fitheghosty · 2 years
okay my brain is filled with angst now for the ghost au so uh have an idea
constance is having a really bad day, well as much as a ghost day can get bad. someone from the choir says one thing to annoy her and suddenly she's teleported out. penny, who doesn't know much about the choir's lives, asks everybody where they think she went. she wants to be the one to be there for her
naturally, it's her family's cafe, so penny makes a run for the comforting, little establishment. she finds anything but that. instead of finding constance crying like she expected, she finds her staring up at the cafe. hands fisted and eyes wide open with shock.
"they're closing." she says.
"..what?" penny turns her head to constance.
"my mom and dad are closing the cafe. I heard them talking about it." she seems to internally flinch while she talks, still currently in shock.
"let's just sit down—" "NO!"
constance ends up yelling at penny, but slowly her hard breathing turns into slow sobs. she takes a seat on the curb, and starts mumbling to herself. penny wishes she could touch her.. she's not the greatest at comforting but at least she would have the option. all she can do is be there for constance as she breaks down. after awhile, constance calms herself down enough to talk to penny. she talks about her family. the way her brother would dance to any pop song if you turned it on, the way her mom would bring in warm comfort food from the cafe if she knew constance had a frustrating day, and how her dad would listen to her patiently as she tried to figure out a math problem that seemed to be a little too hard for her that day
she talked about it all, how she's glad that her family is sorta moving on, but it still hurts to witness. she talked about her confusion on what her family is going to do next if they don't have the cafe, their way of bringing joy to the community. did it remind them too much of her? was constance the reason?
"I guess it's still taking time to mourn my life.. today made me realize that."
penny nodded with a sad smile. she got that, she gets mourning something that will never be the same. now, both of them understand eachother, they're closer than they were before. penny waits there at that little curb for however long constance needs
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underground-secret · 1 year
The Hunter and the Witch ~ Dean Winchester × fem! reader
Description: The Woman in White, also known as Constance, has Sam and Y/N trapped in the Impala…
(continuation of the first chapter)
Warnings: cannon violence, witch craft, arguing, curse words, injury, blood mention (i think), minor car crash, death, corpse, fire, everything written is fiction and should not be taken seriously
word count: around 1,765
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The Woman in White~ Continuation
(Masterlist/ Previous Chapter/ Next Chapter)
“Take me home!” The brunette ghost yells
“No.” Sam replies.
“What the hell do you mean no!! Should you really be arguing with a murderous ghost!” I cried at Sam turning towards him.
The doors lock and I know it wasn’t Sam’s doing as he frantically pulls at the handle, then the gas pedal is pressed down and we’re moving fast. I start pulling on the handle as Sam tries to take hold of the steering wheel, but Constance has control over the full car.
I grab hold of Sam’s forearm trying to teleport us just outside of the car but something about Constance’s control and my fear get in the way and I can’t do anything.
I let go of his arm to hold tightly to the door handle apologizing, “I'm sorry Sam I cant do anything.”
He nods his head, fear probably taking over him too, his knuckles white as he grips the steering wheel.
The car pulls up in front of Constance's abandoned house. The engine shuts off and so do the lights.
“Don't do this.” Sam pleads looking at the woman through the rear view mirror.
Constance flickers, her voice sounding sad as she says, “I can never go home.”
“Aw, honey, you’re scared to go home” I responded sympathetically, turning around in my seat to face her.
But when I turn to face her she isn’t there. I whip my head towards Sam seeing him being shoved against the seat with Constance on his lap, the seat reclining as he struggles.
“Hold me. I’m so cold” she pleads.
“I take back my ‘aw’!” I panic-scream. Not knowing how to help Sam, I continue to pull on the door handle.
“You can't kill me. I'm not unfaithful. I've never been!” Sam tells her while he continues to struggle.
“You will be. Just hold me.” Constance murmurs leaning down to kiss Sam, I see him reach for the keys so I try to aid him by unbuckling myself and leaning over and turning them but Constance pulls away from Sam catching my jaw with one hand just as my fingers graze the keys.
With the position I'm in, in a half lean, Constance is higher up than me. Her grip on my jaw is tight, forcing my eyes to look up at her through my eyelashes.
She peers down at me, still on Sam’s lap, before smiling innocently and shoving me hard backwards causing me to hit my head against the door.
She disappears and I find that she's got me pinned, I can’t move. I huff in distraction as Sam yells in pain, throwing off his hoodie to reveal burn marks that went through the fabric of his shirt.
Then suddenly she’s on his lap again this time putting her hand through his chest causing him to yell in pain again while all I can do is watch, pinned.
I feel useless.
A loud gunshot rings through the air, shattering the window near Sam effectively startling the ghost. Her head snaps towards where the shot came from revealing Dean adorned with a shotgun.
He fires again causing her to vanish, reappearing somewhere outside, Dean keeps firing until she finally disappears.
“I'm taking you home.” Sam says cooly, starting the car and driving forward.
“W-wait! Sam I still can’t-“ But my stammering got cut off as we crashed into the old house, the front of the car fully in the wreckage.
It’s only a mere second before we crash that I get my mobility back meaning I got the full experience, my head slamming on the side of the dashboard on impact. I sit up shaking as I reach a hand up to my forehead, pulling my hand back a bit I see some blood.
My door opens then, Dean leaning down to view us better “Y/N! Sam! You okay?”
I groan as I nod my head slowly, the mere motion causing another wave of pain rushing through my head. I climb out of the car with some assistance from Dean as Sam answers him with a weak, “I think…”
Once I'm out I move away slightly so that Dena can check on Sam, “Can you move?” Dean asks him.
“Yeah. Help me?” Sam responds, Dean leaning through the passenger seat to give Sam a hand, helping him out of the car.
“There you go.” Dean spoke, closing the door behind Sam.
We look around a little until we see Constance glaring at us as she throws a large picture straight at us.
Despite my headache and injury I throw my hands forward a white energy blast rushing through them throwing the painting back and away from hitting us.
But while I was busy with that, an old desk scoots toward us pinning us against the car. The lights flicker as Constance looks around scared, water being to put down the staircase.
She goes over. At the top a Boy and Girl stand, who I recognize as her children from pictures in articles.
They speak in unison, “You've come home to us, Mommy.”
Constance looks at them, distraught. Suddenly they're behind her, embracing her tightly causing her to scream as her image flickers. In a surge of energy, still screaming, Constance and the two kids melt into a puddle on the floor.
The boys shove the old desk off of us, walking towards the puddle.
“That wasn’t terrifying at all” I announced, rubbing my head once more.
“Yeah,” Sam sighs.
“…So this is where she drowned her kids.” Dean informs
“That's why she could never go home. She was too scared to face them.” Sam added.
“I feel bad for her in a way” I frown
“Yeah well her murdering needed to be stopped…
Nice work Sammy, You found her weak spot.”
Dean says slapping Sam on the chest where he's been injured before walking away.
Sam laughs, “Yeah, I wish I could say the same for you. What were you thinking shooting Casper in the face, you freak?”
“Hey. Saved your ass.” Dean calls back as he leaned over his car, “I'll tell you another thing. If you screwed up my car?” He turns before continuing, “I'll kill you.”
