#its a perk to being on the spectrum
cpyclopse · 1 year
I started crocheting and I made some gay flowers for my gay books!
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Im about to rant about flowers and gay people so when youre done looking at my awsome flower book marks scroll if you dont wanna read like 4 paragraphs
So fun facts about these flowers in case you didn't already know!! As we all know some flowers mean different things (you can go deeper with floriography which is so neat) and they are just generally used in symbolism. We know lillies, specifically white ones, are used for funerals (at least in the west) and red Roses are for love we assign flowers and plants for roles often times by their looks, locations, and histories.
First we will talk about the Violet. So back in yee olden days in ancient Greece around 600-500 bce there was a poet named Sapho. She is important for a couple reasons 1) she was a woman and misogyny has been around since before Jesus (literally) ancient greece had some cool stuff and had some cool policies like that they (from what ive read) were pretty considerate of different religions even having some temples for immagrants for them to pray in but they also had stuff like slavery and generally hated women. And 2) she was the first ever documented woman who explicitly liked other women and wrote about it.
Sapho, being the pretty popular poet she was, made poems about her love of women and in one of them she talked about a beautiful woman wearing violets. That line is where we get the connection of violets to lesbians (and wlw people in general). People have refrenced her violets a lot in history some have also used diffrent purple flowers as well to show their love to other women.
Next we got the Pansy. This connection has been around for at least a little over a 100 years. Pansy has been used as an insult for queer men bc theyre delicate flowers and such and grrr flowers are feminine men are are big and strong hrumph. The term "pasny craze" was made in like the 20s bc queer people were really coming full swing well not really but more and more people knew of our existence and they weren't happy about it (shocker i know). To sum it up its more of a reclaiming something that was used against us there was even a bar named after the flower. To add on there is another flower used to represent gay men and this one was a bit more like flagging. This being the Carnation(my personal favorite flower) specifically the green one. The one and only *Oscar Wilde* wore one in his breast pocket which in turn trickled down to the every day gay mans consciousness.
Maybe we should think about flowers more i know i do. I cant grow a garden bc i dont like to go outside and bc the sun here is evil but someone should grow a gay garden for me. That would make you a real horticulture lad *ba dum tisk*
Bla bla bla rant info dumping all in all i crocheted gay flowers and put them in their respective gay books
- xoxo gossip girl
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parkercore-69 · 8 months
the dawning realisation that something might be wrong after you just spent a solid thirty minutes (completely unsolicited and uninterrupted) talking out loud to absolutely fucking nobody about:
1) scepticism around ghosts
2) the complex science behind cryptozoology
3) the art of film making and how all the components of a film are crucial in making an audience feel a specific way and why psychological horror is a brilliant example of this
4) the way Juno(2008) perfectly represents family
5) how The Perks of Being a Wallflower(2012) is a raw and human story of mental health and trauma with a main character whose biggest flaw is his empathy- and how the many layers to it’s narrative make each watch different as you discover something new.
And I was on an absolute roll until it just fucking clicked in my head that i was verbally talking to myself- or my shelves, really- like some manic insane person going on a panicked rant about conspiracy theories and society. Sure, it’s slightly unnerving that I was talking to myself for such an elongated period of time- and I really should be socialising more- but god damn i should’ve been making notes.
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bunnypeew · 7 months
Wicked little thing - Alastor x Gn!reader NSFW
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warnings: NSFW, MDNI pls thank you,, possessive Alastor, pet names, established relationship, doesn't really have a plot just smut dom!Alastor, sub!reader
okay so this is gonna be NSFW I am aware that Alastor is ace but Id like to say that it is a spectrum and a lot of people who are ace themselves also write NSFW of Al, but in case anything happens I'll be happy to take it down also the outfit is primarily like shorts/miniskirt and a shirt with a boob window
Today was a peaceful day, well at least as peaceful as it could get in hell anyway, Y/n was getting ready in their room in the hotel, they weren't sure of what to wear so they opted for a pretty open outfit since it was hot that day, not thinking one bit about what other people might think, the important thing is that they were comfortable. So they went down to the lobby to get some errands from Charlie for the day, she was hanging out at the bar with Husk and Vaggie talking about god knows what but as soon as she saw Y/n coming in her direction she perked up ready to say hi to them
''Oh hi Y/n!! Good morning!! You came down to get some errands I presume?,,
she said excitedly taking them by the hand to greet them even more, they couldn't help but smile at her excitement
''yeah ahah, hope I'm not interrupting anything tho,,
she shook her head smiling looking back at them with kind of a serious face even tho it was still filled with excitement
''Okay so I need you to do some errands outside in cannibal town, you know how the people helped us and everything id like for you to give this to Rosie! sadly I'm too busy to do it myself I hope Its not a bother,,
''not at all, don't even worry about Charlie I will go there right away,,
they say taking said thing from Charlie's hands and heading out of the Hotel. As they arrived at cannibal town it took them a while to remember where Rosie's emporium was but as soon as they found they sighed in relief. It's not like they didn't like cannibal town, hell Alastor was a cannibal so it wasn't that, it's just that being outside with a bunch of people around made them uneasy.
As they enter the emporium they hear Rosie talking to someone so they walk towards the voices to find Alastor is the one she was talking to, they weren't surprised at all, Rosie was one of Alastor's dear friend so it was usual for them to be talking. They put all their attention towards Rosie not even noticing how Alastor was gripping his staff a little too tight
''Hey Rosie! I came here to give you something Charlie wanted you to have! here!,,
they say giving them the thing from their hands, Rosie was really happy and thanked them profusely also asking them if they wanted a pinky finger or something, but they declined kindly. It was at this point that Alastor got up from his seat, planting a hand on Y/n waist a little roughly
''My dear Rosie, it was a pleasure speaking to you but it seems that me and this little thing have to be going! till next time!,,
and like that shadows engulfed them making them appear in the shared bedroom they had at the hotel. Alastor then with one hand rotates them around roughly, putting one hand under their chin and pulling their head up to look at him while the other one digs in their waist. Y/n was confused at this little aggression that Alastor was displaying, it was not like it at all
''Don't I always tell you to be careful my dear, mh?~ what is going on with this distasteful outfit you are wearing, how many people looked at you,,
Y/n looked him in the eyes understanding what was going on: He was jealous and nonetheless possessive they didn't say anything, wanting Alastor to get even more worked up over how they looked today. Seeing this Alastor pushes them onto the bed and places himself between their legs, one hand digging into their hip while the other one is around their pretty little neck
''not replying now are we, pet?~ Let's see how much you can hold in your words, shall we?..
with that, he roughly took off their pants and slipped out his cock then pushed it all in one thrust, this made Y/n whimper with their mouth closed not wanting to give up on being a brat just yet. Alastor was going rough, hard and fast savouring every thrust, still holding on to their neck, the other hand claws digging deeper in their hip with each thrust
''you belong to me, do you understand that pet?~,,
he says waiting for an answer from them, when he doesn't get one he slaps their ass making them moan out loud, he then gets his face closer to theirs to whisper in their ear
''I want an answer my love~,,
they moan putting both their hands around the hand that Alastor had around their necks, they decide they've been a brat enough, after all they didn't want the radio demon to get even more aggressive
''Yes Alastor,,
he then smirks and kisses them on the neck going back to his pace now a little slower and softer
''Good pet,,
he says now kissing them on the neck and savouring every moan that comes out of their mouth. He then starts going even faster when he starts reaching his climax, his hands both on their hips digging into their skin, and finishing in them with one last hard thrust. He then flops himself on their chest breathing heavily
''Sorry I made you mad Al~,,
they say now in a soft voice, putting their hands in Alastor's hair to stroke at his deer ears, this makes him hum softly
a/n: I LOVE ALASTOR WITH MY ENTIRE BEING!! and him being possessive wowie sign me in!!! hope you guys liked this and remember my requests are now open in case anyone wants to suggest a prompt!!
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krypticcafe · 8 months
May I request call of duty boys with an autistic s/o? As an autistic person I think they’d all be very helpful with their partner and their needs. Their partner is having a bit of a rough day and they’ve gone nonverbal and just need the comfort of a safe person so they can unmask. (I totally hc Ghost as autistic so maybe he and his partner just vibe in silence together)
COD:MW boys w/an autistic partner
rating: general
character(s): GN!Reader, John Price, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo Parra, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Hound
word count: ~5.2k
warning(s): possible inaccuracies, mentions of autism symptoms, mentions of masking, lotsa comfort 'n fluff
a/n: as per usual, feel free to tell me if I've misrepresented or misinformed. I'm undiagnosed, but extremely certain that I'm ND so I've included experiences I found that I share with autism symptoms :] On the other hand, idgaf about realistic military limits on medical issues and medication, this is literally fanfiction and not that deep.
beta reader: ChordataUtopia on ao3
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I'd like to think with his time in the military, he's probably had acquaintances, friends, or subordinates who are on the spectrum, so at the very least, he knows what to expect and has a few mental notes on it.
So it's not a problem for him when he sees it on your file.
It's when you become a thing that he actually starts researching about it, and really in-depth, the same way he would when doing background checks.
He's a pretty fast talker, so you have trouble keeping up with all the info he throws at you sometimes. At first, he thought you weren't paying attention, but then he realized you just had issues trying to process so much at once, which is vastly different when compared to how he can take in a bunch at a time. He's learned to be more concise, and surprisingly, it's helped some of the others on the team, too.
One of the perks of dating a captain is getting to know the plans and schedules ahead of everyone and being one of the first to know about any last-minute alterations.
Whenever you're starting to feel overstimulated on base, Price has an eye out for you and calls you to his office. It's a subtle and easy way for him to take you out of a situation and pull you somewhere safe. After all, no one bothers to question the captain's orders.
Although the military doesn't really have quiet rooms, the two of you found that his office is the only place aside from your shared quarters where you can feel safe and sound. Everyone respects Price's office space, so it's always nice and tranquil there. He's used to this one-on-one time so he keeps your favorite drink in a mini-fridge, something for you to fidget with quietly, and an extra comfy chair for you, along with medication if you need any.
Turns out, the voice of a captain is also helpful for keeping you grounded. It isn't aggressive, it isn't demanding, it's firm. He helps keep you in the moment when you feel your mind drift from your body, whether in private or on a mission. He's also direct and doesn't beat around the bush, so misunderstandings are rare.
If you take medication, it used to be difficult for you to get it restocked. Healthcare system and all its perks. But now, after dating John, strangely enough, it seems you get it on time almost always and hand-delivered by him. Hm.
His favorite thing to do is to listen to your rambles while he does his paperwork. You're worried you're bothering him, but he just responds with, "Not at all, love. I wouldn't trade this moment for the world," and tells you to continue discussing whatever you are particularly interested or fascinated about.
John doesn't tell you, but he sometimes wishes he had more paperwork just to spend more time with you in the office.
Probably has had neurodivergent friends or family, and doesn't know a lot about the matter, but he's open-minded from the start.
He's a quick learner, too. Not just in combat but with your relationship. He notices your little habits, what makes you tick, and what keeps you in the zone.
And thank whatever being above that you were blessed with such a patient man. If you're having difficulties wrapping your head around a concept or directions, he'll explain it in a way you can understand. Sometimes, people talk too fast, too quietly, or too vague. Gaz finds that there's no shame in it.
One of the things he notices is that sometimes you mimic how he talks, like certain phrases or words. Especially if you're non-UK. Some of your repeated phrases are "oh my days", "cheers", or "takin' the piss". Fluent accent and all. He doesn't find it insulting or strange, he thinks it's actually pretty cute and doesn't poke fun at you for it.
Usually, he's not a fan of when people get too chatty with him, but it's you. He can't find himself getting irritated when you're talking so passionately about your special interest, latest hyper fixation, or whatever got to you because he knows you're being your genuine self and not talking out of your ass.
Your eyes light up, you're no longer using the tone of a soldier with all its formalities, yet you articulate the more and more you converse with him. Your hands even start to fidget and flap when you get deep in discussion.
"Keep going, love. I'm listening." He smiles at you from the corner of his eye, reorganizing his locker. It's meaningful to him, being the one person you trust to listen and engage when you need a break from masking.
He's got an eye for when you're having an out-of-body experience, helping you keep your head in missions without belittling you for feeling elsewhere.
Overstimulated or overwhelmed? Don't worry, he's got you. Kyle has his headphones on him a lot of the time whenever he can. When he sees your eyes looking in the distance or darting around while you feel your skin itch and your mind's a blur, he pops them on you and turns up a playlist he's made with your favorites.
In other cases, he's either scouting a spot for you to retreat to or verbally guiding you until you can unwind.
Sometimes when he can't immediately stick to your side or assist you, he'll take his cap and put it on you with a gentle smile. It's his way of saying that he notices you and to hang on just a bit, he'll be right there as soon as he's done, love.
Autistic Ghost truther right here!!
I like to think Ghost always suspected he wasn't neurotypical, and would eventually get diagnosed. But ever since meeting you, it's only sped up his realization. Especially when he saw the difference between whether you're masking or not. It really hit him like a barrel of trucks that day.
