#Like is this how parents feel when they unexpectedly have twins???
whogirl42 · 1 year
I just discovered??? that my laptop's been hiding??? an entire 931 GB storage disk from me???
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kuromochimi · 5 months
“please babysit our baby for me” w/ jjk husbands
Nanami Kento, Suguru Geto
Content warnings: none, fluff!!, not proof read btw
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Nanami Kento
Nanami was nothing short of being the perfect husband and the perfect father. The man literally lacked absolutely nothing at all. Having him as your partner was a billion times better than winning any lottery. He also loved your daughter very much. Loved braiding her hair and picking out cute little outfits for her and unexpectedly, you were the bad cop in this family because nanami could never help but spoil your precious princess that you sometimes have to scold him for buying too much toys or feeding your daughter sweets right before bed. Your schedules also worked perfectly together so that your daughter always had a parent with her most of the time and today just so happened to be nanami’s free day. A few moments before leaving, you gave nanami a kiss and a hug as you said
“Babe, can you babysit our princess today? Sorry to drop the responsibility on you but I’m going to be busy til tomorrow”
you said apologetically, with a small teasing giggle that you were able to suppress enough for nanami to not notice. Well, he wouldn’t have noticed it anyway because the man was baffled. Almost appalled even. “Sorry love, say that again?” Nanami said, clearly confused. “I said… can you babysit her for now?” Your sweet sweet husband’s mind was a mess. Did he do something wrong? Say something wrong? Acted out of line? “I- babysit? Love, love why would I have to babysit OUR daughter?” It was getting harder to not react to your husband’s response. “Oh did you not want to? I can take her to my mom’s place.” Nanami stood up to gently hug you “no no, that’s not what I meant, I’m just- baby why would I have to babysit a child that’s MINE as much as she’s yours? It’s the least I could do. You carried her for 9 months, went through birthing her and provided her with everything. Caring for her is the least I can do. Bare minimum. My responsibility as much as it’s yours”
It was meant to be a joke but you soften at that because nanami just never fails to sweeten your world and you couldn’t be more grateful.
Suguru Geto
Though it had to happen at a very young age for both you and suguru, adopting mimiko and nanako was something you would never regret. Honestly, you were a tad hesitant to agree when suguru first suggested the idea. In fact, he lowkey gave you an out by adopting the girls by only him at first since you two weren’t married yet. You were still in highschool at the time after all. But a couple years down the line, you eventually got married and legally adopted the girls as well. Having an addition to the family happened later on and now you were a family of five with a precious little baby girl as the newest addition. Having had mimiko and nanako, caring for your new baby girl wasn’t as difficult anymore. However, nowadays, your schedule and as well as your husband’s schedule made it so that it was hard to have days off together. It still is kind of in your favor as you can both take turns caring for your baby.
On some random day, the idea just popped out of nowhere. You approached suguru while he was getting ready for work. “Suguru?” He looked your way while he was buttoning his shirt. “Do you mind babysitting our little princess tomorrow? I know it’s not your day but i have plans in the evening” if a question mark could have a face, it would be how suguru looked at the moment. “What do you mean babysit?” He asked, bewildered. “Oh but no worries, if you don’t feel like it, I can always ask the twins to take care of her” you replied nonchalantly. Suguru took note of the difference in the terminologies you used. With him it’s babysitting but for the twins it’s taking care of the baby? Why did you even have to ask in the first place, it’s not like you had a strict schedule for watching the baby anyway. He was rambling in his head. “Baby, my love” he calmly called out. “Hm?” He sighed before speaking. “Did something happen? Did I say something to upset you?” and then you burst out laughing. “Baby I think something is wrong for real” he gave you a worried look which pushed you to stop laughing. “Sorry love, I was just pranking you. Love you” you spoke in between little giggles before giving your husband a back hug. “Jesus baby you scared me” he sighed with a gentle laugh.
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solselah · 8 months
Pick A Movie ? 💛
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(Channeled messages are unrelated to plot)
You’ve been noticing recently that your lucid dreaming has gotten so real !! I believe you had an idea how this journey was going to go but you got hit with a mini curve ball the last time you attempted to lucid dream !! Your guides are kind of smirking like just ask us to “lead and guide you and so it shall be” they are definitely protecting during this interesting moment of learning how to “get off the ground” it seems like you start to astral project and you maybe get a bit overwhelmed & feel the need to stop & try again ! On the other hand as you’re sleeping the whole time you’re lucid dreaming to these dimensions & meeting people you actually know in that realm ! So In reality your guides want to lead you into conscious Astral travel !!! Being that you unexpectedly lucid dream almost every night !!! I see for some you really do meet up in the astral realm like it’s a game lol , like okay player 1 is here , player two is here we’re ready to GO! I would just be aware of those you travel with if this is what you choose to do ! Make sure you’re truly okay with sharing your energy on that level !
I’m hearing you could be a Sagittarius specifically !! If not you have HEAVY Jupiterian energy! The message I’m receiving is that revolving around your self worth & how it’s been at a 0% when it’s literally always been at 100% with you ! I see people around you are concerned and want you to know they care and are here for you , with anything you may need ! For some you’ve just been watching and listening !! For a few you could’ve really had an imbalanced upbringing, I’m seeing that you may have had your parents, which is a positive thing , but they both seem to have “filled the same glass consistently”
meanwhile the other “glasses” (🍷)that were in need of attention remained empty ! So maybe they raised you based off how they were raised or how they simply wanted to. There were usually no input from others , especially family ! They could’ve been so Focused on your goals making sure you don’t make them look any less than they deem themselves to be ! I’m so picking up a mothers energy , she is toxic yall!! And would rather you “raise yourself” than put energy into molding you & raising you with the love that nourishes and not the back handed guilt of love ! Things will be so different when you decide to have kids or even if you do ! You move so different than your family and I commend you for it ! 💙
So I see your having doubts about if this person is literally your twin flame like you don’t have any clue about what that even means or looks like for you & your not the type of person to look online and associate your experiences with the next , you need to experience these things for yourself to really solidify it in your eyes ! So you are doubting which is so okay because I do feel it’s a natural reaction to such a powerful dynamic ! Now as far as labeling it as twin flame that part you’re not sure about , like you rarely like saying boyfriend and girlfriend ! You are okay with being Partners or just people who love each other ! You are my pile that moves independent mostly , what you want you really go out there and get it for you ! To make you feel good , to add to the list of your accomplishments! You feel like this
“Twin flame “ thing might take you off your tracks as far as being independent , you’re not really ready for that level of emotion !! You definitely are dealing with someone who is KARMIC to you and is capable of mirroring to you , your faults ! You’re just not ready for that !! I wouldn’t 100% say you have interacted with your twin flame if you even have one ! I just feel like one of you may think that and the other is feeling so off about it. You’re hiding from the things that are triggering you which is so normal but at some point you’ll HAVE to face it !! Take it gently! Never with force ✨
(Mini 18+ warning )
You’re so not good with rejection of any kind !! lol you can be the type of person who is like go big or go home ! you will literally pay an arm and leg for something you really want !!! You have a very abundant mind set and can actually create and manifest with that gift so amazingly !! You take action you’re not lazy whatsoever , you are a money maker and may even work from home to where you still are in the comfort of your own Space ! The message for you is to maintain this abundant mindset and you never know where you’ll end up in the next 6 years as far as goals are concerned!! Venus is ushering in some good sex for you ! It’s almost like you work with a goddess connected to Venus and you can manifest the person , place & time lol your definitely a Conjurer or a sorceress an empress , you may work with water as well , I’m seeing water offerings !! So you have a deep connection to the element of water. You could be a Pisces I’m feeling that sign heavily! you may also have a Scorpio Venus for some or even a Jupiter in Taurus for others ! You are really so godly ! The shape , the body, the energy its all goals !!! 🔥🔥
Hope you enjoy 💛
IG: @ soleccentric
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just-aake · 10 months
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Boundless Devotion - Part X
Pairing: princess!Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: MedievalAU. Natasha is the eldest princess of the Romanov Kingdom. As the time of her coronation approaches, she is suddenly forced to make a decision – either find herself a partner or her parents will choose one for her.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
Warnings: slight angst, violence/abuse
Words: 6296
The once warm and bright morning sun has since disappeared behind looming gray clouds as a gentle breeze drifted through your open window, bringing a subtle coldness to your room.
Despite the gloomy skies and the promise of rain, you can imagine yourself enjoying this kind of ambiance, sitting in your window seat with a good book, accompanied by the soothing sounds of rainfall as you read.
That would have been a nice way to spend the remainder of the day — if it had been your choice.
At this point, you’ve gotten used to your father’s strict and outrageous behavior. Forcing you to stay in your room is arguably not the worst thing he’s done to you, so there's not much point in getting angry. 
Besides, you have a certain someone who is already upset enough on your behalf.
“That insufferable tyrant of a man! He doesn't care about anyone but himself, always stalking around with that condescending attitude of his...” 
Sitting at your desk, you glance up from your book to look at Wanda, who paces around angrily as she continues her rants of frustration about your father. 
Seeing the familiar red mist emerging around her hands as she gets more heated, you decide to call out to her.
“Wanda, your powers are reacting to your emotions,” you remind her.
Thanks to Carol’s gift of the sorcery books, you and Wanda have learned more about her powers, such as how they work and the things she can do. 
With enough time and practice, Wanda can eventually gain control of her powerful abilities without it causing too much of a strain on her. 
In the meantime, however, as her powers grow stronger, they have recently been appearing more frequently and unexpectedly, especially during emotional moments like these.
Wanda looks down at her hands in confusion before sighing and dissipating the red mist with a wave of her hand. The red glow in her eyes also fades back to its original green color — a new effect of her powers that you both recently discovered.
Your expression twists down slightly in concern at the sight. 
Hiding Wanda’s abilities from others, especially your father, will be more difficult if this continues, and your original plan to quickly find a partner so that you can take yourself and the twins away from him is not progressing as well as you hoped.
Then again, at the beginning of your search for a partner, you never expected to find yourself in a fake relationship with Natasha — the same relationship the princess had pointed out this morning as nearing its end, and you know she was right.
With Rumlow hopefully having given up on pursuing you after the way you treated him as well as Natasha’s encouragement for you to be with someone else, it reminded you to refocus on your original goal of finding a decent partner for yourself.
However, now this time, you have to deal with getting over your feelings for the red-haired princess as you continue your search.
You internally sigh at the difficulty of your situation. 
Why did your feelings for Natasha have to be brought to the forefront of your heart after all this time? 
It was simpler when the two of you just remained as friends, without all of the pretending complicating your relationship. 
