#Loki Lemon
thekatfuzz · 8 months
Shadow of a Doubt (Preview)
So how about that episode 2 huh?? 👀 when I saw Loki using his shadow magic for the first time in the trailer even before the episode released I knew I had to write a fic about it. So here 'tis!
Pairing: Loki x TVA Hunter Reader
Warnings: eventual smut, shadow magic, use of restraints, slight non-con, slight dark!Loki. **contains slight spoilers for Season 2.**
Rating: M
London, 1977
Night in the city never slept. It wasn't a stressful or rushed state of being awake, but it was rather just alive and existing. The distant sound of sirens from a fire truck nearby, some honking cars here and there, and the distant music and chatter of people on the phone or couples talking to each other walking past you. The ambiance and the world around you seemed distant and unimportant in comparison to your important mission--compromise Variant L1130-- also known as Loki Laufeyson.
You've seen him before, at the TVA and in files that you read. He thought he was the God of Mischief or something. At least thats what Mobius said. You didnt know what he saw in Loki. Mobius has always been interested in such strange things.
Of course, the Variant was mysterious--and not to mention, quite handsome. The mugshot on his file depicted a good-looking man with chiseled cheekbones and raven black hair. Sure, you thought he was good looking, and you wouldnt kick him out of bed if you found him there, but of course you wouldnt go out actively wanting to sleep with a rouge Variant--no matter how hot they were.
You had your assignment. And you had your warnings. Loki's file had mentioned his use of magic and illusions and the image of big, impact text on the file flashed through your head:
But you weren't worried. You were in disguise anyway. Your Tempad and pruning stick tucked away cleverly and your determination on display. You've dealt with hundreds of so-called perilous Variants before, how different could this one be?
You got to a shadowed intersection and you looked around. It seemed quieter here. Flickering streetlights lit the slick cobblestone streets as low footsteps and indistinct chatter could be heard. A few people could be seen walking here and there a distance away, but there wasn't much here. All of a sudden, you could have sworn you saw a person appear out pf nowhere out of the corner of your eye. You would have usually just shrugged off as your eyes playing tricks on you in the dimly lit street and kept walking, but something didnt feel right.
The air felt colder and it felt like the sounds of the world were even more further away now as a chill ran up your spine. You felt alone but at the same time, like you were being watched. You looked around frantically, not even knowing what you were looking for. Your hand went quickly to where you hid your pruning stuck, ready to fight or fly.
Suddenly a shadow caught the corner of your eye on the wall. You turned to face it, but it was gone.
What the hell?
Your breathing became faster and you leapt into action, running away. You barely made it a few feet until you felt your arm be tugged backwards, halting you. You shot your head back to see who was holding you back, fully ready to fight back--only to see in surprised confusion that there was no one holding your wrist. It was like a ghost was gripping your arm with invisible fingers but very real strength.
It took you longer than it should have to notice the towering shadow on the wall. It was definitely a human, a male probably, holding your arm. It was like the shadow, somehow, was restraining you.
"What the...." you whispered aloud.
You tried to wriggle free and managed to for a few seconds, until you felt another similar invisible hand grip your other wrist. The next thing you knew you were pinned with your back against the stone wall, looking out at the end of the alleyway where light poured in through a rectangular opening.
Heart thundering and mind racing, you extended your neck a bit in front of you and looked up at the wall you were held against. Two large shadows this time. They looked the same, each holding your arms out to the side like you were shackled to the hard stone wall.
Then, you saw it. First from one shadow, than the other-- a set of sharp, curving horns began to grow out of the black shadows' heads. You watched in surprise as the horns began to bloom and didnt even notice the man striding towards you, eyes glowing an otherworldly green.
"Well, well..." purred the voice, in a velvety English accent. "What have we here?"
The infamous Variant stepped out the shadows in a very elegant suit with a white ruff in his chest and a neat bow tie. His hair was slicked black and his hands were clasped behind his back. He sauntered over to you, smirking. Looking like a spider who had just caught a decadent fly in its web.
He waved his hand again, and your clothes changed as your breath hitched. Your disguise melted away to reveal your black TVA hunter armor. You gritted your teeth. This was annoying, but this wouldnt stop you. So what he knew you were from the TVA. He would be incarcerated there soon enough.
You jerked and struggled against the shadow bonds as Loki chuckled.
"Don't bother, darling." He mused. "Shadow magic--quite useful, actually. Very hard to break out of it's grip."
"Loki Laufeyson--" You said, hoping your voice carried more confidence and certainty than you felt. "You are under arrest by the Time Variance Authority for crimes of sabotaging the Sacred Timeline."
He raised an eyebrow. "Am I?" He said in mock surprise. He looked around. "So I've been told before."
He stepped closer to you, his features sharp in the dim light. "Go on then hunter, arrest me." He put out his wrists in an exaggerated act of surrender. He paused a moment then looked back up at you. "Oh dear, but you can't though, can you? You seem to be a little...incapacitated, darling."
"Don't call me that." You spat, blood boiling. Maybe you wouldnt even take him back to the TVA--maybe you would just give yourself the satisfaction of pruning him right here and now.
He looked taken aback.
"Trust me Variant, when I'm free--"
"I'll be sorry?" Loki said, sounding bored. "Yes, yes. Heard it all before. You hunters are so cute when you try to threaten me."
He stepped closer yet again to your restrained body, closing the space between you. You could nearly feel his breath on your face now as he looked down at you with his piercing green gaze.
Your heart hammered in your throat, loud enough that you hoped he couldn't hear.
"Do you know who I am?" He asked, running a finger down your cheek, making you shudder.
Your face flushed, praying he couldnt see it in the darkness.
"Of course I do." You choked out. "You're a villain. A Variant. A threat to Time itself." You stabbed. Loki smirked.
"Am I?" He said, amused. "You seem to have such strong opinions about me. Did they warn you about me, Variant? About how dangerous and horrible I can be?"
"I'm not afraid of you." You said boldly. "I haven't even seen you do anything more than your silly shadow puppets and your outfit-changing trick."
"Oh." Loki growled. He came even closer to you and grabbed your chin, his chest pressing you against the hard brick wall behind you. Your wrists felt cold and ached from the restraining phantom hands.
"Well..." Loki said, lifting your head up forcefully. He lowered his voice to a growl, and locked his gaze with yours. "Perhaps I've just been waiting for a moment like this, so I can do terrible, awful things to you."
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clandestineloki · 1 year
“does loki think i’m pretty in this dress? he’s been glaring at me the whole party :((” reader X loki who is not actually glaring but giving bedroom eyes only his jaw is clenched because he is fighting for his life resisting the physical urge to take you to a bathroom and fuck you until you've come undone all over his cock
reader who’s covering herself up in bed thinking she's not sexy x loki who thinks you're a sex goddess and literally will not come all night just to make sure he can fuck all those thoughts out of your pretty head how do you not know all the things he wants to do with you?
reader who whimpers in her sleep and can't sleep without snuggling up to her loving husband x her loving husband loki who used to lie awake at night because of nightmares but now it's because your ass is grinding against his crotch and he's debating whether to wake you up or not because he's getting restless and so is his cock
reader who's on her period and is sniffling and crying because of pain and hormones x loki who asked her to sit in his lap so he could cuddle her but didn't know her intimate areas would be so warm and now he's stuck with a hard-on and an adorably horny wife grinding against him because it "helps the cramps"
part 2?? 😳
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whxre-bxby · 1 year
🐍Loki × reader #2
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Choking ; sir-kink ; unprotected sex ; bondage. Y/n is on the pill.
Enjoy it my horny bitches 😏
Each Avenger returned with the infinity stone. And everyone returned. Nat and Clint found a creature from Thanos' planet and Clint sacrificed it for the stone. You would think it wouldn't work because you needed to sacrifice something you really love. Turns out, Natasha loves squirrels and that thing looked very similar, except it was trying to bite Clint so he threw it down. Natasha is mad at him now, even though she knows that was the most logical option. She was needed and Clint had a family.
We stood in a circle and made sure everyone managed their mission successfully.
"The raccoon lives!" Tony says, sarcastically applauding Rocket.
"I'm not a raccoon." Rocket replies, annoyed.
"Okay, honestly though. What are you then?" Scott asks.
"Rocket." He replies, walking away to get some food.
"Right." Scott replies.
"Whatever, he eats garbage." Nat says and we all make our way off the time machine. Tony builds the gauntlet with Rocket and Bruce, who is in Hulk's body now.
I take the suit off that we all wore. I have shorts and a top underneath so it was fine. I chucked it onto the couch and made my way to the balcony. It looks similar like the one in Stark Tower, here it's just squared. I lean against the railing and let the breeze blow against my face. The sun was setting and I watched it.
I needed peace, quiet, natural light, warmth and fresh air... everything had been so stressful since Thanos won. No one was the same anymore and it hurt seeing others like this but I myself couldn't change my attitude. Pain and grief were what I felt most of the time now. Regret and guilt are up there in the top 5 emotions too. I look around and see an advert. There is a picture of a family on it. The child is being held and hugged by it's parents. It's cute... I wonder what it feels like.. 'love'. Never got to experience it...being a part of a family was something I never knew of. Now I think I found my family, the Avengers, but not all of them were here...
I was interrupted in my thoughts by someone putting their hand on my shoulder. I didn't even bother looking. I stayed still and managed to figure out it was Loki. The way his hand gripped my shoulder, the weight he pushed down on me. It was him. I slowly rotate my head and look at him.
"You were quite deep in thought. I was saying your name multiple times." He says, giving me a soft smile. I return it.
"Don't apologize. What were you thinking about..?" He asks, looking away and gazing out into the open as well.
"Just, stuff I guess..nothing important." I reply, looking back out at the sunset.
"Please stop blaming yourself-" Loki was cut off.
"I just feel like I could have done more...and if I would have done more maybe they would still be here right now.." I say, letting out a deep sigh. My eyelids drift together slowly and I lower my head.
"What you did was enough, you did good. Not everyone could have fought how hard you did.." he says, with a pause. "Don't worry, this is why we are doing all of this. We are getting them back.."
"But what if it doesn't work, what if they are really..gone forever.."
