#Late Night Dates
minhosimthings · 1 year
Coffee ice cream with chocolate chips (Bang Chan × Reader)
Warnings: just a lot of fluff
A/N - Yes this is based on Chan's insta posts because man is LITERALLY making me more delusional day by day. So I'm sharing my pain with you though this very short drabble.
2am in the morning. That's the exact time when you're boyfriend called you and said in a very awake voice "Hey wanna go for ice cream?" You, being the very sweet person you are, begrudgingly said yes because you didn't wanna upset your puppy faced boyfriend. Getting up from your bed, you went to your closet and out on the maroon jacket, which Chan had gotten for you from France. It was a special jacket, beset with fake jewels in your favourite colour and it had a tiny embroidering of your name. It kept you warm on the days that Chan wasn't there to keep the cold from entering your front door.
Putting on your purple scarf and shooing away your cat from your shoes, you stepped outside into your lawn to find Chan, wrapped in all black as usual, waiting for you with his car. He did his little run towards and squeezed you, his warm body touching yours. The night was cold, with all the four winds of Zephyrus, Notus, Eurus and Boreas, running through time like an expatriate. But all it took was one hug from Chan to warm your body and your soul up. Chan pulled away from the hug and gave you a bouquet of hyacinths that he said reminded him of your personality.
Getting into the car and putting on your special shared playlist, you drove towards your favourite ice cream place, while Chan entertained you by doing impressions of his friends Minho and Jisung. You reached the ice cream place/cafe in two minutes and climbed the slightly broken stone steps to get through the blue coloured door. You basically lived in this shop your entire life because it was owned by your maternal uncle. Free ice cream and coffee? It was basically heaven for your childhood and college self. So imagine your happiness when Chan took you to this place for your third date, claiming he loved the flavour of the coffee. That's when the place became more deeply etched in your heart.
The place was almost empty now, with just some teenagers having coffee. Your favourite cousin, Seungmin was at the counter and he smiled widely when he saw you and Chan. "It's really cold right now you know? I don't think you should be having ice cream but hey. If you get a cold, I'm gonna be so happy." You stick your tongue out at him as he hands you your usual order, coffee ice cream with chocolate chips. Dating you meant that Chan had to deal with ice cream cravings all the time so slowly his order and your order became the same. Even though many people disagreed, you had a firm belief that chocolate chips and coffee ice cream were a match made in heaven. It took two months and one presentation (supported by Minho) to convince Chan to even try the combination. And in the end it was a grand success! Sitting at the small wooden table outside, you and Chan slowly ate your ice cream while talking about both of your days. Finishing your ice cream, both you went for walk to your favourite pond. You took some pictures of Chan on the way because you said and I quote 'Your back looks good in that white tanktop. Take the jacket off once'.
Laying beneath a tree near the pond Chan ran his hands through you hair as he kissed the top of your nose. You lay on his chest, trying not to fall asleep from the slow beat of his heart and the comforting warmth of his body. Bathing is the moonlight, both of you pointed out stars, while trying to find Jupiter, because according to Chan, Felix told him that Jupiter would be visible to Earth today. You laughed and told him that it was Mercury, while he layed there, trying to find out whether Felix or him got it wrong. You just sat there, silently admiring him, and thinking about how he was the perfect chocolate chips to your coffee ice cream.
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brattybottombunny · 1 year
67. What is your idea of the perfect date?
(For research/scientific, purposes,of course🤭)
oh? for research huh? well if it’s for science 🤭
im a big fan of like activity dates - bowling, mini golf, axe throwing. i love a little healthy competition 😋 but im also just down for whatever honestly! im pretty easy going 🥰
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hinamie · 1 month
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9 / 266
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berrypaints · 10 months
I put them on the bus train lol 🚎 🎨
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You see Aziraphale and Crowley on the bus train, I wonder what they’re talking about? 👀 🎨 🚎
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bribinart · 1 year
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a late night debate!! (prints)
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bluewolfangel01 · 1 month
Levi: "I don't understand why you like someone as pathetic as me, I'm not that good at anything other then being a nasty useless otaku, (insert more self degrading here)."
