#Kree Species
daisy-mooon · 7 months
Behind the jokes and badassness, Captain Marvel is a fascinating character to me, because of how death follows her.
She causes an explosion. That explosion, which gives her powers and her immortality, canonically kills her. The Kree Empire resurrects her and makes her as Kree as they can. She shares Yon-Rogg's blood and his life, she's his creation, she's his victim, she's the one who causes his downfall, she's the one that destroys the system, the society, the planet that allowed her to be abused.
It's the Kree that see her as a killer and Annihilator. She's a monster of their own making, but it influences every species and planet she touches. Her victories cause death and her mistakes cause more death. Carol's triumph, the death of the Supreme Intelligence, results in the death of probably millions of Kree, and by consequence, almost causes the death of Hala's star.
"I'm only human" Carol says, before killing the Empire that is the reason that she can't ever be human again.
"We'll be back for the weapon," Ronan says, but that weapon will kill everything he stands for.
"Your life began the day it nearly ended," The Supreme Intelligence says, coldly, calculatingly. It's an AI. It doesn't have a good concept of death. It doesn't fully grasp that Carol had genuinely been killed that day, because she's still in front of it. Carol kills it.
"Death seems to follow you," Dar-Benn says, before she causes an explosion with the bangles, trying to defeat Carol. The explosion kills Dar-Benn.
Death follows Carol. Death follows Carol! Mar-Vell is dead. Maria is dead. Talos is dead. Soren is dead. Ronan is dead. Minn-Erva is dead. Korath is dead. Dar-Benn is dead. Yon-Rogg is, probably, dead. The Supreme Intelligence is dead. Natasha is dead. Tony is dead.
The only people in Carol's life who aren't dead are Kamala, Monica, Yan, Valkyrie, and Fury.
She watches helplessly as Dar-Benn almost murders Kamala after Kamala tries to save Dar-Benn's life, tries to find a way to solve the violence without death.
She watches helplessly as Monica gets torn into another reality, which for all she knows, she could die in. The tear in reality that was caused by Dar-Benn's death.
She tries to hide Yan's existence from her friends and tries to warn him and his people. The Kree soldiers aren't fighting to maim, they're fighting to kill. He escapes death by his own fighting skills and the fact that the Kree would rather focus on killing Carol than him.
Valkyrie and Carol interact once, and she only calls when she needs help after a fight, not during. Think about it. Valkyrie and the Bifrost could have helped the trio enormously. But Carol doesn't call until the fights are over. It would be very easy for a regular Asgardian warrior to die compared to superhumans.
And Fury... have you seen how often Fury comes close to dying? He's alive from skill and luck. He is lucky that he isn't dead.
Captain Marvel is so, so fascinating. Her story begins with her own death, and the more it goes on, the more death happens around her. Nobody is safe. She causes almost all of them, even the ones of her friends - not directly, but through the consequences of her actions. The consequences of her victories and mistakes. The consequences of her anger and revenge, her power and powerlessness. It is caused by both the Human and Kree sides of her, by both Carol and Vers, Captain Marvel and the Annihilator.
Carol is immortal. She can't die. And death follows her anyway.
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aos did kree so good. and also kassius is SUCH a good villan. he's such a whiny little baby and he's a politician and he's got daddy issues and he killed his brother and also he IS threatening as fuck and his relationship with sinaria is,,,, so co-dependent and fucked up ("terran biology is simple. she's kree, i do not know how to remedy death for our kind." *shoots him in the head* "then i suggest you study the condition more closely") its SO
listen i love the dystopia i love how fucked up all the situations are in season 5 i love that they reintroduce tahiti but being used by kree to resurrect people to torture them more i love the rebellion i love the roman vibes of kassius's whole upper-levels and the entertainment of it i love the fucked up politics between other kree and other aliens and kassius just clinging on to his shitty little rock with hunger for power and for admiration and not even being physically threatening really at ALL but being ruthless all the same, demanding perfection of everything...
aos my beloved
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darthkvznblogs · 8 months
How do different types of magic interact with the gemtech/Diamond powers?
It's pretty hard to give you specifics, considering how many different magical systems coexist in the Kverse and the enormous variety of spells each one brings to the table, but I can tell you that Gem magitech doesn't mix very well (or sometimes, at all) with other kinds of magic.
Magic that directly affects the mind and body typically doesn't work on Gems because, quite simply, they don't have those things in the traditional sense (unless, like Amethyst, they've modified themselves to have such things).
Gems don't benefit from any kind of healing magic (aside from their own), nor are shattered Gems affected by necromancy.
Spells that affect other people's perception usually work, as long as you keep in mind that their bodies are hard light projections and the gemstone is the only true physical part of them.
Gems are physically unaffected by the passage of time (they would be immune to getting aged to death by time magic, for example).They are also immune to mind control.
Magic that affects the environment around them works like usual (like, an explosion spell nearby would work the same way).
Magic that attempts to manipulate the enormous quantities of energy within a Gem's core is super risky. Few have the mental fortitude to tap into that wellspring of quintessence without consequence (usually, explosive containment failure).
That being said, the powers of the Diamonds do primarily translate to light and sound, and magic that affects either would tend to have more of an effect. For example, a BI Witch's flame magic would be no more effective than regular fire against a Gem (so, ranging from minor inconvenience to completely harmless or even beneficial), but Bard magic would be more likely to affect them - at very specific frequencies and energy levels, Gems can have their programming altered or damaged, develop cracks, or even be shattered wholesale.
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on the spilt green muck and morass that used to be Supremor, a.k.a., the Supreme Intelligence, eliminated from the cosmic stage by Mar-Vell, from the pages of "Universe X" Vol. 1 #9. April, 2001. Marvel Comics.
MAR-VELL: "You're sick! Goodbye, Supremor!"
SUPREMOR: "You will not kill me. The moment you do, every member of your race will die...including Una."
Needless to say, a highly distraught Mar-Vell smashed Supremor's containment unit to pieces, killing him in the process.
Story/script by Jim Krueger & Alex Ross
Pencils by Doug Braithwaite
Inks by Bill Reinhold
Colors by Laura Depuy
Source: www.pinterest.es/pin/317011261267867456.