Loki doesn't reply. He knows he can't see what will happen. None of us can, we just hope for the best. Loki puts his arm around me and pulls me into his chest, his arms tightly wrapped around my back. I bury my face in his chest and let a few tears escape my eyes. We just stand there, the wind blowing into my hair making it look as if it were alive. I sniffle and he looks down at me surprised.
"You're so emotional.." Loki says softly, petting my head.
"Stop embarrassing me.. I'm not at the best point in my life right now. " I mutter. Never have I ever cried in front of anyone before. No wonder Loki was surprised, I always suppressed all my feelings and bottled them up. It all backfires eventually and you let it out in bad times.
"I'm sorry dear, it wasn't meant in a bad way. It's quite sweet actually." He says. I know he is smiling and I gently punch his shoulder. After a long hug, we let go of each other.
"Thank you.." I say, wiping my tears into my sleeve.
"No problem, my pleasure. I enjoy spending time with you and that sunset was beautiful." Loki says, looking at the sky again and then back at me.
I look down and blush a little.
"It doesn't beat you though." He says, chuckling.
"Oh stop it." I say, smiling and looking away.
"Because you don't mean it." I say, not looking at him. Of course, he doesn't mean it, he was just making fun of me again. Why would he mean it? I don't look beautiful, especially not since what happened. I haven't cared for myself in ages.
"What would make you think I don't mean it?" Loki says, his expression softening.
"Why would you mean it? It's not even tr-"
"Let's see, maybe because I'm not blind and I can see how beautiful you are. You have soft skin, glowing in the sunlight right now just like your hair. " Loki stops talking after interrupting me. I look at him confused, but his words warm my heart and make me blush. We just stare into each other for a while. I admire his eyes and I love watching them flicker from one of my eyes to the other.
I look down, feeling awkward because I don't know how to cope with compliments. They don't come often. I want to give him a hug but I think that would be too far, maybe? Maybe not. I don't know, we never got touchy like that. I take my hands and start fiddling with my fingers, not knowing what to do. I hear Loki chuckle slightly. Then suddenly something unexpected happens.
He takes his hand and softly places two fingers under my chin. I let him guide my eyes back to his.
"I think you are truly very beautiful.." he says, smiling softly at me.
I blush again.
"Thank you.." I reply, almost whispering. His hand moves up to my cheek and he cups it, rubbing his thumb up and down slowly. I smile and put my hand on top of his, holding it to my face. I close my eyes and lean into it, releasing all my negative thoughts and stress. I loved being around him. Probably not just that, I'm pretty sure that I loved him. I loved Loki. He was very kind, gentle and polite under the hard shell of coldness and mischief.
Loki takes a step closer, and my head is on the same level as his chest, he is very tall. I look up at him and without hesitation, I lean against his chest and give him a warm hug. He tenses up at first, but eventually relaxes into it and wraps his arms around me, rubbing my back. I press harder, not wanting this moment to end.
Loki holds my head against his chest and kisses the top while I listen to his heartbeat.
I was surprised when he did that, it made me look up.
"Sorry I just couldn't resist, you were being so cute." He smiles, hoping I was okay with it.
"I like you.." I say, slowly looking straight into his eyes. "A lot. I like you a lot."
He stops smiling and just stares into my eyes. I see there are so many emotions within him but I can't figure out what they are or how he is feeling.
Loki doesn't say anything for a while which makes me regret saying what I just did.
"Sorry.. I uhm..I didn't want to ruin the friendship we have..I'm sorry, just forget it..." I say, letting go of the hug and backing up a little. Loki let his hands fall from around me to his sides while I awkwardly played with my fingers, avoiding eye contact at all costs. The silence continued.
"Loki, please say something.." I tell him, not being able to stand in silence.
He looks away in disbelief but then his eyes fix on mine. I give him a soft unsure look and I see his eyes got a little watery.
"Loki..?" I ask again.
"You're joking right..?" he finally replies after my many failed desperate attempts. I look up at him, confused.
"No..why would I be joking.?" I ask, just wanting this awkward never ending moment to end. I just wish I never mentioned this, I'v never been this embarrassed.
"Okay well then you're lying." he continues on, not looking at me. "Are you making fun of me?"
"What? No! Why do you think that? You're confusing me...Loki" I say, wanting to cry for some reason. Probably of all the mixed emotions I'm feeling right now.
"You like me..?" he asks, in disbelief.
I sigh and nod, looking down again. Loki looks like he is processing big news. I look at him and his face is loading.
"Why?" he then says.
"What do you mean why? I don't know I can't control it, I just do.." I reply again, feeling extremely uncomfortable in this situation, wrapping my arms around me as if I could hide in them.
"How?" he asks again. I look up, still confused. "How can you like me..?"
"Because... I don't know... you're likeable. I don't have the social skills to tell you.." I say, returning my gaze to him.
Loki's eyes are watery. "Please try and tell me why..I really want to know.." he says, basically pleading. I feel sorry for him. His expression is making me tear up but the confusion stays in my brain.
"You have a nice character. Not everyone sees it, but under your fake coldness you are sensitive and just want to make the people you care about proud and happy...I really like that about you. I don't think I can name anything I would change about you." I say, with a pause. "Okay maybe when you get angry you ignore me and everyone else so I wish you obviously wouldn't do that but I do that too so I can't say anything against that." I finish my sentence and hold my hands against my face trying to overcome the embarrassment and stress this moment is giving me. He lets out the faintest chuckle at that.
I look back at him and I see tears running down his face. He is looking at me but I still can't tell what emotion lies within his soul.
"Oh my gosh..Loki what's wrong..?" I ask worriedly. I feel my eyes tear up even more. I've never seen him like this. He presses his lips together, I can see them turning white while he is trying to suppress his emotions.
"How could you ever like something like me..? I'm not even up on any of your levels..you can do so much better than this.." he says looking down, his hands gesturing to him.
"What do you mean? You are on the same level. Are you kidding? You're not a bad person. If you were, you wouldn't have been accepted by the team. They know you are not who you used to be. I've talked to them, they are glad Thor brought you along. I look up to you! Peter admires you as well! He thinks you're great. You've inspired Bruce and Tony to forgive people. Steve says he is a fan of your powers. Nobody here doesn't like you. We are happy you are here..please just understand that. " I say, out of breath. I see how more and more tears run down his face, which makes me unable to hold mine back. I burst into a cry.
"Are you seriously crying because I am?" he says, beneath sniffles. I smile and cry at the same time. "After my speech, that's all you say..?" I ask him, wanting to know how he feels.
"Y/n I fucking love you. I've never felt anything like this. When Thor met Jane I just made fun of him for being weak and letting emotions get to him, but only now do I understand what it is. I don't know much here, but what I do know is that I love you, a lot. When you said that, earlier I couldn't believe it...I just don't think I am good enough for you.." Loki says, wiping his face.
"But I don't want anyone else..I want you. I love you..you are all I will ever want and need. " I say, my voice cracking and squeaky because of my crying.
I gasp for air and Loki just stands there. I look at him, and for the first time, I can see his emotions. It's admiration. He stares at me in awe. I smile but before I can say anything else Loki takes a step closer to me and puts his hand under my chin. I look up at him, seeing him smile. His smile made me so happy. It sparked so many emotions in my stomach.
Loki then cupped my face and leaned down. I closed my eyes and we stopped getting closer. Our lips were brushing against each other and I could feel his hot breath against mine. He wasn't sure whether I really wanted to do this and he definitely didn't want to do anything that would make me feel uncomfortable.
I leaned in and connected my lips to his. We closed our eyes and kissed. Loki pulled my body into him while keeping my face as close to his as possible. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him deeper. He bit my lower lip, causing a small heated moan to escape my lips. I felt him grin against my lips and then he filled my mouth with his tongue. I let him in and we made out heavily.
After a while, I had to break the kiss for air. We grinned at each other and I blushed.
"I've been wanting to kiss you for so long." he says, gathering his breath.
"I've wanted to do it for longer.." I say, unknowingly. I inhale deeply, trying to get my breathing straight.
"Are you challenging me?" he asks, raising his eyebrows and smirking dangerously.
"Maybe.." I reply, crossing my arms over my chest liking where this is going.
"Big mistake." he says chuckling. I was about to protest and come back at him with something smart, but he walked close to me and bent down. His hands laced around my legs and he stood up. I was hanging down his shoulder, trying to keep myself upright while he held onto my legs.
"You will regret doing that." Loki says, shaking his head while walking back inside. I start to kick my legs and squeal. Loki just spanks my ass hard and bites into my thigh making me squeak out and shut up. He walks the stairs and heads to his room. I grip his shoulders, not wanting to fall and he just throws me up, readjusting me on his shoulder.
"Loki what are you-"
"Shush." he says, interrupting me again. I sway side to side while Loki makes his way to his room.
He bursts the door open and enters. Loki slams the door shut and then grabs me and throws me onto his soft bed. He then walks over to his curtains and pulls them closed. The sun already set by now and the room was completely dark. I sat up on the bed and waited to see if I could hear anything but the whole room was silent. I knew Loki had everything planned out so I decided to get up. I walked a few steps away from the bed, trying my best to see in the pitch-black dark but it was useless. I turned around but I felt hopeless.
"Loki..?" I said softly, hoping he would respond. He didn't. I asked again. "Loki, what are you doing..?".
A few moments passed and I suddenly felt hot breath next to my ear. I wanted to turn around to see if it was him, but the second I moved I felt his strong big hand wrap itself around my throat. I stayed in place and inhaled sharply when he pressed harder. I touched the hand with mine, trying to loosen his grip but he didn't. I just held onto his arm.
Suddenly I felt Loki press his body against mine from behind, keeping his hand tightly wrapped around my neck. I jumped in surprise.
"Loki, is that y-"
"Shhh..." he shushes me again. This time his voice is very low and husky like, I can tell even from the whisper.
He moves my hair to the side, giving him access to my neck. I feel his lips attach to it and he starts to bite down and harshly suck on the skin. My breathing becomes uneven and I let my eyes drop shut in pleasure.
