rosewaterandivy · 11 months
keep the windows open wide
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🎵🎵 I like the way that your hair tangles, the way your suntan’s only on one side 🎵🎵
Summary: Summer roadtrippin' with Steve.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem reader
WC: 2K
Warnings: the usual - prose idolatry and feelings (my blog is NSFW 18+, minors DNI), self-edited, waxing poetic about summer Steve.
A/N: Inspired by “When We Drive” by Death Cab for Cutie & reading poetry, as per usual. Reblogs, feedback, & likes are appreciated - reposting is not. Enjoy! 💜
divider by @newlips
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There’s something poetic about a midsummer drive in an ancient car from god knows when. Indigo blue with the paint peeling off. Dry snakeskin ridged cellophane on rolled down windows, crinkling a static refrain as it flaps violently against the glass pane.
The air conditioning occasionally works, so you make do with dry summer breeze sweeping through. Blessedly, if it pleases, surging down the neckline of your shirts, cooling your backs for only a second. A small ice chest is under your foot, full of popsicles and Gatorades. The trash bag is shoved in the backseat behind Steve, overflowing with crushed plastic and stained wood sticks.
“You alright?”
A dull pang behind your eye. You shove the sunglasses further up on your nose, hoping the dark lenses will be enough to dampen the bright summer sun blazing through. With one hand, you scrounge around for your bag in the footwell. Steve reaches over, popping open the cooler to rifle around.
Piercing the foil, you pop the pill into your mouth and swallow. He tears open a packet with his teeth. “Here.”
A small smile as you take it from his slack grip. Electric blue like the way he shocks you with his touch. The sugared ice slides right down your throat and soothes the fever in your fingertips. A warm hand falls to your thigh giving a light squeeze. 
Steve has already returned to his side, staring at the road ahead, eyes catching the mile marker signs. 
You end up stopping at dusk. 
Not long after taking some maxalt for your migraine, Steve suggested that you try to lay down for a nap in the backseat. “S’okay honey, I got the wheel.” 
Clambering over the console and settling yourself against the bench seats proved to be a momentary relief. The issue, as it happened, was the being in motion bit. The nausea crept in slowly enough that you could alert Steve.
“We gotta stop.”
“Like, right now?”
He reaches an arm behind him to seek you out, warm hand against the damp of your limbs. As if he has to feel for himself to ensure you’re right where he left you. 
“Gettin’ dizzy,” You rasp, arm thrown over your eyes. 
Steve hums a patient tune, squeezes your forearm, fingers lingering against your skin and you watch as the sunbeams drape his chest like a mantle.
“Jus’ that place, there,” You sit up and blearily point at what you hope is a motel sign.
Steve turns off the highway and into the parking lot with a sigh. Killing the engine, he turns toward you, looming over your prone state in the backseat.
“The It’ll Do Motel?”
“But,” He sputters, eyes taking in the sign that’s seen better days, perishing the thought at what else in the motel had seen better days— 
“It won’t do,” frustrated.
“I don’t think we’re in a position to be picky here Harrington.”
Another beleaguered sigh as he runs his hand through his hair, the muffled shutting of the car door. You close your eyes, curling up against the seat cushions while attempting to take steady breaths in and out. 
“Just your luck,” The motel clerk greets him with a bright smile. “We’ve got one room left for tonight, and it’s all yours.”
Steve takes the key from the woman’s hand and signs the guest check-in form. Thanks her for the help as he turns to leave, the buzz of the neon sign clicking on to display ‘No Vacancy.’
He returns to the car to see you passed out in the backseat and is careful when easing into gear to park in front of your room for the night. 
“C’mon champ,” He says, nudging you awake. 
You scrunch your nose and sit up feeling like an eyesore next to Steve. Tummy quivering at the sudden motion, you brace yourself against the car door. Steve’s there in an instant, hands wrapping around your arms, steadying you.
It’s unfair how effortlessly handsome he looks. Hair windswept and annoyingly perfect, bronzed skin, the barest hint of five o’clock shadow against his jaw and cheeks—
He’s peering up at you from his crouched position outside of the door, eyes finding you through the hazy blue of the evening. You turn and blink, looking back down. “Hey.”
Your breath rushes out like a current as Steve stands, reaching in slow-motion, or what feels like it as your blood thumps in your ears. The collar of your ratty Hawkins Phys. Ed. shirt soft against the column of your neck. He’s close. Nose nearly touching your cheek, hair centimeters away from your jaw.
The wind gusts by, lifts tendrils of your locks onto exposed collar, pulling forth a shudder. Under the chill of the night air, your goosebumps prickle awake, stinging your chest with apprehension.
“You gonna make it?”
Steve places his hand on your chin, a light stroke of his thumb and pointer, and it feels like a firework. Scorching hot, igniting every nerve ending. He doesn’t wait for either protest or approval. Instead, he slides back into the growing darkness, extending only his hand. The surface glistens like a beacon, slivers bouncing light over his eyes. 
A brief nod, the pain behind your eye flaring up again momentarily as you slowly stand. He’s there, as he’s always been, a guide in the darkness and always close enough to touch. You lean against him while he opens the door, key jangling against the metal of the doorknob. 
Ushers you inside the dark cool of the room with ease, a hand to your lower back as he closes and locks the door. Barely able to make out that there’s one bed in the room, you mumble,
“Don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
He quiets your worries with a low purr.
“Y’sure? I’d be fine on the couch.”
A press of his stubble to your neck and then a soft sigh. You don’t quite know what it means, this affection. Transient poetry, at least. Requited love, if only.
“S’fine,” You get out before collapsing on the bed, tugging Steve down with you. Sleep coming swiftly thereafter.
Steve doesn’t sleep as easily as you, too wound up from the drive— he can still feel the phantom wheels turning beneath him despite it all. Didn’t want to chance the sound or light from the TV waking you, so he contented himself drawing lackadaisical patterns onto the exposed skin of your side.
Shirt rucked up from tossing in your sleep, seeking out the warmth of his body, not satisfied until your fingers found purchase against his waist, head tucked against his chest— the sound of his heartbeat lulling you toward blessed oblivion.
Chilled from the A/C blasting through the room, your hands somehow slipped beneath the worn cotton of his shirt, splayed against the dip of his low back in an effort to warm them. You were an absolute menace in sleep, desperate to seek out any shred comfort and warmth even in your unconscious state. 
Steve didn’t mind it, in fact, he was more than happy to oblige.
The imprint of your body is a solid comfort against his. Has to remind himself to just act normal. Because you’re friends on a roadtrip, a desperate attempt to escape the summer heat and drudgery of Hawkins. It shouldn’t matter that his heart flutters in his chest with each breath you take, that he’s trying so hard to keep his eyes and hands to himself.
But it does matter, because it’s you.
He can’t remember where he’d picked it up, but once upon a time Steve had heard something that stuck with him and it was something like this: that falling in love was like falling asleep, slowly at first and then all at once.
And he hadn’t realized he was falling until he was in the middle of it.
As close to you as he’s ever been.
And you, blissfully unaware and lost in dreams— snuffling against his chest every so often and turning to burrow in even further, as if you possibly could. Steve would let you, without question— you could cleave and carve into the cage of his ribs, make yourself a home there if it meant he got to keep you.
Just for a while, at least.
It’s with this thought that he finally succumbs to sleep.
Morning broke over the treescape early, shone white and livid into your tired eyes. Steve found the two of you tangled in the sheets, fingers entwined and you snuffling into the pillow. He squeezed your hand, pulled you up with him, and let you shower first.
The axels squeak as you pull back onto the highway, leaving the sleepy motel behind in the early morning light. Steve’s riding shotgun, sunglasses lazily thrown on and balancing precariously on his nose— he’s leaning back against the seat, facing the window. 
Before leaving town for good, you spot a drive-thru that’s not too crowded and get in line. The intercom sputters to life— the cashier greeting you lazily all the while trying to remain hospitable. Steve’s shoulder brushes against your cheek as he clambers over the consol to place the order, his shirt smells like the sage and cedar of his cologne run through with a bit of detergent.
He rattles off your order like it’s nothing, route memory at this point—two hash browns, one black coffee, a bacon egg and cheese biscuit. Adds a sprite on as well, because you’ll inevitably want one later. The attendant rattles back the order to Steve’s satisfaction and the car lurches forward. He’s retreated back to his side now, save for the hand on your leg. 
It’s nothing out of the ordinary, Steve is tactile like that; always has to have contact with some part of you— hands, fingers, thighs, so you think nothing of it. The static of the radio crackles through the car as he fiddles with the dial until catching on a nearby station. 
“Shit yeah,” he says, settling back into the seat. Sings along with the Eagles, “Come on baby, don’t say maybe, I gotta know if your sweet love is gonna save me.” 
Steve sings along to the radio while you follow the sloping curves of the Rocky Mountains. It makes your heart swell because damn, how’d you get so lucky?
He only gets louder as the song comes to an end, turning to serenade you through the mountain pass— you grin, trying desperately to focus on the road while his fingers tap idly against your thigh.
“Here Stevie,” you say linking your fingers through his, and place both entwined hands on his thigh. 
He chuckles, bringing the back of your hand to his lips for a kiss. Warmth floods your chest at the motion, the intimacy of it— so much for not getting distracted, dealing with Steve Harrington and his wiley ways. 
Steve lets your hands drop back to rest on his leg, eyes twinkling with some secret knowledge.
“You called me Stevie.”
“Did I?”
“Uh huh,” He smiles, the pad of his thumb rubbing over your knuckles. “S’nice.”
“That so? Might happen again,” you tease, pastel hues breaking along the treeline as the car chugs up the slope.
“I wouldn’t mind.”
You hum in response. He turns toward you, glasses pushed up into his riot of hair— bedhead run rampant only mildly contained between the plastic arms of his sunglasses. Eyes unguarded, flecks of golden patina surveying you steadily. 
Gold like his summer skin under the sun. Gold like the laughter that bubbles from your mouth as he sings along to the radio and points out every kind of wildlife he sees. Gold like how you’ll miss him, miss this— carefree summers by his side, seeing where the road takes you.
In your head and heart you know, like you’ve always known, that it’s always back to him. Steve knows too, but for now is content to watch, waiting for your permission.
The road stretches out long before you, as the sun bursts above the horizon heralding a new day.
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sandsorghum · 3 years
Formal Fabrications
NanaNov Appreciation Month 2/4
New Nanamin drabbles every Tues this month, for the man I love
Find the others here: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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You get up earlier than Nanamin, for once
Word count: 1.6k Genre(s): Fluff, Smut
The slanting beams bring with them gradual warmth, but the wrong kind; they alert him to the absence of a much more natural one. Nanami turns away from the rays to nuzzle into his own personal sun, only to find cool, smooth silk where the scratchy tickle of your hair should be, locks unspooling to lead him from the labyrinth of slumber.
Where are you?
Reluctantly Nanami cracks an eye open, unhappy that his ritual has been disrupted. Unlike most mornings, your peaceful, prone form isn't the first thing to greet him, let alone be coiled along the length of him in sinuous parallel.
Nanami's gaze tracks to your unfortunately upright form some feet away from the bed. Well, actually - he squints blearily, it's a little stooped, your head tucked into the wardrobe. The pace of his breath keeps steady - you are fully dressed after all, despite the early hour (having shed the thigh highs Nanami demonstrated such... exuberance for the previous night). But still you seem to sense he's awake and you crane your head over the shoulder, sending him a smile, your heart fluttering at the sight of him shifting forward, drawn to you.
So much for the dispersal of a dreamy state.
Nanami, still sleep ruffled and bare chested, blurs the edges of awake and your subconscious, or maybe it's more memory than fantasy at this point. Not that you'd complain about this particular vision of deja vu. His tousled fringe droops over pillow creased cheeks, like sorghum sheaves heavy with grain, bending by their stems. You're reminded of how their sway has caressed your own skin when you were underneath Nanami, on sweeter, slower, kinder mornings.
But at a distance, this one offers its own mercies.
Admiringly, you observe your sweetheart scrub the back of his hand over sickle edged cheek bones, a certain sharpness seeping into his irises as they emerge from pinholes into horizons, landing on you. A soft yawn ripples through those plush pectorals, easily the most comfortable cushions you've lain your head against, dappling with movement and shadows tracing that familiar swell, reminiscent of your prerogatives. But alas, not your priorities currently.
You made the right decision, to not twitch the curtains open further than a half inch, whatever available glow illuminating the angel slowly stretching on your bed is already distracting enough. Although, with the room wrapped in the vestiges of dawn and darkness, Nanami seems even more surreal, something summoned, or conjured after midnight, in the chanting of his name and restrained little gasps.
You bury your blush and that particular reverie back in the wardrobe, focusing on the mundane, trying to remember Nanami is, in fact, mortal.
"I'm not sure which outfit I should go for," you sigh.
"You'd look cute in all of them," Nanami mutters in a voice still slurred with slumber. It sounds non-committal but you know Nanami doesn't make insincere statements.
"The priority is looking professional, not cute today, Kento," you remark, peering into your closet.
"Mmh, you can hardly help it though," he murmurs with another yawn, rubbing his eyes.
"Help what?" your voice is muffled as you stick your head further in your cupboard.
"Being a professional cutie. Isn't that your full-time job?" You don't need to turn around to see the almost imperceptible, sleepy smile plastered on your partner's face.
Your own is probably tinted a deep scarlet, you think you'll continue hiding out in this wardrobe till it subsides. That would probably take a while though, because now Nanami's snuck up behind you, wrapping those ridiculously long limbs around your waist.
"Or how about none of them?" he mumbles, dragging his lips along your nape, tugging at the sleeve of a blouse you had been staring at for five minutes before trying it on. The fabric slides off your shoulder in a matter of seconds; must be the universe's way of telling you you've made the wrong choice.
"That's n-not an option, stop it. You're gonna make me late for work!" you giggle, trying to nudge Nanami back by elbowing him in the ribs. It must be a half-hearted attempt at best, because Nanami so easily pins your wrists against one of the higher shelves, molding the hard planes of his torso to your arched back. How the heck was he so strong mere minutes after regaining consciousness?
You feel the firm ridges of his abs pressed against the curve of your spine as he rasps, "Then you should have woken up earlier."
Sly fingers creep around to your front, fiddling with the first few buttons and they quickly come undone. Nanami next applies that cunning dexterity to flit against the lace of your brasserie, earning him a gasp. "I-I did, but I only budgeted enough time to try on a few different outfits...not entertain...your whims...this early in the day."
Your words are drawn out amidst your whimpers, Nanami’s heated palm delving beneath the half-cup of your bra to grope your breasts, his other hand tightening on your hip as well. “I don’t think this bra matches your current top, in fact it’s a little sheer. I thought you wanted to look professional hmm?”
“I-I didn’t realise-“
Your protest turns into a yelp as Nanami lands a sharp smack to your ass - it doesn’t sting so much since you’ve still got a skirt on (for now), or maybe he was demonstrating a modicum of restraint since it was, after all, not even 7am.
“Did you forget I’m the only one who has the privilege to see what’s underneath this?” He growls, his hand abruptly abandons the delicious squeeze of your chest to roughly wrest the hem of your blouse out from where it had been modestly tucked into your skirt.
You shake your head, thighs trembling when Nanami shoves his own muscled one between them, hiking up your skirt.
“Are you sure? Seems like you still need my fashion advice,” he whispers, voice suddenly syrupy and low by your ear. You shudder from the sweet heat of his breath, or perhaps it’s the emotional whiplash. Another possibility...Nanami’s knee, sliding slow and deliberate against your clothed cunt, that somehow remained miraculously covered.
Against your better instincts, you stutter, “I-I...wouldn't mind m-more input...”
In a moment, Nanami’s spun your body around, slamming his hands on either side of your hips and caging you in against the cupboard. He tilts your chin up to see your wide-eyed expression, greeting him for the first time that day; it’s a welcome sight.
“I think you’ll look better in blue,” he muses, pulling your collar even further apart. “Or purples,” he hums, mouth latching to your clavicle. “Pinks and reds suit your complexion too,” Nanami continues, as his teeth track leisurely along your throat, littering lazy nibbles along your neck. But his hands aren’t idle, slender, elegant digits trailing from your jawline to your sternum. You can only pray they’ll dip much further into obscenity before long. You try to sneak a glance at your wristwatch, which Nanami notices. It’s fine, you can skip breakfast, you think, in favour of satisfying much more…urgent appetites.
“When does your virtual meeting start?” Nanami asks seriously, lifting his head away from you. Right, trust Mr Time Management to enforce punctuality and professionalism.
"A few minutes,” you sigh, anticipating the postponing of both your pleasures. A low rumble issues from Nanami’s throat, as if he’s in deep contemplation.
“Are you conducting a presentation?”
“No, I’m just in attendance.”
“You’ll be seated at the desk, as usual?” You nod, wondering why Nanami is pursuing such a banal line of questioning. But that confusion dissipates when you taste his desperate, hungry kiss, some sort of conciliatory, consolation prize you suppose, a reward for grudgingly understanding the merits of delayed gratification. If only you’d woken him up earlier, you think. Distracted by Nanami's passionate lips, you don’t hear the hiss of the zipper or the sussurration of silk as your skirt pools around your ankles. You’re even more puzzled when Nanami does up your shirt buttons, even while helping you step out of the puddle of fallen fabric.
“You can keep this on, some appearances have to be maintained after all. But you won’t be needing that,” he adds, kicking your skirt to the side. You stare after the trajectory of the offending article, Nanami’s intentions slowly dawning on you.
You’re sure the sunrise must be flooding your face as he leads you, half-naked, to the room adapted into a home office, the gentle current of air whispering between your slicked thighs making you shiver.
Nanami seats you down before your laptop. You glance at the computer clock. 2 minutes. You lick your only pair of lips that's dry.
“Darling,” you hear Nanami’s muffled croon and you look down to where he’s nestled, kneeling between your legs. He wears a smirk that seems equally comfortable in its place, even as those wicked fingers inch higher to divest you of your sodden panties.
The meeting notification buzzes in the exact same moment Nanami chooses to press a kiss to the apex of your thighs. Nervously you click the link into the call, and he launches his attack on your dignity and decorum with a swipe of his tongue to the crest of your folds. You squeak, gripping the edge of your seat, squirming as the pixels and profile pictures of your co-workers sharpen into view.
There's a digital chime of the bell, indicating the recording of the meeting has commenced. It rings out in stark contrast to Nanami’s own whispered reminder, reverberating in a dark chuckle against your soaked cunt: 

“Try and remember to keep yourself on mute this time, sweetheart.”
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dreamingofaizawa · 3 years
Alpha! Hanta Sero x Fem! Omega! Reader
***18+ Fic***
If you are under the age of 18 please vacate the premises.
Warnings: A/B/O, smut, knotting, marking, breeding kink (sorta? idk it comes with the A/B/O territory), a hint of pregnancy kink, a bit of blood
Word Count: 3.6 k
Author's Note: Ohhhhkaayyy so this has been sitting in my google doc for AGES. I think I started this in...October of last year? It's been sitting there for months and I've lacked the motivation to finish and post it but then I sent in an anon ask to @reinawritesbnha and, being the absolute queen she is, she became the little push I needed to do it. I DID IT FOR REINA!!
Also, this is some of my earliest writing and I only skimmed and edited a little bit of it so if there's a little bit of weird pacing or a strange cutoff where the writing styles clash it's because I haven't touched this piece in months.
Anywho, enjoy~
It had to happen when you were surrounded by alphas.
Your suppressants flaked out, again, and your scent wafted through the air on the street. Normally It’d be fine for an omega to let their scent float freely around them. But your scent is particularly...potent, even when you weren’t in heat. Not only that, but you weren’t mated yet, your scent glands still bare, and you still didn’t have a pack. To make matters worse, you’re quirkless.
You hadn’t realised what was happening until your path was blocked by an especially large male alpha. You turned around, and there were two more behind you. Fuck. This isn’t good. You took in your surroundings and searched for an exit, but you couldn’t find a way out. There's no way you’d be able to outrun the three very large male alphas.
Probably the worst part is that more alphas are turning their head toward you, taking notice of your lavender honey and rain scent that slowly began turning to a sour swamp. You dared to hope that change would ward off the three cornering you, but they’d already got a whiff of you. Several distressed chirps sounded from your chest, voicing your discomfort, and you glared pointedly at the three alphas as they edged closer to you.
You hate when this happened. Why’d you have to be cursed like this? Your growls only grew, baring your little omega fangs. There’s no way in hell you’d let some stranger scent you, let alone one of these creeps. They wouldn’t take the damn hint and just crept closer to you, calling out to the ‘pretty little omega’ to ‘come have some fun’.
You’re scared now, the involuntary chirps in your chest coming more frequently. None of the other alphas or betas on the street were big enough to face the three, making you a sitting duck and a ragdoll if they wanted you to be. Your claws are small, nowhere near ideal for this situation, but you’d use them if you needed to. With a final low defiant growl you dropped your bag against the wall behind you and readied yourself for a fight.
Suddenly a large body dropped in front of you, his back to you. His scent alone hit you like a freight train, orange zest, mint, tree bark and something earthy. It had your head spinning, nearly sending you into an early heat. He growled, low and powerful, the sound rattling in your chest and making you sink further into the wall behind you. The other three alpha’s scents together were still overpowered by the new alpha before you, and they vanished faster than they appeared.
He turned around and stepped away from you, giving you space to breathe. He kneeled down enough so he was eye level with you, his hands reaching out clearly in an attempt to comfort you, but kept from touching you.
“Are you okay?” The question barely registered, still delirious from his scent, and you’re having a hard time recovering. Large hands grip your shoulders and shake you lightly, your mind beginning to clear with the soothing pheromones he’s releasing.
“Omega.” The command snapped you to attention, your gaze fixated on his own dark irises.
“Are you okay, omega?” You blink, swallow down the lump in your throat, take a deep breath.
“Yeah...I’m okay. Thank you, alpha.” But you’re not quite okay. You need to get home. Fast. The alpha seemed to catch on, probably by your scent that still hadn’t returned to normal. He stands and slips off his jacket, draping it over your shoulders and wrapping you in his scent. It’s a comforting gesture.
“Let’s get you home.” With a nod you set off, the man walking next to you with a strong, warm hand on the middle of your back.
“What’s your name?” You introduce yourself, and he does the same. His name is Sero Hanta, and now that you’re calm again, you take in just how handsome he is.
Raven hair is pulled back into a small bun, showing off his undercut and strong, sharp jawline. Onyx eyes shine with kindness and playful mischief, and a beaming grin reveals pearly white teeth. He’s incredibly toned, his muscles calmly rippling under the t-shirt that stretched over his chest. You vaguely noticed the strange shape of his elbows, but disregarded it as his quirk. The omega in you is howling, begging for this alpha, his scent invading your senses. But you suppress it quickly, reminding yourself you’d only just met this man.
As you reach your apartment you exchange phone numbers, and he tells you to keep the jacket and use it when you go out to ward off any unwanted attention. You thank him again for helping you earlier, and he waves to you as he walks down the hall and enters the elevator, the doors closing in front of his handsome smiling face.