He came to you first about it, trying to play it off as curiosity and just wanting to be more informed, but even if you aren't well-versed with body language or small cues, you could just tell that the gears were starting to turn in his head.
While you knew numerous factors led to your blossoming relationship, you like to think the trust you two built after you helped him come to terms with his autism kickstarted it all.
You quickly realized how much of it has gone unnoticed, how eerily good he was at masking himself. He claimed he was more comfortable with the 141 and that outside of that, he was just fulfilling his role as lieutenan- oh my god, you're right.
He gets ticked off when there's a change in plans if a last-minute decision is made but he bites his tongue about it, despises it when people aren't straightforward, prefers bluntness, sits in the far and darker corners of the mess hall where it's calmer, or just avoids it altogether and eats in his room, doesn't understand when people think he's being rude or mean, the list goes on.
There is... a lot to uncover.
But it's all worth it for the little things.
Like when you two created a subtle way to tell each other "I love you" when the words won't come out, three little taps on the inside of the wrist.
Or when you both need to unwind after a particularly triggering mission and you just can't articulate yourselves. No one else notices it and passes it off as you two just being quieter than you usually are, but the two of you catch onto each other like wildfire.
You'll retreat into your quarters and sit on the bed, back-to-back in the dark, where Simon can pull off the mask to just breathe and you can just feel. A comfortable silence lingers in the air while your hearts sync until one of you breaks the silence.
"Absolute trainwreck that one was, huh?" One of you dryly chuckles.
And the other mutters back, "You can say that again."
There's this one particular memory he has of when you surprised him with a gift one day. He wasn't much of a taker than a giver, but seeing how giddy you were, he couldn't decline.
Opening it, he was surprised with a custom butterfly knife, an obsidian-black handle with silver engravings of skulls, thorns, and roses, along with his initials on the blade. You remembered his interest in knives and how he tended to mess with them as a stim, so you bought him a knife he could flip around smoothly and quietly while still keeping up appearances.
With the way he looked at it, someone would've assumed you just proposed to him with a diamond ring or something.
You expected him to put it in his collection, but he uses it a lot in his spare time.
He keeps it in top condition and never leaves it unless he has to.
He's heard of it, met people with it, though he doesn't quite understand it yet. Johnny's tried to look into it but finds most sources sound contradicting to each other or just don't make sense compared to the experiences you describe and the ones that others have.
You tell him it's fine, you appreciate the effort, and it's okay if he occasionally asks questions when appropriate.
If there's one thing about him, it's that he's quick and creative when it comes to accommodating you. He carries extra earplugs with him on missions and comes up with signals for you to use when you have trouble expressing, so it's easier for him to figure out what you need (turns out he's a visual learner, too).
He makes it ridiculously easy to unmask, too, always so happy to see you, to listen, to talk—he just loves you so much. Something about his energy and how he can slowly and gently open you up like a treasured, well-kept, and well-loved book with just that sweet tone of his.
Sometimes when you're stuck in your head, he pretends he's performing surgery to remove your brain or something, making little silly little noises and tracing your forehead like he's cutting it, a little pop! and he's all "Now you cannae think 'bout anythin'", and it's so stupid but works.
You find the best thing he can do is just hold you. He's got this firm hold that makes you feel like you're wrapped in a warm blanket and a strong heartbeat that reverberates through you. You'd tend to count the beats in your head and just allow yourself to be absorbed in his embrace.
It's all just a few of the numerous things he's done to improve your relationship.
But you have to be real with him for a moment.
You guys know that one tiktok audio? The one that's like:
"I ain't sure what HD is but the doctor said I got 80 of them bitches! WOOO—"
Yeah, Johnny, don't think we haven't noticed.
One day, he lightheartedly jokes that he relates to some of what you go through and that maybe he's autistic, too.
"Well... you're not too far off."
"Haha, what?"
So turns out the MacTavish family has a whole history of ADHD and ADD. His family's always had an inkling, but Soap's natural personality just really blurred the lines.
To be honest, it was so obvious. The way the two of you would parrot each other and your teammates, how he banged his fists on tables whenever he got really excited or antsy, couldn't stand still when he'd constantly be shifting his weight between his feet, popped his lips to break silence, all the impulses that get him in trouble a lot of the time, random bouts of eery calmness, his hyperfocus when working on a new project, the time you caught him unconsciously imitating the sound of the heart monitor after he nearly blew himself up in an accident, you get the idea.
Soap's love language, from physical affection and words of affirmation, is gift-giving! The moment he sees something that reminds him of you, what you like, or something you've been talking about a lot lately, he gets so excited to see your reaction when he surprises you with it and is practically bouncing with anticipation.
Definitely made you cute little cue cards with silly doodles, and even some with Scottish slang. He was especially proud of these.
He gets you. He really, really, really gets you.
Roach, are you perhaps neurodivergent?
You wouldn't be surprised. You figured he was ever since he explained how he wasn't Deaf or completely mute. He just said he felt nonverbal a lot of the time, selectively mute. That was something that really clicked with you.
In fact, you found he was the easiest to talk to about it. He didn't have many questions other than asking what made you uncomfortable and if you wanted him to teach you some ASL.
You said yes, of course.
Before you were a couple, you were best friends. Practically inseparable with energies complimenting each other. No one was surprised when you guys became public, much to your own surprise.
Learning ASL has been one of the most helpful things Roach has done for your guys' relationship; you don't feel as isolated in your nonverbal state. It also helps clear up misunderstandings with the rest of the team sometimes when one of you can communicate on the other's part. You still struggle with some expressions periodically, but you're pretty fluent!
There is so much open communication in your relationship, it's just a fresh breath of air, holy shit. But the negative part to that is when there is a misunderstanding, it can get a little messy, not horrible, but just kind of overwhelming for the both of you where you need to take a breather and just tune out in your heads for a bit before you can approach each other again.
Overstimulation comes more easily to you than it does to Roach, so you often find yourself either going to him or him leading you somewhere more private where you can quietly wind down.
On a more positive note, you guys have the most energetic of conversations. You'll both be spewing out hyperfixes, random thoughts, and interests, some of Roach's being random facts about zoology or history facts (his favorite are the world wars, unsurprisingly).
"The Egyptians believed that the most significant thing you could do with your life was die."
You two jump from subject to subject, then return to one only to forget what you were supposed to talk about, then move on to something else before remembering what was supposed to be said, and then dropping the conversation altogether like nothing happened.
The entirety of Task Force 141 and SpecGru has given up on trying to interrupt these moments for any reason besides work, it's been proven fruitless. You guys are simply too far in the deep end, there is no saving from hyperfix hell.
Gary's also like a crow, he memorized your interests and whenever he sees something related to that, like a trinket when he's out and about, he'll buy it for you. You two do this to the point where it's kinda getting cluttered in your quarters...
Yeah, I'm afraid he's a little undereducated about it, growing up in an environment with a stigma over mental health issues type of deal.
Don't worry, he's not bigoted by any means, just confused about what it's exactly about because of how much misinformation is out there. I think there was a time when he might've believed in some stereotypes and acted rudely about it, except that was when he was really young and dumb.
When he told you this, it broke your heart, but for a different reason. You told him it wasn't his fault, he was raised in an environment that provided little awareness on the issue, that's just how many people are raised. As much as you hate to admit it, that's just how the majority of the world is. What matters is that he acknowledged he was wrong, and that he was just a kid.
"You're too kind, mi sol," He murmurs, pressing a kiss on your knuckles.
"And you're too hard on yourself, love." You respond, cradling the side of his face with a smile.
Unintentionally or not, meeting you led him to realize he might have his own difficulties with his mental health. After all, being colonel would take a toll on anyone, and after the events involving the Shadows? He needs a break above anyone else in the Vaqueros.
Much like Price, he's learned to create as much of a supportive environment for you and the rest of his soldiers with a general no-tolerance policy on ableist bullshit.
Sometimes, it can be a little challenging for him to reach out to you or vice versa, largely because of his busy schedule and job as commander. He can't indulge you as much as he wishes. Patience was something the two of you had to learn and overcome in your relationship.
But if you really need him, or if you're having a difficult time while he's preoccupied, you give him a few taps on the shoulder, and he gives you a nod mid-conversation with a subordinate. At the end of the day, he comes and finds you, and asks you a few questions you can answer with a simple nod or shake of your head. You trace a heart into his palm, a straightforward reminder, and he smiles and kisses your forehead.
It takes a while, but he carefully unravels you with gentle comfort, just holding you, and taking your time. He's not the most patient man, but for you, he certainly tries. When you finally start returning to yourself, no longer the soldier or the "different one". Just you. He greets you with a kiss and listens to whatever you say for the rest of the night.
It's worth the wait, so long as you're in his arms.
Rudy has a similar situation to Alejandro. The only difference is that it never quite sat right with him as a kid. Ultimately, it led him to educate himself and seek out actual resources.
He could never understand the stigma, too naive as a child only to find out the truth when he was older. Somehow, it hurt him too, maybe because of how he shared some qualities.
He figured he wasn't autistic, but he knew he wasn't neurotypical either, tiny impulses here and there constantly proving him right, ways that he didn't connect with other people. Meeting you had only confirmed it for himself.
At first, he never noticed it, you were usually masking in front of them all anyway. But when he started to spend more time with you in between missions and get to know the real you, he started to see how vastly different you were when he first met you.
The comment slips out and he apologizes, but you laugh it off as his friend and closest confidant. It's hard to really put it into words, but he understands, he always does. You learn that early on in your relationship.
Instead of words, he uses gestures to console you. Acts of service is his kind of love language. Helping you with your work, doing all the chores you couldn't bring yourself to do that day, the simple things. Mugs of warm drinks, a little mazapán or gansito, a treat to quell your mind a little. A small nostalgic snack break always helps him in hard times between all the work, so he hopes you enjoy them, too. Expect him to join you whenever he's feeling a little out of it.
You worry that it feels like an excuse to hog him to yourself when it isn't. He's always willing—even if it was a ploy, he wouldn't mind it all that much. Seeing you ease up makes him come out of his shell, too. It's something good for both of you.
"Need a refill, cariño?"
You shake your head, "No, just... stay? Please?"
"Of course." He beams in a way that has your heart nearly skipping a beat despite how long you've been together. Maybe you should marry him on the spot.
There are moments when he holds you that you hear him humming his favorite songs. You tell him he has a wonderful voice, but he bashfully denies it. However, it doesn't stop him from humming, not when it helps bring you back down to earth or get a compliment out of you after some silence.
Doesn't exactly know what it is, thought it was like a bad trait or something because someone called him autistic once as a kid, but in a derogatory way. Made you go 'yikes' and explain the whole thing. He apologized for his initial shock when you told him you were autistic and felt disgusted when he realized why he was called that back then.
He's quick to pick up on your cues, mood differences, or how you process things. After all, he gave himself a trained eye from all that sniper training.
The first time you were nonverbal around him, he was slightly worried. It was after an arduous mission that had you completely knackered, mentally and physically. He thought you were in a state of shock or something, and he was about to call a medic before you dragged him away and had to physically force him not to. Later, you had to explain to him what happened again, but he was still a little concerned for your wellbeing.
You're well aware and so is he that he probably has ADHD and social anxiety, but to be honest, you wouldn't actually doubt the idea that he could be autistic either.
You both noticed it when you were ranting about how annoying some of your habits were, whether it be an inability to properly express emotions, an inability to understand social cues, the need to mask around others, or how much certain sensations bothered you when they shouldn't because it's so stupid that they do. He'd often respond with, "Oh, I do that too!" or "Yeah, I have that sometimes." At first, you thought he related to some of the lighter symptoms shared with people in general, but then it came to a point where he related a bit too much that you had to let yourself think about whether your boyfriend just happened to have the double whammy of ADHD and autism.
Chances were likely.
One thing that surprised König when you two discussed how he could help comfort you is lying on top of you.
"But Schatz, I'm too big, I would crush you, like a weight or something."
"Oh sweetheart... that's the point."
Genuinely, he's a wonderful makeshift weighted blanket with the great addition of being your boyfriend. It's the perfect distraction for your mind to focus on something and someone else—the weight of his body weight distributed on yours, your breathing synced with his, his heartbeat against your chest, and just having someone to hold.
Loves it when you start parroting and picking up some of his phrases, especially the German ones. He'll ignore the pronunciations if they're bad, but he's just gleaming with pride when he sees you taking out an enemy and spitting German curses at them the same way he does. Practically makes goo-goo eyes on the battlefield.
Same thing about being brought up in an environment that isn't the most informed nor supportive about neurodivergence. He's not the proudest of his younger self, and he knows he's made some mean remarks about it as a dumb kid, but he's long since moved on. Getting out into the world has taught him to grow more tolerant and understanding, but he's still ashamed of the ignorant stuff he did.
He worries that you'll hate him for it, despite it being ages ago. He's used to being reminded of his mistakes and failures, such as his gambling addiction and delinquency.