Sam laughs, and I'm sure it hurts him to do so as he slightly clutches his shirt.
“Hey Sam, if you want I can heal you” I offer
“It’s okay Y/N, the promise doesn't apply here” He answers giving me a sweet smile.
The promise.
I made it on the night of my thirteenth birthday, the night the rest of my powers manifested (not to say that other abilities can’t manifest as a Witch ages).
I made many promises that night, one of them being that I would never use my ability to heal any of my own injuries unless absolutely necessary and if it’s life threatening. It was a way to make me feel less “monster” like.
And within that promise came that I wouldn't use certain abilities on others unless absolutely necessary or they asked me.
So I respected Sam’s wishes when he said this time didn’t call for it, and I didn’t heal myself even though my head was killing me.
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The Impala tears down the highway, Dean driving once more. Luckily the car wasn’t totally damaged, minus the right headlight that’s out.
Sam’s back in the passenger seat, his dads journal open to the coordinates that Dean had found along with a map, his only source of light being a little flashlight.
And I'm in the back curled up with a blanket I had brought, downing an Advil and some water. (Shoes off, of course, because Dean would beat someone up if his car got dirty)
“Okay, here's where Dad went. It's called Blackwater Ridge, Colorado.” Sam announces.
Dean nods, “Sounds charming. How far?”
“About six hundred miles” Sam answers.
“Hey, if we shag ass we could make it by morning.” Dean offers.
“Dean, I, um…” Sam hesitates.
“You're not going.” Dean confirms.
I put my water bottle down slowly, watching the both of them.
“The interview's in like, ten hours. I gotta be there.” Sam explains
Dean nods, and I know he’s disappointed, but he returns his attention back to the road.
“Yeah. Yeah, whatever.” He glances back at Sam “I'll take you home.”
A smile creeps on my face, as stupid as it sounds I’m proud of Dean. I’m proud of both my boys.
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We pull up in front of the apartment, Deans still frowning.
Sam gets out and leans over to look through the window, “Call me if you find him?”
Dean nods.
“And maybe I can meet up with you later, huh?” Sam offers.
“Yeah, all right.” Dean answers, clearly upset. I don’t think this has to do with hunting anymore; he just misses his brother.
Sam pats the car door twice and turns away. Dean leans toward the passenger door, one arm going over the back of the seat.
“Sam?” He calls out, getting Sam to turn back
“You know, we all made a hell of a team back there.” He offered.
As Dean drives off I call out, “Good luck, Sammy!”
He smiles back.
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Barely two minutes go by before Dean makes a harsh U-turn, he must have known what I was going to ask because he shows me his wrist.
The watch adorning it, stopped ticking, and sure it could be a coincidence but in our line of work it rarely is.
A million thoughts of worry run through my head as we pull up to the apartment once more.
Dean all but jumps out of the car and I follow only a step behind him
He kicks open the front door yelling out for Sam.
We follow his voice to the bedroom, looking up to see Jess.
Pinned to the ceiling, on fire and bloody.
I feel like throwing up.
It’s exactly what happened to their mother, from what I've heard.
“No! No!” Sam yells out in agony, i’ve never heard him sound like that before.
Dean grabs Sam off the bed and shoves him out the door, Sam struggling all the way screaming “Jess! Jess! No!”
Flames engulf the apartment, and for the second time that night I feel useless.
All this power and when someone needs help the most I can't do anything.
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Fire trucks and police men came, parked outside the building. But we were back near the Impala.
No one’s said anything
Sam stands near the trunk of the car pulling out and loading a shotgun, face in pure pain.
He looks up at me and then Dean. He sighs, nods and throws the gun back in the trunk.
As he shuts the trunk he says, “We got work to do.”
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Alright, last one, I promise!!
Could I please request headcanons for all the Ride the Cyclone kids finding out their S/O is getting bullied, and how they would react? I would love to see what you do with something like this!!
Thanks in advance, and I hope you’re doing well!! 🖤🖤🖤
the choir finding out their s/o is being bullied
pairing: st. cassian chamber choir x gn reader
warnings: bullying (obviously), everyone destroying your bullys life, wounds, fights (cough mischa and penny cough)
a/n: i love writing for rtc sm
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Ocean O’Connell Rosenburg
jaw drops when she sees someone bothering you
really upset you didn’t tell her
she’s very popular and every teachers favourite student, she could’ve helped you!! :((
comforts you afterwards, still a bit angry you didn’t tell anyone about how you were being bullied, but she understands you may have gotten pressured into it
let’s you vent to her <3
will destroy the reputation of the person/people who bullied you
is so mad and makes sure they’re absolutely humiliated
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Noel Gruber
also a bit annoyed you didn’t tell him
is understanding of why you didn’t however
doesnt force you to vent to him or tell him what happened, let’s you tell him that on your own and listens intently when you do
he’s the type to have dirt on everyone from being observant, so he plots something to use that against them
he makes sure to walk you home and always be near you in hallways in case someone comes to bother you
if they do he runs to your aid and calls them out on something embarrassing
they don’t even look at you again afterwards
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Mischa Bachinski
his rage kicks in
you’ve never seen his face so red
storms up to your bully and just starts fuckin swinging and hitting
he has to be physically pulled off of them by like 15 people
a few mins later when he gets everyone to fuck off he drags you away to somewhere private
cleans up any wounds you may have
asks the important questions
how long has this been happening? does he need to go back and finish what he started? are you okay? do you need anything?
seems to always be around you after that day…
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Ricky Potts
so shocked
at a loss for words
sits you down and asks if you wanna talk about it or if there’s anything he can do
so devastated to find this out
hes sad for the rest of the day :((
hugs you and takes you to various places to make you feel better <333
will 100% beat your bully(s) with his crutches or give them to mischa to beat them with <3
checks up with you between classes after finding out, always somehow bailing you out of school if you feel uncomfortable
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Jane Doe/Penny Lamb
goes fucking feral
gently and calmly moves you away from them, before going at it
you knew she was a lil bit insane but not this insane
she’s biting, scratching, kicking, and punching all at the same time
mischa is standing there yelling words of encouragement and wiping tears away at how far his bestie has come
after that she checks on you to make sure you weren’t hurt in any way
if you were she goes back and finishes what she started <33
very scary, nobody messes with you ever again
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Constance Blackwood
not the type to barge in and immediately defend you
but she’s there for emotional support afterwards <3
lets you cry into her shoulder, rubs your back, is really caring
she’s too shy to directly do anything about it, but luckily she friends with ocean and tells her what happened and because ocean is friends with everyone and loves you (because she’d 100% be friends with her friends s/o)
ocean…..gets them…. expelled… not what you wanted but it’s good enough!
if you still don’t feel safe after that, she walks you home and stuff (like noel) <33
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not-alien-girl-v · 2 years
Could you pleaaaase to a tate Langdon x chubby!reader smut? Maybe? Shits getting heated then as they are about to undress tate gets concerned as why reader looks upset and reader explains they suffer from body dysmorphia, but tate makes it’s all better and reassures them it’s okay, then they continue soft fluffy vanilla shiii, thanks !
