#Legend of Vitamin
caliika · 10 months
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This lovely lady is @spartanfoxart's SWTOR Jedi Knight, Soha Taj.
She was an absolute treat to draw.
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willowbyte · 1 year
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anxioustwilight · 2 months
I think I should draw if all of the video game characters I’ve scrunglified were in a room together
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grayvampirism · 2 years
Most families enjoy outdoor summer activities, walks in a park, picnics, swimming at the lake. How does a vampire manage his day time family fun? Well heavily protected by sunblock and super shades. You see aside from the sunlight causing near blindness, the sun itself fatigues vampires. The sun that provides vitamin D and energy, drains from a vampire. So on top of not being able to see, they feel exhausted after just a couple hours in the sun. Vampires have strong love and therefore suffer to keep their families happy. If you know someone who would rather stay locked in a house all day instead of enjoying the summer, they might not be lazy or antisocial, maybe they're just a vampire.
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nerice · 2 years
i stg they what they gave me this morning *wasnt* vitamins
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fiercemillennial · 5 months
Atlanta Radio OG Frank Ski Signs Off, But His Mic's Still Droppin' Beats!
Atlanta radio legend Frank Ski says farewell to Kiss 104.1, but fear not! New music, a book, and more are on the way! Get ready for the Ski-renaissance! #AtlantaRadio #FrankSki #NewMusic #Inspiration #FierceVibes #KISS1041FM #FierceMillennial #FiercePopCulture #MusicMuse
Atlanta wakes up to a quieter morning airwave as radio legend Frank Ski hangs up his Kiss 104.1 mic. But hold the tissues, this ain’t no goodbye, it’s a “see you later!” While his familiar voice won’t be guiding you through your commute just yet, Ski’s got a full plate waiting outside the radio booth. This year, he’s dishing up a heaping helping of new music, dropping not one, but two…
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letshaikyuu · 1 month
Who is most likely to remember details?
a/n: your girl is inspired everyone and nothing can stop me
warning: nothing except my Grammarly telling me to rewrite like 20 sentences in this
the cutest little bean ever, who knows every important date for your guys' relationship. he's so lovely like everyone deserves a sugawara in their life. he remembers details, like something you did in your childhood, what's your favorite snack, what types of vitamins/healthcare products you use, and similar. such a sweetheart and he is someone who definitely would not mess up your cafe order and/or what pastry you would like from your favorite bakery.
he's the quietest guy ever who pays attention to detail. even though he's looking at his games most of the time, he still hears everything you're saying and keeps notes, especially when you mention something being your favorite. casually surprises you with your favorite snack or those cute little figurines that are popular now (ngl I totally blanked on the name for those things). he gets super shy and red in the ears if you were to thank him and/or give him a hug or a kiss - definitely.
completely forgot about this legend until I remembered he is my bestie's favorite character. i think his memory is very sharp, but when it comes to remembering things important to you and things you like, he makes sure to buy you all the things you've mentioned recently because I do think over time he'd kinda forget the details? but his short-term memory is amazing; so you saying you like idk a specific matcha ice cream one day, you will be getting that immediately tomorrow.
he definitely has a list of your likes/dislikes because ushijima can't remember all the details that make you special, but he tries ok? if you're feeling sad, he goes to that lil chapter in his notebook: "what you like when you're sad" and makes sure to get something that will certainly cheer you up. also has chapters for when you're happy/gift ideas/etc. honestly, I think it'd be the cutest little notebook ever, and if you were to find it and tease him about it, he will have the darkest red hue on his cheeks you've ever seen.
ngl, the only details he certainly remembers about you is your food preference because he's such a foodie himself. i find that super important and if he remembers such things, he's a keeper. he's also the type to google restaurant/bakery/cafe menus to see where to take you out for dates, so he knows which is the best and fits your preferences. such a sweetheart and gets you snacks almost every day because his love language is getting you food <3
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ovaryacted · 2 months
(Tw:pregnancy, labor & delivery)
Ok first things first. You tell him you’re expecting a lil’ baby, he 1) cries. And 2) panics because he doesn’t know if he’ll be a good father and 3) ultra panics because he deals with bioweapons, mutant causing viruses and other biological nightmares, what if that shit passes onto his kid???
Dude is WIRED for weeks until he finds out that the baby is healthy. No weird biological mutations at all. Just a baby. (Side note, kinda sad, he misses the first ultrasound photo because of a mission and probably cries)
When you start showing a baby bump, he absolutely gets thrown in love all over again. He always loves his s/o but something about seeing them round with HIS baby just flips a switch in his head.
First time he feels baby kick? He’s amazed. He’s never felt anything like it. He’ll start kissing your baby bump and probably crying. (I can imagine he cries a lot during your pregnancy. Probably more emotional than you tbh)
When you go into labor, he does a good job at pretending to be calm. He’s internally screaming, panicking and feels sick the entire time, but he doesn’t show it. He holds your hand and lets you squeeze it as much as you need. The dudes been shot, stabbed and smacked by monsters, he probably doesn’t even feel it if you crack a finger.
When he hears his babies first cries, he lets out the shakiest, sob and laugh ever. It’s a noise of relief, pent up fear, and happiness all at once. The sight of the baby getting put on your chest is permanently seared into his mind. I’m talking core memory.
And when he gets to hold his baby, another core memory is created. Seeing their lil nose. Their lil face. Hearing their lil cries. Again, he cries too.
Leon demands paternity. At least a month to be with his s/o and child. What’s the government gonna do? Fire him? He’s one of their, if not, THE best agent they got. They fire him, they’re down a fucking legend.
I’m gonna say, I feel like Leon is so….in a honeymoon phase, he completely disregards himself for you and the baby. You need to sleep and heal after giving birth, so Leon takes 100% care of the baby until you’re physically able to. The problem? He forgets to sleep at all, and damn near passes out after like, day 4.
He catches himself, so the baby ain’t hurt, but the dumbass at first goes “man….i need to sit down. Maybe get some water” but the moment he sits down he clocks the fuck out.