Unfortunately, you don’t have time to deal with your confusing feelings right now. 
There is a more pressing matter.
Your eyes glance to Wanda in contemplation.
Maybe you should consider asking Kate about taking in Wanda for a bit to give yourself some time to review your plans.
Though, you already know Wanda would reject the idea since it would mean she has to leave your side.
You wipe away your worried expression when Wanda turns to you.
Placing her hands on her hips, she questions your calm attitude.
“I don’t understand how you’re not upset about this. He’s basically restricting your freedom.”
“Well, I still have you and Pietro,” you point out before shrugging. “Plus I was going to continue my research anyway, so it’s not like I’m going anywhere else today.”
Wanda huffs at your response, crossing her arms and looking away from you exasperatedly to glare at the wall.
With Wanda somewhat calmer, you return your attention to the book on your desk that you were previously reading. 
Despite what you said earlier, instead of continuing your research, you were actually reading accounts detailing the previous war between the Romanov and Stark kingdoms again, specifically focusing on any sections about Captain James Barnes.
His backstory was compelling.
Despite a tragic accident resulting in the loss of his arm, Barnes still rose in rank to become the Captain of the Stark Kingdom where he served with loyalty for many years and was even a formidable force during the war. 
Everything was going well for him — prestige, honor, strength. He was well-liked by all in the kingdom.
Then that one tragic event took everything away. 
All the books depict the same conclusion after the war. Captain Barnes killed the Stark king, queen, and their newborn daughter in cold blood on their way home.
No further details are provided other than that.
Furrowing your brows, an uncomfortable feeling nags at you about the strangeness of the situation.
Why would anyone with his kind of reputation do something like that?
Your suspicion from your previous conversation with Queen Melina about the Black Widow operations emerges again concerning the captain.
Despite your father’s denial of any involvement in that tragedy, this connection could be a possible explanation for the animosity between the two of them earlier.
However, it doesn’t explain the mystery behind why this so-called stranger seems to recognize you or be so concerned about your life here.
A commotion outside your room interrupts your thoughts, and Pietro’s voice echoes from behind your door.
“Move! She’s not going to run out the moment you open the door!” 
You laugh lightly at his words, turning to see the other twin slipping inside with an annoyed huff.
“Man, I hate these new guards,” Pietro comments as he shuts the door behind him.
His hair is slightly disheveled, probably from all the running, and tucked under his arm, he holds an elegantly wrapped box.
You make your way to him and reach up to fix his hair gently as you ask. 
“Did you find out anything?” 
Ducking away from your fussing, Pietro nods and replies, “I overheard some of the guards were taking him to the prison.”
Wanda comes up next to you, folding her arms as she joins the conversation.
“Are you two talking about that criminal?”
She turns to you in concern.
“Y/n, you shouldn’t go near him. He’s dangerous.”
You unconsciously rub your wrist at the memory of Barnes attempting to take you away while saying those confusing comments about you.
At Wanda's expectant expression, you shrug and try to explain to her.
“I know, it’s just…something that he said keeps bothering me.”
But now there’s no way for you to question him since he’s already taken away from the manor.
Your shoulders slump with a resigned sigh, “I just wanted to see if I could get a chance to know what he meant.”
The twins exchange a surprised glance at your words — it was rare that you expressed wanting to do something for yourself.
The two of them silently signal each other with their eyes to do something to distract your mind and cheer you up.
Pietro snaps his fingers as he remembers another piece of information.
“Oh! Princess Natasha and Yelena also came by the manor just now.”
Despite your attempt to push your feelings away for Natasha, you still can’t help but perk up at the mention of her name.
“So where are they now?” Wanda asks.
Pietro winces at the question before replying sadly. 
“They were turned away by Lord Dreykov.”
Wanda huffs and throws her hands up in frustration.
“That man ruins everything!”
Your mouth turns down slightly in disappointment at the news, but you decide that this was probably for the best anyway. You haven’t had enough time to sort out your feelings for the princess yet.
If you were to see her again so soon, you’re not sure whether your heart would skip or break at the sight of her.
Noticing your still sullen expression, Wanda decides to try another approach, nudging your shoulder in a teasing manner.
“You know, with everything going on, you never told me how your 'date' with the princess went this morning,” she probes gently.
Startled at the sudden topic change, you huff lightly and give her an exasperated look. 
“I told you it wasn’t a date. It was just a chance for Natasha to relax for a bit. This is a very stressful time for her.”’
Wanda rolls her eyes at your denial, turning to her brother for some backup before noticing the box at his side.
“What’s that?” she points.
Pietro smirks proudly as he offers the box to you.
“I snuck it away from some of the guards. Apparently, this was another gift from Princess Carol that they didn’t give to you,” he reveals.
Smiling in surprise at the information, you take the box, your fingers lightly running over the cursive letters of your name written in the familiar handwriting of the other princess.
Wanda raises an eyebrow at your reaction curiously before her eyes narrow suspiciously in a teasing manner.
“Wait, you spent a lot of time with her at the festival. Is there something happening between you and Princess Carol?”
Wanda gasps dramatically, her hand landing on your arm and shaking it lightly.
“Is that why nothing is happening with Princess Natasha? Your heart is torn between the two royals vying for your affection!”
Rolling your eyes at her teasing and pulling away from her excited grip, you move to place the box on your desk while replying over your shoulder in an attempt to clear all the misunderstandings.
“Nothing is happening with either of them,” you state firmly.
“Carol is just a friend, and Natasha…” you trail off sadly as you remember your earlier conversation with her.
With a soft sigh, you continue sadly, “Natasha doesn’t—” 
Two gasps of surprise interrupt you, prompting you to turn around quickly toward the twins.
Both of them have expressions of shock and amazement on their faces, their gazes fixated on something across your room. 
Confused, you turn to the cause of their reaction, only for your eyes to also widen in surprise at the sight.
Natasha is outside your opened window, her arms casually resting on your window sill, holding her up.
“Hey,” Natasha greets you normally with a tiny wave and a small grunt of exertion as she adjusts her grip on your window sill.
“Can I come in?” she asks casually.
Hurrying over, you help in pulling her through the window, the both of you stumbling and falling to the ground.
With Natasha on top, she quickly braces one hand on the floor to catch herself, while her other hand covers your head protectively.
After ensuring that the two of you landed safely, Natasha leans her head down in exhaustion against your shoulder, chuckling softly.
“That was harder than I remember," she remarks jokingly.
At her words, you pull back from her embrace and begin to check on her with a small frown. 
“I thought we agreed that you wouldn’t do that anymore,” you chastise her as your hands brush carefully across her face, examining her.
There were times in your childhood when Madam B wouldn’t let you go out to play until you finished the vast amount of studies that she assigned to you. 
During those times, Natasha would sneak in through your window to spend time with you without anyone knowing. 
That is, until one day she had gotten a small cut on her hand from the climb, and you had told her not to attempt it again.
“Well, Lord Dreykov wouldn’t let me in…,” Natasha catches your hand against her cheek, leaning gently into your touch.
Her eyes soften fondly as she looks at you before continuing, “…and I really needed to see you.”
You swallow nervously under her gaze — it is more intense than anything you’ve seen from her before.
You’re not sure of how to respond, her warm presence already dispelling the previous coldness in your room, distracting your mind.
An awkward cough from Pietro catches your attention, snapping you from your thoughts and reminding you of the others in the room.
Pulling your hand away slowly from under Natasha’s, you clear your throat slightly as you stand and compose yourself. 
Wanda wears a sly smile as she raises her eyebrows at you, but you give her a firm look, silently signaling her to refrain from any teasing remarks before she has a chance.
Natasha stands up next to you and dusts herself before giving you a smirk.
“I thought I was the princess, so why are you the one who is locked away?” she teases gently.
You hold back your amused smile as you try to maintain your reprimanding expression, shaking your head at her.
“Natasha, you shouldn’t be here. If my father finds out…,” you begin.
Natasha frowns at the mention of him.
“Yeah, about that, why isn’t he letting you out?”
Wanda steps forward before you can reply.
“Because he’s a terrible person and he treats Y/n horri—”
“Wanda, that’s enough,” you cut her off with a meaningful stare. 
Wanda presses her lips together in a pout but she listens to your words and doesn’t continue.
Natasha raises a brow and tilts her head questionably at you, her eyes glancing between you and Wanda in suspicion. 
You let out a sigh and shake your head as you explain. 
“He’s being temperamental and unreasonable right now…which is why I think it’s best if we get you out without him knowing,” you say while glancing at the door in thought about how to sneak the princess out.
Seeing your worried expression, Natasha takes your hand gently to get your attention, turning you back to face her.
“Hey, I don’t want to get you in trouble. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay.”
Her thumb caresses the back of your hand gently as she searches your eyes before asking seriously.
“Are you okay?”
You open your mouth, hesitating as you consider how to respond.
You know that Natasha isn’t supposed to be here, with Queen Melina having already told you the details about Natasha’s busy schedule for the next couple of days. 
The last thing she needs is to be worried about something as trivial as you being confined to your room.
With a deep exhale, you reassure her with a small smile.
“I’m fine, Natasha.” 
Natasha examines you closely for a moment, a doubtful look in her eyes. She eventually relents reluctantly when you give her a resolute nod.
Turning towards your window with a sigh, she offers, “I can sneak back down if you want me to go.”
Your eyes widen at the suggestion, and you grab her arm to pull her back to face you before she can move, giving her an incredulous look.
“You can't be serious,” you exclaim in disbelief. 
When Natasha just blinks innocently at you in confusion, you give her a deadpan expression as you state firmly.
“You are not climbing down, Natasha.”
Before she can argue, the sound of your door handle turning causes you all to snap your attention to it in panic.
Pietro swiftly blocks the door, slamming it closed with his body.
“Open up!” the guard’s voice calls out from outside.
“Haven’t you heard of knocking?” Pietro shouts back before shrugging his shoulders and gesturing his hands at Natasha frantically.
Ignoring her small exclamation of surprise, you quickly usher Natasha into your closet, closing the door just in time as the guard shoves his way into your room.
He inspects the room critically before looking at you, standing with your back pressed against the closet door.
“I heard another voice,” he asserts, moving towards you in suspicion. 
With his focus on you, Wanda silently steps up from behind him, her hands already enveloped in a red mist as she raises it next to the guard’s head.
She moves her fingers sharply, and the mist shoots towards his head, causing his eyes to glow red for a second.
The guard stops suddenly and shakes his head in confusion before looking around again.
“Never mind,” he says slowly. “It must have been from somewhere else.” 