With Loki's hand around my throat, he pushes me towards the bed. I drop down on it and he then leaves. Quickly, Loki returns and I feel how he takes my wrist and puts something metal around it. I try and get out but can't. He handcuffed me to his bed.
I felt him trace his fingers from my neck down my chest, between my boobs and he stopped when he reached my abdomen. Loki leaned down and kissed me deeply. Once again he pushes his tongue into my mouth and roughly kissed me, bruising my lips. He rubbed up and down my thigh, holding it up. After a while, he pulled away and walked to the light switch. He pressed it and I saw him, standing there, a huge smirk on his face. I look at myself and see he really did cuff me down.
Loki walks over to me and starts to pull up my shirt, revealing my bra. He groans when he sees it and literally tears the fabric off my chest.
"I liked that top.." I mutter.
"Not nearly as much as what I'm about to do to you.." he said. His voice was really deep now. I could see a small bulge in his pants and it made me bite my lip. Loki then moved onto my pants and pulled them down my legs. He traced a line with his tongue from my belly to my chest. I whimpered at the feeling, knowing I was starting to get really wet. I lay, vulnerable, in just my underwear under Loki, who was still fully dressed.
He tucked at my panties and soon enough slipped them down my legs. I felt exposed and tried covering myself up but he quickly stopped me. I clenched my legs together, trying to at least cover that but he saw. Loki knelt at the end of the bed and put his hands under my hips. The next thing I knew, he pulled my body towards him and pushed open my legs. I whimpered, feeling self-conscious but he didn't care. He knew what he was doing and what he wanted. And Loki wouldn't stop until he gets what he wants. I wrapped his arms around my legs and pulled me an inch closer. I looked down at him, my pussy throbbing. He smirked and I bit my lip, excited about what he was going to do.
"Do as I say, or else you will be punished." He whispers. I nod, eagerly and he looks down, grinning.
"Use your words pet." He says.
"Yes" I reply to his demand.
"Yes, what?" He asks, clearly indicating something was missing.
"Yes, sir.." I whisper and he grins again.
"Good girl." Loki replies.
I feel his hot breath on my heat and let out a sigh. He then licks a stripe from my entrance up to my clit. I whimper in pleasure, wanting more. My legs tremble from his touch and Loki then buries his face into me. I let out a loud moan and my head falls back. He eats me out, not missing any part of me. His tongue is working on my entrance while his nose rubs on my clit, through his movement. Loki takes a finger and softly pushes it inside me. I clench my eyes shut, moaning when he starts pumling it in and out. Soon, he adds another finger and his mouth sucks on my clit. I turn into a moaning hot mess and arch my back, loving how he is making me feel.
"Loki, I'm gonna- I'm gonna cum.." I whine, not wanting him to stop.
"Not yet pet, you cum when I say so." he says, possessively.
I nod and he speeds his thrusts up. My mouth is gaping open at this point and I try my best not to release.
"Loki, please- " I whine.
"Not yet." he answers. Loki is very possessive and dominant. He loves being in control of everything. Every touch I receive, every feeling I feel and every action I take. But what he was doing to me felt so good, my body couldn't control itself any longer. I came all over his fingers, moaning, trying to cover my mouth. Of course, Loki noticed. My walls clenched around his fingers and my body trembled beneath him. He immediately stopped his actions and got up. I came down from my high and gathered my breath.
Loki stood in front of me, his arms crossed.
"I didn't say you could cum yet." He said, slightly annoyed.
"Sorry daddy, I couldn't hold it any longer.." I replied in my defence.
"You didn't listen, now you will have to be punished. " he said. His frown turned into a grin as he started to unbuckle his belt. He undid it and pulled it from his pants, as I watched with wide eyes. He then came down to me and roughly turned me on my stomach. A hand slipped under my belly and he pulled my hips up so I was laying down with my ass in the air.
"Codeword is 'trouble', dear." Loki said.
Once he said the codeword, I knew I was in for it. My body tensed, awaiting what he will do. I heard some fumbling and then suddenly, a hard strike hit my ass. The sound of the hit filled the room and I yelped in pain. I buried my head into the sheets and Loki said. "One"
I opened my eyes and right after that, he struck me with the leather belt again. I clenched my fists, yelping out again.
"Two." He continued counting. It hurt like hell, my ass was burning but this was part of it. Then Loki struck me again, making me cry out in pain. They were getting harder and I felt my eyes start to water up.
I felt the wind move of how Loki rose his arm up and then crashed it down onto my bare skin. I cried, tears running down my eyes. Loki rubbed the area he hit.
I inhaled sharply, awaiting the next strike and it came. The slap hit me again. I was biting my fist and clenching my handcuff.
"Five." he said. I could hear he was smiling, through how he said the word. I loved the feeling, of knowing he was in charge. Even if it physically hurt, it excited me and made my stomach twist. I wanted him to use me however he likes.
I saw how Loki raised his hand, the belt in it, bent in half. When he slammed it back down on me I almost screamed. I couldn't take much more.
"Six." he says. Again I was able to notice his grin. I inhaled deeply, preparing for the next one. Once again, Loki's hand rose and he struck me for the seventh time. This time, it was the hardest hit of them all. I cried out in pain.
"Seven." He says.
"T- trouble.." I say, my voice shaky.
Loki drops the belt and rubs the area he just roughly attacked. Tears were still streaming down my face and I had to sniffle a few times. Loki turned me around again and saw my face. He then undid my handcuff and dropped it to the ground as well. He pulled my face up to his.
"You did so well, pet." He says smiling, wiping the tears off my face. I smile back, happy I pleased him.
He pulls me to him and I put my hand on his cheek. Once again, Loki slips his tongue into my mouth, showing his dominance. I trace my fingers down him and tug at the hem of his shirt.
"Go on." he whispers. With his permission granted, I start to unbutton his shirt, meanwhile, Loki bites my neck, definitely leaving heavy bruises and marking his territory.
I reach for the last button and gently pull it off his shoulders. He unwraps his arms from me and lets me slide it down his hands. I drop it to the ground and Loki throws his hands, back around my waist. He pushed my hips onto him and then lowered me back down on the bed. I lay beneath Loki, as he left open-mouthed sloppy kisses down my body. He reached behind my back and unhooked my bra easily. That too was thrown to the other side of the room. Loki looked down at my naked body.
"You're beautiful darling." he said, smiling in admiration. I blushed, not being able to hold back a smile.
"Thank you.." I whisper. He leans down and kisses me again, before unbuttoning his trousers. He slips them right off, along with his boxers. I look at him and gasp, biting my lip. He smirks at my reaction and looks into my eyes. I carefully lift my hand and wrap it around the bottom of his shaft. He exhales deeply. I slowly rub him from bottom to top and then down again. Loki groans as I tighten my grip around him and start to pump his long and thick dick. He then grasps my wrist and I let go of him. He climbs onto me, hovering above my body. I open my legs for him and he strokes my thigh again. Loki puts one hand on his member, the other one holding him up above me. He rubs it between my lips and then inserts the tip. I let out a soft moan and he kisses me deeply. Then suddenly, Loki thrusts himself deep inside me. I scream in pleasure and hold on to him. He pulls all the way out and slams himself back inside me, groaning. I dig my nails into his back and Loki continues his actions a few more times before he just pounds into me mercilessly. We press our foreheads against each other. Sweat drips down my face and I can't hold back my moans. Loki is breathing heavily. His eyes are closed as he is concentrated on his thrusts. I feel a knot start to build up inside my stomach again. Loki's thrusts become slightly sloppier now, I can tell he is close too.
"Loki, I'm going to cum.." I moan under him.
"Me too pet, just wait for me." He says and I nod. He continues thrusting a few more times before I feel him twitch inside me.
"Okay dear, cum for me." He says, between breaths and groans. He speeds up to his maximum and I release onto him. Loki moans as I clench my walls around his dick and I feel his hot seed flood my insides. He rode out both our orgasms, continuing his sloppy thrusts until we came down from our highs. Loki collapses onto me and we both breath heavily.
"Holy shit.." I whisper. He grins against my skin.
"I love you y/n" he says and we kiss again.
"I love you too.." I reply whispering. Loki stays inside me for a while and we just lay there. I wrap my arms around him and embrace him into me. His body is warm. After we have our air back in our lungs, Loki slides out of me. His semen is drilling out of my pussy but we both couldn't care less about the mess we made. He dropped down next to me and I pushed my upper body up and reached for the blanket to cover us. He smiled at me as I covered the both of us. Loki reached out to me and pulled my body into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and I listened to his heartbeat slow down. Loki kissed my head and I snuggled closer to him. Soon enough, we both fell asleep.
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waterhashiragiyuu · 1 year
Loki X Fem! READER
Trigger :choking but in a gentle way
I woke up this morning thinking about our last time together. I am rolling around in my bed and i can't make myself neither fall back asleep or get up and start my day. All i can think of is how you called me beautiful as i was enjoying your body exploring mine. I can feel my naked skin under warm soft blankets, i can feel myself thirsting for your touch and words again. Getting aroused by your memory.
I am slowly using my hand to feel my wet core, surprised at how needing of you it is.
At that moment you are entering the apartment. Staring at my naked body, half way covered by blankets. You are approaching and gently petting my skin. From my cheek, down my neck, touches soft and light like petals, almost tickling. While you look deep into my eyes, you are playing with my nipples softly moving them up and down, then in circles. From pleasure i cant bare to keep my eyes open. I am starting to moan in a shy manner,wishing that i could do it louder. But i am afraid that my neighbors might hear me. But honestly, fuck them, once they woke me up by fucking loudly at 3 am.So what if they her me this time in 7 am...
Your hand is so gracefully gliding down my waist, down my stomach, teasing my core just a little. Just a little but more then enough to make me wanting you more. You are grabbing my soft thighs. I am curving my back at the pleasure of your touch. I know that i can't take it much more, but i want this to last. You are giving full attention to my clitoris now, and in a wave of pleasure i can hear you say :"say my name'.
I am feeling ashamed yet turned on and curious. I am looking at your eyes seductively yet innocent. Are you sure? You want that? I am smirking. Knowing very well that I want that too, i am just pretending. Another strong wave of pleasure overwhelms my body and i cant help but to close my eyes again and moan.
