#Long Long Ago 20th Century
retrokid616 · 5 months
dorian after that walk off to the spider queen like!
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ask-cloverfield · 1 year
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bisclavret · 1 month
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compiling some story vibes
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4lph4kidz · 1 year
the problem with 'why don't you just make an oc' with homestuck specifically is that so much of what i like about homestuck's characters is reliant on the text to the point of being impossible to extricate or replicate. if i wanted i could absolutely take some of the elements i like to make ocs, and i probably will at some point, but it's not just the characters and their traits on their own, it's their place in and treatment by the text itself that is compelling to me
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marietheran · 1 year
I think the fundamental problem I have with the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy is how they completely undermines the ending of RotJ.
In real life, I allow, it absolutely happens that 20 years after one great war there is another. Historical victories aren't clear cut like that. But let's be clear: if Star Wars worked like history does the rebellion wouldn't have won in the first place.
So let our heroes have their happy ending! Let them stay heroes. Don't do that.
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cpyclopse · 1 year
I started crocheting and I made some gay flowers for my gay books!
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Im about to rant about flowers and gay people so when youre done looking at my awsome flower book marks scroll if you dont wanna read like 4 paragraphs
So fun facts about these flowers in case you didn't already know!! As we all know some flowers mean different things (you can go deeper with floriography which is so neat) and they are just generally used in symbolism. We know lillies, specifically white ones, are used for funerals (at least in the west) and red Roses are for love we assign flowers and plants for roles often times by their looks, locations, and histories.
First we will talk about the Violet. So back in yee olden days in ancient Greece around 600-500 bce there was a poet named Sapho. She is important for a couple reasons 1) she was a woman and misogyny has been around since before Jesus (literally) ancient greece had some cool stuff and had some cool policies like that they (from what ive read) were pretty considerate of different religions even having some temples for immagrants for them to pray in but they also had stuff like slavery and generally hated women. And 2) she was the first ever documented woman who explicitly liked other women and wrote about it.
Sapho, being the pretty popular poet she was, made poems about her love of women and in one of them she talked about a beautiful woman wearing violets. That line is where we get the connection of violets to lesbians (and wlw people in general). People have refrenced her violets a lot in history some have also used diffrent purple flowers as well to show their love to other women.
Next we got the Pansy. This connection has been around for at least a little over a 100 years. Pansy has been used as an insult for queer men bc theyre delicate flowers and such and grrr flowers are feminine men are are big and strong hrumph. The term "pasny craze" was made in like the 20s bc queer people were really coming full swing well not really but more and more people knew of our existence and they weren't happy about it (shocker i know). To sum it up its more of a reclaiming something that was used against us there was even a bar named after the flower. To add on there is another flower used to represent gay men and this one was a bit more like flagging. This being the Carnation(my personal favorite flower) specifically the green one. The one and only *Oscar Wilde* wore one in his breast pocket which in turn trickled down to the every day gay mans consciousness.
Maybe we should think about flowers more i know i do. I cant grow a garden bc i dont like to go outside and bc the sun here is evil but someone should grow a gay garden for me. That would make you a real horticulture lad *ba dum tisk*
Bla bla bla rant info dumping all in all i crocheted gay flowers and put them in their respective gay books
- xoxo gossip girl
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reindeersonmytshirt · 3 months
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orlissa · 2 months
A few weeks ago I read a YA book - it doesn't really matter which one exactly -, set in Argentina and Egypt, in the 1880s, and it included a sentence I cannot get out of my head:
[The dress] had a matching parasol, ruffled and useless save for protecting my skin from the sun.
This unassuming sentence, my friends, is one of the stupidest shit I've ever read (I honestly don't know how it slipped past the editor).
On the one hand, like, consider the word itself: parasol. It literally means "to protect against the sun." To say that a parasol is useless save for, you know, protecting you from the sun, is to say something like "a pen is useless save fro writing."
And even that is not useless - a parasol is vital, especially, you know, in Egypt, where 90% of the novel is set. You don't have sunblock in the 1880s, and, vanity put aside... you don't want to end up with a nasty sunburn - hence the parasol. It's not "useless" - it has one specific and very important function - which it fulfills! It doesn't have to do anything else!
And the most infuriating in the whole thing is that you just know that sentences and sentiments like this stem from the misconception that everything women did or wore pre-20th century is the product of the opressive patriarchy and should be condemned. Corsets are yucky. Long skirt are ewww. Parasols are USELESS.
Heaven forbid that all of these things made sense in their given context.