Body Problems
warning: almost smut. perchance. body mentions?? idk
note: this one’s a tough one. here’s a picture of my cat for consolidation
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“What’s your deal?” Tate asks you as you launch yourself face first onto his plush duvet. Constance must have just washed it, it no longer carries his boyish scent, instead smelling like clean laundry.
“Mmmm,” you groan and he looks over at you from his beanbag chair, dark and purple and velvet, perhaps a little too worn out from vigorous years of sitting.
He lit a candle a few hours ago and blew it out right around the time you arrived. It’s rose scented, and the label said ‘for attracting lustful lovers.’ ‘Lovers’ as in plural. He doesn’t want multiple lovers, he just wants you. He lights that candle every time you come over and of course, you have no idea. You’ve come to know it as the general scent of his room, blind to his secret plot.
“Use your words,” the words are a scold but they come out anything but, soft and loving like a whispered affirmation, and he approaches you now. He perches on the side of his bed next to you and lays a loving hand in your hair. He pets you a few times like a dog before pulling out the clip you have holding your hair up.
“I’m sad,” you lift your face up for air and end up smushing it right into the side of his thigh. With his hand, he affectionately rubs your head, inching slowly to your neck, then your back, and when he dares to dip a little bit lower you sit upright and adjust to sit with him side by side. Your doubled weight on the bed causes you to sit right next to him, nearly attached at the hip.
“I gathered.” You must be really upset, he thinks, because you usually love it when he touches you. You lean into his side and rest your head on his shoulder but he doesn’t let you. Instead, he pulls your chin to face him.
“What’s wrong?” He asks you and the way he’s staring at you implies he’s seeing straight into your soul, and you can’t help but confess.
“Just a bad day,” he caresses your cheek and you lean your face into his warm palm.
You don’t notice he’s leaning in closer until he speaks one last time, “I bet I can make it better.” That’s the last you hear before he slowly closes the gap between each of your lips.
He’s warm and tender, and he’s right, he does know exactly how to make a bad day better. He keeps his one hand on your face, circling around to the back of your head but your surprised when you feel his other hand riding up your thigh. It started out as a gentle pressure but he began sliding higher, higher, up your stomach and with no further thought, he grabs your boob and fondles it.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy it, so you let him and lean into his kiss more. You’re full on making out now, his hand slowly snaking under your shirt and both of yours on the sides of his head.
He pulls away, eyes down at the hem of your T-shirt where his finger teasingly plays at it. He doesn’t say anything but looks back at you, alarmed when he sees a scared look on your face. Abruptly, he drops your shirt, “hey, hey what’s wrong?”
You can’t bring yourself to say anything at all, but you really wish you could. There’s never a right thing to say, never a good time to bring it up to him, not that you could find the words for it.
You almost hated the way you looked. ‘Almost’ because ever since you met Tate, your self esteem had been on the rise. He saw you as a person, a living, breathing human being capable of love and worthy of respect before he ever fathomed your body, which is so much more than you could ever ask for.
But that didn’t keep your plethora of bad thoughts at bay. You’d always have a little voice in the back of your brain, a clawing force speaking to you through dark times, and as much as Tate loved you and taught you to love yourself, there was no cure for your ailment.
He senses that you wouldn’t want to talk about it right away, so he just pulled you into his arms and let you cry it out. Again, best boyfriend ever, and you totally didn’t deserve him. He must be a saint for loving you.
“There’s nothing wrong with you,” he starts and he must be able to read your mind because you’ve provided him with nothing but a sad look and a few tears but he knows. He knows because he loves you.
You pull away, “I never know. I can never tell. I just- I look in the mirror and I don’t know what I am.”
He holds you by the waist and a firm hand on the back of your head, furrowing into your hair. “You’re perfect.”
He always knows the right thing to say to make you feel better. It’s not a permanent fix for everything wrong, but it sure does feel good to be loved by him.
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kneeslapworthy · 1 year
Reynie really is the kid that feels too many feelings. That cries at the end of every sad book, movie or commercial. That gets so happy for his friends’ successes that he feels like he’s about to burst. That feels pain and guilt so strongly that it’s almost paralyzing. That gets so angry that he doesn’t know what to do with himself. He will look at his friends and just feel so much and despite being a lover of literature and language he simply can’t put it into words. He loves and fears and hates so strongly that he feels as though he might implode and explode at the same time. 
When Sticky returned from the Waiting Room, nearly catatonic, and Reynie feared his memory had been erased, he felt as though his world was about to collapse. He felt his heart sink to his stomach like a stone and simultaneously rise to his throat like bile. Everything felt like it could end until Sticky finally uttered his name and he realized that his friend was okay, or, at least not brainswept. 
When SQ found out about his lies, guilt tore his insides to shreds. His hands wouldn’t stop shaking and he had tense up his whole body to stop himself from crying because he couldn’t afford to fall apart. The look on SQ’s face, the hurt that he had caused, never leaves him. Not even when they leave the Institute after saving the world and he gets to reunite with the people he loves and cares for. It’s an image he simply cannot get out of his head, not even as he’s tucked into bed by Miss Perumal and he says goodnight to his best friends. He feels it so deeply, as though it were the blood in his veins or the marrow in his bones, the vicious guilt lays heavy as lead on his chest. 
And he gets so scared, too. When his friends are in danger he’ll tremble and stumble over his own words until he’s become an incoherent mess. But it has to remain in his head because on the outside he has to be strong, a leader, brave. So he balls his hands into fists to stop them from shaking, he locks his knees to stop them from buckling, he presses his lips together to stop them from morphing into the grimace that will leave him crying and crying and crying. He does it all because he loves them. Because he knows how they feel, too. He doesn’t need to see it on their faces, he can just feel it. So he’ll know when to give Kate’s shoulder a comforting squeeze, when to hand Sticky something to fidget with, when to let Constance sit down and rest.
Reynie Muldoon feels a lot, and most of it is love. 
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nobodysdaydreams · 6 months
Hiiiiiii which tmbs character do you think would be most likely to steal my cat
Excellent question.
We’re looking for a character who A) loves cats but B) is okay with stealing for selfish purposes (many characters would rescue a cat, but to take a cat from its loving owner, cute as the cat might be, is dishonest thievery).
I think Constance fits the bill best. Garrison is clearly in need of an emotional support animal, but I don’t think she’d acknowledge this. Other than them, Tai. I don’t think he’d think of it as stealing though. He’d come across the cat, let him crawl into his bag, and just accept him as his new friend. He’d give the cat back when you explain that he lives here, but he’d be sad about it and promise to visit. Oh, and show Curtain/Nathaniel would too, just so he can evilly stroke a cat while staring out the window at Stonetown and villainous muttering to himself about how much he hates Nicholas. It’s part of his dramatic theater kid aesthetic.
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sluggmuffin · 1 year
🎢 - send me a scenario and a character of your choice and i'll write a either hcs or a little drabble about them (can be x reader *if it is pls tell me ur preferred pronouns* but it doesn't have to be)!
omg can i get a ricky (rtc ofc <3) x fem reader hurt/comfort <33
🎢 - send me a scenario and a character of your choice and i'll write a either hcs or a little drabble about them (can be x reader *if it is pls tell me ur preferred pronouns* but it doesn't have to be)!