I can feel your masculine hand moving inbetween my boobs and grabbing my neck firm but gentle, while my head is falling backwards with a louder moan. I thought that i would reach my peak that very moment , but i managed not to.
-Say my name.
Another pleasure wave washes over me and this time,that is it and i know it, i couldn't contain it anymore.
As strong orgasm is shaking my body and my ears are ringing, your hand on my small neck holding me in my ecstacy... I gather courage to say out loud :... Loki!!!.. Loki!!!
After that great orgasm, in shame how much i enjoyed it i turn on my stomach and giggle. While waving my legs in the air playfully. Now this is the memory of you that i keep thinking of while i roll in my bed in early mornings.
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chiosblog · 1 month
Still cant believe I was in one of the brocedes birthplaces
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They were so young ohmy
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nocturnest · 3 months
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hey! i'm nocturne. i'm 19 and absolutely feral for tangerine and jonathan crane. i have watched bullet train an unhealthy number of times, and i listen to the bt soundtrack on repeat. i watched the dark knight for the plot and the plot was jonathan crane.
feel free to send in requests at anytime and i'll try to complete them as soon as i can! I'll write for any of the characters above. i'm pretty flexible with what i can write as long as it's not overly violent. please feel free to check out some of my works below!
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ᴛᴀɴɢᴇʀɪɴᴇ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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you're injected with a truth serum
partners in crime
tangerine has a soft spot for you.
young tangerine having a crush on you
little tangerine meeting little you
being sick and tangerine taking care of you
exactly what it says on the tin
you drunkenly flirt with tangerine
and it turns into something more
wicked game (NSFW)
you can't keep your eyes off tangerine all night and he's wondering what's got you all flustered.
temptation (NSFW)
tangerine gets infected with an aphrodisiac and he does everything he can to stay away from you. you think it's only because of instinct because he couldn't possibly feel something for you, right? wrong.
someone makes you cry and tangerine won't stand for it
definitely not just an excuse to have tangerine use his knuckle dusters ;)
you're on the bullet train, minding your own business and occasionally staring at a handsome brit when he suddenly corners you in the bathroom.
lost in the fire
tangerine won't stop teasing you and you've had just about enough. luckily, you've got just the thing up your sleeve.
you're their handler
you're lemon and tangerine's handler - always bickering with tangerine until one day he gets injured and you freak out
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ᴊᴏɴᴀᴛʜᴀɴ ᴄʀᴀɴᴇ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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you're the cream in my coffee
you decide to bring jonathan crane coffee
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a fateful marriage
you propose to judge crane
i. the proposal
amor and timor
jonathan crane saves you from your ex.
chapter one: saving you
chapter two: meeting again
chapter three: an unexpected visit
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ʟᴏᴋɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
coming soon…
ᴘɪᴇᴛʀᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
coming soon…
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worstloki · 1 year
people just ignore Thor was a feral child, huh? like his life goal was probably to demolish another race at age 12 and he was probably begging to go to war and attempted to murder their father for not letting him via telepathy that he didn't have.
#people are like ''loki stabbed thor at age 8'' like im sorry but thor is older and im pretty sure he would've given loki the knife#Frigga was probably like ohhh you can wage war when your brother is old enough to go with you. can't let you two go alone!#and Thor naturally was like ''ok. i will Arm the Child''#like for SURE Thor was the kid eating dirt while Loki just sat next to him looking very confused about it#Thor: Father said we are Part of Asgard and need to Eat To Grow and then one day will be Big Enough to Fight !#he tries to feed Loki the dirt so he'll grow up quicker too but Loki starts crying and now Thor's forgotten about it and trying to calm him#Thor like no no don't cry i'll find us something else to get big with :(#carries him away and gets dirt all over them both because his hands were still dirty#fast forward the bros are sitting on the ground under a table monching on lemon cakes (or whatever) absolutely COVERED in dirt#they have left a dirt trail behind them so their hiding spot won't be effective for long#and also Thor doesn't think voices should get across what is clearly a sturdy table cloth so he's not sure how they were 'discovered'#Frigga: you cannot get dirty and go in the kitchens#Thor: LOKI WAS SAD. AND WE NEED SUSTAINENCE TO GROW MOTHER. WE MUST FEED.#Frigga: -_-''#(Loki is still munching on a lemon tart. the same one despite the room change because he's eating it slowly while Thor reasons with Frigga)#(half of the words anyone is saying go over his head but he is enjoying the expressions being made)
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Transmasc goals/hcs vol. 4
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dkettchen · 11 months
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It's my 10 year web comic anniversary!!
10 years ago this month, after the first TTDW trailer came out, I made a silly little fan comic and sent it to the MCU facebook page (that only had like idk 100,000 or so followers at the time cause noone outside the mega geeks knew the term MCU yet) and for some godforsaken reason they actually posted it, and it got like 1000 likes, which was an unfathomably big number to teen me at the time.
A few months later I made a deviantart, where people found me because they recognised that first comic. A little later still, I made a tumblr too, which over the years rose to be my most popular account. (Thank you reblog button and tag reader, I owe you my life)
In 2017, disillusioned with the franchise, its lost purpose, the american superhero genre as a whole and the hard limits it puts on its characters' development to keep them eternally stagnant in their roles rather than let them grow, as people (let alone superhuman ones) should, I broke up with that fandom and finished my last begrudging long form fan comic two years later.
Lacking a lasting muse/self-insert, I dabbled in some other fandoms, and after one of my One Piece AUs got out of hand, and out of character, I figured I might as well make it its own thing. In 2021 I finally started my first long form original comic! @somethingaboutlemonscomic Check it out!
This time I was not beholden to anyone else's canon, let alone that of the cishet men whose fandoms I'd previously frequented. I didn't have to survive on scraps of queerbait, on lazy, generalising labels by uninformed non-queer writers trying to shoehorn their previously cishet characters into being something more than that rather than actually represent us, on broken promises of canonisation left on the cutting room floor as if it was something trivial, on character design that didn't reflect the reality I saw in my community.
I didn't need to limit my characters to the ignorance and status quo of others anymore. I could actually represent the glorious mess that is my community in all its diversity and complexity and humour and beauty and limit breaking potential for change.
And so I did.
And I am barely getting started.
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chrisbitchtree · 7 months
There Are No Words Left To Speak
“Mobius loves to lavish words of loving praise on Loki, but sometimes the god has a hard time hearing it, so Mobius has to show him.”
2.7k - E
My first foray into writing Lokius fic!
Before meeting Loki for the first time, Mobius wouldn’t have considered himself a leg man. He wouldn’t have considered himself an anything man, really. Of course, he wasn’t immune to beautiful people, could appreciate shapely breasts, nice, wide shoulders, or a perky ass, but he knew he was a leg man the second his eyes tracked their way up Loki’s body, dragging up, up, up his mile long legs, the first time the god was presented to him. Even with Loki donning his dull, tan jumpsuit, Mobius knew there was something worth worshiping underneath. He’d seen every milky, delicious inch of him on video but seeing him stand before Mobius somehow made it all different.
He could barely form words, so overcome as he was with thoughts of getting his hands on them. The god had quirked a brow at Mobius’ wide eyes, and the files he had to hold in front of himself to disguise his interest, but he thankfully hadn’t said a word. He knew he should be especially grateful for that small favour as he and Loki got to know each other better and Mobius was reminded time and time again how often Loki wouldn’t shut his big mouth.
For months, Mobius had to try to disguise what Loki was doing to him. It wasn’t just Loki’s legs, it was his elegant hands, long, thin fingers that looked like they were made for playing piano, not fighting in battle, it was his shining ebony curls that Mobius would give anything to run his hands through. It was his handsome face, it was the clear, shining laughter that only rang out for Mobius, and it was the private smiles only for Mobius’s eyes. But it was his legs above all else that kept Mobius awake at night.
When Loki would sit, long legs crossed as he sat across from Mobius in the TVA’s cafeteria, pants riding up a couple inches to reveal his delicate ankle bones encased in dress socks, Mobius would pass off his quiet moans as an intense interest in the pie he was eating, which face, it wasn’t too hard, considering how good the key lime pie was.
When Loki would plop down on one of the low chairs at Mobius’ cubicle, his knees rising almost all the way to his chest, Mobius would pretend that his deep groans and flushed cheeks were just frustration at a lack of leads in their latest case, not because all he wanted to do was rip Loki’s stupid brown dress pants off and have his way with him right there on his desk, mountains of paperwork and nearby coworkers be damned.
It was unfair, really, what those pants did for Loki. On himself, Mobius didn’t think the pants were too flattering. They were loose in all the wrong places, and tight in even worse ones, accentuating the pooch of his belly and his thick thighs, but on Loki, the same pants hugged all his curves, perfectly, and caused Mobius to walk behind him, to sneak in more glances of his ass. Who cared if Loki kept teasing him for being so slow when he got that kind of view?
Even as Mobius tried to run away from his feelings for Loki, they became close, Loki’s icy, distrusting surface melting to reveal the warmth underneath. Before long, he and Mobius were telling each other everything, as thick as thieves, and Mobius couldn’t remember a time he’d ever felt this close to anyone.
Then, one late night, through some kind of miracle, after a particularly grueling day on the job, there had only been one piece of pie left in the cafeteria. Loki said that Mobius could have it, at the exact same time as Mobius said they could share, so Loki pulled a chair up next to Mobius’, and they’d sat side by side, legs pressed against each other, as they handed the fork back and forth.
When they were finished, only crumbs remaining, Loki had turned to Mobius, laughing softly as he pointed out a bit of whipped cream on his moustache. Mobius had tried to get it himself, but when he failed, Loki had reached over and swiped it off with his thumb. Instead of wiping the digit off on a napkin, he’d sucked the sweet cream into his mouth, keeping eye contact with Mobius the whole time.
It was like a dam broke in that moment, and suddenly, Mobius was pulling Loki to him, pressing their lips together as he gripped a handful of Loki’s shirt. Loki made an adorable squeak of surprise but didn’t pull away, and after a minute, he deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into Mobius’s mouth at the same time as he slipped his hands into the back of Mobius’s short, greying hair. After what could have been ten minutes or two hours, they came back to themselves, regaining awareness of their surroundings.