What he struggles with most is trying to find a way to comfort you or help you unwind. He's not great with words since he's worried about screwing something up, so the most he can do is pull you somewhere the two of you can be alone and give you space.
But that doesn't mean he doesn't try. He tries several things, like keeping your favorite snacks on hand, doodling on your skin with his markers to distract you, getting some music playing, earplugs on hand, and stuff that he knows he can't royally fuck up.
You propose that he creates some cute cue cards for you so that it helps him figure out your needs, and you don't miss how he tries to hide his eagerness. He presents you with the cards all connected on a metal ring, red, blue, and black doodles with words in both English and Korean, acting like he just did it on a whim when the amount of care and love put into it is obvious.
One of the cards only has a single phrase on it in Korean, and you already knew it. You still asked.
"Hong-jin, what does this say?"
"Ah- uh... 사랑해요 (saranghaeyo)."
"Mind telling me?"
"... good job?"
"Uh-huh... so why are there so many hearts?"
"Because you think I did a really good job..?"
Again, he's not great with words. That includes letting you know that he wants to be told "I love you" more.
Lightheartedly calls you a nerd once when you ramble about your hyperfixations or special interest, only for you to fire back with a comment about his K-pop collection of albums, signatures, fancams, photocards, lightsticks...
"That's not the sam- no... dammit, no."
Face the music, Horangi. Your special interest is K-pop and each new album is just another hyperfix. You're just as much of a nerd.
Autism? Okay, but the fuck does that have to do with you blasting the enemy with an RPG right now?
Honestly, he thought you just had some strange quirks and issues. Maybe you were like him. He figured he was just "broken" in some way, that they were "weaknesses" of his. The more he spent time with you, the more he questioned why he is the way he is.
Yet he doesn't judge you because he most likely knows how it feels to be in that position, and he wants to be the support he doesn't have but wishes he had.
Actually, that's the real glue of your relationship—how easily Hound adapts to your structures and needs without question. If it conflicts with theirs, they won't hesitate to directly address it and work it out with you. You return the same energy and reassure him he's not alone in feeling this way. Hell, you make him feel normal for once.
Both of you have issues verbalizing, so you'll be tracing hearts, question marks, checks, and x's on each others' palms. They even teach you Morse code to tap little phrases. You never need to worry about miscommunication if you're direct with them. They're always direct with you, and they hate when people aren't specific.
Hound's not much of a talker, but they're definitely a listener, and they could honestly listen to you talk for days. If someone dares to interrupt you or criticize you for talking too much because he "seems like he's not interested" and you're "taking up his time", he shoots them a glare to fuck off.
Most likely, your interests will become his interests, too.
You notice they mask almost constantly but act much more natural, tender, and less structured when they're around you, showing a side of themselves with a variety of emotions no one else would ever see either. More human, and less war dog.
You both like to be alone, but alone together. Hound used to ask you to leave him alone whenever he needed to self-isolate but started to let you stick around when they needed a moment. The two of you are much more physically affectionate and even more talkative, and you both value the trust you grant each other to show the more vulnerable side of yourselves. You guys are woven like thread; the moment one unravels, so does the other.
Sometimes, all it takes is a weak smile from you or his hands interlocking with yours to find the calm in the storm.
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a/n 2: I'm back, teehee :3
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cerastes · 9 months
What's your read on Andreanna's 'love at first sight' line? It could be fun to just take it as face value and just assume it's just her having a crush on Skadi and Spectre (making her utter lack of connection to them on the network very funny), but I feel like there's something else going on there. Is it seaborn stuff? Something to do with her being an abyssal hunter knockoff having some kind of innate admiration for the original?
It’s because she’s a Walmart Abyssal Hunter, yeah.
The line in question:
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Andreana feels something completely and utterly puzzling and maybe even thrilling when see sees Specter and Skadi, so she says this. It’s further elaborated on in her Module lore:
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In her Module, Andreana explains that she was making a joke with that comment, however, it is true that she felt weird and bothered, Felt A Ways, as some would say, when looking at them or in their immediate presence. Then she posits that this physiological reaction might have to do with That Weird Backstory Of Hers, but also, 1) she doesn’t really care too much about it, and 2) it sounds like a pain in the ass so she doesn’t want to find out.
As we all know (and if not, as you’ll learn now), Abyssal Hunters can sense each other on a level that other people can’t. They perceive each other as they would a wave, a sea current, the smell of the sea, even its temperature, if close enough to each other. In Under Tides, for example, Skadi immediately perks up when Gladiia breaks into Specter’s room to steal her away, because she immediately ‘smelled’ a cold, strong wave of seawater coming from her room. That’s how Gladiia ‘smells’ or ‘feels’. It is stated at various points that Hunters don’t even need words to communicate if they so choose, with Specter in particular feeling like land-dweller language is bothersome to a fault at first, and Skadi addressing that with “no yeah I hated it at first too, still can’t get used to it, but it’s got its virtues”. It also explains a little why Skadi is so stoic and laconic: She literally isn’t used to talking or needing to, but I digress.
It’s easy to extrapolate that this is precisely what Andreana is feeling when she sees the Hunters: She’s “feeling” them but has no earthly clue as to what the hell that is in the first place. Proper Aegir Hunters have an education — Gladiia taught Laurentina not just about the Hunter trade, but also about art in general, with a focus on dancing — that prepares them to be Hunters and have the information needed given to them. Andreana has memory issues and not a damn clue of what the dicken is going on when she “feels” a Hunter, no context, so her first assumption is “Huh. Love at first sight?” because why the hell is she feeling something as intimate as what kind of waves and breeze they are from just looking at them? Then, a while later, since Andreana is a pretty pragmatic, logical, no-nonsense person, she starts putting the legos together and thinking, oh, yeah, might have to do with my Mysterious Circumstances, on second thought. Then she shrugs it off and keeps fiddling with her crossbow.
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In Kal’tsit’s own words Andreana 200 Trust Files), if Laurentina or Didi can be considered a proper inkwell, Andreana is a droplet of ink in a glass of water: A facsimile, an attempt at something, an aberration. Of course, this callous indictment isn’t directed at Andreana, it’s aimed at what was done to Andreana.
And since I know I’ll get an ask about it, I’ll take the liberty of plugging Andreana into Drimo’s patented Just A Guy spectrum. Is Andreana Just A Guy (gender neutral)? Not quite. Let’s compare and contrast with our favorite specimen, Shalem. Shalem is terrified of his backstory and runs from it at every turn, until it was impossible for him to refuse it any longer (IS2), Andreana, on the other hand, is aware that she has a backstory. She KNOWS there’s lore, but she doesn’t really want to meet it. The backstory ambushes her, but Andreana says “no thank you :)” and walks past it. It’s a pain in the ass. She’d rather play paintball. She’s not normal, is keenly aware of it, and doesn’t give a zalak’s ass about it. Can’t be bothered! Simply uninterested!
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brailsthesmolgurl · 2 hours
"What's my hidden perk?"
Preview: The LADS boys and their hidden perks. (lemme know if you guys want a part 2 hehe)
SYLUS - horseriding
Quirking his silver brow, his crimson orbs tailed your gaze. A gaze that went from bottom to top, a view you could not believe witnessing in front of your eyes. The giant figure of your boyfriend on top of a Dutch Draft. "Are you planning to just stand there and watch me in awe or do you plan to ride with me?" His voice thick, specifically laced with proud mockery as he was enjoying the look of shock you had been wearing ever since he had told you that he is good at horse riding. He extended his palm to you and took your hand, providing balance to you as you walked up the steps and took a seat in front of him, on top of the horse. This is afterall, your first time riding a horse.
It all started out as a harmless joke while the both of you were watching some National Geographic show about horses. Till he nonchalantly mentioned that he has been riding horses from a very young age and hence the surprise date for today. Featuring your boyfriend, with a horse--that you had no idea where he got from. You tensed up when you felt his chest pressed against your back, his breaths fanned over the top of your head. You hate to admit it—but you still do anyways— how he always manages to get a reaction out of you, be it stemming from a simple gesture. "Now that you have found out about my secret talent, does this mean we get to ride horses more often?" He leaned down, whispering seductively against the shell of your ear. "Or perhaps you would just prefer riding me, sweetie?"
RAFAYEL - good with kids
“Careful.” Rafayel grabs ahold of your forearm, guiding you past the puddle in the vast garden. The date came about to be a surprise, with the charming boyfriend of yours appearing at your doorstep in the mid evening, seeking you out from the stuffiness of your house to embrace Mother Nature in all of its glory after a whole day of heavy rain. Blushing slightly, you continued walking with him down the cobblestoned pathways, enjoying the coolness of the rain till sounds of laughters filled the air. A couple of kids were perched over a drain cover, staring into the waters with their beady eyes.
Rafayel drops his hold from your forearm and held onto your hand, the casual yet romantic gesture still greatly affects you. “Come on, let’s see what they are looking at.” At a certain extent, when you stared at your boyfriend from a distance, interacting with the children, laughing and chuckling as he was playing catch with them made your stomach feel warm. For someone like him, who spends most of his days locked away in that mansion of his, interacting with only a fish and canvases, you had never thought of him to be good with children. However, Rafayel had yet again managed to surprise you. Seeing him waltzing over to you, with a huge grin stapled on his face, you can’t help but mimicked his expression. “You seemed bored. Do you want to join us cutie?”
XAVIER - has an annual pass to amusement parks
It took forever for the both of you to plan a date due to the recent influx of wanderers. Captain Jenna had gotten the both of you to be split up into two different shifts; with you being the leader for the day shift while your boyfriend, Xavier is incharge of the night shift. Hence, when the wanderers' amount had finally decreased, Xavier did not hesitated to ask you out on a date. "I had always wanted to bring you here. It was on my list." He spoke, hands holding tightly onto your smaller palms as he led you past the huge archways of the theme park. Colours of all spectrums welcomed you, revealing the colourful fanfare of a theme park and you could feel your inner giddiness peeking through your smile.
As the both of you stood in line for the tickets, you were surprised when Xavier muttered to you. "Since it is your first time here, I will buy the ticket for you." When it came to your turn for the ticket purchase, your boyfriend only requested for one and you tapped onto his shoulder nervously, immediately asking him if he was only going to get one and watch you from outside or perhaps he may need some aid for funds. The man however beamed shyly, ear tips turning a shade of rubicund when he tried to explain himself. "I...uhm...have an annual pass?" The hidden question mark at the end of his sentence made you chuckled in return, mind already imagining how funny it would be to see him riding the theme park rides all by himself. "But, I got you an annual pass too." He held up the golden ticket in his hand. "From now on, we can both come together as much as we want."
ZAYNE - good at snowboarding
Zayne had appeared at your doorstep a little too early than his usual timing, which is usually going by your timing as you do like taking your time to sleep in and he do not find the need to disturb your beauty sleep. But today seems to be different when he appeared in front of your door with a coat in his hand. When you asked him about the purpose of him coming so early, the man only kept it short and simple, replying accurately to what you had asked. "I had taken a few days off of work and I had booked us a spot at a ski lodge." When you had an eyebrow raised, he continued to explain himself. "You had been watching the snowboarding event for the Olympics recently. I assumed you would like to try it yourself." You weren't exactly surprised at how conscious he tends to be, but you are more concerned of yourself as you had never done any snowboarding in your life.
"You had never snowboarded before haven't you?" Zayne questioned, those forest green orbs of his meeting yours with amusement. As you nodded, you could feel your cheeks heating up, warming you from the harsh cold winds. You hesitated though, asking him in return if he were to know anything about snowboarding given that during the safety briefing he did asked a couple of questions here and there. "Me? I would not say I am good at it, but I did tried it before, ever since I was a kid." He patted your head, a small smile tugging onto the end of his lips. "Don't worry, I will hold onto you the whole time and make sure you do not hurt your knees or fall into the snow." His arm snaked around your waist, pulling you close against his side and he planted a kiss onto your forehead. "But you can definitely fall into my arms if you slip."
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xxcherrycherixx · 11 months
fuck it, we always talk about the apple hate but we never talk about the blondie hate-
that is my bbgirl my best friend, she's my pal. she's my home boy, my rotten soldier. shes my sweet cheese, my good time boy
and ppl always be bashing her for being "annoying and sticking her nose into shit" like bestie im sorry she's not another copy of literally all the other princesses- like yall want her to be holly? who is like forgettable af but hey shes not "annoying" (sorry holly enjoyers, but i legit forget about her existence so much)
she's such a fun character! her entire shit is be gay do crimes hun, she breaks into houses on the regular and just vibes there, she has like 4 restraining orders against her- she picks locks so good that people regularly just go to her when they need to sneak into places
she looks at girls with this face!
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queen shit.
she wants to fit in so bad!!! she wants friends!!! she is my sad little meow meow!! she wants to become a reporter probably because her momma would tell her about how she use to work on the school newspaper!! And her momma would be so proud of her if she became a big time reporter!!🥺
she is so desperate to fit in, she's so ashamed that shes not real royalty like all her friends are that she feels she has to lie about it, and in blondie branches out where she tells a slightly more accurate version of her family and apple calls it a just right royal story, she's so happy and she looks so sweet!! she needs some validation babes!!!