Honestly, I really wanna see some heroines in historical/fantasy books who go, like "no, I feel naked without my corset, it's like my armor" and "you want me to wear pants? I don't know, I'd feel so awkward." And, you know, heroines who thrive in the period specific femininity, instead of trying to dismantle it, because that's so cool.
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canadachronicles · 7 months
"(Sappho XXIII) I loved thee, Atthis, in the long ago, When the great oleanders were in flower In the broad herded meadows full of sun. And we would often at the fall of dusk Wander together by the silver stream, When the soft grass-heads were all wet with dew And purple-misted in the fading light. And joy I knew and sorrow at thy voice, And the superb magnificence of love,— The loneliness that saddens solitude, And the sweet speech that makes it durable,— The bitter longing and the keen desire, The sweet companionship through quiet days In the slow ample beauty of the world, And the unutterable glad release Within the temple of the holy night. O Atthis, how I loved thee long ago In that fair perished summer by the sea!"
-- I Loved Thee, Atthis, in the Long Ago, Bliss Carman.
Soon I will be with my love, and it will be Summer and we'll be by the sea, for she lives in the Southern Hemisphere, and I truly cannot wait. In the meantime, I whisper Bliss Carman poems in the phone on Valentine's' Day, and I picture her lounging lavishly in satin sheets...
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reasonsforhope · 8 months
The World's Forests Are Doing Much Better Than We Think
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You might be surprised to discover... that many of the world’s woodlands are in a surprisingly good condition. The destruction of tropical forests gets so much (justified) attention that we’re at risk of missing how much progress we’re making in cooler climates.
That’s a mistake. The slow recovery of temperate and polar forests won’t be enough to offset global warming, without radical reductions in carbon emissions. Even so, it’s evidence that we’re capable of reversing the damage from the oldest form of human-induced climate change — and can do the same again.
Take England. Forest coverage now is greater than at any time since the Black Death nearly 700 years ago, with some 1.33 million hectares of the country covered in woodlands. The UK as a whole has nearly three times as much forest as it did at the start of the 20th century.
That’s not by a long way the most impressive performance. China’s forests have increased by about 607,000 square kilometers since 1992, a region the size of Ukraine. The European Union has added an area equivalent to Cambodia to its woodlands, while the US and India have together planted forests that would cover Bangladesh in an unbroken canopy of leaves.
Logging in the tropics means that the world as a whole is still losing trees. Brazil alone removed enough woodland since 1992 to counteract all the growth in China, the EU and US put together. Even so, the planet’s forests as a whole may no longer be contributing to the warming of the planet. On net, they probably sucked about 200 million metric tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year between 2011 and 2020, according to a 2021 study. The CO2 taken up by trees narrowly exceeded the amount released by deforestation. That’s a drop in the ocean next to the 53.8 billion tons of greenhouse gases emitted in 2022 — but it’s a sign that not every climate indicator is pointing toward doom...
More than a quarter of Japan is covered with planted forests that in many cases are so old they’re barely recognized as such. Forest cover reached its lowest extent during World War II, when trees were felled by the million to provide fuel for a resource-poor nation’s war machine. Akita prefecture in the north of Honshu island was so denuded in the early 19th century that it needed to import firewood. These days, its lush woodlands are a major draw for tourists.
It’s a similar picture in Scandinavia and Central Europe, where the spread of forests onto unproductive agricultural land, combined with the decline of wood-based industries and better management of remaining stands, has resulted in extensive regrowth since the mid-20th century. Forests cover about 15% of Denmark, compared to 2% to 3% at the start of the 19th century.
Even tropical deforestation has slowed drastically since the 1990s, possibly because the rise of plantation timber is cutting the need to clear primary forests. Still, political incentives to turn a blind eye to logging, combined with historically high prices for products grown and mined on cleared tropical woodlands such as soybeans, palm oil and nickel, mean that recent gains are fragile.
There’s no cause for complacency in any of this. The carbon benefits from forests aren’t sufficient to offset more than a sliver of our greenhouse pollution. The idea that they’ll be sufficient to cancel out gross emissions and get the world to net zero by the middle of this century depends on extraordinarily optimistic assumptions on both sides of the equation.
Still, we should celebrate our success in slowing a pattern of human deforestation that’s been going on for nearly 100,000 years. Nothing about the damage we do to our planet is inevitable. With effort, it may even be reversible.
