#MERCH STORE????? how fucking insulting
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Oh fuck I have the update
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mint-8 · 3 months
Platonic Yandere Needy Girl Overdose
Trigger warning/Content warming for: Self harm, mentions of bullying and use of drugs.
Platonic Yandere Ame-Chan/KAngel
- Yandere Ame who messages you 24/7 and keeps your phone constantly open with tons of notifications going a mile a minute (or course, they are off when she is streaming).
- Yandere Ame who confides her deepest secrets and traumas to you, her best friend. Her experiences with bullying, harassment and abuse of medication. She trusts you completely as to never reveal such things to the internet, it could destroy KAngel’s life!
- Yandere Ame who only ever leaves her apartment when you insist on going out! To browse some cute stores, chat in a nice cafe or simply taking a stroll in the park. Ame’s mood might be different each time (excited, depressed, oddly horny) but she really appreciates your efforts to get her out of her house!
- Yandere Ame who refuses to let you into her apartment and see the disgusting pigsty her room is, but she will happily stay over at your home for any sleep overs! Maybe you will let her live with you?
- Yandere Ame who acts a litttle manic at times, and who will desperately need your attention and comfort when her stress and mental darkness become too much to bear. She will call you screaming, wailing or crying, desperately asking for help. Kind and supportive you will buy her favorite snacks and bring soft clothes and blankets (and perhaps sleeping pills or antidepressants if she starts acting in a dangerous way)
- Yandere Ame who will cling to you to keep herself sane. She needs to know that you are there for her and that you won’t abandon her. Even when she curses and rants about how much she hates her bullies, her creepy fans, her annoying parents, everyone in this pathetic excuse of a planet. She needs to know that you will stay and you will hug her. That you will feed her some sweet snacks, keep her company and make sure she doesn’t cut herself anymore.
- Yandere Ame who will cuddle to you in her sleep and promise to whatever God is out there that she will never let anyone hurt her best friend. It doesn’t matter what the internet says or what P-Chan thinks. Ame will only ever need you by her side. =)
“I love you Ame-Chan”
“I love you too… Never leave me, promise? =)”
Platonic Yandere KAngel
- The internet’s perfect angel, KAngel, loves you very much! You are her best friend after all and she knows you would never betray her, right?!
- Yandere KAngel insists on you watching every single one of her streams and will 100% read any Super Chat you might send her way. Fans called it favoritism? Then suck it up buttercup! KAngel doesn’t give a damn about it!
- KAngel usually hates any new streamers that might steal her spotlight as the greatest streamer in MeTube. How dare those whores take her rightful spot in every nerd’s hearts and wallets?! But Yandere KAngel would love it if her best friend became a streamer! She will plug your streams every time and do tons of collabs! The two of you could even have custom collab merch!
- KAngel who will block and actively attack anyone who dares to insult her best friend! Making fun of them in her streams and defending you at every tiny insult or critics!
“They were just commenting that the BGM was a bit too loud, Ame”
“Of course they fucking weren’t! What kind of shit head would have a problem with that?! They should be grateful to be in your stream!”
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door-insurance · 3 months
My thoughts on double exposure
NOTE: please if you have any comments to me PLEASE reblog this with a response so I can reply back, I won’t tag it or anything. Tumblr took away my ability to text or comment
-we don’t know shit so far
-y’all educate yourselves on how they make these games cause the writers are not in charge of the marketing department, so stop insulting them- we have no idea what they have in store and they probably want to quell the anxiety around Chloe but they can’t cause they were made to sign NDAs
-edit: lemme run you through the creative process in the gaming industry: have an idea, create a draft and then have that draft scrutinized by executives, producers, marketing people- then after they alter the shit out of your idea depending on the budget and development cycle they allow, you get to actually work on it. It’s not fucking easy
-the lady who is behind the only good parts of BtS (Chloe’s parts) is in charge of the narrative direction
-i won’t be that heartbroken if Chloe isn’t around cause the character IMO ran her course, the franchise treated her well- she got her own game, major plot lines in the comics, cameo/mentions in every game following lis1, featured heavily in merch AND an avalanche of fan work
-Nah like y’all have it good meanwhile my faves last in game appearance was her getting potentially roofied over Shakespeare
-my biggest problem with D9 writing is that it‘s predictable or trying to catch up with dotnod’s writing, always felt like they misunderstood what made the first game so special- I have my concerns with DE over that rn, not ever life is strange game needs a flashy twist
-i just don’t want them to disrespect the og side characters again lmao
-Vic better get a mention or something
-i think the breakup angle is interesting cause
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rawvnoisevcruster · 1 year
(I'm finally doing the thing I said I'd do)
How to be punk
Distros! Distros! Distro!
What are they, why are they integral to punk, and why I love them
1. What is a "distro"? A in the punk scene (although not exclusive to punk) is a store/seller that distributes merch and or jewelry whether official or bootleg. They can be both done my a physical shop/seller or more now a days a online store front. Often time a distro makes there own products but some will sell office merch or will act as a hub for the artists items or sell general items ie, studs, laces, non band shirts, etc
2. Why I think there good, first it's good to support non music artists in the scene. They make are gear, shirt, tapes, and big bags of studs, they are a big help to people who can't diy certain items, bands to sell merch, and artists to make a life of there art, and its just a great way to get shit you like. Diy or die and all that but we'd all be hypocrites if we said we'd never bought a band shirt, or a bag of studs or a pin. Plus the quality and craftsmanship ship of these item is much more professional as these people specialize and have heavy duty equipment for there products
3. But where do I look? First (if you live near a major city) look around your scene and see if there are ones near you, support your local scene first if you can.
If not there look online as there are many online. I find it best to look on ig/Facebook/Twitter as many have a social media, then look through recommends, mentions in there posts, other shops they follow, and the such.
Next try etsy, there's a large amount of them on etsy as it's a great hub for distros, look up for specific band or items like "black flag patch" or "cone stud belt" and look for one you like a check out the shop for stuff you might also like.
It just a thing you need to set aside some time and you will learn some
But I'm going to tell you some now (note you might need to add distro or etsy at the end of these to find them) I'll be making more of these up the note distro list
Black squeegee
Maggot death
Flip the record
Pin up 77
Celtic rockers
Insult to injury
Machine cuisine
Drunk with a press
Pogo shop
Portland distro
Crust punk dot com
Punk tribe
Pin head
Iron lung
Cash 4 chaos
Tank crimes
Head noise
Black crow
Gay Halloween
Criminal medals
Chaos tribes
(Tw for sh reference in the name but this distro is super cool)
Slit wrist distro
Please like and reblog
I hope you have a nice time with this and stay punk you fuck
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foxy-exy · 3 years
You don’t have to say you love me (I just wanna tell you somethin’) - Kevaaron
Aaron could have predicted that pretending to date Kevin Day to get back at Andrew would backfire. He just didn't think it would backfire like this.
Another present fic for @starsandgutters !!
It started off as irritation. A prickle of annoyance. After all, Aaron thought, why was his brother allowed to have his stupid little boyfriend who gave him sappy little looks and brushed his fingers when they thought no one was looking? When Andrew spent so much energy and time driving off each and every girl Aaron had ever even smiled at?
When he woke up to Josten curled up in Andrew’s bed, he felt the anger begin to simmer in his chest.
And when he finally walked in on them kissing, Aaron Minyard knew something had to be done.
“I’m sick of this.”
Kevin looked up at the slam of Aaron’s hands on the kitchen counter, a ghost of a wince startling him out of his intent perusal of a book — one that looked suspiciously like some kind of soapy dollar store romance. Aaron raised an eyebrow at the chiselled man with an Exy racquet slung across his shoulders plastered across the cover, and Kevin cleared his throat and flipped the book over.
“Sick of, uh, sick of what?”
“Them. Josten being all over Andrew.”
Kevin looked mildly disturbed. “You didn’t… they weren’t…”
Aaron mimed vomiting. Imagine walking in on that. “Oh god, no. They were just making out. But it’s pissing me off. At this point, I feel like they need a taste of their own fucking medicine.”
Kevin lifted a dark eyebrow, uncomprehending. “What do you mean?”
Aaron considered him over the top of his laced fingers.
It wasn’t Kevin’s fault that Aaron and Katelyn had tearfully decided several months ago that the sneaking around just wasn’t worth the effort — attempting to keep their relationship up at a distance wasn’t working, so they’d parted ways. And it also wasn’t Kevin’s fault that he was now the only one who wasn’t related to Aaron that he actually exchanged more than two regular words with.
But the plan that had been quietly brewing in the very back corner of Aaron’s head for several weeks now was, admittedly, immensely helped by Kevin being Kevin. The fact that it was Kevin — of anyone Aaron could hatch this particular plot with — would piss Andrew off like no other.
And ultimately, that was the utmost goal.
“Kevin, what if I were to tell you…”
“Look, I’ll help you with studying. Or — or something. I don’t know, what do you want? I’ll get you merch for your favorite team. Something for Knox, or whatever? You can put it on your little shrine.”
“This is ridiculous,” Kevin said, but he suddenly looked a little pinker than he was before. “I don’t have a…a shrine.”
Aaron opened his mouth to make a comment about how he didn’t know what else the entire inside of Kevin’s wardrobe was supposed to be, but now was the time to let things like that go. “I know Andrew and Josten piss you off too. If they figured out they needed to chill out with each other, maybe they’d do more practice with you.”
Kevin looked to be considering the proposition, finally, narrowing his far-away eyes thoughtfully down at the shirtless Exy player, only slightly concealed on the counter by one hand. At last, he said haltingly, “Couldn’t you…ask someone else?”
The uncertainty was Aaron’s in. He pushed forward, throwing another Kevin bait into the mix. “If you do it, I’ll practice extra with you too.”
Kevin’s eyes narrowed again, snapping up to sharpen on Aaron’s face. He had him. “I don’t know if you could keep up.”
“Oh my god, you asshole, that’s the point. I’ll put in more effort, you can show me how.”
“You’ll join night practices?” Kevin tilted his head.
A twinge of nervous anxiety in Aaron’s stomach. “I mean, I can’t do it all the time, I have to study, because unlike the rest of you all, my classes actually matter outside of a minimum GPA. But sure, whatever. Sometimes I’ll let you drag me along. If you do this.”
“This is ridiculous,” Kevin sighed again, as he stuck out his hand for Aaron to shake.
“So is your book,” deadpanned Aaron.
(Though if he had to chew his lip nearly to bleed to bite back a smile when Kevin dove to escape with his smut novel with a sputter and a glare, it was no one’s business but his own.)
“Greek salad and the turkey sandwich, here you two are. Enjoy.”
Kevin was sporting a sour scowl strong enough to wilt the salad the cafe waiter had placed in front of him — like getting treated to lunch was the lowest part of his week.
Maybe it was, he’d probably prefer to carry out this plan on the court. After all, Kevin preferred to do most things on the court.
Now that Aaron thought about it, Josten preferred the same. Perhaps the next part of this plan could happen on the court. At least Kevin would look less like he wanted to be five miles away from him, which really ruined the entire point of this exercise.
“They usually get coffee here around this time, so we just need to be a little convincing when they show up,” Aaron muttered, once more glancing furtively over his shoulder for Andrew and his annoying redheaded shadow. “But before they get here, Kevin, you did agree to at least pretend to fake date me. Maybe drop the murder glare, it’s not very romantic.”
“What am I even supposed to do?” Kevin hissed, but his glare dropped in favor of the same flavor of embarrassment Aaron recognized from his Knox shrine, eyes darting to Aaron’s face and back away, on repeat.
Aaron scoffed. “You’ve dated before. You were dating — what’s her name, Thea, weren’t you?”
“Not like this,” Kevin mumbled, beginning to shred his napkin.
Aaron watched him shower paper confetti across the tabletop, biting back his own surprise. Granted, Aaron had only seen Thea once or twice before Kevin had ended things with her, and their relationship had never seemed anything like Aaron’s often short lived but whirlwind style romances. Kevin and Thea had read aloof power couple at best, and… dangerously close to toxic old Raven headspace for Kevin at worst.
But still… Kevin Day, unsure of dating. Unsure of himself. A strange sight indeed.
“Well. We’ll figure it out. First, here.” Aaron slid an open palm across the table, and Kevin stared down at it like it was a foreign object.
“Hold my hand. It’s not going to bite you.” No movement, but Aaron knew how to play to his audience. “Or are you not up to the challenge?”
Kevin huffed and slapped his hand down, clamping his fingers around Aaron’s wrist. His hand was very large, and enveloped most of Aaron’s, but the death grip was anything but amorous.
“Prime boyfriend hand holding, Day,” Aaron said dryly.
“Prime plan, Minyard,” Kevin parroted back, as he picked his fork back up, raising his eyebrow. “Have fun eating that sandwich with one hand.”
“Fuck you.”
“Not on the first date, honey,” Kevin smiled around his forkful.
“Oh, of course. I’ll wait til the second to jump you, I’m not a slut, sweetheart.”
The slight choke brought a wave of triumph, as Aaron also managed to pick up half of his slightly soggy sandwich and bit into it.
Kevin was giving him A Look, and Aaron flipped him off with his sandwich hand, smirking.