They sprang to their feet, Mobius taking a minute to tuck in their chairs while Loki stood in the entryway to the room, eyeing him impatiently, tapping his dress shoed foot on the floor, the sound echoing in the silence of the empty room.
They quickly made their way up to Mobius’s apartment, where they’d had the most bone melting, earth shattering sex of Mobius’s life. He’d woken up the next morning a changed man, taking the few minutes he had before he had to wake Loki up for work to take the sight of him in, from his long, dark eyelashes fanned out on his pale cheeks, his pretty pink lips pursed in a little pout, as if even his unconscious mind knew he’d soon have to wake and face the cruel world of the TVA, to his chest, littered with marks from Mobius’s teeth, to those legs.
One had found it’s way out from under the blankets and sheets, and it seemed to go on and on. Mobius longed to have it thrown over his shoulder as he brought Loki to the height of pleasure again, but there was no time. Unless they wanted to show up looking like disheveled messes, they had to at least quickly shower before breakfast.
It’s now been six months of bliss, of going to sleep with Loki cradled in his arms, waking up to the other man starfished over three quarters of the bed, leaving Mobius to chuckle quietly to himself as he tried to fall off the little bit of bed that’s been left for him. Endless movie nights and dessert dates, working side by side day in and day out, celebrating wins and mourning losses together, bickering over who finished the orange juice, or whose turn it is to do the laundry. It’s more than Mobius could have ever imagined, and after all this time, he’s still in shock that this amazing life with this wonderful, sweet, sassy, snarky, caring and loving man is his.
Mobius loves to use words to show Loki how much he loves him. He likes praising Loki’s beauty and grace, his brains, his increasingly kind and empathetic nature, his sharp wit and surprisingly tender heart. Some days, Loki will take the words gladly, standing proud and tall as Mobius heaps verbal affections onto him.
Other days though, Mobius can tell that words won’t work. Loki won’t accept that he’s good and loving, that he was born for more than causing pain, destruction, and death. Mobius still regretted ever telling Loki that, but he can’t take it back, he can only try to move on from it, and reinforce his feelings in other ways.
Like today for example. Mobius could tell early that it was one of those days. Loki’s been uncharacteristically quiet, muttering something about horrid, deathly pale sticks when Mobius had run a reverent hand over Loki’s leg as he’d dressed after his shower, and he’d barely cracked a smile when Mobius had told him what a good job he’d done holding back his anger when the variant they’d detained refused to submit to their questioning.
Now, they’re back at their apartment, dinner eaten, and dishes washed, dried, and put away, and Mobius takes Loki’s hand, leading him to the bedroom. I love you, he says with every kiss bestowed upon Loki’s lips, his hand cupping the back of Loki’s head, his fingers tangled in his raven curls. You have me, and you’ll always have me, he says with each nip and suck to Loki’s neck, each mark a reminder of Mobius’s deep affections. You’re glorious, he says by way of his lips trailing down every inch of exposed flesh as Mobius loosens Loki’s tie and unbuttons his shirt and discards both on the floor. His pants follow lighting fast, pooling at his ankles as Mobius works to strip himself next.
Once they’re both clad only in their underwear, Loki in sinfully tight black briefs, and Mobius in ridiculous cherry pie patterned boxers that Loki got him for Christmas, he guides Loki to the bed, getting him settled with his back against the headboard, and then Mobius climbs between Loki’s legs, ready to show him how special he truly is. Every moment spent away from these treasures feels like starvation, and Mobius is about to feast.
He starts with just his hands, running his calloused palms over the creamy expanse before him, starting at Loki’s perfect, delicate ankles. He takes his time running his hands over ever single birthmark and mole, the little freckle that he knows is on the back of Loki’s right knee. The area around it is ticklish, and Mobius always delights in the little gasps that escape Loki’s mouth when he tongues over the spot.
Somehow, despite how lithe he is, Loki’s thighs are still soft and plush under Mobius’s fingers as he kneads them. He loves seeing his hands against Loki’s skin, golden tan against milky white. It’s a study in contrasts, and it sends a shiver through Mobius every time. He motions for Loki to lift his hips so Mobius can divest him of his underwear, so he does, and Mobius slowly peels his briefs off, going a little breathless as he always does when he’s faced with Loki’s beautiful cock.
The length of it is as pale as the rest of him, but the head is flushed a gorgeous dusky pink, and he’s already half hard, just from Mobius’s hands. It never ceases to amaze the older man; just how sensitive Loki’s body is. They’ve tested it in the past, Loki coming untouched, just from Mobius sucking deep purple marks onto his neck.
His cock may make his interest apparent, but Loki’s face still bore a frown, and there was a little crease between his eyebrows, so Mobius slides back down to the foot of the bed and forges the same path upwards a second time, this time with his teeth and tongue. He leaves Loki’s legs littered with signs of his love; little crescent moons left as reminders of how special Loki is to Mobius.
When he gets to that spot on the back of Loki’s knee, he licks over it repeatedly until the younger man can’t hide the small grin trying to take over his face. His mouth still settles back into a frown after, but at least it’s something.
Finally, after making the miles long trek from his toes, Mobius is back up at Loki’s inner thighs, his favourite place to be. The skin is especially soft here, so smooth under Mobius’s lips, just waiting to be roughed up. He starts by sucking a line of bruises up each thigh, careful to make sure that they’ll last a few days. He follows the trails with his lips, ensuring to rub his moustache roughly over them. There’s nothing that Loki loves than beard burn, the sting reminding him of who he belongs to when they have to be apart.
When he’s done, he sits back and admires his handiwork for a minute. And lord, doesn’t the younger man paint a pretty picture, his cock now fully hard and leaking against his belly as he impatiently whines and presses his fingers into the fresh bruises.
Mobius takes mercy on him, not wasting any time before he settles back between Loki’s thighs, encouraging him to sling his legs over Mobius’s shoulders as he takes the head of Loki’s cock into his mouth, suckling gently. Loki whines, already wanting more, and Mobius give it to him instantly, swallowing him down to the root, his nose buried in the hair at the base of his cock.
He moans at how full he feels, so full of this man he loves so much, and Loki gasps at the feeling, burying a hand in the back of Mobius’s hair, not pushing him down, but gently guiding him. Together, they find a rhythm, and Mobius bobs his head, met by Loki’s hips thrusting upwards. He can tell that Loki’s trying to hold back, but he doesn’t want him to, so he pops off and tells him as much. He wants everything Loki has to give him and more.
It doesn’t take long after that for Loki to come down his throat. Loki tries to warn him, tugging on his hair, but Mobius wants every drop that Loki has to give him, so he sucks him down as far as he can so that he doesn’t miss a drop.
Loki lets a hand fall over his eyes, panting, even as his hips are still bucking into the tight heat as Mobius works him through it. Eventually, once Loki’s stopped moving, Mobius pulls off and gathers Loki into his arms. His own cock is still rock hard, sitting neglected in his briefs, but he knows he’ll get his turn eventually. Right now is about showing Loki how cared for he is.
He holds the younger man in his arms, pressing soft kisses to his hair and rocking him gently. They stay like that for a while, but eventually, Loki turns in Mobius’s arms, regarding him with soft eyes.
“Thank you,” Loki says, breaking the silence, before pressing a kiss to Mobius’s check. It’s sweet, and downright chaste compared to what they’ve just gotten up to, but Mobius loves it, just as he loves everything else to do with the god.
He tries to wiggle out of Mobius’s grasp and tells the older man it’s his turn, but Mobius has a better idea.
“Can I come on your thighs, pussycat?” Mobius can feel himself getting impossibly harder at just the thought of it.
“Please do,” Loki replies with a smirk, folding his arms behind his head and settling in for the show. It feels good to see the younger man back to his usual playful self.
Mobius peels off his already soaking wet boxers and gets onto his knees, positioning himself between Loki’s lovely thighs. He grips himself tight with one hand, bucking hard into the channel of his fist, and he runs the other hand up his own chest, pinching sharply at his right nipple before moving over to the left to give it the same treatment. His pecs are one of the most sensitive parts of Mobius’s body, and if Loki were helping him out tonight, he’d be cupping them in a tight grip, and nibbling at them, leaving marks of his own.
He gasps at the dual sensations of pleasure and pain, focusing on how good he feels right now between Loki’s long legs. It isn’t long after that he’s coming, painting Loki’s thighs with his spend, and as he bucks into his fist, riding the aftershocks, Loki reaches down, smearing his cum all over, making even more of a mess of himself, and Mobius could almost come again the sight before his eyes.
He collapses into Loki’s arms and the younger man strokes his back as Mobius’s breathing levels out and he comes down from his high.
“I know I already said it, but thank you, Mobius. Truly, thank you.” Loki whispers.
Mobius smiles into the younger man’s chest. “Of course, kitten. I think you deserve a thank you too, though.”
Loki huffs out a laugh. “Whatever for?”
“For being you, Loki. Just for being you.”
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Summary: While out with Loki, Thor, and Valkyrie, you and Loki are left alone while the other two go off to do whatever, things sure do happen.
Warnings: 18+. Smut. Language. Drunk Sex. Dominate Loki. Sub Reader. Vaginal Sex. Praising.
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Y/n sat down in one of the chairs, looking down at the bottle.
Loki shrugged, sitting down next to her. "Well, if they're not going to drink it then there's no point in us just staring at it as if it'll disappear." He said as he grabbed the bottle and opened it with ease.
"Don't you think we need shot glasses or something?" Y/n asked, rubbing the back of her neck.
"I don't see any shot glasses unless you want to take turns." He shrugged.
"I'm down." Y/n said, leaning herself back against the chair. "But make sure to excuse me if I get a little tipsy too quick. I'm a light-weight!" She smiled, holding the bottle up to her lips to drink some of it.
"It's alright, Y/n. Let's just enjoy the night, especially since those two practically ditched us." Loki chuckled, Y/n nodded, passing the bottle back to him.
That's how the next hour went on, them passing the bottle back and forth between each other until they were eventually all out of whiskey and was left laughing at each others past.