Mc: *blank faced, moving sneakily close to Levi and picks him up bridal style*
Mc: "Snake <3."
Levi: *Stunned silent, he doesn't move for a few moments, then his tail curls around Mc's leg, and leans into their touch.*
Levi: "Y-yeah...."
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msterpicasso · 7 months
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
MC is having a rough week…
MC: *crying* What am I even doing with my life?!
Mammon: *panicking* Cheer up, MC! Uhhh you’re doin’ great!
Levi: *also panicking* Y-yeah! You could be a total loser like me!
MC: *cries harder*
Beel: Hey, MC. I had this carton of ice cream in the freezer, but I think you need it more.
MC: *looks up at Beel with big tear filled eyes, but has stopped crying* An angel��
Mammon & Levi: ?!
Beel gives MC the ice cream & a spoon. One empty carton later, Mammon & Levi have a better understanding of food therapy.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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nctsworld · 1 year
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a neo a day keeps the feelings at bay [76/∞] 
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s0lairee · 1 year
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getting this out before his listener gets a canon nickname. the idea of lasko looking up suitable endearments is... endearing (ha)
(transcript for the nicknames in the second panel: baby, babe, darling, gorgeous, dear(?), love (maybe), raincloud.)
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saydesole · 3 months
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Drive-In Movie
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stalebagels · 1 month
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kingkatsuki · 4 months
That kind of romance and angst potential of falling in love with someone from a rival gang tho.
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adviserbylove · 10 months
So what I got from playing tcoaal is that if there was an incest is not wincest au, Andrew Graves would be the perfect boyfriend :)
He's so datable, help
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bluewolfangel01 · 3 months
Do you think you could possibly write something about the obey me brothers finding out MC has a body pillow? Like how they react when they find out. They stop by to surprise MC only to see them cuddling up to said body pillow. If not I totally understand but I was thinking no harm in asking
I most certainly can! There's absolutely no harm in asking me, and thank you for the ask
-Mc with a body pillow-
The Brothers finding out edition
Its been a while since Mc left the Devildom
Although the brothers and them could still text and call thanks to the D.D.D, it wasn't the same as being face to face
Some days were a bit worse then others, especially for Mc
At least the brothers had each other to keep each other company, although its debatable to how much that actually helps, Mc was sadly alone at their place
Mc had gotten so used to the brothers' presence that their place felt a bit... quiet
It was so bad it got to the point they couldn't even sleep well
That was until they tried out sleeping with a body pillow
Thankfully it worked, and Mc was finally able to sleep
Life in the human world was a bit better after that for Mc
Meanwhile the brothers were feeling worse by the day and nothing seemed to help them get over the fact that their human was no longer in the same world as them
Each one was affected differently and it showed no matter how hard they try to hide it
Belphie was more lethargic then before and seemed to hold little interest for anything that wasn't sleeping, sometimes he'd even wake up thinking his pillow was Mc
Beel seemed a bit more hungrier and ate more, although he ate so much that it was hard to tell at first, he was also a bit less happy although he tried to hide it for his brothers sake, it was the worst when he found/realized he was craving Mc's cooking
Asmo was dejected, he never held the true wild party animal energy, he tended not to talk quite as much, and was missing having someone to help him with makeup or watch his at home fashion shows
Satan kept to himself more and would usually be found in his room or a library unless there was something urgent going on, sometimes he'd catch himself reading aloud like he would when him and Mc were together and they didn't feel like reading
Levi also holed himself in his room more, his spirit was a bit low since his player 2 wasn't around, and he wouldn't break into a full on rant about a video game, anime, or manga
Mammon spent more then he did typically on a variety of items, whether it was actually needed or a simple impulse purchase, he missed being able to mess with and being around his human
