#Literally begging on my knees for Jason
bridoesotherjunk · 1 year
I really really hope Paramount is paying attention to the responses to the Mario movie.
Take notes for Sonic Movie 3 you fucks
Shadow the Hedgehog needs to be treated CAREFULLY. The backlash of Pratt voicing Mario should at the very least be enough to get Paramount to stop and think before they just cast any random fucking celebrity.
I would die happy if they cast Jason Griffiths, but its pretty unlikely. I just wish I could shake these studio execs and scream at them until they realize that not EVERY character needs to be played by some massive fucking A list celebrity.
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hurkules · 2 months
Domestic Life Thoughts…
Jason likes that you need him. He goes weak in the knees when you ask him to open containers because “the top must be stuck.” He can’t help but smile and give a gentle “of course, baby.”
He likes how you drape yourself over him throughout the day. He’s always touch starved, and it gives him butterflies to think that you want him as much as he does you. He doesn’t care to have personal space when it comes to you.
Whenever he gets the chance, Jason cooks for you. He looks up recipes to try out and beams when you compliment him. Whenever you bake, he eats it all in like 48 hours or less. “Sorry, baby” he’ll say placing a kiss on your cheek. “It was too good. I couldn’t resist.”
Sometimes, he has nightmares but waking up next to you is a life saver. Once he was confused and grabbed you wrist a little too hard leaving a bruise. He begged for forgiveness and banished himself to living room for a couple of days. Occasionally, he thinks about it, plants gentle kisses there, and gives a soft “so sorry, baby. It’ll never happen again.”
Jason never yells. Even if you’re arguing, he never raises his voice at you. You yelling literally doesn’t phase him in the slightest, and, to be honest, angry you is super cute and attractive to him. Despite this, he doesn’t act with the intent to upset you. Sometimes, he’s just a dick.
He’s such a loverboy. The two of you have weekly dates and he’s always bring you back chocolate and flowers. He’ll write poems and love notes and leave them on the night stand for you to find when you get home or wake up. He blushes when he finds little love notes you left in his bag and makes a mental note to thank you for it later. You put a cat sticker on his bike, and it’s his favorite thing. He added a heart sticker next to it because “you love cats, coincidentally, you’re kinda cat like, and I love you. It works out perfectly.”
It had been years since he celebrated his birthday, so when you decided to dedicate the day to him, he nearly cried. At the end of the night, you gave him a locket with pictures of the two of you and your cats. You had Eternal Sunshine engraved on the front because “This time with you have been the brightest and warmest days of my life.” At that point, he actually did cry. “You mean the world to me, baby” he told you through tears with his head buried in your neck. “I’d do anything for you. My heart’s always been yours. I swear it.”
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godsiero · 5 months
i’m literally shaking, crying, and throwing up for everybody to read this if you even care a little bit about nerdy prudes must die
you guys, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, when you are making your npmd song rankings and doing your commentary i am BEGGING YOU to LISTEN to the music underscoring lauren lopez when she’s singing her face off in “just for once.”
i CANNOT watch ONE MORE video where somebody brings up the “cool as i think i am” motif coming back up during “nerdy prudes must die,” “if i loved you reprise,” and “dirty dudes must die” AND NOBODY KNOWS THAT IT IS ALSO IN “JUST FOR ONCE” BECAUSE JEFF BLIM IS A SNEAKY BASTARD AND HE DECIDED TO UNDERSCORE RUTH SCREAMING HER DREAMS WITH HER WHOLE CHEST WITH THE SAME FUCKING MOTIF.
go listen to “just for once” again, and when lauren lopez gets on her knees in the climax of the song and starts absolutely devouring her three just for once’s, during that build and build and build, THE MOTIF WE ALL KNOW AND LOVE OF “if i can finally be cool i will know that i’m not a loser” IS FUCKING PLAYING.
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frownyalfred · 1 year
A mysterious force connects the Batfamily's minds together.
Bruce’s knees hit the ground before his coffee.
The mug shatters just after his mind does, fracturing into a hundred different pieces. Thoughts, emotions, memories -- they all blur, split into fragments he cannot hope to process. He needs to --
-- Dick is upstairs on the parlor settee, writhing in pain. He was thinking about Barbara. There's a half-eaten sandwich on the table, one he hadn’t planned on finishing. Tuna salad, something he’s always eaten to appease Alfred. Alfred still makes it, and Dick still eats it, because he has to. 
Please, he thinks, loud enough for it to rise above the storm surge in Bruce’s mind, Why is this --
-- Jason is in the garage, down on one knee like Bruce. He’s biting his lip to keep himself from crying out. It’s beginning to bleed, and the salty blood flooding his mouth reminds him of when the Pit water flooded into his lungs -- 
-- Cass was meditating. Now, she’s frozen with her legs folded under her, bile rising in her throat as she grips the edges of her yoga mat. Bruce feels her nausea it like it’s his own, feels the sickly panic in her stomach that sharpens with every second their minds keep -- 
Tim is bent over his laptop in the second floor den. His nose is gushing blood into the keyboard, destroying the custom key caps. His thoughts cling to Bruce like he's a life raft, begging him for some kind of answer. It's impossible, what's happening. It literally isn't possible, not unless they've been cursed or infected by alien tech. He doesn't think they picked anything new up today, and if Bruce doesn't know, then he -- 
-- Steph wasn’t awake, but she is now, fighting off a headache worse than any migraine she’s ever had. Her patrol shift is in forty minutes. She was nursing a slight cold in bed, praying it would resolve by patrol. If Bruce finds out she's sick, he'll-- 
-- Damian is shivering on the floor of his bathroom, arms wrapped around his legs. His fingers dig into the backs of his eyes, trying to press out the voices and thoughts. If he just concentrates, he can do it. He can. Father would -- 
Bruce slams a wall down, hard enough that every person in the Manor winces. He is left with the near-silence of his own thoughts, and even though it is quiet, it is no longer soothing. The bond itches at the back of his mind, dragging his thoughts back to the bond like a sunflower following the sun. 
He can feel each of his children slowly putting down their own walls, dividing their thoughts like he had. It takes Tim less than three seconds to perfect Bruce’s method, and he shares the instructions with the others instantly. 
Dick retches into a trash can. Jason spits the blood in his mouth on the garage floor, scowling. Steph pulls herself out of bed, heading for Cass’ room next door. Damian’s hands slip from his face, and slowly -- slowly -- the thoughts begin to quiet. They are their own people again -- or as much as they can be. 
Bruce’s knees are soaked in coffee. He opens his eyes, wincing at the light from the Cave computer screens. How long was he…?
Seven minutes, Tim says, swiping a hand across his laptop screen and clearing his blood splatter away, Seven minutes and twenty eight seconds. 
Get out of my fucking head!
Bruce winces at Jason’s volume, pinching the bridge of his nose. Dick sends him a burst of sympathy, brushing up against the walls around his mind. 
Trying, Tim replies, TRYING, OKAY?
Shut UP! Steph thinks, her thoughts sharp as daggers, You’re making it worse!
Cass is crying, and Bruce can feel it. Steph’s hand is on her arm, trying to comfort her. It is odd to feel both the hand giving comfort, and the arm receiving it. Neither of them know what to make of the sensation. 
There is no comfort, he realizes. Not when they’re overlapping like this. Not when he know that Dick is about to tell him to -- 
Lighten up, he says, an aside to Bruce. Mostly. We can’t be doom and gloom about this. You’ll make it -- 
-- worse, Jason says, finishing his sentence, Lock it down, B. You’re making the birds nervous. 
Bruce inhales, centering himself. He visualizes the walls around his mind thickening, rough and unyielding. Thinks of Gotham alleys and the smell of rainwater collecting between bricks. 
Dick’s approval entwines with Jason’s reluctant awe. The latter emulates Bruce a moment later, chains and spikes spreading across his mental walls. 
Better, Dick thinks, testing them with a mental push, But I can still feel -- 
-- your thoughts, Bruce finishes, sensing Jason's irritation, Try again. 
This time, Jason succeeds in his attempt, his thoughts fading into an indistinct hum. Bruce tests the walls, feeling Tim and Steph do the same to him. A moment later, they brush against each other, recoiling in unison as they realize who the other is. 
Damian is still lying on the floor in his bathroom. He doesn’t separate his thoughts like the others. He avoids conscious thought as much as possible, but what does filter through is bitter with fear. 
