the whole thing, now can I?”
She peered out at him from the tunnel as he leaned forward to her level, almost hovering over her. “You want to do this?”
“You know the ship. You helped design it. You’ve done you’re due diligence. I don’t have a reason not to trust that do I?”
“I—I don’t think so… But Shepard—“
“Will be told about it during the morning briefing,” Kaidan finished for her as he worked his way into the tunnel beside her.
She nodded as they began working. Laying on their backs working on the over head wiring and circuitry, they worked in tandem. It had become second nature for Kaidan to work alongside Reese. It had also become a favorite part of his duties when they allowed him to work with her. Especially one on one as they did now. No one to interrupt them, just the work and them.
“What were you thinking about earlier?” Reese asked not taking her eyes off her task. She often talked to him about random things as they worked; it was how they had gotten to know each other so well initially. Apparently because he actually listened and while having opinions of his own, he was never pushy about it.
He grinned. Would she punch him for his answer? He’d take the chance. “You.”
“Yeah, just trying to figure out all the chaotic energy you have sometimes and why you put up with me,” he clarified as he reached for a tool.
His gaze caught hers as he noticed the slightest tinge of pink to her cheeks. “You don’t know?”
Her voice was just above a whisper. Know what? Had he missed something? Of course he had missed something, he thought in frustration. “Know what, Reese? What did I miss?”
She lowered her grey eyes. “Never mind.”
He sat down his tool and reached over to her, lifting her chin up with a hooked finger. “Don’t do that. Don’t hide what you want me to know.”
She took a breath. “I trust you and I haven’t trusted anyone in a long time.”
It was Kaidan’s turn to blush. All their conversations weren’t meaningless. He was happy. Happier than he’d been in a long time at hearing her words. With a dopey grin he replied in a hushed voice, “I trust you too.”
She smiled broadly at him for a moment and then punched him playfully in the shoulder. “Can we get back to work now?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Alenko replied, both of them still wearing their dopey grins. Happiness came in all sorts of ways to a person. To him right now it was knowing that the woman next to him cursing at a circuit board trusted him. For now that was enough.
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Hi! May I have name suggestions for names, that would be a combination of fem and masc? Do you know any good ones? Not specifically neutral, if yget me? Names that could be used by both basically
Here ya go! I hope this helps!
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sylvies-chen · 3 years
challenge: list 10 female characters from 10 fandoms and tag 10 people!
tagged by @timschen !! ☺️
Sylvie Brett (Chicago Fire)
Sarah Reese (Chicago Med)
Hailey Upton (Chicago PD)
Lucy Chen (The Rookie)
Anne Shirley (Anne with an E)
Claire Browne (The Good Doctor)
Annie Edison (Community)
Kory Anders (Titans)
Clarke Griffin (The 100)
Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds)
tagging: I’m too lazy to tag people right now because I just finished working out but anyone who wants to do this can go right ahead!