-via Bloomburg, January 28, 2024
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vincentbriggs · 3 days
so i am newly in a wheelchair which has been a Massive gain in my ability to go out and about. but i realized that i have aprox 0 clothes that look Good while seated. its a completely different silhouette and i am at a loss as to what to do for it. do you have any suggestions for what could look good seated? preferably no skirts or dresses.
Edit: Check the notes for more people's input, including actual wheelchair users who know much more about what works than I could!
Congrats on chair acquisition!!
Since you're sending this to me specifically I am working under the assumption that you mean to do some amount of sewing.
A high waisted silhouette definitely works best for sitting. I make all my pants with the waistband at my natural waist, and a bit of pleating or gathering at the back just like they did on 18th century breeches, and I've never noticed any particular discomfort from sitting in them. (I think high waisted pants are more comfortable in general, and that low rise jeans are evil.)
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It's something I've never really thought about before, but sitting is a very legs-forward position, so perhaps a colourful or fancy stripe down the side would work well.
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(I made this pair 10 years ago and they didn't fit well and are long gone, but I should do a better version someday...)
Or some other form of side seam decoration, like these fabulous button tabs.
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(I don't know what the source for this mid 19th century fashion plate is.)
Cropped jackets would also be good. The first thing that comes to mind for me is the Carmagnole, which was a style worn by French revolutionaries. It's got a pretty similar cut to a regular 1790's coat, just shorter.
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And there are other styles of short jacket, like this one from a few decades later.
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I think it might be possible to get a similar effect from cutting down a thrifted corduroy jacket, depending on the pocket placement? It's not something I've done myself though.
A fancy little bolero could be a lot of fun too! I quite like these ones made by Marlowe Lune. Super easy to sew, and could be patterned by cutting down a bigger pattern that fits the torso.
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They'd be a good thing to try if you have a smallish piece of fancy fabric, or a small bit trim to use, or want to try a small amount of embroidery.
There are lots of historical styles with sleeves too, and all sorts of decorations.
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(Dunno the source for this one either, unfortunately, but the pin says 1880s reception dress. I think a little jacket like that would look good with a puffy shirt and pants.)
Short capes might be practical too, and the late 19th and early 20th century have tons of fancy capelets for inspiration, like this one.
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Or this one.
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I hope this is somehow helpful! I don't know if you're looking to sew things from scratch or to buy and alter stuff or what, and I have no personal experience using a wheelchair, but these are the best things I can think of for a suitable silhouette. Dramatic sleeve/shoulder puffs would also be shown off to great effect, if that's something you'd like to wear.
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Long ago, when Elros was still building his Kingdom, and Númenor was young, he had his twin brother officially crown him, as a symbol of their bond.
After the first King died his son reached out to his uncle, and asked him if he would crown him as well.
From there on a tradition was begun.
Every time a King died a letter was send to Elrond, and in addition an invitation to the coronation of the next ruler, and the question to be the one to crown them.
Over centuries every King and Queen of Númenor was crown by Tar-Miniatur‘s brother, as a symbol of the bond between them and their half elven kinsman, who loved and cared for them dearly.
But as the centuries passed something changed. When in S.A. 2029 Tar-Atanamir first spoke out against the Valar relations slowly began to tense, though there was no one who greatly worried back then, except for Elrond.
In S.A. 2737 Elrond began to fear for his brother‘s people, as he noticed more and more how they drifted from the old ways with the coronation of the 18th King of Númenor, Ar-Belzagar, and the change in name.
In the year of S.A. 2899 the 20th King of Númenor was crowned, and for the first time in all its history, no letter to Elrond was send, and Ar-Adûnakhôr was crowned by another.
With the reign of Tar-Palantir Elrond felt a flicker of hope for the first time in decades, but it was quickly overshadowed as he realized his brother’s folk had already gone too far.
After the fall of Númenor the surviving faithful came to Middle Earth, and there, Lord Elrond welcomed them with open arm‘s. Their leader, Elendil, happily welcomed their estranged kinsman and was more than relieved that he was still receiving to them. And as he was crowned in S.A. 3320 Elrond was once again the one to set the crown atop a Númenorian‘s head, and the tradition was reawakened and continued ever on.
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robsheridan · 1 year
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Sisters of the Solstice. Sweden, 1975. Rumors swirled for centuries about a secretive community of women who harnessed the power of the Solstice for dark magic that granted them eternal life. Hushed whispers called them a coven of witches and warned of ritual sacrifice, cannibalism, walking dead, communications with the devil, and a bloodlust towards any man who would dare enter their territory… but was any of it true? By the 20th century, the Sisters had long been relegated to a dusty old myth, until photographer Sera Clairmont published these photos in her Spectagoria magazine.