Even if he’d had another option for this plan, Kevin was fun to poke at. It had been a long time since they’d last properly talked. They rarely spent time alone — Andrew was the Minyard Kevin was most interested in. Aaron’s preoccupation with Katelyn and with his schoolwork had meant he’d rarely spent much time speaking to him, anyway, let alone trading snarky insults.
Kevin speared an olive and stared at it. “So… aside from… holding hands. What are we planning on doing?”
Aaron tried to cough down dry turkey. “We just need to fool Andrew into thinking we’re an item, it’s not that hard.”
“But what kind of terms, Aaron? How far are you expecting…oh shit.”
(Read more on AO3 here!)
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tuskzemike · 4 years
How would the demon bros react to an MC that gives heartfelt and thoughtful gifts to them really often but is too embarrassed to give them in person? They leave gifts for them on their beds or in their rooms in secret? How would the demon bros react to catching MC, who immediately go bright red and murmurs that it's no big deal, just a small thing that they do sometimes...
He really appriciates them and tries to thank you if possible, not all that gentle about it tho he rarely ever gets emotional gifts and it really hits the empty hole that's his heart, he will try to get you some thoughtfull gifts but I don't think he'll succeed in the emotional part.
"I really liked it. Thank you, thank you very, very much."
Sits for hours and hours and makes a list of things to gift you best believe all of them'll be expensive and well though out he may have a few problems thanking and giving tho.
"Just take it! Damn cute, stupid lil human!"
Gets extremely flustered, like my boy over here straight out turns into a tamoto. Might have a few problems with picking gifts and if he thinks he waited too long he'll just drown you in Ruri-chan merch.
"İ-İ really hope you like it, you damn n-normie!"
Dosen't realize it's you at first but sooner or later the gifts becom personal and this becomes personal too, he takes it as an insult that you just leave the gift and dash, will hide in his room like a fucking pyscopath to wait for you to drop the gifts and then drag you to a day of shopping.
"Would you like this? Or this? Ohh such a hard decision you look great in every single one!"
He's not all that good with gifts but he's good with food! So expect a very emotional and well-timed dinner in a restaurant perfect for you.
"We should try this place out I think you'll love it, please?"
You were leaving him gifts oh! What would you like in return? Nothing? Oh k.
"Your lost. Now come here and cuddleeee."
It's a war. Like how fu$king dare you??? HE's a demon AND your future husband HE gets to give good gifts and HE will do it. Buys you an entire store right off the bed like don't even @ him.
"Do you like them sweet heart?"
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I know you're not a Harry Potter fan and you hate how some people seem to center their entire life around being a HP fan (I'm thoroughly sick of these people as well. please give other fictional works a try ffs!), but out of curiosity: did you ever like/was neutral to HP and got soured by those people's inability to read a different book, or did you never like it and your opinion on it was worsened by the aforementioned reason?
My frustration with Harry Potter and its fans is fairly recent.  I watched some of the movies back in the day and liked them well enough, but not enough to watch them more than once or check out the books.  For years, it was always “that popular thing I’ll probably get to eventually.”   That changed last year.
The thing that catapulted HP to the top of my most hated fandom list was simple: no other obnoxious fan culture has ever bothered me in real life.  I live in Orlando, and until recently I worked as a cashier at a dollar store close to the epicenter of tourist traffic.  We of course sold HP merch because everyone does, but even without that Universal is right there.  The thing about HP fans is that they either assume everyone else is also an HP, or for some reason they think it’s a niche nerd thing that makes them special for liking.  The following are Just some of my experiences in no particular order.
- The HP jellybeans are apparently called something else in-universe, and a customer came up to me asking if we had them.  Since I don’t know shit about HP, I just assumed it was a specific brand, and since we sell several brands I just pointed her to the candy section.  She came back to the register with her beans and smugly told me maybe I should quote “have another reread” if I couldn’t remember an in-universe candy brand.
- We sell house shirts.  Two women came through the line to buy some.  They asked me what house I was, and I said I don’t know.  No lie they start asking me weird and kinda invasive questions about bravery and intelligence and bullshit while I’m trying to ring them up.  They don’t walk away when I’m done.  And they are fucking giddy about it like they think they’re making my day, ignoring my obviously fake customer service smile and my eyes begging them to leave.
- It’s busy.  My coworker (who was a normal fan) forgot her time turner necklace, so it’s sitting on top of my register so she can come back and grab it. A customer sees it, gasps dramatically, and asks where they are on display.  I Explain the coworker thing.  She understands, but goes into a whole thing about how there isn’t enough good merch (really?) and some story about finding something or whatever that I only half engage with.  She eventually realizes I don’t actually care, then says she pities me for “living a life without magic.”
- I’m ringing up a little girl from a tourist family who’s nervous to pay for herself.  I try to lighten the mood by asking about her about what parks they’re going to. They’re going to Universal the next day and ask me about it, I say what I remember but I haven’t been since before they added HP land.  Transaction complete, little girl and her family leave.  Next woman in line walks up and starts rattling on about HP land.  “Do you remember this thing from this book?  It was just like that!  What about that bit from the movie!  Just like it!  It’s so great you have to go!”  Over and over.  I say I haven’t read the books.  She looks at me like I’ve insulted her, and doesn’t say anything after.  Not even thank you.
- “Do you sell wands?”  “We have shirts, candy, and keychains.”  “What about robes or costumes?”  “Shirts, candy, keychains.”  “How about any spell books?”  “I’m sorry that’s all the HP stuff we have.”  “When are you getting more?”  “To my knowledge, that’s it.”  “You should have more.”
- Mom with a young child and a wand.  Does a whole routine about “not understanding muggle money,” including casting a spell on the card reader, making what would have been a 1 minute transaction into 5.  There’s no line so I can’t tell her to leave.  She keeps looking to her child for a reaction.  The child does not care.
- Group of four women 5+ years older than me(23) come in with full robes and wands.  I can hear them cackling in the back of the store while I’m in the front.  They’re talking about their favorite thing from HP land.  When they get to the register, they ask me mine.  I give the same song and dance about how I’m not really a fan.  Theirs eyes fucking light up, and they launch into a full-on summary of the premise and plot.  Of Harry Fucking Potter.  The most popular piece of pop culture in the English language from the past two decades as if I’ve never heard of it.  I cut them off and say yeah I know what happens.  The smiles drop.  “If you know what it’s about, why haven’t you read it?”  I said I just didn’t.  All of them then spend all four long transactions trying to convince me why I should read the books, including “the wonderful fandom.”
In conclusion:
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
9x05: Dog Dean Afternoon
Welcome to our last hellatus recap. This is one of our themed episodes and it’s not too late to guess what that is. You’ll win bragging rights forever! Anyway, our show is back tomorrow!
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Obligatory Teddy Bear shot of how AbsUrD this show can be. Note to Show: Don’t highlight the absurdity of this show when you’re about to air a so-so episode. 
As a very dedicated taxidermist works on his Game of Thrones masterpieces, his very smart, very loyal German Shepherd, Colonel, alerts him to danger. They head through the halls of stuffed animals (but they’re all fake because who the fuck is stuffing these bears and shit? Also, a dog? Aren’t tigers endangered? WTF is all this?). Anyway, a man with a snake tongue attacks the taxidermist and Colonel sees it all. 
At the bunker, Sam’s got a case.
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Once at the Taxidermy shop, they find it covered in red paint, and a little paw print symbol. Sam takes a picture.
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Agents and Michaels and Deville enter the crime scene. And by crime, I mean all the dead animals. WTF? Like. WTF? Let’s assume all these animals died of natural causes, so we can pretend the victim was “a good egg.” Sam heads off to tour the place and Dean stops to interview Mr. Stevens. As Dean learns about “entrails” and such, Sam looks over the merch. 
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Poor Dean Bean continues to have frightening reminders about why he’s a germaphobe. 
The boys are thinking witch, but decide to keep digging. 
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At their motel, Sam discovers the “wiccan symbol” is really an animal right’s group symbol. (LOL, I totally don’t remember this episode and I’m totally NOT changing my caption from above.) 
Dean and Sam head to a vegan bakery where we learn that Dean knows the smell of Patchouli. Yeah, you might mask that with disdain for non-meat eaters, Dean, but we see you. They head to interrogate Olivia and Dylan, two founding members of S.N.A.R.T., the animal right’s group. They’re wearing sunglasses inside, so Dean thinks they’re douchebags. The brothers flash their badges. The couple sits down to talk about the victim. “You know how hunters are. They’re selfish dicks who define themselves by what they kill.” 
They explain that someone attacked them with pepper spray and that’s why they look like douchebags. 
Back at the motel, Sam further investigates the attack and the brothers surmise that they were attacked by venom.
At the local animal shelter, Brad gets a visit from Snake Man. Brad knows the guy and gets a $100 to let him walk into the kennel. The dude gathers ALL THE CATS and Brad wanders in to watch him EAT ONE. Yeah, we’re technically not on hate watch week anymore, BUT I STILL HATE THIS. 
Brad doesn’t last long. 
At the new crime scene, the brothers try to piece together the new information. Dean sees Colonel in a cage and ACCUSES HIM OF BEING A SUSPECT. GUH. Dean, just say you hate dogs and go home. Colonel doesn’t react to silver and Sam guesses they “can rule out killer.” Colonel starts barking. 
How would you like to come home with me and live in a nice big bunker and go for car rides all the time and eat liver sausages and help solve mysteries? 
Dean THE SMARTEST BEAN AROUND Winchester notices that Colonel is reacting to the local cop’s hat, so he tries it out. Bingo. Colonel was a witness to the crimes. 
Sam thinks there’s a way to communicate with the dog to find out what he’s seen. 
Kevin gets them a spell to talk with the dog. Dean agrees to drink the Mind Meld concoction because he doesn’t want Sam to take on more than healing from near death even if he doesn’t know if because he has an angel possessing him. Whew. 
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The spell doesn’t seem to work (But it DID, so can I like get said spell? I’d really love to talk with my cat on the regular, lolz, I’m not crazy.) 
After eating lunch, Colonel sits up and asks for the channel to be changed. DUDE. It’s Foreigner. No one puts Foreigner in the corner. Dean’s on my side and has a nice argument with the dog while Sam watches confused. 
Dean gets to the point of the situation and asks about the cowboy hat. The killer wears a hat. WBK. As he throws away his food wrapping, Sam wants to know about the cats. Dean retrieves it like a good boy. (but seriously, German Shepherds ARE NOT RETRIEVERS. Good luck getting them to return anything!) 
Suddenly, there’s a noise outside and both Dean and Colonel head to the window to harass the mailman. Yep. 
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Back at the motel, Sam tells Dean that side effects of mind melding with an animal can include developing animal urges. Suddenly I’m reminded of Dean’s fascination with the dog familiar from season eight and feel horribly uncomfortable. Dean angrily opens a chocolate bar, only for the dog to warn him off of it. No chocolate? This is an outrage!
Outside, a pigeon poops on Baby. “Hey, dick move, pigeon!” The bird returns anger with insult. “Screw you, asshat!” Apparently all animals have a universal language just sprinkled with insults! Dean shouts at the pigeon with all the subtlety of a very large human-shaped dog.
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Sam manages to drag Dean into the car, but not before I make a diorama of this scene and place it on my Supernatural altar of Very Good Things. 
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Dean and Sam argue over whether they should leave Colonel in the car. “You think we like that?” Dean asks, ROYALLY insulted. Hell, no. Colonel’s going in with them. In a moment where I curse my horrific prescience, Dean gives a lusty once-over to a nearby tied-up poodle. I…just…
Inside the shelter, Dean interrogates all the shelter animals. There’s only one dog who can give any good intel, and the dog only delivers in exchange for a belly rub. From Sam.
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The dog gives them a tip: they’re looking for a cowboy hatted villain who works at a nearby restaurant. Dean lets all the animals free before they leave. “I didn’t peg you for a softy,” Colonel remarks. But WE all knew. Dean Bean <3
The Winchesters break into the restaurant that evening and discover a giant stash of prescription medications and…a cage of mice. The mice give Dean a tip: animal bits and pieces are stored neatly in the refrigerator. Sam finds a spell: with the right magic, ingesting a certain bit of animal helps the magician to temporarily gain that animal’s power. The guy’s mixing various animal parts to experiment on the effects and fun new powers he might develop. 
Dean and Sam encounter a chef and waiter preparing a private dinner (featuring shark fin) and shoo them out under the guise of health inspector. 
Chef Leo nibbled on a chameleon, which allows him to get the drop on Sam. 
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He swipes at Sam’s throat. Gadreel flashes to life and heals Sam’s terrible throat slash. Leo witnesses this miraculous healing and decides that Sam’s the ultimate snak - I mean, meal. 
Leo sniffs out a dog, only to turn around and see…Dean. When the chef learns that Dog Dean and Angel Sam are brothers he is many levels of confused, but that doesn’t put him off his plans to chow down on Sam Fucking Winchester and his creamy angel filling. Dean, being a dog, immediately sniffs out some new information about Leo: he has cancer. Traditional treatments did nothing to help Leo, but his animal power worked. While his quest began sympathetically, murder is a side effect that Leo’s totally cool with as long as he can keep pushing the boundaries of man and beast. “Guess you eat enough predators, you start to become one.” 