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karmaspidr · 1 year
Alien Commander: Prepare yourselves, soldiers. Soon we will be within range and we will be soon returning home knowing we have brought further glory to our ever-expanding empire.
Alien Trooper: Commander, can I ask you a question?
Commander: Of course, trooper. But keep it brief. I was told to expect heavy resistance from our superiors and that we must be battle ready when it occurs.
Trooper: That's the thing, Commander. What are we being punished for?
Commander: I'm afraid I don't understand, trooper. How can strengthening our Empire by uplifting another primitive species into it be a punishment?
Trooper: Sir, I don't wish to imply anything, but you do realize that we are invading Terra, right? Locals prefer to call it, Earth.
Commander: That's what the report said.
Trooper: So, you read the report, okay? So you know what the dominant species on this planet is.
Commander: Regular homoseapiants. Nothing special outside a few outliers.
Trooper: Nothing, special?! Sir, you do realize that in the past 15 local cycles, the humanoids that inhabit this planet have pushed back invasions against the Kree, the Skrull, Chitari, Galactus, and even the Mad Titan Thanos. In some cases, multiple times even. They even have more Gods living among them than any system in the universe. Some of the mortals, a seemingly ordinary variant of the 'human' category, have reached God levels of power on their own. Clearly, this is a fight we cannot win, so I ask again. What did we do to be punished like this?
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writeshite · 8 months
How would Thor/Homelander/Soldier boy react to them accidently hurting (emotionally or physically) their bf?
Probably the only one here with some emotional intelligence, and yeah, he used to be arrogant, but he's a sweetheart, an absolute angel. Thor is most likely very in tune with how you convey emotions, I mean he worships the ground you walk on.
If he hurts you physically, and you end up scared of him, I can see two things that could happen, he either distances himself from you for a while to work through the mental breakdown that probably hits him. Second option is he hovers; I mean, the man can summon thunder and control lightning - regardless of what species you are (Kree, Human, Asgardian, Elf, Skrull, etc.) - he's gonna be concerned cause I mean, he could maybe indirectly stop your heart, or crush your internal organs, or just hurt you brutally and painfully in any other way.
If he hurts you emotionally, he's groveling; he's doing everything in his power to show how sorry he is and how much he loves you. He'll probably ask you what you want, if you want distance he'll give it to you, he'll stay away until you call back and hopes it doesn't lead to a breakup.
Like father like son, I guess. Sort of. I think with all the time he's spent around people and getting high of approval, he at least has some sort of knowledge on emotions, but not like in a healthy normal way, more in a 'I've been around people crying and whining before I know enough to be able to speedrun the crying stage and get to the forgiveness part' if that makes sense.
Also, I feel like it would also depend on how your relationship is; if you and Homelander have a genuine thing going on, then he'd probably put in effort cause he doesn't want to lose the only source of actual genuine affection in his life. So you'd probably get an apology, some gifts, anything Homelander thinks will get him back in your good graces. And then cuddles.
If your relationship is a fling of some kind or fake relationship to hype the masses with no romantic feelings of any kind involved on his end, then you ain't getting no apology honey 💀, because I mean, he likes to embarrass people who he perceives have wronged him, so even if he's the one at fault for hurting you physically or mentally, it'll somehow become your fault, so he'll probably bring the fight out into the public, use Vought to paint you as the one in the wrong, if you don't want that to happen then you should apologize, you're the one who's wrong here.
Soldier Boy:
I love Ben, I do, but I know this man has like the emotional bandwidth of a rock like he's probably still trying to process being attracted to not only women while also trying to unpack his goofy ass douchebaggery.
I don't think Ben would notice at first if he hurt you emotionally, or if he does, he'd probably think you'd get over it and then be shocked if/when you don't. He'd feel bad and experience the wonderful world of guilt.
If he hurt you physically, he'd notice a lot quicker, and probably feel worse, I feel like he's the kind of guy who takes physical injuries/pain more seriously than emotional and mental.
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marvels-meme · 3 months
Canon worldbuilding lore on the MCU Kree to help you with your fanfic
They rule over multiple planets. Hala is the capital.
Hala's star is called Pama
In the comics there are around five known planets in Hala's system - it's unclear if Hala is 4th or 5th planet because it's been confused with another planet, Turunal.
Hala is located in the Larger Magellanic Cloud
Hala had oceans and forests (rip to those tho lol)
Leader of the Empire is called the "Supremor"
The Supreme Intelligence was basically god
The collective is one idea of the afterlife — if your brain is worthy it joins the Supreme Intelligences database when you die.
The spiritual afterlife is called the Etherplex or something idk
Their technology is somewhat water based (need more info on this)
Architecture is heavy on metal and stone and is very geometric. Buildings are detailed but there generally isn't too much furniture.
Cyan and purplish lights for a big chunk of Hala, golden lights for the Supreme Intelligence.
No hanging paintings... If you want art you have to hire someone to paint your wall lol
Starforce generally have one room apartments, I couldn't see a kitchen in them.
Stuff like wardrobes, book shelves, cupboards and drawers are more likely to be inserted into the wall to save space.
Like Carol literally lived in a single room with a bed, nightstand and a hexagonal cup. The ideal female living space.
They have hexagonal cups (I just thought that was cute)
The military is a big deal! Other respectable careers involve teaching, medicine, typically intelligent jobs that give something to society.
Kids are trained from a young age in the military. They're called "recruits". There's a deleted scene of Yon-Rogg teaching some.
The military hierarchy is likely Supremor > Accuser > Starforce > Kree Army > Non Kree Army > War slaves.
The Accusers aren't just extra bad military. They uphold the law, make arrests, hold trials, decide punishments, etc. I'd imagine that this is typically done for more important criminals or prisoners of war. That's why Dar-Benn holds an Accuser hammer as Supremor — she's upholding the law.
Kree Law is vaguely structured around the Tablets of Koth — they aren't definitive but they are the main basis.
Questioning your leaders is technically illegal
The worst crime of all is being "un-Kree".
