#Language lessons
sothisart · 2 months
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This fanart is inspired by a scene from Language Lessons by MsAlexWP:
“Sirius woke slowly. It was one of those cool, crisp, perfect-for-sleeping mornings when the window was open and the bedroom air was cold, but it was wonderfully warm and cozy under the covers. He nuzzled deeper into his pillow and pressed his body against the warm expanse of bare skin behind him, wrapping his fingers over the wide hand that curved around his hip bone, even as his body and mind were still fuzzy with sleep. He didn’t want to leave the warmth of this bed, ever; he just wanted to stay suspended in this half-dream softness all day, every day. 
He kept his eyes closed, ready to drift back to sleep—fuck work, fuck school, fuck anything that wasn’t in this bed—when he felt warm kisses drift sweetly across his bare shoulders. They were soft and slow, as though the lips giving them weren’t quite awake, either. […]
“Good morning,” Remus rasped sleepily into Sirius’s ear before kissing down the back of his neck and nosing at the silky strands of hair that fell over his shoulders.”
This fic is marked as explicit, I decided to make this art a bit less nsfw (I don’t know if that worked;))
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willywat · 26 days
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I finished "Language Lessons" by MsAlexWP @languagelessonswolfstar last week and had to draw them! I loved it!
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learnelle · 1 year
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One thing I haven’t heard being talked about yet is that you just feel completely differently about music when you actually understand the lyrics. Some french songs I used to LOVE just don’t hit the same anymore, and others are so much more special because I can understand the gist upon the first listen. Persistent language learning never runs out of rewards <3
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caramelcuppaccino · 7 months
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learning japanese update: i’ve been practicing writing down sentences and trying to understand the sentence structure. linguistically, japanese and turkish have similarities, so i can say that it’s been going well and i’m having sooo much fun!!
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Really enjoying Duolingo’s gradual progression from “the blue duck wears a big hat” to “if Matthew doesn’t make good on his alimony payments then I’m calling a hitman”
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marley1031 · 2 months
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“It was Remus who turned Grimmauld Place from a house to a home. Sirius wasn't coming home to someplace, but someone.” -Language Lessons by MsAlexWP
@languagelessonswolfstar has gifted us with such a wonderful fic, that I had to draw one of my favorite moments.
I love MsAlexWP's work, and this fic is something special. Reading about these two falling in love (and realizing that maybe they always were), and navigating war, life, and friendship has been so lovely, and I can not wait for the final chapter.
Thank you MsAlexWP for sharing this story with us!
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dispatchwithlove · 3 months
Garrus has his palm cupping Jane’s ass, not patting or stroking just yet, it’s just there, savoring the weight and the curve. 
“How do you say,” Garrus says in English, then in Palaveni, “exiva.” The vowels are breathy from his mouth, the very tip of his tongue almost touches his pointed teeth when he pronounces va. It’s sensual, unintentionally enticing. 
Which makes saying that word in English embarrassing. “Squeeze,” she mutters. 
Garrus’s mandibes flare in a mocking grin. “Sq-weeze? I preh-fur exiva.”
“Say it again.”
“Exiva,” he purrs, intentionally enticing her, and she sighs, rocking her hips against his lap.
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h0neytalk · 11 months
Favorite VERY BASIC Comprehensible Input Sources I’ve Found (all free)
These are all for Italian and Arabic (MSA + Levantine dialect) and suitable for A1! I’ve found the very early stages are the hardest to find stuff for but also when it’s the most boring to be confined to flashcards and memorizing so hopefully this helps. Also it keeps me from losing these links.
Curioso come George (Italian Curious George, honestly a lot of kids shows can get tiring but Curious George doesn’t hit that “annoying” pitch while still being simple) (link is to one episode but you can find tons in the related vids) (also segments are themed so you can find ones that roughly correlate to a unit of vocab like weather or clothes)
Ardea Digitale Schoolbooks (schoolbooks for children that you can download as PDFs along with workbooks/worksheets)
Arabic (MSA)
Read Learn Play Arabic (cannot speak highly enough of this one it’s so good and there’s so much and idk how it isn’t talked about more)
Cartoon Network MENA (good just because the material is recognizable, obviously usefulness of vocab/level is gonna vary by show)
Arabic (Levantine Dialect)
Sesame Street! Aka Ahlan Simsim. (Some segments are more advanced than others obviously but it’s incredible for learning the sound of the dialect and is also not grating for adults imo) (free on YouTube)
Lingualism Diaries (not nearly as beginner friendly as Read Learn Play but definitely doable within a few weeks assuming you know the alphabet) (also has audio versions)
I highly recommend lingualism.com for a ton of Arabic materials in all sorts of dialects/levels but they’re mostly paid (not expensive! But not free) and this post is meant to compile free stuff.
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gregor-samsung · 7 months
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English Vinglish (Gauri Shinde - 2012)
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siriusly-liv · 2 months
i just finished language lessons by MsAlexWP…..i will NEVER be the same ever. literally ever. LIFE changing fic. the wolfstar characterization IM ON THE FLOOR SOBBING AND SCREAMING AND DANCING AROUND MY ROOM!!!! have never felt like this since tcoptp. everybody go read language lessons.