The baby cries and he wakes up again, but this time, it’s you holding the baby, cooing and soothing them. The sight alone makes him emotional again.
I just have a lot of feelings about dad Leon.
-angsty anon (enjoy another thesis)
AWEE YES DAD LEON THOUGHTS! I know you sent me this a little while ago but I still wanted to answer because I absolutely love thinking about Leon becoming a father and how devoted and protective he becomes. Bye, I'm going to cry.
Leon gives me the impression that he will be anxious throughout his partner's pregnancy. He'll become more overprotective if he isn't already, and the hovering habits will start to show very early on. He'll be attentive to your needs, but will almost smother you out of concern. Asking about whether or not you took your vitamins, if you slept enough, if you needed something from the store, if your cravings were satisfied.
Sometimes it does annoy you, but it's really just the influx of hormones pumping through your body. You reassure him constantly, reminding him that he's a good partner and he's doing enough, and you know his worrying is a good thing because it means he cares that much.
I also see him wanting to be nearby constantly, like a shadow, and Leon is just always there. He doesn't let you do any of the labor at home, he wants you to focus on sleeping, eating well, and being healthy. The last thing he needs is for you to be stressed out or unhappy because he knows that isn't good for the baby, and he also doesn't want to piss you off because he's been warned about how cranky a pregnancy can make someone. He does the laundry, cooks, cleans, helps you out with your nesting and always has a reassuring hand somewhere on your body, mostly on your lower back.
He's there at every appointment no matter what, he's not missing it for a second. But if it's really a hassle and he has to go on a mission, which you support and fully understand, he'll tell Hunnigan to keep a close eye on you or for a close friend to go with you during your appointment. He just wants to make sure you're not entirely alone.
Once your belly expands and his T-shirts no longer cover most of your body, Leon is all over you. There's something about seeing you so full, waddling into the kitchen and looking into the fridge for a snack that makes him smile and happy. He's also the type to always want to have a hand on your belly, even in his sleep, and likes to run his thumb over the dark line that goes all the way down your abdomen. I like having this headcanon that whenever the baby moves too much and is kind of giving you a hard time, he puts a soft hand over your stomach and gently talks to them until they calm down. Leon has this natural calming presence that is very much needed during your pregnancy, and you tease him about how your baby will be attached to him the moment they're born.
But oh the moment you go into labor? It's all hands on deck. He's been prepping for this, reading books on pregnancy and childbirth, wanting to be your rock in the process but when you tell him your water broke, his mind doesn't work. He'll be the type to say "Don't panic!" as he's panicking and you have to remind him to take the hospital bag he's prepared months in advance.
The birth itself is a harsh and grueling process, but Leon helps you see it all the way through. He does not leave that hospital room, doesn't let the nurses kick him out, and stands his ground as your advocate. You're both scared at the thought of welcoming a whole new life into this world, and he's right next to you, holding your hand and whispering words of encouragement and praise in your ear.
Leon hates seeing you scared, hates seeing you hurt, but it really is all worth it the moment he hears that shriek of a baby's cry fill the room. It's the most beautiful thing he's heard, he doesn't care if the high pitch of the violent scream makes his ears hurt. For the first time in months, he feels like he can breathe again.
Seeing this bundle of joy all wrapped up in a pink blanket and pink beanie makes him cry, that new baby scent he's heard so much about before fills his nose and his chest aches from so much love. He doesn't need to verbally tell you that he's proud of you, that he's happy, that he loves you. It's written all over his face and from the way he can't seem to take his eyes off his daughter, he knows what this different kind of love feels like.
Leon Kennedy is a selfless guy, and every time he glances at his baby, he sometimes sees flashes of Sherry when she was younger or even Ashley when he went to go save her in Spain. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but that same urge to protect this life with every fiber of his being comes in full force.
He thinks he develops a new level of fear and paranoia, taking over damn near every duty that was involved in raising a child. He wants to help you recover, allowing you to get your sleep and your physical strength back as he takes care of your baby girl.
He does everything at the expense of his physical health. He can't sleep most of the time and wants to be ready for when his daughter cries at 2 am until his lack of sleep starts to beat his ass after two weeks. Sure, he's on parental leave to help you out and to bond with his child, but you often find him fast asleep in the rocking chair, neck craned at an awkward angle that will irritate him later on. You come towards him and wake him up, his body jolting awake and ready for whatever threat comes his way until he blinks and sees you.
"Is she okay?", he says groggily, dark circles around his eyes and his hair an unruly mess. It was sweet seeing how the first thing he wondered about when he woke up was his daughter.
"Yeah, she's alright, still asleep. You should go to bed baby, I can watch her", you tried to get it through to Leon that he needs to rest too, not just you and your child.
"I could use a nap", he caves, standing up with a groan and rubbing the back of his neck the way you expected him to. Despite being half asleep, he gives you a sweet kiss on the lips and walks out of the nursey. "Wake me up if you need me", he mumbles before leaving the room entirely.
You don't wake him up, not for a couple of hours at least so the migraine that's pulsing in his head wears off. Leon doesn't care if his body goes on complete shutdown, anything you both need, he'll be there ready to do whatever is necessary to make your family dynamic function.
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1001aus · 18 days
There are a lot of fun jokes and fics about which if any of the Bats can cook and while it's funny to say all of them except for [whoever] is banned from the Wayne Manor kitchen here are my actual thoughts on who can cook and who is actually good at it.
Bruce: Can cook in theory. Very good at technical skills and everything he makes is highly nutritious, but he's awful at flavor and texture. Tends to err on the side of overcooking because he's bad at determining when something's done. His meal replacement bars are the stuff of legend. Chalky. Chemical aftertaste from the nutrient paste. Can keep you going all day like lembas.
Dick: Can follow a recipe with minimal mistakes. He is, however, working two full-time jobs and is usually too tired. People make fun of the cereal, but, let's be honest, the boost of iron and sugar from vitamin fortified children's cereals after a night of patrol helps a lot with blood loss.
