#Love of Life
slowlyhappybird · 2 months
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Hot Love🔥❤️
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jt1674 · 1 month
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brittghostrider143 · 3 months
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We may be toxic from time to time but I fucking love you Chad. I don't ever want anyone else. You're the only one for me baabyy
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classystudentclown · 1 month
Raucous laughter and friendly jeers;
Desperate jokes and victims tears:
These moments of mockery are very clear,
And, they will always separate me from my peers.
I don't bond well with bullies,
I keep myself quietly aloof,
With each moment agonized and miserable...
Spelling out my doom.
What makes me different?
Keeps me separated when submerged?
I notice the loneliness inside,
The terrified kid lashing out.
We are all hiding from something,
Which leaves us something else to talk about.
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a-book-is-a-garden · 1 year
“I know that I am wrong, that we cannot give ourselves completely. Otherwise, we could not create. But there are no limits to loving, and what does it matter to me if I hold things badly if I can embrace everything?”
- Albert Camus, ‘Love of Life’ in “The Wrong Side and the Right Side”
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peaceinthestorm · 1 year
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Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo (1868-1907, Italian) ~ L’amore nella vita, 1901-02
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cosmonautroger · 11 months
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Swans - Love Of Life (1992)
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disease · 2 years
I'll walk with you Through space and time And when sleep is near I will fold you in I'll disappear with you In clear blue flames And when our time arrives We will slide through space
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andreabaideas · 8 months
Idea : thoughts on Daisy Jones and the Six and why the love triangle worked for me.
I just saw an inspiring publication/post (by @hellcat-in-chaos :https://www.tumblr.com/hellcat-in-chaos/190027062509/hellcat-in-chaos-66-fuucckk?source=share); reblogged by @alwayschasingrainbows
It made think on Djats. 
It finally lets me put into (mostly) coherent words what I thought about both CamiBilly (Camilly) and DaisyBilly (Daisylly) while watching/reading. Thats why i LOVE both. 
The post says that, and i quote : 
"What's the difference?" I asked him. “Between the love of your life, and your soulmate?""
“One is a choice, and one is not."
Billy may be a mess (totally IS), thats why i LOVE him, but i'm digressing...I get him!! Whats better the LOVE of you Life or your soulmate? 
There’s lucky people who finds one or the other, and never gets exposed to both at once (like Billy was) .
There's some others who never find any of them…Thats okay too, your biggest love should be YOURSELF (single Life IS awesome, i'm happier single than in couple,TBH, i'm more Karen Sirko) 
But, and that's when trouble begins, others are like Billy, and find themselves between  ice and Fire , or as my Abu (RIP) said (in spanish):
Está atrapado entre dos tierras…y al final no podrá respirar = he's trapped between two lands, and in the end he won't be able to breathe. 
To me Camila IS and Will Always be Billy’s love of his Life , because he actively has chosen Camila, both in book (better) and TV (not as good, but good enough), Camila IS the one he wants to be with. She is his choice. He loves her to the point of selfdestruction aka the relapse in TV show, when he thinks she has left him in the last episode. He thinks himself broken without her. 
On the other hand we have Daisy…To me Billy loves Daisy too, with every inch of him.
Fuck, even the lovely ever wise Camila acknowledges It (in book, the series did a huge disservice to her by erasing her discourse my fave in the book):
"He loves you, i know that he loves you, you know that he loves you...but hes not gonna leave me" (sorry for any possible mistakes, i read it in my native language spanish, not english, so Its a rough translation).
But… he denies It, because she IS just like him… and he cant admit/choose to loving Daisy, someone Who IS like him…Because at that point hes an addict (that doesnt act on It) but an addict nonetheless , once you are you'll always be , in the story he hated himself.
Billy and Daisy are soulmates (in spanish Its almas gemelas, like twinsouls, but in meaning more like soulmates really) because they hadn't chosen each other…yet they can't avoid their situation/ passion (and remember : passion is a also a synonym of pain) 
They dont choose each other…Because theres no choice at all for them. 