"Goodness, I can't believe that guys dad chased you around like that after only a kiss." Y/n laughed, some of her words slurring but Loki was able to understand her since they were in the same state.
"Exactly! I wouldn't even call it a kiss! We kind of just head-butted each other." Loki laughed with Y/n, whose laughs just got louder. "Do you know how much it hurt running around the place back and forth with a headache?!"
"No, but I can imagine! Damn, I feel bad for you." Y/n smiled.
"No you don't." He huffed, looking up at the sky.
"You're right, I don't." She laughed again, following his gaze to see what he was looking at. "What are you staring at, god boy?" Y/n asked jokingly, resting her head on his shoulder.
"The constellations." He answered.
"Don't you need a microphone to look at those?" She asked, lazily sitting up.
"Do you mean stethoscope?" He chuckled.
"Stethoscope? No no! That's like, a big word, there's no way they use that— I think they use a . . . oh! They use a telescope!" Y/n finally remembered, stretching her arms.
Loki chuckled before pointing up at one of the stars. "That one kind of reminds me of you."
"Uh-huh." She nodded, looking up at what he pointed to. " . . . Why?" She asked.
"Because it's small and in the way of the other big stars." Loki snickered.
Y/n groaned and soon enough sat herself on his lap, eyeing him down, Loki was now laying down with Y/n on top of him.
"Why are you sitting on my lap?" Loki asked, making direct eye contact with her.
"Because I . . ." Y/n paused, struggling to think of something to say. "You know why? Because you're annoying, and I wanted to block your view of the stars!" She scoffed.
Loki scoffed back, placing his hands on her inner thighs. "Hey, that's not fair, you can see the stars but I can't?" He asked, flipping their positions so that he was now on top of her. "You're the only star I want to see, and i'm the only star you need to see." He hummed before he leaned down closer to her face, having their foreheads against each other.
"Why do you say that?" Y/n asked, keeping eye contact with him.
"You want me to say it?" Loki let out a long sigh, burying his face in her neck.
"Go ahead."
Loki snickered a bit. ". . . I think we'd make a hot couple." He admitted, the two immediately began laughing again.
After the laughter died, Y/n felt a smirk forming on her face. "Prove it."
"Pardon?" He asked.
"You heard me. Prove it. Prove that you really want me, Loki."
Loki lifted himself up from the crook of Y/n's neck, looking down at her. He couldn't believe that she said that to him. "Do you mean that right now?"
"I'm on the pill, why wouldn't I?" Y/n shrugged.
"You're going to regret this, darling." Loki said, his voice suddenly got darker.
Y/n's eyes widened, about to say something else but Loki leaned back down and smashed his lips against hers. The kiss was slow, but sensual. He wanted to savor the taste of her lips.
Loki kept his hands securely around her waist, biting down on her lower lip in order to make her open her mouth. Y/n let out some sort of a whine as his tongue explored her mouth, eventually letting their tongues go together until Loki pulled away.
"Loki . . ." Y/n breathed out, watching him trail his kisses down her collarbone. "Loki~" She whimpered, watching his hand palm her clothed pussy. "Loki, please— Oh my god . . . " she whined, nibbling on her lower lip.
"Look at you . . . already whimpering and whining and I haven't even undressed you yet." Loki let out a dark chuckle, using his free hand to fondle with her breasts. "Spit it out already, what do you want me to do to you?"
Y/n let out a transient moan, feeling that familiar knot in her lower abdomen even though he wasn't even touching her all of the way. "Loki . . . I want you to fuck me, I want you to use me until I can't take it anymore." Y/n explained shamelessly, trying to move her hips against him.
Loki gave her a short laugh, watching her move her hips against his hand as if she was looking for more. "My queen." He darkly chuckled, removing his hands from her. Loki didn't waste anymore time and tugged off the shorts she had on, looking down at her panties that were soaked from her wetness.
"Look at you, I haven't even laid a finger on your clit yet and you're already soaked." He said, moving her panties to the side. He let out a groan, placing his thumb on her clit, patting her cheek before he went down her body until his face was eye level with her pussy.
"Loki . . ." Y/n whined after Loki started rubbing her clit at a very slow pace.
"What is it you want from me again?" He acted clueless.
"Fuck me, please." Y/n whispered in a nearly inaudible, shaky tone.
Loki suddenly shoved two digits into her cunt, earning a sharp moan from her. "Sorry, I didn't hear you." He hummed.
Loki roughly rubbed Y/n's clit, thrusting his fingers into her. "Loki, please just fuck me already." She moaned while he smirked, pulling out his fingers.
Loki took off his shirt, tossing it to the side of her head before he began to take off his pants. Y/n watched him with desperation in her eyes, keeping her legs spread for him. "Take your shirt off for me, dear, I want to see every part of you." He smiled lovingly, making her heart melt. Y/n removed her top, placing it next to her which left her completely nude body out for him to see. "You're so fucking gorgeous." He groaned, leaving her flustered.
Loki looked down at her and grinned, leaning down to kiss her again. He held his dick in his hands, stroking it slowly. Loki placed his tip between her folds, letting her wetness coat his cock. "Loki . . ." Y/n whimpered, squirming around a little.
"Shit . . . so tight, loosen up for me, will you?" He smacked her thigh, not wasting anytime and starting to pound into her with a great pace.
"Fuck, faster." She moaned, it being muffled due to her hand covering her mouth.
Loki gritted his teeth, using his free hand to rub her clit. Y/n felt her walls relax around his throbbing cock, taking him well. "You're doing so good, dear." Loki praised, eyebrows furrowing once he felt himself hit that spot.
"L-Loki!" Y/n stuttered with a whine, feeling him hit her spot repeatedly. She was about to lose her mind, he was definitely doing it on purpose to make her reach her high quicker.
With every thrust, Loki brushed against her sweet spot, which left lewd moans leaving her mouth. "Loki! I'm close!" Y/n moaned, her walls tightening up around his dick.
"I know, darling. Let it out." He smiled, tapping her inner thigh. Upon hearing that, Y/n's eyes rolled back as she came all over his cock. But, he didn't stop. Instead he kept going, his dick ramming into her over and over.
"Loki . . ." she moaned, wiggling around. "I can't take anymore~!"
Loki let out a breathy laugh. "You're not done yet, you can take more." He corrected, fingers digging into her bare waist.
Y/n whimpered, looking down at his cock that kept slamming into her repeatedly. "Loki, please . . . just fill me." She begged, walls tightening around his cock again.
"Already wanting me to cum in you, huh? You'll have to wait, dear, I know you can." He hummed, occasionally squeezing her breasts. Y/n moaned, her eyes starting to roll to the back of her head once again.
Loki noticed and chuckled, grabbing her jaw. "Look at me, Y/n." She moaned in response, looking up at him as they made direct eye contact. "You're going to take all of me, alright? You're going to take all of my cum and not waste a single drop." He groaned out, hips continuing to slam into hers.
"Fuck, you feel so good." He muttered, throwing his head back as he felt himself nearing his climax.
Loki kept his thrusts consistent until he eventually shot his load into her, filling her up to the brim. Panting, Loki slowly pulled out and looked down at Y/n.
"I wasn't too rough on you, was I?" He darkly chuckled, reaching for their clothes.
"Just . . . let's get back to my room, please." Y/n blushed, sitting herself up as they put their clothes back on.
"Come on. Hopefully we can make it back to wherever the hell they are." Loki said after Y/n got up, walking out.
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clandestineloki · 1 year
OH MY GOD i just thought of the cutest thing eVER imagine loki with an adorable shy cinnamon roll subby reader who gets hiccups!!?!?! when she gets into subspace?!?!?! and she's all "*hic* sorry it's probably so annoying *hic* can i have a glass of *hic* water? *hic* or scare me!!" BUT LOKI DOES NOT DO ANYTHING TO STOP IT BECAUSE HE SWEARS PRETTY LIL SUB CAN'T GET ANY CUTER
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narrators-journal · 2 months
HIHIHIHIHI:3 I saw ur request box open can u pls write Loki helps goro breed (f)Reader ?
My brain has been absolutely NOTHING but Ryomina. Be it Smut or general thoughts, it’s alllll just Ryomina EXCLUSIVELY. Sooooooo, I. Struggled. Akechi never struck me as someone who would hook up with anyone outside of mayyyybe joker, and even then I don’t entirely see their chemistry. Loki? Yeah, I could see him being a horny bitch, but not so much his user lololol. So cooking up a scenario that fit the prompt was a bit tricky.
So! I just went HAM. I just leaned into some fun experimentation on how to portray some smut. So! It’s short, a lot is left up to imagination, it’s a little vague, but I hope it’s still enjoyable and fun in some way.
CW: implied non-con, teratophilia, and pregnancy! Be warned! There’s also pretty blatantly stated blackmail. Please be very mindful as you read below the cut.
The human body is almost known for its durability. A tumble down a cliffside, gunshots, stabbings, freezings, all had a chance of survival. So, it wasn’t a surprise that the human body was capable of being stretched and filled to an insane amount, right? Your belly may bulge, and your skin may be littered with varied cuts and bite marks, but you could survive. You didsurvive.
Your skin was decorated in scars that varied in their severity, and the strength of your reputation as a star was hung over your head like some fucked up version of mistletoe, but you were alive to tell the tale. If...it wasn’t a story that would’ve gotten you thrown into the grippy sock hotel.
But, regardless of whether or not you’d be believed, you were alive. You’d survived being stuffed to the brim with an inhuman cock, and you’d lived when the nightmare Zebra, bull thing that loomed over you had filled your belly with enough molten desire that your skin had felt ready to split apart. Of course, you couldn’t mention what had happened with that demon, but you...could move on from it. You could...do what Akechi demanded and hopefully get him to erase the video he’d taken. Then, you can finally completely forget what had happened.
The way that demon’s cock had slowly drug against every inch of you, the feeling of his claws when they bit into the skin of your sides and back, the...way something seemed to lingerin your body, even after the demon had filled you until boiling...fluid, had begun to drip out of you. You could leave it all behind, get rid of it in some way. Right?
All you could do was hope. Hope, and survive the rancid predicament once again.