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The chef pulls out a wolf heart so he can tear Dean - a mere dog - into little kibble sized bits. Dean breaks free just in time and leads Leo on a merry chase outside. He looks oddly triumphant for being cornered by Leo in an alley, and whistles sharply. A pack of the stray dogs come running and tear Leo to bits. 
Dean races back to check on Sam and calls for Sam…or Zeke...to wake up. “Don’t make me lick your damn face,” he pleads dramatically. Sam snaps awake. Hooray! Happy ending!
We jump to the Colonel meeting the vegans from earlier. They wuv that cute widdle puppy wuppy! Dean regrets that they can’t take Colonel along with them but it’s no life for a dog! It’s vegan dog treats from here on out. 
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The spell wears off just as Colonel tells Dean, “Dogs aren't really man's best friend. I know it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but the real reason we were put here was to…” He starts barking, and the spell’s done at last. I’m sure we’ll finally learn the truth about dogs in the final scene of season 15, right? RIGHT? 
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At the car, Dean checks in with Sam. Sammy’s fine, but he’s a little weirded out by what Leo said about him - why did he want to know WHAT Sam was? Dean dissembles awkwardly and they take off for further adventures, played out to the credits by sad guilt violins.
These Quotes Have Fleas:
The slippery nipple shots at the Dolly Parton Dixie Stampede nearly killed the guy
Always knew I'd find the source of all evil at a vegan bakery
You know who wears sunglasses inside? Blind people. And douchebags
I need a Raquel Welch poster and a rock hammer
I’m getting extorted by a dog
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24 notes · View notes
quirkfics · 6 years
word count: 6.3k
warnings: smut, dirty talk, doggystyle, aged up, Monoma and his attitude
pairing: Monoma Neito x Reader (gender neutral)
author’s note: You know what, I can’t be the only person to think that Monoma Neito admires Tuxedo Mask. Phantom Thief, okay, so Horikoshi says he likes Franco-Belgian comics, which, valid, comics!! But I think Monoma secretly wants to be as suave as a shoujo hero and nothing anyone says can change my mind
It's just a t-shirt, honestly. You're not a big follower of the hero circuit, but the merch they put out for Deku has some super sweet green lightning strikes. The t-shirt looks artsy and isn't in-your-face with his brand, it matches fairly well with most of your clothes, and the guy seems okay?  Actually, that's kind of untrue. He seems so ridiculously earnest and kind that watching his interviews is a bit painful sometimes. So what the hell, you bought one of his shirts. There had to be thousands of other people sporting the same thing, but as far as you know, you're the only one whose ever been openly mocked by a pro hero for wearing it. In front of a live newscaster, no less. "Excuse me?" You know you haven't heard wrong, and even if you had, you're fairly sure that the shock and confusion in the faces of the small crowd around you would have clued you in. You're not entirely sure what this hero is trying to accomplish either, dissing on a fellow pro's apparent fan. Maybe they have some kind of rivalry going on through the media? Whatever the reason, you don't exactly care, but he's fucking rude. "Honestly, how can you excuse yourself? Wearing merch from that has-been." He chuckles, shaking his blond head, and then reaches a hand out in your direction, his black coat snapping in the breeze as he beckons you forward. The crowd around you starts to part, leaving a clear path to the small cordoned off area for his interview. Yeah. You're pretty sure this is some kind of media stunt, and you're wishing you'd never stopped to see what was happening. "How about I-" he starts, voice smooth, but still mildly disdainful. No. You don't want any part of this. Ignoring him, you turn on your heel, relieved when the crowd lets you go without too much fuss. Some of the people are looking at you like you're crazy - a pro-hero had wanted to pull you into the limelight! But a handful of people good-naturedly reach out to pat your shoulders as you pass them by, complimenting your support of Deku. "Can't even be persuaded to listen?!" He calls out, though his voice sounds a bit strained. You shouldn't acknowledge him. You know it. You don't want any news footage of you screaming at some asshole pro-hero flying around the internet anywhere, but... Well. You can't stand people like that. You raise your hand in a wave, and very clearly flip him off. You hope you never see him again.
--- Part of you wonders if someone has hit with you some kind of unlucky quirk, because within the week, you run into Phantom Thief again. 
To be fair, the only reason you'd stopped at the merch stand was because the thought of that asshole made you want to vindictively buy more junk, never mind that you didn't need any of it. You've just picked up a little bobble-head, shaking it to see Deku's little wild haired head bounce about, when you realize that someone has stopped, too close, behind you. As soon as you glance over your shoulder, there he is, dressed in civilian clothes, smirking as he brushes his perfectly cut hair out of his face, all the better to meet your eyes. "It is you," he says, voice haughty, one eyebrow raised. The moment he spots the Deku bobble-head in your hand though, the smirk slowly morphs into a sneer. "You fans really are hopeless. Supporting someone so- Are, are you even listening to me?" You are, sort of, but you're too busy scanning the area for cameras or reporters to reply. Granted, you'd noticed that he wasn't in costume, but you don't trust this guy in the slightest. There has to be more to him stopping than just harassing someone for their choice in hero memorabilia. It can't be good publicity, being so rude, but what do you know? You can't spot anyone, but Phantom Thief is stepping back into your line of vision. "Hello?" He demands. "No cameras today?" You ask, turning to put the Deku bobble-head back on the merch stand. When you turn back to face him, he's staring at you with wide eyes, lips parted in confusion. "No?" But the way he says it is too much like a question for you to be comfortable. You sigh, step around him, and start down the street. You don't make it far, though you'd hoped he'd take the hint. The sudden cacophony of footsteps says he's jogging to catch up, probably scuffing his loafers on the pavement. "It's rude to ignore someone, you know. I was trying to-" "Rude?" You repeat, halting and feeling the heat of anger straighten your spine. He passes by you and nearly stumbles, hurriedly turning back to face you. "You know nothing about me! You picked me out of a crowd to try and goad me into arguing with you about hero merchandise in front of a live newscaster. I don't care if it's some media stunt, trying to play up animosity between you and Deku or something, but  why on earth would I want to engage in that nonsense?" "You thought that-" He starts, eyebrows raising, but you still want no part of this. You interrupt him, stepping into his personal space to poke him solidly in the chest. "I don't know what you have against the guy, if this is about ranking or you genuinely hate him - whatever." He takes a step back, but now he's looking over your shoulder, expression turning blank, and then almost serious, very clearly ignoring your presence. "But what kind of hero singles someone out to- And you accused me of not listening?" You scoff, ready to leave him there on the street. Getting into an argument with the guy isn't helping you, and you don't want to be an outlet for his anger either. Before you can walk away though, he's muttering something underneath his breath. "-isn't that wonderful?" You catch, before the honking starts. It's continuous, someone laying on their horn, a loud voice whooping and hollering - and then you hear the screams. Phantom Thief doesn't give you time to turn and look. He grabs you, hands around your biceps, and then hooks his foot around your ankle, pulling you into a rolling fall. It's simply a mess of noise and movement after that. You land on top of him in front of an open convenience store door, and before you can get your bearings, he's rolled the both of you into the shop, just in time for a truck to come barreling down the sidewalk. It takes out a trash can and a shop sign, knocking them willy-nilly about the street, and then speeds on by, followed quickly by a green blur. There's silence, for all of two seconds, before you realize that Phantom Thief is on top of you. His legs are bracketing your thighs, one of his hands is on the back of your neck, ostensibly to keep your head from being jarred, and he's smiling. You can't help yourself. You sound indignant, almost shrill, but what the actual fuck?? "Why on earth do you look so pleased with yourself?! We almost died!" "We didn't," he says instead, a smirk tugging at his lips. The excited look in those infuriating blue eyes of his has you clenching your teeth, though the way he's still pressed against you has you tempted to turn your face away. This entire time, you'd felt like something was off about him, but this feels almost... charged, in a way. You realize, after a moment, that your ears feel hot. Is it because- no. It's just that he hasn't moved. "Off," you growl at him, tensing when, instead of just getting up and leaving, he pulls you up with him. He's still too god damn close, but he doesn't react when you take a pointed step back. "Precious Deku didn't save you, did he?" He asks, still smirking, his cheeks just the slightest bit pink. "I did." This. This is getting ridiculous. You're about to lay into him, you're shaking, with adrenaline, with rage- and then his phone rings. He answers it speedily, half turning from you as he mutters quietly into the device, and then sighs as he hangs up a few seconds later. "It's such a shame. But it looks like my expertise is required elsewhere." He pats at his ridiculously pressed polo shirt, still immaculate despite rolling the both of you around on the ground, and pulls out a small pen. He doesn't ask, just grabs your hand and starts writing, talking all the while. "I'm Monoma Neito, out of costume, and all I was trying to say the other day is that I think you'd look wonderful if only you weren't wearing that travesty of a shirt. By all means, support Deku, he.. works, doesn't he? But I would be happy if-" His phone rings again, and now Monoma is rolling his eyes. He caps his fancy little pen and squeezes your hand. "Work never stops, does it? Regardless, I'll be waiting." Monoma Neito, Phantom Thief, whatever, he has the audacity to wink at you as he strolls out the doors, but it isn't until a lanky store cashier stops next to you that you really realize this entire encounter was him trying to... flirt? "Sure is smooth, isn't he?" The cashier asks, smiling at you lopsidedly. When you stare at him blankly for a moment, the cashier motions to your hand. Written, in fairly nice penmanship, for someone scribbling on skin, is: Monoma Neito, drinks this evening at 6 As well as his phone number and... You're pretty sure he drew a pair of Tuxedo Mask goggles. --- There are a million things wrong with this entire ordeal. Monoma obviously has some kind of complex, and regardless of his intentions, good or bad, he still comes off as rude and uncaring of others feelings. He's insulted you in front of a crowd, and face to face in front of the merch stand. Okay, so he'd saved your life, sure, but he didn't ask if you were single, or even if you were interested in dating someone. He's full of himself, and agreeing to go out isn't a smart idea. You know this. He's not exactly unattractive, though, and you've definitely... noticed. That rush of warmth, ears and neck growing hot, yeah. He'd pushed a few good buttons. Except you can't just forget about everything else he's done, and you really don't want to give him any kind of upper hand. Are you really going to do this? It's 4PM when you open your text messages, type in his number, and then stare at the cursor. I have plans this evening, you start. You don't, but he doesn't know that. He doesn't even know your name. Maybe he's just calling you 'That cute one in the Deku shirt', and if he has a complex about the guy, you can.. Sort of see why he'd be such an ass. Whatever. I have plans this evening, and I'm not getting drinks with anyone who doesn't have basic manners. I'll give you a chance next Thursday, over coffee. There. That sounds reasonable and gives you the moral high ground, right? Before you can chicken out and maybe just replace it all with a 'flipping off' emoji, you hit send. My treat, comes in a text before you can even set your phone down. I'll admit I haven't been as civilized as this kind of interaction calls for, but I assure you, my manners are immaculate. You'll see. Time will tell, you fire back. I haven't exactly been impressed. And yet, I still have your attention. It's just my hair, isn't it? You stare at the text for a bit, wondering if you should keep up the conversation or not. Before you can decide, he's texted you again. Ah, no response. Not the hair then. Maybe you're just looking forward to giving me a piece of your mind? You don't exactly make it difficult to want that, you know. Shit. You guess.. You are going to talk to him. For a few minutes anyway. You won't forget about me, this way. You're a pro hero! Even as someone with minimal knowledge of the hero circuit, it's impossible to forget about you all when you live in the city. Maybe, but I want you to remember Me. Specifically. I remembered you. You don't even know my name. Have you just been calling me 'That Deku Fan'? Hardly. I don't want to think about his name in conjunction with a face I've admired. Tell me your name. You're a bad liar. You end up giving him your name - and way too much of your time. You've been texting on and off for the better part of the past two hours, when you think that you should stop. You're supposed to have plans, after all, and despite how infuriatingly engaging he is, you don't want to deal with questions about what exactly, you're going to do with your "busy" evening. Monoma says good evening without kicking up too much of a fuss, which, after everything you find a little odd. And then your doorbell rings. You're halfway to it before you halt, glancing down uneasily at your phone. He was an ass and he knew how to draw you into a heated discussion, but you hadn't actually thought he was stalker-ish. You're.. Not at my door, are you? You fire off, as quick as possible, before someone knocks again. I don't know where you live. Are you joking? It should be reassuring. Maybe it's a neighbor, maybe someone is trying to make a delivery to the wrong address? You've gotten the creeps though, and you clutch your phone tightly as you walk over to look through the peephole. It's.. a very short delivery woman, balancing a basket on her hip. And you feel stupid, now. "Uh, hi?" You say, unlocking and opening the door mid-way. "Hi!" She beams at you, brandishes a clipboard and says your name. "Is that you?" "Yeah, that's me. Is-" Your phone buzzes in your hand, but the delivery woman is already checking something off on her clipboard and then asking you to sign it. She hands off the basket, wrapped in cellophane, as soon as you're done signing, and then she's gone after a chipper goodbye. Your phone buzzes again, so you close the door, set the basket down and then open up the texts. Do you have uninvited guests? Are you in trouble? I'm fine, apologies. I've gotten a gift basket? The timing of the doorbell and you saying goodbye was just odd. Monoma texts you back immediately, but you're setting the phone down to pull the cellophane off the basket, and then you're laughing. It's filled to the brim with Deku merchandise, as well as a handwritten card from Deku himself, telling you that his publicist tracked you down and apologizing for your trouble and any embarrassment you might have suffered because of Phantom Thief. 