Kree supremacy is big. In the comics it's illegal for Kree to have children with other species. They will tolerate other races if they’re feeling nice about it, but ultimately the Kree come first. This is important in the context of Carol's relationship with Yon-Rogg.
There's racism of blue Kree > non blue Kree in the comics but it doesn't appear to be present in the MCU. Keep it in mind though.
The Kree originally evolved to have blue skin because of low oxygen levels on Hala. Non blue kree came later as a result of mixing with other species. Since making babies with another species has been illegality for probably millenia, non blue Kree are now just another skin tone of the species.
Sexism isn't a thing. Yon-Rogg isn't sexist to Carol he's being racist too her lol
There are groups of noble families with some quite strict rules about battle. If a noble is cornered in battle with no way out they have to drink the special suicide juice or else they are shamed.
The suicide juice is called Odium, which means hate in Latin. If you sip it you go crazy with rage, get super strength and start trying to fight everything until it makes your heart explode
In the comics the Kree have double that of human organs — ie two hearts, four lungs. Brain is probably an exception. They have stronger bones and heavier muscle mass.
Kree blood has healing properties strong enough to bring a species with simple DNA (like humans) back from the dead but it's super duper painful and like 7/8 of the people that have received it have been given some kind of amnesia afterwards
Carol was one of those humans lol rip queen
Apparently the amnesia thing isn't even hard to do? In Agents of Shield a Kree had a tiny little hammer and he'd slap people with it and they'd loose their memories (I doubt that Carol was slapped with a tiny hammer but you never know this might help you)
Propaganda art - there are some gorgeous statues and murals in the Captain Marvel concept art.
Fashion is generally dark. Black, grey and brown for most people. It's not too complicated. White appears to be for underclothes/sleeping wear.
Well it's not too complicated unless you are the Supremor. Remember, Dar-Benn is succeeding the position from their idea of god. She's dressed to the tens and stands out the most from literally everyone. Her stuff is more detailed and metallic and she's wearing a lot more jewellery.
Also notice how Dar-Benn changes outfits literally every ten minutes. I need Marvel to stop killing all the cunty villains because I deserved to study her entire wardrobe thank you very much
A few Kree women (including Carol) have the style of one side being braided and the other let down.
The Kree are encouraged to experiment with as many genders as possible
So technically Carol Danvers lesbian sex canon
Some people grow babies in big tanks. Why? To make them strong or something idk. Carol's comic half sister was born in a big tank bc they wanted her to be strong asf to serve as an Accuser
Swear words — I only know da'st. No idea what it means
They don't have a word for candy </3
Normal space currency is called credits. Kree currency is called kreedits. If that's not the funniest fucking thing ever I don't know what is.
Kree names are "your name-family name". Eg Yon-Roggs given name is Yon, but his surname is Rogg. His daughters name is Una-Rogg.
You generally don't separate the name. Yon-Roggs name isn't Yon, it's Yon-Rogg. Obviously there's exceptions, but that's the general naming rule. It wouldn't be outright wrong to call him Yon, it would just be uncommon and slightly weird.
The Kree have beef with every species ever. They had multiple wars with the Asgardians and the Xandarians.
I've probably missed something lol
Anyways: Arab.org daily click to help Palestine 🍉
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dapper-hydra · 6 months
I rrrrrrreeeeaaalllllyyyy need marvel to mess around with the whole humans are deathworlders thing cause so far the aliens we got in the MCU are:
Titans (Thanos)
Asgardians & the other Nine Realms (Frost Giants, etc.)
and then some other things that have less representation but still there:
Howard the Duck???
but anyways, as far as the Chitauri, Skrulls, and Kree (and also Thanos’ children), humans are far less technologically advanced; the Chitauri are controlled from a mothership, which as bad strategy as it is, it’s still a lot more advanced than the tech on Earth. Humans are also looked down upon by everyone from Thanos to Loki to the Kree. Skrulls are shapeshifters, need I say more. The Asgardians are literally gods with magic powers that live for thousands of years and have enhanced strength. Ebony Maw can do neat magic with his hands, and he also has those funky needles that he was poking at Strange with in Infinity War. But I want to see another alien species in the MCU where the characters realize that they are afraid of humans; but not because of tales of the Avengers or Captain Marvel or because the humans are protected by the Gods of Asgard. They’re afraid of humans because it’s built in, because the humans are apex predators. Or maybe the aliens slowly realize that they should fear the humans, once they see the pack bonding and the incredible stamina, and the weird sixth sense of feeling when someone’s watching you. Idk I just think that would be really neat
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themarysuep · 5 months
A closer look at Fury's file on Kamala:
1. Her powers include extreme strength, healing, bioluminescence (kamran's inhuman powers from the comics which they now share in the mcu), appearance alternation.
2. Her mom's family's last name is Ali so it's Sana Ali, Aisha Ali, Hassan Ali etc. Love that.
3. Fury describes her heritage as inhuman. But he describes her species as human. Ofc it's just Marvel messing with us but her heritage would be Kree and her species would be inhuman I'd think?
4. She's considered bilingual with her languages spoken being listed as English and Urdu.
5. Her sister in law was left out of her family members. But was mentioned in the movie.
6. Idk what locator pendant means? A reference to the necklace Carol gifts her in the comics? She doesn't have it in the mcu though.
7. Slightly unrelated but I think Kamala isn't too concerned about the amount of intel they have on her bc she thinks the government is a joke with their clear casing containing confidential info. We hear her laugh when she tells Monica 😭.
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Alien races.
I have a question for those of you who follow me, would it be ok if I introduced some alien races from Marvel, DC and others into my God of War AU?
Here is a short list of some species that have been introduced.