Jason: Actually started learning from Alfred about a year after being adopted, but the lesson were interrupted by his death and didn't pick up after. His cooking is much better when he's feeding 20+ people. Can't quite get the hang of bread.
Barbara: Also capable of following recipes, but unlike Dick she's confident enough to do ingredient substitutions. There was a while after getting shot when she almost gave up out of frustration, then Bruce threw several thousand dollars at remodeling her kitchen so she can use it in a wheelchair.
Tim: He can make staples, but he mostly survives on caffeine pills and take out. Surprisingly good at baking if he doesn't get distracted by something else.
Stephanie: Great at breakfast foods, much less confident making anything else. She *can* cook, but doesn't have the money to throw at ingredients and refuses to let Bruce pay her living expenses on principle.
Cass: Cannot cook. She could incinerate pasta on the stove.
Duke: He can get by, but he's also just a high school student. The type to get really good at a couple specific, complicated looking dishes. Not above using Bruce's credit card for groceries.
Damian: Genuinely never thought about who makes his food before coming to Gotham. If he wants food that reminds him of his childhood he needs to make it himself, so he's learning. Applies the same focus as Bruce to learning, but with better results since he isn't focused on Maximum Nutrition. Never going to be good at improvising, but very good at complicated recipes.
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caliika · 10 months
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everlastlady · 7 months
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Bloody Legend: Mammon X Reader 4
✰- Author's Note: Hello! I'm really glad that you guys are enjoying this silly little story. Also I made a yandere Mammon bot on character ai so if you want the link to that let me know. Also the Juggling Is Cool song is stuck in my head 😭 Anyway remember to eat a meal or a snack, drink some water, get some fresh air, take your medicine, and remember that you are loved. If you loved this story remember to comment, click or tap that heart button, reblog with tags, and blaze if you can. Always remember to support your local writers. ♡♡♡
✰- Story Parts: Part One | Part Two | Part Three
✰- Story Contains: Mammon, Striker, Verosika,Asmodeus, & Rosemary (oc), Spoiled Reader, Romantic Dinner, Shopping Spree, Mentions Of Reader's past, Mentions Of Mammon's Past, & Cuddling.
✰- Posted: 11/2/2023
" Alright, (Y/N) is looking much better just make sure that they take those vitamins every day and are properly eating. Some fresh air should help. I know they are your mascot but a break from the spotlight should help. A lot of people end up dying from overworking themselves especially celebrities. " Rosemary said. Looking back at your door and at Mammon who had been looking upset because he knew it was his fault that you were sick. " I understand thanks doc, I'll be sure to send you your payment. " Mammon said. " Good, I can use it for a romantic dinner for me and my boyfriend. But remember no work for (Y/N). " Rosemary wagged her finger at Mammon and before the plant demon woman could walk away, Mammon thought about what she said about a romantic dinner with her partner, maybe Mammon could set up a romantic dinner with you. " Doc, wait! " Mammon snapped his finger and with green smoke along with a honk appeared in front of, Rosemary who coughed and waved away the smoke. " Yes, your lordship? " She asked. " How would you go about asking someone on a romantic dinner? " Mammon asked using one of his arms to rub his chin. Rosemary smirked and adjusted her glasses. " Why? You got someone you wanna ask out? " Rosemary snickers as Mammon didn't want to say who. " Just answer the question and I'll pay you twice the amount I owe! " He said looking desperate for an answer. " Calm down, just simply ask the person you don't need to do something grand gesture to ask them out for dinner. " Rosemary said while closing her eyes and then opening them. " Listen my boyfriend is a bouncer at Ozzie's when I asked him out for dinner, I just asked him and we had a good time. " Rosemary smiled and blushed. " It was nice, just the two of us. I didn't do anything grand so just go for it. Anyway I have to go I hope (Y/N) feels better. And whoever you ask on that date has fun. Maybe ask Asmodeus for advice. " Rosemary walked towards the elevator before vanishing.
Asmodeus? Asmodeus!? There was no way he would ever ask Asmodeus for love advice especially after what happened at the clown off. Mammon would rather give an orphanage half a grand before going to Asmodeus for love advice. He would just take Rosemary's simple advice. Mammon didn't want to take you to a restaurant. He could set up dinner here in the dining room. He could have the cooks make up delicious meals and the two of you could talk, just enjoy each other company. But he didn't want this to seem like a date or that he had feelings for you. Even though he did, he wanted you to feel the same way; so he decided to use this dinner to impress you. Mammon walked towards your room and opened the door. He saw that you weren't in bed but could hear singing coming from the bathroom while water was running. Whether you weren't a good or bad singer. Mammon always loved hearing you sing. It made his heart flutter your singing was something he first heard when you would change in your dressing room. Mammon waited for you to stepped out the bathroom, once you did you we wearing an oversized green sweater that had Mammon's M on it and some black stretch pants. You almost jumped seeing him. " Mammon, sir, uh hi did you need something? " You asked. Mammon shook his head and walked towards you. " You and me are having dinner tonight, to talk and forget about work. So where something nice! " Mammon pinched your cheek. " I'll be back soon, I have a meeting with Lucifer, I can't wait to see my old friend; remember to take your vitamins! " Mammon honked and vanished.