Damian? Dick asks. At the same time, Steph rubs an arm up Cass’ side, trying so very, very hard not to freak out. 
One by one, they pick themselves up. Slightly calmer, with their thoughts pulled back in their respective corners, the bond is -- well, it's not painless, but it's better. Better than whatever the initial, panicked flurry of thoughts had been. 
Dick heads for Damian’s suite without a word, grim. Jason eyes the stairs down to the Cave. Tim is already typing on his laptop, growing irritated as the keys begin to lag from the water damage. Cass leans into Steph's shoulder, exhaling. 
Bruce pushes off the floor, ignoring the sodden knees of his pants. He directs his thoughts to the group at large, softening his walls enough for it to get through. 
Cave, he thinks as clearly as he can, Five minutes. We need to talk.
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ivysangel · 14 days
jason todd being so desperate to be inside of you after watching you defend him to some snobby Gotham socialites. just pulls you into an empty hallway, practically begging you for permission between breathless kisses before pushing your panties aside and sliding in in in. one large hand over your mouth to pin you in place and muffle your moans because those are only for me sugar. you’ve got one knee hooked around his waist straining the seams of your dress but you don’t care if it rips because you just need him closer. even now jason’s a romantic sap, threading his figures through yours with his free hand pinning it to the wall above your head, making him feel and look bigger than ever at this new angle. it’s quick and dirty, the risk of the two of you getting caught hurrying the both of you along to climax. after, when jason’s helping you fix your dress and rescue your hair, he kisses you sweet as anything. a sharp oh has you breaking apart from the kiss, turning to see one of the same socialites from earlier standing at the entrance to the darkened hallway. you smile sunnily at them and link your arm around jason’s. brushing past them you walk back into the ballroom, knowing that if they were so scandalized by a little kiss, they’d be passed out in a dead faint over the cum dripping down your thighs.
(you asked for nasty thoughts to share with the class, here’s my submission for an A+)
sunnie @fic-over-cannon
sunnie you always always always give me A+++ content. star student, honor roll, valedictorian of the graduating class. the way i was literally thinking about a scenario so similar to this just yesterday?? we're so like this 🤞
i'm so obesessed of the idea of him with someone strong-willed and fiery. i think he genuinely finds that seeing you kind of riles up turns him on in ways neither of you knew were possible, especially in defense of him.
you're dressed in an expensive dress courtesy of his blood money, and you probably fit in better than he does. so for you to draw attention to yourself by defending him? and i don't even mean yelling, like a classy drag, champagne glass in hand and fully without breaking a sweat...yeah, that does it. (he would also find it hot if you got into a full-blown yelling match, but that would probably constitute you guys getting kicked out rather than removing yourself from the conversation to slip away)
the quickie at the gala is only a precursor to the rest of the night and very soon after you guys get back to the ballroom, that he doesn't want to be there at all anymore so he's pulling you along with him to coat check and the valet and then boom. out the door
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krashoutluv · 3 months
jason is the type of guy who would beg you on his knees.
literally he would just fall down on his knees and bury his head in your stomach while mumbles stupid things.
I feel so feral for this man it is not even legal bro
no youre so right anon.
coming back before i post cause i was letting it simmer in my drafts andndjdjd
hes soo the type to come do this at random, your sitting on the couch, sitting at a table, anywhere, and he’d lug over to you, bury his face in your legs and start murmuring sweet nothings in your thighs.
“Let me love you please.”
“I’d do anything for you sweetheart, you know that?”
“You’re my angel, my sweet angel?”
He’s rubbing circles on your skin while pressing his lips to your skin, guiding your hand on his scalp to play with his hair. All a whiney mess because he started thinking about you for too long, not even sexually, most of the time he’s just soooo <3 about his lover. Peck his face/head while he lays there and he’s slowly going INSANE!! CRAZY!!
he stays there for a goood uhhh until you have to get up.
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saylorsaysstop · 4 months
Relief | Jason Todd
↪ one-bed trope prompt:  a character’s had a nightmare, and needs company to feel safe enough to go back to sleep
↪ prompt list here
↪ My Masterlist
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Jason Todd was no stranger to the realm of nightmares and how they could take over one's body. He vividly recalled some of his darkest nightmares after he was brought back to life, the turmoil and terror that he was subject to chasing him down the darkest parts of his mind, quite literally putting him in a chokehold some nights.
The thrashing of the sheets, the calling out to no one there. He wanted someone with him to calm the storm, but alas, he was alone. And then he got better. He overcame the pressing fear and now he walked a free man.
This is why when he heard the disturbed whimpering coming from your bedroom, he was placed on high alert. His instincts told him to go check on you but even he knew it could be dangerous to wake someone from a dream state, depending on the dream they were having.
But he couldn’t stop himself from not checking on you. He crept into your room and gently opened the door. The sight before him broke his heart. You shook your head, the sheets a crumpled mess around your body. Your brows were furrowed high on your head, your lips trembling as you begged the person in your dream to let you go. 
Reality struck and you found your eyes peeling open, a scream ripping from your throat. You raised off the bed like a dead person returning from the grave, your eyes meeting the light billowing into the room from your cracked door. Squinting, you made out the silhouette of Jason. 
“Hey, it’s just me,” Jason hooked a thumb over his shoulder. “I was coming in and heard you… And I wanted to check on you.” 
Gasping for air, you placed a flat hand against your chest and closed your eyes. “I’m sorry for disturbing you.” 
Jason quickly shakes his head, coming closer to you. “Don’t apologize to me. I suffered from nightmares for the longest time.” 
You remembered him telling you about them one night on the balcony after a patrol watch you aided the boys with. It was the most in-depth conversation you had with the man behind Red Hood’s lethality and needless to say, you came to understand Jason a lot better.  
Catching your breath, you pull your knees to your chest. “Do you want to talk about it?” He asks. 
Shaking your head, you weren’t ready to get into the details. Jason nodded in understanding, never wanting to force you to tell him something you weren’t ready to speak on. “Well, I’ll just head out. Let me know if you need anything.”
“Stay.” The demand came out before you had time to think about it. Jason lifted an eyebrow and turned fully to face you. “Please stay.” 
Jason nodded his head, slipping out of his boots and leather jacket. Once it dropped to the floor, you scooted to the side to make room for his large body. Jason peeled back the sheets, the mattress dipping with his weight. He immediately took position by wrapping his arms around you. You pressed your body firmly against his side, your hand laying across his heart which beat steadily. Life. You needed to feel the source of life emitting from this man. 
“Thank you,” You whisper into the darkness as Jason reaches up to stroke the back of your head with his calloused fingers. The motion alone was enough to soothe your worries. 
Jason stayed with you for the rest of the night. He did not attempt to move. 
He gave you what he wished for so long ago.
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chvoswxtch · 2 years
shakespeare is metal. (2/?)
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: eddie munson desperately needs to graduate this year, and you're the only tutor that hasn't turned him down. (part 2 to "i’m not above begging")
warnings: cursing, mentions of murder/suicide (in regards to shakespeare), jason carver being a shithead (is that even a warning??)
word count: 2.8k
a/n: you guyssss 🥺 I can’t believe the first part of this has 100 notes! thank you all so much for being so kind. i’m truly grateful for every single one of you that took the time to read this and provide such positive responses. it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. I got carried away again at 2,764 words (I have a too much gene, oops). as always, all feedback is welcomed/appreciated! please let me know if you want to be tagged in the next parts!
tags: @uraveragequeer
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It had been three weeks since I had started tutoring Eddie. I really wasn’t sure what to expect when I had agreed to the arrangement in the first place. I had known of Eddie, but I didn’t know Eddie. Not really. The morning of our first tutoring session, I ransacked my entire closet trying to figure out what to wear. I had never given so much thought into an outfit, despite the obligatory first day of school outfit of course. I stared at my frazzled face in the mirror, cheeks glowing red from hurling clothes on and off my body, my once neatly curled hair now sticking out in odd places. Why do I suddenly care so much what Eddie Munson thinks of my clothes? He wears that same Hellfire shirt every other day. 