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she just wants friends!! the way she lies about her lineage is always to try to get the other royals to like her, she thinks she has to be like them for them to want to be her friends!! there's a hierarchy in ever after high that gets more detail in the books, royalty gets treated like celebrities with specialty seating and other perks. blondie is like every child who grew up in a fancy school when your family didn't have much, you see your friends constantly going on about their big house with a pool or the new shoes that cost more than your entire wardrobe and you start to feel alienated from the group. once more she needs some validation!!! help my girlie out!!!!
and the way she breaks into the bears homes, she believes they're her friends. so to her its fine to come over and ask momma if she has anything to eat, and the bears themselves don't really tell her to her face that shes not welcome. it seems baby bears outburst is the first time the bears have openly reacted negatively to her presence and blondie just thinks it was something to do with the other girls.
she cant understand social cues and is a perfectionist, her special interest is her show, she is picky when it comes to food preferring her safe food of porridge. this girl is a dead ringer for a bitch on the spectrum (this is coming from a bitch on many specrtrums including the autistic one) the thing is what i hate most is that when people hate on blondie, they're hating her for her neurodivergent traits. they might not realize it but that's completely what it is. "she's nosy and rude" she doesn't understand that what she is doing is rude, she cant tell when she crosses a line, i have done shit like that so many times like saying things i see as true and upsetting the other person and not realizing why.
she also has very strong signs of adhd with how much and how fast she talks and her lack of focus as shown in just sweet, just sweet shows these traits so perfectly, it was the episode that truly made it clear that this girl isn't neurotypical at all. i feel people call her annoying because of this, she talks so much and pair that with her autistic traits and she becomes unlikable for so many, but she's such a sweet girl underneath, there's a reason people still willingly hang out with her and that's because despite the fact she has these traits that come off as negative. she's still a kind girl happy to help her friends, she refuses to out ashlynns and hunters relationship because she can recognize that would be mean to her friends, she accepts helping raven out despite the fact her and the rebel haven't always been on the best terms, she invites poppy to the blue moon forest fest and is implied to help holly with picking locked doors enough for holly to consider her a close friend.
blondie is not your typical perfect character like so many of the cast is, but that's a good thing because if she was then she would just be another background character to forget about. she has her own personality and she has her own interests, she is one of the most neurodivergent coded characters in the series.
did i mention this girl has to be a woman enjoyer? because i swear she has to be- at some point she has to realize that maybe her extreme pickiness when it comes to boys is less about that individual not being just right but instead boys as a whole not being just right for her. do i need to show the heart eyes picture again?
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magicalbats · 9 months
We Turn Not Older: Neuvillette
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Rating: R-18+
Word Count: 5402
Warnings: Afab!reader, some gendered language, blowjob, deep throating, breath play
A/N: Alright, so I'm technically late on this but I finished it and by god am I going to post it. I had this crazy idea that I was going to write a little something for most of the character birthdays going into 2024 (minus the obvious ones like Diona and Klee, duh) so the title will be used as the catchall for this "series". I'm going to elaborate further on this reader character in a different post but basically we're just replacing Lumine in the canon story and everything else stays the same haha
"We turn not older with years, but newer every day" - Emily Dickinson
Neuvillette turns from his perusal of the floor to ceiling bookcase at the sound of the door opening and then closing behind him. The contemplative look on his face morphs into one of friendly greeting when he sees it is you standing there rather than a Melusine or one of the many human secretaries constantly flitting about the Palais with files and documents to leave on his desk. He isn’t exactly the easiest person to get a good read on, but you think he looks almost relieved. 
“Ah, so you were able to make it after all. It is a pleasure to see you again, Traveler.”
The honorable Iudex smiles at you, his expression so soft around the edges and inviting that you feel the regular tensions in your body relaxing in response. You were under the impression that not many could count themselves lucky enough to be on the receiving end of such a warm welcome and for good reason. Neuvillette took his obligations to Fontaine as much as its people quite seriously, so there was always a certain decorum with which he carried himself when interacting with others. It was a direct contrast to the Hydro Archon who seemed to operate on the far opposite end of the spectrum. 
But you were not a citizen of this nation so no such expectations existed between you and him. He was free to speak and behave in whatever way he deemed fit when dealing with you, and he chose to be warm and welcoming because the two of you were friends now. You could call yourselves that, couldn’t you? 
Truth be told you were banking on it today. Offering him a smile of your own, you start to walk across the office, the plush, no doubt expensive rug under your feet almost completely silencing the heels of your boots to make for a near silent approach on your part. You were glad Sedine hadn’t insisted on personally seeing you in but that was yet another perk of being on such good terms with the Chief Justice. It allowed for private audiences with him like this.  
“It is your birthday, you know. I wouldn’t willingly miss the chance to celebrate it with you for the world.” 
“You flatter me, of course, but I do hope you didn’t neglect anything important just to come see me?” He makes it a question, the curve of his mouth taking on a vaguely wry edge at the thought of what you may have decided to skip out on given your reputation in Teyvat. He was in a good mood then, if he could find humor in your many exploits. A promising sign if there ever was one. 
Stepping around the corner of his spacious desk, you walk right up to him and come to a stop with mere feet to spare. The height difference forces you to crane your neck back to peer up at him and he likewise tips his chin down to pin you with that amused yet still perfectly congenial look. That he allows you to get this close without questioning it or backing up a step to keep the distance polite and respectful speaks volumes. Your heartbeat subtly begins to speed up. You wonder if he can sense it in some way. 
“Luckily I didn’t have any pressing matters to take care of so I came as soon as I got your letter. How else was I supposed to give you your birthday present?” 
“A present?” Neuvillette echoes you, and his expression finally slips to belie his confusion on the matter. He’d clearly noticed that you’d entered his office empty handed with nothing except the clothes on your back, not even Paimon in tow. The fact he hadn’t expected anything at all and didn’t give it a second thought until now only further vindicates your choice to come here like this. He deserved what you planned to give him, if he would accept it. 
Oh, and how you hoped he would. 
“But of course, Monsieur Neuvillette. That is the custom everywhere in Teyvat, isn’t it? Even Fontaine must recognize the tradition of giving presents to someone on their birthday?” 
“Well, yes. That is true but …” 
He doesn’t finish his thought. Allowing the words to trail off into a curious silence, he watches you bring your hands up without protest as you carefully place them across his chest. There are many layers of clothes between you and his skin, and you register a distant note of surprise when you realize how narrow he feels under your touch. All the different coats and shirts, and the wide shouldered justice robe had given the impression of someone much bigger. More filled out. He actually seems to be rather svelte under everything he’s wearing, a thought that is surprisingly intriguing in that moment. You wanted to find out how he looked when he was bare and vulnerable in the way only lovers are with one another. Perhaps you could convince him to undress himself for you, one layer at a time. Slowly. 
That was for later though. For now, in this moment, you had an objective in mind, and you give him a coquettish bat of your eyelashes as you pointedly press in on him with your hands. “You’re free to decline the offer, Monsieur, but I wanted to gift you something that no one else can. You told me once before that you don’t allow yourself to foster close relationships with others, didn’t you? I wonder when was the last time you were able to really relax …”
You can see his thoughts working in the soft lilac of his horizontally slit eyes, so fascinating to look into even when you were well aware you’d presented him with a conundrum. A moral dilemma, if you would. As a dragon sovereign he had no right to involve himself with humans beyond surface level interactions, never anything intimate or more personal beyond a friendly greeting and the impartial judgments he passed on them in the court. But you weren’t a human — not a normal one, anyway. You were not of Teyvat and he knew that. That changed things, didn’t it? For you, only you, he could bend the rules. 
Understanding finally clicks into place and you can’t help the grin that comes over you at the way Neuvillette’s body stiffens with the knowledge of what you were offering him. But rather than looking affronted like you’d half expected him to initially react, unsure of how he would perceive such an offer, his otherworldly gaze actually takes on a low simmering heat that sparks warmth in your own skin. The way he looks at you now is very close to being unreadable but his eyes do not lie. They very rarely do in your experience. 
“My dearest Traveler,” He says it softly, quiet to conceal the hot undercurrent just below the surface. “Are you suggesting a gift of sexual favors in place of a more customary exchange?”
“Only if you want it, Monsieur. Like I said, you’re welcome to turn it down if you’re not interested.” 
Neuvillette regards you for a long stretch with what you think must be cautious inner reflection. You don’t doubt that he was taking this time to consider every angle of your proposal and the possible implications that might come with it. That’s just the kind of person he is and it’s what makes him such an effective judge. You don’t mind it. Had even anticipated it on some level, so you wait patiently for him to reach his verdict with your hands still braced against his chest, as suggestive as they were anticipatory. 
At length, he finally draws a single carefully tempered breath before speaking in the low, measured tones of someone who thinks they have been presented with an offer that is too good to be true and they don’t trust it. Not fully. Not yet. “I believe one would have to be a fool to decline such a generous offer coming from you, Traveler. It is an honor just to know you would be willing to have me in such a way and I give you my sincerest thanks for that.” 
“I hear a ‘but’ in there.” 
He visibly hesitates to do it but he still gives in to the urge. Lifting his hand, Neuvillette gently brushes the tips of long gloved fingers across your cheek before cupping it against the curve of his palm. Every movement, every gesture is so deliberate and heedful that you understand what he’s going to say long before he actually speaks it. 
“Yes. You are human. Perhaps not in the usual sense and while I certainly acknowledge that you are not of this world, that doesn’t change the composition of your body. I’m afraid I don’t know what to do with human women, Mademoiselle.” 
“I can teach you.” Is your ready answer, complete with a teasing smile for his benefit, and Neuvillette graces you with a faint chuckle in response. 
“Then I suppose it would be rude of me not to accept. Do you bestow such generous gifts to many of the men you’ve met on your travels?” 
“Only the ones I like.” 
Grinning, you give his chest a more purposeful push. Picking up on your intentions, Neuvillette takes a slow step backward and then another. He lets you guide him towards his empty high backed chair, never taking the intensity of his gaze away from you for so much as a moment while you steer him where you want. It almost surprises you a little bit, how easily such a proudly composed man is willing to comply and let you take the lead like this but the warm glint in his eyes remains even when you trap him against the side of the desk. He’s clearly not only interested in what you plan to do and curious, but also amused by this turn of events. You may have had the control here, for the moment at least, but that was only because he was letting you have it. He could have flipped the tables on you all too quickly and both of you were well aware of it. 
“Sit?” You flick your eyes in the direction of the chair for emphasis. A strange, heady sense of power comes over you when he shifts to the side and lowers himself into the seat with neither question nor protest. Just obedience. No matter how cursory it may have been, it was still very intoxicating to taste. 
Giving him a chance to get settled, you watch as he starts to cross his long legs as if it was second nature for him to do so only to think better of it at the last moment. He situates himself with both feet planted squarely on the floor instead and you eagerly lower yourself to kneel before him, palming his knees so you can gently push them apart while you do it. 
Neuvillette’s mouth automatically pops open as if this was the first thing he found any real complaint in. You softly shush him though, quietly assuring him that you’ll take care of everything as you push the front of his long robe up and out of the way to reveal the top of his high waisted pants. There are a series of buttons keeping the placquet of the trousers closed. He doesn’t try to hide his fretting over what you’re doing while you work to get them undone, a series of “Are you certain”s and “Please, Traveler,”s spilling from his mouth while elegantly gloved hands hover over you in uncertainty. Making a mental note to correct that later, you keep tugging until you at last get the final button freed so you can pull at his pants enough to reveal what’s inside.
The underwear is plain and clean white, yet even you can tell at just a glance that this particular garment is no less exquisite than the rest of his richly crafted attire. The cotton is some of the softest you’ve ever felt and the stitching is perfectly neat and precise. Not so much as a single thread out of place or loose to draw attention to such an obvious imperfection. You can’t help smiling to yourself as you carefully untie the dainty cord at the waistband. 
“Are all of your clothes bought at the finest boutiques, Monsieur?” You tease, sending him a meaningful look from your spot on the floor. 
Neuvillette frowns slightly, like he doesn’t quite understand what that has to do with anything. In truth, he probably doesn’t. “I am not particularly concerned with fashion, if that is what you are implying. As the Iudex of Fontaine I’m merely held to certain standards - -“
“Yes, yes, Monsieur. I understand your position.”
He huffs an almost silent exhale at your giggling response. Consideringly, he observes the way you trace fingertips over the front of his crisp white braies and nudge the fabric down one teasing inch at a time, slowly exposing a strip of soft flesh across his lower belly. “Really, Mademoiselle, is going about it in this manner truly necessary? It is not a gift for me to see you debase yourself like a lowly commoner.” 
“Hmm. Are you quite familiar with the practices of commoners, Neuvillette?” 