Umm so I like suck at hurt/comfort but I tried my best
The choir sat in different spots of the empty warehouse. Nobody said anything, not even the ominous novelty machine sitting in the middle of the room. Mischa and Noel were bonding over some alcohol, Ocean and Constance trying to keep Jane Doe happy spirited, and you sitting with Ricky, his arms wrapped around you tightly.
"Is it selfish that I want to live?" You mumble to your boyfriend, staring into space not wanting to look up at anyone
"Not at all," He replies, tracing shapes over your arms.
"It's just- I want to go back. I had a life to live!" You whisper, making sure none of the other choir members hear you. "You conceded! You don't care about going back! You're happy where you are! But somehow it's not enough for me! I'd feel like a shitty friend if I got the chance to go back because I feel like I'm betraying all of you. I'd feel like an even shittier girlfriend if I left you."
"Y/n, don't feel bad. I conceded because I don't need anything in the real world. I'm okay with where I'm at now, and trust me, everyone wants to go back so it doesn't make you a bad friend. And besides, yes I'd miss you but I also want you to live the life you deserve, and if you feel that means going back, then who are we to stop you?" He motions to the choir with that last sentence, and you finally get a good look at them. Mischa Bachinski, has a whole fiancée to live for. Noel Gruber, he never got to live the life he wanted. Constance Blackwood, grew up an outcast. Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg, has so many things to achieve in her lifetime. and Jane Doe. The saddest of all. Not even being able to remember her life on earth.
You break down into tears, thinking of how selfish you'd have to be to think you deserved life more than anyone of these people. By now you can tell the whole choir is staring at you, but nobody says a word.
After a brief moment, you pull yourself together, when you suddenly feel a hand awkwardly pat your head.
"There there," Jane Doe says, standing directly above you and Ricky. "We must understand that sadness is an ocean, and sometimes we drown, while other days we're forced to swim"
"Thank you" you laugh, sniffling as you and Ricky stand up and hug eachother, before you embrace the girl.
She wanders away shortly after which leaves you alone again with your lover.
"Thanks for everything Ricky"
"Anything for you"
"Mr. Karnak?" You ask, trying to awaken the silenced machine.
"Yes, y/n?"
"I concede" you let out, sure of your decision.
"Ms. Y/n L/n concedes, only 5 contestants remaining." the machine boasts, leaving the others in shock.
"I love you" Ricky says, rubbing your back as you hug him once again.
"I love you more" you reply, shutting your eyes and taking a deep breath as you retreat to the safety of your boyfriends arms.
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bigstupid69 · 1 year
I heard you have music hcs,,, do tell..
Honestly I feel like so many people are gonna disagree with my HCs about the choir's music taste, especially Penny and that's okay. I know she "canonically" likes boy bands and I guess Eminem?? But let me have fun. Putting it after the cut since it's LONG
To me, because I wanted to make character playlists tolerable for me, I made her like punk, alternative, and shoegaze music!! Specifically riot grrrl and queer punk, also some stuff similar to the dresden dolls but I think? They might be problematic so uh- (a lot of the bands on these playlists might not be great since they're older so my apologizes) but some of the bands on there are Bikini kill, Le Tigre, My Bloody Valentine, Lush, Dead Kennedys, Plumtree, Brat Mobile, Sleater-kinney ect. Anything that includes a lot of harsh noise and screaming pretty much.
Ocean's music headcanons are definitely going to be the most controversial to put out there since I do not like Taylor swift… And since I wanted the playlists to be something I can actually listen to I did not make her a swiftie sorry. But as someone who has listened to the entirety of the Up With People album out of curiosity (I enjoyed it a bit too much unfortunately…) I mostly based it off of that, I don't think there's much of a defined genre other than just "oldies" so... The only like recurring bands are the Beach Boys, the Beatles, and ABBA, the other various songs I've ripped from the fallout radio that I think sounded in tune with Up With People.
I already stated Noel's music taste in the previous post of their reference sheets, he's goth to put it simply, lot's of new wave included as well, plus overall romantic/sad love songs I think he'd ugly cry to, also included a bunch of old French music that I personally thought sounded nice.
Mischa's music taste is probably the easiest for everyone to agree on, (hip-hop and rap). Made him a juggalo so lots of Insane Clown Posse as well as other bands from Psychopathic Records, (him and Ezra are both juggalos sue me), also included Eminem and the Beastie boys along with more "comedic" rappers like Sir Mix a Lot and the Lonely Island. Plus Solujia Boy, Kiss Me Thru the Phone is the mischalia song ever.
Ricky's music taste is probably also usually agreed to be quirky electronic and or as some people like to call it "nerd music". Lemon demon, Daft punk, They Might Be Giants, DEVO, Oingo Boingo, The Talking Heads, Weird Al, and of course David Bowie but he's definitely separated from that genre.
Constance is the one I struggled with the most honestly. I couldn't pick one genre to describe her either, since personally I feel like she would listen to pretty much everything and be able to bond with like every choir member over bands. The only recurring artists in the playlist I made was, The Cardigans, Kimya Dawson, The Moldy Peaches, ABBA, and Wham!, but I think she pretty much likes and will listen to everything. She seems like a vocaloid fan too, I just got exhausted searching for bands and artists from before 2010 lmao.
Sorry for the word vomit, I am very dedicated when it comes to headcanons for literal dead children apparently.
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lillazyboithings · 1 year
I think I’m brainrotting on the rtc swap au now so here’s a bucket load of stuff I wrote about it
literally Constance would get two songs (since she gets switched with Mischa) and the first song is basically TSIA just changed a bit to fit Connie more and the second song instead of being about a lover whose almost on the other side of the world it’s more like Sugar Cloud in actual Ride The Cyclone yk
Also the song order would be like by the character they swapped with so instead of Ocean first (since she was swapped with Jane/Penny) Penny would go first, also considering Legoland would hopefully probably still somewhat exist in the swap au Penny could say a line something like “ You know,, it’s probably best I go first because I have the most experience performing here, “ which would be a direct reference to Legoland
^^ Also nevermind partly about that because it wouldn’t make sense in some ways the song lineup would be like this
Noel (he would probably still sing a song somewhat like Noel’s Lament just probably less tragic yk)
Every Stories Got A Lesson (sung by Penny of course)
Jane Doe (Ocean)
Constance TSIA
Constance Suagr Cloud (also note Sugar Cloud would change a bit to fit swap Constance more)
Ohhhhh, I actually had something in mind for their swap songs actually! (sorry if i took a bit too long to actually reply, my laptop suddenly went haywire while i was trying to fix the wifi)
read long info under cut :DD
Okay so like, you're absolutely right about two thing, where Penny and Ocean swap, but the order actually goes from Penny, Ricky, Constance, Noel, Ocean doe, and Mischa since they all swapped roles (makes more sense in my head), and how Constance has 2 songs! I also really like the thing about Penny's "You know,, it’s probably best I go first because I have the most experience performing here," line since it kinda actually aligns with the characterization i have for her in mind.
the song I kinda have for Penny would be like a mix of Play to Win and What the world needs, but like, more focus on her love to take advantage of all her friends without making it obvious at first, and how people should always put the important people (her) first. (my thought process for this is like, penny is commonly the one being hurt, so why not let her hurt others)
Ricky's song would be like some tragic song about how the canine people are under attack by the zolarian cat people. It would detail how he'd like, fall in love with one of the canine people and then how he'd sacrifice his life for her to save them all.