Eddie had agreed to meet me that Monday morning in the library at 7:30 am sharp. I had expected him to be late, partly because Eddie Munson was not known for his punctuality, but also because I literally had to give him directions to the library. It amused me that the place I had spent a majority of my time in high school, he had never stepped foot in. I arrived at 7:15 and took a seat at one of the tables near the back. The library was empty, not even the librarian had arrived yet. My knee bounced in anticipation as I continuously checked the clock behind the desk what felt like every 30 seconds. 
7:17. 7:19. 7:21. 7:23. 
Just as the minute hand landed at 7:30, Eddie Munson was bursting through the library doors with a large, goofy grin on his face. My face must have betrayed my inner thoughts, because he looked at me with a knowing smirk and pointed in my direction as he took a seat in front of me.
“You thought I wasn’t gonna show, didn’t ya?”
“No! I just..expected you to get lost..that’s all. Since you’ve never been in here. Um, let’s get started, yeah?”
“Sure. But just so you know, I’d never stand you up angel.”
Eddie shot me a wink and a lopsided grin, pulling out a pencil and a notebook that had definitely seen better days. And me? I was malfunctioning. Eddie Munson winked at me. And called me angel. And I liked it. Why did I like it so much?
That was essentially how all of our tutoring sessions had gone so far. Eddie would be his usual charming self, say or do something flirtatious, and I would be left a stuttering mess trying to steer his attention back to the task at hand, which was a victory in itself. That boy had the attention span of a baby goldfish when it came to topics he bore no interest in. Dungeons and Dragons? Oh he could go on for days. Shakespeare? I couldn’t even get him to hold a book in his hand for longer than 5 seconds.
“I don’t understand why I have to do this. Why do I have to agree that this old dude is ‘one of the greatest writers of our time’ when I think he sucks? It’s forced conformity. I mean who even decided Shakespeare was so ‘great’?  Why should we have to be forced to study him until the end of time because of one stuck up asshole’s opinion who’s clearly never read anything worthwhile? Now Tolkien, there’s a fucking writer. Why can’t I do this stupid project on Lord of the Rings?”
“Because you want to pass Mrs. O’Donnell’s class and graduate?”
Eddie groaned loudly, rubbing his large palms over his face and tilting his chair back as he put his feet up on the table which earned him a dirty look from the librarian. His arms crossed over his chest and he stared down at the several books in front of him with detest, as if each one of them had personally offended him. His final project was to pick a work of Shakespeare, read it, and write a three page essay on its meaning. The project itself wasn’t difficult, but Eddie was.
“Look why don’t you think of it as a..um..what do you call it in your game? A challenge?”
“Quest, sweetheart. It’s called a quest.”
“R-Right, quest. Think of this as a quest. Shakespeare, is your key to getting out of Mrs. O’Donnell’s class, and Hawkins High itself. Except instead of dice, you have to write a paper.”
“But dice are so much cooler! The new set I got last week are-”
Eddie grumbled and picked up a copy of Romeo and Juliet, eyeing the cover in disgust. His large brown eyes scanned over the various copies laying on the table, all of which he held with contempt. Eddie’s eyes were quickly becoming one of my favorite things about him. They were so warm and expressive, like large pools of melted chocolate. It was hard not to get lost in them. They felt like a safe space. His fingers slowly moved over the covers of the worn paperbacks, his large rings gleaming under the harsh lights in the library. Eddie’s hands were also becoming another one of my favorite things about him. They were so large, and everytime I looked at them, I remembered how soft and warm his skin felt against my own. Eddie was an expressive talker, always talking with his hands and animated gestures. I often found myself getting caught up in his movements, eyes so focused on following his fingers I couldn’t even hear what he was saying. During the past 3 weeks, my mind constantly wandered to his hands. He had mentioned being in a band once, which instantly sent my mind into a frenzy wondering what his hands looked like when he played.
Eddie had been a constant figure in my mind ever since our interaction in the tutoring center. The more time we spent together, the worse it seemed to get. I found myself worrying about my appearance more, tripping over my words in front of him, constantly looking for excuses to talk to him outside of our sessions. I had no idea what was happening to me or why I was all of a sudden so enthralled with Eddie Munson.
“Alright, level with me angel. Which one of these books will make me want to slam my head in my van door the least?”
The completely unamused expression on Eddie’s face caused me to laugh out loud. I quickly cupped one of my hands over my mouth and flashed the librarian an apologetic look. I shook my head as I regained my composure, looking over at Eddie who had a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. I made the mistake of letting Eddie know that I thought he was funny. Since the first time he made me giggle, he made it his personal mission to get at least one laugh out of me every session, no matter what it took. There was no length he wouldn’t go to.
“You are going to get us kicked out! I can’t be banned from the library Eddie, I practically live here! Look, Shakespeare is not that bad. If you would pay attention, you would know he’s actually pretty..metal.”
Eddie stared at me incredulously with wide eyes, his chair landing back on the floor with a loud thunk as he leaned over the table. His dark brows knit together in the middle of his forehead as he mimicked my words.
“I’m sorry..did you just say Shakespeare is..metal?”
“For his time, yeah. A lot of his plays involve murder, or suicide, or a murder-suicide. Some of them are pretty violent. He was also actually kind of a rebel. He wrote tons of plays that cryptically called out the royals of his time, knowing that they would be performed in front of them. He essentially mocked them to their faces, and they had no idea.”
Eddie’s eyes flickered between the titles on the table and me, disbelief written clearly all over his features. He leaned forward to rest his cheek in the palm of his hand. After several minutes of contemplation, he nodded slowly with a click of his tongue, his eyebrows raising in surprise.
“Huh, that is pretty fucking metal.”
I pulled out a copy of Hamlet from the stack and put it in front of Eddie, gently tapping on the cover.
“You’ll like this one. There’s murder, suicide, witchcraft and other supernatural stuff. Arguably one of Shakespeare’s best soliloquies. It’s one of my favorites. Plus, I think you’ll like Hamlet. He’s a drama queen, like you.”
Eddie let out a sharp gasp, covering his chest in an exaggerated fashion with one of his large hands. He painted an expression of mock offense and quickly stood from the chair, gaining everyone’s attention in the library.
“Excuse me? You..you think I’m a drama queen? Wow. I just..you know..you think you know someone and then..they just break your heart. Unbelievable. I really thought we had something Y/N, something special.”
I tried my hardest to contain my giggles, quickly reaching out to grasp onto Eddie’s wrist as he started to walk away from our table. My cheeks flamed when I realized all the other students in the library were staring at us. Some of them looked amused, some of them looked disgusted. I hated the way people stared at Eddie. I hated how much they judged him. 
“Eddie! Shh! Seriously, please sit down. If we get kicked out of the library, I can’t tutor you anymore. You know I can’t bring you to the tutoring center anymore.”
Eddie had been unofficially banned from the tutoring center after our second session for being a “distraction”. After ten minutes of drum solos with pencils, Eddie being well, just Eddie, and a heated exchange with one of the jocks, we moved permanently to the library. Although, it seemed like it was only a matter of time before we were unofficially banished from here as well.
Eddie crossed his arms over his chest, his long fingers nearly covering the entire front cover of the copy of Hamlet still in his hand. He cocked his head to the side and pursed his lips, eventually sitting on top of the table right next to my chair. The sudden closeness caused me to tense as the scent of his cologne filled my senses, leaving me somewhat dizzy.
“Fine. But only because I want to sit. Not because you said so. I want to make that perfectly clear.”
“Crystal. But for the record, you know you’re a drama queen. You practically put on your own Shakespearian show everyday at lunch.”
“Well if you wanted a front row seat sweetheart, all you had to do was ask.”
My next words of banter immediately caught in my throat, and I prayed to whoever was listening Eddie couldn’t see the change in color of my cheeks. Eddie Munson was a natural flirt. That was just his personality. I had to remind myself that several times over the past few weeks. He’s not flirting with you, dummy. He’s just being nice. He talks like this to everyone. Luckily the bell rang and saved me from becoming a stumbling mess in front of Eddie once again.
“I mean it, you should come sit with us sometime. If you’re feeling brave. See ya later, angel.”
I grumbled under my breath the entire walk to my locker. Damn Eddie Munson. Damn him and his stupid wink and stupid smirk and stupid cute dumb face that sends my brain into a total meltdown.
I was so lost in my thoughts that I barely registered the pair of blue eyes that were staring at me expectantly as I shut my locker door.