With that, he leaves the room and begins to walk away to investigate elsewhere.
Once he’s gone, Wanda falls to the ground with an exhausted exhale, and you and Pietro rush to her side quickly.
“How are you feeling? Are you okay?” you ask while checking her condition.
Wanda nods and raises her hand in a stopping gesture at your fussing before replying weakly.
“I’m fine. Just feeling a little tired.”
“That was amazing!” Pietro exclaims. “What did you do to him?” 
“Yeah, what did you do?” Natasha comments as she steps out and looks at the three of you curiously.
The twins turn to you with wide eyes, expecting you to respond. 
At Natasha’s questioning gaze, you wave your hand vaguely in the air, trying to come up with an explanation.
“Um…Wanda just has a special way with people,” you say with a slight wince at your pathetic answer.
Natasha squints at you suspiciously with a knowing expression, already aware that you’re hiding something, but she doesn’t press any further. 
Wanda glances at her briefly before turning to you. 
“You should take this chance to get the princess out before they come back.”
Seeing your conflicted expression as you try to examine Wanda again, Pietro rests his hand on your shoulder, stopping you, and gestures to the door with his head.
“Go, I’ll make sure she’s okay,” Pietro reassures you.
You hesitate, looking at Wanda once again, and she, in turn, gives you a reassuring nod. 
With a resigned sigh, you stand and grab Natasha’s hand, pulling her along as the two of you move quietly through the manor.
After a moment of sneaking through the hallways, Natasha breaks the silence.
“About what Wanda said earlier, with your father—” Natasha starts.
“It’s nothing that you need to worry about,” you interrupt with a small reassuring smile over your shoulder before turning back around, not noticing Natasha’s frown at your words.
Deciding to change the subject before she can press further as you check around the corner, you decide to ask her something else you were curious about from the moment you saw her at your window. 
“So what was the reason for this visit? I know you have that meeting today.” 
Natasha rubs her neck nervously as she remembers her original purpose for coming to you. 
“Um…this morning, after you left, I realized something.”
Your eyes widen in surprise, both at her words and at the sight of guards coming from around the corner toward your position.
Turning around, you quickly push Natasha into the nearby supply closet before she can continue and close the door, enclosing the two of you inside.
You hold your breath as you listen carefully until the sound of the footsteps passes by and eventually fades away before relaxing.
“I think they’re gone. We should be able to go now,” you exhale gently.
When Natasha doesn’t move or respond, you finally focus your eyes on her.
That’s when you realize the closeness between the two of you, standing in the small closet. 
Moving your head slightly, your nose lightly brushes against hers as you examine your positions.
Natasha’s arm is propped next to your head, her hand pressing against the wall behind you, which is the only reason there is some distance between your bodies. 
The small light coming in through the cracks lets you make out her face faintly in the dark.
Her eyes appear lost in thought and unfocused as she stares at your face, giving you that same intense look from earlier that made you lose your breath.
You feel a small exhale from her against your lips, making your heart speed up slightly.
“Natasha?” you whisper nervously against her when you feel her face begin to lean in closer.
Your voice seems to bring her out of her thoughts as she reels back in surprise. 
Natasha clears her throat in response, looking away to the door. 
“Y–yeah, let’s go.”
After leaving the storage closet, you and Natasha stand awkwardly in the hallway, with you trying to understand what just happened and her trying to compose herself. 
With a determined breath, Natasha places her hand on your arm to turn you to her.
"Y/n, about this morning—" 
Before she can finish, a figure comes rushing around the corner.
“Pietro?” you tilt your head curiously at his appearance.
He has a sheepish look on his face as he looks between the two of you awkwardly. 
“Sorry, am I interrupting?” He gestures back towards his previous direction. “Wanda is resting already, and she said to go help you.” 
You subtly take a tiny step from Natasha at his comment, not noticing her small pout at the action as you shake your head at him in response. 
“No, it’s fine. We were hiding from some guards.”
Pietro nods in understanding.
“Yeah, they’re swarming the manor.”
Natasha sighs at the interruption, crossing her arms as she asks calmly. 
“Is there a way to reach an exit without running into any more patrols?”
Pietro thinks for a minute before snapping his finger with a thought. 
“There’s the old staff tunnels in the library that leads out to the gardens.”
At your agreement, the three of you make your way to the library where Pietro reveals a hidden door behind a banner in the far back, concealed by the cover of bookshelves.
Right as Pietro pries the door open, the sound of the library door bursts open, and your father’s voice booms in the space.
“Whoever’s in here, don’t bother hiding. You can’t escape.”
Pushing Natasha to Pietro, you whisper to him hurriedly.
“Take Natasha and go.”
“But—” he argues.
You give him a firm look that leaves no room for arguing.
Pietro frowns, but he relents and grabs Natasha’s arm. 
She promptly brushes him off and takes your hand before you can leave, pulling you back to her.
“I’m not leaving you. This was my choice. I can take the responsibility,” Natasha insists.
Gently covering her hand with your own, you give her a small squeeze in appreciation and a bittersweet smile before slowly pulling your hand from her grip.
Your other hand moves up discreetly to her shoulder, and with a hard shove, you push her into the tunnels as Pietro closes the door behind them.
“Hey—” Natasha whispers harshly in surprise at your action.
“Pietro, please get her out safely,” you tell him through the small opening on the door.
He has a displeased look on his face, but he still nods determinedly at your request.
Footsteps come closer to your position as you re-cover the door with the banner.
“Come out now, or I’ll have you dragged out,” your father’s voice threatens.
With a deep breath, you step forward from the shadows. 
Dreykov rolls his eyes at the sight of you and gestures for his guards to stand down.
As if returning to his original task, he hands one guard an envelope and dismisses him with a wave and order. 
“Make sure this is delivered to the handler in the Stark kingdom. Quickly.”
The guard takes the envelope with a bow and turns to leave the room.
Furrowing your brows at his words, you eye the envelope suspiciously, the object giving you a bad feeling.
However, your attention is diverted when your father turns to face you again. His hands cross behind his back as he slowly steps closer menacingly.
“I believe I told you to stay in your room,” he says, his tone low in a displeased manner.
“I just came to get some books,” you lie smoothly. 
Dreykov scoffs and gestures with his hand dismissively.
“Does that servant boy of yours no longer run to fetch you things anymore?”
You frown, and your hand clenches in anger at his words. That protective instinct over the twins washes over you, and you can’t help but correct him.
“His name is Pietro, and he’s not a servant.”
Dreykov eyes you critically in annoyance before shaking his head in disapproval.
“That is why you will always be weak, viewing those orphans as anything other than what they truly are — disposable tools.”
You know you shouldn’t push your luck, but his words cause you to remember your earlier suspicion about him and the old captain, and your accusation comes out before you can stop yourself.
“Was Captain Barnes also a tool for you?”
The room grows cold immediately at the silence that follows, and in response, you wrap your arms around yourself defensively, already missing the warmth of Natasha’s protective presence.
Dreykov's eyes narrow at you, as if trying to gauge your implication.
After a tense moment, he finally speaks up in an indifferent tone, issuing a command to his guard.
“Hold her.” 
Your arms are restrained as he calmly steps closer to you.
You press your lips in a thin line in preparation, already knowing what comes next after such disrespectful behavior. 
His hand hits you hard enough to knock your head harshly to the side, and you feel a small amount of blood drip from the corner of your lips.
Shaking the pain away, you return to your original position defiantly — his reaction already giving you the answer to your question. 
At your expression, Dreykov sneers at you before hitting you again.
This time the impact was strong enough to knock you to the ground. Without giving you time to recover, he roughly grabs your hair to pull your head back to look up at him.
You press your mouth shut to prevent yourself from crying out in pain, not wanting to give him the satisfaction.
He presses his finger against your head in a mocking gesture.
“You would think your simple mind would learn already that I do not tolerate such disrespect in my presence.” 
Letting go of your head with a dismissive throw, Dreykov turns around sharply and heads towards the door while gesturing to the guard. 
“Take her back to her room and make sure she stays there this time.” 
The door shuts behind Dreykov as the guard pulls you to your feet and tightens his grip on your arm.
Despite the throbbing pain on your cheeks from the impacts, you feel more relieved that Pietro was able to get Natasha away. 
The guard moves to shove you back in the opposite direction towards the other exit.
However, his grip on you is suddenly removed, and you turn in surprise to see him now unconscious on the floor. 
Natasha stands beside the unconscious body, breathing heavily at the figure in anger before looking up at you, a mixture of fury and concern in her eyes.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Soon after you disappear from view behind the hidden door, Pietro swiftly pulls Natasha further into the tunnels while she is still distracted in shock by your action.
Not too far along in their path, Natasha realizes what is happening and breaks away from his grip, turning around swiftly to return to your side.
However, Pietro is faster, rushing past her to block her path. 
Natasha shoots him an intimidating look.
“Move, Pietro,” her voice is calm with an underlying warning tone.
“I can’t do that. Y/n told me to take you away,” Pietro responds determinedly.
“You would leave her behind like that?” Natasha exclaims.
Pietro’s expression twists down with a painful and regretful look at her words before returning her stare with a defiant expression.
“I don’t like it either, but this is what she asked me to do,” he argues.
“Even if it means you’re abandoning her,” Natasha accuses.
“I’m not abandoning her!” Pietro replies angrily. “You have no idea what Y/n has done for me and Wanda. I am doing what I can to not cause her any more trouble.”
Natasha opens her mouth to argue against letting you sacrifice yourself to take the blame for her actions when a loud echo of what distinctively sounds like a slap travels in the space, causing Natasha’s eyes to widen as she snaps her attention towards your direction, realizing what the sound implies.
Her body moves instantly towards you, but Pietro blocks her path again.
“Get out of my way,” Natasha warns dangerously, her patience thinning by the second. She doesn’t want to hurt him, but she will force her way through if she has to.
“Don’t go,” Pietro pleads, fear appearing in his eyes, though it was not caused by her.
He holds her back, pressing his hands against her shoulder before releasing a shaky breath and shaking his head as he reveals the truth. 
“He’ll do worse if you help her.”
Natasha freezes as she snaps her attention to him.
“What did you just say?”
Pietro’s head falls to his chest in shame.
The memory of the first time Dreykov had hurt you after his return to the manor flashes in his mind, and how his attempt at helping you and doing what he thought was the right thing only ended up causing you more harm.
It took three days for you to recover from your injuries after that. 
You never blame him, of course.
You never blame anyone. 
Since then, he has never been able to get the courage to help you during those times, not that you ever let him. He could only stand back and watch helplessly.