From Marvel
The Beyonders (They exist outside my AU, but sometimes visit it)
Celestials (Exist outside and Inside my AU, they also have a unique role in it)
Kree ( Exist in my AU)
Skrulls ( Exist in my AU)
The Watchers (Just like Beyonders)
Symbiotes ( They exist in my AU and they have a big role in the story)
From DC
5th Dimensional Imps (Exist outside my AU and can visit her)
Kryptonians (Existed but now are extinct, there is no Superman on my AU)
Martians (Exist in my AU but are criticaly endangered)
Czarnians (Extinct, but there are rumous of one or two last survivors)
Alien races from other medias
Yautjas from the Predator franchise ( Exist in my AU)
The First Ones from She-Ra ( Exist in my AU and are originally from earth)
Galvans from Ben 10 ( Exist in my AU)
The Archivist from The Owl House ( Exist but are being hunted down by the Celestials)
The Xiliens from Godzilla ( Exist in my AU and are the most dangerous race in the galaxy)
Viltrumites from invincible ( They do not exist in my AU, but some members from another universe, tried to conquer it and ultimatly failed)
Cybertronians (Exist in my AU and are still at war)
So what you think? If you have any questions about theses races, just ask and i will answer it.
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picturejasper20 · 3 months
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur Kid Kree/Mel-Varr character analysis
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Kid Kree/Mel-Varr is a character that gets introduced in the Season 2 episode ¨Kid Kree¨ as a semi antagonist to Lunella and later becomes an ally and friend on the long run. He is a character that is original from the comics, having some differences in the way he is characterized in the series.
In this post i’m going to talk about his character, how he develops in this part of the season and his relationship with Lunella, which is important for his character growth.
Let’s start:
As i previously mentioned, Mel-Varr/Kid Kree gets introduced in the episode ¨Kid Kree¨. In this episode Lunella and Casey first meet Marvin scanning and acting strange with other people on the street. All this time Marvin is seen wearing his human disguise, which makes him pass off as a regular teenager. Later Lunella is asked by LOS to show Mel-Varr the school around. Since Mel-Varr is an alien there are many earthly traditions he doesn’t understand yet. He laughes too loudly when trying to imitate Lunella and mixes up words. He is pretty awkward when it comes to human interactions, still trying to get used to them.
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During gym class, he approaches Lunella, who is working on some formulas she has, and brings up a small correction she should change in her math. Lunella quickly realizes that Mel-Varr is into science and math like she is and asks him if he would like to hang out later. Mel-Varr agrees but says that he has to receive a call from his father first.
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It gets revealed that Mel-Varr is on a secret mission to capture Moon Girl, explaining why he is passing off as a student at school. He got sent to Earth by his own father,Pad-Var, to prove his worth as kree soldier and as punishment for having failed at the military academy. He explains to his father that he assumed Lunella was Moon Girl but the tests he ran didn’t match the results. He doesn’t know that Lunella is Moon Girl and visversa.
The reality is that Mel-Varr doesn’t enjoy being a warrior. It is something that was forced by his father, who sets very high expectations on him. Kree’s society puts emphasis on its people to be soldiers, or at least the social circles Mel-Varr finds himself in his species. He mainly follows what his father tells him because that’s what is expected of him and he really wants his approval.
Mel-Varr is into science and math, something that Pad-Var heavily disapproves of when they interact. Their relationship is very strained because of this, as Mel-Varr feels like he can’t be himself around his father and he is forced to be someone he doesn’t want to. Pad-Var acts pretty distant towards his own son, more often refering to him as a soldier rather than his own family.
There are implications that Mel-Varr didn’t have any friends before coming to Earth as he mentions that he was bullied in his previous school by his peers for being a ¨nerd¨. So not only he has a complicated relationship with his father, there is the chance that he is rejected by other people from around his age as well.
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This is why Mel-Varr doesn’t take time in befriending Lunella: She is someone he feels like can be his own self around. He doesn’t have to hide who he is. They both bond over having similar interests and ways of thinking, something that Lunella herself appreciates since she was interested in finding someone she could talk about science as well.
As Mel-Varr helps Lunella with her inventions, the two become closer and hang out very often. On the other hand, Moon Girl and Kid Kree develop a sort of rivalry between the two, trying to Outsmart the other on each encounter they have. During this time Mel-Varr and Lunella are unaware that Mel-Varr is fact helping Lunella to come up with weapons to defeat ¨Kid Kree¨.
During the same day Lunella invites Mel-Varr for dinner and to meet her family, Moon Girl and Kid Kree have another encounter in which Mel-Varr loses his communicator-phone that he uses to contact his father. Lunella grabs it and takes it to her lab to examine it.
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Along with Casey, they both learn that Kid Kree is Mel-Varr by checking a visual-audio recording saved on his communicator. This makes Lunella very upset, jumping to conclusions about Mel-Varr instead of talking to him and calls Pad-Var to provoke him.
During dinner Lunella reveals to Mel-Varr that he knows his secret identity as Kid Kree by giving him his  communicator back. This leads to Mel-Varr to realize that Lunella is Moon Girl too. Lunella also tells him that she called his father, making Mel-Varr get very nervous at the mention of it.
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When asked by Mimi about it, Mel-Var explains to the Lafayette family that his father is forcing him to do things he doesn’t want to and be someone he isn’t. He was happy to meet Lunella because he could be himself around her. For the language and expression Mel-Varr has when talking about Pad-Var, it gives the impression that their relationship is abusive to an extent. He gets scared by the idea of having to talk to him and the mere mention of him. He leaves the department, not before clarifying to Lunella that he didn’t know that she was Moon Girl.
Realizing her mistake, Lunella goes after Mel-Varr as Moon Girl and followed by Devil behind. They find him on top of a buiding, where Pad-Var’s ships arrives to pick up Mel-Varr. Pad-Var sees Moon Girl and Devil and fights them to capture them. While the fight is happening, Lunella apologizes to Mel-Varr for jumping to conclusions and causing trouble for him. She wants for the two of them to be friends and asks him to tell his father how he truly feels about him.
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Mel-Varr decides to help Lunella fighting against Pad-Var and gains the courage to tell him that he can’t be what his is expected to be and that in reality he prefers to study science, even if Pad-Var doesn’t approve of it. Instead of being dissapointed, the commander shows interest in Mel-Varr’s inventions, seeing that they could be useful in battle. He asks Mel-Varr to come back so they could put his science skills on use.
After the fight, Lunella and Mel-Varr still remain friends and Marvin gives Lunella a communicator, so they can keep in contact with each other. Mel-Varr goes inside the spaceship, saying goodbye to Lunella.