Jason Carver. I had tutored him several times in the past two and a half years, and he still didn’t know my fucking name. I forced a tight-lipped smile on my lips and held my books protectively against my chest. 
“Hi Jason. What can I do for you?”
“I’m actually here about what I can do for you.”
My face must have given away my confusion, since Jason started to laugh and leaned against the locker next to mine. A little too close for my liking.
“You know, about the freak.”
“Excuse me?”
I hated the way that word rolled off his tongue so easily, as if it had said it a million times before. I knew he had. And I knew exactly who he was hurling that word at.
“Come on, you know you don’t have to tutor him right? You can say no.”
“No I can’t, Jason. It’s my job.”
“I know plenty of tutors who have turned that freak down, for good reason.”
“Well unlike them, I take my job seriously. I can’t just turn away a student that needs my help.”
Jason’s lips stretched into a grin that I’m sure was supposed to be charming, but to me it just looked threatening. Jason didn’t like to be challenged. He took a step forward to lean against my locker, placing his arm on the metal above my head. I didn’t like the way he towered over me. It made me feel like a helpless animal trapped by its prey, being taunted. 
“Look, I get it. You’re a sweet girl, and a saint if you ask me. I know you take it seriously. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have passed chemistry and been kicked off the team a long time ago. I owe you a lot. Which is why I’m here. I’m just looking out for you, okay? I know you try to see the good in people and all, but there’s no good in that devil worshiping freak. Like I said, I owe you. So if he starts to bother you, or make you feel unsafe, come to me. I just wanna protect you.”
Protect me? You don’t even know my fucking name. And you don’t know Eddie. It took everything in my power not to laugh in his face, every shred of self-control not to call him an asshole and to mind his fucking business. But I couldn’t do that. I’m the nice girl. Nice girls don’t talk like that. Nice girls don’t cause a scene. Nice girls smile and nod. So, that’s exactly what I did.
“Thank you, Jason. I appreciate you looking out for me.”
“Hey, you looked out for me. I just want to repay the favor. You’ll come to me, right? Promise?”
There was an edge to his tone, like he was daring me to disobey. My fingers gripped onto the spine of my math textbook so tightly I knew they had turned white. I did my best to appear natural, forging another submissive smile onto my lips.
“I promise.”
My answer seemed to satisfy him. He gave my shoulder a tight squeeze, threw me his most charming smile, and took off down the hall towards the gym. I felt dirty. I felt like I needed to take the most scalding hot shower I could stand to burn away every piece of evidence of Jason Carver’s hand on my shoulder. But mostly, I felt guilty. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t correct him. I didn’t stand up for Eddie, which is what I should have done. Social status be damned. Not like I really had one, but still. There was a nauseating feeling building in my stomach. He would have done it for you.
Eddie would have stood up for me. He wouldn’t have hesitated. He wouldn’t be a coward like me. At that moment, I wondered if he knew. I wondered if he could see right through me, see me for who I really was. A coward. A girl that always did as she was told so she didn’t make waves. A girl that kept quiet, and never spoke up, even against something she knew was wrong. Another conformist. 
He would be ashamed of you.
That one thought played over and over in my head all night as I laid in bed. That nauseous feeling never went away, it just continued to gnaw at my nerves and only grew in strength as the hours ticked away. I thought about Eddie, and how I was going to handle seeing his sweet smile while my guilt was eating me up inside. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.
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youngsamanda · 2 months
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not to be a silly goose but i have the itch to write and below are a bunch of things i'd love to write ! i am open to writing on tumblr or jcink but heavily prefer discord ! please be eighteen or over if you are giving this post a like or messaging me ! if you have any questions please let a girl know i love to yap about headcanons , characters , and swap pinterest boards i will be annoying abt it ! but yea give this a like or dm me if interested !
plots : slasher multimuse / messy 2000s socialites / yellowjackets style where we play older and younger versions of plane crash survivors / mermaid x pirate romance / not actually the characters but the vibes of red white and royal blue gay royals and all that / just want random period pieces like characters in the 70s or something / rich girl x country boy / proper enemies to lovers / the bitches from the mummy / mob lackey and mob boss daughter / something based on beth x rip from yellowstone / literally just a drama college friend group bc it’s fun / gimme real old gay vampires that are just messy and awful for each other but keep falling back together / literally on my knees begging for any kind of beauty and the beast plot / gay cowboys / next gen marvel or dc / scooby doo style friend group and ships / 70s rockers / literally anything where we can cast older and younger versions and do next gen stuff eventually bc that's so fun / co-stars on a fantasy television show
wanted opposite : nick robinson / archie renaux / emilio sakraya / jena malone / ryan graves / adrian kempe / sza / lily gladstone / yahya abdul mateen ii / alperen duymaz / drew starkey / fka twigs / aubrey plaza / peter gadiot / renee rapp / paul mescal / havana liu rose / milo manheim / taylor zakhar perez / riley keogh / anna diop / melissa barrera / ben barnes / ayo edibiri / fabien frankel / dev patel / oliver jackson cohen / danny ramirez / aubin wise / cillian murphy / amber midthunder / daniel sharman / auli'l cravalho / logan lerman / phoebe tonkin / rege jean page / winona ryder / dua lipa / elodie yung / joseph quinn / simone ashley / camila mendes / jensen ackles / henry golding / blu hunt / aaron taylor johnson / calum hood / gabriel luna / savannah lee smith / may calamawy / ruby cruz / chay suede / brady skjei / zazie beetz / donald glover / emilio sakraya / evan peters / lola tung / anyone really
ships : wanda x vision (recasting required) / (recasted prefered) sam x bucky / bucky x steve / natasha x bucky / gale x dewey / buffy x spike / buffy x angel / keyleth x vax / older annabeth x percy / anakin x padme / tom blythe x rachel zegler / mason gooding x jenna ortega / peter x gwen but not tom holland peter / bloom x sky from winx club / danielle galligan x calahan skogman / nesta x cassian / taylor zakhar perez x madelyn cline / mickey x ian from shameless but recasted / rhaenyra x harwin / taylor zakhar perez x amita suman / haley x nathan from oth / haymitch x effie from the hunger games / anna diop x brenton thwaites / lydia x stiles (recasted) / scott x allison (recasted) / older sean x emma from degrassi (recasted) / rosalie x emmett from twilight (recasted) / odessa a'zion x drew starkey / courtney eaton x sophie thatcher / lorna dane x marcos diaz (lorna recasted) / kaz x inej / nina x mattias / jason todd x rose wilson (not titans tv version) / clark kent x lois lane / hal jordan x barry allen / klaus x caroline (recasted caroline at least) / hayley x klaus / mackenzie davis x gugu mbatha-raw
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bess3714 · 7 months
Okay, so I'm going to start off by saying that I wasn't a fan of some of the art in this issue, or rather, the pacing between some of the panels.
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Right on the second page, we go from Bruce bent over, clutching Catwoman like he's dying, to him standing up with his cowl on. It feels very... abrupt. The motion isn't good. There's a couple other places where the motion between the panels felt very sudden, and not really in a way I liked.
The other thing I didn't like about this issue was the romance. As a general rule I am a BatCat enjoyer, but the couple panels we got of them being romantic were lacking.
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This looks great out of context, but in context? It feels weird and out of place and honestly a little boring. I think it goes back to my first complaint about the pacing. First they were having a heated discussion on the roof, then the roof exploded, then they're making heart eyes, then Selina is running off. It felt rushed and almost formulaic. It's not my favorite, that's for sure.
The next couple pages are... something, but all you really need is this:
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...I hate this so much.
Moving on, the villains argue, it's kind of predictable, nobody cares, we cut to Jason
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THIS! This is what I've been saying! Ordinary people use adrenaline too, Bruce! It's pretty normal! This was a stupid idea Bruce!
I swear if Bruce doesn't fix this I'm going to be so mad. (I have a sneaking suspicion I'm going to be mad)
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These two are somehow taking credit for Jason's skills? Let's go back to when Bruce died and Jason became Gun Batman and threw Selina off a roof. Please DC I'm on my hands and knees begging you.
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"you taught him to be a good man" HE LITERALLY CHEMICALLY ALTERED JASON'S MENTAL STATE I'm sorry WHAT??
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Yeah I hate this too!
Parts of this issue were okay but I think this is my least favorite issue of the whole arc so far.
...I'm going to be thinking of Jason getting piggy-backed for a long time.