Pietro flinches at the sound of the second hit, and his hands fall back to his side in defeat as he lets the princess rush past him back into the library.
At least, with this, he can let someone with more strength than him save you.
Natasha returns to the library and sees the guard pull you up from the ground roughly, and red instantly fills her vision.
In the next moment, the guard is swiftly subdued, unconscious on the floor.
Looking back up to you, Natasha sees your surprised expression, but she is more focused on the sight of the harsh redness on your cheek and the blood at the corner of your lips.
She instantly makes her way to you and cradles your face gently, inspecting you carefully with a concerned expression.
You wince away from her touch, grabbing her hand and pulling it away slightly.
“I’m fine, Natasha,” you murmur under your breath with a small sigh.
Natasha's eyes widen in disbelief and she shakes her head vehemently. 
“No, you are not fine! He hit you!”
Her eyes instantly snap angrily to the door that your father just left out of.
Recognizing her expression, you quickly pull her into a tight embrace before she can charge after him.
She’s practically shaking with anger, but she doesn’t push you away.
You tighten your hold on her, pressing your head comfortingly into her neck, trying to calm her down.
“Don’t, Natasha,” you tell her firmly against her skin.
With her coronation so close, this is not the time for her to cause a scandal by attacking a noble like Dreykov.
Rubbing her back slowly in a soothing pattern, you whisper into her ear gently. 
“I’m okay.”
Eventually, Natasha lets out a deep shaky breath against your shoulder before whispering to you in defeat.
“How long?”
When you don��t answer her, Natasha closes her eyes fiercely in realization and tightens her grip around you, as if trying to wrap you protectively in her arms.
Meanwhile, your eyes glance up at a movement behind Natasha, and you spot Pietro standing a small distance away, his gaze staring at the floor sadly and his body curled into himself in guilt.
You let out a knowing sigh at the familiar sight, already figuring out what is bothering the twin. 
With a resigned breath, you extract yourself from Natasha’s embrace slowly before gripping her hand and pulling her back towards the staff tunnels. 
“Come on, we can all talk after we get outside,” you remark softly.
As you pass Pietro, your other hand reaches out to grab his hand, and you give him a reassuring squeeze as you pull them both along.
The three of you make your way through the staff tunnels in silence and exit out of the manor and through the garden without any more incidents.
You make your way toward the side gates of the manor near the stables.
The entire time Natasha follows you without saying anything as she tries to process and piece together the new revelations. 
It’s been a year since Dreykov has returned and remained in the kingdom.
During the year, you had avoided her enough that she did not see you as often to be able to notice anything unusual.
Her eyes glance at your hands clasped in hers, and it drifts up to your wrist as she remembers something from before.
Right as you reach the edge of the stables, Natasha stops moving altogether, causing you to stop and turn to her in question.
Her gaze remains fixed on your wrist for a moment before looking up into your eyes with a sad expression.
“The injury on your wrist from before, that wasn’t from an accident in the kitchen, was it?” Natasha asks in realization.
You don’t respond, but Natasha can already tell the answer from the look on your face.
With a resigned sigh, you turn to Pietro and ask him gently.
“Can you get a horse prepared to go?”
Pietro nods wordlessly in understanding and leaves the two of you alone for some privacy.
With a deep breath, you rub a comforting pattern on the back of her hand.
“Natasha, you don’t have to worr—“
“Stop saying that I don’t have to worry about you!”
Natasha closes her eyes briefly in frustration before looking at you.
“Why didn’t you tell me this was happening to you?”
You withdraw your hands from hers and wrap them around yourself defensively.
“I’m handling it, Natasha,” you tell her stubbornly. “You have more important matters to deal with in the kingdom than me. Not to mention your coronation is literally in a couple of days.”
With a huff of disbelief, Natasha holds your shoulders, shaking it slightly to make you understand.
“You are the most important thing that I care about right now.”
Natasha’s face shifts into an expression of pain.
“What kind of ruler can I be if I couldn’t even protect the person that I love?”
Your eyes widen slightly at the word, but you quickly brush away the feeling, remembering how emotional Natasha must be feeling at the moment.
Her instinctive protectiveness of her friends must have made that word slip out as meaning the friendly kind of love.
You place your hand atop hers and squeeze it comfortingly.
“You don’t need to do anything. I do have a plan to get away from him. It’s just taking some time,” you explain. 
“Then come stay at the castle for the time being,” Natasha reasons. "He can't hurt you there."
“Natasha, I don’t think—”
“Please," Natasha brings your hands to her chest, giving you a pleading look as she rests her forehead against yours.
"Let me at least offer you that.”
You hesitate, but before you can respond, Pietro returns with two saddled horses in tow, causing you to give him a confused look.
“What's this?” you ask him, gesturing to the second horse.
Pietro gives you a small smile as he hands you the reins.
“You said you wanted a chance to get some answers. I think this is a good opportunity for you to go get it.” 
You realize he is referring to earlier when you expressed your desire to get more answers from Captain Barnes.
"This is not really a good time," you remark.
Pietro nods in a gesture to Natasha.
“I’m sure the princess can get you access,” he states confidently.
"I'll go with you," Natasha agrees, not ready to leave you yet and determined to continue the previous conversation with you.
You glance at Natasha briefly, already guessing the reason for her quick agreement despite not knowing the complete situation, before giving Pietro an unsure look, but he rests his hand on your shoulder comfortingly.
“Wanda and I can cover for you until you return,” he insists.
Seeing his resolute resolve, you pull him into a hug, remembering how he was like in the library moments ago with that guilty expression that you recognize from before.
“You did good, Pietro. You always have,” you remind him.
He tightens the hug appreciatively in a silent response.
When you finally pull away, you ruffle his hair playfully, causing him to fix it back with a pout as you laugh lightly. 
“I'll be back soon. Check on Wanda and keep each other safe until then, okay?”
He gives you his usual playful smirk as his finger taps the tip of your nose teasingly.
After he secures you onto your horse, he points to Natasha with a serious expression.
“You better take care of her,” he tells her in warning. 
“Pietro!” you chastise his blunt tone with the princess.
Still, Natasha nods firmly in understanding before glancing at you.
“I will,” she promises.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
Series Masterlist : Boundless Devotion
a/n: Thank you for reading! This was a hard chapter to condense, but I think this was the best that I could do.
Taglist: @lightwhoranoutoflight, @taliiiaasteria, @romanoffprentiss, @canvascoloredin,  @silentwolfsstuff, @blacklightsposts, @arcturusseer, @presser24, @dvrkhcld, @jujuu23, @screechcat, @vivs46, @cd-4848, @youneversawmehereooooooo, @pancakefan7529, @confusedspaceotter, @natbelovasblog, @izzy-b09, @iamheartless, @mrsrushman, @fxckmiup, @natty-taffy, @2silverchain, @traveler-at-heart, @autorasexy, @natsxwife 
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trancylovecraft · 6 days
I've been thinking about the blood of an unwilling covenant constantly since I first read it and just wanted to tell you, also saw you mention that you probably weren't going to explain the situation with F/Ns parents in fic and wanted you to know I am VERY curious as to what their deal is
EGEGHJIRUGHRHGUI IM HAPPY TO HEAR THAT YOU ENJOYED THE FIC SM!!! I'll be happy to answer, Mostly because if I do a one-shot or smth on it, it may be a while-
OK SO. Before I explain I suggest you read the translation of The Official Blue Exorcist Side Story: Bloody Fairytale. You can find a translation here done by @29rynoah which I have read sEVERAL times over. I highly recommend it as it's one of my favourite stories from AOEX.
However if you wanna skip that, Tis cool.
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[F/N]'s mother is Maria LaMorte from Bloody Fairytale, Who had given birth to [F/N] during her imprisonment within The Vatican.
[F/N] herself is probably the oldest of the exwires, Her birthday being sometime within early January.
Now here's the million dollar question, Who is the father?
Shiro Fujimoto.
During the events of Bloody Fairy-tale- Maria is in the middle of completing her rather grandeur goal of trying to turn the town into naberius' and other adjacent creatures. Of course, This doesn't go to plan though, When Shiro and Johan show up unexpectedly within the invasion.
Maria of course, As the story goes, Plays the victim and pretends that she had no idea what's going on.
Shiro, Johan, Maria and the rest of the townspeople barricade in the church as normal. The story continues on however there's a switch in the story.
Shiro approaches Maria who is leaning over on the balcony. Of course, Shiro keeps up his demeanour, Already aware of Maria and her intentions. They get to talking and Maria herself is attracted to Shiro despite not recognising her own feelings.
Though, Maria herself DOES recognise seduction as a way of manipulating others.
So of course one thing leads to another and suddenly you have the both of them climbing out of the same makeshift bed. Maria came out of this with much more complicated feelings than she had thought she'd have.
But on the other hand?
Shiro himself is at the point in his life where he's much more dark and gritty than the one we see raising the twins. This is an average thing for him, He's a player, He sleeps with women left and right. He knew very well that this was an attempt to manipulate his feelings.
But to be honest? He doesn't care.
The story plays out like normal afterwards. Shiro exposes Maria's plan and she gets sent off to the Vatican for Life imprisonment. Shiro and Mephisto get in the car and they drive off as normal.
However this time, Maria comes out of it pregnant with [F/N].
She was born almost one year before The Blue Night within a holding cell in The Vatican. Her birth was completely unexpected from both the guards as well as Maria, Who was one of the rare cases of not showing at all during a pregnancy.
[F/N] was born fragile and weak, Both doctors and guards believing she would die soon after birth. And on records? That's how it went.
According to The Vatican, The baby died a few hours after being delivered. Shiro was told of the baby's existence while he was caring for the twins.
Of course, At this time he's a different person from who he was a year ago (Post-Blue Night) and now feels shocked and a bit of regret for not knowing of [F/N]'s existence.
However, There wasn't much he could do now.
The baby had died, He couldn't change that.
However despite what the records have said. Some of the staff that were employed to help deliver the child had sworn that they saw a tall man carrying away a baby in his arms. His identity unknown, Hidden by the darkness of the night.
[F/N] was left on the doorstep of the youth centre in Japan without a single note or any clue as to where she came from. The youth centre, After having no parents claim the child, Took her in and raised her within the adoption system.
It's still unclear where her penchant comes from, Though the leading theory is the mixture of demonic influence from both sides of her parents (Maria's being her association with undead demons, Specifically Kin of Astaroth. Shiro's being the fact that he's a clone as well as a bit of satanic influence lingering on him. So much so that in some aspects, You can consider [F/N] somewhat related to Satan in a sort of 3rd parent situation.)
