#Laws in the Bible
tianasoasis · 3 months
imagination is accessible
the only thing about imagination that has changed since you learnt about the law of assumption is that you realised it is real and the 3d isn't.
you know how before you knew about the law, you would daydream about things you wanted without resistance, without worries? that bliss is still completely accessible to you.
you don't need to do anything but IMAGINE what you want (not to get it, but just to enjoy it), and know that it is real. i am not even going to talk about the 3d because it isn't about that! it's about how YOU FEEL!
i am so serious when i say this, once i realised that imagination is reality, things became so much easier for me. how much RELIEF do you feel when you realise that imagination is accessible to you at any given time? you can imagine whatever you want, whenever you want, and that is real. whatever you imagine is real. the only thing that makes it unreal is when you believe that it isn't real.
YOU are in control. if imagination is reality, and you have complete control over what happens in imagination, then you are GOD.
i feel like every post i make, at its core has the same message: imagination is real. but regardless, i hope that this made sense! thank you for reading :)
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luffyismss · 11 months
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im about to say dangerous things
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aspirant1598 · 10 days
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On the 10 Commandments:
The Third Commandment Explained
People often still debate the meaning of what God’s Commandments are after the numerous translations. The Orthodox Jewish Bible actually contains the transcript of that speech I gave that day in Shemot 20.
And in my own words: If you do not hold anything else, hold & speak my commandments. Let us review the originals as they were intended- the speech with the teaching summary. Any & all attempts to do harm and/or cause suffering by bypassing the Commandments with “loopholes” will be considered with harsh penalty.
3 “Thou shalt not take the Shem Hashem Eloheicha in vain; for Hashem will not hold him guiltless that taketh Shmo in vain.”
‭‭Shemot‬ ‭20‬:‭7‬ ‭TOJB2011‬‬
Stop claiming something is the word of the Christian God or done in the name of God when it is for evil. Vain as a concept is frequently misinterpreted. This is actually closer to the same definition in the sentence as “why do I speak? In vain?”. It’s’ persuading individuals to take action & it’s against one’s own belief/word/self that you claim to believe in. So it’s actual meaning is don’t use Christian teachings purposefully to manipulate others, mislead, & cause people to do evil.
Do not do what the antichrist does.
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byemambo · 8 days
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Jes vs. the exhaust hood: 0-3
JesBible on the Har Tum Show [2/?]
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blmpff · 6 months
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toubledrouble · 6 months
You know what we should bring back?
Older christianity. I mean the anti government, anti military, community based christianity. The one that cared the most about peace, equality, mercy, kindness, and radical love. The one with shared property. The one that didn't conform to society but instead existed mostly outside of it. The one where noone considered one sin worse than another because in the end, we are all sinners trying our best to be better.
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tomicscomics · 9 months
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"If you cannot afford a lamb, one will be appointed to you."
JOKE-OGRAPHY: 1. Joseph continues reading about Jewish law from his brochure (continued from last week's cartoon).  In Jewish tradition, the sacrifice for a newborn boy was typically one yearling lamb (for the sin offering) and one turtledove (for the burnt offering).  As Mary and Joseph discuss this, the Holy Spirit (a dove, but not for sacrifice) shows up to give a knowing glance at Baby Jesus.  You see, Jesus is called the "Lamb of God," and His mission is to be sacrificed for our sins, so it's ironic that His parents are required to sacrifice a lamb for HIM under Jewish law. 2. A few commenters last week were concerned about Mary and Joseph sleeping too close together in their blanket fort, as it challenges the perpetual virginity of Mary (a core Catholic belief).  I argue that Mary and Joseph are a poor married couple sleeping in a barn that's open to the cold and creatures of nature, so the chaste and honorable Joseph would probably stay near his Holy Family for their protection, instead of sleeping apart and leaving them vulnerable.  No scandal here! 3. A few commenters last week argued about the perpetual virginity of Mary (the belief that she remained a virgin after Jesus's birth; a belief held by the early Church even before the Bible was canonized).  I just wanted to say that I'm thrilled and honored that my comics appeal to people of all religions, including other Christian denominations.  It moves me every time I get a comment from someone who isn't Catholic but loves my work.  That said, I AM Catholic, so please understand that my comics follow the canon of Catholicism when I can help it.  No hard feelings.  Of course, you're all welcome to continue giving me suggestions and debating in the comments (good-naturedly, of course).  I've learned so much by listening and looking into your apologetics.