'Thief is actually a very good hero, he just... Loses his head a bit when it comes to myself and a few other old schoolmates. But thanks so much for your support!' When you check your phone again, Monoma has said: Something from another admirer? and the thought of sending him a picture is very tempting. Unlike Monoma though, you're not going to let yourself act like an ass to get or keep someones attention. More like an awkward parental figure, you tell him, because, strangely, you feel like you've gotten advice about Monoma. It's what convinces you to keep the coffee date, anyway. --- Over the ensuing week and change, Monoma keeps texting you. You wish you could deny it, but he's charming, as long as old grudges aren't brought up. It's hard, at first, to reconcile this loyal-to-a-fault man with the one who'd opened his mouth and been such an absolute ass, but... He's so ridiculously honest and up front about things that you might even be starting to forgive him? Or rather, you want to, but you're withholding judgement until you see him in person again. We're still on for Thursday at 10:30AM? I won't stand you up. My reputation would never recover if you did. For some reason... That sends up alarms. You'd never stopped to question, much, whether he was really interested in you, but what if... What if he was doing this for media reputation reasons? What if the publicist for his hero agency was orchestrating this whole thing? The weight in your stomach makes you apprehensive about your decision all over again, and even re-reading the note from Deku, who obviously has more insight into Monoma's character than you do, doesn't quite assuage all of your concerns. Still, you're not one to break your word. You show up a few minutes early on Thursday, where Monoma is already waiting, staring off into the distance as he stands outside the coffee shop doors. He's dressed in an outfit similar to the last one you'd seen - chinos and loafers, but this time he's wearing a button-up. It's hard not to sigh as soon as you see him, because he's ridiculously handsome, but... he just looks so full of himself. Still, you don't spot anyone lingering around that might be paparazzi. That unsettled feeling finally stops clamoring for your attention in the back of your head. "Morning!" You call out, giving a slightly stilted wave when he looks in your direction. That smirk is back on his face as you approach him, but he meets you halfway, smoothly brandishing a small rose boutonniere towards you when the both of you stop. For a moment, all you can do is stare at it. "Do you.. do you really like Tuxedo Mask?" You ask, reaching out to accept the flower, but Monoma gently slaps your hand away. "You don't like debonair characters?" He asks, snagging the lapel of your coat. Monoma's fingers are nimble and quick as they fix the rose on, but he doesn't step away from you when he's done. "Are we going to prom?" You snort, instead of answering. He's ridiculous, but- you're here, aren't you? Monoma sighs, nose wrinkling for a moment before he finally gives you some space. "I am attempting to repair the initial impression you had of me. I realize it'll take some time, but I do enjoy these kinds of things." He takes a couple smooth steps ahead of you to get the door, the barest hint of a blush on his cheeks. No. Monoma is a romantic? You're not sure what you're about to say - perhaps something a bit biting, because you can't seem to help yourself around him, but there's a sudden commotion inside the coffee shop. Monoma tenses, eyes wide as he reaches out to save you from the sudden shower of iced coffee, but he only succeeds in getting himself in firing range as well. The both of you are left soaking, clothes and hair dripping, with a teary teenage girl standing in the doorway. The heel of her shoe had caught the rug. You're still half-way convinced that you're right about having been touched by an unlucky quirk, but now you definitely know that he isn't setting you up. He's too vain to get caught in the crossfire, just for a bump in reputation. --- You, perhaps unwisely, end up back at Monoma's place to clean up. Your clothes are in his washing machine, but the silly rose he'd brought you is sitting on his bathroom counter, sticky and smelling of coffee, even after your shower. You hadn't really had the heart to throw it away, despite it likely being a lost cause. You snag it before you leave his bathroom, wrapped in one of his ridiculously fluffy bathrobes and head into his living room. "Better?" Monoma asks, straightening up from where he's been sitting, gingerly, on the edge of his couch. You hadn't taken long, but it'd still been kind of him to let you go first. "Much. Uh, thanks, again." You walk over to the open kitchen area, carefully setting the coffee-scented rose on the counter before you turn to face him. "It's the least I could do," Monoma insists, attempting to brush some sticky hair out of his face. He grimaces, nose wrinkling, and slowly lets his hand fall back down to his side with a sigh. "Now, if you'll excuse me for a few minutes - coffee wasn't a good look for either of us." He disappears down the hall to the bathroom, leaving you to your own devices. Alone. In his house. You catch the sound of the shower starting, just a moment later, and decide to wander. His house is clean, with minimal amounts of clutter. There's a stack of cookbooks tucked carefully on a kitchen shelf that look well used, and old, but well-taken-care-of, utensils hanging from a small rack above his stove top. There's a game system in the living room that looks like it doesn't get a huge amount of use, but the pictures everywhere are most definitely intentionally placed. They are the items that are designed to catch your eye when you walk in the room. A few are most definitely years old, as Monoma is still in a school uniform in those, but the people in those pictures are still in the more recent ones as well. Heroes, you think, wryly, they have such intense bonds. Not for the first time, you wonder what the situation is with Deku, but you're still not willing to pursue it. Especially not when you have a fragile peace, of sorts, now that his intentions are clearer. Your phone, shoved hastily in the large robe pockets earlier, buzzes. Twice. The screen lights up again when you pull it out of the pocket, with text notifications from... From Monoma. They're both pictures, and for a split second, you think they might be nudes, but a towel is there, hanging precariously low on his hips. Monoma Neito, the hero Phantom Thief, is sending you shirtless selfies. In his own house. It's outlandish, and kind of pretentious, but laughter bubbles inside of you until you have to go sit down on his couch to hide your face in your hands. You hear Monoma moving between rooms, but you can't bring yourself to look up, still trying to stifle your laughter. "That funny?" Monoma asks a few moments later when he comes to a stop in front of you. Though his expression looks uncaring, there's a tense line to his shoulders that says he's worried. "It's not - they're very - very nice, but-" You breathe out, finally calming your desire to cackle. "We're in your house. You couldn't just risk walking between rooms, you had to text me shirtless pictures to make sure I saw." He cracks a small smile then, which just makes you bolder. "I mean, I do appreciate them. I won't have to rely on my faulty memory later." "Later?" Monoma presses, and all the tension is gone now. He flops down next to you, just a bit too close, the corner of his mouth curling into a smug smile. And you've scared yourself, just a little. You look away from his bright blue gaze, towards the kitchen and the careful set-up. "Do you cook?" You ask, almost cringing at the obvious subject change. Monoma doesn't seem to mind though. He lights up, and the slightly stifling atmosphere vanishes, filled with easy conversation about cooking techniques and your individual preferences, or lack-there-of. "That does remind me - we never got any coffee or food, and it's getting close to lunch. Would you like to order something here while we wait for your clothes?" Monoma isn't looking at you, more than likely to avoid putting any pressure on the decision, but the answer comes to you all too easily. "That sounds good, actually. All the food talk was making me hungry." And maybe... You're interested in spending more time with him. In seeing more of the Monoma who talks about his interests, who talks to you, without the dramatic posturing. He gets up to grab his phone from his bedroom, listing the options the both of you have to choose from, but you can't actually say you're fully listening. You rattle off a handful of choices when he asks for your order, and then you try not to stare at his pacing figure and the way his calves flex as he pivots. Monoma sits back down on the couch when he's finished, turning that smirk back your way again. For a moment, heat begins to crawl up your spine. "So, do you mind if I ask why you have such an obsession with.. Deku?" Monoma, just barely, keeps from sneering when he says the name, but it's still as good as cold water over your head. "I don't," you state, voice a little sharp. "Actually, I might ask you the same. I wore one t-shirt, and just happened to glance at a piece of memorabilia, but you're the one who is outlandishly competitive when he's mentioned." Monoma is silent. Staring. It's rather likely that he didn't expect that particular response, but seriously? You're supposed to be on a coffee date. Keyword being date! If you had any inclinations towards the hero Deku, why would you be here with someone who dislikes him so intensely? "I've done it again," Monoma finally sighs, tilting his head to rest back against the couch. "What? Stuck your foot in your mouth?" He groans, covering his face with both hands. "I sound like that idiot Bakugou, don't I?" You're assuming he's talking about another hero, but you have no idea which. "Who?" Monoma sits up, turning to face you fully and carefully reaches out to take hold of one of your hands. You're tempted to jerk out of his grip, but he's obviously recognized how rude the question came across as, so you wait, eyes narrowed. "I am competitive. In high school it was over things out of everyone's control, but - I felt like my friends and I were being slighted. Continually. We were looked over, and I was jealous. It's not an excuse," he hurries to add. "I'm prone to it, where my old schoolmates are concerned, even though it's..." "Been years since then? I've noticed." You sigh, looking down at where he's cradling your hand, one of his thumbs nervously stroking over your knuckles. "I... I like you, Monoma. Yeah, your first impression left a lot to be desired, but you've been open with me, otherwise. I get that you have a hang up about Deku - but I don't know him. I own exactly one shirt because I thought the green lightning looked trendy and it was easy to match. I like this," and you squeeze his hand. "But if you're going to explode with jealousy over this guy when we've only known each other for just over two weeks-" Monoma is nodding his head, repeatedly. "Thank you," he says, shoulders slightly slumped, "for being so candid with me. This is something I need to work on, but if it's too much, please, you don't owe m-" "No," you interrupt. "No, I don't owe you. But I think you owe me lunch, at the very least." He looks up to see the smile on your lips and the awkward tension finally eases. "At least?" He prompts, smiling, for real, this time. "Another shirtless selfie, maybe." You look away from him now, feeling shy for saying something so flirty. Monoma hmm's, and the softness of it brings back the heat that he'd inadvertently smothered earlier. "Towel optional?' He goads you, and you turn your head, eyes flicking down to his lap before you realize how obvious your peek was. "Just say the word," Monoma suggests, and then he's lifting your hand to kiss against your wrist. Shit. How is it that something so soft can make you so sensitive to touch? You hope your jumping pulse isn't evident, but you're fairly sure hiding your reaction is a lost cause. There's a pink tinge visible on Monoma's neck, and part of you wants to make a joke about being 'hot under the collar' and how it seems to literally apply to him. Would that be pushing things? "What word?" You ask instead, and you want to get closer. You wonder how it would feel if his hands slid up your arm to tug you into his lap. Monoma is quiet, eyes dipping down to trace over your skin - is he mapping out where to place his lips? "Tuxedo," he says slyly, finally lifting his heavy lidded eyes to watch your expression. It's almost a challenge then, the way he says it, his fingertips pressing into your wrist - as if he expects to feel the heavy thrum of your pulse. The smart thing to do would be to tell him you'd keep that in mind. To pull your wrist from his warm hands and talk about safer subjects. But you can't exactly back down from that, can you? You turn your body to face him, careful not to break his hold, and lean forward. "Tuxedo," you whisper back, like it's a secret, and relish in the way his fingers spasm around their hold on you. Slowly, as if giving you time to change your mind, Monoma let's go of you wrist and stands, moving his hands to his buttoned up shirt and popping open the first button. When you don't move, not even to bat an eyelash, he's a bit more steady, fingers moving rhythmically over the buttons until he's shrugging the shirt off of his shoulders and tossing it, carelessly, over the back of the couch. "Do I need a special word for stop?" You ask, nearly breathless when Monoma's fingers slow on the button of his chinos. "I believe that stop itself will work just fine." Monoma seems to think better of unbuttoning his pants. He kneels, palms resting on your robe covered knees for balance. "Do you.. Do you want to stop?" For all that you probably should, you definitely don't want to. You shift forward, lifting your hands to cradle his face, a thumb stroking over his cheekbone. "I don't want to stop," you confess, and then Monoma is leaning forward to meet you. The first kiss is soft, not hesitant, but testing angles, just a brush of lips. The second is more firm, and then it's thrilling as his hands slide up your thighs, pushing back the robe. Your lips part on a breath, and then his tongue is curling against yours, and he's making soft, heady noises against your mouth. It isn't long before you're both tangled together on the floor, Monoma pressed hard and aching between your legs. You must be a sight, disheveled hair and robe parted, just enough for one of his hands to slip between you, fingertips dragging against your hip- and then the doorbell rings. The both of you simply stare at each other for a moment, drunk on kisses and the warmth of skin, before Monoma's expression clears and he's cursing beneath his breath. Instead of jumping to his feet, he plants a wet, messy kiss on your lips, seemingly content to stay where he is, until the doorbell rings again. "Our lunch," he says with a sigh, finally pushing himself up and away from you. Monoma stands, clears his throat and then rolls his shoulders before he strides to the door. He only has it opened a crack, just enough to converse with the delivery person on the other side - and probably to keep them from seeing you spread out on the floor. You... Should probably get up. Slowly, so as not to startle him, you stand and set yourself to rights, or, as much as you can. Your ears feel like they're burning, but there is no reason, none, to be embarrassed.  