Perhaps you can even consider her not entirely human. Though, That part is up for interpretation.
But as it stands? Her two birth parents are Maria LaMorte and Shiro Fujimoto.
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sassy-cass-16 · 8 months
trying to coherently write out my thoughts on monstrosity in the locked tomb unexpectedly led me down a rabbit hole where i've discovered that ianthe tridentarius is the most horrifically tragic literary version of a vampire in existence. more below
Ianthe is kind of a perfect vampire. She “fucking ate Babs” in order to ascend to Lyctorhood, which is a holy position in the setting of the series, but because the whole thing relies so heavily on dramatic irony, the reader is aware that Lyctorhood is a form of monstrosity in itself. while she is a Lyctor, her form becomes more monstrous (her golden skeleton arm), she becomes immortal and gains enhanced magical death-based powers from literally feeding off of a stolen soul.
And the vampires-as-consuming-horror feature blends with the series’ recurring idea that love is an act of consumption. The Unwanted Guest is a perfect microcosm of that: Ianthe is trying to convince Palamedes (and herself) that Naberius is truly and completely dead, when in reality, his soul and hers are permeable, and her act of eating his flesh—an act that her twin sister is jealous of despite the fact that Ianthe loves her too much to kill her—has, in biological fashion, made him an inseparable part of her. She has his memories. She has his opinions on duelling.
Just as meat gives the body protein, as blood continually nourishes the vampire, Naberius gave Ianthe part of himself that she will never be rid of. If Ianthe had consumed Coronabeth, she would have at least spent eternity with the person she loves most in the world. but in believing she outsmarted the system, she became its most unfortunate victim.
Corona is mortal. Corona will age and die and Ianthe will become more and more like Naberius, losing more and more of herself to him, and Corona will never know either of them as themselves again. can you imagine. can you imagine how wretched the Tridentarii must feel?
they've been a single unit since birth. their parents defied cultural naming conventions for the specific purpose of making them into a single unit. Ianthe looks like Corona's shadow and Corona looks like Ianthe if she wasn't vitamin D deficient. can you imagine the horror of watching a part of yourself slowly wither and eventually die because you loved her too much to eat her? can you imagine the horror of your own shadow becoming someone else's, so slowly that neither of you could notice until you couldn't recognize each other anymore?
Ianthe and Harrow have one thing in common and that is loving someone too much to consume them, and paying the price. Corona and Gideon have one thing in common and that is being desperate to be consumed by the person they love the most.
Ianthe is horrible and the Lyctors are horrible because John Gaius is horrible. but the series does such a good job of showcasing what is horrible to them. the horror of god is that he's just some fucking guy. the horror of ianthe is that she's a vampire who ate the wrong person. i am spiritually biting and gnawing on these books.
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ckret2 · 1 month
The Shermie thing feels more convoluted than just having him be a teen parent tbh
haha yeah it sure does. :) it's convoluted as fuck.
... i was gonna leave it at that but I just couldn't.
however, "the teen parent child of a teen parent with very poor & very strict parents is making the kind of money to afford a 2 story house in Piedmont Fucking California" is pretty damn improbable.
Dipper & Mabel give off "comfortably middle class" vibes; not "shocked and relieved to find themselves unexpectedly middle class" vibes. they reached their social class somehow.
they don't give off the vibes of children whose mother may have been knocked up in eighth grade. They don't feel like they were learning to walk and talk while their parents were still minors and their grandfather was not yet 30. They don't feel like they grew up in a household that had the strain of finding a way to make enough money and get a proper education and get a job that can support a family of 4 before even graduating high school.
If Mabel were the product of two generations of teen parents, I feel like the family around her would be a LOT more alarmed at how eager she is to get a boyfriend the minute she hits puberty. If their parents were 15 when Dipper & Mabel were born, Mabel's potentially less than a year and a half away from the age her mom was when she got pregnant with twins. Do you not think that would be reflected in how her brother & uncle view her crushes and how they talk to her about it.
Dipper's crush on Wendy would be more worrying. Never mind a whole road trip around being taught the art of picking up as many chicks as possible as fast as possible.
Even as loose a caretaker as Stan is, for their own sakes he'd be a lot more concerned about budding crushes if his baby brother & niece/nephew had suffered the consequences of starting families in ninth fucking grade.
Mabel's dad got the t-shirt she currently sleeps in at a conference he went to because of his computer job in the 90s. So, the computer job he had when he was, what, 14??
'Teen parents' was never part of the show's authorial intent and it FEELS it.
I can and will accept a whole lot of silly bullshit out of a cartoon's magic, especially the Silly Bullshit Magic Cartoon. I'm not gonna accept something that makes the characters' behaviors and personalities ring hollow.
in conclusion: I don't give a shit how convoluted a silly magical aging explanation invented solely as an excuse to dismiss the "how old is Shermie" problem is. The explanation exists for two reasons:
to communicate that no we're not going to invent a never-seen mystery elder brother, yes the baby is Shermie, and no we're not going to shove in a double teen pregnancy plotline that wreaks havoc with the intended vibe the family gives off.
to clown around a little with the absurdity, because the writers' not paying attention to the timeline created a situation where there is no non-absurd solution.
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hyperblue · 1 month
— She is also intersex. She has PAIS, a syndrome of partial insensitivity to androgens. She is identified at birth as a boy because her genitals look male and the Drake family needs a male heir.
— She seemed to know that she was different from the boys. There is a lot in this, subtle or conspicuous - she sits quietly in a corner, clutching a teddy bear to her chest, watching her mother in fascination while other boys rush after each other with toy swords.
She differs from other boys in appearance, thin and relatively short, while the rest already reach their mothers' shoulders, and their muscles are strong and sinewy. She looks like her mother. Even Jack notices it-her lush dark hair, her lilac-blue eyes, her thin soft body, even the way she smiles or how beautifully her swan neck bends when she bends over a book.
— She has been longing for a child since childhood, dreams about it most often, it's a little girl, occasionally a boy, sometimes even twins. In dreams, she is an adult and looks even more like her mother, but Janet would never look like this - a simple dress, bare feet in soft socks, carelessly gathered hair. She rocks a bundle in her arms from which a tiny hand reaches out to her, she cradles a crying baby and baby calms down squeezes a tiny face into her neck.
Sometimes she is only pregnant with her child - she is sitting by the fireplace, and the fabric of her dress hugs her stomach, she gently holds her hand on it and looks lovingly at the man standing in the doorway, her love and the father of her child. He is faceless, but she always feels love for him.
— She buys her own things, necessities and her own wishes from an early age, at the age of 7, her Father simply entrusts her with her own card and tells her to use it wisely. She obeys him. All her clothes are actually girlish, even T-shirts and shorts.
She always dresses at home when the housekeeper comes, a kind grandmother with smiling wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. She puts on a T-shirt dress and shorts.
Her hair is always long, but not too long to pay attention to, their gently curling tips touch her neck. Janet calls her Mom's boy with a smile.
— Her body reacts to testosterone and other male hormones with great reluctance and somehow. She has a light light fuzz on her body, a slightly low voice and she grows tall. She or her parents have to say that she is a boy because everyone who meets her for the first time calls her a girl. She doesn't want to dissuade them.
— She makes the transition after her mother's death and while her father is in a coma. Bruce, her guardian, is incredibly gentle and understanding, besides he is already the father of Elissa Adelia Grayson.
It feels like a sweet relief, as if she was standing on the edge, immoderately changing from foot to foot and finally she took a step forward, and soared into the sky, spreading her wings.
— She falls in love with Kon-El, Conner Kent, Superboy, her best friend and her soulmate abruptly and unexpectedly. It's just that one day, in his presence, her heart does her sister's signature somersault and she wants his strong but gentle hand to squeeze hers. He appears in her dreams, he is her beloved husband and the father of her child. She holds her hand on her stomach, Kon hugs her.
— When Bruce, her father, her Kon, Bart are dead, she feels her mind bursting at the seams under the onslaught of grief and pain. She collects Kon's things, everything could keep his pieces in. She thinks it's wrong...
— She holds her hand on the warm glass, the soft greenish liquid gently sparkles, two tiny embryos, viable and developing, seem to react to this, react to her. She puts her other hand on her stomach, a ghostly warmth warms her from the inside. Everything is almost as she dreamed, only Kon is not around.
she is everything to me. you can't even imagine she is everything to me
whenever i thought about tim as a girl in the context of this au, i always ended up thinking that in that case, cloning a child wouldn't be a mistake/accident but rather a planned and expected outcome, so you've pretty much guessed my own headcanons
(I'd sooo read a fic about her. scratch that I'd write a fic about her if could still write but oh well)
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lost-technology · 2 months
Blank Tickets and Open Roads
So, I was looking up Youtube clips of Trigun Stampede to get my mojo going in starting to edit my major WIP, which is something I want to do before making a new chapter. Correct a few things in it that I am annoyed with. And there is the scene where little Vash is communing with Ship 3's sick Plant and Rem has a voiceover on her last recording for the twins / Ship 5's black box. She talks about the "story of a man who found a blank ticket in his pocket, which could take him anywhere he wanted to go" and that "this is what all people have" the blank ticket philosophy that is crucial to all forms of Trigun. Having read the manga, I feel a little cheated. I mean, it's better than how it was portrayed in the 1998 anime, which is just "I'm excited that the ticket I was handed on the day of my birth was blank." It is more clear here. However, in the manga... Rem recounts to Vash a dream that she had when she was grieving the loss of Alex. It is clear from the little scene where she wakes up in her mess of a room that she was going through The Horrors. (Having lost someone very dear to me unexpectedly in 2023 really makes me feel that when I go over that again). In her dream, she found herself on a train, the sole passenger and when the custodian came to punch her ticket, the destination was blank. She had a flashbang of inspiration that she could just go anywhere and it gave her hope. She woke up and had a realisation of the dream's meaning and found a new direction in life. Her dreams of being with Alex gone, she turned her thoughts to SPACE! When her life was crap, she had a dream that gave her hope to carry on. How it is portayed in the manga is VERY IMPORTANT to me, entirely for personal reasons, as I treasure a similar dream. Annoying Shadsie-lore under the cut.