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mane--attraction · 4 months
Jotun Physiology Headcanon (with respect to one Loki Laufeyson)
A/N: I FORGOT I STARTED WRITING THIS. I created the draft on October 16, 2020 :,) I think the last time I edited it before this week was like 2022.
 A bit different than what's been on this blog so far, but I've had this concept for years and figured I'd put it out there in my own way. :)
Regardless of how “bestial” they are or not (the Asgardians are not exactly reliable narrators), the Jotuns are creatures of the cold; this much is clear. Therefore, one might assume that physical activities that generate too much heat would be less than ideal, especially ones that require skin-to-skin contact, even if they want to engage in it. So, for the continuation of their species, biology might have given them a further incentive: aphrodisiac sexual fluids. Ingesting it (both male and female fluids) is the most immediate way to gain any effects, although the chemicals that create the aphrodisiac portion can also be absorbed through the various membranes during sex (male-giving), although the results aren't as pronounced as swallowing the fluids.
So. Back to Loki. :)
Similar to how he is unable to cause frostbite and other Jotun things in his Asgardian illusion, the effects are less pronounced when Loki appears Asgardian. That isn’t to say it doesn’t work, because it definitely does, but not to the same extent as when he is visually a Frost Giant; in general, the effects double (at a minimum) in his true natural state. Asgardians are not affected much: they just get essentially a buzz, a little push; they may grow warm, a little extra arousal, but nothing major. Humans, being far removed from the conditions of the rest of the Nine Realms (magic and other various things that I have no knowledge of), are far more susceptible to its effects: even a fraction of fluid is enough to start something—a heat in the loins, quickening of the heart, an increased desire...and a full “dose”? Burning need, stronger than the most turned on a person has ever been, enough to take over their thoughts entirely, if it's allowed to get that far. And such an all-consuming desire can only be fulfilled in one way: engaging in sex with the one who caused this altered state. And, even then, it's a bit of a cyclical thing, because the more fluids enter the body, the longer the effects last...but if one does not fuck, then one will be incapacitated for at least a day or few, if not more, depending on how much has been consumed. And this is just the baseline from his Asgardian default; from his Jotun form, expect to become delirious with a need that nothing on Earth could even hope to instill in a person, enough to feel like one will go mad.
Side note: There is no such thing as "a little bit of cum" for male Frost Giants. Naturally, they're typically, well, giants, so it's proportional (mostly). This means that Loki produces an...excessive amount when compared to an Asgardian or a human, regardless of which form he takes. Not typically enough to overflow as an Asgardian, it's a bit more within believability then. As a Jotun, prepare to have him leaking down your thighs. Y'know, if your mind isn't leaking out of your head from wanting him so badly. :)
Did I write this whole thing just to excuse the fact that I wanted Loki to have aphrodisiac cum to write a couple particular scenes that may or may not ever be posted? Yes, yes I did.
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little-diable · 2 years
An eternal love - Devil!Loki (smut)
I've been wanting to write something like this for a while, @negans-lucille-tblr told me to use Loki for this story, so here we are. The idea was inspired by the song “Devil doesn’t bargain” by Alec Benjamin. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: It wasn't unusual for the Lord of Hell to make his way to earth. It wasn't unusual for him to walk around towns, to drink coffee and stare at the ones that would end up in his kingdom one day. But it was unusual for him to obsess over a human being, a human being carrying the name (y/n).
Warnings: 18+, smut, vaginal sex, oral (f), fluff but also a small bit of angst, open end (3.6k words)
Pairing: Devil!Loki x fem!reader
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Perhaps he was growing tired. Perhaps he was growing bored. But perhaps he was just looking for a new adventure. And when the devil grows bored and leaves his home, all sinners should run and hide, praying that they wouldn’t cross paths with the one that could easily take them to the darkest corner of hell.
It wasn’t unusual for him to leave the place he knew like the back of his hand, sometimes he’d make his way to earth for just a few hours. Hours he’d use to aimlessly walk around, exploring new spots and shops, indulging in the overly sweet tastes he’d come across.
And today should have been such a day, a day where he’d return within a handful of hours.
Loki’s boots were pounding against the ground, eyes focused on the shops he was walking past, hoping to find a coffee house or a bakery. He didn’t look at the people walking past him, didn’t even spare them a fraction of his time, but the second he felt something collapsing with his chest, he focused his gaze on the ground.
A woman had bumped into him, hands reaching for his arms to catch herself before she’d tumble to the ground. Loki didn’t think twice before helping her, hoping to stabilize her. At first he didn’t pay any attention to the waves of heat burning through him, a different kind of heat he wasn’t used to. She was gorgeous, more beautiful than all other creations he had crossed paths with.
“I am so sorry,” her voice wavered, clearly embarrassed about her encounter with the handsome stranger. Her coffee had left a few stains on his black shirt, making the fabric cling to his chest. “Wait, let me dry that for you.”
“Oh, don’t worry. It’s all good, are you hurt?” For a second she froze, eyes flickering to his, trying to pinpoint his accent. He didn’t sound like a stranger from around here, didn’t speak like a man who has grown up in this country. A wanderer new to this place, she was sure of it. 
“No, I’m not. Sorry again.” She wanted to turn away and leave, but he didn’t let her get far, hand clamped down on her wrist.
“Do you want to grab some coffee with me? Since yours is empty now and I didn’t have any so far.” The grin that tugged on his lips had an addicting effect to it, forcing one onto hers. All she did was nod her head, and before she could take another breath, he had started pulling her down the street, towards the coffee shop located on the other side of this boulevard. 
“Here, let me help you.” Gentle touches left her shuddering, eyes following his every move as he helped her out of her coat. The coffee shop offered enough quietness for the two to grow familiar with one another, exchanging some basic information - lies he used to hide his true identity from the woman who intrigued him, by far more interesting that the souls he’d encounter at home. 
“So, where are you from?” The scent of their coffee stuck to them, wrapped around them like an embrace they were sharing. It had something calming to it, something Loki had never experienced before, finally allowing his thoughts to rest.
“From Norway, I’ve been living here for a few weeks now.” The lies rolled off his tongue almost too easily, spoken like he had never told another story about the identity he kept changing like the new shapes of lightning bolts flickering across the sky. A game he found excitement in, a game that made him feel something other than the mundane boredness he was facing day in and day out. 
“Norway? That is so cool, tell me more about it.” (Y/n)’s eyes were twinkling in excitement as she listened to the stories he kept sharing. And even though he kept changing his details, he tried to stick to the truth, lost in her eyes like a mere human being crushing on a beautiful woman. 
And even though their coffee cups had been empty for a while, neither (y/n) nor Loki wanted to leave, sharing stories, thoughts and ideas as if they had known each other for months. It was rare for him to be interested in a human being, not understanding their easy minds, the thoughts that left him groaning in annoyance. But she didn’t make him feel annoyed nor did he ever want (y/n) to stop talking.
“If you want to, I could show you around town tomorrow?” (Y/n)’s murmurs left him shaking in anticipation, body reacting without his mind's command. 
“I would love that.” 
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He hadn’t found his way home. Loki had spent the night in a few bars, hoping to pass time till morning would rise, waking another day he’d spent with (y/n) – the woman his mind couldn’t stop focusing on. 
She had done something to him, it felt as if she had lured him into her trap, as if she had bewitched him. And he loved every second of it, obsessed with the woman his body was reaching out to, hoping to feel her pressed against his warm one. 
It was a foolish mistake of his, he was going against his own rules, and was starting to obsess over a mere human being, very well knowing that he couldn’t take her home with him. Only if she’d die for him. And that was something he couldn’t ask of her, not now, not ever. 
Dressed in a new shirt he had bought a few minutes ago, Loki was waiting for (y/n) in front of the shop they had walked to yesterday afternoon. The streets were packed, filled with strangers rushing to work, strangers that have all sinned – in one way or another. People that would one day find their way to him, their eternal judge, the one they’d have to kneel for. 
“Hey,” (y/n)’s voice ripped him out of his thoughts, eyes meeting hers with a smile tugging on his lips. Loki pulled her in for a hug, not able to stop his body from calling out to hers. And (y/n) didn’t seem to mind, not one bit. 
She showed him around town, shared a few history facts with him and even brought him to her favorite lunch place. He couldn’t tell if she felt the same pull in her chest, the same racing thoughts that forced him to think about (y/n) with every breath spilling from his lips. But perhaps all he needed was to feel her close, to brush his hand against hers as they walked through narrow streets, to wrap his arm around her waist to guide her through crowds, to admire her when she kept talking about childhood memories that connected her to this very town. 
“Okay, come on, I have one last place in mind.” With an excited smile tugging on her lips, (y/n) reached for Loki’s hand. Bolts of electricity shot through their systems, forcing the two to freeze for just a second, not used to feeling something as intense. But (y/n) didn’t dare let go of his hand, not when he made her feel this comfortable, not when he made her feel safe and protected. 
No words were shared as they entered the small museum, no words were shared as she guided him through hallways. Only as they came to halt in front of a room with a massive wooden door, did she part her lips to speak, “We have a collection of old norse saga, poems and relics. I thought you may enjoy this.” 
Admiration filled his pupils as Loki followed her into the room. His eyes wandered along the bookshelves, taking in the printed material that was telling old stories, making him feel as if he was coming home after a stressful day. Home. He hadn’t thought about returning since he had left almost 48 hours ago, hadn’t thought about his obligations, the job he had to do. All he cared about was getting to know her. 
“Thank you for showing me this.” Loki squeezed (y/n)’s hand, eyes meeting hers. She had already been looking at him, studying the handsome man she found herself crushing on. Perhaps they were moving all too fast, not understanding what their hearts and minds were trying to communicate. But perhaps they didn’t need to understand where their rational minds were hoping to guide them to, perhaps all they needed was to feel the pull that forced them closer together. 
“Do you want to cook dinner together at my place?” 
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It had been days since she had last seen Loki. Days where her mind had forced her to remember the hours they’ve spent together, hours that have made her feel more alive than anything she has ever felt before. 