You stood there for a moment thinking about what Mammon had said. Dinner with him tonight? You smiled softly; that actually sounds nice - You decided to call up Verosika and ask if she wanted to go shopping with you. To which the succubus agreed. Last time the shopping was cancelled due to you getting sick. But you were feeling better. You decided that you would buy a beautiful outfit for this dinner with Mammon, so when walking outside you saw Verosika's limo. Her driver opened the door. Getting inside you not only saw Verosika but Striker who was grinning at you. " Well howdy (Y/N), Mammon knew that you would be shopping so he called me up to protect you as your new bodyguard, thanks for giving him, my card. Sorry about what happened to your old bodyguards, may they rest in peace. " Striker said while bringing his hat to his chest. Trying his hardest not to laugh. " Thanks. " You smiled and sat down in between him and Verosika. " Are you feeling better (Y/N)? " Verosika asked as the limo drove down the streets of Greed. You nodded your head. " Much better, Mammon even asked to have dinner with me tonight, to wear something nice. " You said while looking down at your phone. You didn't notice that Verosika and Striker had exchanged looks of disgust. Verosika cleared her throat. " Mammon hasn't been working you or anything else? " She asked. " No, he's been making me rest a lot and having people bring me medicine, water, tea, and food. Sometimes I catch him checking up on me or that the old blankets have been taking off my bed and replaced with new ones, it's weird how he's been acting but it's also nice. " You sighed softly with a smile.
Both Verosika and Striker were shocked about this. When the limo finally stopped at the mall. You got out, Verosika looked at Striker. " So now he's concerned about their well-being? " Verosika said. " I'm sure he's only concerned because if they stay sick or die, he'll use money. Once they are 100% better he'll make them over again like cattle. " Striker grumbled and got out of the car. Striker made sure to keep close to you and Verosika so that no crazy fans run up to you. You looked down at the green credit card that Mammon had gifted to you a while back. Mammon aleatory spoiled you because he always wanted you to look nice and because he wanted you to feel like you could rely on him. You went all your favorite shops while sipping on the strawberry smoothie that Verosika bought for you. The two of you hadn't noticed that Striker killed fifteen people that were creeping up on you and Verosika, either trying to kill you guys or kidnap. Striker pulled out a new gun and saw how you tried on different green or white outfits. You soon came out wearing a white outfit mixed with some pastel green. " What do you guys think? " You asked while twirling. Verosika almost dropped her smoothie as she was blushing and Striker without looking shot another creep but his eyes stayed on you as he also blushed. The two of them didn't say anything which made you frown. " It's not good? " You looked down.
Verosika shook her head quickly and stood up. " No no, you look beautiful sweetheart, I'm sure Mammon will think you look sexy! " Verosika said looking at you while blushing. " And if he doesn't then he's blind. " Striker said. " Because you look absolutely stunning. " Striker said. Both their comments made you blush. You decided that you would buy the outfit, you were having fun with Verosika and Striker. The three of you continued to shop. Verosika had bought you pink rose pendant and Striker had bought you a cowboy hat since you kept taking his and wearing it. " (Y/N) you should hit up one my parties whenever Mammon doesn't have you underneath his thumb. " Verosika said leaving the mall with you. Letting out a small laughter. " That would be fun, I always see your parties on Voxtagram. " You said always wanting to attend parties. But you really didn't because Mammon had you attend other parties. " Great! My birthday is coming up, I'll be sure to send you an invite in the mail and just in case Mammon doesn't let you, I'll see what strings I can pull. " Verosika held your hand getting into the limo as Striker followed behind. " Wait till you see the bull riding, I always stay on the longest. " Striker smirked. " Don't forget, I'm also from Wrath, I did a lot of bull riding on my grandparents farm when I was sixteen. " You smirked as Striker laughed. " Alright, darlin', we'll see~ " Striker leaned back. The limo dropped you back off at Mammon's palace; you wave and say your goodbyes to Verosika and Striker. Your ears felt hot thinking about the fun shopping spree you had with Striker and Verosika.
Making it back inside the palace. Mammon still wasn't back from his meeting with Lucifer. But you could smell something delicious from the kitchen. One of the servants told you that you weren't allowed in the kitchen because dinner was going to be surprised. So you went to your room and put away everything you bought. The necklace that Verosika bought you, went in your jewelry box and you hung up the hat that Striker bought you. You hoped that you could go to Verosika's party. You really enjoyed their company. You kept out the outfit that you would wear to dinner with Mammon. Feeling tired you decided to take a nap so that you would feel more energized. You laid down on the bed and fell asleep. Meanwhile at the meeting Mammon had to ignore Asmodeus as Lucifer talked about the process of Hell. He thought about the dinner date he had with you. After the meeting ended Mammon stood up ready to leave only for Asmodeus to say something. " Already replaced Fizzarolli? " Asmodeus said still holding that same look of angry at Mammon. " Yeah, what about it? You have time to spend with him, I found someone better than him, someone who brings me more money than he ever did. " Mammon said glaring at Asmodeus, hoping that he wouldn't say anything harsh about you Beelzebub and Lucifer watched as if this was a drama show. " No, you found someone else to exploit, and when they get tired of your bullshit; they'll leave you too. " Asmodeus walked off humming, the humming irritated Mammon because Asmodeus was humming the song that Fizzarolli sung at the clown pageant.
Mammon sat in the limo sneering, he was upset at what Asmodeus said. He wasn't exploiting you, he was helping you. He cared about you! Asmodeus doesn't know what he's talking about. Mammon took a deep breath, he should be happy, excited because tonight he was going have a lovely dinner date with you. When he reached the palace. He already had the servants help him get ready and look all handsome just for you. The dark green tux with the gold that he had tailored so that he could look good for this night. Mammon asked the servants to help you get ready and meet him in the dining room. The servants woke you up and helped you get ready. You felt a pit of nervousness sitting in your stomach. You weren't the only one feeling this way so did Mammon. He would mess with the items on the table. Having the servants bring in better flowers or change out the candles. Even had some of the dishes switched out. He even requested fresh strawberries in the bowl. Once you walked in Mammon was blown away. You looked absolutely majestic. Mammon was speechless. " (Y/N) love, you look absolutely fucking beautiful! " Mammon stood up and pulled out your chair. " Sit sit. " He pushed in your chair once you sat down. And then appeared in his own seat.