So, back in the ancient year of 2000 or so, about 1999 or 2000, I suckered myself into joining the U.S. Air Force. I'd been to community college, but did not think I was able to get the kind of grant to pursue the kind of degree I wanted to pursue, as most of those go to people who want to become doctors or business people or someone important, not to people who want to pursue the arts. I wanted to get into graphic design. I didn't want to be in debt forever with loans. The military had worked out for some friends of mine, with the Air Force being a godsend for my once best childhood friend. I was desperate to get out from under the thumb of my parents, as most teens on the cusp of full adulthood are, as well as away from my abusive older brother, living with us after getting out of prison. (My father once told me that he thought that my brother was going to, in one of his temper-losses, murder us all one day and bury us in the desert, it was that bad)... So, I signed up, signed my life away with the idea that I was going to earn some college money, see the world and serve my country. This is how the U.S. Military-Industrial complex works: It takes people who never dreamed of joining before, but who are in desperate circumstances and promises them the world for a few years of service. Any kids out there thinking about it? Don't. Please. Do not give them your life, they do not deserve it. Fate had other plans. It turns out that I was too much of an "individual" to work out in a military setting. I had mental health problems come up in boot camp that I never knew I had. I went through discharge-process after a self-harming incident. They did not want me and I learned that I did not really want them. I was a failure. I came home to live with my parents and sulked around for a while until my Mom insisted that I go back into college - a different community college than I went to before, where I could get an Associates in my chosen field, not a Bachelor's like I'd wanted, but something more affordable, a step up. I felt like an utter failure, though. I distinctly remember my father telling me, when driving me to the military processing station to go off to Basic in Texas that I had to "Not fail" because my brother was watching me and he wanted me (the little sister, youngest child) to be a positive example for my loser brother. In other words, even though I had a lot of support, I had a lot of guilt for not making it, for wussing out, as it were. And, of course, the military itself drills into your head "if you don't pass, you're a failure at life." When in this dark place, I had a dream that I remember to this day. The setting was vivid because I lived in Arizona at the time and knew what the desert looked like. I had a dream that I was suddenly on an open country highway in the middle of nowhere. It was paved, but it was just... this road in nowhere, like many you will find driving across some of the more desolate parts of the state. I think the family Cocker Spaniel was with me (Rest in Peace, Buster). I started walking down this highway, going off across hilly desert, blue desert mountains in the distance. I realised, suddenly, that the road had no particular destination and that I could just go down it and see what's next. I remember having the dream again at another juncture of my life, but I do not remember what juncture - just the first time when I was transitioning from being a part of America's brutal war-machine off to pursue a peaceful art-degree. I was hopeless and the dream gave me HOPE. It's been over 20 years and I still remember it. So, Rem's dream in the manga... I relate - starkly. Now, my life didn't turn out as planned from there, either. I got the graphic design degree, but the jobs I got in the field chewed me up and spit me out. I experienced The Horrors and currently work in a grocery store. Rem got her blank ticket and died in a spaceship crash, not what she expected, either.
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krikeymate · 1 year
You know how there are so many behind the scenes pictures and videos of Jenna sitting on somebody’s lap, being carried on their back, or even riding on their shoulders and stuff? Mostly in the behind the scenes stuff from 5. I absolutely believe that it would be a Tara thing too. It’s not just Sam, all of her close friends randomly carry her around sometimes, or she’ll just drop onto their laps whenever their lounged somewhere. There’s a perfectly good space right beside them? Tara doesn’t care. She’ll jump on their backs or demand to be carried when they walk somewhere longer. „I have little legs! It‘s basically twice the distance for me!“ Tara‘s trying to reach something? They’ll just quickly give her a lift instead of grabbing it themselves. She’s in the way? Just place her somewhere else. She’s so touch starved from the lack of physical intimacy in her childhood that touch is a big thing for her. Something she craves - probably without realising it. And since she’s so tiny and looks so young, everyone (except for her parents obviously) is especially „cuddly“ with her.
I also believe that it changes after the events of 5. That night, the stabbing, the broken bones… the pain! It was too much. Tara’s system went into overdrive. She was in pain for so long after that. She’s still in pain most of the time now. And then she’s also fighting against her own mind everyday, trying to keep the memories locked away, desperately trying to THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS and just be normal. She’s feeling too much all the time… she cannot deal with touch on top of that. Whenever it happens unexpectedly, it sends shock waves through her whole body. I‘m not 100% sure, but I think there wasn’t a single hug between Sam & Tara in 6. Chad, Mindy and Sam had to re-learn their behaviour around Tara. Tara no longer initiated contact on her own (I guess the kissing Chad scenes are something else? Or, like, I’m just ignoring them ;D) and they had to learn to keep their hands to themselves too or at the very least announce before they touch Tara in any way. Sam’s the only one she’ll allow touch with over longer periods of time, like at night when they sleep in the same bed or when they cuddle during a movie. But even with Sam Tara gets overwhelmed sometimes.
Some part of her misses the physical closeness with people, the constant touching, the comforting feeling of I’m-not-alone. But she just cannot handle it anymore.
You're so right.
The world made Tara small and light because she was born to be held. She was touch-starved and desperate for affection from the moment she was born. Despite her parents, Sam raised her to be kind and friendly, and people adore her. It was easy to find arms open and ready to hug her, and hands to hold.
After 5, touch becomes danger. When they're close enough to touch you, they can hurt you. Tara hates it, it's just another comfort stolen from her through pain and fear.
She has to relearn how to do so many things. To go outside, to be alone, to walk, to hold, to touch. She has to relearn how to be around Sam, how to interact with the twins. It's all so much. She has no choice, unable to care for herself as she heals, but to allow Sam close. For a long time she becomes the only one who can be, pushed through by a trial of fire until Sam's touch becomes comforting instead of terrifying.
The others leave her be, they don't push. They see the way she flinches, the way she pulls away, the distance she places between them, and it just becomes another part of their new reality. Mindy misses Tara's legs thrown across her lap as they have a movie night (she misses Amber's arguments, and the way Wes would hog all the popcorn, she even misses Liv rolling her eyes from her place beside Chad). Chad misses being able to hoist Tara up on his shoulders, the way she would giggle every time (he misses wrapping an arm around Wes' neck and spinning Liv around and going I got that for ya when he catches Ms Hicks struggling to get her bags out the car).
They move to New York and Anika becomes crucial in helping Tara learn to love touch again. She's a touchy type of person herself, and affection comes so easy to her. A quick hug, a palm on the arm or back, a shoulder bump, a hand slipping into hers. Tara begins to feel a little like herself again, she finds herself a little less scared to be touched.
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Mickey Garcia Holiday One Shot Sneak Peek
Christmas ain't the same without you
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Pairings - Mickey Garcia x Fem!Reader
Premise – Holidays without your lover aren't the same, you miss him with all your heart and he does too.
Word Count - No idea,
Warnings: Some strong language, references to Pop Culture, allusions to SMUT and a very brutal game of UNO
a/n - Thank you @labarboteuse for this wonderful request. I initially planned it s a headcanon but the holiday season was approaching so I made this into a holiday fic. I hope you like it <3 any and all headcanons/blurbs are mostly welcome.
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December 25, Christmas Eve
“...and then Phoenix lost her shit and then we had to group up and shield Harvard from getting waterboarded by her.” Mickey’s face on your phone was scrunched up in delight, as he laughed recounting the tales of Christmas at the base to you.
You touched your screen as if it were his face.
Mickey was your best friend, your husband, and the love of your life.
Staying away from him while he was deployed was difficult, and you handled it like a champ. Occasionally, though, sadness would loom over you unexpectedly. Like waking up and reaching out for him, and meeting the empty side of the bed. Accidentally making two cups of coffee in the morning. One day, when you realized he was not there when you called him, you broke down in tears.
But nothing hurts like not having him home during the holidays for the first time.
When Abuela Juliana bribed you with her homemade caramel cupcakes, you couldn't say no to Mickey's family; his parents, his brother Edgar and his wife Veronica, and their four-year-old twins Camillo and Ariana.
As a single kid, you were sent to boarding school away from home. You hardly knew your parents, and they were always on some crazy trip to Europe every year during Christmas. Celebrating the holidays with his family made you feel at home. Abuela would never let go of a chance to remind you that it was your home too, and you and Veronica were her granddaughters.
You had been reading in Mickey's old room, halfway through an Agatha Christie novel from his bookshelf before he called. It was cozy, with a makeshift space near the window to read, and a lot of Star Wars and hip-hop posters everywhere on the walls.
“How was Christmas?” he asks you, smiling at the camera.
“It was perfect. Abuela kept her promise, making a batch of caramel cupcakes just for me. Camillo and Ariana almost caught Edgar placing the gifts under the tree, but Veronica and I distracted them with Spongebob Squarepants.”
“Marina and Carlos banned me from the kitchen because I tried to help them, and then fed me your share too.” you sighed.
“God I hope you didn’t eat all the cupcakes, share it with Edgar and Ariana too.” he shrugged.
"No way. Nu-uh" you nodded and snuggled under the covers.
Mickey listened to you with a sad smile on his face, and it hurt you to see that he so clearly missed home.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be home Carino," he says in a dejected tone.
You just wish you could squish his face with your hands and smother him in kisses. He was sad, and you hated seeing him like that.
“I miss you, baby," you say.
He smiled, “I miss you more.” he said as he lay down on his bed. “I really wanted you to be my kiss at midnight.”
“Me too.” you sniffle, tears brimming your eyes as you recall last year when he was home with you, and held you close as you counted down to midnight.
“Baby…” he whispered, noticing your tears, “don’t cry, please.” His eyebrows furrowed with worry, but just as he was about to say further, his image shook around.
It was Phoenix on the screen now, smiling with a Santa cap on.
“Mrs. Garciaaa! Happy Christmas my girl!” she hollered. You wiped your tears and realized she was drunk.
“Happy Christmas Nat.” you smiled, as she passed the phone to Payback.
“I’m sorry Y/N, she’s been drinking like a sailor once we stopped her from waterboarding Harvard.” he sighed, the camera shaking as he walked because he was clearly swatting away Phoenix with his other hand. 
Rooster, Bob, Coyote, Harvard, Yale, and even Hangman joined in to wish you. By the time they handed the phone back to Mickey, you were laughing again.
“There's my girl,” he whispers softly to you, his brown eyes adoringly looking at you.
"Good night, sweetie." you breathe out and kiss the screen.
He blushes and kisses his screen, “good night baby, can’t wait to meet you.”
Find the Full fic here!
Requests are open! Feel free to request anything.
@tuiccim @parkjammys @akinrawsx @asteph22 @iamthebeth @thefandomqueenbb @onlyhereforthefics @yikesdameron @savedfanfics1992 @amigaytho @samwilson-mylove @jenniweaslee @anna-phora @fluffyprettykitty
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I am so curious about bedrock bros persuasion fic. share? :eyes:
Oh gosh, umm okay!! Hehe😅 Soooooo, basically, it started bc I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jane Austen(I'm not into romance stories, but Jane Austen's humor, and the neat way she handled the romances had me hooked), and Persuasion is one of my favorite Austen works!