Despite meeting him only ten minutes earlier your instincts trust the alpha, and you hold the jacket close to your face, breathing in his scent. It’s wonderful, and your inner omega is in love. You find yourself wondering when you’d see him again.
The next few days are riddled with work and calls to your doctor about the strength of your suppressants. You work from home as a secretary for a small company. It’s a miracle you’d found it, too. Nobody wants an omega, let alone a potent one. It’s an alpha’s world, you guess. When this job opening popped up you were ecstatic, so you took it and have been working from home with decent pay for the last five years.
The calls to your doctor were not going as smoothly as your job, though. You leave a message every four hours until she finally calls you back. She was concerned since the suppressants she’d prescribed are the strongest out there, and if your scent was overpowering them they were either defective or your scent glands were overproducing. It wasn’t an immediate threat to your health, it only meant you’d be drawing more attention than you wanted to. Still, it’s annoying and makes life so much harder than it needs to be.
After she prescribed twice the amount, she said she’d look over your tests from the latest visit before she hung up the phone. You groaned once the call ended. You seriously needed a break from your second gender. Taking the prescribed double dose of suppressants, you got ready to go out to the corner cafe to read and drink coffee. Hopefully the new amount will keep steady. You really don’t want to deal with any more aggressive alphas this week. For good measure you pull on Sero’s jacket, allowing his scent to cover you, then grab your keys, phone, wallet and a book and begin the walk.
When you arrive at the cafe you order a hot mocha, curl into the small corner booth and crack open the book. You got lost in the ink and your mind floated along the adventure, putting yourself in the shoes of the main character and leading the mission to take down the corrupt queen who’d framed you for killing the prince of a neighboring kingdom. You were ripped from the fantasy world when a bright, enthusiastic blonde came up and tapped you on the shoulder, making you jump. His smile was as bright as his hair.
“Sorry to scare you cutie, but I couldn’t help but notice that jacket of yours smells an awful lot like my friend Sero!” You smile softly at the blonde.
“Well if we’re talking about the same Sero Hanta, then your nose would be correct. This is his jacket.” His eyes widen as he nods.
“Oh my gosh you must be the omega he keeps talk-” The blonde’s words became muffled by a large hand. A hand that belonged to the very man you were talking about. Sero smiles apologetically down at you as he shoves the blonde back to where you assume they’re sitting.
“Sorry about Kami, he’s… extroverted.” You smile back at him, mostly because you’re happy to see him again.
“It’s no problem at all. He recognized your scent on me.” He looked down and only then realized you’re wearing his jacket, and he beams at you. Then he takes a glance at the booth you’re sitting all alone at, his smile falling just a bit.
“Do you wanna come sit with us?” You take a moment to think about the offer, then agree with a nod. Your omega couldn’t pass up more time with him.
As you approach the booth you notice there are more people with Sero than you anticipated. There were four other people sitting there. Sero introduced all of them from left to right. Bakugo Katsuki, Kirishima Eijiro, Ashido Mina, and the happy blonde from earlier is Kaminari Denki. You introduce yourself and when Sero slid into the booth, you followed after him.
These five are a tight pack, and you learn they all met in high school. Bakugo’s brash personality made you wary at first, but it didn’t take long to realize he’s just like that with everyone. He makes a bit of a snippy remark, which you easily counter, and he smirks while the rest smile or snicker. It would seem they like you.
You can’t tell what their second genders are, and you mentally kick yourself for even wondering in the first place. Their genders are none of your concern, but you can’t blame yourself when you’re constantly alert because of your own stupid second gender. As it turns out, you don’t need to wait very long to find out.
This time you smell your own scent as it permeates the air around you. You swear under your breath at the stupid suppressants that obviously can’t so their job, and the others snap their gazes to you. You sigh.
“Yeah, that scent is me. My suppressants flaked again. Sorry about that.” They all nodded, seemingly understanding. Sero must have told them about the other day. Of course, it would soon repeat. It didn’t take long for an alpha to take notice of your scent. The man -- why is it always the largest males??? -- strides up to the booth with a cocksure grin and leans down to inhale your scent. You duck away from him, into Sero, and let out an albeit small warning growl that was drowned in Sero and Kirishima’s. He ignored them all the same.
“Hey there little omega, you smell real nice. You wanna come hang with me instead? We can have some fun together with my buddies, what do you say?” The others stayed quiet. They’re going to let you defend yourself before they do anything in case they end up escalating the situation. You turn your head and lift your shoulder, hiding your scent gland.
“I’m not interested, thank you. Please leave me alone.” You hoped to whatever deity watched over you that the man would leave. Before anyone could react the alpha grabbed your wrist in a vice grip, yanking you roughly from your seat. You chirp, your scent turning sour and the entire pack abruptly stands, baring their fangs at the man. It barely registered in your head that Kirishima and Bakugo are alphas, Mina is a beta, and Kaminari is an omega, their fangs giving them away.
The man tightens his grip on your wrist and you cry out, your bones creaking under the pressure. With no other options you did the one thing that would get him to let go, and sank your fangs into his wrist. You jump back into Sero, who wraps an arm around you protectively.
“You bit me, you bitch!” He raises an arm, clearly about to try and hit you, but a large hand grabs his wrist. Surprisingly enough it’s Bakugo, and his growl is laced into his words.
“Leave now, or you lose a hand.” Sero speaks up from above you.
“You might wanna listen, amigo. That’s Dynamight.” The alpha rips his arm from Bakugo’s hold and looks down at you, and you growl at him as he scoffs and walks away, apparently not ready to fight the #2 pro hero over an omega.
You all sit back down and you pull up the sleeve of the jacket to inspect the already forming bruise on your wrist. Your nose wrinkles with a half-angry half-pained snarl. Tenderly, Sero takes your wrist and lightly squeezes the sides of your forearm, against your bones, and your lack of reaction tells him nothing’s broken. Still, he growls at the offending bruise.
“I’m gonna kill him.” You shake your head and put a hand over his.
“It’s not worth it Sero. He’s probably long gone.” You turn to the rest of the pack.
“Thank you for protecting me.” Kirishima is the first to speak.
“Of course! That dude was a jerk. I just hope he doesn’t go around doing that to other omegas.” Bakugo, surprisingly, spoke next.
“Obviously we’d protect you. You’re a potent omega and quirkless, so you attract unwanted attention without even knowing or wanting to. Besides, if you’re gonna be Sero’s omega there’s no way in hell we’d let some extra handle you like that.” The implications make your face burn, and Kirishima smacks the blonde’s arm with a ‘Don’t just say that kind of thing, Katsuki.’
After an hour or two of talking, and shockingly no other aggressive alphas, they all walk you home to your apartment. Sero wanted to check on your wrist again, so you invited them all in, but they all had something else to do, so you were left alone with Sero. The fact that the one alpha you desperately wanted to be around is alone with you in your apartment is both great and terrible. Thankfully, you have self-control and his own suppressants are working perfectly fine.
He inspected the darkening bruise on your wrist, his large hands gripping your arm tenderly and turning it gently as he prods at the skin. It doesn’t hurt too bad, so you assure him you’ll be perfectly fine. Eventually he leaves with a hug and you sigh once the door is closed, relieved that you were able to keep your omega at bay and your hands to yourself.
A couple days later you get a text from him and the two of you text often, asking how each other’s day went, if anything interesting had happened. You didn’t leave your apartment unless you needed to, since your suppressants clearly weren’t working, so you made sure to cut grocery trips short and keep away from any alphas that seemed a bit aggressive. Sero invited you to hang out with the pack at their house, and you obliged.
They lived in a huge house all together. Most of the rooms were sealed so no scents or sounds could go in or out for ruts and heats, and there were several spare rooms that were empty and waiting for more pack members. It was a fun hangout, filled with video games and good conversation, and even better food which Bakugo cooked. Sero had an arm around you whenever he was close, and you definitely didn’t mind. Your suppressants flaked in the middle, again, and Sero insisted he walk you home. With him walking you home there weren’t any alphas trying to get you this time. You ended up going over to hang out with them a lot when you weren’t working, and eventually Sero began to court you.
Obviously, you accepted, and after a few months of dating and scenting, your overactive scent glands seemed to mellow out, Sero’s scent mixing with it. Your suppressants are lasting much longer now, which is a good sign. Now that you’re Sero’s omega, he often helped you with your heats and you’d help him with his ruts, and he was strong-willed enough that he hadn’t marked or knotted you in the middle of things.
About a year and a half into the relationship you realize you really love him. Sure you had arguments, but everything was settled through calmed discussions over coffee or tea, and you came to understand each other well enough that arguments became few and far between.
You’re happy with Sero, so when your heat came around early and he was there to help, you were going to let him know just how much you loved him.
You texted him once you felt it starting. He was there within half an hour, and you pounced on him once the font door closed, smothering him in hot, wet kisses, eager to feel him inside you. He carries you to the bedroom, and you two are quick in shedding all of your clothes. He lays you on your back with a hand on your throat as he growls into your ear, making a hot shudder roll down your spine.
“Are you ready for me omega?” You whine and nod, your slick already dripping down your folds. You want him so bad it hurts.
“Please alpha, I need your cock.” He growls again, satisfied with your answer, and he presses into you, bottoming out with one firm thrust. You chant his name like a mantra as he set a bruising pace, rutting into you recklessly, wet skin slapping on skin the only other sound beside your whimpers and his growls. His teeth nip at your shoulder, sharp fangs testing your skin and claws digging into the fat of your hips. His cock is so deep, hot swollen tip kissing your cervix with every full-bodied thrust and sending you into a euphoric haze. Your own claws are sinking into his back, leaving little trails of red and blood beading down the lines. It drives him wild every time.
“That’s right, little omega. Mark me up, I’m all yours. Fuck you’re so pretty underneath me like this.” His hands grip behind your knees and press them into your chest, folding you nearly in half as he plows into you further. The angle knocks the breath from your lungs and your eyes roll back. You can feel his knot beginning to swell, feel how his thrusts are getting more controlled and his grip on your thighs tighten from the sheer concentration it’s taking for him not to breed you. You have other plans. Between wheezed breaths you squeak out.
“H-hantaaa~” He slows to a near snail’s pace, grinding his slowly growing cock into your sweet spot, a smirk stretching across his face as you splutter from the sudden change. He’s enjoying making you squirm.
“What is it, sweetness? Tell your alpha what you need.” You pant, chest heaving as much as the position will allow.
“Want your mark, want your knot~ Wanna be bred Hanta! I want your pups!” He stills completely, claws digging into the fat of your thighs with enough force to have drops of blood falling to the sheets beneath you. You’d never said anything like that in the heat of the moment. He can’t have heard you correctly...right?
“Princesa, do you know what you just said?” The seriousness in his tone has you sobering, but even before you knew exactly what you were saying. You nod frantically, wiggling your hips to get him to move again.
“Yes! I know alpha! Please, give me your knot~” His growl makes your bones shake, and with no warning he drops your legs around his waist and leans down so his face is buried in your neck.
“Fuck, I’m gonna trust you with this baby girl. I’ll give you exactly what you want.” His fangs sink into your scent gland just as he picks up his brutal pace, and the euphoria makes you cum hard, your whole body locking up and mouth falling open in a silent scream. He plows into you as you regain your breath, and you bite down on his own scent gland as hard as you can, tearing into his skin with every intention of leaving a pretty scar for the world to see.
His knot swells more, and he’s pushing it into you with every ounce of power he can generate with that gorgeous body of his. With one final snap of his hips he locks his body to yours and cums hard, ropes of hot seed filling you to the brim. He collapses on top of you and laps at the wound on your neck and you do the same. After a few minutes he leans back and cups your face in his hand, gazing down at you like you hung the moon and the stars.
“Are you alright?” You nod, nuzzling into his palm.
“I’m sorry. I was gonna talk to you about it, but my heat came early.” He kisses your forehead gently, brushing the strands of hair from your face.
“It’s okay, pretty thing. I trust you know what you’re getting yourself into.” You giggle and wrap your arms around him.
“Of course I do. I love you, Hanta.”
“I love you too.” You lay there, tangled in each other’s arms until his knot goes down. You whine at the loss when his cock slips out of you, clawing at him to come back because you’re still in heat. His hand gently wraps around your neck, a low chuckle on his lips.
“Relax, we’re far from done.” His already hard erection rubs up and down your glistening folds, barely stimulating your clit, teasing you until tears prick your eyes and you’re beggin him to fuck you again.
“When I’m done you won’t be able to walk for days. I’m gonna breed you so well, You’re gonna look so pretty all big and round with my pups.” He groans at the image he’d conjured in his head and you squeal as he slams his hips into you.
You’re in for a wonderfully long night.
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sopeverse · 4 years
soft sex with bts
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genre: fluff and smut, do not interact if you’re under 18
warnings: unprotected sex, shower sex, cockwarming, edging, eating out, fingering, blowjobs, praising, body worship, switch!bangtan, soft!bangtan
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the king of soft sex
he’ll look at you with nothing but adoration in his eyes the entire time he’s stretching you out around his cock
forehead pressed to your own, breathing heavily against your hot skin as your warm walls clench tightly around him
“you’re so pretty baby.”
“taking me so well princess.”
he’ll whisper sweetly against your lips, savouring each whimper and tremble of your form
constantly tells you how much he loves you while he’s throbbing deep inside you leaking pussy
he never manhandles you no matter how rough he can be, he’d much rather worship you in every way possible
seriously he thinks you’re a goddess and he can’t believe his luck sometimes when he’s drilling into you and you’re filthily pleading for him to go deeper
sucks gently on the skin of your breasts before making his way down to your pulsating clit, leaving a trail of open-mouth kisses
kisses every inch of you skin
for real, not one part of you will be left untouched
he’ll softly rub at your clit, keeping himself in you, just to see you arch yourself into him and quietly beg for more
doesn’t take his eyes off you as you orgasm
he always makes you feel beautiful whenever he makes love to you, trailing his hands over your body and showering you in love
he enjoys kissing you as he empties his sticky liquid into your cunt, silencing your whimpers with his soft lips
all in all, you’re one lucky bitch having this babyboy as your lover
soft sex with yoongi is rare but when it does happen? u w u
he absolutely adores having you ride him
nothing gets him going quite like seeing you on full display while circling your hips on top of his needy cock
his large, veiny hands will grip your hips, slight dominance slipping through as he quietly hums how much of a ‘good girl’ you are for him
he loves taking his time when pleasuring you
eats you out eagerly and slowly, dark gaze never leaving your face as his tongue laps up your wetness
sucks on your folds as you tremble under his touch, causing him to pin your hips to the bed and smile against your heat
he’ll always leave a soft peck against your bud after cleaning up your wetness with his tongue
even when your mouth is stuffed full of his length he’ll still be extremely loving and tender towards you
tucks stray strands of hair behind your ear and gently guides your head onto his twitching dick, coaxing you to take him further into your warm mouth
he’ll smile fondly as you immediately swallow his hot cum, leaning down to attach his lips to yours before groaning as he tastes himself on your tongue
also secretly a big baby and L O V E S being taken care of
he has a lot of hard days at the studio, so he appreciates it when you comply to his every need
he just wants to connect to you in the most intimate way possible, having his cock buried deep inside your cunt as you whimper against him
sex with this cutie is always the softest experience
in these moments he loves being on top, hovering above your face and watching you twitch and tremble from the euphoric pleasure he was oozing into you will always be his favourite
he’ll kiss the tip of your fingers, soft whispers of love escaping his lips with each peck
before intertwining his hands with your own, lovingly gazing at your face as your body arches into his
sometimes he’ll be to tired to pound into you, instead choosing to keep his cock stilled inside your cunt, loving the feeling of your tight hole engulfing him completely
he kisses each mark and beauty spot on your body, never hesitating to tell you how amazing you are in his eyes
also will softly squeezes your thighs and kiss your breasts, confessing his love for the parts you’re most insecure about
he needs some lovin’ too, so when he comes home from a particularly tiring day at work and you guide him into a steaming shower, letting him gently use your body, he’ll be more than grateful
feels the tenseness and stress leave his body almost immediately as he supports you against his weight, lips never leaving yours while the water trails down your connected bodies, his thickness hot inside your core
he almost always cleans your pussy up with his tongue after he’s finished, loving the taste of your wetness on his tastebuds
the rest of the night will be filled with giggly whispers and sleepy kisses, not having the energy to pull out of you as you both snuggle against the pillows
the next morning is always his favourite, waking up still inside you with you looking like an angel beneath makes him melt
he won’t wake you up, instead leaves small pecks against your collarbone, length still rutting into you
he’s not one to usually go gentle on you during sex but when he does it’s so soft and loving, you’ll be worshipped the entire time
has the most fond caring smile on his face, dimples on display as he gazed at your pretty figure, watching your legs tremble beneath him, your small voice pleading him for more
he’s the type to draw out your pleasure just so he can see your eyes roll back and lips part in silent whimpers, legs wrapping around his waist to push him deeper inside your wet heat
he likes to have his cheek pressed against your own as he stretches you out around him, quieting uttering sweet nothings into your ear while leaving light touches of his plump lips against your cheek, neck and collarbone
more often than not he’s very insecure of himself and lets negative comments get to his head, so he appreciates that you take the time to cherish and kiss away his worries
he’s most vulnerable during sex and constantly admits to being in love with you, slightly feeling guilty that he doesn’t confess that fact enough
loves hearing you reciprocate while he’s pulsating against your warm walls, he could have you voice playing on repeat all day
he works so hard and sometimes forgets to takes breaks, and he’ll be like putty in your hands when you barge in and sit yourself on his lap, demanding to take care of him
there’s no sight more beautiful to him than seeing you fuck yourself on his hard length, your hands rubbing his tired arms and shoulders as you mutter soft praises against his mouth
he’ll simply lean back into his chair, relaxing beneath you as you press your forehead against his, breathing deeply against his warm skin while he raised his hips to desperately meet yours
sometimes he won’t utter a word during intimate moments between you both, wanting to hear every soft sigh and whine that emits from your spent figure
he loves that he’s able to show his gentler side to you without being judged
look at this man and tell me soft sex won’t be the best thing in the world
spoiler alert, you can’t
he loves how ethereal and angelic you look during your orgasm, quivering against his sweat glistened body as he supported you in his lap, fully seated on his twitching length
he’s constantly telling you how lovely you look taking his cock so well, rutting his thickness against you harder as you whine into him, feeling his tip rub against your stomach
he always reassures you that he loves all your insecurities and flaws
makes you stand nude in front of the mirror and looms over your shoulder, hands tracing gently over your figure and pinpointing each and every thing he adores about you
he’ll force you to love yourself if he has to cause in his eyes you’re a goddess, imperfections and all
his main goal to make you cum each time, desperate to see the familiar look of pleasure cross your features
he’s long digits will pump into your core, curling inside your hole as you tremble under his touch, tightening around his fingers
his mouth will soon join, sucking gently on your dripping folds he edges you closer towards orgasm
he LOVES when you’re vocal
even if you’re just laying next to each other, his cock still buried inside your pussy, keeping his sticky cum inside your stretched-out hole
your soft spoken praises making his heart swell with love
he acts extremely cocky and confident on stage, but when he’s alone with you his insecurities start pouring out
he has always been very self-conscious about his weight, so when you place soft pecks over his arms, stomach and thighs, whispering how much you love them while doing so he almost wants to weep
lets you dominate him completely
he buries his face into your neck, deeply inhaling your sweet sent as you sit back of his thighs, cunt full of his needy length
expect kisses to be placed ALL OVER your body
hands, neck, breasts, ankles, lips, he’ll pay attention to each small part of your body
he just thinks you’re so fucking beautiful, and makes sure to let you know during moments like these
okay, the softest man to ever exist is up now
he adores cuddling with you, so he’ll have his chest pressed against your back, spooning you from behind
before lifting one of your legs to allow his cock to drive deeper into your begging cunt, his tip jutting out against your stomach
leaves the most faint kisses against your shoulder, eyes clenching tightly shut as you throb around his thickness
he’ll eventually release his hold on your leg, instead opting to tangle his fingers with your own, his hips flush against your ass
he’s quite a jealous person, but instead of getting angry with you and picking a fight, he’ll become silent
mulling over how much he doesn’t deserve someone like you
he’s extremely grateful when you take his face in your hands, reassuring him firmly that there’s no one else you’d rather have
before hurriedly hiking your skirt up and showing him how much you really love him
this man is in love with making love with you
he’ll thread his long fingers through your hair, adoration swimming in his dark eyes as you continue to slowly ride his cock, thinking about how breathtakingly beautiful you look in the dim lighting of the bedroom
he has an extremely hectic life, so being able to escape with you for a few hours of bliss is something he cherishes
he loves that you understand how busy he can be sometimes
when you get on your knees for him and softly kiss the tip of his hard length, he can see the affection radiating off of you
he never rushes you or pushes your head down when you suck him off
instead watches as you struggle to fit his thick cock past your lips, his head hitting the back of you warm throat as your eyes fill with tears
he’ll eventually pull you off his dick, fingers immediately slipping past the band of your panties and dipping into your core, smiling fondly as you arch into him
“i love you so much sweetheart.”
he repeats this as if his life depends on it
he just wants you to know how much he truly loves you when he’s drilling his leaking cock into your already wet and warm heat
no matter how many times this man falls into bed with you he always manages to get flustered
a permanent blush will be on his face as you kiss him deeply, clenching your wet pussy tightly around him
despite being extremely shy during intimate moments, his half-lidded gaze will never leave your own
he loves seeing the small glint of warmth in your eyes as he toys with your red, aching bud, a chuckle escaping past his lips as you pitifully beg him for more
he almost always gives into your begs, placing his mouth over you warm core while his length strains against his thigh, ears perking up at the sounds of your small whimpers
he handles you with such care, palms ghosting over your body as his lips follow, admiring the way your figure twitched under his gentle touch
please tell this man you love him and what he’s doing, sometimes he gets in his head and doubts himself
he’ll be rubbing circles on your clit, eyes peaking through his disheveled hair to gaze at your face, making sure you were enjoying the feeling of his long fingers slipping into your tight hole
“you’re doing so well baby.”
you swear he almost came his pants when you told him that for the first time
so praise him, always
baby loves it and he’s reassured that you want no one other than him
soft sex is most expected when he gets home from tour
he’ll be exhausted from the long flights, the never-ending shows and thousands of faces, he can’t wait to collapse into your arms each and every time he comes back
when he sees you, all dolled up for him and only him, he knows for a fact he’s never loved anyone more
practically melts under your touch as you push him onto the bed, rubbing his growing cock through the confines of his trousers before slipping him out
pushing your panties to the side and showing him how much you love him
he’ll just be staring up at you in a daze the entire time, wondering how he ever got so lucky
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© sopeverse — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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binunus · 3 years
afk | yoon sanha (m)
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a/n y..oon...sanha...really do be acting up...also idk why but whenever I think of husband!sanha I can’t seem to write anything which is why I’ve been staring at this request literally for the longest time, but when I think of like just bf!sanha I get so many ideas...is it me? am I just weird?? maybe it’s bc I’m literally not in a headspace to think about marriage or commitment sksksk but uh yeah thank you for coming to my ted talk
{request: anther sanha husband smut please? 🥺 the one u wrote was so good ‘m not a creative person so the plot coulld be as you wish 😼}
→ pairing: idol bf!sanha x f!reader
→ genre: fluff, smut
→ tw: unprotected sex (conceal before you feel loves), reader riding sanha as he’s playing his game oops...and 00 line is on the other end hehe, dirty talk?? well...sanha tried okay, multiple orgasms, slight overstimulation, embarrassment
→ word count: 4k _____________________________________________
*afk → away from keyboard* for all my non-gamers :) I’m not a gamer, I just live with them...