The exchange is polite, but short, before Monoma is closing the door and turning towards the kitchen, two containers held in his hands. He sets them down, his bare back to you, and pauses. Nervousness runs through you for a moment like wildfire. His back is tensing - maybe he's- but then Monoma is turning around, eyes darting to where you'd been laying, and he deflates. "Ah," he says, blinking awkwardly down at the carpet. "Hungry?" He offers, finally lifting his gaze to your face, a delightful pink blush spreading across his chest and along his cheeks. There are.. too many ways to respond to that. You are hungry, of course, because breakfast was a long while ago. You're also hungry for more of Monoma, but that sounds kind of cheesy. Your heart is still beating too wildly to think of something appropriately teasing. So when you end up blurting: "I never said stop," you're both mortified because why, but also thankful that it wasn't the hungry for you comment. The look in Monoma's eyes tells you that it just so happened to be the perfect choice. Frankly, the food is forgotten as soon as he crosses the room. Your hands are in his hair, his mouth is back on your neck, and you're both back on the floor, tugging impatiently at each others clothing. You've unzipped and half pushed Monoma's chinos down before he realizes the knot of the robe tie has spun to your back, and then he's turning you and pushing you onto your hands and knees as he plucks frustratedly at the tie. You're tempted to tell him to give up, but when he presses forward, his dick against your ass, you decide not to bother. You shudder and then Monoma is making a noise of triumph, tugging hurriedly at the robe until it's in his hand and he's tossing it somewhere else in the room. He ruts up against you, groaning and then his forehead thunks down on your spine. "Monoma?" You ask, voice shaking, because you want this, damn it and he's so close but he's not doing anything. "Just- just a second, I promise," he says and then he's up and rushing back into his bedroom. The loss of him against you, the loss of heat, has you aching, goose-flesh rippling over your skin, but Monoma is quick. You barely spy the bottle of lube in his hands before he's kneeling behind you again, hand pressing between your shoulder blades until you're able to rest your cheek against your arms. He sighs, happily, as his hand strokes over your ass-cheek, and then pulls away. You shift, impatient again, but when Monoma's hand returns, it's cool and slick and rubbing over the sensitive parts of you and then everything just feels good. One of his hands is curled around your hip, while the other just sounds obscene, fingers curling and tugging and slipping inside you. "Monoma," you gasp against your arms, pushing your hips back, wishing he'd hurry. "Please," you try, spreading your legs a little wider, and that makes Monoma's breath hitch. "Please, what?" He asks, but his voice is strained and you know, even without looking at his face, that he'll give in to whatever you ask of him. "Please, fuck me. I want your dick, I want to- fuck!" You're not embarrassed to say that you'd shrieked, just a little, when he'd thrust into you. It was a shallow thrust, but sudden, and you'd been fucking aching for so long that the stretch of him has you gasping. You shift your arms and then you're moaning against the carpet as Monoma rolls his hips. There isn't any speech between the two of you while you find a rhythm, but when Monoma leans forward, hand slippery and slick as he tries to grasp the back of you neck, he starts to babble. "You feel- fuck, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. Not since- not since I saw you in that stupid shirt - the look you gave me. And then-" His hips are slapping against your ass, his fingers gripping almost too-tight on your hip. "And then in that store, feeling you underneath me- knew­ you'd feel good. Knew how fucking good you'd feel, spread open and messy for me." "Monoma, Monoma you're going to make me-" "Yes," he gasps and then he's adjusting one of his legs, and the angle changes and he's let go of your hip to reach around, hand between your thighs and everything goes hazy. He's still pumping into you, hand moving against you and everything feels so fucking good it hurts. He's cursing then, losing his hold on the back of your neck and then he's saying your name, over and over as he tenses and then stills, voice gone quiet. The both of you stay where you are for a moment, breathing heavy, until he finally pulls out of you and almost collapses against the floor. Your thighs and knees are aching as you stretch out, but he's smiling and then you're smiling, and - his stomach is growling. "Hungry?" You ask, between stifled bouts of laughter, but Monoma's dopey expression doesn't change much. "Want to get dinner with me?" Monoma asks, when you've finally quieted down. "Dinner? Monoma, we haven't had lunch yet." But... You're rather tempted to say yes. He's charming, and engaging - even when he's being rude - and he is a very good lay. "Hm. Alright. Dinner sounds good." "Really?" And he sounds surprised. He's... He's kind of a dork. "After lunch," you clarify. "And maybe after another example of your prowess, but in your bed, if you don't mind." Monoma doesn't mind, and he is more than willing to show you. Enthusiastically.
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An interview with: Wax Vessel
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Could you introduce yourself to the readers?
Nik Velleca - Founder/Owner/waytolongofaresponder
What led to the inception of Wax Vessel?
It’s actually a story in a couple of parts: the name (which is not interesting), the year before it started (mildly Interesting) and then the actual launch! Maybe two years ago I really wanted to get in to the whole Instagram vinyl collection showcase scene. Made a second account called Wax Casket (because it sounded cool) and did a couple hundred posts. No big deal. But at that time, it kind of out the inkling of an idea in my head. Fast forward a year or so, and Simon from WFAHM and I were taking about how literally every influential album from 2000-2010 was never pressed on vinyl. We thought about teaming up to do Ion Dissonance in vinyl (which is still a huge goal). It never materialized, so the label pages (renamed to Wax Vessel) kind of got shelved. Speaking of the name Wax Vessel (rant incoming) I landed on that name because I’m so fed up with the start of digital. MySpace deleting song libraries. Hard drives crashing. CDs getting bit rot. The only try archival format is vinyl. You could pull a WV release of a shelf in 2219 and it would still play. It’s a “time capsule” or “Vessel” for preserving history. Anyway. Fast forward to like 5 months ago - I had just stumbled upon PRR and they told me they were doing Destroyer Destroyer. I asked if I could just press the records to accompany that release, and viola! Here we are!
Wax Vessel is very unique, you what always comes to mind when I think of extremely rare and beautiful presses. What process goes into getting your visions to come together properly at the pressing plant?
So I’m glad you touched on this, because artisanal (barf) pressings are one of the tentpole features of WV. There’s so much that can be done with the format that it seems like an insult to just do single color records. I figured if I was going to bring all of these albums back from the dead after decades of never having a physical release, it might as well be in style! Otherwise someone will just repress it hah. But each release is its own project. My goal are always to have the color play with the album art, while also pushing the physical medium itself. Everything is very case-by-case, with the number of variants and the type of variant really just being subject to my mood haha.
Recently announced was the pressing for Dr. Acula’s S.L.O.B, congratulations on making it to WV007! From the posts I’ve seen on social media, you guys are really excited about this release. How would you describe Dr. Acula to someone who has never heard of them before?
Thanks! Dr. Acula was a huge one for me, they’re one of the forefathers of Deathcore in my opinion. They’re that early, wonky type of proto-Deathcore that uses a lot of samples before breakdowns and has a lot of inside jokes. It’s just fun, without taking itself too seriously.
They obviously got much bigger later, but SLOB was such a classic album, and a standout release from 187 records at the time (who really deserve all the credit for basically being the label pioneers of the genre along with Debello and BMA).
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Wax Vessel focuses on pressing music from the MySpace era of metal. What about that era made it so memorable  and dear to your heart that you decided to resurrect it in the wax form?
Man, prepare to watch me get spun up on this, haha. I’m really terrible at organizing my thoughts in to a cohesive essay on the topic, so as a kind of “stream of conciseness” ramble please accept this: 2000-2010 was just peak music. It was a digital Wild West with a bunch of talented Midwesterner pioneering new sounds for niche audiences. It was a perfect storm of a bunch of cultural factors playing out all at once. Literally all of these trailblazing bands were pushing envelopes and rail blazing new genres for No monetary gain and no fame. Every single review form music media was “this is unlistenable garbage”. They absolutely did not get the recognition they deserved at the time. I mean the “scene revival/20-9-scene” is more popular than the actual scene at the time! So what happens when you mix this new way to make music (digital production) with a new way to reach fans (social media/MySpace)? You get a fucking no holds barred race to make the most niche, unlistenable music in existence. The decade was a fucking blip in music history and then was lost to the ages. The internet was too young to preserve it, and to young for anyone to really use to their advantage. Just a lost decade. So I think that’s worth preserving. Especially since YouTube rips are the only thing left.
The default vinyl color of black is never an option with your releases, always seeing high quality, creative options for your limited presses. What is the reasoning behind this stylistic choice?
Black is such a fucking cop out. It’s only to save money. It’s lazy and requires no finesse or imagination. If you’re going to press records, go all in. Like imagine building a house in 2019 with all the modern amenities and building materials we have at our disposal and just building a 6-sided box. So boring. And for everyone who says it sounds best - black (carbon) is an additive for strength. Natural PVC is additive free and sounds better. So when I need a cheaper variant to offset the cost of some of the more expensive ones, natural PVC is always my go-to.
Have there been any challenges so far with the process of mastering these old files on vinyl? Were any of the music files hard to come across?
You have no idea! I feel like a lot of people see WV and then want to start a vinyl label, haha. But there’s so much craziness behind the scenes! Let’s start at the top - WV will only do a release if the band is on board, and the rights are retained. Mechanical licensing retained. Full quality tracks hunted down and mastered for vinyl. New art made (no one has their old art files) and laid out for vinyl. Then after all that, I have to drop $4k at the plant to get it pressed. Then promos and art made, coordinating with ZBR on timelines, etc. But none of that can happen without the tracks. Most of the time the band will have the master bounces, and it’s not that difficult. But on a couple of occasions I’ve had to rip old demos from personal CDs. I’ve even had to pay for a hard drive to be recovered for a band member so we could get tracks! I really believe that vinyl isn’t just for the fashion, so having great sounding records is top priority. Can’t do that with a YouTube rip! If we can’t get the best quality tracks, I won’t do it!
Any possibility of there being Wax Vessel merch down the road?
I mean I’m not sure anyone would give a shit! But if like 10 people messaged me and said they wanted a shirt, you bet! We would whip up a cool “no represses” design or something, haha. Maybe 2020!
With a new year right around the corner, what are some goals for kicking off the new decade in 2020?
2020 souls have some cool “firsts” for sure! I’ve got our first multi-LP box set dropping. First project with a hand-painted cover. First modern release (under a different side name, don’t want to dilute the WV name haha). Really what if love to do in 2020 is press Psyopus to round out the techgrind section. That’s a big goal! I’d also love to have a both and sell LPs at like a festival, but they all sell out too quick!
Anything else you would like to tell the readers before we go? Just a couple of blurbs! People always forget that wax Vessel is a non-profit and we give 100% of the money to the bands. So remember that the next time you think I’m an asshole for not doing something you like! We got a lot of hate mail about not doing represses, haha. To that point, there will never be represses. It’s a sticking point. I don’t want to make records that end up in dollar bins and eBay lots. I’d rather leave money on the table. I want to great collector items that will be cherished. All of these bands have been defunct for a decade. No one is coming back to just to try and make a quick buck. These are all swan song little fun presses for the core group of fans. For the 200 weirdo left who still care about early 2000s techgrind and vinyl, haha. It’s niche, but no one wants to make any money. It’s just a fun thing for the scene. Remember this is all for fun! Additionally, I see a lot of miscommunications that I’d like to get on the record! Please remember: Wax Vessel is its own thing. Not an imprint or affiliated with anyone. I shoulder all cost, design, etc for everything! So it’s very much WV as the label. I hate shipping and fulfillment, so ZBR [Zegema Beach Records] is WV’s official store. The mega studs over there (Dave and Dave) definitely allow WV to exist. If I had to ship everything, it would be one release a year haha. And super not last, WV couldn’t exist without Ryan Peter. I have absolutely no scene Fred, and Ryan gets fucking results. He almost single-handedly spreads the word and gets bands on board. Literally invaluable. All the records in the world mean nothing if you can’t get any bands to agree to get pressed! He’s a MySpace madman!!
Wax Vessel Social Media:
Website [Coming Soon]
Big Cartel [Coming Soon]
Merch through Zegema Beach Records
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Yeah I'm grocery shopping and almost doing the choreography lsususidhisjs embarrassing luv.
I think perhaps kpop stans hate it because at some point almost everyone was doing tropical house? Now many fans hate on EDM, girl crush, 80s etc. But I like some summer tropical house bops!Tbh when I saw Hwa I thought he would be rather serious, then he turned out shy THEN THRUSTED IN MY FACE?! I was so baffled 🥴
I say if you wanna throw insults be creative and funny about it, most antis are either vile or plainly boring 🥱
Yes they absolutely try to fit the mains into the basic personas, but they often turn out irrelevant to most people and they can't even be relatable. The fake badass ones are embarrassing too it's true absolutely pick mes and we don't stan that 🤚🏻
When may I expect you? I will have to lock my merch first jsydyqhshshsja, but I also need to ask tiny if she's taking visitors now, girl is busy hiding under the bed lol
Winter in most places looks like shit LITERALLY so much mud when it rains and snows and for what? And you can see dogs (or perhaps human) piss traces on the snow??? Fucking gross, some dog owners also think "oh there's snow, no need to clean the shit" 🔫🔫🔫
Wait, bestie that broadcast photocard is the fanmade one I ordered from Etsy, I got all of them because no one would sell broadcast pcs for that cheap, now they're out of stock so I'm glad I did 😭 that seller had many different "broadcast" sets and I got them all. But they look so real like I said, almost identical to the actual ones! https://imgur.com/a/YKpHXvK
I'm gonna make an account solely dedicated to Hwa's legs and what about it 🤗
Ok I'm gonna check that manhwa out, but I need to finally catch up on the ones I started, idk why it's so hard for me recently
Hsusyehsha that Jackson party question, NCT's lyrics traumatised me, thanxx. I got MR. GENTLEMAN and it's a photo of my gentle sexy man Joshua lolol this is not me at all, but cute. And you?