Clairmont gave sparse details about her time with the Sisters of the Solstice, saying she was only given access to their rituals under a vow of secrecy. “These women have only ever asked for privacy,” she wrote, “and because they protect that fiercely, they are called evil. Are they practitioners of magick? Certainly. They give themselves to the earth, and the earth returns them to life. One cannot make such exchanges without sacrifice, but that is their way. Many generations ago, these women turned to the dark arts for protection when the world of men would offer them none. Men hurt them, so they adapted to survive. That the Sisters found the devil a safer bedfellow says more about men than it does about the Sisters. And as the soil grows their bodies anew, Midsommar after Midsommar, don’t be surprised if Mother Earth is taking notes. After all, who has a world of men hurt more than she?”
NOTE: This is a work of fiction created by me. This alternate reality horror story is part of my NightmAIres narrative art series (visit that link for a lot more). NightmAIres are windows into other worlds and interconnected alternate histories, conceived/written by me and visualized with synthography and Photoshop.
If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon for frequent exclusive hi-res wallpaper packs, behind-the-scenes features, downloads, events, contests, and an awesome fan community. Direct fan support is what keeps me going as an independent creator, and it means the world to me.
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vinceaddams · 2 years
Top 5 historic clothing items we should bring back into style (stockings on men, big cuffs on coats etc.)
Well I am very biased, because my everyday clothes are mostly 18th century menswear inspired, but for a list as short as 5 it's good to narrow it down!
1. 18th century shirts. Big puffy soft linen shirts. Best shirts. Comfiest shirts. Though tragically, since they get softer with more washing, they're at their absolute most comfortable right before they wear out.
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(This one's from the post where I copied the tiddy-out violinist painting.) Besides being the nicest softest comfiest, they're also the most economical, being made entirely from rectangles. And they're versatile, they look good with lots of different garments! Someday I will do a very detailed youtube tutorial for my machine sewn shirt method. I've done so many now that I think I've finally got it down.
2. Adjustable waistbands. Why did this ever stop being a thing? 18th century breeches have lacing at the back, then in the 19th century trousers have a buckle tab. Now they do not, even though we're all still humans with bodies that change. (These are my orange silk breeches)
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Do you know how many hours of my life I've spent taking in or letting out the waist seams of modern trousers? I don't know either, but I've been an alterations tailor since 2019, so it's got to be a fair amount.
All that waist altering wouldn't be necessary if they still made them adjustable! Waistlines fluctuate, so too should waistbands!!
3. Shoulder capes attached to coats. This was a thing in the late 18th century, and in the 19th, and I think into the early 20th too. It adds extra protection from the rain and snow, and it looks cool.
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(c. 1812, The Met.)
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(c. 1840-60, MFA Boston. The cape on this one is detachable)
You can make them long or short, and stack them up like pancakes or just have one. I've got 2 small ones on my corduroy coat, and one on my dark blue wool. Both cut from almost the same 1790's-ish pattern.
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I also want to give a shoutout to fitted sleeves! I love me some two piece sleeves with a distinct elbow! And the coat pockets were bigger back then.
4. Indoor caps. I don't care what era or how fancy you go with it, I just want people to wear caps indoors when it's cold! This one's super simple, it's just a tube of linen tied with a ribbon.
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(Detail from Le Marchand d’Orviétan ou l’opérateur Barri by Etienne Jeaurat, 1743.)
If it's cold in your apartment you need slippers for the feets and a cap for the head. Speaking of which.
5. Medieval hoods. This one is wayyy outside my usual era, but the wintery below-freezing weather has just started here and the knit hat I've been wearing isn't quite long enough to cover my ears. I want to make a simple hat with ear flaps, but I also wouldn't be opposed to trying to work something vaguely similar to this into my wardrobe. It looks so warm!
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(Image source. Also she has a printable pattern available!) I actually made one of these once, an entire decade ago. But it was scratchy blanket wool and I've since given it away.
That's some of the main things I think we should bring back! There are lots of other things too, like men's nightgowns, and waistcoats with little scenes embroidered on them, but for this list I tried to be mostly practical.
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zoestormwriting · 3 months
New book announcement!
My new book, The Brightest Stars, is now available for preorder as an e-book on Amazon!