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Kachiri Twlight | Kaela Evers Supernova | Kai jones Miss Juneteenth | Kali Darken | Kanak Star Trek Discovery | Kanna Blast Masters | Karal The Expanse | Kareenah Dandrige Deliver Us From Eva | Karen Jenson Blade | Karla Wilson I Still Know What You Did Last Summer | Karma Nichols Rainbow High | 
Kasidy Yates DS9 | Kat Edison The Bold Type | Kate Scenes from a Marriage | Kate Wynonna Earp | Kate Alen F-Zero | Kate Sacker Billions | Katie Rice Every Witch Way | Kayla Watts Jurassic World | Kazi The Dragon Prince | Keesha Franklin The Magic Schoolbus | 
Keeve Trennis Star Wars: High Republic | Keisha Taylor Alice Isn’t Dead | Keisha Taylor 4400 | Keke Raymond Queen Sugar | Kelly Star VS The Forces of Evil | Kelly The Walking Dead | Kelly Booth San Junipero (Black Mirror) | Kelly Curtis The Jurassic Park Universe | Kelly Ferguson A Babysitter's Guide to Monster Hunting | Kelsey Phillips Dear White People | 
Kendra Young Buffy the Vampire Slayer | Ketsu Onyo Star Wars Rebels | Khadijah The 355 | Khadijah James Living Single | Khessa, The Sunfire Queen The Dragon Prince | Kia Hart Rainbow High | Kiki Pizza Steven Universe | Kim Martinez Strikeback | Kim Reese A Different World | Kindzi Defiance | 
Kipo Oak Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts | Kira The Invitation | Kitty The Ghosts of Button House | Kizzy Kinte Roots | Koala Princess OK Let’s Be Heroes | Kofi Novia Guava Island | Koki Wild Kratts | Kourtney Greene High School Musical The Musical The Series | Kory Anders/Koriand’r’/Starfire DC Universe Titans | Koster Shocking Dark | Krista Gordon Mr. Robot | Kristin Shafe Aquarius | 
Krystal Bailey Rainbow High | Krystalin Marvel Comics | Kuasa DC’s Legends of Tomorrow | Kym Hawkins Legacies |
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
Batty Bats and Reeses Cups
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JTcd3rK
by anastasia_rose19
Kori Stormshadow was "enjoying" a quiet night at home when she was attacked by two killers for hire. Batman, aka Bruce Wayne, had the bright idea to take her to Wayne Manor for a few days until the people responsible are caught. There, Kori meets the lovely Alfred Pennyworth, the intolerable Dick Grayson, and the shut off Bruce Wayne. If only her experience there could be as boring as it sounded. But, of course, John comes into the picture. And John Reese and the word boring don't go in the same sentence together. Though, it wasn't all his fault, really. She was, after all, the one with contract killers gunning for her head. But, why?
Words: 22076, Chapters: 11/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Person of Interest (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: John Reese, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne, Original Characters
Relationships: John Reese/Original Female Character(s), Dick Grayson/Original Female Character(s), Bruce Wayne/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Dick Grayson is Bad at Feelings, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Original Character(s), Protective John Reese, Hurt John Reese, Protective Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson Needs Help, Protective Alfred Pennyworth, Alfred Pennyworth Knows, Good Parent Alfred Pennyworth, Alfred Pennyworth is a Saint
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JTcd3rK
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thesexydolorosa · 2 years
Staring at the wall for the last solid half hour thinking about The Outlaws but as that misery x reese's puffs x cpr meme
Jason singing misery, Roy doing the cpr one, and Kori excitedly behind them chanting about reese's puffs and just having the time of her life
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ihavetoomanyocs · 4 years
I'm starting to think I've got too many OCs, y'all. Allow me to list them out for you.
Skye Kloppman- newsies OC, paired with Albert. Mr Kloppman's granddaughter. In progress.
Lucy Carpenter- Captain America: The First Avenger OC, paired with Bucky. They have a son, Jackson. I've written stuff, but nothing is published.
Annie Barnes- Avengers OC, paired with Steve. She's Lucy and Bucky's granddaughter. Not yet written.
Jamie Reese- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers OC, paired with Adam. Silver Mighty Morphin' and Zeo Ranger. In progress.
Andi Scott- Power Rangers Ninja Storm OC, paired with Hunter. She's Jason's baby sister. White Ninja Storm and Purple Dino Thunder Ranger. In progress.
Ryanne Matthews- Harry Potter OC, paired with Sirius. Takes place during the Marauder's time at Hogwarts. Muggleborn. Not yet written.
Kit Matthews (Black)- Harry Potter OC, paired with Fred. She's Ryanne and Sirius's daughter and has to hide who she really is because everyone thinks her dad is a murderer. Not yet written.
Kori James- Criminal Minds OC, paired with Spencer. Was plucked out of the FBI academy by Gideon, she and Spencer are best friends who eventually fall in love. I've written stuff, but nothing is published.
Too many OCs guys.
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