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hijab-described · 1 month
⭐️ I’ve been creating some Turkish language learning worksheets for personal use irl, but if anyone is interested, I can also share them online!
These are free printable PDFs that teach Turkish for beginners. You can use them to learn without any prior knowledge. They explain concepts and come with a variety of exercises. There’s also solutions and vocabulary lists. (If you prefer a format other than PDF, tell me and I can convert them for you.)
Creating the worksheets wouldn’t take away any time from this blog, since I’m already creating the sheets. The question is only if I will share them online or not ⭐️
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ros3ybabeslanguages · 3 months
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Language Learning Update 🎀
So, this langblr started out for just Spanish but I've decided that I want to pursue learning three languages (out of the many I'd love to know) at the same time. I'm near A2 level in Spanish, my Japanese knowledge needs some work, and I've decided to add on Korean as well.
As many of you know, I'm currently out of town for work, and I didn't bring and Japanese study materials that I like to use. However, I discovered the Talk to Me in Korean website and found pdfs of their Level 1 and 2 textbooks, so I want to spend the next 6 weeks on Korean and Spanish, and see how I feel once I'm back home and university is going again.
I know learning languages both takes time and is a life long process. As long as I can stay consistent even with a bare minimum a day, I know I will be successful in the long run. It's impossible to acquire a language overnight, so I'm determined to make time for these languages and understanding of the commitment this will take.
Even when I've drifted from my languages learning, I ALWAYS come back to it. I love learning and I love communication. So this is something I'm ready to buckle down in, as many times as it takes.
If anyone has any good resources for learning Korean, Japanese, and Spanish, feel free to comment or message me them! Always looking for entertainment and study resources to accent my learning journey <3
til next time lovelies 🩷
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caramelcuppaccino · 8 months
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so… i have been learning japanese!!! my german course will start in a couple of months and i’m excited to keep learning it, however learning japanese is in my 2024 goals :] since i started japanese dramas, i’ve been interested in the language. for now i am just learning from and practicing on duolingo. i’m looking for (and have found) some free online books and i’m gonna start studying using them as well. i don’t know why but it brings me so much joy when i remember words or build sentences with what i know. i really hope i can improve my japanese :]
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yurizzsblog · 4 months
French Facts:
International Language: French is spoken in over 29 countries across five continents. It is the official language in countries like France, Canada (Quebec), Belgium, Switzerland, and many African nations.
Global Influence: French was the dominant international language in diplomacy, science, literature, and art from the 17th to the mid-20th century. Even today, it's one of the working languages of the United Nations and the European Union.
Words and Phrases in English: English has borrowed many words and phrases from French. Some examples include "rendezvous," "fiancé," "déjà vu," "cul-de-sac," and "sauté."
Gendered Nouns: French nouns have genders; they are either masculine or feminine. For example, "le livre" (the book) is masculine, and "la table" (the table) is feminine. This can be a challenge for learners, as the gender affects the article and adjective forms.
Accents: French uses five different accents: acute (é), grave (è, à, ù), circumflex (â, ê, î, ô, û), diaeresis (ë, ï, ü), and cedilla (ç). These accents can change the pronunciation and meaning of words.
The Longest French Word: The longest officially recognized French word is "anticonstitutionnellement," which means "in an unconstitutional manner." It has 25 letters.
Silent Letters: French has many silent letters, especially at the end of words. For example, in "vous" (you) and "frais" (fresh), the final "s" is silent.
Tongue Twisters: French has its own set of tongue twisters, like "Un chasseur sachant chasser doit savoir chasser sans son chien" (A hunter knowing how to hunt must know how to hunt without his dog).
Cultural Expressions: French is rich in idiomatic expressions that often don't translate directly into English. For example, "avoir le cafard" literally means "to have the cockroach" but actually means "to feel down."
Learning French: French is considered one of the easier languages for English speakers to learn due to its significant lexical similarities with English. However, mastering pronunciation and grammar can still be challenging.
Verlan: This is a type of French slang where syllables of words are reversed. For example, "fou" (crazy) becomes "ouf." It's especially popular among younger speakers.
French Academy: The Académie Française is an institution founded in 1635 tasked with preserving the French language. It regulates French grammar, spelling, and literature.
Multiple Dialects: Besides standard French (le français standard), there are many regional dialects and languages in France, including Breton, Occitan, and Alsatian.
French in Space: French is one of the official languages of the International Space Station (ISS), alongside English and Russian.
Rich Literary Tradition: French has a rich literary tradition with renowned authors like Victor Hugo, Marcel Proust, and Albert Camus contributing to world literature.
Homophones: French has many homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings), such as "mer" (sea), "mère" (mother), and "maire" (mayor). This can make listening comprehension tricky.
Loanwords: French continues to borrow words from other languages. For example, "le week-end" and "le parking" are borrowed from English.
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april-the-fan-girl · 5 months
Just found out that through many public libraries, people can access pronunciator.com which has lessons to help you learn over 300 languages.
Probably better than Duolingo and their new AI run shit
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Starting my Spanish learning journey
Started with writing out common phrases
Any other tips?
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