Your POV
You were ecstatic, a little jump in your step as you neared your boyfriend’s dorm. You haven’t seen him in almost a month due to his busy schedule and comeback preparations. You were excited for him and his group, one of the perks of dating an idol member was knowing the secrets and spoilers of his plans long before they were revealed to the public. But with those perks also came the disadvantages of not being able to see your boyfriend as much as you’d like to, or even be open with your relationship in general. 
Anyway, you were excited to see him. The text messages, phone calls, and FaceTimes could only satisfy you for so long, seeing Sanha in person was a completely different story. The last time you saw him was before he dyed his hair from black to the sleek dark red that it was now. 
As soon as you received the text from your boyfriend asking if you were free to come over, you literally dropped everything that you were doing and got dressed to leave your apartment. You arrived at his dorm within thirty minutes, not wasting any precious time that you could be spending with him.
You were warmly greeted by their eldest, Myungjun’s excited tone alerting the others about your appearance. “y/n! We haven’t seen you in so long!”
You laughed and wrapped your arms around him in a hug, giggling as he lifted your body and shook you around, “I know, oppa! It’s so good to see you! You look so good! I’m excited for your album to come out.”
“Oh you cutie, stop it.” He beamed, patting your head as he set you down. “Sanha’s playing games in his room right now. If you get bored of him, just come find me and I’ll entertain you.”
“Will do oppa,” You chuckled as you bounced in the direction of Sanha’s bedroom. Your heart rapidly beating in your chest as you opened the door, revealing your 6′1 sweet boyfriend who was sitting intently on his gaming chair. You felt the oxygen knocked away from your lungs as he turned his maroon head of hair to face you. You almost had to do a double take from actually seeing his new hair color in person. Sure he’s sent you a bunch of pictures as soon as he dyed it and you’ve seen it through video calls, but wow...was this good looking man really your boyfriend?
He held his hand out to you, smiling as you approached him. He moved the mic away from his mouth before kissing the back of your hand, “Hey baby, I’m just playing a match real quick and then I’m all yours, okay?”
You nodded excitedly and leaned in to press a kiss on the cheek which wasn’t being covered by his headset. Sanha squeezed your hand affectionately before you hopped on his bed, pulling out your phone to pass the time while you waited for him to finish his match. Every now and then, you would look over to observe him and his game. You noticed that even his gaming setup has changed in the past month you haven’t seen each other, he was finally using the light-up keyboard you gifted him for your one year anniversary.
You could vaguely hear his friends through the headset, chuckling at his conversations with the esteemed ‘00 line. You found yourself grinning as Sanha furiously clicked away at the keyboard, even though your boyfriend is a famous idol, at the end of the day he was still just a regular young adult at heart who loved playing games.
You understood that this was probably one of his only ways of de-stressing as of recent, so you were pretty lenient about his gaming habits...
Until one match turned into two, which turned into three, and before you knew it, you’ve been waiting on his bed -- affection-starved -- for almost two hours. 
Your lips pursed in annoyance, huffing as you locked your phone and tossed it aside somewhere on his bed, standing to get some water. Sanha turned his head at your movement, his mouth opening a bit in shock as he watched you leave his room. At that moment, he knew your patience was running thin.
You saw Jinwoo and Bin in the kitchen, the two smiling as you joined them. You found yourself pouting as you waddled into Jinwoo’s arms which opened in a welcoming hug. With dating Sanha, you also had the opportunity of getting to know his group, gaining five older brothers who treated you like one of their own. You got babied by the five of them a lot since you were dating their baby.
You let out a sigh as you retrieved a glass of water, resting your head on Jinwoo’s shoulder as you took small sips. You’ve received more affection from the rest of Astro than you have from your own boyfriend during this whole visit so far. Bin cooed as he pinched your cheek, “Why do you look so upset?”
You rolled your eyes as you took another sip, “Sanha’s been playing his game for the past 2 hours, I don’t even know why he asked me to come over if he wasn’t at least going to talk to me.”
Jinwoo gave you a sympathetic smile, patting your head as he nodded, “You know how he is y/n. When he doesn’t have a schedule or practice, he’s practically glued to his computer chair.”
You groaned and finished the rest of your water, placing the glass in the sink before you rested your hands on your hips, “If he doesn’t stop playing after this match, I’m literally leaving.”
The two elder boys laughed, respectively patting your shoulder and rubbing your back. Bin chuckled, “You do what you have to do. You know, scold him for us too. His eyes are gonna go bad from looking at that monitor too much.”
You nodded, asking them to wish you luck as you went back into Sanha’s room. When you opened the door, you noticed his chair turned around so that his back was to the desk, the monitor on the loading screen, and Sanha on his phone. He looked up with that big puppy expression on his face when he knew he’s did something wrong. He quickly placed his phone on the desk, pulling you in towards him as soon as you were in arm’s reach. He gently squeezed your hands as you stood in between his legs, resting your weight on one foot. “I’m sorry, baby.”
You narrowed your eyes in the slightest, “And what are you sorry for?”
“For ignoring you and just playing my game...” Sanha said quietly hugging your waist. He nuzzled his face against your stomach as your hands went up to play with his hair, all annoyance fizzling away in an instant. Damn, he was too cute for you to stay mad at him. You sighed and kissed the crown of his head, “Sanha, we haven’t seen in each other in so long because of your comeback. If you want to invite me over, I sort of hope that we’re spending time together and I’m not just watching you play...is your game really that much more interesting than me?”
He shook his head against your body, his voice muffled as he immediately said no. The tiniest of smiles crept its way onto your face, endeared at how cute your boyfriend was.
And then you heard his best friend through the headset, ruining the soft mood in an instant. “Sanha load up, c’mon where are you?”
You let out a sigh, God dammit Bomin.
Sanha lifted his head to meet your eyes, he sensed your frustration again immediately. You pursed your lips, reading the conflict swimming through his pupils. You knew that he wanted to keep playing, but he didn’t wanna make you mad. And in Sanha’s perspective, he did honestly plan to spend time with you when he invited you over, but then Daehwi asked him to play a round and when he gets immersed in his game, he needs to play until he’s literally sick of it for the day. “Baby..?”
You averted your gaze for a moment in thought, an idea popping into your head. Humming, your fingers twirled a strand of his hair, “You can keep playing, baby.”
Sanha blinked at you in surprise, his eyes widening, “Really? You won’t get mad if--”
“But! I’m sitting on your lap. I haven’t gotten any cuddles from you in at least three weeks and I’m not going back to your bed without you.”
He nodded eagerly, satisfied with the win-win situation. Sanha grinned patting his lap as he spread his legs to give you room. You chuckled, maneuvering your body through the space of his chair as you got seated atop his thighs, both of you face to face. By habit, Sanha’s hands rested at your waist, smiling as he pulled you into a sweet kiss. You felt the butterflies flutter in your stomach at the action, responding instantly. Your lips formed a little pout when he pulled away, your boyfriend smiling cheekily as he nuzzled his nose against yours, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” You said before resting your head on his shoulder, leaning your body weight on his chest as a means to get as close to him as you possibly could. Sanha rubbed the skin of your waist affectionately before reaching for the headset and unmuting himself, “Bomin, I’m here.”
“Hey! What took you so long?”
“Chill, y/n’s here.” He said, glancing at you with a smile, “She can hear you by the way.”
“Yeah so watch your mouth, Bomin.” You said jokingly, turning your head briefly to speak into the microphone. Sanha grinned, pressing a kiss to your cheek as Bomin laughed through the headset. You heard Bomin -- along with Sanha’s other friends -- greet you, chuckling as your head returned to its spot on Sanha’s shoulder. 
You let your boyfriend play one match peacefully, still enjoying finally being in his embrace. You closed your eyes, taking in the comforting scent of Sanha’s detergent and let yourself relax for a short while. When he got killed during the first match, his arms immediately wrapped around your waist, squeezing your body tightly as he kissed your temple. You hummed, listening as he watched and conversed with the others who were still alive.
It was then that you noticed the slight new definition of his muscles, the gears in your brain turning as you thought about how to proceed with your plan. Although you were literally on top of him right now, the majority of Sanha’s attention span was focused on his monitor, so you knew he couldn’t sense the growing arousal in your mind. 
Early into his second match, you subtly shifted your ass around on his lap, making it seem like you were trying to readjust into a more comfortable position. At the same time, you moved your head to his other shoulder, pressing a kiss to his cheek as you did so. Your boyfriend smiled at you, still oblivious to what you were trying to do. 
And then your hands gently started rubbing at his sides, the touch featherlike as you began to press kisses in the crook of his neck. You felt Sanha tense in the slightest as he quickly pressed the mute button on his mic, “Baby...what are you doing?”
“Hm?” You asked not even bothering to lift your head, “I’m kissing you, can I not?”
The male closed his eyes as he let out a muffled groan, his body reacting immediately to your ministrations, “y/n, are you trying to make me moan into the mic while I’m playing with the guys?”
You chuckled dryly as you started to start to suck on his skin, not hard enough to leave a mark because you knew his stylists would literally kill you if you did, but enough for him to get affected. And he did. 
Sanha let out a breathy moan, subconsciously tilting his head so that you had more access.
“You ignored me for two hours baby. Since you wanna keep playing your game while I’m here, you’re gonna have to do so while I’m making you feel good. Now unmute and keep doing your thing.”
He bit his lip, narrowing his eyes at you as you moved your ass directly over his crotch, which was quickly getting hard. He was about to say something, but was cut off by Daehwi asking him where he was, Sanha cursing internally as he pressed unmute and responded. You smirked against his skin, still trailing kisses along his neck and intending to move up his jawline -- which had definitely gotten sharper since the last time you saw him.
Sanha tried his best, you could see how hard he was fighting against your temptations. Admittedly, you were a bit impressed with how well he was masking what was going on to his friends. 
But you were a brat and you wanted to see your boyfriend’s self-restraint crumble. He managed to get through one match, trying to compromise with you once the display showed the loading screen, “Fuck, baby, I’m done. I can’t play anymore.”
You smiled at him as you got off his lap, going over to lock his door. Sanha sighed in relief, getting ready to tell his friends that he was logging off for the night, until you held your finger up at him, confusion on his features. Casually, you pulled down your pants and underwear, placing them to the side as you leaned down for a kiss. Your hands reached for the waistband of his sweats, Sanha lifting up his hips to help you pull the fabric down his legs.
“You’re gonna play one more game, baby.” You whispered against his mouth, the boy sighing in frustration as you climbed back onto his lap. His cock was already hard from all your grinding, he could not believe you were teasing him like this right now. 
You were soaked, you knew that Sanha would slide right in without any resistance. You let out a sharp inhale as you lined yourself up with his cock, burying your face in his shoulder as you sat down in one go. The two of you let out a synchronized groan at the feeling, it had been too long since you last had sex. “Shit, y/n, you’re so fucking tight--I-fuck can’t we just take this to my bed?”
“No,” You said, voice shaky as you tried to calm yourself down from the initial intrusion. “This is payback for making me wait so long.”
Sanha’s hands gripped the meat of your ass, squeezing as he thrusted into you just once, “God, you do realize we’re both gonna suffer if you make me play another round.”
“You’re going to suffer more than I am,” You said devilishly as you unmuted his mic, “Sorry boys, Sanha went to the bathroom but he’s back now.”
He shot you glare, reluctantly removing his hands from your ass as he wore his headset again, “Guys, I think this is gonna be my last game, I’m getting pretty tired.”
“You know, I can’t believe y/n really just let you play with us this whole time. That’s love right there.”
“You’re a real one, y/n!”
“Sanha doesn’t deserve you, y/n!”
You laughed into the mic, sweetly responding to Sanha’s friends as you clenched your walls around his cock, watching with a lustful glint in your eyes at the contortion of pleasure on his face, his teeth harshly dug into his bottom lip to prevent any sounds from escaping.
“C’mon, start game.” Sanha said shortly, the grip on his mouse tightening as you clenched again. You stayed still for the first couple of minutes, letting Sanha adjust and play his game so that his friends wouldn’t be able to tell that something explicit was happening on his side of the screen. 
Of course all Sanha could think about right now was the way your walls just sucked him in so nicely, wanting nothing more than to pin you to his bed and fuck into you with no restraints. But he knew that you wouldn’t let him do that until he finished his match, so he tried to focus on completing this game as fast as he could. 
He felt himself freezing as you started to kiss his neck again, mentally telling himself to stay calm and not make a noise. As soon as his guard was down, you lifted your hips so that only the head of his cock was in your cunt before slamming your ass down on his lap, a loud slap sounding from the contact of your skins. Sanha lurched forward, a strangled moan fighting in his throat as you tightly clenched your walls, squeezing his cock. 
“Woah-are you okay, Sanha? What happened?”
“Y-yeah, I hit my knee against the d-desk,” He stuttered a lie, one of his hands gripping your waist as you started to slowly fuck yourself on him. It was getting harder for you to conceal your moans, burying your face in his shoulder as you tried to chase your high, this position allowing Sanha to hit so deep in your cunt.
His eyes flickered back and forth between the screen and you riding his cock, his legs subconsciously spreading as far as the chair allowed him. Sanha knew it was over for him when you lifted yourself off his chest, your eyes blown wide with lust as one of your hands fisted the bottom of his shirt, the other sneaking down to where the two of you were connected, making contact with your clit. You threw your head back at the added sensation, your mouth opening in a silent moan as you clenched your walls again.
“Sanha, where are you? Why are you standing still--”
“Fuck--AFK guys, AFK!” Sanha said hurriedly, throwing his headset off as he muted his mic. He pulled you in for a searing kiss, moving his lips fiercely against yours as you grabbed at his shoulders. “You’re fucking evil.”
“That’s what you get for not paying attention to me,” You panted against his mouth, sluggishly getting off his lap. Sanha practically kicked his gaming chair back as he towered over you, removing both of your shirts before he pushed you down on his bed. He pulled your thighs open, positioning his cock at your entrance. “Fuck, do you know how hard it was to not fuck you while I was playing?”
You whined as he moved his tip up and down your slit, tapping the head at your sensitive bud. “Now you have all my attention, baby.”
The two of you moaned loudly as he sheathed himself in your cunt, momentarily forgetting that there were five other inhabitants of his dorm. Sanha started a brutal pace from the beginning, thrusting into you with no restraints. Your hands tangled themselves in his hair as you pulled him down for a kiss, muffling your moans against his mouth.
“Mmmf, Sanha--”
He groaned, biting your bottom lip before lifting your thighs so that your legs hung from his shoulder, allowing him to penetrate even deeper in your cunt, “Shit, I missed your pussy baby. You’re fucking dripping on my sheets, God.”
His hands flew to your chest, roughly groping your breasts as he used it for leverage to fuck into you at a faster pace. The sounds in his room were obscene, the squelch of your arousal and the smack of his balls hitting your ass drowning out anything else. 
Sanha felt like he was drunk on your cunt, breathing heavily as he tried to get more sounds out of you, your moans music to his ears. He hissed as your nails clawed at his arms, a telltale sign that you were nearing your end. “S-Sanha, I-fuck!”
“Are you close, baby?” He asked authoritatively, his heart swelling as you nodded with a whine, your hands scrambling to feel every inch of his skin. You keened as he called your name, commanding you to look at him as you reached your orgasm. 
The tension in your stomach snapped when he snuck a hand down to play at your clit, rubbing it between two of his fingers as he tweaked your nipple, fucking you through your high. Your toes curled in pleasure, legs convulsing as you let out a high-pitched moan. You tried your best to maintain eye contact, but the dizzying euphoria made your lids flutter close, Sanha harshly sucking hickeys in your neck as he too, chased, his high. 
He cursed, still drawing circles on your clit as he rutted his hips into yours. You screamed as you were forced into another orgasm, your tight pulsating walls around his cock enough to push him to the edge. Sanha groaned gravelly, his nails digging into your waist as he released his load in your cunt. 
Sanha pulled out when he felt his cock fully flaccid, sitting back against his palms as he watched both of your cum leak out your entrance. Your chest heaved up and down as you tried to regain your breath, meeting his eyes from where you laid. Sanha chuckled, kissing your knee before standing to get some tissues, coming back to carefully wipe your cunt clean. 
You reached your arms out for him to lay down next to you as soon as he threw the soiled tissue away. He smiled lovingly, joining you on the bed and wrapping his arms around you in a hug. 
“Are you upset with me?” He asked cutely, pecking your nose. You grinned and buried your face in his chest, kissing the space between his collarbones. “No, you’re here with me now.”
Sanha giggled, stroking your hair as he tapped his fingers at the small of your back, “’M sorry for ignoring you, baby. I love you.”
“I love you too,” You said, humming as you closed your eyes, sleep slowly overtaking you. He tutted, removing his arms from your body as he sat up, “No! y/n, you have to pee first before you sleep.”
“But I’m tired,” You whined, reaching for him again. Sanha shook his head, gently pulling you up, “Baby, if you get a UTI, you’re gonna hate yourself. Now c’mon, peeing only takes a couple seconds.” 
You grumbled as he found one of his oversized t-shirts, dressing you before finding a pair of shorts for himself. You let out a woah as you stood, holding onto Sanha for support as your legs started to wobble. Your boyfriend chuckled smugly, squeezing your waist as you regained your balance, “You good, baby?”
“Shut up.”
The two of you glanced at his computer, which was now at the main screen of the game. “Do you think they heard, baby?”
“No way,” Sanha said, though he couldn’t deny the slight fear in the pit of his stomach if his friends really did hear you and him having sex. “I muted myself...right?”
You shrugged, not really minding before going to open the door, leading the two of you out of his room. Your face flushed, your feet stopping dead in their tracks as you came face to face with the rest of Astro, all five of them giving you and your boyfriend knowing looks as they sat dispersed around the living room.
“Ah hyungs!”
“I really hope you two used protection,” Eunwoo lectured, though you saw the smirk on his face. 
“I’m--bathroom--peeing...yeah.” You said embarrassed, scurrying off to the direction of their bathroom, yelping as your legs almost gave in.
“Woah, careful y/n,” Rocky snickered sending a wink in Sanha’s direction. The boys began teasing their youngest as soon as you closed the door to the bathroom, Sanha hiding his face in his hands, “Are you really going to do this every time y/n comes over?? It’s been more than a year!”
“No, we only do it when you two kids are loud as hell.” Bin said bluntly, slapping Myungjun’s arm in amusement. Jinwoo chuckled, lightly pointing a finger at your boyfriend, “You better have this much energy during promotions, Sanha--”
“Hyung!” ______________________________
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creat0r-cat · 2 years
Jotaro x reader - The Song You Are
The cherry blossoms were in full bloom on the first day of school. Jotaro walked to the first class of his Senior year, the pink flowers covering the road around him. "Yare Yare..." he murmured as the sounds of girls reached his ears. This was just more reason to skip school. He hated girls, and just being in the vicinity of one usually alerted the others as they practically screamed their lungs out trying to get his attention.
He slowed himself down to prevent being spotted, more cherry blossoms swirling in the breeze. He couldn't help but admire the beauty of his surrounding scenery. Japan had been everything he'd ever known, and he wouldn't be surprised if he kept it that way. Suddenly, as he turned a corner, he felt someone run right into him from behind. "Oof!" came a feminine voice as Jotaro turned around to see what fricker decided to run into him.
She was indeed a girl, but not one that Jotaro had ever seen before. The girl in question had (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. The reflection of the sun's rays and the swirling blossoms enhanced her already incredible beauty. "Sorry, sir." she said nervously, quickly running away passed him. She blushed out of embarrassment, not at the sight of seeing him, and avoided eye contact. Jotaro was left in shock. Who was that girl?
.... and why did she make his heartbeat suddenly increase?
Later that day, as he quietly ate his lunch, he saw her again. Once again, her beauty took his breath away. She calmly walked by and didn't even notice him as she sat down at a bench nearby. "Who is she?" Jotaro wondered, quickly averting his eyes when the girl looked in his direction, probably getting the feeling she was being watched. She looked away a few seconds afterward.
Not even 15 minutes afterward, there came voices and feet running. "Oh boy, here we go again.." Thought Jotaro as he recognised the light footsteps of girls. "HEY!" Came one voice and he looked over to see a group of three girls all crowding the mystery girl. "Umm.. hi?" She said nervously as they were rather close to her.
"What do you think you're doing in our seat?" Another said, glaring at her now. "Oh, is this your seat? I'm sorry, I'm new here and didn't know." Jotaro was shocked that she was just backing down like that. "You are? What's your name then?"
Never had such a name struck Jotaro's heart before. He wanted to know more, but he stayed low, pretending not to care. "Well (y-y/n), Get out of our seat and don't cross us again. By the way, do you know who that boy over there is?" Jotaro could feel her eyes on him. "I accidentally bumped into him earlier, but no I don't know who he is. Should I?"
"Of course the one girl I want to notice me doesn't even know who I am." Jotaro thought bitterly, listening to the deep sighs of love the other girl let loose. "That hunk of hot over there is Jotaro Kujo. He's the most popular boy in school, and super dreamy. Every girl in this school wants him I swear. If you know what's good for you, you'll stay away from my future boyfriend and never even think about him."
(Y/n) blinked in confusion as suddenly the others chimed in saying, "No, he's my future boyfriend idiot!" She began to pack up her things and back away slowly, like she was trying to move quietly away from a T-Rex. Then she took off running. Jotaro smiled and shook his head. "She knows what's good for her, but she doesn't want to get in trouble. Dang, what a cutie..."
Over the course of the day, he found out more about (y/n). She played both guitar and piano, had (number) sibling(s), and had recently moved from America. She was rather shy, but when Jotaro heard her singing softly on her way home, he couldn't help but get lost in (y/n)'s voice. She was singing "Dancing in the Dark" by Bruce Springsteen, and her voice sounded like a choir of angels. Jotaro was so distracted he almost missed his street. Though longing to follow her voice and learn even more about her, he knew she would get creeped out. So he left her to her own devices.
As the months passed, Jotaro finally got the chance to talk to her when he found her alone on the school roof, quietly playing a guitar and singing "Here Comes the Sun" by the Beatles. When she finished, he applauded, startling her greatly. "O-oh, sorry, is this your spot?" She asked, trembling slightly as she looked down at her finished bento box. "No, it's a free roof, I just come up here sometimes." (Y/n) nodded and was about to pick up her things when Jotaro interrupted her.
"(Y/n), right? I really like your singing." Jotaro was trying to be smooth, gain her confidence and trust before making a move. (Y/n) blushed at the compliment and said a small thank you. As she began to walk through the doorway, Jotaro decided to put his two cents in. "Would you maybe come back here tomorrow? I'll be here if you decide to." He knew (y/n) heard him as she left and prayed that she would be there.