What's this book about, you ask? Well, here's the blurb:
Estelle’s life is pretty boring, all things considered: she doesn’t have much to worry about, she spends her days on archeological digs deep below the surface of Mars and writing scientific articles on the aliens who ruled over the Solar System many millennia ago. But nothing lasts forever. Unexpectedly, Estelle and her mentor unearth long-lost knowledge which, if revealed, could dramatically shift the balance of power between nations, and possibly even turn the ongoing cold war between the major factions in the Solar System into a blazing hot one. So now Estelle has to flee, leave her home behind in a bid to keep that knowledge from falling into the wrong hands; and along the way, she’ll have to decide where the lines of loyalty are drawn… and whom she can trust.
If I had to describe it really briefly, in one sentence: "Hard sci-fi spy thriller set in the twenty-fourth century."
Or maybe you'd like "Bond story from the point of view of the Bond Girl (who's a lesbian and asexual)."
Is your interest piqued? Then I have a clicky link for you right here 🙂
The release date is set for Saturday, July 20th, and it will be available as an e-book and as a paperback, and, in a first from me, it will be available to read on Kindle Unlimited!
I've put quite a bit of effort into writing this book, and I hope you'll like it ❤️
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gumycandyyy · 1 year
Heyo I'm here to request that Male Reader x Winter King you wanted-
Anyways, can you write for a male Reader that used to be Simon and Betty's friend before the crown and the Mushroom War, who randomly shows up in the Land of Ooo? As in, Simon thought that they had died a long time ago, alongside Betty, but the Reader had survived through some odd means and got reunited with him?
Lol, if that's too much, then I'm sorry. It could be a fic or Headcanons, whichever you prefer!
⠂"ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ɢᴏᴛᴛᴇɴ ᴏʟᴅ."⠐
⠂"ᴡᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ."⠐
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Winter King actually isn't this one, because I wanted to focus on Fionna and Cake ver. Simon
Male reader
Platonic/Romantic (I'm leaving it ambiguous, because I mean, c'mon. It's Simon.)
Type: Headcanons (With a drabble and oneshot mixed in)
Summary: An old friend shows up after a bunch of time-related shenanigans, and is finally ready to settle back down in Ooo. Though this sudden happening is quite a shock to Simon.
-You used to be an old family friend of Betty's, and met Simon through her.
-Y'all were really close, and they invited you over for dinner every other weekend.
-But one day, you just...
-Everyone thought you were kidnapped, and Simon and Betty were heartbroken.
-Through some odd means, you were kept alive for a thousand years.
-It all started one weird day when you bought a little doodad from a garage sale.
-the next thing you knew, you were in a big yellow cube with a pink wall guy.
-Apparently the little thing you bought was an item from another universe, and it was janking up Ooo.
-Aaaaand technically you just committed a serious crime by purchasing the little thing.
-And whether intentional or not, you now had to go on trial for this little accident. You tried to explain what happened, but you were found guilty.
-You were sentenced to a thousand years in some donked up time jail.
-Apparently, you wouldn't age in there, and a thousand years would pass on Ooo before you were set free.
-It was the worst thing that could've ever happened to you.
-The time jail kept you from losing your sanity, and a thousand years later, you were released.
-You were teleported back to Ooo, which looked quite different than how you remembered it.
-It felt like an eternity since you've seen rolling green hills and a clear blue sky. An eternity since you've breathed familiar air.
-You heard something, about a hundred yards from you.
-You approached the loud noises to see some buff dude with a sick beard and robotic arm beating up some one-eyed monster.
-He punched the creature, and it was sent flying towards you.
-You ducked, and the dude noticed you.
"Ah, sorry man! Didn't see you there!"
-You assured him it was nothing.
"You're not from around here, are you?"
You shook your head, then blinked confusedly. Well, technically you were. It had just been 1000 years. You tried to get your story straight, then told the guy.
"Woah, so does that mean you're technically a time traveler?"
You shrugged. Time travel hadn't been proven yet, has it? You weren't sure. You asked the guy his name, so you didn't have to refer to him as just 'the guy.'
"Oh, yeah. Name's Finn. Good ol' Finn the H."
"The H.?"
"Y'know, the Human?"
But you were human too. With all due respect, you asked him about his strange surname.
"Oh, uh.. My real last name is Mertens, but I like 'the Human' better. It's only recently other humans have started living in Ooo. So I'm kinda seen as 'that one human' y'know?"
You nodded, trying to make sense of what he said. what had happened that caused humans to leave Ooo? How was that even possible?