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hazelsmirrorball · 1 year
The  Cupid Trap| Dick Grayson x Spider-Girl! Reader
pairings: Dick Grayson x Fem! Reader Summary: In which Jason Todd tries to settle his hopeless romantic best friend on a date with his brother. warning: English isn’t my first language so sorry for any mistakes.  a/n: I’m so happy with this little imagine, it had me giggling while I was writing it. Hope y’all are enjoying the v-days series. Lots of love!
Cupids Fourteen Love Stories Masterlist Previous Imagine
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Y/n swung from building to building around Gotham city attempting to get a head start of any crime going around before she met up with her best friend to quote on quote relax.They had decided, scratch that, Jason practically begged her to spend Valentine’s day with him since he didn’t want to spend the night alone. At first, Y/n had gotten scared thinking that Jason was going to ask her on a date but after clearing the air and saying it was going to be two friends patrolling her nerves eased down. So when Y/n arrived at the building Jason had told her to meet him at, her heart stopped when she noticed the beautifully done romantic setting. She thought of a lot of things to do at the moment but all she could do was look down at the candlelit picnic set on the roof. Was Jason going insane or did he not get the hint that she liked someone else? Because it was going to be awkward trying to explain to him that she liked his brother.
When Y/n finally snapped out of it, she tried to reach for her phone but her actions quickly stopped when a shadowy figure walked towards her. She quickly got into defensive mode ready waiting for the person to attack her. But when the person came towards the candles all she could do was blush in awkwardness and thank that she decided to wear a mask with her spider suit.
There he was, Dick Grayson, in all his glory smirking down at her. He was wearing his nightwing suit, his hair sticking on his forehead making her assume he had been patrolling longer than her.  He walked painfully slowly towards her making her face go even redder if it was even possible. All her body started to heat up and all she wanted to do was punch Jason in the face. That asshole did get her hints and decided to set her up.
“If you wanted me to go on a date with you, you should've asked. I would have checked my schedule.” Dick responded while sitting down in the blanket Jason had previously placed. He looked up at Y/n, who awkwardly standed far away from him holding herself not a word slipping out from her lips.
“Come on! I don’t bite, except if you want me too but that would be later on.” Dick said, tapping the spot next to him. Y/n walked slowly towards the blanket sitting on the opposite side where Dick was sitting which was painfully far away from him. She nervously played with her hands trying not to look up at Dick, hating herself for doing so and not taking the moment Jason has settled for her. She literally had Dick Grayson beside her for a date, A Valentines date, and she couldn’t even slip one word out. It was driving her insane, not everyone could say they had a date with Dick and she was taking it for granted.
“Okay then, why don’t you take your mask, so I can see your pretty face? If it makes you feel more comfortable I’ll take mine off. You know me, I know you. You can trust me” Dick said, taking off his mask and shooting a quick reassuring smile towards Y/n. Y/n slipped off her mask, placing it down on the blanket. She quickly tried pushing the hair of her face but failed miserably.
“Let me help you” Dick said, scooting over her to the point that their knees where touching. He leaned towards her softly moving her hair out off her face. When he was done he slowly caressed her cheek and leaned away from her, but staying in the same position not moving back to where he originally sat.
“Thank you” She softly said, avoiding his eyes, feeling herself heat up again.
“See I started to miss your voice! You always talk to Jason but you act all shy around me. You do know you can talk to me, right? Jason may say I’m a literal Dick but I swear I’m not” He said trying to catch her eyes. She quickly shook her head and looked at him.
“Jason doesn’t talk bad about you. At least with me he doesn’t” She said while playing with her hands. Dick laughed, making her smile softly.
“Thank you for defending him. For a second I actually believed you” He said with a smile making her chuckle a little bit louder.
“I’m being serious! He says your not that bad” She responded covering her mouth hiding her laughs.
“From Jason, I’ll take that as a compliment. But might I add that he talks wonders about you, I always wanted to get to know the lovely, Y/n he’s always talks about” He said, nudging her side, grinning at her.
“Come on Dick, you’ve known me for years now” She responded looking at him.
“I’ve known spider-girl for years, not Y/n. I want to get to know you, really.” he said while serving in the glass cups the champagne Jason had placed in on of the baskets. He handed her one of the glasses while she mumbled a small thank you trying to hide her blushing face.
She had worked with Dick in a lot of cases, occasionally patrolling together, it was rare. Jason knew that she liked Dick because she would quickly turn into a shy mess around him and with her being a shy mess meant that she would screw up in the missions attempting to avoid Dick. So it was best for her to just avoid Dick as much as she should when patrolling so both off them and the world would be safe.
“Are your spidey senses tingling right now?” Dick said while leaning towards her which made her roll her eyes playfully.
“It doesn’t work like that” She responded while taking a sip of her drink.
“Then explain to me how does it work” He said raising an eyebrow at her which made  her smirk a little.
“I thought you said that you wanted to know about Y/n not Spider-girl”
“I do! But I’m curious on how the spider senses work. When I get you all blushy and giggling do I activate something, aside from your shy mess”  He said, holding in a chuckle while placing his drink down.
“Actually, It only works when  danger is near so I can act on it”  Y/n responded finishing her drink and placing the glass down.
“Well that’s a good thing then” Dick said resting his hand next to hers.
“Yeah, I guess” She responded, struggling.
“If I were to be a danger to you, your spidey senses would be tingling and they're not so I’ll take that as a good sing” He said and before Y/n could answer back at how stupid that sounded she went silent when she felt Dick hold her hand. He slowly traced circles on her hand while his eyes searched for her that rested on their hands.
“Is this okay?” Dick asked, finally catching her eyes, she nodded softly smiling at him.
“Did Jason tell you?” Y/n asked, raising her eyebrow.
“Did Jason tell me about what?” He said acting like he didn’t understand what she was saying. Y/n not getting the memo continued answering as if he didn’t know and tried to help him out.
“You know, like my crush on you” She mumbled her face starting to turn red once again.
“Well he didn’t, but now you did” He said smiling softly while Y/n covered her face with her other hand.
“ i just thought he forced you to come here or something. Because I didn’t know you’d be here. it just took me by surprise” Y/n said looking at Dick threw her hand.
“Hey, don’t worry I didn’t know you’d be here. Jason had told me about wanting to patrol together, if I would’ve known you were here I would have worn my finest suit.” Dick said, pulling her hand down to see her face the two of them being inches away from each other,
“Your disco nightwing suit?” She asked, smirking ever so slightly.
“I guess your shyness left and I’m starting to get to know why Jason loves you so much.” He said playfully, rolling his eyes. Y/n quickly laughed but her giggles stopped when she noticed the proximity they had with each other. Dick got even more closer making her close her eyes leaning towards him but before she knew it she felt his breath on hers.
“I’ll leave our first kiss to our second date, spider-girl”
request are open, xoxo.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
I am on my knees, BEGGING to a part two to the scruffyverse, Jay going down for the first time. It’s been an hour since I read it and I literally cannot work rn bc I can’t think of anything else.
"Just relax for me-"
"But I don't- what if-" you break off, flustered and Jason strokes your calf gently, "What's wrong, precious?" he hummed. "Talk to me?"
"What if it takes too long for me to-"
"There's no such thing," he chuckled, shifting to bend down and nuzzle your lower belly. "It takes however long it takes, babe."
"If everyone else got bored and gave up they didn't deserve you," he rumbled, sliding down to nuzzle the crotch of your panties. Savoring the little stutter in your breath. "You're gonna feel so good, baby."
He pats your hip and you lift your bottom up so he can work your panties down, feeling heat flood your body. Nerves, not anticipation. It was going to take forever He was going to hate it. It was going to make him not want to do-
"Stop it," he scolded. "I'm not gonna stop until you want me to."
"Breathe," he soothed, parting your folds tenderly. You're not as wet as he'd like- your nerves are getting in the way. And he hates that. He hates how someone made you feel about your body. You should be jokingly ordering him to eat you. Teasing him. Giggling. But you're not and he hates it.
You make a soft uncomfortable noise and he strokes your thigh lovingly, "Let me have a little taste huh? Did you know your pussy is the same color as your lips?" he teased, "Wanna know if they taste the same."
