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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Dog Meshi.
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azulhood · 5 months
Conversations between best friends has often led to some reckless/stupid/not thought out at all decisions. Like one conversation the amity park trio had where Danny said that he couldn't see Tucker as a doctor (the medical kind) to which Tucker responded with "Alright, bet." and enrolled in medical school. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Bruce Wayne and Tucker Foley somehow by coincidence *cough* clockwork* became friends. And stayed friends even after Bruce dropped out and Tucker went on to finish med school. It was a strange friendship that was mainly just Bruce calling Tucker from the weirdest locations and asking things "Out of curiosity, if an immortal nutjob wanted you to marry his daughter and become his heir what would you do? uh-huh, uh-huh, really? ok, thanks." and meeting up for coffee every now and then. It was during one of these coffee meet-ups that Bruce confessed that he wanted to adopt a recently orphaned child by the name of Richard. There was currently push back from people who didn't think 'Brucie Wayne' would be a good parent and from others who didn't want a random kid having a chance to inherit the Wayne fortune, the media was also having a field day. Everyone kept asking him to "reconsider" and doing everything they can to stall/stop the adoption process. Tucker, being the good friend he was, said "Don't worry, I got this" Stood up from the cafe table, walked to the nearest library and politely asked to use one of their computers, spent a good ten minutes on it, printed something out on the library's printer, walked back to the cafe where he left Bruce waiting. And finally, he handed over the paper with the words "Take this." and continued drinking his now cold coffee. Bruce was, understandably, confused. "What is-" "Trust me, it'll work." Tucker assured him. That is how Bruce Wayne adopted one Richard 'Dick' Grayson.
And after that, Bruce went to Tucker whenever he came across a kid that he wanted to adopt, which was often. It's one reason why Tucker will do everything in his power to make sure Danny and Bruce never meet for fear that the Gothamite might try to add the Halfa to the growing army of children. Aka
Tucker Foley is The Guy
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himaja1 · 2 years
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heich0e · 1 year
obsessed w the idea of shouto (early 20s, zero idea of what a healthy relationship looks like) falling in love for the first time and going to his big brother touya for advice because he's been getting weirdly jealous/possessive lately, and their conversation basically being like
shouto: so is that normal?
touya, late 20s and with an even worse understanding of healthy relationships: don't be stupid of course that's fucking normal
(it isn't)
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arkiwii · 11 months
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"This is for the air conditioner, you can have it on rear, or front, or both..."
"And what's this big red button for?"
"That's the self-destruct button, don't press it!!"
"Wait, for realsies?!"
"Ah! Gotchu! Nah, it's the hazard lights switch. Still don't press it unless you need to!"
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This is soooo sad
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tokutaiseichan · 21 days
How old is everyone, really?!?!
Prefacing this with the information that the legal drinking age in Japan is 20 years old bc it's important.
OKAY so at first we were only shown that it's the third years who go to Rui's bar. This made me think, "Oh, I guess that'd make the third years a bunch of 20 years old, at the very least. So Darkwick is like a university?"
But then come Episode 6 and we were told that they don't actually serve real alcohol at Rui's bar. Not to mention we saw Ritsu getting fussy about a bar in the school grounds. This made me think, "So Darkwick is a high school? Everyone here is a minor?? Which is it???" (※To be fair, Ritsu was only fussing about the existence of a bar and not the possibility of underage drinking cmiiw)
And last, Episode 8. Here we saw Taiga ordering a martini一an alcoholic drink. And when Ritsu came to fetch him, he didn't scold him about underage drinking so that means Taiga is at least 20 years old (Ritsu warned Jin about Swords and Arms law when he took out his artifact so if Taiga really is underaged, Ritsu would definitely scold him).
But what caught me truly off guard is when Ritsu snatched the cocktail and drank it himself. Ritsu "Stickler for the Rules" Shinjo is drinking alcohol. There's a few possible explanation for this a) Ritsu is of drinking age; b) Ritsu is making an exception and broke a rule bc he's exasperated with Taiga (less likely considering how much of a stick in the mud about rules he is); c) Writer Team's mistake.
I'm leaning more to a), which means all of the first years is also at least 20 years old. That makes the second and third years in their early twenties. So Darwick is still a kind of university? Or does age isn't one of the parameter to enroll there?