Btw, my waiting fic list includes: nerd Hwa, milf reader and of course villain reader. Am I missing anything? Probably lolol. So we spoke about reversed AU like bad girl Y/N x good boy Hwa, but what about bad girl Y/N x bad boy Hwa 🤯 I don't really see it too often. I know the relationship can easily become toxic I read one fic that was absolutely excellent at it, two rich kids acting tough and another that was rather heartbreaking because both characters struggled with life. But I think this has a great potential, just saaaayyyyyyin
THE FIRST PHOTO AAAAAAA HE'S A SMALL BOY A TINY BOOOOOOOOOOY, the second one let's not talk about https://twitter.com/PSHsource/status/1531305919627288577?t=9MjWzWpcyOxNcdO32YOVBw&s=19 - DV 💖
helLo hello!!!
Yeah I'm grocery shopping and almost doing the choreography lsususidhisjs embarrassing luv.
I think perhaps kpop stans hate it because at some point almost everyone was doing tropical house? Now many fans hate on EDM, girl crush, 80s etc. But I like some summer tropical house bops!Tbh when I saw Hwa I thought he would be rather serious, then he turned out shy THEN THRUSTED IN MY FACE?! I was so baffled 🥴
i think most hate ur bc of kard 💀💀 bc their title tracks were consistently the exact same and the way ppl were going @ them,,, YEAAH MANY HATE EDM??? but its literally so good,, ppl have very specific taste but they say they have a diverse taste at the same time have me 🔫🔫 BRKWHDKWFHWK THRUSTED IN MY FACE LMFAOOOOTBWKFHEK its exactly how every shinestar was born 😭😭😭
I say if you wanna throw insults be creative and funny about it, most antis are either vile or plainly boring 🥱
Yes they absolutely try to fit the mains into the basic personas, but they often turn out irrelevant to most people and they can't even be relatable. The fake badass ones are embarrassing too it's true absolutely pick mes and we don't stan that 🤚🏻
yEAAAH the hit or miss formula is always most certainly a miss 😭😭 NO BC THE FAKE BADASS CONSISTS OFF swearing unnecessarily, smoking heavily, dressing in black fits bc “dark like my soul” or the “comebacks” they have to certain insults is so embarrassingfbwkfhdk
When may I expect you? I will have to lock my merch first jsydyqhshshsja, but I also need to ask tiny if she's taking visitors now, girl is busy hiding under the bed lol
EXPECT ME IN TWO DAYS I WILL HUNT THE PC COLLECTION,,, omg 😭😭😭 miss tiny pls gimme an appointment to behold ur presence 😭😭😭🤲🏼
Winter in most places looks like shit LITERALLY so much mud when it rains and snows and for what? And you can see dogs (or perhaps human) piss traces on the snow??? Fucking gross, some dog owners also think "oh there's snow, no need to clean the shit" 🔫🔫🔫
NO BC SO MF TRUE??? THE PEE STAINS AND THE MUDDY SLUSHY BLACK ICE SNOW GIVES ME THE CREEPS IVE FELL DOWN SO MANY TIMES I HATE IT,,, the pee stains, shit stains and the garbage they leave under the snow
Wait, bestie that broadcast photocard is the fanmade one I ordered from Etsy, I got all of them because no one would sell broadcast pcs for that cheap, now they're out of stock so I'm glad I did 😭 that seller had many different "broadcast" sets and I got them all. But they look so real like I said, almost identical to the actual ones! https://imgur.com/a/YKpHXvK
IS IT FJWKFJKWFHLW SCREAMING THEY LOOK SO REAL AT FIRST I THOUGHT IT WAS POB’S NFBWM NO BC if the fake ones look exactly like the real,,, then why spend 200$+ 👁👄👁🤚🏼
I'm gonna make an account solely dedicated to Hwa's legs and what about it 🤗
Ok I'm gonna check that manhwa out, but I need to finally catch up on the ones I started, idk why it's so hard for me recently
i have been avoiding the webtoon app like a plague i have not looked at it its just so much work jvbwkfhwk
Hsusyehsha that Jackson party question, NCT's lyrics traumatised me, thanxx. I got MR. GENTLEMAN and it's a photo of my gentle sexy man Joshua lolol this is not me at all, but cute. And you?
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Btw, my waiting fic list includes: nerd Hwa, milf reader and of course villain reader. Am I missing anything? Probably lolol. So we spoke about reversed AU like bad girl Y/N x good boy Hwa, but what about bad girl Y/N x bad boy Hwa 🤯 I don't really see it too often. I know the relationship can easily become toxic I read one fic that was absolutely excellent at it, two rich kids acting tough and another that was rather heartbreaking because both characters struggled with life. But I think this has a great potential, just saaaayyyyyyin
IM RLY ROOTING FOR THAT VILLAIN READER SO BAD !!! also the wedding etl !!! i am absolutely so in love with the idea of it <3 also the bridgerton san + mingi’s rewrite 😭😭 OLAY HELLO AYO AYO AYO I LIKE THAT MUCH BETTER BAD BOY YN X BAD BOY HWA but its def bard to come up with that plot,,, bc they can either be like rivals or enemies or like secret alliances or like secret relationships??? it’ll def be tough to come up with a plot,,, OH GOD THAT FIC SOUNDS SO GOOD PLS DO SEND IT MY WAY
THE FIRST PHOTO AAAAAAA HE'S A SMALL BOY A TINY BOOOOOOOOOOY, the second one let's not talk about https://twitter.com/PSHsource/status/1531305919627288577?t=9MjWzWpcyOxNcdO32YOVBw&s=19 - DV 💖
the way i inhaled at that photo set. do not approach me. i am. livid. hOW DARE U.
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maarmendes · 4 years
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« THE BISTRO »          Chapter 1
Warnings: 18+, Violence, cursing, mental illness and many others.
Genre: angst; enemies to lovers.
Pairing: Dabi x OC; Ramon
Word Count: 1736
Tags: @bnhabookclub​
[Wattpad Link]
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I walked inside The Bistro with a tired sigh and a slump on my shoulders. The shop was empty aside from the usual costumers sitting by the windows with a clear view of the dark ally outside. The horrible sight of the painted brick wall was subdued with the rustic decor of the bar. With dark brick walls framed with old posters and a couple of neon signs, the old shop felt like home to me. When I got it, this place as abandoned. From the metal chairs to the dark wood counter, I got everything in this place with hard work and luck. I fought the urge to kick my shoes off right there and instead struggled with my jacket. It had been another long night and I was ready to call it a day when one of my workers approached me.
"Morning, boss! There's someone here to see you." The shy young boy greeted me at the door, helping me take my jacket off.
"Shit," I grunted in defeat and then turned to the boy with a reassuring smile and a pat his ginger curls. "Thanks for opening the shop, JJ. Good job today."
I gave up on the idea of sleep - knowing very well that whoever was here to see me wouldn't let me catch up on my so needed beauty sleep - so I might as well manage my own place. I slipped into the back room and took a moment to wash my face and check myself in the mirror. It always bugged me how pale and thin I was, especially with the obvious dark circles under my eyes making me look like a zombie from that stupid game JJ plays. My bright yellow eyes didn't help either, most idiots would think I was related to some lizard. Jerks. At least my black hair stayed straight no matter what, falling on my shoulders smoothly, the only part of me I liked. I arranged my muscle tank top - an ironic name, considering -  as it fell loosely on me, tucking it into the waist of my ripped skinny jeans and ran my fingers over the twirls and colors of the tattoos that covered both my arms. Colorful designs of various shapes and forms playfully hiding many scars behind them that only I would ever know about. A cry coming from the bar shook me back to earth and I walked back, looking around for whoever was being so loud. My glare fell on the fool leaning against the counter, waving happily at me.
"Pro Hero: Bird Brain." I feigned innocence as I worked on his usual order. "Oh, oops! I mean, Hawks, the chicken hero."
"It's always a pleasure to be insulted by you, my dear Ramon. You look as beautifully dead inside as ever." I rolled my eyes as I handed him his drink.
"Alright, Kei." I leaned forward, searching his face. "Business or pleasure?"
"Sorry, Sugar Plumps! I'm here on business." Hawks sipped, taking a serious tone. "I've got someone who wants to meet you, but we need to talk first."
"Alright, let's talk. Go wait upstairs and behave."
The bird winked before making his way to the backroom and up the stairs that lead to my apartment, as he had done many times before. Watching him made me feel a tad sentimental. He might be an asshole, but he was still someone I used to love. I downed an expresso and prepared myself for whatever stupidity he had in store for me this time. I found him lounging on my bed like he owned the place, staring mindlessly at his phone. I kicked his feet off the bed and crossed my arms, waiting for him to apologize, only to receive a stupid smirk in return. I gave up on him and sat down on the couch.
"So, what's up? It's not like you to think before doing anything, so I assume it's important." I grabbed the cup of whiskey I'd been sipping on last night from the coffee table and kicked my shoes off.
"You're all business and no fun, as always. Why don't you join me in the bed?" I answered his playful wink with an uninterested glance and he took that as his queue to get up. "As you wish... Remember when I said I was going undercover?"
"Sure. I thought you meant you'd be gone years, not weeks."
"If you missed me you could've said so, babe." Keigo plopped down next to me, his arm falling around my shoulders lazily, only to be kicked away from me. "Okay, okay, I'll stop! The League of Villains wants to recruit you."
"WHAT?!" I dropped my cup and grabbed onto his neck, hard. "Keigo, did you lead those idiots my way?! You know they've got eyes on them and I can't afford the spotlight, Keigo! It's bad for business! Now they'll annoy the living shit out of me. Both villains and heroes, if I'm lucky." I got up with a scoff. "For for fuck's sake, bird brain."
I walked over to the drink cabinet and pulled out one of the bottles. I felt Keigo move closer to me, his chest against my back and his hands rubbing up and down my arms tenderly. I elbowed him back but he chuckled and closed the distance between us again, no doubt enjoying annoying me.
"Come on, Ramon... You can't expect me to share information without a source." He placed a soft kiss on my shoulder, batting his stupid eyes up at me as if those puppy eyes wouldn't feed my anger further.
"Why are you always dragging me into your bullshit? You keep using me then leaving me in a tight spot." I clicked my tongue and turned too him. "This is why we never worked out. You can't respect my one and only rule. Keep your business to yourself."
"But you'll always be there to support me no matter how many times I screw you over! That's why I know you won't mind meeting a member of the League of Villains tomorrow night." He smiled sheepishly as I took a step closer to him.
"Bird brain..." My tone was low and intimidating. "Did you already set that meeting up?"
"Well... No?"
"Okay... Let me rephrase." I grabbed him by the shirt. "Did you come here to ask me or warn me?!"
"Guess you caught me there, darling." I shoved him slightly and he flung his hands up. "Wow there, tiger! Careful with the merch!"
"I swear to God, Keigo... I'm so tired of your shit." I dragged him down the stairs by the shirt and shoved him towards the door. "Get the fuck out."
"Come on, sweet cheeks! You can't do me like that..." He bargained as he composed his outfit. "You know I'll be back tomorrow."
"Keigo, if I see your stupid face again you might as well bring your own fucking sauce 'cause I'm turning you into chicken nuggets!"
I yelled at his retreating back as the idiot stumbled out of my shop as quickly as possible, leaving me with a few surprised clients to apologize to. I mumbled a half-assed apology as I made my way back behind the bar to prepare myself another drink, this time I made my own concussion of caffeine and alcohol - a secret recipe I'll never share.
I wandered back to my apartment, my annoyance fueled my motivation while I sat on the sofa reading the file I compiled the night before. The guy had paid me to get information on his 'business partner', something about some investment gone wrong or whatever. It should've been some easy money for me, but it turned out to be a long file filled with hard to get sensitive information the police would rather not fall into any hands at all let alone bad hands.
I considered what could happen if I didn't deliver the file. I couldn't lie so there was no way I'd hide this from my client and I wouldn't get paid if I didn't share it. Someone had to pay for the booze. It's not like I cared whatever happened, worst-case scenario someone ended up dead. Sure, it was dirty work but it paid the bills and kept the bar running.
I had to admit I liked it but it wasn't easy living, especially when the cops came knocking on my door complaining about how I sold to sensitive information to someone they were looking for. In my defense, I didn't know the information would-
I knew. I didn't care. Especially when I get paid extra for keeping my mouth shut.So, I slid the file into an envelope, glued it shut and added it onto the pile of files on my desk. I knew JJ would complain when he found out I didn't order them again but he'd do it for me nevertheless.