Jotaro's prayer was heard and answered as he found (Y/n) there the next day. He couldn't help but smile as she played music, just the two of them there, no one else but them. Sometimes he would sing along with her and that made (y/n) smile. She was only in a few of the same classes with Jotaro, and she they were, they would silently acknowledge each other, and if they got partnered up for a project, (like marine biology essays) they would gladly sit next to each other, the other girls cursing in their jealous minds.
As time went by, Jotaro found himself in a bad situation and left to fight for his mother's life in Egypt, leaving (Y/n) behind alone and wondering where he had gone. As fifty long and painful days rolled by, Jotaro couldn't stop thinking about the day he would finally return to her. They would sit together on the school roof, eating and singing together. He missed her so much, and Jotaro hoped with all his heart she hadn't found someone to replace him.
Finally, when the fight was over, during an overnight stay at the hospital, Jotaro smiled as he imagined her reaction to his return, promptly falling asleep from lack of sleep and over exhaustion. After a long plane ride, Jotaro could hardly wait to go back to school, where his sweetheart was. Everyone has survived the trip, and a new friend would be introduced to his school. Noriaki Kakyoin. Jotaro silently hoped (y/n) Would like him as he lead his fellow crusader up the stairs to the school roof and heard his (Y/n)'s sweet voice for the first time in almost two months.
She was singing softly to herself, "Yesterday" by the Beatles, and it made Jotaro blush. Now, everyone on the Crusaders team knew that Jotaro was hardcore crushing on this mystery girl and Kakyoin smiled when he was his friend blush at the sight of her. Not only that, he was honored to meet the girl who could easily capture the heart of someone as tough as Jotaro Kujo.
When the song was over, both males clapped and she was startled. Turning around, (y/n)'s eyes widened when she saw her missing friend in the doorway. "JOTARO!" she said in shock and obvious delight as she ran over and hugged him. Jotaro wasted no time in hugging back, and soon after, introducing his new friend. (Y/n) was flattered and smiled as she shook the hand of the red head before her.
When the bell rang to signal the End of lunch, (Y/n) quickly packed her things and said her goodbyes before leaving. Kakyoin smiled at Jotaro's love struck expression and laughed softly, "you'll have to tell her eventually, otherwise she might fall for someone else." Jotaro knew this already and soon had his plan in motion. Week passed and soon had her alone, as some girls went looking for Kakyoin and Jotaro but with disappointing results.
He walked (Y/n) home and finally had her walking alone with him when he made the bold move of holding her hand. (Y/n) looked at him with a blush, but complied, holding his hand as well. This made Jotaro happy and when they arrived at their destination, he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, quickly turning away. As he began his way home, Jotaro heard (Y/n) call after him. "Thank you for always being there for me, Jotaro. I have a feeling I don't even need me to say I love you for you to know."
Jotaro blushed and smiled, turning his head to look at her. "You don't need to worry, because I knew you loved me when I first heard you sing. (Y/n), that's the kind of song you are to me."
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Northern Exposure | Steve
Part 1 Part 2
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series); blow job, violence, creepiness on part of our boys, predatory behaviour, Bucky’s an asshole, they’re all too lonely and too desperate, mistaken identity.
This is dark! fic and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Pairings: Sam Wilson x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader, A Bad Time x Reader
Series Synopsis: You’re a nature photographer stationed up north but the arctic isolation comes to an unexpected and unpleasant end.
Note: A reminder that drabble requests will be opening for an hour at 1pm today. The link to the google form will be posted at that time.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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You woke up sore and senseless. The air was frigid against your front as the warm body behind you blazed against your back. The tiny throw blanket barely dangled over you as Sam hogged most of it and much of the cushions beneath you. His thick snores kept you alert although your eyelid weighed heavy.
You sat up cautiously. You looked over your shoulder as he kept rumbling and you whimpered as your thighs touched. You bent and reached for the tee shirt heaped on the floor. You pulled it on and stood. You glanced around the room and rubbed your cold hands together.
You neared the door and eyed the pin pad below the handle. No numbers, only a scanner to place one's finger. You sniffed and felt along the hem of the shirt. Your eyes stung but you knew you couldn’t cry. Not then, not there.
You stayed staring at the door blankly. What was wrong with these men? They were heroes. They kept the world safe and yet they could take you and do that. Sam wasn’t the end of it, he was only the beginning. You hoped maybe Steve would care, that maybe you could persuade him that it was wrong. He was Captain America, he had to know it was.
“You mess with that thing and you’ll trigger the lockdown protocol,” Bucky’s voice cut through the morning air, “any foreign fingerprint requires a manual override and I’m not getting stuck in here with you.”
You turned and winced at his angry glare. You hadn’t heard him come out. He snorted and went to the short counter. He slammed a tin down on the counter as you watched his broad shoulders and the dark tails of his hair that hung between them. His unwieldy activity awoke Sam and he sat up with a grunt.
“Coffee?” Sam rubbed his eyes.
“You can get up and make your own,” Bucky retorted.
“Where--” Sam’s voice died as he saw you and he turned his legs over the edge of the couch, “what are you doing over there, baby?”
“Trying to get away from you, I’d say,” Bucky bristled, “you can’t trust her, you know that.”
“Shut up,” Sam stood and held the throw around his waist, “how about a shower, baby? Nice and hot.”
“It comes out of your time,” Bucky snarled, “I’m not waiting three hours for the tank to reheat.”
“Yeah, yeah, grumpy pants,” Sam rolled his eyes and neared you, he held out his hand to you, “you should wash up…” he leaned in and lowered his voice, “especially after last night.”
“You know I have enhanced hearing right?” Bucky stirred the instant powder into his mug.
“And we have real coffee,” Sam grabbed your hand and pulled you after him.
“Too tired for that shit,” Bucky brushed by Sam and sat at the table, “walls are thin in here and some of us actually work around here.”
“He needs his beauty sleep,” Sam remarked over his shoulder as he dragged you to the restroom opposite the bedroom door, “not that it can ever really help with all…” he gestured to his own face, “that.”
Bucky let out a long breath and his cup clinked on the wood. You let Sam pull you into the bathroom and close the door. You could still feel the tension through the wall. He dropped the blanket and you tried not to look at his bare ass as he reached to crank on the shower. 
You kept close to the door as he pulled back the curtain and he turned to look back at you as he stepped inside. His dick was twitching and getting hard already. You tried not to show your discomfort. In your dulled mind, you didn’t think he meant together.
He raised his eyebrow and for a moment the humour in his face withered. You looked away and reluctantly pulled the shirt over your head. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen it all already, felt it all, explored every inch of you. You stepped in front of him and he turned you to face him.
“You really are a cutie, you know that?” he said, “since you like to take photos, I might take some of you… keep me warm when I’m not around.”
He cradled your chin as the water splashed down on your shoulders and spattered against his torso. He slid his other arm around you as he tilted your head and kissed you. You stared at the ceiling and let his tongue past your lips. The revulsion made you tremble and he purred as he mistook it for excitement.
He pushed you further back until you were against the tile and the water spilled over his shoulders. He lifted your legs as his dick pressed against your stomach. You shoved on his chest but he didn’t notice your pathetic struggles.
You gasped as you heard a click and the door opened suddenly. Sam’s lips left yours but her kept you pinned to the wall as he looked over. You followed his eyes through the space between the wall and curtain as Steve blinked at you dumbly.
“Hey, man,” Sam sneered, “you heard of knocking?”
“Sorry,” Steve cringed, “I didn’t-- I wasn’t thinking.”
“Did bozo not tell you we were in here?” Sam turned back to you and gaze down at you as he bit his lip, “we’re busy.”
The door closed with a snap and Sam bent to devour you again. The steam fogged your vision and seeped into your skin. You closed your eyes and let it lull you away from your body, away from the man against you as he used you again.
You were given another tee shirt, this one a faded blue with a grey star on the chest. That was all you were allowed as you sat and watched the men. You tried to be numb to it but you could still feel Sam inside of you, his fingertips on your thighs, his mouth on your throat. You shivered and bent your legs up under the larger tee and hugged them.
“You two are on recon for the day,” Steve said as they sat at the small table around an unfolded map, “the usual. Keep your comms on and report back with anything you see.”
“And you?” Bucky challenged as he planted his feet far apart, “sounds like you’re not comin’ along.”
“I’ll stay here with…” he lifted his head and peeked over at you, “the girl. She shouldn’t be here alone.”
“She can’t go nowhere,” Bucky huffed, “she can’t get past the door without one of us and even if she did, you think she’d get that far?”
Steve cleared his throat and shifted in his seat, “when did we ever need all three of us out there?”
“What’s the point in keeping comms on if you’re not gonna listen for us?” Bucky sneered.
“I’ll be listening,” Steve said staunchly, “stop being an asshole and get your butt in gear.”
Bucky stood and the chair teetered behind him. He scowled at you as he turned and disappeared into the bedroom. Sam winked as he followed and you heard a muttered conversation through the open door as Steve remained as he was.
You knotted your fingers together and rocked. Your fear mounted with each minute in the bunker. Somehow the idea of being alone there with one of them was worse than all three. You cupped your chin and tried not to fall apart entirely.
Sam and Bucky appeared again with guns strapped from shoulder and chest respectively and bags of gear. They pulled on the layers needed to brave the arctic blast and tied their boots tight. They bid goodbye, though Bucky only grumbled and Sam seemed more interested in watching you than leaving Steve.
The door closed and beeped as the mechanism whirred and then you were all alone. It was silent as Steve scratched at the wood of the table and watched his hand. You heard him breathing. He leaned back suddenly and bent his arms behind his head as he stretched.
He seemed to gather himself as he lifted his chin and exhaled. 
“Can I see you naked?” he asked softly but his tone was rigid enough to make your nerves bounce off each other.
You looked at him round-eyed and he turned his chair to face you and settled back in. He pushed his shoulders back and traced his fingers along his jeans.
“I want to see you naked,” he repeated, it was no longer a question.
His eyes met yours and you swallowed the lump forming in your throat. You rose stiffly and neared him. You stopped two feet away and played with the hem of the long tee. He watched your fingers and angled his head. His gaze returned to your face as his hand trailed up his thigh and brushed over his crotch.
He nodded and you feared another order, one which might be more physical. You swiped the tee shirt over your head and hesitantly let it drop. Your hands shook as you pushed them down to your sides and you couldn’t look at Steve. Instead, you focused on the worn old carpet beneath your feet.
He let out a gristled breath and you listened as the chair creaked. A softer noise followed, that of a zipper and a muffled groan. You brought your arm over your chest to cover yourself and moved your hand in front of your vee.
“Come here,” he said.
You looked up at his hand as he pointed between his knees. You took one step and nearly tripped. You took another but it was just as tenuous. The closer you got, the worse you quaked. You stopped between his wide legs and he grabbed your waist. His thumbs rubbed along your skin and he caressed along the curve of your hips.
“Down,” he tugged on your wrist, “use your mouth.”
As you got on your knees, he reached into his jeans and pulled his dick out above his boxers. You winced and he caught your chin before you could turn your face away. His thumb ran over your lower lip and he pushed into your mouth. He pressed down on your tongue and purred.
Your teeth grazed his knuckle and you thought of biting down. He gripped your jaw painfully and his jaw squared.
“Now don’t think of doing anything stupid,” he retracted his hand and stroked himself,.
“You don’t have to do this. Steve, you can let me go or--or-- take me back--”
“No,” he said firmly, “I didn’t say I wanted to hear you, did I?”
You gaped at him in confusion and mortification. He grabbed the back of your head and forced you forward as he wiggled his cock against your lips.
“I’m gonna make you forget all about Sam,” he shoved you onto his cock and you gagged as he hit the back of your throat, “he’s too soft on you. That’s why I’m here, to show you how to obey, because if you don’t, I can’t hold off Bucky forever.”
He pushed you down completely and you braced his thighs. You couldn’t breath as his thick cock blocked your airway. You trembled and he let you up for only a second before he urged you back down. His hands stretched around your skull and he guided you up and down his length, your spit dripping from your lips as you glided over him.
“See how easy it is?” he cooed, “how good you can be? I think Bucky might come around if you-- Fuck, no, fuck Bucky. I’m keeping you to myself, sweetheart--”
He snarled and stopped you suddenly. He pushed you until he was as deep as he could go and you kicked your feet frantically. He shuddered and released you. You pulled back and cough as you fell back onto your ass.
“You almost got me there,” he stood and you scurried backward across the floor, “I almost came already.”
“Steve--” you croaked.
“Shhh,” he took off his shirt and you watched his muscles flex beneath his skin, “the only noise I want to hear from you is begging.”
“Don’t make this bad, sweetheart,” he pushed his pants down with his boxers and stepped out of them, “now come back here.”
He sat and rubbed his thighs, his cock twitched and you climbed to your feet. You sniffed and went to him. He grabbed your hands and drew them up to his shoulders as he guided you into his lap. He guided you down as you straddled him and reached below you to prod his tip along your entrance.
You tried to push off of him a wave of fear rolled over you and he gripped your hips tight and slammed you down. He buried himself in you so deep it hurt. You couldn’t say if he was bigger than Sam or not, both stretched you uncomfortably. He kept you still and let out a sigh as he hung his head back.
“You feel good,” he said and his hands ran up and down your sides, “tight…”
You tried to pull your hands from his shoulders and he tugged them back. He pressed them to him until you grasped the thick muscle. He grinned and reached around you to grope your ass. He moved you up then down his length.
“It’s all you, sweetheart,” he smacked your ass, “you keep it up or I’m gonna start getting mad.”
You stared at him but the light was missing from his eyes. His pupils were dilated and dull, smoky with his immediate desire. You squeezed his shoulders and repeated the motion. He groaned at it and bared his teeth. You kept on at the same pace, whimpering as your walls were already tender and battered.
“Faster,” he breathed, “please, sweetheart, more.”
You sped up and gasped as he kneaded your ass and tilted your pelvis so that your clit rubbed against his. You felt so raw and worn but the heat rose nonetheless. He bent his head and brought a hand around to cup your tit. He took your nipple in his mouth and suckled at it, his teeth tickling the hardened bud.
He purred and it sent vibrations through you. His other hand urged you fasted and you gulped for air as you grew needy for your release. The pressure was so bad it made your eyes water and your arms shake. You leaned into him and he kissed along your chest as you hugged his head.
You whined as you came. You heard how wet you were but couldn’t stop as the swell was followed shortly by another crest. You couldn’t stop, if you did, you would feel the pain. If you stopped, you would have to think, to remeber that you were trapped.
“Sweetheart,” he whispered.
He hooked his arms under your knees and his hands spread across your back. You cried out as he lifted you abruptly and kept you moving on his dick. You clung to him as you felt precarious even in his thick arms and looked down at the joining of your bodies. You bit your lip and closed your eyes.
“I’m close,” he hissed as he bounced you against him, “so… close.”
He bit back on his voice and hammered into you. His groan came muffled through his clamped lips and you felt the flood of heat inside of you. He kept fucking you, not stopping even as he shook from his climax, even as his cum dripped out around him. 
He staggered blindly and turned you against the wall. He pinned you there, folding your legs further up as he planted his hands flat. He rutted into you, his fiery breath tickled your throat and his voice broke free.
“So bad, making me cum,” he growled, “bad girl.”
You moaned weakly as he crushed you to the wall and your muscles strained. Your walls clenched his dick as it was your turn to cum and you sobbed from pleasure, so pure and so deep that it hurt.
“Steve…” you uttered, “Steve, please…”
“What do you want, sweetheart?” he sank to his hips and paused only to do it again, each thrust followed by a taunting lull, “tell me.”
“Steve, please,” yor slapped at his shoulder and clawed at his bicep, “stop, I can’t-- no more, I can’t, I can’t, I c--”
He crashed into you so hard you screamed and went weak against him. Your head hung on his shoulder and your arms slipped limp over his shoulders. He still didn’t stop, driven by your surrender to fuck you even faster.
“Bad girl,” he whispered and nibbled your ear lobe, “so bad-- so--” he grunted and came again, this time he sank and stilled your body against his. 
He shuddered and rolled his forehead against the wall. He breathed heavily down your back. 
“We’re not done yet, sweetheart,” he reached between you and shoved his finger inside of you above his dick, he added another and you winced and whined against his shoulder, “you need more,” he purred, “a bad girl like you can never get enough.”
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taetaespeaches · 3 years
“You really want to name her Widowmaker?”
jungkook x reader (oc) genre: fluff word count: 2.4K
a/n: So you know that dog that reader/Holly has in a few fics? Well, this is where she gets it. That’s the whole plot, just Holly getting a dog and Jungkook coming with to meet it for the first time. They’re cute, there’s a dog involved, really what else could we ask for? Thanks for reading lovelies, I hope you all enjoy! :)) 
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With your legs stretched out in front of you and your feet propped up on the coffee table, your fingers ran through Jungkook’s long dark strands. The man was dozing in and out of sleep as he rested his head on your lap, his face slightly hidden amongst your baggy t-shirt. Looking down at his side profile, you appreciated the slope of his charming nose and the way his lips puffed slightly, his face relaxed as he slept, his eyes fluttering lightly. Nuzzling his face further against your abdomen, you smiled down at him, stroking his hair gently.
Scrolling through your Instagram feed, you sighed, becoming increasingly bored of your phone but not wanting to disturb the man’s slumber. However, when a picture of an adorable dog appeared on your phone screen, you couldn’t help the gasp that left your lips, Jungkook stirring against your thighs as he groaned lightly.
The dog was still a puppy; a golden retriever mixed with some other breeds that resulted in the cutest little being you’d ever seen, rivaling the man currently in your lap. The dog, a female, was a stray and came in dirty, underweight, and scared. The post said they estimated her to be about three months old and she was currently unnamed.
Without thinking too much about it, you quickly messaged the shelter and asked if you could come see the dog that very day. Their response was equally as speedy, telling you that you could come by in about an hour to meet the dog and see if it would be a good fit. There would of course be paperwork and background checks, to which you agreed to easily. You wanted that dog.
Taking a screenshot of the photo, you held back a squeal of excitement as you stared down at Jungkook. “Baby,” you whispered, tapping his shoulder gently. “Jeongguk,” you whisper-shouted at him. “Dammit, this is important.” 
The man let out a quiet grunt but didn’t budge, making you groan loudly. “Kookie,” you called out to him. Tapping his nose repeatedly, he turned his face inward toward your legs in annoyance. “Jungkook, I need you to wake up,” you whined, shaking his frame. “I need to go get my puppy,” you added, the man still resisting your efforts. “Jungkook, please,” you pouted at his tired body.
Reaching for the bottom of his shirt, you slid your hand underneath the clothing and up his side, snaking it around his front where your fingers found his nipple. Smirking to yourself, you squeezed the nub, the man instantly shoving your hand away as his eyes opened, annoyance etched in his features. “Fuck, baby,” he complained exaggeratedly, shooting you an irritated look, his eyebrows pulled together.
Laughing at him, you cocked your head to the side, admiring the way your boyfriend’s lips slowly spread into a small smile as he sighed. “What do you want?” He asked you as you bit your lip in excitement.
“You don’t have plans today, right?” You asked him, the man’s tired eyes glaring at you.
“Besides napping?” He joked, you poking his cheek as he giggled lightly. “No, I don’t have plans today.”
“Cool, you know how that animal rescue place? The one by that restaurant we order takeout from all the time?” Staring up at you with his doe eyes, he nodded slowly. “Well, I want this dog and they said I could come meet her in an hour and I want you to come with me,” you grinned at him.
As he let out a single breathy laugh in response, Jungkook gawked at you in surprise. “Wait, what?” He asked, suddenly realizing what you just said. “You’re getting a dog?”
“I hope so,” you told him, pulling up the screenshot of the dog to show him. “Isn’t she precious?” You held the phone in front of his face, Jungkook blinking quickly as his soft eyes adjusted to the lighting and proximity of your phone.
“She’s adorable,” he agreed with a soft smile. “You really want to take on a dog though?” He looked overtop the phone to meet your gaze. “For sure?”
Nodding at him enthusiastically, he let out the lightest of chuckles. “I’ve wanted one for so long and I don’t know. She’s a stray,” you frowned. “She deserves to know love.”
“Baby,” he smiled softly, wrapping his hand over your wrist and pulling your phone closer to him once more, his eyes scanning the photo. “I’ll go with you.”
Squealing in excitement, you leaned down and smushed your lips to his cheek before he turned to catch your mouth with his, kissing you softly. “You’re the best,” you mumbled against his lips, Jungkook slowly shaking his head.
“No, you,” he responded, his hand coming to hold the side of your face as he deepened the kiss, you smiling into the meeting. 
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Pulling up just down the street from the animal rescue, Jungkook put the car in park as you placed your hand on his shoulder. “Oh my god,” you yelled, your boyfriend giggling as he looked at you adoringly.
“Are you ready to meet your new best friend?” He asked, you cocking your head at him.
“Don’t you mean our new best friend?” You corrected, Jungkook turning his head toward his shoulder, placing a kiss to your hand.
“That is what I meant,” he agreed with a stunning grin. Staring into each other’s eyes, your smiles both grew wider and wider as his eyes sparkled beautifully. “Ok, I’m really fucking excited,” he admitted adorably, you bouncing in your seat instantly.
“I know you are, stop acting stoic,” you complained, your boyfriend rolling his eyes.
“I would not call how I’m acting stoic,” he corrected.
“You doing anything but giggling like a giddy school boy is stoic, Jeongguk,” you pointed out teasingly, Jungkook shaking his head at you with a fond grin. Leaning forward, you rested your forehead against his. “What if she doesn’t like me?” You asked, Jungkook’s hands finding the sides of your face as he sighed.
“Is that a real question?” He asked, shifting his head slightly so he could look into your eyes. “Like really?” Shrugging at him, he smiled sweetly. “Holly,” he chuckled. “She’s going to adore you, you’re the sweetest person ever,” he assured you, you groaning at the compliment. “You are,” he insisted.
“Fine,” you relented, Jungkook shaking his head before pushing his lips to yours gently.
Both of you stepping out of the car, you started toward the animal rescue as Jungkook watched you skip down the sidewalk giddily. “Holly, will you slow down for a second?” He complained, jogging after you with a giggle. Spinning around to look at him, you held your hand out toward him.
“Come on, Jeon, hurry up,” you teased with a grin, the man scoffing as he reached you, placing his hand in yours.
“Are you excited or something?” He asked jokingly as he allowed you to drag him to the door of the shelter.
“Well aren’t you?” You countered, the man nodding enthusiastically.
“Of course I am,” he assured. “This place is the best,” he nodded to the restaurant with a massive bratty grin as he joked about getting food.
Groaning at him, you shook your head as you dragged him inside the shelter. “Focus, you brat,” you teased, the man beaming at you as you made your way to the woman at the front desk.
As you told the woman who you were, Jungkook felt something rub up against his shins, looking down to see a black cat running its body against his pants. When he kneeled down to pet the cat’s head, you couldn’t help but set your fond gaze on him, admiring the way he grinned at the cat. The man had a massive soft spot for all things fuzzy and cuddly, and you already couldn’t wait to see him interact with the dog you were minutes away from meeting.