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jeanmoreaue · 3 months
Are Jean and Neil the same age?
yep which is wild!! they’re both 19 turning 20 in the next year. i think Jean’s technically about 3-4 months older if you consider Nathaniel Wesisinski’s actual birthday (January 19th, 1988) not Neil Josten’s birthday (March 31st, 1987 - since that makes him a year older lol) and the foxhole court takes place in 2006-2007 year
Jean is 19 in tsc and nora said that Jean is a scorpio on twitter so that means his birthday is somewhere in October/November (my stab in the dark is October 29th, 1987, right before halloween seems to fit the vibe) meaning that jean will probably turn 20 in the next book
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linkerbell · 2 years
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Heyyy! 😎 I’m trying to get back into posting more…
So enjoy this genshin comic based of my voting experience last week! 😂
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allastoredeer · 3 months
Ya know what's odd to me? That vast majority of hazbin/helluva ships have the taller partner bottom anyway. HuskerDust, Stolitz, Chaggie, StaticMoth, even CherrySnake! So, what's the hang up on Alastor not being allowed to be the pillow-prince he was always meant to be? Or, more specifically, why the insistence under Bottom!Alastor posts that "he would never"?
The man needs that break from stress and responsibilities or he'd go on more rampages!
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And, like, here's the thing. When people say they can't "see" Alastor bottoming. Cool, that's fine. Not everyone is going to see a character in the same way, nor should they. You're allowed to have your preferences.
It's when they say he "would never" that it starts getting on my nerves.
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He would never bottom? Never? Well, my permit here says otherwise.
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sysmedsaresexist · 3 months
As someone who remembers how vile syscourse was just a few years ago, when I heard this blog experienced character devrlopment, I was shocked at first. When I found some posts explaining it, I was even more intrigued.
If anyone is open to it, I wouldn't mind a link to any explanation of how you fell into sysmedicalism and how you started unlearning it. I'm genuinely proud of you for that development, because changing your entire outlook on a topic is difficult, especially when you have people who support that old view but not the new one behind you. This isn't meant to be condescending, in case it is read that way.
Syscourse has only gotten more vile, honestly.
This ask kind of comes at an interesting time. Last night, I made a post about the TPA and my extreme hatred for them (that'll never change), but I linked a post from my second Twitter account, which brought me WAY back to my first active move in syscourse.
First off, hi, it's not condescending. I found it's a lot easier to talk about than I thought it would be. It doesn't hurt as much as I thought to say, "I was wrong and being hard-headed." I was expecting ego death, but instead, everyone has been so kind.
I was asked what made me switch sides, but as for my humble beginning...
I spent a good couple years just lurking and watching. I was out in therapy and quietly taking all these questions to my therapist. "Are endos real? Is DID really trauma based? Could I be endo? Is that what you become when you heal from DID?"
Suffice to say, not the healthiest questions. There was a lot of misinformation out there. Through talking to my therapist, I believed I was in the right, and I debated for a long time getting involved to talk about some of the more prominent myths about DID.
But then.
I met Bethany.
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Well, I didn't meet her. She blocked me immediately. She was a social worker, and a pro endo, DID system, but I really didn't like the way she talked down to CDD systems.
She was actually huge on Twitter, she had her own website and everything for sex positive therapy, she was doing interviews, she made wild claims about what kind of work she had done in the field, sob stories about clients that didn't make it. She had just started something called the Dissociative Society of Canada.
She was BIG.
And she was a liar.
I'm actually genuinely curious if anyone remembers this, it was seriously a huge, DESTRUCTIVE event to hit BOTH communities.
The Dissociative Society of Canada was real. She started it. But she was not a social worker. Her stories weren't real.
Having done all the same schooling myself, in the same province, with the same rules, I knew she was lying, and I called her out for it.
The pro endo AND CDD community attacked me HARD. I was told I was harassing and stalking, I remember reading the post that called for people to mass report me and I remember the emails starting to flood in from Twitter from countries that required the email be sent for reports. The only posts I had made on Twitter had been about Bethany, but people were talking about who I must be as a person and why I was so angry and jaded and terrible.
Eventually, Bethany admitted it. She never publicly apologized. She made her board of directors do it for her in a letter about shutting down the society (they hadn't known either). I was able to get her listed as an unlicensed therapist to avoid (she's still on there). The Dissociative Society of Canada was shut down after only a year.
And I felt terrible. I hated myself. The posts that came out afterwards about how much people had loved Bethany and how their trust had been destroyed, people that had done therapy with her and were permanently damaged by the lie. She had given a lot of people hope, but it was all a lie.
That was my fault. If I hadn't said anything, I don't think she would have been caught. She was still in school to get her education, she wanted to become licensed, she just wasn't yet.
But it was illegal for her to be providing therapy and telling everyone she was a social worker. She used this title to shut down anyone who disagreed with her, even when she was clearly wrong.