Lucifer was stricter and worked more than usual, but that was mainly because of his brothers and their behavior, other then that he would have a tad bit more demonus and become a bit disheartened
After seeing the brothers' behavior, Diavolo decided to lend the brothers an offer, to go to the human world for a day
They gladly accepted the offer and were on their way
They arrived at early morning, when it was still dark out, inside Mc's home, thanks to Barbatos of course
Lucifer stood still while trying to take in the place while the others freely moved about inspecting knickknacks, furniture, and decorations
While wandering about Belphie found the door that led into Mc's bedroom
It was dark and not much was able to be seen or distinguished from the darkness, but Belphie was able to slightly see the shape of the bed and a human sized lump under the covers
He quickly made his way over and layed next to/on the lump and he promptly feel asleep
Beel and Mammon found the room next, while keeping quite, Beel moved to lay behind Belphie and Mammon moved to lay on the otherside of the lump
One by one the rest of the brothers found the bedroom and was now laying on the bed
Except for Lucifer, who was unable to lay down as well even if he wanted to since there was barely any space left, so he stood by the door
The bed was very cramped and it was difficult for the 6 brothers to stay on and not crush the sleeping Mc
They started to shift to get comfy but then it turned into a silent-ish fight over space
They were somewhat loud and of course there was quite a bit of squirming
Although they each kept saying that the others would wake up Mc none of them stopped
That is until they heard the sound of a toilet flushing
That stopped them dead in their tracks
Another door was opened to reveal a very sleepy looking Mc who was rubbing their eyes
The brothers were silent and a bit wide eyed, meanwhile Mc was wondering what kind of crazy dream or hallucination were they having
On one hand they wanted to go hug and greet Mc, but on the other they were wondering who was in the bed instead
"W-whats going on?" Mc mumbled
Lucifer approached slowly, "We're sorry to disturb you so early Mc, however we were permitted to visit you for a day and they (motions to his brothers still in a daze on the bed) wanted to see you as soon as possible."
Mc just looked at him for a second, sizing him up, and the next they moved a finger to poke him
When confirming that the whole scenario wasn't a dream they simply said "Oh."
Asmo was the first to awake from the daze and rushed at Mc, the others soon followed and mirrored his actions
Once each boy was greeted and Mc was a bit more awake Belphie spoke up
"If you were in the bathroom, then who's or what's in your bed?"
"O-oh yeah, that."
Mc moved away from the demon brothers towards the bed, turned on the bed side lamp, pushed back the covers, and took out what was underneath
They gathered it in their arms, turned around, and revealed a body pillow that had a modest cover
There were a few moments of silence in the room, the brothers not daring to make a move or sound
Mc would've sworned they could see the intimidating hidden eyes manga trope on the brothers
"G-guys? L-listen, it's not what you think! It was just a bit difficult to sleep without cuddling something person sized!"
They toss the pillow so that it lands closer to the farther side of bed
"I promise, it wasn't meant to replace you or anything! It was just a temporary solution! Please calm down"
Thankfully the brothers stood down, although the murdery glint in all their eyes still remained
Mc corralled them to the living room area and was able to start actually enjoying their demons' presence and company
The day was spent in Mc's home chatting away, watching movies, eating, cuddling, etc.
Throughout the day though Mc would have to play hide and seek with their body pillow since it somehow, mysteriously, kept vanishing
It was actually kind of impressive for how well they were able to hide such a decently sized item multiple times
When the day was over and the brothers had to leave, Mc made sure the pillow was in there sights in case it mysteriously disappeared again
It becomes an unspoken rule to never take that pillow into the Devildom, EVER
If the rule is broken, well, let's just say Cerburus is going to have a very short lived chew toy
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yuwuta · 2 months
twin aus are fun bc sukuna is sooooo ugly and yuuji is soooooooo pretty and beautiful and lovely <3 completely understand why sukuna ends up the deliquent loser twin bc why would anybody choose him when <3yuuji<3 is right there
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