“Ok, we’re all set, I’ll go get her,” the lady told you, you smiling and thanking her. “She’s a little shy so she may take a moment to warm up to you,” the woman added, looking down at Jungkook who was still tending to the cat’s need for headbutts and scratches.  
“We’re patient,” you grinned down at him. “We’ll just see how it goes.” Nodding as she walked away, you turned your full attention to Jungkook and the cat. “I’m nervous,” you admitted when Jungkook looked into your eyes.
Smiling at you, he shook his head gently. “She’s gonna love you,” he assured you.
“This cutie sure loves you,” you nodded to the cat with a giggle, just as the cat got bored of the man and walked to the opposite side of the room. “Never mind,” you teased as Jungkook chuckled, standing up straight so he was shoulder to shoulder with you. “Ah, I’m so excited,” you bounced in place, Jungkook watching you fondly.
“You’re cute when you’re excited,” he complimented, causing you to scrunch your nose in response as you turned toward him.
“Stop that cute shit, I’m already feeling soft,” you complained playfully, Jungkook bringing his hand to the back of your head as he pulled you a little closer so he could softly press his lips to your forehead.
“I think I hear them coming,” he whispered against your skin, you gasping in response.
As you stood up straight and alert, your boyfriend leaned toward you, placing a sweet kiss to your shoulder. As he positioned his hand on the bottom of your back, the door opened and the little dog from the photo came trotting into the room, inquisitively but apprehensively. She looked at you and Jungkook tentatively, and you slowly lowered into a crouching position as you held your hand out gently to her.
“Hi little one,” you cooed, tears already filling your orbs. As the dog nervously but curiously made its way toward you, Jungkook watched you intently, his eyes sparkling in adoration with how you instantly fell in love with the animal.
Pouting as the dog got closer, she stuck her nose out to your hand causing you to coo softly. Shortly after sniffing you, the pup wiggled slightly in subdued excitement and you slowly stroked under her chin, the dog stepping closer in response to your touch.
Within a few seconds, you were sitting cross-legged on the floor and the dog was crawling into your lap as if she belonged there. “Oh, I love you,” you told the dog, Jungkook smiling at the emotions written on your face. Looking up to him, your tearful gaze met his endeared one. “I love her,” you pouted as a tear slid down your cheek.
“Oh, baby,” he smiled widely at you as he crouched down next to you, his eyes shining with utter fondness for you. When his gaze traveled to the dog in your lap, he reached out slowly to pet her. The dog sniffed his hand and then without hesitation dropped her chin into his palm, resting on you both contently.
“Oh goodness, I’ve never seen her warm up to anyone this quickly,” the woman who worked at the shelter told you, both you and Jungkook looking to her and then back to the dog with wide love-struck grins. “Should I get the paperwork started?” She asked.
As you looked to Jungkook, he simply nodded at the woman. “Definitely,” he told her. Slowly turning his head to you, his gaze met yours and you giggled at him. “Why does this already feel like our family?” He asked you with a laugh of his own as you dropped your head to his shoulder, both of you turning your attention back to the dog.
Sighing contentedly, you stroked the dog’s neck. “What are we gonna name her?” You asked, Jungkook humming in thought.
“Widowmaker,” he said, the smile on his face obvious in the tone of his voice.
“Oh my god,” you giggled as the dog suddenly stood and leaped toward Jungkook. “Aww,” you cooed as Jungkook scooped the dog up, your new little baby sticking her nose to his jaw before licking him.
“See, she loves the name,” he teased, you rolling your eyes fondly.
“You really want to name her Widowmaker?” You questioned, Jungkook shrugging. “When did you come up with that name? In the car?” You asked.
Fighting back a smile but failing, he scratched the dog’s head gently. “Maybe I did,” he beamed. “It’s a good name!”
“I don’t know if they’ll let us leave here with her if we put down Widowmaker on her adoption papers,” you giggled, Jungkook looking at you with wide eyes.
“It’s a good name,” he said quietly, you watching him with an endeared smile.
“Hey, what if we named her Amélie?” You suggested, your eyes big with excitement.
“Amélie?” He asked in confusion.
“Yeah, like Widowmaker’s real name. Before she was Widowmaker,” you clarified as Jungkook’s mouth dropped open.
“Oh,” he realized, dragging the word out. “That’s right,” he smiled, you giggling at his reaction. “I actually love that,” he pouted, pushing his nose to the side of the dog’s head as she craned her neck, stretching out to reach you. Bringing your face close to her, allowing her to lick your nose as you giggled, Jungkook repeated the name once more.
“Amélie,” you beamed. “I love it too.”  
When the woman brought out some documents for you to sign, you gave Amélie a quick kiss to the top of her head before standing. Leaning down to Jungkook, you left a kiss to his forehead as well, lingering for a moment. “I love you,” you whispered to him, the man lifting his gaze from the dog to you, watching you with his bambi eyes.
And as you worked on the adoption forms, Jungkook sat with the dog in his arms, having a moment with her that was much too adorable for you to not shoot a photo from across the room. If only you knew what he was saying to the dog as he tucked her in against his chest. 
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Jungkook looked away from you to the dog, butterflies fluttering throughout his frame as he thought of you in tears as you held your new puppy. “You’re so lucky,” Jungkook whispered to the dog, “you have the best mom in the world.”
With that, he looked back to you, your eyes meeting from across the room, you both staring at each other with more love than either of you had ever felt before. “I’m so lucky,” he whispered.
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wizkiddx · 3 years
the worst case scenario 2
i did decide to make this a little parter thing, but really want to be as sensitive as poss (honestly using this as a sort of therapy for what I see myself ah). So please   do not read if anything in the warnings may trigger. I very much am not trying to ‘romanticise’ these sorts of situations in any way but also be aware medically this is NOT accurate.This part is short but I think there will be more.
warnings: hospital - ICU, respirators / mention of death , maternal mortality / talk of family dynamics and abandonment of a child
[previous part]
The sight Nikki walked into is something that as a parent you never want to see. Walking into this cold and otherwise empty ‘relatives room’ to see her son collapsed in a world of pain onto his best mates chest. Tom was too busy sobbing to even notice her entrance but her and  Harrison instantly locked eyes . Not even able to muster up a greeting smile, Harrison just nodded her in, admitting her entrance to the most horrific situation. 
It was about half an hour since she had been texting Haz, arranging when they’d be able to come and visit the newborn in hospital or whether it would be better to just wait till the new family got settled back at home, when Nikki had got a call from Tom’s number. With an excited grin she had instantly whipped her phone off the kitchen counter within one ring- a facial expression that didn’t last long at all. 
Met with the distant sound of crying first, Harrison’s deeper voice then emitted itself from her phones speaker, alerting her to the fact everything was very not right. He’d asked her to come to the hospital, said it was Y/n, that the baby was fine and then hung up. Dom immediately agreed to come with her but right now he was still parking the car, having dropped Nikki off right at the front. It had sounded that bad. 
Now, she knelt down infront of Haz and Tom, the latter who still was leaning over the arm rest and currently silently crying into his friends chest. Haz didn’t miss Nikki’s hands shaking as she reached out and rubbed up and down her sons back, the action prompting him to suddenly lean up to face her. He was broken. Totally and completely broken. Wordlessly, Nikki looked up for a second, communicating with Harrison so as if rehearsed he stood up and Nikki took his place in the chair - giving him a break from being Tom’s support. Beyond appreciative of how well Nikki could read a situation, Haz quietly but still in a hurried fashion made his way to the door. 
Because he was about to crack too - Tom couldn’t see him like that, not right now at least. And so his legs, completely of their own volition, carried him down the hallways. He had absolutely no idea what time it was, all sense of time passing had completely been thrown off earlier in the morning. He was oblivious to a lot, very much in his own thoughts and only realised where he had ended up when a nurse he vaguely recognised managed to garner his attention. 
“You’re here for baby Holland? She’s just round here.”
“I-“ He couldn’t respond but the nurse just nodded and then started off down the hallway, practically forcing the blonde to follow a couple of meters till they got to a perspex viewing window. 
“She’s the little cutie in the far corner over there.” The brunette middle aged lady softly spoke as she pointed through the glass to the incubator in the corner. “ Don’t worry about all the equipment, the doctors already come round and cleared her. She’s good to go home when you guys are…are ready.” Her words had trailed off, Harrison guessed she didn’t know how to phrase the current ‘situation’ Tom and Y/n were in either. After a couple of moments, the nurse placed a gentle hand on Harrison’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “You want to have a cuddle? I know your not dad but…”
Harrison just felt awful. The little girl was barely hours into life and yet she wasn’t receiving nearly as much as love as she should be. Instead unnamed and alone in a cold and clinical setting. So he silently nodded away, taking in all the instructions the nurse gave as she sat him down in the arm chair next to the incubator. 
Once she placed the little blanket wrapped bundle in his arms the nurse smiled gently up at Haz “You want to feed her? I’m sure she’d prefer it from you than me love?” Ah. Now Haz really was stuck between a rock and a hard place. She’d never been given a feed before - except presumably the midwifes. 
“I-uh Y/n hasn’t even  so I probably shouldn’t…”
“I can promise you Miss Y/l/n would probably want her baby to be cared for by someone that loves her and that Miss Y/l/n trusts herself.” Ooof. How were nurses so intuitive? She literally read his mind and broken down all the ill-founded ideas Harrison had built up. 
“I’m not her Dad.”
“But you care.” Looking down once and briefly at the squished little face that wormed herself into Harrisons broad chest a little more, he then immediately nodded in agreement. Looking almost relieved, the nurse handed him a bottle and directed him as to how to hold it. After mere moments she gasped happily, leaning back whilst the blonde boy waited for her input. 
“She’s latched on easy peasy. You’re doing great, I can leave you to it if you want - I’ll only be round the corner.”
“Can you check if there’s any news on Y/n?” The kind lady nodded, before promptly exiting the room - leaving the two actually alone for the first time ever. 
He didn’t even think about it, whilst Haz cradled her in one arm and held the bottle up at the angle shown by the nurse, he quietly spoke to the little bundle. 
“I’m sorry you were lonely… your mum and dad love you lots and lots… we all do.” Not realising he was crying, Harrison almost scared himself when a single strangled and repressed sob escaped from his chest. “ You’re mum…. She’s a pain in the arse right?” Haz laughed a little wetly “ She’s sarky as hell and she always has an answer… you’d probably think she’s a badass… she is. And-and…. Your dad is just scared… He loves you I promise, he just… he’s worried about you mum.” Now there was actual tears welling up and overflowing his lower lash line, not matter how much he tried to blink them away. “But whatever… whatever happens. You got all of us kiddo… you got me.”
Jolted out of his thoughts by the ladies knuckles rapping twice on the door, Harrison immediately shook himself out of it, wiping his face on his arm to hopefully remove all the evidence of the slight emotional breakdown. 
“Mr Osterfield… the doctor wanted me to let you know he’s on his way to talk to Mr Holland.”
Harrison managed to get back to Tom, Nikki and now Dom before Dr Webber returned, so with a greeting nod to Dom he too took a seat opposite Nikki and Tom. His best mate wasn’t crying anymore, which could be considered a positive were it not for the sinisterly empty look in his eye. He looked almost robotic, staring almost straight ahead at the light grey wall, sat straight and rigidly except for his one hand clasped in Nikki’s. 
“You went to see the baby?” Nikki broke the silence, making Harrison smile sadly over at her with a nod. It didn’t even look as though Tpm heard his mum speak, even if he was sat right next to her. “She’s okay?”
“Yeh…I gave her a bottle. She-she’s very cute.” Harrison could see Nikki’s face morph into one of kindness before she looked left toward her son. Nikki was still yet to see to unnamed girl but just thinking about her made her heart flutter. And then stop when she thought about what that little girl was already going through, barely hours into existence. 
“You hear that Tom? Maybe you could go down and see her soon? After we’ve spoken to the doctor?” Nikki was only trying to do the best thing, Harrison knew it and deep down Tom did know it too. But now really really wasn’t the time for some gently encouragement from his mother, it wasn’t just Tom being a little stubborn. This was his whole entire world falling apart around him. He didnt have the energy or focus to even shoot down his mother, instead Tom chose to stay completely still - engrossed in his own thoughts. 
From the outset, when you take that leap and say to a person ‘I think we should try for kids now’ you are completely putting yourself at the mercy of the other. But when they agree? Then it’s a commitment. Not it the same way marriage is - because that’s a completely selfish gesture, you get married because YOU want to be married to each other. Rather, agreeing to have a kid is a promise, a promise of something more. Promising that you are bringing this life into the world - and half of that life is yours. You create it together and it becomes a joint responsibility. You can never, no matter what people think, ever stop being a parent. At the end of it all there will be another person that knows, scientifically, it is half you. Even if they never met you - they still ‘knew’ you. They would know you had to exist, they would see things in themselves that cannot be explained rather than the influence of their creator. 
And sure, it didn’t always work out that way. A parent would up and leave, a child always with questions and a sense of betrayal. But that child… they know you. Because there is half of you in them. 
So it was Y/n and Tom together that was slumbering blissfully on a ward downstairs. That was the scary thing. Tom was so sure he didn’t have it in him. He  wouldn’t do this without her. He couldn’t be a dad to a baby without a mum. He couldn’t be a parent without Y/n. 
Almost thankfully for the atmosphere in the room, a soft know had them all snatching their heads up the very same grey slightly potato like doctor waddled in, this time followed by 2 others; a tall, dark haired woman with a soft and empathetic smile; then another man but this one tall and slender, unlike the other two who were wearing professional clothes, he was donned in scrubs (with the scrub hate too).
“Mr Holland and uh… family” Dr Webber awkwardly greeted the new arrivals of Nikki and Dom, somehow apparently sensing they were Tom’s and not Y/n’s parents who were hours away. Oh fuck, Tom hadn’t even phoned them yet. 
“This is Dr Alison Goodwell and then Dr Rohan Avinash, he is Y/n’s surgeon.” They filed in and took seats surrounding them, Dom and Harrison standing up to stand off to the side, not wanting to get in the way of the doctors. All Tom could do though was overanalyse everything. Why was the surgeon here? What was this other lady doing here? A  pathologist? — no, he wasn’t going to think like that. Then the taller and most scary looking of the three inched forward, commanding the attention of the whole room.
“Mr Holland, I just wanted to go over what happened. Ms Y/l/n developed plactental accreta, which was the cause of the what we call here a post partum haemorrhage. When you raised the alarm she had already lost, at best guess, 3 pints of blood which is a lot, there’s no denying. Dr Webber and his team quickly brought her up to my team in surgery. We transfused her with blood but we couldn’t stabilise her and the bleeding didn’t show any signs of stopping so we had to perform emergency surgery….” Dr Avinash slowed down as he took in how close Tom looked to bursting out in tears once again, offering him the chance to have a moment to collect himself. Vehemently shaking his head in refusal, Tom crung his hands together furiously. He just needed to know. “Okay… Now the nature of the surgery, because we had to be so quick…it is quite invasive and is a lot of stress to put on anyones body. That and the amount of blood she had already lost makes the situation very dangerous. Sometimes when this happens a persons heart-“ Tom’s breath halted in his throat at the mention of her heart, Harrison sharing the bleak trigger which made him shift uncomfortable between his two feet. “-notices this, it goes into what we call hypovoloemic shock, this just basically means its not getting enough volume of blood to pump properly. So we have had to stimulate Ms Y/l/n’s heart with electricity to keep it pumping-“
“You shocked her?” He felt so numb and now adrenalin was coursing through his own veins, images like you see on TV shows of her body arching up not he table from the volts of electricity.
“I’m afraid we did have to but it meant we could keep her stable enough to fix the bleed. I am sorry to say this but we’ve had to remove her whole womb because it was so damaged.”
“But Y/n?” Again Harrison lost all willpower of control, though to be fair he wasn’t sure if he was being impatient or not -  this doctor appeared to be delivering this news painfully slowly, as if to torture everyone as much as possible.
“Your fiancé lost a lot of blood and her body went through a lot” The towering doctor kept his focus on Tom the whole time, Harrison’s interjection seemingly falling on selectively deaf ears. “We’ve had to use a machine to control her breathing  and for the moment she is still in a very dangerous place. Right now she is stable but I don’t want to make any promises to you. We are nowhere close to out of the woods yet.” Seemingly, feeling compelled to add in, the brunette doctor spoke for the first time since entering.
“But it’s still one hurdle she has got through… Now that the surgeons are finished with Ms Y/l/n me and the other intensive care doctors will be keeping a very close eye on her okay? We are all going to be working with you and your family 24/7, to keep Y/n as comfortable as possible.” Her soft smile managed to somehow break through to Tom, who jerkily nodded while Nikki squeezed his hand tight. There had been a lot of that going on  today and even if Tom would say he wished nothing more that it was Y/n rather than his mums grip - he still appreciated it. The doctor continued, leaning forward so her elbows were resting on the tops of her thighs. “Right now she’s asleep and probably will be for quite a while. We first want to be sure she’s not in any pain, so she is sedated. Now assuming everything goes okay tonight and she stays stable we might want to think about possibly reducing that sedation, however for right now I hope you are all in agreement that we just want to make sure she’s comfortable?” The whole room nodded steadily in response which the doctor acknowledged with a satisfied smile. 
“And we are all aware this is a lot to take in so if you have any questions or think of any please just let us know - it’s important that you guys are all fully in the know… How is your daughter?” Dr Webber started off so well, Tom was almost going to smile thankfully at him, until he mentioned it. Instantly, the cold and empty look reappeared behind Tom’s eyes as the room was held in silence for long enough to be uncomfortable. To be fair, the doctor wasn’t to know that recently Tom had taken to refusing to acknowledge he even had a child. 
“I-she’s really good… the nurse there said she’s ready to leave whenever” Harrison had to show that at least someone was looking out for her, he couldn’t not. 
“Okay” sharing a knowing look with Harrison, Dr Webber pitifully clasped his hands together, before looking back to Tom. “Would you like Dr Alison take you up to see her, sir?” 
again pls let me know if anyone is very not okay with this, i can take it down and not write any more!
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blueascend · 3 years
Most days, Adachi eats lunch with Kurosawa. Since they work in different departments they don’t see each other too much during the work day, so it’s nice to spend that bit of time together. 
Today however, Kurosawa is out with a group of other salesmen from their floor, to close a deal with Cube Enix. Toyokawa is to produce themed stationary to advertise an upcoming anime adaption for one of their series. Kurosawa had told Adachi some of the details while they cooked last night but Adachi hadn’t retained a lot of it, too focused on preparing the ingredients right and not screwing up dinner.
“It’s called - cuties something?” Adachi tells Fujisaki over lunch. 
“Cuties Force X?” Fujisaki says.
“Ah, that’s right! You know it?”
Fujisaki shrugs. “I’ve seen advertisements around. It’s about a group of anthropomorphic animals but I’m not sure about the plot. It looks cute, though, perfect for themed stationary.”
“Hm.” Adachi takes a bite of his burger. “I guess so.”
They finish eating in companionable silence. As they head back to the office, they hear loud chatter and peals of laughter echoing down the hallway. A woman passes them and Adachi’s eyes widen for a moment - she’s sprouted cat ears! - before realizing she’s wearing a headband.
He and Fujisaki exchange puzzled looks but they get their answer as soon as they enter the office. A group of people is gathered around a stack of boxes, and they’re pulling out animal-themed headbands. 
“Adachi! Fujisaki!” Rokkaku calls, waving them over. Kurosawa is standing next to him, wearing an abashed grin and a pair of - are those fox ears? “What do you think?”
“Where did these come from?” Fujisaki asks, accepting the headband Rokkaku thrusts at her. It’s a pair of brown, white-speckled deer ears. At Rokkaku’s urging, she puts them on.
“We closed the deal with Cube Enix! They gave us all this merchandise in order to inspire the planning and development team. But they said they didn’t need all of it, so we offered to take some of the boxes off their hands.”
Adachi peers into the nearest box. It looks like someone threw all their surplus Cuties Force X merchandise in there, all different sorts of headbands and tail pieces carelessly mixed together. 
“We’re picking out headbands based on personality,” one of their coworkers, Nakamura, explains. She’s wearing a pair of zebra ears, which Adachi has no idea what says about her.
“That’s why Kurosawa is a fox,” another coworker, Chino, adds with a giggle.
Kurosawa gives her a polite, somewhat uncomfortable smile. Adachi wants to say something, to deflect the unwanted attention away from him, but thankfully Rokkaku intervenes before he has to.
“What about me?” he asks the women, pointing at his own bare head. “What animal suits me?”
Nakamura tilts her head. “Hm. A bear maybe?”
“A bear?” Rokkaku repeats incredulously. 
“Or a frog?” Chino says.
“A -  they don’t even have ears!”
Adachi startles when something touches his head. He turns to see Kurosawa grinning at him, hands raised to place a headband in Adachi’s hair. Curious, Adachi reaches up to feel long, soft ears.
“Rabbit?” he guesses.
“Bunny,” Kurosawa says, leaning in to quietly add, “because you’re quiet, reserved… and cute.”
Adachi feels his cheeks grow warm but he’s put up with Kurosawa’s teasing for long enough to be able to maintain eye contact at least. “And what’s it supposed to mean that you make me a bunny when you’re a fox?”
“Hm.” Kurosawa tilts his head. “That I want to chase you?”
“And eat me?” Adachi dryly asks. Kurosawa’s grin just widens and okay, now Adachi does have to look away before his face combusts. “Pervert.”
He goes to remove the ears but Kurosawa grabs his wrist to stop him. “Don’t you want to keep them on? Everyone else is.”
Adachi looks around the office to find that Kurosawa is right. Everyone, even the people sitting at their desks, hard at work, is wearing animal ears. 
“They suit you,” Kurosawa adds. 
Adachi huffs. He leans in, quickly whispering before he loses courage, “So do yours.”
It’s worth the embarrassment when Kurosawa beams at his compliment.
Adachi blinks. He’s standing in a clearing in a darkened forest, the huge crowns of the trees above blocking nearly any hint of light. The ground below him is soft and damp, fragrant with the heavy scent of decaying leaves. 
He looks around but sees no one. There are no sounds either aside from the wind rustling the leaves; no birds chirping, no small creatures scattering across the forest floor. Whever Adachi is, he’s far away from his burrow.
His… burrow?
Ah, that’s right. He’s a bunny, he lives in a burrow at the edge of the forest. He had to enter it for - something? Food, maybe? For some reason, Adachi is finding it hard to concentrate, to form any concrete thoughts.
Behind him, a twig snaps. Adachi twirls around, ears raised, whole body alert. It’s a fox - a human? - a fox, with orange ears nestled in his dark hair. He’s wearing a suit and looks comically out of place, leaning casually against one of the trees.
“Are you lost, bunny?” the fox asks. It’s Kurosawa, but it’s not, and Adachi can’t figure out how that makes sense but somehow, it does. 
He straightens and Adachi leans back on his heels.
“Don’t come closer,” he says, raising his hands as if he has a chance in hell of fighting the fox off should he decide to give chase. 
Kurosawa grins, clearly thinking the same thing. “Or what? You’ll cuddle me into submission?”