Unfortunately, the 2022 Persuasion adaptation wasn't very..... um. Yeah. You can guess.
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So that got me thinking about the theme & story of Persuasion. A little wandering of the thoughts, and boom. Bedrock Bros Persuasion AU.
This is gonna get a bit long, be warned:
So basically, Techno's family fostered/adopted Theseus, and the two boys get very close. Except their parents unexpectedly die, and Theseus gets sent off to foster care again while it's arranged for Techno to go live with his uncle Schlatt and cousin Tubbo. Techno would rather stay with Theseus, but ppl tell him Theseus would have a better chance at adoption if he was on his own since he's 11, and Techno is 16. Plus, Schlatt is really busy and doesn't think he could raise another 11-year-old kid. Techno REALLY doesn't want to let Theseus go on his own, but ultimately decides Theseus would be happier with another family(either the foster system is better in this universe, or Techno doesn't know it sucks. I haven't fleshed this bit out very well yet😅).
Theseus takes it about as well as you'd expect him to, and their last few days together are filled with bitter, sour silence.
Timeskip to like 5 years later, at the start of summer. Techno is a 21-year-old college student who's back for summer break, in the small town where he lives. Tubbo talks about the new neighbors who moved in recently, they have two kids, and the younger one, Tommy, is Tubbo's age. They've become fast friends, and the next day, after Schlatt leaves for a week(?)-long business trip, Tubbo takes Techno to meet the neighbors, and, turns out this Tommy Craft kid is Theseus. Theseus- Tommy now- is very much Not Pleased, and since Phil and Kristin invite both Tubbo and Techno to dinner, things are pretty awkward between them. It does NOT help that Wilbur, Tommy's current brother, insists that he and Techno look alike(they do not) and that they're basically twins.
So things are really awkward for Bedrock Bros, especially since Tommy and Tubbo(plus Ranboo) hang out basically every day. Tommy bascially just ignores Techno. Techno is sad obviously, but he doesn't say anything, just silently accepts this is their dynamic now. He doesn't even feel jealousy towards Wilbur. A bit of envy maybe, but he doesn't hold a grudge. After all, he wanted Tommy to have a happier life, and Wilbur clearly makes him happy. He doesn't see any reason to be angry- though he does wish he could have been what Wilbur now is to Tommy.
Then one day, while they're out, Wilbur gets into an accident(I'm thinking car accident, but this fic is still in the plotting process so idk for sure😅), and since Kristin(successful businesswoman) is absent for a few days, Phil is the one to stay with Wilbur in hospital, and Tommy stays with Tubbo overnight. And subsequently, stays with Techno overnight.
Tommy's in a bit of shock. Tubbo is also scared, but he's significantly calmer, and is more concerned about Tommy. Techno, seeing how bad Tommy's doing, starts the comfort routine they had when they were brothers. (He has a different routine with Tubbo. Tubbo and Tommy are different people after all, plus, Tommy's routine is for Tommy alone.)
Later that night while Tubbo's not there, Tommy asks Techno why. He doesn't elaborate, just asks why. Techno thinks he's talking about the comfort routine, & replies that he thought it would help Tommy calm down a little. That's not what Tommy meant though. He meant, why did Techno send him away? (Since he obviously cared/cares about Tommy, if he still remembers their routine down to a T.) Techno replies that he thought Tommy would be happier elsewhere. And Tommy is happy- right? Tommy goes silent for a moment, then slowly replies that yes, he's happy- he loves his family, and the friends he made- but he's not sure if going away made him happier. Because he was already happy. He was happy with Techno, and was heartbroken when he was sent away. And that hurt never really disappeared, even after his new foster family ended up adopting him almost immediately, or after he found a new brother in Wilbur.
Then Tommy (FINALLY) tells Techno he missed him, and Techno tells him he did too. They hug, and after Tubbo joins them they set up blankets and pillows in front of the landline, staking out for the call from hospital.
Late that night/early next morning they get the call, Wilbur's gonna be fine, he's sleeping now.
So yeah. After Wilbur's discharged they all just hang out. Later when Techno is reading in the backyard Tommy comes up and sits next to him. Tommy tells Techno that he'd been thinking, and he doesn't actually wish things had gone differently, since they wouldn't have ever met half of their friends otherwise. Techno concedes he has a point, though he still regrets sending Tommy away. They sit there quietly, watching the summer sun slowly start to set.
...Aaaaaand that's about as far as I've gotten for now haha. I'm gonna have to flesh it out more/fact-check some stuff before I actually start writing it.
Thank you so much for the ask, I had a lot of fun writing this! Cheers💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Have this meme!
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Tin & Tina (2023)
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If you only ace one part of your movie, make it the ending. For the most part, I was enjoying Tin & Tina but it didn't seem like anything special. After the final act, my thoughts on it changed completely - for the better. Due to that period of uncertainty, I have to be slightly conservative with my rating, but this is a movie I’ll remember down the line.
Set during the early 1980s, in Spain, Lola (Milena Smit) and Adolfo (Jaime Lorente) have just said their marriage vows when they unexpectedly lose their unborn twins in a miscarriage. Hoping to make their family whole again, the couple adopt twins Tin (Carlos González Morollón) and Tina (Anastasia Russo) from a nearby religious convent. Lola soon becomes suspicious of the children, though Adolfo insists their odd behavior stems from innocence rather than malice.
When we meet the twins, they seem needlessly creepy. They’re either albino or extremely blonde, they’ve got weird haircuts and their smiles are too big. The children are extremely religious. They've never watched TV, they quote the Bible for fun, the idea of not saying grace before a meal mortifies them. It's offputting but you can understand where that behavior comes from since they were raised by nuns. They're introduced playing the organ with a skill far beyond their years (reminded me of “The Orphan”), which is another sure sign that these kids are baaad news. Despite their appearances and strange habbits, you can see why Lola wants to adopt them, however. As a child, she lost a leg. She was also a “weird” kid and she’s specifically looking to replace the twins she lost.
Soon after arriving to their new home, Tin and Tina's actions raises some serious red flags. Not necessarily the kind that exposes them as evil but they would make any sane parent go back to the orphanage and ask the sister in charge (sor Asunción, played by Teresa Rabal) if she ever noticed anything weird from them. Less patient parents would go to the police and tell them to investigate the orphanage. Whatever those nuns are teaching the rugrats, it’s going to make them all into serial killers. Even for loving parents who really want a family, even for the place and the time period, Lola & Adolfo are way, way too cool with what happens. No one watching would tolerate some of the horror movie behavior exhibited. It’s enough to make you want these people to fall victim to whatever terrors await them once the kids turn full-on evil. I mean when you can’t read ANY of the signs, you deserve it.
Although I still feel like sometimes, Lola – and to a certain extent Adolfo too – let things that no one else, not even a saint, would let slide and that is frustrating, the ending changes all of that. This movie is much smarter than it seems. You see the creepy kids, you witness the horror-movie behavior, you think you know exactly where the plot is headed. You dismiss the characters as too stupid to live and essentially give up. What you don't realize is that you’re the one who's made the mistake. There’s something you haven’t considered while evaluating this story and probably wouldn't have in a million years: the possibility that although this is a horror film, the children aren’t actually evil. What if they’re not the problem? What if it’s Lola and Adolfo?
There are indeed subtle details that hint at the couple not being idyllic. At the orphanage, Adolfo insists that they’re only for children free from deformities. His wife wears a prosthetic leg. She has since childhood. What does this statement say about him? We find out that Lola has a bitter relationship with God. Bitter enough to make her subconsciously hate children who love Him more than anything else? Maybe. Trust me. I know not knowing if a movie is better than "just ok" for nearly 2-hours is hard, particularly with several developments that make you think "Oh come on. How many more signs do you need?!" but it all comes together so well during the conclusion you'll feel foolish for having doubted the film.
There may also be a deeper meaning to some elements of the picture, since it's set during a tumultuous period of Spain's history that I'm not familiar with. I can't say for sure. What I do know is that Tin & Tina deserves your patience. I'm still not 100% sure the characters are not a little bit dumb but that conclusion is so solid I'm more than willing to forgive it. It's scary and makes you think in the most unexpected way. (Original Spanish with English subtitles, May 28, 2023)
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blossomkittenrosie · 6 months
The Birth of the Anemo Goddess (Part 1)
The day Marinette lost her friends all because of Lila, her world had shattered. The only people who had been their for her were her parents, her friends Kagami, Luka, Aurore, and her unexpectedly enemy to friend and ally, Chloe.
Her friends had cut ties with everyone involved with Lila and had nothing to do with her or everyone following her, as they soon helped the bluenette forget about them with her parents and the people who cared about Marinette also came and help as well. Giving the cold eyes to the bluenette's ex-friends whenever they crossed paths.
Though Marinette was able to slowly move on, the one thing she couldn't move on was the supposed-to-be love of her life, Adrien Agreste. After everything she went through, she couldn't move on from the love she had from Adrien. She still couldn't believe Adrien chose to hide the truth when she knew she's lying yet decided to stay quiet, she felt her life began crumbling every time she still thinks about it. One day, she decided to take a breath outside and when she was ready to get home, crossing the street, she noticed too-late that some vehicle hit her and she went unconscious.
~In another life~
In an unknown location, a god was sitting on her stone throne, which the area around her is somewhat a cave with waterfalls and rivers flowing through, winds breezing around the area and many tiny elemental wisps flying around. The god sitting on the throne was named Istaroth, Goddess of Time, Thousand Winds and Kairos. Istaroth's eyes were closed and her face calm, as in a meditation. That is until-
The scream starled her along with the wisps as she looked around as she one of the wisps, looking panicked 'Must've been a newborn.' Is what the Goddess thought, as she stood up from her throne as went towards the panicked wisp. The wisp noticed as they froze, as the Goddess spoke "Do not fear my child, you are not in danger. I am Istaroth, which I am also your mother. You may wander around as you wish, like all the other wind wisps, but be sure to be back before nightfall." Istaroth said, as the wisp, now calmed down, nodded.
The god soon left, as the newborn wisp, who was also Marinette, looked around as she went to a nearby lake, she looked at her new body whiched awed and surprised her, she then wondered 'Is this her new life now?' She then saw a wind barrier surrounding the tower, which made her curious as she flew towards it. However, she was knocked away, which made her stumble but quickly regained her composure. She was determined to get through the wind barrier! Sooner or later, she managed to get in as she soon looked around to find something until she heard a voice singing.