Billy has always had the choice that doesn't make him “broken”, the choice of love : Camila.
And in the end, when he manages to not be broken and only after losing his love, he can choose, from a healthy stand in life, to be with her soulmate (Daisy) and to turn her into another love. 
But that quote is right : Love IS a concious act of choice. Soulmates arent…It is someone whose soul calls to you, like a syren chanting in the shore, and that can be good…or -like syren chants were in legends-  a curse. 
To conclude: I dont get Billy hate at all, i didn't get It when reading the book, and later with the series casting Sam Claflin (my beloved) It didn't help at all for me being objective.
Billy's situation was difficult …His options nearly imposible. He was crying in that Taxi for fucking reasons, you all. In choosing love, he has to deal with the consequences: he loses his soulmate . Also hurts everyone (himself, Camila and Daisy) in the process. 
You find that easy to decide?? What would you choose LOVE or SOULMATISM? (I may create a future poll with this question)
If you doubt or dont know your answer,  then i'm glad to tell you that you are ...~(insert drumroll sound here)~ Billy Dunne.
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At a young age was traded by his parents to Heatran in exchange for a Heatran forged Sword, whether they were going to come back for him or not after the battle is anybody's guess but even with a sword made by the Legendary of the Forge they still fell in battle and the Sword was lost.
He was raised by Heatran till he was 18 spending his developing years working as his blacksmith's assistant given the name Crane Forgeron. He has the skills to be a truly Master Blacksmith and Craftsman but he doesn't enjoy doing it very much because it reminds him how he was abandoned and traded for a sword. Once he was able to forge his own path in the world he left Heatran with respect for his master and guardian but had no intention of sticking around, he wanted to see the rest of the world for himself and experience a lot of life's pleasures that he missed out on given his job's requirement for discipline. He had enough money to be comfortable for a while or be financially stable if he used it wisely, but he ended up wasting most of it within the first month being away with stuff like drinking and gambling. The one line he didn't want to cross was having unprotected sex. He likes physical pleasure and thinks himself a charmer to the ladies, but he had a shitty childhood because his parents weren't there for him and Heatran wasn't much of the nurturing type, so he doesn't want to ruin his own kids' life by not knowing them and not being there.
He spent a few years wandering around from place to place, got into music as well as mysticism, took up playing the Drums and learned about how the drums could be used to send secret messages, so he started playing on the street making a little money but also broadcasting beats with just his thoughts for somebody else to hear and pick up on, then eventually he got a response and was invited to join a Voodoo Temple. The Temple's members had been using drums for years to send secret information between members to establish meeting because their practices had been frowned upon and demonized in society as Giratina worship and Witchcraft, and then all of a sudden a stranger comes to town playing his own drums in a way that matches their codes but doesn't align with the information they were trying to convey. It confused them for a while before they figured out who was accidentally messing with their signal and that this guy wasn't doing it intentionally, he just wanted to be part of something. Crane felt welcomed by the group and began to model himself after one spirit in particular; Baron Samedi
Allow me to provide a little bit of context: In Real Voodoo there is one supreme god who created the universe but this god is indifferent to what goes on in the world, instead the world is run and watched over by spirits called the Loa which can be prayed to and appeased through specific offerings, rituals, and musical performances. There are at least 232 Loa recorded but potentially more and all of them have their own unique identities; different likes, dislikes, and powers which people invoke them for in exchange for guidance and services, and will sometimes interact with people by possessing a body and taking control. Some of these Loa are spirits that exist within nature, others were formerly notable mortal people like leaders of families or tribes, great warriors, hunters, etc…
Baron Samedi is the head Loa of the Gede Family the guardians of the past, of history, and of heritage and represent the Powers of Death and Fertility. He is essentially the Loa equivalent of a Grim Reaper. Nobody dies until the Baron buries them and then meets then on the other side. You could be saved from dying by convincing Baron Samedi that it is not your or your loved one's time to die yet and he is especially merciful to children wanting to see everybody live out a full and fulfilling life of happiness before they die, meaning because he controls who dies, he also has the most powerful healing powers curing any wound, disease, or cast hexes on anybody he deems deserves to die.