Adachi doesn’t respond. There’s a hungry gleam in Kurosawa’s eyes and it’s making Adachi’s heart pound, making him want - want to be chased, to be caught. 
Clearly, something is wrong with his instincts. He’s just not cut out to be a prey animal.
“Don’t worry.” Kurosawa takes a small step closer. Adachi takes a step back. “My fangs are sharp. You’ll barely feel it when I sink them into your throat.”
Adachi swallows. 
He bolts.
He hears Kurosawa give chase.
Heart hammering wildly as if trying to escape from his chest, Adachi can barely see his surroundings as he runs past them, blurring into shades of green and brown. He’s fast, faster than Kurosawa, but he doesn’t know this forest as well as the fox. 
Every step counts, every stumble could seal his fate. The wind whips past his ears, the taste of copper rising on his tongue. In the distance, he can see the treeline start to grow thinner, rays of sunshine escaping through, and somehow Adachi knows that if he only makes it there, he will have escaped the fox.
He doesn’t. 
His foot catches on a raised root and Adachi goes flying, breath knocked out of him as he lands on the forest floor. He turns around, trying to get back on his feet, but Kurosawa is on top of him in a second, pinning him down.
Adachi stares up at him, frozen. Kurosawa stares back, eyes dark, his grip warm and solid around Adachi’s wrists.
“I caught you,” the fox says.
“Yeah,” Adachi breathes out. He should probably be terrified but it’s not fear that sends his heart pounding again as Kurosawa lowers his head, lips trailing softly against the column of his neck.
“You know what that means, don’t you?”
Kurosawa’s grip on Adachi’s wrists tightens and he’s opening his mouth, tongue hot against Adachi’s skin, his entire body pressed against Adachi’s. Adachi feels the touch of fangs against his throat and squeezes his eyes shut, prepared to feel them sink in when -
A loud noise startles him awake. 
Adachi stares up at the ceiling, brain trying to catch up with everything that just happened. It was… a dream?
Next to him, Kurosawa groans and then leans over Adachi to turn off the alarm on the nightstand. He runs his hand through his hair and then lies down again, giving Adachi a curious look.
“Adachi? Are you okay?”
Adachi blinks. He’s not sure. Is he okay?
“Bad dream?” Kurosawa guesses, rubbing Adachi’s arm comfortingly.
“Ah-” Adachi looks away, heat rising to his cheeks. “Not exactly.”
“Not...” Something new enters Kurosawa’s voice, making it husky. “A good dream, then?”
Adachi swallows. “M-maybe.”
There’s a brief silence. Then Kurosawa’s fingers are gently grasping Adachi’s chin, turning his head to face him. Adachi reluctantly lets him and when he looks Kurosawa in the eyes, they’re gleaming in a familiar way that sends heat pooling in his gut. 
“Wanna tell me about it?” 
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
A Lack of Color by SisterSpooky1013
2403 words / Rated M / Read it here on AO3
This is a Darkest Timeline fic. No fluff to be found.
Part of my Inspired By Songs series, this work is inspired by A Lack of Color by Deathcab for Cutie.
The phone rang and she checked the time. She’d stopped answering his calls after 8, too heartbroken by the slur in his words and the pain in his voice, knowing that she was the one who caused them. If she could access the purely logical part of her mind she knew that it was his depression that was responsible for the fact that they could no longer be together, and his own actions after she left were the responsibility of no one but him, but when she heard the choked back sobs around his pleas for her to come home, she felt guilt so profound it twisted in her gut like a knife. Even her mother had gently questioned her as to whether leaving him alone was the right thing to do, whether that would really help him get better. She’d tried to explain that the point of leaving wasn’t to make him better, it was to save herself from going down with him, but she often wondered if this life she’d built for herself alone was much better than the one she’d left behind. Was coming home to an empty house devoid of the clatter of his keyboard and tiny piles of sunflower seed shells preferable to living with his ghost? At least when they shared a home she knew he was okay.
Home. Where was her home? Was it this impeccable, modern house just outside the city? Was it her mother’s house, where she’d spent her teenage years? Was it her apartment in Georgetown, long since occupied by someone new who would never know the depth of loss and joy that lived in its walls? Was it apartment 42, where she had loved, lost, and had Mulder returned to her? Was it the unremarkable home in the country she’d shared with him? These places all held meaning and memories, significance and importance in the story of her life, but in the end they were just buildings. Sticks and boards and concrete that housed each tear and yawn and laugh, that made space for her to fall apart and rebuild again, countless times. If home is where your heart is, then Mulder is her home, and he always will be. There is no distance great enough to separate her heart from his, even that of death or divorce, grief, pain, depression. Depression so profound that it snuffed out the spark in his eyes and drained the life from his smile. Depression that robbed him of his passion for everything, including her. Depression that made her feel invisible and unimportant. Depression that destroyed her home.
It was just past 7, so she picked up the phone, hoping that a sober voice would come through from the other end.
“Hey. How are you?” He sounded good, like he had some energy. She was hopeful.
“I’m okay, just reading. How are you, Mulder?”
“I’m okay. Hanging in there.”
Silence hung between them. She didn’t know what to say. Didn’t want to ask him why he’d called or he may think she didn’t want to talk to him, so she said nothing. She heard him swallow on the other end of the line.
“I miss you” he breathed, and she could feel the ache forming in her rib cage. She closed her eyes.
“I know. I miss you too.” She fought to keep her voice neutral. She didn’t want to go to the dark place, not tonight.
“Will you come over?” He asked, and she noticed that he didn’t say ‘come home’ just ‘come over,’ which was different than all the other times. He sounded more alert, and she felt something akin to hope tug at her heart.
“Uh, I can, sure, if you need me to.”
“I do need you.” His voice was low and she felt a twinge between her legs. This wasn’t the voice of the Mulder she knew and loved, but she could hear him in there, underneath all the hopelessness. She flashed on the desire in his hooded eyes when he used to hover over her, devouring her body with animal-like urgency. What she wouldn’t give for him to touch her like that again.
“Okay, I’ll be there in about a half hour.”
He sighed, maybe from relief. “Thank you, see you soon.” The line went dead.
She had the urge to shower, to shave, to put on a pair of the sexy panties that were now relegated to the back of her underwear drawer, but she resisted. Too many nights she had paraded around in front of him only to be ignored. Too many times she had reached for him to find him unresponsive, not returning her embrace. Too many times she had slipped her hand into his boxers only to have him push it away, rejecting her advances. She squeezed her eyes shut tight, recalling the ache in her bones as she longed for physical contact. She had gone 7 years without having him in that way, but found that it wasn’t as easy to revert back to a platonic partnership. It was more than just desire, though that was there too. Their physical connection, once established, rooted her to the Earth in a way she never knew was possible. When he was inside her she was more present, more aware of her place in space and time than she had ever been or ever would be again. She hadn’t known that she wasn’t really alive until he breathed his hot, salty breath into her lungs and ignited her. He was her oxygen and without him, she suffocated and slowly faded away. She only barely escaped before she died out for good.
Settling on brushing her teeth as the sole means of preparation, she got in her car and drove to his house, their house, feeling nervous and afraid. Stopping to get out and open the gate at the end of their long driveway, she was reminded of so many nights coming home from work, wondering if today were a good day. If she’d get some shred of the man she loved, or spend the evening staring at his closed office door, eating dinner alone. Going to bed alone. Waking up alone.
“Quelquefois, on est seul chez les hommes;” The quote from Le Petit Prince had never meant so much to her as it did then.
Pulling up in front of the house, she took in the neglected lawn, the porch swing he’d built for her dilapidated, the steps rotting. The house itself seemed to embody their relationship; initially bare and full of potential, blooming into a safe haven with the care of their love, only to collapse under the weight of his demons. She killed the engine but stayed in the car, debating turning around and leaving. Why was she here? What did she stand to gain from answering his call? It was pure hope that drove her. Unrelenting need. As much as she tried she couldn’t give up on him, on them. Would she ever be able to truly walk away from him? Only time would tell. Today, it would seem, was not that day.
As she sat in her turmoil, she saw light escape the front door and his tall shadowy frame appeared, his silhouette gaunt, his hair wild and unkempt. Despite everything, her heart leapt and she felt drawn to him, her true North pulling her magnetically towards home. She exited the car and walked towards him slowly, trying to read his body language and set her expectations realistically. As she maneuvered the steps he came forward, holding out his hand to her.
“Those are getting a little perilous, I keep meaning to fix them” he joked good naturedly, the soft pads of his fingers brushing her palm. Not the hands of someone who was going to hold a hammer anytime soon, she noted. Not the calloused hands of the man who built this porch himself 7 years ago. They stood awash in the light that poured from the open door, hands still clasped. She searched his eyes and all she found was sadness, which was actually an improvement. The last time she’d had occasion to meet his hazel irises, they were empty, devoid of any feeling good or bad. He was gone entirely. Moving from his eyes, she noticed that his cheeks were ruddy and dry without her reminding him to moisturize. It looked like he’d probably shaved recently, though now it was grown into an almost-beard. His lips, though, they were still him. She bit her cheek to keep from crying, wanting more than anything to kiss that mouth, to tug that lip between her teeth. She closed her eyes.
“Thanks for coming over” he said, his voice flat.
“Of course. What did you need?” They’d done this dance before. Where’s my birth certificate? What’s the password for the online banking account? Where is the key to turn off the gas fireplace for the summer? When are you coming home? He always found a way to lure her back in. she could never resist him.
“I just wanted to see you” he replied, and she was surprised to see him roving his eyes over her body, sighing as they came to rest on her cleavage. When was the last time he’d looked at her that way? There was that throb again between her legs. She was afraid to move.
He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her shoulders in a hug, squeezing her to him. She stiffened at first in surprise, but then melted into him, her arms threading around his waist and her head falling against his chest. Home. He smelled metallic, the signature scent of his sweat. No one else smelled the way he did. It was what she imagined the core of the Earth might smell like. He sighed against her and she felt the rush of air from his nose blast against the crown of her head. What a specific feeling to miss. What a strange loss to understand.
His arms loosened and slid down her sides, grazing the dip of her waist, then her hip, and finally passing over the curve of her ass where he gripped her, lifting her up. She inhaled sharply and moved her hands to his shoulders, allowing him to carry her inside and to their abandoned bedroom like a bride, only this was the end of the romance instead of the beginning. He laid her down on the bed and started to suck at her neck while fumbling with the button of her pants. Her eyes were wide on the ceiling, wanting to stop him and ask what he was doing, what it meant, but she didn’t. Even as her mind raced, her body was opening like a flower, straining towards the sunlight of his touch, desperate for nourishment that had so long been withheld. She could feel that she was dripping wet, and she allowed him to strip her pants from her legs in one fast motion, pushing her shirt up to reveal her breasts as he unbuckled his belt. The animalistic way Mulder wanted her had always been a huge turn on, the lust in his eyes as he tore at her clothes and feasted on her body sending her over the edge.
But that was not what was happening now.
He wasn’t looking at her. He hadn’t kissed her, not once. He didn’t want her, he wanted her body. Freeing his erection from his jeans without even bothering to pull them down, he moved to line himself up with her entrance. He still had his T shirt on, her shirt askew as he grasped one breast in his palm, pushing inside her. She let out a single cry as her long-neglected body accommodated him once more, and he didn’t even look up. Didn’t ask if she was okay, hadn’t checked to see if she was ready. She could admit that it felt good, but not that good. This wasn’t how they made love, or had sex, or even fucked. Never once had he skipped right to pleasing himself. His strict “ladies first” policy was a non-negotiable, a given. So as he barreled into her, his eyes on her breasts, she brought her hand to cover her eyes as hot tears rushed down the sides of her face, collecting in her ears.
He finished within a minute, grunting as he came inside her before collapsing on her chest. Eventually he rolled off of her and pulled up his jeans, then grabbed her by the waist so that she was spooned against him, naked from the waist down.
“I’m sorry, I know that probably wasn’t the greatest for you. I’ll make it up to you next time” he whispered hotly into her ear. He held her until he fell asleep while she lie there, shell shocked, realizing that as bad as this all had been, it could get worse. She thought that being completely ignored was the worst way he could hurt her, but she was wrong. This, being treated like a vessel, was so much worse.
She slipped out of the bed and found her clothes on the floor, leaving him snoring. As she walked out the front door and carefully navigated the porch steps, she vowed to herself that she would not set foot in this house ever again.
It was not a promise she would keep.
*Authors note: “Quelquefois, on est seul chez les hommes” translates to “sometimes, one is alone among men”
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thelastspeecher · 3 years
Egg Stan Origins
In my notes earlier today, I saw that someone had liked one of my Egg Stan ficlets, and I decided to reread said ficlet.  And then before I knew it, I was writing stuff for the Egg Stan AU, because I can’t control myself.  So here, have...whatever this is.
              Ford slowly drifted back to wakefulness.  As he opened his eyes, a fish darted across his field of vision.
              Shit!  I’m underwater!  Panicking, Ford began to swim for the surface, before realizing that he wasn’t drowning.  He let himself sink back to the ocean floor.  Why can I breathe underwater?  He held out his hands to inspect them.  His mouth went dry.  Thin, red webbing stretched between his twelve fingers.  He looked down at his legs.  Or rather, where his legs used to be.  In their place was a large, extravagant tail with golden scales and red fins.
              “Fuck,” he whispered.  He ran a hand through his hair.
              I’m- I’m a merman?  How did that happen?  He racked his brain, desperate for answers.  The creature!  The last thing he remembered was being on the ship, with a massive sea serpent bearing down upon them.  When the serpent opened its mouth to spray venom at him, Stan had jumped in front of him to act as a shield.  Stanley!
              “Oh no, oh no, oh no,” Ford muttered, frantically looking around for his twin.  There weren’t any other mermen in the vicinity.
              Maybe he avoided this fate?  Doubtful.  Ford’s eyes landed on what looked like a large fish egg, partially buried in the sand. He swam over, rendered clumsy by his new tail, and gently lifted the egg from the sand.  The egg was red but transparent, allowing him to see the very young mer curled up within.  Is this- is this Stan?
              “No.  That’s not possible.”  Ford spoke aloud in an attempt to convince himself.  The mer in the egg suddenly twisted around, revealing its face.  Ford’s heart plummeted.  The mer had a face he recognized well.  No one outside their family had that large, ruddy nose.  “Stanley…”  Ford held the egg close to his chest, panic rising.
              Stan’s been turned into a mer child still in utero. I’m fully grown, but a merman. What am I supposed to do? Suddenly, his ears picked up the sound of voices in the distance.  He swallowed nervously.  I’m not one to typically ask for help, but I don’t really have a choice, do I? Ford swam towards the voices.  As he got closer, he saw the source – a young merman and mermaid, probably related, judging by their similar features.
              “Excuse me,” Ford called.  The merman and mermaid changed course, swimming over to him.  “I- I need some help.”
              “Why aren’t ya speakin’ Mermish?” the merman asked in thickly accented English.  His tail was a burnt orange, contrasting with his dark hair.
              “I wasn’t aware that merfolk had their own language,” Ford said.  The merman and mermaid looked doubtfully at each other.  “I- I’m human, you see, and-”
              “Uh, if you were a former human, you’d have a belly button,” said the merman, sounding suspicious.  Ford looked down.  His jaw dropped.
              “What the-”  He stared at the completely smooth skin where his belly button had previously been located.  “I don’t- I don’t know how that happened.”
              “Who’s this lil feller?” the mermaid cooed, peering at the egg Stan was in.  Her accent was just as thick as the merman’s.  She and the merman had the same large nose, but her hair was caramel-colored, matching her pale yellow tail.
              “My twin brother.  What happened to make me like this, it- somehow it affected him more severely and-”
              “What’s a twin?” the merman asked.
              “A sibling born at the same time as you.”
              “Yer claimin’ this cutie is from the same clutch you hatched from?” the mermaid asked.
              “Yes?  No? Look, I don’t understand your mer terminology, I’m human!” Ford burst out.  The merman and mermaid exchanged a concerned look.
              “It’s okay,” the mermaid said soothingly.  She held out her hands.  “I can take yer brother so’s ya can swim better.”
              “No!”  Ford held Stan’s egg even tighter.  Stan swirled around in the egg.  Alarm flashed in the mermaid’s eyes.
              “Okay, okay,” she said.  “I won’t take ‘im.  But I think that it might be best if ya come with us to our house, at least fer the night. It’ll get dark soon.  The guppy eels come out when the light fades.”
              “G-guppy eels?” Ford stammered.
              “They eat eggs ‘n guppies,” the merman said. Ford’s heart leapt into his throat. “Are ya goin’ to come with us, stranger?”  Ford swallowed.
              “I don’t really have any other choice,” he mumbled.  The merman patted him on the back.
              “That’s the spirit.  Don’t worry, we’ve got plenty of room fer the both of ya.”
              By the time Ford and the merfolk arrived at their destination, a large underwater cliff face, he was exhausted.  Not just physically, though the swim had been more taxing than he expected.  He was also mentally weary from the immense amount of information he’d learned from the merfolk.  Apparently, humans did turn into mers on rare occasions, but when they did, they kept their belly buttons.  In addition, mer eggs were laid in massive clutches and kept in something called a “guppy basket”.  His hosts had assured him that they had a guppy basket where Stan could go.
              But he’s not leaving my sight.  The merman, whose name was Lute, looked at Ford with some amusement.
              “Yer a bit out of shape, ain’t ya?” he asked. The mermaid, who was named Angie, punched him.
              “Be nice,” she chided.  Ford’s initial assessment of the two being related was correct; they were siblings.
              Not just siblings.  Clutch-mates.  From what Lute and Angie had told him, clutch-mate seemed to be the closest mer analog to a twin.  Clutch-mates were siblings that hatched from the same clutch of eggs, though they sometimes hatched days apart.  
              “I’ll go alert the folks we’ve got a guest,” Lute said.  He opened a door into the cliff that Ford hadn’t seen and ducked inside.  Ford looked askance at Angie.
              “It’s an optical illusion thing,” she said with a shrug.  “Unless ya know where the entrance is, ya can’t find it.”  Of the two siblings, she seemed the kinder and gentler, taking what Ford said at face value.  Unlike her brother.
              Though she could just be humoring me.  I’m fairly certain they think I’m having some sort of nervous breakdown.  Angie smiled at Ford, then opened the door.  I’ll take humoring me over mocking me.
              “C’mon on in,” she said.  Ford reluctantly swam inside.  He was in a pleasantly homey living room that, if it weren’t underwater, could be mistaken for belonging to a human family.  Potted plants lazily swayed from small currents.  A middle-aged merman and mermaid sat on a couch, speaking with Lute.
              Presumably, these are Angie and Lute’s parents. One of the many things he’d been told during the swim was that merfolk lived with their parents until they had a mate, after which they would find their own place to live.  As unmated merfolk, Angie and Lute had yet to move out. Lute was a carbon copy of his father, with the exception of his tail color; his father’s tail was blue.  Angie looked exactly like her mother, down to her tail color, but had her father’s large nose.
              “This must be the poor young man you found,” said their mother, catching sight of Ford.  She got up from the couch and swam over to him.  “Hmm…”  She looked him up and down.  “What’s your name, son?”
              “S-Stanford Pines.”
              “That’s not a mer surname,” the mother commented idly, still looking at Ford with a thoughtful gaze.  “But it is a human one.”  She smiled. “Let me introduce myself.  My name is Sally MerGucket, but if ya like, ya can call me Mrs. MerGucket.”
              “Mrs. MerGucket,” Ford mumbled.  Mrs. MerGucket nodded.
              “My mate Mearl is on the couch.”  Mr. MerGucket smiled warmly at Ford.  “It looks like you could use a guppy basket fer that egg.”
              “No, he’s going to stay with me,” Ford said firmly.
              “Of course he will,” Mrs. MerGucket said, sounding surprised.  “The basket will go in the same room ya sleep in.”
              “Come with me, dear.  I’ll show you to yer room fer the night.”  Mrs. MerGucket took Ford’s hand and led him out of the living room, down a hall, and into what was clearly a guest bedroom of sorts.  Under normal circumstances, Ford would ask a million questions about the furniture in the room, particularly the bed, with a frame made of what appeared to be living coral.
              I don’t feel much like asking questions right now, though.  Ford looked down at Stan’s egg.  Through the membrane, he could see Stan sucking his thumb.  Mom always hated when he did that.
              “Stanford.”  Ford looked up.  Mrs. MerGucket sat on the edge of the bed.  She patted the bed.  “Sit with me.”  Reluctantly, Ford swam over and sat next to her.  “May I?”  Mrs. MerGucket held out her hands.  Ford shook his head, keeping Stan close.  “That’s quite all right.”
              “You don’t believe me, do you?” Ford asked quietly. “That I used to be human.  Your children certainly don’t.”
              “Yes, they’re convinced that ya hit yer head,” Mrs. MerGucket said.  “They were worried fer yer health, as well as the health of the egg, since a confused guardian ain’t a safe one.”
              “You’re dodging the question.”
              “I didn’t mean to.”  Mrs. MerGucket sighed.  “Stanford, I believe ya.”  Ford’s head whipped up.  He stared at her.  “I suspect my children would, too, if they weren’t used to human behaviors.”  Ford frowned.
              “What do you mean?” he asked.  Mrs. MerGucket gestured to her torso.  Ford’s eyes widened.  Unlike her mate and children, Mrs. MerGucket had a belly button.  “You’re…”
              “Yes.  I used to be human.  Since I helped to raise my children, they don’t realize yer behaviors ‘n tendencies ‘re human through ‘n through.  But I’ve spent enough time among merfolk to tell ya used to be human, too.”  Mrs. MerGucket looked at Ford thoughtfully.  “Well.  Either that, or ya were raised by humans.  But I suspect you’d be a tad more traumatized, were that the case.”
              “I’m feeling fairly traumatized at the moment,” Ford mumbled.  Mrs. MerGucket put her hand on his shoulder.
              “Son, you can stay here as long as ya like, okay?”
              “I just want things to be the way they were yesterday,” Ford whispered.
              “I understand.  Unfortunately, I ain’t sure whether there’s a way to do that.  But we’ll do our best to help.  Once we hear yer story from ya, rather than from Lute, we’ll have a better idea of what happened to ya.  But that can wait until you’ve had some rest.  You ‘n that lil egg have been through a lot today.”
              “Yes,” Ford said, his voice breaking.  “We have.”
              “I’ll bring ya the guppy basket to put the egg in, okay?  And once that’s done, ya can get some sleep.”  Ford nodded woodenly.  Mrs. MerGucket left the room.
              “Stanley,” Ford whispered helplessly to the egg that had been his brother.  “What- what are we going to do?”  Stan offered no answers, merely curling up tightly within his egg.
              Stan’s egg rocked back and forth within the guppy basket.
              “Be patient,” Ford chided as he combed his hair. He’d learned the hard way that if he didn’t comb regularly, small crustaceans would take up residence in his thick curls.  After spending a few months with the MerGuckets, he felt more or less settled as a merman.