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Kid Kree retuns in the episode ¨In The Heist¨. He is first seen when Lunella calls him using the comunicator to ask him about the crystal that she and the kids are shown to in the museum. Mel-Varr is doing what resembles a military obstacle course while talking to Lunella, indicating he was able to rejoin his previous school, mentioned in ¨Kid Kree¨. This means he is still trying to be a soldier or that kids in his planet are trained to be soldiers from a young age.
He shows to be deeply concerned about the crystal being inside the museum. He tells to Lunella to take out of there since it has special powers that, when exposed under direct sunlight, it generates horrible weather conditions, which in Kree society are used for a tradition called ¨Bloodvember¨. This demostrates that while he wasn’t on Earth for a long time, he cares about it enough for people to not get hurt by the crystal’s powers.
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Mel-Varr shows up near the end of the episode to retrieve the crystal that Lunella and the STEAM kids took from the museum. He hangs out with Lunella and laughs at her retelling of the heist she and others carried out to get the crystal. They both act a bit awkward with each other, making Mel-Varr almost forget taking the crystal with him in the process. He gives a side hug to Lunella and says goodbye, going back to his home planet.
Mel-Varr shows up one last time in Season 2 A in the episode ¨Dancing With Myself¨. When Lunella is talking to Devil about how she doesn’t have anyone that could be her date for the school dance, Mel-Varr drops from the sky near them and explains to Lunella that the Zargarian (an moth like alien race) are after him because they are sworn enemies to the Pad-Var and they are trying to capture him (again). He asks to Lunella if she knows any place to hide, specially if it is dark to not attract the Zargarian.
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Instead of taking Mel-Varr to a more secure place to hide, Lunella asks him if he could try hiding inside the school dance. She persuades him into believing that it is safe and could help him with ¨fitting in¨ with other teenagers to go unnoticed. Lunella’s true motive is that she is the only one at the dance she doesn’t have a date and takes the opportunity that Mel-Varr is   here to have someone to ¨date¨ and that way fit in with the others.
Mel-Varr quickly goes along with it, probably because he believes that he is going to be safe from the Moth men while hiding in the school. He is still unaware of human culture as a whole, so he trusts that whatever Lunella is telling him is safe. Another point that could be made is that Mel-Varr was in part interested in being Lunella’s date considering he really likes her romantically speaking. Perhaps he wanted to know how dating worked for humans and wanted to try it out.
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In the school dance, they both try imitating what other couples do but it ends up with both of them feeling very awkward and uncomfortable while doing so. It isn’t a situation they enjoy, they feel pressured to do it just to fit in with their peers (mainly from Lunella’s side). In a moment they start talking about science and Lunella stops Mel-Varr, telling him that they should ¨act¨ more like the other couples.
Some time passes when Mel-Varr asks Lunella if they could go elsewhere to hide from the Moth men. Lunella promises they’ll go after a slow dance and Mel-Varr agrees to it if they leave the place after that. They both seem to be having fun dancing until the spotlight light turns on and Lunella asks them to stay a bit longer.
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Finally Mel-Varr snaps at Lunella, telling her to stop. He then explains that the whole dating thing makes him feel uncomfortable and that he ¨is still a kid¨. He doesn’t feel ready to get involved in romantic things even though he admits he really likes Lunella. The spotlight light falls on them, attracting the Moth men who take Mel-Varr.
In the middle of the chaos, Lunella learns that the rest of her friends were dating other people because they thought that that’s what they were supposed to do for a school dance and in reality they feel the same as her when it comes to dating. This make her realize her mistake and goes to look for Mel-varr. Lunella apologizes for pressuring him into being her date, admiting that she was also uncomfortable and if they could stay as friends instead. Mel-Varr happily agrees to the idea.
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Lunella frees Mel-Varr and they both take their identities as Moon Girl and Kid Kree to fight against the Zargarian. Eventually Devil and the rest of the school join the fight, helping with chasing the Moth men away. Mel-Varr and Lunella go back their non-superhero identities and return to inside the school. The episode ends with Lunella and Mel-Varr having fun dancing in the school dance, not as a couple but as friends.
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Another aspect that is worth of bringing up from this episode is that Mel-Varr still struggles with standing up for himself. While what Lunella taking him to the school dance was wrong, he admits that he could have said something sooner about it. He could have been more clear with Lunella that they had to leave the school earlier. It seems to be an issue that he is trying to work through ever since the episode ¨Kid Kree¨.
As for what direction his character arc could take next, it is possible he starts living on Earth since he that’s where Lunella is and he seems enjoy being more on Earth than his own planet overall. It could also be that he moves in out of safety reasons, having in mind that he seems to be the target of plenty of his father’s enemies.
In all, Mel-Varr/Kid Kree is someone who starts as a somewhat enemy of Moon Girl until he realizes that he has a lot of common with her and they become friends. He becomes someone close to Lunella as well as an ally. Thanks to her, Mel-Varr gets inspired to stand up for himself and stay true to who his is as a person.
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For my TFRB x AEMH crossover, I can't stop thinking about the possibilities of when the Skrulls invade earth...
The idea of Skrull Steve going to ¨visit¨ Cody and the rest of the Rescue team to learn more about Griffin Rock and the crazy tech they use to then realize that there's another alien race living hidden on earth... if we use the logic of the episode New Normal where the Velgrox believed that the planet was under Cybertronian control would it mean the same for the Skrulls and Kree??
Tho they may know that Cybertronians are a dying species at this point but then again, find out that Megatron still has an army and tons of big weaponry. Maybe they would think on leaving as it would be logical to them to think that the only outcome of this is Cybertronians destroying earth or the Bots revealing themselves to the public and making the other alien races leave the planet as there are not many other alien species that like Cybertronians...
But going back to Skrull Steve trying to manipulate Cody into showing him the most unhinged tech but Cody being Cody just knows that this isn't Captain America and be like
¨ok, or we become friends or I bring my 4 other giant alien friends to make you speak the beams¨
Which outcome is the best?? idk
Or, Skrulls kidnap Cody because he is the most dangerous of all and replace him with another Skrull while Cody ends up with Steve on the shapeshifter ship...