Thankfully business was slow and I took that opportunity to close up early and catch up on some needed sleep. The next morning JJ took care of opening The Bistro and I'd took over when I came back later that evening. Today I had to stop by the police station to drop and pick up a few files, just another one of my deals with our finest law enforcers. When I opened the door to the shop, a feeling of dread sent a shiver down my back.
It was way too quiet for happy hour.
"W-Welcome back, B-B-Boss..." JJ stuttered. He sat at the table on the far back, some freak's arm hung over his shoulders as the asshole sipped his beer calmly. I instinctively pulled my gun off the back of my pants and pointed at the bastard who responded just as quickly, lighting his hand with a blue flame burning way too close to JJ's face for my liking.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The man's raspy voice echoed in the bar and I lowered my weapon reluctantly. My disgusted glare dug holes into his smug face as I moved leisurely to sit in front of him.
"Thought so." He wrapped his hand around JJ's throat and chuckled lightly. "Good girl."
A/N: Hello and welcome to The Bistro! I hope you enjoy your stay and be careful :^D Thanks for reading and drop a vote or comment if you can <3
0 notes
tomans-darlings-au · 7 years
The Incident (Part 1)
TW: Gun Violence, Abuse Mention, Blood
Early morning breeze blew the cooling autumn air outside, it was so early Axel couldn’t help but yawn sleepily as he walked through the quiet downtown of his hometown. Since his break from tour he’d been doing a lot of charity work and a few free appearances to help some local businesses, today he was helping out a nice couple who owned a bookstore today. The couple was quite elderly but he remembered going to their store as a kid and reading for hours, they were always so kind to him though they knew his father quite well which made him a bit uncomfortable. He remembered them being almost like parents to his Dean often lecturing him, the bird boy stopped a moment lately he’d been thinking about his father a lot lately and that made him uneasy honestly. Still a few times during the tour he could have sworn he saw him in the crowd, he’d usually cause trouble if he’s there so perhaps it was just a trick of the eye. Axel shook the thoughts away as he arrived at the store, knocking on the door as it was still locked not officially open to the public. He spotted the couple who approached him immediately opening the door and welcoming him in with smiles and greeting hugs.
“Oh my look at how much you’ve grown you look so handsome and so much like your father.” The woman spoke first giving the young singer a warm embrace.
Axel didn’t know how to respond to that tensing up at the mention but it wasn’t as if it weren’t true, despite not getting along genetically they were still family and thus were bound to look similar. The singer returned the embrace with a polite smile and offered a hand around so they could open quicker and start the album signing. He carried book and organized them in the shelves they belonged in making sure the labels were correct, he even dusted a few shelves although sometimes it was accidental as his wings brushed the dust away.
“It’s so kind to help us son you’ve become such a fine young man. Who knew the small shy child we met would turn out to be a strong lad.” The old man complimented Axel.
The rockstar felt a bit bashful giving an awkward chuckle even being famous he would never get used to the frequent praising from people. Still he was very appreciative of their kind words, the atmosphere was so warm even after so many years and so many changes. Time past and Axel had called a couple of his roadies to help him out, he didn’t want the couple to wear themselves out with table set up. The roadies set up the tables for his CD’s and prints of the band to sign for a few bucks, he would of course donate to the store.
“Thanks guys I really appreciate yer help today, we’re probably gonna sell out so i’ll need you guys to unload the CD’s as the quantity diminishes.” He explained.
“But lunch is on me afterwards I promise.” Axel told them with a cheesy thumbs up and grin on his face.
“Alright our bird boss is the best.” A few cheered before continuing to set the CD table.
The elderly couple soon opened the store up and there was already a line of people waiting, fans had flocked to the store when they’d heard about his CD signing. Axel was happy to greet them all as he began the event, he talked to his fans short conversation but he knew it meant alot to each of them so he made sure to give his complete attention. A few fans left him gifts which he could not be more thankful luckily he had some buttons they hadn’t sold out of at their last concert so each person who had gifted him something received a button of gratitude. Some of the bands fans actually went through the bookstore as well business was booming and he could tell the old woman “granny” as he called her, was very happy to see so many customers around now.
The afternoon rolled in quickly it was around noon and the line was still quite the wait there was no letting up yet not that Axel minded. The star made sure to promote the store too so that the crowd wouldn’t lose interest in looking around.
Around 1pm Axel stopped for a moment, he heard a familiar voice calling out. This was the only time he’d taken his attention away from the event and stood up from behind the table. The sound had the bird boy scanning the crowd.
“Oi nonna what’s with the crowd lined up? Ya got some mega sale goin…” The man stopped as his eyes met Axel’s.
No questions about it that was his blood father, Dean Watanuki in the flesh. Axel was tense even the fans froze up a bit as the two stared at each other, the atmosphere felt heavy and it wasn’t until a fan spoke that the singer broke away from their intense stare down.
“Huh? Oh right sorry about that hun, what’s your name?”
He continued immediate with a struggling smile on his face, Axel shrugged his discomfort off and ignored his past abuser. Dean also walked away though still in the store as he’d ordered a specific book and was told it’d arrive today, of course he wasn’t gonna leave for the sake of comfort. As Axel pressed on in his work he could see Dean watching him though the roadies made sure he didn’t approach or speak to the singer especially not during such a big event. Still every once in awhile their eyes would meet in uncomfortable silence only to look away again.
3pm hit and the rush of school kids coming for the signing swarmed in, Dean was still there as the couple was so busy with the amount of customers neither could go to the back until the signing was over. The grown man being stubborn waited and now with the crowd it’d be to much trouble to leave and unfortunately for Axel today was Dean’s day off. In Axel’s mind he’d consciously decided to do this specifically to make the singer uncomfortable and he couldn’t lie it was making him a bit paranoid, cold clammy palms and a struggle to smile honestly. Things were relatively peaceful though outside of the atmosphere which only the star and maybe the elderly couple could feel, but they remained positive still which is always a good sign.
4pm Axel took a break from signing to serenade the large and tired crowd, he played a new song from the band's most recent album on his acoustic guitar feeling glad he brought it along. The crowd cheered as Axel sung his soothing voice filling the store with the sweet sound of his music, Dean even crept bit closer taking a book from the shelf as a cover, he watched as the other sung with such passion. The song ended and everyone clapped, Axel even caught a glimpse of Dean doing the same. The clapping was countered by the bell of the second door opening, nobody paid much mind to it some customers were actually arriving for books so they used the second door. What caught the star’s attention was when he heard a voice calling to him, he looked up at the unfamiliar face.
“Um sorry kiddo you gotta wait in line like everyone else. Don’t worry i’m here till closing you’ll get your chance-” Axel said optimistically.
“Shut the fuck up! You fucking scum!”
The person shouted silencing everyone around them, before anyone responded they pulled out a gun causing a panic. Continuing their rant of insults, their hands trembled clutching the gun tightly. Axel worried for everyone’s sake tried to reason with the attacker coming out from behind his table.
“Hey come on man whatever beef you have we can work this out. There’s kids here man please put the gun down.”
The singer couldn’t live with himself if any of his fans got hurt because of him, he tried to protect them but the attacker wasn’t having their pathetic attempts to be the hero. Angered and trembling they closed their eyes and pulled the trigger shooting Axel in the leg making him collapse in pain, he gripped the bleeding wound. Fans ran as fast as they could screaming, many calling the police, and some recording the confrontation but still after that shot the store was emptied. Axel’s roadies had gone to pick up more merch Carla approved for sale and hadn’t yet returned so Axel was on his own right now.
The stranger shouted locking the stores doors, their hood fell off letting long unkempt hair flow down. The stranger was contemplating the severity of what they’d done but they wanted to kill Axel and it was too late to turn back.
“Please don’t hurt him.” Granny begged weakly being held by her husband.
Once again this stranger aimed their gun at the star who had dragged himself away some and gripped the legs of the table he’d been sitting at for some balance. His eyes were glued to the gun he felt panic, fear washed over him like never before.
“I’m gonna die, this person I don’t even know is gonna kill me, I’m scared. I’m so scared.”
Axel’s thoughts rushed in his mind his entire body shaking. The gun wielder shut their eyes tight one more time Axel did the same awaiting impact, a bang went off twice but the hybrid felt nothing. He slowly opened his eyes again after a minute only to see Dean collapsed on the ground with bullet wounds seeping blood through his clothes and to the ground. The attacker screamed at the sight backing away quickly.
They dropped the gun and ran out the store as fast as possible, granny struggling reached the phone immediately called 911 who were already on their way as they had been alerted earlier. Axel crawled over to Dean pressing his wounds to stop blood flow along with the granny’s husband.
“Why the fuck did you do that. What the fuck is wrong with you, is this a fucking tactic now?!” Axel shouted at him panicked, confused, and at this point not emotionally stable.
Dean mouthed words struggling to speak, he coughing up blood before finally making a sound.
“I just didn’t want to see you die.” He told his estranged son.
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limpblotter · 7 years
Be More Michael!
a/n: At first, I can’t see any situation where Michael takes a squip. But seeing how I put an (with a name and everything) au out there I have it a shot by shimmying around some very circumstantial stuff.  summary: Michael just wanted a tictac w/c:1823 warning: VERY QUESTIONABLE PLOT?? drug mentioned (mainly pot and squip)
“Wait so it's like drugs?” Michael muttered as they walked side by side down to the Payless. He rummaged through his hoodie’s pockets and began picking at the lint he found in every crevice. “Are you sure you wanna take drugs? You know JUST stopped gagging when you take a drag of the blunt” Michael winked at him, sticking out his tongue adding a bit more insult to his tease.
Jeremy turned up his nose and stiffened his spine trying to make himself look taller. “It's not drugs...it's a computer...or whatever, I don’t know how to explain it. Rich had this cool song…” He waved his hands in front of him. “It's from Japan.” His voice went up a few octaves before cracking, trying to recreate the feel.
Michael nodded a bit, “sounds legit.” The closer they got the more Jeremy began to perspire beside him. “Dude stop walking like someone who’s about to make a drug deal.”
“W-What” Jeremy flinched then looked around nervously. “I-I look like someone who’s going to make a deal!”
“That or you look like someone who’s about to take a major dump in his pants.” Michael clapped his hands on Jeremy’s shoulders and gave him a small squeeze. “Just be chill.”
“That’s MY problem, I don’t know how to be CHILL, Michael.” He hung his head a bit and sighed. “...I wish I can be more like you.” He chuckled a bit. “You’re always pretty chill.”
“Be more like me then, walk in there and trade in hundreds of dollars for a possibility of awesomeness...or a complete and utter waste of time.”
“I don’t think anyone could be more Michael, Michael” Jeremy’s blue eyes disarmed Michael’s heart and he felt all his taunts and best friend banter go out the window and into speeding traffic. “Say...uh...you usually buy your weed...mind…ya know…” He swayed a bit, pulling a very sweet Heere smile.
How could Michael say no? With a few groans and eye rolls, Jeremy slapped the bills into Michael’s hand went to wait for him inside of Spencer's. Michael walked in with a little more sauve than Jeremy but he couldn’t shake the small voice that reminded him he was packing 600$ of money that didn’t belong to him. The drug deal was suddenly weighing on him a bit harder than his usually dime-bag deal. Still, Jeremy was counting on him and he pushed through the Payless and walked over to an exceptionally greasy looking stock boy behind the counter. “I’m here for the...stuff.” Michael leaned up against the desk, keeping his face turned away from the employee.
“The stuff?” He repeated in a monotone voice.
“Yea-yea man you know the stuff, that stuff, that special stuff.” Michael waved his hand coolly, he even popped the hood of his hoodie up adding to the effect. He was so suave, Jeremy would cream himself if he saw him. Wait---why did that come to mind. Suddenly Michael felt himself flush and a hand come to his mouth. Suddenly he felt the box nudge his arm and he looked down. So there it was...600 dollars worth of drugs. He opened it up to check and his face fell… “My...dude…” he muttered opening the box fully “what the hell is this?”
“Size eight-n-a half red pumps from the back room.” He shrugged, “We ran out a week ago, I’ve been holding onto it for the right price.”
“Do I look like I’m here for a size eight heel?” He pulled up the shoe by the heel and began to wave it around.
The stockman shrugged then waved his hand over his face, “probably and maybe a tictac.”
Michael groaned and leaned in a bit to the counter against the stockboy’s wishes. “I’m here for...the squip?” He whispered watching the man’s eyes go from dull to very steely and cold. He gave Michael a nod and went to the backroom. After two long minutes of waiting he returned with a regular looking shoe box. Michael opened it up a second time half expecting another pair of shoes when he noticed a baggie with a long, off gray pill inside. “So...this is it?” This tiny thing was worth 600$?
“400.” The guy grunted, Michael blinked.
“Wait w-” “You heard me, four. Hundred.”
There was no arguing with that, Michael handed over the money saving Jeremy two hundred dollars and getting the drugs for him. He was going to be his hero. “Alright, oh can I have a tictac too?” He breathed into his closed hand and wondered if he had severe sushi breath.
“Here take it with Red Dew, and also, before you go I gotta tell you that--” He handed over the mint then realized Jenna was strolling over. “We’re all out!”
“Of...shoes?” She shook her head a bit then looked at Michael.