He chuckled and bent his head, starting to lap at you carefully. Letting you get used to the sensation. And he moans softly- you taste exactly like he hoped you would. "So sweet," he breathed, pressing soft kisses down your slit. You're warming up a little. Juices are starting to flow as you relax for him- getting comfortable. Remembering this isn't some idiot. Or a hook up. This is him. He's obsessed with you. He wants you to belong to him. And he loves you. He knows you.
"That's it, baby girl," he praises. "Let me take care of you, huh?"
"You don't care if I don't-"
"Does it feel like I care?" he asked. "You're gonna come for me, Pockets. And you're gonna let me lick you clean- even if you don't come til I fuck all the thoughts out of you and I'm licking up my come with you-"
"What can I say?" he said, giving you a cocky smirk, "I got a lot of time to make up for, baby. I shoulda been your first- but since I'm not I'll just have to be the best."
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corrodedhawkins · 2 years
You Want Something, Freak?
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Jason Carver
CW: 18+ (minors DNI), language, enemies to…still enemies, mean dom!Eddie, sub!Jason, hate fucking, degradation, blow job, impact play (face slapping), hair pulling, crying, begging, rimming, orgasm control/denial, spit (in Jason’s mouth and as lube) under-prepped unprotected anal sex, praise.
A/N: literally nobody asked for this, I basically wrote this for me and that’s okay
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Eddie hoists himself up onto the lunch table, walking to the other end as he addresses his peers.
“As long as you’re into band, or science, or parties”, he mocks. His voice rises, tone turning more aggressive. “Or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets”, he yells, directly at the table full of jocks.
Jason, the captain of the basketball team, rises from his spot at the head of the table.
“You want something, freak?” he sneers up at him.
Eddiee throws up devil horns, eyes going wide as he makes demon noises, tongue out and flailing.
They stare at each other for a moment, Jason glaring as Eddie’s arms fall away from his head, a playful smirk on his lips.
“Prick”, Jason mutters as he turns back to his table.
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“You called me a prick and a freak today, if I remember correctly”, he murmurs, hands clasped behind his back as he slowly circles the man on his knees, ass sitting on his heels.
“M’sorry, sir”, Jason says hurriedly, eyes cast to the ground.
His hands sit palms down on his thighs, head bowed just like he’s been taught.
Eddie chuckles, “oh, you will be.”
He circles him again, chuckling to himself as he watches him fidget in anticipation of what’s to come.
Finally, he stops in front of him, fully expecting Jason to look up at him. He doesn’t. He’s learning only to do as he’s told.
“Stupid fucking jock”, Eddie murmurs. The only confirmation he gives that he heard the insult is the way he visibly shivers. “Look at me”, he orders.
Jason’s head snaps up to look at him, eyes wide with fear and want.
“Take my cock out.”
His hands are on Eddie’s belt immediately, undoing it and his jeans, pulling him out to bob inches from his mouth.
His lips part automatically, tongue poking out to trace his bottom lip, earning a chuckle from Eddie as he watches his mouth practically water.
“Who knew the captain of the basketball team was so cock hungry? Is that why you’re on the team in the first place, so you can be in the locker room, have access to dick whenever you need it?”
“No”, Jason whines, eyes still fixed on Eddie’s cock.
Eddie backhands him, heavy rings bruising his cheekbone.
He moans at the smack, hips bucking up, seeking friction he won’t get.
“No?”, he taunts, bending down to flick Jason’s hard cock down and away from his belly before it springs back up again, a string of precum catching on Eddie’s finger. “You’re not desperate for cock? Desperate for my cock in your mouth right now?”
Jason shakes his head.
“I think you’re lying.” He crowds into his space to whisper into his ear. “I think you need this more than you realize.”
His eyes squeeze shut, brow furrowed.
Eddie stands up straight, looming over him. “Oh, don’t be embarrassed, sweetheart”, he tries to make his voice sound as sickeningly sweet as possible.
His hand cups his cheek, thumb swiping over the mark from his rings. “You can’t help how much you need it, you poor little slut.”
Jason’s head falls, eyes opening to focus on the floor in front of him.
His tone changes, the soft, sweet voice turning rough and forceful. “Look at me”, he commands.
He whines but doesn’t move.
“I said”, Eddie grabs his hair and wrenches his head back, “fucking look at me.”
Jason’s eyes go wide, blinking up at him as his chest heaves, out of breath though he’s barely been touched.
“Here’s what’s going to happen”, Eddie says, tone condescending and mean. “You’re going to suck my cock real nice, and if I think you’ve earned it I’ll fuck you. How’s that sound?”
He nods as much as he can with Eddie’s fingers still clenched in his hair.
“Words”, he prompts.
“Y—yes. Sounds good, sir”, he breathes.
The hold on his hair is released with a rough shove, a flash of pain washing over his features.
He taps the head of his cock on Jason’s cheek, watches him wince as he does it again, harder this time against the bruise forming on his cheekbone.
“Tell me how bad you want it”, he taps the head against his lips, pulling back just before his tongue can swipe over the slit.
“Want it—so bad, please”, he gasps out.
Eddie grabs his face roughly, hand splayed under his chin, thumb pressing into the hinge of his jaw. “Open.”
Mouth open wide, he stares up at him expectantly.
Leaning down, he spits directly into Jason’s waiting mouth, only giving him enough time to make a small, wrecked sound in the back of his throat when it hits his tongue before Eddie’s slamming his cock inside.
His pace is merciless, hands on the back of his neck to hold him in place as he fucks into the tight heat of his throat.
He fucks in hard and deep, the gross, wet sounds of his cock hitting the back of his throat and pushing beyond spur him on, throbbing when Jason gags or sputters around him.
He’s doing his best to breathe through his nose and relax his throat, but Eddie’s so big and thick and mean, doesn’t give him a second to catch his breath.
After a particularly brutal gag, Eddie pulls him off before he’s dragging him over to his bed.
He pushes him down onto his front and yanks him back by his legs to pull him to the very edge of the mattress.
Jason manages to get his knees under himself, resting on his forearms as he waits.
Eddie spreads his cheeks apart and spits, wet and messy against his hole.
He whimpers, hole fluttering at the sensation. He feels the spit pool in the dip of his hole before dripping down over his balls.
Eddie spits again, this time leaning in to jab his tongue into his hole. Jason wails, back arching as he presses his ass back into his face.
He grabs his hips and keeps him still, loosening the ring of muscle every time his tongue breaches him. It’s wet and sloppy and kind of gross, Jason thinks as his face heats as he listens to him slurp and moan into his asshole.
Pulling back, he spits on his hole one last time, another glob of spit dribbled and slicked over his cock. He sinks into Jason without warning, a low groan on his lips as his tight, hot heat envelops him.
“What do you say?”, Eddie asks immediately, knowing full well all Jason can think about is the burn he must be feeling from taking him with such little prep.
Jason sucks in a deep breath, trying to focus on his words. “Thank you, sir. Thank you for giving me your cock.”
Eddie hums, pulling back to drag his cock out slowly, letting him feel every inch before ramming back in, fast and hard.
“Who do you belong to?”, he asks, pace already quick and punishing, not giving him enough time to adjust.
Jason whimpers, bottom lip bitten between his teeth, “you.”
Eddie slams into him harder, gripping his ass cheeks to spread them apart, making room for him to fuck in deeper.
“And who’s ass is this?”
He sobs, back arching as Eddie slides even deeper. “Yours, it’s your ass, sir.”
“What a good fucking slut, knowing who you belong to.”
Jason shivers at the praise, head falling between his shoulders as he lets out a string of broken moans.
Eddie’s thrusts quicken, hips pistoning into him. “Talk to me like that again and next time I’ll bend you right over the jock table and fuck this ass so hard you cry, in front of everyone. Understood?”
“I under-fuck-I understand”, he cries, legs shaking as his orgasm builds.
Eddie knows, reaching around to grab the base of his cock, hard enough to hurt.
Jason sobs, fucking back onto him frantically, the sounds of his needy whimpers filling the room.
A cruel laugh escapes Eddie, “you can try all you want, all you’ll do is tire yourself out. Though I do love watching how desperate you get for it.”
Letting go of Jason’s cock, he wraps his hands around his neck, linking his fingers together right under his jaw. He pulls him backwards, forcing his back to arch uncomfortably as he whispers filth into his ear.
“You cum when I say you do, you pathetic fucking slut, not a moment before”, he growls.