The dinner with Mammon was full of laughter as he talked about his past. " When I first met Asmodeus, I hated him on day one. He thought he was better because he was the sin of lust. Always talking about how more people have that sin. Which is a big fucking lie. Bee, she's alright I know that me and her would always get high and eat some good shit. We still do, Luci is a real good friend of mine, I do believe I'm his favorite. I remember when I first became a sin of greed. Seeing what people will do for money and power. Was chaos a circus of chaos then when the humans started dying and finding themselves in the greed ring. They still hadn't changed their ways. " Mammon took a bite of his chicken. " News team always ask us sins if we will get a queen like Lucifer has his gal Lilith, or will we ever get a partner like how Bee has that hellhound, I forgot his name. Now that Asmodeus admitted to loving Fizzarolli. " Mammon said annoyed. " People assume that I'm next. " Mammon looked at you. " Have you ever thought about dating or ever getting married one day (Y/N)? " Mammon asked while drinking some of the golden liquid from the glass. " I'm not sure, I'm always busy with the career you gave me that I never consider marriage or dating, but eventually one day I would like it. " You smiled enjoying the meal in front of you. Mammon looked at you for a second. " Well, you got all this status and fame. That anyone would die to date you, but don't let people with you for that though; because you are a bloody legend a beautiful, smart, funny, and... Kind legend. " Mammon clears his throat. " This is boring! Wanna go watch a movie? " Mammon asked and stood up.
You smile. " Sure. " You stood up taking the bowl of strawberries with you. As you followed Mammon into the living room; sitting down on the couch. Mammon put on a nice comedy movie, a nice romantic comedy; you sat down next to him eating the strawberries from the bowl. Mammon kept looking at you from the corner of his eyes. Seeing how focused you were on the movie. He was trying to figure out how to cuddle you. He didn't want to make things awkward or weird. But his eyes widened when he felt you lean against him. He looked down to see that you looked tired. He remembered what Rosemary had said, just go for it. So Mammon pulled you closer and cuddled with you on the couch. This felt like a dream, this felt nice. Mammon's heart patters, against his chest, palms sweaty, and head dizzy. You eventually fell asleep cuddling Mammon, who watched the movie but kept you close. Once the movie was over; he picked you up and carried you to your bedroom, laying you in bed, he looked down at you. Before walking away, you grabbed his hand. " Please stay. " Mammon turned around seeing you look at him while holding his hand.
Mammon's Bloody Legends Taglist:
If you weren't tag its because when try to tag it says " No Blogs Found " which means you have to turn on tags or Tumblr isn't letting me tag ya. Anyway if you want to be added or removed from the Taglist let me know
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transboysokka · 5 months
So my favorite character in The Brothers Sun is Taiwan. Like yeah Taiwan has its own shows and movies but it just feels Different to see Taiwan in a big international/American show! It’s SO cool actually and so um here are some thoughts I had and things I Noticed about different Taiwan scenes and things in the show idk
Episode 1
the opening shot of Taipei tells us this is a Thursday- the top of 101 is green and is a different color every day of the week
that corkscrew-shaped apartment building we see Charles living in is kind of an urban legend here in Taipei. They say it’s the most expensive place to live in the city, that each apartment has its own swimming pool, and that there’s an elevator specifically to bring cars up to display in your living room. No idea if the interiors look like that for real though
I was gonna say it’s pretty crazy he has an American-style oven in Taipei bc nobody does but actually in that apartment… yeah he probably would
afaik there’s not a way to (“legally”/officially) stream any of those famous British baking shows here rip
I do wonder if they actually filmed the opening scene in the corkscrew building or if they just really pay attention to detail because the skyline seen out the window matches up to what it would really look like from that part of the city
the shoes, I mean we all know about shoes-off houses but yeah
豆漿. Soy milk. Yeah
They definitely eat Hi-chews in one of these scenes
Episode 2
It makes way more sense for the guys to have snuck out for shaved ice as kids than youtiao… I’m just saying… like would *I* do that yes but it’s usually just like. A thing you eat with soup or breakfast
Episode 3
“Are you sure you can handle-“ “the heat? I’m from Taiwan.” lmfao BITCH Taiwan has some of the blandest cuisine I’ve ever tasted (he does think it’s too spicy tho lol)
“Keelung. A fishing village just north of Taipei.” Okay like I can see how the older generation would call it that but it’s actually a whole ass city…
Episode 5
Not a Taiwan thing but the Maotai made me laugh. It’s like the Coca Cola of Chinese baijiu and imho it’s just as awful as every other brand
Episode 6
ok the episode that made me want to make this list
the Costco shit IS funny because vitamins, baby formula, that’s all the good stuff you want to bring back from abroad BUT actually we have Costco in Taiwan and can easily get a lot of that stuff? This concept imo would fit a lot better for China than Taiwan. It’s still very much a thing to load your suitcase up with baby formula on the way home to China, and there’s actually a huge smuggling business bringing it in through Hong Kong but I digress
Idk why I’m happy to hear Changhua and Douliu mentioned in an American TV show… Seriously, I don’t know. They’re kind of like nowhere places I’ve never even been. I just feel like everyone’s grandparents live there.
Even the way they film Mama Sun on the plane. Like the Mandarin music in the background with the announcement for Taoyuan airport… to me it feels specifically like a transpacific flight to Taiwan lolol but that’s definitely like a bias probably
Okay not to be SO nitpicky but so when she looks out the window on the plane to see Taipei 101 etc I’m not sure about that? The airport is actually in another city and I feel like I usually come in around and over the ocean or something?
But WOW the taxi scene my favorite scene it’s SO visceral and SO Taiwan… the street, the lights, the Cosmed/Mos Burger/7-Eleven, the street noises, like I can FEEL Taiwan through the screen and HER FACE taking it all in I WANT TO SOB
The temple, beautiful like this episode makes me believe Michelle Yeoh is Taiwanese lol
I appreciate the viscerality of the night market shots too but it seemed a bit empty
Okay so Mama Sun’s mom is super rich too based on where she lives which I guess it makes sense. But what I am curious about is the story about why they’re speaking Cantonese because Taiwan has a lot of languages but that’s not one of them like officially at all. I wonder if there’s a character backstory there or they just like. Didn’t want to bother teaching Michelle how to speak Minnan or something
The cemetery too is so fancy, I mean it fits but wow that’s expensive real estate
In the hospital scene, Taipei 101 is lit blue out the window, making it a Friday. Has everything in the show so far happened in only 8 days?