              At the very least, I feel less like a fish out of water.  Ford managed a small smile at the almost pun.  Every day, he learned more about merfolk and mer society from the MerGuckets.  They had yet to determine what sea creature had transformed him and Stan, however, and as a result, were no closer to reversing the process.  I suspect Mrs. MerGucket was right.  What happened to us can’t be remedied.  His good mood evaporated.  Stanley and I are stuck.  Said stuck egg abruptly rolled in the basket.
              “I told you to calm down,” Ford said, swimming over.  He wasn’t sure how much Stan was aware of in the egg, nor how much he would recall when hatched, but couldn’t shake the habit of talking to the egg like nothing had changed.  Like Stan was still his stubborn, adult self.  “I’ll put you in the sling in a moment.”  The egg rolled again.  “Fine!” Ford grabbed the egg sling off his dresser and put it on.  While it was impossible to carry an entire clutch in an egg sling, merfolk used them to keep close eggs they were concerned about.
              Luckily, I only have one egg, so transporting the full clutch isn’t an issue.  Ford froze. No.  Did I just- did I just think of Stan as being my child?
              “Everything all right in here?” a voice asked.  Ford looked over his shoulder.  Fiddleford treaded water in the doorway, smiling at him. A few days after Ford came to the MerGucket home, Fiddleford, Angie and Lute’s older brother, had returned home from an internship.  Very quickly, Fiddleford had become Ford’s favorite of the MerGucket children. Angie was kind and quite brilliant, but rambunctious in a way that reminded Ford of Stan and was thus painful to be around for long.  Lute was abrasive and curt, and still didn’t seem convinced Ford was telling the truth.
              Fiddleford, however, was gentle and warm, with an intellect to rival Ford’s.  The fact that Fiddleford was obsessed with human culture, and thus fascinated by Ford’s stories, only served to deepen their connection.
              “Yes, everything’s quite all right,” Ford said. He carefully placed Stan’s egg in the sling.  “Stan’s just being difficult this morning.”  Fiddleford swam over, frowning.
              “He’s just an egg.  How could he be difficult?”
              “Oh, he’s been moving around a lot.”
              “He…”  Fiddleford’s eyes widened.  “How long has this been goin’ on?”
              “A couple of days.  Why?”
              “Stanford, eggs start movin’ when they’re gettin’ ready to hatch,” Fiddleford said gently.  Ford’s mouth dropped open.  “I reckon ya might want to put the egg back in the basket.”  Numb, Ford did as he was told, removing Stan’s egg from the sling and gently setting it inside the guppy basket.  The egg began to rock and roll in earnest.  Finally, a tiny hand punched through the egg’s membrane.
              “He’s…” Ford whispered.  His voice failed him as he watched a newborn mer crawl through the hole.  “He’s…”
              “Quite the looker,” Fiddleford said quietly. The newborn mer, with fins and scales a drab green color, scrunched up his face and began to cry.
              “What- what do I-” Ford asked desperately. Fiddleford scooped up the newborn mer and gently placed him in the egg sling Ford still wore.
              “Newborn guppies like to be held,” Fiddleford said.
              Right.  Mer children are referred to as guppies.  And they don’t get their mature scale and fin colors until adolescence.  Ford stared down at the guppy curled up in the sling.  He was the spitting image of old family pictures of Stan.  Which makes sense, given that he is Stan.  Ford hesitantly stroked the guppy’s cheek. The guppy leaned into the movement with a soft crooning sound.  …Is he?
              “Is somethin’ wrong?” Fiddleford asked hesitantly.
              “I…”  Ford swam over to his bed and sat down.  Fiddleford followed, sitting next to him.  “I think that some part of me expected the Stan I knew to hatch from the egg. That he would be himself, with all his memories and quirks, but…a child.”  His voice began to quiver.  “That obviously isn’t the case.  He’s my brother, but not- not really.  Despite my best attempts, I’ve lost him.”
              “Don’t think of it that way,” Fiddleford said. He placed his hand on Ford’s shoulder. “Think of it as him gettin’ a fresh start.  Ya told me how yer pa wasn’t kind.”
              “No, he wasn’t.”
              “Well then, this is a chance fer him to get the kind of father he didn’t get the first time,” Fiddleford said gently. Ford swallowed.
              “…Yes.  I- I suppose you’re right.”  He removed the guppy from the sling to nestle in his arms.  The guppy looked up at him with curious brown eyes.  Ford carefully removed stray bits of egg from the guppy’s thick, brown curls.  “Hello.” The guppy cocked his head, interested. Ford held him close.  “It’s good-” he started.  His voice gave out.  He took a deep breath and tried again.  “It’s good to see you again, Stanley.”
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
What if another person tried to kidnap the yanderes darlings👀
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All their reactions will of course be to get you back so I only did the ones that would have the strongest reactions
Also im gonna start pairing hikaru with a y/n who doesn't give a shit about his degrading..cause it's wayyy funnier
Warning this contains: death, talk of torture, cannibalism, yandere behavior, kidnapping
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Definitely wasn't expecting it
Theo is normally prepared but he doesnt have any idea what to do
He of course has to find out who would touch you and how to get rid of them
He is usually so calm and collected but when he gets you back he is merciless with your captor, cold and unnerving downright sadistic
He wants them to suffer for worrying him and stealing his little wife/husband
"so this is where you've been hiding" Theo spoke softly to you with a smile as he gazed at your restraints before setting you free and kissing your wrists which were lightly bruised from the restraints but he heard footsteps his eyes growing cold.
"angel, close your eyes and cover your ears okay? Don't stop til I say..please" he spoke softly before turning his back to you before walking away. Soon screams of pure agony filled the air a constant screaming before utter silence, Theo soon returning to you covered in blood now wiping his glasses clean with a gentle humming
"how about we go home and take a shower, okay angel?"
He gets his brother to help
He is unstable without you
Like he can't think straight and all his senses seem to not work properly he is utterly hopeless
The person who took you will feel his wrath
Axis always shows his his cute side but when he gets you he gets dark as hell
Aka he lets salem devour them
"sweetie! Oh thank goodness I found you!" Axis chirped out pressing a kiss against your lips before he set you free from the cage you were in. "Let's go home okay? I missed you so much!" He huffs out.
"you can't take them" axis shuddered at the voice of your captor and something feral come out of him, they took you..took you away and did god knows what. With a whistle it seems he got salem's attention who was sitting outside the room. Axis turned to you smiling sweetly while salem pounced the sounds of screaming and bones cracking filling the room as axis helped you out the cage and covered your eyes from behind guiding you out the room.
"don't mind the noise okay? I know it's loud." He whispers in your ear before pressing a kiss on the back of your neck.
It's cute that people think they can take you from him
Is very prepared
It takes three hours before he's coming to you to get you
He doesn't seem angry but he is
He's downright cold just cruel
You sobbed softly as your captor tortured you using a knife to cover your body with small but deep cuts, you soon heard a faint sound and looked to the window seeing Yuki open it softly when the two of you locked eyes he pressed a finger to his lips signalling silence.
You tried your best to avoid staring at him as he hopped down from the window into the room the soft sounds of his footsteps alerting your captor who turned around.
"whose the-"
Yuki shoved a gun barrel into the stranger's mouth his eyes cold and dull as he locked eyes with them. "Die." Yuki whispers out shooting the pistol watching them drop before he aimed at them firing again..and again..and again. He didn't stop until the gun clicked so he checked the ammo and was about to even put a new magazine in bloodlust swirling in his eyes.
"y-yuki!" You snapped out your body shaking at the sight of the clearly dead body filled with holes. Yuki glanced down and tilted his head to the side giving a sleepy little oh before putting the gun away and untying you noticing your cuts and shoved his sweater onto you before scooping you into his arms.
"I'm teaching you how to fight."
His mumbled out as he took you home.
Sweetheart he is the leader of a whole gang of clown thugs
It takes him like thirty minutes to find you and the entire time he's smiling
Like "oh well what are you gonna do I guess haha time to get my y/n lol"
In actuality he's PISSED
When he gets you he doesn't show it though
He actually encourages the captor for a little bit before utterly slaughtering them.
"one step closer and I'll kill them!" You whimpered as you were held at knife point staring at rin with fear in your eyes but rin... simply pulls up a chair and plopped a seat his smile never leaving his face. "Go ahead" he stated out now gazing at his purple painted nails.
"boss, are you sure?" One of his goons asked out and rin chuckled before getting up. "They won't do it, that's the funny part. They are just a dumb coward too scared to do it" he explained skipping over to you watching how your captor shook in nervousness pressing the blade closer to your neck blood starting to spill.
"do it motherfucker, I'm fucking waiting" rin whispers out leaning in close his eyes widening almost looking like they were glowing. "Y-you're a monster" your captor cried now shoving you but rin wasn't done tormenting them. "I'll give you two choices, slit your throat...or suffer as my gang force you down and touch you in ways that makes you wish you were dead, over and over til you're a broken bitch, I mean either way they are gonna violate you but wouldn't it be better for them to do it when you're dead and you can't feel their groping hands?" Rin cheers out
Your captor backed up til their back hit a wall as rin hummed sweetly walking closer and closer to them before grabbing them by the shirt yanking them close.
" stop being a fucking pussy and choose or I'll be the one doing the violatinf and trust me you don't want that" rin whispers darkly in their ear before shoving them down and turning to you and his group.
"have fun boys try not to make too much a mess, I'm going home!" he cheers out now walking towards you and holding his hand out towards you with a grin helping you up. "Aweee are you crying?! You're so cute! Cutie cutie cutie!" He cooed now squishing your cheeks together completely ignoring the violence happening behind him.
"let's go home and eat dino nuggets!" He said happily before glancing behind him with an annoyed hiss "fucking coward slit his throat..." He mumbled under his breath but shook it off now taking your hand and skipping with a happy him guiding you away.
He doesn't realize you're gone at first
It takes him a day
He thought you were being a brat and hiding again so he decided to be pretty and ignore you..but he missed you and realizes you're kidnapped
He is pissed at you for being a dumbass and getting taken but also pissed at himself for letting it happen
When he goes there he doesn't even save you at first first he has to bitch about it
You two legit argue while you're tied up
Your captor is like "should i go orrrr..."
Of course they meet death but he has to complain first
Hikaru huffs as he stomped into the warehouse without a single care in the world his eyes glaring at you as you looked at him with relief finally he came for you
"bitch do you know how much of a waste of time this is? Like damn y/n you love wasting my time and money so much you get snatched up" you felt all your relief get replaced with annoyance as your eyes drooped into a glare.
"oh yes hikaru cause I got kidnapped on purpose. If I wanted to waste your money I would steal your credit card" you hissed back and hikaru scoffs lightly.
"well I'm here, what's all the fuss about?"
"I'm fucking kidnapped hikaru! How about you stop being a dick and help they could kill or even violate me!"
Hikaru gave you a sassy expression clearly already fed up with you at this point. "Sweetie, they won't violate you. Gotta be worth violating for that" he sneers out
Your captor gazed at the two of you nervously as to two shouted at each other for the next ten minutes. "Excuse m-" hikaru took out a gun and shot them in the knee as quickly as they spoke before getting back to his argument.
"...all I'm saying is a thank you daddy would be nice! Like I came all the way over here I had a hair appointment but nooo I had to save you. You're so damn selfish"
"oh my fucking god...thank you daddy for coming to save me even though you're my damn BOYFRIEND! I'll get someone else to save me next time" you snapped out and hikaru pouted "your sass is not needed" he grumbled out before untying you.
Your captor who was in very much pain tried to speak and hikaru gave them a disgusted expression, was this plebian speaking to him? "Shut the hell up, it's your fault too you could have taken anyone but no you had to take my pet" he snapped shooting them in the head before grabbing you by your arm dragging you out while grumbling under his breath.
"I better get my dick sucked" he hissed out now shooting you an annoyed look.
He is so worried
Like so worried
He's a himbo so it takes him a bit to realize that you aren't at the store getting him more hamburger steaks
One he figured it out he quickly went to find you
He was such a mess
Once he found you he was crying and hugging you so tight
Snapped your captor's neck
Uses his strength in scary ways.
"y/n! Oh darling! Are you okay sunshine? Are ya hurt?" Rocket squeaked out as he started to untie you his breathing shaky and tears in his eyes. Rocket heard footsteps come closer, in a panic he was shoving you in a closet to hide before meeting the eyes of your captor.
Wasn't long til he was breaking every bone in their body,starting with their arm snapping it like a twig before moving to their leg then to neck making it more and more painful. "I usually hate violence, but my sweetheart..is my everything" he whispers out before turning to you with a gentle smile
"darling, let's go home"
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ssajj · 4 years
You're a stripper and you meet Dr. Spencer Reid on a case. He's interesting in a way men aren't usually.
Warnings for language, kidnapping, non-graphic violence.
(this is my first reader insert. hope it's okay ✌)
The colors alone always feel like enough to get you drunk. You can spin in them in hours, throwing your head back and basking under their heat. You don’t know what it is about them. The others like to laugh and tease you about it, even if they seem to understand that they really mean something to you. You don’t know what, though. Those are always your best shifts; making the most money and with your favorite customers. The nights without them are always the worst, but you try to make it up with bright glitters and higher heels. 
It’s still pretty early. Only a handful of people have wandered in so far and three of them are seated firmly at the bar, refusing to even look at you and the girls. It’s hard for you to not roll your eyes at them. If you’re going to come into a strip club, don’t be so stuck up that you can’t look at the strippers. To you, that seems like an obvious thing. And yet. 
At least the lights are on. 
“Hey,” your best friend whispers, pulling at your shoulder so she can whisper in your ear. Neither of you are on the main stage, since the newbies tend to get stuck with the shitty sunset hours. Less cash. “Fresh meat.”
You look over to where she’s gesturing, a low whistle building in your throat. Two people are hovering at the entrance. You can already tell that they don’t belong. Their posture, their facial expressions. “Think they’re cops?” You ask. “Cops fucking suck at tipping.”
Without waiting for an answer, you start striding over there, thankful that you’re dressed, even if it isn’t close to modestly. 
A man and a woman. The woman has shiny black hair, gently curled around her shoulders. You’re briefly jealous of her bone structure before that feeling turns into something more akin to lust- you don’t look like her, no, but she’s hot. The all black ensamble, frankly, is doing wonders for her. She seems dominant and powerful. Maybe not your type, then. You’re a bit of a control freak. The guy, though. You lick your lips, looking him over as you get closer. He’s about as submissive looking as they come. His shoulders are hunched, hands crossed nervously in front of him. His eyes are darting around the room and you’d think he was looking for an exit if he wasn’t currently standing in front of one. He’s got some of the fluffiest hair you’ve ever seen and it shouldn’t look good on him, but it does. Really good. He’s tall too, towering over the woman, and- huh. Now you know it’s possible to be hot in a sweater vest. 
“Hey there,” you purr as you reach them, leaning against the table closest to them. You see their attention snap over to you, eyeing you up in down the same way you did to them. The man blushes and the woman arches an eyebrow. You just smile. “Anything I can help you two with? We do discounts for couples.”
The man sputters. “We aren’t-”
“SSA Emily Prentiss and Dr. Spencer Reid.” The woman interrupts him, flashing her badge. He follows suit. “We’re here from the FBI.”
You put your hands in front of you, pretending that they’re bound together at the wrists. “You here to arrest me?” You ask, pouting. 
Emily rolls her eyes. Spencer shakes his head aggressively. 
“We’re here about the recent string of murdered sex workers,” Emily says.
You flinch, some of your tougher exterior slipping away. When you’re working, you try your best not to think about those girls, the ones that ended up in alleys with their stomachs cut open, their contents beside them. Four, so far. No one from your work, even if there were whispers that your luck’s running out. It’s only a matter of time.
“I didn’t think anyone cared about a couple of murdered whores,” you mutter, letting the bitterness seep into your words. You aren’t stupid enough to trust FBI agents anymore than you trust cops. “And I don’t see why that’s brought you here, anyway. None of them worked on this street.”
Spencer takes a step forward. “We care,” he tells you. You’re too smart to believe him, even if the gentle look in his eyes makes you want to try. You blink a couple times, trying to clear your thoughts. 
“Can we ask you a few questions?” Emily looks less gentle, although not unkind. Life’s made her hard, you think. Any kindness she has, she’s probably had to fight for it. It’s not a concept you’re unfamiliar with and under different circumstances, you think you could’ve been friends. 
You glance back at the stage before agreeing. “We can either keep yelling over the music or go to one of the private rooms,” you tell them, “But there’s a lot of velvet and leather in those.”
You take them into one of the rooms, but you aren't there for long. Most of their questions seem generic. Boring.
“Call us if you think of anything else,” Spencer says, handing you a card with his name and phone number on it.
You take it, tucking it into one of your boots. “And if I want to call you so I can hear your cute voice again?”
Emily has to pound him on the back after that one, his face on fire as he goes into a coughing fit. You can’t help but grin wickedly. Maybe you’d feel bad if his partner wasn’t laughing. 
“Oh, I’m so telling Morgan about this,” she says, electing a groan from Spencer. 
Once he’s mostly settled again, he turns back to you. There’s still a blush raging on his cheeks. You like knowing that you’re the one to put it there. “Stay safe, okay?”
“Sure,” you nod, like the other girls hadn’t begged for the safety, like they weren’t all on high alert already. If someone gets you, it won’t be because you were an easy target. “I could probably stab him with my heel or something.”
It was supposed to be a joke, but Emily nods like you just said something smart, which is a little concerning. 
A week later, you reflect that you probably should have used your heel, considering your current situation. You’re in a dark, unfamiliar room, your vocal cords already torn apart from screaming so much. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you mutter, trying to look at your surroundings. It’s hard to see anything and even harder to focus. Your head is pounding. You don’t touch it. You don’t want to feel the blood gathering and clumping in your hair. That’s a problem for later. If you survive this. “Fucking cute skinny FBI agent didn’t do shit for me. We’ll get him,” you mock, raising the pitch of your voice. “Biggest load of crap I’ve ever heard. Should have caught him before he kidnapped me.”
You don’t know how long you’re in the dark before a door opens. A man you don’t recognize enters, making you scramble back to the furthest corner of the room. 
“Scared?” He asks. You can’t make out any facial features, even though there’s a voice inside of you that’s telling you he’s grinning. 
“Fuck you,” you spit, going for false bravado. You told yourself that you wouldn’t go down without a fight, and you were going to keep that promise. 
Then you notice that he has a knife. You have to force the fight back into your body, imagining that you’re back at the club, rainbow lights searing into your skin, making you powerful, making you invincible. You bare your teeth at him, a growl escaping. 
Survival of the fittest. 
“Y/N?” A soft voice rouses you from your sleep. It takes a few seconds for it to register in your brain, but Spencer’s the one speaking. 
Your eyes flutter open. “Oh, you’re blurry.”
“An ambulance is on the way,” he tells you. He’s cradling your head and you get a weird urge to cry. His voice is so soft. “It’s okay if you fall asleep, the idea that you can’t fall asleep with a head injury is mostly a myth. I’ll be there when you wake up.”
You believe him enough to drift off back to sleep.
The next time you wake up, you’re in a hospital room. The lights are blinding and white, making you miss your colorful ones. “I better get time off,” you groan. 
Someone laughs beside you. You turn to see Spencer again. 
"You're here."
He leans forward. "You sound surprised."
"Keen observation. Don't you have like...official FBI stuff to be doing right now?"
Spencer shrugs. "I wanted to make sure you were okay before I regrouped with the team."
"I don't really remember what happened."
"You killed him."
You frown. "No shit? Seriously?"
"JJ- she's another agent, you haven't met her- and I were the ones to go down to the basement. That's where he was keeping you," he explains, hands starting to wave through the air. "When we got down there, you were both laying on the ground. He was dead. Shot three times. You were shot once in the side. Thankfully, the damage seems to be minimal. You also have a concussion from when he presumably hit your head to capture you."
"I shot him?" You look down on your hands like you're going to see blood on them. They're cracked and dry. You flip them over just in case. Nothing, still. "I don't feel any different. Are you supposed to feel different after you kill someone?"
"There haven't been any studies on people's brain patterns right before and right after they've killed someone," Spencer shrugs, then pauses. "Although you most likely weren't looking for a scientific answer. Sorry."
"No, it's good to know."
Spencer fiddles with the sleeve of his shirt, a small smile playing on his lips. He's got that same blush he did the first time you met him, the light one. "I'm glad you're okay."
"Has the offer to call you expired?" You ask, feeling bold. 
The blush deepens. "No."
You grin. "Nothing like getting kidnapped to set the mood, huh?"
You don't think he gets the joke. That's okay. 
A week later, you're on the phone with him, propped up on all the pillows your roommates could find in your little apartment. 
"Hey, cutie pie," you grin. 
"Hi, Y/N. How are you feeling?"
This was the third phone call. The same number as how many times you shot the man that tried to kill you. Each time, the first thing Spencer did was ask how you were doing. You keep lying to him. It makes guilt swirl around in your stomach. You tell yourself that it's okay, that he probably doesn't want to hear how you actually are. The feeling still lingers. You want him to care, you realize. It's nonsensical, you barely know him, but you want him to hold you when you wake up screaming, when you remember flashes of that night, and when you have good moments. And in turn, you want to get to know him. You want to see what his face looks like while you're dancing, you want to know what his degrees are in, you want to know what makes him happy, if you could make him happy. You want to make him happy. 
"I'm doing as well as I can be." It's the most honest answer you've given. "How's being a fancy FBI agent? Still on that case in Wyoming?"
"We're wrapping up, actually. We arrested our unsub this morning. She was going after unfaithful men."
You pause. "Good for her."
He sputters. "It's murder, Y/N!"
"I killed someone," you point out quietly. 
"You know that's different."
You do. 
Don't you?
Your hands itch. 
After a month of phone calls, you get to see him again in person. You're still healing, still scarring over, but you get to touch him. 
Neither of you ever bring up the conversation of defining what this is between you. When you see him, you race toward him, halting to a stop once you get close. 
"Is touching okay?" You ask. 
He gives you the biggest smile you've ever seen before pulling you against him. You fit snugly against him, his chin resting on the top of your head. "Yeah," he mumbles. "Touch is good. Thank you for asking."
"I'm a stripper," you laugh, pulling back enough to see his face. "We're big consent fans."
He hesitates. You can see his thoughts racing, can see him making a pros and cons list in his head. "Can I kiss you?"
Your lips split from your grin. "I've been waiting for you to ask, hot stuff."
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avmisworld · 3 years
Stray Kids when you fall asleep on them:
Bang Chan:
It'll take some time for this oblivious cutie to notice that you dozed off while quietly playing 'Candy Crush' on your phone beside him. You initially came to give your boyfriend some moral support, knowing how hard it is to work on song writing so late at night. But apparently, it was hard for you too, and your boyfriend can't help but laugh with surprise when he hears a soft snore from under him, looking down to meet your peacefully sleeping face, your eyelashes fluttering over your high cheekbones and your pink lips parted slightly as you let out small puffs of warm air. Chris will have a mental breakdown, seeing you with your head on his shoulder, looking so soft and baby-like. He'll resist the urge to scream and jump around, not wanting to wake you up, but he can't keep the smile off his face as he continues to work, looking down every few seconds to stare at you again fondly and make sure you're comfortable, whispering to himself 'how adorable' every now and then. He'll try to finish whatever work he has left as quickly as possible, wanting to take you back home where you can finally sleep like you deserve, but he can't deny that your presence beside him calms him down, making the late-night job seem much more appealing.