“Hardly. It is just …” He once again trails off, a distant spark alighting behind his eyes when you get the underwear edged down enough to reveal the startings of a fine patch of hair. Its silvery-white, almost transparent had it not stood out in contrast against the smooth color of his skin. Just like how the hair on his head is so pale it makes his face look warmer complexioned than it really is, this had the same effect. Your mouth starts to water at the thought of what would come next, and he gives a faint grunt as you give his bottoms a more insistent tug. 
“But you are my esteemed guest, Traveler, and it seems inappropriate to make you kneel before me.” Neuvillette finally finishes his thought and not without effort. 
“You have not made me do anything though. I chose to kneel by my own free will.” You shoot him a quick, cheeky grin. “Besides, I thought you would like seeing a so-called human on their knees for you, oh mighty Hydro Dragon.” 
He sucks in a quick breath. You can tell he’s going to argue it, correct it, contest the allegation you’ve lobbied against him but you don’t give him the chance. With one final pull, his cock springs free. A soft hiss escapes Neuvillette’s suddenly tight mouth as it hits the air, still mostly flaccid but quickly stirring to life even as it smacks against the bare strip of flesh along his pelvis. You’re admittedly surprised and a bit relieved to see that it is a by all accounts normal looking organ of the human persuasion. You hadn’t been entirely sure what to expect from the reincarnation of a Soverign but he looks every bit as normal as you do. Funny thing, that. 
“Oh, Monsieur,” You rove your attention up, catching his eye and holding it as you lean over his lap. Your lips part and you swipe a slow lick of your tongue from the base up to the head. It twitches under the sensation, bobbing upward as if to follow you but you pull away too fast for it to find your mouth again. He looses a terse breath that sounds as appreciative of the gesture as it is bemused at the audacity to tease him like that. “Such a lovely cock for a lovely man. Are you sure you don’t enjoy seeing me on my knees?” 
His length eagerly swells as if in response. It grows in size and shape right before your eyes, stiffening and starting to stand at attention just for you. Evidently he was very much a grower. 
“I said it did not seem appropriate, mon petit voyageur,” Neuvilette murmurs, finally bringing one hand close to cup the side of your face again. Tenderly, his thumb brushes over the swell of your cheek while he looks into your eyes with a certain masculine weight that makes your loins curl into a knot. “I said nothing about not enjoying it.” 
“My mistake.” You whisper back as you reach out to wrap your fingers around his cock. 
Keeping your hold loose, you gently massage it up and then down, giving the base an encouraging squeeze before dragging your hand towards the glans again. The motion makes his foreskin bunch and gather over the head, and when you bring your hand down next you’re rewarded with a soft, sticky click. He was becoming excited rather quickly, wasn’t he? You assumed that meant your earlier assumption had been correct. He must rarely if ever allow himself to indulge in the urges of his human body like this. Not with another person, at least. 
You feel decidedly emboldened as you take a moment to nuzzle into his hand. It was reassuring to know that he did not fear touching you in reciprocation and you intended to enforce the behavior. Gently, at first, then more forcefully if need be. 
“Does this mean I have your permission to proceed, Monsieur Neuvillette?” 
The breath he draws is stilted. Short. “I would certainly be appreciative of that.” 
Bringing your attention back around with a smile, you regard his cock again. It’s a good, healthy size — sturdy in your hand and incredibly soft to the touch despite how firm it’s gotten just below the surface of all that delicate skin. You lean in on the next downward tug of your fingers, when the foreskin has been pulled back enough to expose the ruddy pink head. Flicking your tongue over the dainty slit, you issue a low moan at the shock of salty precum that floods your tastebuds. It’s not exactly bitter but it wasn’t sweet either. Just clean and faintly musky with a distant note of male pheromones to taste. It made sense that he would be as close to a neutral flavor as the human body was likely capable of though, given how much he enjoyed drinking water. It was delicious. 
You let out a quiet sigh into the still air. Giving in to the instinctive urge, you wrap your lips around the head. He tenses underneath you at the sensation of your mouth fully on him, suckling at the sensitive glans, and his hand gives a faint jolt against your cheek. Reaching further back, Neuvillette gingerly cradles the back of your head with a hushed groan but doesn’t do anything beyond that. 
A groan that you belatedly realize is your name. 
Not the customary ‘Traveler’ you got everywhere in Teyvat nor the altering variation of either ‘Mademoiselle’ or ‘mon petit’ that he occasionally used with you in private. Your real name. 
It wasn’t exactly uncommon for the friends you’d made throughout your travels to call you that but Neuvillette did it so rarely, so infrequently that it strikes something delicate and soft inside of you. He was perfectly polite and cordial, and that often meant keeping those around him at a socially acceptable distance. Close, but not so close as to imply intimacy. Far enough at arms length to avoid misunderstandings but not so far as to come off rude. It was a razor fine line he usually walked and aside from the Melusine’s, Furina seemed to be the only exception. 
And now you too, or so it appeared. At least for right now. 
Softly groaning, you lean further over his lap — lean further into your work and take him deeper into your mouth. The stretch is exquisite. It’s hard not to imagine the same cock stretching other parts of your body open in similar fashion, your cunt fluttering in unmistakable excitement as you swallow him down to the halfway point of his shaft. Neuvillette’s fingers lightly spasm against your hair, stiff with the desire to close his fist around the strands and perhaps tug or use them as leverage to push, but he fights it. You’re acutely aware of this fact even while you languidly lap at the underside of his length with your tongue. Still so polite even when you had him pulled in almost to your throat and there was another inch or two waiting just beyond the edge of your lips. You couldn’t abide by him holding himself in check like this when it was supposed to be his birthday present for him to enjoy. He should have been enjoying it to the fullest. 
So you reach back with your unoccupied hand, the one not currently holding him around the base, and blindly latch onto his stiff knuckles. Giving him a quick, reassuring squeeze, you press his palm firmly into the back of your head. He lets out a low, seething hiss in response, still valiantly fighting it for another moment longer despite the encouragement. The gentlemanly facade finally cracks though and a small portion of the Dragon Sovereign seems to peak out. When he finally pushes down on your head, it’s surprisingly forceful and demanding. The pressure makes you take another inch or so, and you moan a thick sound around the cock stuffed in your mouth. Now he was really tickling your tonsils and the sensation makes your salivary glands kick into overtime to produce a copious amount of drool that slowly starts to bubble out past your lips. You were going to make a mess at this rate. 
“Mon petit,” Neuvillette whispers the pet name like an oath. “I am afraid that — nnghn. I seem to be ill equipped for this particular activity. As shameful as it is to admit … I did not expect it to feel this good.” 
Noising an incomprehensible sound, a sentiment meant to put his concerns at ease, you nudge your face down a little closer to his lap and take another half inch. His narrow hips buck slightly at the sensation of slipping into your throat but now he’s struggling just to maintain his composure instead of thrusting up like he wants to. Neuvillette no longer has the luxury or the presence of mind to be concerned about his manners, and his fingers finally close around your hair at the root. The dull yank on your scalp makes your pussy clench tight in response. You couldn’t wait to have him. You hoped he would have you after this. If he was as pent up as you suspected, then it probably wasn’t a stretch to think he would. 
Gathering your own willpower, you slowly start to pull back off his cock. Choking yourself on it sounded like a great idea at the moment but you wanted to give him a short reprieve, a break to get a hold of himself. So you ignore the spit that dribbles down his length to coat your fingers where you’re squeezing it tight in an attempt to stave off his release. Neuvillette manages to surprise you slightly when he issues a low, barely audible growl at the loss of your mouth but you ignore that too. You finally make it to the glans a heartbeat later and you take the chance to swirl your tongue around the pink head. A quick glance through the fall of your lashes shows you his expression pinched in obvious pleasure and something darker. Something far more primal than simple arousal. You weren’t sure how far you could push him before the long dormant draconian instincts started to take over but you were curious and bullheaded enough to try it. 
You finally sit back, taking your mouth off his cock completely. The pretty face of the polite Iudex momentarily scrunches up in a tense, heady groan of frustration that leaves tiny little wrinkles at the corners of his eyes when he opens them to peer down at you. The intensity in those slit irises, the pupils blown wide and dark, inspires a nervous shudder down the length of your spine. You had no idea he could look at someone like that. Like so much meat. Prey that was his for the taking if only he would reach out with a sharp taloned claw and slice into laughably soft flesh to spill whatever was inside. 
Your pussy achingly throbs, though you aren’t entirely sure if it’s from sexual excitement or mortal fear. Perhaps it was both. 
“Are you enjoying yourself, Monsieur Neuvillette?” You speak softly, as if to avoid setting off the predator before you, but the only response you get is a single, hissed word. 
Then he’s pushing on your head just as demandingly as the first time, maybe even more so. He forces your face to his lap. Gives you no choice but to open your mouth wide and accept his cock again. Down, inch by inch, you take him straight to the edge of your throat and then you take him inside. Your gag reflex puts up cursory resistance for all of a single second and then he’s wedged as far down your gullet as he can go. You noise a pitifully muffled sound when your nose presses into his pelvis hard enough to bring tears to your eyes, the soft, nearly translucent hair tickling your skin. The muscles in your throat work around the intrusion as if to expel the blockage but it does very little in the way of good when he was already this deep. All you can do is heave on his cock and writhe there on the floor, your shoulders shuddering with each dry gag that assaults your body in violent waves. 
And you couldn’t remember the last time you’d been so painfully aroused. 
Groaning in deeply felt pleasure, Neuvillette gingerly leans back into his chair while keeping his hand pressed firm against the back of your head to hold you in place. You blink through the tears and peer up at him, committing every detail of his stricken face, his posture, his breathy voice as it tumbles out of him to memory even as you reach under your travel dress for what’s between your legs. Pressing your fingers into the crotch of your bloomers, you start to rub hasty circles into yourself while you watch him stiffly shake towards his own release. Never mind the fact you couldn’t breathe like this. It was just going to make for an even more powerful orgasm than what you were already anticipating. 
“Your throat is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before,” He grits out through tightly clenched teeth, his brows knitted so deeply that a small wrinkle had formed between them. “Du ciel à la terre, I can’t hold out any longer, mon petit, I am going to — nnghnnn!” 
Neuvillette cums with a sharp, rumbling grunt. The sound seems to vibrate through his shuddering frame and bleed into you, your eyes practically rolling to the back of your head when his cock gives one, pulsing throb before shooting thick ropes down your gullet. You choke at the sensation even as your throat desperately tries to get it all down before you can asphyxiate. It doesn’t feel like such a far off possibility at this point as you start to grow faint and dizzy from a lack of oxygen. But you just keep rubbing your cunt and swallowing, spurt after spurt of thick, creamy discharge until he finally hisses one final noise of pleasure before going lax underneath you. 
Without his hand holding you in place any longer, you quickly rear back and come up off his cock with a highly undignified, ugly wretching sound. You suck in a hungry mouthful of air even as sheets of drool and bubbling spit leak from your numb lips. You’re not half as concerned about that as you are with your quickly fleeting orgasm though. Like low tide, it seems to tauntingly lap at the edges of the shore line even as it quietly recedes out into the void of endless ocean without a second thought. You could almost sob at the loss as you rub yourself faster, harder. Even reaching up with your free hand to paw at your own breast through the thin material of your dress doesn’t bring it back. And you’d been so close too. 
“And what is this, Traveler?” 
Abruptly realizing that Neuvillette has recovered from his own orgasm and has been watching you for the last moment or so, you tip your head back to look at him. That glimpse of the dragon is gone and in its place is the same respectable Iudex you were usually accustomed to dealing with. The sole exception in his demeanor was the weight with which his gaze has settled upon you. There was a hunger there. An innate sense of superior dominance that had not been present when last he’d looked at you before this. 
It occurs to you then that you have perhaps awoken the beast in him with all your poking and prodding in more ways than one. There’s something in the way he looks at you down the length of his nose that sets your blood to boiling. You wanted — no, needed him to subjugate you to his will. That was what was missing. That was why your orgasm had fled at the first sign of reprieve from his iron will. 
Whimpering softly at your own helplessness, you lean back to press one hand against the floor and reach up with the other to tug one side of your dress down. He attentively watches your breast spill out into the open, drawing a subtle breath at the sight of you like this. So desperate. So needy and vulnerable. He doesn’t act on it though and you bite your lip to stop yourself from begging for it as you gather the front of your dress. You wonder if your sticky cunt had bled through the soft cotton of your bloomers yet as you present them to him without an ounce of shame to show for it. 
A small yet no less pleased smile plays across Neuvilette’s mouth. Rather primly, properly, he tugs the fabric of his justice robe to cover his lap and hide his softening cock from your voracious sights. The fact he doesn’t put it away, only covers it, makes your blood pound somehow even harder. It feels like you’ve got a second heartbeat in your cunt as he carefully shifts in his seat and brings the toe of an expensive shoe close to your pussy. 
“Is this how one handles human women, Mademoiselle?” He sounds vaguely amused, as if he already knew the answer. Like that one single exchange had enlightened him to a whole litany of sexual knowledge that he hadn’t been fully aware of before. 
You weren’t sure if it was just a result of his undeniable intelligence and he’d merely pieced everything together in record time or if it could really be a shared understanding with his past life. Did the Dragon Sovereign’s mate the same way people do? You didn’t really care about any of that right now. 