Jason’s openly crying now, nodding to let him know he understands. He’s doing his best to hold off his orgasm, hands reaching back to grip the sides of Eddie’s thighs.
“Does it feel that good, pretty boy? Are you so relieved you finally got what you needed that you’re crying?” Eddie can feel the gulping sobs bubbling from his throat under his palms.
“Yes”, he hisses, “feels so good.”
Eddie hums, using the hold on his throat to pull him back, splitting him open on is cock as he continues to rut back into every thrust.
“Please”, Jason pleads, sobs wracking his body. “Please let me cum. I—I need it.”
He huffs into his neck, low, breathy groans muffled into his skin. “I need you to do something for me, first.”
“Anything”, Jason promises. He’s practically delirious with the need to cum.
“Tell me who the real freak is, here.”
He immediately complies. “Me”, he whispers, so soft that Eddie barely heard it.
“Sorry, couldn’t hear you.” He continues to thrust into Jason, his rhythm faltering as he gets closer and closer to cumming.
“Me…it’s me. I’m the freak”, Jason admits.
Eddie releases his neck, letting him fall face first into the matters, ass still hiked up for him to use.
“Good boy. Cum.”
Jason screams, body pulling taught before his orgasm finally hits. He shakes, legs giving out from under him as he falls apart.
The tight, rhythmic clutch of his hole is what sends Eddie over the edge, plastering himself to Jason’s back as he ruts into him, a loud groan leaving his lips as he fills him.
He rolls off of him, grabbing his letterman jacket and throwing it at him. “Let’s go, Mr. peaked-in-high school”, he says as he pulls on his own jeans.
Jason makes a garbled noise, clearly not able to get up yet.
Eddie huffs, grabbing his notebook off of his bedside table before flopping down on the other end of the bed. He clicks his pen, tapping it onto the page. “Fine. Five minutes, but then you gotta go.”
The next day at school, Jason calls him a freak three times, Eddie smirking every time.
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Not doing my usual taglist bc idk if any of you are interested in this
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amazingmsme · 4 months
Imagining lee!kyle and ler!jason, Brenda and Stacy rn…..oh my goodness….
Kxgsksvskd omgggg I’m obsessed with this! Had a good bit typed out, but then tumblr did a fucky wucky & I’m back at square 1 lmaooo
But Jason’s the one who told Brenda Kyle’s ticklish & she just has to see for herself! So she convinces him to help, & ropes Stacy in because she can’t leave out her bff! But they’re all driving around in Jason’s car with Kyle & Brenda in the back seat. They’re gonna see a movie later that night but they have some time to kill, so they go parking somewhere probably to hotbox the car tbh
They’re just chilling & Kyle has a bad habit of propping his feet up in other people’s cars. So Jason’s just like “man what have I told you about that?” & Brenda interjects “that’s rude babe. I think he should be punished” & immediately starts tickling him. She’s digging in anywhere on his torso she can reach while Jason & Stacy get his feet & knees
Kyle doesn’t even see it coming & can’t even fight back (3 against one in a tight space? Not fair!) & just sits there laughing his head off & begging for mercy. They literally spend the rest of the time waiting for the movie wrecking him. Then in the theater, he sat between Jason & Brenda, & they made sure to continue the torture
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athenamikaelson · 5 months
Was going through my past works and realized that I’ve written over 50 fics which to my ass that likes to procrastinate that seems wild. Also I wrote a Jason Todd fic that I LITERALLY forgot about. Also like please send in requests for what y’all want from me IM ON MY KNEES BEGGING RN because I don’t know what characters to write for and which characters and stories y’all want. I’m at my readers disposal
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magicxc · 7 months
Hills and Valleys
Synopsis: Legend has it that Halloween is strictly for the scares. With ghouls and goblins, vampires and werewolves, witches and broomsticks, who could disagree?
However, all this friend group wanted was a little trick or treat. Sprinkle in a few party favors, loud music and a cabin in the woods, the myth was bound to come true.
Lurking around the corner is danger like never before, eager to bring this night to a bloody finish.
So join these friends as they fight to make it through a Hallween they’ll never forget.
Word Count: 2728
Warnings: realisation?
Chapter 5 - Lynnley’s POV
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Series Masterlist
Stumbling through the blood my knees feel like they're about to give out. I have to physically swallow the vomit that creeps up, pushing through my discomfort for Steph.
Plunking down beside Lenny, I watch in horror the scene that meets me, screaming for answers he refuses to give.
“What the hell is going on Lenny, how did this happen?”
“I don’t fucking know Lynn, for goodness sake make yourself useful.”
“Both of you shut up,” Jason barks. “Dude tell me you got enough service to get us some hel- to get Steph some help.”
The quietness that bounces amidst the still air is deafening and my head starts spinning a mile a minute. There’s no way this is happening to us. Did the killer make their way inside the house? Did Lenny see who did this? But mostly importantly what do we do now?
Leaning over Steph, I beg her to tell me something, anything about how she got in this predicament.
“Stephanie, blink twice if you can hear me babe, please just hang in there for a little while longer. Can you do that for me? For us?” I pleaded. “You know you were always the resilient one of the group, can you please stay strong for a few more minutes? STEPHANIE, we need you,” I sobbed. “Just this once can you do what I ask? Do you always have to be this stubborn?
I so badly want to shake her awake. The slow fluttering of her eyelashes and the small smile that curves at the corner at her lips makes me want to slap her silly.
“Steph, don’t smile like that,” I begged. “Because you know as well as I do that you’re gonna make it out of here. You have to!”
Snot trickles down my nose as the tears race to my cheeks. I can't help the wail that escapes me as I watch Lenny’s hold tighten and his slow rock quicken.
Looking at Steph I notice that her skin seems paler and her eyes are sunken. Her lips are a cold tint of blue while the last bit of blood gradually oozes from the deep gash in her neck. And the smell - its pungency so heavy in the air that I dry heave uncontrollably. It’s an iron metallic type scent, much like if you were to sniff a paperclip. But however simple, I fear it's a scent forever etched into my brain, pulling me back to this exact horrific moment should I ever smell it again.
Eyes tightly squeezed shut, it does nothing against the onslaught of tears, the lump in my throat borderline painful as it swells in discomfort.
Hands clutching my chest, they do very little to ease the thumping of my heart. It feels like my body is caving in on itself, crushed by the literal weight of gravity and this fucked up night. Breathing seems all too distant and my attempts feel pointless. The only thing my body can manage is a desperate scream that tears through my throat once more.
I feel the room start to spin and clutch the bathroom sink for support to high tail it out of there. Bloody prints are the stamp I leave behind, stomach churning at what looks like a crime scene. Eyeing my knees, they’re drenched in the red liquid and I want so badly to crawl out of my skin. A glance into the mirror makes my belly do a backflip - splattered spots of blood lining my face, hair disheveled and damp and limbs that wont stop trembling; much like an addict waiting for their next fix.
Staggering into the hallway, Jason scoops me in his arms where I let out the last bit of tears my body has to offer. Hands firmly wrapped around my waist, he gently sways us, softly whispering words I can't comprehend.
After some time where all my body has to give is light hiccups and a throbbing headache I pull away, muddled and dazed.
Scanning the room I see that Em’s still boxed into the corner of the wall, Steph’s still cradled in Lenny’s arms, and Jason looks as if he’s seen ten ghosts. This night has gone on long enough and it’s about time we get some answers and get the hell out of here.
“Lorenzo, for the love of chips what happened here?”
“Your guess is as good as mine Lynn, take a good fucking look around and stop being stupid for once in your life,” he answered. “I swear you ask the dumbest questions.”
“C’mon Lenny,” Em pipes up. “It’s no need to get nasty, I'm sure you can understand we’re all a bit frazzled here.”
“Well go frazzle us a way outta here cause all you’ve done so far is lost your shit.”
“Guys, I can’t be expected to be the voice of reason the ENTIRE night, please get a grip all of you,” Jason sighs.
“Just who the fuck do you think you are?” I fumed. “You think just because you had us look into a bunch of rooms, you’re the most level headed?”
Pacing the hallways, I open and slam shut every door in my path; screaming out obscenities and frustrations alike. Stomping my heart out, I barge into the coat room and fling about hangers, clothes, and whatever else found itself into my clutches.
“Oh looky here Mr. Seargant sir, I found all these goodies for ya, do yous think yous could help us out the house now?” I mocked.