@bluekat12345 I feel that this is where Cody starts his hero career dhafkjshfsjdhfks
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daisy-mooon · 4 months
carol/yon-rogg… thoughts? (i’m so sorry in advance)
The way I was literally just vagueposting about them on Discord 😭 the TIMING
I've read nearly every Captain Marvel fic on Ao3, Yonvers included, and I have a lot of thoughts
Gonna start this out by saying I hope this ship never becomes canon endgame
Complicated exes
Carol would not go back to him.
She would definitely have regrets and grief, but she would not go back to him. It would he impossible for her to feel safe around him.
She could maybe be a coworker or ally if she's feeling exceptionally generous and the universe would collapse otherwise, but a proper relationship is out of the window.
Yon-Rogg projected onto her a lot. She was an amnesiac clean slate. In the deleted scene, the person he most admired was himself - what if he started admiring himself after he rescued Carol? Viewing himself as a saviour too her?
Yon-Rogg would never see the Supreme Intelligence as Carol. He's a Kree supremacist, and he knows that Carol is human. He can't ever treat her as a full equal.
The Supreme Intelligence would demote him, but I doubt it would give Yon-Rogg any consequences that actually measured up too his actions.
They definitely hate each other after.
They would both beat the shit out of each other if given the chance.
They've definitely been in a relationship and they've definitely slept together.
Carol wouldn't tell Maria everything about Yon-Rogg at first because of the guilt of having a relationship but eventually would spill the beans during the blip. It would be very hard for her to do.
Yon-Rogg would 100% be jealous over Prince Yan. Meanwhile Prince Yan would obviously care, but he'd he incredibly cold and dismissive towards him. He knows him only as the guy that destroyed Carol's life. He's not deserving of his time.
Valkyrie definitely knows about him. Again, like Yan, she doesn't think he's deserving of her time. But she wouldn't hesitate at stabbing him if he came to it.
The Kree have a kinda poly culture so what I'm saying is that Carol was sleeping with Yon-Rogg and Dar-Benn at the same time and they hated each other a lot
Carol's relationship with Dar-Benn is awful but a lot healthier in the sense that Dar-Benn had zero idea about Carol's origins.
I can definitely see Dar-Benn learning about Carol's origins after she becomes Supremor and being shocked, but deciding not to do anything to punish Yon-Rogg. Again, Kree supremacy. Any good will she has for Carol goes out the window the moment she realises she's human.
The shared blood thing... poor Carol.
I NEED people to talk about the fact that Carol literally DIED and Yon-Rogg resurrected her like??? This is how you know the MCU has gone to shit because any good writer would milk the fuck outta this
Carol's fine with blood UNTIL it is blue. Blue blood makes her incredibly squeamish.
She has a Thing against blood needles and transfusions that she refuses to explain.
Yon-Rogg would never call her Carol. Mostly Vers, maybe Captain or Danvers, but never Carol. It would mean that he accepts her as a separate person.
Very bitter over her leaving - "why isn't she grateful for all I did for her?"
Yeah the Supreme Intelligence treated him wrong... but that does not mean Carol should forgive him in anyway
I know some Yonvers fans will kill me but it's an emotionally/psychologically abusive relationship.
She literally does not have access too basic medical information about her species???
Are we gonna talk about the fact that all of this time hes wittering about fair fights Carol physically can't beat him in a fair fight because Kree are stronger than humans? And that she isn't allowed to know that she's human? So she's being gaslit into thinking her failures are her fault when they're not?
I honestly also think its important that not everything should be romantic. They aren't romantic in canon and he still abused her. It's not always a partner or family member that can abuse you - it can be anyone.
I would write more but it's 1am so im wrapping it up. Anyways, final thoughts: a very interesting and deeply unhealthy dynamic that adds a lot to Carol's character but as an endgame ship would detract from her character arc. Anyways im tired af gn squad
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binkywinky · 5 months
do you think maria would've made a better captain marvel than carol?
Probably not. She'd be a different Captain Marvel, but I doubt she'd be any "better" at it (however you determine that).
I think when people ask this question, they assume the characters have the same exact path, and they wouldn't. I mean sure, if you put Maria through the same exact challenges Carol has faced, of course she'd navigate them differently - they're different people - but does that always equal better? I don't know.
Would Maria have helped the Skrulls find a home? My guess is no. Why? Because she's probably smart enough not to make that promise to begin with as that is literally an insane mission. Short of mass murdering an already inhabited planet, there's no way Carol could just give them a planet (they outright said in Secret Invasion that they tried for years and everyone rejected them). And given that Carol's not about to start committing genocide against another species to save one she inadvertently helped genocide herself, it just was never going to end in success. Now could Maria find them a home? Maybe, but that would actually make me fairly concerned about her being a hero if she would go to such lengths.
Would Maria have destroyed the Supreme Intelligence? Let's say she understands what that would do and decides not to. That means she wouldn't doom Hala to death like Carol did, but it does mean that now the Kree Empire is still intact and committing atrocities across the cosmos that she knows she could've stopped. Because remember, Carol fucked up with Hala, but she actually did significant damage to one of the most fascist regimes in the universe in the process. Guardians 1 would've been very different if Ronan had the Kree Empire at full power behind him - he wouldn't have needed to work with Thanos to regain glory for his people; the Kree would've just continued their "conquer and forcibly assimilate" campaign as they normally would've. That's not to say Carol did the right thing, just acknowledging that there are tradeoffs to both paths.
One thing we do know is that Maria's Captain Marvel in 838 joined the Illuminati. Now that I actually don't think Carol would do. I mean, she'd be onboard with joining some sort of group that watches over the multiverse (especially considering what happened to Monica), but I don't think she'd be down with the decisions they made, like killing Strange and then lying to the public about what happened or being willing to do lowkey heinous shit to anyone they see as a threat to the multiverse (including children). I firmly believe Carol would've made a different choice than Maria in that regard or at least fought for the Illuminati not to become... that.
Something to always remember - a core aspect of multiversal heroes or heroes who take on someone else's moniker is that they have similar story beats but handle them differently (think Peter Parker vs. Miles Morales - similar plot points, different choices, different results). So in the case of Maria, while I don't think she'd make the same choices Carol did in similar scenarios, her choices would have equally awful consequences. And I suspect she would be just as successful dealing with those consequences as Carol was with hers.