"Fly, fly away like a bird in the sky
See the world on my Behalf
To the Heavens may you fly
Should you find yourself in a
Windless Land
Known you'll never be alone
Just look up the sky and there you might find
A breeze to guide you Home..."
Marinette curiously found a boy with twin braids playing a lyre as he sang. This made Marinette feel at ease until the boy noticed her, making her squeak as she hid herself as the boy called out "Wait, don't go! I won't hurt you, I just want to see you, is that alright?" This went on for a moment, before the wind wisp slowly and shyly come out until she finally revealed herself "There we go, it's nice to meet you. I'm Carmen. Do you perhaps have a name?" The boy, now known as Carmen, asked as Marinette shook her, at least to her she didn't have a name in her new life.
"I see, perhaps I can give you a name instead, if you don't mind?" Carmen asked as Marinette nodded her head. As the boy thought, he soon spoke up "How about Barbatos? It's not much, but it's a start." Marinette/Barbatos happily nodded as she made happy wind chime noises whiched made Carmen giggle at his new friend as they soon started playing soft music.
To Marinette/Barbatos, maybe this new life won't be so bad after all.
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mythuzalasheir3 · 6 months
My ‘canon’ Sparrow is fem Sparrow who ends up in a whirlwind romance with Reaver because their kinds of fucked up match in a sense and they feel less alone in the world when they’re together.
They end up having kids because Logan and HoBW exist :))) I have different vibes for strength, skill and will HoBW so if they all existed in one timeline they’d be three people
Logan: He’s the oldest of all the children and Sparrow was queen when he was born, so all his life he has the pressure of being the heir and Sparrow through no fault of her own unintentionally raises him with this higher destiny to be king, when she struggled with that because of how Theresa trained her to be a Hero.
Then Sparrow dies when he’s still a child unexpectedly and Reaver abandons them because he’s trying to swallow his grief so he’s left to learn how to navigate politics and make sure his regent doesn’t fuck him over (but it’s either his auntie Hammer or Rose so she wouldn’t) while still a child.
So he finds the sense of adventure he shares with his parents and that becomes a bit of an escape for him. And then he goes to Aurora and sees what the Crawler can do and is manipulated by Theresa into doing whatever he needs to do save Albion.
He goes to Reaver because even though their relationship is tense as fuck, he is still the wealthiest man in Albion.
Once his sibling takes the throne from him and the Crawler is dead, if he wasn’t executed, Logan struggles with what to do with himself now, like Sparrow did after Fable 2. He ends up floating around a bit and ends up travelling across the world, becoming a semi-intentional ambassador for Albion across the world.
Side note: Each of my HoBW are inspired by the Baratheon Brothers, Robert, Stannis the mannis and Renly.
Dorian: He is my Strength HoBW. I’m drawing a lot from Robert Baratheon vibe wise from him, as well as my son Agent Curt Mega from SAF. If he’s the Hero, he sacrifices Elise for the crowd and completely spirals.
He’s always had a tendency to be wild and reckless as a boy and is much more inclined to rush into a fight than his siblings.
He can crush your head in his hands, but beneath the borderline alcoholism and intimidating hammer, he’s a bloody teddy bear.
If all three versions of the HoBW exist, he is the second oldest, seven years behind Logan, so he’s the designated ‘spare’. He has little interest in actual politics but he’s generally a decent person, if rough around the edges.
Rose: My skill HoBW and the one I play as most because I prefer ranged combat in Fable sue me. Rose is The People’s Princess through and through, having an eye for political negotiations and a compassionate heart. She is the most like the Hero Queen out of all of them, all righteousness and iron will.
Rose is like the ‘ideal’ HoBW, at least, on the surface. She’s morally upstanding, a talented Hero and the weight of all her burdens sit on her shoulders comfortably and she accepts them without complaint.
However, she is stubborn to a fault and unless something forces her to change her mind, she never will,
Rose also has several identity issues, particularly post Traitor’s Keep as she has always done her best to be as good as possible, like Sparrow would have wanted, but she feels like she’s losing herself in the process.
She is most similar to Stannis the Mannis, with their keen sense of duty blinding them at times.
Caroline: My Will HoBW. If Rose is a good Hero, Caroline is not, unafraid to do what needs to be done, even revelling in the darkness at time. In a timeline where they’re all siblings,
Rose and Caroline are twins, so they’re each other’s anchors. Rose is light and compassion and duty, while Caroline’s only duty is to her power, learning to be a powerful will user.
She describes herself as the things nightmares run from, the thing too dark for hell itself.”
Caroline’s pursuit of power comes from a desire for approval from Reaver, who in this universe is her father, while Rose’s comes from her duty to her mother. and to Albion.
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You Make Me A Complete Mess ~ An Apology - Chapter 1.
Summary: Sage had grown up with the Malfoy family but felt like she was different from them, a feeling that intensified when she grew closer to Snape during her time at Hogwarts and when he helped her through the dark times of Voldemort’s return. At the end of her 5th year her world would entirely change forever when fate would bring her to Fred and George Weasley, and she would find herself unexpectedly falling for Fred. As the years wore on and the darker the world got Sage finds out who her true family are with some twists and turns she’d very much like to forget, after the battle of Hogwarts she stayed clear of the Weasley family although it pained her to do so but 10 years later when she was working as professor of the defence against the dark arts at Hogwarts she meets George once again, is this her second chance?
Character Pairing: Fred Weasley/ OC (Sage Malfoy)
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Sage stood in front of a wonky, unsteady looking home. Why was she doing this again? The Weasleys would probably take one look at her in the thresh hold of their home and slam the door right in her face. She wouldn’t have blame them either, she was after all a Malfoy.
A Malfoy that had broken their sons arm, unintentionally of course!
Before she could guilt herself any further Molly Weasley had opened the door and greeted her with the warmest smile, one that seemed to fade as realisation began to set in just who was standing in front of her. “Mrs. Weasley I’m-“
Before she could finish a man, who she assumed was Arthur Weasley had appeared from behind his wife and now stood stern with his hands on his hip in the doorway. “Why is there a Malfoy at my door?”
Taken aback Sage just stood there, mouth open and squinting at the scene in front of her. The speech she had prepared in her mind on the train home had evaporated now that she was actually standing in the presence of Fred’s family.
"I came here to apologise." Sage tried to sound as sincere as possible, not that she was lying but she had no idea how the hell all this was going to go down for her, it was uncharted territory. 
Both apologising and talking to a Weasley, let alone a whole family of them.
"Suppose you better come in then." To say Sage was shocked was an understatement, she had been fully prepared to put her head back down in shame and walk away. But as soon as Arthur Weasley spoke the words into existence and quite cheerfully her head snapped up in part amusement and part confusion. 
As soon as she stepped in to the kitchen she felt a warm comforting feeling spread out across her whole body. “FRED YOU HAVE A VISITOR!” Molly shouted up the many sets of stairs. She then turned, smiling the whole time at Sage as she made her way over to the kettle on the stove. “Would you like a drink dear?” 
“Oh- .” Just as she was about to reply they all heard a scurry of heavy foot steps, every creak in the wood seeming like the above levels would disintegrate and collapse at any given moment. But fortunately it never did, it wasn’t just Fred that appeared though. To be quite fair she wasn’t at all surprised to see George trailing right behind his twin, but what she didn’t expect was to see Ron, Harry, Hermione and Ginny scurry down the stairs right behind them. Everyone’s hair had gotten longer, and she couldn’t help but notice how much it suited them all, especially the twins.
That thought was broken when George had the nerve to whisper to her ‘this is going to be interesting.’ As he passed close by her to follow the rest of the gang into the kitchen to join their parents.
She just scrawled at the back of his head, refusing for a second to turn back to the person she was actually here for. But when she did he was calmly leaning again the beam at the bottom of the stairs.
When did he get so handsome? She had to stop herself before her thoughts went further, she was here with a purpose.
“Look I just wanted to say I’m sorry I can’t really explain what happened, not yet anyway but I never meant for you to get hurt.” Sage heard a snigger from behind her, turning slowly she found the whole Weasley family plus Harry and Hermione quickly busy themselves with any task in reach, but she knew that they had been hanging on her every word. One person however didn’t even try to hide how much he was enjoying the show, if looks could kill George would be dead on the spot. 
Turning back to Fred she caught the remnants of a goofy smile before he quickly hid it from her. Why was she here again? She was a Malfoy for crying out loud! She didn’t need to apologise to anyone.
“You know what, whatever! I didn’t have to come here and apologise.” She started to make her way back to the door, everyone standing there in shock at her sudden outburst. She turned one last time to see that Fred had actually followed her to the door.
She got in his face, closer this time and pointed her finger at him. “You know what, I’m glad your broke your arm! You deserve some karma for all the pranks you pull.” She had to fight the urge to prod his chest with her pointer finger. She looked over at George one last time something she instantly regretted as he was smiling bigger than a Cheshire cat. “Be careful George, you might be next.”
Fred just scoffed, making her turn her attention back to him. “Is that a threat Malfoy?” She turned back to him, chuckling as she stated. “No Fred, it’s a promise.” With one last look around the room. "Molly thank you for the offer for tea, you truly are a lovely lady so sad that your sons are a pair of Twats" She simply stormed out after saying her peace.
Fred watched with a smirk, as she walked further into the long, swamp grass before finally disappearing.
“Professor Snape, professor are you okay?” She looked up to find one of her students holding her work book out to her. 
“Fine Lottie, I’m assuming you’re up here because you’ve finished.” She took the text book off her hands and put in on top of the pile on the left of her desk where at least 5 books sat ready for her to mark tonight. How exciting.
Just as Lottie was about to reply the bell went and Sage dismissed all the students, walking to the door of the classroom to see everyone out. Once everyone had departed Sage made her way back to her desk, sighing as she remembered what she was thinking about before being interrupted. 
She had met Fred and George in her first year at Hogwarts, they were all in the same year but they had never really crossed paths until the end of their 5th year when she’d let Draco convince her to pull a prank back on them which resulted in Fred breaking his arm. She’d felt so bad that she had decided to go to the burrow and apologise which you can see didn’t turn out so well but which later she would be glad she went as this is when their friendship would start to grow and her feelings for the mischievous red head would manifest as much as she tried to fight them and that wasn't even the best part, for she would also find a best friend in George. 
She hadn’t seen them in over Ten years now though, after everything that happened in and around the battle of Hogwart’s she knew the twins and their family still hated her, which in turn crushed her because she loved them dearly and aside from Severus, Narcissa and Draco, the Weasley family had been the only other people to love her like one of their own and yet she let them down.
But everything she had done, all the bad and all the good was a way to protect them.
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