The two of you talked for a short while, and you learned a little bit about Ooo. You were used to knowing a lot, but you barely even recognized this place.
"Oh, you're from the 20th century, right?"
You nodded.
"I've got a friend from then, maybe you'd like to meet him? He's one cool dude."
-You agreed politely, wondering if this 20th century man would help you adjust to life in whatever century this was. What century was this anyway? 30-something?
-Finn ended up taking you to a scrappy little bar filled with people that looked to be made out of candy.
"Anything you'd like to order?"
"Nothing for me, Dirt Beer Guy. Maybe he'd like one, but we're just waiting for-"
You stared in disbelief at the face of your old friend, who looked at you with the same expression. He was carrying something under his arm, but he dropped it in shock.
"No way, you know him? That's awesome!"
Simon slowly walked up to you, as if afraid you'd disappear at any second. Tears welled up in the both of your eyes, and you had to suppress breaking down right there. It hadn't occurred to you that this 20th century man could've been Simon, but now that you were seeing him, you realized you subconsciously wished it would be him.
He spoke your name softly, not much more than a whisper, as if anything louder would cause reality to shatter, or one of you to wake up from a dream.
"You... You're really here, aren't you?"
You nodded softly, not daring to say a word. Tears spilled out of your eyes, and Finn looked slightly confused.
"Do you guys, uh.... Wanna step out for a minute?"
You agreed, still quietly, saying it would probably be better to not make a scene. Finn gave you a thumbs up and shooed you out, saying he'd wait for you when you got back inside.
You stepped out of the little bar with Simon, realizing it got dark out while you were inside.
"How about we take a walk?"
You nodded, falling into step with Simon as you walked into a nice little forest. The small stream rushing by provided ambient noise.
"How are you here..?"
Simon asked, with an air of disbelief. He blinked, wiping his glasses and rubbing his eyes. As if you'd disappear once he'd open them. You explained what happened, and suddenly gasped.
"If you're here, that means Betty must be here too, right? Where is she?"
Simon sighed, bringing his arms up to hold himself.
"She's not."
You decided not to pry, but you couldn't help but notice the sinking feeling in your gut. She was one of your best friends, and she was gone. But she was Simon's fiancee. It must have hit him harder, whatever happened to her. You'd ask later, when the emotional turmoil between the two of you wasn't so fresh.
You walked in peaceful silence between the two of you, listening to the sounds of the stream, or chirping crickets.
You took that time to study Simon, how his appearance changed, and things that stayed the same.
Same fashion sense,
same goofy circle glasses,
even the same walk you remember.
There was a white streak in his hair now.
Wrinkles on his face.
Something about him just seemed so...
"You've gotten old."
Simon smiled, though it seemed bitter.
"We both have."
"I missed you, Simon. Not a day went by that I didn't think of you, Betty, or any of our other friends."
Simon stopped walking, and you copied. He seemed as if he was about to cry again. To be honest, you were too. Talking about all of this while looking him in the face didn't fare well for your emotional state.
He took off his glasses, wiping at his eyes. Simon smiled bitterly through it though. He seemed to be so lonely. You wondered where he lived now.
". . ."
He wiped his eyes again, then looked straight at you with an unwavering gaze.
"You have no idea how much we missed you. Even years after you disappeared, we still looked. Even when the police failed, we still-"
He inhaled sharply, breath shaking. He turned his head away, as if ashamed of his emotions.
You placed your hand on his shoulder, trying to provide comfort. Simon suddenly wrapped his arms around you, pressing his face into your shoulder. You returned the embrace, holding onto him just as tightly.
Simon's breath shook, and you softly rubbed his back. You had no idea what he's gone through, and you were genuinely unsure whether you were helping or not.
His grip on you loosened, and he looked up at you.
You said nothing else, but you gently rested your forehead on his. He sniffed, then took a deep breath. Your hands fell to his waist, while his rested on your shoulders. Simon closed his eyes, cherishing this small bit of comfort.
After a few moments, Simon pulled away, bringing his fist up to his mouth and clearing his throat.
"W- well, today was certainly... Eventful."
You laughed softly, agreeing with his remark. The two of you walked back to the little bar, realizing you'd gotten farther from it than you thought you did.
Simon cleared his throat yet again, once you reached the outside of the bar.
"Yeah, Simon?"
He thought for a moment, then spoke.
". . .Thank you."
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Thanks for reading! I absolutely loved writing this, and Simon needs a hug.
Your complimentary artwork ^^
reblog for a beginner writer?
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