There’s only one thing on your mind and, at your nod, Neuvillette brings his foot closer. Slips it between your legs. He thoughtfully hums, as if considering his next move, and then presses up to flatten the top of his shoe along the pudge of your cunt. Even with the thin layer of your bloomers in the way it damn near makes you see double and you gasp. Your reaction seems to please him a great deal. Chuckling to himself, the Chief Justice of Fontaine slowly works his limb back and forth, up and down, to tease your slit with pressure that is simultaneously too much and yet not near enough to make you cum. You felt like you were going to be sick. 
“I must admit that this is quite interesting, Traveler.” He tells you softly, almost secretively. “You’ve certainly piqued my interest, at least. I had no idea touching you like this would make you look at me with such a … needy expression on your face. I wonder what will happen if I keep going. You’ll teach me this too won’t you, mon petit?” 
Of course you would. Anything for the birthday boy.
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shewrites444 · 1 year
visitation [xavier thorpe x reader smut]
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[a/n - so in my attempt to make up for my horrible posting rates lately, here is a pretty dirty plot i came up with.]
word count - 2.5k
summary - following xavier’s false arrest, the reader visits him to see if she can help in any way. of course, she can.
warnings - dirty talk, unprotected oral (m receiving), 69, unprotected sex in diff. positions
xavier looked pathetic behind bars, with the way his head hung low, no matter who he was speaking to, or if he was eating, humming, drawing on the walls - he always looked so glum. despite my bias opinion due to our friendship, i didn’t think he was the monster. he really wasn’t capable of that kind of sin, despite the edgy persona he put on during the day.
while xavier and i weren’t the best of friends, we had an understood connection since we met a few years back through nevermore. our parents treated us in similar ways, and while xavier radiated huge daddy issues, i was on the opposite end of the spectrum. my mom and i weren’t very close due to how consumed she was in her work, and the fact that my dad passed on the genes of an outcast to me was something she seemed to resent heavily. hence, her practically shipping me off to boarding school 9 months out of the year.
due to these similarities, we grew close, and soon, after about a year or so, we ended up sleeping together after a party. yes, we were nearly blacked out, but it happened, and there was no coming back from that type of thing. when he was with bianca we never did anything, and when he was infatuated with wednesday i stayed clear of that, too. we had boundaries, of course, and that was made clear from the beginning. no strings attached wasn’t so bad, except when my causal hook up was now being accused of ripping apart a handfuls of citizens in our area. so, while visiting xavier wasn’t the best idea at the moment, i knew he needed a friend, or at least someone to talk to that wasn’t the cops.
after the last employee walked out of the police department, i grabbed my purse and slung it over my shoulder, skipping over the dark road before closing my eyes and teleporting into the front office. yep, that was my thing. not very common at nevermore, but nevertheless, had its perks. i’ve avoided many situations, and people, believe me.
i walked down the blacked out hallway until i reached a room that was filled with a small amount of noise, in which seemed to be pure exhaustion. i leaned against the wall in a bit of confusion, listening quietly through the opened door. a belt was unbuckled, pants unzipped.. good god.
i roll my eyes with a smirk, walking into the room to see xavier spitting on his hand, but quickly jolting back into his bed with red cheeks and wide, embarrassed eyes.
“jesus, [y/n]! a knock could have been nice!” xavier shouts in frustration, wiping his hand off on his black pants, zipping them back up immediately after.
i shrug my shoulders and set my bag on the desk aside the wall, before walking over to the cell. “i wasn’t aware you spent your nights wacking right after the police leave. tell me, are you imaging the detective girl that turned you into here?”
“are you jealous?” he teases, looking up to meet my eyes with a light grin on his lips. “i’ve gotta find some ways to distract myself from my current situation.”
“i could never be jealous of something i already have.” i snap, passing him a wink before walking in front of the silver bars. i sigh, insisting for him to walk towards me, which he does instantly. i watch him lean down to lightly peck my lips between the bars, which only makes me laugh.
“so romantic. i love fucking a criminal.” i joke, sliding my jacket off and onto the floor. “but i don’t know if it’s worth it to bring myself into that cell, xavier.”
“oh, it is.” he moans into my mouth, kissing me once more. “why don’t you get on your knees and give me a taste before you make your decision?”
i pull away, glancing down to the erection that was already pushing against the fabric of his cargos, which only made me blush. “try to command me again and i won’t even lay a finger on you. you’re lucky i feel moderate pity for you.”
“noted.” xavier nods, unzipping his pants before sliding them down with his boxers. he watches me sink to the floor after kicking my shoes off, taking his cock into my hand through the bars as i begin to pump it, spitting on his tip as well to increase my rhythm.
he moans loudly as his length encompasses my mouth, pushing towards me and pressing against my throat while i suck him off, jerking off his length and the other hand moving to play with his balls. i look up to meet his eyes, his expression nothing but lust, mouth open and eyes subtly rolling back.
“god, i’ve missed this.. you’re always so good at sucking my cock, [y/n]…” xavier groans, holding one bar with his hand while the other reaches through to hold the back of my head, and a good grip on my loose hair. “why don’t you come in here, baby? please. you’ve got my dick so hard. you always do.”
i ignore his words and continue what i’m doing, pushing my head forward to deep throat his tip into my throat, earning a gag from my full mouth, which only makes xavier harder, and far more turned on. i keep myself in place, closing my eyes as i practically face fuck him, given his frozen movements while i stuff his cock down my throat. my hands trail away to rest against the bars while i suck, up and down, back into a rhythm to give my throat a break. i could feel his eyes on me, and i knew he wasn’t going to take them away from me until i got into his cell.
i pull away, taking a breath, and a moment, before i stand up and brush my hair out of my face, walking over to the desk to grab the key to unlock his chains. i then close my eyes, and bring myself into the small space within a second.
i look to xavier, who walked towards my figure and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a passionate kiss, which i return while taking my top off. after i toss the white shirt onto the floor, i take the key and unlock his shackles, watching the hard, cold metal drop the floor.
“we’re gonna have to unfortunately put these back on you when i leave, you know.” i say, setting the key on the ground before wrapping my arms around his neck. “can’t have anyone know i was here.”
“okay, okay, come here.” he mutters into my mouth, basically ignoring my serious statement, and instead dragging me to the bed, where he lays me down on my back. “i’m gonna fuck you so good. i’m gonna make you cum so much, baby.”
“we’ll see.” i tease, watching him pull my pants off. he kneels before the bed and pulls me closer to him, one hand holding my left leg up as his fingers trail to my entrance, pressing his thumb against my clit.
i moan softly, looking up to meet his eyes while he rubs the sensitive bud and sits up, aligning himself with me before slowly pushing the tip in, and quickly working himself into a rhythm.
“you’re so tight around me, fuck..” xavier moans, releasing his finger before leaning above me, thrusting inside of me still as he presses his lips against my own. “you know i’m not the monster, [y/n], but god, if i was, i wouldn’t lay a finger on you.. you’re so fucking hot, you’re the only one i’ve ever truly wanted to be inside of.. i wanna fill you up, baby.. make you mine…”
my eyes widen as i look up him, watching his lips trail down to my breasts, as he pecks them and kisses at the erect buds. i knew xavier wasn’t the monster, of course, but being in here with so much spare time must’ve sure brought in some creative dirty talk. i never knew he wanted me like that. he was always so into wednesday lately, that i figured i wasn’t even a thought. we hadn’t slept together, or done anything, really, in a month or so. basically since she showed up.
while i wasn’t the jealous type, xavier had been feeding me attention for awhile now, and to have it taken from me so suddenly, it was more annoying than anything. despite how much i liked being single, i did like to feel claimed, and i know he liked to feel that way, too. so the more i thought about his words, it wasn’t much of a surprise. if anything, it was just fucking hot.
“you really want me? only me?” i blush and bite on my lower lip, glancing down to him as he sucks at my right nipple while cupping the breast up. i shake my head though, taking my words back, after quickly thinking over how sensual that sounded. i hated how he made me feel so good, no matter what he said, or did. fuck.
he looks up to me and pulls off my breast with a smirk. he could definitely tell i regretted that actual expression of normal affection.
he sits up, holding both my legs above my head before pushing himself deeper inside of me. “can’t take that back, [y/n].” he winks, watching my mouth drop open while he pushes his cock fully inside of me, thrusting lightly, but just enough for me to feel him pressing into my belly. god, it hurt, but it felt so fucking good. he was so big. he knew it.
“well, i take it back. fuck whoever you want.” i say with a blank face, gulping as he began to pick up the pace, but stopped abruptly at my words.
he pulled out of me, standing up and lightly holding me up before helping me onto my knees, turning me the other way to press against the cold tile walls, my legs spread underneath me. he comes up behind me, pushing his cock back inside of me, which only pressed my body more against the wall.
“well, i chose to fuck you.” he expresses, wrapping his arms around me, cupping each breast in one hand. he pecks the crane of my neck, holding me tightly. “i chose you over anyone, [y/n]. you know how to make me feel good, even in here.. you know how to take my dick, baby.. you’re such a good girl, you know.. pressed up against this wall letting me fuck you so good.. there’s no fight tonight, baby. i love when you just let me control you..”
“hm.. well, there’s about to be… if you don’t make me cum… as promised...” i say in between moans, turning my head just enough to meet his eyes, watching him smirk while he releases one hand from my breast and down to my clit, which he harshly presses against, causing my back to contort backwards, pressing my ass against his lower abdomen.
“god, you’re so sensitive tonight..” xavier coos, holding me tightly against him. “you gonna cum all over my cock? i bet you taste so good, love. you’re gonna taste so good mixed with me.”
i press the side of my face against the wall, both hands against the bricks as i sigh heavily, biting my lower lip in order to keep my mouth. i hated letting him have the upper hand at times, he got so cocky. he knew he was making me feel good, and terribly wet, so it tended to get to his head. i didn’t like to give him what he wanted immediately. he had to work for it.
i began to move my body backwards, almost grinding from behind him to stimulate him further, which only made him moan in pleasure, throwing off the rhythm he had going.
“lay down.” i say firmly, feeling his hands release from my body and onto the bed. i move myself on top of him, where my pussy then hovers before his lips, and i’m aligned with his hard cock, which i leaned down to take into my mouth almost immediately.
“f-fuck…” xavier stammers, reaching up to hold my ass as he pulls me down to meet his lips. as he licks my folds, twisting his tongue into the flesh and gently pressing against my clit, i feel two fingers push inside of me, which only catches me by surprise as well, my moans muffling through my busy lips.
he pushes another finger inside, stretching me out as i moan loudly, pulling myself away from his dick and beginning to grind my pussy on his lips, until he pulls his fingers out and focuses his mouth on me.
i close my eyes and sink myself into the moment, one hand on the wall while the other pumps his cock, which was coming closer and closer to finishing.
“i-i’m gonna cum, baby.. please fuck me..” xavier moans, lightly moving me out of his face and nudging me towards the lower part of his body.
i nod, moving myself down his figure to align with his dick, pushing myself back onto him. i hear him moan behind me, almost whining at the amount of stimulation i put him through already.
i move my fingers to my clit, rubbing the bud in order to increase my upcoming orgasm, bouncing on his dick while his hands held my waist, guiding me up and down.
my mind was at a blank, genuinely focused on the pure pleasure this brought the both of us, and nothing else. just the moment that i was so terribly engrossed in, and not the fact it was all in a cell. i was with xavier, and this was the release we both so desperately needed.
and fuck, we got it.
our moans synced together as we gasped throughout the stimulation both our organisms brought us, our juices intertwining as i rode out the high of our climaxes, up until the moment his body went numb beneath me. i got off of him, my weak legs moving to grab my underwear off the floor, and slowly began to get dressed as he watched me from behind.
"you're going leave already, [y/n]?" he asked, leaning up to grab his clothes. "what happened to all that talk?"
"ignore that until you're let out of prison, xavier." i turn around, zipping my pants up. i lean down to grab the handcuffs and the key again, putting them back on him after he got dressed, and pushing him back to the bed.
he purses his lips together and sighs, cupping my cheeks before kissing me softly. "fine. but you need to come here again. no one's ever gonna make me feel as good as you do - i mean that."
"i'm flattered. maybe i will." i tease, pecking his cheek before leaving the cell in a blink. i grab my purse and glance to him before walking out and into the dim hallway.
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njorlpinipini · 5 months
Vision users and you! An exploration of common themes and qualities in wielders of different elements
Vision users and you! Observations of common themes regarding the wielders of different elements
DISCLAIMER: this is not a 'criteria' for who gets what vision. Think of this more as an exploration of patterns in Genshin character design, now that we've got a decent sample size from each element to look at.