Pokemon does not nessisarily have Loa as Creator Spirits who are part of Nature since they have the Legendaries and the Legendaries are treated more as straight up Gods in a vast Pantheon, but there are multiple mentions around Ghost Type Pokemon that there is a Spirit world, so perhaps this version of Voodoo follows more of the aspect of people who have passed on are able to become powerful spirits who have specific jobs interacting with the Mortal world and can be evoked and appeased by Voodoo practitioners to do certain tasks if compensated correctly.
Maybe this world's version of Baron Samedi is one of many Reaper spirits whose job is to help other pokemon transition from life to death, but unlike classic depictions of a Grim Reaper, Baron Samedi is not nearly as "Grim". Quite the opposite actually, he is known for being a lot fun and the life of the party. He usually appears as a tall man with a face painted like a skeleton or just an animated skeleton himself dressed to the nines in a tall shiny black top hat, dark sunglasses, smoking expensive cigars, wearing a black tailcoat jacket, carrying an elaborate cane, downing bottles of rum, and dancing, shouting obscenities and having sex etc…And in one variation of the good Baron he also rides around in a carriage pulled by a horse who is also dressed like him (Top hat, tailcoat, sunglasses, smoking expensive cigars, so on…) He encouraging people to embrace humor and absurdity in life and in death.
The basic message of Baron Samedi that "Life is meant to be enjoyed" resonated with Crane. He took on the name new name of Crane de Samedi to further connect himself with the Spirit of the Party Baron. He worked with the voodoo Temple moving up to become a voodoo priest of Baron Samedi allowing the spirit to ride him and act through him in the world, but some of the other worshippers started to believe he was actually a mortal incarnation of the Baron himself and became one of the head priests of their sect. On the side the temple helped him go to college earn his doctorate studying Music & Performative Arts, Religious Studies, and Archeology, he was given a role as a professor in the college being known as the fun professor who likes to party and effectively balancing a life of Discipline and Hedonism.
Then one night while he was partying he met a Salazzle named Bellinora Eleaika who used him as a one night stand and ditched, this wasn't the first time he had a passing encounter but he would find out later through the spirits that she had used her pheromones to make him get her pregnant, and was using her male children as slaves. He could not stand for this and left his comfortable life to try to be a father to his children. 19 years later he would eventually find his eldest daughter Kaida La Croix and involve himself in her life…perhaps a little late but better than never.
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whispofsarin · 17 days
Let my body be a love letter to life
Lay me down as a testament of who I am and who I am to become
Let tattoos and piercing holes pepper my skin with stories
And let my eyes speak of passions and sorrows the same
For life is not perfect, and we are not perfect beings
Yet I love life all the same
And I must show it as it is so
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storm15jp · 4 months
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For when two souls are connected, the time, distance, day or night, the space, the world doesn’t exist. For they are in each other’s arms going to sleep and waking up.
Long distance
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theduckopera · 1 month
When I was fully bedbound and unable to communicate for 8 months back in 2020, I remember finding a grass seed on my blanket after my partner brought it in from the wash one time, and crying for an hour at the beauty of this unfamiliar sliver of the outside, growing world. I wrote tiny, memorisable poems in my head with a passion and ferocity I haven't matched before or since. I valued everything so much more when nearly all of it was taken away. It wasn't exactly the same feeling as this poem, but oof, it was very close.
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sapphuric-acid · 1 month
The world may be the way it is and that may be bad, but that doesn't mean it will always be bad. We can make a better future by reconciling with the past and showing compassion for the present.
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classystudentclown · 3 months
Sometimes, you have to just let go of the idea of acceptance. Your mistakes, missteps, and poor choices may leave you at odds with some people for life.
You don't have to live up to the failure in the expectations.
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cookiefate · 4 months
Cookiefate for May 27th: "Your love of life can carry you through any circumstance."
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Except death. There it will drop you 💯
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