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akumadayo777 · 1 year
took a(n accidental) long break from my reread of Deltora Quest, but i went back to it and finally started the reread of Lake of Tears, so here's another little messy Jasmine doodle (feat. Kree and Filli) with her hair up like in the very beginning of the book (cuz that's as far as i got before the Urge to Draw™ hit me)
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also i am a fluffy Filli creachure truther, looked up one of the official art for his species and was like "jesus christ what the fuck is that??" 😭
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queen-of-the-avengers · 6 months
Captain Marvel: Part Ten
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.4k
Warnings: canon violence and angst
Author’s Note: For the sake of the rewrite, Howard and Maria Stark dies on December 16, 1997 instead of 1991. Tony is 23 when they die.
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Maria knows she has to do this with her best friend, so she calls her parents over to take care of her daughter. Maria tries to come up with an excuse as to why she's asking this, and you and Carol are off to the side with Monica.
"Your Mom's lucky. When they were handing out kids, they gave her the toughest one. Lieutenant Trouble," Carol smiles.
"You remembered!"
Carol had a whole life here without you, and seeing her with her other family gives you joy, but it also brings you pain when you think of how she was taken and the fact that she was taken in the first place.
"Is that mine?" Carol asks, noticing the jacket sitting on Monica's lap. The little girl starts to hand it over, but your girlfriend protests. "Oh, no. You hang onto it until I come back. There is something that I need your help with. I can't wear these Kree colors anymore, and since you're obviously the only person around here with any sense of style, why don't you give me a makeover?"
Carol stands and presses a few buttons on her wrist device that changes the colors of her outfit. Monica reaches over to try and goes through possible combinations such as bright red and grey stripes, orange, blue and yellow, black with neon stripes, and white with green stripes. None of them are the one until Carol sees the outfit Monica is wearing.
Red, blue, and gold.
"Well, since we're on the same team, why not those colors?" 
Monica messes with the device once more, and Carol's suit changes to red and blue with a gold star on the front. This is it. This is the suit and colors that best suit her. She kind of reminds you of Steve when he got his suit, but you push back those painful memories of your best friend.
"How do I look?"
"Fresh," Monica smiles.
"We need to get going. Yon-Rogg will be here soon," you say.
Carol and Monica say their final goodbyes before everyone boards the big aircraft. Talos' science guy stays behind to pretend to be Carol to stall Yon-Rogg for however long. He knows he's going to die when he figures it out, but he's willing to risk his life if it means Talos gets home safe.
Since you're such a terrible pilot, Maria and Carol are at the front while you, Fury, Talos, and Goose are in the back. Fury is petting and comforting the animal while Talos stares at him with horror in his eyes.
"You know, you really shouldn't have that thing on your lap."
"Our little alliance with you is tenuous at best. As long as she continues to freak you out," Fury picks up the cat and shoves her in Talos' face, and the Skrull jerks back in fear, "like that, I'm gonna keep giving her all the love and hugs she needs, right?"
"Can I ask you two something?" Maria asks the two shapeshifters on board. "Do you just turn into anything you want?"
"I have to see it first."
"Those are my rules as well."
"Can you all do it?"
"Physiologically, yeah, but it takes practice and dare I say it, talent to do it well."
"Maria, I wasn't born like this. I was given a serum that gave me these powers, so there is only one of me."
"Can you turn into a cat?" Fury asks Talos.
"What's a cat?"
"That's a cat," you point to Goose. 
"That's not a cat."
"What about a filing cabinet?" Maria asks. 
"Why would I turn into a filing cabinet?"
"I don't know about the Skrulls, but I can only turn into living creatures no matter how small or the kind of species. If it's alive, I can turn into them."
"What else can you do?"
"Well, apart from shapeshifting, I am able to control the four main elements. Whatever you want to call it, I can do a lot of pretty awesome stuff."
"A venus fly trap!" Fury exclaims, still on the topic of shifting into things. "I'll give you $50 right now if you turn into a Venus fly trap."
"Switching engines from Scramjet to fusion. Buckle up, folks," Carol advises.
Everyone buckles up in case something goes wrong, and Carol lurches forward at high speeds. Due to the severe altitude, everyone is pushed back into their seats. The plane jerks like how a commercial airplane would.
"Is this normal? Like space turbulence?" Fury asks.
"Pretty much," Carol answers.
Talos grabs Fury's attention and shakes his head to say that this isn't normal. The plane continues to fly upward, and as soon as the plane reaches just outside Earth's atmosphere, the plane stops producing the flames needed in order to fly. Everything inside the plane starts floating due to the lack of gravity. Yours, Carol's, and Maria's hair float along with a few pens that weren't locked down. If you hadn't buckled in when you did, you too, would be floating in mid-air. Similarly, Goose is floating upside down until Fury extends his arm, which Goose eagerly grabs onto. Then, Maria flicks a switch and gravity suddenly turns on inside the plane.
"Locking in the coordinate grid," Carol announces.
However, the only thing in front of you is an empty pad of space. Maybe the coordinates are wrong or maybe the lab moved because it's not here anymore. 
"Where is it?"
"It's here. It's gotta be here," Talos panics. 
"Is it in front of all that nothing or behind it?" Fury asks sarcastically.
There has to be some reason why the coordinates led you to this empty space. Carol presses some buttons on her wrist device, and the process of decloaking begins. If this is where the coordinates are, and there is nothing here, then it must be invisible.
"Decloaking activated," the computer chirps.
Suddenly, a bright light appears from the empty space, and a massive laboratory becomes visible. The title "Mar-Vell's Laboratory, Kree Imperial Cruiser" appears on the screen inside the spaceship. Carol flies closer to the laboratory only to realize there's a loading dock for incoming ships. Once secured inside, you five leave the ship in curiosity.
"Are we alone?" you ask when you walk into the main room. Across the room is the Tesseract connected to a big machine, and you walk closer to it with tears in your eyes. This is what you've been waiting for for almost one hundred centuries. "I can't believe after all this time, it's been here. I thought this was in the ocean."