Constance's first song would obviously be like TSIA, flexing on everyone obviously, the only difference is better autotone /j
Constance's second song (which you're still right about) would be like a somber sugar cloud. It could actually be like, how she shouldn't have been so mean to everyone around her, and how she misses the warm happy moments of life.
You're also correct about Noel's song, it would most likely detail about his successes as a hooker in post-war France, about how his name is well known around the country, and how someday he wants to settle down with a man who would treat him right
The Jane doe's (Ocean doe's) song would be like a mix of fun and morbid. It would constantly switch back from singing about the countless possibilities of who she was and who she could be, to singing about why no one came to find her, why no one wanted to identify her, and about how sad she is about no one being there to wait for her when she comes back.
Last is Mischa's. Since he's Penny's best friend and how I characterize him as a floor mat and lost puppy kind of person, he uses this last song to stand up to Penny and how he doesn't want to be taken advantage of anymore. It would be in the format of those "i want" songs ngl.
This is basically my idea of the songs (if i actually had song writign skills, i would actually make lyrics lol)
you're free to ask more if you like! :DDD
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sophieswundergarten · 10 months
@nobodysdaydreams Come get your Notes!!!
(School is being. A Lot. But y'all know the drill: S.O.S., Amzing, Go read it, thank you)
Judgement Dayyyyyyyyyy
Sounds ominous
Flashback wrap up!! Yay!
Milligan and Kate :( 
Come on. Come on, buddy. You can do it. Please.
I don’t know what I was expecting. He’s still trying to make things fit into his ridiculous worldview, even though it’s a little better. Maybe someday…
Bods, I am giving myself nausea I am so invested in this story asjdfj
You are SO talented
Oh dear
Milligan’s wife
Mr. Benedict being the best dad in the middle of all this ajdskjfd
(Him and Milligan, at least. The two of them are amazing)
They really need to tell the adults everything. It’s not exactly helping for certain details to come out at such inopportune moments
And now the secret’s out about him stealing the credit for her inventions…
Poor Garrison. Bods, I know you said she’s been “the villain all along”, but I just feel so sad for her. She’s such a special character and you’ve developed her so much I just want to give her a hug. She shouldn’t have done some of the things she did, but all of it is interlaced with such grief and melancholy I can’t ever really be mad at her.
Calling Sticky!!!
That detail makes me such warm and fuzzies. You couldn’t compromise the integrity of the plot to have him there, but they call him every chance they get and he’s genuinely caring about them and wanting to know everyone’s okay <3
Sticky’s Aunt and Uncle Mention!!!!
(They are just barely below Isaac on my list of people who are not at all major characters but I care about probably way too much)
Oh. He finally let go of some of it. That probably was hard, but felt kind of good. I’m glad he could do that.
An hour? He must have actually been pretty tired. I doubt he slept that night (Given he was experiencing a 24 chapter flashback asdhjdfj /j /silly)
“lovingly but forcefully preventing Mr. Benedict from jumping out of his seat and running off to find the nephew he’d just learned about, though he had no idea of his whereabouts”
Yep, that checks out ajsdfjd
Such a good line. You can always sum up the characters so well in just a single sentence
Constance’s turn!!
“The humility will help him grow”
Y’know what? Sure. That makes sense. Good plan asdfkj
SISTER TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
Is the sister psychic?
Fake violets!
“You always did love drama and symbolism, so I suppose it does fit, perhaps as a pseudonym or an alias, but your legal name? Natty, I know method acting is a thing, but that really does take it a bit far.”
Is it bad that I think I like her a little bit too much?
Afsjdkl; ads;kjasldfkj;;sdv lkj; asdf kj;lsadfkjl 
Bods, I am hyperventilating
Oh boy. She must have a pretty impressive memory. I’ getting a little spooked
Absolutely cackling that she’s shorter than him
Oh no, now he’s angry. I hope she doesn’t react badly…
Oh dear. Nathaniel…
This is starting to feel like your Christmas Carol AU, with the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come
Only worse
As much as she shouldn’t be hurting people, I’m kind of worried about Nerissa
(Also this reminds me of how fun and scary it was to play with her character blog!)
HAH. I don’t know why the adults think that politely asking the kids ot stay out of it is going to work.
Oh, Garrison
Constance is doing good at being intimidating, but she’s just a child. She shouldn’t have this kind of pressure on her, even if it mostly self-imposed
Pushing people off the roof? Are we taking cues from Cutter now? /j /silly /affectionate
Nicholas trying to be all surreptitious and spy on them adsjfjs
They’re having a real conversation
Hugs for you, Bods
I know I haven’t really made any threats this time around, I’m just too enamoured with the story, so you and your possessions are safe for now
Nicholas makes a good point. She could easily just be a raving lunatic, but Nathaniel is usually sharp enough to catch a liar
I love how eager Nicholas is to hear Nathaniel’s nickname, it’s really sweet. And then Nathaniel is very upset and grumpy about it asjdfjs
It feels weird for me to see Nicholas speculate about whether or not their family used nicknames, because for me nicknames are an inherent part of family. You love someone, that just means you don’t always call them by their full name. My family rarely calls me my real name
Ohoh! And Nathaniel feels guilty about something, and he can finally share that. Very interesting…
I just really like that he uses the word “deduce”. It’s a good word.
I have so many sibling feelings right now. I could almost see this conversation happening with me and my sib. (If one of us were trying to take over the world asjdjasdk)
I really really do love redemption stories. They are so good and I love how sometimes you can “defeat the villain” with the power of friendship. I’m always on Nicholas’ side in that matter
I’m so happy to see all the callbacks to TOS. It makes me ridiculously and inordinately happy to see things starting to come together
I’m so happy
Nathaniel is really deep in the guilt and self-bame hole right now…
Nicholas is always so ready to accept literally anyone into his family whereas Nathaniel has to be dragged and is so scared. Aw man, just thinking so much about them
Nicholas awkwardly asking about Curtain’s non-divorce akjdsdkjha I love it
I’m really happy that Nathaniel gets to talk about them to someone now. I think he needs it
“you haven’t adopted any of your children” Yeah, maybe, but they’re still his children
I am getting more and more worried about SQ, Bods. He better be okay when we see him again…
Nicholas is having such a hard time accepting that it’s okay the Glenns made mistakes and Nathaniel having a hard time accepting his own mistakes in regard to SQ. THE PARALLELS, BODS, THE PARALLELS
I love how you connected them with the violets. Just masterful work.