Episode 7
“Last night the Boxers made their move” 101 says it’s Tuesday for anyone keeping track
I LOST it at the Foodpanda driver assassin the first time I saw this… So Taiwan
Big fancy church in Taipei? I know they exist but I’ve never seen one in person (like 2%? of the country is Christian)
A mom bringing back tea as a souvenir from Taiwan? 100% real
Episode 8
RAW is a real restaurant in Taipei. It’s very fancy and very expensive and had I think two Michelin stars. I don’t know ANYONE who’s actually been there lol
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evangelifloss · 7 months
Please tell me about the great emu war of 1932 :3
"Haha Australia lost a war to emus twice"
Here's why:
First, I don't believe foreigners know how BIG emus are, and how much of their stocky main body is just layers and layers of feathers
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This is Peck. He doesn't actually Peck but he LOVES the LADIES and for reference, that's me as he's uh... trying to woo me. I'm 4'11 / 149cm tall and in that photo he's not standing at full height either because he's preparing to get lower and ahem, grind. He is also a juvenile.
Emus are typically 5.7 feet/1.75 meters tall, but they have been recorded to get up to 6.2 feet/1.9 meters.
So imagine you've got this big ass dinosaur bird with the most t-rex looking feet perfectly designed for running. Yeeting. Skeeting. Killing you maybe. And now take into account these flightless fucks can run up to 62 Kilometers per hour. THATS 39 MILES PER HOUR TOP SPEED.
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Now add 20,000 emus.
So 20,000 emus against poverty-stricken farmers with failing crops, farmers WHO WERE MOSTLY WW1 VETERANS BY THE WAY. Yeah nah.
Here's a visual to help y'all understand how insanely large emu groups get.
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Onto why the hell were there so many emus on the farmlands (even tho... yknow... the emus and the local indigenous were there first but we won't get into that.)
Basically a big drought made the horde of emus move away from their usual dwindling territory, onto the sprawling Australian "farm lands" and remember I mentioned their feet before? BIG STOMPY. Whatever crops that had somehow managed to survive the severely vitamin-deficient soil and grow, did not in fact, survive the dinosaur feet as the emus strolled through, pecking and foraging the ground along the way.
The plight of the veteran farmers didn't fall on deaf ears, but the Australian government severely underestimated the power of 20,000 emus by a LONG shot. Plus they weren't all that interested either, until at least it was reported that the emus were destroying the Rabbit Proof Fence. What legends.
For the first "war" the government sent 3 men.
Yep. You heard me. Three guys. Major Meredith, Sargeant McMurray and a soldier by the name of O'Halloran.
They had one truck with a machine gun, and probably other guns, but between them roughly 10,000 rounds of ammunition.
So off they went. To wage war against the progressive emus breaking the symbol of "White Australia" AKA the Fence. Oh and also I guess the starving vets.
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This is it. This is what they had.
Locals from all around joined in the fight and tried to herd the roaming groups of emus into the murder range but the emus had a tactic. One that us Aussies use at bush doofs when you hear police sirens- and that is to SCATTER.
They only killed "a dozen birds" from a group estimated to be around 1000. It didn't help that the machine gun jammed during this organised ambush.
And by then, the Emus clicked onto what was happening. They split up into smaller groups, observed to be led by the largest sized male who kept an eye out for the enemy. Never again did they risk coming together as seen before.
The war was lost. Only a few more attempts were made that had little success and Ornithologist Dom Serventy concisely summarised the whole operation.
I want to remind you all that this is a recorded statement, kept on file in legal military documentation
"The Emu command had evidently ordered guerrilla tactics, and its unwieldy army soon split up into innumerable small units that made use of the military equipment uneconomic. A crestfallen field force therefore withdrew from the combat area after about a month."
Let's move onto Emu War Part Two: Unsuccessful Boogaloo
Heads up by the way, TW below.
Emus were still, y'know, Emu-ing about and the drought didn't let up either. People were still dying of starvation, becoming homeless and committing suicide. It took the Premier of Western Australia, and a Base Commander in the military penning letters and using media pressure to finally convince the government to give it another go.
Major Meridith returns to the War and having learnt from practically everyone's past assumptions of the highly intelligent sonic-speed bird, brought success. And by that I mean, more success than the previous war.
Ultimately only 5% of the 20k Emu Army were ever killed, and even that is debated since it is more than likely they inflated numbers of kills to lessen the damage of being completely inferior to the superb qualities of the Emu.
A Federal parliamentarian (like a senator) when asked about whether there should be a medal made for the conflict, he replied with:
"Any medals should go to the emus who had won every round so far."
And of course in true Aussie fashion, the Defence Minister who supported and approved for the Emu War 1 and 2, was given the title by the Australian public, and international conservationists of ‘Minister for the Emu War’.
Ouch, but also, Not Every Problem Has To Be Solved With Guns.
Ironically what worked far better was the implementation of fences to keep the Emus OUT and unfortunately, a bounty system that saw many locals and professional hunters alike have FAR more success than an entire military operation. 57,000 bounties were claimed in a six month period after it being introduced in 1934.
Thus concludes the Great Emu War of 1932.
If you're asking why I know this, I studied it when I was 16, and made an entire poster to which I gave it to my Japanese Teacher. For context: I was living in Japan. Going to a Japanese School. And teaching my poor English teacher about this Emu War that he only believed once he looked it up. As a parting gift I gave him a poster. Shout out to Kawamura-Sensei you tried so hard not to laugh at the poster but I won that war.
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Here it is. All the quotes on there are real too!