"Is that it? The core?" Maria asks. 
"In her notes, she called it the Tesseract."
"This thing made me who I am today. This thing gave me my powers. This thing has been a pain in my ass this whole time!" you yell.
"It's okay," Carol whisper and puts her hand on your shoulder for comfort. 
"No, it's not okay, Carol. This thing needs to be destroyed. All this thing is going to cause is pain."
Carol understands where you were coming from, but in order to understand its power, it needed to be saved. She grabs the cube and throws it in the air only to catch it like it was a fucking baseball and not a killing machine. This thing killed your best friend and boyfriend. 
"Whoa. What was Lawson doing with all this kid stuff?" Maria asks and picks up a metal lunchbox.
Carol takes it from her, places the Tesseract inside, and locks it. You look around and take in your surroundings. There is something about this place, something off. On the glass table near the corner of the room is a mug with steaming hot tea in it.
You aren't alone.
"We're not alone."
Talos begins to sing loudly in his native tongue, and a swarm of scared Skrulls appears from their hiding places. An older one into the arms of Talos. If you had to assume, you'd guess that she is his wife, girlfriend, or sibling. 
"Soren," he sighs and hugs her tightly. 
"He didn't come for the Tesseract." Soren calls forth a child, probably her own, and the child makes herself known willingly. Talos leans down to get a better look at the child with a huge smile on his face. "This is his family."
"We didn't know what to do. Mar-Vell warned us not to send a signal for any reason or the Kree would find us," Soren explains painfully.
"You did the right thing," Talos whispers.
When the excitement of the family reunion wears off, Soren notices the group Talos came in with. She grabs her child and holds her protectively, even when Talos calms her down.
"It's okay, it's okay. She's alright. She's a friend. They all are."
"I'm not gonna hurt you. We're not going to hurt you," Carol says.
"They led me to you."
"I'm so sorry. I didn't know."
"If only I had known," you sniffle.
"Carol, Y/N, this is war. My hands are filthy from it, too, but we're here now. You two found my family. This is just the beginning. There are thousands of us separated from each other. Scattered throughout the galaxy."
Another Skrull child approaches Carol once she knows it's safe and took her hand. She directs her over to a pinball machine in the corner. The child points to the high score in glowing lights and points to herself to say she won that many points.
"If I played the same pinball machine for six years I'd have some high scores too," Fury comments.
Suddenly, the doors to the lab open and Yon-Rogg and his team march through with determination. Upon seeing the Kree, Fury draws his gun but Minn-Erva already had hers directed at him. She gestures to him to drop it and he has no choice but to listen. Talos put his family behind him but Yon-Rogg couldn't care less about them right now. No, he's only interested in you and Carol. Seeing his bitch-ass face makes you see red, and your eyes shine red like fire as your hands glow the same color.
"Fraternizing with the enemy? Don't be stupid, Y/N, you'll kill everyone here," he points out. It's true. If you used your powers, you'll blow this entire ship to pieces. "What did you do to your uniform?"
"They got in her head. Just like we thought," Minn-Erica says. 
"Oh, shut it, bitch," you growl.
"The Supreme Intelligence will set her straight," Korath says. 
"You can see they're not soldiers, let them go. You can have me," Talos tries negotiating.
"And the core?"
"You lied to me," Carol glares. 
"I made you a better version of yourself. What's given can be taken away," Yon-Rogg grins.
Carol tries as hard as she can to light up her fists, but they shortened out as if someone is controlling her powers from a distance. You notice something on her neck, something like a small device that is suppressing her powers. She doesn't know it's there or else she'd have taken it off a long time ago.
You turn to the other Kree and give them a malicious grin.
"I may not be able to use my fire power, but I have other ones."
The air around all of the Kree's heads begins to thin out while the air in the room stays the same. If they can't breathe, they can't fight. All of them gasp for air and fall to the ground, and you have to hold back your laughter. You're too busy focusing on them that you don't see Yon-Rogg sneak up behind you. He stabs something in the back of your neck, eliminating your powers for the moment.
"I've been waiting for this moment since I first saw you," he whispers.
He turns the device on and sends shockwaves down your body. With both you and Carol out of commission, the Kree can finally get what they came here to get.
When you wake up, you're not in Mar-Vell's ship anymore. No, you're in an all too familiar room with endless glossy floors and lights that descend from above. The man with jet-black hair stands in the middle of the room. Why does he look so familiar? When you think back to where you might know him, your head gets fuzzy and you get the worst headache ever.
Someone or something removed those memories from your head.
"There she is. I've got to say, I'm quite disappointed in you," the Supreme Intelligence says.
"There is no honor. The promise you made to me about honor and responsibilities is all a lie."
"Despite that, you performed well. You got us to the enemy. Thanks to you and jazz hands, those insidious shapeshifters will threaten our borders no more."
"I can't believe I ever thought the Kree would have the ability to change their ways. You're just as bad as Ronan. The Skrulls are just fighting for a home. You want to destroy them for what? Not submitting to your rules? Well, Carol and I won't do it."
You run at the man to attack him, but you go flying into the wall behind you with a flick of his wrist. You stick to the wall like glue so you're not going anywhere.
"It's cute how hard you try," he chuckles. "We needed you on this mission so you could lead us to the Tesseract. The power inside your veins wouldn't allow you to stay away. Plus, it is what you were looking for, yeah? You want to learn more about who you are and what Markus put into your body."
"How do you know about Markus?"
You slide through the sticky wall and come out on the other side where you can watch your memories play back in front of you.
"We know more than you think."
Each memory is of when Markus put you through each element trial. Through it all, the evil look on Markus' face never went away.
"You're no better than him," you turn to face the Supreme Intelligence.
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
Okay, you're done with this shit. You need to escape or else he will keep you here for as long as he wants. You need to escape if you want to help the Skrulls win this war.
"Do you know what the difference between me and Carol is?" The fire within you heats up slowly, and your skin glows with the embers of a thousand fires. "You've been able to control her through the device you slapped on her neck, am I right? Well, news flash, bitch, you can't control me."
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