I’m really curious what happened between Nicholas and the Hopefields/John. I have so many questions
WHOOOO!!!!!!!!! That was amazing, as usual. My brain is exploding. So, so many things. Most of this was a “live reaction”, save for the last scene because I got too excited and read ahead without stopping for notes. I just want you to know that I am beyond ecstatic to learn more about what you have planned. I cannot wait. You are such a wonderfully talented human, and I adore your thoughts and ideas. Thank you so, so, so much for sharing them <3
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touched-the-tone · 2 years
Ride the Cyclone: 5 stages of grief
Denial (Ricky Potts) ------------------------- he was in a constant state of denial his whole life and that followed him to his afterlife where no rules applied, he was so out of his life that he could not stand to let it be his reality. So he focused on what his parents and him cared for the most: the cats. He made a whole world and religion based solely on the one aspect of his life he loved.
Anger (Noel Gruber) ------------------------ he was bitter (towards Ocean) the entire show, he was mean and sang a song about a delusion much like Ricky, but instead of falling prey to his fantasy, he saw the beauty in it and was angry he never got the life he wanted for himself, he had to hide his desires which built a life of hatred.
Bargaining (Ocean Rosenberg) ----------- Her whole number was her explaining and begging for why she should get one more shot at life, she spent what years she had building expectations for herself so she could have a better future than her parents. She didn't get that chance and she wants to come back just so she can prove to herself she can.
Depression (Mischa Bachinski) ---------- even before his song he was constantly on his phone trying to get wifi in that limbo to try and contact his lost love. He sang a song about the her and cried because he never got to marry her.
Acceptance (Constance Blackwood) ----- Her song was her finally coming to the realization that she loved her small town and the little things in life. Her favorite ride was the Cyclone because it's what made her snap to it that this town is her life and she's okay with that.
Jane Doe is the absent of grief, she had no memory or life to have mourned the lost of. She showed signs of anger in her song at the gods not telling her who she was, she showed acceptance afterwards when Ricky gave her a name, but overall her mourning was built on confusion rather than sadness for a life she does not recognize.
Everyone individually went through the stages but some of them were more prominent in their stages than the others.
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soft-persephone · 1 year
Same Page Pt 2
- Again, thank you again to the lovely gif makers and keeping this fandom alive in some type of way and fueling my insanity over this show.
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Imagine my surprise when they show up in season two dressed like this!
I mean, Tina has a few specks of navy blue on her dress and he’s wearing like a baby or cerulean blue but that’s too much of a stretch for me…..
My subconscious was screaming and crying, but at this point I didn’t know why.
But then Tina makes this face after he says something about loving her forever and how they are in it together.
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This look is unreassuring as fuck!
Doug is stronger than me because if someone made this face at me after I proclaimed my love to them, I would have cried or ate my own shirt.
He’s either really strong or super dense, after season two I am in favor of dense. He gets so rapped up in his own shit, that he starts taking Tina for granted.
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I’m not gonna lie, I was so wrapped up in this idea of them always matching. That in this episode I took her wearing yellow and him this pinkish color as them dressed up in sunset colors.
I wanted them to match so bad, I forced commections that were not there at all. I can see that now.
But I believe this is a sign! It is a subtle sign about where they are in their relationship.
The more different their clothes got, the more scared I became and the more each fight started to hurt. Because it was building up to something. It was building up to how the writers wanted to end it, but my brain was ignoring all the signs and compared to season 1, their wardrobe was the first sign.
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Another instance of yellow and him wearing some other color.
My heart of hearts wants to believe it’s them dressed like a sunset. Because that’s very cozy and sunsets make everything romantic and sweet just like this little moment.
And the hair kinda matches too!
This scene gave me so much hope.
And the writers then decided to crush what little hope I had left in episode 7&8.
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In this scene she’s wearing this deep red/wine color and he’s wearing a long brown coat with a fur color.
- how different could that be! And then there was a fight on top of that!
My little heart couldn’t handle it.
I had to physically not think about this fight or I’d get emotional. It was too sudden and too much to fast. Tina just found out about the ring and all of that and then getting this right after just makes me so sad!
And then the end of episode 8 made me so physically sick. I wanted to throw up!
I can barely think about it now.
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Tina is strong and she’s over it! Even though they had that final conversation and she almost cried. She ended up with he rest of the “Minx Family” as they took their final stand and said their last Fuck You!
I don’t call myself softie for no reason.
I was such a mess! I’m literally just now over it! It’s the only reason I was able to make this post and not get over ally emotional.
Did that one joke about Doug Letting Constance take him away if she was three years older make me laugh? Did it make me in a joking way think about it?
I really thought, if Tina didn’t exist, him and Constance would be kinda fun. They had a fun dynamic.
But seeing it made me want to rip my own heart out.
My soul left my body and I was feeling that weird emotion where you don’t wanna cry but your just feeling so intensely disturbed.
It’s like a morbid bastardization of grief and fear.
Anyway……..if you made it this far, your just as insane as I am and we are in this together!
We gotta have each others back. Because if season three happens I know Tina and Doug can not get back together.
But if this show does that funny subverting expectation thing it does? I might be okay, but they wouldn’t be able to just get back together like nothing happened.
But for some reason, I don’t think that’s happening.
I think the show wants to break them up for good.
I will need emotional support and for someone to hold my hand the entire time because I think this hypothetical season three plot that only exists in my head right now, will break me.
I could barely handle this break up in season 2, but if it gets worse then this I might sob….
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one-winged-dreams · 10 months
Aki once again rollllls his desk chair over.
"GOOD CHOICES. Let's do this."
what song would you play for s/i when they're sad, and why?
"Blessed Be by Spiritbox is a good one. It's absolutely on point for anyone with a mood disorder. I could also answer Are You Really Okay but Sleep Token, but that depends on if he wants to cry or not. I'm not suuuper into Rise Against? But Tragedy + Time for SURE if he feels like crying, haha."
what is the perfect song to watch s/i sleep peacefully to?
"Pulling out the Sleep Token card again, Telomeres, maybe. Or Spiritbox again with Constance. NO WAIT, HOLD ON, I forgot about Is It Really You by Loathe. Goddamn, I can't pick one answer for SHIT, can I?"
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mixing-bowl-of-stories · 11 months
So what do the Crux members become later down the line? I hope it's not a "And they all went their separate ways, only meeting once every couple of years" kind of things.
Well, unfortunately, they kind of do that. But their lives and jobs are so intertwined with each other that it doesn’t make that much of a difference.
Like, for instance, Karissa and Lilith perform together and everyone from The Crux makes time to go see their shows and even sometimes help them out in telling stories (since I imagine Karissa and Lilith gave most of them some good vocal training)
Pandora, Noah, Constance, and Ambrose all are still in regular meeting with each other because each are on the Morganian council.
The four of them also contact Owen and Barbara if they need a second pair of eyes on something that the two specialize in.
Barbara and Owen (who are roughly around the same age :>) end up working with each other and being partners (so now Noah has a better and cooler mom tm), along with Chance and Amelia working with the two. The four of them own a business that specializes in all sorts of tech and medical devices.