That night at her place had turned out to be one of the most calming nights she had ever been able to live through. And it all had ended with him pressing his lips to her cheek as he murmured a small “I’ll see you again”. That night she hadn’t put much thought into analyzing his last words, clearly misunderstanding him. 
But now, days after their last encounter, (y/n) couldn’t help but curse herself for being this foolish. Had he just played a game with her? Had he found joy in messing with her heart? Thoughts that made her see red, burning anger flushed through her system like poison biting itself into her body. 
Perhaps it was for the better, their moments together have felt too intimate, too real for whatever it was they’ve shared. 
Nevertheless, he kept appearing in her thoughts. Like a bad omen or a nightmare haunting her. And deep down (y/n) hoped that those thoughts would never stop, that they’d forever appear, allowing her to remember their time together. Her life had been awfully boring and he had managed to rip her out of the bubble she had been stuck in, at least for a few days. 
Now she was back to living through her days without excitement, without anything to brighten the darkening hours.
It was late by the time she returned home, exhausted by the past hours she had spent at work. All her body needed was a good few hours of sleep, hours she would use to try and think of him, the handsome stranger she shouldn’t obsess over like this. 
Her dark apartment allowed her to move freely, not paying any attention to the mess she hadn’t managed to clean the past days. She quietly prepared herself some food, head resting against her cupboard as her dinner cooked on the stove, chasing the relief her bed will soon be able to offer.
But before (y/n) could prepare herself for bed, to shrug out of her clothes, the sound of somebody knocking on her door echoed through the night. Momentarily she froze, she wasn’t expecting any guests, didn’t have any friends living close by, but as soon as she heard him calling her name, she set into movement. 
Loki was wearing the same black suit he had worn on the day of their first encounter, looking as handsome as ever, “Hey, I’m sorry for disappearing, I had some stuff to take care of. But I’d like to take you out, if you still want to spend time with me.” 
“Now?” Tiredness dripped from her voice, but a small part of her couldn’t help but feel excited, hoping that he’d answer the questions that have kept her awake.
“Unless you’re too tired, then we can-” (y/n) stopped his rambling with the raise of her hand. She murmured a small “wait a second” and disappeared back inside her apartment - only to return a minute later. The same coat she had worn days ago was now hugging her body and before Loki could stop himself, he pulled her into his chest, tightly hugging the woman he had missed more than he had ever missed anything before. 
“I missed you.” His words left her shuddering, eyes fluttering close to relish in this moment. Loki pressed his lips against her forehead and with one last squeeze of her arms, he pulled her outside, into the night the two would spend together. 
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“You can stay here, if you want. It’s late.” It was past 3 am as the two returned to her apartment. For a second all he did was stare at her, eyes flickering between her lips and eyes, wondering if he should cross that last invisible line. 
The past hours had been filled with laughter, questions she had asked and questions he had answered. Lies he had spoken to distract her from the truth, the truth that would force him away from her in a few hours. Lies that hurt him to speak out loud. 
The silence that had wrapped itself around the two was broken the second he pressed his lips against hers. A small grasp rumbled through (y/n) before her arms wandered up to his neck, pressing herself flush against his chest. Her heart was racing, trying to decipher if she was fast asleep and dreaming or if he was truly kissing her.
But nevertheless, (y/n) prayed that she’d forever remember this very moment, the taste of his that reminded her of a stormy night, the feeling of his hands pressed against her waist. It was perfect, almost too perfect.
Without parting, (y/n) pushed open the door to her apartment, guiding Loki inside. Only as they started pulling their coats and shoes off their body, did they break the kiss – meeting halfway as soon as they were ready to take it to the next step. They didn’t share any words as they found their way to her bedroom, desperate to give into the pull they felt, begging the two to finallly fuck the need they felt for one another out of their systems. 
A foolish mistake that would only bind the two closer together. 
“Fuck, you don’t know how much I was thinking about this. How much I was trying to imagine your naked body pressed against mine.” Loki’s rough voice shot shudders down her spine, thighs pressed together to stop her body from giving in too fast. But who was she kidding, she was folding right in front of his eyes, allowing the man to take her as he pleased. 
He pushed her against her mattress, body lingering between her thighs. “I need you to fuck me, don’t waste any more time, please.” (Y/n)’s voice broke, a moan followed her words as he started grinding his middle against her clothed heat, pushing her into soaring waves of pleasure. Waves so high she’d drown in no time, sinking to the bottom of the cold ocean with her eyes ripped open and her heart jumping in her chest. 
“Oh, I’m not planning on wasting any time, darling.” Loki’s hands moved quickly, set on freeing her from the confines of her clothes. The sight of her bare body left the man moaning, eyes ranking over her frame as if he was trying to burn this very sight into his thoughts. Forever etched into his mind. “My beautiful girl, fuck, how did I get so lucky.”
His praises had their effect on her, coaxing yet another moan of desperation from her swollen lips. And before (y/n) could try to pull him closer, Loki had already buried his head between her thighs. His tongue worked in wicked ways, brushing through her folds with ruthless strokes, high on her taste. 
“Oh god, Loki, don’t you dare stop.” With her head thrown back and her back arched off her mattress, (y/n) buried her hands in his dark hair. She tugged on his roots, hoping to push him closer against her heat, wanting to feel every brush of his rough tongue. He chuckled against her cunt, eyes flickering up to her pleasure drunken features, intensely studying the moaning woman.
And just before she could give in and cum on his tongue, he pulled away with a simple “I want you to cum around my cock.” He didn’t give her any time to protest, hands quickly tugged his cock free, exposing his impressive length to her glassy eyes. Wordlessly she reached for a condom, ripped it open with her teeth and rolled it down his cock, wanting to feel him resting against her palm.
“Are you sure?” He had to ask, didn’t want to pressure her into doing something she wasn't sure of. She pressed her lips against his, wrapped her legs around his waist and breathed out a small “yes”. And that is all he needed to hear.
Loki pushed into her with a groan clawing through him, not used to her tightness, a sensation he hadn’t felt in years. He was used to easy fucks, creatures he would forget as soon as his orgasm rocked through him, but he wouldn’t forget her, fuck, he’d never be able to. He buried his cock deep inside of her, tip nudging her sweet spot with every ferocious thrust. 
“You feel so good wrapped around me, fuck, I should have taken you on our first date.” Loki’s eyes burned into her soul, uncovering her every secret as he was pushing her closer to her release. He was about to set her body and soul ablaze, was about to force her to her limits with his head buried in the crook of her neck and his cock ripping her walls further apart. 
“I’m close, please let me cum.” (Y/n) begged him with her fingernails breaking through the skin of his shoulders, leaving behind small marks. Loki needed a few moments to reply, not wanting to break their contact apart just yet. She felt too good, an unreal feeling he had been chasing ever since his creation. 
“Wait for me, hold on, darling.” He picked up his pace, skin slapping against hers as he fucked them closer and closer to the edge. And with their gazes connected he nodded his head, allowing her to cum around his cock as he filled the condom with his heat. 
Loki let go of her the second both had caught up with their hitched breaths and their racing hearts, rising from the bed to get rid of the condom and to find a towel to clean her up with. He gently took care of her, kissing the marks his teeth had left behind, hoping to soothe the uncomfortable ache that would stretch itself through her body soon enough. 
“Will you leave again?” Her voice was small, as if she was scared to hear the words he would speak. It took him a second to reply, eyes fluttering close to sort through his thoughts. 
“Yes. I have to.” Loki’s voice matched her tone, growing more quiet with every syllable leaving his lips. He didn’t dare meet her eyes, hand fumbling with hers as he thought of the work waiting for him, the kingdom to rule, a kingdom that could welcome her, only if she’d be able to bid this life goodbye. 
“Where will you go? Home again? I don’t know if I believe that, if I’m being honest.” (Y/n) pulled her hand free, wanting to distance herself from him, at least till he’d give in and speak the truth.
“Do you believe in God, (y/n)?” His eyes met hers, watching her frown deepen as she heavily swallowed.
“What does that have to do with my question?” She was growing annoyed, perhaps even angry. (Y/n) didn’t see through his motives, not able to understand where he was going with this. 
“A lot. It will help you understand what I’m about to say to you.” He rose from the mattress, pulled on his clothes and took another step back from her bed. Loki was preparing himself to leave, ready to make his way back to hell. “If I’d tell you that I don’t live on the earth you are wandering, if I’d tell you that I’m the one calling sinners home, would you believe me?”
A laugh rumbled through her, body falling back against the mattress. But Loki didn’t start laughing, he kept quiet, standing on the spot he found himself frozen to.
“Okay, tell me the truth now. Are you married? Cheating on somebody?” Now it was his turn to laugh, but it wasn’t amusement rumbling through him, no, it was anger, burning anger he felt. But he wasn’t angry at her, but at himself, for falling for a human being that can’t understand the concept of life and death, of heaven and earth.
“I am not cheating, nor am I with somebody else. You may not believe me, but I have no reason to lie to you, (y/n). Some call me Lucifer, some call me the Devil, some don’t even dare to speak my name. I shouldn’t have given in, but something about you won’t let me rest.” No longer was she smiling, nor frowning. Mundane like the words he had spoken, (y/n) kept staring at him. 
“So what? You live in hell? Stop messing with me.” Without thinking twice, Loki stepped closer, hand finding her forehead before she could move away. No longer was she seeing the surroundings of her apartment, no longer was she seeing Loki standing in front of her. Heat was streaming up her body, darkness engulfed her, a darkness that made her skin crawl. 
“This is my home, this is where I’m disappearing to.” She reached for his hand, pulled it off her forehead and deeply inhaled as her vision returned back to the way it had been. Glassy eyes found his, eyes full of confusion though yet full of intrigue. (Y/n) was shaking, not able to understand how any of this was possible. 
“I may be selfish, I may be foolish even to ask you this. But I have to, even though I know you’d have to pay for this with your life. Will you come with me? I can’t let go of you, darling.” And the devil doesn’t bargain, he won’t let go. 
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drowninginabactatank · 9 months
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Today I made lemon cupcakes with fresh lemon juice, lemon zest and candied lemon peel inside, topped with matcha icing and candied lemon accents. 🍋🍵
The house smells delicious~
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