It was a clusterfuck. I came out of it DESPISING endogenic systems for the harassment and misinformation, and the lies about ME. I hated the desire to ignore her unlicensed, illegal actions simply because she had been a prominent voice for the pro endo community (seriously, people wished I hadn't done it, that she had never been called out and had continued her work).
This was my first real interaction with the pro endo community. A lying POS and a bunch of endos lying about me.
I started JAS around that time, and we all know what happened from there. My first post was about the myth of the 10% non-traumagenic in the DSM (it's a misquote).
I don't want to say I wanted to replace Bethany-- I wanted to show how someone who wasn't licensed could still advocate without lies, I wanted to provide that same level of educated discussion, I actually heavily considered putting together a licensed team to start another dissociative society. I debated getting licensed to do it myself.
Unfortunately, life doesn't always work out that way.
I did get her Twitter url out of it when she deleted, though. My trophy.
Ending on a sad note, I suppose.
I was distrusting of the endo community, I was angry. I didn't trust anyone for a long time after this. Who would just go online and lie like that?
It took a really long time to get over it and let go of that anger and hurt.
Remember, don't trust anyone or anything on the internet. Fact check everyone and everything, even if you think you already know the answer, or think you know who someone is.
If she hadn't been such an actual bitch to people, I wouldn't have noticed. Seriously. This was the tweet that caught her, no therapist should talk like this to anyone. The concerns raised in the first image mirrored my own exactly, and I would not have appreciated being spoken to that way. I thought, if she IS licensed, she should be reprimanded. But I couldn't find her license, and thus began the downfall of Bethany Killen.
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TL;dr if you're lying on the internet, be nice to people :)
While I didn't always live up to my own standards of civility (I can admit that), I TRIED to speak to endogenic systems as respectfully as possible, and my only goal was to NOT be like Bethany. Sometimes I failed, but at least I never claimed to be licensed.
The point is that I'm trying to be better every day. Finally admitting that I was pro endo made it a lot easier to be nice. I wasn't trying to hold up this charade anymore.
And finally, I want to remind everyone that it's not just "the other side" that can do damage or spread misinformation. Our own community can do damage if we don't call each other out, too.
The most damaging thing I've ever seen in syscourse came from another CDD system.
I think I've rambled enough, thank you!
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Y'know how Edward Cullen has a metric fuck-ton of high-school degrees?
Well, I'm pretty sure that it would be perfectly in character if Adrian Tepes had a similarly sized collection of college degrees.
Thanks to Dracula, our boy is sitting on more generational wealth than he probably knows what to do with, and since his appearance is that of an eternally twenty-something, he'd fit right in with the sleep-deprived academic masses. He likes accruing knowledge, and I can think of no better way than re-attending college every other decade or so for him to stay up to date on current worldly affairs and discoveries.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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sonohban · 11 months
do you guys think gohan will drive himself in a regular car to places instead of flying just to ground himself in mundane society sometimes
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fedoraspooky · 7 months
I truly hope the rumors of tumblr selling its user's artwork and other images to midjourney aren't real, because I am extremely tired of having to uproot and move around on the internet and still haven't fully recovered from the old dA-to-tumblr exodus... But juuuust in case a deal like that does go through, I'mma just leave this linktree post here. Just, y'know, for reasons.
The worst part is, you can't even delete or go back and edit your posts to opt out if this happens, because reblogs are unaffected. If anyone has ever reblogged your work there will be no way to opt out of this unless we can get a class action suit for tumblr going, or I guess report our own artwork and hope they nuke it themselves.
Just... Really didn't fuckin need this. Tumblr has been my internet home since 2011. I may not have a lot of followers, but I've made a lot of friends here over the years, and i don't wanna start all over from scratch AGAIN because some pissbaby CEO decided to have a transphobic breakdown and sell out all of the site's artists to theft machine robber barons for a shiny nickel.
I'm hesitant to post on insta too because zuck's vacuuming up everything for his AI too. Same with musk. Like, where the hell can we even go now?
All I can think of rn is just... Bluesky, cohost, sheezyart (which is as of this post still in closed beta), and newgrounds. There's furaffinity and stuff too but idk if I draw enough furries to be on a furry site, y'know? Idk, maybe my werecreature and nonhuman character stuff counts but just ughhh if we gotta move, can we all just agree on a place and move together and not scatter to the winds again? That would be great.
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fearforthestorm · 2 months
hey btw everyone wish me luck on my pilot licensure exam tomorrow. and also give me suggestions on the funniest possible way to tell viking that I'm stealing his brand after I pass the exam and get to legally say I'm a pilot
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thepromisedbride · 2 months
in light of the finale coming out:
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