Pandora, Nico, Nathaniel, and Natasha are all in contact frequently, Nathaniel because he’s now the leader of the Last Hunt Tribe, Nico because he’s the official bridge between the Neverwhere and Selcouth, and Natasha because she works with Pandora in the whole “works for Maveth” thing.
And Josiah and Pandora work together due to them both working with gods and whatnot.
They all meet up at least once a week, and even sometimes do the occasional adventure mission, but they all know as they get older that it’s time to let the youngins do their thing like they did all those years ago.
Some of them have kids, some of them adopt kids, some don’t have kids at all. Nathaniel and Ambrose adopt a few kids, Natasha and Constance have one kid, Nico and Josiah are chilling with one kiddo, Karissa and Lilith don’t have any kids (which is okay)
And then there’s Noah and Pandora, who have 4 kids, which is relatively small for uh. Noble families.
And lastly, we get into the sad part of it all.
First it starts off with Owen and Barbara, the oldest of the members, passing.
Lilith and Josiah are next, then the triplets, then Karissa, Ambrose, and Constance, and lastly, Pandora.
And then there was one. One who is functionally immortal, which would be Noah.
Once Noah hits about 50-60 ish, he stops aging. He can die, he can choose to shut himself off if he so chooses, but he wants the memory of The Crux to live on. Wants everyone to respect The Crux as heroes, and Pandora as a wonderful champion.
Noah still sometimes sees them all though, just because they aren’t in Selcouth anymore doesn’t mean they aren’t in the neverwhere, and because his wife is the literal champion of death and who visits him, he’s sometimes allowed to go visit his old friends.
Noah serves as a guide for plenty of different traveling adventurer parties over the years, Pandora always keeping a close eye on them all, always sending a soulfetcher as an eye to watch him and the party he’s traveling with.
Noah is, at his core, still an android, an android who’s been through hell and still made it out on top.
The most lifelike android to ever live currently in Selcouth.
Noah doesn’t necessarily care if people don’t remember him, he just wants people to remember The Crux. Even if people don’t recognize him anymore, so long as they remember what The Crux did, he’s okay with that.
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angelaofwhite800 · 11 months
Supernatural x sister!reader (Bring it) Chapter 9: Jericho (pt 4)
word count: 2,180
Jericho California, 2005
Songs: "Brother" -Kodaline
"Seventeen" -MARINA
"Arcade" -Duncan Laurence
4 hours. 4 hours Y/n sat in the interrogation room with an officer and so far the only information they were able to get off of her was that her favorite ice cream treat was Klondike Bars. Which, for the record, was a lie. 4 hours, 3 different officers, including the chief, and still, nothing. Eventually the officers decided to give up on her and leave her in there for a while, hoping that after a while alone with her thoughts she might be easier to crack. After she sat there for around 30 minutes by herself she noticed officers rushing past the window of the room she was in. Y/n looked around the room to try and see if there was anything in there she could pick the locks to her hand cuffs with when the door popped open and there stood Dean. He rushed over to Y/n and started to pick the locks on her hand cuffs
"You okay?" He asked in a hushed tone. Y/n nodded. The cuffs opened and freed Y/n, her and Dean sneaking out a door on the side of the building. They made a break for the wooded area behind the police station and waited in the brush for about another 30 minutes or so. Once they were confidant that the coast was clear they went out to the sidewalk and followed the road until they were on their way out of town. Dean found a pay phone so he could call Sam to see where he was
Y/n stood outside the phone booth. She was meant to be the look out, but her mind currently had other things it was occupied with. She was thinking about the case. The girl that died, and how sorry she felt for her. Whenever dealing with angry spirits, or monsters with tragic stories, Y/n had a tendency to get "Weird" In John and Dean's opinion. Truth is she was just a very sympathetic person. Y/n heard Dean yelling into the phone, catching her attention
"Sam?! Sam?!" Dean sounded worried. Y/n pulled the phone booth door open
"What? What happened?! Is he Okay?!" Dean and Y/n were both frantic
"We're about to find out." Dean said, before taking off running. Y/n followed close behind him. She didn't know where they were going but before she knew it they had came to an old abandoned house. At first Y/n was confused, until she noticed Dean running up to the impala that was sat there in the driveway. Y/n saw Dean fire off a round of rock-salt into the driverside window, which is when she realized that there was a ghost in the impala. Next thing she knew Sam, who was apparently also sat in the driver seat, put the impala into drive and stepped on the gas, crashing it into the rickety old building
"SAMMY!" Y/n screamed out, worried for her brother. Y/n and Dean both ran forward into the house to see if Sam was okay, anxiety filling the two of the to the brim
"Sam!" Dean called out
"Here!" Sam replied. Y/n and Dean bother ran over to the passenger side window
"You okay?" Y/n asked, worried
"I think," Sam replied. Dean started to open the passenger side door and reached his hand in for Sam to take
"Can you move?" He asked
"Yea, help me" Sam said, taking Dean's hand. Dean pulled Sam out of the busted car and Y/n hugged Sam tightly. Sam winced in pain, being sore and hurt from the crash. A moment later, Dean tapped Y/n on the shoulder, signaling her to release Sam. Y/n let go and turned to see what Dean was looking at. It was the woman, Constance. She was holding a framed painting, gazing into it with an expression that was mixed with longing and sadness. As her gaze shifted up to look at the Winchesters, anger took over her expression. She threw the picture aside, and she pushed a dresser towards them, pinning the three of them against the car, but before she could hurt them any further, the lights in the house started to flicker, catching her attention
Water started seeping from the walls and ceiling, and at the top of the stairs, two figures appeared. They were only children. As the three siblings and Constance looked at the two children, they joined hands and spoke in unison to Constance, to their mother.
"You've come home to us mommy" Constance didn't look angry anymore, or sad. She looked scared. The two children vanished from atop the stairs, suddenly appearing behind Constance. Before she was able to run, or fight back, or protest in any way, the two kids wrapped their arms around their mother, embracing her. But Constance let out a blood curtling scream. They started fazing in and out of sight, almost like a tv flickering on and off, and bright lights started flashing around the room. It was sad, too sad to watch. Y/n shut her eyes tightly and covered her ears , waiting for someone to tell her it was over. Moments later, she felt the dresser being pushed off of the three of them and opened her eyes to see that Constance, the children, and all of the water that had been soaking the walls, were gone
Y/n, Sam, and Dean, all left Jericho, relatively unscathed. All in all it was a successful hunting trip, not to mention that Y/n and Sam had mended their broken relationship and were now on good terms. So why then was the car ride taking Sam home so silent? The only things that could be heard through out the drive were the hum of the Impala and raindrops falling on the windows. Sam had already made it clear that he wasn't going with them to find their dad. I suppose that it just hadn't set in for the Winchesters that they were going to have to say goodbye, yet again, until now
 Sam, though he was the one who wanted the "Apple Pie Life" as Dean called it, was for some reason full of dread, and regret. He loved his family. His sister and brother were once the closest people in the world to him, and it wasn't until now that he realized that he had a real shot at getting that back. So why was he going back to Stanford? Why was he leaving them again? Was he really about to abandon them a second time? Sam's inner monologue was fiercely debating this all the way until they pulled into the parking lot of the apartment building he and Jess lived in. 