“Six years in service and all you’ve accomplished is learning how to get maced in the face. Maybe if I put a gun in your hand that’d speed things along huh?
“I know even you aren’t THAT dense,” he snarled.
“Yo, chill!” Em shouts.
“And what if I am? Tell me just what the fuck you plan to do about it,” I egg on.
“Bodies of our friends are littered around the property,” Lenny sniffled. “How on earth do you guys find it in you to be angry?”
“HOW ARE YOU NOT? Someone is actively slaughtering us and that doesn’t piss you off even a little?” Emery barks.
“It scares me.”
“Well what scares me even more is that you haven’t said jack shit about what happened here,” she retorts.
“What do you all want me to say? I found Steph this way! The real question is where were all of YOU when this happened?”
“You guys are hopeless, good fucking luck,” Jason spits over his shoulder as he tramples his way to the front of the house.
“Your choice in men never ceases to amaze me,” Em snides.
“Fuck the both of you.”
Gently laying Steph down, Lenny places a soft kiss to her forehead and exits the bathroom, making sure to close the door behind him.
“Guys, who else is in this house besides us?” Lenny questioned. “I mean did y’all hear or see anything that looks like someone may have broken in?”
“Not that I heard off, I was too busy rummaging. But if someone did find their way in the house, they would have had to make their way past Lynn or Jason.”
“I think I would’ve noticed if someone barged through the front door since my face has been glued to the damn deadlock.”
And they say I ask the stupidest questions, pfft. Albeit school wasn’t my strong suit but I could definitely put two and two together. And by the sound of it, it seems like they think the killer is-
Ohhhhh my gosh. Eyes bulging out the sockets, I drag my hands down my face, surely smudging whatever makeup is left of it.Turning to the both of them I breathlessly try to deduce the situation at hand but all that comes out is stuttering blabber; their encouraging head nods urging me to continue, but to no avail. Stopping entirely and back now stiffened, I blew out a few deep breaths, making sure to inhale slowly to really gather my thoughts as insane as they sound.
“Lenny, are you seriously suggesting that the killer stayed behind after the party and is hiding in the house with us?”
“Lynn,” Em groaned. “I think what he’s saying is that one of US is the killer.”
“LYNN, think about it,” he whisper shouted. “This is a two bedroom, two story townhouse with no attic or basement. With the five of us searching the rooms and no one breaking inside the unit, that doesn’t really leave enough space to hide now does it?”
“Go on,” I urged.
“Soooo, whoever got to Steph must’ve slipped away from their post while we were all distracted,” Em finished.
“Well it wasn’t me,” I blurted.
Could it really be? Is it possible that one of us is behind this? No, not even! I refuse to consider that. I’ll tear this place apart until I find that son of a bitch. I don't know where or how but I bet they’re burrowed into some cowardice hiding spot like the pussy they are.
Heat pooling in my face and hands squeezed into fists, I ready myself to march in the direction of the rooms, eager to strip it piece by piece, only to be pulled back by Lenny with a firm grip on my forearm.
“No one’s back there,” he reminded. “I think the best thing we can do right about now is wait it out. My parents will be here first thing tomorrow morning, key in hand.”
“Yeah I’m with Lenny, enough of this splitting up shit. Speaking of splitting, where’s your sketchy boy toy?”
“I’m real close to punching you in the face right about now.”
“Enough both of you, let's go,” Lenny growled, dragging us into the foyer.
We meet Jason there who’s at this point trying to pick the lock himself, his hands jittery as opposed to the steady ones I’ve come to know and feel - he’s clearly unnerved. I mean, who wouldn’t be in this situation? And Lenny seriously thinks the killer is one of us? For goodness sake we’ve been trying to tear down this door since forever now. Would the killer really look for a way out of here?
We get Jasons attention and go over the plan, which is about the only solid thing going for us right now. The idea is that one of us has done the deed, when really I think we should give the house another run through. If the person responsible for all of this truly stands in this room then if they try something, we can all attack at once. I’m no super soldier but even I can admit that three on one are pretty good odds. And since Lenny’s parents are set to come here first thing in the morning for one final walk through of the house, we can call the police and let them finish the job.
“So we’re all supposed to be sitting ducks for the killer?” Jason fumed. “Reallll solid Lenny, lets just all gather around and make it easy for em huh?”
“And what about peeing? Are we all expected to go to the bathroom together?” Em questioned.
“Who could stomach such a scene,” I muttered. “I think I’d be better off pissing myself.”
“All this rides on the fact that the killer is working alone anyway am I right? Suddenly two on two doesn’t seem like such a slam dunk after all huh?”
“Just a minute ago we could barely keep our eyes open, are we really expected to sit here fully awake for a few more hours?”
“All I’m saying is that we should take turns keeping watch.”
“And what happens when it's the killer's turn? Fucking dumbass.”
Firmly rubbing my fingers into my temple it does very little to ease the ache, their constant arguing hurling me closer toward the edge. Albeit, those were all good questions asked, but silly me for thinking that this would be smooth sailing.
Chuckling to myself, I slap my hand over my mouth before it turns into full fledged laughter. Smooth sailing? What the heck am I even talking about. I’m basically living with Em because she thinks she “cheated death.” We’ve found Julez belly up in the lake. Steph is bleeding out on the bathroom floor. Lenny is the closest thing we have to a responsible adult right now. And I’m pretty sure my relationship with Jason is just about finished after tonight. Not to mention all of this has happened in the span of a few hours. Doubling over, tears stream down my face in tandem - ohh boy, nothing about tonight, shit the rest of my life really will be smooth sailing moving forward.
Eventually their bickering dies down and each person settles into their respective corner of the front room. A stare down ensues, with tension thick enough for me to reach out and grab it. Nothing in my life could have prepared me for the day I’d have to look my friends in the face and wonder if they were capable of committing such crimes.
Some time later, Jason breaks the deafening silence, interrogating Lenny on exactly what he was doing before he found Steph, accusations heavy in the question.
“Jason this is what we’re not gonna do,” Em lectured. “Let's just focus on staying alive long enough to get out of this house before we start throwing suspicions on each other.”
“The fact of the matter is he and Julez weren’t exactly on the best of terms and from what sugars told me, he couldn’t quite finagle his way into Stephs heart the same way he could her pants.”
“Dude! I swear I love your inquisitive nature but NOT at a time like this,” I pleaded.
“All I’m saying is everyone who's had an issue with Lorenzo has somehow ended up dead tonight so I suggest we all stay on his good side.”
“Bro, I'm not even gonna argue with you. Just know, once we get outside that’s your ass.”
“What’s with the scrutiny all of a sudden?” Em challenged. “You know I could say the same for you Jason, the same for all of us really; cause where was anyone when our friends were fighting for their lives?” she sniffled. “All we have to do is sit here til sunrise and we can’t even do that.”
As awkward as it was, I actually prefer the quiet. If it means that a screaming match breaks out every time someone speaks, then I’m happy just sitting here.
But then again, left with nothing but my thoughts scares me even more. I haven't heard so much as a floorboard creak since we’ve been down here. Could it really be that no one else is in this house and one of us is truly guilty? I can’t imagine sitting here til sunrise with thoughts like that bouncing around my cranium. I need answers and I need them now.
“So, you’re telling me that you guys actually did that to people. Isn’t that like, illegal?”
“Only if someone were to find out,” he answered. “Besides they were bad guys.”
“Yes but Jason, that’s literally inhumane, how could you even stomach that?”
“When you have people that you care about and motherfuckers who threaten their safety and that of the country, suddenly your tolerance level drops a whole lot lower.”
“I see,” I faltered. “Did it at least help? Did you all ever get the answers that you needed?”
“Most times.”
“Most times?”
“Hey, it worked about 90% of the time and last I checked, that’s still an A.”
“Sure but even today I’m sure there are more tactical ways to get people talking, that’s just pure torture,” I cried.
“That’s the point sugar, it’s a form of torture, used as an interrogation technique. And it’s because of people like me, that you can sleep soundly at night.”
Though I understood where Jason stood on the matter, I never agreed to the ways they got people talking; until now. Eyes darting around the room, suddenly waterboarding seemed plausible.
It’s not a matter of threatening safety because that line has been crossed, now is a matter of surviving; and I’ll be damned if I don't.
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