“Right.” The stock boy turned his attention to Jenna and left Michael to his devices. Michael didn’t seem to think there was anything else he needed to know. A drug was a drug and from what he knew pills got ingested. A part of him did worry though...his brother and his father were big on the war against drugs. His brother more so he was turning into Michael’s police man when it came to his future. He made his way towards the Spencer's, thumbing the tictac in his hand while he examined the pill some more.
“Well lil buddy, you’re gonna make my buddy super cool…” He chuckled talking to the small pill. “Which shouldn’t be too hard, Jeremy is already the coolest, but I guess sharing that kind of cool-a-tude with the rest of the world won’t be bad. After all” Michael felt his smile soften a bit. “After, all Christine won’t be able to resist him once she gets to know him.”
For a second Michael thought about...well what if he didn’t give this to Jeremy. Nothing would change, he wouldn’t have to share Jeremy with anyone. No one would have to know how Jeremy was awesome at Mario Kart, or the fact he held the n64 controller WRONG by using that weird middle handle. Or the way he wrinkled his nose right before he laughed like he was trying to fight it back. No one had to know that Jeremy could name the best 80s B-rate horror films in order of blood content. No one had to know that Jeremy had a small mole on his hip that as a kid his father would say was his tickle button. No one had to know the Jeremy Michael knew...He held the pill in his hand feeling like he could crush it in his palm...then sighed, stuffing it in his pocket.
It would crush Jeremy. It would suck if Jeremy was unhappy. He bit his bottom lip and smiled, feeling his muscles relax with defeat. If this made Jeremy happy… well then Michael didn’t need any more reason than that. After all what were bros for? He smirked as he watched Jeremy narrowly avoid half of the anime merch, even with his back to it, Michael knew he was probably eyeing some shirt or poster. “Jeeeer” Michael sang as he walked through the store. “I got your drugs.”
“MICHAEL” Jeremy shrieked cupping both hands at his mouth. “Don’t! SAY!THAT!” He hissed, turning red from the tips of his ears down to his neck.
“Tehe.” Michae chuckled beneath his hands. “Alright, alright, oh and I saved you 200$.”
“Wow, and here was worried I blew ALL of my money.” Jeremy opened the box and blinked. There was no pill, his face went pale for a second when Michael pulled his hand from his pocket and presented him with the small white pill. “Jesus, Michael you scared me!”
“Is it ok for a Jewish kid to swear to Jesus?” Jeremy shrugged a bit and it forced a small laugh out of Michael as his friend looked at the pill. “Well...there it is, cool in a capsule. You ready?”
“You wanna split it?” Jeremy asked his eyes on it, this was going to change his life. He could feel it.
“I don’t think it works like that...plus I like knowing when you’re cool, you’re gonna owe me.” He winked. “You gotta drink that with Mountain Dew, by the way.”
“Why?” Jeremy didn’t mind but it felt like a strange combination.
“No clue, just do it.” Michael was ready to watch Jeremy take his first steps into drug induced popularity when his phone buzzed. He snatched it out of his hoodie pocket and pouted. “I gotta run, brother is coming home tomorrow and I have to help mom clean out his room.”
“I didn’t think Ryan would be back so soon, isn’t he like...in college?”
“Yea he’s only coming for a short while before finals hit him. Then we won’t hear from him for another few weeks.” Michael shrugged, “sooo that means tomorrow night, we’re hanging at your place!”
With a ruffle of Jeremy’s short, tuffed brown hair Michael was off. He didn’t hear much from Jeremy after that, Michael felt like asking how it went and whether he was alright. However he was probably enjoying his new popularity, more importantly his mom had him carry down boxes of junk that had been storing in Ryan’s room to the basement, Aka Michael’s man cave. “Are we done yet, MA?” He called from down stairs feeling grungier than usual.
“Si~” She sang from the kitchen.
Michael slumped into his beanbag and stared at the second one beside him. He wondered if Jeremy would be too cool for video games? No, that was unlikely. Jeremy would be himself, just...maybe less sweaty and better breath. “Ah… right.” He dug his hands into his pocket and found his tictac. He popped it into his mouth and rolled it around in his tongue. It wasn’t right, no mint flavor and it was surprisingly sleeker than he thought.
“Michael, tienes hambre? (Michae are you hungry?)” his mother called from upstairs.
“Nah Ma I’m fine-aH” He spoke while his tongue was still testing the strange pill in his mouth. He felt the tictac roll down his throat and in a moment of pure shock he reached for his soda and chugged it down dislodging the small object from his throat canal.  “Fuck…” He hissed, gulping making sure he was not going to choke on a tictac. What a lame death that would be.
Michael took off his glasses and rubbed his watery eyes. The moment past and he reached for his phone realizing he had a missed call from Jeremy. Probably called while he was helping his mother. His hand paused when he heard, so clearly a voice say.
Calibrating Cerebral functions
“Huh…” Michael looked around and stared at his TV which was very clearly off.
Identifying ...Michael Mell...Self confident, glorified...loser.
“Wait woah who said that, I am not a glorified loser! … I’m a regular loser with great qualities.” He spoke back to the disembodied voice.
Well, then regular loser Michael. This...is going to hurt.
And it did.
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years
What is the easiest website to pass time on? Tumblr or youtube.  What’s the last place you left early, and what was your reason? I don’t remember.  Do you take your medications in the morning or at night? Mid day/afternoon. Would you rather visit London or Paris? Paris.
Have you ever bought a youtuber’s merch? Nope :-)
Pick a flavor: pumpkin or apple? Pumpkin.  Do you think oatmeal tastes better when made with water or milk? Water.  What kind of milk do you usually use? Almond or cashew.  What is the best type of donut? Sour cream glaze.  What was your last great garage sale find? I haven’t been to a garage sale in years.  Do you like thrift stores? Yep. When was the last time you ran into someone that you didn’t want to see? Can’t remember.  Was anyone rude to you today? Nope.  What is your town known for? The giant lookout it has.  Who is your favorite set of twins on youtube? I don’t have a fav set of twins I'm not one of those girls lmao.  Do you like to watch DIY craft videos? Not really. What are you regretting right now? Nothing atm.  Who was the last person who was rude to you? Dunno. Would you ever let the barista at Starbucks make a random drink for you? Nah I don't even really like Starbucks. Have you ever used a fake name at Starbucks? No. Have you ever left a note in a library book? Nope. What time of day do you prefer to wash your hair?  Night. What is the worst job you’ve ever had? Working in a giant boring warehouse for my dad’s company all by myself.  What is the best job you’ve ever had?
Just a babysitter I guess lmao, I haven’t had many jobs.  What job do you want to have? Teacher :) What are you passionate about? Music. Have you ever tried vlogging, and if yes, did you stick with it? I haven’t and I won't.  ^Same question with blogging. Have you? Nope not unless Tumblr counts. 
Do you have to alter a lot of your clothes? No. What country do you most want to visit? Japan. Do you have chronic pain? No. If you go to church, what is your favorite thing about it? Nothing lmao. ^and what is your least favorite thing about it?
Idk, a lot of people in the church can be very judgemental.  Did you go to church this week?
Nah. What is something that’s bothering you right now? That I know I have to get up super early for class tmo.  Are you happy right this instant? I am very content, yes. What’s your favorite fall beverage? Chai latte or pumpkin spice cappuccino. 
Do you exercise daily? No hahaha.  What do you do for exercise? Shit all.  Is your room/house cluttered? Nope. Do you live in a house, condo, apartment, or dorm? Dorm. Were your college years the best years of your life? This is my first college year and so far it is.  What was your favorite class in high school? History.  Which class in high school did you hate the most? Math. Do you have a birthmark? If yes, what color is it? Nope. What color is your lava lamp? Don’t have one. Do you have an inspiration board? No but I have one filled with things that make me happy.  Where do you store old photos? Idk, on my phone? Do you have photos on the wall in your bedroom? Yep. Favorite scent for a candle? I love fall scents.  Would you ever film a youtube video with no make-up on and messy hair? I wouldn’t film one PEROIDT.
What is the most comfortable type of pants, in your opinion? I have these billowy homemade silk pants n they are for sure my most comfortable pants. Do you cry a lot? Yes, I have been calming down lately though.  Do you keep up to date with the latest technology? Yes.  Would you ever want to live in a big city, like New York or Chicago? Maybe, idk though.  What about a big city sounds appealing to you? How you have access to pretty much everything you could want there. Do you wish you had more money to do the things you want to do? Don’t we all.  Do you prefer college-ruled or wide-ruled? Whom? Pencils or pens? Pens. Favorite ink pen color? Red. What are you craving right now? Nothing. Do you have a sweet tooth? Sometimes . Do you need to lose weight? I could do with losing a few pounds but I don’t need to.  Do you need to gain weight? No.  Who is your favorite Lisa Frank character? I don’t have a fav.  Have you ever won a prize at the age guessing booth? The WHOM?
What’s your favorite movie that you remember seeing in the theater? I saw the new Halloween movie Sunday and I loved it!! What was the name of your very first imaginary friend? Link from tloz was my first imaginary friend, I never made him up but I would always say I was hanging with my boyfriend Link hehe.  Do you know anyone who has ten cats? No, sounds like a dream though. Have you ever had a cat? Yes I love them very much <3 Have you ever had a dog? Yep, miss her always.  Have you ever any other kind of animal? Fish, frogs, chickens, ducks and I had a rabbit for a short time too.  Have you ever had a pet rock? Nope I didn't go through that stage.  Which Olympic sport would you most like to be a pro in? Have you ever played this sport? Swimming and yes I used to swim competitively every summer for most of my childhood/ early teen years.  What were you voted in the senior class polls? Most likely to become famous and most likely to fall asleep in class haha.  Who was your favorite teacher in high school? My French n math teacher, I also really liked my bio teacher too, I was taught by lotsa awesome teachers.  Do you own a bobblehead? No. What’s on your desk? My Mac, keurig, a couple binder, a phone, a mug full of pens and pencils, a case of thumbtacks, a mug full of makeup brushes and other beauty tools and a glass of water lol.  Do you love someone who treats you like a piece of shit? Nope don’t love that.  Isn’t loving someone who doesn’t feel the same way horrible? Of course.  What’s your favorite DIY Halloween costume that you’ve seen? Not sure.  What is your favorite gender-neutral name? Alex or Lee.  Do you want to give your kids common names or unique names? A little bit of a mix.  What is your favorite type of braid? I have no idea what it’s called but I've been seeing this braid trending lately and it’s so beautiful.  What is your favorite spice? Cajun and curry.  Favorite Spice Girl? Idk. Favorite Cheetah Girl? ^ Backstreet Boys or *N Sync? *N Sync  Were you a boy band fan? Yep. What decade were you born in? 00. What is your favorite coffee shop? Harbour grounds or Tims.  What is your favorite tattoo that you’ve seen? Not sure, I got one today and i’n in mad love w/ it. What is something you have too many of? Clothes.  What collection are you thinking of starting? None rn. Do you collect anything now? If so, what? I collect crystals n weird/random trinkets I find. When was the last time you painted something? Last year during senior year. Do you have any disabilities? I have t1 diabetes if that counts.  Do you have any unique or hidden talents? Not really. Do people call you gifted? Sometimes, depends on who you're talking to about me. Do people call you unique? Yes, quite often.  Do you get bullied? No. Do you own a dreamcatcher? I have one back home.  What are five of your favorite stores at the mall? Dynamite, garage, the X-store, and I can’t think of two more I love oops.  When was the last time you went to Michael’s? Never been there.  Do you knit or crochet? Nope. Do you enter craft projects in your county’s fair? ^ What modes of transportation do you use? Car.  What is your least favorite chore? Not sure, probably washing dishes.  What is the best gift you have ever given someone? No idea.  What is the best gift you have ever received? My Mac book hehe. Have you ever made a decision that you regret? Not really, I am not someone with regrets.  Do you make your own greeting cards? No lmao. What color feather boas do you own? None. Do you use colored hangers? All mine are white.  Do you organize your clothes by color? I only do that with my underwear.  What time does your alarm go off in the morning? 8:30 mon, weds, fri n 7:40 tues n thurs. What was your favorite toy as a child? My n64 and gamecube ,barbie dream house and littlest pet shops.  What do you want to name your first child? Lucy :) List ten favorite girls names. Fuck no bAby. List ten favorite boys names. ^ What season do you want to get married in? Spring or summer I think, I kinda want an ethereal eleven wedding with lots of green nature.  Is your Pinterest cluttered? No it’s extremely organized haha. Are you a trendsetter? You could say that. Do you want to be a trendsetter? I’m indifferent.  What was the last great book you read? Not sure. Are you a free spirit? For sure.  Has anyone called you a free spirit? Yes. Do you get more compliments or insults? Compliments.  Has anyone ever spread lies about you? Probably.  What is your favorite insect? Orchid mantis.  What bugs scare you? Big spiders, maggots, earwigs and other grubs.  What was your favorite vacation? I loved Disney world but also had a great time in P.E.I this summer.  Who picked your name, your mom or your dad? They both agreed upon it after meeting someone with my name. What is your first and middle name? U ain’t need ta know.  What were some other names your parents were considering when they had you? Cece or Virgina lmao.  What are your siblings’ names? ^^ Do you own any Lularoe leggings? Nope. What was the last thing you bought online? A moisturizer from Sephora.  Do you enjoy public speaking? Not at all. 
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