Anemo users are, to put it bluntly, nosy bastards. They are always watching and listening, even if it seems like they're just zoning out. While they of course make for excellent spies and investigators, (no secrets are safe from the wind, after all) their natural curiosity and observant nature can also bring them success in fields such as alchemy and mechanics. Although living in Observer Mode has its perks, it does not make for a healthy social life; even the most extroverted of Anemos tend to be wallflowers, finding much more enjoyment in people-watching than actually participating in conversation. As for the introverts, getting them to leave their workshop/office/remote mountaintop for any social gathering is a monumental task that usually requires some degree of threatening, cajoling, and/or promises of snacks; when reaching out to them, don't be surprised if you get nothing but dead air in response.
Like the rocks their powers are derived from, Geo users are stable, dependable, and the least likely to turn and run for the hills when things go south. This reputation for reliability in turn inspires loyalty from their peers; Geo users often find themselves in charge of governments, armies, or criminal enterprises, with many loyal employees/troops/minions rallying around them. In addition to strong leaders and hard workers, Geo users also make great actors- their composure is second to none, and you'd sooner catch them dead before catching them breaking character. Unfortunately, despite being excellent at standing their ground, Geos can be extremely susceptible to pressure from behind; they can often be coerced into performing dangerous, demeaning, or completely insane tasks, especially if they feel their personal pride is at stake. You can't stop the rock, but you can push it forwards a bit if you have the right leverage.
The disposition of an Electro user will vary depending on their relation to their base desires and obsessions- their "inner animal." Some Electro users are embarrassed by the animal, and keep a tight lid on it whenever they're in public. Bottling up all this energy inside makes them very prickly and unapproachable, which is fine because it means there's less of a chance people will discover the army of plushies hiding in their closet. On the other side of the Electro spectrum, there are users who open their souls entirely to the world, shocking others with their erratic and bizarre behavior. They will show you all their limited collectibles and they will explain the lore behind each one, whether or not you asked. Once you accept that they're never going to 'act normal,' however, they can be surprisingly easy to get along with. The most fearsome of all Electros are, of course, the ones in the middle. These users have learned to wield their animal as a tool, knowing when to turn up the theatrics, when to keep a low profile, and when to get just under your skin. Those who carelessly play along with their antics may quickly find themselves the ones being played.
Dendro users want to see people thrive. They will extend a hand to the most broken of souls, seek out cures for those once thought doomed, and develop a comprehensive diet and exercise plan for all their friends. They know you can be better, and they're going to help you be better, until you push past the dirt and weeds and blossom like the brilliant flower that they know you are. Some are so dedicated to helping others that they neglect their own well being, much to the dismay of their friends and family. While these sorts of Dendros are extremely compassionate, their determination to see the best in everyone makes them vulnerable to emotional manipulation. Other Dendros focus on their own growth first, snaking their way through all manner of trials in pursuit of self betterment. Whether it's running errands across the world or a cushy, well-paying desk job, they seek a place where they can put down roots, unfurl their leaves, and bask in all life has to offer.
Of all the different types of vision users, Hydro users are the greatest visionaries (ha.) They are those with both the will change their world, and the social, financial, or political clout to make that change happen. Their beliefs vary- some campaign for the rediscovery of old traditions, while others call for revolution- but they all want to make waves. In their quest to turn the tides, nowhere is off-limits; Hydros will search the stars above, sink to the lowest depths of the Abyss, and even kick down the gates of Celestia if they have to. The scariest Hydro users are the ones who forgo the soapbox and pulpit in favor of pulling strings behind the scenes. These are true masters of social intrigue, who move with equal confidence through the currents of the world's grandest palaces and its filthiest slums. If one of them decides you are an obstacle to their plans for change, it's likely you'll be floating face-down in the river before long.
There are two main strains of Pyro user. The first and most common type are the optimists. They carry a ceaseless, brilliant flame in their soul, and they want to share its warmth with the world in any way they can. With spectacular performances, heart-pumping music, or even something as mundane as having a hot meal and a warm bath ready for you at home, the Pyros are on a mission to make the world just a little brighter with their infinite enthusiasm. Some will argue that there are places where such an attitude is 'inappropriate.' A Pyro optimist will tell you that you can't spell 'funeral' without 'fun.' Of course, not all Pyros are like this. There is a second, less common type- the realists, who know that warmth and light must be defended with force. They drive back the encroaching shadows, getting their hands bloody so that others don't have to. They might not be as outwardly affectionate as the optimists, but you'd better believe they care just as much, if not more.
Cryo users are plagued by ghosts. Some are haunted by their heritage, their lives dominated by the weight of an ancient family legacy. Others believe themselves to be sinners, and seek absolution from pasts stained in blood. Many got cast into the adult world at an extremely young age, and never got the chance to be children. At least one will never get the chance to grow up. Cryo users often feel like perpetual strangers, subject to whispers and frigid stares despite going above and beyond to prove their worth. Even when they are being praised for their achievements, they wilt at the attention- they don't want to be special, they just want to be normal. Don't assume that the Cryos take all this lying down, though- many have dedicated themselves to fighting the demons head-on. They expose corruption, tear apart deeply entrenched and outdated doctrine, aim sledgehammers at their nation's most profitable industry, and even bust literal ghosts. For these 'icebreakers,' it doesn't matter that they might turn the entire world upside down; the ugly truth will be revealed, and the spirits of the past will be put to rest.
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floredaqueen · 4 months
Any cute blurbs on how the gals became pals?? ❤️❤️
If I'm being honest it went a little something like this--
"Hey!" Nova whispered across the classroom. It didn't catch Isa's attention at first, but when rubber came in contact with her forehead, it bewildered her. The scholar turned her head in response to the small act of violence. Her eye brow arched, alerting the pretty girl across the room of her acknowledgment. Immediately, Isa acknowledged the flush of red on her before she even realized who through the eraser at her. Compared to her, Nova was one of the popular girls. It wasn't that she always hung out with that sort of crowd. She just illuminated confidence and poise that wasn't easy to pull off, and that was a magnet for the popular alike. It helped that she was effortlessly goregous, and that on its own was absolutely intimidating.
For Hawkins' Nova James to be speaking to the biggest nerd in Junior year was a little odd..
"Can you help me with this question..?" She practically pleaded with that embarrassed expression on her face. Isa hesitated, but she scooted over to her, scanning the question she was on before giving her some feedback on what she could do.
And it was like that for a while. Nova just bothering her in class.. but then it turned into taking her time at lunch, at her free period, and somehow Isa ended up at her house...
"You should join us at the sleepover! It's at my house! " The socialite exclaimed in excitement as she gave her intellectual counterpart all the deets and information on the activities they'd be doing. She did contemplate if this was a calculated prank being concocted by her fellow classmate, but the harmless excitement from her under-classmen seemed.. genuine.
A sigh came to Isabela as she stepped up to her massive porch. It was almost as big as the house itself.. who was she kidding, Nova lived in a hacienda. A palace moreso. She heard rumors that she was loaded, but she didn't know if they were true and she couldn't tell with the cheerful girl's wardrobe. It was zaney and colorful but well put together regardless. She should've guessed when she caught a glimpse of a diamond entrusted set she sported all through yesterday. As she stepped in, Isa took into account all of the marble, pearl, shimmy anything across each floor plate, counter, and table. The wall itself was a conforming slate grey color that turned a light umber as it was luminated by the lit candles. In the living room, Isabela found Nova on her lonesome, sporting her best pj's, and a pair of all the other girls to wear folded bedside her.. but none of the other girls were here. It was just Nova.. and Isa.
The latina hesitated to say anything, understanding the situation even more so with the devastated look plastered on James' pretty features. The only thing she could do was make herself known, and with that, Isa Wheeler came from behind the couch.
"Hey! Thanks for having me! And sick house!" Isa coixed with a smile as she sat herself down next to the slightly sorrowful Nova. Quickly though, she perked up at the sight of someone showing up.. especially since she assumed it was the girl who hated her the most. To tell the truth, it was envy more so than hate. Isabela was envious that Nova could get whatever and whoever she wanted without lifting a manicured finger. Everything she did was effortless, and she was freespirted all the way through whatever process she went through.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, Isabela worked hard to get where she was. Good grades, good posture, proper manners, slim figure, pretty face. All those things she earned and learned. Tonight was that night, she realized none of that mattered. They got mani-pedis, did crossword puzzles, on Isa's ask, talking about boys and all the relevant chismé. Isa learned how sweet and sensitive Nova could be, and Nova witnessed how caring and considerate Isabela could be all the same.
"So why aren't the other girls here..?" Isa asked as she set a king of spades down. She watched as Nova hesitated to answer, only setting down her heart-shaped card before she answered.
"Chrissy was sick before she could make it.. but the others.." The admired gal scoffed, shrugging sharply as she watched Isa toss another card down.
"I don't know - I guess we didn't click like I thought we did.."
"..we click," the studious girl mumbled, offering a warm smile right after. It made Nova beam... that was until she realized she was losing at Go Fish. She exclaimed with a pout, Isa giggling in response as she steadily eased into her winning streak with a wry chuckle while Nova cursed at her an intricate eye.
"You're alright, Wheeler.."
Her words contorted Isabela's lips into a goofy smile. The smile turned into a laugh between the both of then as big brown doe eyes watched the popular not-so popular gal deal them in once more.
"You're alright too, James."
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Def Leppard x Reader
For @steveperrysorgasmicpipes
A/N: So as requested this is a fic where the guys look after the reader. I incorporated a condition which I have and the symptoms which relate to me. Obviously each person with Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder is different, and not all symptoms relate to everyone. I am happy to answer any question about the condition as I am trying to be more open about it whilst I come to terms with my diagnosis. Writing this fic has helped a lot and I hope you enjoy it. Also thank you to @elliotts-personal-property, @bring-on-the-heartbreak-joe and @i-love-def-leppard as well as all my lovely mutuals who have been there for me recently, I appreciate you all 💖💖
Groaning, I sit up as carefully as I can and climb off of the hotel bed. From experience, I knew it was better to move around rather than sit still and let all my joints stiffen up even worse. I also knew that I had to go to work, hence the reason I was in a hotel room in the first place. 
Being Def Leppard’s assistant definitely had its perks. First of all, although the hours were long, the entire band was understanding if I couldn’t make it into work one day. Not that I had ever told them about my condition and had instead made up excuses as to why I couldn’t work on my bad days.
I was hoping it would remain that way. Unfortunately after hearing all the cracks of my joints as I stood up, I knew that it would take more than a hot shower and some painkillers to help me today. Taking a deep breath, I got ready for the day as quickly as my body would let me. I was hoping that I would be able to hide the pain but as I walked out of my hotel room, I felt myself walk with the familiar limp from the pain in my hip. 
Def Leppard were on tour with Mötley Crüe and whilst I didn’t have too much interaction with the other band, I was really hoping that today of all days would be one where I could avoid them altogether. However, that was not meant to be as both bands were sitting down ready for breakfast. Plastering a smile on my face I went over and joined them. 
The only good thing was at the moment it was just the two bands there and that their wives were not on this leg of the tour. This meant that there were less people I had to hide my pain from. 
“Morning guys.” I grinned at them all, hoping to disguise the wince I made as I took the seat between Joe and Phil that had been saved for me.
There was a round of ‘mornings’ coming from the group, most of them almost incoherent as they struggled to wake up for the morning.
Despite feeling unwell, I knew I had to eat on my painkillers so I decided to grab a few pieces of fruit and just nibble on them whilst trying to engage in the conversations around me. As much as I tried to hide my discomfort, I knew I had failed when I saw Sav looking at me concerned over the table. As I looked into his blue eyes, which had not faded with time, I saw the question that was lingering in his mind.
I subtly nodded my head at him and gave a small smile, trying to convey that I was alright. However, much to my dismay, this had only attracted the attention of Joe who was seated to my right.
“You okay Y/N/N? You don’t look right.” 
Quietly I took a deep breath yet again and looked towards him, knowing that if I didn’t he wouldn’t believe the lie that was about to escape my mouth.
“Of course, I'm just tired. Didn’t get enough sleep s’all.”
It was very obvious on his face that he did not believe me but he did not press the matter any further in front of the others. Instead, he just looked at Sav and then the rest of his own band, all of them talking silently, something they had mastered over the years. The only upside was that the guys of Mötley Crüe hadn’t noticed that something was up. Whether it was deliberate because it didn’t concern them or they were really that oblivious didn’t matter. I was just grateful I didn’t have another group of eyes trained on me. 
When we finished breakfast, the bands had a day off so all I had to focus on was making sure everything was ready for them when they next perform. This meant that I should be running around all day between the hotel and the venue. I was dreading the day ahead of me, knowing roughly how it would go. I knew I would have to keep myself hydrated and well fed to try and prevent the dizzy spells as well as carrying my joint braces and supports just in case. 
I carefully made the trek back up to my hotel room, vaguely aware of the eyes that are on me as I leave. I carefully pack my bag for the day, making a mental note of everything that I have to get done. Just as I am about to leave I hear a knock at my hotel room door. Gently padding over to the door, I try to ignore the limp in my step. When I get there and open the door I am shocked to find all five members of Def Leppard standing there.