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fourstarsoutofnine · 8 months
hey there, if it's not too much trouble i was wondering if i could request legend comforting reader who suffers from depression and is having a bad day?
love your work btw, i think you have a wonderful writing style! hope you're having a good day 🩷
A/N:Yeah! Sorry this took so long, I’ve had crazy bad writers block lately, you have no idea 😓I hope you like this and it helped, again sorry it took ages🫶
Bad day.
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The veteran understood what you were going through more than most of the chain, probably. After Marin, especially. Whether it was from genetic, stemmed from something—it didn’t matter. He understood. And he could tell easier than most when it was taking its toll worse than other days. Today was one such day. It was hard to get up, hard to get moving, hard to do anything.
And it wasn’t that he really took pity on you. He knew you were strong and could push through it. You were a warrior if he’d ever seen one. The toughest battles are often ones no one knows you’re fighting, he could certainly attest to that. But he also knew those battles were ones you needn’t go through alone if someone knew and could do something. He was both such of those. He knew and could do something about it.
He walked up to you as you sat by the fire, staring into it, completely lost in thought. He held his hand out and you looked up confusedly.
“Hey. Come with me.”
“..? Okay..?” You stood with some help after taking his hand. He didn’t drop yours as he led you away from camp.
“Vet, where are we going?” You asked exasperatedly and exhausted.
“You’ll see. It’s. Not too much further. Just look around while we walk, it’s a nice forest…” he knew that sometimes being outside could help—but it wasn’t just the vitamins sunlight provided that aided you. It was the fresh air, the appreciation, the getting out of your own head. Focusing on something like that cleared your thoughts like a sweeper on a floor. You sighed and looked around. You supposed it did look nice.. birch trees, the birds singing, the wind making the remaining leaves in the trees bristle together, a few falling. You did love this time of year. The brilliant colors of the leaves gave the trees one last hoorah before they fell to their deaths, to be stepped on by the living. A silent and often unnoticed homage to the mental state of many, as well as a gentle understanding from Mother Nature herself, as even she gets seasonal depression.
The veteran led you to a clearing with a beautiful pond. He spoke up. “…I get what you’re going through, you know… I understand more than you think…” you finally understood why he teased you far less than the others. Even if you knew his teasing was a way to show he cared and loved, the way he showed that to you was to leave you be. Let you sleep in a few extra hours while he stalled for time. Save you some of his food when the champion made your favorite. He was a kind soul. It was just boxed in and hidden. You supposed you were as well, in a way. You smiled a bit and he began to speak again. “And you know.. if you need someone to talk to, I got you. We all do. Or a distraction. Which we also have.” He picked up a flat pebble and skipped it across the pond. He found another and handed it to you. “Give it a try. Kinda… spin it in your fingers when you throw it. It’s the spin that makes it skip.” Like this.” He grabbed one for himself and showed you the motions slowly before he threw his. It skipped a good few times. You tried yourself and it skipped. It made you smile wider. “I did it…!”
“There y’go.” He cracked a smile. “See? Not so hard.” The two of you spent a while skipping rocks and talking about different things, whether that was what was bogging you down or things to distract you was up to you. He led you lead the conversation in any direction you wanted it to go in. He was just there to be someone to lean on. He knew the importance of having someone there when you needed them most and he was proud to be someone like that. He’d do it anytime, a thousand times over.
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neverchecking · 11 months
Imagine a whole ass debate with a rebuttal and everything 💀
Warriors is citing his time as captain or wtv and that he’s reliable and protective (rebuttal would probably be about how he can’t retire from that job for a long time and it’s very taxing)
Legend has a ton of protective gear and he’s just really cute (rebuttal would be abt his hoarder tendencies)
Sky is one of the firsts so of course his child should be first but also he’s well educated kinda, good with kids, has a tight knit community, and has a super cool bird the kids could ride (rebuttal, he’s in the fucking sky. What if the kid just jumped off)
Twilight has a ranch and a horse. Good with animals, works at home kinda, can become a fluffy dog (rebuttal me personally I’m mildly allergic to dogs, and also ranches take up a lot of time. As a country person I know, I know it all too well)
Wild has long hair the kids could braid. Has horses, can cook a good meal, doesn’t get tired of cooking, has a thing he can take pictures on, well travelled. (Rebuttal he does some stupid ass shit bro, and also he isn’t always considering what his actions do. What if he does something stupid and gets seriously injured and the kids and reader are like fending for themselves for a bit)
Time. He’s responsible, a good leader, the oldest, has cool markings. (Rebuttal. What the fuck happened with the moon. Also FD mask, what if the kids got their hands on this super dangerous mask that has a god inside of it. Assuming that FD isn’t unleashed alr)
Hyrule. HES SUCH A CUTIE OMG. He’s half fairy, good with kids, soft, inviting, can literally heal (rebuttal, the blood curse. What if the kids inherit it cause like genetics and stuff)
Four. Works at home kinda, he’s also a cutie. Could make little toys, is good under pressure, is around their height, good playmate (rebuttal. If the smithing area is inside the house easy access to burns. Also the four sword is a thing)
Sage. Has nice hair as well. Protective, has two houses technically, can fuse things together, can make cool little things to ride around on with reader and children (rebuttal. He can make literal torture machines, and he’s a little unhinged. Also Wth is up with his world. That place is not safe at all)
Fierce Diety. A literal god. (Rebuttal. A literal god. Does godliness get passed down, idk but he’s also like really tall and that’d hurt a lot. Like procreation and having fucking this dude who’s built like an actual monster’s kids pop outta yah)
I don’t have a good read and cal but pretty much the same stuff abt Sage and wild. Just a different font.
HBGFIFBND SKY'S NF9FF 'What if the Kid just jumped off?'
I also love how a point in all of this is whether or not their hair is good. That's an incredibly important point.