Y/n didn't sleep, or speak the entire ride, having a similar inner monologue to Sam's. She was angry, and hurt, but shockingly, there was an undertone of understanding. Maybe it was because she realized that even with Sam not hunting with them, he was still her brother. He wasn't gone just because he wasn't with them like he used to be. Of course she would prefer it if Sam was still hunting with them, but she was also starting to understand not wanting to hunt. It started to click for her recently just how dangerous this life was, especially since their dad was gone, possibly hurt, or worse. So deep down, she didn't really blame Sam for wanting to leave. Still, she wished he would stay with them
Dean. The oldest. The most reliable father that either Y/n or Sam had ever had, was honestly heartbroken in this moment. He had driven silently the entire ride from Jericho to Stanford. and with each passing moment, he wanted to scream, cry, hit something more and more. But he stayed silent. he stayed "Strong" for them. He knew this was what Sam wanted. He tried to get a grip on the fact that this was probably what was best for him, maybe even best for Y/n too. But he didn't like it at all. His Brother, his family, his blood, was leaving again, and he knew he couldn't stop him. When they pulled into the parking lot and rolled up to the entrance of Sam's apartment, Dean silently was hoping he wouldn't get out of the car. Y/n was hoping the same thing. And oddly enough, so was Sam. But he did
Sam got out of the car, but before walking in he leaned down to the car window and said "You know, maybe I can meet up with you guys later?" Y/n scoffed to herself a little bit to herself, the boys didn't seem to notice. In her mind that just sounded like an empty promise. Like he just wanted to break the tenesion before leaving. Dean seemed to take it the same way and just nodded his head a little, turning his gaze away from Sam
"Yea, maybe" He said. Sam started to walk away before Dean called out to him "Sam." Sam turned to look at him "You know we made a hell of team back there" Sam smiled and nodded his head at Dean's words
"Yeah" And with that, Dean put Baby in drive and started to drive away. As Y/n looked back at watched Sam walk into his apartment she started to cry. but when she turned back forward, those images from before started to flash in and out of her vision, like they had been in the shower in Jericho
"Stop!" She yelled out. Dean slammed on the breaks and looked back to his panicking sister frantic
"What?! What is it??" The flash backs stopped and she looked at Dean, fear in her eyes
"We need to go back!" Y/n said climbing over the front seat and sitting next to Dean
"Y/n, he sint coming with us, just leave it al-" Dean tried brushing her off, assuming she just missed Sam, but Y/n grabbed his shoulder and looked at him with a stern expression
"Something is going to try and kill him." She said. Dean looked at her shocked before putting Baby i revers and flooring the gas peddle. Before they knew it they were once again in front of Sam's apartment. But this time, upon looking into the windows, the glowing light from the house fire could be seen from outside. Both Dean and Y/n jumped out of the car and started to run to the building, but Dean yelled at Y/n
"Stay out here!" She stopped in her tracks and watched as Dean ran straight into the front door. Y/n fell to her knees on the black top, hyperventilating as tears started to fall from her eyes. It didn't take long for Dean to emerge, dragging Sam with him who was screaming, trying to run back inside. As Y/n ran to them Sam yelled at Dean
"I Have to go back! Jess is still in there!" He tried to walk back in past Dean, but Dean pushed Sam back, hard enough that he fell straight on his ass. Y/n ran to Sam and put and hand on his shoulder, kneeling down to see if he was alright
"She's gone Sam! Let it go!" As Dean and Sam looked at each other, fighting a silent battle with each other, Sam accepted the fact that Dean was right. He leaned back and simply laid there on the sidewalk, putting his hands over his eyes as the sobs started wracking through him. Y/n stood up and went over to Dean. He hugged her as they stood there with their brother. The three of them were freaked out, But Sam. The loss that Sam was feeling right now was second only to the pain he would feel if he had lost Y/n or Dean
Fire fighters and Paramedics arrived after not too long. They evacuated the building and started evaluating people. Soon enough the fire was put out, smoke pouring out the windows. After the cleared Sam he went over to the impala, opening the hatch back and fiddling the the guns in the back of the trunk. Dean stood with Y/n for a few moment's as she gazed at the building, lost in thought, before walking over and talking to Sam.
Y/n stayed put. She couldn't but regret not saying something sooner. She had been having those dreams long before the fire happened. Y/n still didn't know who Jess was, but from what the boys had been saying about her dying in the fire, and being long gone before they got there, she had gather that she must have been the girl from her dream. 'What have I done? This is all my fault...' Y/n thought to herself. She was devastated and couldn't stop crying. Someone died tonight, Sam could have died tonight. And Y/n... Y/n blamed herself
To Be Continued...
A/N: Hey guys! I'm so sorry for the delay on this chapter, I just got some really bad writers block and kinda became overly critical of everything I was writing. I legit wrote and deleted like 6 different versions of this chapter and spent forever fine tuning it. I hope you guy enjoy it! And as always, if you have any comments, requests, criticisms, please let me know! I love feedback! <3
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sylvieeee5 · 2 years
episode the FOURTH
okay it’s LATE and i forgot i had an event today but i said this lb would be out today and it’s gonna be TODAY DANG IT
(soooo spoiler: i didn’t finish 😅 see you tomorrow for the last 2/3 i suppose!)
i've got eggnog and a danish and i am READYYYYYY let's go!
!Warning!! Book/show spoilers ahead!
Aaaaaand that's how you get an insanely high fee because the cabbie "accidentally" left the meter running while in gridlock.
Lookin' at you, New York.
I'm so glad Constance has found a kindred spirit sajhdkdah
DJAKSSKCASDA i thought it was gonna stop at
"Have you gone insane?"
"Most likely..."
According to my calculations (aka an online fare estimator), it'd only be about 776.71 escudos, so he is scamming them, but they couldn't pay the proper fare anyway bc they have the dollar equivalent of 89 cents-
man reynie's morality speech really did screw them over rip
i don't clamp.
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turns out she had it tucked into her shirt the whole time :,)
she will be coming for you. in your nightmares.
okay constance is being constance but- she seems genuinely sad!!!! no!!!!!!!!!!!!
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she's upset!!!!!
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yes, yes it is!!! do something PLEASE
pffft... nathaniel
honorary doctorates
knew it
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Mercury thiocyanate does create a really cool reaction when ignited! But it is still… mercury. And creates poisonous gases in the process.
Not even the possibility of permanent kidney damage and cyanide poisoning? 🤨
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he’s a dad,,,
rhonda wtf??? that is a MOM looking for her SON and also a BAMF YOU SHOULD RESPECT
this is a very illuminating look into her character though… 👀
We’re seeing how all three manage the stress and worry that’s been thrust upon them- Milligan “overparents”, tries to distract himself with small things. Ms. Perumal is the most well-adjusted, taking practical steps and working to maintain the others’ morale. And Rhonda… Rhonda seems to be channeling that “professionalism” that she was encouraging in the steward earlier. She needs to do something to push toward results in a situation that’s largely out of her control, and she’s a scientist- she goes for the most pragmatic solution.
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