With a sigh I move out of the way, allowing them all to enter the room. They quickly made themselves at home with Rick, Vivian and Phil sat on the sofa and Joe and Sav perched on the foot of my bed. The two men on the bed allowed me room to sit in between them. Reluctantly I made my way over. Usually, I wouldn’t mind sitting and talking to the band, but right now, when I knew all they wanted to talk about was me, I would rather be anywhere else.
“So are you gonna tell us what’s going on or are we all gonna have to guess.” Joe started though his voice was soft and filled with concern. As I looked around, all I saw was five sets of eyes staring back at me waiting for a reply. 
“Honestly I’m fine. I’m just a bit tired.” I told them wanting them off of my case.
“Don’t lie to us Y/N.” Phil spoke, his tone the same as Joe’s. “What is really going on?”
I sighed as I looked around again. It was obvious they were not going to leave me alone until I told them what was going on. 
“I have a condition called Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder.” I started as I looked down at my lap. It wasn’t that I was ashamed of my condition but it was hard for me to talk about. 
“I was diagnosed a few years ago but I have been having problems since I was about nine. There are multiple symptoms but the main ones that affect me are chronic pain, fatigue and dislocations. It is incurable but there are things I can do to lower the pain. Some mornings though I just wake up and I know that it is going to be a bad day.”
“How come you’re only telling us this now?” Sav questioned with worry flooding his face.
“I didn’t want to be a bother to anyone. There's not much anyone can do anyway.”
“You still should've told someone Y/N/N.” Viv spoke up. “How many times have you gone through the day in pain and we haven’t noticed.”
“I don’t know. Look I appreciate the concern and everything but I really have to get to work.”
“Are you joking?” Joe scoffed, his eyes wide.
“Umm no, I can’t just stop everything…” I was interrupted by Sav. 
“Yes you can. You’re in pain Y/N. You can’t possibly work like this.”
“I have done in the past.”
“Only because we didn’t know then.” Rick interrupted this time with a pointed look on his face.
Realising this was a battle I was going to lose, I gave in.
“Fine. But I can’t stay in bed all day, if I don’t keep moving then my joints will seize up and I’ll end up in more pain.”
“Whatever you need Y/N. I’m just going to make a few calls so that you can have as long as you need off.” Joe told me before going to leave the room.
When Joe came back the entire day was spent with the five of them looking after me, despite my insistence that I could do it myself. A few times we went for a walk around the hotel corridors so that I could move around a little bit. Overall the whole day was a lot more comfortable than I originally planned. They had made sure that I was taking my pain meds and eating and drinking enough. 
The only time there was trouble was when I had a subluxation in my knee, which is where my knee had a partial dislocation. Whilst painful it was something I could deal with myself. Luckily I had my knee support on hand to strap my knee back up. By the evening time, all of them apart from Joe and Sav had left.
“So Y/N/N, are you going to tell us the real reason as to why you didn’t tell us about your condition?” Joe asked. I looked between him and Sav and I could tell that just like earlier, I wasn’t going to be able to avoid the question.
“When I tell people about my condition they always look at me differently. Whilst I knew that all of you would be the last people to judge me, I’ve gotten used to not talking about it.” I told them, hardly being able to look them in the eye.
“We get that Y/N/N but don’t let yourself be in pain again, alright?” Sav smiled at me.
“Yeah okay. And thank you for today.”
“It’s no problem at all.” Joe smiled as he patted me gently on the shoulder.
Sav did the same and the both of them smiled at me one final time before they left me alone for the evening to get ready for bed.
Over the next few weeks I continued to work with only a few problems but I noticed that all of them looked out for me. Things like offering to carry a heavy bag or walking slightly slower so that I could keep up and if I was honest it was making my life so much easier. Part of me wished that I had told them sooner but at least now they were all aware and I didn't have to struggle on my own anymore.
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💎 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Borbos's Marvelous Magic Marker
Wondrous item, common ___ This quill-like tool has a narrow brush that extends from its end, which produces its own ink. You can use this marker in place of ink and a quill as calligrapher's supplies. While holding it, you can use a bonus action to mentally change the color of the ink that flows from the brush. Decorating the marker's metal casing is a dazzling spectrum of colors, which move and shimmer while the marker is being used. The brush can be retracted into the metal casing to keep it from leaving errant marks by clicking a button at the top of the marker. While holding the marker, you can use a bonus action to triple-click its button. For the next minute, the marker magically erases any ink it's brushed across without a trace, instead of leaving ink behind. This effect ends early if you use a bonus action to triple-click the button again. For the duration, you can erase up to 1 square foot of ink, containing no more than 150 characters or 25 words. Once this property of the pen has been used, it can't be used again until the next dawn. ___ ✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon's Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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shiawasekai · 7 months
13, 20, 29, and E for Nela?
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Adding @herequeerexitentialfear because of the question in common! Thank you both!!! ❤️
13. What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
Nela is painfully aware of which colors suit her best in theory. A perk of her parents working on it professionally and growing up hearing about these things. It's another matter if she agrees with them, which is a bit more... complicated.
In practice, she defaults to darker purples a lot, which is the colors she likes best on herself. It's not the color that suits her best (she would look better on greens or blues), but it doesn't look that bad either as long as it's the right shade. Her main outfit uses blues precisely because is her professional look as Commander and she made an active effort to look good on it.
20. If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
Now that's a tough one... and one I don't think she would be truly capable of answering through most of her life. Mostly because of lack of experience with romantic love. Both because she was young when she was kidnapped and because I've come to the conclusion that she is in the grey spectrum both sexually and romantically. It's fairly rare for her to feel attracted to anyone, in short.
After the game and having more experience with it? I think she would define platonic/familial love as comforting, a love that anchors you and protects you; romantic love, on the other side, is something that drives you forwards, that pushes you beyond your limits for its sake.
29. Do they usually live up to their own ideals?
In short? No.
She isn't going to outright betray her ideals, that's a lesson she learnt the hard way as a teenager. However, she is an overly rational person who knows sometimes things aren't feasible and who, being in a position of high responsibility, risks a lot if pursuing an ideal blindly. This means she often compromises and plays the long game, fighting to keep a balance between reality and the ideal.
She is at peace with that. After all, what are ideals if not something to strive towards? A reason to keep fighting for a better chance?.
However, I don't think she is at peace with herself on her personal life AT ALL.
Once the game starts, she spends years afterwards playing a part, hiding much of herself under a mask to cover how unwell she is. The parts she does show are the truth, but there is much she keeps zealously to herself. She realizes it's awful and she knows everyone is going to be hurt when the whole truth comes out, she just cannot function without it.
How can you say you live up to your ideals when living like that? Even if you're otherwise trying your best.
E. Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
I think so, yes! I don't think we would be close, but I feel she would be someone I would find easy to talk to. We would, I think, absolutely get on each others' nerves, however. But it could be a perfectly nice casual friendship you talk with once in a while.
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1yyyyyy1 · 4 months
Do you think being physically beautiful is one of the biggest privillages in life or is it overhyped and doesn’t matter as much as we would like to believe
Physical beauty matters to me because I have a keen sense of aesthetics and not keeping up with the appearance I envision for myself makes me genuinely uncomfortable. This might come as a surprise considering that I have made several posts denouncing cosmetic procedures and femininity, but, after months of trying to frame my pursuit of attractiveness as a desire to appeal to men and subsequently moving away from it, I can safely say that devaluing physical beauty does not work for me and I no longer see the point in denying this side of myself to myself just to remain consistent with my previous view of the world. My authentic preferences are in line with the traits that are considered conventionally attractive and I am much happier presenting myself that way. In that sense, attractiveness is advantageous in my case because it makes me feel physically and mentally better, hence results in more productivity.
In a broader sense, both beauty and ugliness can be equally advantageous and disadvantageous and it is up to the individual to perceive these qualities in a certain way. To someone who values the thrill of relationship dynamics, unattractiveness is a lifelong curse that limits their dating opportunities and deprives them of the potential enjoyment in their life. To someone who enjoys privacy, being unattractive is a blessing that diverts people's attention from themselves and provides them with much needed peace of mind.
While the debate around attractiveness might seem confusing, its perks and drawbacks are obvious to anyone who has experienced both sides of the spectrum. Beauty is neither a flaw nor a privilege and one's attitude towards it is a matter of personal preferences.
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icedragonlizard · 1 year
The one Kirby game that really deserves a remake, in my opinion.
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When Return to Dreamland Deluxe came out, I've then noticed people wanting remakes for Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot. And if I'm going to be honest? I don't think it's necessary to remake those two games. At least not around this time. They're still deep in the newer half of the spectrum for Kirby games, they're still literally from one console ago, and thus I believe it's too soon to remake them.
Remakes don't happen very often in the Kirby series anyways. But if I think there's one game in the series that absolutely deserves a remake more than the others, I think it's Dreamland 2.
This is another long rant so I'll add a "keep reading" tag to this if you're curious to hear more of my thoughts as to why I think this.
Dreamland 2 is the most outdated mainline Kirby game, as the original Kirby's Dreamland has been used for Super Star's Spring Breeze gamemode, and Kirby's Adventure has been remade into Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland for the GBA.
Dreamland 2 is the only mainline game in the series that you can't play in graphics better than Gameboy Color.
And the game has a lot of flaws. Due to being on the Gameboy, it's got a small screen. Kirby can't even run in this game because of how small the screen is. Kirby also loses his copy ability EVERY time he takes damage in this game, compared to other games where it usually takes more than one hit for him to lose his ability.
Rick and Kine both suck to use in this game, but thankfully they've been heavily improved in Dreamland 3 when they gave Rick all sorts of perks like climbing walls and being unphased by slippery terrain, and allowed Kine to be faster on land. But in Dreamland 2? Coo is the only one out of the three animal friends that's actually good here.
Planet Robobot is still pretty fresh and fine, as is Triple Deluxe. They can stand pretty well on their own and don't need remakes for a while. Dreamland 2, however, really shows its age. It's good for a Gameboy game, but it's so archaic and lackluster compared to all the newer Kirby titles, and like I said above, it's the most outdated since even the Kirby games older than it got remade one way or another.
Remaking Dreamland 2 into the modern era could easily go a long way to do it much needed justice. It could address all or at least the majority of its problems. It could provide a bigger screen to let Kirby actually run like he does in the newer games. Rick and Kine could be given all the same buffs that they were given in Dreamland 3. Heck, we could probably even add a few more copy abilities to provide combinations for, as after all we're still only dealing with three animal buddies here, so it should be okay to add a couple more abilities into the mix! They added some abilities in RTDL's remake that weren't there in the original game, so the same can apply here.
I think a Kirby adventure where Rick, Kine and Coo are the companions could be great. I love those three characters anyways. But Dreamland 2 as we know it is really outdated, barebones and tbh I'd be hard-pressed to call it fun at this point. For a Gameboy game, yes, but it's kind of a joke compared to all the newer Kirby titles. Looking at this game, it seems absolutely ripe for a remake imo.
Dreamland 2 is a short game, but in a remake they could easily just add more gamemodes to make it a larger game compared the original. I'm aware that a remake doesn't typically do any real notable expansions on the gamemodes that existed in the original, but I mean.. they could add a few things in the original mode. Like I said, they could maybe add a few more copy abilities.
Extra gamemodes.. I dunno, they could be stuff similar to Merry Magoland. I'll admit, I'm not that creative when trying to think about gamemodes, I guess they'd come up with stuff fine if they ever choose to remake this game into the modern era.
Also, maybe GOOEY could be a little bit something more in a hypothetical Dreamland 2 remake compared to how he was just in the bags in the original to serve as a heal item if you already were riding around with Rick, Kine or Coo. Who knows? Maybe a Gooey "epilogue" that happens between Dreamland 2 and Dreamland 3 to show his growth and to how he got to his position in Dreamland 3! Although I'll be honest, I'm not exactly advocating for all sorts of characters to have prologue/epilogue-style gamemodes similar to what Magolor got, as that could get old and repetitive pretty fast. But hey.. I think Gooey would be a sensible candidate if they actually do decide to go that route again for whatever reason.
Given Dreamland 2's shortness, even with extra gamemodes included I would agree that a remake for the game definitely wouldn't be worth $60 like most switch games are. I guess... $15-30 would be better? HOWEVER, I wouldn't be opposed to a "Dreamland Trilogy" that contains all of Dreamland 1, Dreamland 2 and Dreamland 3.
Dreamland 3 is also rather old for the series, although the idea of remaking that game sounds a bit weirder in comparison because I think it should keep its crayon aesthetic to allow it to stay unique. I also think it's generally more fleshed out than Dreamland 2. So in my opinion, Dreamland 3 isn't as needing of a remake as its predecessor is. I wouldn't be too opposed to it, though, since it's also old.
Anyways, those are my thoughts. I can understand why people would want Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot to be remade, but they're still new for Kirby games, and I think it'd be weird to just remake all the Kumazaki games and ignore all the older titles that arguably need remakes so much more. I mean, remakes are rare in the series like I said earlier, but if we're gonna choose another one to remake, I think it's pretty obvious who could ACTUALLY use it. Dreamland 2 is the one Kirby game in most dire need of a remake, in my opinion.
What do you think?
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