"Aww, she fell asleep, how adorable I-"
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Lee Know:
It was really late at night when you came to visit your boyfriend at the practice room, so you were already stifling yawns behind your hand by the time Minho finished going through the first choreography. The second your boyfriend takes a break, falling against the squeaky clean mirrors covering the walls tiredly, you're scooching closer to him, leaning your head against his bare, sweaty shoulder carelessly as you let your eyes shut slowly, while Minho scrolls through his phone, looking for a second song to practice. When you shift against him slightly, he turns down to look towards you, ready to throw a snarky comment, only to smile fondly when he is met with the sight of your closed eyes, and steadily moving chest. Minho will shake his head with amusement, mumbling to himself about how he knew this will happen and scolding your sleeping figure, but he doesn't deny that he likes the feeling of you against him, even if his whole body is sore and hot from dancing. He'll snap a few selfies of you for blackmail later on, because he can't be too sweet lmao, and then just spend a few more minutes admiring your calm, almost childish features. Sighing to himself as he stares at the watch against the wall of the practice room, Minho understands he needs to get back to work if he wants to finish before midnight, and he picks you up bridal style, shushing you gently when you stir in his arms, before placing you on the leather sofa at the edge of the room, making sure you can't fall off before going back to practice, thoughts of you filling his mind and giving him new energy.
"Aish, I knew this would happen. This sleepyhead, seriously."
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Changbin will low-key be shocked when he asks you a question and you don't answer, only to look down and realize you were sleeping soundly, head on his chest and arms curled tightly around his torso. The two of you were watching a movie that you've been wanting to see for a while, but you got drowsy sooner than expected due to the darkness and your boyfriend's body heat warming you up. Changbin will feel his cheeks heat up when he sees how peacefully you're resting against him, as if you feel utterly protected and cared for in his strong hold, and he'll smile to himself shyly, leaning down to give you a light kiss on your nose, being careful not to wake you up. After that he'll forget the movie completely, instead choosing to lean his head on top of yours carefully, letting his own eyes close as he wraps the thin blanket tighter around the two of you. He'll want to move to the bed, knowing that this position can't possibly be good for your backs, but his heart won't let him wake you up just yet, instead promising to himself that he'll just take a five minute nap. Of course, the two of you wake up the next morning with aching limbs and stiff muscles, but seeing your blushing cheeks and content smile, Changbin can't really get himself to regret anything.
"I shouldn't sleep here... I'll just close my eyes for a second."
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You're reading a book, your head placed securely in Hyunjin's lap, when you start to feel your eyelids grow heavy, sleepiness overcoming you slowly. You can't really be blamed though, the calming sound of your boyfriend practicing his lines from Stray Kid's newest song under his breath, along with the steady hum of the heater, giving the room the perfect atmosphere for a long nap. It only takes a few seconds for Hyunjin to realize that you fell asleep, thanks to your adorable tendencies to mumble incoherent sentences when sleeping. The blond haired boy freezes in his place, the hand that was slowly carding through your thick locks momentarily stopping its steady movement. Hyunjin breathes slowly through his mouth as he stares at your peaceful face, the sound of his heart beat ringing in his ear as he takes some time to admire you, loving the fact that he can see you like this, in your most natural state. After he overcomes his flustered shock, he reluctantly decides to wake you up, thinking that your health and comfort is (unfortunately) more important than his own enjoyment. He'll gently shake you awake, smiling down at you softly when you open your big eyes to look at him, and help you walk to your bedroom and get into the bed, not hesitating to jump into the space beside you the second you open your arms, motioning him over.
"Jagi, wake up~ Let's take you to bed, sleepyhead."
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Han is playing video games with you sitting in his lap, back to his chest and his arms wrapped tightly around your stomach, holding the remote control, when you shift in his hold, turning so you're chest to chest, and place you head on his shoulder, letting your eyes shut as you absentmindedly listen to Han's quiet yells of victory and defeat. It's only after Han finishes his game, turning to you to boast about his win, that he's met with your closed eyes and slightly open mouth, little snores escaping it every now and then. Han can't help but squeal at the adorable sight, slapping a hand over his mouth to shut himself up when you shift slightly in his arms at the shrill sound, and he smiles widely, leaving a kiss on your forehead. He'll literally be so happy, he won't be able to fall asleep or even look away from your face, instead snuggling even closer to you and interlocking your fingers, deciding to wait until you wake up. He won't be able to stop himself from leaving kisses all over your baby face either, wincing every now and then when you stir a bit from the touch of his lips, and he'll snap a few pictures of you, adding them to his secret album, filled to the brim with pictures he took of you unknowingly, and smile at you fondly, unable to stop the stupidly wide grin pulling at his lips.
"I wish you were awake so I could tell you how cute you are~"
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You were in the back of the car, taking you back to Stray Kid's dorm after their concert that you attended. All of the members were in the car, either dozing off or on their phones, and the small space was filled with a vast feeling of content exhaustion and wordless happiness after another successful day. Felix and you were at the back of the car, sitting beside each other, your head leaning on your boyfriend's strong shoulder as you stared out the window, watching trees and buildings whir by. Felix was on his phone, scrolling through Twitter and Instagram and watching videos from the concert with a small smile, his face still covered with a thin layer of sweat from preforming. It's when Felix turns down to look at you, wanting to ask you if you were coming to sleep at the dorm, that he sees you're already fast asleep, feeling rather tired after cheering for your boyfriend and friends for the past three hours. Your boyfriend will chuckle lowly, unable to stop the giddiness filling his veins at the sight of your calm features and small pout as you slept, and he'll quickly alert the members, smiling his sunshine smile as he points to you, the other members giggling softly at the sight of your slumbering figure. After that, Felix will make sure to take a load of pictures, wanting to show you how cute you looked tomorrow, and then he'll lean his head on your own, letting his own eyes close as he relaxes in the warmth of your body, falling asleep as well.
"Guys, look how cute Y/N looks!"
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Seungmin was shopping for clothes online when you crawled over to him on the bed, already dressed in your pyjamas, your hair pulled into a messy bun and your eyes dull with sleepiness. Your boyfriend doesn't react much when you wriggle your way into his lap, simply patting your head wordlessly before continuing to scroll though the website, letting you do your thing, shifting a bit in Seungmin's lap before leaning back on his chest, watching with droopy eyes as your boyfriend clicks through different garments, occasionally putting them in his basket as he hums a Day6 song under his breath. Seungmin is about to scold you when your head tips back too much, blocking his eyesight, but he stops abruptly when he understands you're asleep, your eyes shut and face buried in the crook of his neck. Seungmin wouldn't know what to do, choosing to freeze and not move a muscle in fear of waking you up accidentally. He'll stay completely still, his only reaction the steadily growing blush on his cheeks, and will hesitantly brush away the strands of dark hair covering your eyes before retracting his hand quickly. Despite his rather cold reaction, Seungmin's thoughts will be whirling as he starts down at you fondly, and he can't help but think that he's the luckiest guy on the planet.
'How is she so pretty when sleeping?'
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It's late at night and you're at the dorm, sitting on the couch with the members of Stray Kids, in your usual spot beside Jeongin, your thighs slightly brushing as the whole group talks animatedly, not minding the time. You're enjoying this time with your friends of course, but you're also really tired after a busy day at school, so you can't help but lean a bit more on your oblivious boyfriend, scooting closer into his side as sleep overcomes you slowly. Jeongin would turn to look at you immediately when he feels your head fall on his shoulder, thinking you got hurt or something, only to be met with your sleeping face. He'll turn red in the face, looking away from you and trying to play it cool in front of the hyungs, but he's freaking out internally, wondering if he should wake you up or not, or if he should hold your hand and leave a kiss on your cheek because you're just looking so squishy wrapped up in his embrace uwu. Before he can decide though, his hyungs quickly notice the situation, and go on to tease their lovable maknae as expected, causing the pretty blush on his cheeks to burn even brighter as he laughs, unable to stop smiling despite knowing the older members will never let this go.
"She must've been really tired..."
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
💝My Obsession // Yandere! Leona Kingscholar x Reader// 💝
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Someone, please explain to me how all my Leona fics end up being 2,500+ words?? Also props to whoever figures out which anime got inspired by to write the ending. Any way enjoy also thanks so much to @malleusthorns​ their game motivated me to write this.
Warning: Gore...I guess.
There was a throbbing that wouldn't seem to go away, reverberating through the young girl's skull. Bouncing from wall to wall of her cranium just like a bouncy ball. The pain caused her to close her eyes tighter, trying to lull herself back into the numb comatose that had started to crack under the weight of alertness. Tiny fracture sprinkled around the darkness, noting to fully break her dormant mind. That was until something icy and wet splashed over her face, jolting her from her slumber.
(Y/n)'s eyes shot open, tears forming at the sides ready to slip out. She was becoming cognizant of the hammering in her head. A shiver ran up her spin before creeping over her skin, laying cutis anserina in its wake. As her sense began to awaken one by one, (y/n) started to feel a tug on her shoulder. The poor girl tried pulling her humerus forward, only for her skin to scrape against a smooth, freezing surface. Something was bounding her arms...and her legs she noted as she tried to kick her feet. 
Nervously her bloodshot eyes scanned the room, it was dark and chilly. Something was causing every hair on her body to stand up on high alert, her guts where entwining amongst themselves screaming that something just wasn't right. Endless minutes flew by before a rollicking noise jarred silent darkness. A tapping soon followed, pittering across the floor. One second she could practically feel their presence less than a millimeter away from her. The next all she had was their even,never-changing noise where, she could only assume, was in front of her.
'Please talk' a  timid voice croaked inside her head. 'Please say something' the nervous noise was poking at her tolerance. 'Just talk!' she couldn't tell if she'd actually screamed out the words or only hollered them inside her head. Either way, it did not matter, the footsteps only continued on their way, ignoring her presence altogether. The steps were getting further and further...the footfalls ceased and were instead replaced by a ripping noise that echoed through the emptiness.
In moments the obscurity was pierced by thin feeble rays of silver light. Despite the lights infirm nature it's brightness (y/n) still shut her eyes in an attempt to stop the stinging that had sparked from the back of her eyeballs. Endless minutes passed before a heavy sigh filled the air accompanied by the mirthless voice of the mysterious kidnapper. "Life's not fair is it?"
That question, that signature rhetorical question that had all but engraved its self in the depths of (y/n)'s memory. There was only one person, one person in the entirety of the world that could state such an overlooked fact as if it was the foundation that life was built on, one person...
"Leona..." Her whisper was as light as the air itself, the name of her beloved childhood friend mingled with the air before it was carried off into oblivion. Craning her head to the right, (Y/n)'s eyes caught the ever so familiar frame of the Savanclaw dorm leader. His green eyes glowed in the eerie rays. His posture wasn't as lax like it always was. There was an eagerness to him, an unsteadiness engulfing him. His spin was stark straight, his gloved fingers dug into his hips, scrunching the fabric of his shirt. "Surprised kitten?" his voice rumbled from his chest, echoing through the room. "You really shouldn't be, you've had this coming for some time."
(y/n)'s brows knitted together, whatever had been spilled on her earlier was starting to dry over her face. Sticking to her visage like a second skin. "L-Leona..." her voice was brittle, wither away like a dying rose. "W-what are...are you talking about?" dread was wrapping it's decaying thin arms around her, hover above the doomed darling watching the spectacle. "Wh..why am I here?" questions where bubbling inside the girl, floating out of her mouth and lingering in the stale air. It did little to phase Leona, he just kept starring and starring. Almost like a predator hunting its prey.
Slowly the lion boy stalked forward, his tail swished from side to side, almost like he was nervous about something...When he was close enough he leaned over. With one hand he tilted the metal chair backward. With the motion (y/n)'s head tipped backward. Their faces were close, far too close, (y/n) could feel every breath that Leona took. There was malice and sadness hidden behind his emerald orbs. His face was twisted into a snarl, sharp teeth on full display. "Why do you always have to be so dame clueless?"
(y/n)'s nerves were starting to snap. If this was a sick joke, then it had lost its humor the moment she woke up. "Stop it!" her voice creaked like old floorboards. Her vocal cords strained almost on the verge of bleeding as she tried to morphed her tone into an intimidating one. "This..this isn't funny Leona!!" The older boy rolled his eyes. He tipped the chain back to its initial position. Before waling behind her and undoing the restraints. Just as (y/n) came to move her arms, Leona forcefully pushed the chair into the ground. (Y/n)'s face slammed against the dirty floor, bouncing upwards from the sheer force before falling down numbly once more.
Leon watched as the young girl tried to get up, balancing herself on her hands and knees. as she stretched her neck to look up at him, he noted that blood was pooling under a few areas on her face and left eye. Creating supple red bruises. Though he would never say it out loud, she looked pretty like this, she had always looked her best when she was bleeding of hurt in some manner, it caused a sort of glow to orbit around her. But her beauty did little to make up for her insolence. There was a storm brewing inside him of him the anger, danger, and a newly awoken darkness where entwining birthing the personification of his obsession.
"By the king of beasts," he grumbled as his fingers shot up to his temple, as they always did when the iteration of the situation was planting another neuralgia in his head  "I want you...no, you are mine, you have always been mine! You're just so stupidly dense that you never once realized it!"
(Y/n)'s eyes widen in disbelief, her heart was pounding against her rib cage practically breaking her ribs with each beat. Nervously she brought the back of her hand to her face, trying to distract herself. As she went to wipe the substance off her face. The substance cracked and peeled off the second her hand rubbed against it. As it fell it revealed a sticky layer underneath. Retracting her arm quickly (y/n) tried to see what it was that she had just touched...Another wave of shock rolled over her...
"B-blood?" Frantically her eyes ran up to Leona's begging for answers. The dark-skinned boy shrugged. "I didn't like your history project partner". (y/n) gulped, "How long?" her question silently floated between them, acting as a shield brightened by the dimly light. Leona only raised an eyebrow, he opened his mouth an inch but closed it once he heard the choked sobs and enraged shouts coming from his "lover". "How long?"... there was no reply. "How long have you felt this way!" It was a stupid question. (y/n) knew, if anything she had known for far too long, but she had been so happy in her hubris. So content with playing "sibling" with her childhood friend, she knew how he had felt for far too long. But everything had been so sweet, so pleasant, almost like a fairy tale. It was easier to look for a prince charming in other men and expect her "big brother" to be there and catch her once that prince inevitably broke her heart. 
A sharp pain in her scalp caused the girl to look up. Leona was kneeling in front of her, pulling her hair up to look her directly in the eyes.
"Stop being so selfish and just fuking be mine already! it's not that fucking hard!" His yells held a desperate undertone, the big strong king of Savanclaw was reduced to this? A lovesick boy? Angrily (y/n) took in a deep unsteady breath before bellowing: "I'm the selfish one? You kidnapped me and tied me to a chair! You broke that beautiful illusion we had! To want to throw away our friendship for what? So we can break each other's hearts?!"
Leona remained dumbfound, his grip on her hair strengthened. "Actually I ordered Ruggie to kidnap you so that on him" he tried to keep a haughty prideful tone, but her words had left a growing bruise on his ego.
"Doesn't matter! if anything that just further proves my point! You are the selfish one! Just fess up, you're the one at fault here!"
Leona's body had begun vibrating with rage. Lifting his free hand he struck (y/n)! His claws snipped at her flesh,  tearing apart skin tissue by skin tissue as if it was nothing more then silk fabric. Slashing at the muscles until there was a large enough opening for the blood to flow past. Trickling down her cheek the mood pushed away the rotten plasma caking her face, splattering on her clothes, leaving large messy circular like stains.
"No no! This! This whole fucked up mess we're in is all your fault! It's always been your fault!" Leona roared. His pupils had started to dilate, tears were forming in his eyes. Swiftly the older boy lifted his fist only to smash it onto (y/n)'s, again and again, and again...
Laughter, a sicking, and high pitch bordering on maniacal. Leona stopped his assault, his brows shot upwards, as his mouth twisted in a snarl, creases started forming on the bridge of his nose. How dare she laugh at him! How dare she mock him!
(Y/n) opened her eyes, they were harboring similar insanity as her kidnapper. Her mouth opened permitting her to cough up some blood that had pooled inside. "Why can't you just accept responsibility? You were always like this! Even when we were kids! Nothing was ever your fault because you were such a tragic little prince weren't you! If you really love me then own it! Don't blame me for your obsession! It wasn't my fault! I thought you...I thought you were happy with what we had!" Leona slowly pulled away. His green gaze never once leaving (y/n)'s damaged face. His fingers unlocked from her hair, which causes the young girl to immediately start rubbing the top of her head.
"I don't really care how you see this situation. My fault -which it isn't- Your fault -which it is- the point is...you're mine now and that's how it's going to be..." Leona's hand slithered over to (y/n)'s wrist, gripping it and pulling her into his arms. (y/n) buried her face in his shoulder, breathing in his nostalgic scent, as he calmly petted her head as if she was a pet cat.
Time had frozen, granting the two so-called lovers a break of sorts. For the endless moment. It wasn't until Leona had gotten bored of their little hug, that the two moved. Leona's hands dug into her shoulder, he leaned his head down just as (y/n) tilted her head up. Lips brushing against each other prepping for a kiss.
The quietness was disrupted by a loud banging noise from behind them followed by an airy sound that got louder and louder. Until it struck right past Leona. Cutting the fabric of his jeans and slicing through his flesh. The lion let out a hiss, jumping to his feet and pulling (y/n) up with him. He pushed her to his chest as he maneuvered his body into an attacking pose.
"Let go of (y/n)! You horrible beast!" "Ecoute a lui, roi des lions" "Don't touch (y/n) Onee-chan!"
Those voices, (y/n)'s mind rushed back to the situation. She had seemingly forgotten just what Leona had done to her. The kidnapping, the humiliation, the beating...somehow it had all ran away from her memory the moment her beloved Leona had embraced her. 
Behind the "couple" Rook shot arrow after arrow, aiming for the lion's limbs. One lucky arrow managed to strike Leona's left bicep. The lion boy let out a pained roar, his arm falling limp to his side as blood gushed downwards. "Rook, Ortho now!" Vil's voice boomed through the chamber. Rook nodded as Ortho replied with a "sure thing". The two raced forward, Rook switching his bow for a pocket knife and Ortho punching Leona with his metal fist. Leona tried to fight back but with his wound and the gang up he mostly ended up getting punched.
Sometime before the attack had fully commenced, Leona had shoved (y/n) to the side. Vil ran up to (y/n) grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the exit. Right before he left the "king" of Pomefiore snapped his fingers, causing both Ortho and Rook to leave a bruised and broken Leona. "How did you find me?" (Y/n) asked as she was directed through the maze of hallways and staircases. Vil turned his head to stare at her for a split second before running forward. The hallways were just as dark as the room she had been kept in, the numerous windows were covered by thick black curtains preventing the moon from sharing its light. However, thanks to Ortho's built-in flashlights the gang had a clear, illuminated view of a few feet in front of them. "Idia saw Ruggie knock you out and drag you to the catacombs" Vil explained, his grip on her wrist tightened. As the group ran to the Ignhyde dorm, (y/n) couldn't stop herself from peering over her shoulder. Expecting..no, hoping that her childhood friend would pounce out of the darkness at any moment and chase after them. It was a longing to see the boy she had known her whole life chase after her, the only difference was that this time if he did catch her, she would not object to his advances. But Leona never came...
and she was beginning to think he never would.
Days have a tendency to blend when together there is nothing left to look forward to. (y/n) couldn't remember how long it had been since that night in the NRC catacombs, how long it had been since that "confession"? Time had turned into a paradox, having simultaneously stooped and sped up. Idia and Ortho had taken the role of her caretaker. Bringing her food and checking up on her from time to time. Idia had even broken his shut-in nature just for her, every once in awhile he'd bring over some games to play. Ortho would pop in every day, trying his hardest to entertain the stoic girl. But no matter how hard either Shroud twin tried (y/n) would never smile, her face would never forme any real expression. She only ever spoke when necessary, conversations with her mostly consisted of nobs and grunts. Some days after school Vil or Rook would stop by the Ignihyde dorm with treats. Hoping to return (y/n) to her old, innocent self.
Deep down (y/n) was grateful for the efforts the boys put in. But it felt so meaningless go hollow. What was the point of it all? (y/n) could feel the threads of her sanity slowly ripping. Her days and nights -granted she'd lost track of which was when- where filled with constant pondering over guilty thoughts. Every single one of her waking moments was dedicated to envisioning that damned day, dreaming of just how it could have turned out. Why didn't she just kiss him? Why didn't she jump into his arms and scream that she was his? That she would always be his? That it didn't matter how they loved each other so long as the love was there.
Earlier that morning Vil had stopped by to tell (y/n) that  Leona had come back from the semester break. It had seemed like a warning after all Vil was only trying to look out for her. The thought that Leona was back had sent her heart aflutter. She may have not shown it but her nerves where a wreck, she was both excited and nervous. A nagging voice in the back of her mind kept screaming that he wouldn't care about her that she had lost her chance the night she let herself be rescued by Vil, Rook, and Ortho. But a small piece of her still begged that Leona would come for her, that he still loved her.
Sleep was something that came in waves, sometimes she would sleep for days on end, and other times she would spend weeks in an insomniac daze. Tonight was one of the later nights. (y/n)'s eyes refused to close, her brain resisted the urge to think about anything other than Leona. She spent so many nights with his face in her head, mulling over every little detail. As the hours ticked by, (y/n)'s eyes started to grow heavier and heavier. The final scene the moment he said he loved her or at least tried to was still so vibrant in her semi asleep head. She could still hear his voice, his shouts and cries....his voice why was it so clear?--
"You know~ in another life, we could have gotten married, you could have been my queen and I, your king. We could have been happy like all those other happy idiots of the world." 
(Y/n) bolted upright, her hands suffocating her blanket. Her window had been reduced to dirt. Leaning against the frame of where the windowpane had been was no other than the man that had plunged her thought for far too long. Standing on her bed and walking over to him, (y/n) couldn't help the larger than life smile that spread over her face or the tears of joy that just wouldn't seem to stop.
She came to a stop in front of him. Just like that night, the moon's rays of silver light cast a surreal glow over Leona's frame. He looked almost like an angel sent to free her from her suffering. "What..what makes you think we...we could ever be normal?" A tiny laugh escaped her mouth as she wiped the tears from her face. All Leona did was smirk, he extended his arm, his open palm beckoning her to take it. Eagerly (y/n) grabbed a hold of his arm, her grip was tight, too scared to let go always this all be some illusion fabricated by her tortured mind.
"Oi shut up already idiot...just stay quiet" He pulled her up, back into his arms, right where she belonged. His embrace was nothing short of bone-crushing. But (y/n) didn't mind, the pain proved just how real how was. With a final tug, Leona pulled her out of the window. As they began to fall to the ground, Leona smiled, a genuine smile that for once harbored no ill intent nor ulterior motive and said:
"You will always be my obsession (y/n) just as I have become yours..."
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