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loa-lightt · 4 months
I am is the problem and I am is the solution. Neither can exist without I am, it is the beginning and the end for all conflicts and resolutions exist within you. They are two leaves of the same vine that stems from within. You and I do not need to look for peace or comfort because I AM peace and comfort. I am is everything. Every feeling is yours to experience, for you were the one who created them. Seeds cannot exist without earth to grow in. You are allowed to relish in the beauty of your own creation with no price, other than your own forgiveness.
“It is done. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of water of life without cost” - Revelation 21:7
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sevinite · 1 year
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holding the diamond dogs in my palm. oh how i love you all
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illustratus · 5 months
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Transportation of the Ark of the Covenant Containing the Tablets of the Law (Detail from The Room of the Ark in the Palatine Gallery, Palazzo Pitti, Florence, Italy) by Luigi Ademollo
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tianasoasis · 6 months
imo, i don't really like when people say "if you had your desire, how would you feel?" it's not an if. something that helped me is changing the if to since.
since you have your desire, how do you feel?
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lovebvni · 15 days
Philippians 4:7
“Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”
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caputvulpinum · 1 year
lawful good doesn't mean "follows the law" y'all. you're forgetting the good. if the law isn't good you don't follow it. robin hood is a good depiction of chaotic good not because he opposes the law of a tyrant, it is because even after victory, he still has no desire to take part in the system itself. jesus is a lawful good rogue
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On the 10 Commandments:
The Fourth Commandment Explained
People often still debate the meaning of what God’s Commandments are after the numerous translations. The Orthodox Jewish Bible actually contains the transcript of that speech I gave that day in Shemot 20.
And in my own words: If you do not hold anything else, hold & speak my commandments. Let us review the originals as they were intended- the speech with the teaching summary. Any & all attempts to do harm and/or cause suffering by bypassing the Commandments with “loopholes” will be considered with harsh penalty.
“Remember Yom HaShabbos, to keep it kodesh. Sheshet yamim shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: But the Yom HaShevi’i is the Shabbos of Hashem Eloheicha; in it thou shalt not do any melachah, thou, nor thy ben, nor thy bat, thy eved, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy ger that is within thy gates; For in sheshet yamim Hashem made Shomayim and Ha’Aretz, the yam, and all that in them is, and rested Yom HaShevi’i; for this reason Hashem blessed Yom HaShabbos, and set it apart as kodesh.”
‭‭Shemot‬ ‭20‬:‭8‬-‭11‬ ‭TOJB2011‬‬
Keep at least one good day or Sabbath “set aside” or spiritually different than your other days of the week. Spirituality can mean many things, but ultimately there is an underlying belief that “lifting the soul” or caring for that intangible part of yourself is essential. The intangible is often our intuitions, our feelings, our connectedness to ourselves & the universe & just like how we see that expressed in so many different way across a variety of cultures, Christianity as a practice can also be expressed that way.
You must dedicate at a minimum 1 day out of 7 to rest & having a focus on practices to lift the soul. Your community, anyone that even steps foot near your land as a guest, & those that work with and/or for you must also do the same. That can mean a lot of different practices & not always necessarily the practice of going to church, but ultimately it’s a focus on practices that nourish your soul. God wants you to take care of yourself.
You can find other versions/passages talk about punishment for not holding Sabbath in reverence, but that is for more specific situations. For example, If you claim yourself to be of this God, benefit, and then exploit people by making them work everyday without any rest you will be sinful in God’s eyes.
You have to remember Christianity back when it first was being introduced to people was INCREDIBLY radical in comparison to the way countries were run, the concept of kingship, & it also advocated for the abolishment of slavery.
Many commonly held interpretations of a variety of Christian practices & teachings are a result of the original documents being censored & altered by kings, empires & politics.
It originally was perceived as a disruptive force because it didn’t ask for equality, it demanded it in a tenuous time period of geopolitical instability.
Moses was known as the guy who had freed a bunch of slaves. You really think the political forces that existed during that time frame were really just going to let a “criminal” get up on a public platform & say whatever they want with the risk of him causing more slave uprisings?
Absolutely not. And it changed the world forever.
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livelaughlaney · 15 days
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stop searching for love in worldly men !!
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