Wars I love because his job would take a lot of his time. But because of said job, mans is loaded. So money is another good stand point for him. (Rebuttal: He had a literal time and space wizard-ess after him??? imagine her going after your kid man-)
Legend is someone who has seen everything. So he is so smooth and steady, nothing really phases him anymore. Including anything your kid brings to the table. (Rebuttal: He's an asshole. I guarantee any of his spawn are also assholes)
Sky is literally hug shaped. He would be the cuddliest dad and so affectionate <3 (Rebuttal: I deadass almost couldn't come up with anything- mans is such a helicopter parent. His kid couldn't even breath without him being there)
Twilight is also so dad shaped. Like, look at him. As someone who also lives in the countryside, I know he's the dad to hold his kid close, watching the sunset as he explains some far off tale. (Rebuttal: Is the 'Just rub dirt in it' dad.)
Wild. His horses are a great point. But, he also has so much energy? He can take all the night shifts with no problem. Can make meals filled with both vitamins for post-partum and energy boosting effects that taste Amazing. (Rebuttal: He has ghosts. Just following him. Like??? Those can't be good babysitters???)
Time. He's so calm and patient. So anytime the baby gets to be too much for Reader, he's easily stepping in and swooping them up, settling them within seconds. (Rebuttal: Fought the fucking moon- Also, has farts that are comparable to an actual try on your life. Idk what this man eats, but someone has got to find what crawled up his butt and died)
Hyrule. Loml. I love him. Gibe him smooch- He has babysitters out the freaking door. His sisters absolutely adore you and your baby and bring the best presents. (Rebuttal: Yeah that blood thing is pretty bad, but he also is the worst at saying no to your kid. That kid will be so spoiled and you'll be forced to be the stricter parent)
Four. He's also got babysitters. That are him! Win-win! Can handle multiple things at once and should the colors be needed, he's got that male relative that I'm still uncertain about! (Rebuttal: Talks to your kid like their both men in their fifties sitting in a bar, catching up after years lmao)
Sage! Great hair. Also cool arm. Has two houses, but that asshole princess took one, bitch. BUT he also has horses :D AND DonDons. We love those guys. Can also cook and he's the dad to walk around shirtless with the kid on his chest, napping, while he does one thing or another. He is also rich because he cheats the system--I.E. the universe. (Rebuttal: Yo wtf is UP with those hands in the ground?! And the TREES?! Nothing is safe. Also, the sages? Not great babysitters. Especially his giant robot. That one is not the worst however. That's Sidon's title.)
Fierce Deity. He can reach the top shelf. He's got a cool sword. He's got a nice face, would like to sit on it. He also is super old and probably super wise. Probably. (Rebuttal: LDNFNG I LOVE YOURS SM I- YEAH, TEARING FROM THE V TO THE A JUST BIRTHING HIS FUCKING KID)
For Cal, may I offer-
Calamity. Strong knight and used to following the orders of those above him, especially his Goddess and his child. He would go to the ends of the heavens and hells should it be what they wish (Rebuttal; Mans has the emotional capacity of a fucking Rock. Also, he eats rocks. Imagine your kid just eating rocks because their dad did. Return them both/hj)
So obviously, with all these options, pros and cons, there is only one real option.
Courage and Koridai.
Nah I'm fucking with you-
First. I see no flaws with this man and if there are some I don't wanna hear 'em.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 4 months
My dumb brain is dreaming about work and now I am trying to convince it to go back to sleep, but this also came to me so… here
If only it was as easy as it was in video games. Wild thought idly as he stirred the scrambled egg and mushroom mix. Mix the correct items together and… poof, instant magic effect. Some days, it would be nice if food could give those who ate it extra energy (maybe Legend wouldn’t be living off ‘comes with a warning label the caffeine content is so high’ drinks), or a boost to their strength (Hyrule routinely stuck manhandling patients twice his size), or… Wild looked towards the stairs, and checked the time both on the kitchen clock and his own watch. They were the same. 12:25. The day shifters were at work, except one. Sky had shown up at Lon Lon two days ago, the signs of an eminent ‘slump’ settling heavily on his shoulders and in his eyes. At least the pilot had been aware of the signs and had come home where there were others to help. But the ‘slump’ meant Sky struggled to get up, to get to work, and in the worst of it, needed prompting to remember basic things like eating. If only there was a magic combination of ingredients to lift the ‘slump’ or better yet, banish it forever.
Alas, the world was not like video games. Best he could do was offer support like a warm breakfast, even if it was well after noon. Wild killed the heat on the stove, moved the pan off the burner, and stuck the lid over top to help trap the remaining heat while he made his way upstairs and to the room that he knew Sky was still in, and probably still asleep.
“Sky?” He knocked on the door, waited for a sound or sign of life, then chanced opening the door. The lump of blankets on the bed moved at his second call.
“Wild?” Sky asked, his voice sleepy and slurry.
“Hey, Sky. I made breakfast.”
The pilot rolled to look at the clock, then groaned as he saw the digits blinking back at him.
“Don’t you have a night shift tonight?”
Wild shrugged. “I can go to bed here in the next hour ish and be fine. I wanted to prep something for the crock pot and that took longer than I expected so… I made breakfast for the two of us.”
Sky sat up, pulling the blanket around his shoulders. “‘Kay. I’m coming…” it would be another several minutes before Sky moved from that spot and actually tried to come downstairs, but it was progress.
“Great. OJ or milk?” He asked as he turned to head back downstairs.
“Milk soun’s good.”
Wild chuckled to himself. That might as well have been a rhetorical question but he still asked.
“K, it’s ready downstairs.”
Maybe he couldn’t magically fix a slump with food, but a warm meal made by a friend certainly helped.
(Fun fact, the things Wild cooks or offers this time are high in vitamin D, or fortified to be so. Some claim that vitamin D deficiency is a part of the seasonals and making sure you have enough can ease depression symptoms, but full disclaimer, not medically or nutritionally trained. Just armed with internet search abilities and enough knowledge to make trouble.)
I love this ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ The wishing life was a video game made me smile, adore that, but Wild doing something so simple and impactful just sofuwkwiqwhfid my family does this for me all the time and fufuwworhdiIWWHFKCUAHWOR AHHH 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Cookijg as a love language is just SO—aahhhh thank you ❤️
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